- - . - . - - - -V--- _ _ _ - , ; , ; , * 7 - . . , S M ' " - " e - O. . - - - _ : : --Ti : : : : - - _ . . TIlE OMAhA : DAILY DEE : 1.'U ES DAY , FEURtJARY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5 _ , _ _ 1895. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -I r COMMERCiAL AND FINANCIAL I - Board of Trade Markets Were Very Dun Yesterday. k ' - ' WHEAT STRUCK A SLOW GAIT EARLY Corn nllt Not bholY Any inclination to MOVe 'I.f from tim I'olnt It "tol'pell Rt on g"tur- d" , . . ; . C1UCAO . F ' b. . . -T norlt of Trnltp mnr Iels wen V'ry lul * 10Iny , nn,1 chiefly owing 10 thl fact t081nl rIcs were nl . \ht i1cciifl. - Mny wInat . corn and onto rcfnlshell : \ c lower nod , prl\'JRlon cnRed with mOerle 10. ' A. Whet .Iruck R plow gait nt the opening . which llc not L nrou811 Into R quick Rtep .luMnl the entire .In ) ' . The Rtnt.tc" cnn.cl..1 the Iny'A mov.m.nt nl the 1'Inc'pn ' points were , "en.rnly favorable to the buli ! . with the exeep' ton ot the very .1.nler , c.nrneN ! of wheat nn.1 nor from the AUnnle eeiionrL Mtnne. ' npls nn,1 , Duluth reporie4 173 cnr rlcel'e,1 to1ay nCRln.t 218 on Monlln ) ' or In.t week nnl 31 car R ) 'enr no. The Irlmnn' mnrkel ro I ccipis IHrl nlJout 143,004) Iu . nRnln.t 23.f ) hu. R week ego. The I.lnroNJI mnlk.t WnS quole.1 . . frmer nl Iho opening . owing . II wo rahi. 10 $ ' ] leNn8Inl shll'frnI8. hut I'n.lon . quoleJ n .1ovnwnn1 lenlenc , ) ' ot irice. I.lverlNJI slock" I I , of wheat Inl'rIM,1 7. ( tons lost vek. The qUnlty ! or wheat and flour on ocean pnMoKe WOI r'I.rh.1 n. hn\'lnl lecren.el 1.013.o > 1)11. The Irle ot May wheat nt the opening rnlPII from & 21 / e 10 & 2'1e. hul niter that nnll up tot t , the cml.loton ; or tIi . \181.t 'eliPi ' \ Rlnlp1.nt " thl Irndenc"OA . iightiy . up\ml. I reached . , ' f3t4c to r1110 lhoul 1 1 :3 : ) . ' , I'k. In.1 "oUI t noon I hAil again rdeted 10 2e. The \18Ihle sup. , ply tor tII . week d.rNn..1 " 1,2S1OO ) iju . wleh : I . leaves the total nl 83,3Gs ( ) 1m. n1 com"nr"11 r ' with the 7DJ3.we ) 1m. In , lh . ( orr"'lnnln" IIIY I . of Ihl ) ' 1'11 before . unit 1.3".1 ' " 01 the similar I , utile In U93. titul.r 110111 ] .elln the len L dpncy WI generally .I"wnwnrll .Iurln/ the lastS Ken'mIY / 1. hour May e01nl : nl r.2'le. Tue exlre1e iltiliness I I WM the only nl'I"r.'nl ' , clitlel' for time . lecline. : r ( JM .111 nol show tiny Inclnnton 10 move ; . tar rrm time IJlnl I titopie'l ' nl on tolurtl ) ' . 'lime opening sales \ ere II rrom 43e In 12To for : May . mini . .Iurlnl the forenoon Irmn..q In , whmt iL . roqe 10 ( loom 13e 10 481c. ' wl : , n 1 Irnll.ncy after that rhlHly In sympathy with time wrnkn" , " . which In time afternoon was de. . vrln".1 11 hy WhPILI. , 'rh , ' 1'11111' nlernon mind else- Where were ltgtt. : J1 ' e''I,1 al . 430 : . Oats waq only fairly Ihactivt- . anti ' , alhoulh . prices .howll I sunlit .Irln , ' . lhl mat ket h'hl ) rlplrlh'ely . ! 'nll'nlne. . were inllmicnced I" inipaiiy 1y Iho.e 01 corn and , confined 10 I . ' sattd ' . 2Se , : namnY mnRe. Jn sarl II 28'.le 10 2H.e < price. sold 10 28'hc. ' down 10 2c. ant . closed II that ' prll. provision tl.l ! Wat light for Irl'rry and nice light for cnsh J\lhoulh the Kenl'rl feelIng , Inl was one or extreme heaviness , the declne In prices WnA not In.lelth'e . or much venkness. ComI11'e'l ' wlh the dosing miCA nn HIIUnla ) ' . puk I. lOc ( lower. ribs rc neil . lard 2',4c. hog receipts toilay nutlered 3.OKI head . and he I , 11 num"el wait e'le/ : ) responsible for time decline. I .llnnlc.1 receipts for tomorrow : Wheat , 4 ( ) carM : corn . 23) cars : 0'18. 18. cams ; hOII' 2.0 } heI. , The leading futures . ranged as follows : Artclc ' . I Open. I _ _ Ilh. I Low. I ci - - - - - WheatNo. 21 Wheal.No\ ' . . . . . . 40 ( 10 ' 49 ' 41\ . ] ny. . . . 12HI' 13W ( I : ' I : ( July.3 ' 14 13 13 @ Corn No. 2. . Feb. . . . . n 4fl4 .O } 40 ' ] lY. . . . . 4 : 4 : : % 42H 4244i : ! 421c,4a Jlly. . . . . 42U 43 ' 1 ( 42cTh . 42W14 : OnlA No. 2. . . Fob. . . . . . \O ( OH 20 ' 2Gti 1ay. . . . . 28t3 2HL 28c 2f June. . . . . 2 : 2SIit ( 283 ( 2bt ! ( Pork I'cr bid . May. . . . . . 090 0 02 9 S7 ( 00 Lnrd.JOOlba . Short May. . Ribs- . . . . . . 0 15 0 b730 15 0 17J _ ] ! , y. .5 I < I 20 I 15 : 6 17 - Cash quotations were as follows : quolnton" I.'r.IH-llpnI' , . rolows . . WJI : AT-Nn. 2 FIJrll . 5 IHII c : No. 3 srln . nominal : No. 2 red , 49tThOc. ! COHN-No.2. 40\c : No. 3 ) 'elow. 391I39c. OATS-Nt , . 2. 27c ! : Nu. 2 white 3JWUJII.c : No. ' 3 white . 30IH 31c. _ I1AIILEY-No. 2. 16c ; No 3. & 3c ! : No.4. & 52W - & c. 1."r\X SJ O-No. 1. $1.42. TIMOTHY : ; L'Et-1'rltie. $ : .7. ! ' 1tOViSlONH-Mrs 1'011. per IJb . . $9.G24fi' , - . S e. ' . . Latd . per 10 lb. . $6.4j6.47t. ! Shell ribs ' rIdes ( booscd. S.O0t15.O5. Dry sailed shoulders ' ( hoxr . . ) . % ( lc. Shell clear sides ( boxed ) . $ : .2 : (5.30. WIIIb'KY-Dlstillers' fnl.hed goods . per gn ! , $1.22 The following weil the receipts and slmlpment3 today : Articles. Itecolpla. Shlrent , . - - - - - - - . - - . Flour. bhll. . . . . . . . . : . . . 1.000 - 4.000 ( Wheat bl. . . . . . . . . . . . 16.000 72.000 , c Corn . bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11).OnO 67.00 ' Oals. bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . IG-.OOO ( 04.nn - lye.bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 4.0no 2,001) ; . ' itarley . bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32.000 2.001 . : . On the Pro'ue3 exchange today tim baitr mar- : ket was steady : creamery ) ' . 12@2c ; dairy , 0 r ! 20o . E.gs. firm ; I ( @ ( 2c. . NEW YORK UKNEltAL MAIIKE'r. ; t - Closing Quot"tlons on time PrincIpal Com- 10dllcM antI .StftI)1eM. . NEW YOn\\ Feb. -PI.OUn-necelpl . lG.300 , . - bbIA. ; epos , : .OO bhhq ; s"IC. 1.10 pkK. , Market weal and lower t : sell . Trade \ery small and export denuuli : stagnant. Southern flour. : dull . I'e flour . dull and ensy ; sales 45 bbls. . - Iuellwllnl flour . nlgleclcd ; $1GJal.70. I1tJCKS'hI iA'r-Dml nl 45j-c. COlN lUCKWIH 11.\rDul : I'ul ; yellow western , $ .08@I.I0 : IJrwh'wlle. 120. $ .1 nYI'-Sle".I : : car lots 65e ; boat loads 55@56e. , I3AllLlY-Qutet : Milwaukee . GltjCc ; IWo nwed . State . b 161. : , lAIL Y AIAIiI'-Stcady ; western . 70@75c : six. - - . rowed , . 7 7re. WIUA'-leclpls. 2..0 bu. : exports , 4(1,200 bu. : 11.8. 1.185,0 bu futures ; no [ . 40.10 f Inactive ; No. : : red . In tor nod elevator Gc : afloat . too : r. 0 h. . I.Gc nflat ; No 1 northern ' & * . delivered : No.1 hard GSe . delivered. Op. .lelnr.t. . thins o".n.1 . . "Ier. wlh n very chill trade . hater , ' , , , nact'11 en steady cables and good buying In , W""ler " marllN8. particularly Ht. I.ouIM. 101- . lowing this wits n Illdlne on ii { large increase In tim ( nll.hIRlble. . nnll n final lartini reaction. ; tim market closing dull nl 1. "artnl I'l'acton. : . ( , red . Febzuary . closed 561c ) : March IG 2-1G57'4c ) . - ; . < 'Iosrt , & 1.e : 2clay . 57 1.16/f. ) 3.16c. close . ) 57lc. : .4 June . dosed MIle : .Iul ) ' . 58W8c ( , Closed &Sc ; 1. Atigut't . rit4uisc. closed &Se. ; COItN-lt'cclpts , 43,1 bu. ; exports , 38,300 bu. : , pales , 35.oQ 1 > . futures and 22.01J [ Lu. spol. Spot i stint ket. dull : No. 2. 464j4G-1o ! In , elevator ; sl'nllr miAd. 45 . 4G1.u : No.3. 4i'c. Options - . . opc'neit . weaker \ tilt whenl. 4'lc. non 01 lIght mecetpts . ecised " oft mind closed ' 4o lower : I"cIJlry. 4 I 4G"c. close , ! 46c ; 2dny 4G@ 41\ . du.ell 4e ; JUly. H1H1c. 110y . 7e. ! OATH-1tccelpt . 21,000 bu. O\THHccelpll. 21.00 1u. ; exports . 200 bu. : sates. GOOO bu. hll" . : no . exprls. . dull : No. 7p , L delivered . " 4'44t4c \ ; No. 3. 33c : No. \vlmllo . 35H136c ; No. 3 whi 1 3Se : track . white WCHt- - ern , 3H1Uc ; track white state , 34fj4lc. Options . very dull. wih few Iltictuatlans. and , Optons . . In. changed : I."brulry. 321 ; March , e109d 33e : la ) ' . ' S2',4f32e. closed 32e. ttf75e. Y-Qulel ; shl1l'IIS. .qIGI c : good Choice , ,4 hIOl'S-Quiet ; state ( . common 10 Choice old . - : la7e : new I'emmylvania . lIe ; I cllo Coast old . 3 4t7e ; new tulle. - . h4lliS-l'lrm ! ; wet salted . N. O. SeleCted . 4 10 - & : Ibs. . 4Uc : hi. A. dry . 20 10 21 Ibs" " , 12e ; , Texas .11) ' . 21 l 10 30 IL9. . Hi , c. LE-2ATi1lit-Stcatly ; hNnlocl1 sole , D. A. . light . to heavy weights . l4tJjtJlTc. Ighl ' WOOI.llet ; domestic fleece , 16'28c : pulled . k PltOVlSlONS-ilcef. dull . Cut menl . dull ; . ' , pickled bellies . tut4'5c : plcllle.1 . sImltlIders , lul 4\o ; pickled hams , 1'.fS'lc. Lorii . steady ; wI'81- er BI teatii l'lobl'.1 nt $6.70 aslll.I ; salt-s . 1.58 . . tiereos , ul $6J0jC.S0 : l'I ) ' , 01 6o ; February closed nl $ G.7 nOlllol ; 10) ' . IG 0 ; nomInal ; Ie- lined Inler ; coiitInt'nt. $1.33 ; South American , $1.60 : compound . 5\le. \ I'ork quiet , . JI.f''I lt-irlI' : : ; western dairy . IOqI&c : vcst- "I erCIIH ) ' . 12Ic : wuh'r rncltry. blat40 : Elgtmut . 210 ; hllntol creamery , h0jl8c : state dairy . 101180 ; stiiu creamery . H < IOf18c C1iSlHl-i4termdy : : : 111 : " . ' 1Ic ; small , 634tJ F 10 ; part .kll" ' . 3'80 ; full ebims I . 2tI smnl . DIHi : lCS-Quiet 1 ; hnle Ill lennS'I\III. 28c ; Ice -4 house . l(5122c ( ; recetlits. 281 $ Ikg. : Wtler fresh 27c : uouthetii . 2fJ26c ! . . c l'tI.LOV1muil. I1.rlo.nUl-Nomlnll ; United closed $ l.02 blt : . l'hlnIII'hll itilci Un I Unlel . , 8(1 ; I'hiiadel. ,8I'hlalel. phlu and Ball I iflOle . In built , $3.25. $ HOHIN-Hlen. . ' 'I'lti'i0N'ii N1'irm , 2mOo. \ . 0 IUCIH"'al1 ) .Iumes . rnlr 10 extra 4fj6c . MOIJASH : ! -SI'I\I ) ' ; New Orlcnl , , olon kettie ; 1 good 10 clinics . " , c. ketle ; ) ltANUl1-Quhet ; fancy sound $2.tOGl.5 * : others . $2.004I3.25. ? 1'10 IHON-Qulet ; bcoteh $ UOI20.0 : AreI $ can. $ (1.COt1O . fOfI'IIllul'lroller' price " ( .8n : ox- chano I'rl.e. 19.1,0 . I.I'An-Qulct : chanRe price. $3.10f3.12'4. 'l'IN-I'asy ; slrlM , $315 ; Illill' $3.10(3.121. dull . ; A HI'I.TI'I-\\'cal. : domrs\ . 1.2Sales on . ' "hal ! " . 7. bits 111 , per : Itssistppi . $30 ; 5 ton. Ihls week . $3.2 : 25 Inn' 10 1'Lruury 20. , 4 $ :0 ; 3 lona. t 0 10 Apri 30. $30 : 10 tons. R 0 ' to JulY 1. $13.10 ; 2..0 lb. : lurch copper , $3.801 % .0 ibis. l'cJlulr ) _ ' _ copper _ _ _ _ _ , _ 13 _ _ 60. _ . \101 Slaritot . lNIXN. I'rb.At time wool auction sales I today the nsurlmenl orrel'.1 was generally iuor. lliddlnz wss sltihtk. exceptimig . for superior UhldllIM MII It. . exll.tll tnI 11'11. . and scoured \001. . All mediums were , ' \'en' dull. Yorllehle Wits I free buyer. New Slulh " . scouted . 000ls 14t ; g.n.Y. 4HiM. $ , Queensland. scoured. OI , tlllt ; gr.l.y , 31f1T. V1tor1a sfourNI. tfldtjls 1 % cl : greasy. GUild . < ( 111 arl GUid. ti Boulh AU.Ilsln. greasy . 4Hl1 ( , d. Swan River . fr.a ) ' . 3 { : " 11. New Zealand , .cun' , . % ( u Icl ; grtu8) ' . 44tI0Wt. ! Cape or Good Hope and erie Natal , Icoun'I S3dbls . 31 ; - giemisy . : ( Gd. , nnl Cutpn I"rkel. . NUW ( lIt LUANS. Feb. 4.-CO1'TO-Vuturcs. quho 111 I''all ) ' : salt's . : ,3o tes : 1".LIII ) ' , ( 15.02 1 hid : 111ch. $ i f5U : April . > .1tU3 ; May. . $ tDft3.3m ) : Juiie , i5."t5.f ; JUly. $5.lltj&32 ; Au. 1(5. U.3ns31 . Sr'iternhwr. . 1..01 153It5 ; , ' . ( ' ,3.45f5.lG : NO\"UI\ " , .U'n.51. ) . , . Soot Ilul ull e.w : mntdtlIng. 501 : low ml"lllnc. 1- Pt , . Ho6 : Jol ordinary. 4 1.100 ; let rectllla. , , - 1,11tlui ; gross , IG.SI bales : exports to Great . . : -kr ' * , H. . . . . . . , . . . . 'w. _ . - . Uritain . t.O laks ; to the continent . 10. ( bnl" : sales . 1.0r bales ; ! tock , 31.18 bales . NOI1FOLK. Feh. 4-'OV1'ON.-.0ftt'aiiy ; m1l. dlih.f . . r & 16 ; low mlf1ln"c : good cash- nnry . .e ; net and groaq receipts . 3 isahes ; cx- wwta . enctswI ( . 65 bales . , nhes . M bales . stock . 45.955 bales. I1AI.TlttflR . J'eh. 4.-COTTON-1)ull mth. J'eh.fT1ODul t.TIMOIE. : /A .Iln . t c ; law middling . I 1.16 ; 1"1 , ordinary , 4c : nIl cllll non ; gross , l0 bales ; , Iock , I9.tS 1m Ie" . blVllll'Xf , . Fe" . . -TTON-RI011 fair .11. mtnt : middling . 2 . - . ' 8nl.s t the .Iny , . . of which , 1nlNi were for worn 1,001 inles 1,21 tnlM wprl tM AI\ulRlon MIl export . nnll Included 1.01 " . In \ An. lteeetits . expr. 3,40 bnlCs all American FU- I Ilr1 opened titliot anti 110.1 barely sl.nd ' : : American mlldln" . J. M. C. . I.'ebrlA r. i 1..f4 r2 & . & : } 'ebruy tn.1 Morch. 2 IM.C41f2 M.C41 ' Mardi nnll , \prl. 2 7.6H12 r.64prl : an ! May. 2 T..G4 : May nnll June. 2 G1.r(2 61-C4,1 , ; : .Tuns and July 2 C2.61 : .Tuly and Auctitit . 2 63.64U34 : ; September onll Oetons-r 3 2.C.11 Orlo. her pnll No\emlr. 3 3.GU13 . .61. The tenders or 1/lnY'1 .111\'erle ) were 1.10 hnle , . new . loeket. ' ' . , market NH' YOT1IC. I'eh. 4-Th. cottOn ops-neI nt R decline of I point . rlll generally weak and Inactive and clMe.1 sltihi hut tittdy nl \ RI.nh \Ink \ clMe.1Il \ R net decline of 3115 rolnl. T"lnl roles . 1.40) hnles. The , , "Ion WAlt COt' ot tIme nest tin- . e\ntrul lt recent monlhR. The hURhear ot on- lonll ) finance cntnueA 10 Intmhlnle RP..lloton , , Time big movement entices Iit'sitntlofl on the Part Thl movlmlnl CII.es hl"loton or hil I'nr tltemtielvi'tt. I I. nn nil nrOI.1 . titnflil'hT . with fluctuations 10 narrow rr even n II.pnt scalping operatton : the rom traders . . . .ellplnl opemlon arc fickle mlnd.,1 , nn.1 nrvelesu. , I"re activity bt ' Ickl . ! .tnn nt I.h''r.1 nt n hArll"I'n" ' prIce . ' decline nnll barely eloA- wn5 oIs"l by the Ilolnt .Ielnl hor.ly lag AI"III ) ' for futures In this mnrllel. while yarns and cloths nl Mancl""t.r were dull. There ' Fale rr SPOt cotton . Ihe market no In "rt.nl ) sle : colon. Ilrkel for which cloSes1 dull nl InchnlCI Irlcr OMAhA : Ut SI lt.\ MAIIKRT. Condition of Tratloiinth QlolRlol' on Staple RI.I I"IICY l'rtilttcc. The storage egg season Is practically nt nn enll. Stocks hn\1 been about all cleaned UI' nt nil time great storage cenlerR. There nrc' still I good mot ) ' cars scattered nmun,1 , lt different hou8e In the cnunl ' . hut nun.1 lots hl\'e been cleaned UI' ChIcago rellrlr last weell only ( .O' ) cases I'r nut or 222.000. Quotations : IttITTflIt-Cuilod titock fel : common ID fnlr. 1001c ; fair 10 good country 12(1\e ; choice to I'JI fancy 1561Gc ; gathered creamery , lOc : eepnrnlor ' . 20 2IC. creamer ) 20f21c. l(2US-Strictiy : ( l'sh 1011. 18mge. btVl I'Ol3iT1iY-Cimiekens . & ( f5 c ; ducks . Cc ; lteks. t\I l'OIJ.1Hhletens. 1(5Iic turkeys . G1lGlie : heavy - tcms 60 ; ( Ic.'le. Ge. Ilt'HSI'U POUIrl -Chlcken8 , faIr 6c ; choice large . 01H,7c , ; choice small . 768c ; lulle ) ' . . fair II 1(1)01 . &U81'c ; choice h"n8' I'e : .holce suttil . 'JfflOc ; ducks . fair 10 good . 11H18e : fancy full OI'lc " 10c ; geese. fair 10 good 1WU8c ; fancy . full miresseil . O $ le. GAME-Hlue tvlitg teal per doz. . $ i.SO21.75 : wlnl green wing teal I.er cloz . $1,2t1l.S0 ; .llck . mIxed . per .Ioz. . $ .o1U.2 : cnn\'nsback. . 14.0012 6.0 ; mnlol.11 and rrd hmt-nIs. U.Ff2.i& ; email iabbtttt. i 6U,0 ; jack rabbits . $ ,2 , IG3 : sllulr- reis Gte. ViAi.-Cholco fat . 70 10 10 Ibs. , are quoted nt T.Gc : large itlid coarse . 3(1-Ic . ! 111 3/ CII I ; -Wlsconsln full ci cam . Young A. iso ; twins 12',4c ; Nebraska and Iowa . full croons . lie : Nebraska nn.1 Iowa port skims . 7@ 8e : I.lmhurler. No.1. lIe : brick . No.1. lie ; Swisti , No I. iCc. IA Y-Upllnll hay S'.OO ; mIdland . . $ .W : low- land. $0 : rye straw , $6. Color makes the prIce. 'lsl glrgg' on n'n ; . Llgimt ' shades sell the n\e . Only top grades bring top prices. lIONS - Olt bIrds per doz . 76cC,0. VEO TAn.I S. IOTATOCR'Vesler stocl . car lots CScl : small lots 70c. IFANH-llnl."lekel. navy . $ $ 2.0 ; Lima beans per lb. . 54c. UNINHOn orders . 'Mctl.Os ) : per bbl. . S2.75. CIIAGI -On orders. 2e. . orlers. CflLiltY-Per Iloz . &f85 . RWI'I i'OTATOES-cjooj . , stock . $2.0 : Knn tias. $ . m-TSPel bbl. . $ &Oal.75. . CAIiltOTS-Per bhl. . $2. CAUIIJI.O\I H-ler emote of a doz. and half 10 two doz. . 12.2 10lS 1.:1 : A DSI-Prr Ih . 62$7c. 6t7c. i'AitSNll'S-j'er h1l. 12. RUTAIIAGAS-Per lb. . 1. . . PAHSI.T Y-Per doz. hunches . 3Ge 'l'lTltNll'S-i'-r 10z. . . 11.50. . SPIMACII-i'er bid. . $2.75. FRUrfS. PEAHS-\'Inler Neilit . none. Nell lonp. "PII.EH-OenIOs. 13.5 $ 3.5 ; choIce eastern itoek . 14.1)0214.25. ) OIAPI S-Concorl , none ; Mnlngns. per G5 10 68-lh. 1bl. gross . $ i0..00jI0.0. CIANIEltlES-Jerseys. . fancy , $ 1l.0t3711S(1 TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGT5-Fmorldas. ncr box. S.7511.0 : Cal- - - - Irolln 0\els. $3.50 ; sseediingh3. . - BANANAS-Cholec stoclc. $2.0u272.C0 per hunch. sloel. $2.0u12.50 MONS-Ncw Mess Inns. sizes 300 10 3GO , $ .50 $ . , O. $ I'INUAI'PI.RS-Per . . 1.00. PINEAPlI.ES-lel doz. . : .50@lo. MISCELLAN1OUS. : OYHT nS-lecuim. per can IGe : horseshoes , 20c ; extra .Iancar < s. 21c : extra .el"ctl. 25e ; eom- pony selects . 2Ge ; New York counts ZOo ; bulks .tnn.lnr . per col. . $ . . NEW FIS-Jxlr fancy lre ; rancy. Hc ; choice I'13c ; California . bags . 7c. JIONRY-New York ITo : dark H@I.c : Call- tarnla . IGe . : straIned . 4 10 10lb. Cans per lb. . lOc. MAI'Ll5 SYRUP-Gallon jugs per < . . $2 ; Dxby 5 gal. cans , $3. , NUTSAlmonI18 , lIe ; EnRI.h walnuts . soft- shelled Outs. to. , 12c ; standards . lIe : tber Is , 819c ; Drzl ; n KnAUT-lolce white , per bbl. . . UO@ 6.0 ; per half bbl. . $2.(42.75. MINCE : IFAT-Fnncy. In hnl bbls. . per lb. . 5c ; 10-gal kegs . Cc ; condensed . per case of 3 doz. pkgs. . $2.50. conlenset. . CIDEn-Pure juice per bhl. . $5 ; half bbl" , $3. IUD S AND TALLOW' IIDESND 1 green hides . 3\a4c ; No. 2 green hides 4C NQ. 1 green soled hIdes . lc ; No. : green salted bides . 44c ! ; No. 1 green salted hides 2 : 10 40 Ibs. . f ; 41c 2 green called hides . 2 10 I 40 lbs. . 4'3c ; No. 1 veal calf 8 to 15 'Ib" . . 8c : No : 2 veal calf 8 10 15 lbs. . 5c ; No. I dry flint htdes 6c ; No. 2 dry Ilnl hIdes . 6c ; No. 1 dry salted hides , 5c ; pa cured hides . uc per lb. less soied fully cured. SIEEt I'EITS-flreen salted . each 252160c ; green salted shearlngs ( shell woled early skins ) . each t@15c : dry .henrlngs ( RhoII wooled early skins ) . No. I. each 5@10c ; dry shenrlnls woolet ( short woled early skins ) . No. 2 . each Sc ; ctr' Ihorl ICnms and Nebraska butcher wool pelts . per lb. . actual weight , 58c ; diy flint , pels. antI Nebraska murrrtln . wool pelts . Per ' lb. . actual weight 4aOe ; dry flint Colon o butcher wool " . .ls. per Ib . actual weigh . 40j6,4c ; dry flint Colorado murmln wool pelts , per lb. try . actual aetght . H 6c. TALLOW AND GitRASfl-Tallot' . . OIMSF-Tnlo" No. 3,3c ; tallow No.2. 3c ; grease . white A . 3 . ; grease. white 1. 3e : grease ) -ellw . 3c ; : r4.c . dark . 2\ 3e ; old butcher 2uj2c ! ; 1eH'llx. prime , . 1a20c ; rough tallow . 2c. FUnS. FUnSDel. black . Nu. 1 large. $20.0023.00 ; No. 1 medIum $5 : No. 1 small . $ ! $20.0623.0 ; . black . yearlIngs . No. 1 large $ % . 00fI0.o : No. 1 mcdiunm . $0 ; No. 1 small . $7 ; bear black . cubs . No. I large . $0.oi8.o ; No. 1 medium 03.00216.00 ; No. 1 small . $ : bear black Montana and HocllY mounlnln. No. 1 large , 18,00:00 : No. 1 medium , $ U ; No. 1 somalI . $10 : bear black . Montana year- hogs , No. 1 large $2 : No. 1 mnediuhi . $ s ; No. 1 small . S5 : bear . black Montana cubs . No. I large. 'O.W ; No. 1 medium. I.C0 ; No. 1 small. $ : bear silver tip . No. 1 I.rge. $23 : smal. medium. $2 : No. 1 tinmall . $8' i bear . silver tip. yearlings . No. I large Ill ; 3-b. 1 " sl\er . tp. : No. 1 small . $5 : bear . shve tip . cubs , No. $ large 16 ; No. 1 medIum , $4.50 : No. 1 small . $3 ; bear brown . No. 1 large 020.00212.3.00 ; No. $ medium . $0 ; No. 1 small . $2 : bear , brown . year- lhngs . No. 1 large. $10.002fi2.00 : No. ' ntedtum . : : No. 1 small , SO : benr. brown. rub. No. I Inrge $1 : No. 1 medium. $5 ; No 1 small. $3 : badger . No. 1 large $ .o61.G ; No. 1 medium , bal.r. ; . I small ; ( : fisher . No. 1 large , $8 : No. 1 medium , 0 No. small . 14 ' . suiver . . $0 ; 1 smnl. 1 ; fox slwr. n. to color according - cording 10 beauly. No 1 large $100 : No. le. medium . $60 : No. 1 small . $ GQ ; fox silver . pale according 10 beauty , ND. 1 large . 110 ; No 1 medium $30' No 1 small. $ Zu ; tex . cross . No. 1 large $ ; 2-10. 1 medIum $3 : No 1 sntali . $2 ; fox , red No. 1 large . $ ,50 ; Nc 1 slol. $ . $ : No.1 small . $ ; fox gray . No.1 large 751 : No. 1 medIum . Mc ; No. 1 small. .00 ; fox , hit . No. 1 large , soc ; No. 1 medium .Oc ; No. 1 small . 30e lyn I " . Nu. 1 large $3 : No. 1 medium. $ No. 1 small . ; i.So ; marten . No. 1 large . . $ % : . Ij . j medium $ $ .G ; No 1 small . $ ; mtnk No 1 large . 60G5c ; No. I medium . 4001 No. 1 small , 35c ; mink dark No. 1 large . G.c : "o. I medium . tOo : No. 1 omnll. SOc ; mountain lIon. perfect hend and reel , No. 1 large . $ .00@2.0 ; imperfect tikins % 5f15e ; otter . No. 1 large U ; No 1 medIum . $ G.om.o ; No. 1 small . E , . utter . pale . No. 1 large , $ ; No. 1 medIum. $5 ; No. rale. . $1 ; raccoon . No.1 large 60217Cc' No.1 medium $ ; No. 1 small . 3r0 ; raccoon , Llack . as 10 beauty No. 1 InrKe. WC@52.0 ; skunk. black . cased , narrow striped Nu. 1 large SOc ; No. 1 mnediutn 40e : No 1 smnoiS \ . 25c ; skunk broad slrl.el. No. 1 large . 21250 : Iol\erlne. No.1 large U' No. 1 medium , 53 : No. 1 somali . $ ; wolf . mountaim ! . Nu. 1 large . $ : No. 1 medium . $ : No. 1 small . $1.53 : wolf prairie . No. 1 large CGtjOOc ; No. 1 thedlum . COo : No. 1 small , tOe ; haver , per skin No 1 large , $5,06G.0 ; No. 1 medium , $4.50 ; No. 1 small. 12 ; ben'cr kits. No.1 large. $ ; No.1 medIum .6 1 : No. 1 tilnail . 75e : muekrnl. winter . No. 1 large . 8@lc : No. 1 ml1 u 1. 'c : No. 1 EmaIl . let muok. rats , tall . No.1 large , 466e ; No.1 medIum , 7e : No 1 email . Gc : muskrnl. . kits 1 . 2631. STOCKS , ANt IIOZ4IH. Failure of the New 1.lal ( all to Ilotorlnl7o ' L'lulaed Ueprctieioii NEW YORK Pel , . 4.-The tact that the . secretary or the treasury had not Issued a cal for proposals for the new government loan this morning hall a depressIng effect on the share speculation. This feelIng was iitllckiy relect"l } In the inauguration of 0 SharI seling movement which continued In force luring the first hour and led to a very general < Ieclne , ranging trol % f to H lIeI cent the latter In Heneml Riecti-Ic whIch wits sold down also In mectrlci In unfavorable decIsion In Iwnling expectaton Itga. tioli . WhIch 01 on lost Momiday . was not handed down by the Iupreme court In which the mater Is Ilol.lng. Chicago Can broke 1',4 ! , Iler cent the decline being assisted by reports that the negotiatIons for a settle. : ment between the Interests contesting for ' control of the comlllny were lagging Rode Islaru } and Louisville & Nashville lost I per cent ; Burlington & SI. Paul % per cent ; Northwestern . % pel' cent , and \ Sugar ' per cent. The greatest decline of the ! . tire market wits 2 per cent In Union l'aellc. due to lquidaton for bath home und ror- elgn aceounts , incucet1 by practical defeat of atlves the fiimtling Saturday , bill . In the house or rCllrtsent. } tlllg was bought freely on the an. nouncement that Judge Oroisseup . at Chi- cage had removed President Greenhut frol the receivership of the company . and that two receivers hat been appointed \ . who had no 11revloul conlecllon with the cOIIal ) one of whom wal elected \y the New York ' stockimoiders. An advance of P4 per cent was mtute In the stQk.o whIch ' .4 per cent hal \111 lost at the roMe on reailza. tons or profIts by small trailers. About I o'clock the temper of speculation In the gen. oral \ market underwent a change . the street having recovered tram its early despond. ( - _ . , . . . . _ . - . . ency ' anti resumIng Its faith In the antici. patt.\ \ bond Ise-tie l . being helped thereto by the lemornlzaton of th IterJn exchange matket whIch testlell to the belIef of the foreig houses that the bond Issue would not long be delayed. As 1 con6equenee . prices mounte.t lp with buo'ant step . Sugar advancing 2' per cent ; ChIcago Oal and / North'elter. i1 per cent ; l.ul9vle & Nashville. 114 per cent : Hock Island . 14 per cent : Burl ngton . St. Paul and We.ter Union I per cent nllon. : l'actflc. . per cent and the rest or the IsL 11 to per ccnt. There was sonic fractional It reactIons In the lAter trading but the market as I rule was strong throughoul the afternoon , and closel In good tone Columbu9 & Hocking VaUey and Toledo WAS unusually active and touched 20w. ! the hllhest point rlnchcd In I long time . which 19 1 gaIn of 4Ie \ cent over last Wednes- dAY'S price there havIng been 1 steady np- preclaton In the Ihares since that day , which Is rlue to hlylng Induced by the corn- pleton ; or the organization of the operatorS producing coal along the line or the road for the pUllse of placing the selling or Irltlh coal In one agency . thereby compelng coin- lietitlon. The stock closed within % per cent or the highest. hllhllt. The bon'\ ' \ market wan depressed } II the morning blt In the late session there WIS I general rrcovery In uIIol wIth the "trenlth of time share spectilatton. The total anion were $ i39.0. 'rhe . J \enlng POlt'l London cnblegram ! a.I ; Amerlclols opened wcalt today and declIned on n Ills ! lnlulne vIew tnken here about time negotntons of the new loan . On tii5 ! , istlbject ! ! hE Is npeaMintstic I ! e . . n Inc jqllnCIUI TlmO , jy 1.aWROI. . o tie " " ' - tunl Ilerlat or the PacIfic rlwny rllln bill assIsted the dechitie . Union Pacific droppIng -1 pIng to 8i4 , There was a shnf rly nt the close nil 811 . luch uncertainty stIll cx- . Istl ! bolt the expected loan the situatIon apparently being that the lending Inalclerl npplrent awaiting a decision from WashIngton - Ingtol aR to the terms or the Issue. Only a itmanli amounL of gold went Into the flank I smal Iohl of England 1ohllII nre keeping supplies on the pOlslhle chalice or In American de- inand ConFolR were better. The Paris hourse Is becoming Imlyant again , with arise rile on all the ParIs specialties. The following were the closIng quotntons on the lending stocks of the New York cx- change today : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ AIlhl ' ou. . . . . . 4'U.P.D. ! - .1 0. . . . . :4 Adams Exprcss. . HI Norlhwr leM. . . 1171 ) ) Altoim. T. it . . . . . 25 N. \Volll. . . . . . 1li Alon. . 1 . . . . . . 11)14 ) N. Y. C.nlral. . . . 100 Am , l xpI181. . . 111 lUl ( N. Y. & N. I- : . . . . :11 himhtiimmort : . . ' ( limit ) . 0(0 ( Ontario & ' , V. . . . , . 'U1' CauUI' : : I'actIlc. . . 12l : ! 0101 111. , . . . IuH Callla Sotmtli'rmm. . 4 1I " Oregon NI { . . . . 11 Cemitral l'acitIc. . . 12 0 8. I. & U. N. . 4 C..llrlll'aollc. . . . . 17 lalll . 1. . . . . 21 Ch..1 Chicago , t.itoml . . . 1-7 1' . n..1 J : , . . . . . : ! C.I.1 ! Alon. . . . . 72 ! ( ' blri . . . . . . 1il Chicago Ul ! . . . . 7M 111lnn I'alaco. 1il Commnoltdatett Gait. 127 ! ltcadlmme. . . . . . . . II ) COIAOldaltIOls. I.C. . , . 31 \ H. O. W. . . . . . . lH olo. Coal : k 1101. I , It. n. W.II.I. . . . . 4 : Colou Ott C'rt. . . 2U ) Hock Islatmd. . . . . 0,1" lk'iawaru & lititi. . 10 " ( St Innl . . . . . . . Tlh \1.lnwlru.\\III. . . IIH ; ) ito l1ti. . . . . . . . 11 D..I H. n. tird. . . . : ti SI 1. . Ommmaha. . . :2i : 1) , & C. ) ' Co. . . . . I" do PIa . . . . . . . 1"1 Erie. : . . . . . . . . . . 1) ) ) Sotittmermm Pacific. . 5754 ) .10 itfti . . . . . 91 Stigar IteII11r ' . . \3" Port Wn 'ne. . . . 157 'eun. 00.1.1 Iron 1 ' C. . Northern tiftI . . Inl Texl.I'aellc. . . . U C. .1 f : . I. nlll . . . . 00 T. & . Cenl. ptd . 704 hocking Valley. . i0T timmiomm Pacillc. . . . 8H \ocking IIIol ! C'nlrnl. . 11 U. S. } xllre88. . . 4 : SI 1..1 t Dllllh. . 20V. . SI. r. . ' I' . . . ! i 1"IT.pl'I. . . . 2 : " dopl'I. . . . . . . 13)2 ) Lake Erie & Vcst li"WeI8 Fargo FSx . . 30 : do 1,11. . . . . . . 70 , WChlern Uulon . 88'4 Lake Shore. . . . . 1:7" : Wheeln , I L E. . \ I.acl Trust. . . . . :1 do 1111. : . . . . . 81 Louisville & N . . . 6:1 : IH SI. & SI. I , . . . , . . 27 1.0118\10.1 1.1 r . . . N. . . . . . . . 7 I..IHG. . . . . . lU\ Manhatan : : COm : . . 100k n. ( E. . . . . . . . . 20H MeIDhI8.I0 : . . . 101t N. I. . . . . . . . . . 17 % Mlehlal : Ceul..t . . C. F. k I. . . . . . . 24 Missouri i'acillc. . 22)2 ) do 11tll. . . . . . . 76 MlsRolrllacllc. Mohlo . . IUH I &T. 0. . . . . . 24 Nashville Cimat. , . U4 T. A. A. & N. ! . IH National Comdige 15 T. St. I , . & 1.0 . . 1 Natonll . . COllaD . . . . . . . . . I dollfd. ' & . . . . . . . . 7 N.j. Ccntr.tl. ; : . : : : : 8g s.dIV' & . : : : : : : : : : : : 11 N..I " ' . pfd. . . . . 132 do pld. . . . . . . :12 : ' Norlh Am Co . . : I Aiii. Tob. Co. . . . Norlherl Paclnc : . : : J do pt.I. . . . . . . lj No.i'mc. pl'I" . . . 11 SI 1' . N. .1 M . . . 101 'fhe total saleit or stocks today WeC 81,4G. .hal" ) . inelimcilng : Amerlnn Suu' . 3G.0 : Hur- llngton . 3.0 ; ChIcago 01. . 22,101 ! : Cctunmlus. , " ' 01 ToIc-clo . G.400 Itstlhlimmg munl hackIng \'aliey : In.1 10ckll"nie Tolrto. t.I0 )1 . 11111 Cltl'Ieelln / . 1.,10 ; grle , 3.900 ; G'ner.tl . fllectrlc. 19,20 : LouisvIlle & Nafh'le. 1.20 ; NIonal Ip1 compatmy 6,2 : Rock Island . 8,40 ; Sl Iaul. 16.CO Union l'aelfle. . 4100. _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . 0 N. , , Ynrk . lnl"Y Jlnrket NEW "Ol { . Fcb. 4-MONiY I ON CAII.- Nosy nl 111. per cent ; last loan , 1 I'er celt : cloMell. 1 "er ( cent . II1m . MEIt'ANTILS6 } 'AIII-3GU : pcI cenl.ITI.nl.I O FXfIA GI -Dul anti easy . with nelual bUHlne" In bankers' bills itt $4.8Sf4.S8' for demnnd aol . al $4.5G31)II.Slt for sixty dnj's. Posted mimIcS . $ .8 Wit' und t.9@1.0. . Com- merclil bIlls. $ U6N.861 . smL\'Fn 11. JTIFllA1' - : S-601.r. GO"E1NU NT ilONl-W'eaIt : state bonds , , lull ; rnlrond bonds . firmer. Closlngquotatlons on bonO's were ns follows : U. S. flit. reg. . . . , 14 % D.ldt.l. 45. . . 10 U. S.lseoull. rg. . . . 11 % Erie 2ds. . . . . . . 13 U. S. 4are . . . . 110 G. I. & S. A. 03. . 100 U. S. 41.eoup. . . . 10' cia 7n. . . . . . . . 101 .Uu S. 28. .reg. . . \H 11. & ir. C. 0s. : . . . 10114 'Pacific Os of 'I3. lO . ( is. . " . . . . . . 104j Aln. Cias A. . . . In4 10 K..I T. 1st 4s. IOlj Ala. Cna Casa D. . . . IU4 do 2d 4n. . . . . . 44 % Ala. Class C. . . . 94 Mutual Ulion Os . 100 Aln. Ctmrremmcy. . . 1.1 N. J. C. Gon. Os . . 1 192 La. New Oon. ( a. 12 ) % No. Pac. ists. . . . 12a MIssouri Os. . . . . IOn dods . . . . . . R5 N. C. UR. . . . . . 125 N. ' \ ' . Console. . . I.L2 N. C. 45. . . . . . . . 100 do S. F. Deb. 5s. 1084 S.C.nonfunci . . . . 1 % R. G. WeRI. isIs. . 14 Teimim. new Rat ( is. f:1 : 51 1' Con ' 0117s. 125 Tcimmm. new set 5a. 100 do C..I 1' . W. I. 11 % Te.mmim. 01,1 Cs. . . . 10 SI. L. .tc I.nen. 5. 77 % : Va. Cemmturles. . . . 100 SI. L. & SP. Gonl. 10:1 : % do delerred. . . . ( 7 'ex. Pac. ISI3. . . 10:1) Alehlson 4a. . . . 14 ( do 2dq. . . . . . . : : l d02d ( A. . . . . . . Ii } U. I' . lats ot ' 00. . lUO Cnnata : So. 211. ( . . . 105" West Sholo 4' . . . 104 D. P. lsDm of ' 03. : 100 So. I 11. . . . . . . 81 D. & l. G. 79. . . . 14 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ C bid. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ U01tol 8too't ( Quotation. DOSTON. 'eb. 4.-C31 loans. .1. ; per cent : time loana. 051,0 par coat. C0111 : Drloa3 fJr stocbsbomd : and Ilntnt.har.n : A'1' ' kS. ) ' . . . . 4 W. Eipc. p(11. . . . . . 4Hi Aiim. 8uJar. . . . . II : % \ . Ce.ll.al. . . . 3 ; Ammm. Sugar nfd. . . 12 Edl80n Elee" . . . 125 Dav State Ga8. . . 1 AlehlRJ 2dm. . . . . 1 n ( leITelephon ! . ] IO" AhllOI 45. . . . I. ( ! ! ' llostomm&Albammy . 2n8 ( New England Os . 10R ( O. ii. & Q. . . . . . 7212 ! Ocuu . Electric ta. . 80 'Iehhurg. . . . . H4 Wla. C"nl. 181. . 47 % Gen. JOlectric. . . . . 20" Atlammtic. . . . . . . . 10 Illinois Steel. . . . 4 : Boston .t Monlana : : l % MexIcan Central . I lulo .1 flostoti. . . IO % N. Y..I N. E. . . . . 3ij ) Caltnet.1 ilocla. . 2Dn Old Colony. . . . 180 Centennial. . . . . . 60 01 < Shell Line. . . .t Frammklimm. . . . . . . 1 % Itubber. . . . . . . . 4H lloarsorge . . . . . \ Ulion Pacltlo . . . 13h Osceola. . . . . . . . . 22 W."tElul. . . . . 6Ui Quimmcy . . . . . . . 118 dopld. . . . . . . 11" .ramarucll. . . . . . . 15 \Vestlnglm.ilec' . . 32Volvt'rimmm. . . . . . 492 Sai Ifrancl400 :1111 ; ( -4LOo'C 'tOotat10l4. SAN FItANCISCO Feb. 4.uThe official closlmvr quotations : - for mlnln sloo\a toJ.lY wor" as followS . Alt' . . . . . . . . . :7alo& ) Norcross. , 70 AlphmaComi. . . . . . : f Jmmtlce. . . . . . . 13 Anne . . . . . . . . . 30 Icnlneky Con . . . 4 leleher. . . . . . . : m Mexleaii. . . . . . . 75 heat & iloiclier . . 77 MOno. . . . . . . . . : Iodlo Comm. . . . . . 85 Monnt 3.lablo ) . . . : flimiiton. . . . . . . . I ! Oechlenlal Con . . : : nllwl' Con . . . . 15 Oplmir . . . . . . . . J0 Cnlrdonln. . . . . . 0 Overman . . . . . . 140 Challenge Comm. . . . a : I'oIORt. . . . . . . 41 Choliar. ' : . . . . . . . ; Savage..0 . . . UOOIIUCflCC..lu . storm Novan . . . : w Con. ( ( al & Va. . . . . $10 Sliver JIll ) . . , , , . , 2 gg : Imperial , : : : : : 1 Silver mi : : : : : : : : : : Ii Crown Poimmt . . . . . . 4 : Yellow Jacket. . . 45 Ooull k Curry.'mU _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Silver inns . G0ti0c. Mexican dollars , .ISH Q4Uc. lrutl , sight . 12"0 ) : tolell'Illhle. 150. Nnll York 11111 ( ( mmotmetione . NFW YORK. Feb. 4.-'ho rololln : are tl closing mllll1 quolllon , ; himmlove . . . . . . . . I I Onlarlo. . . . " . lion ( Dholor. . . . . . . au Ophlr. . . . . . . . IbO Oro\11.0Iul. . . . 41 l'lynmommtis . . . . : I Con. Cal. & Va. , . 300 Qmmhcksulver . . . . 100 Deadwood. . . . . . 40 do pld. . . . . . .1300 Gould & ( : imrm'y . :1 : Sierra Novatla , , . 40 hale & NOlcl'oss. 70 Htanl\d. : . . . . . . . 2:13 : /ome.llko. : . . .1700 Union Comm . . . . . . : ; Mexican. . . . . . . . . . BO Yellow Jacket. . . 40 - 1.011101 Stock UuoImttIuua . LONDON , Foh. ' I . - p. 1. elosln : Caiml'acillo . . . . irst. . Paul commm. . . . r7 % Erie. . . . . . . . . . IO % N. Y. Central . ! . . . Il ( : ! ; rlo21I . . . . . . . . G ( : % I.ennsyh.anla. . . . 50 ) ! Ill . Central. . . . . . . OSI Ioadln : , . . . . . M tcorllar ) . 10 Mox. Cea : , new .Is. & . 2i55 ' lIAR i4ll\'Sll-27 9.16 per oz. MONI Y-\WI. Ier . . ) . 'rho ma-tn or dl.counl In tIme open market for short luo three monlhs bIlls Is , I 1'1 cenl. I'lllel,1 . Nttts5 . NnW 't'OflK. Feb. 4.-Clearlng. , $1.sn.882 . ; bnl. uncr. $1r'39hiO. llOSTtN Feb. -CI.arlngs , $13,061,281 ; bal. anee. tl,643,039 . IJI.Umr.IlIA. F.b. 4.-Clearings . 18,719,361 ; balances . $ .533.124. lAITUIOIU , l"eb. 4.-Cicaitugs , $1.518.788 ; huh. alice-a , $263,446. Cl1AIO. 1.'eh. 4.-ClearIngs . ' ' .4:8.0) : . Money . 4H ! ! per cent un tal : 't per Cent on time . terlng emehmange comnnmerciai ' 1S6 HN.8H . ST. I.OII . I. . . . . -Bonl clearings today . U.G33C62 ; balances . 1G2.6SJ. Money quiet 5tH ppr cent , I Jrltge on New York $ premium . ' \'ASlINI'ON , l'eb. I.-Todny's statement or the con.llol o the treasury ichmows : A\alahll ctii h IORlunce , 144$12.h74 ; gold reserve , $2,018,73\ Foreign i'llUclR AffaIrs . Denl.IN , I'tb. . . - } lchnlge on London . eight < o's' .Ihl. 20 I"uks U p2g. PAtIS. 'ob. . . -Thre. per cent rentea , I0f SOc fur the nccounl. "change aim J.onolon. 2Sf 1b'4c for ch.k > 1.0NDON. Vet' . 4.-Goll Is 'luoll today lt hiucmmos Alice nl 251 I : MadrId . 10.0 : . Lisbon : . : % ; hit 1'"leroburg. 50 ; Athmens . 71' ltwmme 100.10 : Vienna 103. The amount or buliton , gone into time hank or Inglanc on balance today , ' 11. ( lSlOltLlN. Feb. -The weekly mitathuent of time II'II.rlal Bank of Germany .hows the following cimaimgoe . ni cmpnrd wlh time PreviouS acounll ' . lined . . . 6,2241.000 mmmarkmi Iren l'.h In hnnl. Increase 6Z.0 moll' ; trdueury note. . inr&m'ase. 4G.O immaits ; . other securities , ler"ue. 1,000.OCO marks ; noln 11 creulaton , immcreas , . : .I'N.O marks , OMAHA LIVE - OGI MARRETS Reo.pt3 of Cattle Were Exceedingly Light for Monday. - GOC DVAC ? ; SCORED GENERALLY Wih Only Jtlghteen Fresh loRds of hogs in . the YRrds There Wore , cltCII , lnou/h : Mnrket. to IIRko ft - MONDAY , Feb. 4. The receipts today were 1.135 cattle , 1.32 hogs anti ( no eheep . as against 1.2 cattle . 3.65 hogs anti 10 sheel Salurday anti 1.4i9 cattle . li84 hog and 2.964 sheell. Thc receipts of cattle were light , there being only torty-thrc lands In the ynrds. ' There were imowever some very Irlme beer Eteers among time offerings . one load reaching . IIA $1.0. the highest price ; pnlt on , this market In I long time . Thc total offerings or beef steers , however , were very light and . time outloolt at other markets being more encouraging the mnrltet scored I gaO I } . vance. Prices were generly 1ijl5c : higher than at the close of last week In ( the trade was active at the advance . Everything offered , was plclted II ) early In the day , time pens being cleared before midday. The market on cows and mixed stoclt ( . tlcrlenetl Iboul the same 11\lnee n beef steers The demand was good and the market was active lt thc advance The market on good cow stuff Is high. A few natives broughL $3 . but the bulk of the ' orerlng9' went nt $1. ( O $ ' 2.40. Qultc a string of westerns sold at $2,9) and I smaller bunch nt $ ,15. Sluclwl and feeders wee In fair supph' Such en tie us there were here sold lt about Iteudy IJrlces. Time market on feeders immojo . hn" been Pretty high ns compared with imt. . [ Cattle and now thnt the demand hus dropPed . Ped off It I ! only Ilosslhle ) ) to mnlntaln : prices unt there shall he nn Improved .lemun,1 , ata hotter mlrltct for tat cattle. Whie there diti not allpUr to he mueh life to time lrde : quite I good lan ) ' cattle changed imniimlg. Se\erl bails of natives sold . nl prlcel ranging ni the way f'om $2.30'3.20. whie qulc I string of westerns went ut $ .IO. Representative rules : . IJl2lOr STlmns. Ne. A" Pr No. A" . l'r. No. Av. Pro I . . . V' lO $2 i. ' . .103 $3 S : 19. . . 074 Ii 00 2. . 7CO 3 00 2. , .1110 $ 87 2l..1069 $ 0 ) 2. . 7j 30 4 : . . 931 3 S : 18..191. 35 IG..1303 3 40 2. . . . , IOGO 3 [ )5 ] 0..15G1 440 1..1 0 31,0 ) 21..132 3 97 13..161 4 00 22..1 3 3 : : Su 21..I . I. ) . ( t COWS. 2. . . n. : ; i5 1. . 92 20 5. . 721 240 1. . 70 10 4..8.2 2 ( t ' 1..1 0 24Q 1..820 I 25 4. . . sos 20 ( 1..10:02&0 1..1080 1 2 ; 4. . 75 200 ( 2. . . 9G. 250 3. . is3 1 3 : 8. . 1,25 2 I : 1..1070 2 ( 2. . 870 1 r :1. : . 970 21 : 4..1082 250 I. I . 020 1 5 I..IO O 22 2. . . . . 595 265 3. . 933 1 65 10. . 823 2 25 26. . 815 2 G : 1..I ( 1 GO 1. . GZO 22 : S..IO : 275 3. : . & 5 165 3. ( . FtG 22 ; 1..1210 311 I" . HO 16. 10. . 838 22 ; 2..925 300 1..120 1 G5 18. . 046 23. : 1. . ( IGO ' 30 30 1..10 17 : a..l000 ( 23 : 9. . OSS 30 1. . 8GO 175 10. . . i021 23 : 1..1300 30T G. . OSS 115 1..1230 240 2. . 523 330 IC. . . 9:6 1 5) S. . SSI 24. . ) 4..1Z0l 330 lu..IOO 1'0 1. .120 2 40 1 EWE IS. 1. . GSO I 75 1. . 710 2 G. 1. . SOO 30 1. . 7GO 200 1. . h5 2 iO 4..11 310 1. . 4S0 200 IIULT $ . 4. . 90 180 1..IOO 220 1..150 250 1..10'0 2 0 1..I . QJ 220 I..tO 2 I 1..1:0,20Q : 1..1' . ' 2 : 1.,1720 27 l..llOO"2 . 00 1..IF,0 . . . . P3 1..lOlO 3 CO i.itSt 2 15 1. .151& -2 1. 1..mO 375 3..173 2 I : I..10 ) 2 ' rO . 1.96O 175 s-XGs' ! CAL . .I S. . . "G . . "Ir I 30 . . . ! ' " 1 1..110 3M 1. . 2'0 ( 1 i5 1.i30..2 , 20 2. . . 105 375 19. . . 217 1 90 3. . , 6ZCO 1. . 10 .0 1. . 10 20 5. . " 8 : 1. . 20 475 1. . 120 2 00 2. . ; ro" , 00 STOCKERS A'D F12l2DRRS. 4. . T.7 175 3. . 780aC0 : 'o. . . 910 27 4. . 70 200 1. . icoiJco I. . G82 2 M 2. . . 660 2 ( ( O I..lnO. ro . 6. . SG : 285 3. . . GIO .100 I..I ) ( ) ' $ GO .10. . 767 285 2. . . 460 22 4. . 'i Z GO 24. . . .1563 30 7. . 81 230 5. . 070 . 3-60 5..100 310 41. . 28. . 230 2.410 . ( 33..1072 30 25. . . 832 2 40 2..633-.2.70 23. . . : 3 20 22. . G57 2.5 a. . . io 275 _ WESTEn s. , No. -Av. Pr.0jNo. . ' . Av. J'r. 08 cows . . . . . . i0251$2 9 : 1 steer ' : ' . . . O 63 25 , 2t clw".n8 3 : m 15 , ( 'l 1 steer.Jl..HOO' , 2' . 1 steer. ' . . . 122013 2 : ! 1 .leer..13iO ' 3 2j 5 steerS..113) ) ) 32 : & 1 sleer..IO 325 5 steers..1010 32 : 4 steers..125 32 : I.leer..12 3 25 1 sleer..13o 32 n. M. Doutimett. I cow. . . . . 95 1 W 8 fcedermt.l90 . . 3 0 ) 10 bulls. . . . . 1156 20 Hr1 feedems. " . . bH 31\ 1 feeder. . . 90 22 lnLKI IS AND SPHINOEnS. 1 springer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25 0 I cow and calf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 810 IIOGS-W'ithu only eighteen fresh lqnds of liege In tIme yards theme were 1 : ) really enough 10 male n immarket. The packers bought up whll rew there oseme , and paId about Saturday's pricer. I "e'ylhlnl , eras HII all wplgh"ll UI' early In time morlln . There were no prime heavy hogs among the oIerl" ; . . One pretty fair load went itt $3. . ) 0. whleh wns the hllhesl price paId. nep- re enlut\e smles : : 3. . . . . . 14-i . . $1 3 : 6..2 : ; . . $1 65 12..181 80 3 42u ! . . . . . 12 370 4 . . . . .151 . . 3 m C5..23 20' ) 3 iO 4..1 : . . 3. : 25..ISS . . 370 61..12 .0 a f.5 65..2h0 . . . . . 3 iO ) ) 1..130 ) . . 3 r5 2).0 . . . . . . 370 50..11 . , 3 % . . L..2. . 40 375 1 . . . . . . . 3 GO 73.193 : . . . 160 375 73..1G2 . . 360 5..24 . . 31 : 1..187 . . 3 65 10..25 ) 12 375 n..18 : 80 3 G5 lG..226 . . 38\ t5..19 : 12 ' 3 G5 . . . . % . . 3 s ) ) 5 . . . . . 216 . , 3 G5 rG..27 ISO 3 S5 . . . . .2J2 . . 3 G : Ii . . . . .370 . . 390 C..203 . . . . 3 G O..2g 240 3 DO SKIPS "Nt CULLS. 1..10 . . 20) ) ' 1.:21 : . . 2 GO 1..20) . . 275PI0S. . . 1 . . . . . 16(1 . . 32 : 2..10 . . 30 SHEEP-There were no fresh receipts of sheep , mind no gel muttons were oteret on the markel. Sheep nm quote oa this market n. folloots : Choice. 12.754c3.2'O < ; fair 10 good. $2.50@3.00 : ' corn- I . mOi , $2.00@2.1 : lambs $2.10204.0O. I ClIAHO LIVE s'rocl. Supply lel Below the Numhel' II Demlnd I amid I'rlcr 'mprov.d. - CIIC\OO. Feb. . . - In'nlte today 12.0 hen constituted the supply , and ns there were orders bOld for numnbe'r than the market On hllll n greater num1er Ihn. makel offered . It continued 10 - ho\ 1 tendency ) ' 10 go higher . Compared with last Friday's prices . Iher I. nn od\nnco or from lOc 10 ISe and since W'ednesday last there has been R gain of from 20a 10 31c. ' 01 buIlt of time shift hh here _ 10Iny chnnged bandit at better In'n $ $3.7 for steers and the hulk of time rWA and bulls brought 1 from ' 22. 10 $3.25. Choice l.r 10 1G5O.lb steer Wlr quoted 1 nt front $5.2 10 $3.60. Heavy nod medium Jhl hogs were fully RlclHly. 1.lcht velsImts were weak . hut not man- le'laly lower . Jtecetptii \ ere large and the .1. Ilnd good. Trading was 1rl \ m U 10 $ ,23 fur common 10 choIce 260 ) 10 404-lb. ) hogs . mind nl front 130 10 $4.2' ' ) for averages o ( roam 2')0 ' ) to 2:0 lbs. . and $ from S3.G5 10 H.DS ror poor 10 choice light . There was not much busIness outSIde . SIde ot from $3.75 to U.20. though several iotit or haxir light and mixed 8011 around $3.64. ) and 1"lr HIN" were 6I enl o culls nt from $2 ID $2.M. There Was J hl'\y rn oC Hhecp Inll lals and time market was weaker I. n consequemucce . 'rho decline nmounlll 10 from hOc 10 15e. quota tlwms declne 10 rrom 82.4) 10 S3.0 for common 10 choice e-bioel' , maul 10 from S3,2 10 U,8. for lanmlcmm. Ixlr : . quality wait salable at a small advance upnn . the above price. Culls were quo-ted nl'nnre Jnywher ( rein .7. 10.n.Z. htect'ipls : Cattle . 12.m , beal : hogs , .0.0 head . : sheep , 17.0 head . . To.1 . Ht. i.ommis I.te..ltuek Market . RT. 2.01115 . Feb. 4-(1ATFMO--Re&ipmi. ( 1.8/ ) he"l ; tcimhpments. 1.0 liekdmarket : Hlnf In lO higher ; hl.menls. steers , Ulhll $ 3.r : good 10 cimulec' shipping and huldl rs. $3.75005.10 ; stockers ehnl" feeders . $2.00013.502o 'tpw ' . , . .2.r:45 : fed 'fex"A .leerH. $3.3O@3SQIgr5ti5 steers , 12.3O2.35 : cows , $ i.SIuiS.iO . . I IlOU-iteceiptti. 3,20 J.heM : miimtpments . ? hend : market well , low.r0 ; heavy Inll mimemliufu weights ( 13.95211,001 fair 10 Knoll lIght . $3.95\4.011 lellul 3,7rr3.05 ) ; .ommon to om2tinhtry 13.15213,70. 81tl3121'-lteceiptmi. r head : shipments non ; market strong : choice natls' & tiimoep $2 : : fair 10 goatS , $3.652$3.75 ; mneclIunx.lambu. , $ .25. New York IImd8tck . Market. ; NFW YOmI" h. 1.-IIRISVISS-Rcceipts : . 4 ( ) head : on sale 2 cars : ' 44eer0. active . IDa hlKher ; "n. native steers . Inferior tprlrne . $ .3(5,2 ; mlxen nnl"o . . ; choIce Med-re . U.75C4.45 ; bulls . 12.6021 3.40 : ( dry cows. 81.10)03.75. $ tlBIW ANI iAldL } Jecelpl . I , .O heal ; 1.00 bead on sale ; muhec-ti , c hlher : ehiceim poor 10 ' henl 3.0OOti.62 li ; lambs , common ID choice . $4.100.m 5.50. " . ; ' U5.8\ 1l008-itect'Ipts . 1.0 henl ; market .tenty : choice state imogs . $4.1) Stuck In tllht $ Record of receipts nt the tour principal mnr. Jecorl Monday . } " 'ebrUary , 4 , 18 : : Cattle. hogs. Sheep South Omaha . . . . . . . . . . 1.13 1.3 % . . Chicago . . . . , , . . . . . , . . . . 120 40.0 1.0 Icanuen. City . . . . . . . . . . . . .90 3.70 1.10 HI. LouIs C\ . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ ! 1.0 , 3.:0 r 'folnls . . . . . . . . . . . . I9,83S' 48,222 18.r laneaa Ut , Use , tock , KANSAS CITY I.'eb. . , -ATI.I -necelpIB , 4.90 beau : shipmen o hend. Market steady ' 10 strong ; Texas Moore $3.CmOOmJ.9O : Teas cows . 12.00212.75 : Colorado ) leer. $2.72t3.95 : bee steers $3,0@5.o : natIve caw . ' 1.564.0 ; stockerit anti feeders . $2.254j3.60 ; bulls , $10i4.o. UOGH-Hecelpt. . 3,10 head : shipment . ZOO head. Market steady to strong ; bulk of sale , , $3.OCt2.imSl iie'ctvlemi , * 3.7504 00 ; parkers 00.552 ? 4.00 ; mixed $3.50fl3.83 ; lIghts , $3,4M$3.6 $ ; Yorkermi , $3.SOfiC5 ; l'Ismi , 83.9003.85. ShlE1.1'-te-caiptmi , 1,100 head ; shipments , none , Market steady. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ h.ivcrpool Msrketti , i.IVISRI'OOli , Pci , , 4.-4hS : p. m.-VlliSAT- ) spot , stt'nmhy ; demanl poor ; No. 2 ac-il abler , iq 3d ; No. 2 re-ti spring , C-mi 1L4d ; No , I 1mph , Maimltnta , ts 1,11 No , I California , Cs , Fmmttireti opened firm , unchmangril from Snttmrdays Clns't' cioseth steady with near end , hlstnnt poeltion 1 farthing imlghierl btisinet'x heaviest on mlddl0 u eltbons ; Peimsuary , Imi id ; Mar-eli , Is O'I ; April , 45 6(8,1 : May , 4a 3tl ; .1tmn. Is 7d Jtmly , 1 7 % , ) . COltN-b'pot ensyl American mimixemh new , 3a 11,1. Futmmi'c opened quiet with near and die- Innt positions I fnrthtng lower , closed steady with nc-ar and distant m'osittc'ims I fartimlng lower ; buslnee imeavtc'st on tally positionel F'ebrtmary , 35 lot4dll March , Se l0ch ; April , ha Old ; Max. June nail July , Is 1l'4d , h'l.OPit-ltmll ; tiemand poor ; St. I.otmls fancy winter , 85 6.1. I'IOAS-'ammahinn , Is 10'5d ' , I'ltt.'hSIONS-hlacen steady ; domatfi Impr-ov- ing5 ( umnbemianh vtit ; IS to 0) hIss. , SOs ; short ribs , 20 item. , lOsI long clear light , 30 to 45 hhs. , lie 6.1 ; long 1)lcar heavy , 2.5 Ita. , 2S Cml ; shOrt tlrur lieks , light , is lie. , 28' ; phort clear nmld- , hles , heavy' , 55 its. , lIe 6.II cleat Iehhles , 14 to 10 lbs. , 3Cc. smosmic1erm : , i-qmmare. 12 to IS il's. ' , 2(1M shntt clear mnlhclles. heavy , 55 lbs. , 23s 6.1 ; clear ielllemu , 14 to 10 lls. , 3Cc. llamas , lmort cut , ii In 16 it's. , tOo. Tallow , litme N , A. , 22 6.1 , hiecf , t'trit India mess , GSs kh prime maces , C-Is 6.1. i'om-k , mrlme mess. tine western , fiGs 2.11 wett'nm imietilunt , Gls 3 , ) . lnrl , 11mm ; pm lame wCstcrn , its ; retlneh , iii pails , 3k' . ltefrigenttccr tt'et , forequarters - quarters , 4lh hitiuhmmtitUters , 6d , cltllsl-7--Qtilet : : : cienmsflil poor ; finest Anmcrl- calm White , lId finest , 'mmercan ( colored , SOs. 1tlTTfllt-1"Iiieet , 71sI gomsi , Cdcm , TlYlll'lNTiNn-i-tplriip , 21mi Id. ltOSlN-Cunumnnn , Cs iOd , COTTON SESI ) OiL-livei-puol , mefined , ils 9.1. . 1.iNSnlI ) OlliO-ials. 9.1. l'l-rhtohmitlM-itefmneh , 57.1. . lildiAClll NO 1'OW'1)1lt-11art1wooth , ( . 0. b , Liverpool , 7. 1101'S-At Iondon ( Pacific coast ) 2 ICe. St. l.otiie Oq'iipr.mt ( tlmiritet , ST. 1.01115 , Fet , . 4.l'1OiRStea,1y anl quiet , \vhihAT-Aivancel : ' ( c early , mhesptte weakness elsetvliere , Iut ylelihol later to outside intlmiences , closing but % c above Saturday ; No. 2 red cmtmsli mind F-1)rtmnry , 10'c ' ; Slay , 51cl July , & 1c. ( 'OltN-Advanr'mi ' 4e early , ( ut 5iclhed vitim 05 heat to a close 'Ai'.c alovt' Satmmrslay ; No. 2 rnhNl roe-li and Febrtmaty , ' 3Slc , 1ctn' , 400 ; July , 40)F1O72e. CAT4-1'irm ) : scarce , he imigimer ; No. 2 casim amid 1.'ehmrimary . , lOc5lmt3 ; , it.l-i amid IlAllilS\-Firmn without change. I iht , N-FIt iii. &Gc stek-si , ; eaSt ti mtck , 1-'i.AX Sl2flt-ii.lO. Cl.OVfilt 811121)-Choice , * 9.0008.25 ; tlmnothm' i'et-.l , $4.25-I3'4.6O. - IIAY-Qmilet mInd tmnchianged. mmt"rTnlt-QuIet nt I etently quoted decline. RlUiO-Firmn ; drnmnih goo.h at 100. 1.h-AhI-Qui-t , 82.03. S1'1UTlIt-\Veaker. 02.50112 02. COltN MlSAl.-l'JOljl.OS. W'h1IS1Y-0l.22. COT'l'ON 'l'lflS-GSc. hi/mnOlNG-24e. I'OltK-Stammdam-mi imiess Jobbing , Z9,52litmh ; , prime steanm , $6.30 : choice , $0.43 ; city stlt nmt-mits and bacon , ttnctmammgeil , ltiCfill'TS-l'lour , 3tXPt ) bide. ; w-imeat , 2,00' ) lu. : corn , 31,00) bu , : edits , 24,000 btm. flltIl'1mll2NT-Flour ' , 11,000 imbis. ; wheat , 25- 000 bu , ; cot-n , 12,000 bu. ; oats , 5.003 bu , CtIT'n imlurket. NlO\V YOlOIC , Feb. 4-COFFil5-Opttons opcned steady , with Ih'cemlcr , unhmnmtgetl and other montlmim 2.0115 lOttmtS iover. rallies ! on local ule- mnand and scarcIty of icellems , tvt'akened again nOd clotitti tamely eteasly mIt tmnehmtngoh to 1) imints net , li'eltne , Sob's. 10,250 logs , including : MorrIs , $14.55 ; Slay , 814.202114.23 : Septenmber , $11.15 (214.25 ; October , 114.200(14.23 ; November , 014.10 : lec'mnbem' . $14. 25 , Soot coffee , lila. dm111 : No. 7 , ? mC.P2. Mild , miulet ; Cwdova , $ )8.735fi1.50 ) : sales , none , Coffee contracts opened steady mit a , lecline of 50115 molflt5 , 1)mcemmlber ttmriclmuagcl ) excepted , Time 111dm I itt I. $ LtUCtqUCI1 ( ml' m ildi ei , aim m ) l.OmultS . oh II tea' Itmcni heming ormlc'rs , ltmt was inactive throughout the forenoon. Timer , ' were no nlslet's from itlo and Sammtns. Tue J7mmreleatt ndvices were fee- turelesmi. TIme-re was lcrnctically mme foreign tnh.r. , 'st e'illier one way or mtnotlier. The world's visible supply is e.pected to icimow en lzmcremmse of 10.000 1)8gm' . 1a1eit were 4,250 logs ) my noomm. \'mtm-elmouse deliveries ( roOm New Ymrk Saturday , 3.797 liege ; New York Stock today , 223,165 bees : United States inck , 257,57) ) ) loge ; mmloat ) for time UnIted States , 242,01) ) ) magi ; tomh visible ( or time hulled States , 409,270 bags , agaInst 208,1,00 bags last sear. SANTOS , Feb. 4.-No avlces. RIO Dii .IANCIIOO , Feb. 4.-No nlvtces. hIAMltlJltG F.b. 4.-Steady ; prices pfg decline ; sales , 17,001) bags. itmiltinmoro Mmtrlcete , TIALTIItOfl5. Feb. 4.-FLOUR-flulh : western nuperline. 18)00)0 ) ; extra fine , $2.1O212.iQ7i extra family , t2.60422.75 ; winter wheat pittents. * 2.850 3.15 ; spring patents , $3.4O6ji.C ) ; specIal hrammds hIgher. ' and month , 102136(6c ; \'IIEAT-Tull ; spot March , 2.7211740 ; May , 5S2i5S'.4c ; steamer , No. 2 red , 11(21.3c : receipts. 48.536 be. ; stock. 723.110 bu. ; rale. 20,000 tnt. ; sotithiern wheat , by sam- ole. 532J17c ; southern wheat , on grade , 532 C-GP.c. CORN-Steady : spot and month. 45j451c : March , 431(5343i/c ; May , 4Gc bid ; steamer mixed , 442144'.2c ; net receipts , 16,125 bu. ; stock. 552,570 hu. ; sates , 2,000 ha. ; eotmtiiern white corn , 115214Cc : southern yellow , 43I2146'.c. s.O.TS-Steady ; , No. 3 vlmlte. wesleimm , 362$36c ; No. 2 mixed , 240j31c ; receipts , 14,172 bu. ; stock , h.2SS bu. 1tYE-iuhl and i'tealy ; No. 6 , 2SrdSic ; receipts , 2,366 bu. ; stock , 34.405 l.iu. ItAY-Steady ; good to choIce timothy , $12,030 12,63. GRAIN FR12IGIITS-Quiet ; notes steady. SUOAItIerm. _ _ _ _ _ l'hllacieiptmlmi. Maricot ; . PIItLADELPIIIA , Feb. 4.-W'IIiSAT-Flrm and futures beyond tlmlut montm ' 4c higher ; No. 2 red , February' 5G2116c : Starch , 47V)047c ; April. 27t751 c ; May , 574)1)57c. CORN-QuIet and steady : No. 2 nmlxed , February - ruary , 45045'Ac : Starch , 45'A2141c ; April , 464@ ! 46c : May. 47c. OATS-Unchanged : No. 2 whIte , February , 551)i33c ; March , IGGJSG'4c ; AorlI. 36c ; Stay , 3703740. O'LOUit-Dtmtl and weak : winter super , * 2.0021 2.15 ; winter extras , $200412.40 ; No. 2 whiter ( am- ily , 12.40212.50 ; I'ennsylvanla roller straight , 12.20 tj'3.65 ; western winier , clear , 02.40ii2.GO ; westemn wnter. straights , 12.60212.80 ; westetn winter , patents - ents , 22.85211.1) . IIUTTEIt-hilghmer , but steady ; fancy western , 210. RGGS-Steady ; fresh , near by , 27c ; fresh , \vest- era. 252127c ChllSE-11nchanged. SUOAR-lteilnecl , quiet. . Rimntiit" city Mrlcc'ts. : KANSAS CiTY. Feb. 4.-WhtIOAT-Firmer ; No. 2 veil anti No. 2 haitI. & 1)032c rejected , 46c ; earn- pIe sales f , 0. ii. , Mississippi river , No. 2 hard and NC. . 2 red , Sic. COhN-Weak ; No. 2 mIxed , 4F4c ; No. 2 white , 4ic. OATS-tiic lower ; No. 2 m'xed , 23I22J29c ; No. 2 whIte , 3lc. ItYJO-.Fimnm : No. 2 , SOc. FLAX SEEI-1)ull : $ i.102JI.3i , BRAN-Ste-achy ; $ S.OWS.i0. hAY-Dull , weak , but unchanged. rmlJT1'lOIt-Firrn ; cmenmnery , 172121c ; dairy , 1221mb. EGOS-Steady nnd active ; 192119 ½ c. ntellli'Ts-whieat , 1,000 bu. ; corn , 19,000 bu ; trite , 6,00) hu. SIUI'MENT-Wlteat , 11,000 ha. ; corn , smono ; oats , none. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Slllwmiuiiceo Mmsrkc'tg. MlLWAlflfl'.15 , Feb. 4.-FLOUR-Dull , \Vh1l'.T-Flrmer ; 2-7o , 2 spring , C-Ge ; No. I northiermm , 62et. May , 23)lc. COION-1)uli : No. 3 , 43c. OATS-Quiet ; No. 2 white , SIc ; No. 3 wimltc' , 203e , - llA1tLttY-2c lower ; No. 2 , C-3c ; sample. & 3'hfiSCe. ItYh2-Qtmlet ; No. 1 , SIc. - i'ItOVhSlONS-Stemdl' ; : pork , $963 ; lard. 83.40 , fltCSIh'T8-Ilotir , 2,100 bbls. ; teheot , 15,6)0 ha. : barley , 27.20) Icu. SltIl'SIF3NT-Flotmr , 5,200 bids. Now York 1r ( ) ' ( ; tmol Shimrkat NE'IV ' YORK , Feb. 4.-Tlmere was no demand in aims' direction , thottgh a good ntmmlr of buyers tvere present. InquIries were for all classes of goods , and though sonic lumminesml Stahl done , it wait disproportionate to tIme attention extended. of order lusimmi'ss Tue-re was a good showing from salesmen i-am time rood , mostly ( or duplIcates of fernier otmrcilaseit , whitcbm imows that jnhbermi have been selling many lots. l'rItmttng cloths rlulet at 2 9 i6c. i'corhmi Mmirkets , Pr.ORIA. Feb. 4.-COilNSIutket firm amid imigher ; No. 2 , 40c ; No. 3 , 40c. OA'I'S-Marlcet eloiv No , 2 white , 29i213Oc ; No. 3 whIte , 238i30'4c. WIIIIIIdY-Market lirm : hmlglm wine basis , $1.22. 1tmCllh"i'K-Whmeat. 600 tom , ; corn , 35.100 bu , ; oats , 22,000 bu. ; rye , 600 ha. : barley. 10,800 bu. Hllll'MION'FS-Wimeat , 2,100 ha. ; corn , G.500 bu , ; oatS , 17,300 icu , ; rye , none ; barley , i'3,400 bu. lilinnoctipoils % heat Slmirket. Ml7NiAI'OLmiS. Feb. 4-Wi1i7AT-Duli and featureless ; receipts , 102 cars : elosrul , Felmnmary , 8i54c ; May , 54t154c ; July. 551h2155c. On track. No. I hero , 10'.40 ; No. 1 northern , 55e' No. 2 northern , Sic. 'I'hit' hour market is dtmfi ; first patents. In wood , $3.00413.15 ; second patents , $2.70 213.00 ; first clear , $2.20 ; second clear , 11.80 ; red dog , 81.70. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'lsihilo Grain ) iupl3' . NEW' YORK. Feli. 4-Time visible mmiipply of grain Saturday , February 2 , as compiled by time New York h'rcmdUee excimunge , is as follows ; Wlmeat. 83,376,05) ha , , decrease , 1,2'cO,00i ) bu. ; corn , 12.720,000 bu. , increaea , 66,000 Pu. ; oats , 7,633.000 l.a. , , IecreaSe , 290,013 bu. ; rye , 405,000 bu , , , ie. crease , 32,000 bu. ; barley , 1,706,000 bu. , decrease , 215,000 ha , - Iuluthl % Vhiemet lilmirkot. DULUTh , Feb. 4.W11RAT-Dull : No. I hard , cash and February , Slm4c ; Stay , ssc ; July , 29'4c ; No. 1 northern , cash and February. 55c : Slay , bflc ; July , C-Sc ; No. 2 northern , caslm. C-2c ; ( o nrrive No. 1 hard , 17c ; No. 1 northern , C-6c. Light flutter Market , EI.OIN , Ill. , 0.ib. 4.-IIUTTIIR--Dull ; sales , 1,800 ibs. at 22i/c ; 9,050 lbs. at 22c , and 4,530 lbs. at 23e , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sugar filaricet , IONLON , Feb. 4.-SlJGAht-Cane. quiet ; centrifugal - trifugal , Juvtm1 11mm 3d ; Muscovado , fair refining , Oil 3d , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'Yrl.co lVhiemtt Market. SAN FRANCISCO. Fe-hi 4.-WIIIOAT-Quiet ; May , S0c ; cleared , 132,114 centals wheat , Iraytoim Iilvnrco ( 'ale i'ostpoiietl , JERSEY CITY , Feb. 4.-Time hearing of the Drayton divorce case , which was set for today In chancery chambers , has been postponed until next Monday , - - UTIH2I1 SZI)12 01. ' 1'III SUIIZITI' M.tTTISZf. OMAHA , Feb. 4.-To the Editor of The heel Iteferring to Captain Palmer's article In this morning's 13cc in defense c.f time surety COITmItfihmies , I beg to nek space in which to give time clnplo3'ea' side of the case. Mr. Palmer Is geimeral ngent for time guarantee conipalmy in Nchrmtskmt , Colorado , Dakota , Idaho , Oregon and Washminglon ahiti ! 'erimttp SOme other of time westsrmm stntCmi , while I am time party to whont lie refers 1mm time article tome tite one who originated lmotme roll 16.3. it is very mmatural anti right timat Mr , I'ahmer slmothld tame e' ry legitilnate method to defeat hostile iegllation , as he admits in this nmorning's palmer that their hironmlunms in Nebraska alone ftmmmotllmt to nbotmt $2.000 : Ccci ) year , wimiie their losses aim bonded railroad enmidoycs in tIml state time Past two years is hess tunis $5) ) Suit. it Is not. rigimt timat lie should tnaite time main- statements wuiieim lIe hmnS With thin immtent to lnlslcatl time Iltibibo and our legislators v1to are now at 1.incolmm and watcimimig time Public litihie througii time tinily PaPers , Ilco says : "Time nuthmor of time bill ktmows notiming of the scope mmd ptmrpnses of gtmnr- mlhitee bonti eomnianies. " Mt' , i'almner knew . that I 7\.flq time ntltlmr of the bIll mnd that I hind been n. bonded emnploye for a lmtmmlm-er at years ntmd timorotlghmhy tmmmierstool time enmployeem' sItl of time controversy. lie is rigimt vlmetm imt says lme PrestlImmes it was not our ilmielmtion to mlris'e time bond comlotnics from time htttmtc , itmiti , as lie says , It ill ii gm-eat convenenee ! to nil persomms seeking hOititlol)8 of trtist. 'I'Ime emrployei want to do inmsiness vitim time bond COlili3hllCS ) by all ) mleamms , antI times' lmnve mme "kick' ' otm time rates cimttrged , nftimotmili , froimm .lr. l'millmmer S Rtntetmmehmt1 they are eimaleiimg a real 111cc 'rtmk off ' in Nebrmtskn. I do mint thimmh 11mm Is itn e-lnlloye in time i'ttte : btit tt'lmmtt Wothhd I'OOtlCi' hflY thma ghmaraimtee comimpaimy $3 Per $1,000 ( time rate chmnrgt'l by time Na- tionnl StIrety canspnimy ) , thtmmm to ask eveil tlmeir hmemmrcst relative to ttttmm-mlnttpp their ildelity , amid we voiilml be PtY : tmmorc tlman timlit if we cothld too itsstmretl that llm cmtsc tim commmuammy i-ejected our mtppli- catiomm timmtt. eve would kmmos' e.mictl' s'lmnt it 7s'ltS for mend who it wn.q tlmtt : mmmatie ( lie report ngtmlnst hIlt , 1)1)11 iii case they commtilm- tied to reject tin ve 00(11(1 ftmrmmitcim helomdti ititiemminity or be mthiowcd to deposit time casim to time extent of mtmm' liability ; btht timmtler time lmresemt Incthmoti of doltmg bttiiies mtll timt'se timings are tlelmiei mis , mtlmd we nrc iiiiply told by otmr climpioyel s ( lint time gttnrmmtmtee colmmpmtmm3' , rettmses to further accept ottr risk. \e arc' referreti by thmelmi to time bond coma- pammy fom' time remuiolmtm , amid omIt of mm'er ) ' great number of cases I tmever kimew ammo alan to get a reply to hits letters froimm time bommd coimmpmm mmy. I fitvomZmir , I'aimmler's plan of boimmiimmg' nil stmlto mtfltl federal ollicitthim lit lldelitv ctmimm- Panics , mmmmti beiie'e tlto tlmmme is Imut ? ftr (1114- tlm.nt vimelm stlcim vhll be time case. Mr. I'nhmmmcir oijccts to set'tiotm 3 of time lull because it reqtmlres a cit-posit vithm time stnte trenstmr' . As I mmmmderstnmmtl time law , time iamvs tf most states requIre nil immsmmrance commipaimleif to mnnke sonic kiimd of a deposit before bellmq- allowed to do hjlmeimmeii , ltiitl I see mme good reasoim stimS' time gtmaratmtec coin- Ptimics : should not tb time smmimme , itlthmotmght flit' deposit section li-i hot vital to time eiimltlOl'eit , but is mnom'e of a prtmtectlomm to otmt' emmo- players , , for. imi case I shmoulti defmumlt for . -Oo00 , anti tIme gtitrttnteo : cemmllilmmles : simotmiti refUse to mmmnhu good time hose , what recourse wotmltl time railroad coimmmmmy imuve mtgniimst time Catmadlan atmmirnlmtee Lotampatmy , it wothltl pty : scone of theSe ms'iid ctt culmcerims better to chose up afll go otmt of btmslmmc'smt tlmmtmm to PaY any such Mr. Palmer says that section 5 wotmld be absoititely destrtmetive of time bonil Lthsiness because It requlmes that 1mm case time bout ! comnpatmy refuse to accelmt amy elsie time law Wotlid require It. to tile with time state ofliclals time full lensonue for smmcim refimsal amid time names of time partIes rnaleitmg time complaint. Vitimout timit ; iitformattomm I s'oitlti 111cc ? mIr , l'almomer to explitimi how ttimtier time suit time poor victim is olmg to work to straighten hlmmtself , stmmpotmiumg he is innocent , anti Mr. Palmer cnmmjtot deny that every maim huts emiemies , and omme of tlmese enemies calm write the guarantee colmtptlmv : ( such timiimgut imave been clone "atmonyrnoimsi" arid over nom do 1)ltmnteS ) amid queer a maim for time balance of his life. Of course such cases are zmum excemtiotm , but we IonIc at it timat it would be better timat ten gtmilty men- should escape timan that one immnoceumt man i'hmould be as- sassinateti ( lis chartmcter ) lit this manner , Mr , Pahnmersa's : "If a botmd is cancelled , notice is glvemm time emolover ( not. time em. ploye ) of the reasons of uuelm enncoiiatiomi , and no cancellation Is ever macic except on account of ( Sisumanesty or discreditable acts. " In an iumtervlew wimlcim I had yesteriay with Captain Palmer ( at imIs solicitation ) , he showed me a bIonic wkich imad .ltmst been filled out by some Lincoln bammk , simowln time names of all time bonded emnployes and the rnounts in whicim each was bonded. and to convince me that the bonuS company dId not do time blacklisting he said if time bank ( or time same for a railroad company ) had arm obnoxiomis employe whom they wanted to dlspemmse wlthm in , m. graceful way , all they hati to do was to indicate to the bond company on ( lila blank. Then the bnd ecmany in turn would no1f the hank or railroad comnany timat they re- ( rmseci to further accept this inan'5 risk. Is this consistent witim the captain's claim that no cancellation is ever made except for dis- honesty. etc. ? Mr. Palmer also states in lm1 article that 'rmo such net as time one presented has ever been passed in any le-cislature of the United States. " Now , Mr. Palmer in our yester- das"s interview , admitted timat Texas had lust such a law , but he claimed that the bond companies were not doing business with time batik clerks , but only with the railroad - road companies , or rather lie made the claim that they were not doing immisiness at mmli in Texas. Then wimen I convinced him that time ) ' were , lie matle time exception of bank clerks. I know timat there is exnctlv smmclm a law in Texas. that it was passed at the instance of the Ormier of Railway Conductors - ductors , and timat time bond companies con- tlnued to do huslnes under the law. apd ftmrtimer. that I made. a. copy of the Texas law and hnd it introduced in time Nebraska leglslrmturm' nit imouse rohh No. i'D and senate file No. 137. timrotmgh time Icindimesa of Itepre. sentntlve Jenneis anti Senator SmIth , nntl am glad to say that timey are usIng their best efforts to have thin same become a law , and we- have such confidence in time fairness anti jitstness of a mum Iority of time members of both imouses , au indicated In oilier mean- ures which have recently been before them , thmat we imave no dotuhmt btmt what lime mens- are will in time become mt law. Mr. Palmer niso told me that if we womml,1 withdraw the bill , or have sections 1 anmi S amended so that no ( leflottIt would be re- qtmireil , nnd that the names of' Informants would not have to be furnisimemi. that he wommld get inc a written guarantee that im"re- after in cases of refimeal to accept risks hint tIme companies would ftlrrish specIfic renmsoflq for such reftusals , and , of cnurse , thIs woitid help tin 0 good deal , but ( lit ) name of our traducer it time vital part of time bill. It is jtlst an rc'asonnmhho to require a bond corn- panv to furumlimim tue names of tale bearers aim it is to reqmmire time ptmblinimer of paper in a libel suit to authenticate its correspqmmd- once. There are lust four Itemq in tIme bill re- fem'retl to tshmieh we consider vital to time emnloyes : A deposit In case of damace or libel stilt ; the retisonie for refusah of imonti : the names ut all parties making coumplaint anti time rlgumt to deposit time cnsh to time extent of our bond or fturnish glut edged personal seetmrity , -ttr. nm ( u.n niihlln nit , ) llm lemeislature if there is anything unfair In our demands , We believe time gtiarnntee companies can af. ford to withiirtmw their lobby , allow tillS lull to ntisi mind still tin immmsines 1mm the state of Nebrat'ica ; otimerwlec. for my part , I wotmld certainly favor Indefinitely postponimig time proposed nicastIra. for , as I saul be-fort' . We most hmavci hiond comimtmnies , anti if not old limie companies. timen rniitmtal compatmles. Inasmtmt'h as this nrtlclo in partly denim- cinmtory of bond compztnies In general , it is imotuming' more timnmn rlgiit to sav timnt the Na- tionith Stmretv company of 1ensas ( 'ltv iq almost a a W corporat'nfl and , to our knowi. edge , imnts never wrong0I , an applicant , anti clmnrgcs time lowest prcmiunms of nny corn- holly doing inmiminess In time state. I wish to tnte that In writing titus article I amn acting as clmutlrmntfl hf a committee from time Order of flaihrotmti 'relegraphmers. and not as tin indivIdual. antI as stated In nimothier article on time eummo subject , I have some ImesItumlicy in eignin mY name , nut I am fimrnishdng rntnrumntee bond , but in case the mmteagtlre tails to become a law. I tb not know 1)0w maw I will be. halt I must be con. sistent with the main featmirest of time bill. If yoth have either rood or bad to Ray of a person , nay it to his face or over votlr own signnttmre , , E.GILLTLAND. Wine ! Drink Cook's .i0xtra Dry Chmatnpagne , \VIntoI Pure jtiico naturally fermented , \VIne ! Of forty years record , Try It. . - svhiI Slake it a hiotol. 3. 11. MeTague hums mamie arrangements to open ill ) a first-class European hotel about May 1 in time Jieddiche bioche , wimero his grill and oyster rooms are now located. iCe huH leased the two upper stories mmnti vIhi lit up about thirty rooms and two irivate thliming rootas , which , in cotmmmection wlthm his grill reams , wimiclm are to be divimled Into smtail1 , wIll giv0 him ammtphe mooln to provide for time loiter roan , The indies' dintimg room will also be greatly improved. wimlie the whole house wIll be remodeied at a probable cost of $10IXO. The ( urmmisImlngit wIll cost fully as much nero anti will be of time latest style. The front of time buIlding is ( a be remodeled - modeled anti painted wimlte , with a lig iron canopy coverllmg the nmitllm stairway elm- trance. Time appoitmtmeimtit ftntI service will be copied after tile iineitt of ICuropeami hotels A8PECIAITY CRA85 MILLET AND CANE CLOVER. TIMOTHY. T. c- . 141X1.1430 hobo Ave. . ICaasuI 0i11'MO. In the' east. TIme 1mnth will be mrtnngc'd by thif' MeTagime company. of whmiehm Jnmeui MeTmmgtie in tile prst1e-nt ( and manager. Work will be begtmt on the buildlimg ems Marchm 1 , .S9OOXAT.ED CHAMTIES , SubscripIion for this ltelittf of time 1)eserv- ing l'nor of Ornusim , , motint formerly acknowledgeti , , . , , , $103 75 Mem-chmmtnt National an , , , , , , , , . , , , , , 2(3) ( 00 10. IC , 1Itmntphre' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , j Rmhmhmyen freighmt atmciitor' depart- , , , ) mtehmt Union l'acllo railway , . , . _ , . , 10 2.7 Cash 1t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 lflplOVCS 1F. . lirthee & Co , , , , , . , . , , , 0 tfl Friend , , _ . . . , . , , . . , . , , . , . , , , , , , . . . . . . , . 21 (11 .7. 0. I'hihhlltmth , , , , . . , , mu , , , . , , , , , , , . , . . , , , 6.0(1 StIums tmnder $1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , , , , . . , , , Ftirtimcir tomintions of mmtoney , fuel , ciothmimt atmd Itrovislolmit s'er' urgently Imeedeti , Solid "ithumtht tielay. 'Pime deimmnlmtin (111011 tIn are tlotmhht' What they 'rre last winter and to 1mtett ' thmemim mmi least 05,00' ' ) is reqimired. 'iOhIN i.AiJUihIANI. Secm'etnr' , 0 Tel. 1616 , 507 ilowmird street. i Rats and cockroachmes killed by mihiloni with Steam's ilectrlc i'aste 25c. v. i' . T. U. Memitorlal tati , CIIICAC3O , Peim. 4.-in accordance with proclatnatioim ehmmalmntihmg frommm lImo lieatiqthnr- tern of time Natiommal Wonmeum's Cimristinn Tctmiimeraimo union,3'estcrtiay Ivan tiniversitily Ob8er'el thmrommghmotmt thifl UnIted States as mnetmmorlal tin ) ' for Mrs. Mary ' 1' . Lithmrop , time late imresldeimt of thm mmatiommztl brgmtimlzatiomm , \\'iilnrtl ball tns nccortiimmgly thmi' 1.C1)lie of elaborate services In Itotmor of time diStilm gtmisimcti wimite ribbottet' , l'nrttigtiesn l.mss ' , Vit't Somali. LOltiN7.OiAilQU1' / , ichngoa Bay , F'eb. 4.-lum time ehmeetlliter hmtweemm time l'or- t , tugtlese troops mmd time rebels at 'mimtraqtlemmo , tell InileS frotmm hmert' , atm Sttttmrmlay last , time ' lost ' ' soldiers flInt l'ortthgtlese utc'ehm % 'hilto t'eaty Imatives killed. Time eumetmm' host. 200 killed , _ _ _ _ _ I ! PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRIES fly purcimasing goods inatlo at tIme following Nebraska factories , If you cannot fluId what you want. conmnmummlcato witlm time ummntmtmtac- turers as to what dealers handle timeir goods : 1L.fS , lffJIfI..iI' 1.\'lI Tl11.\'L' . BEIS OMAHA BAG CO. Manufacturers of all kinds of cotton & burlap bags , cotton flour sacks & twine a specialty. Gi lG-Gi8 13. i1tlm.l , - .11)22 1J,6111S. TilE NEBRASKA BRUSH FACIORY. A. S. Green , Manager. Sianimfacturers of bruebea of ailklnds. 507 8 , I3tlu mit. , Ommmnlma , Neb. .lit2l2l ICI'.IS F .I'Y2013 , J'l.OUU , 1'12.1NT. wI1 _ PRESTON & CO. Manufacturers of Preston's California Flakes , Sickle brand el esising flour & yeast. Do you use Preston's beSt Itour ? . - - - - - - .13,1 1211"J I'O mb'1)I212. - - I v. KEITH CO. 1.fantmfnctureri of Mrs. Keith's Pure lInkifli Powder , Extracts & Self Rising llucicwheaL ' Sold by all grocers. 615 8. IRhm et. Tel. 1809. 11)12 12 Ii'.12121ES. O1AllA B1E\VING ( \ ASSOCIATION. Car load shipments made in our own refrigerator cars. Iliac Ribbon , ElIte Export , Vienna Export. nod Family Export , delivered to allparts of city. ( j.112IC1.l ( Jfl .1.1cToI2r1s. FROST & hAulS. Carriage & Wagon Makers. Carriages , buggies , phaetona & wagons altvays on hand & made to order. 1313-15 Harney-st. , Omaha. "ce C0PF121 : : , i'iciis , .H.IICIXG I'Ulrlth'12. CONSOLIDATED COFFEE CO , , ' Coffee Roasters , SpIce Grinders. Manufacturers German flaking Powder and German Dry hop Yeast. 314-16 8. 12th street , Omalmnm. .l"LUUIC. 5 , F , GILMN , Manufacturer of 001.1 Medal Flour , l C. II. Black , Manager , Omaha. " J.'ul1)NIrultl2 rAuruIfrx2s. O1A11A UII1OLSTER1NG CO. Manufacturers of parlor furniture , lounges , din. ing tables & folding beds. 26th ave. , Boyd ta SaltIer streets. INS tJJ2lNC'L5. L1FEINSURACE CO. Over one nmtlllon tiollare go out of Nebraska every year for no better lmiaurmnce than is fur. nishmed by the Union Lle of Omaaima , Agents wanted in every town in Nebraska. I,1c .INI ) COJL. SOUTH O1AHA ICE AND COAL CO. Domestic & steam coal. We liitve time best. Of. flee 1CR Farnam-at. Telephone : Office 373 , yard 1766. J , A. Doe , gen'h manager. - IRON IJ'OlfJCS. INDUSTRIAL IRON IVORKS. Manufacturing & repairing of nil kinds of ma. chmlnery , engines , pumps , el vatom-mm , printing presses. hangers , shafting & .ouplinga. 1406.1 lfowarci'st , , Omaha , PhOENIX FOUNDRY CO. FIre hydrants , water & gas pipe , specials ; boiler fronts & fittings , street Wy car wheels. .Arciii. toctural Iron works. Office 201 8. I6thm-st , , Omaha. , PAXTON & VIERLING IRON \YORKSI \ j M't'r's of Architectural Iron Work , General Foundry , Machine and Blacksmith Work. lun. gineers & Contractors for Fireproof liuhidinga. Ofilce and Works , 11 , 1' . Hy , & So. 17th Street , Omaha. , ) Il NUP.tJ'I'UItINI U111.lIJS LW , MERCE1tCflEMICALCOMI2 , Manufacturers of fluid extracts , elixime , syrups. & mylnes , compressed trituratea , hypodermic tab. hetspihle & scientiflo medical novelties. Omaha. iLl TTIC1S.S 12 , Co 'f , , t.'JfIISX. ' L , C DOUP , Manufacturer Mattresses , Spring fled. ; Jobber Feathiere and Pillows. Northm 10th and Nicimolal fits. , Omaha , - . . NIUJIT ) ! ' : TU1tI .1"IJlIf . ' 21f12 l'WI' . AMERICAN DISTRIGT TELEGRAPH , Time only perfect protection to property. hIram. ins it , ilest timing on earth , Reduces lnsurammcs rate ! , 1204 Douglas-It. . - OVHtiI1.f J.1ol'oin : . - ' KILPATRICIt.XOCH DRY GOODS CD , Manufacturers & jobbers of thic celebrated Shuck. skin brand shirts , pants , overalls & duck cloth. lag. 1201.3.6 Barney-st. Factory 11ns1 Omalma. - . 1iTZ-NEVINS CO. Mammufacturerm' of men's & boy , clothing , pang. shIrts & overallLiOSiiSH.31tim-st. JIOXICS. Manufacturers of all kInd. paper boxes , shelf boxes , mmanpio cases , mailing tubes , etc. wed. dimig eake & fancy candy boxes , druggist & jewelry boxes. 120B10 Jones-st. , Ornahia , iT TiF1lUTJ2I. VANS--EBRASXA SHIRT CO1 J , II , - - ExclusIve custom hmimt tailors , ' 3115 Farnam street , Telephone 903. VJ'f1t1jJJ1IP4 J'JNI JiItIClC. _ _ : BOLLOIIA , , NEB. I"iiCtor3' In Louisville , Case Co Quollty of brichc guaranteed to be a. gOOdI As any mav3facIure4 outside , cml this slateIlenry hiolIn.