Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 06, 1895, Image 1

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, ; r ESrl'AJU.JISIIJDD JUNE 19 , 187:1. : 0\IAIIA , 'VJDDNESDAY lOlrN"1 : Q 'oC ; , InBHUAUY ! ) - 6 , 189S. . SINGLE COpy JnVB CBNr'S. ( . (
- \
Speech from the Throne at the Opening of
England's ' Parliament.
E"lctotl TrnAnls Holer , 'Velh 1)IeItnbIlA- )
Icnt , Olin :111 Ono Vote nntl Ulhcl I
J'rcRsll ! , nUcn to Occupy the ,
Commons' Atcnton , "
LONDON , Feb. 5.-Tho fourth senlon of
the thirteenth Parlnment of Queen Victoria
openCI at 2 o'clock this nfernoon , Previous
to the opening of the 2esslon the lord
chfmberlnln , Lord Cnrrington accompanied
by ten yeomen of the gunrl , four marshals ,
elc. . anti n number of Ilolcemen ) , made the
customary Guy PaWlles search of time Vaults
of the houses of Parlament In order to see
that no preparations had been made to blow
up the buildings. ,
In the house of Lords Lord ' 'elby mo\'ed
the address In reply to time peeeh from tim
throne and Lord latersea seconded time
motion. In lho house of COllons Mr. 10b-
- house moved the address and Mr. holland
seconded ] It.
The rlueen's speech was ns follows :
"My Lords amid Oentemen : ly relations
wih the foreign powers remain friendly and
on a satisfactory footng , An agreement has
been concluded , , utter ; rotractcd negotiations ,
between IY government and that of the
French repuUic for the settlement of the
frontier between my colony of SI'rrn Lecno
atl ] time lelgh\orlng French possessions.
"I regret to 'say lint 'h" ' war between
China ami Jallan still ontnues , I have
mailtaln d a close and cordial undersll'llng
wIth tim IJOII'er3 Interested In those regions
ali I sl(11 lose no favorable opportunity of
plomotlng tesl. 1 peaceful terminaton of the con-
tesl."In consequence of reports Iwhlrh have
reacled my rovernnlml of excesses cem-
mitted by Turkish troops , regular or Irregular -
lar , on Armenlins In a dsttcl ! of Asia
Minor , I though I right , In conjuncton with
other powers , to make representntons to tim
Porte. The sultan has declared his Intenton
of promptly punishing any oC his . officers or
soldiers who have been gully.of such acts
and has sent a commission It conduct nn
investigation on the spol Delegates from
time powers which have consuls nl Erzeroum
will accompany this commission
"Gentlemen of the House of Commons , the
estmates will be submitted to you wllhoul
"My lords nnl gentlemen. I nm happy to !
obrerve time striking fact thaI In Ireland
offenses of all kinds against time law have
sunk , during the ImBl year . 10 the lowest
level hitherto marked In time 01clal ecord
Proposals will bo submlt d to you for
ren'edylng detects which experience has
brought to light In the worlllnr of the law
of landlord amid tenant In Ireland and for
deullg wlh certain evicted tenants whose
situation order. still consUules " Peril 10 social
"A bil will be presenled 10 you ( healing
wih the church eSlnblshmenl In \Vaies.
" fl11is will also bo submited for the popu-
lar control of the liquor lrafe and Limo
abolition of plural voting and a ' provision for
the PaYment of the charges 'of returnIng
i omcers al elections. "
4 The speech further say's : "Bills for time
unification of London and 'facilitating time
construction of light rnlwa ) ' : . which. I trust
wilt benefit dlslilcts burerlng- from the
ngricultural deprcsalono : a bill to time
agriculurl iepressl li bi : pro-
Jnoton of conciliation In the trade disputes
and In amendment to the factory acts : a bill
for the completion of time syslem of county
government of Scotand all for further ' iegls-
hatlon you for the , crofters will 10 submitted to
"I' i : pray thAt the blessing of God will rest
durIng the year on your arduous and re-
sponslblo labors "
- ' Formal business was resumed In the house
at , 4 o'clock wllh time swearing In oC new
- members elc. The party leaders were
cheered on taking their seals. The various
minIsters gave notice thaI they would Inlro.
duce on Thursday next the dlferenl his
mentone,1 , In the Queen's speech. Mr. 1101)-
house , who were court dress , In movIng the :
address. In repfy to the queen's speech , congratulated -
gralulal\t tIi hOISA OIL the fact thaI the
policy of conciiaton Ilrsued the last three
years Coward ] relall ald produced the happy
result of quietude lhere. ' < ,
¶ After Mr. holland had seconded the nd-
" dress , 11' , laJour nlied In eulogistic terms
, to tIe late Lord Randolph Churchill , and
4 then saId thaI ho woull not refer 10 foreign
affairs , as lho OPlloslton dhl nol Intend to
embarrass the govermenl In those maleIs
by critcim uttered In public so long as the
govcrnmemit appeared to take of
govrnmenl care Eng-
land's Interests. Mr. Balfour wanted to ! newly
\ly the navy was nOl , mentonell In the !
queen's speech , , and he objected to the sugges-
ton that the Improvemenl of affairs In ] re-
land was duo to lhe conciliatory policy of tile
last three YEars , This hnpro\'cmcnl had been
continuous for some years past prior to time
advent of John Morley Ire ridiculed . Lime
executive plan of Lime government. , 'fhe whole
plan of the govrmenl was EO curious lhat
lie hoped some aUlhorlntvl member would
move nn amendmenl 10 the address so thaI
. . time house could dIscuss it.
Sir Wlllm Vernon Hareonrl , after payIng
tribute to the memDry of Lord Randolph
Churchill , slhl In regard to the navy thaI tim
goyernmenl intended to loyally carry out Its
policy as already enliolmnced. The Rovern- ,
melt beloved time Ilerllence of tranquility
In Irellld dOllemlul l uon a wise system of
self-gol'ornment. They woulll therefore con-
tnuo 10 pursue t)1l ) greal end and would
labor to carry into effect a Illan which should
bo sutsfactory to time IrIsh peollle. In regard
to time bia Ilentlneil In time queen's speech , ,
Sir Wlilm , Ileelalqd , ho did nol despair of
carr'lng either time Irish land bill or the local
option bi , \ '
Justin McCarlhy sall ! ho heleved time ImprovIng -
provIng conditIon ot Ireland was dime to Limo
Irish people , who now felt that they had
strong lrlenlls In Great Urltlan . a 11 hall
, great hope trol the acton of the present :
government and from the support of the peo.
1110 of Great lint tn. lie trusted thaI the
; b-Vc"nn1nl woull consider thaI time time
hail come for extending amnesly to the IrIsh
political prisoners Something shoull be done
for laborers In Ireland : there should bo legis.
lalon In regard to the Irllh land , which
wlull telul to relovo the agrlcnlural ' depres.
aba In Ireland , ' where depression meant
Ilnl'/ton ,
t'harles HowarllIncenl ( conservative )
moved an nmel11mell to the address In reply
to time quean'l SlmOeCii declaring that steps
8houll bo tallel 10 remove treat ) . obstacles
I to cmplrr a minion bQlwelm time dlferenl , Ilarhl of the
Sydney Duxtol replied for time govermmnmont.
lIe Dahl time qucyim's speeeh II Limo close of
time last session of Iarlamenl referred to time
Ottawa conference , alll lhcrefore any turther
reference was considered needless on time :
present occasIon : but the govermllonl hlll no '
Intention Jo slight the colonlos. ' 'ht govern.
. locaL hail glVfn tim matter atenllon anti ,
I 1 ) ropes d to hike ncton on one hiollit during
\ 1 , time Ilresent eesslon. Acton ) the oilier
t f \olnte Wl u'd folo\ . He apreed tat : the , \us-
\ trllan , like oilier sel'lulng colonies , should
L. bo Ilowtll to enter Inlo used .rangements
1' wHh enl lJ01htr , .
I In \1&1 of the statemenl mall hy Ir , lux- !
ton , Mr. Vlncl'nl wll"lrew his amendmenl.
. I.tlhql'k's mind 1\\'IIInO' ' ' , Iii . . loC\ ) ' ,
; \ CllIS'fN.NorwIY. ; I eb. 5-Dls.
% . , patches received here from Moide . Aalsulll ,
lergcl ami thrlstansund report that at all
these ( , lace earthquakes were experienced
between 12:15 : and 12:45lbls : mornng. , ! The
1 hockl ran In limo Ilreclon ot southeast to
I iiortim'est. No damage was dom .
I Eleven persons were killed by the fail of
an 1\'llanche , nt I\vulage
- - - -
. I'rllcru Iullrn..t trol 11111 ,
L.1 LONDON , I eb. -The pri.cct of Wale
c 4rrlvd In I.andon at 100n tea ) frem Hus.
it 1 .Ia , wire sims h ; ban In constant ntel .
. .
anee upon her sIster , the widow of the late
czar of nnnla , ever since time death of the
czar Alexander. The prInce of'alas and all
his chllren and many other persons awaited
the arrival of the princess on the platform
of the railroad statlom. Enormous crowds of
people lined the streets of Marlborough house ,
the Londen residence of the. prInce of Wale .
atmd I cheered the prince and prIncess mot
hieartiiy. _ _ _ ,
1'OhLTUtiUIii I : IU III\ : IN Til : C.UB' ,
Through Trl''lcry Iho , hteimehiluni ICamn
( imiuim , \ " .
tlln \"vlntI.
LONDON , I.'eb. I-A ; .1spntch to the
Times from Cape Town says thaI advices received -
ceh'ed from I.orenzo Iarquez are to the
effect lhal time rebellious ] Cafrs entered the
Porlu/uese camp al Iarqueen by the use
of the fag of truce and the pass word whIch I
they had by some lenJS obtalnell. Once In :
the camp time "afrs fiercely attacked the
\Ieeplng Portuguese , who I ere unable to get
al their big guns Lieutenant ( Antonio rallied
his men amid kepI fghtng after his body had
Iten Pierced by an nsseg"l. Indeenlenl , reo
harts hnve II thnl from flfty to se\'enl.fvo
of the Porluguese were Illeil end many
wO\llell , Briish nnl Oerman menof.war
are In readiness to Protect time sUbjects or
their respectve ccuntrles should such pru-
tecton become necessary.
IISBON , 1eb. 5.-omeial telegrams today (
from Iorenzo : larque7 DeJagoa bay , Fay that
as a result of tw fighting on the Incomatl
river January 31. the Portuguese captured
Anguane amid Iaxaquene ( : Iarlleen ) nail' that
I 2 the natives returned and
on tbruary natl'es stir-
Ilrlse,1 , time Portuguese , hul were repulsed
The Porlnguese losses were four killed and
eight wounded
The Portuguese and frlendly'nath'es yester-
day commenced a combined alaclt on the
hCa [ firs.
JJ'l'U'SI [ BY : I , I"S.
, \rmenl'l Letter or Limo \9oelated Press
Comma I d eremi II i 1u"lon.
LONDON Peb. 5-Al the meeting convened .
venel yesterday by the Armenian association
the letter from time special correspondent of
the Associated press forwarded from TIfils ,
Russia , and containIng Limo first accurate anti
direct news In regard to the outrages In Ar-
mermia which were IJblshed here 00 Monday
by Heuler's Telegram company , after having
been publshed the day previous In the Unller
Slates by lho Associated press newspapers
was freely dIscussed and the enterprIse of
the Associated press In thus beIng the first
to obtuln a true story of the atrocities was
m01 highly complmented ,
Admiral Sir John E. Commerel and a
numb of members of parlamenl In addi-
tlol to these who have heretofore been prom I- ,
menl In Armenian agitation , were pres nl. !
Mr Elite . : . 1 . said that the correspondenc
of time Assoclatcll press was sumelenl proof
com In ! as II did from n source which could
nOl , be supeclell of partsanshIp , of the urgent
necesity of action .
Civi Societies I'"ra"o time Streets with
11",19 I : immmI ] " Imors.
CITY OF MEXICO , I eb , 5-The consUu-
tonal anniversary of the government was
c1lebratell here today. All of the cvi so-
cietes , headed by bands and banners , marched
through time principal streets and waited upon
the president at the executive mansIon I
was Ico. , In fact , a gala day In time City of Mex-
Lieutenant Avis of tIme Seventh regiment
committed sulcde : last night at military head-
( luarters. No cause Is assigned for the deed.
Ho was one of the most popular olcel's In
tIme 1lexlcan service.
Minister , Do Leon stated toulght to an AI-
socated press reporter thaI he was awaitIng
Imporlant letters from hIs countr ) ' . Guale
male which , he tlmcugimt would settle time
controversy between Mexico and Guatemala
over time boundary question. His conversation
was of a nature to lead one to the belief
lhnt bo had given up time Ilea of war alo-
getimer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
'athor Who , Sell his Son 1 8C'pCt . Coimvlc-
thl Oil n Technlcntt ) .
VICTORA , D. C. , Pcb 5-Peler Delnger ,
who sell little Arthur Lamour Into slavery
along the Uchuekelsel Indians , walked out I
of time supreme court yesterday afternoon a i
free man Time defense was thaI the crown !
could nol prove lhe boy had been kidnapped
or thaI he was nrl nehhinger's son , and because -
cause of the peculiar wording of time statutes
JustIce DralI decIded there was no law
under which to convIct. Delnger attempted
to take the boy from court , but the justice
denied hIm the right to his custody until
ho could prove kinshmip. Delinger may be rearrested -
arrested for oblalnlng money under false pre-
lenses. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1)C1f1vrEu ' 'IE iuiiiLS
General Ailalo and : lnolT Jen lUUmt by
C Olollbial Trool'
COLON , Colombia. Pcb 5-General Reyes ,
with 3,000 government troops , recently at. !
taekeJ time rebels at Honda antI defeated lhem ,
Of the rebel forces General Allano and ninety
men were billed.
l'rlco or 1'mramflhimo In ln&ln <
LONDON Feb. 5.-Al a prIvate meeting
of of the Scoteh oil
representatives thl 01 companies
last evening the agreemenl arrived al with
the Standard 01 company , by which time
price of old paralne was Increased 1 fartim-
lug a pound was ratiiled. I was further
agreed to adjust prices so as to curtaIl 1110-
( lucticum.
Al time time time Scotch companies came to
an agreement wlh the Standard Oil company
In January last II was announced that the
ullertanding arrived al to increase the
Ilrlee ot sold parafne by a farlhlng a pound
would yield an annual gain of $250,000 to the
companies , and at the samue time stop lhe
competton wlh AmerIcan Ilelroleum.
IIqll8t un Limo Elba Victimims.
LOWESTOFT , Eng , Feb. 5-A 101 , bag '
marked "No . 1 , " belonging to the ship Eb ,
was fount off Soulhwold this morning , An
inquest upon the remains of I.'rederlclt Ernst
of Magdeburg , Prusia , the drowne,1 , passenger -
ger ot the Ebe , whose body was landed here
yesterday by thus fshing smack Verela , was
ellene,1 here this morning. The coroner swore
a spec'al jury and announced his intention
of traversing all the facts In the case. The
inquest was lhen adjourned until I February
2G The coroner Is communicatng with all
the Ilartes interested In the disaster .
Trulo Center Hcht h ) the irhtlsim Comisui .
BRASS , Niger Coast Protectorate , West
AfrIca , l'eb. G-The Drltsh consul , Major
Sir Caud Maxwell Macdonald , Is holding
Brass , one of time centers of trade on this
coast , wlh 100 men , twp 7-pound guns and
one Norlenfeldl rapll.fre ! gun. The Niger
comllany's troops are holdIng Alcassa , which
'WI nol destroyed as previously reported ,
hut alhougb all time bmiIlding. . are standing ,
lhere was 1 great deal of pillaging when time
disturbances broke out 1 Is eslhnaled thaI
1,600 natves were engaged In the outbreak
about Urau ,
1.018 on Ihu b tea mmisimlp 1lbc. :
1m r.1N , I.'eb. 5-The Franllfller
elung ! says that alowIng for depreciation ,
time lost steamship Elba was worth $300,000
She cost $725,000 , Time Norlh German Lloyd
company Insures its own \lel London
ull\erwrler \ aN imeavy icacra on tha CJg .
Jl'h I Onhl 1'11. ' In I hhrrlll ,
ST. l'ETEHSDUHO , I eb. 5-The SiberIan
newil'allerl anncunce the discovery ot rIch
and extensive gold fields along the upper
reachmea . ef the river Ne\'a , NIna .mnd Ubat
In time l'roYlnce or Venl&kk , eat Siberia
Jumof.1 ( ' ( lllr."y In Irlll ,
RIO DE JANEmO , I eb. 5--1 II rumored
that a conslllracy of l'eixto'mm
llnl Pelxlo'l against the
go\'er'1Icnt ' has been discovered and that
marlal law will be vroclahned
- - -
Navy Department D1oredit the Stry
Concerning Her Officcra.
- '
lOfty of Jer OIelr In CMe or n Umculy I
U'ouht 10 to Commnnlc"to with '
, \lmlrlt Cllllcnter " ' ! h-
out 1cl ) ' ,
WASIINOTON , I'eb. 5-Nellher at the
State rleparlment nor at the Navy deparl-
menl has there come any word from China
In confrmaton of the reported capture by n I
Chlneso mob of some of the officers of time
United Slates ship Concord , who acchlentaly
killed a native while on 1 shootng expedition.
The lade of an ofcial report has slrcngth-
enel the belief of ofcals that thO story was
either wihout foundation or else mich exaggerated -
gerated , hail the matter been at mill serious
the cOlmanlng : ofcer of the COIcorll ! wOlt
have been obliged by the naynl regulations to
report the event Inlnedlalel' to his superior
ofhlcer Admlrnl Carpenter who In tlrn would
hlve reported to the Navy department or If
time admiral was nol within easy communi-
coton II wOllII have been time dlty of time
captain macnt. to repair direct to tw Navy depart- .
TEXT OP 'll : 1 H1ItUlTI0S : ,
Why time ChInese immvoys Were Ie.rctot by
.biptii-Vel-1tmI-Vo1's 1'11.
LONDON , Feb. 5-A uhisptchm 10 the Times
from Yollohnma says that time text of the
credentials of time Chinese peace envoys with
whom Japan refuseJ 10 treat on aecolnl of
Insllclency of their peers was as follows :
"By decree wo appoint YOI our plenloten-
tarles to meet and negotiate the matter with
the plenlpolentnrles apPolntel1 by Japan. '
You will , however , telegraph 10 time TSlng-
LI-Yamen ( ChInese foreign omce ) for the nur-
pose of obtaining our commands by which
you wi abide.
"The members of ) ' 011 missIon are placed
under your control. You will conduct your
mission In n faihful amI diligent manner
and fulfill time trust reposed In ) 'ou. Respect -
, "
spect lhls
Up to noon yesterday the Chinese still held
the torts of LII Kong Tau Island. The Jap-
anese attack continued.
A dispatch from Peking says that the capture -
Lure of Teng-Chou ( Wel-Hal-Wel ) has made
n deeper Impression upon the ChInese than
time fall of Port Arthur. . The dispatch says
thaI time reported refusal oC Japan to treat
wIth time Chinese envoys confirms the helef
expressed In Peldng thaI the Jallanese are
not wiing to name their terms of peace.
! IUDlF1CU 'nl , Jtm'tNESI TREATY ,
, llot lie ' 'er11"01 , leroro It leCUlel
I ' ally EffectIve .
'lly "lect\e.
WAShINGTON . Feb. G-The senate today
modifed its former acton emi time Japanese
treaty to time extent of Insertng I provision
whlcb will render II ImpossIble to abrogate
time treaty before It goes Into effect. In tIme
absence of Senator Morgan Senator Sherman
movetl a reconsilera of the ratification
ton rtfcaton
all lhen moved thaI the word "thereafter"
should be Inserted In place of the words
slrlceeu ] out. ThIs word comes after the
date , 18VV , when time treaty takes effect , and
the entire clause reads that either nation
shall have the right , on one ycar's notice
after thaI date , to abrogate the treaty. There
was no opposition on the part of any senator
10 the change and nothing was said beyon(1 (
the brief comment of several senators that
they had never Intended thAI time treaty
should be nuled before II becomes efeclvc ,
, JArllcao Meet mm Slight Reverse.
LONDON Feb. 5.-A dispatch to the I
Times from longleng says letters have
been received there from New Chwang ,
dated January 2 . which report thaI the
Japanese sustained I slight reverse between
iIat-Chmang and Lao Yang . al the hnmls oC
1 , & followers of a rebel squatcl' , nn1:1
hlan. Time cold Is Intense , registering II degrees -
grees below zero
1" 1"1 J'un Cm' . - FREE SnYBl.
South Dakota Lower ! eURO Passes time
lomorh lu tolJres9 : ,
PIERRE , S. D . Feb. 5.-Speclal ( Telegram )
-The mesl important event of the day In the
legislature was the passage through the house
of the joint memorial 10 congress to grant re-
list from presenl financial distress by passing
a tree coinage measure. A sharp debate tools
place , Messrs. Russell of Yankton , Henry and
Llndel of Lawrence , Truem of DroQlrngs ,
Denohue of Hughes and others strenuously
contending thaI the parly could nol go
farther than the Yanllton platform , which
lmied coinage to the American product , and
leBrs. Glass . hair , Dowdel , Crothers and
Reid ! contending for the memoral ! as drtrwn
Time bill finally passed by a Vote of 43 to 32 ,
twenly.nlno republicans voting for I , anti
thlrlytwo against , whie all the populsls
voted a'e. On motion of Glass , time speaker
was Inslrucled 10 communlcale with lhe legislatures -
Islatures of other northwesler and southwestern -
western states 10 urge them to joIn In time
memorIal. The matter will come up In the
senate temorrow , and a sharp debate will b.
had Ils more lhan likely thaI the memcrlal
will be amended so as 10 limIt II to coinage
of the American ' product. ;
Donoimue's bill , annexing Nowln , Pyatt , I ,
Sterling and Jackson countes to Stanley for
judicial purposes , and MIchaels bill , allow-
lug counties 10 compel railroads to put In
crossings , and McGaughey's bill , providIng
for a uniform system of blanks and books for
county and eLate officers 10 be arranged hy
time secretary of state , auditor and pUblo examiner -
aminer , passed ,
The huh provIding thaI ! o stale or counly
printing shal be 110ne ouls'de the stale was
reported unfavorably.
In the senate Rice's bill , providing that the
slate treasurer and his depository banks
must report monthly 10. time governor , also
Rice's bi , fixing maxlmll telephone charges I
for business houses at $1 t , and $3 for real- '
dances , Ind a dozen olher bills of minor him-
Ilorlance passed , hlebai'a measure , providing
that one member of the Board of Charities
and Correctons should be n woman , was
( 'maim emi time hnectriohcoaul II It1181S City ,
lfnn.-LlsL or Jnjurel' '
KANSAS CITY , Feb. 5-'fwo heavy trolley
cars colded high up In time all emi time ele-
valed railway struclure In Kansas City , ICon ,
today. They were goIng al full speed on
the north track and whie time force of the
collision was so great that the front pIal.
forms were demolished and time westbound
ear shoved back off its trucks neither car
went off the structure , Forty passengers
were aboard the two cars. IIngul3rly
enough there was no los or life and the only
serious Injury was to the two mnotornmemm
The limit of Injured follows ;
James Jackman , 1010rman , heft teot
smahed , amputation necefar )
Albert lcNamore , molorman , nose broken
and face cut
1" B. Green , left leg lacerated
I'alrlck lcTrevore , cut with glass
Several olhera were . eJghty Injured ,
n"rrhurA' Says Iii , 1''It Notimisig. i
LONDON , Peb. -The verdict In time
breach of promise suit brought by Miss
Wyndiumnm against Viscount Deerhurlt was
entered today In favor of the viscount. Time
latr'\ solicitors deny that they paid the
Illalntl anything whatever .
l'rmrsts huuhl lt 11 < 0 Ilc'c.J
WI,1INOTON. DtI" , Feb. -'he fey ,
Falh' Syivestre Jacrt
) , paler of the
Church ot the Sacred lelrt1hii 1y , hOI
. -
rece'C1 n letter from nome In whIch h
Is informed thAI the holy father mhim'ap.
proves of Roman CntH\lc \ priests ruling hi.
cycles. The letter vas In 1pl' to one
"rlten to the pope by I'Athl'r hyI'esmre
socking gullanee uon n the euIut. '
JI1LTO.V . i.itir - 1)Vm'II..IItlJID.
"hlenco .I Submltelt % lu the IcbAlo Cases
ST I.OUIS Fob , p.-The trial eC ofcer
of the 'abaa'h and Itelmwalnn rlro"l ' ,
chared wihIolntnl the Interstate conm-
merce law was resumell today In the
United States district curt befot Judge
'Phiip" . The government closed Its verbal
testimony amid pul In 1 lot of ,10eumentar
evidence In time form of freight tariffs nml
ynrlous nHreement Among the lAter was
one . between the Wnbnsh and other lne" .
by which the \nbash was able to offer its
shlper I clntnuous route to New York.
Counsll for the defense objected to the In-
troducton or timesum ,10cuments , \UI the
court , mutter considerable n"rI1enl. decided
to Ilml the 11pers as e\'hlence , : Ir. Bock
of Bulnlo , representng the I.acknwnlnl
road moved Lime discharge of Mesr.
Spriggmm nn.1 . 1"11 of Cl'eimuimd amid 1uCfnlo.
on the /10\\1 thnt the oUcnses , Ir ammy .
were COll1lted oul"Ilc the JUIII.lcton uf
the cuumm-t judge I'imlhhihm3 1 tonight thouHhl
thaI the olenses were ( onslmmalNl where
the 10ne ) ' reprl'sente.1 . hy the vouchers
will \1111 11H Ilroof as to Simrlggs' guilt
\\'ns pcnnly timid hi' said he , oull direct In :
nClullal as , to him
Time ovitlemmee against 'miiltnn Knight .
e\'lllnl'e l'llnsl : llnn I-nlghl.
freight trlle mnnl\ ' er of Limo ' 'nbash , wn !
hell to . In"ulcllit by Jlllle Ihllll" .
amid he nlso wins ncqultel\ , Tim cnl's or
conclulled time otimor tomurrow. Ilefemlnnls wilt be argued and
. .
I.UUR .1 1. R. U. .IJ . IH.VlAIWIU ) .
Gcorgo 11 , 1'"lmnn1 SIn 11 ; lie lut on the
CHICAGO , I eh. -FonroC time defendants
In the Deb" con"pl'ley trial were discharged
\ ) ' Judge Grosscnll tOllay-Dennls 1arlln.
Frmmmilo Dre'el" Jlnes : lcDonull amid John
1url < The llrumenl of the Itorneys for
the defense for the discharge oC al time de-
Cemlnnts WIS n\lle bust nlghmt the judge reserving -
sen'lnt his decl lon until toda ) ' , lIe nn- I
flounced tH discimarge o ( the four men at !
the open In , of court reserving his nnswcr I
nil the dlscharge oC Dlreclor John p Mc-
" cnn anti John .1. Ilnnhan oC the AmerIcan -
can Halway union.
HererrllJ 'to the other eleven defendants
InclulnJ Deb" , he slmilly ' lhl to the suitor-
neys for the defcmset "Youm may go Ihell
with yotim' side oC the caSe. "
lreshlenl 'homaR oC tic : Vesler Indiana
with on time stand laln this afernoon , He
said thele18 an Igleement among the
roads to make a report to the General Mmun-
agers' association before mmmmy road , made In ,
increase in wages , lie said thaI on AUJlll
30 , 1893 , a resolution was mloptell lJ reduce
wlgel nil Ilolnd , and the vlrlhls Ills
were requested to endelwor to Ilple s upon
their emplo'es the necessity for such 1 re-
duction. '
ducton defense expects to have George : I.
lulmnn on the stand In .the mmmorn'ns. ' An
oleer , with I lbpoena , 'was huntln ! I.
Pulman 11urlnr the aferOln , but tip 10 this
evenIng bud not Cound hum.1 ' UI
; lST 1't . 1. ILl (5k- ' i ! JW'El.
Chemical. flank or Now Yorlt Orllere to
GIve lip 8100 , OO.
CINCINNATI , Fch 5,5on after the Cln-
clnnal Fidelity National : bank vent Into
the hnnds oC Receiver Armtmeng the Chem-
Ical bank of New York sueH I for a $ 300,0O0
loan. Judge Sage of the , UnIted Slutes court
decided for the plalnlf IA j little over I
year ago the United tates'couit of appeals
affirmed Judge Sage's ' \eelslon. Suble- ,
quenly a parallel case , In twhtch the Wet-
ern hauls of New York ; WI\S plaintiff . the
supreme court or the Unlte . States dechkd
agulnsl time plaintiff omm the , 111.1 . thaI the
loan hy the hunk was ' : uot . valid nnd nol
authorized hy i time dhrectbm. Thereupon the
case oC the Chemical , bank against He-
elver Armstrong vas ' : rpened 1 ; [ ore the
United States circuit AC' . { mmptaIs .
Judges Lurton , 'raft anll Icvers prrsllllng
A decision wan rendered 'In favor d Receiver -
eplver Armstrong and th/ Chemical . hauls
was ordered to restore $10,0 111d It on I
former judgment , and Jmmiigment was sus-
pended to permit this' Chrmlcil hank to
offer new evidence before Judge Sage.
Olnry Smm.telims the . District , \tornr- ,
SAN FRANCISCO t . 5.-United States
District Attorney ' Knight has received a
communlcnlon from Attorney General 01.
ney sustaining KnlJht's ' action In refusing
10 Issue n warrant for the arrest of C P.
Ihmntlngton . president at the Southern Pa-
chile company , on the charge or issuing an
interstate nasa 10 Frank Stone , a politician
and ntorne ) ' , Olney says thaI the com-
plnlnt of T. J. Roberts , an American Bali-
union , who for the .
way man applied war.
rant , Is defective In that It did nol state
lhlt the charge was made on information
or heleC , Obey advises iCmmight to lay
the entrl mutter beroro the federal
Jranl jury. This wi he alone al once and
Knight says IC the In1 jury indicts
Huntington I warrant tor-the arrest of time
railroad president wi bo Issued al once.
10nlhnhlerM or C hum L , & O. Meet ,
NEW YanK , Feb 5-At I general meet-
lag oC the holder of Hie ( certtcates of
deposit Issled by the Central Trust company -
pany , uiuler the bodumols1ers' ' ngmeement
of February , 16VI , for Ihimlomul'aeiitc , 1 % per
cent collateral trust ( Denver , Leadvlo &
Gunnhion ) bonl1 I re oluton wnR Ido\tel
allhorlzln the committee to take ! uch
acton regarding time ' mlumision ) to such
nJreemenl and the depoHlt lhlrelller or
Unlor tacilo collateral ' 4' ! , per cent trpl
bonds which hav 101 heretofore been deposited -
posited 111 to Impose such terms In con-
necton therewih 1" m/Y In time jllglent
of the committee be prop ! . No hOllp , how-
ever , mire to be allmltep , after the contrma-
ton or the sale In time Sllil to foreclose the
mortglgl or the Denvcl" , Leadvie & Gun-
nlsol railway. . I
, Viva Bhols ! ll Nobody hurt.
ChICAGO , Ffh , 5-'fhere was an excit-
Ing , hootng affray at ; the Dexter Paris
Horse exchange today. H. . 11. Carrel or
Chicago and I.uwrence Gnvallugh , I St.
Louis horle denier , hld 0 quarrel yesterday
( , yel' I deli , 'fhey met 'nrlln lola ) ' In tie
crowded Impltheater of time excimange According -
cording to gencrat I'e\ort. Carrel went UII
to CaS'ammnmmgim. pnled \ rrvolver amid tred
nl him Time bulel mls/ed Cnvlllnh and
wI'nt Into the wal ' 1ho SI. Louis , mal Is
said to have tUI'Il , tal , Carrot chased
him , and hy this time ' time crowd-e\'el'Y.
thing wat In the wllest COJlfuslon-expecle
10 see murder 'done , Men dodged , for Hhel-
tpr , ns Canol kept snappil" his weapon at
CI\llauAh until the hIVe ( ham bels or time
gun bud been eml'te < , Nohody , was hilt.
, \I"hur ' , . ' ' , . ' , .
I"lhorlll tn I're\'tnt p " 1'111.
SAN FRANCISCO , ] eb , ) ) -The diillcui.
ties between the Southerl Paclno commmmmmny
and the Brotherhooll or , Locomotive engl.
neers Is In statu quo , Chief Arthur wenl .
to Sncrmento today to jsult wlh engl- "
nears there , nail endeav r , to induce them
to JlloPl his own conscrvalve views , which
deprecate I 81rlc Superintendent Fillmore
ot time Southern Pmucihi . vhii hold nnollr
conCerence wlh Mr. Arlhur on time laUel"s
relur from Sacramento bn Timurmiday
. - . '
I'rlnel ( 'nlornm m Wlllhl 10 Ito Gond.
SAN FRANCISCO . , " Feb . 5-Tho Bulletin
states on authority qr fri9imds of John \V
Mnclt } ' , that n reco claton between the
Ilrlnce and Princess Colpnla Is being arranged -
ranged by Mrs. Jackl" , the nrismcemis'
motimer In eXllllnalon ; , It II ndl'd ( , thnl
the prince's exchequer needs rephmllhmenl ,
nrmml llal the pllnee t wi consent to a reunion -
union fem the uke of " her ' clihimIren.
. ( N'rl" TrCa.our r Ihort ,
ATIANTOa" , Jh 5-The coumlty coma-
count. COI.
mlslsoner/ ot DeI\ulb have dIscovered an
aparenl , shortage of $ lG : In the nccoulls
ot ex-Treamimmrer J. A. laon of thnt eouimty .
MUbon hail been treasurer , of the county for
mal ) ' successive terms . UII to the lust elec.
timm. whel hI WIdefeattl ) , lie Is well-to.
do anti , will luke good , - the shortage ,
ARsIlr ihtmmsm' I'iuiju'ers . lu le'8101.
L9UISVJI.LE , Fij , . ---'rhe cle\nth nn-
nual commventiomm oC
convlnlon thl Mater House
Pnlnte's and D cOI'10r associaton of the
UnlC States svmmmi lene(1 ( today at Music
hll , Over ' delegates [ was present , Prc"
Idlnt ThcoIJ\1 or Cincinnat said the JI\aO-
eaton was In 1 satisfactory Inanclal con.
dlton , dC"IIIC the harl tme !
l'rlkllp.1ldltl"UI , " , I onto'"ettell. .
WAShINGTON , I'ehjTtme ! house cons.
mltee 01 electons today ) jeclded the contest
of Ielup against Ichardson of time Fltth
Mlchllmn district In favor of Hlchurdson ,
retrlngmembel' .
, -
, "nl"lrl im' I ems : l1omlnr fn
SAN I"UANClS , l'eb. 5-Today's 8ub.
scrlptonl to the San Francisco & Snn I .
JoaquIn I.lroa exceed $ GM. maiming the
total amount subscrIbed oyer $ ,1WO.
Iugkrious Ending of tbo eensatonl
O.or of Jim Nntt
Shot nl ) : lortnly'lnmlOI n \'mln I ,
BlrlulRly InJnrl.1 1 : lnl \ho ( 'nmo tu
Ior Itesemme " 1111. . UlmRltr rntlty
IIJnret by HIs Victim
ATChISON I eb , -Jlm Nmmtt , malIc fa-
10US for klllg Lawyer Duke 11 Unlontown ,
Ia" , over n decade ago , because he seduced ,
Miss Nutt . Is dying from woulls Inncted
early this morning by Irs. John I'nytomm , I
\ho comnled time act after Nut In a
drunken rage , hod fatally shot her , Neither
can lve , Ieolard Coleimman a hlr'd man
wht attempted to sa\'l Mrs. Payton's life . Is
l'lng seriously \ollllel , having received n
bulel from Nutt's revolver but wi recover.
The 11110 was mosl horrl\le ami unllrovolled
The 11rolinenco of time falles concered
lall ( II lucre sensatonal , The Nuts amid
Dukes were at one tle promlnont poltcans
11 lenls'lvanla. whie Coleman , who Is 27
years of age originally cale from New
York where he was well known , I ' ourtCn
year ego WV . Dul.c , a promlnenl lawyer
11 Unioimtowmm . Pa , . was killed by Nul for
having wronged Miss Nutt. Before that Limo
Nuts and Dukes were nt war a geed 1101 ,
and during one of several encounters lmmke
holihed Numtt's father. lie was acquitted , how-
ever lallng tl plea , of self-defense. When
'cung Nutl came to trial ; he was also
Ilromlltr acquitted . time trial creatng a great
sensation al the timmme. Shorty afterward
ho movd to Kansas , to near where his pres-
enl farm Is sitmiated ali managed his
mothcr's farm. lie was considered n rood n _
citzen and became lrosleromis. ) )
Until two years ago the Paylons worked
for Nut lvIng on his famnm Their relaCons
became strained , however , and time 1a'lon
famiy , consisting of time parents and five
children , rented a farm eight mies from
Xutl's . place , from Mrs. A. , , Dr lbury.
Ia.tol has been away from home most of
the preeenl winter cutting Ice. during which
tmo Nutt renewed his relations wih the
family. NothIng oul of the way was discern-
abl ! In his conducl , however , unll last niglmt
when he sauntered Into the Ia'ton house
hold at a late hour under the Infuenc\ of
lquor , Pay Ion was nhsenl all Coleman , the
hired lan , was the enl ) ' other man on lhe
( rlmlses , Nutt , who had been on I week's
spree , was In no pleasant mood , and grufy
ordered Irs. 1a'ton to get him some supper.
11S , 1a'ton conmimlietl . though more through
fear than because she caret to , and scenting
trouble she quietly got time chidren frol the
room. As he ate Nul becale moro abusl\e
toward 11s , Payton and selmed to bo turIng
Ing ma < . When he finished \ntng he dc-
Iberalely drew his revolver and Ilolntng II
time now thoroughly frlghlenedoman , cried :
"I'm going to kill yOU "
Before sue could make a move bo had
curled his threat into effect and sent three
bullets into her body. The shols attracted
Coleman , who rushed Into the honse with an
axe In his hanl , The Instant he entered Nutl
leveled his weapon al him and fired. Two
bhols struck the rescuer. lIe fell
to the floor and for a time lay unconscIous
In time blood thaI poured from lila wounds
In the , meantllno.Mrs. . .nylon" with I super-
IJman'"efortl d-ralsed' 'herel from the I
floor and secured time axe. 'Nntt ' had become i
weZkenet now and literally sank In hIs I
tracles. nushlng to where be lay , time
woman , her wounds bleeding profusely and
herself weak from excitement and loss of
blood , rained blow aCer blow upon Null's
head. Nol unti her victim's head was a
mass of jelly anl she too weak to longer
wield the axe , dil sue desist , when she
sank to time floor and vent Into 1 state of
uncommtciousimess that lasted several hour
When Culeman finally recovered consclous-
nels ho found both Null ant Mrs. Paylon
lying In great pools of their blood. TieIng
Nult to a chair , lesl ho shoul escape , Cole-
man gave the alarm. When assistance aI-
dyed the woman was beyond help. As coon
as Null's wounds were dressed ho vas re-
mo\'ed to Atchison arrIving hero this even-
Inh' Doth ho and Mrs Payton are tOG badly
Injured 10 live and nllher are able to relate
the story of time crime. Coleman Is also In
a bad way , but will recover. Aside from the
above facts he steadfastly refused to bo In-
temviemved . Mrs. Paylon Is 28 years old.
; \11 Carr 11 Ilrooktymmwero Not ImllrOerly
BROOKLYN , Feb. 5.-Ummited States Com-
missioner Morley 1\lndell \ down lhls moring
a decision In tlmi mater of application of the
United Slates governmenl against President
Benjamin Norton and the Atlantic Avenue
railroad syslem on the alleged ground oC mis-
use of the Unlell States mal cars The do-
clslon Is In favor of time railroad.
Alderman CassIty ot Long Island city , at
a meeting of the boaIl of aldermen today ,
introduced a resoluton annulling the frmmmm-
chlse of time Brooklyn lelghls Railroad com-
pany. Time resolution was referl'ed 10 time
meetng law commllee , , to bo reported II time lexl
Mr. Cassly also Introduced a resolution ordering -
dering that railroad motormen shoull he cl-
lzeums . residents . for 'tle state for ono year
and of the clly.tour months and musl hold
a license. This resolution was also referred
10 time law coimimittee .
Late this afernoon , when a car of time
Plushlng A venle lne rcached the corner of
Driggs avenue and Leonard streets , on Its
way dowl town , a erowII of about fIfty
strikers sudllenly aJpeared ( and hegan hurlIng -
Ing stones emil olher missies at it. A huge
piece of Iron wenl crashing through ono of
time windows , , followed by a shower ot rocks ,
Seclal Iolcelal Thomns Iender , who was
actng as guard 10 time car was set upon by
Limo rIoters In,1 , bealen almosl Into Insensl.
bihity . Several ) oleemen wenl 10 time res- I ,
cue A numher of arrests were made mind It' '
was ascertlinell that several people hall been
severely brulell ! In the encounter , allhough
"nono of them serlouHly , _
A trolley car of time hoss-town line cale
Into colsion this aferoen with a IwarM
l1Ul heade1 I funeral procession. Time helrse
was completely wrecl\l and Iho casket , con.
talnlng Limo remains , was lhrowl Ilto time
street , Time driver of time hearse was severely
bruised by time tall , bul time 10torman es-
caped injury _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _
II. CUrII./S I ) 1'JNG ,
- -
11)lon n' hoed's Sueceuor Hlrlclcon with
! lmclllr Iheunutun uf the Hllut ,
TENVEIT , Feb. I 5-lev. Dr. John 1 Coylo
lies nl the polnl of death , having suddenly
been strIcken with muscular rheumat m of
the heart. Ho came to Denver frol North
AdllS , Mass " , a 111 was installed as astor
of the First Congregational church three
wells ago , succeeding HeMron W. Iteemi
Jclth lit Br . LoIS .
CONCORD , N , n" , Fob , 5-Rev. A. H. Colt ,
I ) . D , . rector of Sl. Paul's school Is dead , For
eight year Br Coil was a trustee of the
Trinity college , 'ne was 11 yeas of age.
Dr , Coil ( 'nIl red time university of the
Protestant Episcopal church In J85G and be-
came rector of Sl. Paul's school , whIch was
founded thaI year The high reputation ot
time school II largely due to his efforts. In
its Intrresls ho visited ) n/Iand In J868
amid stlllc,1 the workings of the best sehools
there. He was tenral thames a delegate 10
the general con\'cnton : of his cimurcim
- - - -
" ots'it , , JI"t " . "lieY 11\8 , Ileci , .
JOSI ) , ldalmoj.F b , 5-The ballot for
United Rtatescleutor today was time lame
as ) 'est rday. 'Shoup , JD ; Sweel , 18 ; Clag.
gctt , Il. - B
1111'h lol " " 1lhrr " 'otc ,
SALiml , Ore , Feb. -In time twelfth joint
ballot for United Blatel senator today Dolph
lost one vole Time . vote was al tulO\B i
. . ,
- - - - - - - - - " " ' ' - - " - '
lohplm 41 : lImmre lOVenthmerford : , 8Vit : -
lam ' , 1 : lermann , 12 : Lord 3 ; I.owel , 3 :
absent , 3.
l'RSt'IS . ; Co h'l1C1) - I JTIW . , :
Creof 1II0mlll Shltls 8unr' Ureal ( )
trol tutu Iltrlco l'II , ' ,
Nfl\S' 'Oihl' \ I'e\ r-Ollnr to the coM
weathel' that imn.q '
his Ilre\'nICI nlvng the eonst
for the Past twent-Cot' hou , al thc
"tllJshls Irrlvlng nl this 110rt hllY l're-
sentld ni hlllGslng nud blulful ' Iht ,
wlh their hUl ! deek , spars amid rlggln
coated with Ice fl'OI six to ten Inche In
thileknem'mm t . The slent hlI Jbistiim whih
reached Qlaraltne about noon , luK(1 like
I mode'ato Sized hiomutiimg Iceberg. 11cr
\01 tn le
decks , Ills 1\11 11pgln I , were nl ( contell
wih n IIIS or ice. h'r sailors eXerlrncell
conlhlllble 1llleuU In gettimmg 111111 the
decks 1111 Imlel'c,1 , fll the evere cohl
The Iteam ' \rlllICOIIh fro1 Cleim-
fuel hll lila' . wmmm mum wenthI' ln the ; mnss-
ne II the 10rth\IIIl oC Interns I , wlln
the 1111 ! hlfcd 10 time 10lthl\st , nceom-
1IIIed h , imenvy seas , nld tIme the'mlleter
rapidly fell , 'hen the s'esmich slhtell Bnrne-
gal cmmmiy tlts 101'nln thl' wind \\'IR hlol.
Immg with terniiie ' . -
Inl terrile fem'ce Olonl rCII hroke
over lice mind the spray , froze Inslnntl 01 ,
Icachlnr lie I decks tumid ring iumg. Ineomllg I
stemmimiem's today leolt hn\'IIg Icen nothIng
, )
of the I'rench hlumem' I.n ( buseogne . IOW two
(11)1 o'm-duii' rrom 1 Invre.
Il I J.A )1)1,11 ) I A , Flh , . - lncolln"es -
eels ' thnt ' ' ' .
I'ellorl the \\'I'athel' fit Sen. II un-
usually severe III 11 thrlr ef'WI mire mOIt
cur less frostbitten , : II tlghhee , the n'l'nt
or the Ihln.lellhll . "ehoonel' Hlellml 1"ek-
iimg , Crom 10stol , whIch wits towlII Into the
Dehlwnrc hrenlewntel' tlln ' . rccell'cl Cram
Calltnln 1,10)1 , her nUIHlel' , a tc'legrnmmm
which states that oimly twt len out of his
entire c"el tune lit for lut . nil the rest
hellg frozel Into 1 eonliton oC immensi-
bIH ) ' .
The cOI < 1 Ion oC time lowlr hl'hol' II stmrlm
thaI the revenue emitter \'muslmimigton commit !
culernlhlnlon eoull
lot ventl'e furthlJ' 11011 thal the Oreen-
wleh piers , 111 tmfl timimu locality llommmduimg
Ohhhcer ltichm hoarded miuscim vessels fromum
foreigmi ports misveme able to force their
vay tlmroughm time ice. Time Norwegiimim
stesmmmmiulmih ) hiolqtuiii , fmommm , lmmimmalea , rcmchuel
nort with a cargo of lmammammus , after mm imanil
pmissmmge. Cmmnhimg directly out of time trnplc ,
her crew' sumirered immteiuuuelv fm-cam ex4mosumrcu
tim this' eiemmmeimts wimlle hhgimtlmmg timeir vimy sip
time rivcm' , nimd time Vesseh' mmmmichmiumem'VLlmi
uuommmewimmut dammmmmged imen sue m'cmmcimetl
Oilier mmmlsimnps nrc reimortt'ih hmotmrhy. Time
scimoommer 1)tmniel Ii , Temmniumg , imemmec for Mit-
tmmstui s'ithm coal , is hmsm'immg a hurt ! light to
get to sea flfll was last reporteul elm' Newcastle -
castle tinder tow of time mutenmn tug hfmmrbor.
( IIIANTSIIUIliI.'imi. . , F'eim , 5.-The cold
weather clitmmax wmms meachioul timiti muorimiimg ,
w'hmeim it vims 50 ulegrees imelow zero.
Time tlmenimmommmeter registereul 46 to ro at
hharromm today , 39 \\'hmitelmtmhi , 3m ) at Beloit ,
20 at Neenmmim tmimd froni 10 to 2 at many
otlmer hmoimltS in mmli imrts of Visconslum.
LYONS , N. Y. , Feb. 5.-A terrible bUs-
zard is ragIimg iiiVaymme county , time mmmer-
cumry stanuhimmg at 5 degrees lmehow zero. A
imigim vimmd is llowiimg nmmd time smmov Is fumhh-
lag fast. htemmorts frommm towims along Lake
Ommtarin immdicnte limit time stonimm is wore
theme timaim hmer. Trmulmmiu oil mmii roads lii
timium ectloim are badly delayed.
WI llCESIl1ItltE. l'a. , Fehm. 5-Time
weumilmer 1mm tlmi . 91'etioim was immtemmmmelv cold
today. At Oheim Suummmmmmitt , omm time Wilkes-
bamre smmommntnin , time mmmerclmry registered 20
below zero ,
WAihtlNGTON , Feb. 5.-Today hmmis been
the coldest of time 'mntem' , time thmemnmonmetem'
registerlumg tiegress lueiow zero carl' thus
immornlng. Timm'ee degrees is tIme howest here
for twelve oars.
BETIII.EihlIM , Pa. , Feb. 5-Time titer-
mmmometeu' u'eglstered zero this mmmonmmimmg. The
river is eoimlmictehy frozen over.
I'IItLADFILPiilA. Feb. 5.-This Imas hu'en
tIme coldest tiny of time year in timi city. 'l'ime
mmntnmcmm temmipenimttire wail 7 degrees mit 8
I. ifl. , mind time wentlmer mmmen viil say it will
reacim zero tlunimmg time nigimt.
Eeoc Iluntireui 3lczu RemmtnrcL lithe lit himuimmmmm ,
Wyn. , for a Moumtim ,
CIIIYENNB , Feb. 5.-Special ( Telegram. )
-Union Pacific coal mine No.1 at llanmma
is on fire. The fire was first discovered
Saturmlay aftenmmoomm. Every effort has been
made to extinguish time flamames , but w'ith time
limited means at hand all efforts have
proved futile. Op mmings vcre closeul imp
yesterday witim a view of m'mothmering time
lire. It xviii remmmaium closed ( cm' timirty uhaymi
itt least. Between 300 nmmd 400 meim were
employed In time maIne. Its output for utev-
oral mnonthms hmasnveraged 1,500 tons daily.
Mine No. 2 vill now he worked to supply
time deficiency. The Imrodumct of the latter Is
not quite so good a quahity as No. I. In
addition to throwing a large mmumhmer ol'
men out of employment time comnptmrmy vihl
suffer a loss of $100,000 at time very least on
account of time flee. Time coal from tlmis
mine Is mixed extensively by time Unioum Pa.
cilia for its locomotivca. Fire broke out in
this maine ommee before , but it was extin-
guishmed without resorting to time sniotimering
process. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Gemmeral Weaver Slake , hlhmmviu It Ilemirci Ito-
girdhmmg : the Cumrremmcy.
DENVER , Feb. 5.-Time News pmmblishueo an
interview with General Jaimmes B , Weaver , who
declares "we mire mmow face to taco with time
greatest cr.sis : ever known in time life of
timis republic. "
"The president , " General Weaver adds ,
"allures the nmoney power of two lmetmmis-
pimeres to imi standard by Oienly prolmosing
to plunge the lOOPlC into cashless debt , by mb.
etroying their mooney and by PromumIsemu of ( tsr-
ther grants of corporate privilege , lie utters
imia edict of oumthawry against silver , time mere
plemmtlful money ummetal of time world , takes
counsel of time titled moimey cimammgrs of
Europe , and coolly amlvises time inmerican re-
puhlc ! to fall into time procession beimind Limo
despotism of tIme old world 1mm tue march of
civilization. ' '
. - -
MINERS PRIG Ii TPIJLLI' .11 U1 iL. ! 'lEt ) .
BImut lit is 1)cttilwooml Sliumo Ezlmlolmimui Ummx-
peeteuhlv i'Itii erIoui4 ilcaumits ,
DEAIW000 , I'elm. 5.-Special ( Telegm'anm , )
-"hteti" h.'orrester , a miner , vami fearfully
nmutihateti timis immoriming st'lmiiu. working in time
Cohimmmmbums mimic at Central City. lIe mind imimi
lmartners hind lUt in a "shot , " mtmmd , after
waitimmg a reasonable iliac for it to eximiothe ,
lie nroceeihed to hmms'estigmtto amid hirsch just
time to reach time part of time thrift iii whmicim
timey st'eu'e vorkimmg wimcmm time nhmot vent
off , One of hmlmi iiammdmm was tomum off timid hum
face mmml houly badly cut with hiyiimg rocks ,
it is thought timat hum immjummicum vhlt prove
JmmdgQ Iumndy of time United States cotmrt
arrived in tue city timis otfterimoon and un.
mediately cimeneti cotmi t. There will hm
hmeam'ti before imhmu imomior at timls semislomm mmix
murder cases , mmli of them. ( ruin time indimmm ,
JJJIPAJTOR i'JW l'1C'J'll ) J1l.llSILP.
Took II i ! ilommoa' Omit of tilt , Iiuumhc After
StiSIttuismoim Umui Jim-em , 0mlerouI ,
SAN FRANCISCO , Fob , 5.-hi time trial
today of ht. 11 , Mehoimmiid , jr , , of time late
i'acihlo imamik , for pem'jury , Cohumnimimmi 'mutcr-
hmouse , mc former director , admitted on time
wltmmesmm stand timat Oii time night before time
hank closed its doors , but utter time ( lim'ec.
tumrate hail decidel On its buspeumsiurm , lie
( \Vtmterlmouse ) witiulrow $2,000 , whiicJm him hmmud
aim delmosit , memnovhmmg time coimm itt a limlim Imoumu'
mmmiii uiesrmite timO fact timat time bammis Imimid
much of imiui hailer.
Bmnih hlchlerimmuum , ( ornmerhy rmccoimntsmnt mit
time b'acihicm hmalik , testified that ime lied mmmauitt
out three delmosit tags , each for $ iOO.OiO , 1mm
favor of Columbus \'nttunhmtmumse , 1) , 8. 1-mmim
and Ir. it. I 1. Ahi'lonrmid mespitetively , hiumt
lie could mint romeuribor wimotiuci' time ul fc'umd-
ant or imPs biother bmuth ordered time tagus ,
p - -
Ill vii 10 I I iu'ih hy mm hi cli u u J ) l , , ,
LOSANTV1LLl , , , Feim , 5.-Yumten.1ay
afternoon mnemm s'ere erimploycci imtumticiuig c'm n
at Jacob Cimppes'a ; residence , five mnlleu
soutlmwest of timPi phaci' . 'fhmey were Lisimig a
hmuslter. ruim ii ) ' ilSi old timrewhmhmmg mmmaclmmmo
enFine. Suddenly the boilir ( xl-mluidel nuid
time ( ohlowimmg ms'ero Icilietl : Nutimmum 'i'mtyior ,
Harvey Taylor , J , Viiiscr , Jt.eub Clanpm'
amid \\'llson Drake ,
% Ymrmi l.ltio hilcaisuer htraimilcml ,
NIVOI1K , Felt , 5-Janmes B'ard &
(0 , received a diptmtcim from timely agent mit
Nassamm , New Piovidemmctu , today , situ thumg
that time miteauner Cienfugasu of time New
York aimd Cuba line had strammded mmetmr liar.
her island. Time cress' amid lmassermgers Were
taken cit whtimout ulithicuit ) ' , Tue vessel will
hmnoimably be Ilouted bit time next lmighm tide
without damage ,
-I. -
( 'rum lime t' i' .iu ii. iii Umimt mmlsuiom ,
VALLEJO , Cal. , Feb. 5.-TIme mmems' cruilser
Olympia was Imlaced in commmnmission at Marc
bsiautt uvy yard today5
- - - - -
Half Mill Levy on Mt Taxable Proport
for the University ,
I'imyormslhu , hieport oh time Stnte 1bnlverslt
11111 Auiuiitm-ui umimmi I hue .1emuuumrc i.koly %
to 1'mu's-AmmtI-Ieomimtirgmmrhmio
Iii thin ilotiqo ,
LINCOLN , Fvtm. 5.-Special ( Telegrani- ) .
Time State university bill , hioumse Itoh P2 , was
umim this nmormming , aitti mis it mmosv stammds timero
is a stroimg hmrobabiiity of its huapsage. It
was consitlered iii eommmmmiittce of the wimohe all
t hme mmmor mmummg , ammil I lie appropr Its t Ion coimmimimma-
tioum , hmetmthctl by time I.amctmster delcgmtiomm timid
lmmchumtlimmg eery otimer locality thmmmt wammts a
Piece of pie , carried its Point by a vote of 19
to 43 , 0mm mumotiomm of hiarrisomi tIme hmaimse
Ivent lute coimmmmmitiee of time wimole eu hills ems
general tile witiu harrison imm time cimalr. 'rime
coimmimmittee immmmmmc-thiateiy tools mmp time tmniversity
imaif tim hI irvy hiii , Cole mmmoved aim a mmmcmmul-
mmmemmt that time levy be so aimmenulcd timat mmot
immore timami $ G0Oeu ) comitsi he raised for the mumr-
imoso of mmcli' bumihduimgs , McNitt mmmovcml to
ammeuui t it Is bill by immaki mug t ime aumioum mmt. $70,000.
McNltt's nmmmemmdmmmemmt was host I ) ) ' ft ' vote of
55 to 2 , timid time uppommcmmts of time bill
breathicil easier.
htmL tue vote cmli Cole's G0,000 amemidmmmeumt
s'as ii suiriurise. It carried by .19 to 42 , anti
tiw rehmort of time commmmmmittee of time wimoic ,
wimicim , aim rising , reconmmmmended time bill
for passage , was ndolmteti by 49 to13. .
Timere was omme noimmt wimen
time hili coumhtl hihely have becmm defeated.
howard mumoved hunt 'hmen the house rise it
report time bill for intlelimilto PoitPommeummeimt.
btmt Itimotles roimed time imoimmt of order imat
tli is mmmotiomm hind ommee beemm acted mulmomm , Time
cimairimmamm sumstmmimmetl tue lolimt of order , iii-
timetigim tlmiim % t'mms mmIimabiy : tuumtocrnthc , as
Cimapmmmmmmm immml mmmdc tue immotiomm last evcmmimmg.
bmmt imaul subsequently rltimdrawmm it. 'l'imero
Is commsiderabie cOnilict of oimiimomm commcormming
tlm provisiomms of time bill cmi it stmmmmdum. it
iii cinhimmcd by good lawyers omm time floor of
time imoumue timat mmhmould time bill pass to comimpel
assessors to assess lmrolerty at its cash
rahim it would maise $500,000 for time umni-
Omme of the bills fmmvormuimly reported by time
commmmnittee eu eities amid towmms apmhies di-
reetiy to Ommmauma. It imrovides that the ajm-
Polimtmmment of time fire amid nolice coummimmis.
siommem-s of cities of time immetrolmolltaim class
ahmahi lie taken omit of time isamids of time gov-
crmmor amud vested 1mm a board ommsisting of
time govcrmmor , attormmey gemmeral and time commm-
mum hmmmmioner of imumhilc Ia mmdii antI bmmihmb immms. Time
other vrovlsiomms are nbommt time simmume as are
foummib him time existlmmg law. Jolmimstomm , cimmmlr-
mmmcii of coimmmnittee , mummys iim regmrd to timis
mmmeasumro timat tim object sommglmt Is time inmrlfl-
catiomm of time Police Sy9teiuu Of
Omimahma , vimlc1m ito immsimmummmtuos is rtmlm1tiiy
driftimmg into tue commditiomm imm wimicim
Limo Lexow commmnmittec found New'
York after bug years of Tammsmmmammy
rub. him imis opimmiosm timis vili
mmcd to ammy great extent lmmvatie time lmreroga-
tive of time goverimor , but mumake tima selection
of time pollee and fire comarnissiommers a better
one tiiamm it would be if , left , to one leraoim.
Now thmat thmo umalveraity bill , house roll No.
02 , huts heemm rcommmmmmoummled for lassago by a
vein of 49 to' 43 in time cemmmmmmittee of the
vimoiC , time Laumcastcr coumity delegation is
quite jubilant , amuil commsitiera time qumeaion as
praeticaliy settled. lavies made a gallant
lhgimt against time bill. lie excelled.
imis strong anti ehaqumemmt speech of yesterday ,
wiuemm imo simowemh to the Lancaster delegation
timat simommld tIme bill to compel the assessors to
assess property at its casim value imamus both
lmouses time thmree-elgimtims mill levy now
raisemi or time university would more timan
raise time amount smalteul , $76,000. lie drove
timemmm into a cormmer from which thmey luau ! not
emimerged at time hour of odjourmmmmment. Today
a imummmher of time popuiists voteul
in favor or tue hill who had
yesterday recorded their votes ogaimmmmt
it. As recemmmmmmemmdetl for passage time hilt
provides that not nmoro timan $60,000 aimall be
raised from time hmalf.mmmiii lev' , hut this
nimienilimment , by Cole , irobabiy macaims that no
nmore tiuaim $60000 aimnil be npproyriated frons
time half-mu ! levy to ummiveralty purposes.
Davies amid Crow hothu showed conclusively
timat time levy immilteti for mnigimt possibhy re-
suit 1mm raIsing half a nmlilion aimouhil time
assessor's bill becoimme a law ,
Staaduimg conmmmmittees today said twenty
measures were fit for passage , amid abomit half
of their reports were amlolmicil. Time rest
were turmmeul dowmm.
Time comnimmittee 0mm pemmitemmtlary reported time
rcult of time recemmt ins'esthgmtiomm , It was
quito liattcring in regard to time nmammugenment
\Vartleii Bcemmmer , immmt it woummd UI ) tutu an
abrupt rccoimmsmmemmdmitioim tlmat Dlii Dorgan be
ejected fromim time grounds of time lmm'isoiu. Tim
cimenmo on foot is , II. is saul , to let Dorgsmn
out frouim ummmder the eighty cell contract , ammil
relet limo whole imnlsoum commtract to imima for
temm years inUre at an atlvarmced rate per capta.
hlemmca ammotlmer ( igimt iii loomnirmg up on Limo
legislative imorizoim ,
ilowarmh cahletl today for a report on his
stock yards hill , imommso roll No. 511. Time corn-
inittee hail imretenteml a mumimmrity mind majority -
jority report omm anetimer immcasumre , Time result
of mm aimort. discussiomm was timat time two re-
parts mmii ilowmtrd'mu bill were recomnmmiittetl
tt'itii hmmstructlomm to draft a mmew mmmetmeure ,
hreiiowiimg time hmmtrothuctlon of a nummmber ot
miev bills time imoumie adjounimeil.
8lNV1itS ISIJSV Imii'ENIiSU hItJ't'l'EiL ,
jmti-Olcuummargmirhim , , Dlii itoimnrtcii for Pni.
u4-sgi % ftu'r lb S'igom'ommm Figiut.
LINCOLN , Feb. 5-Slmeclah ( Tehegranm- )
1mm the senate today time seaslomm was imeariZ
coimsuimmed In time consideratiomu of time ummiti.
oieommmargarino bill , anti time light , aitimougi
cxmtim'eiy omme.sithcil , was omme of time hmottemmt
that imat taken Imiaco iii time upper imoute at.
the prcsemmt scasiesm of time legialatumrc. Time
hilt snider crnmsimleratlomm was one Introuhimeeti
huy Senator Sloan at time requmemut of time 3Late
iatrymmmemm'n association , It was a hmlow at
limo oheormmargtmrimme immterests at i3ommthm ( Jmmmahma ,
anti it is ciaimmmetl iuy time foutlm Omnuhia mcmi
sviil ho fatal to time industry antI drive it oumt
of time ttmitc , Time senate was uhummomit. umimammi-
nious 1mm favor of time 1)111 , ommly two e'niitormu
voting against time mmmotiomm to report time lull
back to the senate with th& recormmmmmoumujmmtiemi
timat it 1.0 hiamseti , These two senators su'ert ,
Noycs and 'imimiti m of loimgbas , Crammo voteti
ivitim time fulcmda of time mmmczmsuro.
'fime senate , after clearing away limo worb
of lImo ummorimirmg semmmuiomu , weimt Pita eommmmmmlttet ,
of time w'iole to commsitler limit oicomam'garimme
bill , wIth 'tfft in time cimmmir.Vlmen tim first
sm'etloti hail been read Noymis of houghas of-
tvrcd sims ammimtuiment mrovidimmg that. jime use
or coloring mmmmattur hum natural proiluct of htmL-
ter amid creammi muhmould ho absolutely mro.
'time friends of time bIll ompaaetl time umnenil-
inent amid Noyes immaleml timat iso offered time
ammmeumhmmmerut to draw omit tlmo real lair-
imuse of time fraummers of time bill , hlo wais sat-
isfieuh , ime said , titat time hUh bmati lueemm prepared -
pared for time solo tiurposo of attacking nut
Immiportaimi interest at present nmahntainerh him
Ommus his mm mm ti 8out Ii Ommunimim , i te cx 1)1mm ) limed time
growtlm of time packing. Interertmu of South
Omalma miamI expiuiumeti imow time bill ummdcr
consideration lroPoseh ( to imujuro time business .
carried on at timat point.
Siasms , auttimor of time bill , or rathmer mqmonsou
( or it , epposeth time ammiemmdmmmommt. offered tiy
Noycs , clalmimlrmg that time Liii Itself did umot
nirmm at time interests of Souitim Ommmalmtm , but
tbiiit It s'amm 51mph ) ' immtemmded 1cm vrevent the
practice of glarusmg frauds upon limo hart of
time mmmammmmfacturerms of o'eonmareariimo and oilier ,
substitutes for butter. . tic asserted that time
people of Nebriskmm Imami no lmrtecmiomm agalimat
tim'Em frauds. mmmd It vmms to afford limimi lire.
tui.'tiom that tim bill imad been ismtrouitmce'I.
Neyem mmmmui Snmith , m'imo muppemmrsmi as the
ummuly defenders of time fl utlm Ommmalma Immter- .
cati. diU their best to stein time title thto