Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 05, 1895, Page 4, Image 4

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, , 4 . TilE OMAhA \ DAILY BETh TITESDAY 1EHUUAUY r . 1805.
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' 1 : . nOSI'1WATI Idltor.
= - - = - - = - - - - -
- Iln.tSIU1U 11Vlmr MOnNINO
T11ml 0 Rt1SCflhIT1O.
Mly flee ( Without SlnIAI. ) Oe Year . . . . f
DRiy lI Wlhoul , . One Yeiir . . . . . . . . . 10 o
Hit Month ! . . . . . lunlay. . . . . . . . . .er. , . . . . . . . . . . & 10
Thrre itonthq . . . . . . . . . . 2 to
. . . . . . . . .
. . .
Iijnithy , : 11.i' . Onr . Ycnr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0)
lunIAY 1lee , Onp Yenr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I ro
Weekly 1f . One Yenr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gj
Omahi Thi. fl pp iluIl4Ing. ,
loulh Tl ! ! lulln Ilk" ! Corer N And 21h St8.
l'oncl fluf" . 1 l/'Atl $ treet.
( ilau ) OtIjep. )17 Chamber or Commprce.
Npw Ynik 1toonii 131. 14 antI IS , TrtbUfle 1lh1.
. . l" " I Trllune 1 < 8.
Wa.hlngton . 10 P l4treet . N. ' \ ' .
MI communcntIonq rdMlng to npw nn,1 , el- ,
tonal communleAton mRler lie 1 nlAtn" u.lllrell : ' 1'0 thf . 11 < 1101.
All hlllnll" Iptru and remltAnce 111011,1 , ho
' nddrei1 10 The Ilee Iuhllhlnl cop.n ,
: 111181 . 1)rnfi ( . chprk nnl POltOlCp orlera 10
' Ihp olet or the ' ? ' .
Le made l'A'Ahlp to , Ihf oml'Any.
Till ) 1m lCIISJNU COMP.\NY.
STTI\NT : 01. ' CI ltCtlI.ATION.
(1frgo , . Tzachuck , IeertAry ot Tile lep Pub-
l.hln" ! rml'An ) ' . Ijeing I lulY sworn. IR'a Ihnt
the RcluAI nlloher hr full nn,1 tOlplelo tplp" ;
or the IMIIY Morning. 1' cnlnl nn,1 Sunllny I. "
Unly MorlnJ.
, trInt(4 Iurln" the month ot January . IS : . wRa
DR foIIow :
. . t. tolowa . . . . . . . . . 1' . 0 : 1. . . . . . . . . 1'.201
2. . . . . . 20.71) ) I . . . . . . . . . J918J
. . . . . U.I
" 3 . . . . . . . . . . 20.71 . m. . . . . . . . . 19.17
4. . . . . . . . . . U.GI .20. . . . . . . . . 2J.18tl '
& 1 ; . . . . . . . . . . U.IItl ! 21 . . . . . . . . . . 20,913
. 0 . . . . . . . . . . 20l9) 2. . . . . . . . . . H.13
7. . . . . . . . 19.79.1 23. . . . . . . . . n.8H
8. . . . . . . . . . 19.C'l 21. . . . . . . . . . 20.30 I
, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
,9. . . . . . . 19.621 : : . . . . . . . 20.2:7
10. . . . . . . . . . 1 .7u . 2G. . . . . . . . . . 20,199
1. . . . . . . . . . 19.31 7. . . . . . . . . 21.100
12 . . . . . . . . . . 19.478 28. . . . . . . . 20.279
. 13 . . . . . . . . . 20.1 ' : . . . . . . . . . :
. II . . . . . . . . . m.ltl 30. . . . . . . . 1).I9 ! '
15. . . . . . . . . m.rn 31. . . . . . . . . 20.G3J. :
16 . . . . . . . 19,39
16. T.HAI. . . . . . . , . U.31 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .GI7.GI3
Less tliioI.l , nnll retni-neil caple . . . . . . . G.274
'rolnl KnIt . . . rellre,1 . . . . . . . . 101'1 . . < . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cl1,270
UAI ) , ' n\rnJr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.719 1 I '
.SlnIA ) ' .
U1011fl13 It. T7.ClttY'K.
1. T7SCIJ'
- Sworn 10 I.rotlP nltl "uhRcrlhp,1 . , Itt my Ire" , .
ence thIs 2,1 , diy fr 1..lrlnt ) . 19 ; .
.f N , 1' . I"J11. , Notary l'ul.IIc.
Whnl Will t1t t ( ' . ' '
wi Il Flfy.fOllh eOlgl'lIH
do Wllllt Its BI'lclhl'hl e ?
. Tile rtS1111l1lt lou of the dlstllcl cOI'l
IwalS : I 1'cS'I'fl1 I . I of hlshleSS for the
: legal fltCII .
HI' lnlhlst ) Ii I IO\ Ill I 1llol to
. 111'otllce ( 'lilengo 11111IIai : IlthOli (
1110 XcYOI \ : .
l\exlo lnr 'et lied In 1 thut tliet'o I
} OI1tLt1III1g lii ! I&.L ' littic tllffert'iice
r Hll\thll II 111' Itlc III.'I'I'lce wih
Ulntcllla to \c 1'llml.1 ) .
: 'l'Iic flhI'ItP tu IIHSl'I I'IH 10 locale the I
life 11'lsel\'C's ) ItS Hoon ns tlY step
: itlOItl'tl I Stlllllhlll ) stilt holds good ,
, . ' { hn IICI' ) Ilcl comllnlalun ) of the
t. leglslntlvij l'mlllo'CH ) gocH right on ,
whether the legbilotiii'e His fur ten
llotlI'8 or for It half liotir ' .
hOI's 0' . I hOI' dnl )
I . foot hal Is. l nH PisltIeiit. Blot of
. IILLLVOL'il Says , I ale not lIt for colk'ge
use , what about lt littiess for '
whlt abolt IH Ilness 1111) ) on
, the tloor of the ( house uf ' ' '
1001' hOlse l'cII'I'sllta-
th'CH ?
c : " ' :111 \ IcAlstll"s death ( leaves I vac .
Li mIC ) ' II tw rnl.s of the .10 for which
thel'e will lw ) as 111) ' IllplcatOHI ) ItS
, for the 10St lucrative Public olce
which the - .
governlent slpplcs.
" _ _ _
. Tltet'e are lots of leaks II the city
. . and county tnanccs hesldes ) the exh'lv-
. lgnnt 8alal : ) lists that ought to li
ItOIIII11 lii ) . Hit that Is no argllient
ilgaiiist Inmellute retrenchment II the '
11) ' roil.
I the legislature lon't give the Sol-
, dlel's' 011(1 Sihlors' home liberal
ald llors' n Ibel'al appro.
; . nl'laUon It wi not he because the 1110111-
. . IIN'S ) or the joint IU'cslgllng committee -
tee wel'e not treated rlghl dmlng their
visit to Grnd Island
Those Atlanta pickpockets ought to
k . have hud sllccnt lllntry not to Illy
their vocation UpOI the effects of the
dcleglteH : to the woman sllrl'I C coil-
VeJitioll. Hit : then thos ( 1lclqICIolf
L might have been w'timen.
. , 'Valt Seelr legislative oil room niun ,
E occupies the desk of the selnte chaplain
most 'of the timmie. ' 1h18 Is In accord
, wlh thc etel'nnj fitness of tltIng I
.q ' Illustrates forcibly the I\lage about the
Iln who donued the livery or helwel
to serve the tiei'hl in
Is I Ilossllle that the New York 1)1111k-
ers cOltelplate . ) forcing con I'ess to act
for their benefit by compelling time ; \ ' - -
cmment to slslend ( gold aments : ?
I The talk emanating fl'OI " ' 11 street
c to the effect that such n HISIlslon
would lot he ) so great a. culuml ) lS Is
. uSllly Illglncll certainly tCuls to
4 arouse SliSlIChO11S of the motive. .
? Imsllclons _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 101\'c. _ _
The bar of .Dol ) ls county hits ex-
prcsslll Isclf fOI'mal ) ' II favor of tak-
, . tng the orlgilal Jurisdiction of the sit-
lWCle COlt 'OVC' fu I Ill state banks :
IWIY from that court mush vesting It
In the Inferior com.tH. These bank
I caSl'S ore for the most Ilrt 1CI'0 1\1.
mlnlstr h'e I t'outiima which conslne 'the
; HII of the court which could hc luch
101 II'onluhl ) ' devoted towI\1 eXIJ'
. dl lug . the Illpclnte ) hlSlllss ) fhlllK ( coit-
t- ! tant Ol'cllllatn ( hefull It. Dvlh'll :
r 11011 : thin iItmImit'roiis district t'ourtm4 . on
: the othit't' hlll ] , these CIHel WOlll en-
tnl hit lit the Ilhllolll ( \'oi'k UIIOI ) nlr
of the dlKtlle jllges , 1111 them WOIIII
r R1 } ho OPIIOI'I\llr ) fet 1111lni tn the
. su I I'I 1 lW' court I fl'OI tit'ciskmiis Ilvoh'lll
.q 1\11 ' IIIIU'llltllullt8. ) Sholll the I'g.
Isla turo t let " 1101 ) the . l'I'rOI iiieimdmi tel t
Y' of time DOIIIK county har the coimges-
tl.on or litigation II the 1111'elle ) court
will be latlrIIJ ' l'ole\cl.
'i'Iio ( OIII\'IKOI of ht1I)1lCd(1)t8 ) . ) ) of tIme
. , larger Intols of the w/.ll which I hoary
Ulo't immmiit's in oi'der to shothnt
Ul'WS 111Hs II IJlm' sho\ that thin
11101110 ) of tIme Ulled ( SIII'H mii'a mllh
1(8s 111'11111'11 Iml t those of ot her countries .
: l'h'IH oxti'enmely Ilsl'IHII 1111
, IIII ' just t to HU\'el of time 1 I'oIICII
: , O\'I'I'IIIIIH. "j'ho I''IHOI Is thll time
Iigimi'es do 10t l'eirt'Seilt time HnlO thll ;
Ild hClco 110 not hI'cSt'Ilt ) n 11'011) ) ) hlsls
, : c ' COIHII'lsOI. 10' , txmtim1pie ! , stating
r the Ilcht of the Ullct Stntcs lt $1.0nl- )
l : -O omits n great dl'I1 of Ilnlt 11 ]
¼ I city dcht whl'h 1'0 Ineimrt'ed for ptir-
IISIS elsewhel'o II'o\'lll11 for by hum
- whole People " Aglin chll i'eqtmently
1 0li'eseIlt ) s'Imtmt ' ' should ho ' .
r . mll'l'sent whl 1'11 0' Ihouhl reumiti-
- lH'llh'o II\cstmeltl. Our 1ncllo 11.
1 1'0111111'ht was lutcliled to he smeh. Time
c4 Prussian olln ' for the Iclllsllon ( of
Itnto l'nlr0\11 ( OICS wllln this category .
' gory , us dOll also ; the mOi C ) ' lall hy
; Great Ih'lnlu 101' her Postal tcl' I'nph
, 8 'stem. 'ho 1'Oflh Juxtaposition or the
lmat'o flgures of national ddltl iIo23 Injustice -
justice to every otto , nUll Is \ulu\lesl
for purposes of ulum"lt.
' . ' - - - _ . . ' - - . . - - . . , - -
I Is n JrnTo question whether thc
hi , Ila8s(11 l)3 ' both houses of the legls -
lotl'c to authorize counties to mIst
mnlC ) ' hy the sale of hOlts for the
111''hasl of scad Jrnll nll sell
the to ' Itrouth sufferers Is
Rllle Icll ) RIerers
coulstittitionnl. The cOlsttllol of Ne-
lmi'nska ' ' that the
hl expressly 110\'lle8
ci'eihlt of the stile shah le\'C' he given
1' 10nllll II nlt of nl ' II1vlllnl ,
flSSOCiflth)11 ' ' , uiiid It Is
IRROlllton or CO'III'ntol : ll
nlHo n well cRtnhlhcl . IIXII of Inw
that 10 Ilhle authority can 110 1) ' In-
11h'celol whut It Is fo'hlllel to do
11I'cct . The constitutional provlslol
WIS tlllestollll ( ) ' IltlllclI ( ( , :11 "olll
he HO Iltllll'lllll , to StlfIYgIlnrl ( not emily
the t'l'uII of the state lS HICh , hit
IIRO thc credit of 11) division of the
state that tel\'cH its authority fl'om
the dell'galell ( power of the Icglsllhl'l' .
'l'hl COIII ' hUlel relief bIll to which
reference IH 1111c Is wlh some 11(1(11- ( (
10ls largely n copy of I Klmlm' bIll
elultell II tHi , hut thnl (1i'S ( not detract -
tract fl'01 the fnct thll It Is stihistuin-
tlll ' I luan of IJhlo cl'ell to 111\h.
hllvhllnh : . I I t lulhol11'1 nlY county ,
\lh the IHSlt of a mIJo\I ' of the
ehortot's voting at I slleelnl l'llclol ,
to Isslo bOlllK not exccelllJ $ ; OOOO
1101' I iet' cell of Its \'nluatol. the
[ mm'ococIs ( to be Invested lit seed grout
1111 fCl'll for fat'ni nlhillls , whleh shah
lam ! , sold to II'ollrl ) ) ) ' mmcei'edlti'ul ftrmmmei's :
for 101'i hmomi thug 10 per clll iiitt'i'est
'able 'simtrcii I , 181)0. 'I'he ' '
pmi'nbIo : I\ch 1. UI. II'CHelt ,
hi ) Is Ilch Ilss lllccilc thnl the ( net
or 1SI. It titUs to soy lt what 1IIIce
the seed gmll mtimil feed shll ho dls-
1)1)50(1 ) of , tiuti'e lJII ) nhsoilteir ) . 1011'
log to 11'\t ! the county lutho\lles
fl'om givIng tWI \I ' for 1 nlrl .
nOllnl1 letll 111 that 1110n ) 111150-
cl'et imotes. Nor Is there I ummmy Urec- !
lon lS to the 1IIIIIcnton ) of the mmmoimt'y
llll : In on the holes to the Illlhlnton
or the Ielcf bonds ; on the contrary ,
both Interest Inll imu'immeival Ire to he
let front taxntol , 111 its olly olie-
twentlth of the 1IIIIcilai mummy he levll'l
lit one ycill' , this taxat ion lust con-
tnue for at least twenty rears.
TIme new featme or thc bill Is the one
that 11esel'veH most careful nttemmtion.
I not ottly . etimpowers . hit 111cs It
the dtity of the State Hoall of Etltmca-
lonul . Lands anll : 1"111s " to buy u 1
county bonds 18mel : for relief 1110SeR
II uuthO'lzed , ' 110 board has imo dis-
creton ) so bug aH the iiiiluivcstcml state
school 101 'S hold out. 'i'lme I1IU { rte
to lw 111lcd ngmtliist Is this , that nrm'
the school fUII huts been Icleted ( for
the bcnelt of I few coultes II tIme !
state , the law wlle leclnred unconstl-
tutonal nnd the honls hell mime n school
Investment proimotimmeed worthless anl
pl'onouncel nnl
legnl In thlt event the fnmIrs of the
11'outh ltrlclwn tlftrlcts would have
the money uclonglng to the
htlbhic I schools of the whole state ,
the notes which they hut I\'el
would le ns valueless as blank
paler , unt IL tax would hl\'e to
be levied \lln the whom people of Ne-
hruHlm to lalm' UII the deficit lu the .
trust funds which the consttuton sa's
"hal forever ue kept Invlollt .
The Ileople wl willingly support time
legislature lu an'lhll that wi help
the victims of the lrouth tide over
their . temporary immIsfoi'tiiime hit they
arc 1111 ' renly to tu'n over the .
school funl to them ! wihout securIty )
01' sUKllenl the cOlsttlton for their
hcneft )
In his special message to congress
.Presldeut Cleveland said "thero Is
.l'esileut Cle\clull now
In the treasury I comfO'\hle surplus
of more than $ GOOOO but It Is not
In gold and , therefore does not meet
our 111culyJ , This . statement Is somewhat -
what misleading , from the fact that this
so-calel surplus Is nmnde . UII of iimoneys
whIch the president ndmlt arc not
Iwalaule for relieving the enibarrass-
fo. releving
meats of the . treasury anti thercfore are
of little present pi'actical 'a1ue. I was
not quite clld to use the fact that
the treasury las nn aJonnt of useless .
or UiIa''alhmlhle ) cash on han us an at'-
gumcnt mtgaiuist leglslnlon to Incl'ense
the revenue of the ovelnment , oml I
would have been wiser to hnve omlle1 !
lilly reference to the so.colel surplus.
Discussion reJll'lllg I has not Im-
proved the Imhlc hnll'ession as to the
conditon of tile tl'CoStll'y , halt has'eI
lls lund the OIllslo eect. Inquiry
Inspired by the hresldelmt's Itntmnent
I hlH served . to show that tIme financIal
( leJltrtlmioIlt of the govel'nmelt Is really
worlo ot HUI hnd beel generally Imp.
BVC''hodr unllc'stanlls that whet the
treitsut'y requires Is more l'evcnue-on
Income itt letist Hulclent to balance the
outgo . There arc the best of relSOIH
for tIme belief thllt If such ' '
fO' uulef HICh wC'e the
Iltlatol all feelng of distrust wOllI
dIsappear alli with I the ( hIlhletilty
which emhl'nHSef the h'easU' . As
, ) .
wnH Slid hr eltO' AllIson a short
t lute slncc , the ahi.Iumtportauit ' nmatter Is
that of getting mOI'n rm'OIW , but in or-
11e' to do . this It ovoimld he nccessll' ) ' for
the Inrt ) lit IIOWII' to lalte llno 011-
I'CISlolS 10 I'Plllhlcln policy , ant that
nelhm' the l1l'esllCllt nll' the ( ieilmocl'ats I
In COI'SS mite dlHlloscl ) to (10 'I'hIe ) '
Imow Ihn thus ( ill' thOu' PolicY has been
I faiItin ' , but tw ) ) rlfess. to holo\J
Ihnt It wl yet ho I success , thought
11) ' ( 'nn give no good rcmml for such
faltIm.Vlmen the tl'lns enacted time
es t hUl tel of its 111)llol'lrl ) Ilromisel 10t
01113' an ample l'e\'lmue , hit I slirlilus.
'J'he country WIH told that ulder the
Iren'nle policy tim tl'ensul'y wOlll
nt olce realize I Kufcent Iucolo to
leot nil ohlnton8 amid that lS SOOI
lS tIme laconic tax went Into effect the
govet'ilmmlemtt would hlvo m01 revenue
limit It imeetled ' 1ho actual l'CSII how.
e'etIs I heavy dclclency , nmountl
for the se\'el month of the CIlen t
fiscal ) 'OU' to over : .IOOOO 01' close
to $ tOOOO I month. 'l'he revenues
for this IlclOt WOI'O greater Iy ; aleut )
$12.0,00 titan for time cOI'I'lslwllng
seven 10nths of the II'ccelllIseal
' ' which Is fnct but
'el' , nn eimcouuitglmmg ,
I large gain II t bo mndo before the
receipts llnl ( IXOIHltUICS. An atitil- '
Uonal Incolo of fully $60,000,0 Ilel'
UUllm 16 t'tsillii'ei by the go\'rulont ,
IUII It Is n IIUCHUO whethel' I con get
this UI C' the existing hmtw. Of course
thieve Is thu rl\onul . that wi ho do-
11'ell front the duty ou sugar and 1101
the tns 01 IUCOICS , Ilt It ill I doubtful
wholhor tbtHO wi ) -1011 the relulrel
amount , it any rate dllu ! the present
_ .
- - - - "
year. I Is pOlbl to make n tolerably
occ\rt estImate of the revenue to bo
hnd frl sugar , hil there Cull he no
of what the
degree certainty regarding
Ilcome tax wIll yield and there Is rea-
son to belIeve thnt the hlJhel estlumntes
wi hot be r'al1lll.
I Is uumaitlfestiy n mlsloke to clnlm
thlt there Is a "cnmfortnhlo Rlllhl ! "
whIle nt the same time nlmltlu\ ( that
It Is Ilrnclcnl ' worthless for 1lle\'lug
time tremisitry , 111 I Is uo _ IWI Ii mlslnl.e
to assert thnt the I 111\lelillle rev eltiles
uf the JO\'l'rnleUt 11M no elleet Iii 1110'
tlcll : luIr'lmeitsIolu. ! I his n'CI' ) '
great deal to do wih klellln \II the
feeling of distrust. If coumgress would
at once Inlw II'O\18Inl for Ile1'nsllg
the receipts of the govet'umueuit so thnt
they wO\ld hllnlce eXllcml\rc ! there
doubt Il oo'ouid 'xert most
cnl he no dOlht wOlld ( 1
wholesome IltlcUCO II t'estorlmmg l'on-
SCOTT , t" ' ] TIm , I. I' . , l'S.
OMAHA , I eb. 4. 1895-To the Editor
ot Thai Dee : In Thc lce or Sun-
day . February 3 , appears what purporls
to be a copy ot 1 IlrClmblo and resolutIons
unanimously adopted by the American Pro-
lect\.c association. As a member or that
organIzatIon , I desIre lo enler a protest
against such a sweeping statement , as I have
never seen nor even heard or such acton
being taken ns represented In The Bee.
Furthermore , I appears no name or names
were slgnell to the document. 1 certain
men desIre to go on record as endorsIng
time sentiments ocjressed well and good but
they should not make the organizatIon re-
sponslble. . P. I' . & P.
' ' dlschmtliitcr Is credlta-
'l'hls elphatc 11scahuC' c\ciln.
hie to the Illll I'R oC the AUlel'lcal
Protective nssoln lout. I I COI1S to \H
fl'O'1 n Ilblc olhhcei' , who8e veracIty hns
11\'CI beou > lmupuguicd , timid whose record -
ord ns \llon \ 'eterlllt nlil nH n cl 171
Is tmitissmthImthihe . 'L'he nHRl'lUtl that the
memhel's of the A. P. A. OI'llll' of this
city ulnulmolsly II'olollce CUlnlu -
hnm it. Scot to bo lilt exelllhllr citi-
len , I tlleah'lot timid I Ileeriess Judge
Is m : outraI'OIS Ihel Oil the mattk nude
tile of thnt om'gaimlzntlou.
' 1he ! 1Ueston Is ; By whom WIS this
dl'falmmmttol'y Ilollclt flhihL'CSSOl to the
1emhCl'8 of the lelslutUl timid 1) '
what luthO'I ' was It Issuel ? low
could any relltuhle Amcrlcan citizen
who has any Helf.reslect Ilolnt to Ctiii-
ulnghnm It. Scott II I Patriot
111 model A11'lcan In face of
Scott's rccold as I slmlkm' front m1-
u\ . lut . dlln the \ar , whel e'ery
abl-bodled , loyal American was II
honor and duty bound to i'ally to the
support of the lag ? ' 10 COlmel1 Scot
as the Peer of any district Judge II the
state In mlmlllsterlg time law with
eluol amI exact Justice In ni cases nnl
to all persons , whel everybody Imows
that he has Rcallalzel and disgraced
the bench h ) his violent outbursts 01 nit
' ' , his disregard of
ungovernable temper dlrearl
iiili\'idUttl righits alil libertIes nll his
flmigrnt usurpation of IOWCr , Is an in-
stilt to common Intolgelce und would ,
If It voiced time sentiment of A. P. A.s ,
convict that order of being al enemy
.of /oV.I1elt
Ie 111erstlul the II'ofesscl car-
, dlnal prncples of the order , Us object
Is to Ilculcnte patrlotsl and loyalty
and uphold the free InstItutions under
which we hive . Membership In time or-
tier Is not llresulld 'to shield amnI
fl'01 the. conseluences of his own ucts.
On the contrary , the true test of Isle
lo 'uly to free Alel'lc:1 Ilstlutons Is
Is abilIty to purge itself or mel whose
conduct proves tlem unworthy of Iub-
lie conf11elco and Ultt for positIons of
honor and trust
There are thousnlls of upright re-
Imtlblo und lttw-abidiimg 1cn In the
ranks of the A. P. A. amid there arc
scores of RC01111'ols WII have worked
their way Ilto the order to use It for time
promoton of seBlsh and dishonest emls.
'l'hls later cass , which Is but a small
fragment of the mass , IIl taken It
UpO themselves to 'lmUcato Judge
Scot from his own indefensible record .
I now uehoo\es the clean and decent
, members of the association to repudiate
time utterances 01 the reprobates and po-
ltcal schemers who ore trying to impose
IpOI the legislature uy II'eteUUug that
the ) ' voice the ulalimous senll0nt of
8,00 A. P. A. voters , when they 10 not
voice the sentiment of one melber out
of a hUldl'Cll
I'fl1'AR1tT1ONS I.'on A lOND ISSUE.
The most trlstworthy information
from Wnslmliigton It to the effect thot
unotHI' Issue of bomls w1 ho mnJe lt
011cc. In his specIal message to con-
gross the preslelt said ho was reIne-
tout to nl\lw another Iomtii halt the sUim-
IttOU Is such thnt he uppearH to have
cOlculed that It Is absolutely necessary
to borrow 10re 101e ) to restore the
lcsl'\'e. Very likely this would have
heel done tiht'emtdy hnt fO' time hOlle of
the ht'es1l0l1t ) that cOIII'eKH would do
the ' of the ' .
somethllg for relief treitsury
10 must see , however " thnl thm'e Is
nothllg Ulo1 ) which to base ! Hch I hope
IHl thnt ( h'11 ' will 011) mnlw the sitiun-
bit , Time ndimmlimistratioim fhimaii.
lol ( wor80 1he IlmlnlKtrlol Ilal"
clnl bi may ) ilS the hOIHO and doubtless .
less will 110 so If the i'eptmiiiicmuims give It
thoh' 8upport , us It Is sold they lwob-
ably wIll 10 , hit thor hi absolutely no
ChllCO . of Us IItislng tIme senate. In the
latter body . the free silver ! men are In
lImo mnJO.I ) uml they are unlel In time
detclmlnaton' that there shll he 10
fnlnclul legislation Unit does not give
tIm fullest to Hlh'el' '
fllost recognition 'hey
huvo decllrell this nllnllldl ) and lIe-
tUlty ull there can he no douht that
their Ilrpose ) wi not ue simnlwmm . Tlmey ,
reul1o thnt : this Is their OIIIIOI'lllu ) 1\11
they hFOiOS0 to 1nl : time lost or It. I
Is shnlily I wnsto of lmo to ntemllt to
eloc Into Inw lt thIs thne any such
bill as the odmlnlstmton 1CUlm'e , and
nohody ought to ullm'stnnil this holtcl'
thou the IH'cshlcnt.
I hellg assured , thm'efore , thot another .
other Issue of honls Is time only menus
hy whlh time treasury gold reserve , now
nt a lower poInt b' several inhibits
11n at any other Hmo since lesump'
ton , can UO restored , It w'otmiih he'l mis-
, toke to longer hut 0 ! negotltlg thlt
loan . Under time rcsulpton act the
seel'eflry or the h'eusul ' cnn ISIHt . 1 per
cnt tiuit'ty-3't'al' bonds , \nd It Is thought
flit Issue of tllt class of hoiuds will be
itmmmde . Aa to whether time government
can sell \lotler Issue of bonds on us
favorable tN'18 os the II'ocedlnJ issues
there ltIl)0ii1'S to bo tome doubt. I Is
stted th\t the New York bankers 1110
practically declned to take time new
honds nlll lu\o advised thnt the ( tot-
clgners he 't ' I chance at them. I
Is also said * 1 foreIgn bnmkers have
RI nIICl tl , wI1hImmgness to Inke the
hOIs ! If tl l'rms war mnde smiti .
fct 01' ) ' , Tim Is gold ennlJh In the
1111.s of Xl ork to mcet a cal for
$ ,000,000 or 'II n largc' gUl , hut It
scels thnt they are not dIsposed to part
wih it. II'rIIIIR , they ) ' are hollng off
wih the ldcm : C.J"orchng the governlent
10 Iccclit theIr . terl ! / 'L'ho last Issl !
of bonll has ' tWmt Ilr\(11 so IJ'oHtnhle nn
In\'Nltment , s uo lllls had cOln tell
Oil nlil Il wOIII' ' ecl to ho C1tlcl ' cor-
tnll thnt nnoWjr ISHle cllnot be IUS-
Ilsell ( of nl h\ l ! on ns flvolahle terls
for the O\i I\I\t/elt. \ \ I. IliitMlVm4 to he
the general Imll'cslon thnt 1 loan cal'
lot be hooted emi better ( onus . thnn
\ollt COllll the goverimmiment .to JI '
nl least : % Pet' eont Interlst amid Il Is
said thnt 111 ' hllwl'R : timlmmk thnt the
II'elhlm offered wOlll he ito greater
thnl ole elllh'llent to nUI.II the Interest .
tel'est. 11c' cemit.
Of COI'SO If Ale\lcan bttllkel'14 wi
10t take the hOlll ! Uw go'et'mimmicimt IIft
selL the I nhlonll ul1 It woull IH'ohlhlr
Hld no dltcll ' In tollg this. Bltlt II
n mlher h\nlnthlJ HllltOI fOl' the
' ' force to thicker with
gO\'C'lmell to he 11cl:1' wih
forelgl bammha'i's : hit order tn l't time Jell
ICISSUI ) ' to Inlnlnll Its credIt , eSlle-
dul ) ' when Ills IclWlbcl'ld thll there
IK bet\eel OO.OOOOOO ( ) ( ) nll . . . $ t'OOOoOOo ( )
or gold In IhlH cotiitti'3' . HInth1'nt ,
howc\'C' Ilst hnve lothll to 11n ( wih
the qtiestiout. 'l'll l'clslr ell reserve
II IPIIIII'11 ) 101'e thnl ole-haI and It
mlRt hi' rest iit'ed ( , regardless of whelo
the O'I'I'lent.obllils the muimount. nec-
cssmtiy to to this.
' . . ' ' I.UUDmr.
Slf.lg. I.1'7'Ll '
11. , Tohl CIIIII Lowe IUIes It vel '
hIilllShlh1i ) dcfelse for time t relief comlls-
slon lit gcmmi't'mtl mutt ! Secretmu'y Lumd- .
( loll In IU\llcllnr. From the h'IO' or
the docllcnl we Inlw It that : h' . Lowe's
relaton to the relIef cOllulsHlon Is that
of an 1IIIIn 'e nll therefore his praise
of the methods Illslel b3 ' the coitiimiis'-
slol 11st bl taken wlh It Jmln of ah-
10WICI Iad ? iIV. L11111 1111e
the explanation It wOll have : hat
greater weight with the inibhlc II geim-
1'1'11 ali the II0ple who arc COILllnll-
hug - - about his wlrs of doing hlSllcss
II 11 rt c 111 1.
iti Llddcn relinds lS very Ilch of
I lal who Is deaf In one ear-some-
11cs his Imearing Is good ali 10 1 e-
times he Is Ilenr as Iost. . Mr. Lud-
lime's Is sensitIve tnmchmimtg class
dle's enl sllslh'e tplchll one
oC couiipiihmtts : hit lie docs net Seoul . to
hear or want to heal tIme other . 111.t-
uent inquirIes ! hnt . arc constantly lade
ald : lS constnnt Ignol'el1
'What the \eoplo'who are interested In
the relief WO 'lialt to know and In-
sist upon lut\rh Is how much In.
10ne ' , checlq 1laft ! : or \ostnl orders
has heen 1'ciY1\1Cd by him amid . the other
otcers of thu C0111Rsion Ute this
tle , Iml fr \\'hol \ these contrlhu-
tons have b : i 1 ece1'el1 When this
information L' . .lllllolblc they will
' " ' \ ' of ' CI'om
want to lmmto'"l'clrts \ lecllpls
day to ( la ) ' , llit . . reports of dlsuurse-
lents weeld.1 , I .
TIme peopie' iso'm3'ant ' to Imow whether
the motley _ ht1cenlelOslell to ' the
credit of ' time 1CLo1COI11IIssl n regularly ! .
or whether all 01 any part of It has
heen 11eposlell to the credit of any . par-
ticimlar ' omcel' out
tcllm' Le180n 0' or paid
w'itimout-beiug HO ( lelOslted. )
They want to kimow' what nl0ult , Ir
miny has becn paid out for supplies and
the latm'e , ( laIU , 1111t ) mmd price
of slch slples ) ! , all ltOov Ilch has 1
been paid for trlnsportaton , with details - ' ,
tails lS to shlllelts , rates and desti-
In tou.
They want to know whet quantity of
relief sUllples has been received from
contributors outside oC the state . , whlt
these SUIples cOlslstel of Ind whel
and where the ) ' were HIIII ) .
There Is also I brisk demand for lu- I
formalol relating to the IJrchnso of
supples , tl lature of the IIPlles , the
Irlces , quality , destnatol amid firm
from which the ' ' ' .
rom ) were lUrcimase(1.
' 1hese mIre iegltlmimte aud Ilcl'Unent
qtiei'ies all If Mr. Ludden wuuts to
Ils'm al cl'llclsm aud 811113' . susllclon
he should take the Ieople ) Into his conti-
delce mind keel them IlfO'lell frm
day . to day. For this iu1'imosc 'j'he Bee
w1 S'0r3' cheerfully accord him space
In its cohtmmmmims.
Wille emnndlng roh'enchmelt In all
bllches of time city alt county I govern-
mel t Time Bee limos no friends to re-
WIII 01' ellllet to imumilsit. Nor docs
It : desire to mllw nmty misleadllg stote-
meut cohleet'llInir . UIY olcer or bronchi
of Public sen.ico. In compltlg the
SlLlllt'y list of time register of deeds amid
umakhmig COmll'lsol wlh time salary list
of ] 88 we 1m ) thuom'e Is I discrepancy
thnt places Register mSlssm' II nit \ -
favou'abho l ht. TIme saluum'y list of the
register of deedf fot' 18BB wits quoted
lS 1\'m'nJllg $ ( 13,83 vet' 101th , whie
the Hlilry list of time present register Is
$ : S. : : I 1IIICII'8 , ho\e\'er , thll tIme ,
l'eJIstel of deeds II 188 lmliloyol I
force of cOI'lsta ) who were PaId by the
folio , amid are lot included him the regu-
liii' solnlY I ! ! , ThIs extra clO'lcll
force mate time average salary ) accolnt
II ] 8 foot uiintiotmt $1 i,2OO IIC' mmionthm.
Whl0 tIme l\mtc ? of regular clel'.t ) II
A1'entC' uow i1t It Wl8 then , the
clel's ) fo'lm'I > ' e'mlloyed os cO'lsts
hlvo becn thIs1'inet1 . wIth , and mill the
wOI'k Is now djmio1by I. 1 the regular fOI'ce.
I Is uIwtt3'5L e good thllg to klow
wheu 'Ol l'IIIbpltol ) , hut tIme labor
lentI' whu , elgileer unH\cceslful
strikes are umsi1hthi ' altogether too tlow
lu Ilscovt'llg "i II' fiI I r. 'j'hls was
uoUclulo II Oml hate Clmleago strike ,
Ilt It Is ngnht , jlo\lcenhlu ) \ II the Ihool- :
Iu street rUlh { ) ' . strike. ' 1ho 1101.-
i3'ml I strikers UIilUeSthlmtmaliy ( had just
gtlevaitct's Igollll their outmployei's Inl }
were wdl supported by publIc 8ellment
In theIr efforts to better their condition.
! I'hmey Proved too weak to cope wlh the
capitalIsts , hut Rmo or their leathers
Ilel'lst ) Iii rcf\sll to declare the war
lt nn eumi. ( This 1,1113' : lenutef 11011\111
! 'I\alh ) ' , Whcl I strike mme lon et
gives the slIghtest prospect of IH'vln
effectIve tue oul ' Is to
e ! tht oiihy course relnlling
11'01111) ) ' call It otT .
The Vain .r Ih/ Coiocrntt1.
Gobe JemocrRt ,
I 19 n coM anti olemn fact that n demo-
erotic president cannot 10 R crlltnhle
thiflg without havIng 1 hose turned on him
b ' his ' .
) ) own 11arl )
. -
, \chlt" tntRlc.t I"or.
Coulcr.J 0tBI ,
There Is no nl1\arenl reason why Mr. J.
n. \11\er ot Iowa Should hlsten to offer
his Id\lce to the American people. , ' ills
servIces were formally tendered In tsn amid
Ilny will recollect that tile ) ' were tiecllmmed .
wIthout lhanks , by 1 majority thai ought to
have been Imlresslve.
' In 0n10215 of Ituforin.
New York Worh
Tue Cutler bill regulatIng the sIze or tim !
lIfts that ladles may wear at Places or
ImnselelH was favorably reported In time '
ass/mhl ) ' ) 'esterlny. Its 11s.u1e should he
followed h i ' time ennctment of another blue
law regllalhm the length of time car or
Sumillunr , ) ' lelslntor.
'ho lute . Ibl.tcr.
lurnlo l5xpress.
A coroner's Jur ) ' It Bute fnls the com-
Ilnles which are rcsponlbll for the nwful
d'llmlt ( eXIloslon ul ) of criminal negit-
gence. These corporations are composl,1 of
lhe most Illulntnl men tIm lom1tai1lt . so I
wi be Interesting to see wlmt tim conrts
wil do with this \resentment , Montnna
being co\pora ton-rhhcn.
, \ " 1" with I . hI 11tc. .
t'lnclnnn1.ntllrcr. .
\'iiat nn absurd thing Is the mace In the
house of rCllresental\'lsl I I ! n large
silver eagle at the Itll of a 1 1\ ' ) ' pole abolt
nyc feet long . I Is the emblem of the
Iuthorl lve ) ' or the scrgeanl-nt"rms and when
IJt olclll ( usIII ) ' the Ilo\Hty \ ) Is ordered
to u scene of conflict With a he has nit he
can cnrr ) ' ; t 11 shouhl be necessary for
' ' Interfere he % 'otuiti he
him to 1)h'SlcnhIy \ouhl
helle s. 'he Idea that the mace awes an'-
hol ) ' Is si ) I ought p to be abolished
l'lWl'r.J ; .ISII TII1GS.
They arc ping np Ice at Fables . Mo" as n
precatmtbomi ngalnsl another drotmtim Such forethought -
thought deserves the cake.
Ieserves cate.
lark TwaIn has seled down In Paris . but
ills heart throbs as loyaly as ever for the
literary syndicates of his latve land.
I Mr. Breltnrldgo persists In giving rein
to hIs temper. his reputation as 1 semInary
troubadour will be seriously undermjne.
The American pull tackled the 10noulu : city
council. and after 1 brIef , spirited contest
landed nn exclusive street raIlway franchise.
A dispatch from Toronto reports the best
doctors In the city have "pulled n latient's
leg In vnln " The size of the patient's plo
Is nol given.
There Is one man at least In New York who
favors a continuance er the gold outliow. le
carts the metal from shop to shill and pockets
$1 for each box.
Speaking or official economy Philadelphia
councilmen have the floor. They receive no
salaries and yet some at them are known lo
have mate money out of the Job
Incidents bob lit frequently tending lo con-
frm lho evolulol In woman. A coming
woman In Brooklyn fred n atone at a street
car durIng the strike and aclualY hit It.
The Boston Globe \ needlessly alarmed
respecting the alleged desperate condition ot
Nebraska people. The "desperale condition"
exists mainly In time active imagination of
space writers
The will of the hate James G. Fair mysteriously -
ously disappeared from Its plgeol-holo , and
ten no tracks behind. There are more ways
than one of paralyzing ' : the governor's" inten-
tons after he Is gone.
General Resvy , the senior officer In time
Russian artillery , has Just celebrated hIs sev-
entelh year of active "ervlce. Ho entered the
lavy In 1825 under Alexander I. , and has
serve under five czars. His long service Is
, surpassed , however , by that of Admiral Count I
.Heyden , who entered the Russian navy In :
During 1 spasm or benevolent virtue , the
Massachusets Genale bounced the lobby tram
Its sacred presence. Ere the last member of
the lobby had dIsappeared through the maIn
door , the head of the procession marche
through a side enlrance. Then the august
senators , haloed with vIndicated virtue , settled
down to business.
San FrancIsco Is engaged In another heroIc
erort to break the chains or Ihe Southern
l Pacific railroad monopoly which fetter the
commerce ot the city. I Is propose to buIld
an Indpendent railroad to Los Angeles by way
of Bakersfield . Among the subscriptions to
the enterprise Is one or $700,000 by Claus
Sprecltles and son.
HEIll.ISlilt.VI N RDll.tSKANS.
The dales for the Sarp county tall have
ben fixed for September 11 , 12 and 13.
The Nuckols County EducatIonal associa-
ton wi bold a meeting al Nelson Feb-
ruary 9.
Herman Schroeder at Sidney was for two
years 1 fireman on the l.fated steamer
Elba that went down off Loweslott last week.
Mrs J. M. Stanton was found dead In bed
lt her 1101110 I Is auppsel\ that she died
of heart dl3fse. ler husband was absent In
Kansas nt time time.
The Northwest Nebraska Medical association -
ton has been organIzed with Dr. Meredith
as president Time society will have foul
mneetlngs each year.
A DecIder physicIan -engaged In the task
at making n now scalp for Fred Mesloh of
that nine ' hv tht sldn ! rdUn nrop" . ' , . .
scalp ' was torn " from n the ; " young ' man's head
during a runaway accident ,
A. H. Tunberg , who died nt Oakland last
week , was one of the pioneer settlers of the
Logan valey , having been a resiient of that
section for thirty years. Ito was a natIve
of Sweden and was 69 years of age.
Ex.Chlplaln Drenbacher or the hegisia-
ture , who was reported to have received n
cal lo the pastorate of the Luthernn church
at Auburn . Is now 1 CongregatIonal minIster
nt Ulysses , and the Drenbacher who Is
going to Auburn Is an entirely different man.
The body of Obey Stephens , 1 young nian
residing near Stanton was found by the
sldo or the road near his homo and It Is
supposed that he was frozen to ,1 ath. There
Is a myslery surrounding the case for the
body was hrulsed and time young man's pants
were found hnlr a mIlo from the body ,
William Iomerhal , an ohl resident ot
Gage county , called at the flank ot Odel the
olher day and asked to see n note that time
banle held against him for collection. When
it was shown him be seized time note and lore
J Into blls. sayIng that lhat settled It. The
note was for $250 and the bank will make
10meraham settle. .
St. LouIs Republc : In sple ot the verdict
or the Pollard jury Colonel Jreeklnrldgo all
insists that he 11 not a liar. Our jury B'atem
Ie evidently In need of reform
New York World : Breckinridge's share In
hue congressional ! row would have disgraced a
man whose former conduct had tel rendered
him Immune to that sort or thing.
Minneapols Times : Mr Drecklnrldge appears -
pears lo have mIstaken the bouse of representatives -
senlatves for 1 Kentucky I court room , wIth
"Colonel" Pbl Thompson on the bench
Cincinnati Commercial : Jrecklnrldge and
hoard , both democrats fghtng In the house :
the attorney general and solicitor general at
outs , and time later resigning this Inlerecl-
oil conflict Is getting worse and worse. In
the s'ords or the great republican cblenaln-
"Let us have peace. "
Highest of aU in Leavening Power.-Latest U. S. Gov't Report
a Powder
. .
71111 TILIUEI)1' IF TIm
xlR Tll.WRJl 'RI ,
ChiCAg Post The loss rt the Elbe Is one or
those things thAt unrortunntely will hnppen-
events mmnproo'emitmtbie by hllnl Ingenuity In
11 present slag ot development.
Courier-Joural m The death which tolows
the collision ot two great vessels Al sea has
oil lhe horror that suddenness nnll Inevitable
doom can gl'e. Such 1 tragedy bring home
the Inclrlnlnty or life to the most heedless.
May we nH comprchel1 It better , coil live
moro In accordance with our knowlelge. ,
Chlcngo Ilcord : The reports of thoso' '
rlsclNl are nlcessarly confused , but there
h enough or fact , and enough or silence to' '
IH1Clio that the fate or time Elbe Is to be
another or the great stories ot the nnnals or
the sea-stories II which only Limo bare main
facts arc ever told . Tile colsion nl sea hn !
come to be recognIzed as the ono ncchlent
against which neither slamanshh ) nor watertight -
tight complrtments nor any other mnrlno
equlpmont COil afford entire ProtectIon .
New York " ' 0111 : or the twenty saved
fifteen , I Is sold . were officers . crew amid ,
Pilots-a hlroPortloii seemIngly irreconcilable
Illolsarolmrlon Irrlconcllhio
with 1 IlrO\er Ilschargc or 11uty by the om-
cers , and almost Irreslstbl' suggestive or
co\nrdl ) ' desertion In the moment or changer
by those whose lire and death dUly I vas lo
save passengers alHI especIally the women
nUll children , Out of all that company these
fUeen seamen who saved themselves managOI
lo rescue only one gui , Al thin other women
and children were left to Ilerisil
Springfield Hepublcan : Time time wi
never conic probably , when those dnngers
will be mnlerlnly lessllld , Hilt , after all Is
salmi we are In moro dnnger In trn\elng on
the sea thou or mail 7-or even In so much
Peril on the water , taking Inlo reckoning time
frequent disasters on the railroads , The
greater carrying ( 1Jacly ot time stelmers
gins us nn npilalln loss of life , however ,
when time disster there ( hoes come. Nolh-
lug can mitigate the Irlntul ' character or
such n traged as Thursday broughl to shock
the eimtlre worM.
lhlallllphia Ledger : A great disaster hike
'Ihe wreck cr time steamshlll mbo stirs time
hnaglnatol amid awpkens the sympnlh for
time drowned 11ass/ngerl nnel , crew and for
their relatives alHl friends who read the news
that In he ( twlnklht or an eye loved oimes
have found 1 grave In the sea : lout It also
leads to the reflection thal there Is very
seldom such news to rocord. Voyages by sea
have been remlorCI remarkably safe wllhln
recent years. Scores upon scores or sleam-
shhls cross time .tantc weekly . ) 'et there Is
slhlom nn accldenl or loss ) life . I Is
true that In 1 period or . fifty years nearly 100
steamships have bien lost but there Is a
very smal proportion , when voyages not
shhls , are commslderm'd . Slatstclans have
figured Ill ) 1 loss or less than 6,000 hives by
shipwreck In the Atlantic service In fifty
years . and , lhouJh lint nUllher Is great , It
Is relatively smal"ror ns man ) ' are somolhnls
carried safely Into New York In 1 single
day . Time loss ot life Is mnde Impresslvo
chiefly beeauso Il was concentrated n slnglo
shipwreck carrying town hundreds or men
amid women , nnll , though tIme dangers nttemmh-
lug sea voyages ought to bo recognized the
relative Inununl ) of vOyages from danger
should not be forgol n ,
.SI1OIT .INI ) 7'0 TIil I'OINI'
.SIUlT . "l Trl J'UI-7' .
Phlludoiphia ItecordVimen : n man Is Informed -
formed Ihnt he II time father of twIllS he la
usual ) ' filed \llh up.parent dlsnU .
last LIfe night : "Sm ? " yetI let Mr. Clinker kiss you
"Yea ' How did you know ? "
"He asked me today If I would forgive
tel \oull
him. "
Burulo Courier : Blnls ( meditatively- )
Whlt n greedy world this Is : the great maJority -
jorlt ot people ulwlYS after mane ) ' . Hnrel- ,
111 100. ( sadl-Yes ; nIld a long way after It ,
Indlnnapols Journal : "Ilut 'our nnme
li this blon11hy of eminent \ mel of Boom
Collilty " said the solicItor , "for $25. with
portrait Inoluellll , " . wih
" ' \ho the dickens would rend It ? " asked
tile prominent citizen.
"You 'iil. . . .
"You1. Every day.
Hoeltlnml Tribune : " " 'cl. 'ou're a sighlt "
exclaImed the bystanders as ( ho moan fell
Into tim mortar tIOd .
"Yes , " the man said , sorr\fuly. ns he
scraped himself oft with n chl ; 'sub-iime. "
New York Weeklyinterviower--1 under-
Staild Iiir. Murphy . that ' ' 100 '
11. Murh ) you are 10 years
old. In that case you CI1 no doubt Hive
the lUbilC valuable rules for
memo vnhlble tie attainment -
tulnment of long life. Mr. Mtlrphmy-TIlero
Is only vnn. "Onl ) ' one ? So much the het-
( or. What Is I ? " "Gct born In Oirianml . "
Boston Transcript : Kate-I want to tel
Aunt Susan about my agement. but I
don't know whether I can trust her 0' not.
I don't wnnt I 10 get out just ) 'el. Editil-
, 'isl her ? or course you can'l. You know
silo mnlms no secret ot her mine. imnti n
woman tiling. who wi tel her age wi trU any-
Boston Courier.
I never forgot that kiss I stole.
When I caught her unnwares ;
How couhl , I help it . she toolm sO swnt ,
As she fluttered town the stairs .
I never forgot that kiss I tole ,
How could I. target Il when
I cost me a thousand In the courts :
An lefl me tbe saddest ot men ?
TWU , J1 " 'N OF IT.
Somerville Journal
The snowflakes sifted softy down ,
'ho ground grew swiftly white : '
One swel girl clasped her hund with joy
Delghlell rt the sight.
'Vlnler has really come at last "
. In ecstasy she cried.
. .omorrow Charlie In hIs sleigh
'VI take me out lo ride . "
Her brother niso saw the snow
And sighed ( too tired , to talk ) :
" ' 010r'ow I hal break my back
. . "
A.shovelng off time wale.
ST.IT1nu : tOl ) .
OMAhA V'cl , . 4.-To the 1 11or of The
flee : Prom time great cry ( list haa ben
going out rtgl.lnj tile Ineme.ency of the
state relIct cr .m.missIon time casual observer
would conclude lhat the commission was com-
Ilose,1 , or the meanest an,1 most heartless 1"1
on earth , amid IL i seems to them awful that
such a crew shoull have In charge the 1)1101-
lug ot 40,000 souls lhrough this Fen of a11-
\'erslty. To case theIr mlllis ! anti to assure
them that no one Is starvIng or freezing to
II loath Permit mo te say that nil or lhls
clammier arises from the dlrNelce between
whnt mnn wants anti what he needs Mnn-
kind Is not 10 far allvlncOl but that when
anything or \ 'aluo Is gh'en away gratis the
biggest mnn gnernly gels the bootHe. Wo
cnn censure no Ian for I. for the fault lies
wIth no enl but \damn In this ( charily
work Il Is untural for every mln 10 get nil
ho cnn from his I'reclncl commimmmittee . for they
think nt lho founlnln heal , the supplies are
flowing freely , and It Is nnlurll for tIm Ilr&
clnct commltco to ! el nil It comm from time
county central cOlmltce , and for time county
commltr lo get nil It calm front time commission -
sion , and Ihus n contnual wnl goes till like
uulo lhal heard by Iante. To "rove this :
When time first great rush callue before the
counlls were al wel organized , 50mo or
the commlsslou went out into the state 10
It'eutlgalo. nn,1 while drivIng across time
counlry ( lie ) ' found one ! oOl exumpll of
"man's Inhumnnly to mnn" In the shape of "
seven sacks or donated four In ono house.
Again , amnomg the reports or tile countes ot
what theY nrd I fml the following : One
commnty asks for one sack or four n week each
for 1.000 ramiies for lwenly weeks , 20,000
sacks , at wholesale . aboul $9.000. mil time
snme counly asks for $1 worlh or ml1t
each Ir week for lwenly WClls , mnltn [
total or ahout $29,000. over haIr or whal was
nlproI1rlnle,1 for time enlro slale. Another
couuly wanls 800 pounds or four for each
destitute fammlihy . wih trlnmlngs 10 stilt , 4
And because they ) ' 110 not get all or lhese luxuries -
mines they nlllte Homo ( Imowi amid it. I hal just
beun lo dawl 01 the Investgatng cmml
lee from the legislature that lherl\ Is 1 dif-
ference belween the demallis made amid ' the
neels , ,
And the oulcme or nil lila ( hubbub Is that
the Ilblc Is led to believe hint ( nOlhlng Is
bell .Iole to releve the drulh simiferers . ,
amid Mr. Iudden , the secretary . gets al. or
the hlame , when In fact supplies are being
shhllll ) atnost e\IY day Inlo time COUlt0
demumllng aid amid letters or cheer and
thunltrulness are received In every lilmull.
When n car Is sh1111101 from the cast and
the vnrlous donors have rrlllds In sa ) five
counties . and time rrlends are notf/d of the
tiommatiomi . amid the live comuiltlcs claini time
iioimatloii was raised especially for them , thou
Mr. L'mddemu Is uirralgimed In words Hot to bo
mistakeum because four of th& otmntIos did
umot get that car , Time wishes of time donors
are always carried out when posiimie , but
0mb car comm ilot go Into sl coumitics ummder
time presemit state of circumnmstnhmceii.
This is time revnrd that is In story for time
111011 'imo imas worked silmCe last. August vitii-
out pay : 'imo foregoes time itmxumry of a breakfast -
fast with his famllily , 1mm fact , any local , except -
cept on Sumumday ; u'hmo sits dowut at his desk at
I ; o'clock In time mormmiumg : wlmo sits all day
dictatIng letters amid patiently hlstemulumg to
an ahiliOst contInual stream of callers and
Investigators ; wimo sits at ills dealt until Ii. .
o'cloclO at night , and often later ; viuo preaches
two acrumiomis on Sunday , and who line tmpon
his simoumlders the grave responsibility of
feedlumg , clothing and keepimig iii fuel 30,000
destitute P001)10 ,
Amid yet time people vlhl imowl tumrough the
press aimmi other ways'that people are being
samily mieghccted. One of timeso was oie Ia
Time Summday lice from St. Martin's rectory.
South Omaha , commtairmlng an ummdercurrent of
sarcasmmi that was a treat to the individual
reading it who had a grlovammco and lied not
yet had an opporttmnity of stepping on ( ito
secretary's 1100k and giving hits heel a twist.
It is true timat tim& gentleman did commtrlhumto
$17.10 to ho invested In ilour. It Is also
trime , I fluid , in Iooitiumg over tIle flies In the "
office of time comnimiisslon , that thu order was
placed as soon as his letter was opened. to- "
gothmer wIth sroral similar orders. witit C.
C. White of Crete , Neb. , and that free trans-
mortatioml was arranged for the same , Time
order Illiscarrieti , and it was not until Mr.
Ludden hoard fromn sonio parties In the vest
did Imo know ( hint time order imad not gone
forward , and 'ubout tills time time order
( lImed ill ) iii tile poejet of another Wimlte In
Crete , who had neglected to turn It. over to
time proper party. As soon as time delay was
learned time shipmeumt was telegraphed for , m
and it vent forward last week , Mr. Luddouu
is business man enougll to know that wimen
a moan pays for anytiming lie likes to know
what imo Is getting , and I presummie that is
wimy limo gentleman was told wimat kind of
flour was purcimased. And as time wortlly
moan from St. Martin's Is so good In his hogia
00(1 50 definlto lit his conclusions In hula query
to Time 13cc. I beg heave to ask it the Impetuosity -
potuosity of the 'uvortimy man from St. Mar-
tin's rectory Is so great that It rings fifty-
five lines of cold sarcasm from his overflowing -
flowing heart , directed at. tiu& conimlasion ,
how many lines of humble apology should lie
wrIte to imI worthy sculler , wimo , I venture.
luau done nioro Co alleviate thmo sufforiuigs of '
unfortummato Itumimanity witimin ( ho last few
rmionths luau has thmo aforesaid gentleman hi
all time days of his young career ?
Stuuimd and ioiivor.
Louisville Courier-Journal.
Outside of congress the refusal to vermlt
lleeded legislatloml unless "somnetimimlg be
, iflfle for silver" would be called tue worst
klmid of bhackulmall ,
Your Momicy'sS'ortim or Your Moncy Ilaak. . q
. '
Going Up H'ighei '
Everybody agrees on that-we're getting lig1ier
and higher every ycar--oii the qua- !
, - . - ' ity-of our clothing-Good dressers
don't buy where Lt is handiest-but
C _ they pick out a high quality-low
i-1 price-house like ours-and stick to
& ' it-seven fifty for a suit or an over-
- . coat don't amount to much-but you
- - ' 9
- get a mighty nice article of us foi
that-there are $ IO-$12 $15 overcoats and suits-the
qualities no better-but thi trImmings , linings , etc. , on
ours arc better , of course , than the $7.50 goods , We
used to get lots more for them , Boys' suits , 92-s2.5o
-3OO-$35O with boys' ulstcs at $5 and 6-Such
prices as these for our high grade goods are outside the
pale of competition. We not only make the best qual-
. ity-but we also make the best prices.
Rtmlluibito Clotlmlcm'z , , S. ' 1.V Cur , 15th amd Douglas ,
- -
" - -
- -