- , - , . - . . . . . . . . . . . . , - . . . . . . . . + 4 + * 244 444 Z , 1 , . - .eMI..tH. " ' C..ff.f.UU..of4l. T0 ' . 5 ' B "i L ! PAGES 1 TO 8. ] T' _ = : HMJ . THE MAHA . , . , UN DAY BE. - = . - . . . . . . , , , , I ' . , t : . : ' : r , FSTAJ3LISIIED JUNE 19 , 1871. OMAILA . , SUNDAY ] IORNIG , PBI1TT&LLY ,1 , 10 , 189 - r"rENrrY P.A.GES. SINGLE - COpy FIVE CEN rs. _ SAILING DEEP 'VATER ' . . Bo8ehcry's Goverment Feels it is Clear of Sboals for the Time , UNIONISTS NOT INCNED TO CROWD IT , Laboucbero and Duke Unable to Gain Many I Mherents t Their Schsm , GROUND GIVING WAY BENEATH IEALY , TimotbY'R ' Peculiar Political Methods Hove Lcd t Ills Temporary Dcwnfnl , SOCIAL AMBITION OF A COUNTESS CLIPPED . 31IUrc or 'Vnr\'lck CatIe IntclIC1 ] \ lug IOYlly nt 1r Great Unl hut the l'rlnc 1 or " 'IICK Objected nll Interfered. ( Copytlhtll lS9 b ) ' PrF9 Publ9hln CmpRn ) ' . ) LONDON , Feb. D.-New ( York World Cable.-Spectal Telegram.-'fht ) government , having survived the divisIon on the unionist amendment on the unemployed problem to . the Queen's speech there I now little prospect . pect or an Immediate dissolution. In fact , the liberals are beginnIng to predict that the . prcsent scsslon will run Its normal length - . end dissolution will be postponed until next 6prng. : The unlenlsts say that they don't want a general election before Easter , which Is proved ' by the fact that they refrained from forcing a division on the unemployed nmenllment on Thursday night , when the government , owing to accidental absences , fbuM have been beaten by two v tes. Red- mend will resume the debate Monday morn- lng , moving an amendment calling for Inltant I Ilssohlton on home rule , but , though he has .t drafted his proposal to suit 'Ule unionists , * there Is no chance of Is being carried. The efforts of Lbouchere and Duke . on the otber hand , to induce radical secessions have been so far fruitess , though they count . on upsetting the government by surprise ' . before the Eellon Is much advanced. .I HOW HEALY FELL. . The sessional meeting ' of the IrIsh party , ' under McCarthy's leadership , produced the . Invable crop of rumors ef acute dissension. 4 . The World Is enabled to give the real state . . of facts hitherto In balloting for the eom- . mlUee of eIght who manage the affairs of the party. Dillon , Sexton , T. P. O'Connor and ether leaders of the majority Induced their friends to vote fqr lealy whereas , 'Sflealy's friends only vote for the Healy . tickeh The result was that he always headed the poll . but since his recent open attempt to' provoke a revel the majority of the D I- : - ion members have , seemingly , determined to ' . ' fght him with his own weapons. At Tues- 3 day's ballot the majoriy did not vote for ' Henly , who , consequenty , was at the bottom - I 4 ' : of the list , and T. D. Sullivan , whom the iv majority elected to please Healy when Ar- w . thur O'Conner was rejected , was replaced by . another maJority man , T. P. Ondcn , M. P. I for Clonmel. lealy , In his anger , declared : :4 . - ' he would not serve on the committee , but ' has no intention of ret.ring from Parliament ' ' . ' 9r the party. At a sUbsequent meeting of ; the party he opposed the Issue or an appeal : , I c to the Irish people for funds , but only got ' ' , eleven supporters , showing that he Is stead- I ' Iy losing ground In the party. CLIPPED hElL AMBITION. : i There Is come strange gossip going 'round A In , &o'iety about the great fancy bal at War- &lety wick castle. The ccuntess of Warwick intended - tended that this bal should be a hlslorlc ; entertainment , taking rank with the famous ' I Eglenlon tournament She counted on the presence of the prInce of Wales and the duke " _ _ _ _ , , and duchess of York , but It was intimated at r ' the last moment tlat these royalties could - not accept Invitations. I now tralpres ! that the princess of Wales stengly disapproved of the prince or duke and duchess going to _ _ _ _ 'Varwlck castie. This refusal was ostensibly _ _ _ because of the mourning for the czar. The prince at the outset instated on accePtng ! , but ' ' fnaly the princess Intfmated that she would ' ; ' indefinitely prolong her stay abroad If he carried out his intention , and , as I mater of fact , did not return until he had declined ' " .he lnyiation ! . The rsult was that the bal , ; ' . though gorgeous and picturesque , lacked the eclat royalty would have given I , and tailed 4 to create the sensation Inl nded. creat. 1ensaton dAl'S HurIEIU D TOO. ' Ihln's8 Inflicted Moms De8tructon nn I 1110lr Enoniy'i Veisela. . ' 1 r hIROShIMA , Feb. D.-An official dispatch from Admiral Ito says that on the night of ' " 4 the 4th the first torpedo flotilla guarded the ' west entrance of Wel.lal.Wel. Shortly after t _ _ _ _ t the men had disappeared behind the his the sceon1 and third flotillas entered through the ' , spaces between the floating obstructions of ' the easter channel and started the torpedoes whIch destroyed the Ting Yuen The Chin ' Yuen's bottom , I Is supposed , hal been : daireged The shots of the Chinese struck torpedo boat No.8. AU on bard were 3oilied. While the others were returning they grounded on the floating obstructions and sank under the ( fire of . 'I party fre tn enemy. k A lieutenant ucd two others were frozen to death , On the night of the llh the frt J flotilla renewed the attack and torpedoed and sank the cruiser Chin Yuen , and probably . the Ironclad Chen Yuen , the Wel Yuen ana , .te gunboat This time there was no los ' \ to boat or men The Japanese damaged I ΒΆ ( ? torpedo beats were towed to Porl' Arthur. l LOfldO , lOlnllt Oi thq Lonn. LONtQN , Feb. ' D.-The Daily News , In its i financial article , 'saya It believes that the Price l of the new Issue will yield investors ay.1 per cent There Is a widespread market a\'alalo , both hero and In the contInent for I such securities. , The Chrol\lcle \ says : The unfavorable terms upn which America vroioses to borrow are . , uPlnlch 4 . , 11c4 a vcry flattering commentary on Amerl. \ can finance. The present financial and currency . ' rency system will IO last long , but what w1 replace it 7'hat sublta tal guarantee : have the great banking Ufl financial houses that a complete financial re'oluton1 not ' occur In America within a brief I > erlod' . ' c The Times las that Paris wil be likely , . to be keener after the American bonds than Jo1110n , 1 adds that some influential eople I here eem Indisposed to Invest In the Issue ' 'aU. ' \j 1 'aU.JrJllntul. . fur /o,1 1'.horlrn. ' Pm LONDON , Feb. 9.he Omclsl Gazette pub. ' l'hes an order /n / council dated l"ebruar 2 ! , ' , slylng efcct to article 4 In the scheduled c previsions of the hiering sea award act , pro. iL _ _ . viding tlat on application A special ilcense 0 _ , , , - , llal ! bo gln'n lo the mnter ur owner of MaY sealing \ toll l'f\lded ' that Ithfaclory Ivldtl'l , . .0 . til JlqN of ; \Q men \I. 1t _ : : . : : : : : played Is given This license must always be carrie ! while scalng , Each vessel Is to ] carry a special nag , of which the size and color Is Indlcaled. In the event of I contra- venton of these regulations , the license will bo revoked. The order goes into force forth- ( with. _ _ _ _ _ _ FLlmI O 1lon Ol1ATI : \AL.\ . Iteftigees Crosahlig the ] ledeln 10r.ler to , \vull Ihn l'reA Onn ! I COMITAN State of Chlapas , Feb. -This border town Is full of Guatemalan refugees who are arriving from the south daily by 1 secret routes to avoid being pressel Into the war service. They report great alarm prevalent - lent among the aoNa l of the republic of 'Guatemala , especially among the frontiersmen - I men , over the threatened war with Mexico , and say that , the greater part of the army of 12,000 men now along the border have been I forced Into service by the Guatemalans. Most of the refugee arriving at Comlan have come long distances on foot through a wild country and are In a very destitute condition . The problem of taking care of them Js assurn- big , serious proportions , and , work being scarce , It Is not known whence can come the means for their continued support. Many of them arc willing to enlist In the Mexican army and fight against their own country If thereby they can contribute to the overthrow of the rule of President Darrlos. Among the refugees just arrived Is a Mox- icon family namel Valdez , which has been living for some Imo In Guntemala. The family consisted of the parents , two sons and two daughters. In ranking their escape from the country they were overtaken and the father and twO sons killed. After being maltreated - treated the mother and two daughters succeeded - ceeded In reaching this place nearly dead with hunger and hnrdshlp. The matter will be called to the attention of time Mexican government - ernment , with I request that I demand be made upon Guatemala for Irdemnly and pun. Ishment of the offenders , whO , It Is claimed , were Guatemalan soldiers. A number of strategic movements , which have been made by the Mexican troops within the last few days have given rico to a rumor that an ad- vance upon Guatemalan sol has been or- derod . This Is denied by General Lorenzo Garcia , who Is In charge of the Tenosqul forces. forces.IIT , \NAHCIIST8 CONVICTED. Ono of Them Crete -1 Scene b , Dououne- Inj ! the ourt. LEGE , Belgium , Feb 9.-The trial of the German anarchist , Mueller . and thirteen others - ers , which has been In progress here since January 14 , was concluded todr : Mueller and \Veslcamp wert sentenced to penal servi- tude fpr life. Drolsch and Bach were sen- tenced to ten years' Imprisonment ; Vossent was sentenced 'to four years ; \Vlt and Schlebck to three years ; Madame Schlebe to six months Imprisonment , and . six others were acquitted. The anarchists were charged with blowing up the house of the burgomaster of , Liege on April 22 last , and with attempting to : I blow up the church of St. Jacques , In this city. The leader of the gang Jagotskasky , alas Darn Steinberg , disappeared after the burgomaster's house was blown up and was subsequently arrested by the Russian police. I Is believed by the anarchists that the " . " I baron was an "agent provocte. ' The greatest excitement followed the announcement - nouncement of the sentences. Bach Indulged In a furious outburst of rage and launched a torrent of abuse against the ben b , calling " " "You the judges "scum viains" and saying : have committed judicial murder ; there Is no justice. " Bach then vaulted over the dock bar to the court and truck right and lef After a severe struggle , during which the spectators were almost panic stricken , the anarchist was overpowered and removed from the courtroom as _ he continued scream- lug out Insults at the judges. The rest of the prisoners calmly watched the scene. On February 6 , during the progress of the trial oC the anarchists . Mueller caused a sensation ' by declaring that his companions were not concerned In any of the explosions with which his evidence had previously connected them _ _ _ _ _ OU\TE I LA nAB - NO' REQEDED. Mexico rushing Trees to the Front and ] I'urchaaliig.A ! CITY OF MEXICO , Feb. D.-Vla ( Laredo ) -Thieve Is no change In the Guatemalan mat- ter. The Mexican officials will not give out any infcrmation. Despite all reports to the contrary , however , Il Is learned on good authority - lhorlty that 'Guatemala has not receded from her original answer to Mexico , and Is still rushing troops to tlo'frontlor. The Mex. Ican warship Zaragossa which Is the best of the Mexican navy , la awaiting ardors at Acapulco with stem up. Mexico Is still send- lug troops to the front and Is also perfectn ! a telegraphic line , I Is reported also that she Is buying arms and ammunition abroad and In the United States. From the present outlook the delay Is on the part of MexlcJ , for time needed to make active preparations for possible war Iuico of I'arna-Hourbon ChnlonJed. lARS , l"eb. D.-The ex.duke of Pnrma- Bourbon who lost his throne In the Italian insurrection of 1859 , and who Is the father- Il-law of Prlnco Ferdinall of Bulgaria , has been challenged to fight a duel by his cousin , Prince rascal of Dourbon. quarrel took placo'tietw cn the two princes at the funeral of the ex-king of Naples at Arco which culminated - minated In Prince Pascal being denied per , i missIon to take part In his brother's obse. ' qules. Ho was even expelled from the tow of Area by tie chief of police. Armonh&1 OUIII 4Iun Uuvln = 'rroublo. CONSTANTINOPLE , l eb. ! -The cx- amlnaton of witnesses by the Armenian corn- mission at Mooch continues , but the 'Iocal , authorities are throwing difficulties In the way of the foreign delegates who are desirous of obtaining information from persons whose evidence Is considered necessary. ' Conse- 'Iuenty the envoys of Great . Britain . France and Russia , have jointly insisted that the Porte must sustain the rights oC the delegates with the commission , anti enable them to obtain the particulars required. Privy Counc , Cisc Itppeai . LONDON , I"eb. D.-Tho JUdgment of tile privy council was announced today , dismissing - missing the appeal , with costs , against the judgment of the Court of Queen's bench or Canada , In the case oC Casgraln against the Aiantiu & Northwestern railroad , In which the 1 > lalntf tried to compel the complainant to open Blanche Line Montreal. l.or.I Jtsioii'h t burehhil'4 8ucceaor , LONDON , l eb. D.-Mr. l"arrel : conserve- tve , has been returned wlhbut opposlon us member of i'arllanient for South J'addlngton In succession to the late Lord Iandollb Ciiurchiii. _ _ _ _ _ _ SnIu ; . 111.IUI silo Zloty 01 Corl , , : AIUD , l b. D.-The parlamentary COn : . mltee , to which the matter was referrell , has apl1ro\11 the proJosllon ' to increase the duty on foreign corn No : clrtr 11 J ' " 'cl"l . . ( 'tll"Alerd,11 , BOS" : , Jdabo , 1'\ -There were thre : pairs today and tile vole fur United States senator re.ule ! : Sloup ; 1i ; Sweet , 16i ; I Cluggel , Ii , 15."p ' ' - -"p- - " - " BOREAS HOLDS SWAY heat Suffering In Germany Caused by the Intense Oed ! , ANY PEOPLE WERE FROZEN TO DEATH tavlgton Along the Coast Proves Difficult - cult and Dnngerous. ANTI-ENGLISH FEELING IN GERMANY Oonduct of the Ofcer3 or t'o Orothio Universally Dnounced SEEKING ADVICE FROM PRINCE BSMARCK : . Uecur.1 the Ant.no\'olutonnrynm Thrnt. cacti the 1lbertes of Aht-l'reparatlona to CIhrlto the Aged StIltealIlIall's 11rUuluy on a Large Scnle. ( CopyrIghted , 1G : by thc Associated Prl 9 , ) BERLIN , 'Feb. D-Throughout Germany during the past week the cold has been In- tense and In several places the thermometers have registered 20 degrees below . zero , Fahren. helt. The Rhine , Nccltr and the Main are frozen over for 10Jg distances and the south ern part of the CaUegat Is also frozen. Heavy snow drifts have completely stopped lrafc about the Eiffel mountains and the fll'ineland , where the snow Is six feet deep. Great misery has been caused In many parts of Germany and numbers of people have been frozen In the country districts and eve near Berlin . Railroad trafc Is especially disorganized. There have been several cases In which the tires of wheels have broMn on cold and have thus account : of the extreme ( caused the derailment of trains. From AHklrch , Alsace , It Is reported that wolves , In some cases driven by the extreme cold , have come to the villages In order to seek food , and In other provinces the same occurrence Is recorded. Steamers lave experenced the greatest dlfcuHy In forcing their way through tile blocks of lco along the coast and the mails rom Klel to Koseer , Iceland , were suspended toda1. , For some tm past the distinct feeling of , animosity towar Great Britain has been evidenced by a large seton of the German press , and the Elbe disaster las been the occasion for quite a display of anglophobla. The Kreuz Zelung led the onslaught with n ' highly prejudiced article , In which Il was claimed that the catastrophe has again shown that the English have a brutal disregard - gard for other people's rights , the blame of the collision , entirely falling . according to the Kreuz , Zeittg . on the English steamer Crathle. Other newspapers followed with severe denunciations of the Crathlc , embellished - : bclshed with I shower of abuse against England , and the statement appeared In some of the newspapers , and remains un- contradicted , that the emperor , upon receiving - ceiving full particulars of the collision , char- actorlzed the conduct of the Orathle"hs ruf- nanly and Inhuman. . MEASURES TO PREVENT LOSS AT SEA. In the Reichstag this afternoon Baron von Slumm Halberg Introduced the subject of the loss of the Elbe by asking the govern- mont what steps would be taken to prevent loss of mo and shipwrecks. In so doing , he expressed. the opinion that the conduct of thc captain and the crew of the Elbe were , Irreproachable. He added that the construc- ton of ships ought to be supervised by the state and that the rul of thQ road on the that . . - . . . , - . hIgh seas S0UIQ De QennlelY regul eu. The chancellor , Prince Hohenlohe In replying - plying , said that the federal governments were directing attention to the subject of Insuring the seaworthiness , of ships by state control , and he hope that all the mercan- tile nations before next winter would give effect to the decision arrived a by the international - ternntonal conference at Washington In 188D In regard to rules of the road at sea. The chailcellor also said that the federal governments - ments shared In the grief of the nation at the horrible accident which had befallen the Elbe , adding that the reproaches heaped upon her ofcers by the foreign press were quite unfounded. , Herr JEb3en national liberal , who Is a ' ship owner , objected tD state conlrol' the construcUon of ships , and proceeded to se- verely denounce the conduct or. Captain Gor don , master of the British shIp Crathle. Herr Singer , socialist , said that the Insur- ance and technical maritime associations , could not aeq\ately Ipervle buld ng ships , and , In his opinion , state control of that I work was needed. ' He added that the Imperial - penal government must also see to the mater of life-saving appliances and pay no attention to capitalists , contractors and ship owners. Dr von DoeUcher , Imperial secretary of state for tile interior , In reply , said that a knowledge of the regulations for the pre venUon of accldent at sea was Incumbent upon every seanian. In hIs opinIon tie gov- ernment's proposed supervision ! of ship construction - slrucUon was the only practical 'ystem. However , If thIs system was shown to be faulty , state control would be Introduced { , but In the meantmo the present couroe should have a fair tr ! CI. SEAMANSHIP WOULD AVAIL NOTHING. Lieber that the Herr expressed the view male thing waR to secure international regu- latone for navigation , as selworthlness , ho added , would not avail a ship when a British vessel 1 dashed savagely Into her and ran her down. To this Dr. von Doelcher added that the international regulations would come Into force tn : the autumn. The Crathlc. ho added , ought to have given war , and In Germany her master would have been dc- prlved oC his cntificate. Baron von Manteufel , conservative , coii- demne the attitude of GreaL Britain In the , matter of the rule of the road , and advocated - cted state control of ship building and I reduction ot the rate of speed. ' Baron von Stuinm-Halberg during the early part oC the week Paid a visit to rrlcco smarck at Fniednichsruh In order to seek the veteran stalennan's advice a to the belt method of pushing the ant.revoluton bill. But he received cold comfort , for lrlnce Usmarek declared that the meaure was a stillborn child , which , while Intended to rctraln one dangerous element of the ' , population , threatened the liberties of all , and iieiicevas acceptable to none. Preparations for the celebration of the eightieth blrlllay oC Prince Usmarck on April 1 are proceeding on a large and general scale eve\vhere In German . The students of all the universities and high schools have been offered I prize for the finest ode to Ublarck , the judge to bo the poets Heinrich Sidei I , Julius Wolff and Johannes Trojan. The prize song 1/ to be sung at the university ovation and commers on April 1. From allover over German addresses will be sent to - - - . . - . ' - = ' . , ' , - " q . - , - . Prince Dsmarck on hIs blrtMar anti funds have everywhere been 't&tfyl lin order to celebrate the day by pre nlttg him with some gift or by a coime10tth'e event. In the jewelry stores ofbli jtltr a score of fine Dsmarck blrtltddy1 glf are : already exhibited and the cities / of rUehlelberg and Mannheim , not waiing lor\hls \ blrtlday , hAve elected the prince an houmerdry ct : zen of their respective towns. . AID FOR EMDAIRA ED OFFICERS. As a practical resulL of' the recent sensational - tonal trials showing the enormous extent la , which usury weighs upon tM younger of . , flccrs of the army , funds Were raised espect- ally In nil the army corps from which officers momentarily embarrassed couh obtain loans at n very low percentAge. These funds have nol been amalgmite 'at the Instance . stance of the emperor into one fund , the emperor increasing the sum total by n large contribution out of his 'ow purse. , The fund Is now known as the Wihelm Spende and the minister of war , ' s made its central bureau. " Considerable comment bal been cauSld In court cIrcles by the news that either during February or at the beginning of the next month the emperr and emPess Intend to bo time guests of the Frenlij ambassador , M. Herbert , at a grand diplomatc soiree , ' \vhlch Is to be held at the French embassy. Although . though Ills wel knwn timati the emperor has I sIncere liking for M. 'Ilrbert , I Is said that the lnmedlate cause oq hIs ' majesty's decision - clslon to attend the soireE was the liberal manner In which time French embassy was decorated ali iuminated upon the occasion of the emperor's bIrthday. According Jo court gossip , too , the emperor and empress have accepted an In\latot to visit In May the InternatIonal Art exposition , at VenIce , when the beautiful ! beautul Ountes Morlslnl assumes the character or Dogares8/ her aneestress . Time king and queen of , Italy are also ex- pecled to be prescnt. EXCHANGE OF DECORATIONS , The Relchsanzelger anhounc s that Em- peror William has conferrf the Grand Cross of the Red Eagle , on Viscouht Aolt , the Jap- anese minIster to Germany , who , on January 25 , presented his majesty vih the Insignia of the Order or the Ch-rsanthemum , bestowed - stowed upon the emperor b the mltado In , recognition of the servl es rendered to the Japanese army by the , ! nstrcton given by German ofcers to Japa ese officers. Em- peror. William , It will be remembered , has conferred the Collar of tile Black Eagle upon the emperor of Japan In ret rn for the Order of the Chrysanthemum . ' The United States mlnlsler , Mr. Theodore . Runyon , said Mrs. Rune i tv ) re.among the guests at a small and exql\slvo court bal at the caste W.dhedT night last. Mrs. Cloves Syms Ctertiine I number of American residents at a performance of private - vale theatrlcnls on Wedn aY'venlng. Mrs. Anna Berg , 'wife "f the ' German assistant - sIstant commissioner at li & \orld'f fair and daughter of E. O. Hale dr Chicago , died on Tuesday and was burled y'esterdey. Dr. yon Boetticher , the fmpeJal secretary of state for the interior , I brother-In-law oC Mr. Berg was one of theumojrtiers , - , , - - ' . - p - lnto CAt7GIItJTU. . - ' ' > " , , . - jf . ' At Sea for a Wee In B l\rdcAt " Wlthftm , 8tabbrn.\Ulao Ifo cttDet " ' ! , HALIFAX , . S" : ' Feb.9.-Jrhe British l. Drlhsh steamer i&or l f' Wakflold ; ' captaIn Briabyn , from Galveston , Januar' 2 via Newport News , January 29 , for Hamburg , with a cargo et cotton oil cake and linseed meal 'in bags , put In here this morning with fire In the hold and damage , about the decks. Tile fire was discovered Monday evening. The deck became red hot Je'lq of steam were Introduced through the thatch over and through the sloehold. ) The fire gaIned hEadway - way , but was gotten n'ler control In one day when tile wind , whIch ; hal ben blowing hare from the ' south worked around to the northwest and dCelon " , hurrl"Rn. fnr" . _ H' _ _ _ . _ _ . _ . _ . . . _ _ . . . Heavy' seas swept fore and aft for forty- eight hour The deck load : f 650 cedar logs broke adrift and did much damage. Seas needed the cabin and foreca'stle and the en- gineer's berth. The water { ( , ent ddwn Into the hold Meanwhile tie Jre ( spread forward among the cotton. The northwest hurricane l continued up to WedneWay night. Thirty tons of coal on the decJ-vas" wasiled off. Communication fore anilaft. Compunlcaton ar was very dau- gerous. The steamer hi docked . but will shortly haul Into the' stretlon . She .has not ' yH ben open d , and s1ea'm . , jet are still plaYing Into her hold. , STEAMER L- PATIUA'AGLOUND. . . - ' Lying In an Easy 1'O51tiOl and In No IntigrPof Ooln 10 . . Dnn&rr'of Goi&igto rlece. , SANDY nOOK , N. J. , , 'tjb. -The large four-masted steamer PaUla of the Hamburg- , American In . while prQe ding to sea this evening , grounded , In the main ship channel near the southern edge , Dt , Palestine , opposite the Western Union teeg\ph ] observatory. \ ! She lies In an , easy P0IUqn , heading about east. There Is not much , ice around her. At high water she was observed making every effort possible to extrIcate herself but wIthout avail. She will probably remain aground tn tomorrow morning's 100 tide , and with the assistance 'oC , lugs she will no doubt float . She Is In no Immediate danger. AMEIIHJUII'S \tbhNUtU. . CAlmD VOlt . - Safe It Coin , , , Where . , hl Are 10lni 01\6n : loler 1ecen.r , ( Copyrighted , ISG5 , by Irc8 r blshlnl Company ) COLONColumbla , Feb..4Nev ( York World CableSpecial Tellgam4 hB steamer VJo do Marseilles , which , rOI , hero tie twenty passengers of the wece ' 1ieoh steamer Amerique , will take tllatznfnbers ! of the crew to Europc. The desttut passengers are receiving - ceivlng temporary relief ere. ' Ships Jfrozrujt'h ; 1 Ice. 1rOZ"J CHATHAM , Masa. ; iv ' , - Jonomoyo sta. ton Is today In the , ast of I field of Ice. As far as the eye eM , sel1est and south ' the field Is unbroken , an4 It ( Is i believed the Ice extends to Nantucket ; twentr miles distant on the south , , up past U $ ' arl/ and nearly 10 ' tldgerton One two.mat d and several three- masted achooners-are tat4n tlC Ice between Handkerchief lightship < 1 Iitbo ' north shore. When the ice moves there Will be danger of the hlp being torn trdm their ' anchorage and carried ashore. Notflltbut Iron steam- era can comB down frn Vneyard Haven over the shoals now. ' Henm"r l'snico'Owetdu ' at 11lfl : . HALIFAX , Feb. 9.-Tie steamer rarlcoa Is now seven days out rom New York to halifax. The general Impresl03 Is some accident - , clent to her nmachincryhmas ' hi pened. ' A dispatch from Shelburn f ) , the Ich9ner Priscia was Ibildoned Iq J. waterlogged condItion on the 7th. ler crew was picked up and the vessel towed , t that harbor by the schooner Delden , Captain Vhelaii Nulolt I''ullh' : AImnsri 1.1 lascogue NEW YORK , Fab. 9.-Mlle. Szumoska , whose name appears In th passenger list of the overdue attalnillIp I'4 GaBcgne , 18.n wel known planlste In lrl ! 'aud ' London. Sue Is u Pupil oC PaderevskI . who II > eals highly of her and she was to have made her debut In New "prk under the manae- went oC Charles 1' , Tretbar of SteInway & Co . _ , - , ' , - _ - , - ' . , - , ORANGES ARE FROZEN Great Damage Done t Frit and VCIE- tables in Plorida , EVEN TiE TREES REPORTED KILLED Were Just Recovering from the December Freez When This One Oame . DIFfiCULT TO ESTIMATE HE DAMAGE - I Lake Worth Country the Only , Portion Which E cnpod , ' SNOW FAILS AS FAR SOUTh AS TAMPA . l'ensncola Recordetl 12 Above , the Coldest or Any Point In the Stnto-l'roapccts Are for " ' , irI : : " 'e.ther , CDIII- Jlncng Today . JACKSONVILLE , Fin , Feb. -The full extent of damage done by the cold wave throughout F orlda will be hard to estimate for some days , because reports will be slow In coming from nil points , besides much will depend on time weather that follows , during the next week. After the freeze of Decm , ber the weather moderated gradually and I was fully ten days before the normal teimm- praturo was restored. This fact probably saved a large amount ef damage to thc oranges which would have been IIno by n sudden warming of the air and exposure to the hot sun. Advices Cram different sections of the state in regard to the effect of this freeze state that the damage Is equal to . I mt greater than that of the December freeze. I The area of low temperature has extended as far south I before and vegetation was not In as strong I condition to withstand the : cold as beore. : To recoup the losses of the orange crop ' many orange growers 'plan led vegetables. 'I , They had : started vigorous s growth and were , developing at the pint where thcy could be [ : most damaged by severe cold. Then came the second freeze. I appears now that the vegetable crop of Florida Is an entire loss Older orange trees throughout the state had already shown signs of recovery by putting out a new growth and along the Halifax and Indian rivers and In the southern portIon oC the , orange belt hal cone to bloom. As far as can bo learned this bloom and \ growth has beln destroyed. I Is usually consIdered that a budded orange tree will b Injured by a temperature of 22 degrees continued 'for hours. Into twenty-four Sap was running up ' the trees , making them more susceptible , to cold than In December , when they were In their dormant conditon. Pineapples were 'ere also , , begInning to bloom , In the Indian river country , arid these' now , too have been ruIned , but it , s ptbabIe that the pineapples Oi bk".W ; rlb , ; ave .s : , aped. , ' : _ , : 'The fO.IQ'lng . tIie loweiI temperature registered at the various point name during the freeze ot 'the past week : Jacksonville , n. with ice two Inches thIck ; Tiusvie , 18' ; Tampa 22 , with n _ snow storm ; Jupiter , 26 ; , Key West , 48 ; Pensacola ( as low as any point In the sato where the government has a weather bureau ) , 12 ; Donlfax , 12 ; Gaines- vie , 18 , wIth heavy loss to orange trees and vegetables ; Red Dock , 16 ; Roch'le , 13 ; An- dote , 28. with snow , which Is unprecedented ; Silver Spring Park , 18 , and vegetables and slcawberrles are reported ruined ; Callahan , 18 , vegetable destroyed ; Sevie , 1D , and Phoenix , 16. Advices from Palm Beach and Lake Worth tonight are that the damage done there Is very slight. The latest Indica- tons for FlorIda arc that there will b a slight frost ' In the northern portions tonight , followed by warmer weather and a rapid disappearance of the cold wave. SEVEN MIN FltZIN TO DEATH. Overcome Whlo Crossing the Severn RIver . on the Ice BALTIMORE , Md. , Feb. 9.-Railroad trains continue demoralized as to time and the postofce here Is full of mal matter awaiting dispatch. The BaltImore & Lehigh has not move I train since the storm be gan ThC Western Maryland Is also blocked. Snow drts have made the highways Impassable - passable and pr duce from near by pla-ce3 is I thus kept out of town , sending up prices of all commodities. Annapolis Is 'snowbound. Reports come from there that seven men and hors were frozen to death In an attempt - tempt to cross the Seyern river on tile ace. Cumberland , In tIle western put of the tate , telegraphs that two passenger coaches I and nine engine am fast In a' mow drift on the West Virginia Central railroad at Black : Oak bottcm . The damage done In Chesapeake - peake bay and Is trIbutaries by the storm Is very great The North Point and Kent Island shore are sh'ew with wreckage and loss of life Is leared. The heavy snow and wind and the almcsl unprecedented forma- ton ! of Ice cut cit from all succor the : smaler craft caught In the blizzard and theIr crews , unprovIded with fuel and food , are suffering many hardships . No Trains Slncn Thurdnr. , WILMINGTON , Del , Feb. -The situation on the Delaware railroad Is serious A train which le here at 10 yesterday morning and a train which left Uarrlngl yesterday morning are staled two mIles below Middle. ton. A relief train also got stuck In a heavy drift and a construct n trun _ , that ' left Wii. mlngton this morning was held 'by a drift at Farnhurat , near here No trains have been run over thIs rod since Thursday hlundredL of birds. rabbits and chickens are being killed ! by the cold _ _ _ _ _ _ _ dnmts Ilv.r Frozen Over mCIllOND , Va , Ireb. -The James river Is closed froln shore to shore for the first time In twenty years. The monitors at anchor In midstream three miles below Rich- month arc In the midst of In acre of leo. No trains from the north by , any rout have passed this city since Thursday , and northbound . bound trains have not been able to reach ; Washington since that time . The blockade Is the most complete known for many year 10rle.an.1 Vegetables nUlnol at Churleston CIIAItLESTqN , B. 0. , I eb. 9-Continued 'slreB of cold weather today will cmpleto the destruction of the vegetable and berry crops The lowest point reached by the mercury - cury today was 17 degrees. There Is much suffering among the poor , 1"117 Weather Near I'uget bounll. TACOMAash. . , Ireb. D.-Iror three weeks the Puget Bound country hu enjoyed moat delIghtful midwinter weather , of which balmy sunshine and budding flowers havo' been the chief features. hI Iwo weeks I has rallIed len than half an inch and the tem praturo has ranged between 40 and 48 4e. gree above. Today Ihe ( weather has been , unusually flue tbroughou western Wlsbl\v. THE BEE I3ULLETIN. Weather Forln t for NebrnslM Fairt ; l'r\mbl \ Warmer ; Variable WI11e I'Re. I. ! losebcr1 l'oll"rr Feel C"nn.lnt. , ' , , , . Contnontnll rope I'ruzon SniiI. Southerners Stiller Onnty from Cold " ' 1 Sue IihItiu's Uo"hmclh 2. Senate Votes for a Calliti Nhrlnk. Trlu'"Unl Meii'e CClcbrUon 3. Lutherans , \ voll lelCf Ieln , Butte Ttnslo Case Agalis. . , taat Week , \mnnj Local Society , Musio nli ler LHlv.tee5. I ; Thentrlcil NO\1 nn.1 Gostlp . 0 , C"mel IluITI.ocIlltllteu , Inr.h ( letting In Ino for thn Run . 7. 'Inerty Fought will , Cronk Ornahti'a I'our Cry Not In \ ' , dIl . llIlrru Inl""I ) 'elhodJ 1lsCU8\011. 10 , Where Congressional \ Salaries 00. 1010 i'nssliig StrlUIO : I hhll' t 1. \eoll , Grist of S1lonIIImg O uII" . 12 EditorIal and Conmnent. 13 'hr.hnm Incoln In l'o1itIc. I"1 , \ the Um"hn Churches Offer. Notu In Iho 1'le.1 of Llbr , UI COI1U.n of Oniha's : Jobhlna Trade. { 'ollcrelli IIHI Ilnllclnl Netvii. Features of the 1.lvI Stock ahlIrkets . 10. LIfe of Trhiby'ai Itlograplice. l'rcqellt ! l'O1lillSttflfl of the ( Hobo . 17. NIht In a CorcIn onnstery. . Telegraphers' honorable Service. 18. Boys' nli Girls' lcpItntlllont. ' 10. " 'omnnl Her \'n7 and lien World. ,20. Chronicle , of Count Antonio-Ill , ton. Rosebuds are beginning to appear and buds on fruit trees are swellIng. ThIs country has hover set up Its claims as a winter re- ne\er set sort , though several parties oC tourist from Minnesota and Illinois are now visiting this section t remaIn untIl the weather moder ates at their ilolmles The Northern PacifIc's first steam heated traIn arrived from St. Paul today havIng encountered weather 40 to 52 degrees below In Dakota : and ontana. The experiment was an entire success. After crossing the Cascade mountains steam was scarcely needed NO NEWS Fuon IGASCOOIE. . Various Theories Alvlnec < to Aeeount for U.r oi-Arrlvat. NEW YORK , Feb. 9.-hope that thc White ' Star slcamer Teutonic would bring some news ot la Gascogne were dashed ! to the earth when the officers of the Teutonic reported they neither \ saw nor heard of the missing ship. L Gascogne left Havro on Saturday , January 26. With an ordinary speed pasag she should have ted up at pIer No. 42 , North river , last Sunday morning. She Is several days overdue , and thesB last several days on the Atlantic have been marked by the most violent storms , gales and hurricanes , by snow and hal , low temperature and winds that shIfted' their direction frequently , but seldom lessened their speed. More than this , la Gascogna , from all reports that other vessels - sels have brought In , and from the data of the weather bureau , , va ! buffeted by cyclone gales , with the wind blowing at from /Ixty to 100 mIles an hour , almost from her frt day . out , out.Not one of the ebips which have , put Into prt here or that have touched at , any"fordign port . has seen la Gascogne. , From Bermuda , ' and the Azores , from Queenstown and from Havre the story Is the same. At Ort the theory entertained by the agents was that the Gascogne had been temporarily , dIsabled through I break In the machinery and was making for the Azores or perhaps sOle of her own ports under greatly reduced speed. Yesterday a brand new element was , introduced . duced Into the mass of conjecture and specu- laton concerning the movements of her fate La Gascogne Is out of coaL The suggestion I that perhaps all this time la , Gascogne had been fighting a hard fight In the ecth of tie terrlfc gales that other ships avoided , by , choosing a path twenty or thIrty miles south , brought some comort to the French lIne managyir. E. G. Dunn , signal officer , said he was of the opinion that she had drawn so deeply on her coal supply that when she finally gave up the contest with the blizzards and had headed for the Azores , lien speed had to be kept down to perhaps hal a dozen knots In hour. Mr. Forget was inclined to Insist that the ship had coal enough for any emergency , but he was greatly interested In the story of the storm\ TonIght several rumors were afloat to the effect that la Gascogno had been sighted ( . but Investigation has In eacb case , proven such storIes without f undaton , At 11:50 p. m. a steamship was sighed off Fire bland , bound In. At first It wa thought this might be the long looked for Frencr liner , but as she imrocecded I without , displaying any signals , this hope fell fiat. I 18 customary with captains of overdue steamers to display sIgnals continually when near port , In order to relieve the anxiety oC relatives and friends The weather 18 rough In the outer bay to- night and It will talto from two to three hours for tile vessel to reach Sandy hook . 2 n m.-At this hour no news had been received of La Gascolne and Rhlneland. FIRE ISLAND , I eb. D.-(9 ( p. m.-A ) steamer Is reported lhlrty.elght miles east of here. She seemed tobo , going along at the usual speed and should , be oft Fire Island about 1 p. ill . The wind Is blowing strong from the west , and the weather Is thick off shore I Is natural to suppose that she Is not la Gascogne , as her captain would signal on account of the Imowlege of Ihe anxiety that must exist as lo the safety of his ship and her passengers , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ WIN'l'lm'I'OUIST. NOWIW IN Storm In the Adirondacks the Worst Blnco the 1881 Ulznr.t. SAIANAC LAI < N. y" , Feb. 9.-Not since the great blizzard of 1888 has the Adirondack region been so completely snowed under Yesterday the railways abandoned the Idea of running $ trains and several freight and passenger trains of the ChTtteaugay , the passenJer Adirondack & St. Lawrence , and the North. er Adirondack were stalled for hour by the tremendous banks oC snow , Snow plows' pushed by two or three engines were with. out effect , and were themselves stalled and ' unable to move one way or' the olber. The situation for a time was serious and but for the hundreds of men who were sent to the scene of delay to dig out the trains Ilch sufferIng among the auengeu I might bave ensued , After a great deal of arduous labor the trains were shoveled out They are ar- : riving tonight at the various destnatous from ten hour to two days late Sarn c Lake has been almost cut off from the outside . side world for tbtee days and scores of win. ler tourists have been unable to get away from town . During the heigh of the storm the mercury went down to 20 below zero. Ir.sl hillzziri I1"lell In ND' Yurko LYONS , N. Y. , Feb. 9.-A secol [ blizzard began at 6 o'clock this evening and within 1 couple of hours Il was snowing and blowing harder than at any time since the big storm commenced. Four Central Hudson engInes : . : are off the tracks In the Lyons yards' and ( Continued on Second l'II . ) . .IL1 : - - 1 J Ipr If wn I i\l.J \ . HILTON TO [ . BE SUED' - Action to Recover on the ex.On Inspectors Bond Will Do Oommenoell , . CRIMINAL ACTION WOUlD NOT LIE Consultation nt the State house Ditrminea the Course to Dc' Taken , - , WHERE DID TIlE MISSING MONEY GO Many Rumors Concerning the Disposition of . the $5,000 , Held Out ' GREAT LOBBY GATIERIG AT LINCOLN Intrllctnn of ll"I lteR , tml.ll1 thq At- fairs of Corl"rltons Brings on lD ; A"IW.'t If Ufo In the Corrhiors. LINCOLN , Feb. 9.-Special.-It ( ) Is Rtated today that suit will bo commenced next Monday by Attorney General Churchill on the bonds oC ex-Oi Inspector Hilton. There was conCerence held this arernoon between - tweet Governor Holcomb , State Auditor Moore and the attorney general , In which the case of Hilton was freely cnimvasscd TheY arrived at the decision that In the abscnc& ' of any IJrlma' fade evidence oC Intent lo do- fraud the state Hion coulll only be pro- ' cceded against In a cl\1 suit on his , bond. The absurd claln.set Ul1 by I10n that gaso- ' hue Is not nn iuminatng oil Is laughel' ' at connected with sfnlo by every oiflclal the e\ery ofcial house. The fact Is pointed out that a : : um- ben of towns In the state use gasoline for Illuminating purposes In tim shape or street laml's. Another Point scored against the ex-oi Inspector Is his rlglll adherence , to "preccdent" In collecting the fees for In- specton of gasoline , ali his utter neglect of "precedent" In turing these fees over to the state treasurer. I Is hlntCI that hilton has so disposed of his funds that h ' is now execution proof , and tilere is considerable - siderablo speculation as to what has become . ' ' of time money. Ono rumor has it that lie lost considerable money belongluig to thft fund in social speculation to a prominent politician 9t the state , but. according to another - other rumor some of it tins been put to a more laudable purpose. The gist of time latter rumor is to the effect that when Goverimor Crounse appoInted Hilton oil lnspoc- tor time goverimor ileld a judgment against his appointee for the stun of $2,680 , with. cost of suit and Interest at 10 per cent for a. term of over four years. In several papers in the state , reports were about a year ago printed tii..t 'Hilton was short. in his tic- counts. Ross Hammond wrote the stnt6 auditor in regard to tue matter. Governor ' Cropimse , it. is said , suggested that he wouhi notify Hilton to , come to Lincoln pcl settl up. This was when tue lettet r" 11am- moild was shown 'tc him by tiio'audltor. Xe consequce of' this , a few nays. later , en February 15 , Hilton came to tile state houa' anti paid $2,000 , mentioned in ills , report' , keepizig about $1,100 , with the approval 0 ! ' the governor , to cover possibie deficiencies during the remainder of hii term. The rumor runs , also , to the effect that this judgment has been discharged , together with almost five years' interest. , 'yonic FOIl TIlE LOBBY. The present senate is giving tue lobby plenty to do. No less than twenty-seven bills have been Introduced iii the upper house of tue legislature for tue supervision , regulation - ' tion and control of tue several corporate interests - ' terests of the state. There are bills fixing the charges of sleeping and dining car coni'e : ponies , reducing telegraph , and telephone rates , regulating transfers on street railways , taxing insurance companies , limiting rateB or express companies , and reducing stocc yards commissions. Pawnbrokers are attacked - tacked and grain commission brokers promise to be routed entirely. Foreign corporations conme in for a liberal share of attention , anh the raliroad companies are drawn into the , melee by one or two anti-pass bills. All tbese propoced laws have given employment ' , to a lobby of no inconsiderable lroportlona ' and in consequence the 'legshatIve sesaion hitherto dull. atId unprpfitabio , begins to take on a , . new intereaL Tue sleeping car I companies are attacked rein several chireo- , tions mmd any' one of the five bills already Introduced 'Is calculated to severely jar tIi ' financial ribs of marquis di I'uilnian. Sons- tor Wright lies a bill to compel sleeping car conmpanies to maintain an 0111cc ill every , railroad town In the state having a popula. tioii of 000 or over , and it Js nmade uniawti4 , , , for mcii company to charge more than 4 mills per mile from one point to another _ within tile state , or not to exceed $1 to ? lilly 0110 contlimuous trip. Tue day rate for a ride ii : a sleeping car Is limited to 25 cents ' between any two points in the state , , Senator MciCeeby'a bill iliomits tim price of a lower berth : to $1.00 and an timper berth to $1. Senator Smith proposes to liiimit the sleep. lug car companies to a charge of 2 mills per nub in the ( lay tinme , 5 mills per mile for a lower berth at night and 2'4 mlii. per mile for an upper berth , Senator Caldweil lies it bIll of a different character , lie proposes to compel the coin- panics to put in a burglar proof safe in every car for time imrotection of the porsoilal property ' of tue passengers , N , . FOR CIIEAPEII TALK. Senator MciCeeby also has a 1,111 which will very materially affect tue receipts of tlm Nebraska Telephone company , and It is this bill , together witit several others , that ha compelled C. Id. Yost , llresidelmt of that come pany , to dslmce attendance upon tue senate and house coinrnItees for the greater part o the time ( or the pait two weeks , Ills bli provides that "it shall be uniawfui for sill person , drum or corporation owning , controil. ' lug or operatiimg aim' telephone line or systen within the state of Nebraska to charge more than 2 per calendar : iloimth as rent for lb. use o any instnilnlent coniinoniy called a telephone ; provided , that lii cities having population of $40,000 or more such cilarges may be $2.60 per imontil. " Tue bill , with iti fellow ip tue iioUs , hiss caused tue oflicials of tue Nebraska Telephone corpaiy ; a great deal of uneasiness , Attorney Morseman , rep. resenting ths % , conmpany , hiss iiade a vigorous argument before the iiouse coiimmlitee against the bill. The senate coiimniittes has not yet taken it UP for consideratlcu. Senator VnlgIit's Insurance bill Is recolv- ing but hittie attention , aitiiougil it coiitaiiis a very far.reaUiing provision. fl 'rovides that every tire insurarco ; company doing business Pm the state shall pay to tue auditor in time month of January each year a tax of 1 per cent upoim this gross lrellillms , collected - lected ironm residents of Iie : stats during tha previous year. On a baaI of ilie g oas pr. giiuins collected by the ninety-three lesur.