Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 05, 1895, Page 2, Image 2

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tullE OMAhA DAILY JYD.Hll 'UEsDAY , EnnUAUY 1896.
: ' 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - _ _ _ - - - -
_ anti our RrAnllpnrcnt , net beCAu our henrt
II ; lef JewIsh or our belief IM rational or our
prhle In our Iorlous Iat leu IntnM : but
becaulo wo have been born anl1 reared under
other Infufces , InfuencM which hall they
eurroundet our TrentM would have made
Rurrountell fuents
them as we Are today , and would have drawn
down Ullon their heads the chdrgc lint to
. day are heaped upon u. WhAt was thl
eondtIon , of our pecpll In foreign cuntrle 1
conlllon they were oltraclscII ; pollcalY they
InIuetrIaUy they were degraded -
had no rlght8 : ; Inllultrlaly
graded n : religiously they were de pllell. Thc.
atcrs , concerts , lectures socety , amuemcnts ,
participation In the publc weal and woe ,
which Interested and animated cther8 , waR
not a dlverlon they enjoyed to sweeten their
' llve. So with cur Jrlat-Iralllparent and
their parents , home , brethren , rcllous ob.
servance furnIshed the al-absorhlng , the all-
8tlrylnJ 8erance the al-comrorln ! thom , or le . ;
and to the . c they hall to look for ccinpenaa
Uon for what the non-Jewish world deprived
. them cf ,
' "Thus it II true that Ju'lalsm ' , as con-
ceivd by I our parents and I'uropean ' grand-
paents , I ! net the Judaism of the American
Jewleh ycuth ; thus It Is trUe that many of
thc vnerahle : and b2autlul ceremonies and
oh3on'ances which cheered and sustained
them and compenstell our gurollean Hebrews
for all their prvatont : , have failed to be reo
ta1Ii(1 and lhered , to by us
"To the Iory and pride or America It em
be sId thlt ! with the arrival or the Columbus
fleet .cn thc shores of the new world , the sun
fl t.n a religious , racial and , Iloltc1 liberty
arose , nfll ( , as I crept acros" the horlron , the
Fllecler nnl Ilark ages , fanaticism fell and ! -
p 'appeared. The wall or the Ghetto have fallen
AmerIca out Into
and the Jew today II steps
a broaler sphere , out among his relw men ,
out trout his narrow confines and clannIsh
aucclatous , Today the joys and sorrows ,
I the hopes end fears , the Interests anti as-
. . piratons that animate the non-Jewhh world
* an1mae the American Jewish youth , As
others II AmerIca less , Wl Mess. As ethers
: othhs reel and
. worshlll , we worihII ! As
' think and act , we also may feel and think nod
- act. Thank God , we are free , Cree to milloy
our faculties , free to be what we wanl Thus :
this thorough external re\'olulen naturally
, ! Inner organic change
lel to a correpondlnl !
t . Whatever In Judaism , as conceived by cur
ancestors , I" II conformity with the tendency
oC our ' ! . Is , tl effective with their chit-
dren. Whatcv clashes with the present
sp'rlt anti with present tntere9ts. Is l n ceosar '
ly either ollnl ahandoncll , tpclly neglected
: or tenderly refned awny
"My frienJs American Jlulhm Is In 10
, daner. The heart of the JewIsh youth I !
active ; his mlnll 1awake l anti alert and his
. zeal for the p rlletuatcn / or the cardinal prln.
clples or our faith. fOr the spreading 01 the
knowledge of olr glorious past , Is as Intense
a ever It was among the Jewish youth of
the nat. and the membershin of our order
and the advance of the American Jeslah yoth
- or that crllcr Is proof cuiliclent. "
Ihll' M Hose was ellual to the occasion
In his "esponse ) to "Our I.alles , " In conciud-
: log his remarks he referred pcetcal ) to the
fair sex In the 'olowlnl sentiment :
"My theme includes each one of you ,
strangers as wel as home folks too Earth
Is a sweet abiding place , because cf womln's
worth anti grace . as mother , sister sweet-
heart , wife In all relations or this le , She
Is 101'1 true and stcacast friend , hIs guld-
' ing star unto the end , Tonight they urge
lit ; lot In vain our Orphans hOle to help
maintain , We will give them hy our word
! all deed , encourapemelt they so mitch need ,
and whlo responding to their cal , wc'l pry
'Ood bless our ladles , all. ' '
Mr. . S. Huhovltz concluded the tcasts with
remarks on the "Nineteenth Century . "
At the conclusion of the speeches the Ihnce
watt on , und participated In with evident en-
The musical proram hy the Trocmlero orchestra -
. I chestra was one of the best received fetures
It eonslstell of ten numbers. Including n cornet -
let solo by I Basse anll Xylophone solo by
'Vliam Harack , beth oC . which were heart-
r fly encored. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
. , YI'otl'rduy' S..lnn nf ( rand Lodge.
: . . The session of the distrIct grand lodge was
devoted largely to routine work anti a discus-
sion oa the report of the committee on efl'.O.v-
ments The latter , consisting of H. elsenthal ,
Phi Stein M. M. Iouseman , Ad .Loeb ;
Adolph , Donby and Adolph Fround reported
' a dozen amendments to arUclo 11 , . dthe con-
k Hluton , ' vlh relation tO ttto ' endownIent
. I plan , prevlolsly outlined In this Ilaper. The
amendments are being acted on ; 811 serlalum ,
. anti have precipitated conslderabld. discussion
, which consumed the greater portion of ' the
time yestenu
It Is thought that the convention wi conclude -
dude Us labors , thl cvenlng .
' Prlcc's flaking Powder will go farther
than any other. . Why . ? It's absolutely pure.
' & 'rchtIejit'g Ir'nlne"11 ' " SnJJo . . ions Not l'Icas-
Inl to nnlhl. nl 1llor ,
At a meeting of Knights of Labor Assembly
: No. (11 , held last night , the members dis-
cussed tim fnancial queston , Nona endorsed
- the presldent's message , and after all hal
. 8poln upon the question the following res-
O'UtOIS ' were unanimously adopted as the
sense of tim assembly :
Whereas , President Cleveland has sent a
special message to congrost " urging tltttt
conlre : urslng tmt
body to power for the Issuco or
pwer :
. hundr\ds of millions at gohl bonds ; anti
Whereas , Said ' special message recom-
melu\ the retirement of greenbacks and
' silver certleates row In circulation ; and
\ \ ' herons , SaId Special message further
Slgglts ! the use ot national bank notes In
PICO or greenllcks anti ' sliver certificates
! . 11 VII' certlca
nOw In geleral circulation ; antI
\Vhereas\Ve believe the Issuance or gold
bOfltitt to be nn Incorrpct economic princIple
which would Und to further complicate the
.t Inlnelll situation instead of bringing de-
. sired relief ; and
Whercns , We
beHcva the retirement or OW
, sreenhnek money anti iivr , certilicatcH
Ilvel' certfcaUI
would tend to make
woull mlke money scarcer and
. t' worl ! H1eat it3epuvenitnIcc' to Icnrcer onr people ;
. , "horcal The 'tlse of itatlcjntll bank flotes
- ns lon ) grants /pecal II'Jvlelo to ( na-
, tonnl hankers which Is Il'ultell to no other
Ilals or citizens , II permitng national
balk rl to draw Interest al their debts ;
9.- . \Vltereas. , " 'c cnn see no relief whatever
, II Uw tttlniinistration . hi reler fore con-
gress : acid
" 'hereIA. " 'I believe the IJFHngc of Haiti
bill wotli work untold hnrdRhlps upon the
t . , lOpll' ) or thlH country and only benelt n
few ; therefore he \ )
, , Itei.oiveil. Thlt we the members of
Knights of Labor 4sseInll % ' memberl , of
1 Onialtu , Neb , most res\oetful ) ' , lll urgently -
gently , request our national ami
refuest l/tonll congress 1111
Helate to nnt ISI Haiti ntlltilnistration bill ,
I Illmlllftralon bi
Heslved , ' 1hnt this IIEelbl instruct ItK
delegates to the Central 1.1\01 unlol ! anti
District AsHenlitly 12(1 ( to IHk there boles to
t'ittl a general ,
'al 101011 muss meetn to Protest
111118t the Illslge of the bill now before
CIllreSI known lS tile IdmlllHlmton lull ,
Considerable time wns Shunt In discussing
the local brail questol , the membcrs gner-
ally favoring / a sixteen ounce loa' ( Instead or
the , twenty.four ounce now icroposetl by the
, Ilroposet
cty .equncll .
ciy cQuncl. . -
( ficarge. , \ gctlsist Olhicor Hurt' Not Sustaicicat
VharGl"&llllt Olcor Ilt Snstalntt
. : -"II""lnl I I'oli"o A'llllhltll
, The tiQnrd , of Fire and Police Commission-
ers tranucted only routine busness : last
Ilchl ,
rV.lcO charges agalmt Ofeer Burr for vlo-
llug rules of discipline were not sustailed ,
but 'furlhfr action 11 his caRe was reCerrel1
, ' to thc comlllee on len all diseitilicc' .
Chief Scavey nskf for n cicero strlneelt ;
rule prohibiting officers Cram tlppearng ; 11
uniform when absent from tiuty , Ippearnf . :1. .
titers and Iblll I. Selzle were appointed (
sllcrlal policemen , without li from the city ,
and the resignation of Special ( Juicer Jerry
Murphy WIs ncceliled. Patrol Prlver O'Brleu
: \IS given a leave oC UbtelCB for ten das
. upd benefit Otilcor , leebl was uowet $62 sick
t Wiliam I\rnl was granted a license for a
saloon lt 101 Jackson street acid George S.
i Cacilcy ) vas ; jVel ) le1118101 to 10\e his
, , Halool train llU to 123 North Sltcjnth street
' Fred I. Coegrovoaa rantcJ a drusgls
Iermlt 10 10 business a at 1920 Lake street ,
: , " 011 ! Il l'll'roftuhh' I ) lllt ,
. l'I'"f nUnn. i'cii. l f1olrrowlnl(1
.t , States lurlllul ; \yaikec' wi Jel cit Ilblc
, tUtll' 01 the stPIIS of the federal bullllg
lice entre 'cbtern New Yorlt & l'cul"'I-
, 'aataiu railroad taittici' hOl\1 fureeltsur' . . This
4 road : , \ hlch ICI'P" us n lorlher oul.t Nr
the Ailiglattacy'alley , hats IlwI8 been 11
1111rltnblu 111ece of ) Irolen ) ' r,1 Its inyn.
t't'd. ' 'hl 1 'a I'n cOlllrbeN ( .9 miles or line ,
'S connecting litatlulo vitia Oil l'I ) ' . with hltp-
11I1alo wlh 01 wJh
? eunnet'ting hates Iunnlng tu Olean , N e ! ,
Ild Ncwealte , } 'I'-
. t ) rulh of II l'ulll" 1.1111. Irultr ,
't SANTA BAi IA n.\ , < nl. , } cb. ,4. - Ocure
a < hl\,11 of the Chlcuuo urea ot ( 'hOIIII &
. . there died beta toll )
_ .
1 *
Bills Before Legislative } Committees Intended . I
tended t ReLuco tht Oompany's Oharges
i'reslcient nail General Jnlnl r ff the trent
Illtluton Ar""o 'Chelr bhlo of the
gue8tlol _ , iofIries' hail < lel
WRY to SIlreeher's.
- .
IINCON , I'eb. -Special ( Telegram.- )
The stock yards company of South Omaha
has discovered that I has a hard fight on
its hands , and the dlsclvery has occasioned
the company some lite surprises W , A ,
Paxton , presitlent or the Union ' Stock Yards
company , and " ' . M. Babcock , general man-
tiger , appearell before the senate commitee
on mlscelancus corporations this afterneon
anti eiigagt1 I In a two hours' debate with Senators -
ators Jerries anti Sprecher , both of whom
have introduced , measures striking at tim
Ilrofts of the stock yards iontnny , ! essrs ,
I.uton and Babcock are having a smlhr ,
tussle with the house committee tonight.
: , Babcock Ilrcsentfd to both committees a
carefully written argument against the stock
yards , bills , In which ho points to the fact
that while the stock yards company Imposed
a charge of $1 per bushel for corn anti , $1 tier
100 pounds for hay , , these charges were not
exorbItant , considering the free services rca-
erel the shipper In caring for and handling '
his stock . On thC other hand , Senators Jef-
fries and Sprecher stood up for their hiI
I.'lnaly Jefries consented that hIs bill , which
Is the more radical of the two , should give
way to Sllrecher's. The hearing will be resumed -
sumed at 10 o'clocl tomorrow
A lively debate was precipitated In the
hcuse over time Introduction , In commlee !
or the whole , or honse roil No 92 , the bill
for n one-hai-mi levy fQr the benefit of the
State unlversl } ' . The skirmish waxed fast
and furious. Davie lade the strcng speech
or the dlscm'3l all he was 10allM for bear.
The bill was barely saved from defeat this
evening and I was the oplnlcn of canny mem-
hors that It w1 not emerge from the struggle
alive. According to Robinson , who made the
opening speech II Its favor , the half-l
levy will raise emily $70.000 a year for the !
contemplated new buid In ! Davies said that
under the presmt anode of ats3snieilt. oC
property tht might be true but houl1 a bill
new pending In the hous to comp 1 assssors
to asses prollerty at Its each value become a
law the hal-m1 levy would raIse nealy
$100,000 He also pointed out that the present -
eat levy for the unlverslly purposes was
three-eights of a mi , and should the as'
sessora' bill pass , that would raise enough
bill unnec-
more money to make the present bi
essary. Davies showed that Nebraska was
tcday paying a greater tax for university
! . Iowa Kan-
iiirpose than any other state. ,
IJrpOsc sas Michigan made direct appropriations
unlversty ! ,
by the legislature for purposes
but that appropriatIons . when estmated hy a
tax levy were below what was now asked by
the Nebraska university which would be
scven-elghths of a mill , al told.
Muner of the Lancaster delegation sup-
ported ! the bill In an earnest speech , stating
that a man would spend 50 cents the amount
of tax on $5,000 worth of property , and never
eel it.
During the prorc-ss or the debnte there
was a vast amount of 101Ib. g In progress
on the floor.
Howard ball that while he was In favor of ,
I' ' assisting the unIversity . he had a plan to
do away with bait of the appropriatIon for a
' srialt state institution In his coumity cut oil
the ' $30.000 appropriation for , the ' state militIa
and severnl other ( .xtravagan'cies and give
everything thus saved to the untyerslt'y.
A motion wn then . matTe that when the
ommileo arise it' report the bill as recom-
mend"1 for pnssae. Thlswas amendeJ by
a motion that the committee rise. report
progress . and Isk leave to , sit again This
Was carried , but when thetreport was male
Chapman moved to ame.juilby reporting the
huh for Inlefnlte postpauleni nt. A call at the
house was demanded , The sergeant-at-arms :
hurrIed . out and pro uc . : before the bar of
, cite huse Jtcpr03enta ' Braly Harrison
v6te taken , RobInson -
aimd Lanuborn Before a was tilten
Inson movtd ' that furtherprocedlngs under
call of the house be dispensed with. and I
lan carried. Then Chapman withdrew his
ameldment for indefinite iistponement , and
tim unIversIty bill was given a life until an-
other da ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _
" sEN.vrE'S SIUHT .SE'tSlO :
Commtteo that "I.lcd Urand lalnmt I x-
iiiirratcs CnmmuHI"nt ? elvll ,
LINCOLN , Feh. -Speclal-The ( ) senate
held n brief session this afternoon , The first
piece of Important work accomplished was
the adoption ff a pro forma report vindicat-
hog the commandant of the Soldiers' and
Sailors' Home nt Grand Island from charges
of mismanagement that had been Ilblshed
by one or two populist newspapers. The re-
per was presented br , Senator Caldwell and
was as follows :
Your committee , 'appointed on SohJlem'
anti Saiors' Home beg leave to Ju'ml the
folowing Ielort 11 to lie treatment of the
Inmates thereof. We visIted the institution
on Fcbrar 1. anti , after viewing the build-
inapt , tn'Olert ) ) amid Ilremlses generally , made
un extensive eXlmlnalon of the InnlteR
separate and apart from the olcerH thereof
as to the manner In which sall home has
bean conduclell b ) the pre-ent mannlement ,
Ilso lS to the treatment uccordel to time In-
mnt ! hy the In'fsent commandant 111 the
olcerl nnllel' him , amid we 1111 no cause
for comllalnt : but from the testimony of
numerous l > itrties . conslstll ! wholly or the
) '
Inmate just reason for word oC com-
menlaton nntl praise. Ant we Inll anti re-
lort that the treatment anti care of the
nmates , by the prelent commlnllnnt , cintl
0lccr8 under him hl ! been Ilrollel' 1111
cantrnemcdabie anti that the Imimnictemi
commellllble Ind Inmltel ar can-
tented amid satisfied .
The report was approved by the senate and
ordered sprelli upon the records
Iathhuu , front the Joint commitee on torn- I
pornry adjourment , reported that the com- i
milee had Igreel upon an adjournment of
the two houses from February 8 unti February I -
runry 1 at 2 o'clock
Pope endeavored to umelli the report by
makinI the temporary ndjournment terml
lisle on Monday , February 18 His amend
ment was rejected acid the original report
Holbrook of Dodge offered a resoluton II-
rCCtng the secretary or state to have prlntel
for the use of the Benato (00 copies of the
message of ex.Goveror CrcUle and the Inaugural -
augural of Governor Holcomb In I lglsh ,
German , Bohemian and Swedish languages ,
Crane opposed the resolution on the grounls
that I WAS' I Illece of useless extravagance
'ert also ollpcsell It and Crane's moton to
tlhe was agrcfl to hy a veto of 23 to 6.
After IntrolluctQn and reading of a
numher o new bills the senate went Into
commitee of the whole , wih Stewart In the
The bill uuler consdea : lon was
senate file No 27 , br Graham , to
Ilmeni the law of 189 relating to
the establshmen of a Soldlera' RelIef
commission. Among the amendments sug-
lested by time Present law Is one giving tIme
wire of auy decease1 ! union soldier , saior or
marine , who having remarrIed shah again
bccome a wldol depellent Ullon charIty
( or support , time benef of time law Another
mnonlhnent gives the members of the relief
commision $3 per day for each day they
serve After a few amenllments
net afectng the purpose of the
bill , The commitee'Qte to favorably report
It blcl , to the senate
Whll In commlteo of the whole the senate
aha agreed upon Grmchani'mi bill reducing the
salaries of county attorneys In certain counties -
ties ( mont $2,600 to $ , { IOO. 'Cha bill olly
' ' ,
alel'tl Gaga coull )
The leI bills Introluced 1111 read for the
first tme tts alurnoon werl a follows :
I ) ' 'efl , rElatng to the IOl'erllolt and
construction or feats acid brIdges In counties -
ties haying Ion than 100OO Inhabitants :
by Crne , to prohibit bokmaking and pool
selilg ; br SloAn relalng Jo the power of
limo district court to allow temporary alimony
sul 101ey tumid malntenlnco to the wire In
actions begun for divorce or separation ; by
l'ope , to llerll debtors to confess juds-
mont either In term time or vacation In
person or by attorney.
nus1..t' : 1M\ IX Thu ItUSI' : .
COflnllfo of tlmo.lmhn Con.hlrr mind
llepoc's of R Nlmhnr of 1111 ,
tlNCo.N , Fob. 4.-Spcclal-Thero ( ) ) was
another busy hal day In the house and a
number of bills were recommonllcil for passage -
sage ali put to sleep In committee of the
Jenkins today secured In committee of the
whole a recommendation for passage for
his bill , house 'roll No 58. This bill pro.
vides that Inuary I , l'ebrunry 22 , the
Fourth ot July , the 26th of December and
any clay appointed by the governor of this
state or the president or the United States
shall bo considered legal holidays , anti that
when any of these days fall on Sunday the
folowllJ Monday shall ho observed.
The trelul of legislative opllion In the
mater or superfols ! employes Is illustrated I
hy McNitt'mm bill , house roil 323. Under the
present law counties having 2&.000 inhabi-
ants or over are authorized to employ n
clerk for the assistance or the county jtmtigo
McNitt'n lull would repeal this law and pro-
vide that counties having 18,000 pOllllaton
shouhl he Ruppled with at locust 'one clerk
for the cOlnty jnd/e , anti In audItion to such
clerk there should be supplied such other
help ns amy to time commissioners 'r fup * r-
visors seem heccssary for the transactIon
of huslness. ,
house roil No 325 , by Wart , Is a measure
for direct appropriation of $10,000 for time
relief of the destitute In lloyd county. The
bill Ilrovldes that the appropriation slash
evade Lice slow coach movement or the State
Relief commission ali the amount bo di-
eUy npplel ! ! , tle ! , au.dlor of Ilblc accounts !
Ileing aUtlorlzet to draw a warrant [ or Lao
amount In favor of the commissioners of [
lloyd cOlnty , The bill has been read a second ,
ell lme , IIrintel1 ant Is In thc hands of the
commitee on judlelar
house roil No 351. hy Chnee , appears to he
aimed at the hoard of Trausportalou and the
three secretaries thereto attached. The bill
Provides that at the first getiemal election or
state omccrs there slash be electell three railroad .
road commissioner , who hnl hold omce for
the term or three years ench I Is also pre
villed thnt Limo IIregent governor shall appoint
three commissioners until their successors arc
elected at the first general eleetiomi .
' HOUSt ,
At 2 p , m. , folowing roll call , the hOlse
went Into commite ! or the whole to c ' llder
his 'on ' general tile . \th Cole In the chair
The first measure considered , was house roll
No 102. b ) Wal , providing for the annexa-
ton , or territory to corporate cities or vii-
In the midst or the cliecusuon ! of the merits
of this bill the speaker announced that In
I order to expedite house roll No. I , Larniorn's
meaSre to enable countes to vcte bonds for
seed grain he would now sign the bill.
house roll No 102 was indefinitely post-
lOnei for passage and : the following bills recommended
loust , roll No 41 , providing that any morn-
ber of a lawruly erganlze I volunteer Ire company -
pany who shah be d"mblel1 In the line of
dlty shall receive not less than $3 nor more
thal $10 a week Ilurlng the p2rlod of such
tlisabiiity I .
days Hcusl for school roil No teachers , 58 , providing for legal hol-
HOlse roll No 82 , ly flee providing that
when any warrant suell I by any county ,
township , city , town or school district Is not
paid for want of funds , the county treasurer
shall take up such warrant and , hold I for
the benefit of the fund so II'cstell tl the
same Is paid as provllcfl hy law.
House roll No 217 , McNItt's high school
bill , providing for the establishment of high
c.hools In each county having 6,000 popula-
ton , cr an assessel valuation of $1,500.000.
recommended for indefinite '
was Imlefnlte postpone
ment. The commlUee or the whole then fell
upon house roll No. 92 . the bill to levy a tax on the property or the state
for Oldlt'onnl ' buildings for the State uni-
veralty. Debate on this measure lasted until
after ( o'clock the latest sitting of the h use
eo far In the aesion. The result was that
by skIllful ! parliamentary tacUc\ the 'bill
was saved from Immediate defeat and 'tIme
commitee of the whole reported progress on
the bi and asked leave 'to sit again. , '
The house members oC the jclnt eommtee !
on midsession adjourlment reported that hey
had arranged with the senate commIttee for
a joint adjournment at the legislature from
Thu'dn ) noon February 7 , until Thuroay ,
February H , at 3 o'cloclt p. m. The report
of the commIttee was adepted
The committee of Inve3tgaton of the Sol-
dler' and Saior ! ' Home Grand Island. sent
to the clerk a written report and asked a
suspension or the rules and Its Immediate
adopton , Rhodes aeked the chairman'
the ccmmltee , Thomas , If there was any
written testimony accompanying the report.
Thomas said there was not. The report as
read by the clerk stated that evcryth1ng
hal been found In excellent condition and that
the Inmntesarmly endorsed the present
management . ! hodEs Inssted ! that all t 3t-
mony that had been taken be reducd to wrlt-
lng ( , and fed with the secretary of state.
After cons'derabl. sparrIng over the matter ,
Cole moved that the reprt of the committee
be mlle a special order for tomorrow morning -
ing vhlch was carried. On motion of Barry
the houe adjourneJ. .
Perfect results attend the use of Dr Price's
Cream halting Powder , because It's ubso-
lutely Pure . .
Irrult l"nlor AsstAn ,
\ YORK , Ireh 4.-Matthew Ilan &
Co" , dealers In fruits at 226 Wushlngton
street have made nn assignment to John
Hill wllout Ilrererence. The liabilitIes arc
estimated at SIGO.O with assets only
sllhly less. 'fhe faiure II attributed to
depression II trade , timid heav ) ' losses on
Culrornla raisins. . )
1'1)1111 ' Sires ,
Methods have certainly revolutionized the
retail bUlless of Omaha. I their com-
peters wi screw their courage to the stick-
lag point and imitate their efforts to keep
Ihrelst of the most advanced ways of ' modern
nmercimandisitig , they will surely spread time
fame of Omaha anti male tll ! a city of
prosperous , happy imornes
There Is 10 place 01 tarth where a Itlo
mommy will pie up goods , ns I will at the
big store , anti no people strive harder to
Illeaso customers In every irnrticuiar. The
big store Is al\ays back of every article
sold ali always guarantees satisfaction or
your money.
Hayden Iros , never buy I banlmlpt slocl
at auy Ilrlce unless time quality , the styles
and the price lre all combll d to lall hit'
selling qualtes worthY the highest recom-
Jim tmnfin t ion .
Time Id. H. Cook elothllg company started
last Selltember wlh a splelId stock or
gentlencemc's clothIng cacti fine furnishing I
goods , , blt their prIces , like thQ tmes , were I
ont or joint , and now time secret Is out ,
Every I one Imowa what Is saul about the
credItor , Hnyden Bros. ' Ilurchased the gocds
at their own valuation , nUll have cut the
Cook clothing comllany rllht In two , and
wi sell at exactly one. hair their price.
'fhls Enormous stock added to time regular
clothllg departmelt of the big store mailmen
the biggest stock or the kind over seen In
this city , and If the sale dOES 10t surpass
anythlll ever ntemted In Omaha I will
he very stramige .
Everybody I should visit the big store , oor-
ler 161h antI Dodge anti , see what pluck ,
elergy alll progressive . enterprise will tie
Time folowlnl program will be gIven under
the auspices or the Omaha Poslomce Clerks
assocIation at the Young en's Christian
aeoclatol auditorium , Tuesday ovecmimmg
February I : 5
PAn' I. I .
OverturePIlt and Ilasalt. . . . . . , Suppe
l'oitoltlce Orchestra ,
\Ioln SOloCIVltl ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bohm
? Ir. abC Nortiwimli.
Soprano 8oI0-lulerl Oor Norllwll . . . . Ptore Oel
Miss timmmmcimimoif ,
Zither DuoMeditaton. 1181 : Iulehholt . . . . , . . . , . . I ' ostler
! r. and Zulrs. I.'cstler ,
. , 'PAIL' ! ' I , '
Heclta ton-I UmeNS Shcton , . . . . .
Mrs. Kits Matimeson.
! Ela Ilutheson.
Viola Solo-EleHle. . . , . . . . . . " . . . .J1aetens
1-er. htmieteims.
Tenor Solo-Oniy In lrealI , . . . .DcKovcl
Mr. Ai'timurman Kurmmmm .
Flute Solo-.lravlalu ! Arthurln , . . . . . I.urul. , . , , . . . . . , .PopP
Mr. Olaf l'edi'rsomm
IAn'f III ,
Violin SDlonhapsodle lfomigroic.e .Naehetz )
Mr. Antonltr SpDrl
March-Dandy Omaha Banjo . . . . . . Club . . . . . , . . , . Flrluld
Concert Wautz-Nlglmt In NI\l'les. . . . .
. . . . . . . ' . . ! . . . . . . Dc I.e Guardia
POltolce ( Orchestra.
Mrs. 1"ss-I"ulhs. AccompanlHl ,
Admission by tIcket , 2 cents. Tickets can
be obtained at Young ! el' . Chrl lan asa-
I cmce. elation ball nnd from any clerk of the post-
.0 : _
Members or the PoJco Deteotivo force
Examh/eb'cst9rday , Afornoon ,
, , . f
' 'mias -
FebrunrITer1 br thl Jhtrlet Court ( Itenel
with Net Uulel lejrdllJ tlplca-
UOUA . for NRturRIr"Uol mind this
ormntt'rk . of Iujtmmcctionmm.
n' C .r
Yclerda ) ' forenoon the February term b
the district court of the Fourth Judicial ills-
trlct oC Nebraska opened In the criminal
cOlrt room The court rom was crowded
wih spectators The empanelment of [ the
Iral11 jury was lJOstponed until the afernon
session ,
Only twenl-two of the twent-thr men
who were drawn for the grand jury filed into i I
the box Joseph n. Hel1feh1 having been ox- I
clse,1 from serving on account of sickmmess
Th first man to present , a rea SOl why he
shoull be excused from serving was J. H.
Watts. Mr. Watts .OWI9 a stock farm In
' stated thnt If he
'aterloo precinct , and ice
was compclell to serve his stock would b
InjureI ( , as it I would bo uller the care of an
Inexperience man. Judge Scott did not look
upon this as a sumrlelt excuse , and Mr.
\ats remained II the box.
JUllgo Scot then glancel1 over n copy of the
statutes anti discovered a section which huro-
vided that persons over 60 years of aRe shal
not bo compelled to serve Ito Inqulrcd I
any of the jurors were over that age , anti
three arose W. J. Iennelly , Joseph E. I
Barker and Mark Ilansen. The court was In :
doubt whelher they could serve Inter the :
law , and IlstructCI the county atorney to
look imp time law on the cmmatter. The point
was settet by all three or the jurors asking
to be excused on account of their age , and
they wer let off. J. W. Nlcltls then de-
mandell to be excuse emi the groulll that he
had served for five eonsecutvo years In a
fro compan . haul he also was let off. The
draw then decltell the sixteen grammul juors :
Joseph Babhlt : Js H. Wals. E I \alter ,
David Heed , George N. ilicks . A. W. Uab-
cock , Christ Clssman , fly Kuelber , George
\ Tlerne , Jammies L. Collins , George C
Bassett . F . M. Scars , L. Ftmrnas , " ' . I.
Klersted , C. ' D Hutchison and Thomas
Swobe. Josellh Babbitt was aPIolnted fore-
muon .
In charllng the jury Judge Scott called the
atenton of the memhers of the lund to
crimes In general . lIe spoke at some length
upon tl subject /alblng , Insistng that I
I was not suppressel , mind that the city of-
Iclals were aware of the fact.
Time jury was led out or the rom to the
ITnd jury room , where It immediately began
worl The witnesses called WHe Chief De-
tectis'e Haze and Detectives Savage Dempsey -
sey , Dunn , Donahue , HareR amid Hudson It
Is Ilresuled that these witnesses were ex-
amlnel In order ' . to got at the ! amblng ques-
tioim. _ _ _ _ _ _
tU S ( O'iClINi r'tATUIt.LI'/.TLON ,
Court Stules Jain" Allllcuttoa Shul lh'
' .
'k'tmllnlll leu rd.
The cntre jmn . gf the morning session
It court waJlwnttken imp wih the m"
paneling of thmpettttjury. or the 1lO jurors
thirty-four preriltl 'sulelent reasons to be
excused from s vlng.
Judge Scott , re I { a' new set of rules and
regulations to govern ' the issuance of naturalization .
Izaton papers1tlllor r to IVOt : the conCusio
caused by thetctppiieamcts hrenltng ! In In the
business of the'm4urt. 'he rul'e , Irovitie.
Irst , that all .vplca ! 'oas ' sh1 be ' Ieard emi I
the first day clpaeim term of court and every ,
third Mcnday11 \ mrpfta : ; , ! econd , . ; hat at leJsl '
one week belota.hJirlnl .f . tme np\lcat'cn ; I
the applcant ' 'IAI had In to lae court '
signed and written .tate1'at ' , gIving ! his ful
napie0e. ocgqaJon ! , resi4enco . where -he
! , hu _ resided .n tht
United , Stat . , - .og , 1 : tme state , why imi
came to this cou , try and what his object was
In applying for nl . .irallzatioti rJ\r ; that the
.Ierl Jha1 IC this statement ' un , , ' la.e It In
.he han of the court shQrily ' ,'ier . Cur
Itb information : tha each applhmam. . , . ' 11 hp
. .upport In open court by two - ellablp
, \tnes5es : 21'ears or .ulm ef
\ , years age or "vpr , .tth
whom shall be ) or moral c\a,1 , t'r. l , sound
mind , able to read and write. amma who hal !
thaw an intelligent knowledge ff .th canslit" :
'Jon or the UnIted States and the cHiLies or P
! lzen , and who firmly believe thl the par
imount duty of the citizen Is alegllce to t-
overnmenr ; that the applicant snaIl be ,
wed moral character , 21 years of age or aVE "
'r sound mnind Intelligent , able to real I" "
Prrite , acquainted wih the constitutIon or the
United States' and Nebraska , amid who lust
swear under oath that 'If he becomes a cItizen !
ho will give parmount allegiance to the c.'n-
f luton or the United States before that of
any other country. Judge Scott stated that
the object of' the rules was not to keep out !
good meh from citzenship , but to keep bad
turn from geWng ! In.
The equity judges , Amt 'se and Dame , hwe
Is uel the following order to govern In timet ;
: : urts : . .
In all applications hereafer lade for the writ
or Injuncton , restraining crders will not be al-
lowed , except In casts where the judge to
whom the petition Is presented considers no-
tce to thai other party Ilreper , In which case
a restraining order may Issue until the hear-
Ing , In al other cases where the petition
present a geol prima facie case for the writ ,
a temporary Injunclon w1 ! ' be ordered In the
first Instance In all cases where It Is fought
to enj ln time ordinary business or a municipal
cr other corporatIon , amid In all other cases
where the judge thlnls notice proper. the wrIt
shall not Issue until reasonable notice of the
time and place or the hearing shal hve been
served on time party sought to be enjoined. '
Judge Ambrose was occupied yesterday
In listening to witnesses In time Polsh church
Cse All the chimer judges busIed themselves
In striking cases from the docket , granting
continuances and setting case for trial ,
Julge Scott overruled a demurrer In the
state case against Prank Ielpln , Wilam
Baker anl Charl Van Ness , held for hurg-
lansing a shed belonjlng to the Prospect lull
Cemetery association and taking therefrom
articles valued at $37,50. The ground on
which the demurrer was basel was that the
assoelatcn was not a corporatIon organized
under the laws of the slat .
, Jrnlht n lamlll e S llt ,
Time Omaha Brewing association has n' '
damage suit on its hands which has beel :
brought hy Cornelus Weatimerford The p - -
tton states that the plalnlr has one daughter -
ter and two banS Ijb'later being of the ages
or 18 antI 20 , r ' , 5 ttlveIY , and bearing time
names of Nelsoi'imnt1 Carl , Them two sons
are time only eimIjor of Corelus , nld ulI to
January 1 , sUIfort l been earning $1,000 per
annum. 01 tlt' date timey entered the
salon at 1021 ' ! autl 1023 North Sixteenth
street , run by fn / ! " 'eterson for the brewIng
association acmd'tskamme \ for the first tme In
thtlr lIves intakaJed . Since that tme
Ihey have at \'sHdus \ and frequent tImes
It Is alleged , rctQlfel to time saloon and have
hecomo hablullItutkards , losing their posi-
tons and consEengy failing to support time
IminintIl ? . Corn'lu& claims that he hus blen
damaged to' thi'it nt of UOOO , Pil prays
for a Judgment tO hat amount against time
brewing USioclllm"l
Pror. Erastls'J' ' 'Smith of Beloit cclele
Dr,1'iumhhe's '
pronounces nr'I I e's Baking Powder absolutely -
sOlutely pure . I "j
kluijr ; l'nhicn litomlca .
Anna aDII 'I.lurl ' 8mlh were arrested last
night for mnalcing 1 Ilsllrhance on n street
11' . Detetve Dunn was cam the car when
the dlsturhancp Iegamm . IUd arrested them
at ourteenth and Domie.
Olie laker , Mrs. I ) . , J , Wilson , I'rank
Jones anti James weru all locked UII
last night on time werl higimticmg . The
parte ! tire wel known In' )0111 cIrcles 11d
r slie lt ¶ l'hirty-Iiftlm anti ) HUllton ! treet ! ,
where the Ilhurlmnce occurred
I. P. Alkwlh was arrested last nlht by
Olcer FmmJ ' In the Northwpstern rmullroati
) ' ! fIR. FLak amid two others broke a seal tin
loatleti box , but
U loade car were helrl by the
wutchman and did not succeed In gettimmg
SUCCllt Hellg
an'thlng before they were disturbed by the
olilcer. Askwlh was not 11 fortunate \I
hil lals who lucceeeded 11 getlJ away.
' 1le car toJr hal heen drawn sulclenl ) to
admit a man when the thieves were appre-
hended. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Ofllcere " 'cUUII or . .1 hUMinI Htalen ,
BAN nAN'ISO , T'eb. 4.-The crew at
the American shl" , ' 1' . F , Oakes , rrom New
York flied wih the United States HhlVlllng
commissioner to1ay chnrges or brutal trrat.
meat against Captain Hell anti the ofilcers ,
Time palol told I shocking tale of such eric-
cIties ns Muse(1 lImo death ot one seaman
and the Insanity of another. The United
Stats district attorney nnnouncM that ho
wouht Issue warrants for the arrest of thc
captain nlll peconll mimIc , The first officer
llnllllMred when he learned of the charges , .
which , It Is Said , mire similar to complaints
made ngnlnst him In other Ilrt ! on varIous
voyages . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _
( oorgto . 1'l1on dmlnltrrA I Entail tnJec
ton tn lions ' .froy ,
Dora Leroy died at 1:16 : this morning lt
the resort kept by May Coleman , 1i North
Nlntb , from Limo effects or a h'lterl1ermlc
injection ot morllhln H Is clatmCI the
fatal dose Was lmlnlslerell I ) ' Oeorgle
Paten , another Inmate of time Coleman llu I e.
TIme death girl was an Inmate of the NellIe
iCIng house amI hall bccl on a spreG luring
the night with n male companlol , They 'Is-
Iell the Coleman place together , amid the two
gIrls Went Into I bedroom alone , Soon after
time Pnton girl alarmc the other Inmates or
the house , /aylll. Dora was Ilyln ,
Before ail could be brousht , the sufeing
girl died . She was thcn carrIed out Into an-
other ream , and left there :
Why the dose' was given Is not known , as ,
the girls were on friendly terms. The Patton -
ton girl claims she did not aiimmminlster the
injection , but the other Inmates Insist she
di !
Time tead girl was 19 years oh amid cacao to
Omaha from Des Moines about two years
ago. Her parents live In De 10lues ,
Coroner Maul removed the body to the
morKue about 3 o'clocl this morning.
I has been I \'err Iou ! tm ! since Ollaha
Saw so critical nn audience nssemblell In a
public hal as greeted Wilam H. Sherwood
laEI evening nt hirawneli. Whle : the audience
Was not largo In numbers , more's the pity , It
Ineludll the very best the fewer or Omaha's
musIcal talent , and to luSh to such an as-
semblo must have been n delght on the
part of Aimmerica's most ramous master or
the pinna rorte. At least , he showed an all-
prec'atlon or the dlserlnlnatng nllplause
which encouraged his efforts y substituting
two ChopIn lumbers for a \ erdlI.lszt fami-
tasle , a concession hlghl prnlsed b ) those In
front. I Is doubtful Ir there artist
before the American pUblc today , appaaiicmg
to the artetc spirit of the naton , throujh
an ungrateful Instrument , who could have
renderell wIth ' lore elaborate technique and
greater power the long classical program
which Mr. Sherwoo presented last evenln !
Ills touch waa fine and true In all his num-
bers whIle the style was sUfcenty broad
amid florid to "lease the most eXlctng stulent , I
of the piano limit whie his style Is worth ) '
of the highest commendaton and h's Inter-
pretaton of the great masters scholarly to n
degree , one could not heII now and then
noticing a cfrtaln coldness of manner which
detracted . comlderably rrem the complete
tense oC satisfaction nntclpated , Here anti
there the liquidity of tone was marred by n
tendency to ovcracceltuate. this fault being
particularly discernIble In the A minor
barcarcle , by Huhlnsteln As an Interpreter
of the compositions of Chopin Mr. Sherwood
stands upon 11 exalted plane his Illustration
ef the nocture In D lat , the "Revolutionary
Etude " which ChopIn wrote upon hearIcmg
that his rather had ( lied In battle . and the
balade In G minor were faultlessly rcndcrel ,
so much so that they easiy were accorded
time greatest npplauea of the night. The sonata
of Beethoven which Is usualy taken by ar-
tsts In homeppalhlc doses , was exquisitely
Interpreted , particularly the middle move-
ment. Among 'the sems were : "Ilark Hark
tl Lark. ' .b' . Simuer.t-Llaz.t ! : the Hexten-
tanz " by lacdowel. one or the hIs American
composers , and a composlon of the virtu-
oso's "Du ) a Broom " time old nursery ballad -
lad , bEng deWy Interwoven , strongly mo-
tIved. From a thorough musical standpoint
probably the best work of the artist was seen
In the Waner-Drassln dumber . the "Magic
Fire. " from "Die \Vaikmmre " There was a
plcture.queness about the work remarkably
artistic , whh here and there the tender
touches as the Rhine maidens sang helr
songs , coupled wlh the deeper tones of the
ecean and then chanllnl to plaintve melodIes !
so thorcughly Wagnerian All this was given
with poetic feeling . rcunlln out an evening
of thorough enjoyment , edtcat\'c and ius-
tratve In tlelr best seuse.
Perfect results In cookery confirm the
analysis thnt Prlce's Baking Powder Is absolutely -
solutely pure.
7'1 ( 01 7'11. 1'IR .I1tI ( UIHI'
n'Uk ' Jobbm-s Made Tou Jluch Noise mat
- Their Work anti . \rolaed tIme Village ,
TOLEDO , Feb. 4.-About . o'olock this
moring n terrific explosion awakened the
people of the village of Milan , cast of here.
A hurrlell examination showe(1 that the
Lockwood balk buliing had been blown up ,
the safe crae1ed and' Its contents , abut 30-
000 , taken by five maslled men who In blow-
log open the SarI , hal demolshed the building -
lage. Ing and started an alarm all over lime "vi-
Among the many who 6lurted to investigate -
gate the explosion was ! r. I. L. ft'llard ,
clshler or time bank , and he was just II time
to see the five men ! eave time bank building ,
jump Into I wagon and drive rmmiidiy n\'ay.
le fired several she s lt timemm , , lJtIhout
effect . Ind the men socn disappeared In the
direction of SUldusk ) ' ,
A posse at len was hurrLdly , rgurhed
mind soon followed In lmicrs'ilt . At .II s\no
time 10Uces were sent hr wire In all 11lrec-
tons , anti the news spread arould thel
so securely thnt escape was well ahlm Impos-
sible. At Sallusky two mel were cau/ht.
whmihe It Is only a queston of r r iw hours , before -
fore the 'reimiulmming three will find Ihem-
selves In cUHtody.
The exact Imount oC loley rrUI,1 cr"not
yet be ascerlalned
The bank Is a wealhy con'cm , wleh feet
was doubtless klown to time macmm The rnly
error In their well lull plan waR the havy
explosion which started the Ilal'l.
SANDUSKY . Feh , 4-I was thought
thnt the live mel who robhed the bank at
Mian last Ilght Imd come 10 this cH ) ' .
Thil forenoon I.oull 810ulhton , \ smmloomm-
keeper , anti Solomon lurRchbelg were nr-
rented , lut the evlionce nnlnst th(1 Is lot
conclusive . miami I II lot pm'oinmbie they wil ,
be imeiti . It II now beleved the robbers Ill
lillian emi a NIckel Platte trin anti did not ,
come here at mtii , The cnahler or the hank
refuses to tel how much was ecurelJ by
the burgium's . Imt It II believed ther )
fule I SUI or maDame ) , toethel' wilI about
' ,
$0,0 of 10nds , .
( .lrTJ : . I(1 OTlRI l.r.ltY.
Mayor Sutro 111 Irin iii . lcnlt 11H8 cc , ! eulul ,
SAN 1"IANCSCO , Feb. I 4-Iarl names
and bitter dlnunclatols created an exciting
scene at a leelnl of the Board of Freeholders -
holders tlmis aftermmooui. Mayor Adolplm Scitro
atidresseti time board , claiimclumg that time set-
timmg asltle of certmalmm streets as boulevards
was a part of time Southern I'aclflc's plamm to
block the constructIon of hale roami to time
Cliff Imouse.Vimiie ho watt smeakIimg , IrvIng
M. Scott , imeath of time Ummlomm irocm works mmmcii
cimairmuaci of time freehoiders' commmnmittee wimicim
imad reserved time streets as boulevards , emm-
Lured. Sutro demmouncemi imicmm. Scott respocid-
icmg timat f3utro was really 1mm ieague witim time
Sotmtimermi l'emclilc hmimmcself , aititougic osteimsi.
biy oimposeti.
"You care a lmlreilmmg of time Southern Put-
cific , " simoucted Sutro. ummgrhiy.
Scott shouted : "You are a liar. " to wimicim
time mmmayor replied at time talc of imle voice :
"You are a lyIng dog and a Southmern Pacific
iilrehi mmg , ' '
"Amid you are a miserable flummky yourself , "
simouted Scott , simalmlcmg imia fist unler ( ( liii liOSO
of time mayor of San Francisco ,
Time immetc sprang at each otimer , All was
wild. coicfusiocm , acmd time two elderly gentIocuen
were wIth dutliculty kept apart , After a long
struggle timey were quieted mmml h'utro olmolo-
gized , _ _ _ _ _ _ _
leiv york I'ool hound Closed.
NEW 'OltK , Feb. 4.-Time Ioilco Imave
closed up all tlmo blullurd and 1)001 rooms ,
among them Morris Daily's and George F ,
Siceson's. Sioseon and timirty others were arrested -
rested anti balled Out later ,
. . _ _
- ' ' " ' - T ' ' ' ' '
COtltt'8 Opinion Was Lcngthy and of a
8onsational Nature ,
, htctlgo COimmfllaimiq timat lie S iii Immmpoed
Upon by time l'resitlecmt of limo Coin.
Pliny aimd Nmcmimcs l.awranec , Me-
uctma mmmd Mitchell ,
ChICAGO , Fob , 4.-Judge Groescup today
ousted J , H. Gm'eenimut froima the recelveradmip
of time W'hclsky trust. Ito allowed Itecelver
Lawrenoe to reimmain In oiilce as mu ropresenta-
tlve of tlmo directors anti appointed General
MeNulta as receiver-ici-chlef. Joint J. Mitchell
was appointed another receiver to represent
time New York stockholders. The decision ccc-
eommmpanying time order was lomig , anti crillczed
Greenimut's actions iii a somnevhmat seccsatlomcai
mmmammnc-r ,
After an eximaustive review of time Case
Judge Groascump deciaremi that time court imati
been immmpoMd upon In the sciectlcn of l'rts-
decmt Greenhitmt as acme of the receIvers , A
receIver's duct ) ' , lie -said , should be time cci-
Immuiccing of time value of time lmropertY wlmicim Ito
is to control , Atlcmmissioqs iii court imad simown
timat Mr. Greenhuit was imeavily slmort on time
stock amid timat accortlimmgly lmis prsoiial in-
terest. wotmid dictate time depreciation of the
stock ratimer than time ecclcatmcemmment , By the
atlimmissions of counsel. time cotcrt said , It was
simown hunt tue liroperty interest 1mm time orig-
ic-cal applicatIon for a rcceirer for the coimmhmany
was very smnmmli. It was also sicowcc tlmmct
neither time lresitlent mmor directors imsul ammy
substantial interest imi time company. Time
evItieimco tiimowed , Jimhgo : Grosacimp saiti , timat a
vast Icortiomi of the stock was imeid by stock-
imolders for pecimlativo purposes. Tie could
mmot exactly cllmprovo ef calling 1cm a tJnltemi
States coimrt as referee , time judge declared ,
but as It vas evidemm tlmat a referee was
needed and as lie imaul been appealed to ice
ivouhil act , I Is zmgalmm delmommdmce&l time aelectiomi
of I'risltient ! ( lrcenlmtmt as receiver as an icmm-
Imosition 0cm time cotmrt acid closcii vitic time curt
statencent "tlmat for tlmeee ammd otlmer smmihiciecct
reasoims Mr. Greenimut is roimmoved frccmm time
receivershm ii , . "
lloth sides 1mm time trust controversy were
fully represented in court and time court roomn
i'flS crowded vtlm spectators.
TIme nrotective faction expressed ticemmiselveom
as veil pleased with time judge's selection of
receivers. The representatIves of time ( hrcomm-
ittit faction rcftmseti to 5:1) : ' wimat fmmrtiter action -
tion timey wotciti take
After time receiversimip decision wmms ami-
cmoummced , Attormmey MacIc , represemmting time of-
fibers of time trust , renewed Imis attemmmhmt to
imave the cmanies of hleImmslmelmmmer & Wormmmser
of New York reimmoveti fioni the hint of coin-
Imlalmmcumts in time origimmal receiversimip Pro-
ceedings. He saId time ccaiuos were atitieti
emi time day after time alipoimititiemit of time
receivers and wltimoumt authorIty. Time mmmotiomi
\ cocmtestemi amid Judge Grosscup reserved
his decision until tonmorrow.
In an lmmtem-yiew Levy Mayer , ommmu of time
attorneys for tIme stockimolders conmmmcittee ,
said : "Tue stockhoider will mmow praceemi to
time Icncmmeducate reom'gammiztation of ( lie commi-
pammy , amid when It is perfected they will ,
of course , be in a posltioci to take time
property out of Limo imanils of time receivers.
In time meanwiallo It will beconmo necessary
to have a thmoromigim Iicvestlgatiomi of time
books of time commmpany ammd to ascertain just
imow time insiders , partIcularly Messrs. MorrIs
acmd Grcecmhut , have conducted its affairs. "
Receivers McNulta , Lawrence amid Mltclmeil
nmct Judge Grosacup by appolntmmmemmt at Limo
noomi adjournment of court amid took lucmcimeon
wIth imimn at the Union League club , wlmere
for two imours time affairs of ( lie trust were
informmmahiy discimsed , amid an agreemtment as to
the conduct of Limo affairs made.
"TIme conference was , of course , purely icc-
formal , " saId Judge Grossctcf , "and I could
not detail what took place or was agreed
upon. I can say , however , timat th ! trust will
bo rumm Ot ! bimslmmess prInciples and In a ius-
mess way , Its affaIrs wIll ho taken up by
time receivers , where timcy find timemmm , amid cocm-
ducted as If notlmlmmg imad imappeneti. Timere ie
falling duo tomorow time $1,000,000 of bonds
Issued last sucmimer , They , In fact , nih dime
on time 5th of eacim mnotmtii. Timey wIll be
renewed ' Time rebate vouchers will be hold
as timey fall dime If time receivers cami see tlmelr
way clear. 'Time ' company miot being Icmsoivent ,
time commduct of the business Is mmot so dullicicit
as ordinarily falls to time lot of receivers ,
em rromliut'mt Itommmovmil OIvo Satinl'mictlomm.
1'EORit , Ill. , Feb. 4.-TIme remnoval of
I'resident Greecilmuct mis m'eceiver of time
Wimisky trust was extensively discussed hmcre
thIs afternoomi , anti little criticiscn % vzts
imeurd. John lieggs , vice presitient , was 1cm
clmarge of headquarters and exprt.'ssetl 1dm-
self an satisfied. Ito was pernommaliy nc-
tiUalnted nIth Mr. Lawrence , Johimit. F'ran-
cis hind krmow'n Mr. McNumlta for mnamiy
years. It Is generally thought effOrts will
be nmaiie to reorganize time comimmotmy at time
annual nmeetimmg to beheld Imere 1cm April.
Pric&s Baking Pow-tier alone enjoys time
distlcmctkln of being absolutely pure.
S. C. l3urcimarti of Davemmport Is In tIme city ,
Cicaries F. Metim is a patron of time Barker.
C. 11. Vacme Is at the leliommo froma Audi-
boic , Ia.
E. S. Itidler , Hannibal , Mo. , is at time
Miss F' . Cimurcim of Clmicago Is atoppimig at
tlmo Murray.
J. T. Jenkins of Brayton , Ta , , Is registered
at-tIme Dehione.
.1. E. Ilohianti Is registered at time Deilomme
( roam Buffalo , Wyo.
C. II. Slmarp of Newcastle , W'yo. , Is r'egis-
tered at the Arcade.
Al liumckstaff of Llmmcohmm calied at. time Corn-
mnor iai club yesterday.
Seip Dundy left for time Cast last evenhtmg
to recmmpermato imis imealtim ,
Kenmmel Burney of hiroken 130w , Neb , , is
registered at time Barker.
P. E. Vail , a cnerclmamit of Garden Grove , Ia , ,
Is in time city for a few days ,
Mrs. It. J. Bibba ammd Miss Mamuio hhibbs of
Boone , Ia. , are gmmests at time Zclllinrdl.
J. w , Manney , Rusco & Swift's Ummclc
Tend's Cabimm cotnpammy , is at time Barker ,
Dr. Victor H. Coflcimamm and son , Weir , Imare
returneml frommi their trip tlmrommgim the soutic ,
Cimalrtnan Winspeur of time Board of Pmmblic
Works Imas returned from his trip to Oregoci ,
Dr. \Voifemmstoln , smmporlmmtemmdemmt of time
Cleveland Orhtlmaim ucm3'iUmn , is time gimest of
Max Meyer.
Colonel Wliliammm F. Cody is at time Paxtomm ,
liii ii on ide way froom time east to lmle raimcit
mmear North Platte.
Judge A. 9' . ( Jummmmoil , J. F. Burns , Joumcc
human , \V. F , Crosby anti F' . U. l'eck consti-
tumto a party of lecmver ieOIdle stoppiimg at time
I'axtomm ,
Mr C. hi. Sclmtmmidt , Mrs. Scimmmildt , ammd Max
SchmIdt left yeimtermlay ( or Iemmver ,
wbmere Mr. Sclmmldt assumes cimarge of time
Color mdo Coal : mmmd Iron comnimammy ,
At time Mercer : B , i. l'erklmms , Slmerhlaq ,
S'yo. ; Alfred ltucile' , Seattle , S'aslm. ; /t.
Fried , Milwaukee : Fred A. Enmery , ( Jitlcago ;
i' , lj , Iluxtabie , EigImm , ill. ; Mrs. F' , 'fimimule ,
Mrs. \Vitterduimg , llarilcmg , 1cm , ; H , B. Mtmr.
ron , iiartformiV. ; . 11 , Zlnmmmmermmmmmmm , be-
mars , lam , ; Carl Frederlcimson , It. H , Wotzke ,
Essex , in. ; C. KIrk , Grand lailammd ; Roiccit
Freimlmoimmc , Immmogecme ; J. N. GailmI , 1)03 Molmcemm ;
C , iS' . Ileacim , l'ortlamai ; J. A. McLaugimiirm ,
Craig ; J , B. i3cmmltim , Cimlcago.
! alp raskmc mm i mm t a Imi , I lot iii it.
At time Iuicmrray-Cimarlets A. Hills , bin.
eoimm ,
At time Areatic-Jmmmmmms V.'ntsomi . , ilebroim ;
Joimcm Lewis , Decmittim' ,
At tue Mhilarmi-W , I. 'Kmmtuate , % 'est
l'oint ; ? 'i , it. I lopewell , 'fekammimmim ; J. II.
AN'ec' , 11. tl , Iiummimwehl , J. is. limiker , 1.1mm.
colic ; Juimmi Cattle , Seward ,
At thm teilone-MmS , i , M. Iumm' , Brews-
tea' ; E. J. Cuileum , 1 , . . 11. Ieemndcr , limmcoimc ;
A , ii. Chmtrtie , Va3'cmc ; J. F' , Sloan , Cimurter
At time Pmixlomm-W , It. Rumor , Ahihtmnee ;
\ ' . Ii' , ( "ropy , ! mi , C , ICeatim. North l'ii-tttu
' ' 5 A , Ivory , \'mc'mme ; J , C. Crawford , \\'est
Point ; J , tIarsiiuII , J.otiis'Iiie ,
At tIme mft'm'ehmanIa-i. lu. Cotton , Syma-
cone ; J. C. ltoblmmsomcm Waterloo ; M. J. Comm.
icy , Itogemmm ; Cinrlchianlmmmm , Blair ; II. I' .
hlorem'S'r.9' It. F. liurke , F'cmii'hur ) ' ; Il ,
It , Seigler , Z'.orfolk ; All's. H. ( I , \'clls , Ar-
llngtomm : Aim's. Jolcmt llanm and Mrs. Johmci
ltelmt , VIptmieville : fi. itt. hummer , B. 11 ,
Mmann , llastiagct J , M , Etimlnster , Lincoln ;
Au Tuhligcmr , J , A. liowurd , llenimomm' Vt' , J.
O'htrlemm , C. hi , Nosekable , South fiend ; 'i'S
C. Commtneli. Ii. I. , . Iomtne , Scotia ; Cl , Aniler.
bon J. Joimcmitotm , Adolph Amaiem'aon , Mlciden.
.STOJ ( ) Ill' t1."tlt. 10.1 YLIQI1 ? .
Captain of thai , Cratimie lenleq titiat lie io.
itertwi tima sinklnpe ifibe.
AIIERIERN , Peb. 1.-Time owner of tii
ateamner Cratimie wimicim It Is ahlegetl smcnk limo
Nortic ( herman l.io3'ti etemuner Eibo has returned -
turned here frommi ltotterdacn. lie says that
( he sIatecmment macic by Captain Gordon of ( ho
Crathie to the mmnderwrlters was that limo col.
hislon so serhoicsly damnaged time Crnthie'itbaw ,
wreckage consisting ot a large deck anti two
ancimors dammgiing in dangeromie positions over
time able timreatemmimg to lmoicnd lmoiea In imer ,
that 'imcn ime signaled to time large vessel that
time steanmer imaul been rtmn into anti received a
reply lao believed the large 'essel was etacmding
by' hlimm and conseqmcently Captain Gordomm took
shells to repair the tlnmmcage ( lone to lila vessel ,
Accortling to time owner of time Cratimle , Cap-
taImi Gortion added ( hat time big ateniccer lay
to for somne ticmmo nimd tlmen hiroceemhed imi the
tllrection of Lommtion.
ippof } ,
Iloth the iiiotliod niid restilts when
Syl'll ) Of Figs is takeit ; it is 1)lCflSfiht a
flhl'l i'efi'osliiuig to tim tnmtc , nud nct3
gently yet ) i'OiilJtly on tlio Is.'uliioys ,
141\'Cl' :111(1 : ( I10WC1t4 , cleuises the sys-
tWIt ellecthlall ) ' , (1i51)C1S ) CO1(15 , head.
aches aii1 fevers atid ctii'c hitbittial
COilHti1)iitiOlI ) , yl'il1) ot' Figs is thu
oiily l'eiilely of' its kiuitl cvcr _ pl'o-
( LilCC(1 , jIL'iisihig ) to the taste niil ac-
e1)tah)1u ) to the StOhitlCli1 ProlhiPt ill
'its autiout aiitI tt'ulv beuicfieinl in its ' ,
effects , 1)FOlll'C ) ; only from the iiiost
healthy P.11(1 agreeable sulstnhiccs ) , its
mccamcv ( mxetmllommt mminhitina , 'cimmmiinii'l f
jo' nil - ; :
P0PtlItl' relhicily kiios'n.
Syl'1l1) of , Figs is for sale iii 50
cciit bottles by' nil lealing ( drug-
gists. Amy rc'haliie druggist who
lilh.y hot have it on hand will pl'O-
lll-o it Pl'OlllitlY for ally OflO y1to
wsbes to try it. Do liotaceoptany
LOUISVILLE. icr. NEIV ioi , iv
50 Pcopic U1iT rtinni ii UT
l'oscItivcIy 1i1IN 1Il1ib 11 Y ' -
2-tlQ fihlO\'S COMncNCl-2
2 FI1tST PAflT-Dld dinme and OrL'ater Modem -
em MImmstrchs' .
2 1-cANDH-C OllclIgSTrLts-2
10 DEDOUIN MOOmUS'lI AitAns-lo. CIoa'-
iantt's intost mmovehcies.
Box ijimeetsvlhl open l'tmsetlny at usmmal prices.
' Thur et. , Fri. & Sat P
FER. 7-8-9 ,
C. H. HOYT'S - I 1
, 'I
First tinmo In timls city of Mr. Hoyt's new ' '
tmox smmeets open Wednesday at usual prIces.
: E NI F I IR. El.l'OPULtcfl
Telephone 1531 ,
w. s , .
BURGESS. - - - - Manager
TotilgItt Origlmmal l'rodmtctlomm of
: - : FAUST : - :
- hmtroiiimclmmg CuSS
Ilosalici Morrisoa as Margucritc ,
Coming , \Veek Feb. 10-UNCLIa TOM'S' CAflcN.
' From S a. iii , to ii I > . am.
PARLORS , 109 S. 16TH ST. T
Simiijecls fortimili week
BoxIer contett. Calclc , , gmn , ( : it ( lie wIre.
SAt'flVi' . mmmccmdng tiromieiio trtimmm iiuimiio imhll'tm
\ vmil'est , ANNAllmi.lfi , In her ( anmriUti ' 'fluti" . ,
terll' 1)immmce , "
A t.diPcitil Inm'Ittttion ci ) Imilien.
a ' t
Consumers ocheivi tobacco o
are wi1Iin to paj a Iitte more than
Ie price diaied fbr le ordnttj
trade tobaccos , will jind this
brand 5uperior to all otier
"Howdy , '
Stranger ! " . "
Is the Texas Welcome
rexa. will say "howdy" to you , It you will
run dowmi and aiui'e heir iiosctltdmble citlecima lmulf a
chiommea 10 get urqummimmtcd with ; ycu.
li'sldes being a m'ieimvan ( itiaco to vilt , It dot's
imot tuku mu. bclc seat. mm. a wemmitlm imtdtdcer , On
time ( uif Coast of Texas mmmay be feund big
attractlocms for imommiceeckers ; CO acres of land ,
plmtmmtel 5mm pearl , nets owner 8ICOO yearly ,
Ctmc'tmp rate.i iii effect uiurlmmmm wlmcter momithma
uw Is Limo timae to go. Ccii umm or tmtldm'eea ii. L.
l'mlmmmcr , 1' . A. , Santa Fe route , Omcichma , for cx.
cursl n rates amid fremm copy of Coost Ceumitr
( older , S
, -s