Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 10, 1895, Part I, Page 4, Image 4

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' " 4 V - . TIlE 01\AIIA DAny BiJ t p SUNDAY , Fn RU.AUY 10 , 189G.
- - - -
i A Paw Euggcstons t the Hostess Who nn
I Danoing Patty in Mind
DoIngs or the Swel1 lurlll the 1'at Scnn
flays-Mectitig of "nrlnul 8nelnl Clubs
Throulll"t the City - "Trlh ) '
IA.t ; Night In New Yoric.
There arc tour clements lsental to a suc-
tcsful dano'ng party-effective decorations ,
brilliant illuminations , I wel.appolnte supper
per and the best of music as many strIng
plecel pr as the hOSt08 can nffotd.
: Lemonade , tempered with appolonals
served In a punch
water , Is opprtprlately serve I
bowl al ono end of the recepton room. '
Either the man or mold servant who open
the front door must rema'n In the ball , giv-
Ing clear dlrectcns of the way 10 the dressing .
Ing room
There should bo a cpble woman always
In attendance In this same aparlt nt , for
the takIng off of wraps , buttoning gloves and
adjusting lioes.
On the dressing table there should bo' all
. the feminine appurtenances of the toilet , such
aa shoe and glove buUcners , hair pIns , large
and small toilet perfumery and face powder ,
smll tolel prfumery
the maId remaInIng durIng the evenIng In
the room to repair dresses I I stitch gIves
away during the dancing hours.
' . I dancing la to take the form of a cotillion ,
chaIrs should be provided for the mothers or
chaperons : eli other furniture being removed ,
and breakable objects carefully stored away
; for thai one night.
: Young girls ought to dress In light colors
, , of gauzo.lko materIals or fluffy stuffs , com-
. . blnml with delicate silks. But all costumes
should be selected 10 enhance the youthful
appearance , while their elders , wear deml-
toilettes becoming the occasIon. ,
The hostess can receive her gudstS alone ,
or I she has daughters or young friends ' ,
, lhoy can assIst her. lint the eldest son , or
some young man friend Ihould for that one
: . evenIng be the master of ceremonies , makIng -
Ing himself generally useful In arranglll
. The hostess stands near the drawing room
door , her daughter or young friends a few
' feet away , yet near enough to receive the
guests before the dancing commences.
. A young lady enters the room fut , her
chaperone following.
, If there arc ladles wIthout n chaperon
. coming with tllr maid , then the eldest
shOUld take precedence. But generally the
. chaperone Is i at hand A young married
. lady , accompanied by her husband , naturallY '
- takes precedence. Dut to enter leanIng on
the arm of her husband Is In very bad taste.
h The dancing should be begun by the eldest
daughter of the house , the hostess selecting
: for her partner her nearest kinsman or
I friend.
ir- A basket of flowers sent the same . dayof
. the dance to the hostess of the occasion Is
& , - a graceful attention. And a gentleman can
In good taste send e a box of lees ; flowers 10
any young lady whom ho knows will bo his
partner In the cotillion.
Young ladles after n dance request their
. partners to leave them with their chaperones
after the german.
t't. ' Young women would do well 10 remember
that now dances appear nearly every season ,
and 10 be a success as a dancer It Is nec- ,
n . . essar 10 acquire the last new ban room
' Either the hostess or one of her family :
4 , should bo hl personselected when an In- :
trodu ton Is desIred at a dancing parry.
An good walzers are eagerly sought after , '
t bul care should be taken that no one gentleman -
. man should have the favor extended 10 him
too often.
A young lady refusing one gentleman for
, a dance and accepting another , Is I breach
. : of eclal etiquette. I a refusal Is once
, given , then die should not dance In thai set ,
whatever It may be.
: . 'he clever h stess takes care , that all ,
. e guests cever partners. The "wall flower" Is
unknown In the house of I good social leader.
. The host leads , with the most dlstnglshd
. lady presenl. the way 10 the supper room ,
the hoess being the last person 10 enler.
e A young ! lady can be taken Into supper by
some gentleman who desires to do this duty
, . for her , all It Is to him alone she should ex-
. , Pcl attention at this time. .
- W ( ' MclRaiIU Reception. ,
The llcSlmno Hecepton.
The distinctive social event of the week
I was the dlslnclve reception gIven Thursday afernoon ,
_ ! from 3 to G. by Mrs. John A. McShane , to
Introduce her nelco , Miss Burke , 10 the
- fashIonable set of Omaha. The rooms
_ _ _ _ ;
_ decorated wIth
thrcughout were beauUfuldecorated
, flowers , plk being the prevailing color the
_ . shades also .amoiizlngSwith the fewer
scheme. Mrs. McShane , MIss Durke and llss
_ _ _ , , . . Lonorgan received , while assisting In enter-
, taming the guesls were Mrs. Warren
Rogers , Mra. A. L. Reed , Mrs. . Ed Cudahy
_ _ I Miss Creighton MIss Emma CreIghton , Miss
. Helen Smith , Miss May McShano , Miss
_ , Ielen Dalcombe , Miss Palmer served frappe.
_ , , , Mrs. McShane was particularly handsome
In a dark moIre skirt wIth bodice of hel-
trope and rose and bertha of IrIsh lace.
Miss uurke , a lovely young woman , who made
, . quite a social success , wore an effective
. combination of white and yellow and carrIed
_ _ ' . : ccmblnaton In } white roses and lavender MIss Ilonergan costume. was attired
- - t The dining table was artistically garltured
with La France , roses , the polished Jurface
. being covered wl\h \ a wide strIp of Russian
, , , . lace across the center , while pretty doilies
' and handsome candelabra added 10 the elec-
_ tiveness of the rooms.
Among those present were : Mrs. Will
- - , , Hamilton , Mrs. George Barker , Mrs. Paxton ,
4 Hamion . . N , H. Patrick , Mrs. CornIsh , Mrs.
, , , Den Galagher , Mrs. George Squires , Mu.
; ' . Charles SquIres , Mrs. John Templeton , Mrs.
Foray , Mrs. Cannon , MrB. Yates , Mrs. Rus-
, : ' sell D. HarrIson Mrs. Colpetzer Mrs. Kelly ,
( ' Mrs. Gorman , Mrs. Connell . Mrs. Connors
, Mrs. lthhl , Mrs. RIsley , Mrs. Richardson '
Mrs. W"ltefeld , Mrs. C. M. Carter , Misses.
Johnson Wole , Darker , Doane , Thrall. Col-
b , pelzer , Hartman , Gibbon , Margaret Drown , I
. Peel : , 51mw. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
: Iteed nnd U"vll.
' ' 10el
; ' Wednesday evenIng , January SO , at 8
- o'clock , Miss Lulu O. DavIs , daughter of Mr.
v E. J. DavIs , chIef clerIc of the assistant adjutant -
jutant general's office of the Department of
, the Plate , was united In marrIage with Mr.
Charles Reed of the Burlington hedquarterB
_ , al the brldo's home on North Twentieth
t , slreet. 1n the presence Of the Inthnatu
1' , frIends and relatives Of the contracting par
, , ties , the rIng servIce of the Presbyterian
' . , , church was performed by Rev Mr. Lerd , In
, . the parlor , which was exquisitely decorated
. wih cut Iowers 'amI palms The bride was
handsomely attired In cream China silk and
carried bride's roses ler bridesmaid , MIs"
. Minnie May Heed , sister of the groom , wore
'r a dainty gown Of whie crepe ! ami chiffon , and
carr.ed whie roses. Mr. Robert Copley ot-
Iclated 8a beat man. Immediately after the
. ceremony a wedding supper was served 10
' the attending guests , after which several ae-
- lectons were very artistically rendered on
the piano by Mrs. Seavey and others Just
b4' previous to the departure ) of the guests the
bride threw her bouquet , the same being cap
"err tured by Miss Minnie May Heed. ,
, The presents received were , numerous , beu , '
tiful and ostly. : Those present were : Captain
and Mrs. Davis , ChIef antI Mrs. Seavey , Mrs
y Reed Mr. and Mrs . Wright , Mr. and Mrs.
John Ueel , Mra. Stevenson Mrs. Connors
' Mr. and Mrs. Senla of Council Bluffs , Mr.
, . and Mrs. Welch Mr. and Mrs. Kahn Mr. and
! [ rs. Weethi , Mr. John Reagan , Mr Z. Il.
, Reeer , : Mr l ranl Lee. Mr. Fred Stevenson ,
, 'I Mr. R. Copley. Mr. M" . Kahn , Miss Lottie
'Thomas man. , Mla . . M. M. Ueed Miss Gunlo LUI Strlt ! ,
, . Starlight Iocll Club.
I. , , Wednesday evening the members of the I .
Stnl'gb Social club GZve1 surprise party al
the honio of Miss Emma Meyer [ , 12 South
. : Fifteenth street The evening was spet at
progreulve high five and other games First
' , , prlzts wer won by Mr. George HusMan and
I Mln MInnie Carey. Booby prizes 'vera won
by Mr. Michael Haggerty and Miss Cora
Gree y. DelicIous leCre.hments were verved .
: The next party will bo given February & .
, . The IU4mher. of the club are : Misses Maggie
. Greeley Etunia lb'er henna Leery , Rebecca
- Manning , Annie Coffey , iose Maloni Maggie
. p Carey , Mary Rr May laggrty , Netti.
. _ ' 4 J Cote , KalS 1.1 Clara Ullligs.n , JOlo
Ilncbo ) MinnIe llamrlck May Meyer , Annie I
MorAn , ICAte Lane , Minnie Carey . Kate I
lllnchey , Cora Greeley , Annie nag rly , An- ,
ne : Moran , Mtssrsl D. J. Llhoy , J. D. SulhII I
van , Peter lucre . William German Pal UyaD ,
I'hl Donahue James Drummy , John Kemp ,
Mike lhggerty. William Felnwlek , Henry
Jtorshek , Frank Myer , Jebert Donahue , I
Oeorg Jushiln , Anton Mrere , Dan Sulvan , I
Morris Jnchey , Dan 1Inche ) John 1agr
gerty , John Ityan. ,
Solro nt his Alhnny. I ;
. The gest and a few friends were given I
a very delightful evening at the Albany FrlI I
day evening. MusIc and dancing was the ( I
order of enjoyment , Including dainty refresh- I
ments of chocolate and sandwiches , which t
Mrs. Pearson , the hostess , served In one oC I
the parlors. The house was nicely luml-
ntell and the dining rooms were cleared '
for the lancing. ( Mr. Edwards recited a I
couple of Riley's poems , "Knee-Deep In J
June , " and "An Old Sweetheart of Mine , " I
which reflected much credit. Miss Crook 1
of Fremont , a weekly visitor to one of the
vocal teacher of our city , sang one ofVll -
son G. Smith's songs , which commanded an
encore . Mrs. Topplng's rich contralto voice
was heard In a couple of ' delghtuly rendered -
Ilered numbers. Mr. Stambaugh's pIano playIng -
Ing Is always In demand , and a favorite number -
ber was called Cor-a 1)lece of his own wri-
leg which the house guests have christened
"Albany \Waltzes. " Mr. Abel earned a well
4eservetl encore to hIs singing of the serenade -
nade , "Come , Darling , Come. "
Excellent music was furnished by Mr. Mo-
Pherson and the dancing continued until
an early hour Misses Webster and Wit-
man Mr. Wiman and Little Carlotta HewItt -
Itt are' quite graceful In the terlslchorean
art . and their fancy dances added nol a little
to the pleasure of the evening. The Albany
; arties arc always pleasant , and this occasion -
casion provided much enjoyment for those
present , who were : Mesdames Pearson , Judson -
son , hewitt , Lallch , Sprague , Wherrltt ,
Stilphion . WoOl5 , Maynard , Topping : Misses
Crook , Dunn , Hoot , Parker , McMaster , 'Vher-
rlt Standish , White , Witman , KnJght . Hew-
Itt and Webster : Messrs. Pearson . Leadrlch ,
Sprague , Whierritt , Charles and Walter Wit-
man , Draper Cockrel , Tale , Abel , Waite .
Humphrey , Bird , Bunnehi . Slambaugh and Dr.
McMullen. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Thurston IUIA .
QuIto a number of the admIrers and fair
friends of the Rifles availed themselves of
Jfes l
the company's invitation and were present
last Monday evening 10 witness the cere-
mony of inspection , whIch was very acceptably -
ceptably performed , the men presenting a
very creditable arpearanco In lhelrslate serv-
Ice unlCorm. After a careful examination I
was found that the arms and equipments
were In excellent condition. This was Col-
lowed by a short exhibition drill , much 10
the delight of the assembled guests. Immediately -
mediately after drill the company held a
short business meeting , nl which Mr. Harry
Thernpsett , brother of Corporal Thompsett ,
and Harry Cox were , elected members wih-
out a dissenting vote , and wl malt two
valuable acquisitions 10 the ranks of the
Hon. John T. Yates the esteemed clerk of
the Woodmen of the World was unanimously
elected an honorary member oC the Thurston
Rifles and will accompany the boys on their
trip 10 Memphis.
Several members of the company accepted
the invitation of the Dodge Light Guards
for a dancing party last Wednesday evening
and report a most delightful evening wIth
their brother guardsmen and lady friends
across the river.
Tomorrow evening the usual drill will bo ,
shortened and the balance of the evening
will bo devoted to a smoker and "stag"
party , whIch Is 10 bo strictly a company
affair. _ _ _ _ _
A Trilby Eutertnlnmont.
The wIstful Trllby. the three artists . and
other of George Du . Maurler's characters
stepped from print Into life yesterday al
Sherry's , New York. Mrs. Robert Abbe , I
Mrs. Charles H. Dton , Mrs. Lawrence Hat-
ton . Mrs. Andrew Carnegie , Mrs. Seth Low ,
Mrs. WillIam L. Strong Mrs , Oscar Straus ,
Mrs J. Henry Harper ; Mrs. William B. Dirts-
more , Mrs. Arthur M Dodge and other'
ladles of the New York KIndergarten asso-
elation devised the enterlalnment.
The lady who posed as Trilby bear a
marked lIkeness 10 Mr. Du Maurler's pIctures
of his heroine. She Is well known In socl l
and artistic circles. HarrIs Roome was
Taffy , Everl Jansen Wendell the LaIrd , and
Gerald Denkard Little 13111cc.
DurIng the first tableau Miss Akers sang
"Den Bolt. " TrIlby was next seen , to lus-
lrale the picture , "Wistful and Sweet. " Mrs.
C. D. Footo sang some musIc from Ole 01-
sen's "Salntal. " Mackenzie Gordan then
depicted , Svengali. Next the studio scene
was pictured with Trilby passing before
Taffy , the Laird and Little Dlee , whoso
brush has been paralyzed by the "soft gay
eyes" of Trllby.
Then Dodor and Ie' Zouzou , taken by Lw-
rence Ienwer and F. C. Butler , were seen
with Little Dlee illustratIng the plclure "I
will nol ! I will notl" Next came the studIo
Bcene , ' "An as rt used ,10 be . " and eIght other
tableaux. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
An Omaha Girl the Uue.t of Dt. nep8\Y.
Miss Nettle Colns Is havIng a jolly time
among the "big wIgs" of New York , her
large acqualnlanceshlp with the best known
families of Gotham bringing her In contact
with many of the notable of the metropolis.
Thursday evening January 31. Dr. Chauncey
M. Depew gave a quiet Ito dinner party at
hIs home. 43 West Fly.fourth street , says
lho New York 'Vorld. le had got the better
ot his old enemy , lho grip whIch was threat-
enlng hIm , and he was ; as lsual , the soul of
hospitality , geniality and wll. His favorite
niece , Miss PauldIng , did the _ honor ns
hostess. The guests were : Mr. and Mrs.
H , Walter Webb Mr. and Mrs. Jnlen T.
Da"les , Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rathbone
Bacon , Colonel and Mrs. Frederl D. Grant ,
Mr. and Mrs. John Sloane , Mr. and Mrs.
Morris I { Jctto. Mr. and Mrs. James Alex-
ander , Mr. and Mrs. Henry Draper , Mr. and
lItre. Robert Lenox Delknap , Miss Collins. :
Mr. Crelhlon Webb "d Mr. James V. '
Parker. ThIs was the second of Mr. De-
11ew's entertainments since hIs ro.enlry Into
social me after hIs period of mourning He
will give another dlner In about a month.
Oklnhom Cluu l'Ja)1 Jllh Fiyo.
Last Saturday evening , February 2 ,
Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Hough , 2002
South 1leventh street , entertained the
"Oklahomas" al hIgh , dye . Among
those present were : Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Mahoney -
honey Mr. and Mrs. James G. Martin , Mr.
and Mrs. S. D. Parkhurst Mr. and Mrs. Solomon -
cinch 10ppr , Mr. and Mrs. Alex Buchanan ,
Mr and Mrs. Nathan Rckard , Mr. and Mrs.
Al Powell , Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Davis , Mr.
and Mrs. L. H. Hough , and Mr. and Mrs.
A. ' 1' . Sidwell .
The first Ilrze for ladle was secure by
Mrs. Sol Hopper , and that for gentlemen
by Mr. S. 1) . Parkhurst. The , booby for ,
ladies was awarded Mrs. Alex Duchanan , and
the genUemen's consolation given Mr. Al
Powell. After a fine luncheon , songs and
dances were Indulged In till late The "Ok-
Inhomas" will meet at the home ot Mr. and
Mrs. Nathan Rck rd. 109 Stanford Circle
next Thursday evenhfg.
The I Ion Club.
The regular Tuesday evening class meeting -
Ing of the lalcyon club was held at Prof.
Chambers' academy on the 6th Inslant.
The meeting on Tuesday , the 11h , Is to be
a Chambers. masquerade bal as I testimonial to Prof
The following Is a list oC soinoCof Its mem-
'ber : Mr. and Nrc Julius Kessler , Dr. and
Mrs. R. W. Bailey . Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
English , Mr. and Mrs. H. n. Van De Car ,
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Weldon. Mr and Mrs.
Wets I. Wrialey . Mr. and lrs , E. R. Per-
feet , Mrr and Mn. 11. 1 Whiney , Mr. and
lr. Marc Perkins , MIl Abhlo Sherman ,
MIl F. O. StockIng , T. R. Hooney , F. A.
Green , F. R. Walter , Mr. and Mrs. H. M'
Taylor. Mr and Mrs. J. U. Whlp , Mr. and
Mrs. I. O. Brome , Miss Rooney , Miss Shaf-
for and Mrs. Lawrence.' . lncIng.1'rty .
Uanoln&l' )
The dancIng party of . the Tu edo club ,
FrIday evening was attended by about thIrty
couples all If whom thoroughly enjoyed the
Among these present were : Mr. and Mre.
Will Hochford , Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kervan ,
Mr. and Mrs. F. 0. Lamb , Mrs. Col"er :
: luel LIzie Gerke , Dyne , Lile Drnton ,
Rirod . Johnson , Berg , Julia Berg Hegarty ,
Rile Smith , fooling , Lunden , Phillips , FItzpatrick -
patrick . Addle and Mamlo Caland , Drennan ,
Cramplon nocbord , Van Pelt . Annie and
Nellie Kelly ; Messrs. Gtrke , Howley , Hooney ,
Mlhede , Dank , Clarence l"rar , Simpson ,
Ue.rt7 , Johnson , Frenzr , Mulbail , Dohln-
lon , Thacker , Ed Foray John Fitzpatrick ,
3mlh , foyer , J. V. Dr nnna James Swift .
IV. Strcker , 'McGrath , Marnell , Ed Fits-
Atrlek , Cud wel and Joln Kirk.
Surprise t'.rt for Air. held .
One of the events of the week was a sur-
rise party given al the resIdence Of Mr. C.
laid , on South T' Itreet. Several
level and interesting game were played , after
lllch I musical program WAS rendered a fol-
ows : Ianllo , Miss Ella Winns : vocal
tote , Mr. Bernard Brown : piano solo , Mr. O.
laid : vocal solo , Mr. W. , Johnson and Fal-
oner : recitation . Mis Eva Weare , conclud-
ng with piano solo by Mira Winans. A
lalnty luncheon was then served , after whIch !
: he merry throng move homeward , much
leased with the tvenlng's pleasure.
Among thcse present were : : Ufes Ella
\lnfl , Myrtle Wearne , Ddnche Jungale ,
liva Wearne , Susie Grifth , Vcst Hungat :
Iessrs ; G. G. Pray , F. JOhnson ! C. held ,
n. Winans , W. Johnson , \V. alconer , Charles
lald , Bernard Drown.
The Oklahoma Cluh 1 ltertnlnell ,
Mr. anti Mrs. Nathan lctrd ] , of 109 Stan-
fcrd Circle , entertained the "Oklahomas" at
hIgh five last Thursday ovenlng. A mosl en.
10Ylbio time was 'ad , Among those present
wore : Mr. and Mra. O. C. Cleric , Mr. and
Mrs. P. Strousbaugli Mr. rind Mrs. T. P. Ma. .
honey , Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Parlthursl , Mr.
and Mrs. James G. Martin , Mr and Mrs. Sol
Hopper , Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Davis , Mr and
Mrs. L. H. Hough , Mr. all Mrs. AI Powell ,
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Doehan , Mr. alI Mrs.
A. T. Sitiwell.
The ladles' frst prize was won 1y Mrs. Sol \ :
Hopper , the gentlemen's by Mr. Al Powel : '
the ladies' consolalc prize wont to Mrs. I'
1a. H. Rough , and the gentlemen's . was won
by Mr. L. H. Hough
hout the Tuwn rnlks ,
Miss Brash Is again the guest of the Misses
Mr. Ron , Hike leaves Ills weel for Len-
noxvle , Can.
Miss Thrall Is passing a few days with
Miss htingwalt.
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Millard will give a din-
nor on Tuesday next.
Miss Imogen Alexander went 10 ChIcago
Wednesday or I vIsit.
Miss McKenna accompanIed MIss Redman
to avenworlh Friday
The Fencers' club will hold its monthly
exhibition Monday evening.
Miss May Wyman has returned home from
an extended California vis II.
The Tuxedo club will gIve its next party
Friday evrnlng , February 15.
The Omaha Dancing society gave a jolly
masluerade Tuesday evening.
A number of Mr. Thomas Connel"s
friends s rplEed him Tuesday evening
TIm Harmony high Five club mel wIth
Mr. and Mrs. John Knox last evening.
Mrs. A. J. Poppleton will gIve a kislng-
ton lea next Saturday afternoon nt 3 o'cloelt. (
Miss Moore has Issued cards for an aCfer-
noon whilst party at 2 o'clock Tuesday the
12th.Whlo Miss Southarlls condition Is serIous ,
her physicIans now have hopes of her re-
Miss Cyde Banchard entertained al cards
last week for Mr. Harry Lawrence of Dal-
Mrs. J. M. McGrlevy left Monday ovenlng ,
for Pocatello . Idaho , where she jens ! her
husband. -
Mr. and Mrs. Guy C. Barton leave on Monday -
day for Lake Worth , FlorIda , to remain
several weeks. .
'Mrs. F. L. Haler has sent out at home I
cards for Thursday afternoon of next week ,
from 2 tIll G.
Mr. Charles Dyball . who has been In Portland -
land , Ore. , for the last sIx months , has returned -
turned to Omaha
Thursday evening a very charmIng dinner
was given by Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Durns.
Covers were laid for lwelve.
Mr. and Mrs. Truman Duck , give a dance
next Tuesday for theIr daughur , one of the
season's most charmIng debutantes.
N. D. Horton , wlndow.trlmmer for Drown-
Ing. Klng- Co. ; Is confined 10 his room with
a very serIous case or srlet ( ever.
Miss Redman who has ben the guest of I
Miss McKenna the past fortnight , returned
10 Fort Leayenworlb Friday mornIng " , _ . .
Hon. John Is ! . Thurston and Mrs. Thurston
will probably return home from New York-
and Washington .about February 20.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Davis of South Twelfth
street will entertaIn the "Oklahomas" al I
poverty high five party next Thursday even-
Ing.Mr. . 'D. D. Wed Is In Tampa , Fla ! , having
a much needed , rest. He Is slopping at the
Tampa Day hotel , and will return . about
April I. ' '
The ladles of George Crook 'Voman's Relief
corps gave n poverty social at their hal ,
Twenly-fourlh and Grant streets , Thursday
A "poverty social" will be given In Idle-
wild hal on North TwenlY-fourth' street
Monday evening A musIcal program will
be rendered. ,
A valentine party Is to be given by Life
Boat lodge 150 , Independent Order Of GOOd
Template , February 14 , al their hal o
Myrtle annex.
For Mrs. Kenlon Of Dubuque Ia , and MIss I
'Vherrlt of Kansas City , Mr3. Whorrll gave I
an old fashionEd quilting party last Wednes-
day afternoon.
Mrs. . Charles West sister of Mr. H. K.
Durltct , with whom she has spent the wIn-
tr , has gene 10 Lincoln to remain some time
with her sister. ,
Miss Jessie Alan and Mrs. Dock have left
San AntonIo , Tex. , and are at present a
Tucson , Arlz : Miss Alan Is somewhat Improved -
proved In health. '
'yedncsday evenIng a musicale for the
benefit of S. MaUhlas' parish will bq clvon
al the , residence of Mrs , J. N. Cornlsb on
South Tenth street.
Ex-Governor Crounse , accompanied by his
two daughters , Miss Gretchen and MIss
MarIe , started on Thursday for New York.
They will sail thIs welt for Europe.
Mrs. Flora Stark Tooley Of Detroit ' ( for-
merly of Omaha ) , Is visiting frlemts ( In this
city . She Is the , guest of Mrs. G. M. Cooper
al3016 Sherman avenue , for the present
Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Lockwod and Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Metcal have gone to Old
Mexico on an extended tour Hon. and Mrs.
George W. LinInger will JoIn them en lour.
Ycaterday atenoon Miss Nannle Page ,
daughter of Mr. Walter T. Page , celebrated
her 61h bIrthday by inviting a number of
her little friends In to spend the afternoon.
General and Mrs. Danday gave a delightful
dInner Thursday evenIng. The guests were :
Mr. and Mrs. Darker , Mr. and Mrs. Reed ,
, Mr , and Mre . Connell , ? 4r . and Mrs. Redick.
and Ticket J. .
General Passenger Agent R.
Buchanan , accompanied by Mrs. Buchanan .
Mr. and Mrs. a. F. Weler and daughter
Ruth , let on Friday for a short visit to
Quincy , Ill.
Mr. Alvin 11. JCrlch , expert accountant In
the master In chancery's omce Of the UnIon
I'aclfc. left yesterday for Boston and New
York to hold an extended conference with
the receivers
Mrs. Flora Stark Tooley of Detroit , wfe :
of the Late T. J. Toley of this city , Is vIs-
iting friends here , and Is at present soJournIng -
Ing with MM. Drowne It 725 South Thirty-
seventh street.
Mrs. larry Nell will leave the city to-
night for Milwaukee , where she wi visit "
her parents for a month. Front there she
will go 10 ChIcago 10 attend the weddIng
of Miss Ethel Bliss.
Dy a happy coincidence BIshop and Mra
Mcl.aren , on their way 10 California will be
the guests of Bishop and Mrs. WorthIngton
on tlsQ 24th of February. whIch wi bD the
anniversary cration . ot Bishop WorthIngton's cnso-
Mr. E. E. Patton hiss returned from Chicago -
cage , having completed hIs senior course I.
thD school or pharmacy cf the Northwestern
university. lie captured fIrst honors of his
class . and was awarded a valuable pharma-
ceutcal set
Mrs. J. A. Hake gave a very delightful
luncheon Wednesday to a number of &
friends ' at her residence , 131 South Twenty-
sixth street. The ladies present were Ies-
dames Vierlng , Hbeem , Korty , WhItney ,
Horton , Blanchard . palwln and l3renholtz.
After luncheon the afternoon was spent In
playing high five.
One of the most enjoyable meetings of MM
Yatel' dancing clasH was held 01 Happy 101-
low Thursday evening The large hal anti
dining room were canvase for the occasion
and the music whIch was unusually good ,
wu stationed upon the gallery Ibove Among
those present were : Mr. and Mrs. Yates , Mr
Cowin. Mrs . Mrs. Hussel Harrison
Mice Burke , Mil Wolfe , Mil ThNI Miss
Johnson , MisKountze . Miss Chandler , Miss
Drown , Miss Dally , Mr. Dean , Mr. Hal ,
Mr. Gannett , . Wham , Mr. Walter Smith ,
Mr. Chatles untze , Mr Saunders , Mr. P1.
erre Garnau it John l'atrlck.
Miss Gertrl InRwal entertained a few
friends Inforl I' Friday evening for Miss
Thrall , who I ow her guesl. Those present
were Miss t . Miss Curtis , Miss Dewey ,
Miss Dnrnrll , ' Mr. Doane , Mr. Onion , Mr.
Zut , Mr. Saunders
Mrs Eltwnrd Langan gave n very pretty
luncheon Welnrslay al her home , llOI Dur-
dete street. ' to prernt WHO : Mrs. Ac-
kerman of Katjis City , Mrs. Schaefer , Mra
Reynolds , Her , Mrs. Doilson . Mts.
Hough , Mrs. D . Shepard.
Luella Wirteelebrated ! her 91h bIrthday
last week , The guests who joined her In
merry makIng were : Olabel lerey , Sophia
Sherly , Nellie .VaiL Pauline Gibbon , Mary
Ryan , Kate McClnnahan , Stella Gardner ,
Gertrude Anderson ( Ida Danks.
Mrs. Charles H. To\vnsend of St. Mary's
avenue and her daughter , Mrs. W. I ) . Town-
send , returned lasl week from a three
months' trip eastJ during whIch time they
visited the cUes 'ot Now York , Brooklyn ,
Washington , Buffalo and Toronlo.
Miss Jessie J. Sykes , who has been spending .
Ing the winter In Omaha as the guest Of
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. S'kes , returned to her
home In Mercer , Pa. , last week. She was
accompanied by Mrs. Sykes , who will visit
friends and the i
relatives In east for a
couple of weeks , I
A very pleasant dancing party WM gIven
Wednesday evening by Thomas Wilson and
William Gordon at Idlewld hall. In spite
tf the storm and cole weather I goo many
were Present. At 8:30 : o'clock a wel chosen
program of dances was commenced , and con-
tnuCl until a late hour.
The Orlele club gave its second hIgh five
party 'Friday evening Miss Smith carried
off time ladles' first prize and Miss D. Sand-
hoCer the alternate prize. Mr. A. Myers
won the gentleman's first prize and Mr. Au-
gusthle the gentleman's last Itrize Dancing
followed until mldnlghl.
The artistic Japanes booth on the Midway .
way Plalsanc this week will bo In charge
of Miss 1nyme HutchInson , assisted by Miss
Clara Van Camp , Mrs. Waiter Williams ,
Miss Irene Underwood , Miss Adelaide flange ,
Mrs. E. C. Walters and the little Misses
Ruby and Mildred . Williams.
One of the inbsl enjoyable dancing parties
of the season was gIven Friday evening un-
der the auspices of the Newprt : club. The
reception committee were : Messrs. Edwards
Bowers and alconer. Invitations have been
Issued for a grand ( ball and banquet 10 be
given Wednesda , February 13 , which wi be
the closing dance Of this season.
Hon. George W. Lininger and wife left
Tuesday for a tour oC Old Mexico They go
direct 10 Monterey thence to San Lula Potosi
and the City of Mexico. After touring In
southern MexIco ! for a few weeks the heme-
ward journey will lead them up through
Agas Calente and chief poInts of Interest
on the Mexican Central , returning via Eagle
The I. G. S. club was pleasantly entertained
by Miss Nnnnie M. Brigga II her home
Driggs villa . FrIday ! evening. Cards anti
dancIng were the social Ceaturea of the oven-
lug The successful prize winners were Miss
laglnn and Mr. ' Loud. , Those present were :
Misses Dunham , Smith , Maginn , Pouder ,
ParIs , DrIggs : Messrs. Onanl , Lowe , Wool-
worth , Loud , Wagner Brigga
A very pltasant" party was enjoyed by the
Don Ami club Iatt Monday nlghl , when Dr. and
MIs. More entertained time club al their
home on South rhilrty-nhtmth slre t. The club
was , well repreteilted , and In addItIon were
Mr and Mrs. W'I F. Allen. Mr. and Mrs. II.
H. Daldrlge , Juuge and Mrs. Ogden , Mrs.
Bishop and Mrs. Darber. The prizes were
won iy Mrs. Daldrlge , Mrs. Sholes , Mrs. Ba
bet and Mr. PurvIs. -
Miss Lawrence entertained at "Hearls"
Thursday evening for her brother , Mr. Harry
Lawrence. Aserles ! of five games were
played , after which dancIng and musIc were
Indulged In until I late hour , when delicious
refreshments were served. Mr. Lawrence
Is a former roldeat of Omaha , and has been
visiting hIs parents for the past month
He wilt relurmJo : Baltimore . Md. , Thursday
or Friday of this week. I
I Two delgh ulltgh fvtPQ'rles.wCc glveh I
by Mrs. J. A. Monroe Wednesday and Thur-
day afternQtV3'Uesplte _ tftii.jnctejijency of
the weather , about thirty ladles were present
each day , and all enjoyed their slay ex-
JreD ly , , Those , \ho ere toltoI ate..vlp. .
nets or prizes on Wednesday afternon werb
Irs. ebols , , Mime Ida Sharp and Mrs. Platter ,
while' on Thursday they were Mrs. Parrote ,
, Miss Boyd and Irs. Congdon. .
FrIday afternoon Mrs. Winfeld S. Slrawn
entertaIned a number of her lady friends at
a kenslnglon. Fancy work and bright talk
, made the afternoon thoroughly delghtul
The guests were : Mrs. T. F. Godfrey , Mrs.
E. Rosewater , Mrs. Moriz Meyer Mrs. " ,
George Tzscl ck. Mrs. Paul HeinrIch Mrs.
Peter , Mrs. W : , H. , KoenIg Mrs. Blair , Mrs.
C. W Allen , Mrs. , Coon , Miss Illte Brandt ,
Mrs. " N. I' . Fel , MIss Myrtle Coon.
"Tho Merchant of Venice" was the play
considered by lhe Shakespeare section last
Friday evening In the Unity club. The director -
rector , Miss McHugh , spoke first or the mo-
tvej ccnfiict , and leading , characters of the
comedy and then pointed out the salient
points of the different ' scenes. The discussIon
centere chlefy"on the characters of Shylock
and Portia. MIss Fees , Miss Grant , Dr.
Mann , Messrs ! Wallace , Loblngler , Stebbins
and others took part.
' Cards have been ' received for the wedding
bf Miss Susan E. AbercrombIe and Lheuton-
ant Thomas H. Wilson of the Second infantry -
fantry , 10 obdur on February 21 , at tIme home
of Mr. and Mra WillIam Goodman , Chestnut
hill . Philadelphia. The bride Is well known
In Omaha , being the sister of LIeutenant
Abercronibhe whom she visited at Fort
Omaha last year. She Is the daughter of
Brigadier General , John J. Abercromnbie re-
tired. Lieutenant and Mrs. Wilson will bo al
home at Fort Omaha about March 1.
Master Walter Neal was agreeably sur-
prised by a number of his friends Friday
evening , on the occasion of his fleenth
blrlhday The evenIng was plelanty spent
la music and games flowed by delightful
refreshmeqts. Those present were : Misses
May Court , Mary Moran , Agnes Mran , Katy
Pearman , Josie Keneck , Iva RoekCelow ,
Daisy Darlter and Nellie Ballard : Masters
Elmer Ballard , Charles Houska , Chayce Tay-
br Lynn DonahlJ Julius Newman Herman
Lehmer Guy Dotter , Raymond Parker , Wile
Neal , Harry Neal alld Frank " Neal
Mr. T. C. Brownies hal resigned his psl-
lon a general agent with the United Stats
Mutual Accllenl association on account Of
its unsatisfactoryjuslnesa methods wllh ret-
erence to the payment of Itl claIms. He bas
become connected , "Ih the general agency Cf
the Aetna Lie and Accident .nsuranc com-
party of Hartford , Conn. . time largest accIdent
company In the United States. I Is Mr.
Drewleo'a lurlos ld prolect the Interests of
all certificate holders In tIme UnIted Stales
Mutual who have been doIng business with
him heretofore. I Ofce No. 209 , New York
Life . , .C _
MIss Lulu'SO. Davis youngest daughter
Of Chief CerlHJbls of army headquarters
was marrIed Tuesday eyenlng al the real-
dears af the mlJq 1 parents to Mr. Chants
Reed of D. & "lt : ' headquarters. The newly
married coupeeijtalned ! some , thirty guests ,
Mrs. Seavey ltalned 10 the pleasure of
the evening li ) playing a number of Piano
numbers. Mr : dlYI Mrs. Reed were the re-
clplents of a number of valuable presents
and will he al booze to their friends at 1623
North Twentieatrect after a short trip 10
the south nor '
A very pleagmttenslngton tea was given
by Mrl. W. ' ( cCord Friday afternoon .
The guests eflfnt . ' time hour In chatting , and
during their eUft' lcloul refreshments were
served . Those present were : Mrs. Barton ,
Mra. Yates , A\rs. \ llorbach , Mrs. McKenna ,
Mra. Coutanf ( ; . Yost , Mra. Pritchiett ,
Mrs. 1Ianscort MIb Hanscom , llrs . Wed ,
Mrs. lanscOI\u rlark . , Mrs. CowIn , Irs.
Joseph Barker. . Mrs. HngwaU , Mrs. J. H.
Millard , Mrs. WfJV , Morse . Mrs. Duck , Mrs.
Iucllwan , Mrs. . Drooks. Mrs. Nash , Mrs.
Patrick , Mrs. upward Smith , Mrs. Sharp ,
, Mrs . Dennet .
. Last Wednesday eVlnlng the 1 Hose SocIal
club give a ddnc\g party al Morand's hal ,
Fifteenth and Uarney streets which WM ,
like all other parties given by them , a grand
Bucceu. The dancing continued until 1
o'clock , wben the orchestra rendered the
straIns of "Home , Sweet Home " sending
the merry dancer to their he mes rejoicIng.
Among the invited guests were : Misses Enun&
M. Quick Sadie .hiill , I"elber , Stitt , Hayden.
Burns , NltUnge , Johnson , Back , I dghll ,
Davis , Hines , Iuzzel Caulra , May Van
Drn Gibbons , elken , Drlsbaek , Alien , Sheldon -
don . Pearson , Lougee , Corby , Saunders . nen.
ale , Elkenbary , Montgomery , Jerrles , Jatha-
way , Case , Button , Kramer , Bennett , Sutton ,
Dinton Purdy . Livingston , Llewellng , Hard-
Ing , Burns. SmIth , Farnsworth , D..aldson.
Cameron Williams . Adams , Woods and Val.
entne : Messrs. Powell . Elrod White . Deulow , '
Van Dora , BuzzeIl . W , T. Edghiii , IT. EdRI I
bill , Helen , Elingtn , Stratford , P. Van
Dertoorl , Seaman , Caulra , Clneharl , I.lne
blade , 1 lers , Solman , McNair , Wiggins ,
Brewer , \Vay , Mane Ih , Oosney , Grant , \VI1. .
kins hlrelnard Imchle , Duton , Tcwnsend ,
PAlmer , Chealwool , Jnyne . Gilbert . t , , on .
aril , Newell . Collins , Martin Nawn , Gillespie .
Patterson , VAnDerfoort , Ooolrlch , baton , Ol.
liver , ( lrimthi . E. SmIth , StodllarI , , Elniore ,
Atherton , Belt , Nelson , Hoblnsn , Peasley alli
Sullivan ,
A social party was given by Miss H.
Helneko at her residence , on North Twent-
Mth "trlet , Tuesla ) ' evening , February 5.
Those peoenl were : Misses Fannie Elliott .
Poly Steffe , hose Porter , Edna I lfe , Goldie
Drost , Maggie De Wit \OSl Poppen berger ,
I.inle WyelauI ! , lamt , anti Theresa Huhn ,
Mesllames Ann Morrlon and Mary hahn ,
Messrs. J , M , Shinker . Otto Th'ele LouIs
Drost , George Schoneld , C. O. SUhlblad , a , I'
McDonald n. E. lte'neke , Mater I. Morrl-
son Miss Helneko left Thurlay for an ex-
tended visit to relations In Wisconsin and
The Aurora Borealis club gave another very
pleasant party last Thursday evenIng. Their
next party will be a masquerade Thursday
evening . February 21. Among those Present
at the last party were : Messrs. and Ies-
dames Sandford , Wecek and Potter , Misses
Ltsch , lIming , Page , Byrne , Sandorll , Peter ,
MelCenna , Craig , Tate , Colon , Thomas , l'tt-
nero Lstech Berg Adams , McKenna , I.tch
and Schuropsliirt' , Messrs. Thompson , Kimmel ,
Nicol , Simpson , Thiessen , Kirkland , Solomon ,
MCPhNrln , Craig , hawley . J\nnlng lester ,
estner , Wick ( , Mayo , G. Zimmer , Werlz ,
Page and L. Zimmer
The Oxford club lucId Its regular meeting
last Wednesday evening .and despite the
"roar of Old llocras" and tIme "bile oC
r""le rMl" ntuitn n r"w mlmh"fs , wore
present. " - After ' " short business maccling , - at
which II was dechlell to gIve a choice at the
club rooms next Wednesday evening Peb-
mary 13 , the evenIng was concluded with
dancing , after whIch a light lunch was
furnished by the Indies present. Those
present were : Misses Bath , orey , Gordon ,
Crddock , E. Leader , J. I.eller and
Me&&rs. Cardwcll . Howe Walker , \Vcst . lIe-
man , Newcomb , Shalda , Conldln , lyn os ,
Gordon and Combes.
Last Wednesday evening Mr. antI Mrs.
Jehn T. Hopkins entertained In a very carnm-
lug manner nl their residence on Dodge
street a number of friends , In honor oC Mr.
Hopkins' birthday. Their home Is very laste.
fully ( furnished and so arranged as 10 present
a cozy and colnCortnble appearance. Dinner
was served at 6 o'plock. The invited guests
were : Mr. a11 Mrs. larelng of Nebraska
City , Mr. and Mrs. Windsor of Aurora , Ill . ,
Mr and Mrs. Benson , Mr. and Mrs. Dale
Mr. and Mrs. Hchards , Mr. amid Mrs. Alexander .
ander Mr. and Mrs. Coryell . Dr. Arnold !
Miss Fannie Arnold , MIss Rose McCumber
anti Mrs Salesbur A very enjoyable evening .
Ing was passed music being the princIpal
The ladles of the Bishop Garrett circle oC
All Saints church announce an entertaInment
to bo given at the residence of Mr. and Mrs.
Carrel S. Montgomery , G02 South Thlrt-
sixth , the evening of February 1 ( St. yalen-
tine's day ) , which will be most Imiterostlug. I
will consist of an exhibition of clever Cenclng ,
a violin number by Mr. Franz Adelrnann
songs and music. A "poste aux letres , "
presided over by Mrs. Charles Ogden anti
Miss Bartlett , where Valentnes may be sent
or called for promises "great fun , " and a
tiny miss will dance a mInuet , arranged es-
pecialy for her. Al' the conclusion of the
program refrehments will be served. A
small admission will bo charged.
Mr. H : G. Streigh of this , city and Miss
Emily Jefferson of Toledo 0. , were quietly
marrIed 'I Toledo Wednesday February 6 , at
the residence of Mrs. John Nelteton- . sister
of' the bride 10G5 West Washington streot.
The house was beautifully decorated wIth
flowers for the occasion and the ceremony ,
which look place at blgh neon was comitlucted
by Rev. W. H. G. LewIs of Calvary
Episcopal church. Only time near relatives
of the high contracting parties were presenL
Mr and Mrs. Strelghl arrived In Omaha
Friday last and are the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. G. \V. Hoobler , who served a wedding
breakfast In their honor. The happy couplE
will b at hone to theIr many frIends at
2210 Ohio street after March 15.
The Manhattan club entertaIned thick
friends 'at a dancIng party , Friday evening ,
The following were present : Mr. and Mrs.
S. E. Collins , Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bennett .
Mr. and Mrs. M. Kane Mr. and Mrs Car-
rUy , Mrs. Sullivan : Misses Garrlty . McCor.
mlcle , Myles , E. Miles , Nstebush , D. Neste-
bush , Riley , O'Drlen , Colbert , O. Golbert , Mc-
Quian , Gentleman , A. Gentleman ' . Good-
lell , Clarke Reynolds , Melnerey' , Flynn ,
Campbell . Cosgrovo , Kane of Doomlngt n ,
lii. : Messrs. Moran , Monahan , Dalton , Ford ,
Murphy , Riley , Myles Bradford , Iltmgerty
McCreary , McCarthy , McQuian , McGuckn ! ,
Reynolds J. Reynolds , Griffin . TImmIns ,
Casey , Johnson ' Foley , QuInn , Whelan : .
Shreve , Chark Kane , Cosgove , and Dr. Jal-
nn _ ,
rriir J'ERNlcUThsT . ' - Tnou JIE1
March 4-Advertheod for a girl 10 do
typewriting a . . . . . . . . . $ 130
March 9Vlolets . for new typewriter. 5
March 1\Veel.s salary . typewriter 100
March I&Roses for typewrIter. . . . . 20
March 2tE : nemlngtol's salary. . . 150
March 2Candy for wife and children
over Sunday. . : . . chidren . . . . . . G
March 22-Box bonbons for Miss Rem-
2Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 0
March 2i-Lunch for Miss n. . . . . . [ . 75
March 27-Daisy's ! Ealu ! . . . . . . . . . 200
March 29-TheatEt supper wllh Daisy
al L5e1's. . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
March 30-SenlEltl for wife. . . . . . . 22 OJ )
March I0-S.'lk ' dress for wife's mother W 0
March 3Advertslng for young man
to do t 'ewrIUnA. . . . . 130
-Seyernl hundred papers and The Omaha
Excelsior. .
Hovero elderly matron :
secltng tigaifled enggement . but exceetlnglyomely domestic
"And nbw about company. I cnn't have :
my cook entertaining visitors all time tinme. "
"Well , mum , 01'1 lhry hard to dlshcourage
gllUemen , hut 01 can't help beln' more or
less atthractive. "
- . -Harper's Bazar.
"Must we accept this ' always and In all
places wih thankfulness ? ' ' May we
not have Icenso 10 nnswer for ourselves
concerning the crImes laid against us ? I' ?
aeleth to UI unreasonable riot 10 signify
the crime laid against us. ' ' ' For
hereIn we exercise ourselves to hnve always
a conscience void of offense toward God
and toward men ' ' , - For are wo not'
almost but altogether like as ye arc , ex-
eept these bonds ? "
-'he Acts of the Aposl s.
Respectfully dedicated to the typewriters !
of Omaha by one of the number.
I'uidlo Library Notes .
A leter recently received from MIss Jessie
Alan says tbat her health Is somewhat 1m.
proved She Is now staying al Tucson , Ariz. ,
and finds the climate Is very favorable 10 her
The tasfe Of arranging the Dyron Reed
collection Is progressing slowly , and the ex-
hlbll wi probably be opened to the public
some time tIlts monlh. The books are now
properly classified , hut the cases are nol all
finished , and the coins and other curiosities
require some additional attention.
'rhe wisdom of the plan Of IssuIng finding
lists from the public library In convenient
prInted form for the personal use of sub-
scrIbers has been .endorsed by Un demand
that Is already noticed for the frt Installment -
ment Of the list. "Tho first volume was issued .
sued sortie days ago , and comprises the list
ot English prose fiction . I Is sold II 10
cents per copy and a considerable propor-
tion of the patrons of , the library have already -
ready availed themseh'es of the more con-
venlent system of selecting their lera lure.
The lecture room of the building is being
used by MIss Mchugh's class of the 111gb
school as a reference room , This is tue
class in literature , and as it includes nearly
1st reference room would be considerably
taxed it they were to be turned in with thus
general public. Time use of time lecture room
leaves tIme reference room free for Its regular
patrons , and what books are wanted by the
111gb school pupils are sent upstairs and then
returned after the desired information hiss
been secured ,
S1IOWSI1 ( lie huidinna tile City.
SAN FRANCISCO , Pd , , 9.-Nineteen Mo.
gui Indians , sentenced to thio military prison
on Alcatnix island because of trouble in
Arizona , were shown about the city as a
lesson in civilization. Mayor iIuUo enter-
tamed thorn at dinner ,
.5 . ----S.-- _ _ _ _
Brilliant Week wIth Two Such Attht.s as
sherwood and Prisoifla White ,
Clint , of the Men nhii tYntiirui Who Make
Up the % 'orhI of Toiic-'iiimt tire
Near Future l'runis's Luver
of Sitcet Sounds ,
Two notable entertainments were given last
week , Mr. Sherwood appearing In a piano
recItal at l3towneil hall antI Miss l'riscllla
White In a song recital at time \S'oman's
club roonis Both were upon a high plane
artistically , although Mr. Sherwood detracted
semewhiat fronm it 'ery strong program by a
series of oral explanations of ( lie compoel-
tions interpreted , Mr. Sherwood's friends
aiioulrl advise the virtuoso against thIs too
COmmlmflOfl failIng of tire really great artist , for
time very good and sufllcient reason timt his
vocabulary is decidedly limited , while his
gramminmatlcai cons traction is oxcodingly
faulty. Mr. Sherwood plays infinItely better
tItan he talks. The recital , however , was
educative to a marked degree , and mnuch
credit is duo Miss Wallace for Mr. Shier.
wood'g Introduction to an Omaha audIence.
lie plays with fine appreciation of tlmo clint-
eater of the comnpositioti to lie interpreted , is
hover omit of seif-commmmmmaiul antI Is the coil'-
scientious , painstaking artist always.
3tIss Priscilla'hlte was a surprise to the
audience whicim greeted her Tuesday evening.
Instead of lIstening to a voice of ordinary
compass amid training she displayed a ning-
niflcemmt soprano , trained splendidly , wimiie her
execution was well night faultlesv. Not in a
very long time has an audience beeti so corn-
pletely enthralled by time beauty of a voles.
Her trogramn was exacting , amid time surprise
of it all was timat. she finished as fresh as If
she lied just begun the evening's recital ,
There is a brilliant future beloro this youn ,
flomtommlutn. and Omaha viii hioa ( icr with
a much larger audiemmce when sire returns
vitim the lmrestlgo of eastern success. And a
word of comniendntiomm Is due' ItIr. Martin
Calm en Imseant , Iris accomimpanlments being
musicianly to a degree , mmlthiouglm Ito was
asked to assist the young lady at thme very
last moment.
One tIring , however , was most remarkable
at bothm these recitals , the absence of the
male gender , a baker's dozen of nmen being
quito a liberal estimate of those in attelid-
ance , the great bulk of the audIence being
compoeeml of women. From this it is to lie
interred ( lint time macn would rather stay at
home mmd take care of the babIes than accompany -
company their wives to suclm elevating en-
tertaininents. Timere were mnauiy music teach-
erg present on both occasions , amid they
reveled in the pleasures afforded them for
study and broadening lmmfiurnce , but with
time exception , as before said , of ( lie men
directly engaged In time cause of music , women
largely predommminated ,
At a meeting of tIme Plrllliarmonlc orchestra -
tra , held last Friday evening , February 2 ,
Mr. hluster of Councii Bluffs was elected
director , vice linus Albert , resigned. The
first rehearsal under time new director was
lucid Thursday evening at Wober's mnusic
store , and time members were enthusiastIc
with tim nianner in which the relmearsal
went off.
The third recital of the Beethoven String
quartet , whichm is commencing to make itself
felt in the local world of musIc , will be
'given thisSanday ( ) afternoon at 3:30 : o'clock
in the Woman's club rooms. Miss Nina Marshall -
shall will be the soloist on this occasion , and
her advent 'wihl no doubt attract ntany
lovers of lyric art. Miss Marshall , sings
with mnuch expression , and as she is a handsome -
some young woman her debut will be all
tlmo more intcresting. The program will be
as follows : -
Andante Cantabile , Solmerzo con Fuoco ,
01) . 11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tschaikowsky
Quartet. . .
Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
( With , ViolIn Ohligato. .
Miss Nina Ittnrmmiiall.
Allegro , Adagio Cantabile , Scherzo Allegro -
, gro , Op. 18 , No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mr. Taber will give tIm third free organ
recital of his series in Trinity cathedral at
4:15 sharp this afternoon. The' program is
a very interesting one , as will be sean below :
- .
Andante. E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
'ii : Gavotte , Duchmesse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l3achmnan
b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cantilene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Salorne
Overture , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '
Barcaroile from Fourth. Concerto. . . . . . . . . .
Sterndalo Bennett
Romance in D..H. .W , Parker
a Minuet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beethoven
bAndante. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '
Nuptial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The 'Midway Plaisanco" at the armory ,
lllglmteenth and Capitol avenue , comn-
mencing Tuesday night , February 12 ,
and closing Saturday night. February
16 , will be a living , moving , ever
'changIng picturr of gorgeous anti bril-
hiant. colors , bewildering music , picturesque
natIves , beautiful wares , graceful and bewitching -
witching dancers , and a long list of nttrac-
( ions amusing arid entertaining , Again you
can ride in the Ferris wbeei , sup in Old
Vienna , admIre tue beauties , Iciss the Blarney
stone , ride ( ho "frisky ship of the desert , "
and ceo time blghmts and hear thu Sounds of
that famous anti tascjnatlng street. Title
unique entertaInment is given for the benefit
of tile charitable fund of the I' . li. 0. society ,
under tim mnanagernent of Mrs. IC , M , Black
of Charles City , Ia ,
Word has been received from Mrs. Cotton
that the change of climate is doing wonders
for her in time way of improvement. Site lied
expected to return next Wednesday , but ( lie
severe weather will prevent her heaving so
soon as she Imoped ,
Herr Joseph Galum is at a little way-station
along the Missouri Pacific , wimero lie is lUt- '
ting in hours o practice every day "far
( toni the madding crowd , "
is is. iiiuis INOEJt.
Camille d'/urvllio'a Notca Suggest the
EliTe ! Tower in Their flizy height.
It is not generally known , yet it is a fact ,
says this Chicago Tribune , tlmat Camille
d'Arville is one of the few singers Jn Amor-
ice whose voIces are of so remaricably high
a register as to demand all orchestras that
play for them to be at high pitch ( French ) .
This , to be sure , is only one-half tone hIgher
than what is known as international pitch ,
and is used everywhere , but ( hint small uhf-
feroimco Is very appreclablo , In the east it is
not so difficult to secure Instruments at high
pitchi , but iii the west It is mimoro trying , for it
Is seldom used. Time high C which Miss
d'Arville takes in the final of ( lie second act
of "Madeleine" is really a D flat , a reinarkabhe
mioto that is seldonm written miowailays , It
ivill be romnonmbered by those who heard
"Malelolne" ( during its fIrst etigageinent that
Miss d'Arvilio surprised the audience one
evening by taking and sustaining this ainiost
unprecedented note of lilgim I ) sharp In
the finale of the second act , of
wlmichm so much has been written , Never
since the days of Jenny I4nrI , so tar as can
be ascertained , hiss this feat been accom-
llislieti Buccessfuhiy , and when Mr. Edwards ,
the composer of "Madeleine" and the musical
director , told ( lie prima donna of It site de-
elated tirat she did not know what note hie
had . In Mozart's " "
sung. "Magic Pluto" there
is a hilglm F , but it is seldom sung , so that
Miss d'Arville's feat of imigha Id flat will
doubtless long remain as something to be
talked of , Miss Sybil Sanderson sings in
. I
Mrtssenet'e "Eselarmonde" from high U be. "l
low the staff to 0 above the staff ; a range I
of three octaves. \
( hOllNO1) ' "F4tUtT , "
A Short Story at ihow it Caine to Be
Written ,
The Westminster Gazette tells an interest.
lng story of how "Faust" came to be written ,
It seems that Courted had for many years
silently cherished time hope of one day writ.
log an opera fomrndedon ( loetlie's work , anti
tiici chance came at last out ot a meetIng of
the OlfllO5Ot with ! iilchrel C.arro arid Jules
ilarbier , who had written so imiammy librettos
for ( hounod's music. At that timno Qotinott
was poor , but when tire work was finally tic.
cited upon lila mInd vtts unuimoverl by any
lirospect of gain , Ills one tliougimt was to
irroiltice a great opera upon an Immorisi r
theiiie , Gounorl beiic'el in the stuccoes of hula
work all along , although tie met wIth many
disparagIng cm'Itlclsin from those who were
privileged to hear the musIc before ( ho vuim-
lIe production , " 'Faust' may be a success , "
wrote a klnthly critic , "butt take carol ' 1'her
are enough things in it to 1:111 time piece. Tue
grirthen acetic , thiiuik of iti Au act , that lasts
over an hiour , amid Is composed entirely of
love in the nmoonligimt.Vliy , time house will
be aslesi ) before the end of It ! And the m , ,
cathedral scene , tool that is also hong anti
ineffective , " The experieiicerh Cnrveliio was
deceived , and reientclly Implored Goummori to
cut down the gardeum acetic to time lmrolmortions
of an ordinary duo. limit ( lounod vas ha-
movable amid declared that to cut the garden
scone would be like cutting his own heart ,
Anmomig time MtmIeinm ,
Mantel , now the most notable of baritones ,
sang in this coummitry years ago nuder Iiehrcns ,
Mr. Nikiscir Is still another fanmomis conductor -
ductor who has been emmgagetl to give concerts
itt London , Tiucro will be four of theni , in
June and July.
Strauss' latest operetta , "Jabrika , " hmas
been somewhat altered by Janitor amid produced -
duced as a condo oimera 1mm tIme hlaniburg
Gramid opera irouse ,
Miss Ethel liarratien , sister of tire young
Woman vhmo launches thee vessels of time
dark , li5composerl , ! and produced 1mm Lomidon
a clever operatic sketch ,
Sir John Stainer at the recent Imbue COn-
lerance of musicians told an interesting
'mtory about' his owmi paper , "Does Music Train
Iio Mlnl7" The printers knew better than
Sir John , and set the type up in proof , "Does
Mtisic Strain the Mind ? "
Miss Adele Aus der Olme made Imer reap-
p'enranco Friday afternoon at the fourth
public rolmeareal of tue Phiiihianinonic society ,
Now York , tinder Mr. Anton SeitlI , mind will
play Tachuaikowslcy's B fiat minor : iiano con-
certo. The orchestral numuhers vere Ihrahiiims' ,
oyiiiplmoiiy iii B mmiinor , ( ho prelude to "La'-
liongnln" aimd Lszt's ! sympltomiic poem , "Lee
I'roludes , "
In the recent international mnuslcal convention -
tion , opeii to the world and hold at Brussels ,
the first prbo , a shiver-gilt mnedal and di-
Plonia of Imonor , In ( hue pianoforte division
was awarded to It. Orlando Morgan. Mr.
Morgan is professor , and at oimo tune sttmdemit ,
of time Guildhmall Scimool of Music , London.
The Conirositlon obtaining time prize is a
sonata in I ) minor , The recipient also oh-
.taincd a diploma for a chorus for mnixctl
voices with orgami acconipaniment.
Eugene I'Albert'seems to have lost 'wlmat-
ever drawIng power Ire mnny once have lied itt
Germany. lie was to give a concert on Jan-
imary 10 at hinnmbmmrg , in aid of the hIulow
mmmonurnommt fumid , but altlmotighm the tickets
were only $1 omicli , the project had to be
given up , because there was not enough demand -
mand for tickets to cover expenses. Yet
in ( lie same city time pianist Kaczalslcl imas
lately given seven successful piano recitals.
l'erliaps the Hamburgers think ito monument
is required for a inert vimo , like von Bulow , '
changed his imiind on musical' matters every
five minutes.
Ysaye's success here this * ason has niade
all ( lie' violInists ( list imavo played in ( lila
country of late anxiomms to return. Henri
Marteau , who left lucre last spring , expecting
to remain abroad for several years , is anxious
to conic back as aeon as possible , and has be'n
cabling to his agents hero to arrange a concert -
cert toqr for .hirn this spring. Ysaye has absorbed -
sorbed all the public taste for violinieta this
year , and there Is no better evidence of this
than this fact that so splendid an 'artist as
Cesar Thomson has beeim practically Ignored
here , so far as public interest is concerned.
Frau Materna , who wIll return to AmerIca
in the spring. recently made tier farewell appearance -
pearance at time Vienna opera house , singing
I3runhuiide in "Die Gotterdamorung. " Her last
appearance at tIme theater , in which she lisa
been the most conspIcuous singer for tIme '
last quarter of a century , was accomplished . ,
with an overwlielnmlng exhibition of fniendhi- " '
ness on ( lie part of tim authlonce that crowded
tIme cpera house. On behalf of her associates '
in the company. herr Winklcmann p'resented
her .wlth' a silver crown. Frau Materna , In a
speech at tIm close of the opera , Intimated
that she migmt ! be heard in another place in
Vienna , According to some of tlie Vienna
critics , the singer never made a better Brun-
hiihde than she did at her last appearance ,
Calve is singing with great success In
Madrid , where site has appeared in three
parts so widely different as Carmen , Ophehia '
and Mignon. She hiss been supported by
Do Lucia , Mmne , Albani , who spent' last
summer studying with her old teacher , Lain-
porti , at Dresden , line been singing recently '
In Germany. Varying accounts of liar sac-
cess are heard. The Berlin newspapers vero
not favorably imnprossed by list singing in
"La Travlata , " altliouglm there are probably
no colorateur singers in Geninarmy vlro could
have done It any better. In Frankfort her
success seems to have been more unequlvo-
cal. London is going to hear Patti thui
sprIng In iticcl'a "Crlsplno mm Ia Coniare , "
whI9hr is ti ha reyved for the prjtna' donna ,
I3saw Sybil Sanerson on Broadwjiy a day
or so since , mys a writer in the' Chicago
Herald , She 1mm the sweetest , prettiest , dam-
( lest creature Inisginable. Site has a SpanIsh
face and a French figure , witlm the long ,
slim waist amid voluptuous hips and bust ,
Everything ahotlt her was chile , from her
little list , with its clusters of violets , to ( lie '
garnet-studded hmantlle of her umbrella , Her
gown was thoroughly Parisian , a soft gray
clotim witim long , tight-fitting coat , Site wore
a cape of sable assoft and pliable as feathers ,
She Is said to be most affable anti natural
and engaging of mnammner. The Irrunrisomne ,
heavy-eyed Cuban who calls hmer "Seebeel , "
and appears to tlmink the universe especially
created for the prima donna's benefit , was
with her ,
AmerIca is the hand of tine voices-I have
Mmne , Mumrciresiu word for it-and many an
Amnerican girl dreams of becoming a queen
of song. like her countrywomeri-Albani , Nevada -
vada , Eammies , Sibyl Henderson , Van Zandt ,
Nikita , De Lussan , only to mentIon those of
world-wide reputation , Every' year brings a
fresh influx of budding prima donnas across
this Atlantic , writes the l'arls correspondemit
of ( lie San Francisco Argonaut , A writer in
( lie Boston herald says : "lint 'what a shame
it is that a city of Boston's pretensIons lies
no opera house , no mnusic hail worthy of that
art , or of the wealth that 'patromiizes iti This
excuse of bard times and financial depression -
sion is of recent date , amid a suItable teniplo
of music should have anticipated it , instead
of now waiting for clouds to pass before datIng -
Ing to exist. "
"Tristan' and Isolde" will open tire season -
of German operas In ( lie Metropolitan OjCrt !
hiouse. New York , on thro Z5tii limetant , with
Frau Itoss Suchier as Isolde , FrI. Marie Ihreuma
as Ilrarigaene , Herr Franz Rcliwarz as Kur-
venal , herr Paul Lange as the Seaman ,
herr Rudolph Olierhauter as Melot , Iferr
Emil Fischer as King Marko anti herr Max
Alvary as Tristan , "Siegfried , " on the Thiurs-
day evening of time same week , wIth Herr
Aivary in ( ho title role , will be given by
Frau Sucirer , Miss Marcelia Lindim anti llerren
Lange , Schwarz , llehmrena and Oborhiouser ,
"Iolicngrin" line been selected for the Friday
evening's perforemna000 , and will inrotluco
FrI. ( lodsiti 55 hiss , and herr Nlciioiaus
ltotbmuhrl as Lobengrln , the Ortrud being
F'rl. lirema , herr Franz Scirwprz appearing
as Teiraununtl and herr Oberhauser as this
Herald , The performances will be under th.
direstion of Mr. Waiter Dauirosch ,
Highest of all in Leavening Power.-Latest U. S. Gov't Report
RoYal Baking
' iii-