Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 04, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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- _ _ _
Business In the Unikd Et.\tos Alrrndy on
the YOllow Metal Foundation1
" "lAt'on.1 : IInl'pcn * III Cun tti . . 1''lmcnt
or Uolcl \ \ , , tllllcl11 f.npcndcl Ir
the Gornnneiit-tnswer , fertile
tile ' 1"rllsll ,
. -
NEW YORK , I eb. . -11enry Clews , head
of the banking hOl80 ) of Henry Cews ( & Co. .
writes of the Wal street situation al folows :
The nPllearance or the market lurlnl the
week haM Intlcated that there were erne
Atocklhnken out . anll ( prices were forced
dOwn 1 ItS to buy them 01 chenllly as l > oS-
Rible. 'fhe worAt ) the Equall . 1 think \ . II
. now over. Some people have been mere
frightened Ihln hurt. If the United 811teR
: treaRlrhoull ) hy chance suqrnI go'd ' pay-
? ment" , which II the worst that ell 111'II ) ' ? n.
Inel that IR not likely even In that event the
' holder oC legal IltelY\ ( \ erl woull mOHt likely
want 10 Jet out or their money nml take
RloclH anti bonds inteail . nfl lt the 11reRelt
Prlce I > ! /ot or the Ictve mnrkelo.le Re-
. : lrltel ore about down to 0 elli gold lnHI
While the 10ney ) they hell wi lose Its void
value , for ! tune at least. IC the treasury
should illscofltlnite Kolll .
shoulc dilcontlle ( pnymell !
The hlllllRI Interests oC the country have
gone cown to n Jell haRIA. I IA " ) with
manuflcturell goo,11 of every description. I
Is AO with iron Rt'el. cotton . grain , and securities -
eurllll also. The threat now I ! that the
.Irellntlll money of the country II going t
drop from 1111) haRb : ; a silver basis.
which would le so I gold redemption oC its
notes were Itolliled hy the treasury . In
which eVent the next turn wo111 b for
sagacious Ileol.le . to exchange their
tleemahle . ' Into inanufncturd ' mOII ) lanufucturl' <
goods or raw material , Huch al iron grain
and cotton : also Into lecurltl'H or anything I
elR that haS tlroppeil . IloWI to n low lasll ;
oC value The reeling / would set In to bUY
t'VerYlhllK that looks le a bargain which
would ! e the forerunner or huoYlnt and nil-
vllcll markets In all lines of business In
this cOlntr ) ' . On thf other hiatiti . I con-
"reRS 11Hsel a gold lend bill . n ra\orlie
turn wi ome ly the sale oC the lonll' In
Europe . and the transfer of foreign gold to
this counlry which would cOle II Ilch
quzuntitles . IC 10nl1 110lgl wel e foil hy
the KO\'ernlelt. 11 to I'emovl the depreHllon
urevalng here to the nther Hhle.
The importation or gold wOlld encourage
l'onftlnce In this country 11,1 , the less nC
I I would dell'eHH ( OI'eHJolln I ) ' the I.eople .
on the other Hide or the Atlantic.
The hoMcrs of legal tenders who take
them to the treasury nntl demand gold for
them discriminate against the < kind oC
money they surrender 111 to meet HICh
.lscrlnlllton thc government IH compelled
to make sonic Il'ovlslon tn rluhuu.'e the gold
thus Ilmwn. The only mcan or doing this
lit present If throl/h the Pile oC bonds. 'l'lie
government shoull he Ilro\Ilell by an let
oC congress with anothl'I' svay. which would
lIe to exact pl'mlnt or part oC the dutpH In '
gold. As I stands now. -no one pays Into I
the custom house any gold whatever . and ,
tIde Is a discrimination ly the importers
against gold money . aH they Ilkc payments
or duties In every kind oC money exclptn"
gold coin. One-hair ot the customs dutes
at least should he requlrel l ' act of con-
freSH to he paid In gold coin. This would
be the best leans of replenishing the IOV-
ernment gold reserve . and It woul le
through h a business process. I IH urged b )
sonic that such action would lie a 11serll-
Inaton against the legal tender money oC
the country. Suppose I Is ? Do not the
People who present legal teneler notes to
the treasury 111 demlull gold for them (115-
crlmlnnte against them ? Bit In truth It
would he n IIHcl'lmlnnton In favor oC the
notes. because It would Provide gel with
which to keep them redeemable. ,
The Ilscrrllt uf the present handicapped
condition oC the United States treasury If
not so much I tlircredit to the country
1' 10 those who are iulininlsteriiig its nffalrs . .
at Waslilngtnn. The people oC tIe country
are Rlmuly stockholders. IH It vere . In the
great United States corporation . and they
will see to I nt their next meeting to vote
they will turn out everybody who has been
derelict In his duty nlll instrumental In
bringing Il0nt the present state oC urtulrs.
L A good many oC the representatives oC
sectional and personal Interests . us against
p . national. I will be remeinberd were voted
out oC olce last November. ali the balance
vllI receive the punishment at
wi same ] 1nlthment lt an
e&uri'j day when the peoille have the opportunity -
tlnlY 01 exercising their Ilowpr. After the
"Augean stables have ' been cleaned out"
the - mlennlul } will have 'arrlve
The following statement should le HUm-
cent to ba'ie conldence upon notwlthliand-
V log the pre ent l.erlOI of gloom. The Plb-
lie debt ot the United States government
t was . on Januai'y 1 , $ .0Gt.24,0. as against
; : - the debts of the following 1uropeaio an-
. tons :
* Austria-Hungary . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' .2SG6t9,539
) "rnnce . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . 4.416.793,39
Great Britain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.30,1H.56
. Germuny-Prulsla. etc. . . . . . . . 2S1,422l12
; 1 Italy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.32t.82.32 2,31.422.12
: Ihlssla . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.491.018B (
The united States government therefore ,
has not only the smallest debt but Is alHo
- the richest In resources. The debt ot Can-
. n u per capita IR $ G0. The gnglsh AIRtr-
f han colonies or New Zeallnd flOut South
Wales average $ JSO per capll and Victoria
$50) per capita . while the United ( States
debt pel' clpll If only $ . The Ilhltes
growing out oC the failures oC 182-93 In this
country . which was the worst general punic
Period thut the United States ever had . coii-
/llerlng its I.rolonlnton . 111 the rlct that
. . I covered every locality without an ex-
ceptioii . amounted 10 less than 1 per ; cent
on the true valuation oC thl assets ot the
70.0,0 110pulltol. No one can appreciate
these facts without having faith In our
country . hope of better . times In the near
future and charity for the limited intellect
of many of there who obstruct the neceplar ) '
national legislation which Is thc cause of
the present ) troubles.
i . _ Core what will . and tllel' any crcum-
stances loynl people will caiitiiitie to be-
t hove that eVI'r' dolur of such prmises
! wi eventually be l'cleemetl In gold. ' 'hol-
; who think olhclvlRc , cal easiy relieve their
: . rllJI 117 making an exchange or their
Hnlte Statls legal tender notes for real
estate. or stocks and bonds-in other WOI'LI.
get out /OVellment Iromllel to \ay into
ProPertY ot some 1 < 1,1 , 01' other. A great
. many people ! who Il lbtlll . do this. In
I . 'lhleh event It will not hurt the conii-
dence or other" II legal tender money . but
' It wi surely Illvllce the Price of what
. I they buy , Ilrovhll/ there are enolgh uf
those oC little faith to 111 ( competition
In getting out of the one into the other :
for that reason the Ilect unity prove to lie
1IIIton oC valueS. 'I'he legal ten < er notes
under any circumstances wil not lose their
Jlrefent mOley quality.
'fho filet that the hank at I'n/lllli : has
just reduced tm lirico or /ohl ! pence per
i 0011CC . lellt the second rel.llol wlhll
1 short IlH'loll. gO'1 to show that 1.011101
II nol anxious 10 draw gold Crol this 1"JI-
t tl' . 'lw world wil 10s1 likely II Iwe
between $7 .tO.U unll , $ OO.O < ) or gull
. this year. ' 'hll country \\1 contribute ( e
on to fr.OJO ( mid HOlth Al rica 111 Iu Ais-
tralta much ' . 't'iis lust '
as more. nalileil
11 mich 101'e. 'Ile 1111 nlll'll countries -
tries Ire Iller the control oC thl' Iligiisii 1 ,
governinouil . which Ilke1)1111 equally , ,
11 wl'l err ill the obtaining uC Kohl ( rein
the fountain hell 11 this ( 'olltr ) ' . 'l'he
. other Imporlllt I Illons I of Ii rope hnve ii ii
large IUIIlol or gold at the preselt ( line.
' .1111(4 ( 1\'plel ( 10 1"1 11CC . A ust un. Oel'III y '
' and Itussia. ' 1he two Itti' hl\I' their
. war chests ( till ot I. Of these 1Itonl
therefort hone CII be Illc'lth' ulxloul
for our gold to 111) ' . I 11'1'llul for I. 11
WUI done ( luring 18 : I'-ul' Ih 1011lt.
. however almost all over tho' world gotd II
the ( uisluloli . ull hot Ilh'el' . 0\111 to the
Inerealell iieiiiaiid. every cOllel\'ahll effort
? , OiL the putt of the human taco Is b11 : Ille
to discover II . work gold milel a 11 not
- . l\vlr n in es. 1..nlllldl In 101 Ih'IWIIJ I hH
; , feM front Africa uliii Australia , Ii 1111-
( ' of this ' ' '
llcncI'nt Ihll 1'0111' ) II obtaining her
tl\ply. 11 the 116t It W.I very direrell ,
OR 1'ngllnll relied upon tile United States
, to recoup . , hlr011. .
lWI"I'C'r 01" RlI'Cm R\HP\NBION.
. I Is clahlet hy allrnlSs that IC the
government Busllenll gout 111)'leltl gold
wi le hoarded and ( tllel out at clrculu-
, ton alll lake 10l'y tight. 'fhnt
JnlGht be true RO far 11 gold \\'IS driven
out ot the l'oultr ) ' . hut I II to 1m , reinern-
bereLI that gold Ii 10W used Principally for
rl'sel'\11 and not for circulation : UI [ tile
efect oC slrilgene ) would only 1'11" after
' tile gold reserves of tile IOlkl . hlul bet
eaverdY l'.lneJ by IXiiit. Jighiy.two : 11111.
- 10ls of gold II'e hell by Iho New York
balll. 111 probably its lunch mora by the
hnnks oC other ctel : tills gold will cent -
I tinuo to le held Ul reserve , al it hUB beeli
, nnlonl 1 will muke 10 difference ill
. ( lint respect I\'el It I goes 10 n lireliiiuiii .
; Ill ttl 1 > 61t01 It will peltorm tile ( ( inc.
tonl uf 10ne ) ' the lme al hereloCore. IC
the banks Illl not have Ihll cull they
woul by law be compelled to hoh 1l'or. .
rtII'OllllJ amount oC legal ( sillier notc
' InIall. . und take tlut'no out of circulation
for their legal reserve.'hlut circuiltol
: heh by the national banks II hell by trust
- cUl11niel 111 leavings lunk"s such
' holdings have not been ili circulittion
ho\lll1 ha10t II rlrcull\OI. they
, can't be tllem olt , J Vl'llure to nilirni
that there Is but littie gold cell 10W Ilnl II
the halll' "C' the IUhlc IIwhlrl 11 this
COlnlr ) ' . cinHquefll ( I ) ' thel'c will lie but lit.
tie gold taken nut oC circtiltition IJ ' lt-
te Jultl nlt CllCIJltol I ) I 8(15-
I116101 oC Koiol Ila'ItIIf by the govet ii.
' ml'I ! . fa lul I 1IIIJIIn ot gold 113)-
meats shinubl have iio Iuiliiuliat effect
mentl holll . 10 1llll'llut ( ere"t UlJI
i the money mil Ie .t. 'fhe IIOI"Ntle bushllll
'i situation Ihn' f. re , WUIII It li ntaterlally
i lsturhcI ! I ) ' 1I ' IMINlol at Iuld la'I"lls
, \ ' thi tonrle.t , ImpQrlerl nli others
- -
who have foreign relntos might surer
some loss ant IneJn\'cnlenC by their In-
nullity to exchange Kreenbtk8 for geld nt
the United States treasury Rf tormerl . IC
gold pa'men s are lu pnll lt. In any event
suspension of sold ImymNt could only Ill
uitil congreF . 05 l'l the necP'nr legislation -
ton to nllmt : or the ue ot the government's
high ( relit to obtain gold ahirnail. A United
Staten bond hearing 3 1'(1 cent Interest. py-
nbe : In gob ! coin , will command In the
I'urop-nn markets all the gold the Kovern-
mtnt needs at any time. This every . intel-
lent person knows : consequently , under
the circumstances , there should le no f1rl.
OUI shock tesullng from a suspension ot
gold payment ' by ( lie Unied States treM-
tory Thte views are prelented not be-
cause there IS really any serious ground for
apprehending a IPpemlor oC gold pn ) ' .
ment-Cor 1 : my Judgment such I thing 19
10 the last degree Improbnbleuut merEly
to satisfy the o\lr.tmlll that It suspension
were to happen I might prove less RrIOI9
In some all.ects titan they have imagined.
At the end ot the war there were oVer
$1ONJ.OC ) hands outstanI1In" They have
ul been pall off . rlnclpnl I and interest . In
Kolll with the exception oC $ S4,96O \ 4Ol. ne-
cent y $10.0.(0 , , were nldel making the
tolnl amount outstlndlnl $ Gt.9.tO. The
government now contemillates issuing an-
other $ IO.J.O t per cent bonds tinder the
net oC 1870. At that time there WO no Igl-
bition of silver and hnve '
thton ! lver. none could then hnvl'
been antcllltell hiy anbod ) ' , The worll
coin In the act referred to gold coin which
no one can IJOlsII1y IIn : . I II therefore
to tile spirit oC the law ) that the Kovern-
Ipnt must contlle to live lP In recognizing
KUni the coin In which to pay the Inter-
est and Ilrlnclllnl or all such ionil. J nn
net were Ilallltl now authiorlldng an issue oC .
"coin" bonds . with the two metals ( white
alli yellow ) In existence , especially consider. I
In/ the recent silver agitation. the meaning
nf coin In such a bond would he I very
different ma ter and there \ s oul ] hl a
stron claim made by the silver people that
when the mace pnsHe,1 , the two coins
existeul anll the worll coin referred . to one
as well lS the other consequently whoever
hOlght such nn issue oC bonds 111 so unller
foil notice. No law can . now be enacted that
cnn hv In ) ' pOllllllt ) make an obligation
more binding upon the government to pay
interest and Principal In gold coin than the
act or 1870. authorizing the issue I or 4 per
cent bonds therefore those who lublcrlbe '
for the new - per cent bonds when offered
can rest asslrel , they ) ' arc buying an ell a- '
ton oC the United States government . hear-
hIl 4 per cent interest . ha\'ln/ thirty ) 'earl
10 run. with a hlnlll/ obligation that both
interest UI1 principal / wi le pall In gold
coil , . No new 1lllslatlon. therefore . giving
althorlv to issue gold bonds Is really acres-
' . ' rlie has full vlth.
snr ) 'fhl government . his Cul power wih-
ell I : still authority to tssue a 3 per cent
bond would make a ' more advantageous one
for thl ro\'ernment to leslie nt the Present
t In 1. I WOII , he no better. however as a
gold h0111 ( lion the issue or I IPr cents eon-
templatell. I the United States govern-
fluent ever undertook to pay off any oC thl
OUIstllllhon'I. . or any lint tony l
issued hereafter. under the old lnw . . In an-
Ihll hut gold I would he downright repu-
iiifltiOli . and the chili haS not YI't been horn
that will hive to witness such an act oC bad
faith al the part oC this governmlnt.
At thl end oC the var . In 18r ( . the ! tioplla- (
tioli of Ills country wal about 3S.0.O : I Is
now iO.Oo. At that time the true value
at the ISIP ! oC the country were estimated
at $11.0 0.0 ( ; they are now SUPPOHIII to
he $ iOO.o.O. Our assets have increased
to per rent unll our debts decrease more
than M % per cent.
l'rospcct ot nn Am.rloan 1.0nn the Feature
In I.ollon Flnnncial Afllr" .
J.ONDON. Feb. 3.-The rates for money
last week ruled much stronger on the pros-
pect oC 11 American loan The Stock ex-
change was occupied with the settlement
and the dealings were only moderate , but
generally there was n more cheerful pros-
11ect mainly due to the firm stand President
Cleveland Is making on the currency ques-
. tion. TIm belief that something . will now
be done to solve the difficulty brought a re-
vival oC confidence to the speculating and
Investng public . and the result was seen
In the fall In Ionsols and other high class
securities . the buying being diverted to
other channels. Home railways were easier
oil bad weather and ( mule reports. Mining
! e'lrltel were again dull . with u great
failing ar In business.
'fhe Ilrls bourse was occupied with its
own settlements . the French operator havIng -
lag ceased the purchase oC mining securities -
ties , and there was a general feeling that
tel bom hUl been rather overdone. I II
reported that the Hothlchllls and Cecil
Rhodes contemlllate a gigantic scheme re-
qllring many millions of pounds oC capital
to combine In a slnlle corporation al the
'Vlwaters Hallway and Gold Mining com-
punles. Canadian Paclfo fell. Humors oC a
receivership for the Norfolk & Western
road tended to depress American railroad
lecurlte . < . but a good feeling prevale .
Prices mostly udvancd. The following
Ilcreases were made : Union Pacific . 1 *
per cent : Denver preferred . 1 per cent : New
York Central . Northern Pacific and Wabash
sixes , ' per cent each and Denver ' 1 per
cent . The decreases were : Norfolk & '
WeHtem. 2 % per cent : Erie seconds 1 per
cent and Pennsylvania ' per cent.
Whcat D0:1118 Limited al a Result of the
Situation In Muerica.
LONDON Feb. 3.-Te weather which
has been severe Is now ntflder. The
wheat inutrket Is fairly stead ) ' . but dull , ow-
Ing mosty to American udvice as to the
fnancil ! luutol In the United States and
the heavy visible supply. There Is no spec-
ulaton here. 'fho millers buy sparingly
and trade Is 'ery slow. Prices arc on the
anl vel'
decline. Business In parcels Is lmle < . Spot
Is quiet at from 3d to GI < own. Winter
pll'cell are prompt at 2is. Flour Is ( lull and
Illcllt of sule. Maize II steady . with a
Iloor demand for mlxe AmerIcan parcels
afloat ut its Gil Barley I quiet and steady.
Oats are frm and fully Gd lP , owing to the
closing oC navigation . )
ExCelJfolal Dntucl I'rcvalee During the
I'.ut " . "k In alost 1.lle. .
MANCII ESTER . l"eb 3.-Exeeptonal : ( lull-
lies prevllrli 'Ihtlghout the past week
and the tone oC the market was depressed.
China still sent some orders but the delivery -
livery i'cquirciaents stood In the way oC
their Iceeptance , The India trade seemed
lifeless ( ( lid this aeted all the murlets
unfavorably. Prices were very irregular.
Dress parcels sold at record rates. The
parcellohl lt rles. ' rUI-
ning of locals on short time is slowly
nlng 10011 lhorl tme II ex-
tending , YUI ! liveragNi 1-16tl lower. In
this department ( ( ISO large blocks oC off
stocks were sucrlleell ( lIt ruinous conces-
Rlom' 80 fur there has been but little
'hort ( line In this tlellnrtment.
1.lvCr"HI "Iurkels.
I.1'I'IPO : - I , . I'cb.WJ ' AT-Rpol arm : .Ie-
11111 I K'r : No.2 ne winter . 4 4,1 \ ; No.2 "
spring . On lld : No. I hard Maiiitba . fs I ] ; No.
I California. C. ; . Futures eh'He.1 ( pliet . with near
slat tistalit ' Ilo.llols I I IUZ rnlhllts I hhher :
bUS"HS : 111)11 .qual ) ' ,1\'hl'I , : J'ebllry. b 3.1 ;
Mlrch. 4. 5 : AlI I. b 61.11 ; Miiy , I UtI . : June.
41 1.t : . July , 4 7ii. )
COHN-pul steail ) ' : AmerIcan Ituixed iiew. 3.
8I'ud alxe
lii.l , Vultures elo.'el quiet . with near p"alHons
162 flrlhln ! ! hlhpr Ill dl"III Ilsllons I
rUllhlng Ilglwl ; business h"\'lesl on elul iy po.l-
10no : J..luaIJ' . 3. II ' ) t'I ; March . 3. ll : ) April .
31 1m" : ia ) ' . .Iuue anti July 3 1\:11. \
IIO\'IHIONR-lacon. quiet : "cmal,1 moderate :
( um'rlnl,1 cut ' to sa lbs. . 30s : short ribs . :
lbs. . ' ! . : bug , rl"ar Ihhl , 3 II 4 Ibs. , Its GI :
long , 'Iclr. heavy. t. : I. . . : S c : bhor clear
Iu'k. . light , 1 1 lbs . 290 ; short clcnr l"Iles cear ,
hel\ ' ) ' . 6lb. . . , :81 GI : I'lral' bellies . 1 to 16 his. .
37. . 4uldeie ; . square , I te 1 I"s. . ZS. 1nls.
short , cut U 10 ) G lb. , 4a. & . Ilcef extra louis
n. 5 . . 6hui 9,1 I.rlme liless. 57,4 61. Pork. Inlll '
I. . . . line we.ler. r,6.3" : prime meh" iiieillum , .
fl. 3. . l.rt. steady , : 11rlmo mess , 33H ; relined .
II 1.11. , : 1"fllgetlo beef , forequarters 4 ( l ;
iiiiiulquarlrru' ' . 19tI.
' rA1.lo-rine N. A. 229 Cii.
CII lt8C-Duii : : , Ielanrl moderate ; Sliest Amer-
kll whl" , ' . 45. : Inl..t American colored ruOs.
m'vllIFlnp.1 ! : United Hlnle. . is : good . GO $ .
TIJiti'lN'l'lNS : HIIITH-21.
ltSIN-Coinintni . 3. luYd. \
CO''ON RI I.I 01.1. \lol , rnned , ITs W.
IiNHiiH : ) Oii.-20s lid.
i'fl1'ItOl.iL'M-lteltnal. 6 ! ' , ' .
11.\\l'JINU I I h'OS'LIit-Ilarulwoou1. f. o. b. ,
LI\'ellvll. n. I
liOl't4-At J.I"OI tPacllo ( coast ) . 12 hIs I . - I
Oil , MacSet.
61.0. (1\1.1'TON. I.'eb. 2.-nOSI-I.-111 ul $ .0
TtthtI'IlNTiNi-Virnt : II 2Cc huh .
RA\'ANN.\I , I'b. : -ll'I RiTti-lirin at :7 ( 0 :
Inle. 6 bids.
htOSlN-Flrui nl 11.19.
WU.1INn'oN. $ Felu. : -nOSU1-I'lr :
utlulilci. S.02 , : good. 117 .
Hl'Ilil'l'i4-llrni 1. 2GI" ( .
TAll- 'lrl .t U.
TIJItl'IN'FIN iSteui hard . $ 1.10 coil , 1l.0
TUI'I N'INIllcill ) ; ha < $10 : BIl $ ;
\'lrGln. I. iO. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Milwaukee Ilurkel.
Miit\'Arllli . I"el. 2.-FI.Ot'lt--Stend ' ) .
\\'IU A'r-I.wel ; No. 2 spring , Ue ; ) NO. I
norher. G2\"e \ ; Muy. H3c.
COIN-lo lower : No. 2 43r.
3 OA'l'tt-Stvady ) c. ; No. 2 \I'te , 311.e . : No. 3 white ,
I IA ill ,1 : V-Quiet.
ItYll-Steady : ; No.1. & 1.
IIO'IHINH11:1.1. l'ork 13.iO. J.r . iG.3S .
U.el J'Snour , : .3 bhll. : wheat . 5,2 bu. :
Lrh' ' , n.rM hu.
hihi11'.iSNT-Vlour. = . ' 0 ( ibis .
'I'curln ' ) IKrkrl
1'IOIA. Fetu. : -COIN-I"lnn. hllher : No. 3 .
40\.e : No. 3 . "Jc ,
OA'I'S-iow sad nnclluuc1 . N. , . 2 while 2 %
(30c : No. 3 uIuIte . 19Lu2ptr.
U\'l-S"alc" "uL unit : No. : . t.tZHc .
" ' 11110--1' " ' ' ' hiIl h wlnel. $ l. :
IIX(1 ' 'SWheat. 1t ) ) ) : 10'1. I n.I ) ) ; 01. at .
4)1 ' re . Ui . lOl I' ) ' . ) .
1II'MI : 'rl.-W.wal. hone : 10:1. : 0,1) : eatS ,
:4o . . I ) C , OQU . buley , 4V3.
, _ L-
Grin Was Weak YcstnJay and Provisions
Quit Firm
1'nbiicatton of tIn . Stocks of l'roYl81on
Canned thin Market to Halo Firm
ec : lrm
nnc to Advance TO\\Rrll
Ihe (1011
CHICAGO . Feb. 2.-0rnln was wtak ( edo ) '
and pr\lslon firm. Wheat compared with
yesterday's c10811g , Is from 'c to % e lower ,
corn lost Ite oC its value and oats lost t 4c.
Provisions closed hhher all around.
The weakness In wheat resulted front
slack demand and reports oC I decline II
Argentine wheat and the other mnrlets
tolowe . For a moment or two at the
opening the wheat , enlngs were at 1 shade
better titan the clcsln" value of the hire-
VlOU3 nfterii.on. The steadiness thus Indl-
calell WiS oC ver ) ' short duration . and Crm
51e for May nt the start It declined In
less than half nn hour to Crom & 2o to
52'e. The Liverpool market was quoted
yd higher for American red winter wheat ,
and the western receipts at Minneapolis
and Duluth Ilollte to only 178 cars , I !
compared with 220 last Saturday and 303 n
year ago. These facts were known Ire\l-
Otis to the opening oC the session 111 prb-
ally account for the frmness lt Ihe slnrl.
The Bt I.oull sales oC wheat to local mill-
ers and for Shilinient . whIch created the
bullish feeling with which the whet flier-
ket wounllIJ yesteru . were being malic
little oC this 10rllng. and were claimed to
be at no special Inportllee. The St Louis
market starting rather easy . gave encour-
agemelt to the Idea hut the sales were
entirely due to a cut 11 rail nlel to the
sentioard . A clhllgrnt to I New YOI (
house saying that London dispatches quoted
11 decline oC ( rein 311 to Gd 11 Argentine
wheat was. Perhaps , 11 more Inluental
bearish factor than the discredit attempted
10 be thrown on the $ t . Louis cash usl-
lell The market became weaker ni the
session ) regressed and May was selling lt
52'c : aleut thirty minutes front the close
nail wound \1 at C2\c , cole
Corn was ! liet 1111 weak owing to the
veakncss In wh'at. Although receipts con-
( time light tle ) ' arc more than sufclent I
for current wants In the absence of any
desire among consumers to stock tip against
any future scam-city. May opened at front
t3YlC 10 13c. Those were the top itrices of
the day's range . ant I reId .Iown \ to 42c
and cole ! at from 43c to t3 8C.
Only 0 fair business was done In oat !
Fluctuations were Inluence principally by
those oC corn and wheal , amid after suffer-
lag I decline early . recovered mewhnt
and closed at or within a small fraction
of yesterday's closing. May sold from 2Sc
to 2c. and buck to 28c. at whIch price
the market closed.
The pUhlcatons oC the stocks oC provi-
sions caused that market to rule firm antI
to advance In the end 1c for pork . 11c for
lard and lOc for ribs. Larger Stocks had
! len confidently looked ( or.
Estimated receipts for Monday : Wheat
30 cars : corn . 210 cars : oats 15 cars : hogs .
3oJ head .
Closing Qlotiutionsonthio rrlnclp:1 Com-
mnothitle'i iuid Stl'Ilcs.
NEW YOnK. I cb. 2.-FLOUH-necelpll. 13,200
bbis. : exports .ZJO ) bbls. : sales 15.W plgs :
market dull and elS ) ' . Some export orders were
closc.t yesterday M a result oC more favorable
freight rates. City mill palents * 4.00104.13 ; win-
leI patents 12.SOj3.10 : city mill clean $3.3 :
Winter straights . . . .
slrhhls. J.3f(2.75 ; Minneapolis pnlents ,
$3.05iJ3.S : ; winter extras $1.90R2.40 : Minnesota
baker ' . 82.00413.60 : wInter low grades , $ l.7Otl2.13 ;
spl'lnG low b'ees. U.75@1. : sprint extras . II.S5
4(2.35. ( Southern flour . dull : common to ( air .
cOlmon rail.
$1.803J2.40 : god 10 choIce 12.40R2.'JO. ) I'e flour .
( lull : eales. IW bbls. ; superfIne . $2.5d12.S0 ; fancy
13.70013.00. Juckwhrl hour , quct ! al $ l.G0fJ1.70.
IUCKWII A'-Jul nl 151153c.
COHN MALDul : yellow weslem. $1.03I.l0 :
Drn"ywlne. S2O. (
HYESlendy : car lois , 51c : boat loads. MThCc.
IIARLHY-Quiet : Milwaukee. '
IAHL Mlwluke. 6IiGc : : I'co-
rowed. state 600161c.
IAHLJY MALT-Slendy ; western . iO@,1e ; 61x-
rowed. 70 ( 75c.
' 'HEAT-Hlcelpls. 18.9 bu. : exports . none :
sales . 1.25.0 bu. futures and 12O bu. spot.
Stet market dull ; No. Z red . In store and ele-
viar , 5c : afloat . tSiAc : rel. . o. b. . f8'0 In afloat :
No. 1 northern . G5 ½ c eell'.re : No. I lined . 6 ,
delivered. Oplons opened slrdy on steadier
cables but the bulls lacked energy , and later
under small clearances . the weakness In corn
and dlappolntntent ' ' over weekly exports cor
market declined . croslng nl % t0c loss : No. 2
ired. February closed nt &Gc : < March 57 5-16e.
closed nt 67c : ahiy & 7tji8'4c \ . closed at tSc :
July 57(58 1-)6e , G7i1 &S',1c \ ; cosee August f\ &c \
'fSo. closel at t8c.
COHN-reeelpls. 61.40 bu. ; exports . 2.60 bu :
sales 135,0 bu. futures and 2,00 bu. spot.
Spot dull : No. : 45e. In elevator ; slcmer , 46'4c.
Options opened steady with vheat unoler full
local offering . declined quite sharply and Cul
01 I/\e \ act loss ; F"hruar closed 460 : cosell .
4H e. closed 47j47c : July 47 ½ t4c.
closed H\.c. \ 47U@m.o.
. OATS-Iteceipt. 12Go bo. : exports . 10 bu. :
sales , 355,000 bu. futures and 27.0 iii spot Spot
inactive : No. : 33\634e : No. 2 dellvere , ; . 34\c \ :
No.3 , 3e ; No. 2 white. 3GI36\.c \ : No. white
354c : track . while. 31@4e : track tyhite . state
37@41c. Options dull uull day and closelt , o lower :
Flblnry closed 32o : March closed 32c : Slay
32\:3Z 9-16e. ! cosed 321k. !
IA Y-ulel : shipping . f5ifGe : good choice
5q : 750. <
1011ulet : state common 10 choice old .
3Iil : new lensyl'anla. lie : lacle coast , old
3Wine ' ; new Slilic.
! IDgSFlrm : wet saitel . N. O. selected , 45 to
C Ibs. . 4 ' / (50 : It. A. 11' . 20 10 21 Ibs. . 120 :
Texas dry . 24 10 30 Ibs. . 71.'Ac.
L1AThImlt-Steady : hemlock sole , n. A. , light
10 heavy weigh . lii,4.dIllc. Ighl
Wol.Qulll . : domestic fleece , 15' So ; pulled .
I'ItO'ISIONS-1leef. quiet : family . $ lO.000i12.0O :
extra mess t8 & 0 ; beef hams $10.50UI.0 : packers
8S.lOtiiU.5O : city extra India mess . IlG.C0i8.00 . Cut
men Is. sll'lly : pkklCI bellies . 5'Hl:1'0 ; pickled
shoulders . HHI\e : pickled hnm , . ofIS'4c. pcklpl
steady : wl.ler steam close ! nl SG.70 'bid ; soles.
210 lerces nt G.70 : cl ) ' nl 6'46JXc \ : sales 10
tierces ; February close.t IG.70 nominal : May , 6.UO
nominal : reflned . steady ; continent . $7.:5 : com-
pound . f(5e. \ . l'ouk. dull : new mess $ ll.256J
1.75 : raml ) ' . 511,008111.25 : suer clear . $13. IIr . .
nl.rrTlnt-Stendy : western dairy . IUUIe ; weal-
ern 'crenmer ) ' . 1(210 ; western factory SI1e :
lgln" . 21e : ImitatIon clenmery . . IOf18e : stale
dairy . 10(180 : al'lle ' crpnmel , 14812le.
CllIESl-Qulet : state large . 9ftl0 : small .
O\Hfl'e \ ! ; part skims 3(8e : full skims 2(210. smnl.
" : On-ulel : slate and Jenns'I'nnln. 270 :
Ice imuuie , 19f e : w"sler fresh . 2G26iLc : ! 1-
era . ZI'f2Ye : Ile"lpls. 3.150I'ls. .
l'flTltOlHUSl-Nomtnal : Un /I'ls. / closed at
IO\ \ . asked ; Wa81lnlon. n bbls. . $ C.53ul,70 :
\\'I.hlmlon. In bulk. . $4.21 . ) . renn-e. N"w01'11 ,
15.80 : l'hlolell.h'l . nnd linitimome . $ : ,80 ; l'lilla-
" .Iphla and 1lllmore. II hulc. $ .2 : . l'hla-
( ItOSIN-Qulet 1.40. : strained . COlmln 10 god , $ .3 :
< TtJRi'rNTINF3-Steady nl 29t129ic.
HICI'Slpll ) ' : , luliiesilc . Cull 10 extra 4 %
Gc : Jnpnn 4\HIH. \ .
MOLAHHI S-HI"nl ) ' : New Oi leans open kettle.
good 10 choice . 01ie. Olcn Ilelle
go $ Ol.\O ' . S-Dul ; fund' $3.50g4.t0 : others $2.oo
( I 'I mON-nul : Scotch , UO.OOUZ'JOO ' ; Amcl'l-
can $9.&Otul2JuQ.
COl'l'Elt-Sieaily : brokers' price 9c .
I.I'AD-Slrnt : brolcers' I'rlee , 3.02i \ .
TIN-I'lalcs. mn.kel . weak
It _ I.uuli Helnr,1 , ' . ' &Kot.
ST. I.OIR. I ch. 2.-F5.OUIt-Firnm . quiet.
\VII AT-\\'enl"'ne,1 and sell , off ' . crslnt
with I slight rally , ic below testeruisy : No. 2
red . . cash und February , W\o : Stay flo \ : July ,
t'OHN-pene,1 I 1.10e up but w"IIIIIC,1 off .
closing % f' e below yesterday . No. 2 mixed .
cash amid February . 3&e : Slay ) 33f/39 / e ; July
OATS-\\'eall ; .o lower : No.2. ca.h and Pehi-
, 29te'Jc ! No . 3 . cu.h . '
rUII : HI ' "e : No.3. and February ,
231,40 ; 5101 , 29C ( hi ,
ltYflXi.o . 3 offered . regular . He .
IIA HI.I \ ' -Unchnnged.
lilAN-I'ast track . sacked 6Cc
FLAX SI I D-IIther. $ .40. ,
CI.O\'gl Slml-t'hole. $ $ S.00JS.25.
'riMaThi \ SII I-S ,2.GO.
IIAY-tlnchnngcui II recent decline .
l.t'A i-Unvluanged .
Hl'HlThtt-UnvIiariged .
COItN . . . .
COlN SimAl.-i.iI0qjiV5
WI I I SIC ' -i.2.
COTTON T1i5-t'nchunged .
htAGUi2fl-Unehiangu-ui I I.
1'IIOVISIONS-I'ork . olnn.lall mess , jobbing
l'IO\IHIONS-lork. tes
$10. lo rd. prime steam . 163 : choice , IG.45. Dry
salt meals and bacon . unchanged .
II CI'HI'Tl-Flour. 2,0 tululs. : wheat , 2.00 bu. ;
corn. 2C0 bo. : oats . 11.00 huu.
51 Il1'1'ISNTS-Flour . 7.0 hubls. ; wheat , % 0,0
bu. ; corn . 6.0 bu . : oats . 4S.0 ( U .
; City ; ls. -
K.\NRA8 CITY , Feb. 2.-WII1LT-flrn ; No. 2
har,1 lol . . Z red. 5\"rUfle \ : rejected . 46e. Ham-
hula sales C. o. b. Mississippi re.ele : No. 2 hard
tG4c : No. 2 white. f'GljiTe .
CO1IN-l"Irimter : No. 2 mlxe < , 40i$11J1tc ! : No 2
% vlulte . Ole.
O.vrfO-tlic louver ; No. 2 mixed , 2(301 ; No. 2
\hle. 31 e.
I1YF.3-Firmn : No.2. tOe.
F1.AX Hl : I-Iul. $ J)01,23 ) ,
illtAN'-Hte'aul ! , tnec.
IA Y-\\'uk. dull : timothy , $ S.0Ot9.5O : prairie ,
$7. 0O$1 Lt0. ) (9.tO
hiUvrmi-Furnm. unchanged.
CUOS-\llh'e. II.ld ) ' . UI9\.c. .
It iCh3l i'TS-\'iient. 3,0 bu. ; corn 8.0) ( U. ;
obla. 4.0 hu.
SI\I'M NTS-\hcal. G. ( ( U. ; COrn . tOO tu , ;
oat . . stone . _ _ _ _ _
. ( 'iifTi'i , Market . i
NlW YOnl . 'th. 2.--'Ql'FF3II-Optiona openl,1
lnn at UII lh'laeo of 5 10 JO loInts . and
closed huOrSi ) ' Ilcuely cut unchanged Iolnla. plnn }
decline : sales JzJ l'ags. iiicluding : . 'ebruul' ,
$11.50 : Starch. . H IOYI.6. : May. Si 3tHI 40 :
Si ptember . SU..UU.3 , 1.1. $ ILSIUI44O .
Spot collre JUo dul : 10 r. 016.121,1 \ : 111 , quiet ;
Cn'I , 1.tJ ! i . salt . 1 : : , ( . Warehouse de-
( - - - - --a
llverleq from New York veatdmty 5,103 bags :
1"111. 10 hfl
Ntw York stock ( York'eAtIM''l ! 101" 'nhf,1 States
stock l 525,000 " : anoAt 'or the 'nlteil States
2.lw bags ; total vialt3ETmpplv for th lnll
States . 61.0 usgs , , ) ' ) 19,67 bets lest
yeRr. _ _ 1111nst ( , _
01,11 In : I'I.U. : MAIIfll3 ? ,
Condition of Trade , " ( lotton , on
Staple and r"noJ l'rl.lull.
DU'EH-Clt Itok , , $ c : cmmo to fair
10lc : fair to good country , U61lc : choice to
fancy 1Sl6cl : Inthered"Hf " mer' lOc : separator
creamer ) ' . 20$1lle. 'II
IXU1O-Strietly fresh 3s11 ' . hifilDe.
lUmSIMcly Crshn' lS6lc.
JI\l : l'OlJ.IY-lII.'kens. , U/t\e : thicku . O ;
ttmrke's . 6q61 e' ; hel\'y Hm ! 6 ; geese , Ge.
)1'IRBI : i'OtlTlt-c'IICken" . faIr 6 ;
choice large . t ' (7e ; choice email . HISe : turke ! .
fair to good . Stj.c : 11 cd hen\'y. . Sftc ! : choIce
small . 9\IOI ; , iueks . fair t u good . nutSe : fancy .
full ( Ilres"e , 9(10e : geCCe . fair 10 good . 71Hle :
fancy Cul MeRRc . 9IUt".1 $
OAMIlue wing tui I. , per doz. . St061.75 ;
green wing teal . ter 01 % $ .2 ( I.W : , lucki
mixed . I'er Ocx , , S100@1:2SI rnn\'olbackl. 14.0015
& .o : mallards and Cal hipntls . $2.tO(12.75 : small
rhhii. , ifll.O : jack rabbits , U. \J0 : "mll
'lAl.-Cholee fat . 70 to 10 Ibs. , Are quott"
nt 6fGc : Inle end coarse S'c.
ClrmRl\leeonsln full cr."r. Young A.
lIe : twins . 12\e : Nehurakn ) nail Iowa full
cream , lie : Nebraska nnl' Iowa part skims ; 70
Ccl : I. \ mlur/er. No I. lie : brick No. I. , le :
Swiss No. t. 16c.
\-Ullnl hay . 1.0 : mIdland , S.W : low-
land $ ; rye straw IG Color < mnke the price
on hA ) 1.I&hl shiaiua let the beat. Only top
grades luring lop prlce
PIG ONSO" liiiii . ! per 1101. . 75eUI,0.
l'OTATOIR-Weller stock . ear lois 61e :
small lots . 70c .
( ) l.1) 1'ANHUnn"-plck.l. I\ ' ) ' . SI002.o :
Limn bnn . . per lb. . 5'4e.
UNIOSOl orders . WcrS.O ; per bbl. . $2.75 .
CA IIAO I-On orders . 2c' .
CflI.H1t'-l'er : : , Iloz . foi&c' .
HWlm'r : 1'0'018001 stOck , $2,501 : ICan-
. I2Z : . $
JtrETS-rer ( (1. . U.GI.7s
CAItI1OTiO-l'er lubl. . $ (
CAhh11FLO\1lt1'cr : crate of a doz. anth halt
to Iwo Iloz. . $2.23. nnl hal
IiOflSl1tA1)iSIper lb. . C$17c.
PA IRNItHler bbl. . $2. Oi7e.
nUTA lAOAHler ii , . . Hie. .
l'AnHI.TPer dox. ( tmnchies . Sic.
'rltmuNIm'14-T'er t 11. St.f
SPINACH-Pcr Ihl I. . $2. is.
I'CAItS-W'inter Nellis .
PJAn8-Wlnler none.
AIIJI:8-0"llo/s. , * 1.25$13.50 nonl. ; choIce eastern
'toclc . H.O H.:5. 13.:513.W
( lltAl'lConcorl . . . 55 10
OIAII SConeorll. none : Sialagas per
OS-lb. bhlo. . gross . sio.sopio & 0. )
per CItA ( bi. NhiflltItlIIS-Jcrseys . fancy $1.0001.5
OltANGlS..l'lorltlas ' . ; ier FlUTS. , . . @ ' .0 : Cal
Irorll na\lo. S3.r : seedlings . S3
BANANAS-Cholcl sleek , ! 82.00(12.50 per hunch.
T.IMONS-New : Stessinas sIzes 300 10 3GO. $3.50
i'INI.IAPPLHS-Per elo % . . . S2.G0a4O.
OYBTEnS-lldulm , per can . 16e : horReshoel ,
20e ; extra stanulords 21e ; extra selecth . 2e : corn- '
I'any delect . 2Cc : : : el York counls , 30e ; bulks .
.tnnlnrl. per gal. . $1.23. ,
NI W FI81'xlrlCnncy. . IGe : fancy He ; I
choice Ille : California . bags 7c. '
HONBY-New York He ; , maik , i4$1lIc $ : Call.
/ 1ale' Cnl-
foinia . t60 ; strained . 4 to 10-lh cans . lIeI lb. , be.
MAPI.I SYItU1'-Gallon jugs per doz. , $12 :
lilxtuy 5 I go SY1UP-Gnlon leI loz. 12
Nt1TS-Alncnds. lIc ; English valntits soft.
shele < . Ie : standards . 10c ; ! l"erl8 , Sej9c ; BrazIl
Sf9c Drzl
Sinai . So.
SAtYhHt KlAU'-Cholep white . per bll I. . $4.t0
5.00 ; lIeI hnlr (1,1. . 82.&Ofj2,71. $401
rINl ! IAT-nacy. In half bhle. . per lb. .
5e \ : 10-al kegs . 6e : condensed . per case of 3
doz. 1111. . 32.50. <
CIDIIIt-Pure Juice per Ibl" , S5 : half bbl . $3.
031\1\ LIVE S'OClt JIAHliEl : . . .
There Were a I"ow Uood Heet SloerA In
( lie i'ens.
. SATURDAY . Feb. 2.
Today's receipts were 1,20 , cattle . 3,515
hogs and 103 sheep
ts against 99 cattle .
5,01 hogs and 2 sheep yesterday and i8G
cattle . 2.GB hogs alid 101 sheep on Saturday
oC last week . . .
CA TTLI -There were forty-six fresh loathe
of cattle In the yu\t\ . 4mong the number
were a few good beefsteers . one bunch
being good enough to bring $ t.30 , while a
few head oC prime heavy weights touched
t.i5. The buyers warted a few steers again
today and bought tiiem..up In short order
and at good strong pt'ice . The market has
been gradually crawlnf up during the week
under the InUuence oC light receipts. The
trade has for the same reason been more
nctve. anti upon the whole more satisfac-
tory to the selling Interest Cow stuff . as
has been the rule ot late was In moderate
supply and good emand. The trade
goo elan : 1he tr e was
a"tve and the prices paid were strong.
ThQre were very few-fiiil loads on sale amid
the radlng : was conln sl largely to the
clearing up of the lcdsnn ends. There
were some pretty. good.cvs. whIch brought
$ . anti a small bunch 'oC heifers reached
$ :6. : There ' , as a fair demand fur feeders.
for the last oC the week and desirable cattle
In first hands were mosty all cleaned up
before the close. There were a few cattle
coming under this head that were good
enough to bring $ and above. The bulk at
the sales however were from $2.5 up to
$2.75. Some dealers are anticipating I rather
light demand for feeders from now on . on
the ground that there wi not be n very
large demand for export steers. A good
many feeders say that It would be poor
policy to feed high priced corn when there
II RO much doubt surrounding III future
at the cattle marlcet Representative sales :
HOOH-Tbprc were only Corly-roul loads In the
yards thIs morning Inel the general sItuation be-
Ing somewhat improved the buyers were nol long
In clearing the 'urIH. , The prices pall were a
little stronger and generally fo hilglier . There
was nol 0 single 10a,1 of good heavy hogs In
tIle 'anls , end for that reason the lop sales cIa
nol show up ns well ns ) 'cslellny , Some fairish
hog oC pretty good weights reached 13.90. which
was lie highest price 1)111,1. Light hogs sold nl 3.40
(13.75. and ! loads u\'eratlnt : J 1"9. and upward .
13.73513.1(0. ( 1118 weighing (0 10 )00 Ih8. sell 01
S2fO@J.50. The bulk or all the hogs sell II $3.Gj
@ t3.70. ns against 83.50(13.75 yesterday and $3.73fP
4,0 on SJlulln ) ' oC last week. The market Is
now 81.50 per 100 1 . . lower than al the com-
mencemenl oC February at Ins year . Hepresea-
8IUgl-Thlr WIS nolhlnt doing In the sheep
market tOlln ) ' . One heal . was reeelve . but I
wail or only ral'lah quality . Choice lulons < ale
quoted nl 02.75t13.t0 : fall to good $2.5033.5O :
common . $2.00(12.50.
Thom \IS un Eueqy ' Feeling . at tile Opening
CHICAGO , Feb. 2.-In cattle today's receIpts
Were IRI'lale < at 800 head making 37.37 heath
for thO week against 43.9 head last week and
4.84 head 1 year ago. The market Wns noml-
nnly steady Bales makIng II about yesterday's
prices . but there was n feeling that time run for
Monday will be large and that lower prices wi
nbtnln. Sales wer on I basis . of Crm $ : . : : 10
1.i5 for cOlmon 10 extra ale , . , . . ( remit S2.25 10
S.8f for stockers and feelers . ( ruin SI.W 10 3.75
for cows and from $ .75 to $ .2 : for ' .XII cnll < ' .
In hogs the arrivals were estilratI al 1100
hen" . makinI li3.fS h"11 for the we.k. Which. I.
47,000 hcnd mom than for last week 111 : , O )
head mOle than a 'I'al' ngo. There was un easy
feeling al tie , opening nn,1 , tie later mall"t
WI even more leclle < ly weak. I was mid
wOllc to sell ordinary Igll hogs nl any ( air coim-
( 'tssiiimH . ald the movement In go.d heavy grades
wile nol nl all fret- . There was In average loss
or ( ( bout a nickel Ih , ' hul , , oC Ih" 3si ' to 400-1"
hogs sellIng nt front U 10 $1.20 anti front $3.75
10 S. , ) uniting ) the bulk of Ih" iigit , . siS
Silecic receipts . weme about 1.500 bend making
. Inklnt
64,00) ( iced for the week against fG.490 laud last
weelt and 61.f7 hend the cone.IJndlnt week last
year . Irlcl's were quoted about steady , ranging
from $ ZW 10 U for common 10 choice , wlh Ixlm
ul' 10 Crm H,2 10 H.25 : 1'ba. CIOI 3.W II
$4.50. '
Becellll : Cattle . ' 0 hued : calves , HO bead :
hogs 1.0 head : sheep , 1.5 head .
leclllltslll 1\110.1111 ot Hlnoe. !
Onclat receipts and disposition or stack as
shown by the boks . oC lie Union Stock YUI\s
compalY , for the Iwrnl-four hours ending ut 3
o'clock p. I . February ) , 1&95 :
It1CHl l'TlI.
Iwm 1'1.
. Cars. Heoll.
Cattle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cur. . , ; J.20J ,
hogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I O"P" . . . . . 4f 3f9
Hhlll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 103 (
larsIl and itsuies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 1 22
b ' , Cattle . Hogs. ShePII.
Omaha Jacklng cornpafllc . 7 . .
10. I. Jslmond comhji.1 , :40 1,563 . .
Swir and Conmpaiiy . . . ; . . . IG1 4n . .
CuI.tity ' COIPnly..II ' . / SS 1,898 . .
\'u'iison . . . . . . . . . . . tP. . . , ; . . : 403 . .
Nelson Morris . . . . . . . . , . . 3 . . . . .
It , ! lker & Jegen./ . \ ' . . C . . . .
hamilton & Steiulens. , . / . . , 10 . , . , , .
J. LObiflzlfl . . .I . ! : I.I . . . . : : j . : ( 1 l : : : : : :
Iliclppers anti . 36 9 . .
HhlpJers . . . C\ . . . . . . . -I. : : : . . . ] 03
- -
Totals . . . . . . . . , . .1..1 . : , 1.13 -ii ; : ; : - 103
It'\nl" ' ( ttyt.itu Stock . .
IANRAH CITY , \b.ILZ.'A.I"I.F-J.cell.
20 h.ndi shiimcnts l.iu bead . hlukel steady
10 atning . T.xal' bleers. " 2.1 : f4.T""ns : cows
li.l5$43.00 : Colorado , le0t. l2.Guj3.tuO : beef steers , Iet JGfJ3.o hee
I . " ' .o : native cows , J l.35i3.rO ; at5ckeru and
feeders . 12.23413.23 : humus. 1/f3./0. (
hlOG-ltsteipl. . 5.603 enel ' , ; shipments 2,10 Mnrlct steady ' 10 t hIgher Hulk or
sales . * 3.5503.53 : h'n\'h . 1.7'14.0 ' : packers . $3.55
f'.O : miuli. $ .3.5O(13Jc3 : IAls , , $3.500J3,70 ; ) ' l.f .
els. S3.@J.10 ; I'g $ , S3.(0@3. ( ; . l.ft3.iO
HIglI-lecelpla. 2.0Q head ; shipments , none
Market alend .
Smelt lu Hllht
neon ] of receiptil at the four ptinell11 mar-
Iell for Satulduy , February 2 189 :
CutllC. flogs. Sheep.
South Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . CUI . ) 10a. 3.fl Ihecp.
Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.05) 60. lrO
Kun.u City . . , , . . . . . . . . : /J 66J ; 2,01
11. Louis . . ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2.10 - . . .
Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.70 1.01 3.G03
11 , ' .uls I.ll "tock.
BT I.UIS. I..b. : -A'vl.E-neeelplt. 500
hea" . ctiipinents . 1.60 lead ; market lim ul 'U-
tClda"s figuies.
IIOUS-bteeeihuta. % . \ head : ship/lnis. 3.20
hud : snOrkel .llnl , ; heavy $3.9oj4.lO . inked .
1. /
IU.ti Ut . Illhl , 1.0011.0)
ShiEll'--ltecelpls : . none .hll'lcola , none : market -
kel deal ' Cor lack or supplies .
- - - - . - , - ' - -
r-r---1.- a - - - -
Millions Made by the Government on Misfortune .
fortune 8Ul OarelctSDoS.
The l'rontl ( on Notes , 1')11 Urcenbnc1 ' ,
SIRII'1 all MoaC1 Orllcl 1.0st or
Vestrolc.t-Tho 1'11.1 Colt-
8tln\1 Growing
The government of the UnIted States makes
many tholsanls of dollars every year Ihrolh
the carelessness or misfortune of peol'le with
whom It has business to transact . Uncle
Snm can figure Olt pretty well before the
beginning of R fscnl year that so many thol-
siml dollars wl bo Put to his credit on
"iroflt nmi loss" account before the year Is
over The profit . says the Washington Star .
will como front bonds and baltIc : notes destroyed -
' stroYld and never presenll for redemption .
'Crom money orders which arc lost and never
duplcated , and front stamps which are net
put to those for which they were intenthed.
These vroflts are never cast tip , because
debts of ( lie governmnent are Seitholu Out.
lawod , Hut they are as real as though they
vero creditetl to Uncle Sant on the books
of tile treasury.
Of course , it is 110 fatilt of the govermunont
that this profIt accumulates. Every effort
is Inlulo to fintl the tacit to whiommi the government -
mont is indebted , anti every reasonable op-
porttinity is givomi to 111111 to claim ( lie
amount of tllo indebtothmiess. In the case
of a lost , or stolen bond he has simply to
prove ownership anti give an imuheninity bond
(0 protect tlio government against loss. III
tile C350 of a treasury hate itijtired by fire ,
ho has to send in ( lie charred remhmaiums , and
the treasury experts will decipluer , as far
as possible , the value of the idle ( its original
value ) and ( Ito money will be restoreil to
him , In ( ho case of a motley order , both
( lie remitter and ( lie rchmtittee are atlvised
agaiti and agaimi that the money remnalims tin-
Paid. Still , claims against tIme govermimmient
aggrigatlng Inammy tIlousaulds are left unpaid
every year , and tlio total of even the last
thirty years will m'tmn tip far into ( ho tail-
lions. Evelm iii the hantter of unpaId unoney
orhcrs the overnnient lies tmst macdo an
accounting of $1,300,000 canted in ( lie last
thirty years amid now turned into thin l'ost-
omco departmmtent fund , probably Ilevcr to
bo repaid to Its owners.
Time greatest source of unearned incolne , of
cotlrso , is the destruction of treasury notes.
Nearly $15,000,000 have beeti made by tue
government tip to ( lie present day , as hmearly
as can be esirhlatetl , by ( ho destruction of
treasury notes. Two years ago last August a
lively controversy arose between Mr. 1"oster ,
then the secretary of time treasury , and sonic
of the mnenibers of the bouse and senate concerning -
cerning the alttotlltt in circulation at s'ariotls
times , as statetl omcially by the Trcastmry
department. A letter was addressed by Representative -
resontativo John Davis to tlto secretary of
the treasury , charging that in the treasury
statements , among other things , no allowance
was inatle for the tvasting amid loss of coin
and ( ho destruction of greenbacks amid coIn
certificates. Therefore , lie contended , ( lie
statement of nioney in circulation was incorrect -
rect each year by ( Ito amount of tIme notes
and coin destroyed. Mr. Foster , rephyimmg ,
saId that the department lmad ito authority to
deduct an estimmiated amount of lost coiim ammd
notes front the total of its liabilities. He the-
flied that them had been any considerable
loss , and said that the total estimated at
that titne for the period enthing January 1 ,
1S94 , was less than twelve and a Imalf 11111-
lions. here Is the statement in detaIl of the
notes and certificates issuetl by the govern-
muent esttaiated to have been destroyed beyond -
yond all possibility of redemption up to
January 1 , 1891 : United States notes ,
$5,410,541 ; silver certificates , 447,00 I ; gold
certificates , $200,000 ; national bank notes ,
6,394,555. Total , $12,452,100.
Mr. Huntington , the chief of ( lie loans anti
currency division of ( lie government , estimates -
mates that not more than one or two millions
have been destroyed since January 1 , 1891.
Tile careleSnss which. prevailed during. ( lie
war period , he says , was responsible for a
large amount of the missing unomiey , and time
destruction now , while it increases in proportion -
portion to the increase in the ameullt of
money issued , is not so great proportionately
as it was at that time. It amounts probably
to less than half a million dollars every
year.As to tluo amount represented by unredeemed -
deemed coin and abrasions of gold anti siiver
coin. that would be hard to estimate accu-
rately. It is estimated that $100,000 worth of
silver coin Is used every year in the arts ;
and as the cotn value of tills is only about
$60,000 , the government mnalces $40,000 by ( lie
transaction. There is aboumt $60,000 worth of
abraded silver coin purchased durIng a year
at its bulilon value and recoined , and on this
the government makes the difference between
its face value and ( lie bullion value , less the
cost of coIning. The amount of sliver anti
golti coimt which has dIsappeared from circumla.
'tion anti which will never be presented for
redemption cannot be estimated. In the case
of ( lie gold coin there is on profl to tue gov-
ernnient , In ( lie case of tIme silver , tlte
profit is 20 to 40 cents on each dollar , accord-
iag to the value of the silver when the dollar
was coined.
Of tIle issue of $50,000,000 worth of bonds
which has jtlst beln made a certain proportion
wIll never be presented for redemnption. The
Treasury department could figure in advance ,
if the secretary wIshed to do so , just abotit
what tIme profit on these bonds front thIs
source would be. Time value of the nmitsing
securities of the United States miow otustantl-
ing , which sviii probably never be presented
for redemption , is , , about $1,250,000 , according
to Mr. huntington , These obligations date
back to 1847. A series of $25 bonds was Is.
sued under ( lie bounty land scrIpt act of
1847 , and even now , at long intervals , these
bonds conic in for redemption. Butt the imm.
ber is very few. There are still outstanding
about $500 worth of these bonds , 'l'he loan
of 1862 , amounting to nearly $400,000,000 , wits
called between 1871 and 1875 , but there i
still $220,200 of it outstanding. Four ( lion-
sand dollars worth of these hiollds , called
March 20 , 1872 , canto in for redeoiptlon thur.
ilIg tim past year , They had drawn no in-
( crest for twemity-two years.
of the loan of June , 18tH , thmero is still outstanding -
standing $16,400 , anti none of it has drawn
interest since 1876. There is 24,150 of tIle
loan of 1865 ( the 5-20s ) still out. The last of
this was called in 1877. Of the consols of
1865 , called between 1877 and 1879 , there was
$2,300 worth presented for redemption last
year , and there is $113,700 worth outstand-
ins , drawing no interest. Of tim conmuols of
1867 , $16,400 worth % vere reheeme,1 , during
the year anti $176,500 worth remain unredeemed -
deemed , Altogether tile goverflnment is
ahead about $1,250,000 Ohh the bontls , whiicll
will never be preseitted for m'ctlemnption , and
it is onatiy thousands ailo3d on the unpaid
interest OR large amounts which have not
iieemt 1)01(1 ( V.'iieti due. It is singular that
with all tbo safeguards which surrountl tile
ownership of bonds there should be such a
heavy loss in them , The smallest ( henoIll'
iliatlon of bond is $50. A sectmrlty of this
d000rnimlation is not likely to be thiro'n
about very carelessly. Then , a large proportion -
tion of the issue of each class of bonds is
registered , and the ownership Is easy to
prove ,
In ( lie case of ( lie loss or destruction of a
rcgistereI bond ( hue treaslry will issue a
new bond to ( lie owner on satisfactory security -
curity , Tile owner of the lost or destroyed
registered bond baa to tile with time secretary
of ( lie treasury a bond in tiio amount of tluo
original bond and the interest which would
accrue on it up to the date of rodenbptIon ,
with two good and utulllcient securities , real-
dents of the United States , In maaking proof
of loss the claimant mrnist tivo tile tiino and
phaco of purchase , the annie of ( lie person
frorii witommi ( lie bond was imurcilasen and
tue amount paid for it , ( ho place of deposit
front which it was lost aimd ( lie llaiaes of any
persons hiavlomg access to tIle place ; ( lie sill-
davits of others knowing of ( lb existence of
tIle bond end its disappearance ; the aM-
davits of credible pereomis as to ( lie reliability -
ity of ( lie cliiunant , ( lie number , denomination -
tion , etc. , of the bond.
A bolifl Who has lost a coupoq bond cannot
recover its value. hut if a coupon bond
lies been destroyed or mutilated , tile owner
can resent proofs similar to those required
for a rcgisered bond , and , tIle secretary of
thu treasury will issue a duplicate if ho
flies a bond In double ( lie amnount of tile
lost bond flout accruing Interest , Many
dtmpllcates of host or destroyed bonds are
Issued every year , Sometimes it has been
necessary for a man who lies lost bonds
to go to congress for relief. This was neces.
nary imu ( lie case of the Manhaitan bank of
New York , which lost $ l,600.000 worth of
bonds in what Is known as "the great batik
robbery" of 1S78 , enil whmkh was tunable
to give a bead in sutn suifilclent to coimiply
witlt the general statute , Congress
a supedal law for ( lie lienefit of ( lila bank ,
authorizing ( lie secretary of the treacitiry
to issue dumphicatee ohm iroof that tue orIginals
Were the $ roperty of ( lie institution 00(1 had
hot btOn tramusferred , anti en conthition that
a certain ntimnber of the bonds be held by
thio secretary of the treaaumry for it ( line to
sectmro him against possiimlo claims by the
liohhers of the bonds ill cafe any of tisent
hiai been transferred ,
'rho Rhmioumit which time governmneuut onity
Iuuak u In destroycti stauuups cant year is net
thetermniutable ; buit tmnihoumhitNily it amounts
to a great many hitmnthreti dollars , The
stamap cohlector ftirnishi a large revellue to
time govermunient , for timey put away stamps
at their ( neC veltic 013(1 ( ho l'oatofllco dep.'trt-
meat is never requirei to Performu the service
which iii reiresentei by time liurchiase lirice.
hooKS .t.\1) 1'l1ilOfllCi 3.5 ,
"Motiucrhlooi auth Citizenship Vommiami'a
\'isest l'olicy , " in the January F'orulmi , is a
Paper that t'iil attract snore than tisumiul eLton-
( lout. Mrs. Spelicor Traslc , ( lie writer , takes
strommg grotimitl anti delivers semite vicvs fiat
if muot everywhere accepted will at least
crc.ate a profoumid imuupression flhlt0l1 thuinkimmg
Wntell , M r. James i3chiotmier , the historian ,
itoints out' sonic "Grave langers imt Our
i'resiiicmutial Hiectiomi Systelml , " ah1h suggests
remmbedies : "The Crux of ( lie Money Contra-
versy : has ( hold hliseim ? " by Louis A. ( Inc.
mtett , is an eliborato anti exhaustive arguinclmt
to show that. gold has ( helireciatel ; "Are Our
Moral Stamithartha Shiftilmg ? " is au able article
calling attemitlomi to sommie of the iiutt'restlmig
flhii slgmiificauit changes imi ( lie llttitUlC of
time pumblic mmtiuiti cit mmmany isa portent subjects -
jects , by l'rof , Albert lhushimiehi hart of
harvard : ' 'Tile Iluntiliatimig Report of thin
Strike Colmmtnission , ' ' by Mr. I I , 1' , Itolmin-
soIl , editor of tIme Railway Age. criticises
the report verysevemitly ; "Is ( lie Existitig Income -
come Tax Unconstitutional ? " by Mr. David
A.Velis , ( lie well known ecouioiuist , touches
on a flolIt or baLls out which be thiimtks the
coumatitutiomiality of the tax mmia' be lull-
ptlgned with success , l'resldent 'Cliarles F.
Tiuiving \'estern Reserve uunlversity lies
a imer omt "l'imc Increasing Cost of Collegiate
Htlucatioui , " arid ' 'Tile Labor Church : Religion -
ligion of the Labor Moveubleutt , ' ' is uhisctisiued
by 301111 Trevor , its foutider. The Foruumi
Puibhisluimig commilinily , Nest' York ,
A great deal of matter to amuse 1151(1 lIt-
( crest tIme real0r t'ili lie fouintl imi the cuirremit
mtulnuber of Corporal Tanmuer's "hiomuto and
Country , " Most ot ( lie articles lire iiiustratel
amid interspersed ammituig tlielll are a miuniber
of brIght poemus , lirevity amid life irc the
characterIstic features of ( lie colmtrlbutions
imi this isstie. Joseph W. Kay , 53 East
Tenth street , Now York ,
Thioimgh only issued as an advertiselmlemit ,
Hood'sVinter amid Sumlmimlier" allmmmulae in the
shape of a heart. ornallmented with a pair of
t'hiihti's faces , is a liretty scorekeeper for ohul
Father 'l'iine , C. I. hood & Co. , Lowell ,
In ( lie Jamiuary annals of the Anlerlcalm
Academy of l'olitical and Social Science , tue
subject of ' 'Economimics 1mm lilemnelitary
Schools" is very ably discussed by S. N ,
l'attcn ; Etlt'ard Porritt discusses ( lie
"Break-up of the English l'art Systeumi ; "
D. I. Green has a vaper on "V'ieser's Natumral
Value ; " Ii , \ V.Viillamns contributes . a
lengthy discitsalon of "Molley and Bank
Credits in ( lie United States ; " Due de
Noailies tells us ' ' 110w to Save lhitnetallismn , ' '
and a series of brief comnmmiunications are
comitributed by F. II. Cooke , Jerome Dowd ,
S. N. I'atteli and S. M , Lintisay , American
Academy of Political anti Social Science ,
\v. D. McCraclcami , A. M. , In the Jamiciary
Arena , gives a lair represelltiutioll of "l'oh-
itics as a Career. " Jellies I. Clark believes
that the preselit social InstabIlity is working -
ing for a netv anl better immdustrial order ( lint
will change ( lie political hIstory of th worltl.
Walter Blackburn Ilarte is represented by a
short story of New York street life between
midnight and dawn , called "A Drama in
Tatters. " Atlelino Knapp , a brilliant yoummg
San Framicisco jourmmalist , . comutributes another -
other realistIc social story called "The Dig.
nity of Labor. " 11ev , Frank M , Goodchiiid
writes a strong paper on "The SweatIng Sys-
( em 1st I'hiiiadeiphmia , ' ' in which lie deals with
facts as they have come under his observation
iii lila Pastoral w'ork. Time Arena Publishing
commtpamiy , Boston.
Octave Thanet , foremost among Midland
writers , leads off in the January Midland
Monthly with "Tile PrIsoner , " a kemiIy interesting -
teresting story of hibme life. Mrs. Mary
J. Reid of St. I'aul contributes a charming
sketch , "Octave Tlmanet at Home , " with plc-
tures , Tue fiction of this nuniber is especially -
pecially strclig. "In do Glory Land , " a prize
story , by Birch Hardwlcke , is a thirilllmig
descrIption of ( lie days "befo' do wah. "
"Two Men amid a Madomina" is a pleasing love
story , by Marie Editim lleynon. "Jerry Wal-
ton's Prospect , " by John H. Mason , is a
touching story of a stranded "forty-niner. "
"Tho War Sketch" Vu by a woman-an account -
count of a nurse's experiences before Vlcke-
burg , by Louise Macrtz of Quimlcy. "rue
Society of the Aruny of ( lie Tennessee , " by
Colonel Moore , includes latest portraits of
promimient mneuifliers ; also of Mrs. Logan
anti of pretty Miss Pearson , tile "Daughter
of the' Society. " Eugene Selinifter delightfully -
fully guides tIle renler through Itolne.
Heidelberg , by tile editor , is eicgamttly ihlus.
trated. Two prize poems and other imoetic
gems amid over sixty illustrations embellish
( his mlulnbcr. Jonhison llrlghiammm , publisher ,
Des Moines , In.
The story of Italeighi's Roanoke colony and
its mimysterlous disappearance , never yet clearly -
ly explained , iii one of the romances of Amer.
lean Imistory. .It liatu never beemi better told
than by Jamnes P. Baxter , ( ho liresilelit of
time Maine historical society , in ( lie January
muumnber of ( lie New Englulid Magazine , Ills
article is accompanied by reprouluctIouis of
ninny curous drawings hmiahe by an Elmgiiuuhi
artist , viio was with time first expcdltiomm , ii-
hustrating the mimamimmers and customs of the
miativeiu , and allogethier has high value.Vur -
ron F. Kellogg , publisher , 5 I'ark Square ,
Boston ,
ICing hl&'imry's 1111(1 Such.
By the follovlsmg , tvlmichi Is Oil txact coil ) '
of ( lie first paragraph in the will of llemmry
IV. of Rmighaiith , written In .lamluary , 1408 , it
t'ili be seen that even kings are not alts'ays
good spellers :
"In tIle mmamtme of God , Fadir , Soum , amid Itoh ) '
Ghost , tilcee persona antI one God , I , henry ,
slmifuil wrechi , by ( lie Grace of Intl Kymig of
Euigiamitl and Fraumnce , amid Lord of Ireland ,
beIng omt mmiy hole mynd , nmak my testamulent
in mnamiero anti formo that miuythi , First , I be-
( IUetliO to Jtlunigluty God my infuh saiml , ( lie
whmycluo lied novera been vorthiy of the 111011
halt thiro' hiys mmierchen lInl 119's grase , whuichie
lyns I havethu niyapcndyeih thereof I put
ibi'lehtO vhioily 1mm his graso and miiercye vIthi
all amy herte. Also , I ( unlike iliY lorulie
thireut' the people for the tu'ew servyso that
they haven dwuc 111110 mite , amid I ask themn
forgyrnis if I luaatii smiysemitratetl them in
ony wyse. "
It vill aIeo Jio noied that henry , lwsliles
hot being up to the Century Dictionam'y stahil- (
ard as a speller , hiah a hiecimhlar habit of
selhing omie word ill from two to live different -
ferent .
ways. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1iurrluu's 'I'rhhiiite.
Mr , Uarrie's contrIbution of aeventeort
stahizaif entIiied ' 'Scotlnnd'k Lament' ' for It ,
14 , Stevenson may be of interest for Scotch
readers who ummderstand "Tiiruumma" dialect ,
Now out the lights went , stiine hy stlnie ,
'Fime towmm crept closer ratlitd the kirk ;
Now mill tile llrtiis were smored in rime ,
Last winds vent sr.ii lag tilt ought the inirk.
A star ( lint shut across tile nii'hmt
iitrumck lime on I'alii's imioturniuig lienti
And left for fi'O Ii steadfast light
By which ( ho mother gtmariis bier dead.
"The lad was inimiel" erect silo stanil ,
No more ii ) ' vain regrets olqmress't ;
Once more her eyes urn elonu' , iiei' hands
Are proudly crosecti upomi hiu'r hureast ,
. S
Karl's Clover Itoot , tIle great blood purifier ,
gives freshness and clearness to ( hiti complexion -
ion amid cures constipation ; 250 , SOc. $1.00.
Sold by Goodman Drug Co.
I'ieiity ( if Chance MI llamas ,
DetroIt Free Prees ; "What (10 0lI hear froimu
Ilirnmn7" said Mrs. Sumiup , "lion's lie dolti'
at college ? "
"I ain't heard miotiiln' ( ilrct , " was the rp'y ,
"but it come icr nm in a roumntlabout sort o'
way ( bet he is sowin' hi good .1al of wild
oats , "
"What air ye gain' ter do ? "
" 11ev 1dm comnC iuonue , I wrote 'lm today
thiet ef lie 'tens p dead sot Ott agriculture hue
might ez well stick to time farlil , "
A I 'cc Ii I Is r I $ s (1(1(1 fli 011015 ,
Wasiuington Star ; "I have been studying
human nature a gredt many yearn , now , " said
an editor thoughtfully , "but there's one thing
I never expect to underetantl. "
"What is that ? " a8ked lila uu'ife ,
"I cami't see tu'hiy the youimg fellows of 18
anti 19 alus'a's liring in IIIr'lier-4fl.lav Jokes ,
while ( lie gray.huairei vetersns brimug In pieces
about time 'oiing lean who i kicked out by liii
gIrl's father , "
- - - - - -
A Moonshiner's Don that Ooutd 13. EntorcJ
On'y ' by Diving.
Thio .tnrvelotu , Imigcnuity of ( lie Crooit
ltaflie ( lie bktli ( if Jtet'piiuie Mcmi
for Thirty I'enrs-ilew ( ho
then V'na 1)iseovcmcd ,
'Fime tVa's of ( hue southern mnoonehulmicrs ore
almmiost beyomith the l6emi of the reveiuuc' 0111-
coca. Matm' anti pecuilar , novel 011(1 iuithiffcr.
eat , are ( lie hiithing places of a "Itlockatlo
still , " Timese illIcit mimaumufactum'ers of "corn
juice' ' hiavo beemi iliscoverei , in almost every
linco conceivable , tint th 'I&St find of ( lie
ofilcers iii North Carolina \ulis probably the
hmtost remiutekable ,
There is a SlIhIlil islamuh in time l'i' 1)rei
river In htiehiniontl county , North Carolina ,
itiloilt ( lie size cC a ten-acre field , u'ritcs a
corrediiollhent ( of the l'iiihinhrillhlia I'ress. Tim
grotmnd is stuthieth with large cypress trees ,
and the undergrowth of tuiies , antI briars is
alimiot irtiperietrable , Nomuo it the land lies
ever becnctiltivateih because it is ' '
, , 'er' ( ilfU-
cumlt to get to ( lie island , and wild hogs anti
wild cattle , coons alltl tvarmniimtsu of various
kinds alone inhabit it , lIver sInce time 1113k-
iuug of corit into tu'liisky u'as forhtitidcn during
( hue twar there has been a mnoonahimie distil-
Icr ) ' OIl this islanil , It has been raithed mimamuy'
times by tIme revenume oflicers without discos'-
eying ( lie "blockade plant , " 'rho festive 'a
iilooliliner ) has been seemi to haunt en the
isiaiml , , hilt hIs retreat has never been ( Us-
covered , anti ( ho olilcers hava Probed ( ho
earili for a cave or umitlergroumiti retreat without -
out success ,
Last week Depumly Collector H. A. Moffltt
anti beyerah rattlers occumpied this islammd Iii
the nigbtt lame amid hiicketeh tiiehmlse'Ves 50
that mio omm could arrive or leave * lthiout.
heilig seemi , About daylight a calico occimpicit
by two IlielI and contaiuuluig several live-
gailomi kegs ou'as seen approaching ( lie island
fronm ( hue lticlmlnommd conitty side. tepumty
Shoflltt gave orders for thicni to tie allowed
to laliii timid to observe their miuovemumemuts. Ar
soon as ( lue lammuhing Was made J. It , Mac.
flee , u'huo huns beemi suept'cteii of rulnlming tim '
still en tIm Islammul , ilillik tli kegs in the river
near whmero ( lie cnmioa lillithell.
This mimovelmient t'as not understood by'
Moult , but his stirprlse was uiibotmmiiled when
MacRie ; iimIi his conipamilon began to thisrobe
theuitsels'es , lifter they hail tiivestoti themselves -
selves of all their clothes and anti placed
tliemmm in ( lie hollow triulilt of a cyprus tree ,
Moth was ( huuimfoumiled ( to see Macfloe
plulige , hieatlforelnost into thin river and disappear -
appear fromi ; sight. Molhit ( tmitl liii. force
t'aited all ( In ) ' , for the resurrection of MacRae
amid colmlpamilolm , Just about sundos'li it was
miotlceil ( lint a canoe occuipletl by ttu'o men ,
tt'Iio , upomt exanmination by Moihit with his
field glass , proved to be Macfine and his
couopanion , was nearing ( lie other shore.
\Vhiere tile3' lied beemi timid how they got away.
without hoing arch tuna a mmmystery to MoMtt
amiti his inca.
A search up ( lie river discovered another
iammding PlaCe and a. chialmu amid lock where
the secommd canoe hind beemi fastened , It was
now evident to Mofhltt thiitt there was an
tmmidergrotintl retreat on the island , but. there
vius no cmitramice to it. thttt. could be foummh ,
Moilltt iumul his men i'enIallmeui another night
on the Island amid miext nmormiing MacRime anti
his commipanion were observed returnirmg to
( ho imliper Iantiing. llero they undressed ,
hid their clothes in a tree , and dived into
( lie river anti disappeared as before. -
About sundown MacRae amid four inca and-
delmly rose up out of the water at. the lower
handing. Clothes were found for nil of them.
in a tree near the river bamik , and they ' - "
dressed iii less ( lien three imtinutes. A long
hole with an iron hook emi ( lie emni was then.
brought forth from ammiong tIme underbrush
and leaves , anti with ( lila a dozen five-gallon
kegs of whisky were soon brougumt out of tlio
water and placed lIt tIme camioes. As sodli as
tlmey were loaded they paddled across to the
Itichimond side ,
Moffltt froumi the rendezvous bath seen alt
this , That the mihoonsluinerit' still was under
tiie' groummd was certain. The inoonslutners
lIad been in and cult of it , but. how did tliey
get. iii amid out of it ? This was the question.
Finally one of tIle nen , of the name of
Oxendine , sakh lie would try to solve the
imiysery ( it Molhittt would agree. Consent
was given , ahid Oxendine soon dentided himself -
self of hiss clothing and jtmmnpel into time river
head foremnost at lie sanme place where ha
had seen Mac Rae go Imi nmiil colmie out. MoO-
fltt arid hils raiders waited for time rettmrn of
their fellow raider , tund had grown very tin-
easy at his prohomiged atmacoce , as hut hail
been told to rettmrmt in half an hour , An hour
passed without his resurri'ctiomm , and Moflitt
was duscussing tvhiat next to do , when alt
at once Oxemhimme PopPeh up omit of titus water
blowing hike a porpois , lie was quickly reinvested -
invested witii lila chothie& and thiemi sat ihowa
by the camap lire ami , ! gave an explanation of
tile mystery.
\VhmeII lie plulngetl 111(0 the s'ater lie made
his way toward ( lie bank , keeping lila eyes
cpen while under ( lie water , lie is an ox.
pert swimmimer and diver , amid after goIng
shout twenty feel thither the uvater and toward -
ward ( lie bank , lie rose upward alid found.
1mm head out of time water and in un open-
11mg. lIe stopped suwlunimuimmg anti felt for the
battoni , anti fcimnd lie was in vater about five
feet deep , lie walked on amid was soon mit
of tim vater , but imi total darkness , lb
crawled along sonic histanco uptll hue discovered -
covered ( lie live coah f afire , lie niade imis
way to the lire , and hail hot 50011 flfl person
nor heard any noise. lie waited and listened ,
btmt eserythling was lerleCtly ) still , lie ( lien
miiaihe up a light wlthi s'ood found imear thin
lire , arid found hlilliseIf lit a veli appointed. , ,
mitoonshiine distillery ,
Tlip cave or tunnel was twenty feet wIde
and twelve feet high. Overhead thin earth
sriis held lip by large cypress logs and ( ha
hide was lihamilced tip. TIm vater froln the
still was brought from the river in a rubbeti
hose , Oxeildine followed tim tumnnel to time
0(11Cc enil , anti found it sIullilar in arrange-
mmhelits to ( lie place hue hind entered , lie ( lien
imbada his way back ou'ilii a light , and when'
Ime got to tIm water hi u'auied umlitil lie came
to a log across the tunnel , ss'huichi was lln-
bedded ill hthi sides of ( ito bank , amid wiulcimi
touched ( lie water. Oxetuillimo dived under tIm
log and lmllnledlutely rose imp and found himself -
self in the river In front of lila colllpanlons
Great was the astonIshiuiient whuen Oxendine
had comiciumiled hil mlarrative. lie also stated
that there were utc'u'eral hitlncired gallmts ot
whisky ill tile ttmnnel , and ( lint elnoko from , 4
( hue lIre appeared Ic pass imp iimto a hollow
cypress tree , but ( lie oihlcers could not sea
any smoke.
'fun miex ( thIng was to cap'ure Macline and
hIs utica. All agreed I luat ( lie way to do ( ida
waif to occupy thin distillery amid await thin
coniimig of tIle mnoonshuluiu' and hula blockatl
riunuers , but Mollitt anil lila iiien were uuiwihl.
lag to uniicrgo the experielib'e of Oxt'ndhime ,
1(0 they determnimicil to dig down to ( ho thin-
her and remove a log and get lute the tmun-
mid this way. 'l'iiin pious succeeded , ani (
imi a few hiolmrs the ) ' tu'ere in the uleui with
their trucks well covered behind thieln , lIof-
fitt divided his force mmcl placed them at.
earls entrance , aIlul tile wait for Macitue and
Ills colimpalulolis colilmenced ,
Just after daylight ( hue next morning MIte.
Rae catmie ill , ar.ii uS 50011 as lie go ; out of tlme
water lie was seizeil amid tell not to speak or
imti woulil bo killed , Iii quick successioli thifl
other four filUil carmie in , anti they were seized
and tied , MacRae knew Motlltt well , end
hula coiuaternatiomt was so greut when bin
foumiil lila untlergrotimid retreat occuplrii by
ihie revenue oflicers that it rendered him
a1ieechIeun for the ( inio being. lie thiemi asked
hole they found out the secret , amid when told
lie said that caine of ( lie faIlure to keel ) some
one on thin island to give tue news fiat it
t'a5 occupied , This had been tirine heretofore - .
fore , and lIds iirecaution had prevented tile
discovery of their omioonaliine distillery for
all these thirty.two years.
- - - - - - --J
3 _ c- . ' ,
li04tafl iJntoa Ave. . Euintal city , Sic.
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