Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 10, 1895, Part I, Page 2, Image 2

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a " 2 - - - TIlE OMAIIA DAILY Blt.EJt ' : , SUNDAY , FEBRUARY 10 , 1895. . _ - -
" - -
anco cmpanle1 dolhg biik1ns . Ih Nebraska ,
- , In 1893 , the bill . I I shouT hnppeh to be-
come a lAw , woulll yield the stnte a revenue
of $19,337. anll the Imount would Incrouo
veal hy' ' year lS the busines of the companIes -
panIes Increaeee.
Senator Crane of Omaha tins tken up the
gM for stock yards Icglslaton , and will
on Thursday I flrnon , when the lenato reconvenes -
convenes report from the commltteo tin mis-
cellant.oui corporntons , of which ho Is chairman -
man , Sprecher's bill making a material re-
Ilucton In the clu\rFe which the Itock yards
companies may Impo upon their patron
' Senator Crane has been 1 warm chompon : of
. . rererred to his
the bill ever slrco It was
' committee. The committee on miscellaneous
corporations has held several protracted ses-
corprotons sloh the bill , and W. A. Paxton and
' W. N Inbcock of the South Omaha stock
yards hav prceented verbal and wrItten argument -
' , " , yars ! . The best they could accomplish
' , ' Kments. substtuton of Sprecher' bill for
the one introduced by Senator Jefries Of
. Orcley county. The later was extremely
radical a compared with Sprecher's meas-
ure. Senator Crane while at frst inclined to
. favor Jeifrles' bi , finally consented to the
, due to the
piubsttutien. ( I wi bo largely
firm position taken by Senator Crane that
, the stock yards bIll will bo reported to the
' senate with a favorable recommendation.
' . Senator Crane hal also ben the recipient
his vote
of many hearty congratulations over
on the anti-oleomargarine bIll , Naturally ,
Mr. Crane. cmIng from Omaha , would .be I
supposed to be agaInst any measure Intended
to cripple an Important South Omaha In-
I dustry. lint , to the surprIse and grtfca-
tion of everybody opposed to the Omaha industry -
' dUltr lon , Mr. Crane supported r the bill.
, UUA'IU 11n ) ItLUS. .
. A Recent Clp"I" ! from a Ilulo,1
( Mnnlcal Courier New York. )
- If llcssrl : Hnyden nros. , the department
- house who have , recently purchased the stock
of Max Meyer & Bro. , and who are conducting
' ' , * a slaughter nale , Ir this concern desires to
, run a piano department as a permanent part
. of their Inslluton they ahou\l not advortse
' ' 13.
. a they did In The Omaha nee of January
We Iloubl though that they intend to con-
; tinno thla line . I the prices at which
they arc now disposing of the ell
. J Max Meyer stock , when once established In
. the minds of the public. tf i maintained , wi
. make I Impsslble for hayden Bros. to ever
clear any prem.
Hnyrlen Bros. wishes to .state , however ,
' they are In the pIano business , to stay , notwithstanding -
- withstanding the low prIces above referred to.
_ _ _ . _ _ _
' SOUTH 1).IIWT.4'S IHJ'UIWE L1fl'S. .
interatlngr tIsous1nn In the Ronnte 10
Jntereltlnl Ileusnn
mrnl In I'nvnl or Rhurlrr Ic.hlouor.
PIERRE. S. D. , Fob. D.-Speclal ( Tele-
. gram.-In ) the senate thIs afernoon I most
. , . interesting discussIon occurred 'over the bill
dIvorce laws that
' ' to amend the lawl providing
' decrees should not be granted to any one
who has not been for sIx months a res-
. , hlent of the state. Allison , Lowthlnn and
' . Doran opposed the measure , while Apln ,
. flee Pease and Wilson favored It. The discuss -
cuss on woe on the adpoton oC the com-
, mUtee report , which carried by a vote oC 28
, to 10.
' The house also had I lively discussion over
. 0 resolution offered by Lucas InstructnA the
: . raIlroad commissIoner to report not Inter
[ ' . , . than February 18 on the railroad bill , whIch
gives the riroad commIssioner authority to
: Ox rates. Lucas , Glass ane Dowdel supported -
ported the resolution . and Burke and Gold
opposed It. The resolution was ndollted.
' Speaker Howard rend a telegram from
Senator Pettigrew. which said : "I congrat-
l . ulnte the house on the passage oC the free
3 coinage resolution. I Is the great Issue at
. the age. "
t The senate adopted the resolution of John-
' son oC 1fcCoole to appoint four committees
' ot seven each to visit the different state In-
etitutlons. The commIttees are not all to 10
, . at once. The Institutions arc nnxlous for
this inspection . 10 ns to emphasize their
need for the usual appropriation.
. e - ,
' _ z.o FUXD.1 ' -Ul N/Clr nUILDIXOS. i ,
1\ , 'Ul'Ul IlILDI.\'aS.
: ' Wyoming's ( , cJtMhtDI' nefDICI to Appro-
; print. Monny for "n agricultural ( "illege.
. CHEYfiNNE Feb. D.-Speclal ( Telegram. )
: -Tho bill makIn'anaproprlation of $40.0:0 :
't. to , buid a Sttte agricultural' college at' '
, . . . , r Inder"il ; .remont county , failed to pass
S the , house . the legislature today , , the vote ,
, beIng a tie. The Stat 'A rculur col- '
" leo f nt present combIned with the State
' university at Laramie.
. His passed the hous appropriating
* .0 to complete the state penitentiary
at Itawlins , appropriating U2.W to reImburse -
burse Johnson county Incurred on account
oC the cattle mon's invasion In 1892 , and
' } appropriating ; 325,000 to provIde 0 state
bounty to encourage the de3tructon at
. ' wolves anti coyotes on the rango. A bounty
of $ for wolves and $1 for coyotes will be
, . paId. A bill was introduced In the house
providing for the submission ! oC a can-
" , ' RttutonaJ amendment to the people of
' Wyoinintb enl\ble the Imlslaturo to remain -
' main In ae'atoa "txeEedlng forty days If I
Is deemed neccsaary. -
: -
Delay In i'dlng the I'lro Bepartnnt Was
' " CnMt ; _
; . ' ST. JOSE1't.-'Fcb. 9.-At 8:20 : tonight lire
was dIscovered In the UnIted States express
department oC the St. Joseph unIon station.
, ' At 'llrat the blrze was so small that staton. {
supposed that I wns not necessary to call
' out the iellartment , but In this case the
' ' , delay was ratal. The Jnmes ate their way
' through the floor Into the Union Depot
' .i hotel on the fool above apd In an hour the
; , ' . structure was a mass oC nld . The hotel
, ' ' which occupies the two upper storIes an1 !
" - ' . the south end of the structure , was crowded
"I : ih guests , and a number oC them had
harrow eRcapes. Major J. D. Lauhln , who
f conducted the hotel. loses $2.0. The
. union station was completed and opened
.4' May 1. 1892. and cost $250,0. The total
. umount ot Insurance Is $40.0 The depot
t' . , was used by all of the rallroads catering .
, oseph. The guest nt thl itotel. lost $10,0. /
' The total loss will aggregate p $10.0. -
' . JUll' l ) D NYBlll'JWZ'.l .
, , ' : : Bbre\1d Adventuress Aol nor Sojourn
.J There Costly to Many 1 > lOIII.
DENVER , Feb. D.-Ismena T. Martin ,
. whose sojourn in Denver has been quite
expenslva to various merchants here , has
, j ' departed for Bt. L'uia. A 1 prospective
' , customer she succeeded In making W. F.
' ' . ICendrlcle , a promlnmt mining stock broker ,
' ' .laranteu her board bill It the Drown
' Paugu'e hotel. As 1 result , he was out
$ htid , beshhs sundry brims . I the direct re-
' , i fult oC "Dnme FIrefly , " n projected church
entertainment. Miss Martin succeeded In
' scouring many diamonds . silks nUll trinkets
( ' 'at , lending stores. Several cases brought
against he failed to stick. Others were
f all pI\ln/ when she departed Chief at
' I'olcc Armstrong has received information
t ? " from Sut.erlnterlent Btlrltwenther ot De-
\ : , traIt that MI I Martn Is well , known there
' I I blaclcnrnller . swindler , forger and
' . 'hlef'by tnl1e pretenses , and that she has
' been arresteil once u forgery. number ot times and convicted -
' , Tel , Jell * 51ik ! 1't.
The Itule ball given by the Tel Jed
, tokol society last night nt Jebs hal was
. . attendecl by many of the mot Prominent
. Dohemlqls In the cl ) ' . I waR the regular
nnnual1al oC the society. The hull was
crowded with mClhers and hal , the
. aociety. man ' oC whom were maRked The
, tore Part of the evenIng was delegated to
. evrnlnJ wal
th\s8 who were masked and many unique ,
, comIcal anti character masks were worn hy
, the participonta. Prizes were offered for
\ orered
those ' wearing the best costumes , comical
; ; ' and unttue , Those winning PrIzes were ns
, follows : "Rplder and the Fly . " Mt's.
' UudeN'le anti , Mrs. J'lala , n beautiful onyx
. r 1aml : f'l'el)1 Army , " by Mr. Zeleny anti
' , twelve hoyt' . rocking chair : Japlnese cas ,
' ' tume , : l' . Ueebe , an umbrella : Miss Har-
5 tunek , representing nn angel , n mIrror ; Mrs.
4 : ; . , : .tkulnslk \ sun newer costume I toilet lrl. I ,
' Little Miss Heuclc received n beautiful rug
- Z , for the impersonation of a ballet lanceC
, The committee on arrangements comprised
, Frank Flalu , JOl11 Swoboda. A. comlrKld ,
' - , Frank Iransnl , John Jinesky anti Martin
' ' ' 'Kalcllr. The music was furnished Martn
. .Letovsk orchestra , _
U.\oll lhhlell : , . 'luclera flrgssm'xr.
, SIOUX FALLS , Feb. 9Speclal.At ( a
' nteettng ot the poultry breeders
'lleetng poulry breedel of South
" ' .Dakota , held at Canton on the 6th Inst. , 1
. atato poultry association wal organized and
.I was decided to hold n show In November
: 'next. Then shows have proved such a sue-
' , .ess In other states that South Dakota paul.
5 .trymen have Ilechcl to hold one themnselycs .
.toux Falls wi probably ie the city In
which I will bo heM. Jo M . Lewis ot Cln-
. ton was chosen Ilresident and F. Ii. Iteus.
. .ton , also of eanton , was chosen secretary oC
, the association. .
, .
, t 8hlhben \ i hlo letCodln ; ler Irother ,
; : > fX''In , Mo. , I eb P.-Dan Ja.ton and
' .len Thompson , In company with Mio
. . , 'hOmtI5In. were returning front { 'rycr
_ eetng lust night In Southern Cape Iount : ) ' .
A quarrel ensued between the young uteri
'and Thompson was fataly stubbed wIth I
-ksdfe . arid Mica Thompson badly cut In tie-
' -
, -aHI. Uld :1 1 1lolon II
.edlng her . roth r. ( . " < ) 'ton 11 s btcn 11- II- ,
. , f : ' _
r' . . . , . . .
- ' '
Decisive Majorty for Moro Intimate Oon-
neotlon With ilaivall.
neoton .
Six Democrats and All the I'opulkts Com-
lrlM.1 t hI nrlnh"h'r or time MajorIty-
COlmltroppolntll to Conrrr Con-
ccrnlnn Cnnni from threat I.nkr
W ASINOTON , Feb. -Dy the decIsIve
the senate
votQ of 3G to 25
voted today to Inaugurate the project of
layIng a .ble from the Pacific coast to
Hawaii. An amendment to the diplomatic
consular appropriation bill was made , givIng
$ GOOOo for beginning work on the cable
and authorIzIng tIme president to contract for ,
the entire work , estimated to cost $3,000,000. :
This was the first practical result comIng
from the intermittent hawaiian debate last-
lag more than a year and renewed with Intensity -
tensity In connection with th3 proposed cable ,
The debate of the last few days has shown
the lines of division were practically the
same as those heretofore existing on all
lsstis over Hawaii , the republican senators
urgIng closer relationship by cable and ult-
mately by annexation , the democratic sen-
ators as a rule contendIng against the cable
or other entangling alliances with Ihewail.
Hut thIs party dIvisIon hall notable exceptions -
tions during the debate anti was emphasized
In the final vote. Six democratc- senators ,
Morgan , Gorman , 11111 , Butler , Cal and
White , voted with the twcnty-elght repub-
lican senators and three populist.s , constituting -
lcan ing the majorIty for the cable. One repub-
lican senator , Mr. Pettrre\4 , voted with the
twenty-four democrats agaInst the cable. All
absent republicans and the two populsts
were paired for the proposition. The diplomatic -
' matic and consular bill was then passed , and
then eulogies on the late Senator Btocle-
bridge of Michigan closed the da ) ' .
Secretar Carlisle sent to the son-
ate today a reponso to the , reso
lutlon adopted at the reQIlst oC Hl
democrat of New , . York , . as . t the - . - character - ' "
of the forms , InterrogatOres , eec. , U "l II
collecting the Income tax. Mr. Carlisle says
the Corms are strictly within the laW con-
strued at the Treasury department.
The credentials of Mr. Derry , democrat of
Arkansas , lorl the trm t beginning March 4
Arlcns next , were presented by his colleague , Mr.
Mr. Washburn , republican of MInnesota ,
presented a favaable report from the commerce -
merce committee for the commerce coinniis-
son ! to Inquire Into the feasIbility of a water-
way connecting the great lakes and the At
lantic ocean.
lantc resolution was agreed to without Ope
position. I directs the president to ap\lnl
three commIssIoners to treat wIth three ap.
pointed by Great Britain toward securing a
route for the proposed waterway , and secure
such treaty arrangement a may be neces-
. I
snry.The resolution was agreed to providing for ,
the prtclpalon ! In by ongress , through a
commlsson : of six senators and nine repr fenL-
atives . In the opening of the Chlcleamauga
anti : Chattanooga national paris on September
HI and 20 next.
The credentials of Mr. HarrIs of Tennessee
for the term beginning March 4 next were
presented by hIs coleague , Mr. Date of Ten-
nossee .
The bill was passed directing the parting
and refining of bullion to be carried on nt
the United States office at Helena , Mont.
lr , Perer presented a resolution , calling
on the Judiciary committee to report on the
resolution ho had prevIously submited for
an Inquiry as to the legal rIght of the secretary -
' tary oC the treasury to issue bonds. I was
, referred to the Judiciary committee.
, The senate was then copfronted again !
by Mr. Call's resolution for a senate Invest-
gation of the Honduras and Louisiana Lottery ,
tory company. , I has , bean sIdetracked by
tl ' senate fern day to day , but Mr. Cal
leee\'s reintroducing It In such a way ns to
secure right of way over other unfinished
buslnes Amendments were presented by
Mr. Hill fI New York , Mr. Sherman of Ohio
and several others until the Cal resolution
was In such a tangle that Mr. Wolcot of
Colorado made a humorous speech on the
snarl whIch started a roar of laughter on
the floor and In the galleries.
The Cal resolution was fInally cut r
again by the senators agreeing to take up
the diplomatic and' consular appropriation
bill. The dIscussion was resumed on the
amendment appropriating GOOOOO for begInning -
gInning a cable to HawaiI.
Mr. Hastings , secretary of the Hawaiian
legation , occupied a place In the diplomatic
gallery . and several other foreIgn diplomats
were present , expecting final action on the
Hawaiian Item.
Mr. Blackburn of Kentucky protested
against making the cable amendment a
"rider" to an appropriatIon bill , declaring
It was unprecedented to encumber the diplo-
mantle bill In this manner. "Thls Is the openIng -
lag wedge t9wards the annexation of hawaii ,
lying EO near to the heart of so many sena-
tor " declared Mr. Blackburn.
Mr. Mandeuon of Nebraska expressed him-
self In favor oC breaking senate : rules and
precedents In order' to adopt such a meriori-
ous pfoject The senator urge ) . the annexa-
ton oC hawaii. .
'Mrl Gray said the speech or Mr. Morgan
yestQrday would led one to beLieve we were
on tie evo'of 'a great , war . . wlh England.
. ' ! at all , " , said Mr. Morgan. " 1 merely ,
gave the cIrcumstances showing wo ; were
likely to be cheated "
Mr. Hawley of Connecticut saId be was sur-
prised that Mr. Gray closed hIs eyes a to
the extent of the British : navy and ai establishment -
tablshment of strategic stations , the last
one sought beIng Hawaii.
"I have no fear of Great Britain , " con-
tnued Mr. Gray. "We are not yet ready to
embark. on her course of empire around the
world. " The senator denounced the cable
plan al one In the Interest or corporations : ni
otlers havIng Interest In hawaiI .
Mr. Lodge varied time Hawaiian dIscussIon
by urging an amendment to the diplomatic
and consular bill placing the foreign service
on a cIvil service basIs The first vote was
taken by agreement at 2 o'cloele and was on
the point of order raised against the '
Hawaiian cable amendment , The point was
defesited . 3G to 25.
The vote was regarded as a test and In
detail was ns follows :
Aldrich , Oonnn , Morri ,
Allison . 1"1 . " ' I'ercr.
\un'ls. lanlbrugh , l'erkln.
\uler. 1 IY , I C ) ' . ' Proctor ,
Call . 11111n" , ) 'Jat
Carey . 11. . Sllermnn ,
Chandler floor < Squire , ,
Clurk , 1.'le. teivnrt .
' ' Btelr.
Cuuiomu. - Lodge. 'l'eller.
' . idanclersOmi . " ' ,
DavIs lllldcMon. Vaslbtmrn.
immbots , MItchell ( Ore. ) , \Vhtte' .
Frye Morgan'aieottZG. .
Berry. ) l.tnttsay . Petllgrew .
\ern' . Petgre\v.
) Ilackburn , Jones ( % rlc. ) , Unn.oO '
Price . ! eI"urln , iconohm .
carrery. } I\ tin . fmlh ! ,
Clclrl , MIl'hel ( Wls ) , TUI'le ,
George , IdUrItIm ) ' , Veil.
Gray , 1'11011 Vilas.
larrls , , l' ' \ " claIm-Cl.
lunlon , .
The vote al the main question , the $500,000
umenllmcnt for beginning work on the
Hawaiian exactly. cable , resulted In the same vote
The - amendment to place the foreign Rerv-
ice CI I civil service basis was dlpoled of
on a poInt of order by 1 viva voce vote The
diplomatic anti ! consular bill , I thus amended ,
wu then passed wihout dIvision.
The Inate then hear eulogies cn the
late Senator Stockbridge of 11chign , tributes
bng ! Ilat by M lra. McMillaim. Burrows ,
FrYe , Jonas o Arkansas , and Cullom . At
time close of the ( mmlogies the senate , at 4
o'clock , I a further mark at respect to the
late senator , adJourued.'mmm-Elct . Andrews Iltroltueed ,
WItHIIINQTON . Feb. D.-peclal' ' 'elc
Gram.-lon. 'Vliam E. Andrews af Halt-
Ings , congreaslun-elect tram the l IUI dls-
trtct , was nt the capitol today. Dcomp- '
tled by Congrzumam " Meiklejohn. who I"
tro4it4t'cd Mr. Aldrews to the member who
will \ " his ' : olenJues In the lext house.
( ' J-et : of 0.1aha Is tn 'Vlshlngton on
t " way hom6 her New York Ciy , wh"rl
he saw his Parents and the Cody family
tufll ) tnT for a three months' cruise In
the Mediterranean on the steamer Frlea-
Innl' ' General luts.1 A. Alger cr 1lch-
llln svua alla',1 passenger' on the l'rles-
- . - - -
people land , with a number oC other distinguished
lion. E. J1. Brown of Lincoln Il l In the
city for a short business visit.
Senntor PeW"rw at South Dakota today
offered nn amendment to the 1111r ) ' civil
Imill appropriating SlOt to pay glwar. II.
11 aplprlnt .
Van . \ntwerll ; and Charles H. hinter , United
State deputy atmrveyors for lurve'lnA the
west boundary oC Pine UdJo Indian reser-
Vation. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
. .TI'I : MUST lS' l'A \ I'on CL1 1tS'
I'rlmta Scerltnrll or ConAre men on ml
I."TOIvtth TlmJ" of 6emsmators.
WASHINGTON , Feb. -Tho house today .
In the committee of the whole b ) a vote of
124 to [ ! , voted to place individual clerks
oC member on the annual salary roll at the
rate or $100 per month These clerks now
get $100 per month during the session of
time house The annual attempt to strike out
time appropriation for the Civil Service commission -
mission was made , but did not assum a
serious phase. and was defeated , 32 to 20.
A joint resoluton was passed to extend the
time for making Incamo tax returns to April !
15. The remaInder of the day after 3 o'clocle
\vas devoted to eulogies on the late Hepre-
sentatve WrIght of Pennsylvania.
The ChIcgo public building bIll with
nlendmenl Was laid befae Ule houlo today
and Mr. Dankhe:1l : of Alabama , chaIrman of
the public buidings antI grounds committee ,
moved concurrence , but at the request of Mr.
Sayers , democrat of Texas , wlthdrow the
motion to gIve the later opportunity to ex-
amino the amenlments ,
Mr. Van Voorbis , republican of New York ,
'rose to a personal explanation In connection
with the charge made by William n Cremer ,
member of the BriIsh Parliament , who all-
Ileared before the house foreign affairs com-
mitee last month to argue In favor of an
international treaty or lleace , that Mr. Van
VoorhIs had InMlled hIm :
Mr. Van Voorhis referred rather sareasto-
ally to the visit of this peace missionary
front so modest a country as England and
then presented a letter In which he revIewed
the questions he hall asked Mr. Cremer In
the committee on foreign affairs to which
the Inter had taken exceptions. Mr. Van
Voorhis , In his letter , dIsclaImed any In-
tonton to \Irant Mr. Cremer.
When Me Van Voorhis completed his
statement time house went Into cemmlleo ot
the whole amid resumed consideration of the
legislative appropriation bill. The pending
question was an amendment offered by Mr.
Bartlett . democrat of New York , to pay
tiL3 . clerics of the members during the recess
or congross.
No Qlprum appeared on the vote on this
question yesterday. Today a Quorum appeared
and the amendment was carrIed. 124 to 59.
Mr. McMllhIn , democrat of Tennessee , gave
notice that he would demand a yea and
nay vote In the house.
Mr. Power , republican c California , denounced -
nounced the civil service law lS a humbug
and a fraud , while Mr. huh , republcan of
Iowa en thuslastcly supported the prInciple
of the law. lie wan In favor of enlarging
the powers of the commissIon In order that
they could prosecute violations of the law
Mr. Hunter of Illinois moved to strike out
the entire provIsion for the support of the
committee. lie held ho saId , to the old doctrine -
trine that when the people decreed a chang
of administration they were entitled to have It
from the president down to the humblest
ofce bolder. Lost , 20 to 32.
Mr. Stockdale , democrat of Mississippi , expressed -
pressed the opinion that the approprIation
oC $97,000 for the commission was utterly
thrown aw y. He called - attention to
the fact that when the house voted to gIve
$300,000 to members of the next congress
before they were Bwor In the civil service
reformers were not In evidence protesting
" . "
against the "spois.
Mr. Ray , republican Qf New York , In reference -
ence to the commissIon , said the defect was
not In the commIssIon , but In the law which
did not gIve It power onbughm.
On motion of Mr. Wilson , chairman of the
ways and means commIttee . time Joint resolu-
ton reported b- that comllttee to extend the
tm for making income tax returns to Aprl
15 was passed. .
The conference report on the bill for the
removal of the IndIans of Colorado from
their reservation was adopted , after whIch
the house , under a special order , devote , the
remaInder of the day to eulogies on time life , :
hnd character ' of 'ho late Represlnttvp
"right of 'enn ylv nla _ Those who' haid - ,
rlbute ' to the 'mcmory' mf theIr colleague were
Messrs. ranton ; Stone ; Wanger , Hicks . W. '
A Stone and Grow of , PennsylvanIa. CJsscy
of New Jers y , Smith of Arizona and Covert'
of New York. Then ns 'n further mark of re.-
spect . the house adjourned.
- -
Outlet Proposor from LBko Mlobll"n
SODlhw.rd ThrotJh Indiana.
WASHINGTON , Feb. 9.-Senator Triple
In the senate and Representative Cooper In
the house , both of Indiana , have Introduced
resolutions providing for the 'appolntment
of a commIssion under the direction of time
secretary oC war , to male I prelimInary
survey nnd submit plans and estimates for
the construction of a' ship canal to connect
the south end of Lake Michigan with the
Wabash rIver. The resolution recites that
partial surveys have been made and that the
project hM been recognized as a 'work of
great national Improvement as far back as
the administration of Andrew Jackson , when
LewIs Cass , when secretary of the War department -
partment , gave tie mater some attention.
Again In ,1875 Major Glespe ! of the corps
oC engineers made a survey , and partial
examination and pronounced the project
feasible. Sincothen no further acton hal
been taken and the resoluton calls for a
commission of five members , two of whom
shall be citizens of Indiana and at least
one an engineer of the navy : thIs com-
m1slon to make a thorough examination and
report' upon the best practicable route and
DI'o her details. .
S. ace the refoluton was submitted aten-
ton"has been called to the last survey and
report by Major GiespIe , who mentioned
several routes t each the Wabash from
Lake Michigan , but when making his rec-
omendatons suggested as the beat route
the one set out by CaptaIn Stansbury In
1831" . when he reporte" ! 'a General Cass ,
The trouble that MaJor Gliespio finds' Is In
getting around the Kankake river : , the
water oC whIch Is needed by the Illinois
river. The ICnlalcqe river runs parallel
with the south end of Lake Micimigan and J
I Is cut In two the water supply of time
Illinois river would be seriously endangered ,
In getting around the Kankakee , Major
Olesple started his canal at Michigan City ,
Ind. , and carrIed It east of time Kankakee.
10 claims plenty of water could be obtaIned .
In that way to supply the canal. '
Ol'INIONS UN IU"\tl\'II Ss , E.
:1"mhers : or the house Exprea , ThcJnlolv6
ems leerel"ry ( rraiiemn's Orlor"
W ASllGTON , Feb. 9.-The preldent's
lawalan message excited much interest In
the house. Chairman McCreary of the foreign
affairs commiteD said that the menage presented -
sented nothing whIch semd to cal for cn-
greslonll acto at thi time . Secretary
Gresham , he sid , had clearly followed the
best preceden . and was acting In aceordanc
with etablshf usage In demanding that
the government be Informed ot the evIdence
upon which citizens of the United States had
bn convicted and sentenced.
Mr nontele of Maine sad : that the In-
' cdent ! established the repubJc:1 : contentcn
that the ndn\lnlitraton was frIendly to the
revolutionists anti that Secretary Oreaham's
telegram was In marked contnnt to his In-
struetona to the admiral that American clt-
zeas who took part In the rebellion , either
for or ngalnst the gvernmE ut , rfe'ted thetr
claims uoon the United States' for nrotection.
- nrotecton.
Repretnta veItt of tll foreign afairs
conmnmlttee' enid that this , perplexity c Mr.
Willis , In view of the I Instructions rash In
his handl , was evIdent. I was the duty of
eVery mnl.ter. ! he said , to leak after the
interests oC citizens of hIs country wha were
In trouble : and lee that the ) ' were given a fair
. Military trIbunals were often secret he
said , and there was nothing unusual m time
proceedIngs. Secretary Oresham seemed to
bo taking great pains to instruct Me Willis '
In the ordinary duties at his position . and
to demand of the Hawaiian government what
all other interests dIctated that he should do ,
deal fairly with American clUzen
Mr. hut was inclined to think that capItal
punishment would 0 visited upon loale of
the rebels , 1 for the Hawaiian governnt
to do otherwise would be to put a premum ! ,
ulm the rEbeUhm. '
- -
l'rassltiemmt's 101 < I'iami.
WASHiGTON , Feb. 9.-ActIve prepera.
tlons are tasking at the Treasury department to
car out the bud culrcl aaed uterday.
, ' ' , _ _ _ _
A new tieelgmrImFbten made anti the enga-
reIt in . Although it. Is
lag plate , 9w , n proge ! Alholgh I
not expected . tmat \ -be plate will . bo completed
ready for prlnl'np ' the beds for some weeles
yet , the delivery of the gold Is expected to
begIn at encl hr exchange fcr deposits for
the New York't\re ury the assistant true
urer will bo instructed to pay ont treasury
certificates ol post which will bo taken up
on delivery of1thtbonds.
'I 'I -
Tnlll l nuul.\Tg ul'rOSE n'
I'reslden " lfm : ; l'rnimnShtion Meets
Up\l.I'lltn time ' olllt"o
W ASINO' ; 1 Feb. -The house was
and co'IHtimUteetook up , the lresldent's
special bond ) { ltil1go at the end ot the long
sesltn toda ; fbWlge BO much difference of
opinion malle 1tslt nanIfest Immediately that
o\lnlon ' n
the business wa postponed until 3 o'clock
Monday. '
Mr. Dynul , democrat of Indian proposed .
a resoluloh to' amend ; the net of 1876 ama
.s to make t lu\ilorJze \ the , lssle of bonds
bearing Interest II a rate not to exceed 3
per cent and payable In gold coin. Chairman
Wilson proposed resolution , less sweeping
In erect , t apply oJly to the contemplated
issue . which was the subject of tIme message
. the treas-
and to emposvea' the secretary of trlas-
. tmpwl In coin
um.T to make them payable gold
bearIng Iltcrost .hem . h rate not exceeding 3
a entirely for-
per cent. The discussIon was entrely
mat and the republicans bore the lead'ng part
pnrtictmlarly Mr. Reed , whoso comments were
partcularly . ly time democratic friends oC the
presldelt It was Argued congress was con-
fronted with the specific question of savIng
. fer the governinent some 16000000. The
republican adversarIes contelliell that a
thtrty-year loan 10 IMt what the admInistr-
ton cnsidered , according to their construc-
tion oC the situation . to b ( 0 temtlorary ne-
cesiy ton , was inadvisable. They questoned
the policy of JegoUatng wih individual
fnancIers frr issues and advocated n pOlllar
loan of short term bonds In small denoml-
nations , whIch gould b taken by the people
of time country.
Mr. Recd sll : "I 10 not behave In borrowIng -
lag gold by bonds payable after thirty years
when , according to the secretary of the tres-
ury , we are " to have I ' 1lrplus In the treas-
, ury aootm
\t \ was developed by time brief discussion
that not only the rJpublolns , but Mes'rs.
Bryan , Wheeler and lcMIn of the demo
crats are oppose to the plan for bonds t
be payable by stIpulation In gM , Mr. Tur-
nor , democrat ef Georgia , made time motion
, to make the' message a spociol order , which
was carried.
Jr , Dynum's res01uUon contemplate bonds
payable after one yea and within ten years ,
but was changed to the form given ab'vo to
apply to the thirty-year Issue just negotiated.
There was nn Intormal vote taken upon It
but several members did not vote and those
who responded "Ye " and "Nay" In chorus
were not flotel.
, Certain democrats et the commitee attrlb-
ute to , the republicans n desire to avoid a vote
today Mr. Hopkins of IllInois says there I
no uncertaInty about 'he republicans , for tt
Is thought they"wl not agree to the presl-
dent's proposlte > for the reasons which have
been outlined . _ _ _ _ _ _ _
NIWA for tIle . \rl ) ,
WASHINGTON , , Feb 9.-Speclal ( Tele-
gram.-Tho L fqlowlng transfers In time
Ninetenth Infantry are mnde : Captnln
William P. \'uns'frm company -I to com-
pny F : Can\alr , , 'mimd n. Smith , from
company F \ ocothoany : I.
The extonslonofileave , of absence panted
First LIeutenant' ! Garland M. "hlster ,
Fifth artillery , Is extended two month
The unexpire' ( prton .C the orcJnar ) '
leave oC absence granted . Captain Elbert
D. Savage Jfghth Infnntry , Is chnngol
to leave of .nI ence on account of sick-
ness , to date from February 1. 189 : .
The following 'boards for examinaton of
officers for promotion. are dissolved : Fort
Leavenworth , Jraeford Aranai : San Fran-
deco . Port ' clntCh and Fort McPherson .
Leave of nepce granted Captain Fran-
cia W. Manflelcf Eleventh Infantry , is
extended one month : leave for six months
on rorgeon'rcartIhIcate oC disability Is
granted Caplain pouglas U. Scott . com-
missry oC sub r'tence [ : 3'Jt ) Lleutcnnnt
Wihhirten P. Fr ' , Third nfantr' , ten
days oxtcnddd11 l" ! n'h t H' " Jnftuitrr . . , ,
, ' First. LieutemantsmJrrnes H.lFrlc.Twelflh
lnfantrYAn wt\'I"lpprt \ , to , Iuty .wlth thu'
Deltware 'Narronal Guards " , , ,
Lieutenant Colonel OeQIe , j L , Gillespie .
'elg1\ , corps-dls detailed . as , mlmber at
the : exannlng eard'It cs : Army build-
Ing , . New York : CltYt vice Colonel Cyrus
,13. C.mstk. retired.
Trenlur.lls A\lhorly to I'RY Jlorllalo
WAShIINGTON , Feb. .9.-Chatra Reiy
oC time house commttee on , Pacific rairads
visited Secretary Carlisle today , In acord-
anco , wih the requst at the committee , and
asked the secretary's op'nlon as to whether
a more specific appropriation wQuld be
necessary In case the government should .
deem I advh'able under th authority at
the pet oC March 3 , 1117. to pay oil the
first mortgage bonds oC the several bond-
aided roads. Time secretary thought the
nlde contained , In time ' act was sut-
flcIeiit'iutailudel" the ' tact that any
action .on thIs , lno , was made contingent
upon time direction : of the presiden'r and
dId while hot he ' think could , ' not President spale with Cleveland authority would , lie
be lnqllned to direct that such action be
taken. _ _ _ _ _
l'nr.1nlvl 'by time l'r. "lont
WASH'INGTON : , Feb. 9.-The president
has pardoned Jesse Ponder , sentenced In
Kentucky to two months Imprisonment for
selling liquor without I license. He also
commuted to imprisonment for two years
and n halt the three-year sentence oC KIng
Cram . , convtcted In Kansas of embezlng
letters. ,
Applications for pardons have been denIed
In the CseS oC Walter EvanS oC Texas and
Perry' Mills oC Kentucky , convicted oC mal
The president' has denied the applications
for parllons In the cases at J. T. BerrYh !
sentonOeti In Georgia to one year and $ Iu
'fine for removing dlsUlell spirits In viola-
'fne .f the' statutes , and Jisper Lindsay ,
sentenced In Georgia to six months and a
fine oC $500 for counterfeiting .
J.a..U tor Western lnvemtors. ,
WASHINGTON , Feb. It.-Special.-Pat- ( )
, ants bave ben Iss\le as follows :
Nebraska-Joseph Ehrhu'd , IXiler . com-
bind planter , harvester hay rake and
South DaleotnAlon Frey and W. Knox ,
Clark . nsslgnr to saId Fzey . cheele row
corn planter ; Sqrh A. Aycrst , Aberdeen ,
hat , atand.
Iowa-CharlEs N. nloom , Anamosa , stump
extractor : lcwln C. lomlardner , Iowa
Fails wlnmlmlll : ' Jahn T. Carmody Cedar
Haplds , Indexing \ , cuter : Darrbas 1' i . I 11-
broole. DUllap , ! entRI tool : hurry L. and
W. G. Phillips. ! . Lone Tree stay wire
fastener for wlr tuncs ; WillIam R. E.
' ' Ghiddems , hal'vester ;
' 'hap , Gldden ccrn
111" " 'lIrrltUy ; Jndlel,1 ! yaromn .
WASIIINCI'J'ON , Feb. 9.-'he Indln al'
proprlaton bill . as reported to time senate .
docs not contain 'nn amendment fcc' the re-
organizatinti of the Judlclnl syptlm of Tn-
orAanhton hitmtjjmere. will . 'Ic ! an effort
, made to 'ndd this provisIon to :10 bill when
it comes 11) t"rc&sldemton In the senate
and the memhltsllt the allproprlaton com ,
mitel wtl Iq rIt \ the effort 'rhey d19-
custd time question when tW bl was In
coimimnittee but , sieItled not to take the
responsibIlity 7 I J t ' lcty rtcommendlng luch
wholfsale legtTulti f /01'011 to un ap-
I.roprlaUen bIfl' ! , It \ . Is f01'011 , however ,
that t maja ! ' - , Lit the membel'3 believe
that the chamuid 11toposcd should be music ,
IUn on , Jw.u , 1\11 $ : ot :11 ThlA'Ie. .
\'AShhINGT64 : : 'l eb. -The wihdrawal
ct the steamnr ) . City # of IUQ ( de Janeiro ,
Ichedulecl to"sItii flrol Ban Francisco on
the 21st wItlmjiiPj"S I for China ammd Japan ,
hal been armqciii't4ti nt the. Jostolce anc 'de-
pariment. ActofllnglY notice was given
todaY that afftr > & 111 sailing oC the Oceanic
on time 12th tigi.jj'i'ill be no stalling tram
t1 t Ilrt for , Ui' , Pt ant Jalll until : arh
G. Maila ortlIith'ihY tN\\tmlc from Ban
Francisco will - " . p : ' i"U.fl ' . ( Tacoma to con-
nect with th e "YIitbria , Ihcduled to leave
on the : 'I ! tqf' , . ( , two countries .
Illnu , ' 7,111 ! ; * ( tll'"lllrl f.I.I' ( '
WSHNOTCN' " , Feb. 9.-(81Icclal ( Tele-
gram.-In ) a communication to the housd
the , ecretal' U the 'InterIor reports that oC
the sixth annual InslaUment oC the grant
for agl eulural colleges , f P l ) each Is set
apart fur tbe etaes at "ehraska , Iowa ,
North Dakota and South Dakota . 11 the
five former dlshuements I total . oC . G.O
has been lurid h' : each state .
IlrnnY " ! " ' 11" . l'lo.l.
W ASIINGTON , lo'eb. D.-Speclal ( Tele-
gramn.-The ) postouilco at Sarey , Greene
county , ha , has.1 bee IsconUnu : Mail
wil gO to Churua
h'itmmm' , . , huii 1'''
W ASIINGTON , Feb. D.-tSpeclal Tele-
grarn.-Archlbaid Cone wal today nppolnt-
elllo'tmasUr nt PI m. nu rn V's n county ,
Iu. , vice A. I. . , , 1ul11 , - , reigomd
Qu rtCr ' 111'1'1. - , ' . " fut Y"ffrll"y ,
' . ' , . ' '
ASHINO'IO : J.'cb O.-'I'ho treasury
today lost f..lW In g4l , , $1 1.o front New I
Yorir and n2.0 0 fr mu , n 11 : , leaving the ,
goit : rC&3rYI 11\ $ Ul.G.3J , I
a , a S ez'assubs
( Contnuell from First Page. )
traffic II at a stan Rtl. The silver plating
factories have shut down owing to the Ina-
bliy of the engineers to get UII sufficient
steam for motive power and heating pur-
I poses. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
'enlunlo Commits Inll l'urtlout Sufer-
Inl11 lmmjtmry.
NEW YOl' , l eb. -The WhIte Star
steamer Teutonic arrIved at her docks thIs
mornIng and reports having experienced an
extremely severe passage. She was delayed
outsIde the harbor for twelve hours on account -
count of the beavy snow storm anti blizzard .
Sue brings no news of La Omuscogne.
A reprt : came In from Fire Islnnll al [
o'clock last night that a big steamer hall been
Ilghted which It was thought might bB the
TeutonIc , but no confirmation of thIs report -
port was received until at 7:30 : the marIne observer -
server at Sandy Hook saw a steamship's
lights outside time harbor. The vessel did
not signal and In time thick atmosphere was
soon lost sight of , At 8:25 : site was seen
again , and 1 few hours Inter I was an-
mmottncetl that the TeutonIc had anchor
Inside the Sandy Hook higimtship. She was
completely covered with Ice , but reported that
a 1 on board were we 1.
The Teutonic was within three nIbs of
Sandy Hook al 5:86 : a. m. yesterday , but
owing to time hurrIcane from cat northeast
and a thlelt snow storm WI obliged to stand
ofl shore and steamed se\'cnty mies to time
southeRst waiting for the storm to mnoslerate
At 2 p. m. time Teutonic sighted time steamer
Josle Reeves of Nw York flying signals of
distress A life boat with five men was
lowered , but returned after an hour's unsuc-
cessrul effort. At 5:30 : p. m. the Teutonic
sailed alongside the Beeves , affording I Ice
for time schooner's dorIes , amid nIne men were
hauled on board.
Time Teutonic Ilassell Daunts Rock lght al
/10:30 / : p. t m. January 31. DurIng the first day
time veBsel encountered a fresh gale from
southwl3t wih a high swell . February 2 the
same gala prevailed. February 3 the gale
moderatEJ somewhat ; a hIgh sea was still
running and there \\as a heavy northerly
swell. February 4 the wind moderated , yet
there was a confused swell on , and time wind
changed from southwest to northwest. February -
ruary 5 a whole easterly gala that changed
to I westerly hurricane was encountered .
The vessel labored har agaInst heavy heac
seas and head swells. February 6 the vessel
struggled with hr\'y snow and bal squalls
and high head seas . The wind was tram
west northwest February 7 the wind was
still from west northwest and blew a fresh
gale. There was I heavy head sea runnIng.
Time of passage seven days eleven hours
nnd one minute. Das runs : 477 , 481 , 478 ,
488 , 336 , 228. 240 and 136 to Sandy hook.
Dltamico . 2,84G knots .
The saloon passengers presented Captain
Cameron wIth a set oi resolutions commendIng -
Ing his skillful handling of the vessel dur-
Ing the tempestuous voyage. Throughout
the rough weather the Teutonic proved her-
self an able sea boat and suffered . no damage
whatever to any of , her fittings. Captain
Cameron remaIned steadily at hl post on
the bridge for rorty-elght hours. ,
In New York City today the storm has
abated but little. The temperature remains
very low with a prospect of continuing so
throughout the day and unaay. The ther-
momcter reached zero at 6 this mornIng and
at 1:30 : was 7 above. The highest velocity
of the wind was at 10 o'clock when It blew
rorty-seven mIles 11 hour At Sandy hook It
Is h wlng at the rate at fifty-six miles an
hour Forecaster Dunn says It will 'decrease
a little tonight. The southern point .of the
zero line today Is Knoxville. CommIssioner
Waring of the street cleaning department
estimates that It will take ten days and an
extra cost of $100,000 to clear the snow fromt
the city streets. mm ,
LCearmmoy & 'laclc ' Hia Train nura-Iod b1
Strl"lnSnud , Dahle.
IEAmEY , Neb. , Feb. 9.-Special-Re- ( ; : )
ports tram last Wednesday's storm are corn-
'ng , l.a slowly , and so tar but few case of
extreme distress' or suffering have been re-
ported ' , and no loss of life Is known.
Yesterday morning time Kearney & Black
Hills train ran Into a sand bank near Amherst -
herat , and the engine Is a completo- wreck ,
The engineer and fireman saved themselves
by JumpIng , and no one was seriously hurt.
The engine was turned over on Its side . , and
all the cars heft I the tracle. The accident was
caueed by the engineer thInkIng the obtue-
ton was nothing but , snow , and put on a full
head ot steam to run threulhr
JUNIATA , Neb. , Feb. D.Speclal.-Feb ( )
ruary 6 will always be remembered as the
date ot the most severe blizzard this section
ever experienced. Not so disagreeable from
the snow as It wes from the large amount of
dust and dirt In motin. Tuesday there was
considerable wind whim snow frm the south ,
which turned Into a raging blizzard from the
north about 3 o'clock Wednesday morning.
The wind blew at a fearful rate , picking up
all the lose 6ncw and a larger amount of
dust and dirt , and hurlng It thrcugh every
crevice , until It covered everything , and the
mercury toil rapidly until It reached 29
degrees below , zero ths : morning-tho coldest
fem years The blIzzard lasted about thirty
hours , and was so dense as to make It dak
In dwellings' mldda ) '
WAHOO , Neb. , Feb. 9.-Speclal.-The ( )
train service hat been Irregular here amoe
the blizzard. The 1:3 : p. m. traIn WedlwHlay
was delayed twenty-four hours at this plRee.
WAUNETA Neb. , . Feb. 9.-Speclal.-Thls ( )
locality received Its full share Of the general
blzzard 'VeduCday. No attempt was made
to run trains cver this line on that day
Thursday the trains came In as usual from
McCook , but only succeedEd In going about
hal way to ImperIal , as after reachIng the
level divides the cuts we'ro alt fled wih
. snow and dirt , through which the train was
unable to push Its way. After workIng all
day the crew gave It up nnd backed Into
McCook The weather 4s clear , but very
cold. Stecle wl undoubtedly suffer from
hunger anti cold . , but thIs loss wi be more
than made .jp by good crops , whIch invariably -
variably follow a winter of hard storms.
IIILDRBTII , Neb. . Feb. 9.-Speclal.-The ( )
storm of Tuesday night wracked the chImneys
or the ached buiding , In cxusequencs of
which there was no Iclool this week.
" ' ' srol'PED .
All floats on , tIme Vholnpeako l'or.ed to
Su51emmt II
WASIHNGTON , Fob , 9-Time intensely
cold weatlmer cormtinuod today , ' but Its severity -
verity waa soniowimat modified by time sunshine -
shine , , Navigmmtiomt on time Potomac river for
about fifty miles is practically at aim end ,
For forty miles between Alexandria , Va. ,
and Maryland Point time ice is gorged in the
cimannel to the helgimt of from one to twemmty
feet. Time runmmlng of the steamer between
Vasimngton amid Norfolk will be suspended
until time chantel is opeim. No boats are
runmming in Chesapeake bay , timoa tromu Balti-
mom all having beesm conmipehied to stop. At
time l'ennaylvaimia rallrQad station , time otflcra
report timat time stuation affords little or no
encouragement , acd say that limited success
immeats efforts to ruts trains. All trains are
( remit six to ten imoura late. Those on the
Chesapeake Sr Ohio amid time Soutimern , due
imere ye4terday afternoon amid evemiing , reached
tIme city this mornIng , A train was selmt out
on' time Atlantic Coast lieu soutim at simm early
hour this mmmornimmg , but time latest heard re.
garding It was that. it was 1mm a drift fIve
miles frommt W'asiiImtgton ,
bIaty9litu ( halo Jim .itIumigman ) ,
DETROIT , Feb. 9.-A special to time News
train ? .ianistee , Micim. , says : Time gale In.
creased last night to sixty miles an hour.
Trains are badly stalled. AIm Arbor tramister
ateanier No , 1 is still fast in the ice three.
quarters of a mile from the pier. liar , cap-
tmmlmt aays her fmmei Is nearly gone , No. a
is Jim time ice three miles souti oh' this port.
She has plenty of fuel. The Ann Arbor road
will transfer coal to steamer No. 1 wimen
the wind goes down ,
$ tv'i framuilor , , mcimorag b Ice.
CIIATIIAM , Mass , , Feb. 9--A great mass
of ice lInes the slmore for miles and it is
almost impossible to launcim a boat. An un.
ltmtown two-mnasted schooner anchored neat
Ilisitop's light this afternoon , but at 3
o'clock a large body of moving Joe svent down
upon the vessel , cauaiug her anchor cimains
to part. The schooner set signals of distress
in thb rigging , but. the Chatham life saving
station was unable to reach her on accoumnt of
the Ice. At dark time vessel was drifting
lmelpleatly In time direction of Handkerchief
shoals. Time captain of the life saving crew
telegraphed for a tug anti time catter Dester
at Vinyard ilavemi will make an effort to
reach time Vessel.
1-1811 ilOhJSiS SW11L'l' AWAY.
Terrihh , Extcnt of thai Stormim and 111gb
I ide omm tue Cape itretomu Coiie ,
IIALIIMX , N. S. , Fob , 0-The latest in-
fornmatton from Cape hhroton lndicmtes that
time recent storm hmas booms time nmost destructive -
structivo experienced tlmero 1mm thIrty years.
Great damage was 'done at Souttim Ingonish
amiti for thirty mniles along the gulf simore.
TIme rmlneteen hmoumscs and three stores waslmctl
away wore htmilt 0mm a narrow rocky pemmin-
sula called the "beach , " which divides tlmo
sea fronm time harbor , There are less titan
100 people in the hmsntlet , The beaclu is very
narrow and low , ommo ehio being tlmo Atlantic
antI on time otlmer the Immurbor , and it is cx-
poled to time full fury of the sea wlmen driven
iii an easterly or southeasterly ettorimi , The
Imoumses were small ones , occtmplcd by fisher.
men. Thorn were timreo ordimmary stores and
boarding houmses. Sonic of time imotisea were
vacant , time op-micra occupyimmg timonrln aunm-
suer only.
The gale was accompanied by an unusually -
usually high tide , wlmicit swept over the
beach wltlm great violence. So great watt
the force of time sea timat hargo rocks were
carried timrotmglm tlmo frail imounsea. The hmouees
were soon tmndernmined , then wrecked , nmmti
floated out to rca with timolr commtonts. Every-
timing was lost , hilt the immhmabitammts escaped ,
amid mme lives are as yet known to imavo been
Seven issues up time coast is New Haven ,
another cove of seine thirty families. hero
tIme houses are built back 0mm time shore , brmt
time fish Imouses and time stores nro ens time
beach , Three buIldings , wIth timeir cent-
tents , valumed at $10,000 , went , as did those
of Soutlm Ingonlaim , being swept out to sea
\vitim till timey comutainod.
At Micldlehead anti other viaces along time
coast fisim imoumsea , imuts and fisimimmg gear wore
destroyed , Time wind blow with lmtmrrlcano
force , breaking up time waters of time St. Law-
rinses , on time eastermi Cape lireton coast into
waves fromn eigimteen inmohmes to twenty lmmchmes
lmlgimer titan time imIgimest sprIng tides , Time
whole island of Cape Bretom Is biocleetl wltim
snow , and wires are almost conmpletely prostrated -
trated , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
iCifIN NEW YOltil. iIARh1Olt.
lint for limo Workot Tng time Ice Would
Entirely Cioo time If sy.
NEW YORK , Feb. 9.-New Yorhe today
was practically icoboutmd. Time bay from the
Narrows to Sandy hook is almost a solid field
of ice. Time upper bay' wotmld be as bad were
It not timat a number of tugs are at work
breaking the ice to permnlt time passage of
craft and amnall steamers plyhig in time North
and East rivers. Tugs are constantly at
work clearing a paeaageway for the Staten
Island ferry boats. Two floats' of time Lehigim
valley were stalled In the East. river forever
over an imour , and a tug that wont to their
assistance was also stopped by time ice. Ito-
iOi'tS frommm time interIor of time state tell of
time continuance of time great storm. Trains
en the Central Hudson are from five to
twenty-four hours late. The Dannceburg &
Mecimanicsville branch of time Delaware &
hudson River raIlway have been entireiy
abandoned , and no effort will be macla to
open them until time storm abates , The Gene-
500 brancim of time Bro Is blocked. The
Port Jarvis & Monticello railroad and its
branches are so badly blocked by snow that
they can hardly be opened bieforo mmext * oek.
Time main line of the Erie \\'cstern is entirely
closed , iso through trains havIng imassed
sinde 'Thursday. All trains on time Rome ,
Watertown & Ogdensburg are abandoned.
etiptula of an , Icebound Stonammmmir hIrIngs me
ltomessurlmmg itepom'L to Luimil.
LUDINOTON , Micim. , Feb. 9.-The tug
Thompson and steamer F. and P. M. No. 4 ,
wlmich started out to relieve time imprIsoned
car ferries off Manistee , wore breed to
ahandOn'the undertaking owing to the heavy
Ice. CaptaIn Ackernim' of time No , 1 came
ashore over the ice at Manisteo this morn-
lag. Ha says tIme coal supply of the steamer
Is completely exlmausted , but there is enougim
lumbsr ott board to enable the engines to
keep timings warm. Only one boiler Is being
fired. Time steamer Is sate und those aim
board are comfortable ,
CrewAlk Frozemi Ittiff.
PATCHOGUE , L. I. , Feb. 9.-Time name of
time three-masted schooner wimiohi vCnt
ashcro yesterday off the Lane HIll itfe
saving stntion hmas not been ascertained.
Of time crew of eIght men who were in , the
riggtmig , but six remain. Two dropped Into
thme sea rind the others nrm nil ( rozorl stilT.
One of time sailors dropped to tlmm dccx or
time vessel , A box containing sonic letters
was washed ashore yesterday. 'rimey were
from Ellen 13. Boos of ICeratansted , Germany -
many , amid were addressed to Fritz \Vnrd
of time , ship Ittmthm. The life savers tried
to 'launch a boat today , but gave up time
attempt. The unknown. ecimooner is break-
log up fast. One of time sailors this afternoon -
noon dropped from time vessel rind was
picked up by the i4fe saving crew. He Is
living , but unconscious.
All , ' , L'ralims AbammilommCtl ,
CARLISLE , Pa , , , Feb. 9.-At noon time
Cumberiaxmd Vailey road citiled in all hands
ami announced all trains would be aban-
doned. Notiming more will be done until
the storm abates. Time l'hmlladelphln. , &
iteading also abandoned all traimia In this '
section. Four trains nimd live engines' are
In the drifts in this neighmborimood ,
Seven Iimginos 1mm jimis hrifts.
SUNBURY , Pa , , Feb. 9-Time railways
ar'c , still biocheaded amid limo situation is
not improving. The first nmnii from Plum-
dolphin. timice Thursday arrived timl snorts-
log. A passenger train ammtl sevemi engines
are snowed ip at McClure , emi time Sumibury
& Lewleton road.
GULl ) C02111.'mG FROM JINfJL.lNJ ) ,
lnportammt Effeist of time Iloimmi issue Client-
festhmig Itself Alrcmaiiy.
NEW YORK , Feb. 9.-Time Evening Post
Londomm cable says : Time announcement of
the Arnericami loan confirms the statement
made In these dispatcimems that gold would
leave imero for New York. The shipments
are expected to begin next weelt. Time Ilamile
of England vIli probably lose about 2,000,000
and time remainder viil como from time omen
market and oUter sources. 'rime rise 1mm I'aris
mmcl Berlin exclmtrmige immdlcates that tImofle
countrlel3 are uuymng reinmirumucea on zuzmuoni
witim a view to participating in time baum ,
The stock mnurleetmi imero were depressed today -
day by time loan announcenients , partly be.
cause of the isrobable loss of gold and dearer
nioney , and nlo because their nrraumge-
ments on a 3 % basis reflect on American
credit. American opened tint , but cloetd
be tter. _ _ _ _ S _ _ _ _
JfU.1$14N JJfJI'ti J'l J.lNOJfJf.
l'cr ecUtiofl hhmi hloems hhcmmeweti timed TImoy
, ri' Semmkiiig Escajo fromim time Commute ) ' .
INDIANAPOLIS , Fob , 9.- . . dispatch to
time Nesvs from Anderson , Imsd , , says Jacob
Zelgler of that city today sent a draft to
his brother at St. I'etersburg , Russia , and a
letter urging him and his tanmily to leave
tlmat country mutt snore as possible. TimIs wits
in answer to isis lrotimer'H letter saying thio
persecution of Jews had been resumed Iii
hit. Petersburg and other Parts of Russia
with great actIvity. and that lmis life amid
tlmoso of many others who lmaml sent letters
to America aelcing for money to get out of
the country were In danger.
lirmitim if a l'piimluIi l'rlimevsl In 1tmivaut.
BAN FRANCISCO , Feb. 9-Time Evening
Bulletin iubiishea the news of the death , lit
the hluwaliun village of ICcoiausa , on Jan-
usury 23 , a few days prior to time aiiing of
timu Jast stesmmner for San I"rnimcisco , of lusty
hteglmma Hell , wimomse mother wait l'a'irmces4
Murio Regina of Spain , 'rime latter , no-
cording to time story , was atm aunt of the
present lmmfanta ulmd tnarrled a Cimimiese no-
Isle , I'lng Cimung , lirotimer of an ex-emu-
peror of Cimina. Mary Rosimma vais a daugim.
ter of timis ahiiance anti in lSdT mmumrried 11.
I ) , 11011 , a. hmult caste Hawaiian , but related
to ox-Queen I.illtmokalani , idles , iloli lived
in comparative obscurity upon mu large itiun.
tation in ilusyaii , was an zmccomplimmlmed un.
guist , anti Iii r.aid to imuve left immany vniu-
able UlmimUbli5imeti raamiuscripts.
Vamm ; 'a Nmmtioimmml C'orporation.
CINCINNATI. Feb. 9-The miatiommisi con-
ver-ticmn of Poplar lumber manufacturers ad-
jourped today to AprIl 18 , when they macct
here to elect officers of the national corpo-
ration. 'rime 'co-operative juan preaemmted
Monday was adopted wIth eight auxlllam'Ces ,
pcconiiiimr to time markets at time various
eight lumber seetlotmma of tue country. 'riise
eight aectiomis are to be orgammlusl at onem'
Ito as to imarticiPatS In time nrganlzatLon. of
time national corporation here April 38 , when
time scale , for vmmcim sections will be agreed
upon ,
C emeea,44em *
, ' p
will Moot In Omaha In Convention on
Washington's l3lithday ,
l'rrmgrmimms of thu , Sicetimig as Armngsnt Inst
Evcmmliig iii thin iioomis at thus Mmumi'mfac-
tmmrors nimmi Coniattimmets Association
-l.mirgo A tte'mmtbiimsco Eximectod.
A large nummuber of traveling macn meL last
night in time roemmis of time MnnufacturCrs'
and Comisummuers' hixchmango lii The lice build-
lag , vlmore the ) ' arrangeti tito imreiimninarios
tot' time convemmtion of traveling men which
will be imeisl in timis clt' on February 22
and 23.
Before adjoimrnltmg time committee formut-
hated time ohiowimmg programu for the convention -
tion :
h'rayeu' by 11ev , T. .T , Mackay ; opemmimmg ad.
dress , 1 ! , ' , A. l'age , imreshienmt Miumiufacturers'
ammti Commsummiers' associations ; subjects for die-
ctmssion : "Ways amud Means for lmmcrenaing , 7
nnd Promoting time Interests of time Nebraska
Manmmfaeturers amuul Jobbers , " to be lest by , '
B , B. Gtmstimm , 10. Ii. ira&hiey , V'ilt ii , Fetzer ,
F. C. Tuttle ; "Timo fleiatiomm W'imicht Simotmhtl
Exist hhetwecmi time Traveling Man and ills '
Emimlmloyer , " led by Frank 0. Field , Kent D.
Cemmitmlngimatu ammtl llcmmry Hart' "Qualifica-
tions Necessary for a Succesafumi Travelimmg
Mali , " F. U. Crandall mmmiii C. 0. Lake ;
"flatter Hotel Accommmmmsoilations , " Colonel \V ,
hi , Hayden , C. 11 , hIreck and J. II. Wlmmter- ,
steen ; "Instmrance for Traveling Mcmi , " Arthur ! .j
Ii , Sheets , secretary W. T. lit. A. A , of '
Grand Isiamutl , anti F. II. hale ) ' , secretary
Iowa State T. M. A4 A. , Des Moines ,
Time banquet will be imelsi at 6 o'clock on
thu cvemtimmg of February 22 , at the Guards
armory , on Capitol avenume.
Time speakers Ofm timat occasimt will lie Coy-
ernor Slias A , ' hloiconib , Etmclkl Martin , hey.
lr. S. 'm's' , Butler , C , Cd. hlitclmcochc , Joy Marten -
ton , fisiwarti ltoaowater , Clmnries J , ( lreemmo ,
I. 31. Itayrnommti , Jamnes Reed , George P.
hicmmmis , I , . M. Itlmeemn.
Time minor details are heft In time imands .s
of time exectttivo comnlmmittee , 1
Travelimig men who voro Present at last '
nigimt's mmmeetimig report a lively interest in
time coming onvenmtlon amid lmredict a , large
attendancs , '
Time first slay of time convemmtion will be
largely devoted to getting acquainted and discussing -
cussing time subjects assigned. The secomid
amid last day wIll be given up to business ,
Time reception commntttco will be at time lmaih
at 9 o'clock Friday niornminmg to receive delegates -
gates , ammuh tue commvelmtion will be called to
order at 10 c'ciock.
Accident to Graders on South TIttrtee
SI rent.
Last Wednesday timreo of time macn who are
being employed by time county in brimugimig
Soumtit Timlrteentim street to grade wore badly'
injured by tim caving In of a portions of time " 4
bluff on time side of tjue street , between Mis-
sourl avenue and L street. They were H. F.
Ihlvciy , living on 0 street , between Twenty-
fourth and Tuventy.fiftim , lIt South Omahun , who
suffered a eavero comnpounml fracture of time
heft leg ; W'ill'ans McCoil , living at 1915 Soutlm
Fiftentim street , both' of uvimose ankles , urero
badly sprained anuh unto was imurt internally ,
and ICasper Kaumtrnan , living at Tenth anti
Nicimolas streets , vimo aiso imad hthm ankles
sprained and sufm'ei'ed Internal injuries ,
County Physician Blytlmin 'states that all
three of tiio men will soon recover.
Time accident occurred at 2 o'clock , when "
time gale , wimicim was sweeplmmg over the city ,
was at its hme'ghmt. Time bluff under wlmich
they wore working was about a dozen feet
in imeiglmt. Time tipper four or five feet was
solidly frozen , and tim men wore undermIning
timis frozen portion , To shelter themselves
from time wind It is said that timey dug
further Into time bank titan they should have
done , Suddenly a slab of soft dirt a font in
timickneess and about eight feet long and four
wide fell upon timeni , The ambulance from
time county hospital was called and time men
taken to ther homes , whmero their . injuries
were treated.
One of the men claims that the foreman
was careless In allowimug tlme.rn to penetrate
so deeply into the bank , and timat a iortion of
the frozen dirt was loosened and fell upon
them. The other men , imowever , cay that It
seas time soft nnd loose dirt that fell. The
feremnan said that time men imami been in-
etrmmctetl miot to dig more timamm two feet Into '
tue bank , altimougim they had gone , twice. tiat
dIstance. lie says ftmrtlmcr timat time upper
layer of thmo bluff was frozen as solid as a
rock and could not Imavo falien.
Sclmwabt'n 'ermiim Itmnce.
Time annual masquerade dance of the
Schwaben Vereln was given at the Ocr.
mania imali last night. Judging from time at-
tendnnco It wa a strIctly German night.
A number of prominent mnembers of time society -
cioty from out of town were in attendance ,
It wan miuhe a gala night among time Get.
mans , time hail being filled , Time stngo 'was
occupied by members of time society , who
represented old-tIme scenes among time Ocr. '
inane when time spinning wheel watt in Its
glory. Time Omaha Turners 'Zither club en-
tertnhimed tue crowd 'with some very ' good
mnu8Jc during time intervals bttus'een time
tinaceum. At 12 o'cl clc alaska were 'raised
anti a nummibet' of prizes were awardea Aftep
timis ' supper was servel ( iim the annex hail ,
The mumsic , 'which' contributed mucim to time
pleasure of time evemming , was furnleimed by _
limo Stenhauser orchestra.
IlvorceI Wile Curnmmmlta F.ulcide ,
SAN FRANCISCO , Feb. 9.-Mrs. Mmuude '
llarrington shot imerseif througim time breast
today and will probmhly ; die , She immmd recently -
cently been divorcemh from her husband , Her
fatimer Is sahh to be a capItalist of Sioux
City , Ia. , named Starr ,
head onmo Solid Sore , Jtc'liiuig Awful.
hlmtd to 'l'ie His lhnmmhs to Critdlo ,
SpeedIly Cured by Cutlcumrn.
Our lIttle boy bret ommt oi hia imeati with a bait
tormim of comma , meboim ho was four tmmonmtlm old.
Vo triad timroo doctora , html the7 dlii not lmclp
islam. We thou used emir timrco CuricunA , ItEM-
mnime , and after 0511mg timemnm eioteim'weeks exactly
according to , tiireciions , imo
I bogamm to steadily jumproro ,
'cit and after time limo of Sitcom
' _ .c ' , for sot'cnm amoamiss his imeami
mm'mms ummtircly vcli. Wimanwo
U begami mmsimmg II imia lund was
asoild sore ( remus lImo crown
to hIs ( i'Cbi'owS. It was also
. all over his cars omiost of imi
. ' . , face , antI mmmnall ) 'lacca ' on
i6l' different I arts of his body ,
' 55 Theta emcee sixicen wcek'a
'aI ,
thatvcisamiloiceplmls : inands
tied to time cradle ammil hoil timeimi nlsoa Ito urns
taicorm up ; tinsel Imad to keep trillions tied on liii
imammils to keep Inla linger flails ommt of time sores ,
mis lam u oititl aeratclm if lie could in any way got
imIl itanmls loose. we know your CurIcunA itEM-
rr'iractmre'ilmimn , Wotccleafoln rccoammondia
theta to others ,
( lEG. 11. & JANITr.i. : IIABIIIS ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ycbsucr , Ind.
Parents tokamy tlmat a ainghe application of
the Ctncumt.t IIL'Miulas : will altoti instant to.
liar , lerlmmlt rest ansisiecit , anti poimmi to a speedy
cure Itt time mciii lom'ttmrinj mmmd duaflgurlnmg of
aklnm antI Icahil diseases ttmmii lmot to tuso timoem Is
Pm ( all in yoimr dtmty. uTJcuisJ. Ilcammwza are
limo ltmmreet ass'eclest anti tmtolt effectiso akin
etmecs , itloosi Pmnrillcra antI immmmnor rcntedlos ever
comnpounmlcti. 'i'boyaipeai with irrtsistlbbo force
to immotbori nurses , mmml all imaving limo care of
cimlimlreim , I'arcnts shomibil rotneuttiet that cures
jumatbo in childhood are spccdy , economical seimmt .
Soid throtighimut ( ho world , Puce , Cv'rnouaa ,
for , ) 'om'.c , itr.suavss'r '
; , ; , l. i'urrmim flouts
SLP ( 'mlEU. ( 'ommr. , Solo l'ropdctmn. , liostoo.
40'110w to Cure SkIn fihiceac. , " mailed re. ,
DA flV' ( fitimm and caip plmtjflcsl smut beautIfied
0111)1 0 by Curmcuzut thuam' . 4ttsolutclylsurc.
females itmitanuy relayed by tba
SIUCV , eicgatmt , and infallible Antimioti ' '
tot'ulmm , ialianmmnatlonammd Wcniancu
the Cut1cur AutI-lsmIu I'lmatcr.
a sR5rT.m 5.
' ' . " ' ' , , . ' . . ' -t _
' - ' '
4tn'I -