Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 06, 1895, Page 3, Image 5

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- I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TIlE OMAHA DAILY nEE : 1ViDNES1)AY ! , F1UnUARY ! 0 , 1S9i. _ _ _ _ 3
tlntt t , tarier to any put ot be el , .
r t. W. TILTON , Leueo.
T1LtV1ION1S-flusIneas offlce. No U : nIght
editor , No. %
I _ _
. .Ul."UITlU. .
Orand ) iotel . Council Bluffs . reopent Oct. 1.
Mayr Real Estate agency 639 flroadway.
Wiiam nrhl/es anl1 Er Ma8on . both or
Omaha were marrlc1 yesterday by Justice
- Cook.
Cook.Durs division No. 27 , KnIghts oC Pythias .
will elect officers tonight Al member re-
qlulerl to be presenl.
The funeral oc V. ' . H. hell wi take plac3
this afternoon at 2 o'clock from hIs late resl-
; deuce 1/23 Avenue C.
$ O. C. Irown and Miss Leona Talbot are to
, . bo marrltd this evening at the residence oC
the brlde's parents , i1 Fifth avenue
The Hebeknh ) Itelief associaton will meet
) nt 1. O. 0 F' 1 . hal today at 2:30 : p. m. All
- , Hebeknhs are cortlnly Invited to be present.
? Andy fowling . who recently lost on eye
while working In Idaho Is able to bo about
the streets with n bandage over the aflltcted
Cordela Thresher has been Irnatl a dl. :
vorce from Ashley Tlierslier . a mal agent on
the MilwaUkee , between Cedar Haphl onl1 '
Sioux City.
I L. Z. WIlliams pah1 Into JUHtCe Vlen's
court yesterday the sum or ' 5,95 for the
ple'uro or pounding WIlliam Young. I was
$1 and coats.
The motor company Is Islng the blocks recently -
centy torn up from the motor brhlle paving .
I R' as ruel. They make a large , murky cloud .
_ _ _ _ which does not Increase the pleasure or a
- ride between the two cities .
. . , cites.
Harry Orate and Pearl Utlrback are to
be marrIed Monday \ , February 18. Both are
- members of the Salvaton army. The brldc's
_ _ _ _ _ _ rather formerly blew the bass dunn In the
Sllll organization . but violently opposed the
match. lIe having gone to California , the
con Is now clear.
The 'Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance
k- company has been having 1 transcript made
- of the evidence before the coroner's jury tn
this John huntIngton suIcide case. I Is
! g- stated that this II merely prefatory to the
- payment or the U.oO policy , onr that no
_ contest wi be made.
: ' SOIC ; or the city aldermen are said to be
considering the plan or 113ylng the city em-
_ _ _ _ _ Illoyes In cash . instead oC warrants as has
been the custom ror year past. The warrants -
i rants sell at ! i cents on the dollar , and the
holders or the warrants after each pay day
have to stand the shrlnlage.
Ed Canning . the city marshal , was surprised -
_ _ _ _ prised by about twenty or his friends Monday
night. He went to his home . 211 Sixth avenue -
flue , ell was just about ready to retire when
his guests came In to spend the evening with
E him In the celebration or his birthday. The
T surprise was .IJlannell for him by his wUe , and
_ _ _ _ was a total success.
James Morris , the young tramp who tried
to bunco A. W. Relkman out or a much
ncedel\ \ dinner turns out to be the same tel-
low who was given ten days for stealing a
pair or shoes from Clint flyers. lie was let
out of the county Jai Monday morning baring -
: In/ served his time , and Monday noon he
was In the quay again This time he was
given len days ror vagrancy.
The anti-olgaretto league , composed of
boys attending the publc schools are plan-
ning to organize a grand lodge I . uniting oil
: tIm various societies . or which there are
now nlne-threo In the ' \ashlngtoQ avenue
school two In the Boomlr anti one each In
the Pierce street , Third street Second avenue -
flue ami Twentieth avenue. About 700 boys
are enrolled In all. The question of organizIng -
will conic for determination -
, Ing the grml lodge wi cOle up
. termination at the next meeting , to be held
Friday , March 1.
Several weeks ago Chester Hbbs of Wood-
bine called at the police staten while search-
log for his daughter who had run away from
home anti token up her abode In a ' house or
qucstionabio resort. lie round that she was
oc upylng a cell In the city jail. When he
vas searched , as Is the custom when blood
; appears wa to be ornamenting the ' face of the
moon , a large revolver was found In one or
: his poclmts. I was taken away from him
: and has been In the jailer's possession ever
slnco. Yesterday a card was , receive from
him asking the marshal to send I to hIm by
'U A traveler arrived In 'the city yesterday
f forenoon In a pliable condition. lie went
from Ce\'elanl to Ooilen , Colo. , about a
mJntl ago having the promise of a job In a
manufacturing enterprise He borrowed the
$30 necessary to paY his fare there. After he
had worked just a week the factory shut
down and ho was thrown out on the world
without friends and almost without money.
Ho commenced ) to beat his way back. With
him were two other unfortunates , one or
whom was frozen to death and taken from
his box car at Lincoln. The ClevelanJ man
kept on his way to this city . and arrived
here yesterday morning with both hands ,
ears and feet frozen.
' 'Vo have over $300,000 to loan ) upon Improved -
proved Iowa rarms. Farmers desiring loans
can Save money by dealing direct with us ,
thereby saving agent's commission. 'Vo do
not loan on wild lanth. nor In Nebraska.
Luceo & ' Towle 236 Pearl street
l'J : WWNdL l'le.tOldl'IS.
Miss Jennie Keatng Is sick with the grip.
. A. Troutman Is confined to his home by
an attack of the grip.
Miss Emma 1elt9h will leave this evening
for Mendota and Arlngton , 1" , to visit rela-
tves.N. M. Pusey and J. N. Ualdwln are In Des
Moines attending I session or the supreme
court. "
J. N. Oeirsier . agent U. 1 system , left .ast
evening for New York , toe gone 1 week or
ten Ilays.
The little eon of Mn. Helen Aichison Is
Ill wih scarlet fever at the residence on Wi-
low avenue.
larry Nason has taken R position on the ,
road with the Foster Manufacturing company I
of thIs cIty.
Jehn Schoentgen haD returned from nos-
ton , where ho \'Isltel his son , who Is attend.
lag school there
P. II. lcJ\teo or Durango , Cola " Is In the
city , the guest of hIs brother , S. T. McAtee ,
lie Is agent at Durango for the Rio Orande.
lfs ! Maude VirgIn , who has bee visiting
the family of Dr. J. n. Patterson on Wiow
Avenue , haN returned to her hOI\ In Her-
htngton . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Yes tim Eacle laundry Is "that geol
laundry , " and Is located at 72- Broadway.
I In doubt about thii , try I and be convInced ,
Don't forget name and number Tel 1(1.
Wlltel , cOII.elent . cook , at C08 First
avenue. - -
Wrllht Gets $110.
The jury In the hay case or I. S. Wright
agaInst W. I Vincent brought In ovr.
Ilct which was opened yesterday morning
and found to bo II favor or the plaintiff , II
the sum or $ ttO. 'he counter claim oC the
defelllalt WDS IGnond.
O. 11. luston II l suing the city of Coun-
ci lufl for \0.000 damages for a broken )
arm , lie was walking along Washlngten ave-
IUI , nenr the corer of 1lrst strL'et , one
morning last winter when he slIpped on the
ice and fell. meeting with the accident which
Is responsible , for the bringing or this suit.
no alleges neKlhcnce al the Ilut ot the cIty
luthorlles SOle time \Ias Cccuilled In em-
IllelhJ/ jur ) ' . wry ProPerty owner who
presented himself for duty being excused for
cause A jury oC farmers was fnJly Heurcd
and the trIal occupied the entire da )
Just received , R new line oC slamp linens
coil Ilonitan \rald. . Art Ihllns by the yard'
lessons In embraldrrr , hncmstitching , drawn
work anti lonltan lace . Order work done .
' MlnCI Clark & Wetzel ! _ 337 Broadway .
lilrlno I.toiges .
Tlu\ followIng marriage Icenles were Is.
sued '
) yesterday ) :
Name anll address Age
\VlhiIunt ; UI'hl:0'H , omnha. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. : Mason . Omaha , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
. John lirnminer . Neoha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
' Allelne JuhblllB , Neohi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '
OrVIlo C' . Brown , l'olawnlaml" count . 21 !
Leona M. 'lUhtot l'ottawattnimle COllt ) . . 1 :
d Oil.bealltovc for rent and for sale at
Council liurs ( aw conIpany' \ ol c. I
City Engineer's Plan for Preventing Overflows -
flows of Indian Creek.
Eltml\l Aso Illn" loilo to Urick Ul1 the i
Crcelt nld Convert It Into A Storm
Sewer-Cost . : tlllted
Rt 7tlO(1O. (
City Engineer Entyre has completed a plot
or the territory lying cast or the city limits ,
which he prepared at the request or the
council , In order that n decision may be
arrived at as to the feasibility or a plan :
suggested for puttIng n stol to the occas-
lanaI Indian creek overflows that have
caused M much damage In the past. The
plan was frt suggested last summer , anti
the aldermen malIc n -our east oC the city
and looked over the land .
The suggestion has been mare that- three
dams be built , one about halt a mile east
oC the city limits and the other two a mile
further east , where the creek bronches. In
high water times these dams would cause
the water to bock ill ) over the adjacent ter-
riory and run out gradually enough so that
all danger from foods would he avoided
within the city lmits , The land which
would Ihus be overflowed Is worth but little
and the blurs on either side . forming a sort
ot basin would prevent the water from
doling any partcular Ilanlnge there , Acconl-
lug to the city Inglneer's plans , the three
dam8 would cost about $3.000 , but this
amount , It Is claimed , \onM be saved In u
single season or high "ater.
The luau oC bricking over the creek and
making It Into a storm sewer Is again being
talked or , antI the engineer has been calculating .
Intng the etpeimse lie thinks It could be
done for $25 a foot Ihus mal < ng the total
cost from lirst 1 street to Thirteenth street
about i5OOO. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ '
II mllnt 1 U"IIIII,1 ! Imnnnbi
The late clearing sale has left U/ a big lot
at remnants and hort lengths , In all kinds I
or goods , which we must close out quickly.
These goods wIll be placed on sale Monday
at prIces that are bound to sell them. Come
and look them over , yeu may find just what
you want.
Remnants oC silks.
Rlmnants oC dress goods .
Hemnanats oC muslhtma.
Remnants of sheetng .
Hemnnnts or table linen.
Remnants ot ginghams
Remnantl of inrints.
Hemnants or laces and embroideries.
Odds and ends In hosIery , underwear and
gloves at greatly reduced prices.
Council Bluffs , In.
'VII Jl Arm.
Henry Austin , a young colored man , who
has been employed as day porter at the Ogden
hotel for the past six months , met with an
accIdent last evening about G o'clock which
will cost hIm his left arm He hod loaded
UI ) the freight elevator with trunks and
seized the rope to pull the elevator UI stairs
In some way he got hold or the wrong rope
It Is thought and the elevator shot downwards.
10 put his hand through the opening to close
the door , hut failed to withdraw It soon
enough , and his arm was caught at the elbow
between the office floor and the floor of the
passenger elevator overhead. His arm was
terribly mangled and the bones broken. He
was picked up and carrIed to the Woman's
Christian assocluton hospital , \ where
1 physician was called . Ills In-
jurIes were found to be so severe -
vera that amputation hod to be performed In
order to save his life. performel
le. lie Is a single man
and has been stopping at the hotel
During the evening however , It was de-
cldel to make on effort to save the Injured
arnm . even at the rIsk of his life. . Austin had
prevlousl ) " lost four fingers of his right
hand , all as amputation would disable litre
It was thought best to run some rIsk before
taking extreme measures The mangled and
splintered bones were accordingly wired to-
gether. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
ave Your 110uo1 ;
Dy Investing In the stock of the Savings ,
Loan and Building association of CouncIl !
Bluffs. Incorporated In 1817. COlncl I ,
ments of $1.00 per share neitng the Investor
about 10 per cent interest Ten series already -
ready pall out , whIch fully demonstrate3
the ability of the association to mature its
stock In about
serenity-five monthly pa-
ments. No loans mod ; . ulldo ot Council
Blurts , and all applications Counci
passed upon by a majority of the board or
directors Good loans wanted Full Informa-
ton can be obtalnl at the office of D. W.
Otis , secretary 10 Main street , or any of the
following director : Ii. W. Hazelton . Frank
Grass . John Drown , A. S. Hazelon , H. C.
Deobe , A. D. Walker . E. E. hart F. C.
Lougec , S. S. Leonard
tJoek's ; Store Otis 1"lcsleal.
The nupreme court of Iowa rendered 0
decision yesterday which Is of consIderable
Interest to the lawyers or Council Durs ,
and which excited considerable
Ind comment I
was Iii the case of Oroneweg & Schoentgen
against Peter fleck , who formerly kept a
grocery store at the corner of SIxth avenue
and Main street . lIe failed a couple of
years ago amid Groneweg & SChoentgen
seized the two-story brIck buiding which he
occupIed on an attachmmermt . Beck lIved In a
couple of reels up stairs , and he fought off
the attachment on the ground that the build-
lug was his homestead , ali therefore exempt
train executIon. After a trial In the district
court his position was upheld , and the decision -
clslon of thc district court was alrmel by
the fupremo court yesterday.
In order to get to tIme street from his
rooms Deck hod to use the front door or
the buldln down stairs , and to get 10 his
woodshed ho had to use the back door , so
that the court holds that le cannot be de-
prlverl or the part used as a store. The only
thIn/ left In doubt Is the part or the build-
log used as a saloon Judge Deemey , before
whom the case was tried In time district
court , hell that he could not claim It , Inas.
much as he hall been using It for illegal pur-
imosea Whether this part of the decision Is
aflirineti \ also time meager reports received
hero last eenlnrrom the capital city did not ,
state. 11 the meantIme Beck Is occupying i
the entire building , and Is keeping a candy '
store In the lower port In the namc or his
wife . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _
( onlel IUnl lS R l'ort
Since tie bill was passed by cOllress
making CouncIl Iufl a customs house city
the business In this line
lne hU been Increasing
The report or H. N. Whitesey , the collector ,
for the last year . shows the following
amounts of duty on goods recelvell'for con-
lumpton , or warehoused , during the year
18H : :
Jlnunry . . . . i. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 147,40
Murch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41.1O
J Ily . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . 3,29K. ,
August . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30.0
October . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 1,279.45
December . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131,85
Total , . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . $5.40,9 :
Amount In 1893. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,087,08
Increase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,315.81
. lcttll of humors.
At tie annual meeting oC tie Portland
Gold Mining company the' following olcer
were elected : President , treasurer and maim-
aler , James F . Burns ; Hcretary. James
D"le : directors , James F. Burns , W. F.
Crosby , Judge A. T. Ounnel , F. O. Peck and
James Doyle , All are residents of the Crlp-
pie Creek regIon , Colorado , and the company
OWIS about R dozen and a half mines there.
I.3t year was the frt or the company' ex-
Istence. The output . was $760.00 and the
profits $300,000 , consequently no dividend was
declared O the 3,000,000 shares of stock
761.000 are yN misdO .
Davis sells ! drugs , paints and glass cheap
'lite 1:1 : 8 'cro Had .
John H. Hobten of New York commenced
an acton In the district court yesterday
against Wheeler & Herell or this city , demanding -
manding a JUdgment for U.300 against Umeimm
'l'Iio petition 111&\ that the plalntl bought
38. cases ef eg * from Whler ! & Hereld
about a year 1&0. which were reprebented to
be fresh amid cf frt.chas qual ) The tie-
Ctndalts rent A sIgh draft for U.OO. which
was paid before the plaintiff had examined
the eggs. When they were examined they
were found to b stale fat and unprofitable.
Only $68 could b realIzed from the sale . anti \
they want Wheeler & Herel to put up for
the balance _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Inrlnjlon Iroko it Record .
There las been n great deal oC rivalry be
twen the Northwestern and Burlington
railway companies since the recent fast
trains lave been put on Monday afternoon
tie Burlington decided to make a new record
for the railway world In the west. The 10-
miles between Creston and Council Bluffs
were cover d by tie Cost mal In 105 minutes ,
and the members or the crew claim they
could have scaled even that remarkable time
down several catches had It been required.
This , I Is claimed , Is the fastest long
distance run made by any regular train In
the west.
" ' 1\1' ' ' ledlc(11 l'riect. .
Ladies' and gents' underwear , 150.
Men's SGc laundererl shirts , t0c.
Special sale or ladles' musln underwear
i5c cream and whie table linens at 45c a
Bleached and unbleached toweling , 4c yard.
I.ce curtamis 45c a , air . . '
Lace ctmrtainette . 12c.
/Oo floor oil cloth 2ge I yard.
Swiss and Hamburg embroidery , ( c a
. Spool silks , 3c a spool
VanR's New Dry Goods Store.
Ir' . ii tutu lRI14 Itwer.
Jane Ann Dunn commenced procee.lngs In
the district court yesterday to recover a
dower Interest or one.thlrd In an eighty-acre
tract of land located about ' I tulle above Big
lake. The plaintiff was the wife or Stephen
Dunn , who deeded the property to Israel nls-
mont In 1881 She claims that her signature
was not ntached to the Iced ler husbaml
died In 18S7. The property now belongs to 1 , .
P. Judsarm anl wife . who arc made defendants
In the present simit .
! chmltlcln WI" Too Proud
Henry Schmltteln was brought over from
Omaha yesterday amid put In the city jail to
await n hearing on the charge or rorgery.
When aslOl why he had done the busines
that brouht him Into dimculty . he said he
was hard tip . and was too proud to 10 to the
friends who had been living off him whtn II
lied his $12COO from Germany , and ask them
for nssistaimco 10 will have a hearing this
morning In police court.
( 'limirittibit , Sldlln Itee\1CrN.
TIme saloon keepers of time city have JoIned
honds In the endeavor to promote the cause
or sweet charity. They \1'1 hell a meetng
tomorrow evening at Beno's bali far Iw pur-
pose or laying plans for a charity ball . to b
given In the near future. All the expenses or
the bal are to be paid by the dispenser or
liquid refreshimnents and the gross proceeds
are to bo given to the poor.
Work Done lt the Llst Imiy's SessIon ef
1t'imrmt U'rlth Convention.
The delegates to th district grand lodge
of time Independent Order of D'nat fl'rltim
were a little late In
lte arriving at Myrtle hull
yesterday , but they gradually assembled , each
delegate being loud In his praises or Omaha
hospitality and cherishing fond recollections
or the banquet and bal Monday evening
The discussIon on the adoptIon of the report
of the special committee on the endowment
law was resumed. Upon being put to a
vote the report of the committee was rejected.
A vote of thlltR : for services performed was
tossed as a hit of consolation to the comunmit.
teemen , after the report was politely knocked ) )
ouL The proposed amendment to article
xl , with relatIon to a commissIon on endowment -
ment was In disfavor with a majority of the
The convention then acted on a motion to
raise th : endowment assessment from $ l to
$18 per year. The Increase was concurred
In by a two.tlirds vote after. a spIrited debate -
bate that occupied over an hour
At the afternoon session the delegates approved -
proved the report of S. Volfensteinm . superin-
tenden of the orphan asylum. The report
disclosed lie fact that the institution was
In a flourishing condition , notwlhstamlng
the hard tinmes. There Is a balance of $6,000
In the treasury.
A motion to appropriate $300 to the MonItor -
Itor was dereated.
The salary of the general secretory was
raised from $1,200 to $1. OO per year by a
majority vote , but Grand Secretary Hum-
burgher refused to accept the advance unless
It was unanimous.
President Folz appointed the following
standing committees for the year :
Finance-Messrs. Beniithmelnicr . 'Velsscup
and Mandel
Statistics-Messrs. Salzensteln , Levlnsen ,
Hirsch and Ruhovltz.
Orphan Asylum-Messrs. Levinson , Freund
and Loeb.
Intellectual Development-Messrs. Cowen ,
Ounzburg , Stein Kusbaum , Houseman ,
Oreenbaum and Katz.
Kalamazoo , 1lch. , was unanImously chosen
as the place or the next meeting.
A communication from Peninular lodge
No 72 of Detroit , appealing for relief , was
rererred to the general committee.
The sum of $250 was appropriated to be
placed at the disposal of the intellectual development -
\'elopment committee for a series ot enter-
At 5 o'clock the conventIon completed its
worlt. Is
Many oC the delegates left for their homes
last night.
1'leaslnJ EimtortaianmoiitFurntdiod by . time
Loiter Carriers 1.lut Ivt'iiing.
The concel't given at time Young Men's '
Christian association audiorium last evening
for the beneft or and by the Pesto c" Clerks
association proved a musical treat to the
large attendance .
"Poet and Peasant , " an overture from
Suppe' , was the first number on the program ,
and Its excellent rendition by the Postolce
orchestra fully merited the applause bestowed . .
Mr. olar Norfiwall's violn solo , "Cavatera < ,
was one of the popular features of the even-
Ing. evn-
Ing.1Iss Mamlo lunclr one of Omaha's
gifted sopranos , song "The Duterl ) ' " wIth
pltaslng effect . Ber second solo was "Little
Queen Ironic , " which was also heartIly en-
A recitation by Mrs. Ela Malh son , was
replete with Iramatlc a\lty. : and she received -
celvell two encores.
Arthur Vain Kuren was In excellent voice ,
and 1)r. flattens was at his best In their re-
61)cth'o seiectiaima. ola Pedersen's lute solo
was well received Time Omaha Banjo club ,
undEr the direction or George I. Gelenheck ,
male I hit . and wa enthusiastically recalled .
Mr. Antorln Sllorl's violin sale "RhapsoIUe
ltoimgroise , " mil the zither duo or Mr. and
Mrs. Julius estner also round favor with
the auclieimce. Mrs . less-l uchs , as accompanist -
panist , was a val un hie arqulslton to the en-
tertaiunmezmt . A neat sum was realized for
time association. S
1.lelt. S'iIsnmm's . \ \pprollchlu Nnlltll .
Lieutenant ThomaH H. Wilson of the Second -
end infantry left last eveninG for I'hmilamlel-
uhla. From nn intimate friend It \ \ 'aa
Itnrel that the leutenant vili he married
Thursday afternoon , February 21 , to Miss
Ruzun Abercrombh' , nt the residence or the
brIde's parents . Chestnut 11111 . I'iniiadeiiimiu , .
'I'ime bruit' , a Indy of relnement and rare
imcconilmlummhmments . Is the iaugimter or Bnigim-
thor Oenerul John J. Ahercrorble , retired ,
and a sister or 1.leltennnt , V. U. l'elrcII -
Pile of the Second Inflntry. Lieutenant V.11.
ton anti bride will be at home at Fort
Omaha about March 1.
No olctr at the fort Is held In higher
esteem In civil and military cIrcles than
LieutenantVilson , who I'ecpl\er ) the con.
Gratulatons or muny warm personal frJenlls
upon his approaching nmlimiimmls. He Is n
Ienlll , companionable gentleman . popular
In social nun well as literary .
I wel Itemry circles As a
wrier or short storks 1.leutenant Wilson
hal met with flattering success About a
year ago Hnrpel"s published one of his
stories , "My lunlle , ' I romance of soldier
life In Arizona during the Apache earn- I
Iialen , and 1lpplncots will soon present a
story from hIs pen. 1.leutenunt" Present
also published I small volume of shor
stories , which hl8 relchEd / large ole.
The story " . \ Soldier's Sweetheurt" possessES -
sessES rare literary merit . Uurlng his so-
jour In the east Lieutenant Wilson will by
invitation read I short comedy before the
I.amb's cub , In New p York
l' EtimitohtigItI Iead .
lhnolu't 11111.
WAShINGTON , Feb G.-Itev . J. Owen
Dorsey or the Ethnological bureau Is dead
Or. Doner has long been prominent In
Ilhlologlca work In this country and has
been connectel whim the EthnologIcal tic.
l'artment since 1877 , Il-
First of the Woodbury Cout ? 'ooc11o Oases
FIIshe1 in the Pan
- ' : UI
} : S.1Cllut1 Auditor htohmertItu,9 Whom I hI
ttnto 1lcd. l'oulll , lot le l'roItmccii
nUl the Court Ilr.ced
_ 'I , O.t
I "
SIOUX CITY I eb. q-jpecial ! Tele-
cram.-A ) sensation was created today when
It was onnouncel' that T. E. Bevington ox-
county attorney . on trial for defrauding the
county hat been acquitted by the jury by In-
structon oC Jude Gaynor. There was not
n syllable or ttmony taken County Attorney -
tore ) ' Hall mode strong protest . This morning -
Ing when the case come up for trial the
county attorney asked I continuance on the I .
ground or the absence of the principal wit-
less for the prosecution , ex.Depuly Auditor
Roberts . lie moped to produce Roberts In rel-
son able tirmie. The denee demanderl 1m-
mediate trial anti time court granted the de-
maml. The county attorney then offered to
dismiss the case , but the defense insisted on
acquittal. The court again decided against
time slate , ant Instructe time jury to bring In
a verdict or acquittal. There arc rour more
Indlctmenls pending against iievlngton
, \I XAII 1 C1IA ttl.ES CUI'IUUI :
Cell\ 1aiihttt' , I'o tm"tlr 1'\"ly Given I
Clear ' lila to the l'Ice
CEDAR HAPIS , Iii , Feb -Speclal (
Telrgram.-Tho ) confrmaton or Alexander
Chorles by the senate for Ilstmaster of this
city ends one of the bitterest fights In Iowa .
There were thrre or four candidates for post-
immaster but Charles receIved the appoIntment
about three weeks ago. The other emlldatcs :
since that time have vaged a most bitter
tme wo/ell biter
war against Cimarles All kinds of chalges
have been preferred . and oOhln\lt after ar-
flla\lt has been hurried to Washimmgton
Telegrams by the core have
also been sent protestng ngnlnst
the confrmnton or Charles. A scnntl com-
mitee has been investigating these charges
for more than a weel . but did 10t consider
them cr sumciemnt weight and today con-
frmell the nomiimation.
Mn . Charles was postmaster Inle Cleveland -
land before and mode ( n excellent record for
hlmselr. The entire local democracy ammO time
democratic state central commitee were or-
rayed against him however In this fighmt .
and his confrmaton Is a hard slap In their
110 NOT AI'I'IWT "OT" \ \ 1,1)1 Y.
1 leelol Judges Exceed Their Authority .
hut "nl.r lie Not Suffer.
DES MOINES . Feb. -Speclal ( Tele-
gram.-An ) Important rulng under the Iowa
ballot low was made today. The distrIct
court decided thc supervisor contest In favor
or Fishier , declared elected by the county
canvassers , but unseated by the contest board.
The ground or the later acton , was the alteration -
aton of certain ballots by tlf jUdgls or elec-
ton In order to correct nip error In time name
or a candidate for a townshIp omee . whIch al-
tcraton , the contest boar held , male al the
ballots so marled illegal and , they were accordingly -
cordingly thrown oul. Judge Stevenson decided -
cldcd that this acton or the contest hoard was
unauthorized , lhat the ballots so thrown out
were official ballots . amI timatas they lied not
ben marked by the vet rs./they ( must be
counted as cast The court holds that the
act of the judges or electon : In making the
alteration was an excess 'of aiitiionity but I
dos not affect - the validity of the votes Cst.
UNION 31RItANT1LEOU't " ' . , y FAILS'
Dig D08 Moines IIUt\ - lon J'l Oene to
tin , ' Siith. 'f"
DES MOINES . Feb. 5.-SjcIal ( , Telegram. )
-Today attacimments and
atachments mortgages aggre-
gating more than $30O O w ' r "lssued and
placed upon file against the nion Mercantile
ccmpany. The heaviest creditor Is the Des
Moines National bank , which placed upon
record a mortgage for $14,000 upon the stoclt.
In addition to this security the bank holds
mortgage notes and other collateral for $13-
000 secured upon improved farm lands ald
city property In Galesburg , Ill. Mrs. O. 1' .
Green and Horace Green or Galesburg led
mortgages for $5.000 and U.OOO respectively
upon the stock , subject to the mortgage held
by the Des Moines Notonal banlt. Sixteen
attachments were led this afternoon .
HrouJht .Jnhn hherUl1 to Time
DES MOINES , Peb. 6.-lSp cldlea"ly )
two year ago John Sherman was granted a
franchise by the voters of the city at an
election after much discussIon , for lime pur-
pose of furnishing the people or Des Moines
gas or good quality at $1 per 1,000 cuhlc feet
Nothing further has ever brent heard or the
scheme and he has failed ' 0 furnish the gas
In queston. Alderman Mathis therefore In-
troduced In the council the rollwlJg resolution -
ton , which brought Mr. Sherman In promptly
and he has as promptly agreed to answer
fully all the questions asked whtim'n ten days'
time , which was granted :
"Uesolved , by the city coul : 1 that .John
Sherman , to whom was given a gas franchise ,
be Eummoned to at once appear beror the
council and be requested to at once give SOlle
specific tmo when time people may expect to
enjoy the ben'eOts expected to accrue ( roam
the granting or sold rranchlse ; otherwise that
Mr. Sherman be requested to enlghtpn the
council as to the dispositon he expects to
maine of this valuable franchise. "
New Yorl ( Lie ( ( I\tnlol.
DES MOINES , Feb. , -Spccial ( ) -.The
New York Life Insurance company Is hullIng
Ing a conventon here. Those T.resent are
President John A. McCal of New York City ;
George W. Perlkns , third vice president ;
lugh S. Thompson , comptrollr : Mr. h1ls -
hey , superlntendcnt of agencIes , al of New
York . Besides these are O. A. Smith , geim-
eral manager and T. A. Duclham , h1llector ,
together t with 150 agents rrom Iowa , Kansas ,
Minnesota and South Dakota . Sessions were
held morning and afternoon at the Young
Mcn's Christian association auditorium ald
a banquet was given at noon at the Saver )
This Is the first convention or time kimmd 1 ever
held here ; the first In the history of any In-
suranca COmlany.
Iullrcme 'ourt lec.lons.
DES MOINES , I eb. 5.-SIJeclal ( Telegram )
-ThB followIng opinions were filed In the
supreme court today : William n. Dent , ap.
pehlaimi . agaInst Wiiam E. Povohi , et al ,
Woodbury district , rc\erset : Leonard Ever-
et , executor oppelant } aJ.ainst hoard or
Supervisors oC Potaw3 ( : mle coummty Ilr-
Irmel ; Time State or Isvai against William
Dunn , a ppeiiantVi Innoshlek district ,
affirmed ; WillIam Gronoweg . assignee . ap-
pelant , against Peter neck ) enl Amelia
Beck , Iotawatamle tJisr1ct , affirmed on
both appeals ; The State of Iowa against
S. Husby , appellant , ; HUI1on district ,
affirmed ; The State of Iow' ' against Charles
Craig , appellant , Wlncshlelt district , or-
frmed. _ I
lelrlols l'atiunt I hliel ISIs . \tenr auU
HAnLAN I , 10. . Peb : -Spcchai.-Clay ( )
halos , I funnier hiving near. . Irwin , whIle sick
with fever left his bed and nmmsheti out Into
the cold He \ 'as pursued , by his atenrlonts ,
but made good his eseape. The night was
biter cold , and before he eould be round he
hall rrozen so badly that he tiled Sunday
nIght The remains were brought to Harlan
and interred tOlay.
The second trial or the Trotter sellueton
case closed Saturday with a verdict or guilty .
Trotter concllled to marry the girl whlc1 !
ho did yesterday and now njoys his rree.
dam _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I
( ch'hrntllllhelr (11.I"n , "t..lnl. I
DES MOINES , I eb. -Speclal.-Dr ( ) , and :
Mrs. Keeler ell and well known residents or
this city . celebrated their golden wedding
today Dr. Keeler began his service In the
ministry fifty year ago Sunday , preaChing
his anniversary sermon last Sunday ( rome
Dr , Sooy's pulpIt at the FIrst Methodist
church _ _ _ _ _
Jilualcnhlon lellruy.t hy [ ' 111.
PERRY , Ia. , Peb & , -Speclal ( Telegram- )
Jamaica , a little village ten miles west of
Perry , on the Chicago . Milwaukee & SI . Paul
road , suffered I severe Iou from fro lt 7
o'clock this morning. Six business houses
were deStroyed , including the .
desroyed postoflice The
total loss foots lp $15,000 . with an insurance
oC about 6000. The paraphernalia oC all the
lodges In the village ' rls destroyed . The
Perry fire department " : S called on . but the
cal came too hate to b or assiStance The
origin or the fro Is unknown.
Solelhl : AlI fur 1111 touImtr : "eopl
SIOUX CITY Feb. 0.-D. C. Harrison or
mporla , Hol county . Neb. , Is here soliciting
all for the 11routh sufferers. He says there
are eighteen families In that section on the
verge or starvation . A Mrs. Pearson , living
north or EmlJrln , I'lll ' the other day , and I
Is almot certain she starved to death .
11\.n In 17 It Mllnx City .
SIOUX CITY . Peb. 5.-Last night was the
coMest c limo winter , the mercury falling to
1 below zero at the \\.tather . bureau .
Celllrntelt 11 IiioiIrt l'on I rtln tOI I
Church l.nH \\Inl.
The ChrIstan Ellea\orers celebratell the
fourteenth nnl\rsry or the society last
night In the First Congrlgatonal church
There was a good altenthance . The work or
time society sInce Its Incellton anti the work
to b done In the future formed the prlncllal
topics for discussion He\ T. E. Crblet , In
a brier DMress , welcomed the mlmber or
the society and ollnld the work that was
Proposed 10 he Ixtemlcd this year. lie
stated that the three features which It was
the desire or the society to pay especial nit-
tenton to werl' Inter.denomlnatonal relol
shl ) , . missionary extension 1\1 good citizen-
ship.Ir. . O. :1 Neldham , state superlntcnllent
or the JunIor Endeavors 11)I \ resIdent of
Albion followed with n brier address on the
opportunites or the society ) She stated that
the society was organlzell rourteen ) 'IRT ago
In the state or Maine tint ! its memhersh111 ,
was composed or a few or the m mberl or
one denornimmatloim. Since that tunic the mem-
bershmip or the society haN extended anti Included -
cluded nearly all denominatons wih nn
enrolment or about 2,000,000. She gave a
brier history or the missionary work done
and stated that the relief movement for
the benefit or the drolth sufferers nt Albion
hall been started hy the Junior Eimdearors.
The work or educatIng the ) 'olnl PeoPle to
he ready to bear the mammtle . when the hum
came , or the either Chrlstln workers who
werl rapidly passing away , was In itself
worthy vf the efforts which Iere being mode
at the present time ,
Miss Darns Kinney president or the
Omnh union gave a short talk on the co-
operaton or the junior and 'oung Ieople's
societies and advocatell tIme appintng or
uperlntendents for all societes and by this
meals they could all be brought tOlether and
an ) ' little pel ) ' Jealousies now existng would
be done away with and the good .accom-
plslml by the union or all societies would he
much more lasting and beneficial .
Miss SarI J. Dushnel of hastings . super-
Intellent or the mission work In Nebrasl ,
discussed Christian Endeavor and Missions.
She thought that the foreign missionary work
was not receIving the attention that It should
anti while harr times were vel''where apparent -
parent , It was still harder to know that the
heathen l were being IncarEd for In a spiritual .
way. There was a great field for the Iro\\.th
and work for the I mlea\orers amid the measure
of love born to Christ was shown by the
manner In which Ils I I commanlments were
Iept. . Joy Bnrns atidresseti the meltng on
"Good Cltzenshh ) . " In his address : e
showed where good cltzelshlp was a benefit
to the people In this country I hose t who
constuter goer citizens exercised thclr
privileges at the proper tme' and at the
proper place.
The celebration closed with consecration
services , partelpatel In by all societies and
led by Rev. T. . E. Cramblet. .
" . \ Lovely Hebel" At Wnfhlngton hail Last
The King's JJaugiiters No.2 , of the
Church of the Good Shepherd , gave a dra-
matc entertainment last evening In Wash-
Ington hal to a large house.
After a ulnslal' overture , In 'which Miss
Leo Elotle preletl ! ( at the piano. and Pror
Jacob Sauerwein played the violin , the cur-
lain was pulled UI on the first act or "A
Lovely Rebel , " a melo-drama rounded on Incidents -
cidents or the civil war.
MiS. P. Edgar hart sustained the role of
Julian Pornsworth , U. S. A. , with consummate -
mate ability , and he was vociferously ap-
plaudcd. To Mr. W. A. O\'erbeck was assigned -
signed the character or George Roberts , a
major In the C. S. A. , and his line StOle
presence and unusual elocutonary IOWerS
were much apprecIated.
lr , R. M. Bradley , In addition to acting In
the capacity or stage manager , appeared as
Judge There , a colonel In the confederate
army , and acquitted hlnuet very creditably.
Mm' . Alfred i'atten , as Lieutenant Forbes , ammO
: ' . R. C. Ambrose. cii LIeutenant mlsworth ,
were both very goo , while Mr. Joseph " 'ood-
rufl as " \Vashm " a runaway controbald ,
elicitel much genuine laughter by his numer-
ous personlfcctons or a regular ante.belum ,
Ilerato old d rklY.
There were but two ladles who tool part In
the hitrionic porton of the program , Miss
Ada Ne\'le , who appeared OK Miss Kate
Spencer , a true Yankee , and Miss Nele
Canipion who enactl(1 the part of Core
Thorne. Miss Campion has a very fine voIce
and a good theatrical pronunciation. During
the evening she sang with considerable re1l-
lug that charming anti popular balad , "Lit-
tie Queel Irene " Miss Spencer Is also quite
a vocalist , and has a clear and telling way
of getting off her lines.
11' . Ellward S. Thompson furnished a
pheasant and highly enlertalnlng varIety to
limo progrlm by his skillful Impersonations
and runny gags. Token all In all . It was al
eminenty successful entertainment , ell re-
fleets much credit on Mr. n. Iii . Bradley's
malogement anti his company. p
hiLl Tll 1 jfllW.lST.
Colder In " 'estern Nebraska anti Slightly
. 'urmer tim I lit . I.utnrl i'rrt
ASHINOTON , I eb. 5.-The forecast for
\'ednesday II :
For NIbpl ' ka-Snow flurries : cold wave
In the western portion : probably slightly
warmer In the extreme cast porton : vmrlnm-
bhi' whl1s , becoming norlhwesterl
For Suth Dnlwln-Snow ; cohl wave In
time wester portion ; variable winds , becom.
, lug northwest.
1'01 lo\\'n-Snow ' : probably KIGhty
wnrmnei' south .Kt gales ,
I warmer - ( emicm'u I i y fair : I1"hU ly
warmer : south \\'hlls , hecvmlnl \ vesleniy
or northwesterly In the webtCI IOrton.
I.oelll l.cort.
OMAIA I , Fei , . 5-Omnmhin reeortl of I' 1 le 1-
attire nnd rainfall , comllrell wih the cor-
iespoimdimmg dUY of the llust foul' years :
respondinG lS9 : , . 1891. 189:1. : 1S92.
Maximum tfmpelohlr ) . . I r 38 Ill
MinImum teimipti'atUre . . . 'IU 2' ) : 28
verage temll rulul.e. . . . 'U m 3 : ' :12 :
Avcralo Ireclillntvn . . . . . . . . .01 .W ) .00 ,0
Condition of temperaluro and P1ec11llalon
lt Omaha : for time day and since 1 Irch J ,
NOln11 temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1)etleleney for ho dny. . . , ' . . . . . . . . . '
Defciency day..2'i
Normll precipitation . . . . . . . . . . .02 . Inch
gxce/s for lime < ay. . . . . . . . . . .02 Inch
' 'ot'l precipitim'IOfl since March I 10,52 iim'imtti
Defciency since March I. . . . . . 15.05 l Inches I
1uIICrIH frll Othlr Htatols lit - I I' . : f , I ,
" l . . . ,
. . a
bUTIONS. ' 5 STATS or' '
S" " 3 - mvxtnmssit.
_ _ . 17 . .
Omaha . . . - . . - . : . - : - ' -i ; j1.- ;
Norhl'lalo" . . : 20 .00 Ciommtiy ,
VlleuIIC. . . . . . :0 3t ,00 Cloudy :
Ciilcaro . . . . . . . 0 U .00 COUly .
HI. .uls. . , . . . 1 : 1 .00 ( mear.
SOl , i'aum . . . , . . . ' 10 ' 10 .nll Smiowli .
Davenpori . . , . . . . . : 'I : ! 1' . luOwli'l ; ' :
KalsLa City . . . . . 10 10 .00 .
[ ul"vcr. . . . . . . . 40 04 tiC Coulh' ' y .
t4 Iarlclol
SaitLaiomCuiy . " . " :4 : 4 : .00 ( jzm . <
1 IhtCI & . . . . . , . : . U , , 60 .00 Cloudy ' ,
181enl. . . . . . . . : 40 .00 melll .
1lamarck. ! . . . . . . 'II ' 8 .HI ) .
81. Vlncelt . . . . 'In ' 1 'l' \ Suowhll.
ChiCYCiiiHi . . . . . . 9 H . \.rlclolly ? .
, .IS Ciy. . . :
'U.vcslon. . . . . . . . II \ tO 1 13 .011810WIUI - - ' . - -
'below zero.
"T" indicates trace ef preclplalon
1 A. _ Observf ,
( :011 : \ 11'1 S flll !
Last nighmi I I o'clock , Observer \-Ish
received I telegram from fhlcago , telling ;
.110 I storm was approachIng . whim snow
and hiGh wind und mmneinisilig decidedly
colder weather by this evening
Census of the City May Have to De Taken
Under the Wntson Bill ,
Cllnclmln Urnn n" A booth Samaritan-
ColI " 1(1 Increases Wnntn If Auocllt.i
C5inirltics-blnre l'lolhlnl Neetimi-
ethel Magic City : e\ "
Mayor Johnston anti Counclmcn Della anti
Walers returnell last evening ( rein Lincoln ,
where they hall heen lobbying against the
Wntson bill , which relegates South Omahn
to n city 0" ? the slconll class
Before heaving tho' capital thl8 gentle-
111 were shown nn amemlment to section 2
of thc Watson bill , which , I passed . will
heave South Omahn out or the ( heal cntre ! .
The ma'or brought a copy of the amemlment
homo wih him , but when seem nt his homo
last evening h ) I lce relJresentnth'e ho
statll that the Ilal'ers were at his omce amid
ho refused to 10 after them , As far as can
b learned : the amenllent provides for a
census . or South Olaha at the expense or the
cl ) , undcr the direction or the mmmnyor . I Is
IXI.cctciI . Imt I the census Is taken the
figures will show that South Olaha Is a
cl ) ' of the first class. Time commlte which
went to Lincoln was COlllosel principaly or
omee holders . memO It Is OIJllosl1 to ammnexa-
tioii. I iimmpmigims I the 10t\.IS of Mr. Suton
memO claims that he Is trading off the city cl
South Omnha for tim county commissioner-
Tim amellhnlnts to this bill have been
sho\l 10 Mr. WRtson amid ho Is reported as
saying that he Is satishictl . so the dell'gaton
Is conldcnt . that the bill as amcllc,1 will
Commlter ! Irwin l 'itarity 1111 ,
At a ummeoting of about fifty of tIme ieatlhng
ummeit of South Onmaima yesterthay aftermmoon aim
orgammization was effecteti for tIme Iimmrpose of
giving it cimarity bali and other cmmtertain-
mont oim time evemmimmg of February 19.
Time immeetimmg vnms organized by electing 1.
II.Voir prcsldeimt and A. Ij. Lath secretary
anti treasurer. Time fohiowing commmmmmhttees
muero apuoiimtctl :
Executive Committee- . Weir , , . L.
I'axtomiV. . J , Mamigan , L' . J. Seykora , F. A.
Iiroadwelh ,
Eimterathnrneimt--N , S. Kiiig , 11. E. Tagg ,
F' . A. Cressey , W. B. Cheek , J , C. Martlmm ,
Ii. C. ltamr , George A. Brewer ,
On hiail-J. L Martin , 11ev. J. ii. MoDe-
vitt , C. L. Taibot , F. fl. I'carle , Jake Jaska.
Mumsie-T. H. Frills , C. A. Melcher , U. It.
Kelly , N. 13. Meati , S. Lanshtmrg.
Printing-Ibrmmce McCullough , J. M. Tanner ,
Damma Ahiborry , E. 0 , Mayfleid , J. E. ( flick ,
b'olicitation-Johmn Fiymmn , V. ' . A , Bennett ,
Dr. A. J. Aberhy , Dr. A. V. ' . Slabauglm ,
Dr. W. J. McCrann , Dr. J. M. Glasgow , Ir.
P. Ii. Ensor , I. B. Watkins , D. U. May ,
Thmommmas hector , 11ev. II. L. Vm'hmeoher , 11ev. J.
II. McDevitt , 11ev. C. N. Daweon , 11ev. I. 1' .
Johmnsomm , V.7. A. Jones , C. T. Chittendemm ,
All nmennbors of these commmmnittees are no-
questel to uimeet at time Live Stock Excimange
imail Thmursduy at 3 p. imm.
I3'Rii IiouiCi Ilium.
Yesterday afternoon time police mIisco'ereti
I' . C. Jensemm lying ill in a little shade in
tIme alley at time rear of Bauer's hall. Time
hum was suttenimmg froimi lung trouble aimtl a
physIcian who was called tieclareii that it
wouhtl entlanger his life to be removed. As
the veer mmmcii hmati scarcely army fuel , Council.
oman Ryan ordered a ton of coal sent up at
oimce , and time chmicf of police will provide a
nmmre for the poor fellow.
? ced 05 tsueiimloti Charities.
Thie hoartl of directors of the Associated
Charities met yesterday afternoon and heard
time reports of conirnittees , Quite a sunu of
money has been collected during time past
week for thIs good work , but time long cold
spell has taxed time imerves of the association
severely. More clothing Is neetletl , especlaily
wommiemi's and children's underwear ,
Shisgie City GtssIj , .
Councilman J. J. Ryan has been drawn on
time petit jury ,
Waiter Rocuniske hmas been sentenceti to
twenty-four days iii tIme county jail on bread
and water for going home drunk amid abusing
his fatally.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
C 1) 01) ItA CIMJl T JCA 1' JISTUI'T ,
ScuBatlonat Fiimltmc with Well liacketi
ilorseN Ahead In Each.
SAN FRANCISCO , Feb. 5.-Racing today
wait unusually good , lucre being several
semisational finishes between lborgen , Grit-
iltim and Corn. Time last race vmts dechareti
off , and tIme first splIt in two. Summaries :
First race , hiva r nlongs , selling : Iurang ,
102 , ( briflin (5 ( to 1) ) , won ; Time Drummer ,
109 , Chmorim (2 ( to 1) ) , second : Agnes , 89 ,
A. Isom (8 ( to 5) ) , timird. 'rime : 1:03i/ : .
Qtieeim of Scots , Fleetwood and Green Itivor
also m'immi.
Second race , about mmix furlongs , selling :
Mcl.ighmt , 203 , Gmiilhim (7 ( to 10) ) , ss'on ; Lonnlc
11 , 105 , Cnrr ( :3 : to I ) , secommd ; Silo Kending ,
103 , Ciionmm (30 to 1) ) , third. Time : 1:15. :
Clmu'a'hite , Curreimey and Claire nlso
rain.Thmiril race. one mile , selling : Gordius ,
log. . liergen (7 ( to 1) ) , won ; 1Ily , 103 , Grithln
it. , to 1) ) , secommti ; Draw Scott , 100 Cnrr (9 ( to
5) ) , third. 'l'lme : 1:41 : , Volt , Mmis Buckley
mLnd Marietta also man.
F'otmrthi iace , about six furlongs : Jack
Iticiiclieti , 134 , Cart' (4 ( to 5) ) , von ; lIed I'at.
124 , Citoin (7 to 1) ) , second ; ICing Same , 127 ,
Clancy (20 ( to 1) ) , tumirtI. Tune : 1:14 : % .
Olivia Pescador , Prince Regent , Gold Dust ,
Chmlqtulto anl April also ran.
Fifth. race , hive furlonge , selling : lie.
peater , 100 , Griffin (2 ( to b ) , won : Vmmlparmmiso ,
91 , Cook (4 ( to 1) ) , imeconil ; Reserve , 103
Snyder (30 ( to 1) ) , timli'd. Tunic : 1:03. : lk1
Stanley , Miss Whcklow 11 also ran.
NEW ORLEANS. Feb. 5.-1"ii'st race , six
S3O.OO for a Idea5
This is time biggest price ever offered for a
atclm line or heading for an advertisement ,
Hayden Bros. wiii give a choice of several
first class pianos worth $300.00 each for time
head line adopted anti in addition will give
orders on their umiusic department for $50.00
worthm of music for the next five beat ideas ,
according to merit.
To secure aim absolutely impartial decision
applicants are requested to sign In number
only ammO io mail corresimommdlng ntmmber witim
mmanmo 'nind address to Time lice office , where it
will rtmain untii after time award Is imiade.
Time right is reserved to use any head line
once ,
The following are the facts to be adver.
tlscd : Haylen Bros. of Onimabma ara the only
firm in tIme world showing a conlete line of
the instruments manufactured by tine five
mmmost reimowned piano niakers on earth , hay.
den Bros. are not tied up with red tape restric.
tions like regular selling ageimts , but are ( reo
to nnahco tine lovest prices ever hearth of ,
Hayden Bros. put special streess on ute
Steirmway mind Voso pianos because they have
a larger line in stock and can buy timeen
cimeapor timan any other mabtea of equal repu.
tation , Do not be nnisled by eny ommo elaine.
lag tine sale agency , Hayden Bras , have
timein direct ( rein limo factory as well as
from time Max Meyer & lire , Co. stock , Music
trade papers arc saying pianos cannot be sold
in a dcpartnment store , but sensIble people
mu'hmo do not care to lie imoochwinlcetj by silly
frills are not so notional and time hmeh proof
of timls Is that hlaytlen Bros. sold more
plaumos , organs and musical Instruments in
one week tian any five mntmsic stores west of
Chicago have sold In sIx months. Tine music
trade papers say this Innovation will be
watchmed with unusual Interest and hIaydn
iliac. propose to keep them guessing ,
- -S
fmmrhongmm Pnnwmm3p (2 ( to Ii won , htacriens (1 (
to 1) ) second , Dive Pitlaifer (5 ( to 2) ) thiil ,
Tinne : il8a : ,
Second race seven fimrbomigst Nero ( even )
won. h'rince Iniperial (9 ( to 5) ) secotiml , l"tmi-
chc'r tS to 1) ) ihirti. Time : i:32t. : . '
Third race , six fuiniongs : Trmtnmp ( G to 5)
% von , lien \'iison (12 ( to 1) ) seconml , ltCamiiimn
(10 ( to I ) timlrtl. Timnt' : 1 ml ? .
F'otirth race , live ftmrloiigs hiirtt
Catcimer (9 ( to 5) won , Festirni (5 ( to I ) see-
oiiii , ltnmisoin (7 ( to 1) ) third. 'i'imel 1:04 : ,
Fifth race , six ftmniongs : Mute (3 ( to fl
voti. It1 Itrowim (6 ( to 1) ) sceommd , linsomnia ( hi
to 1) ) third. Time : ilS ,
't imrcpEyett i.r'iiim ( trntmlt CutulmiCte.
TEitilli hAuTE , intl. , Fob , f-1'resileiit
Ii. 13. Scimnihit of time \\'estermm 1imtci'tto
league linus received applications fremimi Lii.
fayette. Fort \'nyne ninth Sommth lhemmil , I intl. ,
for nu'nnbershmip , Terre I intite , htboimmnuiimg-
tam , Ill , , timid Johiet connimhete tint' imrcsent
circuit , At a meeting soiin to hi hmt'lmi tm'o
inure towns will ho selected , Tin' league
'iil imeve Decatur , lll.'hhirliiigton , tim. , 1)amn.
rUle , lii , , cmiii I.egninspomt , limO , , to select
frommi ,
1'rles for 'I'rnttt'na % 'ero i.ower ,
1.iXhNGTON , Feb. fi.-'Prices at thit , mmcc.
cud tiny's aie by V.'ootlamti & Slmnnkhiit
ruled homver tlmnim 'ttoiniIIt1' , liititiitmg was
piiritel , lhcitt smiles : hilnek Stornn , 2i : ? ,
9 yemurs old , hr Sitmiintntms iiaiim '
by \\'st-
% 'oom1 , sold to l'ercy Slacklmotise , lexiimgttimi ,
$9tmO ; lmaromm Crisim , 2:24 : , 4 yeais , by lmnromt
\v I I kes , ( baum by Cumylei' , ttm 3 tnhmmm mi tuideim ,
Lexington , $1,000 ; block volt , 2 ) 'emmrs , lm
\'ilkcs 110) ' , until by Timi' Rlmmg , to inly &
' 1'imaer , Lexiimgtomn , $1,275.
Il.t' : i.r'ft out of it.
MONTl CAI11.O , Felt , fl-Tii eteconit
tiny's slmootiimg for time ( Irnuil Prix titi Casitmo
resulted tmmifn'tii'i-ubly to F'reti lloey , time tumiy
Aineniciun coinimetitor , Time lust umnize vna
voim 1,1' flcmmveiitmt I , with it score tif sittceit
bliths killed omit of etcvemmtccn , 'I'it 0 Se Omiti amnmt :
third itrizes vem'e ( hiVii'il tttW'eim 1mm c'on
aim Dc t'hmmmrnmnimlet , vimo kihleti hifteemu out oC
tieveimteeim hiids. )
Eu i 1 * ii ins ii i iii , in I . ' ' .i..i I Ii a Stilt ,
SAN FI1ANCI13CO , Felt , 5.-Time stilt of
Johmit A. lbmr'hay of Lomitlomn ngaimst , henry ,
\iiilem' . , of Milier & h.ux , time cattle kings ,
% .lm9 iiiiiiiiiett'il iii tim Utmitemi Stimicet circuit
commrt totlay for wmmimt of prosecution. Time
suit ss'mis it V'I , ' himmlmomtmmmmt nine , its it iii-
vol'ed time title to it large tract of humid iii
sotmtitt'rmm Cimuirormmimm'imen time stilt 'as
iihed hleimr3' 'lhiiier mmimml others were cimmurgct
% vitim nil sorts of fnmmuds , but it looks its if
timings immul been ettieti mmli , as htarclmmy tiitl
mint niche umny effort to press tine stilt.
Too 1:1w : WACESU
Other Reasons Why We Get
Labor's 'I iresome Samencss\Vear \
Brain and Body.
Dcpresse(1 ( System is Often Badly
Paine's Celei'y Compound a Perfect
Better Even ' ! 'haii Rest and
Change for the \Vcary.
Time moore mnninuteiy all itiimnis of work ho. .
commie stmbdlvithed , tIme mmnoro sammmemmess mmd mmmo.
mmotomiy creep into each umaim's labor.
Day after ilay , day after miay , in time annie
rut till little interest. reimmaumma in time s'ork ,
anti the mind mmd body ane gradually robbed
of energy afli imealtimy elasticity , Utmhess
sommmethmlmmg is done time proiommgeil strain is
hikey to result in health failure ; nervous
syimiptomns aPhiear , cares ( limit were once
lightly cast oft mmmv stick like hors , slight 4
physical exertion tires , and time end is core-
pheto inroatratlomn ammd breaking dowmn of sommntm
vItal organ.
Business men feel timls , public officials ,
wage-earners , housekeepers , every man and
Wommian whose work allows of little or no
rest and change.
At time first small beginifings of nervotmsnesa
or wimen haimguitl feelings do imot disappear
after a. soummd night's sleep , time prmidemmt. person -
son should know that lie or ime lutist chmeclc
thus decline In Imealthm by time use of that one
genuine nerve food arid blooti renewer , Paine's
celery connpound.
Time family physician knows its power over
diseases of exhaustion and debility vimen ho
orders it , 50 many careful hractitommers
are mow doing in every city anti smmmail towns
timrougimout time United States ,
As soon as one has fairly begun to use 4
Paine's celery compound , every day svihl be a
firmmm step toward assured health , Nervous ,
unimappy , and feeble persons find timeir flesh
becomes more ohid , a imnora healthy color
takes the Ithaca of time waxy , sallow IonIc , antI
there conies a clear immcreaso in time volmmme of
time blooti and an incrcaseti mionmnnil appetlto
because of thus rapId feeding of thm emmtiro
systeni , Work becomes easer. 4
This searcumiimg tonic goes at once to limo
very causes of imervous disaster ammO breakdown -
down , It is Invaluable him all wasthtig diseases -
eases , In all cases whore umniesuitl theimnaumtlii
are made on time system , Especially Is it
true iii time case of mothers anti iimyalitls recovering -
covering fronmi sIckness ,
l'ahmo's celery conipoummd hums saveti thou.
sands from mournful years of feoblommess ,
from tIme weariness of paimi and fromno bodilZ
weakness. It means hmeaithm amid happiness.
' CURED & '
. WE RIVIC IOU TO 8,000 psiltnuls.
. WrlteIorlbanicRoferoflCea.
Ho Operation. lb Detcutlon from Business.
THE 0. E : . MILLER CO. ,
307-308 N. Y. Life Bldg , , ObIAUA , IIEB ,
QEO. P. SANFORD , A. W , 11lKhIAN ,
PL'Csldcmit , Citehier ,
First National Dank
of COUNCil. BLUFFS , Iowa.
Cupitul , . S $100,000
l'iolits , . S S 12,000
One of tub oldest L.numke in time slate of Iowa. ,
iWo solicit your busInts anti collections , We
pay S pen cent tam tune deposits. We uviii b.
pleased to ace anti serve you , '
pociaI Notico-ouocit DIUffS
1d 1iurk , at W , 13. ilomers , 609 Broadway ,
houo , t'puy at Jiec oimtceCounclijiiufs.
OL'NTLnMI.N AN ! ) WIUB , OR 'rsvc ) ( ] liN'I'H ,
cue hind good rooms und iioarii in mitIrate lain-
ily : how rates ; rcidenc.n 1mm busltmess center5
A 2 , Bce , Council IflulTa ,
- - - - - - - -
. -
; couNvuiruJ'B
-'i' , y' tCIL iOI3.MAflj STEAM DYE WORK
- .
vi.- , Is. . . . CO , , RLIJII5 I r : i byeJnc' _ _
t. I I j tIme highest
. . . _ 1)
( ) '
; ri. ; : , . LtStA _ mdaimme'a' toloot , '
: - DYE - - - :
! . t
/1 _ s. a ± : ; : ; . , . I ' " : , iai : _