Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 09, 1895, Image 1

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    4. ,
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, - ES'l'AllliISIIED JUNE 19 , 1871. . 0:1AIL : , SA'l'UUDAYOnNI8G , FEJJRUARY 9 , 1805. SiNGLE COpy JnVE CEN'L'S.
- -
Assmlt : on Ning-Hni n Feint to Oover the
More Important Move ,
JUs F ht JlpccLcd Icroro the ChlncBo
" 11 jive VI Their JomeR-lrlrllJ I
al tile 1 lsLern rortlcatoll
of the City.
ClE.FOO , Feb. 8.-A large force of Japanese -
flee troops were landell last nigh to the cast
of this town , and this morning began nn attack .
tack on the fortifications on the eastern
part of the city. The Japs arrived nt Nlng-
lint , I town bztween here and Wel-Ilal-Wel ,
Y ° 8terday , anti began a bombardment of the '
western side of that town. This alarmel1
the people In Che.l oo , and they nit armed
themselves at once The gates of the city
were closed and barricaded , and even the
foreigners carried arms. The reason for this
fear was an impression which prevailed that
the , attack on Nlng.nal fortifications was a
feint on the part of the Japanese to cover a
new lanilng ( of their forces.
This theory was last night proved to be cor-
rect when the troops appeared on the east
of this town , and. as stated , began an at-
' tack on the fortifications. There Is Intense
excitement here now , and 1 big fight Is expected -
pecled between the assaulting Japanese and
the Chinese , who will have to defend their
homes. .
The Japanese shp/ ! which appeared near
Nlng hal let soon afterward with cut doing
any damage. This confirmed the jllt.ession
that the attack on Nlng lal was only r. feInt
of the Japanese : to cover 1 landing of their
forces at sonic other place and the people here
were convinced that the capture of some ether
place I contcmlllated. Every precaution was
taken to defend the city.
Another version of the appearance of the
Japanese shlp3 elf Nlng hal Is that they were
chasing two torp2do boats supposed to cntaln !
Admiral Ting , , .tho commander of the Chinese
naval forces at Wel.Hal-Wel , and Captain
ldcciure , the merchant marine , who was appointed -
poInted lstant to Admiral Tlng. These two
ofcer were mid . to be escaping from Wei-
Il&-Wei ! on board the two torpedo bOlts and
the Japanese are reported to have sunk both
vessels at a poInt northward of Che-Fee. , According .
cording to the advices which have reached
here tram 'Yel-Hal-Wel , only the CMn Yuan
of the entire naval squadron at Wei-IIai-Wel
: was sunk by the Japaneee. The sister slur
. of , that vessel , the Ting Yuen , Is mid to be
- nshore. The Clnese } inhabitants or this cty !
areleaving _ by the thousands. !
' Tie Japanese landed a force of troops near
: hero ast ] evening WIth the intention of capturing -
turing the city . The landing was mad about
' ten unites east of Che-Foo and Immediate advance -
vance upon the city was ordered. As this die-
, Jatch Is ant the Japanese are attacking the
torts defending the east part of Che.I oJ. In-
tense excitement prevails here and I Is ex-
pecte that a severe engagement will occur
, . The Japanese have occupied all the posItons
at : Voi-Ilab.\Vei and have captured or sunk
. the whole of the Chinese northern fleet- The
Japanese , during the nIght or Monday lact
February 4 , cleared Wel-Hal-Wel harbor of
. all torpedoe and submarine mines by the
skillful use of ther ! small torpedo boats , and
the steam launches frem the
war ships , whc !
small craft grappled for ant cut the wire connecting -
nectng the submarine mines with the shores.
j When these dangerous obstructions
obstructens were removed -
. moved the fleet . of Japanese war ships made '
: : n' splendId dash for the harbor and attacked
1' the Chinese feet with such ski that the
, battle ship Thug Yuen was sunk These tac-
' \ - tics were , repeated during the night of Feb-
, mary I and the Chen 'Yuen , Lal Yuen and
other Chnee ! war ships were blown up and
the remainder oC the ChInese feet was cap-
, " tured.
i Following up this splendid succees , the
' Japanese cmpeted ] the capture WelHal-Wel
1 ye terday by landIng a large force and seizing
, the plans of Lung Kea To , which has made
: . a galalnt defense against heavy odds.
$ ( Some of the Japanese war ships psfid Che-
; , Fee early this mornIng and fred 1 few shots
_ ) I , at the forte without doing any damage. In
> , view of the rePorts currents In regard to the
ten' ! attack made upon Nlng Hal yesterday
. the belief grows that the Japanfo are going
to attack Che-Fo.
I IOSllA , Feb. S.-An official dispatch
rceIved here fron the Japanese commander
at Wel-Hal-Wel announces that the Chinese
war ship Chen Yuen and the Ting Yuen and
the ChInese cruiser Chin Yuen or Yuen
were sunk by the Japanese torpedo boats In
. , . . , . .
- - " - - - - - - - -
' 10 " " "CIS JU8 mane upon inc remaining
-war Ihlps of China at Wel-Hal-Wel. The
official dispatCh adds that two steam launches
succeeded In escapIng , hut they were chased (
by Japanese vessels and were eventually disabled -
; abled near Che-Foo.
LONDON , Feb. 8.-A dispatch from Shang-
hal Sa1 there Is Intense ant.torolgn feeling
on the Shau Tung peninsula and that
American missionaries are fleeing hu'tiiy .
, Notllll Left to Disturb Jal'lnelo l'olles-
. sinn of el.nnl.ol. .
LONDON , Feb. 8.-The Times tomorrow
wl publish a dIspatch sent front Shanghai
today , stating that the Island of Kiu-Kung-
i Tao , In the harbor af Wel-Ial.'Vel , was cap-
tured by the Japanese yeterday. The die.
patch adds that the Chinese warship Tlng-
. Yuen vas sunk by a torpedo , and that the
remainder of the feet dashed seaward. The
fatc of the vessels that attempted to lJt to
sea Is not known.
A dispatch to the Times tram Wei-lfaI.
'Vel , via Ilogo , says that the Japanese , desir-
Ing (0 ( attack the western torts and those
t , distant two Tn'les along the shore whIch were
covered by the Chinese fleet . the advance
guard was compelled to make a toilsome
march on Friday during 1 snow stcrl and
, ' n strong gale. The march was made by a
Circuitous route Eventually the Chinese '
troops wer met on the Cheefoo road , we3t of I
' 'eh-lfai-Wei , and sivera fighting took place
, The Chinese were defeated and lied to Choe-
fou. Tlia1oss on the alJanese side was thirhy
killed and ounded , ,
klell wou"lo
A"I"nl COICI..ln , , Irom : "xlco.
CITY Ol MEXICO , Feb. 8.-Mr. O. W.
lIrown , attorney for the Mexican colonlza.
ton company at Missouri , Is II the city for
the Ilurpso of obtaining from , the gover'
' t ment certain. exemptions for Ilrospectve cob-
hire now enrout Crom various parts of the
, , UnIted Stales for'soporty In
I the state at Chiapas The exenlptons embody
the abolishment of certain Import duties auuI
port luargee on the hue ot steamers which
the company proposes 10 establish between
the Ports of Uah'eBton , New Orleans and
Mobll to Costzacoalcos on the gulf anl .
; Exemptons are ale asked for the port at
.Tenala on the Pacific In connection with
colonists taking passage from California all
- - other Ilollts on the aclOo coast.
N""III'II"r Uen I zuilided .
CONSTAN'fINOll.E , Pcb. 8.-Thb Ilorte
, , ! n nnll ) decided to permit no newspaper
to travel In the '
r men provinces oC Asia
Minor , except In Ditties , Inl ( the later cx-
cepton obtains only while the committee Of
Inquiry la sitting at Moosh
, Ioro Imperial Hocuueauts l'ubtlihuti.
IWRLIN ] , I"eb. S.-Tho Vorwaerts , lie 10'
clals orgn , which has made Itself notorious
; ccently by obtaining lueslon of and lub-
Ishlng secret government documents pub.
. 18\od tOday 1 secret Imperial decreudated
, February 6 , 1890 , In which commanding of-
. Ilcers are directed In atrlngent terms to Interfere -
. torforo vigorously , without regard to "enOII'
or consequence , In order to prevent 1 ( rest-
munt at soldiers by their superiors In rani.
. I
Two "rl".d HI , \'Ib' ,
- SAN I"UANCIBCO , Feb. 8.-lndlctmentl
-1 : : clt Utll' the ltdcrI1.rlt jury p\alnbt
n number of men charged with being unruly I
members oC the American Jllhvny union ,
two of whom Proved today that they were
not members of the American Hnlwny
union and had never been engaged In
any brnch oC railroading enJnet ! also
alibis In connection with . the strike troubles.
Taylor btoat Will No Longer Compel the
Eln'c to Accept , ( recIIt.
- Immm , S. D. , Feb. 8.-Speclal ( Tele-
grnm.-The ) state treasurer wi on Monday
begin paying cash fet all outstanding war-
rants , and henceforth there will be no trouble
In maintaining cash payments. A few lays
agO an Interview with Treasurer Phillips was
wlrell out , stating the resources of the state
and ( Its financial condition , Today came n
telegram from Chicago from n heavy firmer
oC bankers stating that they had seen the
Interview and , would like a large block of
the warrants , ali would deposit the money
to tile treasurer's order. The bid was n most
favorable one and was nccepted. This , with
others just made . gives the state plenty of
money to meet all outstanding and prospective .
Ive obligations. There will bo no trouble lu
maintaining cash payments until August
when 1 deficiency tax fully equal to the Taylor -
lor steal will be made.
Ancient Problem 1'11 DISturbIng the
l.elhluuro Ir the State of Wrlllu ,
CHEYENNE , Feb. 8.-Speclal ( Telegram.- ) :
A bill passel the senate oC the WyomIng legislature -
latur teday providing that a census of the
pCulaton af the tate be taken during the
present year. This law was enacted to com-
ply with the provisions of the state constitution -
ton , which requires that a census shall be
taken every five years.
The bill making It unlawful to ki any buffalo -
falo In the state of Wyoming has paNed both ,
houes , and wi be approved by the governor
tontrrow. :
I was practically decided by the' ' house to.
day to pass ai to prohibit parties from
grazing sheep or ctle within cne mile of
any occup'ed ranch without the consent of
the owner , and wIthin two miles oC an In-
ccrporated tcwn , notwithstanding the fact that
the attorney general has given an opinion
that Jch a law would bo uncnstitional .
The queglon of the use of thB public range
has created more acrimonious dlscusson : than
any other subject before the lgI.lature. The
sheep men bitterly oppose the ! preposed legis-
lat'on ' , but those' who represent the small
ranch men Eay that unless somethIng Is done
to protect this class from the encroachment
at state. sheep , they wi be compelled to leave the
DICVSSINU lAn.tO\D n.\'rl ' ,
, I.mberl , of the Soutti - nkotn Legislative
, ( 'olunuittoeM U.lrrglmDnh ,
PIRRE , S. D. , Fib. 8.-Speclal ( Telc-
gram.-Thls ) evening the railroad commls-
slons of both senate and hOne held a joint
meeting and herd the arguments on the big
bi for the Imposition oC maximum rates.
The friEds of the bill were Judge Palmer
and a number of S'oux Falls jobbers , and
for the railroads Judge Burtt of Huron ap-
penred. A large array oC figures were given
by the jobbers to show that South Dakota
was suffering from discriminations.
Toay the senate , having considered the
free silver memorial debated yesterday , voted
to expunge tim whole matter tram the record
and to expunge this motion. No bill oC importance -
portance was paBed.
In the house a bill came up from the senate
prohibiting the making of mortgages covering
property not In existence. This Is the same
proposition beaten n few days ago , but this
time It was sustained.
Time divorce bill , reducing the time to three ,
months . , will ] pas the , semite this ater oon. ,
A large crowd or jobbers from Sioux Fall
arrived to fight the railroads.
- - - -
Eiiriut-hlour nlY for Policemen.
JEFFERSON CITY . Mo. , Feb. S.-The
house committee on labor today reported
favorably th bill making eight hours 1
legal duy's work tor polcemen , Should this
bi pass It would . seriously erect St. Louis
and Kansas Clt ) . ' 'h house committee on
labol' today reported adversely three meas-
tires of great Importance to organized labor
In Missouri. They are the Felows servant I
bill. the bill creating n state board oC nrbl-
( ration and the bill providing for weekly
Payment of wages.
U.rnnun "ltulrlfrom thin ICnco .
SALEM , Ore. , Feb. S.-Congressman 11cr-
mann's name was withdrawn from the sen-
, atonal contest today , but Dolph's vote reo
malned unchanged. The ballot resulted In
the following vote : Dolph , 41 ; hare . 10 ;
Wlnthertord , 8 ; WIIIIS , 1 : Lord , S ;
I.owel , 10 : absent , 2.
No ( 'bsiume In Id"ho.
nOISE , Idaho , Feb S-The senatorial bal-
lot ' today waR without change : Shoup , 19 ;
Sweet , 18 : Ciaggett . 15. -
hiM 111i\UJ. ; J'itIt TRIf _ COUEI
\urdor.r of Harvey lcotle Snll to 10 Ills
ARocinto In Cattle llatsliig .
CHEygNNE , Wyo" , Feb. S-Speoal ( Tele-
granm-On ) the 26th ot last month Harvey
Booth , one of the wealthiest cattlemen In
Wyoming , was brutally murdered In a stable
In the town at Evanston In the extreme
western part oC the stnte.
Although the circumstances showed that
the crime we.s deliberately planned , there
was so much mystery surroundinG the affair
that the oleers could not locate the mur.
derer. A reward of $ .0 was offered and
eminent detectives were employed \ on the
' ense . From reliable citizens of western
'yomlng who reached Cheyenne today I
Is learned that the detectives have accumu-
Iltel evidence which they believe proves
beyond a douht that A. S. Croaker , one of
the most prominent citizens oC Evanston ,
and a partner oC the late Mr. looth In the
( Itte business Is guity at the awfut crime
I waR dlslred to keep the mater quiet ,
consequenty no public arrest has been
mOlle , although Mc . Crocker Is under stir-
\'ellncc of specIal \ ofcers , and the nmter
hal been kept quiet In order to secure uddl-
tonal evidence of a circumstantal chnrnc-
tel' , as evidently the olly person except the
murderer , who has personal knowledge of
the crime , has bee removed.
Exactly two years IJrevlou to this flurder
'Yo II. Crawford who was Cormerly In
Ilrtnerhll' with Ilootie and Crocker , 1)1'
tErlou"ly dIRIII''Ure,1 and has not been
, heard at simmce I Is the theory of the detectives -
'tectves that Crocker made away with
Crawford , which crime WUf known to Harvey -
vey fluoflm. Crawford had Bore dllcul ) '
wih rorker some months previous to his
Ilsll'pearance and withdrew from the firm.
n Is ' 'leveI1 that the murder of Crnw.
ford IC he was murderell , cauled 1 coiliness
between Booth 111 Croaker Although nsso-
Boclated together In business , . they scarcely
sl10lte to 'ach other. ant for the past year
thv were not on civIl terms The fact was
wel known to the friends of both men. hut
neither ever offered un explanation oC the
causes thereof.
The authorIties are convinced that Harvey
Booth was made away wih IS a mater of
sll'llrotieton. Cracker dare no longer trust
him with time knowledge at the crime On
acedunt of the IJromlneuce oC all the par-
tel the affair has created the ! reatt sen-
Slton ever known In . this sectloim.
One Stelieti In limo Snow unll Another 1'0'-
lowing Crashed Into I
TORONTO , Ont. , Feb S.-The Grand
Trunk train due here at S:11 : a. m. got
staled nell' 'eBton , eight mlel from here ,
and Wlo run Into by n London traimm Time
qrl'lr amid fireman of time colliding train are
badly scalded . 'fw/ passengers are mlssln
11\1 two others ball ) ' Injured. The wrecked
' ilre.
carb are noon tn .
11"ln 11 KIII'c" . H"fo from " rita ( Uner ,
eHU.\CO. Feb. S..An express sate COI\-
tulnlnG muney was 1tolen from I Lake .
Shore train todlY while being taken tram
the stoc yards brunch ot time expresa corn-
pan lu thl nmln olce In the city. The
safe wits found later II un alley , opened and
rlll" ! 'l'he explCs oom\ln"s ollclal / Cay
the IUount lust was . not - lal'ge.
N.1 W"IO Simlii.utulo to lie nhl"II ; I.
HAN F1LN'ISCO. Fib. 8.-11 grievance
t'IIntn oC time Ih'otherhc oC l.oeorno. .
live Engineers hll another conference wih
time rulw ! ) ' ollcllil today In meference 10
the piOlmnsd 1\161\n of the wage fchellule
which wi lee submitted for ratification to
time 10\ e : If tie order .
, - - - _
Arrives Off the Bnr at New York Late Last
- -
No VnenRlneR" Pelt Concerning Any , of time
Other Overdue SI."eM of
"Ilch ' ' , erero
NI1\V YOR , Feb. S.-The Teutonic hal
arrived at the bar There Is no news yet of
the La Gascogne.
hope for La Gocogne was buoyed for I
time by a report from Fire Island that I
big steamer was sighted oil that point about
6 o'clock tommigimt Nothing further was seen
of the vessel until 7:30 : , when the marine
observer at Sandy Hook saw 1 steamship's
lights outside the harbor. The vessel did not
signal , and , ns the weather became thick , she
was lost sight of
At 8:25 : p. m. the observer again saw time
vessel at anchor. lie flashed a lantern , but
could get no signal from her .It Is supposed
that shl might be either the Teutonic , Hhlne-
land or Manitoba , all of which were over-
due. I It was Ln Oascogno Captain DaUle-
Ion would hate signaled , on account of his
bing eo long overdUe. Fear for the safety
of La Oascogne Is beginning to fill the mlnts
. the continue to
of ship men. While agents contnue
assure the friends of passengers that the
steamship Is safe , the belief Is forcing itself
on their minds that something extraordinary
has happened to time French ship An eager i
multitude hovered about tie omce of the
compan , on Bowlng Green , today waiting
for some word of the missing vessel No
word of consolation from time ofcials of
( ho company couhl b had.
The storm of lat night was an unusually
severe one. All night time life-saving pltrol-
men were on the lookout for In011ng
vessels and the snow was driven Into their
faces by a howlng northeasterly gale , which
chilled them through to the bone. The
electric buoys In the Gedney channel were
extinguished by 'he Ice and I would have
been difficult for any Incoming vessels to
have steered their way across the bar. The
steamer Nacoche , which cleared for Havana
yesterday spent the night at anchor In
Grvesend bay , waiting for more favorable
Up to 2 o'clcck this afternoon nothing had
been seen of the overdue steamer La
Gnscogne , nor of time Teutonic , or of the
other steamers that are now due. Numerous
Inquiries have been received from the west
regarding time La Gascogne nnd 'feu tonIc.
Until the wind abates and the weather clears
no vessels can ' be eXlected to pass In at
Sandy 1100k.
La Gascogne Is row five lays overdue and
has not yet been Ighted. The fierce gale
which set In yesterday afteroon continues
and nothing cnn be distinguished at any
great distance from the shore. Drect , tele-
graphic communication with Fire Island hi
stopped , the cable connection with the main-
land having been broken by thc vast quantity
of Ice In the great South bay. Should La
Gascogne be anywhere near the coast she
could not bo' seen until she was close to
- cose
Sandy Hoolt.
There arc probably about 121 passengers enL
L Gascogne Her officers are : - Captain I
Daulelon , Chief Officer Danqule , First Ofcer
Gonter , Second Officer 'Iton , Third Officer
Landegren , Purser Japhet , Assistant Purser
Darandeau Chief Engineer Martin , Second
Engineer Le Bars Third Engineer Oou\'ere ,
Fourth Engineer Haman , and Dr. Oervals.
Time White Star steamer Teutonic Is now
about two and n half days - ' eehlnd her best
record time and the belief grows that she
may be assisting La Oascogne.
Following Is 1 list or the transatlantic
steamers now overdue at this point , wih
their dates of sailing : .
'Slenmer. Where . '
From. Dt 'or
I.n aascogne. Freneim Havre .Ian. 2G
Teutonic. White Star Liverpool Jon. 3'J '
IthynianO , Hed Star Antwerp Jan 26
loUvla , Anchor Glbrnlar Jan. 24
Leland Chelsea Jnn. 21
Manitoba , AU. Trns , Lenten Jnn 25
Tnormlna , , Hamburg Jnn. 21
Uelared Utports from \'Iulou Nebraska
Tnwls on time IOitzzmtru.
BUTTE , Neb. , Feb. 8.-(8peclal ( 'role-
gram.-A ) severe blizzard has been raging
hero for the past two days , culminating yes-
tcrda wlh a cold wave , the mercury touching .
Ing 34 below zere. Much distress prevails
and cattle and stock on the ranges are suffer-
Ing. No deaths from exposure have yet been
YORK Neb , Feb. 8.-Speelal.-The (
storm which swept over , this county yester-
day was the worst seen In this locality for
years. Prior to' the storm a lght snow had
fallen , and this was taken up by the wind ,
and , tOgether with the dust , made It Impossible -
possible to see over 100 to 200 yards ahead.
All ' traffic was entirely suspended , many of
the merchants not even opening their places
of business , and thosE who did open report
no trade whatever. On Thursday morning
the thermometer registered from 23 to 26
degrees below zero , and the cold was Intense ,
tIme strong wind that was still blowing . mak-
log I felt that much more. Tho.story circulate -
culate In one of the stab papers to the
effect that a somali chid had , through neg-
bet , suffered 1 froze arm , Is absolutely
falee. Tim chid was simply suffering from
an attack of rheumatism , and lt the time
the report was clrcnlated was absolutely weil .
Old settlers claim' that never to their Imowl-
edge was such a storm Imown In this county.
Some suffering was reported throughout the
MINDEN , Neb. , Feb. S.-Speclal.-Yes- ( )
'terday mornln was the coldest for years
Time tlermomelor stood at 30 below at 7:30. :
NFUIASKA CITY , I eb. 8.-Speciai.- ( )
The Ihermometer registered 22 below zero
this morning. Water pipes were frozen allover
suited over the . city and considerable damage r-
FULLERTON , Neb. , Feb. 8-(8peclal.- ( )
The wind blew a heavy gale from the .outh
until late In the night , when It sUddenly
changed , to the northwtst , bringing with It I
one of the worst storms Fullerton pioneers
have ever seen In Nebraska. All day the
storm seemed to Increase In vlolene" , time
mercury steadily lowering until It registered
31 : degrees below zero. Yesterday morning
the wind bad subsided , but the cold was In-
tense throughout the clay Up to sundown
this evening no country people put In an
apimtaramce , hence no Information can bl
given as to how the stock throughout the
county stood the storm. Feed being very
scarce I Is presumed that much stock must
have : suffered greatly , and perhaps the loss
wi be , found to be quite imeavy
Trellis , \1 Uela'cd and Street Car Tralo
S usmen uleti.
WASHINGTON , I.'eb. 8.-The western blz-
zard struck afternoon
Washington yesterday afernoon ,
al\1 the city Is passing through one ot the
everest spells of cold weather I has ever
experienced. The snow began falug early
yesterday afternoon , and by nightal the
ground was covered live Inches deep and
the fakes were commg down tllci and fast ,
while a high wind added to the intensity
of the cold , whleb was near time zero mark
Time snow continued until 2 o'clock , and
drifted so badly as to stop travel on the
suburban street car lnes and to render tran-
sit about the city slow and uneerlaln. The
thermometer went down just below zero In
the early hours this mornIng.
General delays In the postal service are
reported here IS a result of the severe storm
that ba been raging during the past few
days. Mails trom the east are delayed be-
twee six and ten hours , and no eastern
mal Is being dlspatchod on time. AU missile
to and from Washington are delayed. No
sthern mall had arrived or were dispatched -
patched Ul to 2 o'clock this afternoon , None
of time Waebncton and Alexandria local
- '
" - - - - - -
trains arc running and Bllmore train serVice -
Ice Is Irregular. New \Yorl trains , 111e here
early this morln . will not tUTlvo Int late
tonight. All western trlf mo more or
less behind time.
flAt ) ULIZZ.\t 'lS' I ' \OIU ,
Elevated Railroad time Only Wny tr Oettnl
Aboui ' time City
NEV YanK , Feb. l 'S.-The worst storm
sInce the blizzard of M'nrch H , 1S88 , started
In lat evening. The , wind continued aU day
with terrlblo force , blowing the snow In nil
directions .
Traffic on surface stree railways Is much
delayed , and In aonscquFnce the elevated
roads ore being taxed beond their capacity
under normal conditions. Witim that capacity
reducell two-thIrds by th storm , the delay
la most annoying. Tr fVlh were running
twenty and twenty.fve I mutes apart , anti
as they stopped at the stations the can
were so fu1 that In somelutnnces ; the gates
could 10t be opened , 0111 no one could get
In. Women were pulled , out over the railings .
Ings , but hundreds of i'opie were carried
by their stnUons. Men not only filled the
platforms , but clung on outside the railing
of thc rear plntorms , In trI1 \ of being tbrown
off at time curves.
On the North and East' rivers where the
stream had 1 clear sweep , and where the
rtmmmning cakes of Ice a'dded to the danger ,
time ferry boats stopped running when time
storm was nt its fiercest. They made halt
hourly trips during the nlht ; , and just be.
fore dawn stopped running aitogcther. The
greatest danger . was experienced In the ice
cakes In the river. T1e slips were fled
with ice and a boat could not reach her
deck without coneldorabbe ' delay.
The Jersey Central railway was completely
blocked. Up to 9:30 : no cars had reached '
tIme docks at Jersey City , and as I conse-
quence thousands were snowbound and unable
to reach this city. One Jersey Central ferry
i boat , which arrived at 'thb foot of Bergen
street nt S:30 : , forty minutes behind I time .
carried only one passenger , and that a
woman. Yesterday the shine boat , nt the
same hour , carried 2.lOO pasRengers.
One of the Pennsylvnrln ferry boats last ,
night got lost In the river , and consumed !
over two hours In reaching her slip on the
Jersey side.
Dispatches to the Associated press from
Interior points In the state rep rt that the
storm Is the most severc'hperlenced In seven
years. ' Halroad trfc Is much Impeded ,
traffic In many cases being entirely Iuspended
and country roads are' completely blocked
with snow. In some localities the fail of
snow In the last eighteen hours Is reported
to be as much as thre fet , and everywhere -
where the high , wind which prevailed has
created drifts of great size. At Middletown
four Erie trains arC stalled l Throughout the
length of the New York entral traIns are
from one to four hours late , and generally
local trains have been suspended. On Long
Island time storm was at its worst , causing
much InconvenIence among tim poor and entailing -
tailing great sufering , . In western New
York the storm Is very \aver Late In the
afternoon the New York Central started out
the North Shore lmled , ' a through train for
Chicago and every effort , It was nnnounced ,
would be made to gob It through without
delay. During time hours.ef , the early evening
It was reported to bo on Ume. The passenger
trains have gone out on time. Officials expect
te get out .through trains regularly on Satur-
day. Local ' service has' been re-cstablshe
oxtiie Hudson , dlvslon. : ,
huMMED 124Ifl ICE
. ,
Two Ferry lnat Imlrboaell und 'helr
Crow 'flhout flood or Fnel. _ '
MILWAUKEE , Feb. 8'iLwo. , rnlles'4.1f.
Manlstee harbor , surround y ± ] arge lo
fields that' xtFm for ; nUls Into the lake ,
are two large steamers , helpless and without
-fuel. Aboard of them- re' about sixty men
and 1 large chslgment at merchandise.
They arclarge car Cerrleq Nos. 1 and ,2 of
the Ann Arbor Inervhosc fasslve Ice crushers -
ers have heretofore been considered capable
at plowing through any prt of the lake In
winter. The Ann Arbor line asked Miwaukee
vessel men to send relief , and arrangements
have been made to send , help to the icebound
vessels from Ludington' tomorrow. The
boats have ben fast In the Ice Elnc9 last
Friday , and every ton of coal has been
burned to keep the cres's from freezing
cre's oC the Mu-
Today Captain John Fitzgerald Mi-
Dock communicated
WaUIe3 Dry company
the condition of the terl s to th Punt &
Pore Marquette company , and as a result
word was received lucre this afternoon that 1
relief expedition would , b sent out from ,
Ludtngton ems soon aSI p \slble. Coal and '
possibly some food , wi- be talten to the
ferry boats. The car ferries left Kowanee
February 1. and were bound for Franlfort.
Both carry large carg02B of' eastbound freight.
- -
VttEt1liEiJ IN -I TIlE , I UI8.
Three Trains l'iiod Qp In One snow
. Bunk. . : ,
WASHINGTON , Feb : -Three trains on
the n. & o. were wrecked-at Delsvle , twelve
miles from here , to'dYi Particulars are
meager , but It seemed ceftaln that" the dam-
age to the trains was greit , alhough no lives
were hart. So tar as can , be learned , the noon
train was stopped at , Delsvl by snow
drifts. The 2:10 : ) train on the same line ran
Into It frm' behind , smulleg ) time cars badly.
While efforts were bairi pade to clear me
Whie eforts .ho
track the 3:41 : train g upand ran Into tIme
other trains , also doln , great damage. A
little later the 4:10 : ( miii came up , but was
stopped by a drift only 100 yards from the
spot where the on.r I trains were pied
up. nut for this I ouid have been added
to the rimins I Ic I slld here that no fag-
men were out. There , ere only thlrty-f\1
passengers on the trains Jl told , and none
of tem were Injured. T ey suffered severely
from the cohl. The \'ir s arc down and no
information can be Obi leod. Baltimore Is
the enly city with wb' I communication Is
now open. Three trabp have arrived from
the south.
iiaiiroad Trame IicCni und No Further ,
Illroad :
Trouble II i Iinkcipated ( .
DEADWOOD , Fcb.Special ( Telegram. )
-The backbone of the "trm wblch for the
past three days bas Iee > Deadwo anti the
mack hills country l late tram the out-
Bile world seems ta' 'b9 ' broken. Three
trains arrIved yesterday , and two today
bringing with thom vemy ; large malls. Although -
though It Is still snowing tday , the fall Is
not accompanied bYIUie high wl\1 wblch
made the storms at the pat few days so
disagreeable and dangerlls Ita passengers
1,1 11'or Unat 5.'uiathlours Late
FALL IUVEn , Mass , . r b. S.-The steamer
Pilgrim of Iho Old Colony'a New York and
1'01 River line due aL 6 : o'cloclt this mornIng .
Ing had not arrived at 1- o'clock .
NEW hAVEN , Conn , . J3' b. S.-At 10:30 :
this morning a bIg stcme beleved to bl
time Pigrim was sighte Crm Savin rock ,
going east , and about tbreoquarlers oC a
mie from thl shore. 1 was thick outside
Ind could not b clearly seen , but appeared
to be all right , ss Nile rend along speedily
and ! was soon out of sight , golnc eastward.
Thl probabilities are tiat the boat Is stl !
all right and Is maklqg for New London
NEWPORT , n. I. , Feb. ' S-The Pilgrim of
the for 1'01 11 River River. line pusel here /t 4:10 ; p. t.
FALL R.VER. . Mass. , Ftb. S.-Tbe steamer
l'Iigrini haa arrived hero.
Sllerll from Voll hI England.
LONDON , I"eb. S.-The cold weathEr In-
creased last night all over Oreat Britain , and
was accompanied in moPy places by snow.
storms. Trains on railroads In ho high ;
lands of Scotland have been abandoned. At
Market Harbor the therom ter regtstre ( .
1 degree below zero , /n4 lt Gra\Bond at
midnight the Thumes was frozen over tram
shore to shore. the
ahcre. At Leicester ( mercury
WI 10 degrees below zero during tIme night
( CoitinueuIors ' Second ' ! le. )
- - , .
- - - - '
WIPED \ ' A\AY \ BY A hiGh TIE
Damage by the Ocean Storms Not Oonfned
to Shipping Itrests ,
Startling blt Uneonlrmel ) InU0r rrom time
North Atlantic Couast-hiummugor , Malice ,
Jtellrtel ) to Ito 'hitmriming Up-
( renl Loss or Life .
DOSTON Feb S.-A dispatch from halifax
says that 100 houses and business buildings
In neighboring vlage" have been swept
a"ay by an awful tidal wave. It Is believed
many lives were lost.
hALIFAX , I eb. 8.-The following has been
received from South Ingonlsh , C. D. : "Tele.
graph lines are down amid are burled In the
rocks for half 1 immiie. Twenty.two houses
and shops were washed oft the beach
"Nothing was saved at Middlehell ] . All
fish stores arc swept nway.
"At New Haven mill fish stores and My .
goods stores are gommo
"Thcse are the results of Tucsllay's stormn "
The sea In Halifax Is higher than for
years The stage of water reached time
atrength at a tidal wave , and reports are
pouring In from all directions along the
coast telling oC the destruction of property.
A l1slatch from North Sydney tells an
awful story of destruction on the Island of
Cape Breton. Telegraph wires are all down
and burled under many fet of snow , and '
rocks washed upon the beaches From Ferry
to Bakers , a distance of hal a mile , the poles
have been broken off and disappeared. At
this point It Is known that twenty-two houses
and shops were washed nway during the
storm which prevailed on Tuesday when the
sea poured upon the land wlh almost Irrc-
slstble force. Nothing was saved at this
poInt. At lUddlehead all the fsh stores
were swept awny.
At New la\ln all the fish stores and resi-
dence are gone making a total of more than
100 buildings whIch are now known to have
been swept away during the storm. So tar
as known mme lives were lost.
Time storm came to a sudden terminaton
at 4 o'clock this afternoon , and I Is now
clear , calm and mild. There Is still quite I
heavy sea on time outside , but the steamer
Labrader came In after a quick run. '
eTLt3iItOAT . 101.Elt EXL'LOiII
IIO Persons on floarhttop3rtetl to have
Steen JUlell.
FOREST CITY , Ark. , Feb. S.-Meager de-
tals are received here tonight of the cx-
ploslon near MadIson , on the St. Francis
river , of time Cyclone , 1 river steamboat of
considerable capacity. I Is reported those
aboard , consisting oC nine persons , were
blown to atoms The boat left Madison
early this morning on 1 trip down the river ,
carrying two families , whoso name arc not
known , and a small crew. Her cargo In-
eluded several barrels of gasoline. The boat
had reached n cut-ol four mies from Madison -
son , when , without warning the explosion
; ocdrred , wrecklngthe craft'c mpletlly and ,
" ossbpg hose , ofmPpard. : : hIgh , in tW i ! , oir . None
hived to tel the tale , being torn to shreds.
Tlc explosion was terrifIc , and was hear
thrio miles distant Owing to the extreme
isolation or the scene and ot the poor telegraphic -
graphic " ! connections caused by the Inclement
I weather , further details oC the disaster are
unobtainable tonight
FlUE Ui A CI11'OO IO'rI L.
Guests Striven from .Tholr Dells to Fight
Their ' Ymiy Into the 'otd NIht Air.
CHICAGO , Feb. S.-Elevcn persons were
driven from their beds by fire In the Royal
hotel In Adams street nt 4 o'clock thIs
mornIng. All oC tbem narrowly escape
death , and all suffered Intensely from time
cold. The Royal hotel Is a four-story brick
building. OnlY one narrow stairway led
from the hotel to the street. Escape by that
route was cut off by the fire. The only
egress left was the fire escape down the
front of the building. In getting - tram the
building all were more or less Injured :
Mrs. J. H. Wilson fell part way down the
fire escape and was badly cut and bruised
Maggie Bryan and Maggie Day were on the
top floor and all their hair was burned off
and their hands were cut by theIr fighting
their way through the windows
13. Martin oC New York was one of the
worst sufferers. His feet were frozen while
he was standing on the fro escape lie was
taken to the Great Northern where be Is
under a doctor's care. None at the guests
had time to dress , Ond almost all lost t\lr
belongings. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
home for FrtoldlouVomtl met Clevolln:1 :
urned Uonnrro 1 lcapel.
CLEVELAND , Feb. 8.-Flre broke out at
8 o'clocle hula ( morning In tile Home for
Friendless Women near the corner of Scovi ,
avenue and Putnam street and the building
was almost totally destroyed. Many ef time inmates -
mates were sick In bed and for n time a
repetition of the Deaconess Home horror
seeme probable. The firemen succeeded ,
however , In rescuing all the Inmates , alhough
their rescue was attended wIth the greatest
difficulty. Owing to the terribly cold weather
the fire engine froze as scan as It left the
house and the fremen could make but little
headway In checldng time names until the
building was practically destroyed ,
U.\NOOn , Mit. , ON FlUE.
Slaking Limo Started n Blaze Which
Thrcatcnelt the \Vholo CIty ,
BANGOR , Me. , Feb. 8.-The highest , tide
ever known here this morning flooded ] the
warehouses along the rIver fronl. Slaking
lime started a fire whIch threatened the
business section of the city.
1y hurl worlt time /amel were stayed
when f6O damages haul been done. Every
melchlnt on Exchange street wIll surfer
from the flood.
nOCKLAND , Me. , Feb. S-A severe limo
fire , almost resembling that of 1 few years
ogQ , broke out on the water front tOday , A.
ag\ Baird & Co. , Sped & Co. and , the Gay
lros , lost about 1,000 casks each , Many oC
the wharves are sublerg ( by time tide ant
the unto sheds are Invaded. About two feet
of snow has fallen and trale Is generally
interrupted . _ _ _ _ _ _
1'.ro Started by WcUer It Fall RIver.
ALL RIVER , Mass. , Feb. B.-Th highest
title since 16G9 cccurred here this mornIng.
Al the do'ke along the river were flooded and
bale oC ttton and oil barrels were foaled
off Into the river The water set tire to lime
In a store house at Borden & Hemlngton ,
dealer In null and building supplies , and the
building and contents were destroyed Cotton
worth ' 6,000 was
iliad frmn Ir"r Jilsoase pt 1 Fire.
DANVILLFh , hy , feb. S.-Prot , J. W.
Harris of Xenia , 0. , a guest ot harris hotel
at Crab Orchard , Ky. , discovered ] the build- '
big on fire at midnigh and alarmed time
Inmates. lie saved his own property and
helped save otler property Ind then dropped
dead tram heart disease . The loss 00 the
hotel was ' 5,000.
hrrlo"l I'le In ( : llllnnall. ,
CINCINNATI , Feb.2 p. m.-Tbe
Japan derartment of the American Oak
1 Leather eOIana ' extensive works on Jle.
- - - - -
Lean nvenlo are blrnln . The fire his stich
headway tbnt the loss Is likely to bo very
Inrge. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Elevator . \'Ir.lnll , Nelu , horned ,
VIRGINIA , Neb. , Feb. 8.-Speclal ( Tele-
gram.V. ) . Allen & Sons' elevator blrell
last night. Los $ . ,000 , Ilsur1 for $2,600.
The fire I supposed to have caught from nn
englnt I was 11 the peolllc cOlld do to
save the town
: ' .t rio.V.i . i. .t.L.I"O DR.i1.I.'ilS.
l solntols AiopteIrmt time Alnlnl Meet-
hug Ycstrrdumy.
I1ALEIGII , N , C. , 'eb. 8.-The upreme
council of the Nntonnl I.'nrmers' nllnnce
lstened to the hnnunl address or the lcresi-
dent nt the morning session tOIII ) ' . I wns
also 1lntorm tiny amid ( time report or the
commitee In chnre theeof recommemled
some cimnnges which brought 01 some erie-
nest anti lively dhscusstomm A number oC
delegates favored n Ical rmn ton of the
Ocal" IJlntCorr but n larger numbcr en-
dorscl time comnmittee's report amid some
changes were muncie.
demanding the
The tramisportmition plnnk demnlln
government ownershh' an.1 control of the
railroads , Is muodilied II nf to demlnd Ihat
the goverlment shnl own amid operate jlst
enough oC the com\eUn hues of the cotmum-
try to electully give the overnment [ till
control of tIme regulaton oC lmsenger fares
nnll frelgimt rates 'rhe denmml for lecUon
of United States senutors by direct vote of
the Unlell , ii I ! chnnget ! s lS to Ilemald lint
ench \ state ! hal he divided into two tli-
( trlct of Icarl ) ' qunl voting population and
: thnt a. elntor 81ml he elected Cram each
I by n directote or the people of the dIstrict.
Plnnnce was n subject of consllernble dig-
cUlslon , which resulted In the nllopton of a
lenuithy preamble nnd resolutiomm. The pre-
Icnlth sets forlh limit In n land of bUUllelM
blessed In uumstintcd mensumres
resources , ( lnstntell menslrcs
with henven's hOlnte ! the wnl of lsh'eN
fills the land ; that the lives amid Ilherlnnces
of the unborn nre being offered nM n Pledge
to the IIwnshol1s of ElrolJ to obtnln
mane ) ' . while bnnltruptc holds high carmil-
vnl. hallways go Into the handS of receiver -
ceiver , merchants and mnnufnctlrerl brealt
down , ! people nre despoied of their homes , I
labor Is condemned to idiemmesS amid stnrva-
( Ion Is Illermlnlng mmmaralit nIl cl\lznton.
ton resolution declares thnt "whlo standing
lirnmly I I ) ' all our nUance demands . we
recognize that no other reform Is poslhle
until the destructive policy , of contracting
unu destructve
amid the
enr money \ollne Is overthrown nll
bamilus oC the country be forced to retire
Cram govcrnmcnt business : hl\lnl nt Inlt
forced the fimctummcial question to the front ,
11nclnl queston
we will fearlessly meet the Issne ali serve
wi on the countr that we will never
rest untl the people shall rUle Instead of
, , American
the dollar . and a lronouncel
dolar. I
fimmancial system Is established. "
The proposal for fundln the Pacific railroad -
road deht to the government Is contieummned.
Time ohilcers for the next year are : Presl-
det J. olcers . 'Vlets of Kansns ; vice president ,
. hI. C. Sna\ely oC Knnsas ; secretary-trens-
1. . D.P. \ Duncan of South Cn\olnl : na-
tlonnl executive conmmnittee. lnnn Page.
Virginia : H. L. I.ouels. South Daltota ; I. E. .
Dean , New York ; H. C. Dcmmln , Pennsyl-
vlnln , amid Marion Buter , North - Carolina.
Four Men Kibietlatiti Ono Seriously
HARRISBURG , Pa. , Feb 8.-While dig-
ging out I snowbound train on the Penn-
sylvnnln road 'imear Luclmow this afternoon
oC the
ten men were run down by n section
Pacific eXlress. Two mel were instantly
killed ; two Injured so badly that they lived
but a short time and n nUh Is at the city
hospital tme fractured skull , lmis arm
broken wih three places , and imehas
severe contusions on the face. The dead
art , : John K. Darr , Noah Nyc. George M.
Stroup and John Crossley. The injured
nmnn.'s name iii l3enjmunIn Otat.
Under the direction of SupervJsOr King the
men were releasing twG engines which had
been stalled by time blizzard. The snow-
bouimd train was op the castimoumnci-pasBen-
ger track. with' ( tie men' nrmtd with 'shovels.
all around it. As , fast as they cleared the
snow away the wind would drive it 'over
them ammd on time track on which the cars
stood. The air wsts full of it , making it
difficult to see In any direction. Smmddermiy
one of the workmen cried : "Look outi
Coming up time wertbountl track was one
of the sections of the Padil exprese , which
was scimedubetl to arrive at 3 o'clock in the
morning. but which hind been belated ni-
emmost. twelve hours. Before time mnesm could
get out of the way the express struck them.
trocic ; CAIC Co.II'.iNr PilLs.
Receiver Appointed to 1'aloo Charge of time
itohliuig itock.
CHICAGO , Feb. 8.-Henry A. V. Post arId
Thomas Carmichael of New York were ap. .
pointed receivers of the Hicks Stock Car
conihmany today by. Judge Jenkins , The re-
ceiversimip , however , is only to appiy to the
rolling stock of time company on whicii the
complainants , the Railroad Equipment cam-
pany and the Terre Haute Car and Manu.
facturing company , hold leases. On the
general receiversimip of the company Judge
Jenkimms deterred time application for a receivership -
ceivership pending inVest Virginia by
Royal J. Whitney , a mutockimoitler , who was
nlso the flrst complainant in the court here ,
tiimat : he could mit sustain time bill on account -
count of lack of jurisdiction. Vhen the receiver -
ceiver iii appointed inVest Virginia. Judge
Jenkins lernits 'ihe same appointment iii
Chicago. Mr. Whitney , the complaining
stockholder. charges gross mimtmnanuigement
of theaffairs of time company by time prcsi-
dent , Ph. Jumnius Edwards , ending in the
wrecking of time company.
Ofilccrs Nipped a SVommld-hio Euinic Robber
at i ° t. lielenum. Cal.
NAPA , Cal , , Feb. 8.-Joimfl Wooden , a saloon -
loon keeper , inside elaborate preparations
to rob the Bank of St. Helena. today and
is now in jail. Word came from St , Helena ,
eighteen miles from imere , that an. attempt
would be made to rob the bank , and oihl-
cons were sent from here to frtmstrate time
attempt. Wcodemm's pimuim wns to iirst enter
time bank and get some money chmaumged and
then commit time robbery , \Vooden carried
out his llmiU as far ins gettiimg the mnoney
cimanged and then returned to his m'oomn at
time imotel , lirmut hmtvimmg imitcimed imIs imormse In
an alley lmmtclC of time bank. lii order to
avoid bboodeimed the , oiiicers did miot wait ( or
imlm to attempt time robbery , but arrested
imim in his room. Wooden trieml to get a
Imeil boy at time imotel to help him anti time
boy informed time Police. Wooden bears a
hard reputation , mtuucl , being under time immtiu.
once of uIlLmom , would doubtless Imave at.
tempted to rob time bank dii bm'oad dayhigimt
hail ime mmot been arrested.
JId.'G1I ) i"Ofl 11114 COUSIN'.i MUJCIItIC.
lCuiemmo flyers l'rotests lie Diii Not Kill
Sergcmmumt Wmiilrer ,
BII1MINGIIAM , Ala , , FCi ) . 8.-Eugene
Ihyarmt , time well known. detective , who mur-
tiered imis cousin , Sergeant Eugene Walker
of ( lie United States steamy at Bering park ,
near imcre , January 6 , itOl , wins lmnuged 1mm
time jaIl yamsi today iii the irasence of 100
people. Wmtiker imnul just served live years
in time army at Fort Nioimrmmra , Neb. , numd
was enroumte imoumie with $1,004) Imi his vocket
wimtfl hiyurs eimticeil lmiin oft ammd imot miummi
roimbeti him. 0mm limo scaffold Ihyal's Imro
tested imis insmocemme& ' , sayIng ( hunt ime left
Walker in time lty at d o'clock omm time evening -
ing of ( ho unuruier , uumd ulid hot see iiimn
mtgaiti until at time uuumtiemtaloers. lie swore
before God that mmii immmmocent man was being
imaumgesl , but wur m'mly to die , amid iiiauumtmi
no one except time newspapers. ilymirs died
game , hiu neck beismg broken , lie leaves et
family , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
lOUT1L J.iJW'I'.t JViIuT Iti'ffl P.11' .
Cla'mmm Agent of limo $ tulte ' , VIli Sue time , ( iou-
erumpument lot Fifty 'I'hinusstuul ,
IIF11tRId , S. P. , Feb. 8.-Special ( Tt'le.
gram.-F. ) M , Goodykoonts , who buns iieemm
South Dakota's agent at Wamuiiimmgtomm for
time irusecUtiOsi of claIms , hats resigned , and
Colonel J , II. ICing of Cimamberlaium imas beesm
tulImOintL'tl In isis place , Colosmel ICing will at
omice bring actioum before time humterior tie.
imartimment to recover the 6 ver Ceuit granted
b law to time NtutCs for miii public mmmcl
sold. 'fime deparinment lien refused to ummmy
for time ceded lamuls oil time IJioux and Bisse-
ton reservutiommim Oil the grounti timat time
proceeds vent to limo Indiatmim ummd mmot to time
goveriminent. Time anmount in disptmte is about
$4000 anti Colofle King is commihtlemmt of re.
covering. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Iflstnumt'u bItm.IIuum iliuttcim ( 'onulut ; ,
TORONTO , Ont. , Feb. 8.-Last nlgimt Joimmi
0 , Johnston receiVed emiticies of agreement
from Peter Iustiand , time Norwegian skat-
imig champion , now In Chicago , to bkscte two
races on time 16th usmti d mists , , distances
1,500 and 10,000 metres resimectively. Joimmi-
stout signed aimmi returned thmenm , 'rime races
will likely take place in , Misncapuli ,
Dehtyel Document from the Ex-Stnto Oil
Inspotor FiIe with the Audit3r ,
iIoitii to LSlht1t ) ( ) Coliected for immuupectln 'I
( imisoilno numd ieuuiiintis 8 1,0(1(1 iilorO
ttp iakn Up an AliegeuL
lcticleumey ,
LINCOLN , Feb. S-Special ( Telegrammi- )
Frank hilton , ex.oii inspector , filed imis long
delayed report with Auditor Moore late timis
afternoon , amid at time sanme tismie treated time
pwpio of time state to a startling surprise.
"Ji' to time tiumie ime flied his report it lmS been ml
umntierstootl timat llllton owed time state nearly
$5,000. Ills report almows ( bust the tate in
still indebted to iiimmm for more than $1,000. $
On the lmretext that time oil coummimanles mmmay
slne tinme hold imiun persommally reliable for
time anmount hue has collected for time inapecton !
of gaaaiine , ime imoid emit froimi tIme state the
suimi of $5,5S2 , and reports to time auditor tlmat.
( lucre is a deficiency of $1,168. liLt report.
flied tlmis umfternocmm is as follows :
LINCOLN , Neb , , Jan. 31. S5.-I1on , Eu-
gemme Moore , State tctuclitor , himmcolmi Nebt
Sir-Tim comuplinnee with time itrovislomis of
time isuw guvermuimig time immspeetiomi of LI-
iummmiumeitlmmg oils , I lmertwitii subunit time fol-
lowimmg report for time year 1SI1 , Jnmmtmmtry 1
to Deceumiber 31 , imicitmelve :
Number of bamrels of cii inspected munch np-
proved , l01,0'li : mmunmlmer of barrels of oii in-
sPeeteti timid reJectt'ml , mmoum' ; total , IOiOchl ; 'cc
total fees received for time tlmlmcCtiOm'c of il-
ltmmniumatimmg oils , as simowmm by reports lucre-
vitim submitted , $ iO.100.40 ; total salmurica anti
eximenses imiki , nut icimowmm 11) ' 'otmclm 'm imere-
with eumbumitUd , $11,211.31 ; uleficicumey , $ ' ,160.19.
\'IiEltR liE GETS IN.
hum this commmmcctlon I tlcsirt to state that.
following time cmmstommm of my imretlCCssOrm in
oliice. I immive received climeimig time year 1801
15,5S2.i0 as fees ( or time inspcctlumm of gaso-
hue , timotugim mme gasoline immis evi htemi test-
ei or ismsuecteui ; , It it log absolutely inmpomt-
sible to mummmke sucim test oi' immi'pcctZomm. I tie-
sire to any alco ( hint gasolisme is miever acid
or offered for sale for ilhtimiminatimmg Imurposes
in timis stmmte. I cnmm hod umo numtimurit ) ' uuider
time law for the coiietiomu of fees for in-
simectimu , ' gmcmtolimme , and mmmii ativinced tlmat I
ani lndividtmniiy liable to time himuties front
wimommi scimcii fees nra collected , if they should
mmmnke mc. deummand upon mime ( hunt ( lie fees so
collected shiomihi be reftmmmdeci. '
I desire iicrewithm to further submit the
following ucupplen'cesmtnry repom't tar time
period covering my incuucmbency oh' time office
of mutate insuector of oils for 1893. to-wit.
fronm April i ; 18t3 , to Decembar 81 , ' lSh3 , in-
citisive : During timat period thmem'c was Inspected -
spected amid mmimproved , as m'imovui hmy time reports -
ports herewith smmbmittod , IIJiiS barrels of
ilhmmnminnting oils. ( Cr which 7,767.tO was received -
ceived in fees for time annie Period , 'rho
salaries and expenses of time department , as
simocvn hmy Voucimers imerewithi submitted , -
nunounted to $9,110.21 , On time 15th tiny of
February , 189i , I deposttd with tim' state
treaaurer 12C00 , leaving mm deticlcimcy for tIme
year 1893 of $3n12.4i. Dumimmg timat ; meriod .1'
I collected as fees for time inmcpectiomm of
gasoline $4,4t4.70 , tiicumgh umo iumspction or
test of gnmcoliume was ever muade by any in.
spector. In till cases wimere rejected tests
are shown on deputies' i'eports , or upon time
reports of the state immapector or oils , or
upon tIme books and records 1mm the ollice of
time , state inspector of eUs ' eucim rejected '
tests relate to gasoline , ant'I not to ullumi-
mmating oils. Most respectfully submitted ,
I , . ii. hIlliON ,
State Inspector of Oils.
'LINCOLN , Feb. 8 , 1895.-Req. Eugene
Moore. State Auditor , Lincoin , Neb. : Sir- , t -
I imerewitim submit the foliowipg report of
time conduct of the ofilco of state Inspector
of oils , for the month of January , 1S3 : 4 ,
Number of barrels of iiiuminatismg Oil in-
apecteci and approved , as siiowmi by reports
imerewitim , 7,431 ; mmuinber of barrels of ii-
lumiumating oil inspected aumd rejected , as
shown by reports imerewitim , nommo ; total num-
bar of barrels , 7,431 ; total fees received for
time inspection of illuminating oils , 743IO :
total salaries amid expenses paid , as shown
by voucimors imerewitim , 759,6 I. Deficiency ,
During thus period I imave received 102.GO
for time immspection of gasoline , but for reasons
set forth in previous reports , I imave not
included this item in time forogoiumg report.
Most respectfully subnuitteci ,
L. F. llILTON.
Every oIl inspector who has served since the
present law was enacted , has collected and
turned into time state treasury 10 cente for.
every barrel of ol inspected. Timcusands of &
dollars have been turned in ( rain timis source.
Time law imas never been contested. Time oil
companies and dealers imave paid for time in-
spection of gasoline witlmout a protest. No
one has protested. liliton raises time questioner
( or time first time. Ills report is a campleto 4
surprio to all lila ( riends imere , and even the
warmest of his partisans find uma word of do-
tense for 1dm ,
A reference to time reports of imi prede-
cessore shmow that Snmith Caidweli , the first
oil is1spect'r , collected fees for time Inspection
of gasoline to time extent of $1,501 fGr 1888 ;
$3,110 for 1889 ; 3,706 for 1890 ; $3510 train
April 20 , 1891 , to Macelm 31 , 180:1 : : fumumpector
Loule Heimrod collected $5,632. $ All of ( hess
amounts imavo been collected whilmout protest '
or question.
LINCOLN , Feb. 8.-Spcclai.-Time ( ) senate
conmmittees are jiway on a junket timat will
cost time state a pretty penny before time bills
are all in. Time exact cost caimmmot be 05th-
nmated untIl one or two delicate hmoihitS euro
adjusted. Time soumate eu Timurndsmy voted the 'I
mmmembers of ( ito conimnittee on public Iaumds '
and buildings and time coummummittee on fimmance.
ways asmd nieans " $3 per clay mmmmml nmileage , "
Sommmo of time muesobermi construe time resolution
SIB giving timesmm $3 per day for their per-
social services , anti timat , in addition to their
mmmiieage , timeir expenses are to be imalml , TuB
qimestion of mileage is also disputed , but it.
is gemmeraily conceded that time 'creed imas time - '
statutory 10 cents a uumibo significance.
At onmy rate , a rougim estimmmste of time cost.
of time junket may be made at this time , even
without conmmislering thin question of suctusi
cxenses. There arc ehglmteea tesmators on
time trip , and ( lucy will ho absent seveum days.
Eigimtcon members at $3 per day will cost
$51 per day , or $378 for time sevemi ulays , Ac.
cording to time raiiway scimedmules , time ummiieage
account will Ilguro out soutmeuvimat hike title ;
Tell ) from Miies ,
I.incoisi to Nehmraska city , . , , , , . . , , . . , , , , GO
Nebrimka City to Pet-u. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 14
Pertu to Iieatmce , . . . , . . . , , , , . , , , . , , . , , , , , , , , , , 80
Beatrice to Lincoln . . , . , . . . . , , , , , , , . , . , , , . , , tO
Lincoln to Grand Island. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1It
( Irand Isiammil to ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Kearney to Hastings ilmi 1.immeoiim , . , , , , , , . 1211 .
'rotal , , , , , . . , . . . , , . , , , , , . . . . . , , , , , . , ' ' , , . , , &ot
Title woulml cost time state $50.40 ( cr each
one of tIme egimteen ! menmbers , or $07.20 , Isa
additism to this the institutions at arfoik ,
Milford ammd Geneva euro to be visited inter
in time sessiosm , The mumiieage account wlih be
as follows :
'i'rip from Zihiieuc.
iiumcohmi to Geneva miami return , , . . . . . . . . . . . 1211
t.incoln to Milfoid anti returmm . . . , , . , , , , , , , 40
Lincolum to Nom'folk and retmm'mi. . . . . . . . . . 211)
' 1' otal , , . . , . , . , , , , , . , . , , , . , , . , . , , , , , . , , , . , , , . .
litre is a mileage account of $40.60 for each
of limo eigimteen Juumketere , or a total ict $730.80
for time party , Putting ( ito uer tlit'ni anti
ummileage umccouimt together In tabumitt'ml frrn
we imave :
Per diem , 18 mmmembermm , 7 days , , , , . . , , . $ 378.00.
Mileage , 18 ineinimccrs , first trIp , , , . . , . . 1107,20-
Mileage , 18 smicunbers , seeormd hip. . , , 730.O
'F otai , , , , , , , , . . , , . , , , , , . , , , , . ' , , , , , - - , ,
Here is an expenditure of $ & 0i' incurred
on time timinnest of all Imretoxts ,
timat. the visit is umecessimry to en.
able eighteen members to satisfy timemum-
selves as to time condition amid ucreers ties of
time state ismetitutions. Tjme cighteesm fortunate
senators on time juumket are expected to re-
furn amid snake rehuorts 10 thin effect lust eaoim
of ihme state institutions are iii firt4 &uss coum.
ditioxm , that timey immevo been immaumaged whim
every reard for ecoimoitmy , arid mt tii' same
timmum if it simould be discovered that osmta of
time smaller institutions of ( be state hind paid
for an average of fourteen ( emma of coal imec
day for eysry day in time year it Is dola.ri Li-