( - . - ; _ -c = co- , . - . , . . I , .l i _ . .IN TilE . REAIJI OF SPORTtha - What the , Fol1owers of the ann Are , Engagcd At. . WL1ISPERlGS OF TIE WHIR1INGWIIEELAl - , , nref1 NCWR from Track nnd StabIo-An Old TImerA toiy-Zhe Dog Lw l'R8811 . - . Anlt the Ulu"l : I % 'tckIy Orill ( ' . Fred 10ey , the Amerlc1n trap shot , dlltn't do n thing to the foreign shooters at Monte CMlo last \VeiIneay. In a feld of lUty.m four hoOttii , for a pure of $ ,500 , 10ey came out on top with a clean kill of twentyW ' three bkdl ! . Oalett , the French crack , wa5 second , with a score of twenty. two out of 'twenty.three , The AmerIcan Is way ahead on his trip , and he Is I now the envy of all the celtbrate shots on ths side. The Intense -old of the mat ten days has not been al 'revero' on prairie ( chickens and quail lS would naturally b suppsel ) The fact that there has btn but little snow on , the 10und alone , proved theIr salvaton , howeve : . With a half foot of snow the de- structon to the bIrds woull have ben enor- mous. Such a condiion would have ren- tiered i Imponlblo for them to have Beurel , feed , end this woul have meant death to them hy the wholesale When feed Is obtainable - tamable , the extreme cold Is not nearly so Itetructve , as In this state the cover for the birds In the rIver and creek bottoms and In the denM plum and hazel thIckets , Is I so dense that they can defy the frigIdiy of atmost any blast. One of the old time shoolers , commentIng olt tmo commentng on the Ilardin.Prince bar story of last Sun- day sold Isst evening to a knot of aporta men gathered around the stoVI at the Cross company gun store : "Yes , there use to be tot 0' runny thlng happen In those days , and Ivo got a goo one on the Irrepressible : Colonel Parmolee . One evening In .the sprIng of ' 87 , ot the time of the big tourament here. a lot of us , Including Billy Hughes , , GOoley Druclter , Charlie Dudd , Charlie ; Lane , old man Den and others were con geg3te : In front of Hardin's gun store down on the corner of Thirteenth and Dodge , talk Ing shooting , when Frank-he' had not been I breveted colonel then-stepped up and said : : j ' 1 can b.bbat any man In the state , , twenty.fve pair of live birds , for ea-ea-elgbt hundred dolars I' "Hardin spoke up In jig time , 'You're C my huccberry-step In the store and we'l I pst a forfeIt of $2O with Mr. HUKhes. ' " 'What's that ? ' demanded Parmehee 'What , dld'ye think I said ? ' o 'You said you would bet $800 you could ' bat any man In the state twenty-fvo pain I of live birds , ' answero Hnrdln. ; 'I 'Eight hunlo hells I' ! ejaculate the colonel with acerbity , "I said a-a-a-hundrel i dolars I' U 'Oh ' , a hundred dollars I' ! rejoIned ) Johnny 'Well , that suits me just thin same. ' same. "So they went Inside and posted . $25 each In Charlie Lane's hands as a forfeit for $100 ) to' be shot for under the conditions named I the next Saturday afternon at I o'clock. _ The - day soon came 'round and Hardin , with a i crowd of friends , was on the grounds on time , but no colonel put In an appearance . They , waited Impatiently until 2 , and Frank not showIng up , I told lardln he had beter : take Parmeleo's forfeit and look pleased , but Hardin refused. Ho was In great form I and anxious to shoot , but Frank didn't give him , the chance Hardin waited until 6 o'clock'ln the evening but tIm colonel never materialized , and that Is the history of the only money "splatter" ever gave up wihout ' . a fight. But It I' the gospel , every word oC It. " ' , 'Dt. ' Carver will shoot his third and decidIng - ' . , , log match with Tom Marshall , mayor of Kelhsbur , Ill. , at Hot Springs next Tues day aCternoon. The series of three matches at 100-lIve birds each for $500 a side now ' stands horse and horse. " - - Clark R. Hutton , Paxton's crack field shot : , - , gcs to , the Dg ! Horn basin to SJtto about , the middle , , March Hut says Paxton Is I to quiet for hIm , and he has to mgr : te. i Expect to .ubus on grlzzley bear steak for . , , a year or two , then he will bo right In It. . 'Vei , success , m lad. Remember me wit Ii - , , the pelt or a 1,000-pounder when yoU get one : : and I'l cal It square : Dr. J. O. Caplc of Perclvat was In the T city a' few , days last week He declares there ' ar& more prairIe chicken In his neighborhod ths , ! wInter than he has known there for Ill r- Ueen yes , and claims they have been driven In there by the scarcity of feed In the north , ' . 'and west . p CaptaIn Halkcl , from McPherson county , was In with four carloads of cattle last , Wednesday. lIe told the writer that there had been eight er nine big mountain wclves 'killed near his place within the past two : ' , wE eks. The ranchmen all over the county h are up In arm against the vlc'ous brute .5 -4 and are determlhed to exterminate then Every man carres ! a Winchester , and when they strike a wolf track they follow It up until they get his pllt. One ranchman alone baa lot twenty.elght head of 2 and 3-year-old eteers. Paul Jensen , who Is one of the old scouts of the northwest sandhi country : , ' killed four of these big wolves last weel ( . 'Jensen J& the man who run down end ' Innate , l , a bIg gray last tall . ' - , J' J I What's the mater with Reed ? - Bob Wells says rabt ! hunting near Flo : r- enCO Is , overdone. ' . , - I It , I " currently roportl that Dr. Bryant Is ' : the best quail report\ state ' Isn't It about time for Frank Parmelee to 1 shoot a live-bird match , with some of the blowhards ? ' J , H. Mcronnel and Dr. Galbraith wi Ill Boon sojourn to sunny Florida and will spend a weele at Tampa with their mutual friend , Dr. Conkln , ' catchIng tarpon and sheotng alligators. , We are reliably Informed that Dr. Durrel ( kl l1 a deer with a pickax while on a deer and turkey hunt In Arkansas short Ind Arltnsas I tin te age . Igo.W. W. , J , ln\ylis , the luther of the "Dadger Slide , or Who Killed the Antelope expects to make It unpleasant for the ducks and gees3 In the vicinity of Clarks early pext znqith. ; . . 1'W 1' . P. .Mrlrarlane , the popular pusldent and prize winner ot the lemls Park Gun club , 'i cour UII h1 ! rainmaker and hie hlms\U to the sand his o forth\\'ctern : Ncbraka In early sprIng to kill a few as r- 'k loads of lucks and geese. Did Mac ever tel you hi l'j exuerlence lt hotel DeReshaw on the rerlllonl' ( , . , , - % % . 1 N , Connor , I leadIng dentist of this city , haa recently perfected a turkey call which wi 10 doubt make easy of capture that wary bird , Ills neighbor say It makes a fool of even a domestic bird and that tbey experience i great deal of trouble In roundIng - Ing up thIr fowls after the doctor has been practicing on his invention. Sportsmen de- , llrlnl to examine thl wonderful Instrument may do 10 by calling at Dr. C nnor's omce ) In the Continental hloclt. J. A. Fuler , the famous deer luinter and "I Lbs only lan on record who baa killed Inloe ' - possessing " a beautiful Ilalr of antlers , la making great Preparations for I duck Ind goest' laughter this spring The venerable ) NInrod ! states that the sprIng shooting on the 1'hatte thll yea will surpass that of mlny years ; . For , he argues , there will be In abundance of teed , as the cbrn and graIn ' J crop " 1 so short tn that locality last S ll . localty fal . that In many cases It was not harvested . , ' -1 Henry loman of ths city , who la ac- - , fl'4 knowledgd lu be the champion fleld abet of ' ? \brl.ka , hu , , we are Informed , applied for I I , patent on his new COyote seParator , whlch ' 4 'Judgh1K ' from the model , promises to be grand "Ucces and , v1 no doubt Insure hIm , the , blessings of future generations of sport t5. generatonl 'men. The. purpose of this device aprts- separate the . jack rabbits from the IncreasIng bands of coyotes hi western Nebraika. it in . .Huhan has spared . neither liens nor money I prectl this . uparator a. lbs expe niL - ) ' L . . . . . . fr , , . . , . ' ' . . - . - - / / , . _ _ . _ _ _ 'HE OA , DAILY flit SUNDAY , FEUnU.ARY 10 , 189 . _ 11 _ , enc of hImself And friends has long since proven beyond even the shadow of I doubt that an Invention of this kind would be the only means whereby the festIve Nlmrol' ' mIght once more make a decent bag of etij otes . r"hnlr of his U"U % "Infora Roler Connor's brother Jce has caught on atT Wheelng , Tom York , the veteran , Is to handle the Albanys In the Now York State league. Charlie Dewald has been releaselt by Cleveland and Manager McVittlo Is after McVltto hii m . hIm.T. T. P. Un.terwoolt , who was with the Drook- Iyn National League club last season , has : been forwlttll an Omaha contract . Work on the Charles Street park grandDr stre and will begin next week , A commodious serve department Is to be erected on the ! utl ene of the south wIng , a new reporters' box built amt other needed improvements .m ade . There won't b as much rubber In the Western league bal the coming season as th ere was lut. I Is unneceasary to state that there won't , bo as many home runs , three-bagger cr "charley.horsed" outfeldera In that organization In 1895 .R there was In 18 ! ! . "A grad workman Is known by the ch'ps ' unller hla table , " and a prospective sucesrul base bal season Is foretold . by the number of minor leagues In the fleld . I the minors furnl"h any straw to show what Is In stQre for the magnates , then they can look forward to 1895 with longing 'cyes. The coming sea- son promise to eclipse any season In the matter - - te r of minor leaguC The astern anti West- em leagues head the minor In ! pint of Im- Io rtanc , followed by State , Interstate , Central - tral , Southern , New England and other leagur of smaller caliber. , I When Jack Doyle returned to 10lyoke after the Temple cup series last fall ho placed his bank roll In a national bank. Jack had quie a lively wInter , sporting and elec- toneering , and found It necessary to druw frequent checks. A week or so ago the ca shier sent him word that his account had been overdrawn and requested a aetticinont. The bal player Immediately hlell himself tn the bank and said that was an impossible state or affairs , and produced his check book with tIm triumphant remark : "Why. th ere's thrty.elght or 'em here 1 haven't used yet.-New . York World , Like the pitchers' averagEs , the bar runm nlng fgurea have aroused the critics. They h ave a susp'clous sort of look , crtcs John n. Foster e'aculates : "What's this , Dan Drouth- . er among the OraL twenty ? That puts a bad lok upon nil the statistics. There are too m any Baltimore player too wail advanced In base running percentages to have the fgure look healthy. I strikes I man up a tree that every time a Baltimore player started for second base It ' was counted a , counte 1 stolen base , whether he earned It or not. : Then , too , there may have been a bushel of' ' stolen bases given on bases made from second I to third when the batter rapped cut a base ' hit just as the runner started from first . There are other ways to swell the percentage column than to reed It dry apples and watca' . ' water. One day recently , Ren . recenty says Mulford , Daniel I Drouthtrs , the mayor Wappinger's Falls , whie engaged In a thinking part , had a thought shipped -to Baltimore by canal boat. I wan to the elect that maybe Dn wouldn't play this year. Manager Net Hanlon didn't exclaim : "My stars I What shall we do ? " and then fall In a fit. Not he , He's tea ole I bird. He simply reached Into the 'Vestern league camp and L picked Carey off Milwaukee's fence. Thil I fi rst baseman Is . a Pennsylvania frst baeman lege re cruit who did god work for Milwaukee last L ra ason. lie Is a slx.footer and had a batt'ng 1 average or .364 to his credit. Since his selz- . uro Dan'l has changed his mind and declares he will be ready to take his place In Orioles Hoost when the bell rIng The very players who when In the zenith i of their playing glory use to talk about get tng out or the game and going In other bus ! - , ness about sIgnIng time every year , In order to sque"zo me.o mlary out cf their clubs , are , the very last to get out of harness. Parlsan ! Deb Caruther and Orator James O'Rourke are two cases In sight "Parisian" Bobby , who , by the way , Is of a wealthy and influ : ental family , used to spring the business gag every time alut sIgnIng time , Is now siged to a $700 cctract with the Day CI , ' t eam. TherO was a time 'when ' Bob wanted , .a \ out twce : that much D a bonus for signing a contract. Jim O'Rourke , who used to Nut f raies In salary by his talking use practcing law l , tried his hand at umpiring , and alto : his failure there turned hIs attention to the ' minor league3. Jim Is now atenton head of the Bridgeport ( Conn. ) club. "Many queer storIes have come out of the west , " writes 0 P. Ceylon "but none which stubs the ' toe of credibility so sorely as the ' I statement from Von den Abe that an orthodox I preacher In Missouri umpIred a game of bal I I on Sunday last year. They do things In Missouri which are not hike the customs or other states but when we are told that an orthodox mInister of the gospel umpired a Sunday game of base bal infidelity Is the direct result. To umpire a game of bal even on week days requires an utter dIsregard of a future life , demands I man who believes there Is no damnation save that whIch he fnds on earth , necessitates n familiarity wltl the amenities exchanged on such occa . ion by the man who Is out , but thinks he Is i not , and the man who Issues the edict A , Ilreacher "who would umpire a base bal game on Sunday Is out of his element. Il would be a star among the truck drivers on lower l Droadway. They have unique phachers or rare lars In Missouri. Which ? " , nth the ' 'rotor 111 l'ncors. . ! There are seventy - seven trotters In the 2 :12 : lIst . lst. : Vassar Is counted a sure 2:04 : horse It I nothing happens to him , Deauchamp & Jarvis , the wel known Kansas breeders , have removed from Con- cordia to HeRon . Gould & Mier , Fullerton , Neb. , have sold Fred IC , 2:09 : % . to D. D. Van Dusen , Rich. mondvle , N. Y. Rch- Susie G. 2:1 : % , las a record of slxty.four starts , and In every one of them she has suec ceede In getting part of the money Charley MarvIn's record of 103 horses bent- Ing l 2:03 : and twenty-six In 2:20 : , Including Anon , Sunol and Palo AI\p \ , Is a great one C. Ii. Nelson has great hopes for Edna , 224. ; She Is by Dictator Chief out of the c lam or Nelson. SIte goes at the pace and , can fly at that gait. The Saratoga Winter Trotting and Pacing association will hold its second annual meetIng - log on Woodlawn Oval Ice track on February 5 to 7 , Inclusive l'ebruary Sons and daughters of the dead Electioneer won , $24,172 In purses In America Electoneer year _ Expressive , $ ,100 , and Altvo , $5,232 , were the biggest winr.er8 TIomas : F. ! ier , owner or Shadeland On- ward 2:181 : , wi remove his breeding estab- lshment from Fullerton , Neb , to Wabasha , Ind. , about March I , Jo le , 2:11 : , Is wInterIng finely at Fulton , Mo. Jo wi be on the war path again this year In company wIth some good young ones that Lester SIms Is handling. There was a big rush to get horses registered under the old rules The American - can Trotting Register association receIved about 10,000 applicants durIng December last J.P. Staler , Independence , Ia , who owns Onoqua , 2:11 : : has bought from DrIver John I1s8ey the 1-yean.old fly Dole Louis , by SphInx , dam by Louis Napoleon , and her yearling colt hy Alerton , 209 ; % . Ten of the 5,000 ' stakes offered by O. W , Williams of Galesburg , Ill . , have tIlled. being those for yearlings , 2-year.olds , 2:25 : , 2:20 : and 2:10 : canes , trotting , and 2 yea-olds , 230 ; , 2:20 : , 2:15 : and 2JO : classes , pacing. The fastest dead heat ever trotted was Wl8 made by the chestnut Nightingale and Phoebe Wilkes In 2:12 : In the third heat of the free-for-all at WashIngton . freo-for-al park Chit- cage , August 25 , 18t. The fastest ever paced was the ( heat declared dead between Hqbert J and John R. Gentry In 2:03 : % , In the first beat Df the match race at Nashville , Tenn. , Octt er 1,8 , 189t. Nashvie ' During the season of 1894 the get of Director , 2:17 : , thirteen In number , won $22,180 , of which amount over one-Jlal ) or $11,500 , was won by his greAtest son , Dlrectum , 2:05 : % . One of the get of \Vilkea Boy 2:24. : the 3-ear.old mare , Nule Wlke8 , won $18,000 of the U488 credited to that sire by sixteen performers. Alerton , 2:09w : , Is to be traIned next season with a view to beating the stallion Italon record. Ills ' present record 'u made before ' the pneumatic "ulky came Into use , and if the claim II true thal sIx secoqdl II I I measure of the difference but\en the old and the new style vehicles , \ son of JaJ Bird ought to wipe out Dlrectuui's 2:054 , providing he stands training Ralph Wilkes I. I being Jogged daily this winter , and be will be trained And camS palgntt again next season. James Golden , his trainer , Paid lat rear that I Ralph Wikes would submit to the use of an over. Ilraw check he could trt In 2:05 : or better , The son of Red Wilkes Is now wearIng one , of these appliances wihout fighting I as lie l@elt to do , and hopes are entertained that ho will beat the stallion record of Dlrectum- . Drectum- 2:05-ln : 1895. I I II quito clear at this early date that when the stewards of the grand circuit meet at Rochester next May there are several ' strong aIOclatOns whIch wi apply for ad- mlulon , Saginaw , Mlch , was admitted last year and opened the circuit Grand Rapids now proposes to follow Saginaw , and It Is hopelt that Chicago will take the first week In Ju ly. flat the latest candidate Is the Lansing Driving club , LansIng , MIch , which c.ffrs tr $2 5,000 In stakes and purses. I admitted Ihere will bo four grand . circuit meetings In' Michigan , ' The following Is good , but will It bo en- torcell ? The bill against "rInging" In Mis- , sourl will contain provisIons fcr punish- : m eat as follows : ImprIsonment In the state ' prIson for not less than one year , nor more than three years : or Imprisonment In the county jai of the county In which he Is con. vlctell ten any definite period not less than sino x months or a tIne of nol less than $100 , nor more than $ ,00. Trotting sport In Austria and Germany Is growIng with giant strides. The track at Baden , a three-quarters of an hour'a ride from Vienna , has a fine grandstand which w ill seat 8,000 people , and at one of the m eetings last tngs summer speculation was so lvely In the mutunls that before the clay was over the tickets were exhausted. There are no books antI no pool selling , and all the public betting Is done by the mutuals. The twjt meetings last made ' meetngs year a Profit of $60.000. and the management will otter In 1895 $250,000 In staltes and wi . orer 11.110 tim fqullrld - Clrclo. Cal McCarthy w1 meet Joe CraIg In a te n-round bout In Jersey City February 28. Jake Klraln and Peter Maher wi meet In an elght.round at Boston go on March 27. Oeorge I.a Blanche , "The Marine , " Is out wIth a challenge to fight any middleweight In the world The proposed bout between Soby Smith and Soly Smih Johnny , the Kentucky Rosebud . hl been de cared off . Owen Zeigler and Jack Henley have ben matched to fight ten rounds In Philadelphia o n FrIday , February 8. Joe Butler of Philadelphia , who whipped Frank Craig , the Coffee Cooler Is anxous : to go abroad and fght him again . . The "future of the ring" so glibly discussed I by Jim Corbett will bo brighter when he 1 betakes himself out of it-New York Press. Frank Erne of Buffalo and Jerry Marshal - s hall have been matched to fight six rounds I before the New Manhattan Athletc : club , New York , February 12. SlavIn has gone to pot In London since hIs 1 deet by Jim hall . He 18 Impecunious , and , what Is worse still , badly wrecked phy- si cally. I this Is true the Cooler may do ' h im. . Joe Lennon and Peter Maher are going to ' meet In lImited-round a Imled.round bout In Boston some 1 tmo this month. The battle wIll be at catch weights , and will bo probably for ten ' rounds. ' "Young" Heenan and Jimmy Kavency of Dos ton , Mass. , have been matched to fight ten rounds at 14 pounds before the Farragut A thletic club of Boston on Thursday , February - ruary 1. hlughey O'Neill , the New York . Huphey O'Nei fether- weight boxer , wants to fight a lmied-round I or finish contest with Marty Mcue. O'Nel oters to bet 1cCue $500 that he can beat h Im. Im.A - A fight to I fnsh ! has been arrange bake take place In prIvate durIng the month of Februar between Eddie Connel of Jersey Ciy and DIcky Connors. The fight will be for a purse of $300 , and two-ounce gloves w ill b used. ' . Sam Fitzpatrick , manager and backer of t ! "Kid" Lavigne , Is going to make another at - tempt to match his man against George John ; son of England. Sam says that ho has , been assured by two well known sportsmen I of England that If Johnson agrees to fght L.I L. Lavigne they will see that a nice purse Is hung up for a contest. Dick More Is going .to try It again , and Is matche t clash with Tom McCarthy , Deb FitzsImmons' ex-sparring p rt r. They art 3 to meet at Woburn , Mass. , February 21. are That will be a rattling glove contest at L S lum's ball , South Omaha , next Thursday nght ! , February 14. Fred O'Nei. the clever l ocal feather , Is to go lp against George Stout of Sioux City for stakes amounting to : t $ 200. Stout Is certainlY a skillful man , and II I as spry and hard-hitting as O'Nei Is he wi I have to huste to retaIn his laurels. The afair Is for bleed , and one of the most in - terestng : contests ever witnessed In this seton may b counted upon. Tickets can b e had at Ed Rothery's place and at Pat O'Hern's , Ed Miller's and Pat Horrigan's After Ihushman' c.slp. Floyd Harhman Is hereby challenged to wreste a side hold match for $200 a side and ' the championship of Nebraska , the match to bo the best three In five , hip or shoulder to constitute n fall , the wrestle to take place wIthin three weeks after signing arleles ! , at Nebraska City , Omaha or Lincoln. Should Floyd Hnlhman wish to accept this chal- lenge l he may notify me through The Dee which place he my choose for the match : he may also chose what bank he may wish to hold contract and forfeit , and through any n otIce frcm him I will forward $100 as a for- feit , Including a contract to bo sIgned 10p- Ing l to hear from Floyd Harshman son , 1 am y ours truly , JOHN GOSNEY , Denkelman , Neb The Dog Law i'iiMCs. The bill making the dog personal property In i Nebraska passed , much to the elation of sportsmen and doggy men. I wi not be such a funny thing to walk off wIth n man's dog nowadays. I means petit or grand lar- ceny , as the case may be - - . 'Vhllporln1 of tim Wheel. St. Joseph , Mo. , las a new club In the Milo Whieelmen. Bald , Macdonald and Sims will constitute the Columbia team Nell Materson and Chris Neison , the Aus. tralan Eulers , have taken to bIcycling. Marinete , \Vis. , promises fifty new league members If the divIsion meet Is held thero. Four men will constitute the Splldlng tEam , but the last man bas not yet been selected At hustling and general activIty John S. Johnson . Is the champion athclete of the world. The .Calfornla r9ads are s bad now that It requires fifteen hours to complete a cen- tury. tury.Druce Bruce has decide not to start out on a hunt for Lenz. It Is said his backers didn't came to time . Diy Murphy of Brooklyn Is the latest can- didate for the positIon cf ofcial referee of the League of AmerIcan Wheelmen. Chairman Raymond says that all ohelmen seeking reinstatement must file their ap- plcatons with him not later than February - ary 15. Ils sid that the mother ef Frank O. Lens , the missing world girder , will receIve . $0.00 Insurance when the fact of her son'8 death I I established. T , W. Eck hu signed I contract to con- tnue as trainer for the Stearns team this summer John S. Johnson wIll remain In this , country and rIde In chase D. Walter , the long distance rider , Is now training for an attempt to lower the outdoor twenty.four.hour record. lie already holds ! the Indoor record I The match race between 'ournler , the 1 champion cyclEt of France , and Ponte chl , the fastest racing man In Italy , will take I place In ParIs 01 February 15. The officials of the League of American I Wheel men are talking of instituting proceed. . proee- Ing agalnlt the owners of tie Indiana pike I roads who are imposing excessive charges or I bicycle rider. 01 I I laid that the League of American I Wheelmen will gtve each dlvllon rAcing board chaIrman power to appoint one or two I dIvisiOn referees , ale ng them no salary , , but provIding .tlem with expense money , Several of the gravel road companies of r northern Indiana have issued notices that at I cyclists traveling over their roads will hero al after be charge 1 cent I tulle toll. EvIdenty , the hoosiers haven't rEad the decision In the Heading , Pa. , case. M. J. Fleck , the Louisville cyclist , la tryIng - big to arrange a southern racing circuit , to comprise the following cities : Jacksolvle I . Saannah , Charleston , .Aulll , Macon Co lumbus , Montgomery , DlrnHI"ham , Chta- n oega , Knoxvie , Memphlsshvle and L ouisville. Luisie. The last number of tllo J4rI1rIcan { Cyclft ha 1n editorial discussing he tendency of ad\-ertsers toward the use of cuts reprep a entlng women cyclists attired In long stockIngs - I Ings l and short trousers , q..4 pIckcrbockers. I , I 18 a t'mely wanIng agaln , t\be \ Increasing practce , whIch , If contInUtttawIhi ! , as the 'Am rlcn Cyclist says , do far more harm than glI Another unseemly practIce Is that of women ridIng wheels whIcsre made for men A woman who cannot Wro a bicycle mace for her sex halt better not rIde at all- at lEast not In . , , publc. . t JI Questions nlt .ns'1rl. OMAHA , Fob S.-To thus Sportng Editor of The Dee : Please answer the fohlow'ng In Sunday's Bee to decide a bet : In n game of cribbage , A plays the seven , D plays the e eight , makes fHeen.two : 0 plays the nine , make twenty.four , with a run of three : D play" th ! Coven , makes thlrtono , and claims run of three : A claims thlt D Is not entItled to t the run Who Is rlght-J , D. Rnehart , Subscriber. Ans.-D. WACO , Neb " Feb. 7.-To the Sporting Ed- ! Ior i cf The lee : In your sporting c llnns of next Sunday's Dee please tell how to loath nitro powder wIth the best results , and , greatly pbiige.-Spontsman. Ans.-E'ther Parmelee or the Cross gun store wli rand you pamphlets giving direc- tons for the leading of nitros . WrIte theni ASHTON , Nab , Feb. 4.-To the Sporting Editor or The Dee : In A game of double gme high five Is the party who name the trump compelled to lead trump or can he play any card he pleases ? Please answer In next Sun- day's' Dee and obhIge.-C . C. C. Ans.-Any card he pleases , OMAHA , Feb. 8.-To the Sporting Editor of The Dee : To settle a bet please state In ' Suhtlay'a Dee the coldest snap we had In Omaha In the last twelve years. How many degreet b low zero-A Del Header. ' . Ans.-Drep Signal Observer Welsh a cud. lie wll supply you with the correct figures . I FREMONT I eb. 8.-To the Sporting liii. Itor or The Dee : In the next Issue of your ! paper will you please answer the following questens : . ( ( ) Did J. S. Johnson ever beat J. Doncghue skating ? (2) ( ) I so , where and ther : respectIve time , (3) ( ) age and nationality or each ? -A Reader. Ans.- ( ( ) Yes. (2) ( ) At Newberg . In veral heat races-don't know time. (2) ( ) Johnsln , Swede , 22 ; Donaghue , Irlsh.Amerlcan , 27. PAPILLION , Feb. 9.-To the Sporting Editor . Itor or The Dee : A and D sit In a game of Iloker : A opens with two pair , sevens and eights ; D conies In , holding jack of diamonds , queen and king or clubs , draw ace of hearts , . and deuce of diamonds ; A draws tray or spadee How docs D win , or does he net ? I there any rule by whIch he ( D ) can take the pot ? (2) ( ) C and D same ; C opens with two pair , fives and sixes ; D comes In , holding nine of hearts , ten and jack of diamonds , queen of spades and k'Jg ' of , , club , draws no cards ; C draws , one card , tray of spades. Who wins the pot ? F. II. D. Ans.- ( ( ) D has . no claim whatever on the pot on the merlts of this , hands. (2) ( ) I playIng . Ing straights , D wins. EWING , Feb 2.-To the Sporting Editor of The Bee : Is It possible for three kings In the center cf a checker board to beat two kIngs , one In each double corer ? I mean I no urors are made In moving the two ' klngs.-J. W. E. .J" , An , -I Is. 1 A' , HUMBOLDT , Neb" , Feb. 8.4-To the Sport- Ing Efiltor of The lIce : JpcaM answer the following ! In next Sundy'l lisper : In n game of high five , the bidder bus fourteen , has he Ule right to dscard ! the dtdceUtray and fcur And I so , what Is low-A . RMder. Ans-l ( ) He' has. (2) ) T c rve. OMAHA Feb. , 4.-To , the " , , I orUng Editor ' oC The Dee : 1 noticed In 4t'pnlay's Dee of the I 3d Inst. I note from $ prty regardIng : distemper In dogs , EIe ! 1eir ago I had I I fine setter pup that hd .tp distemper so bad that his eyes turneditjcoior ! ) of m'lk , , ant I thought we would lose him , or that he : ; would lose his . , sight. h'WII In the same shape as the party that'wtte. , you regarding ; the disease ; that is . 1 cald-mot learn what to do for the dog , but frall 1de , up my r mind to dolwhat I. couldtD1eleve hIm or kill him. Iwet to adhlgstCs and bough a dime's worth of ompounc cathartic pIlls , I gave him , I think , three at a dose. I may have repated the' dose'or two' pls. Anyway . they acted on"hlm as they would on I parson , and Inside of a few days he regained his I appetite and by 'he end of a week hil eyes I turned their natural colOf. I am satisfied that as 'soon as you get the bowels to working the distemper Is broken. The pills can do no harm.-Joseph Alien . . _ - - THE NEW CLIFF HOUSE Coste to De Uult 01 the nocks ot tbo' told Gate A castle In French or Norman Gothic style , wIth : rather more elaborate detail than Is customary In buildings of that design , Is to be erected on the alto of the old Cliff house says the San Francisco Examiner. The plain , square , wooden building which was a landmark , succumbed to the flames on the evening of Christmas day , and nothing but memories of the familiar place were left. Its successor wi be a much more Imposing modern structure , but I will lack those memorIes which hovered around the simple house on the edge of th9 qcean. Adolph Sutro has decided upon thin form and arrangement of the hew building. The building Is to cost In round figures $50,000. I will be built entirely of wood , as no other material Is so well calculated to withstand the corrosive erect of the salt sea air I will be 10 feet In length from cast to west and nInety-two feet from north to south Unhiko the old building , It' ' will project forever over the edge of the clll ' The main part will be toward the east. lacing on Point Lobos ayenuo The other three parts will bo characterized by being virtually alconles projecting \ from each of thin four storIes. The French character of the building will bo displayed principally In the main part and the round Norman towers wIth theIr conical and pyramidal spIres. The detail of ornamentation will be essen- taly French Two of the stories wi be above the street level and two below I on the slopIng taco of the clIffs. Thin clls. verandas on the ocean side will all bo twenty feet wide , those on the north and south end anti on the east side oJ tint building each sixteen feet In width. The four corners of the building wIlt be circular anti crowned with steeples , each fitted with rooms reached by passage In the atc floor . The atc wIll have two floors. Tile parlor , main dining room and foors. room wi bo provided with handsome open fireplaces. A large square tower will rise from the center of the building , crowned with a steeple , and a fine roOm will be I fno wi provided In the upper portion of the tower. The exterior or ( the I room Is to be orhamentd with : colonnades and arches. This room wi be used for an dli. ' servatory , and will present ' one of the finest ' fnest possible marine views of Iho'Paclflc. ' ' From the balconies thin fresh : sea breeze ' can be enjoyed , while the bdBIclng seals wIll I afford dIversion for many. I 'Thoee ' who so , desire may cast a line 'teeM the balconies , and the new Cliff house 'lwJI ) 'unquestionably i be a great gathering Plscelfort' n Franciscans I and vIsitor from every ctnet. . clne. A JonIClt1 ; 0111100 , Student of the myste1qu , who Imagine I that hypnotism may be iised \ , , to make crImInals - ' male of persons who Irq , r.ealy , Innocent , , : should Investigate the , " . , of Edgar Del Ir I against the cfS" commonweal of Kentucky , now : In the curt of appeals , ln'I'rankfort. , The i appellant , Edgar Del , ls'a.pegno , convicted I of murder , and In his behat l ! , there has been filed at the clerk's office tot bE court of appeals - peals a "hociloo bag , " whic contains dice , a rabbit' foot and several ' other t articles supposed - posed to be potent as charms. Bell's claim Is I that he was hooooed b ) lila ( bag , antI that . under tbe circumstances It was limply Impossible - possible for him to do anythIng elite than I commit the murder for which he Is now In I the law'a clutches. To the insanity and hyp- notsm plea , Is now added . the 10oo defense . Cook's Imperial " 'Vurld's fair "hIghest award , excellent champagn : good efferves - cence , agreeable bouquet , _ delicious . favor , " Chicago Trlblne : Mr McSwat went home , late from a club dinner the other night , and In his haste he forgot to remove hil gkveR when ho went to bed. About 3 I ' o'clok a m. be aroused Jrs cSwat wilt the n agonizing cry : cr "L.obellai I Lblul I believe on my soul I 1'1 getting palyzed I There Isn't u bit of feelni In I ) bandsl" . - ( wsqI' AllUT ( .URN , I understand thnt his holiness Leo XU I. IYI a wrier In Chicago Vanity Fair , has turnelt toward Omaha the radiance of his fltherly countenance and blessed It In the peron of one of Its bet and most generously Inelntt i , citizens , Mr. John A. Creljhton ; a a result , America has resul Americ one more genluno tlO- bleman wIthin its borders , 1 count of the Roman reighton empire , 1 Signor Conto Ovannl I am lure I am delighted to see added OM moro illustrIous name In thIs Libra 1"Oro , that includes already Due Pullman , MarquIs Murphy CountOnahan and a few moro of the seine excellent merit . I Is decidedly true t that If wo are to have a titled oris- tcracy of our own , Mr. Creighon Is un- I'oubtedly ' one of the most desirable men to figure In Its ranks , and his benefactions have been so lavish that the reward 18 , after all , tut of proporton to the capital donated or Investe. i That reminds mo that wo arc al- Ways making fun-In those papers that con- eider mother-In.law jokes anti the 1 brl- Innt h wit-of the ' * achilty with ! titles are bought "over the counter" In old no- bully-ridden Europe. : I 11lt not notice a repetition of the said venerable joke when Conte Creighton was promoted to an cmpty peerage of the vanished Homan empire , which prwves once more that thnJ are always two ways or looking nt things. "I was recently introduced , " said Albert I. Steele of Portanll , Ore. , to the Chicago ' Times , "to a legislator who , I believe , hs the record for making the longest contnuou3 speech over delivered. lie Is a member or the legislature of British : Columbia , In whIch there Is no euch thing as senatorial courtesy , so that a long spanker cannot get a few mm- utes' rest for refreshments as he generally can In the upper house of this cOlntr ) The record breaker , who Is of rench descent. Is an old college athlete , and on one occasion last gcslon ho was put up by the opposition to talk a bill to dbathi. The majority saw through the device nt once anti put every obstacle - staclo In tInt way oC the speaker "Not deterred by objections noel points o't ( order , the ell athlete husbanded his strength antI sole steadily , without any touper pauses than were necessary to moisten his p3ch ll throat with In occasional Innocent drink , twice around the clock . lie started at 10 o'clock 'n the morning , kept steadily nt his work all the afternoon , evening anti night , and did not even pause when the lights were turned out the following morning Eye wit- . ncsses tel mo that as the morning wore on his voice was little more than a whisper antI his eyes were bloodshot 10 bore up manfully . fully , however . anti Ild not sit down till the clock struck 12 , when the bi became dead by lapse of time , and ho secured a respite , which was well carne , even I his cause was not a very noble one. lie speaks of his twenty- slx.hour effort with a shuldor , antI says ho would rather walk 100 miles than go through the ordeal again. . " When Secretary of the Navy Herbert war a confederate colonel his life was saved at lre the bate of Seven Pines Iy a Maine soldier , who prevented a comrade from running his bayonet through the Alabama officer , who had been wounded. When Mr. herbert was a member of congress he endeavored unsuccess- fully to learn from the Maine delegation the name of his preserver After he became secretary - retary of the navy he received a letter from California asking If he was the Colonel Herbert . bert captured at the battle of Seven Ptnes The wrier was Jonathan Ne'come , and hE state that he was one of the Maine soldiers ' who had participated In the capture Some time . after this the secretary went to Call- fornia and there met the Maine soldier , bul It was not the man who had saved his life. His prEerver , the sergennt had been killed at Gettysburg. Ho was deprived or the Opt prtunlty of showing his gratitude to the , principal , but he ( lid the next best thing by extending It to one survivor. The man was a ship calker , out of work , , and the secretary suspended the civil service rules long enough to give this man work In the yard , and he gave directions that lS long as there was a shIp or boat tn the navy yard to be calked the old Maine soldier should have worle. , When the term of Senator Manderson of Nebraska expires , , says the Philadelphia Press , the senate will not only lose an' orator of more than ordinary ability , but also a superior entertatner. No other man In lblc life can manipulate a chafing dish and get so much good cheer out of It as Senator"Man- 'clenebn . One afternbon recently I prominent cItIzen of Philadelphia was In the 'marble ctzen room of the senate , chatting with a newspaper - paper correspondent , when ho expressed a desire to see Senator Hawley of Connecticut. The younger man Immediately started out to : find Senator Hawley and located him In the senate restaurant at a table where Senator ' Manderson was preparing a royal oyster stew Senator Hawley said : "Please tel my friend that I will come to him as _ soon _ ls possible , but that I cannot get away from 11anderson's until 1 have had oysters. " chafing dish unt my oyster. When this message was delivered the Phia- delphian smiled and said he knew how captivating - vatng Manderson always Is and particularly when he Is handling a chafing dish , and so over. ho cheerfully waited until the Ito feast was The heIrs of the late Benjamin F. Butler are to establish In New Mexico the largest sanitarium for consumptves In the country , and moreover , It Is to be free. I will b In readiness In I feW months. The general left an interesting family , the members of whIch arc held In the highest esteem by the people of Lowell , Mass. The eldest son died very suddenly while on a yachting trip. That was some years ago , before yachting had Its present vogue , and when the good ship America was the king pin among yachts. General Butler felt the loss of this son Iteen- Iy. The young man had finished his course as a cadet at 'Vest Point , we believe. An- other son Is Paul , who bas won many lau- rels as I canoeist. One or , , the most unas- : sumlng men , he has a heart lS big as his bead Is sensible. The daughter , probably the I most popular young woman In Lowell at the time , married General Ames , . who was lieutenant . tenant governor of Mississippi In reconstruc- ton da YI. Count Castelane , the dainty little French- man who Is rumored to bo engaged , to Miss Anna Gould , Is a far better catch than most members of the "effete aristocracy" of Europe. In appearance he Is the Ideal fairy prince of the pantomime , slender , graceful , straight as a reed , blond as a Norwegian , with a pink and white complexIon. lie Is young and an athlete , bear a line old French name , and has enough money to satisfy any French girl that he was a desirable part cr , for that mater , most AmerIcan girls , considerIng I title Is thrown in He dresses well , rides like graduates of St. Cyr always ride , and "dances like an angel , " according to those lucky damsels who lead cotlons wIth hIm , and flirts In a manner whIch even cornea up to the approval of the American girl lIe speaks very little , but very piquant , EnglIsh , but he "makes himself understand , " as he himself says , with extraordinary success . Tim pretty and accomplished wIfe of Congressman - gressman Bryan did not accompany hIm dur- lug the short term , says a Washington cor- rcspondent. Mr. , ryan's devotion to his wife anti her affection for hIm Is I mater of comment - ment In congressIonal cIrcles , so everybody laughed and thought I a good joke on the member from the First Nebraska district when It was rumored the other day that he had received a letter from his wife Inclosing a fine portrait of JQlm M. Thurton , senator- elect from Nebraska , against whom Mr. Bryan made thin race as the candidate date of the fusion party , The portrait was arranged In the form of a badge , and on I were written these signIfIcant words , In Mrs. Dryan's handwriting : " \Vorn by your wife. " Mrs. Bryan was one of the committee which luprlntended the public reception of Mr. Thurston at LIncoln. The receipt of the let- amusement ter seemed to afford Mr. Bryan considerable ' There Is a pretty story connected wIth the I courtship and marriage of Speaker Crisp I and his wife I seems that when the i then young Charlie Crisp came a-wooing : daughter of a wealthy and aristocratic : southern planter her father thought she 1 should look higher , forgetting that "Iovo , , like death , levels all ranks , and lays the ; shepherd's crook beside the scepter , " lie . forbade young CrIsp the house , and sent the young lady out of the way , traveling , thinkIng - log that absence would break the bond . Thereupon the young man fell 1 of typhoid fever , and his sweetheart , hearing of his illness , returned suddenly and married hIm , nursed him back to life and health , coaxed i her father Into a good humor and got his blessing , "and they lIved happIly ever after. . " A great deal of Champ Clark's Interebt L In life la centered In his boy , who is nou r 8 years old , The congressman ha an en . - - . "rho aialirat , blt'L seeks et Steal of U. esen. . " Yontig Man Take a Hint. Don' be afraki to start lii at the b3tt.ohn. Doit'L . thitik ' luwo " anti " 'Oft lutist everything "spit span"vhoul , . 3'Otl hnarr , % ' anti ott1u ilown.Vo can glvo yon a . snug lLttle IIOthSOkCOpIhig Outfit For very mniusli ittflOhfl % . ' - -and then We don'L want the mooney ether ( , YOu ca ' I PRY for 11. gritdltlafly. WIth a lttt.lo home , iartly fl1or1 atut Uttlo s1fo well willed , " you n'o on limo high _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ronil to succose. , - - - - Secret ! Betvccn Mrs. A and Mrs. B. Mrs. A--Oh a'lhnt loit have I str'pt'lsod - , a lovely : : yOU , ahu really : to ccc you are no bentutiftilly ftLt'ntshtetl , Mi's , I3.-Yes , we have a very itico 1:0100 , and area over so lirtppy , now 4 that we at'o hOlIC0lCeetlhlg nod so colntOrtabl3' attiliLteti. ? it8. ' , . . -1Iov catitel you afford to furnish so ltlXtll'tOtIltly % "Ioll : yolIr linaband makes oniy about half as lntlch BahLIr % ' aa my huab.tntl. I can't ' iiffot'dl It , Mh's. 13.-i know 1113' husband nuitces rovy little salary , but wo Ihavo leitened a secret , ' Ilm's , A.-V1tntl A Sceal'ct ? l'rny , tcfl It to ma , as I cuil aiitous to learsi anything to bettor out' sut'rohidlhsgs % atstl ftii'itlsh what we siecti te complete ( liii' initue , ' It's , -'fiie , Scch'et Is this : liVe bud 0111' otittro liotise fIih'h3IalU3 ( Ohs the Now l'arttat l'ayinont , PlaIt by 'I'lL l 1EtL'1I.'S F'Ilt'nlturn & Carpet Co. 'rIta greatest house t'1tirnlsliurs in the vest , \Vo paId theIst 1U.09 dovn itnil it'om 8l,00 to It.6t ) per veok , as wo can e.tTontl , Tloy : tie not charge 118 Lhht Interest , atitl thu pilcics nro loweti' thnti two can buy also- whero. This Is out' Secret nod thu wily we ticcoinpilalt s'liat ntiiut'wlso would lmt'o been au ihnpOsStbtllty. Go anti suit for yOtIescif and be con- 'Iiccd- flomnembor , we give you the BEST of orot'ythlmig- 4 Best iii valne. Best in service. Best in terms . Also rotnoinbor hint gees : "oro never 80 CIIE.Sl' as NOV , anti tlhtt lloy cannot possibly ho ehoapoh' . , OUR TERMS CASH Or , hiohied clown ore as follows , noel it is alt % vtrhht , of geol , ht per iceehel tr 554 tier scion hI , , tint teiisiio tAt tI't which luau YOU titiolit , wnrthr of , tSL.IO ; ftr WOCIC only ono timing bu retire of , our eeiis geode urn I' h I % v' rr.ut cI , both toe to nual I ty t , $11.00 it Itinlitli. atiti value , Our saiosiiien are courteous. wortit of gentle , 3 pete U oekl Or t8 00 ii tisotith , our siiiptiiefltS nro prormilit , otid . ivortli of goods , 02.110 I'm' wcnI Iitr'iIl'edc , tie t Iiur'IItgliPy Phiroetii , tt't. ' Either vu : : nity cash or accolit. our easy Or tthO tier itiotithi. hiaYuieIIt oluit : worni of gooths , as : ; Per w'ck ; Or 5512 ; srr such tit I2fl worth or g000s , : h.au per week 1'ItIST-t % hthr Cash. SECQSD-Vitli ( 'r l4 , or mitomith 810S0 svorth of good. , $4 nor Wo.'k Casht , much , Or $111 or iii'iithi iart sttii so var month teonthi of gooeh" , $ .vr Weeki 'rlIIltt-.VItit hart criIi intO so or fs2 ( ) , or misi'iitl ' : . 2flO worth of go ott' , MO lt'r aseaki much per avce1c , Or 25 l' " iflOlitti , Scud 1Oo or Otir Mansinotli Illustrttud Catalogue , OJ'eL Safurdtty Eveuii's Until .ro O'clock , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , . , t -4 44 ' 4 ju.NIPJiIt Is being tisol by thiottteaiicis of Indies monthly. It Is tint c.roii , . niirniect : hatty's Cr eiiil IC irrgnlir : Cmiii any cause , It is sate and rehiabte. never falls , giutrantee with every botth , , euro to ii clay. Thin medicine Is tar superior to plus Its uvery bottle Issealed anti never loses its strength , Std ty 511 tei'iiii dniedsts. , , I'rkco , * 2.uO per bottle. If your druggist does not have ii , eoa.1 $ . ! .Oi aad wo avilt forwarl you a bottle by express ' - CAMOLE JUNIPER CD , Western Oflico. Omaha , Nebraska , dowment Insurance policy of $10,000 which fails clue on the day the boy attains his ma- jonity. "I intend to give that money to him " says Champ , "and start him around the world. He shall never go to school a day until lie Is old enough and advanced enough to enter the junIor clans of the best college in America. I used to be a school teacher , and I hail teach him all I know. " Senator Squire ofWashthngton is the sar- tonal wonder of congress. No other man in either house enchants the galleries with such a continuous succession of brilliant and unheard - heard of effects In dress. One day it is a red tie and wIdth vest , another it Is striped trousers of striking hues , another it Is patent leather shoes of resplendent polls1 : . But the 'most eftecthvo combination Is a lemon colored - ored vest. of tremendous expanse , setting off a bright blue tie and a strIped shirt. Favecl his ititnip. lie slowly appropchied this stamp clerk's window at the postofflce , with a letter In his hand , and said : "Do you trust ? " "Not in any one on earth , " replied thio clerk , "If I should frank this envelope , seine as congressmen , would It go ? " "No , air. " "Isn't this government a paternal cnn , and willing to furnish : a stamp to a needy person , and collect later on ? " "No , sir. "Btit there must be a way I can send Ibis letter \Vashington7" "Yes ; post It without a stamp , and It will go to time death letter olhlce there. " "Ahl I see. It's to a friend of mine in that same omen , and , of course , hio'hl get it. 'Souse me , sIr , but I'ni a bit. off this niorn- ing , and not as clear headed as I ought it , You have saved me a stamp , sir-a 2-cent stamp-and I feel grateful , nail will always remember you , That's the way , of course , and hero shut goes.'hiat could I uiave been thinking of to stanip a letter going to thio dead letter olilce ? " sio.oo for au Ides. ThIs is the biggest price ever offered for a 3atch line or heading for an advertIsement. Hayden Bros. avill give a choice of several first class pianos worth : 300.00 each for the head line sdoptd and in addition will give orders on their music department for $50.00 worth of music for the next five best idea , , according to merit. To secure an absolutely ImpartIal decision applicants are requested to sign in number only and to mali corresponding number with name md address to The hiee allIes , where it will remain untIl after the award is made. The right Is reserved to use any head llame once. The following are the facts t be silver- tised : hayden Bros. of Omaha as the only firm in the world showing a contiete line of tIle Instruments manufactured by thto five most renowned piano makers on earth , hay. den Bros. are not tIed up with red tape resinic- tions like regular selling agents , but are free to make the loweat prices ever heard of. hayden Bros. put special sereesa on tint Steinway and Vose pianos because they have a hanger line in stock and can buy them cheaper than any other makes of equal repu. tation. 1)0 not be misled by arty one claim- lag this sole agency , hayden Bros. have them direct from the factory' as well as from tue Max Meyer & Bro , Ca , etocic. Music trade papers are saying iianos cannot be sold in a department store , but sensible people who do not care to be hoodwinked by silly frills are not. so notional and tii beit proof of this Is that hayden Bros. sold more pianos , organs and musical Instruments In one week titan any five music stores west 01 Chicago have sold In slx.monlhs. The musIc tflde papers say this Innovation will be watched with unusual interest sad hlaydee Bees , propose to keep them gUeint. DOCTOR SEARLES & SEALES. - Chronic , . Nctvoiis 'C , 1s Privath I ti Diseases , TIIL'ATMENT IIV MAIl. . Consuitatiomi Eree. Wo cure Oatarrh , all cIiseas3s of the Nos , Throat , Chest , Stomach , Liver , Blood , Skin and Kidney Diseases , F - male Wetakuosoos , Lost lYlanisood , and. ALL PRiVATE DISEASES OF MEN. \VlOjtIC MEN AllIS VICTIMS TO 1UCRVOU Debility or , , Exhiauethomi. Waiting Weakness , La voluntary Losses , with Early Decay In young and inidlis &ed ; lack of vim , vigor andwoalcenet prematureiy in approaching old age. All ValId r * adhlr tea rut new treatment for lou of vital pO'ver , Cait or or address wills stamp for dr. cutars , frt book sf4 reo'ilptl. ' D r iaar1t'e 'intl nislse 1410 ICiLnsinnz , UUU.I&tSJ Ui4 IitdI&Li.1J1 Otiinhia Neb . "Howdy , Stranger ! " Is the Texas Welcome Texas will say "Howdy" to you , If you will run down and lve her hospitable ciIIzee half chamice to get acquainted with you , i Besides being ii pleasant place to visit , i doer not take a back stat as a averilthi producer. On the Quit Coast of Texas may be found big attractions fur homneseekei'a , ; 20 acres of lands ' plaiited In hears , nets owner $6,000 ycaily , Cheap rates in effect during winter rnoqthis. . Now is the tittie eo go. Ccii on on address B , Ii , , Painier , 1' , A. . Renta Fe route , Omaha , for ix- cursion mice and tree copy of Coast C000tiZ folder. 1 ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4 DR. ' C. GEE WO. . l _ WHOISHE ! his ii one of Iii. most skillful of Chinese dcc. tore , becau.e of his great , knowledge and cures. ' . ( laying been sight years In the mnidiCai ceilega od . - China ha understands the , Imziedhohe action of oven' f,000 re.nedlceVlth four. . teen years of erectics anV. . . over four years of thiat ( hats In Omaha ha. given . hIm a reputation bacleeti p b thiouunda of t.sth- Li ucntiels , in vunln hl\'IORZ dseiIIei Ore Wo guaranters a cure in rainy cues en tha , money will I. , rctiincl.4. CvneUlti'tiQU free. ent I , Iwo.cnnt stamp fur book and question blanks. flr , C. Gao. Wo , 510I't8thSt.OnaImnNob , , Pi EIIO1'S BfO1Ro61Tg.'I 'I fpiandtil crsttu. pi .nt for ) Oqrsou or ti JiaMd..ih. , israle yzitsutttoa , tltssp2fteOWd , . .psctah or gan.rI ii.ur.Igisiieu for fitte B mett.ui , clout , ) Udnsy tilQrdr $ , Acid V ; ' .p.l , AnammIa , Antidot. for .51 n4otb.niac.ucs , 'niceZ0iaad5Qosati , aft.rve.et. THE ARNOLD CHEMICAL CO. sill LWs'Irn Cp."n CHIDAQa icr sal. by alt diugghits , ' 4 : 11' . - ' ' . ; , , . , * , , , * , - . ( . _ . . v , k : * i , * 11'N'