Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 05, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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F . r' . ,
, , . . - 'TIJE OMAhA DAUYi31ThTUES1)AY . . , FEBRUARY 5 , 1S95. "
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Trnaur Department Takes n Rosy View
of the Qountry'e Rovmue3.
nnouncl lmt 'ndcRcl or .R UcOclt 11G
" ' 11 IhllY n Credit Inlnnco In the
' 're.8Irr or Over ' % Ivcnt-
Two ) lllon .
\VASI1INGTO1 I eb. 1.-Secretary Carlisle
fubmlled a letter at Information to the
lenato today which dissipates the gloomy
torebolng a to I lack at revenue to carry
on the government. I Is 1 In response to I
rlaoluton ot Inquiry adopted this weel
The letter Is lS tolDws :
"In reply to senate resoluton ot Janunry
28 , 1895 , that the secretary at the treasury
be directed to Inform the sente what Is
the estimated deficiency In the revenues at
the government to pay current expenses be.
tIeen the ' 3lst day at ecemher. 1891 , and
the 31st day at December , 189 . and I the
$151a37,579.99 cash balance In the treasury
on the 31st day at leccmher ISI ! , wIll be
RUfclent to meet such denclecy , I haVe the
honor to state that tram estmates made upon
the basIs ot lawe now In force It Is believed
for the twelve months elding December 31 ,
1895 , the revenues ot the government from all
sourcc will exceed ordinary expenditures by
$ 22iG3O23. Iteptctfuliy .
J. O. CAItLlShF. Secretary.
The reading at the letter was closely followed -
lowed by the Renators.
. Mr. McPherson . democrat at Nw Jersey ,
went to the clerIc's desk to Ilersonaly insPect -
spect It. Then Mr. Aldrich ] , republican : at
Hhole ] Islad , sent for It and a groUI ) ot rePublican -
Publican sen'ltor gathered about him and
read I over his shouhler. Mr. Gormal
smiled significantly at the secrctary's direct
and positive estimate at the ampleness of the
Mr. Viiis. democrat at ' 'hconsln , from
the Judiciary committee , favorably reported
the bill retiring Mr. Justice HO\el Jackson
from the United States supreme court bench
and asked Illedlato consideration ot the
Mr. Aldrich , still holding secretary Car- I
lisle's letter. suggested that Bore other :
things would prevent the full consilleraton I
ot this measure and It accordingly went over.
. . Mr. Davis of Minnesota Presented the cre-
clentals at Knute Nelson elected a senator
tram that state for six years , beginning March :
4 next.
. The ' house bill to establIsh a national military -
Iary park at Gettysburg . l'a. . wa passel.
A resolution was agreed to calling on the
Interstate Commerce Commission to furnish
Intorniatlon as to contracts between the Ca-
nadian Pacific Railroad comany and Amer-
Icon hues , by which the former refrained
front competing In freIght and passenger
trafc In certain localities.
The house bIll was passed to regulate ] commerce -
merce on the great lakes and connecting
waters as to lights . signals. etc. , to extend
the international code alrrdy established .
The se ate then resumed consIderation orS
S the Dlsttlct ot Columbia appropriation bill ,
and at 6:05 : Illjoured. .
. J JAT(1 ANI ! 1\.1. ; SCIIU' .
Another lxCUnl : Scene un the Floor of the
HOISf ot IteprcseIItativcM.
. WASHINGTON Feb. 4.-Durlng a hot colloquy -
. loquy over the adoption at an order to con-
sider the currency bill , Mr. hail , democrat
ot Missouri denounced a statement ot Mr.
latch , democrat of Missouri , lS absolutely
false. Mr. Hatch denanty declared that Mr
hull would not use such language to him ort
the floor. Great contusIon followed . and the
speaker ] was obliged to cal the sergeant-at-
arms to enforca order.
The omnibus war claims bill was conshl-
r bi
ered when the house met. Some routine
busIness preceded the presentation ot the
( special order. The conference reports on the
' fortifiCations and army appropriation bill
, were hdopted.
- Bills were passed to authorize the Kansas
& Northwestern Raldroad company to con-
struct a railroad across the Indian territory :
to authorIze the governor of Alaska to create
precincts and appoInt Justices at the peace.
Mr. Catchilngs tram the committee on
Dishes . then introduced a speeal : order for the
consIderation of the omnibus war claims bIll.
: ' 44 I gave the day to the consideration , ot the
' bill. with provisions for I vote. at 4 o'elock.
Under its terms any items In the bill not for
stores and sUllples favorably reported tram
the committee should be subject to a point
at order.
MiS. Mahon , republican of Pennsylvania requested -
quested the rght : of the committee OIL rules
to bring In such I rule.
Mr. l3eltzhioover . democrat at lenns'lvanla.
made an Indlglant speech protesting against
the rule. lie characterized this lS an attempt .
tempt at the rule committee to ride rough-
shod over a decided majority at the war
claims commlte . He appealed to the
speaker not to hold that such a report was
In order.
Mr. Catchings In reply. warmly declared
h , that every Item In the bill had been found
duo by the court of claims aol hall been
' favorably . reported from the committee on
war ' claims. The omnibus bill . to which
Mr. Bel"hoover had referred on the other
hand , had contaIned a claim ot $1.000,000 by
citizens at Pennsylvania which bad never
been favorably acted upon by the court at
claims. Addressing himself to the merits at
the bill Mr. Catchlnrs said that only $12.000.- I
' , for claims
000 hall been 'IPllroprJaled war , I
despite the public Impression that the Bum
was much lar er. ,
After sOle further debate Of the point at
order In the course at whIch ! I. herman ,
republican at Oregon , protested pslnst the
method ot legIslation proposed by'this order ,
lS n usurpation at power by the ommlte on
rule . the speaker overruled the point at
Mr. CatchlnrK then demanded the prevIous
question. On a rising vote It was ordered ,
! 7 to 73 , but Mr. Malmon. republican of
Pennsylvania . made the point ot ito , quorum
und Mr. Oatchlngs demandIng the yeas and
lays , time rol WM called.
The I.revlou8 fIUl'ton was ordered . 128 to
! 5. Under the rules fIfteen minutes was then
allowed on I side for Ilebate. Mr. Dockery
4 4 at MIssouri was very earnest In his opposition
to the bill , which he said. carrleJ $718G63 ,
distributed as tolows :
Alabama . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 25.010
Arlciiisw ' : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49.0
O'urgia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 .
] ( [ n&II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , .O
Kentucky ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21,000
l.llhlanit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f.o
1ryllnll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411.0 ,
lllaslssllPI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ; 7.0
: 115ulri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l .Co
. . New York . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.01 )
,1. , I I'ennmiylvania . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21,01
'J'emlnebsee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 .0
Virginia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40.0
' \elt VIrginia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , H.O
District or Columbia. . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00
Norll Carolina . . . . . . . , . . . . . . 801
Illinois . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ . . . . . . . C
'ho bill carrying these claims hall been
Introduced by Mr. Catchings. lIe agreed
, vlh Mr. Hoell that tIme French Hpolaton
claims were maIo meritorious than those
because they hall the actual Judgment at a
Mr. Sayers chaIrman of the appropriation
coulmitte ( ' , also took a decided stand against
the allOtol ' ot time order and the passage
of this bill. Mr. Germal at Oregon advu-
cated the adoption ot the order.
After some : further debate Mr. Heell closed
for the opposition , contenln , ! that all classes
ot chima rCllorlC1 tram the court at claims
Ilould lD treated alike and nn appropriation
' should bo mUlle I the condition ol the treas-
11'1 warrAnted I , to bD Iplle.1 , on all . In-
stead , this bill Ilroposell , otter a debate of
e 11 both' . to pay claims ot a certain' class
: tor a certain section only , no submitted
I that this was unjust
i- Air CatchinGs II reply , deprecated tIm cry
, I of sectIonalism . These dahns for Ile\os
taken tram loyal cllzens during the war
canto naturally from the south because the
.outb vas time tb01ter ot Ihl war This
cry might ns well have been raised against
the payment of time Illan depredation
claims They . too Cllne trom a sectIon .
The claims had all hell found to bo just and
clue by the court ot claims.
The vole on the 1110pta at the order
was then takem . The I'clult . of the rl cal
was 9G to 248. which defeated the adoption
of Ihe rule by a large lajorly all slowed
n Ilronounced reversal at lentmclt since
r the veto on the previous question.
Mr. Outbwalu of Ohio presented I speciAl
' -4
. _ . .
. . _ 4& -
order from the committee on rules for the
conalceraton ot the new currency bill . The
rule 11"0 tomorrow and Wednesday until 3
o'clock for general debate and thereafter en-
ti 330 p. m. Thursday when the vote should
bo taken for the consideration ot the bill
under the nve.mlnuto rnle.
Mr. Outhwaite's assertion the rule was satla.
factory to eli factions In the house aroused
the Ire at Mr. hatch ot Missouri . who in-
dlgOtely declared It represented only the
banking and currency committee and that
! anl commite
committee represented only time banks
Mr Hnl at Missouri resented this stnc-
ment denouncIng It ns "absolutely ralso. '
"If the gentleman lots . not know that "
he ! mihiotited "he knows nothing about the
committee . "
Mr. Hatch grew exceedingly wrathy at Mr.
Ifahl's remarks. lie agreed to withdraw
what he hall ( saul If the gentleman would cite
to him a single bill reported by tbe com-
mlUce on banking anti currency In the interests .
terest at the peoille. "I will say , " he added
defiantly , turning to : [ r. hail , "the gentle-
man's language Is not such lS ho would
dare to use to me oft the floor at the house. "
Instantly the house was In great confusion
ant the member crowded about expecting
a possible relict lon ot tIm row ot Friday
last but the speaker ordered the sergeant-
at.arms to see that the gentlemen were
seated The incident went no further , ns
: Ir. Outh\nlto demal\led ( the previous ques-
tion. which was ordered
The rule was aloltCil . 13 to 28. after
which the house wont Into the committee
ot the whole and took up the agricultural
Mr Hainer at Nebraska offered an amend-
ment to assess hal the cost ot inspecting
meat for export on the owners ot the meat
Mr. Hatch made a point at order against
It and the amendment was Passed over.
Mr. homer declared 10 better friend at
real , genuine agriculture existed than Secre-
tnry Morton. "I Any that , " ho said , "even :
It ho Is a democrat " I
The bi was then passed all the Hawaiian
correspondence was laid before the house.
Tuesday , February 26 , was set aside for
eulogies of the life ot the late RepresentatIve
Post ot Illinois.
At 5:30 : the house adjourned until 1
o'cloc ] tomorrow.
Secretary Urosllm Sends \nothor ) Hatch
10 time Ihlse. ,
WAShINGTON , Feb. 4.-ln the Hawaiian
correspondence submitted to the house today -
day Secretary Gresham states that the do- :
thtt ce-
partmcnt has no Information In regard to
arms having been furnished by British sub-
jects to persons ; In rebellion against the
government ot the Hawaiian islands but In
a telegram from the United States minister
at 10nollll January 11 , forwarded by way at
San Francisco , Mr. Willis says : "Arms ro-
lrted to have been brought from VancoUver .
couver hy Norma. " The dellatment has no
information In regard to any intervention by
representatives ot Great Britain to prevent
the Ipplcaton at martal law hy thmo
Hawaiian government to those concerned
In the recent rebellion who claIm to be
Britsh subjects or at any foreign repres nta-
tivo whatever In the case , other than n statement -
mont contnlned In a hate of the HawaiIan
minister of January 20. that the Britsh commissioner -
missioner at Honolulu , Mr. Ha\es , has called
upon the government to give him assurances
that no capital punishment wi bo inflicted
upon the insurrectionists . there being fifteen
Englishmen under arrest which requested
assurance the government bas refused to
Under date lt Honolulu , November 10.
Minister Willis transmitted to Secretary
Gresham the following note at tIme same date
from Minister hatch . the Hawaiian mln.ster
at foreign affairs. adding that when he received -
ceived It ho had telegraphed the secretary
tIme facts brIefly :
"Department ot Foreign Affairs . Honolulu .
November 10.-Slr : Information has just
been received lt this office tending to show
that a filibustering expedition against this
government , Is being fitted out In San Francisco -
cisco and that one of the following steam
Vessels the nosalo or tIme Alexandria , will
be used for the purpose. The information
points more strongly to the latter I desire
to ask the good ofces or the government
to prevent the shipment of arms on these
vessels I' for such purposes.
" ' wr UA"U"
On fhe 9th Instant the i : a t ; ge
d'affaires called at the department on my
Im'laton. and In reply to an Inquiry said he
had no information that arms had ) been or
were to be shIpped from San Francisco for
usa against the government at Hawaii . Fol-
lowing this correspondence with Mr. Willis
there was an exchange at notes between
Secretary Gresham anti Mr. Timursten . the
minister here whlcb Is interesting mainly
because at the insinuation by the latter that
the presence 'ot nn American warsblp at
Honolulu ] would be acceptable . Mr. Thuraton
Wrote January 20 :
"Slr-1 have the honor to Inform you that
I have received trom lY government teleg-
raphic coniunications stating that the insurrection -
surrecton at Honolulu was broken : that
several at the leaders and their remaining followers -
lowers were fugitives In the mountains : that I
the 1rltsh commissioner at Honolulu . Mr.
Hawes . has called upon the governor ot
hawaii to give him assurances that no capital
punishment will be inflicted upon time Insur-
rectonists , there being fifteen Englshmen
tInder arrest . which requested assurance tile
government has refused to give. The subject
or the presence at nn American manot-war
at honolulu hiss been recently the subject ot
discussion In the press and elsewhere. I
docs not lie within my province to suggest
any course ot acton on the part of the
United States concerning such subjects. I
feel , however that It Is cue to your govern-
ment and to the large American population
and property Interests In HawaiI to state
that nlhough time government at hawaii Is ,
anti wi contnue In the future as It has
been In the past tnly able to maintain itself
agaJnst the ntacks ot all domestic enemies.
In view at the serious nature of the charges
nov pending against a large number ot both
foreigners and and natives and ot other corn-
Illcated conditions . time state ot affairs at
time 'Islands Is critical : lS In the event at
further insurrection or complication . although
the government will use every endeavor to
protect foreign citizens and their property ,
I Is not Impossible that sudden contingencies
may arise or Isolated acts ot violence take
place agaInst which the government with its
polce and mIlitary force may telPorarly
be unable to afford Protectiomm. "
In his reply Secretary Gresharn January
20. ! aId : " 0mm receipt at a dispatch from
Mr. Wiis yesterday ] morning on the slbje t
ot the uprising which was immediately gIven
to time press a warship was at once ordered
to proceed tram San Francisco to 10nolulu
to effort ] neo < 11 protection to any Americans
entitled to It. That tact was also announced
by the press Saturday and this morning and
I naturaly supposed that the announcement
hal attracted your notice. "
Omnh ) , ' . , M all t"r'lno ICxtenIo(1.
WAShINGTON . Fob 4.-Speela ( [ Tele.
gram.-Superlnten 'Yh I e. or the rail.
way mal service . has ordered that n mal
pouch tram Omaha shul hereatter be lent
trom Sheridan , \'yo" , to Billings I , Mont .
b ' route , instead ot
by the lllngton through
St Iaul 1) ' Ihe Norther paclc road. . as
imeretofore . Uller thlB system t.ent.three
hours wIll l saved 10 time business Interest
ol the city ot Omualma
A petition has been received 11 the Ne.
lrslm congressIonal delegation from the
olcerl ot the North Plate Nnlonal bank
l'eflestnJ emit extension or time In which to
straighten imp affairs with n view ot reopen.
imlg . 'l'ile Iletloneers stlte that If they are
allowed aclllonal timne . they cnn reHume
buslnesR. nmmd . at time sale time , protect
thplr Intlvlllal interests
ConJreHhman lclelghan ha9 returned to
'ushlngton for the Irst lmo since the
opening at this session .
( ' tiange. In IRnl , om..r" .
WAShINGTON Feb. 4.-(8peclnl Teie.
gram.-The comptroller of the currency
hus been 10tneil ot the following changes
In ofcer of national banks : Nebraska-
First National bank or 1Irtnston , T. P.
Cark Irolldrnt. In place of James " ' . Itar.
111. mlec'emmsed . Iown-Flrst Natonal bank
at o .1'el&ld. Will I. Ilonnofleld . assistant
cashl"I' tn place ot J. W. larlan : I"lrat Na.
tonll bank or Newton Lee llrowmi . apslst.
ant cashier : First Natolml of Itoektord . G.
A. Lyon Ilslptnnt cashier. south Dakota-
Flnt Natonal bani or Mitchell . John O.
'Yalrath. vice president . In Place of Th'mus
C. lnw\'ler : Dakota National bank at Sioux
Fala. t. ) S. Carpenter . assistant cashier :
First National bank of Del RapIds . O. I" .
Bowls , president In Place at J. A. Cooley
- - - - -
Nlllnll'n 1.01.11 , Iclmrloll.
WAShINGTON. Feb. 4.-'he senate judi-
duty committee today ) ' voted td report ta-
vorably the nominatIons of Holmes 'Conrall
at Virginia for solicitor general and I. M.
Dickinson ot Tennessee , for assistant attor.
ney general
Roper that ForeIgn houses Will Take the
Now Loan
Inrfan of Engraving and [ 'rlnlnl Hlmored
to lie 1 > Inrl In 1llnlnl time New
. Juuo Arountng to 8100,000,000
-Oold WIl Como trom , \bro" .
WASINOTON , Pci 4.-So tar ns can be . '
learned there has been no chang In time bond
situation . All ot time officers are extremely
reticent on the subject and decline to either
affirm or deny any at the rumors brought to
their attention . One rumor which had In
apparently good basis was that the bonds
for time new Issue Were already being printed
at time bureau ot engraving anli printing ,
but like the others It could not bl confirmed .
The cncensus ot opinion Is that a bond issue
to foreign purchasers , directly or Indirectiy .
will bo male very soon , antI that all ar-
rangements to this end arc substantially com-
liloto. The Imount which the ndmmminlstra-
ton contemplates Issuing and may gvo ; no-
tce at at any time now Is $100,000.000 , to
rUI thlrly years. Arrammgemmmemmts . It Is believed -
lieved . have been practically commclutled assuring -
suring the government that these bomls will
be Paul for with foreign gold
NRW YORK I eb. .I.-The Press tomorrow
will say : On reliable authority the Press Is
able to announce that the new bond Issue
wi be taken UII hy a syndicate composell
at American anti foreign banleers. The Issue
will be at least $100,000.000 ot the UnIted
States government 4 per cents and may be
more Time . delay Is Uulerstod to be , lue to
time exact figures at which they wIll be sold.
The men who will umerwrle ] the new issue .
according to the best Informaton ot ' 'al
street , are the Itotimschiids . represented here
by Algust fleimmIomIt J. Ilerrpout Morgan and
several llrminent local nlanclers who are the
heals ot bIg moneyed Institutions II the cIty .
Several Importalt factors ha\1 contributed
to bring the local financiers Into the Ieal. ] In
the first place neither the 110rgals nor the
Delmonts have much gold here and
hence would ha\'e to draw on the banks
so that the later would have to
nguro II time transaction In that wa ) II
the next place the Itotlisehilds ] so I Is stated .
arc just as anxious to have the local monl'ed
men II the deal as the later .are alxlous to
be In timemseives
Assistant Treasurer Jordan II discussing
time situation hall this to sa ) : "I do not ox-
pect Mr CurtIs will fnll I necessary to come
to New York agnimm . Judging front the inquiries -
quiries WE have received . I think there would
be pleuty ot demand for the bonds when once
they are ready to be issued. "
The general convlctol Is that the loan will
be amlnounceil In a very short time. The
Ilnouncel tme.
Press also learned tram trustworthy sources
there will be an opportummity given to the
public to mak a bid 01 the new bonds. In-
silo advices arc that the local financiers will
take about $50,000.000 ol the new loan and
the remalndlr will go to torelgn houses.
Only Jntendod a8 R'Telllomry IlcRUrO to
. TIde Over l'r. cnt Iiimlmcumties.
WASHINGTON , Feb. 4-Calculations at
the supporters and opponents of the new administration -
ministration fnancial bill were upset today
by the interjection ot a new factor Into the
campaign. Mr. Reed ot Maine the repub-
lcan leader , brought forward I new plan
for which ho Is endeavoring to enlist the
entire strength of his party , and which' ' he
will oner as I substitute for the administr-
ton scheme It he thinks his plan can com-
mall sufcient IJpport to make It a factor
In time nght. There are but two sections to
time Reed plan In the form In which he has
submitted It to his coileagtmes. The first
proposes to restrict the law ot 1875 , which
authorizes the secretary at the treasury to
issue bonds to redeem the greenbacks to 3
Iler cent bonds. The second secton authorIzes -
Izes the secretary ot the treasury when there
Is n deficit to issue certificates ot Indebt-
edness to pay current expenses the certificates -
cates to bD In sums or $25 , $50 and $100. and
any multples thereof bearing Interest lt 3
per cent and payable In coin. The bill , as
Mr. Reed explained to the republicans whose
support he soimght Is but a tmuporary ex-
pedllnt to tide over the present distress. The
substitution ot "coin" for the gold provisions
of the administraton plan Is expected to win
for It the toleration , It not the support at the
tree silver men who bitterly oppose all propo-
sitons to discriminate by stipulation In any
b ! In favor at gold its comparative sim-
plciy , It Is expected will commend the bill
to the house In preference to more complex
pIa us.
Mr. need devoted himself assiduously
throughout the day to cloak rom consultations -
tions with the republicans. 10 first endeavored -
deavored to elicit time opinions of the gold men
and then tackled the silver men. The meas-
urn ot his success Is difcult to estimate. The
plan 'is to ofer the bill lS a substitute for
time administration bill . and by poling the
solId reublcan vote whlo the democrats arc
divided on the administration bill . make It the
most formidable proposition In the field and
perhaps Induce the democratic opponents ot
port. the administration bill to rally to its BUP-
, Chairman Springer and his colleagues have
counted on most ot the republican vote for
time administration bill , end have pr.phealet
It woull poll about the same support that
was given to the repeal ot the purchasing
clause ot the Sherman act. Accordingly Mr.
Reed's move has upset their calculations to a
great extent.
FH1 g SH.YI'n sg'roits Ac'rIVI .
hope to Get me Measure Fnyonhly 1epol'lol
from the Finance Comamamittro .
WASHINGTON , Feb. 4.-lnterest In the
financial question about the senate centered
In the activity of time silver senators and the
frequent consultations held by them. This ,
taken In connection with the cal issued by
Senator Voorhees , chairman at the fnance
committee . for I meeting at the commitee
tomorrow , led to the general supposition
that an attempt would be made by the silver
advocates on time commlteo to secure the
reporting at a free silver bill . Inquiry among
the member at the committee failed to tie-
velop any absolute assurance that the effort
would be nmade but enough was said ] In lan ) '
quarters to indicate that the general suppo-
siton was not wihout good toundaton ammO
to justify the statement that the silver men
'are very hopeful at bringinG a tree coinage
bill out of tIme commltee.1 not lt tomorrow'
meetng , at the next one to be held They
believe Senator Jones at Nevada wi unite
with Senators Voorhees , harris , Vest Jones
of Arkansas , and White In lupport at fame
measure that will he satIsfactory to the silver
mmion _ _ _ _ _ .
lulo Hmlh OIIIOSR time lull.
WASHINGTON , Feb. 4.-Secretary Smih
has made an adverse report on House
Di 79 for time benefit of settlers on Iub-
lie lands lying : In Bemlarld sectIons. Time oh-
joeL ot the bill Is to allow certain setters
In Nebraska , tIme Dakotas , Kansas and , Od : -
homa to make final proofs al their imorno-
steads amid timber claims lt the end at two
years of eOltuuous settement and Improvo-
macftc Instead at five year as now In vogue.
A large number at these setters have been
obliged to leave their homes telporarly to
slPllort theIr families because at long can.
tlued drouth . and Secretary Smih udvlbes
against legislation In view at the act muthmor-
Izlng local ofcers to grant leave at absence
to setter on public lands who through total
or Ilartal destruction or failure at crops or
other unfavorable casualty are unable to
maintain snpport for themselves and family
on time land settled on
Xellrni Report 01 time 8UII'1 10unty 11
WASHINGTON , Feb. -Senator Michel
cat Oregon of the subcommittee on claims ,
'hlch considered the bill for paying sugar
bountes for last year today reported the bill
wlhout recommendaton to the full com-
mitee for such - action as t thinks proper.
IJvll'llh for Uunk CI.clton.
wASIHNaT0N Fob -Tho comptrolerft
the currency has declared divIdends In favor
at the creditors at Insol\ect nltonal banks
ems follows :
Twenty.fve per cent , the Hutchinson Ni'
Has Fight Days to close 01lte
M J , . .
I , - i : > New Firm Tl1e11 '
I /
Mcii's U1IdwearA
Men's price ; IL'ht at. fleeced . . . , gogds . former . . . 4c
: [ ( n'R heavy cotuUm . ' \\nllerwear. \
formerly $ .0 cotdlnllerwear. I Sllflt. . . . Oc
Ien's heavy fleceri , underwear
former price $1.10. A.l' J ! : . . . . . . . OOC
Men's Cnmel'R halnllll11erweal.
men's natural wOQl .ltalerwear
Iortmouth rib In 'tnh ' and blue
men's medicated red Ulderwear. 7 5
before we .011 out We sold them
at $ 1.2.5 to $1.1G , now you get n
Whole suit for . . . . . . . . . . . . . CC"t , ,
Men's liea'y Australian vool . tor. ) !
mer mice $ i.&o n suit . at . . . . - , :
Men'R lightweight wool tmnder ' . 80
wear cheap lt $ .0 I unler . . ri O 10
1leit's Furiiisliiiigs-
Ted ties , former price 21. at. . .
2 pair for
Mcii's blnck anti tan cotton hose Inlr
with double soles . . coton . . . . . . . - C
.1 for
' "
4'llr lInen colors. . . . . . . . . . - C
2 paIr for
4 ,
Linen culTs . . . . . . . . . . . . . : C
. 2 for
: Ien' . silk teek and four-In-Ilnd
ties . former price I f.Oe. . . . . . . . ' Gc
3 for
Men's hlav ) ' natural hose , for- : I
1lcn's ) ' 7Gc . . . . laturl . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 : I
3for ,
Men's Imeavy 'ictmmma hose , formers : 00
I \ I sold for 7e. \lc ; < ln . . . . . . . . . . . . -t 100
Btntkets and Cotl orts
This stock If .0 large I Is one of the do-
Ilrtments In which \e malee n deep ctmt
'rhe prices were nbout hilf the cost oran -
reduced ufmtcturimig : before . Held them 10W , again
$1.3 Blalltl mmow. . . . . . . . . . . $ .97
$1.60 Ihiankets mmow. . . . . . . . . .
$ l.'JS BIIIIetl mmow. . . . . . . . . . . . 100 .
2.33 Jlnnl'ets 10W. . . . . . . . . . 1jb
$2.98 Blankets ] 10W. . . . . . . . . . . 156 1.(1
$10 Ilanlet8 miow. . . . . . . . . . . 2.00
$3.21 Blanleet mio' . . . . . . . . . . 2.15
$3.43 , Jllnlet ! miow. . . . . . . . . . . 2.21
$3.9S . Jlanlets mmow. . . . . . . . . . . . 2.65
$1.2i ; JlalleetH nuw. . . . . . . . . . 2.Na
$ .4 Ilinnicets now. . . . . . . . . . . 2.9H
$9.1 Jnnl'et8 ] 10W. . . . . . . . . . ( , .a3
$11 Calfornia Ulnlets 10W. . . . 7.33
Hobo Iliall helM-
nl\llol '
$ .O ( rib Blnnlwts for. . . . . . . . . $1.00
$3.0 "nprohe fOi' . . . . . 2.1)0
$1.0 Crlh lanlets for. . . . . . . . . . 2.11 2.10
$ , O I.aproh for . . . . . 3.33
$ .0 Hobe Blankets for. . . . . . . . 3.33
$ Comatforts- i.5) , ) Comforts now. . . . . . . . . . . $1.00
$1.os . $2.0 mind $2.50 Comfolt now . 1.75
$3.0 $3.50 amid $10 Comforts now. 2.50
- - - - - - -
Boys' Suits-
$ ; .0 suits 10wn to. . . . . . . . . . 1.87
$ G.GO suits down to. . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 .
$10.0 suits down t . . ! ' ! " . , . . . . . . . 3.87
Dress Goods-
40-lnch fine l'nllsh 5erge , henri'
ettasvooh ! and silk to\'eIIN !
before we hogan to close out lDc
they were &Oc . now. . . . . . . . . .
In black and whie all wool and
silk . checks . stripes , etc. .
anti extra Tine . ( r e. iienriettnq ,
dimigommals , Scotch 1)lallli eto. 60
before we liegan to close out 0 'c
they were 60 ; to $12 go at. . . - U
45.incim wool and silk lald. be-
fore We negan to close out they 9 e
were WI $1.00 elnn ll.r.0. now. . . . . . . :
llltrtet .ln/onals. all colors
before we begami to close out S e
they were $1. ( ro. for . . . . . . . .
62.lneh01 anti silk 8ulln . In
gray nnll black ] mixttires . 1 fore
we beai to close out they were 6ge
$ l.r , hl"n fo\ . . . . . . . Olt . . . . . . . .
tl-Inch reneh cords- camel' !
hair Illumiminatetl hopslcl"n
cimeeks . etc. , etc. . amid
.16.llch extra fine hel'lctas. mill
colors before we began to closeout
beJan co.e
out timey were 85c to $1,50 ; ali 4Dc
011 .2 thlY ) 'I\d. now for. . . . . . . . . I
4r.lnch henriettas . before we be-
grimm to close ommt the ) ' were $1.23 . 0 .
J'1 . . . . . . . Olt . . . . . . . . . . . : . e
Si1S- i
Colored ntih . before we began to Q
close out . the ' were COc. . . . . . - e
Plnln nnl novel . vel'et > . b ' fole
iv ( ' began In close out the ) ' WEre Q 9"
$1.0 begni , , . , . > . . . . . , . . . . . -I .
2t-imich black Cimino b fire WI be- 30c
gmmi to dose Olt the ' were t9c. . .
Colhreil stmrnlms . hefore1 begun
Colr"II ! lrhs. \1 ! 4 Dc
to chore Olt the ) ' were 7it. . . .
Novel } ' strIpe \plvet > . nlll nil
e\'enln shuttles crepe before we
began to close Olt they were SC
$1 : to $1.75 a yard . nre mmOw. . .
francmmise be-
CQlorel1 flle mind frncnlse , -
fore ive begamm to close out they nC
were WI $ . helll . . . . . . . . . . . . . U
Colored chlrol ant 21-lnch black
gmoii gmmtimi . mill lure silk . before
we henl to close out the ) ' were
$12 ; . ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7c
flrmibrohiereti crepe cost to 1m
Frblollered \ort .O. . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . 1 . r
Silk velvet . before we hegan toO
close out the > ) ' were $5.0.- . . o
Our complete line oC Ribbons nt a sacri-
flee. Satins . gr08 grln anl moIre : best
lualt ) ' .
Our 6c Ribbon goes nt. . . . . 3e
Our 7c anti Se Ribbon goes at . 4e
011 12c Ribbon goes goes . . . . . 7e
Ommm' J5c Hlbbon goes mit. . . . . . 9c
Our ISo Ribbon goes at. . . . . . . 1 lc
Our 20e Hlhhon goca at. . . . . . . Ito
Our 22c Hlhhon goes at. . . . . . . hOc
Our : e Ribbon goes nt. . . . . . . 17e
OUI 27c Hlhbon goes at. . . . . . IRe
Our : O Ribbon goes at. . . . . . . 20e
Oum' 32c Hhbon goes at. . . . . . 21e
Our 35c Hhhol gee at . . . . . 23c
Our 40c Hhhon goes at. . . . . . . 27e
Our 45c Hhbon goes at . . . . . . 3e
Our SOc Itiiibon goes at. . . . . .
Hhbon :3e
Our GOe Ribbon goes at. . . . . . . 40e
Iln""olllmls I 1111111.
WAShINGTON , Fel 4.-The secretary at
time treasury has midI I ruling In which he
holds that under paragraph 33. of the act
ot August 2. 1891 , time words "Domnemstio
animnmmlmm" meanl tomest ltet mmmmimnmmis . such
nM horses , miimeep . eto" as mlistinguiimed from
wild animals . 111 thlt such nnlmals ownell
In time United States , which have strayed
across the boundary line Into n foreign coun-
try , 01' hav6 been , Irl\el across for Pasturage -
age may , with their Increase. be "rought
across to the United States tree at dlty ,
whethel' they stru'ed or were driven across
the line before or after August 28 , 1&9i.
lIaised time 1I\wIY 111 " ppraprintlnmm.
WAShINGTON , Feb. 4.-Time Ilostolee
uppropriatlon b:1 : wal reported to the senate
tram the committee by Senator lakburn
today. On6 important addition increases
time appropriation for time railway postal car
service to the extent at $ l00.0O , makln the
total tor tha puree $ .2,0. , and mnldl
I discretonary with the postmaster Jmeral
whether the entire sum Ihnl be used The
total IpIJ.rlaton . mantle ly the bill al r-
ported of 89,337I83 . a reducton at $10 , GH
from time current year
( 'Ollhlflhl'ilh tu Jslmln. I\ I.Uldl.
WABING''ON , Feli 4.-Senator Power
ot Montana today reported from the com
mittee art public lands \lbsttute for time
house bill for time examination and ciassifi.
cation ot mineral lands In 1ontlnD and
caton . wihin the Norther l'aollc land
grant . I provides for commissIoners . one
to l selected ly time secretary of the in-
tenor one by the Northern Iacilo and two
by time Montana delegation In congress , thl
commi to to examlnu Ind dehrrlne : what
are mineral lands .
- -
- ' _ a
Notions. .
I. . In time little things 'Ol get the most
for your mone ) ' . True 'ou ! n\1 hut n few
Cents lt n time . but after you have botmght
I . lollar's worth you will nml } 'Ol have
M\'el three or fOi' , Iolnts amid } 'ou'l have
10 bur a clothes basket to get } 'olr dollar's
worth lmome
Hooks anti . . . . . . . . . . 10
Darning Cotton . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Hnlr Pins . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 for ' 10
Nickel ' Safety Ping 4 amid 0
1'II ! . . . . .4
Illcl , Pins . . . . . , . . . . . . . 3 for r
Safety l'lns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 0
. 6 >
Collars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 0
Toilet PInq . . . . . . . . ( oar 110z. ) : . . 0
: wll Stays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 0
Puritan i'inq . . . . . . , 0
Purian Ilns . . . . . . . . .
Silk , Thread . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . 60
1.lnen Thread . . . . . . . . . . . . Co
Corset ChISII ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Dress Stays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
BIIln . IUbbon . . . . . . . . . . . . Do
Velveteen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :13c :
1'lnl8hlnl Urn"l . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
Crochet Cotton..C for Qr
' 3 , -
Thrcad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .G for Q'o
- ,
Silk $ . . . . . . . . . . nnd - L 0
Toilet Articles. .
SOnlS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 . -
"In chine Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . ) '
' 'Fune Stick Pins. . . . . . . . . . . C
Fancy Stick Iln ! . . . . . . . . . . . . 9c
'I'alcammn 10\ller . . . . . . . . . . . . ) c
Crenm Flower . . . . . . . : . . . . . Dc
Almonht . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dc
Cell Cream . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lIe
Almond Soap . . . . . . . . . : . . . . lie
Tar Soap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lie
lerfumer ' . mmli kinds.per ( oz ) :3c
\Vlmisic . . . . . . . . amid 18c
Juvenile Soap . . . . . . . . . . . . Inc .
Benzolne Soap . " . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. ) c
Tooth Drushes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
lulSY Soap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17c
Englsh Tooth Powder. . . . . . . . . 17c
Ei ht Drs I to . close out. Morse
D > Nev ; Firm The1 MorseDry Goods Co . I
- . I , 0' I
toral bank . Hutchjnso ! Kan. : 25 per cemmt
the National bank ot leldloton. Ore. : 15 per
cent the First Nat nl hank of Arlington ,
Ore. : 30 per cent tb8.J'irst National bank ot
Lalcta , N. D. : 20 jer , cent the First Na-
tonal bank ot Marion"ICan. : 12 per cent
the First National bank 'at Fort Payne Ala. .
and 6 uer cent timeommmiercial . _ Natonal
bank ot Nashville ,
Nashvie Tln" , .
' ' ) t r ! - I
FOUR wmuts J l-JOI' TiE 8ESIOY.
lusllol ot time Various Al.prOIrlntol ) IUI8
Is " l , .
"ery Emmcommrmmgimg.
WASHINGTON , Feb. 4.-Wlth but tour
weeks at ' the session or congress remaining
tram noel today n glance at the condition ot
.he regular annual appropriation bils 19 In-
teresting. A comparison with the condition
prevailing lt the same time In the short ses
sion of the Fly- econd congress Is much
favorable to the present congress and justifies
the belief that unless unforeseen difficulties
arise al the bills wIll have been presented to
the president for his approval before 12 o'clock
on Msrch" . A difficulty that has been suggested -
gested to the successful consummation ot
such a program Is In the possible tacking on
to one at the bills I provision embodying
some financial legislation , In time event of the
failure at the enactment ct another measure.
The contest over such a step might delay action -
lon on the bill so that It would n It reach the
presIdent In timne.
All the appropriation bills have been
appropriaton bil completed -
pleted b ) the committee having them In
charge except the general deficiency bill . the
preparatcn ot which Is always deferred so
as to include , If desirable all the estimates
that may be submitted to congress by the executive -
ecutvD departments of the government , up
to the latest date It Is safe to walt. The legl-
latvl- bill , alhough prepared has not yet
been formally passed upon by the appropriations -
tons committee . but this will be done tolay
and the measure will bo reported. The miii-
tary academy Is the only one ot the regular
annual appropriation bills wblch has the
executive's approval , but the conference report -
port on the army bill has been agreed to by
both branches of congreM and this will son
he sent to the preslden The tertnca tons
anti pensions bills are In the hands at con-
terence committees , the diplomatic bill amid
the District at Columbia bIll arc pending In
the senate , having been reported tram the
senate committee havIng them In cimarge
whie time Indian time postofce and the sundry
civil bills have passed the houto and are now
under consilerlton by the senate commitee
on appropriations . Dut twothD agricultural
and the naval blsaro noon , the house
calendar. The former wl lie passed without
much dlsclsslon , whlD the later , on the
other hand , will be debated thoroughly and
the recommend"tens of the committee favor-
Ing the constru ton ot three btteshlps , coating -
Ing approximately $4,000,000 each , will un
doubtlly he antagonized by those members
who think such additional demands ought not
'to be made on the national treasury
' Treasury O elal Confdent Carlisle's
l"I .
Iigmires1dtro Accurate
WASHINGTON , Ilbt 4.-Treasury officials
generally express ti1eQpImmlon that Secretary
Carlisle's estmate 01 asurpius ot $22,500,000
for the calendar year J. :5 Is conservative . I
Is urged that the cust ms duties on sugar
alone shoull bring In at' least $35,000.000 dur-
Ingohe next eleven niontims , and that the reve.
nul tram the Income tax t Is likely to reach
$0.000,000. Time racelpts from general cus-
toms and trr.r , whllky wHllrawals are ex.
pected to materially : .I icrease from now on .
which , It Is beleve . 'ril bring the receipts
for the twelve months 'up to about $380,500. ,
000. The dlsbursemenw for the year It Is
timought will not exteI ' 351,000,000. I4eavimmg
a surplus , after exqej ! pg the .000.000 tie.
ncl at Jantmary at $2,00,000. The internal ,
revenue ofilcials . In figuring on the receipts
from time Income tax , intimate that the re-
turns prior to July 1 will : amount to $0,000-
00 and for time remaining sIx months $30-
000,000. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I.rnvl8 for Army ( mllecra. I
'WAShINGTON . Feb. 4.-Siecial ( Tell-
gram.-Colonel Caleb .
I. Carlen , Eghth
cavalry . Is granted one month extended
leave ; Lieutenant Colonel James I. Brd-
forth 8eventlcnth Inammtry tour months ,
exteI1"d : Mawr Charles TlUsimy . Ninth cmiv- 1 .
airy . tned monlhs extemmdemhsFlrst : I.leltol- elV.
ant James M. ICenmmetl , , assistant surgeon , '
one monlh extended : I' 'Irst Lieutenant Oar-
land N. Whister , 1"lth artillery , one month
extended. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Umnlhue Iltohood lil ,
WAShINGTON . Feb. 4-In the aenale
today Mr Carey ol " ' ) omlnl gave notice
ot I proposed umendment 10 the New MexIcan -
lean enabling act , permItting Oklohama and
Arizona to form constitutions and state gov-
ernmermts nnd to bo Ilmltot to the uniomm .
' 'hll Is an omntbus bill Introduced by re-
( luest. _ _ _ _ _ _
ItEFUSEE ) A 1t.1hltS cOln'us WnIT.
Sugar 'Vlne" ' CI"lHulln Toll lie 11ust
" 'IIt for the ( : ( , urL's liecisoti
WASHINGTON , Feb. 4.-The supreme
court ot the United States today denied the
application ot Elverton R. Chapman the re-
calcirant witness In the senate Sugar trust
investigation ot last summer , for a writ ot
habeas corpus , on the ground that I was not
competent for the supreme court to interfere
In the matter until after the case should
have been finally disposed at by the district
court. Chlet JustCJ Fuller . who , delivered
the decision , said that after the final decision
of the case I that decision should be against
imim I would be competent for Chapman to
apply for a writ ot error to the United States
court , and In case that I could not be granted
then to apply for habeas corpus , but he
thought the ends at justice would be better
subserved It there should be no Interference
al thIs timne.
Chlet Justice Fuller Bald time court had
been unable to see that Mr. Chapman's case
presented any exceptional circumstances . as
be had set up In his petition.
The application for a writ ot habeas corpus
was also denied II the case of Justice Shriver
on the same grounds time court remarltng
that It was essentially similar to this case
Justce FIeld dissented from tIme opinion
The supreme commrt In time case ot Clyde
Mattox . appealed tram the clrtult court ot
Kansas today decided that In cases where a
winess hall died between a first and secoll
trial his testimony cannot be Impeached by
the introduction ot witnesses to prove that
after giving his testimony lie hnd stated that
he hall sworn to what was not true. The
decision recognized the tact that injustice
\\'IS liable to bD done the defendant In such
n case . but said timat It the opposite course
should be pursued and the testimony at Impeaching -
peaching witnesses admitted , there were equal
chances at injustice to time prosecutIon. The
court thererore refused to issue a writ ot
error on this complaint , because on the
second trial at Matox the stemmogm'aplmt.r's
notes of time testimony In the first trial were
used so the defendant ] could not he confronted
by the witnesses against imini laying down
the general proposition that the constitution
dill not entte a man tried for crime to dc-
land to be confronted by his witnesses mora
than once. Justices Simiras Gray and 'Vhle
dlssentell on the first part , holding It. was
competent to Impeach the testimony at a
deceased witness.
Al HIIIII nt : tim , ' TrlIsury iitmpmmrtmmaemt , .
" ' . \SIING''ON. Fel , . 4.-A spirit of serenity -
ty pervaded the Treasury department to.
tiny that wtmM quite in contrmmmit ivitim time
mmamxious looks and imurried movements of
time olileluls last week , Secretmtry Carlisle
. ivas in his 0111cc mind srmss' all commiers , whmicbm
he imami been unmmble to mb for sonic time
jiast. 1mm mmmmswcr to nil imiqtmlrles , Mr. Carlisle -
lisle stmmtetl timat lie immiti nothimig to say on
time flmmrtmicial situation , Assistammt Secretary
Curtis. wimo imas rettmrncd from Noiv York ,
is'rms also in imis 0111cc anti accessible to 'mmli
calier. lIe , imow vr , wctmhti not say wimotimem'
om' not imis mission in New Yomic had beemm
successful , So far as carm be learned. mao
steps immmve been taken to preimare viatcru for
nmmother bond isetie ,
Omaha Board of Education lJcohiros Itself
in Paver of the Plan ,
lie ' % 'iii Not t'roparo time Imiil for l4lvertimmg
Jflic , mind licemmem , Irommm Semmoom lFuua
wiumout tum'timor immstructiomm-Low
Street Car Irnres ror [ 'uplms ,
At the meeting of time Board of Education
last nigimt time maenihiers iero pugmiaclotmsly in-
dimmed , mmnd as a conseqimence , almost every
matter that caine imp found somimo opposers. .
resolmmtion that time proposed amemmdmaent to
the Selmool laws. now imendimmg 1mm tIme legisi t.
ture , wimcr'eby scimool warrants issueti iii
scimool miistrlcts of metropolitan cities mnay
draw immterest be not approved by time board. ,
'mvimIcim was Introduced by Tukey , wimmtled soy-
cml mmnmnmbers before it. was fimmaily dispost'il
Tukoy stated timat under time anmendnmcmmt
warrmmnts could be Issued by school mlistricts
wimemm timmire was no mooney imi the treasmmry ,
wimiclm warrants would draw interest at time
rats of 6 per cant. lie imeiti tlmat it was immm-
ply a mnt.tiod : of borrowing imiommey anti was
afraid timat it might be abused by future
b'ards. lie 'furtimermmiore ciaimimeti timat sucim
warrmmmmts wommld be illegal if time ) ' were issued
before limo tax levy. lie argued furtimer timat
it tIme warrants ( irow interest it. ivoulmi be immi-
puariblo to tell wimemm they wotmiti conic back ,
Oilier mnembermt held timat sucim warrammts
ss'ommid Imot ho ilegol anti timat time board simouli
bq given time right to isua tlmemn It time city
and county imad timat riglmt. Timey were of time
opiriomi timat time best inatimod of titlimig over
time deficit wommlti be by issuimmg mmmmcim war
rants , amid couiti mice no oilier way , On mmmo-
tiomm of Burgess time resolutiomi was amacimdeti
to limo effect timat time board was in favor of
time bill , and as amncmmded It was lmassed by a
vote of sowen to six ,
Superintemmdent Marble recommended timat
mis time sclmools would close a mmmommtim earlier
timan usual , imo be autimorized to imdrmmit PuPils
5 years of ego on February 1 , immstead of
April 1. 'rIme request was granteti ,
1mm answer to tIme request of the board asking -
ing leave to prepare a bill to divert fines ammd
licenses from tIme Board of Emhtmcatiorm fmmmmii to
time ioiica or other ( untie , wimicim slmould be In.
trodmmceti In time legislature , Attorney I'oweli
reported timat ho would mmot immmtil furtimer
instructions from time boarti , prepare a bill on
account of time immmportsnco ( if time mmmatter anti
on account of time risks of legislation , adverse
to poimulous counties like 1)ougias ) , timmmt would
ho incurred
Time fimianco comamaittco reportemi timat since
time board had ceased to take out insmmranco on
school buiidimmgs , $178,000 imisurammco on brick
buildings mmnti $12,000 on wootiemm himmihmiings
imami expired. If time board imad renuwctl time
policies time cost would imavo beemm $ li82.40 ,
] C'ronibiet and I'Icrsoim
lmmrgess , were up-
poirmtcd a conimmmltteo to interview time tf.
fiolals of time street railway conmpammy for time
purpose of obtalmmimmg time concessiomm that nil
pupils wimo are actual attendants of tim vub-
lie seimoolmm Ito imermmmitted to liurcimase street
car tickets at imaif price , time tiekts to be
good betweemm tlmo imours of 8 a. mu , amid S p.
In. , mmmiii only on stmcim days as time Public
scimools are 1mm actual cessiomm ,
Superintendent Marble was granted timreo
days' leave of abmemmco to attend time aimmmmmal
meeting of time National Educational associa.
lion February 19 , 20 and 21. A resoiutiomm to
pay imis expenemt Was lost ,
A commiplaint was read agaimist Henry liormi-
barger , wimo is condmmctimig a drmmm store on time
north slOe of time Saratoga sclmooi , It was
claimmied tbat time place was a drinking joint ,
Prof. Barker of time Ummiversity of Penn.
sylvammia deciares Di' . .l'rico's Baking I'ow-
tier absolutely liure.
.1 OIl In ml I , i mmd ltigIsimst I me A i' pm'o iriml t mmmi ,
WAI1II INOTON , Feb. 4.-The approiria.
tion bill providing for time legislative , exacu.
tive and judicial expemises of lime goycrju-
mont for time fiscal year , emmdlmig Jtmno p.0 ,
iS9 , wria reported to the imouse today by
Mr. Iockery , 'rime nppmopriatiomms are praci.
ticaliy time same , as tlmose carried by the last
lull. 'l'he whole amount recommended is
321,803.526. a reduction from time estimates
of $ t3b75 , and arm Increase over time appmo.
lariations for tiiecurrent year of $137,903.
Amimendmmmcnt Lottie tmmmmtl l.aivi ,
WASHINGTON , Feb. 4-Tli house corn.
mittee on public hands voted today to favorably -
ably report a bill introduced by itepresenla.
live Ellis of Orcicmm , to ammentl : the act of
Cliiiia niicl
G a ss s' are. _ _ _
All tlm China tieiaj'tnent milimit be ciennel
oimt as that' lieu' miriam are tmflhleeideti as to
ivlmetlmer they will ear ) ' this ( iepnrtmnemmt , or
Hot-nt any mate titey rmuma't ivamit oimrmi. a ott
( 'mmmi iick imp a svommmlerful bargain hero , _ _ _ _
Timere ii mmei'cr be anotimer miimcht c'lmmtmmce.
Cosmmmtcr No , I voiitaltt'i goods that regst.
larly sold nt ltc nmmd iSo , stow 3o.
( 'limo rntmeErs , . , , . , , . . , , , , , , , , , , , , , . ,
l'e'pper htattlc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Salt bottlci , , . , , . , , . . , , . . , , , . , , , , , , , , ,
( liass
Smmrmim' Pimnkem-q. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cremimmi jimgi , , , , , , , , . . , , , , , , , , , , , , , . , ,
Toothpick imoltiers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Comimtcr , No , 2 cotmtalmms limo 20c amid 30o
gootl'm at 9c ,
( 'imimin mntmgs , , . , , , . . . , , , , , , , . , , , , , , , , , ,
China nslm trays. . . , . . . , , , . , , . , . , , , , , _
( 'Imimia vtisec _ _ _ _ _
Cimimut smtltq. . , , . , . . . . , . . , , , . , , , , , , , , , , ,
Clmimmmi frtmit'i. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cimilimi fruit liiats. , , . , . , . , , , , . , , . , , . , .
( 'ii bitt bremit ) n mmtl hmmt t cr5. . . . . . . . . . .
Ciiiliit imitii'itimmai himtte'S , . . . , , . . , , , ,
( 'iiitimt stimmia litton , . , . , , . . . , , , , . , , . , ,
Clmlmimt 80th ) ) lmtmwie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cimimimi i'flx cammmlies , , , . . , , , . . . , . , . , .
Commmtcr No , 3'commtalmms time .lOc ntmd SOC
gooml'iat t5 : ,
llr'ntl laimit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
( 'nkt' Immites. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
\'nseq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ilreait hisimes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ilemmy trays. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
J'rtmit iilmtte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Oat mimemil bowls. . , . . . , , . , . . , , , , , .
t.otmp lmlateq. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cc'mtR.
( irai' ) ' ial'is. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Commuter No. .1 comittiiim'i otmr rcgtmimir ISo and
( die gootlM ; nil gi ) mit 20c ,
Clmimia itreami ) ) littCu ! . . . . . , . , . , , , , ,
( 'ii i itit Cmikt' t ( 'el. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
( 'iii mitt Immi t lain te' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Clmimmmi breatl mmml bmmtter imiates
( 'iiimmmt omit macal bowiM. . . . . . . . . .
Cimixmt boric plates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Contq ,
Committee No. 5 comitnimms omtr rcgimior 75c nmmmt
't'itllgo * nt4Oc ,
'I't'zm pots. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cremmmmmtm's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ilimttem's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
$ titpmr4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Vcgetnble ( lisimes , . . . . , , , , , . , , , , , , ,
Saittils .
l'latters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c.Iit ,
Commuter No , ( p comitnlsms our regimimir $1 aimmi
$1.51) ) goods all mn mit 75c ,
liremiti liimite lltmvilamitl & Co. .
( 'mute immates , iimtvirmmmml & Co , , ,
( iil'e tiibimes , hlnviimmnil , Co. . . ,
Stigum's mmmiii i'roamimers , I lavi'
iamid & Co. . , , , . , , . , . , . . , , . , , . , ,
Costs ,
Time lialmimico of otmr large steele wilt he sold
at cost.
Tiiiet ware.
Siivcrwtro : ,
Jmmrtlinem'es , '
\ases antI mmli lines of ciminmi ,
iSOO for the for'feitimre of certain lands
gm'ammted ftu' rnhiromids , so mis to i'xtemid the
timne within wimicim imcromis cmmtitleti to Imur-
cimaso the mails mommy lmmmike sucim Imur-
clauses , to Jmmmmunry 1 , 1S97 ,
lF'Ea 1'1CIt. ' 1'J'i'iWV , ' .
Yctcrmmmas of time Itelit'immmmia ltmmaemaalaroI by
time tiemmi'rai ( iovermmmaatmmt.
W'ASIIING''ON , Feb. 4.-Siecumil.-Pen- ( )
sloas gra'tel , Dan ' of January 22 , 18) , ware :
Nebraska : Origlnal-Jacoli Dora , Ulysses ,
Dirtier ; Isarme Soimle , Wahoo , Saumilers ; Wil.
llama Crtmbammgim , Omnnima , louglns ; Thonias
J. hewitt , Nelson , Nmmclcoils. Atlditional-
\Viiiiam 'ii' . Ireiiowi , Gemmova , Filimuore.
Origimmal widow-Ella S. llmmrmmh , Nebraska
CII ) ' , Otce.
iowa : Origiimai-I.awrence J , Ackerman ,
New hIam'tford , Butler ; Samuel A. Clark ,
\\'infleid , Ilemiry. ltomiewnl-John Fisk , 'rip-
tomi , Cedar. Reissmme-Wiliinmn D , Mills , Mar-
siialitowii , Ilam'slmtmll ; ' .l'imomunmi 1' , Steele ,
Vulker , IAmmmm ; Fugene 1 ° . Cotmmicuimnan , La.
mmmrs , Plyiaouthm. Original wftiows , etc.-
Iiizabetim Asia , Mapleton , Monona ; Catiicrinmm
Mnpes ( mimotimor ) , Jnne5viiie , ilrenner ; Lucinda -
cinda Ricimardmmomm ( mnotimc'r ) , Oilman , Mar.
South Dakota : Origlminl-Cimarles Iii ,
Ciimmrcui , Wfttertown , Coillngomi ( , Reissue-
George W. Fosimn , liitcumeock. Beadle.
North 1)mtlcotmm : Originmmi-Joimn C. Creigim-
low , nuns Cimarles Ciiesterwooti , Mrmntian ,
Mortoim. Incretmse-Jamen Ilodley , 'l'nppan ,
Wyoming : Orlginal-Tlmoninn Gall , Mum-
moth 1101 Eprimmgs , National l'urk rOserva-
Colorado : Tlr'neival and imlcrease-Johmm
M. Smilveiy , Villa l'ark , Arapaimoc.
isiume of Jntitmmmry 2.1 :
Nelirai.ica : Original-Rob rt Yotmn ; Genoa ,
Nmimice : .lnmes ii. l'imje , Dorsey , hlolt : Dmivis
Catteri'on , Arnolti , Cmuiter , Atitiitlomial-Aus.
tin Fosdicle , Amihiammd , Saunders.
Iowa : Origimimul-hiemiry W. Poole , Decatur -
tur , Decatur.
Prof. Joimn Ii , Long of Nortlmwcsterrm mmni-
varsity pronotmrmces I'rice's Crearni HaIling
Powder abtohutely pure.
( itarrAtor Simot by it ltobjer ,
TRINIDAD , Cole. , Feb. 1.-George Mc-
Cormiclc , formerly nlgimt operator mit Ri
rroro , Cola. , a station on iime envcr & Itio
Crande railroad , eigimty.flu'e mmiiles sotmtim of
l'tmehilo , 'wns probably fatally simot by a
robber at It ) o'clock tommigimt. F. Cole , time
oresent riirimt operator , anti McL'orniiclc ,
ivere tmulklmig in time strmtinmi whemm a masked
maim enteremi and commanmimletl timemn to
' 'imoldup. ' ' tiiscimnrging lmis revolver mit time
miamrte mnomemit. 'l'ite buliet sInneR 2IcCor-
snick 1mm tIme left bretist , ammO ime fail over trim-
conmtciou $ . Cole tlre&1 lIve itimotmi at time rob-
liar , who dumnppemmrcti imm time ( iarkmmem4s , A
nhmyieinn ammO otilcemmi have been summoneil
( ruin 'l'rinldad.
tonmaI immit ad by tin o l're'mlommt ) ,
W/SI1INGTON , Feb. 4-Time vresidemmt
today sent these nmcmninatiomms to time senate :
Justice-Sinclair Taiiifuro of Texas , to be
attorney of time United states for the eastern
district of Texas.
Navy-i'mmssemi Iissistarmt Engimiecr Robert
C. lenig , to tie cimief engimmeer ; Assistant
Engimmeor htoiiert ii , Iligglmis , to he a iasseml
ammslstamit emmglneor.
aitavia It , ( ' , , Im , timi Tri'mm.ury Silvi'r Ilimilloir.
W.SI1ING'i'ON , Feb. 4-Senator Allen of
Neinrualta tOtlfl3' gave notice of'a proposed
arncndmnemmt to time rmtmntlry civil numpropria-
lion lmjil ( or tIme coimmmmgo of nil immmcoiimcml nil-
ver Iitmliiorm ownt'ti by time goverammmemit.
vllI Nut Imv'pmttgmit. , ' , Jrmticn ! tic'.tee.
\VASIIING'i'ON , Feb. 4-It is stmmted on
autlmorlty tlmat tlmere lit no trutim in time pub.
lishmeti report that time attorney gemieritl hintS
orilered mm in'estirationu in time case of .Jus-
lieu McAtee of Okiuiiomnm : ,
Yrltinmr Itwsy arm the ? 4eav ilomimi ,
SAN FRANCISCO. Ireb , 4-Time citizens'
commIttee mtecuretl subserliations aggregating
100,000. totirmv for time Harm lrrmmncisco & Harm
Jotmtmmmin Valley railroad , mnmikiiig a total ot
$1 650,000 , _ _ _
ilcmimaeeoIter" iscmrslomm ,
On February 12 , 1895 , time Union Paciflo
ivill sell tickets from Nebraska mind iCanisas
iiolnls to mull points in Kmmneas , Nebraska ,
Vm'yomnlng , Colorado , Utalm and Idaho , at rate
of one fare for time roummml trip , lius $2,00.
Tickets good for wCmmty days. Stopovers allowed -
lowed ,
See your nearest Union I'aciflc agent.
FL DICKINSON , Gemm'i Mmmmmagcr ,
F7 , L. l.OMAX , U. 1' . 1 Tkt.
Pitcher's Castorla.
Children Cryfo
itoher's Castoria.
PItcher's Caatorla.
- . - ---i 1 .