, - ' . . - , 4 - . .rt''L ' i , - ' . - ' , / . . THE OMAHA ' . DAILY BEE. , . . ' I - . - - - - - - - - - . ( ES'1'AJ3I..1SllJDD . JUNE 1 19 , 1871. . ONAILA , .rUSDAY : MO1NLNG , " ] ? EI3RUAIIY 5 , 18 ) . SING nE COPY prri CJ N'rS. . ) 4 - - tOUNIG ) 'EJnUAUY - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SlNG. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ JnV.D - - - - - - - - - - DEA TI AT TIlE ORMY BRIDGE Motrman's ' Oar lesnes Oamcs a Terrible Accident nt Milwaukee . STREET CA ! PLUNGED INTO TIt RIVER Thrro ) l'eron" , Hied At lhvAlkeo % Aol R Nllber nf Othen ) Only Saved by the . ' hleklc ' ot the lco- Thin NAmc" MI.WAUtEE , Feb. 4.-A trolley car on the Ituseh1 avenue and 1 Helen street Ino plunged \hrough \ the open Maw of the } n- nlcklnnfaven.lo \ ' brIdge nt 8:30 : this mornIng - Ing , cart Tng [ three people down 10 death In the Icy wnter8 or the river. Six others were re8cued tom the IJrtlaly 8ubmerge(1 cnr. H was the worst strot Cr accident that ever occurred In Miwaukee and the news or the disaster , sent 1 thr:1 : of horror throughout - out the city. From all accounts the accident seems to have clearly been due to the carelessness of t the motorman , John Kennedy , but ho Btuck to his post In 1 vain en < leaver to stop the car which he hall prmlt 1 to approach too near the open draw nnd pahl the Penalty of his carelesness with his life. The car struck endwise on the Ice and was sub1erle(1 for about two.thlrds c its length , the fact that I did not go to the bottom of the river , which 18 eighteen feet deco at that point , being due to the thickness of the Ice. Thil circumstance alone , It Is bclond , made It posslhl to rescue any of the passengers. The deall arc : passenger8'1 h. MISS ANTONgTE G. EI.MAN , a kindergarten - ; dergnrten teacher In the Twelfth distrIct pri- mary school anti a daughter of Pror. Ehlman , director of music In the pubic schools. MISS SCI\DTKUNZ , employed , at the ' National KnItting worlts. JOHN KENNIWY , motormnn. Those rescued were : \V. P. Severey , 705 Walnut street , hand cut. A. O. Oertel , 7G6 Islnml avenue. G. W. Chase , 277 South street. 1' . A. Ituehn , 207 Heed street. P. Brand , 340 Grove street. Ella Wacchholz , 18 Eleventh 1 street , hurt about the shoulder. ! . Edward Herman , ,16 Jackson street. MIss Annie AII , 70 Poplar stre t. . TOO LATE TO STOP. nussel avenue and 10on street car No. ' 1 15. southbound , was speeding along up Kin- . nlcklnnllt avenue at about 8:30 : o'clock with twelve pnssengers aboard. The Chicago & Northwestern railroad crossing situated about twothirds of 1 block north of Itln- nlcklnnlck bridge was made on schedule time. The usual stops wee observed and \ at the conductor's signal to gu ahead Motor- mon Kennedy applied his power and the ill- fated car Mart cd onward to be suddenly stopped by an awful casualty. Holng along at a fair sped , not more than probably ten or twelve feet from the bridge Conductor Peterson , who Is saId to have been In the Eervlce but a short time , rang the bell ' to BtOp. Instantly the passengers became al\'a : . to the fact that there was something out of . J ' - ' 1 the ordinary wrong and they soon perceived cause for alarm when , looking out , the open brIdge was almost at hand and no brakes had as yet been aPPlied. At the sound of the . . bell the motorman grasped the brake crank and twIsted It with might and main. Dut ; the wlleels slipped . There was no time to reach for sand , and the helpless passengers realized. to theIr horror that no mower on Earth could prevent them 'lunging healong' Into the yawning gulf of Icy waters. I \Viid shrieks from the four women passengers - gors IntermlnglM with the breathless gasps , . . ' of the pale-faced men' . There was no time ' . , : : : -Z to plan , nor to say a word. The rear door : , : was all the means of escape that was of- ; teredo The , men on the rear end. two or " . three , Including the conductor , had already Jumped. \VI\un I' . Savory was the first to reach the door. He had occupied a front seat nt the window and had SZCn the brIdge open shortly after the railroad crossing had been passel } . lie needed not the warning bell of the conductor to notify hIm of the danger. He had already been calculating. lie was the first to bound forward and reach ) . the handle of the rear door. But he never : , opened it. The Instant ho touched It the forward end went down and he , together with the terror-stricken passengers who were crowding behind him , were thrown to the front. , ' CHASIED TIHOUGl TIE ICE. A heavy crash followed ns the Ice was struck , and then the car gradually sank hal way into the water. The fro was instantly quenched and the passengers entirely sub- IWge\l. \ Their efforts to get out will proba- " bl never bo Imown. CertaIn I Is that the } two ladles who met their death lust have been at the very bottom , and were Instanty suffocated , as their bodies bear no signs of bruises. One woman , probably Ella Waceh- holz , clung desperately to Edward Hoffman ns he contnued to raise himself out of the water lie could lend no assistance , how ever , as hIs strength was almost gonc. lInt the strong aria of a rescuer was near at hand and the helpless woman was safely borne above the waterc all soon taken to a place b pafety. AnnIe AlI was rescued In 'a simi- lar way Their preservation Is alone due to the fact that they chanced : to be farthest , _ away from the rear door In the frat attempt - to e cape. - Miss Schinldtkunz's , body was ' first dls- coven'd. Afterwards the body of MIss Ehi- man and thu motorman were taken from the car. Two alempta were made to lift the Cr , but the chains broke each tUne. Police used graJJlng books on the wrecked car without . 1 effect. H Is thought the l&t of dead will be 11111- : $ tel , to th three names gIven The bridge had been opened to prrml the passage of the freboat Foley , which was breaking the Ice In the Itlnnlcklnnlck. Th , ' members of tile Foley crew rendered val- . uable ussiStUlCI . , In rescuIng those who were saved , and In recovering the bodies of the vlctis. ' : IOl .10U"I' : 111.mt ItXI'I.Olm. Tlrtp ilell . 1111.1 Imlt 'VeIl ( ) ( iler4 liijur'ii orhol tne Iaf Iiu , pnOvmENCE , n. T. , Feb. 4.-Tho boiler It Earl Carpenter & Son's , ice house at J1sb'p3ng pnll , Ello d , exp'oied today , k'hl. I Ine two len outriGht , Injuring a third so that he died wIthin an hour and wounding ten othera , sino of them serlousl ) The Imes of the ( lea , } and Injutll are ns follows : . l'ATmCI mmm , Inbtnnty killed , JOhN mmm , instantly killed . MARTIN IEPIY , died from his InjurIes. . Wilam , Norton , office boy , back and right Arm broken unit \ internal Injuries ; wi dIe. herbert Smih , Injured about tile head Thomas Casey , Injured internally , I Charles Braton , slightly InJut' < , Thomas Nelson , the engineer , blown thl'ougb \ . the buiding and scalded , but not serIousy , I , Martin Ryan , 1iJurei : about the head . head henry 1uler , colored , Injured about the 1 I rIl II ) I.'neh , rhht leg broken below the lwl ! anti \ Injured about the head . . George : Duln ) foreman , Injure about the face _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t . , \ iNlV.tNh : IUIJ S . \ iN OU I" , a. ' Sl.tn.lun ill I 1'rlleh Cnal Mule "hlo tile 'a ' htnrs \ l'lghlll l'lrl ' : T'ATf Feb. I 4.-Ad\'lcu received here from Mont ( 'eau In Mines show that fire broke out ) 'cteray In the 131. I ugeile pit , and while tile mines were fghtng this fire II explOsion occurred , which wrecked the galleries aUII entombed Ibe miners. The rescue Illt ) has reco'ere twenty-one bodies aul has fmoyed from the ruin eight terri- bly injured mIners . I Is believed there are several others In the mine I Is believed fifty persons perished In the disaster. The work of rescuIng the living and recovering the bOI1es ! of the delt Is greatly Impede owing to the fact that the explcllon caused the workings to collapse , filling the galleries with tons of rock and earth and great quantities or timber that had been used , fcc liupports. The wounded are In n terrible condition , their fesh being frightfully torn They suffered the most excrucIating agony , and as they were remove(1 from the pit theIr groans caused the hardest of the miners who had hoard them to shudder. The mouth of the pit Is surrounded by wailing women and children , whose husbauds anti fathers are entombed - tombed In the - mine . . I } JI I'ROSEUIJTiOX w.wmn. 10teOllnt'toro ) ! ubmlt 1IotonR 10 , ' . . . 1)Illt the CA. . CilC'IACIO , I.'eb. 4.-UnexpectC I this afternoon the council fof the government Innolnced ( lint It hlil submitted all of Its evidence In the conMplrc ) ' before Judge ( iroscup. Saturday the Prosecution Issued forty.five more subpelaM for winesses , and the return of these WIS expected to keep the government on the sland the rest of the week. When : Ir. \Vnlker nlnollcel nt 4 o'clock that the prosecution would rest its case there .wns Ile \ Hurpr ! In the court room. The jury wa' requested to retire , nl1 counsel for the defense asked fur the die- mIssl of ( lie defenlnnts. , .1 tllge Thoman , fur Johl : lcVoal of Cleveland , ! . It liienl- "tr of the hoard of directors nsket that hIs clelt 110 tlh'cilargell ' : that Ilulng . the trial hlf' Inme was hot ( olplet with lilly or the others rave nA hell I fellow director There was 10 proof ( lint h' 11\1 been In Chicago during the strike. lie had [ never been In Zlli' couucls of the board of direct- ore dlrll ) the strike period. : lr. Waiker , for the gO\.rnment , admitted the represeiltation , hut called the attention of the court to the ( fact thnt 1c"eal hal voted In the Conventioli to order a strike conventol Ild ha.1 acted . us I member oC one tf the 11' . Dar\o\v asked for the peremptory < Is- charge of Prank Dyer Delnls I , 'rkln , Jnmes McDonald and John Burke , not one oC wh01 halt been In1eI ns taking part II I single overt act. lie 1Ie < for the this- charge of John J. Hannnhan arainat whom , he said the government hal failed to prove un overt act. lIe then argued for the die- charge of the members of tIle hoard of di- rectors. Not n single net Act forth In the Indictment. he elnhned hint ! been proven ngllnst them. There , tll not beeli the slhtest connection made between them nOd the other defendants accused oC overt acts. acts.Pile court mId he would tale the motions U1ler Illvh'cment and mnke his decIsion In the morning . tnstl"ctn. tile marshal not to tiring the JI'Y Into tilt ? court room until after 1m hlil tIislosed oC the motons , The fnlure to secure In time all the witnesses fur whom subpoellass'ere issued on Saturday - 1 day night was the Cllse of the sudden closIng - Ing oC the government's sllle oC the trial. 1N 1111.1.l' 01' SILJ"IW. Memorial of tIle : olth U"ltt'A Legislature to Cqlgre8 ' . PInRE , S. D. , Feb. 4.-Speclal ( Tele- gram.-The ) Joint committee which was appointed - pointed to drat a memorial to congress on ito financial situation w1 tomorrow present the following : Your memorialists . the legislative afem- I lily oC the st"t of South 1)akota profoundly : sensible of tile Industrial , commercial and nnnncial dlsl'eAs at present existing throughout the United States believing the same to bl due lal-ely to our present unwIse - wIse national financial pOle > ' , and believing that n restorltol oC eonltence , and prOA- hierity can be brought about by national IJerly hrouh ! ; natonal eglslaton ; anti that the mOlt potent factor to this desIred end will ! e found II I law placing silver cit nit equality with gold ns the money oC ultimate retieloption . to thIs end we do most earnestly pry your honorable - able bO < > ' . the congress of the United States , to speedily enact n law providing for " . the . . . . free . - coinage - - . - . . . of - silver. . . . . ' . , - un" > w I"U' UI unswess LIla 10U ! today kohl I mO'nlns selslon , und , acer the presentation of the reports , took ' up the gophlr bill. After Mr. Khintlts attempted , tonmell I po us to oIer a bounty on dogs. ACer n humorols debate and a dozen roll calls the bi passed 1t offers 1 cent for the destl"cton of gophers 3 cents for dogs pocket gophers and 10 cents for prairie In , the afternoon a sharp debate took place between Messrs. Burke and Glass over the bill forbidding the making of mort- ' gages on future crops and the Increase of herds but the lull was It I el. In the senate - ate there was also a sharp contest over the bill taxing mortgages , bUt this was also WIS kle < l. Populst McGee led the 11ebate against the measure , whie General Pelse , the lender of the rCltblclns , was its principal - clpnl 8UPI)0\tel' . . "al .YRII.IL JU 1.\ SUS" V.l'TUlIEl. 1.1\111 of the Inl 11 MIners Calht at ( tin II isoll . GUNNISON , Colo. , Feb. 4.-0ne of the most desperate characters In Colorado has hrM been placed under arrest here by. Deputy Sheri Jud Riley , being Jnck Smith , alias General Johnson , alas Mason , the leader ' all 'captnln of the Dull lull miners during I the ( Cripple Creek var . Smith has wa\ euccets- , fully evaded the officers since then , but was taken wholly unawares whie playing I game of crib In a saloon here. He came to the city 'l'hlursday In company with two other men , one In ex-convict. and expected to remain here and about the gold camp until spring. Deputy Sherll Hiey passed Smithl on the street yesterday and recognized - nlzed him at once. having known him ev- crl ) 'earl ago at Aspen. \ arrested , Smith was heavily nrmed. lie Icknowl- edgell being the leader of the mIners , and Bays he Is afraid of being lynched nt Colorado - rado Sllrlngs. Smith Is a tough' character , und tn the ( carl > days of Gunnison , he with others. rode through the streets and with Winchesters terrified the whole pnptilation . He shot one Innocent man In the tllbgii for which he received I five ) : ears' sentence In the 11enll'ntary ; I Is understood a large I reward Is offered fohls _ capture. I YO.11XG CUU.\'T11 - , .IjrW lIO.RY. , \I but Four . . \ro Seeking bate Al'lroprll- tel for 1000 Inltltun' , ChEYENNE. W'o" I eb. , . . CIIWI ) " , 4.-Special.--- ( ) Tlure ! yet remain twelve ) tWllve more working IIaY8 of the fort.du session of tp ' 1hlnl state > legislature. One hUnlred nnl , nlnetY.Alx , bills have been Introd ceI , 130 In the house : In(1 sixty-sIx In the enatc. Every I county In the state , wIth the exception of Johnaon , Niltroila . Converse anti 'Veslon Is asking for an IJllu.ollrluton for soma public illstitutinfl . pulJle Instuton. 'rhese allilropriatonl , aggregate about $150- . ugngnle $50.- 000. Albany count ) asks ( or an appropria- ton for the state lIeu hntehery. aJllrOllrll- vel'slty nll , the penlenUury ; Carton to cO\lJlet3 the iL'llitefltii.LrY tit Bawlns : Swe'ewater ( , to ecinplete' & SWl'otIale\ cc1111e1' the Illl" hos- pital at Holt Sllrllls : 1Intl , for the ILSY- IUI for the In'ano at gva/Nlon : Fremont , to hulll the \ 'o\lng Agricultural cole ! It i.ander' . < Sheridan to Lul It a tthi hatchery It Sheridan : ( 'oolc. to build I fsh Illtchel" at HUI\tanc ' : i.nriinie , for the mutnttnalco of the < 11.101 building and for a soldier' home. I Is lit'iioveti lint lore of the UI ) ' Ilropriaton ! uslclt ror . w1 toil to IJass. , ' " , .it . 1Urs U.U.IflTS ( .UIO2IW. I'rnmtn"nt t'onth Ulllwla I duc\or Tales his 1.lt. 'clIroilghl Irelr ur hnnaly , Y , 8. D" , Feb. . ANK'ON " 4.-CSpeelal ( Tele- gram.-N. ) hi. His , ex-c unty lullel'ln- tendent of schools of Yankton county , com- mltell suicide by halgln ! Saturday afternoon - noon In a small tO\1 where he lived , east oC this city . lie tied n piece of clothes line around lila lecl ( Ifastene(1 } the other end to the lila oC a door hinge then rested his whole welht on tile rope. in n letter to his ( frlend he Ifligns us cluse for Ihe Iet fear $ that he coulll never recover from a nervous malady which 11011 once catleed hIs Incarceration In the state lmospitul for the ilisalie. . Ihut S'n'n NcnIeleeS for 0"11111'1 ' , I ST. I.OI'IS , I .b. I-'hl relIct of appeals i todl ) ' decIded the ( legal squabble , which lies ' been on Collie weeks between the chief of police and Judge Da\l } : Iurlh ) ' , resulting ( raIn the urrelt by three I olcell of 1prls - once , Ilmellntel ) ' lIfter his discharge by Judge Murphy. The conlntlent of the three ut'erK for contempt of court by order of Judge : lut.h ) ' II leelle ( } to he ) solely wihIn the jurlslclon oC that JUdll' , and the officers , under the decision , were this at- tlroon recommitted 10 jail to SOlVe their contempt lentencel ot ten days each . p WhnlrsI. Iro..rl a.llnr C ( ' 1 Y4'ISIII. ST. I.OUS. Flb , 4.-The Apl"euted \VhDlefll' grel ( t t t. luia ted 1) adopt \ rsolllons entl9rzing the sentment8 and recommendations contained In I'resldent Cleveland's recent messaSo IIICAN WAS \ WRECKED \ I Visited the Port of St , Mlchnls Since the Reported Dsnster , I STORY or A MYSTERIOU SCIOONER Y ACI r Dr. Herring and ills 1riend Montague Ether I'rtcr ! In R ! Hnllle " 'celturo-Iin- route to tile Southen t'ncifle- , . . Throe Ladtci Abolrlt. LONDON , Feb. 4.-The mysterious schooner yacht Mohican from New York Is not lost as reported In the United States unless she has met with disaster since January 13 , for on that date site nrrh'ell nt St. Michael's , Azores Islands. The Mohican sailed from New York In the latter part of November , with Dr. Connor Herring , his bride of a few days , and a young girl , Miss LetHia Thompson , on board , nc- cording to general report. Miss Thompson Is said to have run away from homo In order to take this cruise. Dr. Herring Is n son of the presIdent of the Georgia Central railroad . He purchased the Iohlcan from George E. Fitzgerald & Co. of Boston The frst wife of Dr. Herring was an Englsh lady , with whom he lived In London for several years. In England the ! most Intmate friend of Dr. HerrIng was Montague Eder , who was the doctor's classmate - cass- mate at Oxford anti who Is saId to bo his partner In the Mohican venture. When Dr. ' Herring returned to New York with his wife : lr. Eder I returned with him. br. all Mrs. HerrIng disagreed , Mrs. HerrIng returne(1 to England and was closely followed by Mr. I der. Dr. Herring began dIvorce lrOeeed- Ings early In 1894 , but his wife anti Mr. Eler , who went back to America , succeeded In inducing - ducIng the doctor to refrain from pushing the ncton. ! Some time afterwards Mrs. Herring began ' a suit against her husband and In November last she was granted an absolute divorce with the privilege of marrying - Ing again This privilege was denied the doctor . However , Dr. Herring und Miss Iobel Harris of nooth Day Harbor , Me. , were marrIed In Jersey City on November 17 last. They returned to New York and reside there willIe the Mohican was being prepared for her voyage. Wishing to secure a companion for Mrs. Herring No.2 , the doctor advertised for one and Letta Thompson applied for the place pleading that she was ill-treated at home , and she was engaged. But Mrs. Thompson , the glrl'B mother refused to let the girl go , and , visiting the yacht ' one day while the family was away , compelled Letta to go ashore. Dut while walking up Vesey street the girl ran away and made her eSCpe. Mr. Eder , It appears , In the meantime had married : rs. Herring No. 1 and had conic back to England , after , as reported , draw- lag up eo.partnershi papers wIth Dr. Her- ring , which resulted In the purchase and fitting out of the rohcm ! : for a long vo"age. I was said that It was Intended to arm tile MohIcan with two Iatlng guns , but whether thIs was done or not Is unknown. The destination of the Mohican was said fo be Plymouth , Eng. , where Mr. Eder and his wife . formerly Mrs Herring No.1 , were to joIn the party. The first stoppIng place was announced to be at Fayal In the Azores Islands and the eventual destination of the MohIcn was said to be the. South Pacific , where her two owners were (0' go Into pearl flailing on a large scale. CONCOHD'S II N AiE JsLtMED. 'hould Not If"e Gene Ash ere to hunt tinder " : lstng Circumtlmnces. WASHINGTON , Feb. 4.-Tho report from Shanghai that a hunting party from the Unite Stales shIp Concord had been over- powered and carried off by the natives near Chin' Kiang because they had accidentally ! shot 1 ChInaman , although net yet officially confirmed , las given rise to grave concern at he Navy and State departments. ChIn Kiang lies al ( ito Yang.Tsa-Klang rIver , 16 mies above Shanghai , und just below the , mouth of the Grand canal. The country Is famous for Its 'game , ant whenever a naval vessel Is In the harhor the officers avail themselves of the opportunity to hunt. I Is felt at hot State department , however , that the officers of the Concord showed very bad judgment In Indulging In their desire for sport while the country Is now dlsturb and the natives are EO Jealous of the pres- eCO of foreIgners. I Is not bleved , how- ever , that the party Is In get danger I the commander of the Concord shows pru- den e In dealing with the case. As to the best method of settng the mater and securIng - curIng the release of the prisoners there Is a difference of opinIon between the officials of the State and the Navy departments. The former believe that the bet course would - be to Apply to the Tartar general In command at Chin Kiang , who would compel the na- tves to gIve up their prIsoners and thus avoId any breach of international law. The naval officers . on the other hand , endore the acton of Captain Craig In senlng an armed relief party from the Concord In pur- suit , relYing upon the fear of the natives of tile American naval force to secure the speedy release or tile officers. NA\.U. FIOUTINO WBI.UAI-\ln. .J111"80 l'leo eUred 10 Yung-Chll : on Aloount of lie 'old. YdICO1IAMA , Fob 4.-The following naval report of tile fghtng about Wei-IIaJ-WeI has just been received here. I says : Three forts about Pal.Chl.lyaso were taken durIng the morning of January 30 , Wednesday last , . Time naval land force at once occupIed Chla- ,0pel.Sol and boinbardel . Tate Island. Time ens my's silica and the forts on Kung-Llu- Chin Islands replied and three of our sailors were killed . Our ships are still outside tIle fort We have had heavy weather since Jan- uary 31 , and ( the cold Is Intense. This prevents - vents naval movements The land Is in- visible. owing to tlo snow. With the excep- ton ( of the third flying slluadro'n all our shlp3 have returned to the gulf of YungChlng ready to mo\e when the conditions periiiit. Time foreign Ihlps are observing the movements - ments about W'ei-iai-Wei 1.0NlON. Feb. 4.-A dIspatch to the Times from Tlen-Tsln says AdmIral Ting coin- mender of the ChInese feet \Vei-hial-Wei , landed 2,00 1C Wednesday lat and made an attempt to capture the southern forts from the Japanese , The attempt was finally abandoned and lie ( Chinese .re.embarke. Ad- miral Ting , who was held by Viceroy Llu Kun'ieiltox I to be party responsible for the fall of Port Artilur and whose case was sub- mlted to the board of punlsllnent for action , was active In the ( shore defense of Wel.lal. \'ci lila conduct at the later place hns met with commen aton. The Chinese niil- Iary commlnders arc at variance. JN"Ol ! 1I'ST : TO INQUlU ( : . Chlneso Onvlrwnent Gave I. ( 'omillis- : slollerl No 1"I'er" \hnlo\'or. W ASINGTON , l eb. 4.-Secretary Gresham has received a cablegram from Miii- Ister Dun at Toklo confirming tie Atso- clated press report of the rejection of the ChInese peace commissioners by the Japanese on ( lie ground that their credentials II ere detective - fecth'o In not granting them ( plenary powen. An official dispatch has been receIved at the Japanese legation confirming ( lie report that the Japane peace commlsslonrs have been sent back to China because the Japanese envoys were not dothed wih plenary powers by the government I appears , In fact , thai the envoys dId not even have a proposition from China to make to the Japanese but apparently came to find out In a general way what I was that the Japanese wanted BS terms of peace. The Japanese legaton tOday received a cablegram from the home foreign office gIvIng the following explanation of the rejection of ( hO Chinese peace commissions' . At the meeting of the plenipotentaies of . . - - - . - . - _ . - . Japan and China on the 2ti : Instant , Count Ito , In an alhlress to the Clu3e plenipotentiaries - taries , IJolntCI oul to ( bela' the 11efe lvenes anti insufficiency of their po\ers. lIe gave them positive assurances , however , that when- ever China manlestel } 1 serious and sincere desire for peace by" eon lllng actual and full powers to Chines officials ef such a nature , and scop" as woull remitTer It certain that the 1 terms which might be agreed upon would be confirmed by the Chinese government 8\1 would actually be carrIed out In goo(1 faith Japan would bo prepared to enter upon new negotiation ! . " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NO DICI.HtA'ION : 01' WAIt \ T , l > uthu81111 Among lila I'COIlo J Un- nhatm\ : CITY OP MEXICO , I ( b. 4.-ln spite of the many announcements that today was set for a definite declaration In lie Guatemalan 1m- brolo , nOlhlng has transpired up to e\'en- lag , amId 1 stntement of policy Is not looked for until tomnorrois' A labor demons\ra- \ ton : was heM this morllng , and some 1,000 mon wll banners anti bands marched to the palace , aiicl calling out President Dnz , ten- derNl their services to the country In case of war wih Central America. There Is no diminution In the enthusiasm of tile populace for tIle upholding or what Ire considered Mexico's righteous demands m Naclonlo declares tonight In an article on the pentlng question that under no circumstances will Mexico deviate from her original demands on Guatemala for intlenhllity I , etc. Mexico , I adds , cares . not for such federation as Guatemala - omaha ( 1ay form with other Central Amer- Ican states. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , UOllnton Government Not hacking It. TOIONTO , Out. , Feb. 4-lIon. John Hag- gert , mInister of railways , gives absolute denlnl to lie ( statement hat C. N. Armstrong has any guaranty from the Canadian govern- 'ment In piecing 01 the Lomlon 10ney market securities of hIs company to build a railroad from Gaspo to the Pacific , parallel with the Canadian Paclfo rallroaw. Minister Haggert considers It utterly 1m- probable that Armstrong will be able to feat his enterprise on the ( London market or any- where Ise. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 11. " , " "Yllhll Scllr" liar Ihlmao Suit. LONDON , Feh. 4.-When the breach of promise suIt brought by Miss W'ndham against VIscount Deerhurst , eldest son of the carl of Coventry , was called for trial today before Lord Russell of Klowen , Lord , chief justce of England In the queen's ! bench division of the high court of justce , ! It was unnounced that I had been settled outside of court. Viscount Deerhurlt mar- Miss Uon 'n . oC rita ! " 151 VIrginia Uonylmge. daughter Charles - Don > 'nge of California. QuIet Nnw Hlstorrd at Rio. LONDON , I eb. 4"-The Braziian , minister here , Senor J. A. De SouzaComTea , Informs the AssocatedeHS that the ( Brazilian gov- etment easily repressed the recent riots at Ho de Janeiro amid that quIet 19 now re- stored. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : _ . /tnierlcIa / Vice ( 'OilUUIeCli ' ' . LONDON , Feb. 4.-TIme Times nnnounees the death In this city emi Saturday ! of Ralph O. Ruby . AmerIcan vlce"ll puty consul nt Belfast . irelamid. . Ih'I'OMIG'S _ I'Il.i1t.'i1IC1' 'f LII. 10180 1'8s&el B nl with a "lmv of Irnprov- iiig thu Drng Store 'ructIco. CHEYENNE , I eb. 4.-Spealal ( Telegram. ) -The house of the Wyoming legislature today passed I bill creating a Slte Board of Pharmucy and requiring eVry' ' pharmacIst In the state to pass a satisfactory examination before the board before bo can to business. Another bill considered rovles a state bounty on coyotes and wolves to encourage ther 1lstructon ! : $1 wiii.be ' patch ! f5 cP.otes a 111 3 for wolves . Tile animals are so numerous on the , rang Vlt they attack and kill a great many head of cattle durIng the winter Bounties have heretofore been paId by the several counties , but I Is now pro- posed to have the state sumo the responsl- bi ty. _ _ _ _ _ _ ! o II"ter111 , Ch'lneo In .Oreon. SALEM. Ore. , Feb. 4.-There was no mnte- rid change In the senatorIal ' fight today. SixteEn members were a"sent when tiia joInt ballot was taken , with the following result : Dolph , 30 : Hare , ho : Weatherford , 7 : Wi- lams , 9 , : Hermann , 6 ; Lard , 4 ; Lowell,4. ' 'l Canvass the : IIUrn ! Todl" , NASHVILLE , Fob 4.-Tomorrow at 1 o'clock both houses of , the legislature will met In joInt session and the returns of the election fet governor held November 6 , 1891 , wt be opened ! y the speaker of the still ) enllo.lol In Idaho BOISE , Idaho Feb. 4.-0no ballot was taken fOI' United States senator without any change. There was one pair nnd Ol absentee Th result was : Sheup 19 ; Sweet , 18 : Ciaggett , H. . zxrixsi . " : GULl - ) .IT C1IIUJGO Coldest Recorded at the Signal Service Sllcn 1873. CHICAGO , PEb. .I.-The sharpest cold wave that has vIsIted Chicago for twent- , two years made its appearance lust night i arid Is still on with unabated vigor. The mercury In the omc at the signal service last night ( eli to thIrteen degrees below zero , the coldest on record sInce 1873. Ther- mometel owned by prlvnte Individuals went the government affair from thre to Live degrees - Iree8 worse and marked from sixteen to eighteen degrees below zero. Several cases or tl'eezlnl were reported and In a lint. nt 132 West Eighteenth stretL l1l. Cnrmody was found frozen t death . ' 1he police ilave rounded UI any numnbzr of gentlemen who , having hued themselves with red liquor , havIng Ilel 1Iemsel\\1 wih re lquor had lelected aleYI and vacant lots as choice plncs In which to slumber. The ma joriy of them Ir& In the hosplnl under < treatment for frozen hands 11 } feet. Time stmpply of natural h"l , on which many reM- ttttlrflilts delend for cooltn . hal been flowing - Ing weakly all day , Ind tonight most of the restaurant keepers arc racing around to J't enough coal to keep them going until tn gun COle : ack. The weather oUce tonlht rl'elets tour degrees more of the same kind of thing. Heports from many pllces II Illinois , Iowa , \Vi500lisin 11(1 ( Michigan show Ihe Maine stat or weathe\ the mer- oury ranging from eight below In loulhe\ Ilnoll to twenty below tn norther Wls- con > ln. o 'l I'.11.11'CI.IUI LI 1 TESTlH Negro ' eeurR Innl'ltsA.hlht 110 I.oul- vile 8 'ltSiIVilC . OWENSDOnO , Kb' , Feb. 4.-Under peremptory instructions from Judge larr today . day the jury In the Cedeml court found u verdict for 1 cent und , posts against the Louisville . & Nashville talh'oad company In the separate coach Ds . 'fhe suit Wall hrought hy Rev . \V. ii. Anderson , colored , of Fvamisville , md . for AII\rFon was really to test the separate pac , I law of Ken- tuelt ) ' . JUde Hurr decided last summer that the law was unconstitutional . bocaimse It effected Interstate 'commerce. ' 'rho rali- real company then contended lint It hlul I rnle relulrlng the IEpurtqn of white an(1 colored 11nSsener ulllc from the law menton Ill Ifliti < 1 asserted that the rule was u reasomlatlbe , one \llon this the issue I was joined . , and the verdict I'enderell. Jude l3arr's instructions left this jury oniy I ! determine the amount of damages . Imme- diltel ) ' upon the verdict time attorneys tor the ( railroad company gave notice of an Ill ) . , peal 10 the euprme court of the United , Stites. _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ , _ . I'ro'ideat Norton Armlgnon , NEW YORK , Feb. t-Presldent Benjamin Norton , of the Atlantc Avenue Railway company , was arraigned before United ' States Commissioner Marie at ' StatkS llrooklyn this afternoon . ( 'harld with the violation o I Unied Stutll statute In dIFIIlng United States mal "signs on trolley cars thnt were not carrying mali . Ulied States District Attorney D@lnel Iweared for the prosecution. 1'x.Judle Morris , counsel for Mr , Norton , contended that the agreement of the ' witil iYliitd States company wih the Unied Sinte govlrlnent provided thlt they lust Le reudy to car ' mal on nil trains or ears and whie , IJrhapl , there might have been cars wihout lul lotualY ( on lilein the cars when the sign WItS put on , had been engaged II carrying . mall , 1IIIIr7\rullrmv : I I I ii ro ed. PLYMOUTH , had , Fb. 4.-The Culn\ Military academy at. Laka lluckl.uckeC founded by II. 11. Culver of Sf A . Louis . burned timis afternoon. The was ! ured thll nferoon. 'he acJemy wu but recenty completed , and the entre build. lags , together with 1 flue htel arid turnl' turu were destroy . 1'ly insured REVOKED THE FRANCHISES Erooklyn Aldermen Take Action Against the Street Oar Oomplnl , WORKMEN MARCi TO TiE CIY HALL .hcrlell hy tIle I'nllcc-Ullqatistcctory Iu _ t.r"lo , of a Commltco with the Msyor-I. of 1 151. In Address - dress to the L'uilic , - nROOtLYN , Ireb. 4.-Abeut 1 :45 : this afternoon a crowd of strikers numbering about 1,000 , headtl by Master Workman Con- noly , Basi , Collins all Obln of the exeomi- ( lye board of DistrIct ass mbly No. 75 , I marche(1 from their hleadthtlartors on llritlge street UI ) I ulon street to the city hail. When they reached the city hal they were greeted wih cheer8 from 2,000 people who had congregated on lie sidewalks In the neighborhood. The commlte which was to present to time Board oC Aldermen the lt- ton which has been drawn consits of Master Workman Connolly , Uast , Colns and Giblin. They Iscended tile steps of the city hal and the body of strikers which had accompanied them to the city hal marched arotlmid the square to Jlrolelon street. While Polco Inspector 1leKelar was attempting to dls. 'perse time men a squad of mountNI Police numbering about fifty , who bad been secreted In an alleyway behind the city hall , charged on tile crowd anti drove them off tIle square. The Brooklyn Board of Ahcmen , at 1 meeting this afernoon"a opteJ the resolution presented by the representatives of the strik- big motormen anti conductors rescinding the franchisee and privileges granted to the Drooklyn trolley lines whIch are connectel with the present strike. The vote stood ten for and eight ngalnst. Time chairman voted In the negative. One of tile nllermen sal < tIle acton of the ( board was not legal , clalm- big that the aldermen hat no right to revoke the privileges granted to the roads Wlln tile meetng of the board oC aldermen ndJoured a committee consisting of four members of district assembly No 75 , KnIghts of Labor , called upon Mayor Shleren at hits office to urge the mayor to sign the resolution which was passed by the board cf al < ermen. The commlteo was recch'e by Secretary Palmer , and he went In and asked tin maor what he proposed to do. Tile mayor replied : "When thll resolution comes before me on " 'elnesday next In the regular way I will have something to say about it. I decline to say In advance what I shall < 0. " Secretary Paltrier Informed the delegatIon of the ( maor's answer amid they then expressed . pressed a desire to see the mayor personally. Secretary Palmer informed his honor cf the committee's wIsh and he came out and relt- orated the message delIvered by hIs secretary. The delegation then withdrew. Everything was quiet this afternoon about 4:30. : The strikers have been exhorted by their lenders not to make any breach or the law and they are carryIng this wIsh out to the letter. Icter.K. K. O L. ISSUES AN ADDRESS. The following was Issued ! ) ' the executive board of distrIct assembly 75 , KnIghts of Labor tonight : " "To the Ctzens or Brooklyn - lyn : Wo congratulate you , for this day you saw demonstrated that the 'strlkers' and their sympathIzers could peacefully assemble In the face o ! all , the abuse h'ane upon them t ly their lormer - employers , coo present to' ' their next representatives , the mayor and board ot aldermen of the city of Brooklyn , I petition setting forth your rights and their rights and requetng respectful hearing and consideration of theIr grievance. Will consIderaton Wi / you again believe the misrepresentations of the enemIes of the people when they represent us lS things , murderers , lawbreakers anti rioters , or will you rely upon your own eye and experIence - perIence when ) 'ou judge us ? "Never was a more orderly crowd seen than that tcdY which marched to the city hal to personally demonstrate their respect for law and order and their love for the gd opInion of theIr fellow citizens. I Is true that the people wanted to stand In front of the city hal steps and In tile pubIc square while their representatves were nshlerlng the pe- tition. I Is also true they were prevented from doing so by their servants , the uniformed - formed polIce of the city of Brooklyn , who , with murderous clubs In hand and pistols In pocket , or belt . kept them from their own domain , the public square In front of the city hail , and drove them hike E many cattle from place to place , upon the sidewalks c Court street Fulon etreet Myrto avenue , 'VI- loughby street and other public thoroughfares surrounding the city hlahl. Not even were they allowed to hide themselves behln the ample oxidized coat tails of henry Ward Deechel' , lie revered lhilosophier and friend of the \hlosopher people , who ever spoke for freedom , justice nn(1 humanity , all whoso voice , were It not cold , would bo heard today In our cause as powerful and eloquent as when he stoOl be- fore an Englsh mcb and pleaded "for the shackled slave of tIle south. But . aias , I seems the memory of hIs- virtues . the In- iluenco of his patriotism , the recollection of his love for the common people , has 'passed away In the city which hI male famous , and In which nothing seems now to rule save the Insolent and domlnee\lng corporations engaged In robbIng and enslavIng the people. "Does God will I so ? ills ways are won- deriul amid past scrutiny and Is mills grInd slowly , but they grInd fine . lid' must mean vchl . and we , tile people , submit . The rule of the common people means peace : H moans law und order : I means honesty In high and low places ; I menl death to rapacIous cor- poratlons. That rule must como by peaceful agitation , Blnco that rule must be In peace And , fellow citizens that rule wIll come , and when the battles betweell the corporations and the people have ceased and tIle sunshine breaks forth , It will shlno upon the peollio trlulphant and upon routed , dlscredltel and hnpo\rlshll corporations. MAl'fN J. CONNElY , JOlN GlLIN , A'NmEW ii. BEST , . P. F' . COLLINS . , \TM. I. . 101.Cmlm , Executive Board D. I A" 75 , K. of I. Tomorrow 10rnlng 150 of the Imported 10tormen , who have taken the IJlaees of the ( strikers , wi assemble In Mayor Schleren's chico anti will ask Brooklyn's cllief executive - tve whether they cannct recover < alages front the railroads for being brought to ilrook . lyn on false pretenses. Mayor Sehloren made an alpolntment ton'gbt to meet the men be. tween 9 and 10 a. m. . . NJhl " ; Tl .IWill' l.l."l OrolOI n.lhVY 1111 Nlvlaron Company , I l'ull'l nn One to the ( OrIent ! , PORTLAND . , Ore. , Fob 4.-I Is nn- ! ' rouneell that nrrngementl have been \111- tlcally completed , for a atearBhlp line between - tween this city amid the O\lent , to he oper- ated In connection with the Oregon flail- way and .Navlgaton company aiitl the Great Nortitern railway . it Is saId . Nortwrn rlwu ) J slld n ccii- resentat\.o of Saluels & Co. or Yolthuma will urrlvt here \\'e ne5 < u ) when the can- tract will be closed. 'J'he service will Irob- ably he Inauurate < 1 ubout May 1. M. U. caml31. general frelht agent of the Oregon Railway & Navigation , Itltel that final urrungerents ( for the new "team- 8hlp line hav not been c'oxmipleed , ( , hut It ts expected that when MI' Dnvldg , an agent or Samuell , Samuels f : eo" , arrives here' next Vi'etilles'lay. tIle lutel" Will lie finally arranged. Nolhlng can be leured concerning the steamers which ) wi he used on the line , thouh It II txpected that 8um. uel , Iaruels & ! Co. will furnish them It the deal Is successful I Is understood that negotiations arc being carried on with tile Portland 1"lour and Milling company for the ahlnnwnt of a large amount of hour 10 the Orlenl. Heretofore nearly . all tile lour 10 the ( Orient from tillS city hal HOle ovr the ( Northern I'aelne or Canadian Pacific - dfe lines . _ _ _ p . _ _ _ hrrlf , 111 Irpnrrl 111'lllllcll. DBN\ER , Ire ! 4.-Judge Johnson of the district eoOrt has ranted the ( application of Judge . hutton , attorney ( " Polceman W J. lokln , that the sheriff ot Arllalo - , . - S , " cOlnt . , hIs deputies . 1IIIIs and every per. son controlled h ) ' him , be r stmlnCI pr- tnklng part In tl ease . } nslell of Mslln , lug the OtiSI' to the coroner , as would he ctistomnnry In elIcit n case . Jiltige Johnsol appointed x-PostmnRter Robert 1. HIetr neal t. SpongIer to superelle the "herUY's office. The allnton of lloykin'mt attorney was that the . wnrfnrl' between the Iloll'e 111 the IleI1t > ! hcrls wOIII . Ilre\'ent his hn\ln n fair trial. 'l'hlA ts only tIme Sl(011 tme In Colorado thnt the shmemiff's office hns been Set a 111 1 the other ocnHlon helnlt when ni ntuche of that . ole\ - was on trln ( . . ( .t J'U VI' .ILl . IH'h Ieturn ot Ienrchln. Tugs Urlnlutlt No : t\VS of thit . ! hll ) CHICAGO , I eb. . - : p. I m.-Charlcs I I Counsellun & Co. say their elevator people . collect that a number of tlgs can be seen out In the lake ' at work at n wreck , but I Is IIPlsslblo to say what I Is. The rumor Is clrrent itt South Chicago that I Is the ( lost Chlcorn an(1 that' fourteen personA are aboard , badly frozen , but alive. But "this Is a pure rlmor , " Ba ) COlnselman & Co" , "anI no OlO can possibly Imow It to be 1 fnet. You may rely on I , the tlgs Ire seen at work a\l wo know no more. " At G o'eloclt thIs evening tIle tug Morrerl , which left tile harbor this morning to search for the Chlicora , rettlriletl The tug made its way through the Ice all the way to Whitng , bid . , amid neither on the trIp to thnt place nor on the retlr wn8 an.thlng seen that lit any way resemblel , the hul of a \essel. I would have been Impossible for the vessel to have bee In the open water last night nnd have been hlldtlen from tile 'iow of the nien in thai tug this afternoon. After tite return of ( lie tug to ( lie harbor the Graham & Morton people ahlIlOmlimCed they had givemi lip all hope of ever seeing tIm Chicora or any of Its crew agaill. Vessel macil are now of tIle opinion that what vas taken for ( lie huh of the Cllicora last iligllt was mmothimig but it mass of dirty ice. ICA ILIOl I ) OPPWI.IL.S OX TflI.I I ; , Iimtilctctt for I'ayiilg a Iteimte : to St. lOtllN Flour Sillilpors. ST. LOUIS , Feb. 4.-Eugene Field , Miltoml iCnighlt , Samnuel 13. Knight , George II , Sprlggs and Abraham Fells , railroad officers , were lil.it on trial in tile United States mll- trict court today emi time cllarge of violating ( lie imiterstato commerce act. Field is agent of time Trader's Dispatch , Miltomi Knight is freight traffic mamiager of the Wabasll , Samnuel B. Kmilgllt is general freight ngemmt of tIle Wabasil and Spriggs antI Fells are New York officers of ( Ike Lackwanmia , Thley were indicted - dicted in October , 1550 , on tile tliarge of mucking a rebate on the interstate cormimis- sion's joint tariff rebate rate emi flour sitipped from East St. Lomhis to New York , In favor of ( lie Kehmlor Bros. ' Milling conipany of this city , in violation of the federal statutes. The fiommr was sitipped by way of the Wabash , Nickel Plate and tile Delaware & Lackwalina. General Manager Smitll of the Lackwamimma was tue first witness. lie was examined as to the details of the shipnlent. The other witnesses placed on tile stand were Mr. howard , of tIme Waimateim , Mr. Schuyler , a Wabash freIght clerk , anl , Mr. Ellis ; cii accountamit for the Kehiior Broi' ' . ' hulling company. With thin exception of Ellis , all those \s'ere known. as unwillIng witnesses. It WflM nrotmgnt out tiurmmlg toe examination that rebates were given , going througlm the accounts as "oxpenses , " ahlti smmchi were apportioned among the roads sharing In the bui'imiess. it WItS tmnderstooil ( lint ( lie Wobasil paid on one little fast freighmt line about $ I,0O0a month. Tonlorrow the government will call one more witness. following which the defense will open its case. _ _ _ _ _ _ JE.ST1TUZ'JO.V IN 1CL'SlS. Story of Suffering from Clmeyenno null ( Itlier Counties. KANSAS CITY , Feb. 4.-Destitution ammiomig Kansas anti Oldalioma farmers is becoming more evident and urgemit appeals for outside - side aid arc being made. "Men and womnemi begging for food is a daily eight upon ( lie streets of our suffer- big little town , " said Patrick McCltmsky , a merchant of St. Francis , Cheyenne coumity , Kan. , hero today. ho is a member of a reicf committee appointed to apply for aid at tile principal western cities. "We have givomm all our moans , " continueti lie. "Time county lIes issued warrants to pay for food and fuel until its credit has been impaired and no one will take the warrants. We are forced to appeal to the country or see our women and children perish with cold or hunger. The saitie distress prevails in other counties of Northern Kansas. A letter to a local minister from a repmmt- able woman at Blackbmmrmi , Old , , tells tllo same story. Go wilero you will tllroughommt this entire section , " says tIme letter , "you will find muon , women and children lllliverillg amid starting ; no clothes , no food , no light , no hmop. " Tile Kaimsas senate today amended Sumtton's seed grain bill , laBscd in tile hmomiso last week , so as to give $50,000 for the uurcliase of seed to be loaned to settlers , and $50,000 In cash for the relief of sucim as are at present doti- tuto of food , fuel anti clothing. I.IJuIm IILI , .L tii11JI.I , Somlthlt'rn l'aclfio Iotermnlneml to Enforce it htsdulotloti iii ( Vitures. SAN FRANCISCO , Feb. 4.-ChIld Arthur has been in conference with the executive committee of tile llrothierhlood of Locomotive englimeers all day. No final decision lies been reached , Time Soutilera Pacific comxmpmny refuses to recede from its position and its oflicials announced tixe cut in wages would be enforced , Arthur has advised tIle engineers to accept. it anti it is understood that lICIf tIle members of the brotherhood favor following hlis advice. Others era vigorously - ously advocating a strike amid succeeded in having appointed a subcommittee to confer s'itll the executive committee of tile A. It. U. As a result tile cilgineers anjuounceul that tile A. it. U , reimrefemmtativeli agreed to sustain tile engineers in case of strike. No decision was reacih1li either by ( lie railroad otiicerlu or tile engineers at their conference tojuy. Chief Arthur submittel several plans , but none of (110111 were adopted , Anotiler conference will ito held Tiunretlny , at which the engineers 11db to come to an amicable settleniemmt of their claims , p Iteslult 1)1 II lIlinlI Ijiliurrom , VINCENNES , lad , , Feb. 3-aims , Louisa Jordan , a member of one of ( lie mnost itromn- mont famnihies in this country and the sister- in.law of Autlitor Jordan , was ariesteti today - day for settimig tire to a grist miii lust July at Ieeker station , She waived examination aiicl was held fur trial , 'I'Ixo affair iit * cii'- ated a monet lirofounli seximuation anti opens one of tile hlitclest ( faintly qmmaticls CVCI known hero , _ - _ _ _ p _ _ _ _ No tv ti Isslu ii I , iii ( Hi IL I Ill , Li lullS , BOSTON , Feb. 4.-TIle American Mission. ary board nniiouuced that Ceilar Ilutte , U , D. , has been made a new missionary stxmtlomi for Chiristiali work hy ( he Amnerlean Mis- siotiury assneintion Of tile Congreiationai chtireh. Lui gi' numbers of hnkotmm or Sioux Indillns will be reached in ( lila mmt'u' hielti , A cilupel hixis bC'll , at'cted ummier ( lie suiler- vishnu of Rev , J. C , Hider , I ) . U. , formerly of Bostoa. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - hie'rhmig of t 110 'l'rIiuy I ltCll l'rimrc'shue , , ALBANY , ihi. 4.-'i'iio hiellring on tite action brought iii lieiialf of ( lie Brooklyn trolley srikeis ( to animul the charter of tile Brooklyn heights company , lu'cumlse of us failure to operate its line. was resuumled before - fore torney General hhttlI0011k to'lay. ' It is not probable ( hInt Attorney General lien- cock will render a , iecision oil tile tile UP- iiicatioa for ieverai days , Freilell l.luer , Oterdur , NEV YORK , Feb. 4.-TiIe French limier La Gascoigne , which sailed ( coal hlavre for ( lila port , is onpre tush one day overdue , " ; c. , . , _ r BANUE'f TO TIlE DELEGATES B'nai ' i3'ritil ' Distiict Gran1 Loago Enter's t3inoa by Local Members. ' METROPOLITAN IIML A GAY SCENE - I ihrmnqmiet Fotlowd by Tonsis of % 'iurtoum ; Sciittiit. iiuiti thIn ivemlhIlg Cnnelmm.lett tIy a of it l'lcuSiilt E'ClllIigVcstcrhtmy'i , t'rocecdtiigq , Tueietropohitiuti club roohuis have beemi ( ho scene of ninny emujoyabie events in ( lIe past , btmt time teinqilet did bali teimdereil tIle tide- gates of the diBtrict. grammti lodge. 1l'nat hl'ritll , itist e'cmming , was domibtiess ( hue crowml- lug glory of nil. TIle liammlluet hiahi t'as a llictllro of floral beauty , evemi to tlxo clectrohlers , wllicix rero decorated vitIl suitilax , , mnitl a flood of light Cull orcllestral selections , 170 milemllbere of tiuo hl'iiai hl'rith imnil their ladies were sentetl at tIme laimqilet tables , whtre a feast of ( ext courses vas served , Mr. 1 , Oliorfeitler vas toastmiiaster , On his right were Mrs. Oberfehler Cliii Mr. M , M , Ilirsll. Mr. Israel Cowen of Chicago lilill Rev. Leo F'ralulclllm cectipleul tIle hosts of ilonor on time left. Mr. Israel Cowemi of Chicago respolltled to time tCflst "lntiepeumdent Order il'imat B'rIth , " lie reviewed thle progress of tile order and ciluhmlerateti time iimally bellefits ill it slCecim replete vitii earluestuiess and a llrodumctioil of fitcte wilicll ( lilly macriled ( lie favor with . I Whlicil it % .ils received. lie di'elt liartlcuxlarly upoml bemievolexice , brotherly io''e auiut liar- niomly. lIxl'residemit Salzcnsteiui mantle a good speech in reepomitlimig to "ilstrict Gralid Lotlgo No. 6 , " in whIch lie eulogizetl his assaclato't ailti gave a resume of comae of the good work accomnphisimetl , 't I.OCA14 LOiGE AN1) OMAhA , \\'Iien "Our lotlge and Our City" was proposed - posed , Mr. Max Meyer , presiiicnt of Nebraska lodge No. : is t , arose. lie said in Part : "Time local order is composed of ii large ele- mileilt. of micwcouners , WllO , Ilavimig iml'estigated time tliltereuit Jewish orders miow lit existence , liit'o , ilnahly Coilcludcd to limik their fortmmmtes with mis'o are a lodge situated ill a city , whxosc , progrcsslvcmiess , atlvmmmtce amid coimlimler- cml nimil fimiamicial stability mmeetls Ito boast ( coin mite. And simice ( ito Jewish Colulliitlilltj iLl this city , anti partlcuhmrl' ( Ito members of ommr lotlgt , form uio sniali part of tile iliti- miicipal , comiimnercial a mid ilimancial commi immien t. parts of our city , it requmires hut ( me te the- S'eloh ) tile fact that. Omiiaima lirommilses tO tile hear future to scitil delegates in miumuiiber far lit excess of those \Vllicll represeult them at tiiiit COit'emltloul , anti in atldltlomi delegates front similar lodges , "The growth amid developuuiemit of ( lie city of Omaha is ttte of the mminrvels of tile Amnerican contimient-a coniuiemit. ( filled wIth time mllarvclotms from tIme ( line of its discos'- cry. This city lIas acilleveil its llrimmclpnl un- pcrtnmico witlilil ( ito last ( eli 'ears , increased 100,000 , or 150 per cemit , in population imi that liorlod. Itmring thts tinie tile output of its imiamiumfacturimig interests has increased front $5,000,000 to $110,000,000 ier nnnmmxn ; its jobbing interests fromn $3,000,000 to 50,000,00O per aminmmmll , amid this is blmt the beginning. TIle clearance reports - ports have increased from $20,000,000 to $290- non nAiL..ii h.vnl ( I , . . , 'nrn'nntln , , n ? # 1 , , , I , , , . . man minti. "Look at our new ptibhlc library , city Hall , New York Life , amid ( lie beautiful flee buid- lug , one of tile flmmcst amId milost comnpleto newspaper builtlihigs in ( hue worlti ; well equipped antI comniotlious school houses ; 100 miies of vavcii streets ; tile best sewerage sys- ( cmii of any tity in ( lie ummiomi ; Fort Crook , the most. complete fort ill the country , amid the lleadquarters of tIme iepartimient of tile Platte ; tIle third packing cemlter imi tim worltl ; tIxreo bridges across the Missouri river ; twenty tilstinct hues of railway ; comprehtexmsive street rniivay systemn , and fiumally the Nebraska state fair , wilich we immvito you all to visit tills fall. "Is it surprisIng tllat WO boast of our great Oniaima-thmat we are lirould of tIle present and hopeful of time ( titmice ? We have tlte Ilenlthi- eat city in time world ; tIme dctii rate for last year for cccli 1,000 1)001)10 was but eight persons. This can he better appreciated viiemt it Is stated that lit seine cties in tlli5 country time death rate iter anhilimu for each 1,000 inlinbitammts in twenty-six persons. Tile question arises , why lies Omaha been so re- mnarkable lit Its growth amid levelopmnont ? There mlmmist be some good reason for all tIlls , Again , are the reasons of so sImbstailtial , a nature tllat U. greater future mnai be Predicated - cated on tile post achmlcvornemxts ? "The physIcal conditiomis ( blat urrcunc1 ha have practically forced all this prosperity ; the railroads first built to amid fromii tlls ! point because tix grades were easy anti ( lie cost of construction and operation cheap. In tills manLIer we ilavo been suhlilhied vith twenty distinct Ilmies of railway , diverging to all points of tile compass ; tile reads have mails tile conditIon on whmlcil our jrosperity Is based , amid as their systenis are perfected our facilities vihi be imicrensed amid mew luster added to tIle sun of our iirosperlty , Ten years imeace Omalla will have 500,000 .people ; she viil be tue great ldway city of tile comimmtry , a peerless queen of coimmmterca : reign- ingsuireme ) iLl her va8t ( lomitain : P"-ui aromind in text yrarl , Oiill 5115 It I propnesy correctly. Tills shah riot vroimiblt you froni coaling oftener-tlie latch etriiig is ever oxm. ( lie outside - side and we will always try to mmiake ii pleasant for you. " At tills jlimlCtmiro tIle orchestra itlayeti a medley of itatrotic airs. Scarcely had tile first strains of "Yankee Doodle" greeted tIle ears of time banqueters ore Moso Tenuermaim spraxig to his feet and exltilmmsiastlcnlly uu'aveii bus napkixm iii tile air , 'rIds was ( lie siguini for ax imnpromnptmt scene of Clitillillialtmn lit which' ' ( lie other guests Ileartily joined , imiany rising to thleir feet , 'rhere was a chxorus of cheers whlicll reimewed 'hicxm ' ' , was 'Hall Ce- lunihtia' ' foliutwetl. \'ilefl Preslilexmt-elect Folz of Kalamazoo , Michu , , arose to shicalt UPOLI tixo "Future of tue Order" lIe received an ovation , Mr. Fobs ably maintained his reputatiomi as an enter- talnilxg after inner speaker. lie hiropimesbeti till increased ammuihier of itrlglit reurxts to the order witilirm ( lie next few years , itiid be- hieyed that with a foumldiltioxl of uchi solidity alt it now dlljoyel.l the Indepenilent Order of B'nai hi'ritim wealth be a tower of strength almiomig tixo organizations of tIme % 'orIll , "l'atriotislll" received tIle consideration of Grand Secretary hiamiiiurgher : of Quixmcey , wIlose response was ilhbed wIil ( tile true American bpirl ( , and ( he sentixuueat thus cx- pressexl found popular favor with Ills hearers. itev , Dr. Leo M , Franhciiit reepon'ii'tl ' to tIle ( cast , "Tue Message of Jutlaismxi , " hits sileech was well mxiade anti was one of (110 most mimarkeil of tile ovc'nliig , Ir. S. WOlfeflbttixl spolie upoxi "Our Or- pitaite' hionme" oath gave a tinge of seiitiinextt to ( he subject , wblieit found a warm welcolno iii ( lie hearts of all , "Our Country , " with Mr. M. M. liousemnimn as an able exponent , was ( lIe next on this csrti , JC\VhShi YOUThS OF AMERiCA , Me , M. it. Frauermiman's diecotmrsa on the "Jewish Yotitil of America" was one of tile features of ( hID evening. lie said Iii part : ' 'Matmy are tiley wile have their doubts about ( lie future of Israel. hiy many Israel's ( mineral dirge hISS bcexm again cliii again dolefully cllamited. lIven ortilodoxy , radical- ismui anti reforimi , however iflUcil they wrangle and thiffer Withl one another , yet in llarrnon- louts accord alike lenouitce tile irrehiglon of the Amnoricaim young mmian pxitl yoummmg woinaxi , and accuse ( Item of having dealt ( ite tleatli blow unto Israel. in fact thity combine. lit tilemnseives the oiflca of accuser , jury exit ) judge , anti contrasting the 0111 with (110 ( young , pronounce their verdict and condemnmi our irrehiglous spirit , , , Tis true , the flute of ullodern American Judaismxt ciis for retitetlomi , but iftIleed ilet for condeinnatiomi. We are totlay as we ins by mtectixsly ( and miot from choice , We contraut Ia reliCious fervor 1arimigiy with our parentj , - : :