' ' ww . . , . . ' : . 'r i - , . . ( - . . - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TIlE OMAhA DAILY DEE : f-rUnDAY ; , 1j'EBUUARY 9 , 180Go _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I : SPBG1AL NOtrH3B8. . - .AllrrrU8Pment. for thpM , voIumn . , "III bo nk"n nntll 12130 $ p. m. tar tlto erellln ! Rlld nntl 8 ' m. for the morning Rlhl bunda7 illt Ion. Arlttrt.or8 . , 1 , rrnlllo ! 1 nomllree check , eon Il\o o".rr "derrA,1 to ft n"rllrrllleU"r In core "r 'ho fico. An- " 'Terl IU ol'droM,1 , r\l lit ! deltlred nl"1 , Jrurnlnton or the check only. Ilittc , J J.2c I , orll Ort IIAorllln , 10 R 'Tort 1IrrftftIr. Nutllnt.kDI for Ire ; than 23D c for Irt 1110rtol. , ! 11IE , tdortlonIentN mOAt tort COlsecn- ttey. SITUATION WANTED. A MAlnn : : MAN , 3 3 , pIACICAt , I An mn. wllhl' 10 hlrl ( on tock or Iloiry % fnrrn 0 G J Ieo. A-1Jt 10' YOUNG ) , 21. ST1NOU1lAI'1l1'lt. . T\'I . wrier neil 1sokkeeper . emplo.1 Ly the 1'nn. n. U. Ilrlnlllphln. , , h'llrr. II 10Cl In wp.l ; A I 1 ret. AUdre . n & 2. 11e. A.-M522 12' - - W ANTED-M ALE HELP. \"ANTI'D-M : : MEN ANt 'r AM ! 'VOHnI.L. our tMd rrlndH" , Rnlnry $ i to ' 3 pet fllsth. .rcrlng 10 . Miltity. The I.lchttll Mrl. Co. , ' \'el.ler : CI ) . lowst. n-M . ' .F2IO : WANTFt A CO"lpFTFNT M.\N TO IUIN , kIln Irrk nnd lAY I0 In watt. . \hlrp8' h. W Mlnlhnl , fhuberl , NeL. 10-OTiS - ! W1n1r > . I.ARTim . I ) rltlMMit003. nice "oier he ) 1 hurnlahC8 tnntord , crew opcrnlor : "Irnlly wOlk guornoteed. Smith & 4 Jones Shoe 0) , \Vet I'u1tnann , n. , . , 1-r5. I 0 - - - - WANTIifl. A ' 1OUNG MAN TO LIiA1LNTIItO .Ik "u.lne , . , In n 1ea1Ig .Ik Iltpnrlmenl In . thIn cl ) . Must live with parents And IX ) o- crptonnly br":11 : nnl energetic. To Ith 1 ) 'ulh nn excelrnl opportunIty wilt II orelp ! Adln'P8 0 G hoe. 1-1.10' \VATI1) , HAr.IHMFN : AII.ITNOT flX- I > rrlelce , requlre.I. I.h'p men 1,11 hIl moneY "rlill our $11 I'Anl. mAlc , 10 men , ure : full l'ArtclIArl al reqUcet. Ahre. , . Ihn mnlterH ot mole I.AII8 . 10 mennurp than nn ) ' Illorlnl ea- tnblshlpni In Americ F'aUttIeM Custom _ ) 'nnt Cu . Chicago , HI. 1111515 UO TAU.Ol'ANTlm " ! , AT TOWN rN NOIOTTI- woplrrn Neb. Mln who 18 OMI cutter 1111 wIll work 01 hPIChdlre8. . , with rerrreno. 0 CI , Omnho lIce. lI-iI..l ) 10' WThTll ) , YOUNO MAN TO U1AlN mOA\ end InLnrco loslnr.sj ; retaIl IrAde : Irloleni place for right pArly : rderelcea reulrt l.,1. . dl'e. . 0 61. Bee otCl , 1-15 : 10' .tIu WNTlD , TO REM. HTRICTI.Y I1ST- : UN " W.NTIm nu.rry slack : alary or.comml..lon. . . Brown Hro\ Co. , lursermrl , Ch : : l III. . W..NTED-LEMALE HELP. WANTlm , TWO STtU NT NURSES AT W. C. A. hoepltal , Council thuffs. C-Mt 9 WANTL'l.GlIth 1Ofl GFNEIAL HOUSEwork - work : must he 0 Irl rlBR cook : Oermnn prererred : wnsps $ : .00. CIty references re- quired. 10 B. 3nd ave. C j % WANT1 . U1flt . I"OI GCN1iltAI 10U81 - work : IIAI Lc n good cok : refernr'oi re- qulrCI. 10 Ho. 2 st. C- WANTlm. ( m. FOIL OU'iIltAL. : JOUSE- work. Mrs. J. 11. Dumont : C12 I . , I"a'ete n\.e. C-l0l8 1 WANTFTi : ) . GlflL. FOR C1CNEItAL. IIOUSIi. WANTI'Olli. FOi O NEIAL Jomm- work : German or AmerIcan lrerrrrel. N. Cor. 2Alh antI Mluon. C-Mi23 D' nOi C1:23 - _ _ _ _ _ FOIt RbN'-hOUSEB. . 10US S , 1. IC. DAILIO , DAlKEI IflOCIC. D-03 hOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF TOfU CITY. THE PAIl8 0. TU1 ClrY. .t 10UHEt ' , O. F. Do\ls company ISQ Farnnm. D. -309 10USES : HENAWA & CO. , 108 N. lOT ! - ! rr FOn HENT-HOUSE OI 0 100MS AND nAIN 00 l'ark nve. InquIre nl 42 So. Ull st. n-lit D-1 FOR nENT--HOOU COTTAOE IN GOOU HE- p < lr. city wnler $0.0 per month 10 good parlu , 1 N. 3ih , 1 block from I"alnnm car lIne. Inl'llro ' * nt Sioelz'a steve slore. _ _ ! next lu potolteo. ! D13 8100" [ MODtHN 110USIO FIVr MIUTI walk tram court house , vacant DcecmLer 2ItIi. U. L. Oreen. room . . 2. lBrlr Ll cl' D-3H - - - - - - - - - - I- 10USES , WALLACE , DnOWN nLK , 10 & Doug. fl-Il ? D-31 . s ' : &UNT-2413 CAI'ITOI. AVENUE 11 I NT-23 I'oms , modern. Tim O. 1. ' . Iarla company. 1 D-7 C . ' , .oil ltliNTr-MODE10N li-ROOM HOUSE. WITh . . . J.FOI 0" . tlInee. Lalh , gas , hot \ old cQlll wal.r ; one- 0 halt block from l'nrnAm HlrN1 motor line : In most desirable reddenee locally' ' In the city- cl- No. 22) South 3lh ave. I."r pnrtculAI' . apply to Home 1lveltm.nt C. . , 30t laxton bllc. _ - _ D-M8iO FINE 7.1tOOi C010NlOIt FLAT AT 701 S. laTh 7.100 COINEI : 16H c : sircel , range and all Qher convenIence $20.00. feel " Clou.cr room 2 i'atteraon . hlk. . IC2 Fnrnam _ Alreet. D-M ? 1 11i f'OI 1 NT , 5.100l COTr.\OE , con. 25TH : -r' and _ Fnrsm Sl. Milton Ioera & Sons. D-M3i _ _ - FOR RENT-FURN1SHED ROOMS. ; pl.EAaAN' nome 1913 DODOE. EM20 ? ioit ; IUONT-STIOAM II10ATED FUIONISIIIOD FOl J lEATED I'UINISHED room I0l So. 131h _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ E-2 I.F2 . S "I jt-DnOOMR I''Ol ilOUSIOlCEloi'INO , mon A wife : rent taken In board. 319 N. lTtI * . 1403 FUJNlSl : FIONT nOOl FOIl ' \0 OEN- . . lemen : bath and heat ; board It dr-sired. C31 < .0 : (00. ( 2thet. : _ E-40a 10 FIHHIfID ( I000MS. agNTl.lmN on houRclteplln ! CC North 17th. E-MdII0o FOIL JI'IFrFr.y I UIN/SHFD 1001S : trout an.1 I''r parlors adjoining , , wIth eastern , "nd loutwrn outlook ; n"l single rooms : Central , location. 1703 Dodge sireel , corer 171h. 10-1.1521 Iao I . IUl.16HD.ROOMS AND Bo.ARD. I tINIRUlD 100MS AND BOARD. 212 SOUTh 2.lh sl. F-MIll ? . _ _ . F-J21 : 1'01tL0B FL.OOltLSO ; SOUTh ROOM , \'hT1I WITI Irsl-cloe honrd 2100 Douglo" 100:1 10' . IH1S1IAB.E 10001.fFpIt TWO WITH ' l0tAI1D , I0AID _ 231'3 lodlo Elreel. _ I. _ _ _ _ _ _ 1'-19.-12' , 'lnmn RI.ImANT 100MS , WITH IIOATOD , Hlennl antI telephone : enlrnl nod veryreason. - < h'ltpwne In reaRn- , ahle. :0 N lath sln'e In'Or' ! : llO iii RENT-S 'ORE8 AND OFFIdE . volt " IOIONT-TIhli i.rojty illOICIC UUILDINO IUN'r-TI tJronY ills 1.1111 HII'let. This hullng 1liCI , UUI.DINO rrl t Cement bneiitnt . complete dleAm 0 lre- lug 1llrrd , water on all lorr , gn , ele. Ap. - PlY _ at theoSico at TliclOoe. Ias I-VIO 'un MMlrE UUILIJIIcO . N. U. CCII. 11h elli 1.'urom : rooms , 2xO ur . COI. , Iho wh',11 building : steam heat . .txO ele. . rotor : I.nldlnl wIll bu IrlllcJ 10 lull len .tnl I _ .O" . I' ' IIA 1 l\re \ l. _ I-mVW : . 1lINT. T11I0l1r..STOIIY AND i rmNT I.rllt store building nl 1Q05 F'atnam aUeel hulllll l0 I"lnam , nlnl.lo ror any kind or Im81le , : In 500,1 eon. tlltinn. hivuii Iii " 100 . dltl > In'uht lum I"lr&t NotIonal hlnk iuIJdlniz . ) hul < lll. 1-491.9 t _ - - - . _ _ AGENTS WANTED SAI10O1XiiN CUt AIIINTH . AIn 1dONUT IA/.I1s.nm OI AmNTH eay selling Inls 10 ulder $ U. & ! , l.lflhl $ ! . ONU\ * 1. ittacklntoehec $ j. lunlcl 'ralorln Ca. . Cln. ! _ _ 1flaII.O. J-1.lDhli'll' - , ; : r'IINVml BT\'m ON tM.AIW . tN1) nunl.lon. Agell mollnl U 3 tM.AIWNl ) . S" lulcm ClCmicnl : . & Mfg. . Co. . , Ls CIlue.1. - . - J-M31 - - - - - - - - - - - NTW > m ltRI . COUiTX0Y or 11) ' . In sill our s'oMgfut 11lenl \ ' t l)1s ) or 'hangtnt.lo hRII.ol ' h , Ihl. .hanlBhlo : cnn i chnnRe ) Into I.U . lifhii " 'iit , thl $ , It Ic t .IN"/l 81.'nls : I Slnll'ly great ; big proflle. " ' ,10 for PartlelIlurs. . \ . eA.'Ut'ea ' 1g.C'.Chkiigo. ! III. .T-"ISIG 9' ; OAN'I.t1':1 , $ .O DAILY , NI.\- : Vontlon. hielnils 2.1 conic . I to C sold In a house . 101110 ( coo. I""lehel" " 1.lalIn. Cln. clnnitl : . 0 i-Mill 0' ' _ _ STORAGE. I i : i\lm \ I l . ) : o - INM . , 11. o. . io" , 11II\.1 ' \01 hnriee. 1018.hohl go.dc . \u : I.OW.II ra Icc. 1013.10n J.eardnyorth.M.IU ' - - , i'OIAI : . 1.'I.\N' EWElH . ! IIARNIOT ! -21 I , ' . . . . - - . " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - W ANT ED-TO BUY. - . CIT \ I C W.\ IINTS. . I'1CI.\ID m ! I"AM _ _ _ - - - N-:3 VANT10D-3 SECOND J.\NO UI'liICiliT l'lan ) : please , Inht IrICu pool . tind where It LI"'k. ( an LI seen , II. It. Scull . rOItl nn. N--MI m ; 1 s ' WANik ; i l : ) , , ! . \tagnsiui' . lIt , , l'III" " y , 8eril'net " an.1 1.lrt , In goui . " 'llon. l' W' . lmih , ii Pii nm HI. N-ItOh 11' , : -1151 10 . OI SALE.-MIbUELL.tNEOU5. vRa1.tN - ' . % O-liIl ( i : OOIOAN8. tires. , lfl So. iToh. WrodLrlJ&e lr. 17 tu. lill. - Q- ion AND CIIICIUl : Vl0NC101j.3tU : ; ,11.1. . ( ' . CIJ'I'I " 11 DouaIJ" . \iD wool , r . 1 . io , ANt ) i i'ii FOil MLi . ' ur wIll 0".h811" ' for tel CIH al "ur ) lrdl , th'h' Station. llamtttuu h" " . Q-i0& 11 lla\\.n t mllon ' - \ - - . . . . - . , - - . - - - . - - - - - Q-J' - 1 OLAltVOYNTS. . i . . . DR. \'A1tiOCN , - CLA1R\'tWANT. NC.- iiril lT T 0 11io bu.lnen ! Clulli 71h : . \ It IU N. S-li ittli. / ' _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ - _ H-J/ _ Mi SsaGi . , .A'J'll , ET\ ( NASS.tU10. 1.t.UA1.lr. uc : : li : : Dt)1)CtII. . - . - - T-11) .Jt ZIADAM N . ITM' l , t , viT&i : , lk5M i , 1 : : , "au , ! . vaor . , . lcol1 : . tt3tn , . lh'h'\rh ' \ : . & Stat "I : . .0-11J. : 1 e' ' 7 - - - TURKISH BATIII3. TURKiSh DATlSI ONLT PLCE IN CITY etualvly for laele Suite 1010 Dee bldg. w - . PE148ONAL. 1A8SAO EI.ECIO TlrnllAL 10ATIES. chiropodlit. Mme. Post , N9,4 8. 1lh 51.vMG U-1 THE JEI.I.I EppFILY CUET , MADE TO order from meuure 119 I.'arnlun street.UMG U-n SlATER OROUND , hOLLOW OR I'LAIN , AT OIOt nOLl.W 1LAIN 01 A. L Unde1ttnt1' , )0 R. W8lred. . U-1 Ii. HAS ! FLRT , I'IANTS CUT FI.OW- e ! nan ue. hail . residence and grave decorn lonl ills Vlnlon Ilreel. Telephone 78.UC U-C sw/rs1 1.IOVEMIONT CURIO FOIl LADIES ISIS Chicago sIteeI consultation . facial antiScIentIfic l ScIentIfic obesity treatment free Mondays l eb. . ' ' U-MlU2 - - F'28' NEWLY - 'ITIm ! JATH I'AIOLOflS. Tlklsh anti electric lath for ladles anti gcntle "ent m.n. Olatiam 10w.I 3Z0 S. 15lh street , 2 floor. U-1tO Mlo VIA VI CO. , au IEE 1.DO. : IIIIAI.Tif nOOe free : home treatment : lady atientiant. U-33 MtIIAO pA1En. WITh iooADVIiflTISE. mpnls antI photos ot marriageable people , many rich : lsts ot books. nn'eltel etc. tree. Ohm. hla' Monthly , Toledo Ohio. eloi ) . M20 COflflESi'ONDIINTH - \V.\r.mD \ uy LADIES mind IpnlpOen. members . the Select Circle or i-'rI0nt1l , : "n,1 1 cents for dsscrlptlofls . elc. : gentlemen's list Rent free 10 Indies : Tern or worthy "hlrorler only are wanted. . Address lock box 723. onlr O. U-Md7I0 ' ) MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE ANHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. , US N. Y. 1FE. loans al law rates for choice security In Ne' hrska anti Iowa farms or Omaha ely prperly. W-3 1.1 F INRUnANCE pO.ICIES LOANS n ON or bou9lht. F O. Chesney , tnnu City . 1.to. W-334 i MONEY TO LOAN ON IMlnOVED OMAHA ' real estHo. lrennan , Love & Co. , I'nxlon blk. I - MNFl TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATIIS. TiE - O. F. Davis - - - Co. - , - 1:3 Fnrnm St. W-3J6 VEIY I.w nATES MADE ON 000 LOANS. J. W. Squlro. 21 flee bldg. W-31 CITY LOANS. C A STA1110 . 515 N. Y. I.IFE. . W-3 CI'rY AND FAIOM LOANS AT LOWEST LWFST rate , , , l'u.ey & Thomas , First NOI'I [ . bldg. " ' -339 : - - - MONEY TO 1.OAN ON IMI'iOOVIII ) OMAHA T I.AN IMplOVED "roperIY. Fidely Trust company , 1703 Irarnam. V-34G LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property . ' IJpnOVED . Smith & Co. , 12 Fsrnam. W-1 MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA RI1AT 1OSTATII MONE\ LAN iEAL RSTArl nt G Iler cenl W. . U. leltle , itt Nat. bank bid W-U CITY LOANS-.O.o TO .5O.0 AT LOWEST rnte. l'owel & Potter . lt floor N. Y. W-M374 I. 1311g. WANTED AT ONCE. APPLICATIONS FOR A No. 1 loans on Improved city properlY for special fund : owners only Iease apvlY. FI- delly Trust company , 102 1 amen W-M3910 al. MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. MONEY TO IOAN ON FURNITURE , PIANOS and alt kinds or securllY. Fred Terry . rom 430 Ramge block. X-4 MONEY TO LOAN ON JOUSEUOI.D FUINl- lure , pianos , horses , wagons . or any kInd at gns. chattel security nt lowest possIble rates . which you CAn pay bock nt any time old In any Imount FIDIOLITY : LAN GUAIANTIE CO. , \om 4 , 'Vlhnel block. -31 J. U. HAD DOCie , nOOM 42 IIAMCIU nLOCI X31. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE . rlANOS. hore. . wagons . etc. . nt lowest rates In ciy : no removal or goods : strictly confidential : you can pay the loan on at any time or In any amounl. amounl.oMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO . 300. B. I8t1 slreet. X316 BUSINESS CHANCES , "tDSE. EXCIIAN010S. U. A. WAGNER. Y-MZGI-I.23 OI6AIIA FOil SALE Oi TRADE . ONLY STaCH OF drugs In I town ot 1,0 In eastern Nebraska. Addres a , 49 , Dee. Y-MIG-130 I lEAVE ONE OF TIm DEST Oi'i'OIOTUNI. ties for Investment In the state or Nebraska : unle8' you have the cash and wIll Invest U awi stsne.I , do not answer this : the opportunity sill not remn1 open long : only men or chor- ncler will be mlIowl 10 buy : tOils Is not 0 scheme. .Address O' r Uee. Y-3 10 FOR EXCHANGE. TO EXCHANGE , FOR GOOD FA\M LANDS nl actual value In eastern Neb. or western IOWA. stock 'or general merchantilse Invoice ; . [ .0 tl " .00,0. and store building. Wi as.ume small IncumhrAnce or pay difference In mll dlTerence eaah. Address A. ' V. Cllrke , I'aptliion. Neb. 5-1.1969 WANTJ : TO EXCIiANOE , OMAHA 1101- erty for Nebraska land Address I' . O. box , C 5-010-10 : PROPERTY FOR 1lSE 1IA.W.tONhiliOmnha. .M2GS-F 10 ACRES 3 % MILES FROM P. O. WILL TARE ! house find lot as part poOmr\l. lUg snap for sma oe for fruit farm or garden. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1703 ) 'amlm "I , 5-1.1496 1 WANTrD , TO EXC/NOF. OMAHA l'nOp- IrlY , Imprve < 1 or unlmprovr for mel'chln- disc. Aliree , . 1' . O. lox COO. 5-119-10 - ONIO IOIOSIDIONCEO RENTING AT $10.00 PER moonlit nOd one nt n.W , clear nfl In Cool CUfl. ditlon . for clean Mode mdrc. ot $ S.OO. I' dlton. . Crab cenn , Neh. 5-1.1202 100 WANTED 510.03300 HTOCIC ! MD8/1. 02 re-aldenees ventIng $18,0 $3.0,0 : 8 loli In Tacoma - coma ( inside ) , U.OO : well lump. ( arm S. E. Nob. , HOO. H. & D. , Crab Orchard 5-56323 , Nob. 10' HEnEI A Rich JESml NCI . CLIOAIO . IIUNT- Ing $8.0 per ftont1m Ant $300.00 ash for $ ,50JO stock or toOts and shoes. 10. & t. Crab Orchnrl. . Nrb. ? .MS2C 10' FOR SALE-JUAL . ESTATE. U.\10AINR. HOUSES LOTS . AND FARMS . sale or trade. 1' . I. Darling , Darker bloclc. H -311 CUANOES AND SALES : CITY PROPERTY , Carols , merchandise Glrvln ' CIT . 210 i.M : e. BA110AINSI : SALE al TRADE IN CIT p i DA\OAINR crtel Ind talm. John N. lrenzer , O/P , P. O. - 1110-1.1133 LISTI3ARUAINS IN LANDS WITI CARIIOLI . DAIOAINS J Cnrer , I. 5. mall Boor N. Y. Lire , Omnh * . nES6'-FI l"INIO OAIDEN LAND , G MI. FROITI' . 0. , $100 11et acre 049 N. Y. L. hldg. RIO-ISO AUSTIIACTS-TiiiO DynON llFD COMI'ANY. IE-1 WANTnU. 1.00 ImAtS OF FAMIL.IiO8 TO . 0 take Ut , tree homesleods In the lied liver sal- ley . Mlnnesola Map showing exact locatIon , section , town anti range will Le 001"1 rreo Iy wt'itiflmf 10 land commissioner Great Northern w.llng ml\BY , SI. l'aul , Nina. IE-MI7 Mt 1"Amll LANDS. C. F. hARRISON , 912 N. y , Lire. 1011-1.1133 MS' _ .i:6- : EXCHANGE FOIl CITY PROPURTY. I' ) T acres at time Inost acreage near OmAhn only 4 miles trm 1' , O. Cust owner $49,000. ' ) 'VI sell very cimeap.-cmnd take hAl In city lroporty. 1 Fidelity Trust Co. , Sole . \gls. 102/'ram Hi . IF.M49 1 " - - - l..Ol-t HALE AT A HACnn"Wn , NO ACH FAItH near Omaha A lne Improved lCQ just lWenl- ) . 'Ihl ' mites southwest i4totmx ! ) . O .moh , balance live y"IIS BI 7 I'er cent : nlso ; ) or iino land 01 $18. & ) I'rr nClo In emma sectoo , house anti three lots otmtm.ida anti cash for n Ionic inSIde larenport'aternisn. . N. 1. LIfe hhlg 1l .19' - - - 1LOT.iLb. ' : HOTCl IAIJtm , 13TH AND JONES S'rB. . 7S rooms nt 10.10 per dcy . 60 rms room lt $ : . ! pr In ) ' . Sl'edol rates 10 commercial tens elerl. UOOI alid beard by week or monlh. Frank ltdl I , manager. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 34 , MTNA-liuBI : ( EUROPEAN ) . N w. con 131h and Dodse. Itooms by day or week :5 ) tU\NO 10T I. , COlt. ITl AND CltGAOO slreel. Mrlcan plfn , $1.10 and $ : .0 r'CI' day. European ; to and SW per , Iny. 100ma. single ur eDlule , tor famIlIes Ir gentlenmen , al reasonable Iltel JJ. . lrnck , orep. UI.I SHORTHND AtUJ' YPEWIUTING , V.\N BANTS SChOOL OF SIIOIOTIIAND . N. - F. Lire , Onuha. Ask for drculnr , IfS . ' - - - - " - - - - ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES : AlM.\TUImS ANU l'ON"11i flhO\VOUNI ) ; "IuIgo Iltl(1 rechuroretl : . electrIcal antI 11 n. . . . , . < .rJI rnchlnl.l" : IUI.erl" womb guaranteed . Omnhn moclloal \Voris , el sad Ill a. IGlh I. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ m ILIOCTJilC.I , Im/NItIH / : ANn .ONfHAc tars tor elclrh , Ii II ' 1'1 ' molar plania . ant ni klml of electrIcal i-onttuctInn. \.Iern 1'll'e- : II4CIII 8ull ) ' Co . tn anti 41) R. ISlh Sl , 103 < l10AT1ICl0 ' IICI.T1NQ.CI1AI9.A. - : iCIJI N- & Co. . : r ! . 30 I Ull . 1. 3$3 - - - - . - _ _ _ rO WLES. ' ) 62.9. XAXON. t : U. : iGl' , " - li\Ji ' " CO. .mi T si - tiT ? ir rSi TIttILT wtt A \ Vr l \"lln . I1CI'Ic1 1 . 11'r : l'o" , U3 H. M-Sn.I"I 13th st. u.6i Nli & ( , " ' O , FH.\I.C 'i--iit . tail bky..ILJ. : luG Famlnl lre.l. OH . - \.Ol.I : . . : : k-UUO , ; 1U C " O' . - ' : : tnU - - - . - f. ' . " , a P : , . tluIl .lJ' I I n . , . HIiiip > n' . J ! 1 . . " . 0' ' . r. 4U . t " 11. ! . Columbus Discovered America , . ' We Keep It Clean . ' I With Wt ' . S Santa Claus Soap. . \ N.KJ1RBA1K COMPANYChlc ea reTII a- _ - - - - - aUNDERTAKERS UNDERTAKERS AND EBALPJIER3 11. Ie. nUleET , FUNERAL nIFCOI AND embalmer , leI Chicago st , telephone DO. 36 'SWANSON & VALIIIN UNDIOltTAl0100tS AND UNDEITAt emholmers Ii01 Cum nl st. , telephone 1031 M. O. MAUL UNtEnTAleEn AND E1.UALM. er , II l'nmAm it. . telephone % : 353 C W. IIAICEIt , UNDElTA1EI C13 a. IGTI3 l' BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION now TO ClOT A nOME Oi SECURE GOOD interest on "nvln . . Apply lo Omaha L. & n. A/ply Au'n. , 1701 1eo bldg. / . 'V. Nattlnger . Bec. 31 SHAmS IN MUTUAL I , . AND D. ASi3'N. PAY 4 ; . 1 , 8 per cent when 1. 2 , 3 years old always rcdeemBble. 170l FarooD st. , NatUngor Spc. Spc.C 1IUSIo A' ' AND LANGUAGE. O. l' GIOLLIONIHOCIC DANJOIST AND OUITAI - _ teocher _ 191 Cass slreel. lit \VOIESALE COAL JOHNSON 101008. , WHOLESALE DEALERS IN nil kInds at coal. Correspondence solicited. 103 Faram street , 3&t CUTTING SCHOOL. TIE AnT ot' CUTIG MEN'S cr.OTlES taught day ar evenIng : terms reasonabie. I'ar- tcullr ot Max Morris cuter , 1U6 'arnnm M9-19 , t. : - DENTISTb. nu. I'AUL DnNTIST : o nUIT SI' 260 / BUSINESS NOTICES. DAMAGED Jnnlons ICSILVElED , ' 019 N. IG. :53 COAL. D. ' 1' . MOUNT HAS REMOVED InS COAl omce 10 20 a. I61h at. , Drown block. 350 ShERIDAN COAL . RXCELI.ENT SUDSTITUTE tor hard cOlI CAL. , n.5 Ion cheaper. /0 Far- nom DIrect ; main entrance Board ot Trade. : GI BTOV EEPAIRS. . STOVE REPAIRS FOil .O.O DIFFERENT makes or sloves. Water attachment and con- ncclons 0 spplnly. 1:07 Douglas Htreel. Omaha Stove RepaIr \Vorks. 3G7 EMPLOYMENT OFFICE CANADIAN EMPLOYMENT 13U1UOAU 1010-- CANADAN DUIEAU IE- - nfo\Oed to 152 Douglas ; furnIsh beat male and temnloclp. . 1.1401 M5 DENTAL COLLEGE. OMAHA COLLEGE DENTAL , SURGERY , lEE ' lnllrmery ; dentIstry at coat otmatorlal. ' Crunse hl ck. M4ThM4 I CABPENTEB.S AND BUILDERS. C. E. MOIUOILL . CONTRACTOR 5. BUiLDER. paper hanging house and sIgn paIntIng , brick work. plastering : omce . room 1. Barker blk : tel. 735 : shop 221 IZlrd : tel. 403. MS7 - : . rE r BUREAU. SUES & CO. , lo1lcItoro. Die thiildng. ! OMAHA. Neb AdvIce F1UI. RAIL'V ' TIIE CARD Leaves " UUIOIINGTON & MO.htIV13'lAth ' -mYERIArrh'u OmahaUnion _ Depot. 10h & Mason Bts1 Omaha iO:1am..Denver : EXP S. . . . . . . . :0am :3511m : BItt. 11111g. Mon1. , & Puget tInS. L'x.11:4Ipm : . :3pm..U"nver : Dk. 11s. 1"nl. Expre6. PUC Ind. . . . . tx.l . :1011 : 5:4.\I.NebrBska : Local ( exCelll Sun ly.6:15pm ) : 8:1Slm..Llncoln : Local ( excep : Sunday ) . .1lISam : SundaY.1:2 2:4ipm..Fast : Malt ( for LlncolnIaily. . . . . . . Leaves \CIICACO \ , DUl.lNU'ON .0 Q.IArrlves Omaha Union _ Vepo : , 10lh & Mason SILl Omaha 4:41pm..Chicago : Y.aUbule . . . . . . . . . : lLOam : 9:00am..ChIcago : Express. . . . . . . I : Sm :15\m llm..Chlcogo : and St. Louis Special . . 8:00am U:3 m..Paclc JunctIon Local. . . . . 6:10pm : Cilpmn..I'acIlioJunction : _ Local ( cx Sun. ) . . _ 8IOn1 :101m : . Sn . . ! .un. : . ; Lel\slcHICAGO. -B1''U4IArl.e Omahn Union _ Depot , 10lh & Ma.on SiLl ' Omaha 6:00pm..Chicago : LimIted. . . . : . : . : 9:30am : 11:10am..Chicago 10xpreL . Sun. ) . . . 6:0pm : Leaves ICIUCAGO & NRTI1WES'PN. lArrirm'i - Omoli Union Depot 10lh & ? .DtaonSts.l _ Omaha 11:03am..Eastern : - Express. . . . . . . . . : : . 6:30pm : 4 : :03 : . . . VeBtbule / " : : 6:55am : . , . . . . .Mo. Valey , LOcal..lO:3Opm :45pm.Omoho.Cbcg : Special. . . . . . .10:3011 . : Leaves I CHICAGO , U. I. & PACIFIC. iArrives OmlholUolon Depot..10.h & Meson SIs1 Omaha _ _ _ _ _ _ _ EAST. _ _ _ _ _ _ llOOam..Atlantlo : l0xpiex. Bun , , . Sunoay lGm..Alonto : ; . . . . . . Exprs e. . . < . ny . ) . . . 8:05pm 9:50am : . . . . 4:30pm..Chlcn : ) VelILuI.d Limited . . 1:03pm : iiZhpmmm.Oklahoma.lOxp. : _ ( C . D. ex. Sun..1:30/m 1:0pm : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \VEST. / 6:15aln.Oklahomn : & Texas Rx. lox. $ un..1i:3jj I : IOlm. . . . . .Colorndo LImited. . . . . . . . . Oapm : : . Leaves \ I C. , wr. 1. M. & O. -IArlves. Omaha _ Depot _ Itlh an4Vcbstcr Stl. I Omaha :2o'mNebr : ko - Passenger ( daIly,78i3pm : : : dIIY 4pm..Bloux : CIty Ilxpre8s ( ex. tlun.11Soam ) : 6:10pm..St1'nul : _ Llmlled. . 6un.1:5am . . . .10:300 : ; l.eaVl I I F. 10. & M 7VLI.EY. . I Arh'el , OmahnJepol 161h and WpI.ter Sic. . _ Omaha 2IOpm..I.'a.t : Mal anti Express. . . . . 14lIpm : 2:10Ilm.ex. : ( tOrt. ) Wyo. Ex ( CC 1.tpi * . ) . 4:55pnl 9OSam.Nerfolk : Express ( ex. , . . am..Nortolk Expres Hundn.10:30a'D ) : ' _ 6:00pm. : . " . ' " . . .iOt. 'RUI Expre..l0:3Sam : I..al l _ SIOUX CITY & i'ACIFJC. IArri lm Omnlthajjpot 15lh and Webster _ LOts. _ 1 Omaha .mnha : . . ! . = . l'uul LimIted..l0IOamn ! = : I. n\e t SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. IArrlve Omnahajlinloniepot ' ! J , 10lh & Mason StsI Omaha & :55am. : . Inl.UeJ.t . . . City 1'ttszengor.7io:3pj : I : Olpmn. ' . . . . . ' , , . .SLi'aulLtmlted.ij :3j\m : l.enV.I' ' . . UNION / I'ATlFICIArrtyes , , "n'r.hn ' Vllon Depol , 10lh & Mason Sls.1 Omaha I : ' . . . , . . . . : . . . ICeorn'.y l0xpress . . ; . , 3Hjpm : 2:0m. : o , . : ; .Uv.rllnd ' Flyer. . : : . . 5 : z\m 2:00pmnentrlco : & Sirmab's Ex. ( ex. Sun ) . 1:49pm : 7:10pm..l'aciflo : Express..10:55am e. : :30pn. . . . " . " .IO:55am : Pn" ! , , = ' . . . . . 'a xll'.a. . = . . . . . . : IOpl " - ! : is--I-WAD\SU I RAILWAY . - - - lArch-es OoahalCnlon l"pol , 101\ & 11DSOI BI..I Omaha 3 . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . 1:10pm..lit. : LouIs Cannon flail..i2:3Sj : Leaves I IC. C 81' . J. & Jal..1:35P Omnala UnIon . Depot I , IO\ & Mason _ ! "lArrlvei _ 1:00am..Ilansas : City flay I xrre. . . . . 6:10pm : 11SOpm.K : - - (1 Night " lOx. vIa U I T Bns : . 7:30.im : . Leaves IMlFOURI pACII/C.-IArl\a. LIVe \ \ Omnha DCIot35th and 'V.baler Sta. I Omflm 9:1.0..11. : LouIs . lOspress . . . . . , . 8:0m : 9:30111..6. : LouIs Express. . . . . . 6:01pm : . Lula xpre. 4Opm 6NIm..Nt.tr.sl local . ( ex. 8un. ) . . . 9:101 : stiff mud ; tams miring $ down to their books ; 11ml puling i driver awettl'uug i sun sinking i last load for the day i hOle at last t ; teRm housed and fed i Mexlcan Mustang Liniment lubbed on the strinec mus. cbs an'l tendons to insulo sound and lilnber legs for to.morrow's toil 'rhus tim I wheels ( m'm go round 01 a thrifty [ " - - .u _ " , , _ c CHANGES IN COUNTY JAIL - Judge Scot Wants the Grand Jury to Rec- ommed Several of Them SEPARATE QUARTERS FOR BOY PR'SONERS - , " 'olen bhoold Itavo CelI In n DIstinct . Apartment nltl a Mltrol tu Look Alter TImenl-Eieveli Indlehlent for ImaU 0101'0" Found. The grand jury returned five more Indict- ments last night and then adjourned untIl next Monday morning. The jury will be In sessIon aU of next week , and poslbly for some lmo longer. I Is understood that on Monday the Investgton ! of the gambling questIon will bo begun , md the IndIcatIons are that a largo number of witneses wi' be called , among whom will be JUdge Scott. Before the jury flied out oC the court room after ' the foreman had banded the Indictments - dictments to the court Judge Scott slated that ho had a mater which he wished to bring to their attenlon : lie had heard , he sald , that there was no provIsIon made In the county jai for the care of boys , but that they werl put with the men who were In the , jai , and who . , \ ere crIminals oC various degrees . He said i r nothing would ruin a boy marc qUlcklyJ'tha ' beIng piaci In the . companionshIp of : such mcn. He had also heard , he contInued , that there was no matren In the jai , but that aU women who were ImprIsoned were placed In the companionship and under the car of men. He thought that this should not be , and asked the jury "In the name of humahlyl to look Into the mat- teL In answer to - -questIon from one of the Jurors as to lwb Uier the jury had the right to do mere .tbal report , he saId that 'wJlatevcr ' ) report tpJirrors brought In' would have great welgM.Ii \ ( the court , and. urged them to bring In a.leport couched In such language as vou1daliow strongly what thclr conclusions were , While he dId not say PJ- itively that ho dcslred them to order separate - arab quarters for jbO D anti separate quarters and a ' Jnlron ioL' ' wcpoen , he' intimated u' much. lie added 'that J1en had brought' , the ' mattor.tomtimo attention oft - ' ' . 'matoftol < atentin ofIUlo O\nty'coI missIoners , buf ' s 'hleli fauW or " { ' faull , not , nothIng whefrf1t1' There have been eleven IndIctment t In by the grand jury so far. most of thein being for minor offenses and against mel who are already In custody. - , HELD TIlE t NlU\CT V"LLIU. . DecIsion of the L wer4Tourt Reversed In " lIlac Uon"ld Contract l'080. The supreme court las passed upon the ' case of Henry Coombs and others agaInst Alexander McDonald and others , reversing the fInding of the lower court al1 holing that the tranchls\ which the city councIl granted to McDonald Is valid and binding. : , During the summer of 18D3 certain perSons - sons conceived the Idea of a crematory for the purpose of burning the garbage and refuse - fuse of the city , with a proposition looking to the necessary legislation to carr their plans Into effect . In , due time bids were In- vied , and eventually the contract was let to McDonald , the provisions being that upon paYing a license of $250 per annum he should have limo exclusive right to remove garbage and other refuse mater from the city , at the following prices : Each dead animal weighing less than 500 pounds , $2. . except os herein provided $1 ; dead dogs , each , 75 cents ; dead cats each , 2G cents ; each load of manure , ashes , or other refuse mater ; GO cenls. The standard .of a load of manurE shall be sIxty-four cubic feet , and for ashes and other sold refuse mater , twenly-so _ cubic feet. Each barrel of garbage or refuse matter ; thirty gallons or more In size , 20 cents ; barrels , boxes or other receptacles of less than thirty gallons of , garbage or other refuse matter , for each ten gallons , 1 cents As soon as the contract was awarded to Mc- Donald he shut out all of the other garbage haulers of the city , and they lt once brought suIt , Henry Coombs posing I the leader. In their petition they alleged that the city council had exceeded Its authority , and that In gIvIng McDonald an exclusive contract , a monopoly had been .preated , The case went Into the courts 411 was heard by the equity judges , numerous afdavls being fed , show- Ing how the contract was obtained and what effect It would have , upon time publIc If It was enCorced. After being argued , the court held that It was beyond the power of the city council to enter Into such a contract , that It created a monopoly was oppressive and therefore It was unconstituUpnai. McDonald appeale tQ the supreme court , where the case wee. argued and submItted , an opinion having , ljen hlnded down Thura- dey , In vhlch thl opinion .of the lower court was reversed , Thai supreme court held that the contract was I\and ' that the city had time right 10 male \J1 \ , ontract , Side o , "l" I Hir/lln , A suit In whlclt4Wi ] F , Ringer Is praying for a judgment of $5OO against John Linder- helm Is Of trial bclQlP Judge liopewoil. lnger claims Ihnl.pl January 7 , 18SD , be was persuaded bytle/efendant / to cxchane exchan'e several lois , worth ( 'pGOO , for a number of shares li the Edarl Oil Durner company , on the representat\olh' \ that the company was doing / great busiIand was backed by a number of rich ipgfq / Chcago. : I.lnder- helm was th mlg of the branch hero and claimed thmatsLh6 company could not make cnough of th ] burners to satisfy the Ileopio of the counryflO ' He said that ho was making so much m1Tr that he didn't hike to give up the shares , but that he had 80 much other buslnes-that he was compelled to sell them. ' Ringer demOs that he was overcome by this smooth talk and blncot' Into mailing the exchnnge When he took hold of the business he did not fInd people flocking In to spy ' aamlng ! extent for burners but -those .hoae who had bought came back whim them 1 and refused 10 carry them away. This was discouraging snd wheJ he found that the reputed rich men who backed the company were Insolvent he became tired and brought the suI t. burl Nllrl , The jury In the case of S. D. Mcintyre against the UnIon aciflc , In which the plaintiff wanted $ "acifc damage for the death of I horse , claimed to have been caused by the carelessness oC the company , brought ) In a verdict for the defendant. Mary A. Dankhart Lre8 : the court to restrain the cIty cf Omaha , time hoard of Public Works and Ipeclaly City 'J'reuurer Doln frm collecting a special tax of $ :33. which was aueuoll jralnst her propsrty for . the 1'lolng of thai 110rlon oC North 'hlrly- - - - third street , between Ames avenue and Fort street , In front of her prperty. An Insurance suit was begun betoro Juilge ] { e10r yesterday , In which 'William 1 : . man , the guardian of Helen and Jchud Drellow , Is suIng the Union Lifo tnslrlnce company for $ ,00. Hamnn clalls that the company hnl' ' Isued a pOlcy for that amount on the life of John W. Jreslow. the father of hIs wards , but that since his death has refused to pnT. . SCALDED DY AN EXPLOSION Charles l'nrmnn RIHRlnA InJnrles that May , 1'ro0 Fttnl. , Wednesday night Charles Forman , son of Alfred t"ormanvlng at 1320 Soulh Thlrly. second avenue , was severely scalded by the bursting of the heater In the furnace room Young Forman , who Is In the habit of makIng - Ing occasional visits to the furnace room , had ' on this occasion : gene to the room some time Previous to talk to the mnn who his charge of the heaHng paratlu. Seating himsel In I chair near the henter he fell asleep , and Was sUddenly awakened by n heavy u. ploslon 'rho hot water from the pipes lead- Ing to the healer was thrown on him , sea verely scaldIng hIs legs , the lEt side of the body slid his l f arm The scald was so severe that the skin came or with the removal - moval or the clethes. He was removed to Mr. Palmer's , n nelhbor , where phylclans were summoned antI the wounds dressed The physicians report that his recovery 's doubtful owing 10 the nerVOUs shock received - ceived , which was more sever than the Injuries - juries suslhlnC' from time hot vater The young man his been unconscious slncl the acchlent occurred , but Iome hopes of his recovery Wire expressed last night. The ellloslon was n heavy one , as the pltitilbltig , heater and other fxtures In the room were almost / total wreck. wrec . Keep your blood pure and healthy and you will not hare rheumatism. Hood's Sarsapa- rln gives time blood vitality and richness. LOU.IT ) I10lSI'ATJi'S. . Some one stole John M. Thurston's valuable bird 110gs Thursday night. . Marie , the Infant daughter of Mr. and l rl. Malone , residing nt 176 South Eleventh street , die yestcrdn On the e\clng oC February 22 the W. A. , p A. ovill give 0 n1uslcar and literary entertainment : terlalnlent and dane at Wolff's hall. Albert Calm'o furnishing goods store was flooded ThursdlY b ) time bursting or a water pIpe In the second story of his building . Frank n. Hobrrson will Iccto In the Young Men's ChrIstian association star series Monday evening on "Japon and the Japan- cse. " . Mrs. John Hoey , aged GO years residing at 13South - Seventeenth street , die yesterday mncrr.lng. She was one oC the pioneer settlers oC Omaha. The members of the Omaha Schwaben Vereln have completed arrangements for a grand masquerade bail at Germanla han on Satlrday Ivenmg. D. A. McCauley , n plumber , aged 30 years , died at St. Josellh's hospital Thursday from bleed poIsoning. The remnlns will be forwarded - warded to Chicago for Interment. The .remlns of Mr. George L. ruxCord wIll be burierl Cram he t residence ot his wi falher-In-Iaw , Mr. n , 'lletchley , 1821 Burt street , Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Iu- ternent at Forest Lnwn. There wIll be n regular meeting of time JacksonlaJI club at its heulquarters : In the Patterson ' block this 'cvenlng. Among other thIngs , the various bills Introduced In the legislature , amellllg ! time election laws , wi come up for discussion Notwithstanding the severe cold Thursday night , a goodly number of persons flIed Into Hertzinan's hal at Forty-fifth and Cursing streets to witness local talent render the farce "Swan Swans n. " The performance was given by the members of time O. l cub , and was hlgJllY enjoyable ; The . nonappearance of ! rs. R. E. Sunder- land , elocutionist of time Mozart Quartet com- pony : , during the pst three months Is due to a prJrcted throat trouble , which now 1eems to be improving. . ' Sloe expeata . to be .blo to appear 'agin 11n. the /orlls , Of . con- ' darts theqtiittet. . , . will ! give In the early' ' . ' ' 'Iprlng. , , The funeral service over the remains , ef Mrs. JeremIah Linehan were held yesterday at St. Peter's church Despite the severity or the weather the. church was crowded wIth friends of time famnily. High mass was cele- ' heated by nev. P. F. McCarthy , who , at its .cncluDlon , delivered an Impressive and eloquent - quent addrecs on the life of the deceosed. 'Tho remains . . were Interred In Holy sepulcher ' met . cemetery. The maps showing the locations of the fire hydrants arc nearly completed and each engine house wi soon be supplied with one of them. They are not beIng sent out as ornaments , and every fireman wilt be cx- peeted to make himself perfectly familIar with the hydrant system. This will be a material advantage In getting to work at n fre , and Is only one at numerous reforms that are being worked _ out. -p l'RlSU'lL . ' , IU.lGllll'lS. S. Grecnbaum or Chicago Is at , the Arcade. J. T. Drayton , a resident of Drayton , Ia. , Is In the city. M. H. Kearnes , n merchant of Earlng , Ia. , Is In the city. C. 'V. Malone , Beaver City , Is' registered \t the Darker. George Adamo , a merchant of Sioux City , II at the Dellone. U. C. Stewart Is regIstered aL tim Millard from Des Moines. A. C. Windsor and wie of St Joe' are visiting In the city. . A. L. Deck and wife are registered at . the Barker from . Davenport . Wilson Reynolds and wife of Fremont are slopping at time Paxlon. FItzgerald Murphy , agent Sadie Marlnot company , Is at the Darler. S. 8. Warren Is regltered at the Merchants - chants from Banchard , Ia. , W. H. Decltlh and J. E. Campbell of Evanston , Wyo. , are In the city. C. H. Devl and L. W Russell of Glen- Gcn. weed , Ia. , are stopping at the Delione. S. J. lamlon and W. D. Lawrence of Tabor , Ia , are slopping at the Zoerchants C. Ii. Val , a prominent Iowa , horseman , Is registered at the Delono from Audubon D. S. Vernon and wire are slopping at Ihe Murra ) ' , Mr. Vernon Is managel' of the Jarbeau company. At time Mercer : George Cox , SI. Louis : H. H. Wallace , Telmmah ; I" . . C. Wlweler , New York ; W. n. Nicholson , New York ; Harry Schlckadantz , Sl. Paul ; J , N. Deebe , Lincoln ; George Nicolai Sutton ; S , W. Anthis , Sutton ; D. W. Seawehi , Greenville , Iii. ; E. E. Hairgrove , Sutton ; M. J. nvle . mot Sutton : George H. Spear , Norfolk ; n. C. Walzke , Norrol , : A. p. Irlnl" , Hushvle : P. N. Palmer , Chicago ; Ira Mallory , North Platte ; J. J. Ryan , ChIcago ; F. Bacon , Gothenburg - enburg : P. W. Shaw , Lincoln ; J , J , Jack- son , \Vasliington . NlbrlAkllS , lt Olin to.ls , At the Murray-I. Coo , Nebraska CIty . At the Milinrd-R. P. iCioke ) . n. J. Broza , West point : Wi Sutherland , Norfolk ; John C. 'Vatson , John N. Larsh , Nebntbka City ; H. g. Heath , Lincoln Cly At the" Paxlon-S. J. Lneman , Broken Dow ; S. J. Alexander , Llncohl , 'VIRon ! Hey. nolds ali wire , l reront : C. } JleOrew , Hastings ; J. 11. laer , Wisner At the Arcalle-J. C. White , Lincoln ; G. G. HarrIson , Button : J. A. Piper. Alma : g. A. Hal , gl.hom : S. hI. lwoOl ( , Grely ; Fred Hemer , lastngs ; George A. Moony , Iliair . At the DeloncI. H. Presser , Louisville ; R. S. Httiib , George W , 'Vnlnwrllhl , Blair : Mr , I. . Campbell , I.lnroln : ' 1' ' A. Taylor Crane ) llnnl ; J. A. Manning , WI'ne : S. I. Iierzog , Htrman. At time Merchants-Wi SUlherland , Nor- (01161 : W. I. bold , Olnlala : W , C. OgelVlo , Chnrlps A. I"owler , North Bend : C. Id. I Hew- ett , Lincoln : 1) . C. Horton antI wire , wlng ; el A. I. Johnson , Crete : J , K. llrowrm . Creigh. ton : John Shoolt. Baroda ; George herr , hattIe Crccle ; \V' M. Seeh' , Hennet : I. . Helm , HasUngRi H. 0Vells . Arlllol ' H. C , JeI oonel' , C Nel : A. g. I.anlllon , I. O. SalIsbury , lalllon ; 11. J. MerrieR , Adams . cM1krenCry fa' ' Pitcher's Castorla. Children Cry fOj itche's Castorla. Children Cry lrj ' itcher'6 Castorla. . - TALliED , OVER CITY CHARTER - Addresss Before Current Topic Club with Regard to Municipal Aflir CHARTER MAKING IN OTHER STATS - City Engineer 118tr1'"hlt 1 SI1lht In ' the New l'IRn orU ' ; I lt , , nlW or thom Inrqllltnl It 1 Expected to 01\lntt. - . At the meeting of the CUrrent TopIc club of the Young Men's Christian association last night the proposed amendments ! the . city charier , ns drcldc.l upon by the charter nmenment commItee , werO ,1sclssC' , ' . After reviewing the currcnt history of the past week C. n. 10wel who acted as chairman - man In the absence of Major Jnlerl' ' , in- trolluecd Councilman howell , who opened the dlsclsslon , Counciman I lowell prlfacel' his remarks wIth n short sketch of the history of the ammlment commIttee . 1e stated that last Jill ) ' ho hall Introducc\ In time counci a rtso- Inlol calling for the nlPolltment of n coimu- mitten to arrange I charter under which South Omaha and the greater porton of the . county should tie Included within the city ilnIlts. The direct object of this change was to decrease time cost of goverment all' 10 equalIze tnxaton throughout the county . After a number of meetings the commIttee Onlly prepared its report , which was lut Into the Corm oC n bill which Is now before the legislature. Councilman lowen then reml over time amcndments , nll briefly explained each , showing how they differed from the original sections of the charter , anti toiIng time object - jct or the change In each. lie stated that thouth the amcm'ments ' 111\ \ not fully CIII- body his original ideas a great good woos accomplshed , Inasmuch as time ProPerty of time city w0111 bo assessed at its un value under the nmcm'ments ' anti ' time assessmenl would be under tIm supervision oC one as- lS. sessor , by which means taxatIon would bl made more cqtmitabie . MAKiNG 0" CHAnTERS. City Engineer H03ewater was called on by the chairman to mallo a few romnrlts 01 the matter and responded. ITo sahl that he was 10t very enthuslaslc over time success that the amendmenls wOlhl meet In the legislature. In his opinion Omaha wouM never get an Ideal government until , lIke other largo cities , It obtalncll homl rule. Charters which had been formed out of the experience of years could be entIrely over thrown In a few hours br a legislature whose members know nothing of cIty governmont. Sl. Louis and Kansas City Ire now being governed by charters which were blade br the citizemos. Under a consltutonal amenl- ment the cIties of the state or Missouri are allowed to hire competent men to frame n chartn , which Is then submited to time I1CO- pic. This Is the method Ilursucd In several other states , and reports show that II Is S1C- 'ces3ful. ' I Is tIme simplest form of "overn- mcnt , except that of Wnshlnton , which Is under time control of only threa mcn. Mr. Rosewaler consIdered the most ! npor- tant amendmlnt 10 be that which changcd the manner of assessmmment Under the present systems the city has no voice In the assess- mcnt at all , It being made by nine men elected by thc county , who turn the lists ovel' to the city. Under this srstem tIme rich men pay only n small ProPortion or the taxes , the chief burden failing upon the poor Imman . The large corporatfoims and property owners "see" each of the assessors and give them 10 understand - stand that It Is to their Interest not to as- seas them too high I they wish to remain In publc ofce.SOME SOME INEQUALITIES. In this way the assessments of the rich are kept down , while the peer mln who be- leves In the IntegrIty or them aessessor does not say n word. The water works company , 10 which time city pays $86,000 . annually , Is assessed nt $70,000 , alhough.'ts ' properly and stock Is worth 9000000. Tile street railway company , which Is worth 4,5OOOOO In property - erty and tdck , Is assessed at $90,000. ' Small property owners whose possessions are only 'worth $1.000 are assessed at $100 or $150. Mr. Rosewater thought that this inequality woull be remedied If the amendment which provided for time 'election by the city of one assessor passed , The assessment would at any rate be made uniform and the assessor could be held responsible for any mistakes In the assessment. Attempts have been made' 10 pass such an amendment through the legislature for yelrs , but they have not been successful , a they have always been opposed - posed by thO heavy property owners and corporations - poratons of the city. Another important amendment , Mr. Hose- water considered , was that which gave the city tIme rlghl to condcmn army property In the entre slate for the purpose 'of digging a canal. In regard to the amendment whlqh made the city engineer ex.ofclo chairman of time Board of l'tmbiioVorlm , Mr. Hose- watcr saM that I lied been introduced by outside panics , and moot by himself. While he thought I a good one , I would only increase - crease the responslbly or the posItion without . out adding to the emoiumcijcs. Chairman llowell time Uowel supported statements of Mr Hoscwatel concerning the Inequnly of assessment under the present system. lluat hat l'lonr Only. W. D. Davis , Frank HoldaY and Hugh Brown , who wtro arrested Thursday anti bootted as suspl"OU1 characters , had a hear- Ing before Judge Berlm yesterday. They were suspected oC tl - poslnJ of some stolen ' hour , The evidence showed Imt they hnll , been prctcIng deceit on the lulerlntendent oC the county pOOl by reliresezoting them- selvr.s to bl In need of assIstance. They would take lurns In going nftem' the proVisions . vIsions ( url'shel ' by Ow county , and would usually take lour which was anl woul dlspofel1 of. In tlls manner they succeeded In beating the county out ot ) RIO 01' 30 I pounds oC flour , after which they mould It to I some of their frIends. 'fhe judge rend them 1 severe IcclU'o anll then gave them I a heavy Sentence Davl receiving a sen tence of seventy tinYl , Brown ' Ic\enty fifty-five and HOlday fly days In the county jai , their diet to consist oC brend' and watcl ech alternate live dn's. . SanD.OO for aJ Idea. This Is the biggest price ever oCferedtor n 'zatch lne or heading for In adverlsement layden Dros will give a choice oC several first' class pianos wortim $300.00 each for time head line adopted and in addition will give orders oa thieir music department for $50.00 worth of music for the next five best ideas , accordIng to mccli. re secure an' absolutely Impartial decision applicants are requested to sIgn in number only and to mall corresponding number' with liaIse 'md address to The lice office , wilero t will rtnmaln until after time award is 1130110. Time right is reserved to use any head line once , Time following more time fade to be silver- tisctl ; Hayden Bros. of Omaha a'.a the only flrlmm in limo' wend showing a coea1iiete line of the instruments manufactured by time fi'e most renowned Piano makers on earth , flay- den Bros. arc not fled up with red taps restric. ( Ions lute rcguhar selling agents , bolt are free to make time lowest lrlces ever neard of. hayden urea. put special streess on the Steinway aimti Voso holanos becaomle thmey have a larger line In Stock anti can buy thmenm cheaper than any other makes of eqilal rtImu. tatioa. Do not be misled by emmy cnq claim- lag time aole sgency. Hayden Broc. have them direct trots the factory as ivehl s from time Max Meyer & Bro , Co. sleek. Music' trade papers are saying pianos cannot be sitl in a deparinment store , but semisilmlo PeoPle who do not care In be hoooclwinloetl by slily frills are not so notional and the beet proof of this ii thia hayden liros. soul 111010 pianos , organs and musical instrulnents In one week ( tab any five nmusic stores seest of Chicago have icid in six monthme. The music trade papers say this ! nnovation will be 'watched with unusual interest anti Ilaydan Boos. propose to keep them guessillg. DR. _ _ _ MoCREW L 157115 ( ISLY li SPEoiALlsT 4. SYItO 10lItTH AM PaIVATE DSEASES V0aticam , audyocrel hstrclCs ! ? of MEN ONLY _ _ _ _ _ Reery core cuaram,50cd. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ z4m ylr. ' uxi.eruhtcu. S iwaba. ) 1411 , .o P.ermumimf.tL , w Q1.1.LI.t. 10u. Mll .YOIIKO KIIIIP IIP. _ Few Physicians Try to Cover the Wide Fieldof Sclonce1 TENIENCY ) OP TIlE 'FIME Unit Ail-llnhmorinmit lirmuimeb at Meillolime Strnngely N.'ghrcoe.I Iliutli lmmttm'pssmdont 1)Isctiv..ry Ilamia ( li-eat Strides- Miiliiiiit Ilavo 1Oct11 tieqetiotl , "My physician goes hammil in hmnntl witil m pastor. " Thmis renlark 'was Isolde by thio hate 3. 0. hlolhaluh , imiineelt a doctor , and it was true. The work clone by the nmethicnl lrotcssion of Alomericim is vast anl valtiablo , So vast In- dccii that tow plm'sicialms arc able to cover limo entire flelti of pr.lctice , but select specIal ( hepartlolelmts In which to become Proficient. it. I Perhaps etrango thmmot so few doctors imiuvo imoade a sPecialtY of studying or treat. ing tIme Immost ilnportant organs of time body , which are tile kidlmeys , tmtmt sumeho nevortiie- less is a fact , it is probably becaomso ( loose organs are so wontherftmhly delicate an.i till- Cortlill , have so few recognizable Symmllmtollms when they are derangeth , 1101(1 , ilm fact , as- SlllllO time 5)-lmliltommls timat ate also tIme cause of tmloSi. other ( hisC4tSCS , hi s-ns left to intie- lIelImlent dIscoverto lrodulco a runletly especially adapted for time kidneys , liver aimot other orgamma , almti so efficIent hmns thmis thIscovery been tltmring tIme Past twenty years that it Is umllmesltatltlgly nekImowledgotI by tile ImletilesI Profession amoit scientists generally - orally , as a covereign remmocihy for these troll- bit's , It is needless to say ( hoot It. is'ar - imre's Sate Ctmre , - \'hoiIo noliiiona of people have been rescued -C frolmo sickness ammth kept in hmeaithm by time use of this great reimleihy , coimlparataively few realize how great is Its purity anti power. It oothmes all inilammmmatioll , fevers , irregum- larRy or siimiilior troubles of these or adjacent orgalms aIltI leads time sufferer back to health and away front imuisery , It you , therefore. are a sufferer from nmmy of thmes troubles , wIllie you may hlavo YOUr regular phoyal- clan , it is Imot necessary that. you Silouhhl call 511011 ltimn , for you ltavo n lmicnmms of restoring your hleaithm withimo easy reachm. Every intel- uSd11 immimtm or woman wimo stops to reilect realizes timts , mmd in tiimma of troimbie should. act upon It. 1I1H Yale's Hair Tonic LADIES AND GIiNTi1EMEI It at' 7 fords 1110 great Pieasut'o to cmiii tite at- tentlon of the ptibllc to the Exceislot' hale Tonic' , vhmicli is Uiu llt'st noid only ± reniedy known to chellllsto'y ' 1iIch post. tlvely turns gray bait' back' to its orig. Inal color \VltiIoUt ( YC : It limos gone on record that Mine. M. Yule-woiidermul V0Ol1a11 choelilist-Ilas 11110(10 thIs iflost valuable of nil cilemical discoverIes. ' Mmooe. Yule PerSOIlahiY ilitlOrses till ltCtlOU and gives tile publIc her 801011311 gtrnraiiteo that it huts bueii tested in every conceivable viy , allel 11118 P1'OVell itself to be time ONLY hale Spuciilc. It STOPS IIU1t F.A J4LING Iinlllutlialely aitl ; ClChotCS a luxurious groWtll. Coii. talus no iiljurloois lngl'etlioIlt. Phlysi. chuiis tind clieimilsts IIlvlte(1 ( to iimoalyze it. Itla Ilot sticky or greasy ; on tile COIl. trmti'y it ISnICOS (110 haIr soft , youthful , 'fluffy , ailti kCOjtO it In dirt , For gentle. 1)1011 niod ladies vitlo 111111' 5 little gray , .strcahoctl gray , entirely gray , loIld with BALD hEADS , it. is specially recoin. liltOlI(1el. All drtlgglsis sell It. I'jlce , $1.00. If Aitybody Otfor.'s to Subatiltito Sftuii Thcisi MMIO. M. YALTO , IIeolh : ( and Comploxtos Specialist , Yale Tetuple of Donut ) ' , No. ill State street , Chicago , VRpFMEN EasIly , Quickly , Permanently Restored. Valcitcmii9 NorvotIoliea.19 4. ' ' - Xoblllty , pied nil till-h train : ; . ot evila fl-am early errors or . - I laler excesses the results of . ii'ywork , aiceneis ) worry , etc. 1"uhliutrmoimgllm , novel. . . . opnlunt V 5(1 ( toimo gIven to - - . .4)evory organ aimit portlea , : - nftlioimomiy. fiimimpte.na ' ) - \ IPurni lnIithlOmhs. immemi . 7 I i t iii ittu improvement seen. Faliuro iflijIoHItlIc. 2.0)0 Iettlrt'nCCH. hook , oxplanatioti and lmroofs mailed , sealed tree. ERIE MEDICAL COBuffaIo-N.Y. , ! hAndrews 1FTNDesk FORSITI 4 feet long-Ot Inches wide , Ion't believe that bechubo Andrews OfficeDcsks nrc time best oleslos timoy'ro tIme roost expensive , It's sot. true. \'u'vO jmut. COlflplthtt't II IlOOC hitmo of ubstamitiai dt'eke-unmostoaily liandsonmo Ill liImuaruiteo amid low iii price. Vo , tue mittmmifttl1m-w- atoll to the Imman lmo uses thu desic , ' .t'iicrt , s ivlmono the savimmS climes 1mm. Note de'olgns In our vcll known high grfl3lo deelos , othico e'imairs mind flimu cabinet , and uititaI work. Cosluiogsoo l'reo , A. H. ANbRE\VS & CO. , 215-221 Wabash Ave,5 CIUCAGOS