Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 04, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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I :
- _ 1'U ! ! 01AlA DAILY BEE : ODAY , RUA'Y 4 , 189. . { _
Gold Output or Gritplo Orao Showing Rt-
C morkablo Gains
JovornDr " 'nlo's 1'lncor-IUch Coat " .11
' icr cnvrr.-SoUth Ih\kntB's Min.
111 ! eniticn-VItcIi Unotnr lit
I.ti1lH-SOtYLI $ of the " 'ost ,
Heeenl developments on Batto mountain
In the Indcpmlenco and Portand properties
J to prove that this portion of the camp Is
richer In ore than claimed hy 1 the most san-
guine believers In Bate mountln , says a
Victor special to the Denver MIlIng Record
A conservative estimate or the value or the
ore In BIght ira 'lhe 200-fool level Placed I
al $200,000. The lhlrd level wil add al
blocked out
least an erlual amount . ore
for stoping
The Portland shaft has now reached n
depth of 300 feet , and the vein al this point
s eleven feel wide , and all ore A numb
, , . of assays on the entire width were made
and the lowest " \vas lwenty.two ounces anti
the highest nlnety.slx ounces In gold ! , Three
cars of the ore , taken from the shaft the !
Iresenl month , went nl the rate of 37.1
and Gl ounces per ton al the smelters. For
the past ten days three shifts have been
employell driving on the ore nl n depth of
twenty-elghl feel , anti there Is no Jndlcnlon
of the vein contracting or the ore IccleaslnJ
In value.
I Is Ilposslble now to estimate the wealth
of the new finds on hull ll , On the south-
. $ urn slope of the famous promontory \ Is
Illcely that the lOll of untohl treasure has
been exposed I Is Hot found In one hole
alone , or In lWo , or In three , ur four. Digging -
ging gets I , and so far It has required the
expenditure of very little muscle nod very
little money . Six weeks ago the region In
question was considered practically barren ,
anti now even a claim there Is worth a
small fortune ,
Iltill 11111 IIOI1eS on the cast spur , jusl
below the new lawn of IndepentenCe while
to the vest the sag carries II up on hattie
mountoln. To the - north or both of these
rich minerI has been founll , and where the
discoveries vlIi end human knowledge cannot
tell , as about an acre of ground UII the hi ,
tel a trine to the west of the Theresa , Is
covered with thousands of Ions of sand ,
Innumerable assays of which show that I
has In average value of $1 l.GO to the Ion In
Judging fror the output or all the mines
In the district , the first month oC the year
will be I record beater , and the value of the
output of the camp In 1895 will bo greater
titan the entire geld porducl of the stale In
1894. The Independence and , the Portand ,
e will be accredited with about half the "aluo
mCI i'LAC1ItS Ot'1it
South Boulder creek Is 10 be robbed or
more or Its gold next season titan ever before -
fore , and , the system Is nol unlike thaI the
promoters of the Clear Creek company Is
. ' , ; about to employ In un undertaking of the
same kind The Ingold Placer compnny has
leI I contract for 300,000 feet of lumber to
bi used In constructing a fume 1,700 feel
long anti Gx12 In size. Through this says
the Denver Republican , they propose dra\\ lag
off the wate or time creek through South
Douldor canyon , and leave the natural bed
free for placer washing. All surveys have
been completed , buildings for the housIng of
forty workmen are up , and the company Is
In shape for serious work In the spring. .
After the fume 10 change the bed of the I
creole Is completed a bed rock fume forty-
eight Inches wide will be put In , and the
working or the bars above the canyon wil
, then be an easy matler. An expenditure of
4 $40,000 will be required In gUng up the
fumes 10 allow the sluicing of the bars to
The 'company's ' bars are three and 1 halt
miles In length , and by surveys are figured
to contain 3,000,000 cubic yards , of placer
dlrl. The yield Is from 5 < cents to GO cents
per yard In amalgamntng gold , with time
black sand running from $20 to $ a Ion.
One block washed last season yIelded 83
cents a yard.
The company has been washing with sluices :
fed 'by ' shoveling for I number of years , but
will put In the large fumes this season In
. ; 4 order 10 increase the production , and al the
. ' same time reduce the expense of operating.
On the territory known as the La Oer
ranch , four miles south of Parker I station
twenly-four miles from Denver , on the Fort
Worth railroad , excitement prevails , owing
to a now body of coal whIch has just been
discovered , The strIke waa made by La
Oor on his own lands a few days'ago , says
the Denver TImes
It ha always been time theory of the property -
erty owners of this partculnr regIon , from
the indications on the surface , lhal some de-
tr ' velopmenl would uldoubledly reveal a vast
body of carbniferous minerai. flut prob-
I ably from n Klgenco , no test was male until
or late. A short time ago La Oer bean OJ'
eraUon , with time Intentions ef makIng a
, thorough lesl.
T. ! . Baird , who Is ale own r of prop-
erly near the new workings , returned 10
Denver from time scene of time strike , and
states thal there Is no bettor showIng In
the state considering the depth , whIch Is al
present eight feel from the grass roots lie
exhibited ( a ( luantity ) of cal , which seems
to be of , the best quality.
The vein runs on an incline into time side
of tile hi , all seems to bo Increasing In
width as depth Is _ gained. Mr. Baird , with
I number of enthusIastc friends , Is now
makIng arrangemen's 10 purchase a diamond
drill , which will be taken 10 the grou\1ds al
once and the entire county lappell.
On the coal there rests a vein of fire clay
. four feel wIde , and " oven lhls Is vnluahle.
S Some time ago a survey was made 10 ex-
tenth the Fort Worth track In close Ilrox-
11Iy to time now dllecvery.
lila LARAMIE lLAClmS ,
There Is considerable excitement al time i
. Big Lmmlo placer folds over a bIg strike
that was mldo a few days ago , A prospect
hole was sunk on one of the caims belong
log 10 time Dodge City Placer MinIng com-
patty 10 bed rock writes I correspondent 10
. I the Lu'mlo Boomemug Tboy pannell out
w I from 7 ! cents to $ IJOr pail The gold Is
dlloronl from any other that bas been
haunch since the Irsl discovery of time gold
In lhe camp , all of II being round or block
ifleces . In fact , It Is the only llaco ) where
bed rock has been struck , ali I pans out
\eyond all OXIOCt1ltiOflO. ) On bell rock seine
pieces were found that were eslmaled 10
contaIn time value of 10 cents. One pan ofi
. gravel was palnell out near bell rock that
contalnoll 457 colors , I\'hlch ' were counted
by time naked eye that were scratched to
ono stile o'r the-pan by the point of a pin.
The boys feel hIghly elated over time find ,
and lhlnlt the camp will Ilroly boom next
suninlor. There Is considerable prospecting )
, goIng on In the camp anti surrounding
c , country. Nesva has been received al the
% camp that I time weather conlnl s 10 be
Jllcsanl thQ Iron MountaIn C011lany will
fend a gang of men there 10 go 10 work ou
their claims Ilrelarntol"y 10 putting In I
$30,000 plant. The Iron Mountain company
II going In on a large scale , and wi work
theIr claims for eli they Ire worth.
Another old sliver camp Is likely to begin
to assume time BSl1ects of a Ioll coimmnmunity.
ThIs tmo I II Hokomo : , lying between Lead-
vie RII Breckenridge on the South Park
and Io Gralle roalls. Very Ito bas been
, said about the 110unl of yellow metal thus
, far dlsco\'erell al tblB place , because the
t PeoPle have become so Iccustomed 10 minIng -
log silver and lead that lbey never thousM
that gold mlgh he below tIme vclnl of tile
whIter metals. Few of the mInes of the
a dIstrict have relehed sufficient depth to tap
( I the strata which In the formation al lead-
( _ ' yule carrIes time gold , but all the attention
, ! or prospectors alll mIne managers has been
' sl1cnl In time upper formations .
Hoswel Sqrasuo Jones , manager ot the
Ten Mile Misting company of KOkomo , Is In
' time city snaking arrangements for the ship-
- , ment of fluxing ores from the mInes of his
company to the Denver smelters , says the
Denver News. "Tbo act has nol been 11)-
- vertlied but \e have a continuation of time
gold bolt al Jokolo , " saId Mr. Jones ,
a "From the Wlnlergreen Ilne durIng the
_ i , Jlat tow years we have shipped to the
. Oilahl Ino Gnmt s\eUer over 100,000 tons
- Jron luxll ores , audtho , value or thIs
' , a . '
mineral has been carried entirely In gold.
For this ore a a flux we have received only
enough from the smelter 10 pay for the mln-
log , hut wo have made our profit entirely
from the gold It contained. Al first the returns -
turns from thIs source averaged about $5
10 the lon , but a depth was Increased the
value Increased slowly until al present we
are mining an Iron fluxing ore that returns
a value of from $0 to $15 to time ton , and
undoubted , a we gel down , Il will In-
crease The trouble with the lokomo
mines In lhe past ' hal been the fact lhal no
assays were made for gold All we wanted
was mlnernl carrying Iron , silver or lend ,
and the yellow metal was entirely lost
sight ot.
man m.ACK hILLS COm TIY.
DurIng time pall year time mack hills have
made rapid strides to time front rank lS a
producer of precious metals , says lhe Sioux
Fails , \rlus.Uader.
StatIstics of time gross output are not ob-
tamable , as I great majority of the producing -
ducing mines arc owned by Individual or
close corporations , who never give publciy
to their nhfairs . I Is aCe to la ) thaI the
mack thus during the past twelve months
have produced between .000,000 and $0.000" .
000 In gld nloM. Dvidends have been
regular and promptly paid by time large
corportons , the lomestake I comp an ) alone
distributing $30.000 In lhls manner to its
stockhohlers , During the year n number
of rich dlscoverlo have been made In old
RII nlmosl nbnndoned camps thnt rival In
value the ore of the so.caled high grads
camps of other states anti lerrltorles. These
discoverIes have resulted In mnklt their
owners comparatvely rich men , nol b ) sell.
Ing lhelr mines hut by extracting time ore
amid havIng I reduced nl time many mills
now In successful operation throughout time
country. In addition 10 Ihese new dlscov.
cries a number of old properties have been
reopened , and arc nol being Properly
worke\ I Is alnosl nn assured timing that
as soon ns time weather will permit . work
wi eomlence on the large new m1 for time
lorseshoe cemlln ) which has expellel\
much money during time last year In getting
lhelr large 1rOUIJ of mines In shal1e to facll-
tate the extraction of or which Is exposed
In the extensive and deep workings. The
Soulh Dallota company Is nnother corporn.
ton that has performed and still continues
development work on lhelr property whlcb
now shows up large and valuable ore bodies ,
which have been fully teslell In fifty end
100-ton lots by chlorinaton at lhelr somali
m1 In Garden City.
There I sumelent ore In sight on their
property 10 Warrant time erecton of n plant
with time capacity 'of al least 100 Ions ller
da )
There came very near beIng a serious
tme al time Deadwood jai on account of time
great superstition of the Indians They are ,
If possible , more superstitious lhan time negroes -
groes , In the Deadwood jai there arc al
present confIned some eight or ten luUnns ,
charged wih all the crimes [ rom murder
10 [ etl Inrceny. Late time other imight . says
a Sioux "als special to time 1Inneapols
Tribune a voice was plainly heard by all
sayingVasta lela wasta , beta " This
was repeated several tltmiea.
When Two Sticks time chief actor In the
murder of the four cowboys nl Humphrey's
raimcim was executed on the 20th or Iecem-
bet , he spoke on time scaffold as his last
words those above qnoted Time Indians ,
who were In lhelr respective cells , hearing
time voice , II once conceived time Idea lhat
Two Sticks' gimost was prowling about In
time corridor They beame so frantic In
theIr efforts 10 escape that time sherIff had
to summon all of his deputes and go Into
the exercise room of the jail . Into which
the nearly crazy Indians were brotighmt
Here lhey were talked to kindly by time
shert who tried 10 explain to them that
they had Imagined lhal some one was
spealdng The sheriff succeeded In quieting
the red men somewhat , but not altogether.
They firmly believe thal Two Sticks' ghosl
Is abroad and that he wi come back lo
haunt timesn They shIver each night when
being placed In their cells with mortal dread
that tile ghosl will come that nlghl.
Es-Governor Waite Is about 10 embark In
the mining business. In company wlh Mr.
Cimlids . time retiring register of the state
land board , and others ho lids locale GOO
acres of placer land and sixteen lodes In the
region of Tarryal gulch , near Como Re
ceiver Frank Trumbul of the Gulf road and
other , officers of the railway , says time Denver
News , arc also Intetested In time district and
I Is prophesied by persons who II a\o hooked
over time ground that there will be a big rush
Into time new district lhls spring Alhough
the snow Is all the way from three 10 ten
feel deep In the district , the country Is reported -
ported to be well supplied with prospectors
who are staking out claims and preparing for
active operations al the earliest day psstble ,
Among the claims stakll out by the retiring
populist state officials " "
populst ofcials are the "Governor :
the "Lady Wale , " time "Childs" and the
"Harriet " Mr. Trumbul located upon two
claims last week and a New york capitalist
Is new In time city with a view of investing
In properties heretofore located. The region
has yielded many thousands of dollars In
placer gold for years I Is reported that one
fortunate placer miner took out $10,000 last
summer. Al time grass roots one of the lodes
assays $42 In gold 10 the ton Mr. Chids
says time district Is abundantly supplied with
water and the placers can be worked al small
The wonderful record of time Holy Terror
mine as a gold producer bids fair 10 be sur-
passed by the rich strIke just made on time
I.ckwnna lode , adjoIning time Decorah , situate -
ate on Green mountain , Lawrence county.
Rumors of I rIch strike In this iWne have
ben In clrculuUon several days , n1no Chamberlain -
berlain special to the Minneapolis Tribune ,
but time rumors are now verified and the richness -
ness of time strike Is almost beyond belief.
The present owncrs of time Lackawana mine ,
James Collins alHI Curly O'I.eary , have been
working the propertY sipco 1885 , developing
It and extracting a fair grade of siliceous
ore , of which theY have now nearly 2,000
tons on the dump. Last September the an-
lual assessment work was commenced al a
polnl .200 feet lower down the t10lntaln and
limo shme distance below the worllng An
open cut and tunnel was started atd driven
In thirty feet time last few feel being In are.
On the 1st of the present mon Ih the owners
visited time place to see I everything was all
right. A somali piece of rock was taken from
time face of the tunnel and afterward examIned -
med and found to be fairly covered wih rIch
flaky gold. A shot was then put In the face
of the rock and fred , and the result was the
opening Ul1 of nn ore body that fairly glistens
with time precious metal Numerous assays
have been made , the returns varying from
$1GOO to $3,700 gold per tots The ore body
has a slight dip to the northwest , Is twelve I
feet thick between shnle rock and trachyte. ,
Future work may delermlne thaI time ore
body Is e\'en wIder lhan slaltr L
Encouraging slns of a revival In the gold
mining buslncss are notced In many tUrec-
tioims . This Is especially the case In Amalor
and Tolumne countes , where work has ben
resumed on a number of abandoned proper-
ties , whie mInes whIch have been worked all
along are said to 0 yIelding a better output
than fronmorly Al several olher spots on the
Sierro a resumpton of actIvity Is reportell by
time local papers though timers Is an absence
ef time usual boasting.
In ) mIning circles I Is common tale that
the profts of some of the Sierre mInes are
much larger than time public suspccls. Ono
resident of thIs city , says the San Francisco
Call , Is sid to be'drawlng nn Income of $60 , -
000 a month from hIs properties , whoso names
are hardly known ; and men who are equally
unknown are mentoned who draw thelr
$100,00 a year from the bowels or the earth , .
and saying nothing about I. Every geologist
knows thaI the Sierra Is full of undiscovered
gold ; and I stands to reason that sOle day
It wi bo got out In splo of the drawbacks
under which hydraulc mining has had 10
labor , and the lean ores which are bEIng
holsled from some of time veins
U the gold mining Industry resumes Its
ancient aclvly , It wi do so under far bet-
ter aUllllces titan former ! , for \ wi rely
on sources of supply wblch are not lablo to
collapse. Al all perIods of the world more
money has been made by mining lean ores
tban rIch ores. Time latter are lure sooner or
later 10 peter cut , and the owner Is likely to
sInk all hIs galna In a fruitless Pursuit for
the lost bonanza , whereas a boy of lean
're , carn'lng a pretty unIform though low
percentage of the Precious metel , la Ilk lr 10
stay and gO on yielding a faIr return 10 the
legimate mIner for years and generations.
Heal here , fresh coked , undEr the direct
supervIsion of Cbef de Cuisine Juempfaer Is
a palatable dih , says the LramIe Itepubhic.
Jl was trIed lat Thursday by R small army
lof patrons. Some Look theIr aplslN with
tbem. some left heal outside , but all pro-
flounced the meat a god l beef. I Is
Infinitely more lender than the ordinary
barding house article . and If one was nol
aware that "man's noble friend" was being
chewed , he would be wIlling to make a
wager of almost any amount that hone meal
and that of a corn-foil steer were one and
the same. The only discernable difference Is
that horse meal has a sweeter favor titan the
time-honored article .
The menu was a fo\o\'s :
Horetnl soup jockey Myle.
Here tongue , race track style .
Loin oC cheval , a la Metz.
FIllet of horse , with trnflle pauce
Flel wih lrule
aaucei iarisienne .
Pferd , n la mode . sauce viqtmant .
Steaks , Hamburg and Berln alylCllrler-
house , tenderloin , alrloln and round.
ThaI Mr. Iluenmpfner's spread was a com
photo Success was shown by the number or
guests who called for lho dish out ef mere
curiosity , but who wound UII the by
putting In n sllulre ireal
. Indian witch doctor
Scun.Doo , the notorious Inllan wich
of Alaska , arrived hero . In charge or Unltel\
States Mnrshal Wiihlammms . ' and was at once
taken to San Quentin , to begin servIng n
three 'enrs' sentence , says time San I'rnnclc
"Tho cld doctor has cnscil the ( Iclh or
many 11eollle , " saId Marshal Wilams , "and
was accounted rich among time Indians. ills
' ( co In lhls particular case was twenty blan-
kels , A oman of the tribe hall shied nt Chl-
cool , nnll his relatives Cl\le 10 consult time
doctor to see what It was thaI had caused
his dent hm.
"Tho doctor souIlINI his drums and went
through his dh'lnatons , and finally settled
on a woman In time tribe ly time order of
time wlcl doctor time dead mmmasm's friends look
the womnn anti bound her with lhongs for
ten slays , giving her nothing 10 cal for lhal
time Al the end of the ten days site died.
"ThaI sot ted It , nccorlng ( to Scun-Doo , for
had site Slot been guilty she woull hnve
lived , so he saId. The story got out , nUll
SCln-Doo. ) for his own safety went to time
ismtorior anti It was some tme before he
came back ngaln. Whcn he did he was ar-
"Tho doctor Is about ! 5 years old , but he
looks 10 be 70. An odd thing oboist him Is
that he has red hnlr. Undoubtedly he hns
white blood In his veins The supposilon
Is that his father was an agent of the Hud-
son's Iny cosmmpasmy
"lie hal a large stock or blankets , const-
toting his wealth derived from ( livlnatbons.
lie also had two wives , Neither ef these
cnle , down to attend his trial or bid 'hlm
farewell . Ills sister cale to see him al the
jai just before ho was ttmkcit away , and the
parlng was quite affecting.
" 10 hal caused a good deal of ' trouble In
Alaska . Ho threalened the miners of Chili-
coot and Chmilcat pass going 10 and fro at one
lme , anti In one way and another wa a
dlslurber. Besides II was ell thaI nn example -
ample musl be 1ade of him to the other
Indians. "
Done county farmers will hell an Insl-
tote nl Albion on February 7 and 8.
lumboldt will entertnln the Nebraska
Christian convention today and lomorrow.
Fire caused by a defective flue In time
Geneva jai was easily extnguished and little
damnge was done.
Suit has beEn broughl against ex-Treasurer
Cashman of Greley connty for a shortage
amounlng to $4,000
Prank orst's two-story frame store build-
Ing all stock of general merchandise al
Dowecse has been totally destroyed by fire.
Knights or pythlas from Minden , Oxford ,
Arapaimoe . Alma and Curtis gathered al Hold-
rce last week Time Ioldrege lOdge has
elghl-.wo members.
.Judge Ong was so well pleased with the
proEpecls In Colorado nosIer irrigation that
he bought a controlling interest In a large
orchard at Debeque
Jasper Bailey was arrested al the complaint -
plaint of John Marsden of Red Cloud for
slealng ! horse of time value of $40 and sent
trIal. 10 jaIl , In default of gIving bal , 10 await
William Curley or Norfolk owned a brood
of lwenly-lwo hens which furnlshe(1 him
daily wih about seventeen eggs. One night
nol long ago all but one or the brood were
Henry Wet and olhers who went lo Cal-
Iforia with him from Albion ! found time land
they had purchased to be utterly worthless ,
and were left without ammy means and far
from home.
More'tban 100 members intro been added 10
the two churches durIng time progress of time
revival meetings al Murray , al which Revs.
Hawke of Omaha and Ross of South Omaha
are assisting.
The Utica Sun has two editors , and they
are nol clear In their own minds which of
lhem owns the papEr and which of them Is
time assistant owner. Nol many days ago lhey
had I kncck-down fight over the polnl.
Schuyler has organized a Young Men's
Christian association , with Ullrty-stx mem-
bers. The following are the officers : Presi-
dent , S. D. Wheeler ; vice president , V. H.
Lovejoy ; secretary , C. ' M. Johnson ; . treasurer ,
N. R. llc
Harry Douglas at Minden noticed that the
blow-ol pipe of the boiler had blown out ,
made for the holier room. The floor of the
room was covered wih boiling water and
In tim dark he stepped Into lhls and Is now
badly scalded.
McPheron county has 29,000 acres of va-
cant land In the Alliance land district 415,495
In the Broken Dow land district , and 400,495
In the North Platte dlstrlcl. In all 845,41 ;
ncres of vacant land , enough to pasture 56-
361 head of cattle , and allow fIfteen acres pEr
There was a lIvely time al Paul Fisher's
sale , says the Madison ChronIcle. and Mr.
Flsher's farm came near being n field of car-
nage The whole neighborhood alendc the
sale , and the opportunity 10 rake up old quar-
rels was to strong a temptation to be ro-
slsted. Somebody made a statement about a
mlslnr steer , reflecting somewhlt upon one
, of time Tesltes , and time fun began The air
was blue with "cuss words , " threats and
counter-threal and masculine oaths and fe
male shrlells mingle In dire confusion. FI-
naly Carl Teske and one of the Long brothers
engage In a lively fght , whie a fair Amazon
stood near with a loaded revolver 10 pro-
"ent interference There was more ( alit than
anything else , however , and byond some dls-
ngreeaimio scratcho and n few bruises no I
harm was done. The fro of sectional strife
still sloulders In that locality , and an insurrection -
surrecton lay be expected al any time.
Time Sturgis roller mills are now running
A carload of Jack rabbis was senl 10 Chi-
from hitchcock .
, ago Ilchcock.
Time Iroquois Crenmery comnpany Is erect.
Ing al ice house near its cmpany
The Farmers' institute of Hansom county
will hold Its next meetIng al Sheldon on
FrIday , February 8.
The Black hIlls Artesian Wel company
ha bon Incorpora\ed \ al Pierre , Time head-
quarters will be nl Rapid City.
Carl Entad of Broollng , who Is 1 years
old , Is six feel and six all one.hal Inchls
high , and weighs 207 pounds lIe Is still
Irowlng and bIds fair 10 be u seven footer
The Ilcoplo of Gregory county at a recent
meetng decided to ask temporry relief , and
have appointed delegates to go 10 Iowa , liii.
nols and Ohio to solicit money , goods and
other necessary articles.
A commlteo appointed by time MissourI
River Stoclunen's association Is al work pro-
paring bills relative to time stock Industry of
the Itate , Among thel Is one to prevenl the
trappIng and klln of beavers for the next
ten years .
On account of time extreme dry weather
during the fall . time grass became completelY
cured before lhe killIng 'irosts ' canmo , anti , as
a consequence , all over Soutim Dakota stock
has 1\0 and fared well running lose over
the prairie
A cal has been issued for a convention al
Huron on February 4 , to take acloll hookIng
10 procurIng legislative authority for ' Lmuihding
hms and reservoirs 10 hold surface water
for irrIgation lmurposes. Counties east cf
the MIssourI rIver and In the Jim and Sioux
river valeys will be rel'resented
The county commissIoners of Turner county
have decided to furnIsh seed graIn to farm-
ers unable to procure I under the seed grain
law of 1690. They wIll also furnish I to
those who wIsh to buy for COlt , n they
hope to secure free transportation , and UIUS
be able to gIve tIme farmers time benefit of
the lowest possible price.
The recent receipt by Ihe Huron land ofce I
of plals of 10,00 acres of land In the north . ,
( mast portion of the Crow Creek Indian reservation -
, 'aton brIngs the body of land open for sel-
temenl under the homeltead law. Much of
this land Is MIssouri rIver battens. I II
well watered and contaIns some tmber , and ,
will bo taken up 1 soon 1 sprIng opens , . '
There II a growIng interest In time lay
Creek coal fields , In the Wack lulls , and I
the place 1s raphlh ' being peopled. Pros.
ptors report exoe\tnffnds : , shafts are go.
Ing down with all PPs\lle \ speed . and Orhg
the new town sUe. fA ' 110 to become an important -
portanllnl. . The1tb\ already mined Is of
good quality , and II rlorled In large quan-
tte anll easy to gel dt.
Time Mancos TlmnMltstbutly ( maintains that
the Manco placer ; b the L 11111 dls-
trlct Is the best goll.Istrlel \ on earth
Johnson gulch , C\ster } county's new gold
camp , Is holding edt \1 \ ( amid the local excitement -
eltemenl over the Illmovery I \ Increasing
Instenll of dhnlnlshJ/ . 1
A rich strike or p eJln their Puritan lIx-
tension lode Is rep rtcl' nt Yankee 11111. A
recent shipment returne,1 them $78 per ton
In gold The size \t tills rich ore streak Is
one fool In wldlh. \
A gold find of tM ' IhUe Imporlanee hns
been made recentyl tin Tarr'nl creek In
time Lost Park country , about eighteen Iles
from 1.orlssAnl. ! Two 11 run tests show
n value of $ t8 per ton
Prank Keys and others have a group of
five claims a few miles north oC \uenn
Vista , The ore Is quartz nlll hemalo be-
lween porpph'rr nnd granite . and assa"s
from uO to $35 per Ion In Ioh\
Sno\sldes are frequent and deslruetve
In time mountains In Colorado , Avalanches
In Marshall Uasln have destroyed much
lmroltert' Al Ice nInety feEl of raIlroad :
trestle work have ben deslro"ell ,
The new gold fnd near Alma Is creatIng
considerable exciement , 'fhe exact loca'
ton of the find haM not blen loathe publc ,
as the prospector who discovered II refuses
nt lhls lme to reveal its wimereatmotmts
Time recent mi run Crom time Mary Etta
bile , an nnde\elopell claim near Silver
Ilume. relurml smearly two ounces In gold
nll over 100 ounces In silver per ton , Inr-
ties hnve tallen a leas on the Ilrellerty.
A very In10rlnnl strike In time Crooked
Creek district In a clnhn known ns the
Gold King ! . owned hy Messrs. Milieu , la-
son and Dimon , Is reportell , They have en-
coulllml two feel oC $50 Fold ore In n
drlC which they were rosining from time
bottom or a fifty-foot shaft ,
Time Centennial mile on Four MIle creek ,
which Is ownel by 1ennman stud others or
ASl1en , Is one or time most Ilromlsing Ilroll-
erUes In the camp The ) ' have II shart
ninety feel dc.ep with ore conlnualy from
time top to the bottom. The work his been
done on the fool wall alll the pay streak
varies In width from fifteen to titirty
Inehcs. The nnture of the ore Is white
quartz , with copper . pyrites Inl Iron aol-
Idsitle Time ore assays from $10 to $40 Iler
ton In gold.
Eighteen Inches of snow on time level Is
rellorte,1 , just the other sile of E\anston ,
\ V.V. . Lufkin of Ias creek Itled nn
Immcnse h'mt , the other day. The animal
weighed sixty pounds and mea\ured twenly-
two Inches In hmelgimt
The Saratoga papers say that John CummIngs -
mningsvihh irrigate n large tract of lan(1
In that valley antI try to settle a colony
there during the cOllng season.
Miss Ida Roberts of Ferris killed one of
tIme largest wildcats liver scen In the state
time other day. She brougnl the anlmnl
down from a dlslance of jtjo 'ards.
The colored People or I.armle held a
meeting recent ) In which they organIzed an
African colony. A representatve will bo
sent 10 the dark contnent tu look up a lo-
A waltng club has been organized In
Laranmie of which ladles osmly are time members -
bers The rules Imrescrlbe thal time members
must walk at least az , hour each day In time
' al
open air.
A mining deal oC grtat hnporlnneo In the 1
Atlantic district embrace a group oC moines '
Incluling time Mary Een. The whole deal
Involves $200,000 'number of other big
deals In the same Usttlbt are In prospect.
The DOdge City l'lao r company has been
digging some new ltOsPect holes on its
claims all they pfospecl be better than
anylhlng lhal hnl " been found. Time
gold Is more round nndls heavIer and more
easily saved than ! Ipake gold.
State Auditor O\'en. ) pays the article cir-
culatng around lhb' 'cOuntr concerning the
hlght ) of Grand Teton.11eak Is a monstrous
fabrlcalon , Time helghl . or the peak has
been eslablshed by numerous surveys at
just about 14,000 feet , Instead of 15.4G , as
reported by the Crlpplol Creek "discoverer. "
A now , method ft 11 $ , 1actng gold from Us
ores has recently , beep , Introduced In time
mining dIstrIcts of IWtonllng , and Is called
the lauvel process : ' Time crushed ore Is
heated to a state of Incandescence anti
quenched In a bath of cold waler Enough
steam Is instantly generated to shaler It.
and any glaze or flm Is lherefore ruplured.
State Engineer Mead says lhal time four
great rIvers whIch have lhelr orIgin In
'Vyomlng will water an acreage as extensive
as thmat . fertIlIzed by the Nile. The lanl
which can be reclaimed In a single arId state
Is as great In area as that whIch In Egypt
requires for its cultivation the labor of
2000000. of people , and supports a popula-
ton of 7.000,00 .
Monroe has a fine mi site and good
water Imower and wants u four mill and will
give a bonus of $500.
The rabbit drIves In Lake county con-
tnue 10 be made nl time rate of two per
week The total of tiead rabbis now num-
bers 6,000. !
Union counly's members of time legislature -
ture will use lhelr endeavors 10 secure state
aid for straightening the Grand Hondo rIver
and 10 Improve Walowa imili.
There Is quito an area of fine cranberry
land near the beach nl Orelown , al Sand
hake and on Nehalem beacim . Several parties
have already begun cranberry raising , anti
many more wi engage In tlls business ere
The peculiarities of time Chinook wind arc
shown In the region south of The Dahies .
All of the snow on the high ground , from
Tygh ridge to the Due mountains , has
disappeared , whlo winter still reigns In time
lower alltudes ,
Francis Atkins of Bridal Veil , In company
with others , Is buiding a steamboat whim
which he expel to go to Alaska about May
1 to explore time Yulln river . and will be
gone about two years. Mr. AIkins has been
In Alaska the past ten months famlarlzlnl
himself wih the peculiarities of thaI country
for the purpose of this exlmioration.
The young men of Jacksonville who have
found I Imllosslble to get employment are
striking out into time , his with pIck , pan and
shovel , and report finding time venture remun-
erative . There Is alp one lady who goes
out regularly wlh her young lens 10 mine
on Rich gulch. Those who are al work
report wages from 76 cents to $1.50 per
The stage to Lavlew was held up rccenty
near Ely by a pantimer The horles stopped
In time dense tmber anti refused to move
even when urgemi 'l'hmey snorted and began -
gan to back Tie drIver thought he was
about to bO robbed , but soon descried a
mountain lon In the road lie had nothln
to &hool with , but began throwing snowballs
II time brute and finally droyo him away.
Wilam I' , Sinmpm3 dh of the South Bend
broom handle faetqry has found thal hemlock -
lock , so common In 'hnl ' region , Is the beat
material yet dlscover for broom imaumtllea.
Alder has heretoforq\ \ been consldcred the
best , but handles luade of bemloek and sent
to his cnstomers I Ptrtand and San Francisco -
cisco have been pronounced by thel superior
10 alder. The henlolk ! la whler , polshes
strong. better , Is lighter 11 " , "elghl and equally a
The Sealh ) Iublc library contains 11,812
hooks , 'I' ' : '
A petItIon 19 In c'r ujaton In Douglas anti
Okanogan counties smelting . congress to 1m-
prove the Okanogan dyer and the upper
Elleimsburg. F'ourteen'inch leo I being har\sled at
There Is a project on foot al Spokane to
elablsh a factory for the manufleture or
starch from hsotatoes
it Is reportC1 that the Werhau8er syndicate -
calc has 11urchuCI 3.000 acres of Umber land
In the Nasel counlr ) ' .
The capacIty or the Hache hnrbor lime
works on San Juan Islnll , Is 1OO barrels
per ( lay . There Is enough marble there 10
last a thousanl1 years .
The MW creamery nl Imensburg wIll bo
In rnnninr order early In February nnll will
have n capacity of 1,000 pounds per day .
twice thaI of the ( one burned
News has been received In Tacoma from
the east that Pnul Schulz has succeeded In
placing ; .000,000 bonds of lha Sunnyside
ditch , In tIme Ynklma country ,
I'rossor the chief town of time horse
heaven eountr , last year shlJP : d 82 cars
or simeep 19 or cattle , 3 or horses , IG of wool ,
200 or wheal amid 10 or mlseelnneous slur
Representative Doollle has notified time
Tnecma Chamber or Commerce that he has
Introllced I hil for n miitary posl nl lint
city , ullon condiion thaI IHO acres of In\l
arc donated , for thaI purpse. ;
Time shingle trade Is opening earlier BHI
heavier this season than ever before DurIng -
log the past few days Tlcoma dealers have
receIved easlern orders for 20OOO.oao , making
crowded 130 cars Stocks are Ighl and mis will he
The recent sno\ anti rains camed n food
nl Lmike Cushman , the waler standing eight
feel sleep on Ito floor of time Cushman house
Several houses were washed away amid can-
sldernble damnge was done 10 fencl's , farms
and orchards
All lhe 10lglng calp8 will start up In
this state amI Britsh Columbia In a few
dnys There are only 47,000.000 feet of logs
on hand In this state , hardly enough for
a month's run , Prices arc alreamhy ( I slfenlng
all dealers are 'Jlattl over the ProsPects
of high prIces all an hlcreasell demall ,
The dry 1ln or D , I lcCan's shingle
mill nt New Whaleol was blown down the
other slay. The bulllng contained about
1,000.000 shlnglcs , which were set afloat and
washel , ashore nnd no\ lute the bcach for
several bloclts. An englnc lint was stored In
the kin Is nl the bolom or time bay . whlo
the buiitlimmg . Illn\ ; all shingles were wasllell
Inla\l about ten rods from thc stint where
the buiding originally stood
The ( luther cOlntr ) of time upper Palolse
will be a scene of great actIvity tlulng tim
next six months. C. E. Averi has secured
a contract to fnrnlsh 50,000 ties to the
Oregon RaIlway BII Navigaton com pan )
The logs wl be cut In the vlt lusity cf Stormier ,
10atell down the rIver to mberton , anti
sawed there. F. I. , hell has also secured n
contract for 10,000 to 20,000 tIes . 10 be de-
l\'ered al l arlingion ( or Garfield .
or the twent-one county superlnlendents
In Montana , twelve arc womcn
The woman suffrage flcslon Is being lhor-
oughl debated by Nevada papers.
I There arc about 4.000 hcad ef beef cattle
feeding In loney Lake valc ) They wIll be
shipped durIng the coming monlhs.
'elser cltzcns ( have organized ! company
to construct a new Irrlltng ( canal thirty
mlcs long anti covering ! OOOO acres or land
lath al Missoula recently -
A 12-year-ohl cap-
tured two 'oung mountain lon klUens. le
Is now running a smal "sIde show , " the C3P-
lured kittens being the principal alracton ,
A carload of western horses sold al Arlta-
delllMa , Ark . broughl from $10 to $ lG per
head Several large amid extra fine animals
Included In time shlpmenl went for $0 and
ThaI wonderful Salt Lake copper plant Is
again In the courts. Whcn time ownership
will be settled Is as Ilroblclatcal as ever.
Ther are three or four fghUng factions and
they keep the steam In the boiler red hot all
the lme ,
Articles of incorporation have been med
for the Phlipsblrg Iron works. The com-
pasty has a capital slock of $45,000. divided
Into 900 shares. and expects 10 carryon a
general foundry and Iron casting business at
Phllpsburb , Monl.
I Is stated on the authoriy of Prof. Sar-
gent , the botanist that there Is I greater
varIety of trees In Arizona than In the state
of Cahiforimia. The writer also estimates that
there arc 10,000,000,000 feet of standing saw
timber In time territory. -
They have had a number of rain storms
down In Arizona lately. This usually prove
a blessIng In hint ( territory , as the water
washes the gold down from the his Inlo lhe
gulches and maltes placer mIning profitable -
along the Ito streams.
A big gold ledge Is said 10 have been found
In Little aolonwocd canyon , eighteen mies out
from Sail Lake The ore has assayed as high
a $1,800 per lon , and nol less than $39 per
ton , with an average value of $290. Prominent -
nenl SaIl Lakers arc time owners.
Clmildren playing al San I.uls Potosi , Mex-
leo , discovered a caver and several men explored -
plored its depths revealing an Iron chesl
fled with Sllanlsh gold coin , amounting to
over $250,000. I Is believed time moncy was
placed In time cave by the Frnciscan monks.
The latest gold find Is heralde from Manti ,
Ulah. The mountnlns just east of time Mor-
men temple arc said to bo 10adeJ with the
precious metals. Assays from time new dls-
co\'ery sho\ a \lue of eight ouncl In gold ,
three and onehal ounces silver , and two
ounces copper per ton
The miners employed on the Eagle group , In
the lercur district Utah , tbal Is being oper-
ated by Scimen Thompson and Mc ) arlanr , encountered -
countered the vein al a depth oC about slxty-
live feet. The are has not yet been pone-
lrated far enough 10 delermlne its value but
It Is In n locality where good values should
b obtained
In the legislature al DolsOI bill was Inlro-
ducd absolutely repealing the Mormon test
oath Two years ego that parlor time oath
was repealed whIch made I retroactive In
form , Prevlonsly no one could vote who
belonged to any organizaton thaI had ever
taulhl IIOlygJIY. J Is now propose to wipe
out all reference 10 the subject.
Captain rant , ! ne of the leading cattle
raisers of southwester Texas , says bore ( Is
a marlled shortage In Texas cattle In the '
vicinity of Fort Worth , The fall rains have
put the lauges In excelent conditon , and
them Is more grass titan stock 10 eat It.
Shlpmenls of feeders 10 southern cites , where
there are colon seed oil mis , the loss from
the drouth of 1893 , and time drIves to save
something from time bar and sun balled ranges
have almost dEpleted the ranges of cattle and
breeders arc now holding their stock lie
says the shipments of soulh Texas will be
much smaller than for years blast
lHJJ l.oOJ' 11 . 'lI1 1'1 ' CUJlI'l lmJ.
OMAHA , Feb. 2-'fo the Editor of Time
lice : House roll No , 163 , Introduced IIY Mr.
JenneBS of ouglns county , and its dupl-
cate , senate Ile No. 137 , Introduced by Senator -
ator . Smih oC the same count , entitled
"it act to protect employes from being
hlacldlsted throuJh the machinatons oC
guarantee bond cOlplnlel "
'fhls Is I vicious bill awl Ihoull nol Ilass
for several reum4oimmm. Possibly , time party who
ollglnutell the bi Intended to servo those
who were cOlpeled to give surety hands ,
amid to thll extent Ihould he credited wih
l old In ten lons. A perusll of the bill , how-
ever. emllhlll.e ! time fuel Ulat time author
Imows nothing of the bcope anti IJrpose oC
guarantee bond companies No such net IS
the one , resesmtemI . hIlS ever been jmasseml In
ammy legisiattmre In time United Httxtes stimil the
mtmmmsztge of luch a Ilw woull untloubtediy
IHSSIAe bonrl companies tu wlhllmw from
the ittimte 1 IlreHume thaI time intent of the
nuthor was nol to drIve these companleB
( rein the state , as I II a wel Imown flct
I10ng all business men thut I Is I maier
- - - - -
. : " , _
rz1 It Hurts
nothing that can be washed or
cleaned-Pearline. The purest
soap is no safer-the poorest
soap is no cheaper I is more
C effective than the
-a- ) strongest-
- it is more convenient than the
best , Pearlne saves labor
I and wear in washing clothes
or cleaning house , A few cents will let you
try it ; common sense will make you use it ,
Peddlers aimd some ummscrupmmious grocers will tell 'oii ,
B " 4 tlds is as good as ' or ' ' time saumme as l'caehinc , " I'l"S
. FALSE-l'earhine is never petltlletl. if vomit sroccr sends
you an lmmtation , be imoimest-und ii back , 1 JAME5 'i"t'l.l , New 'Ork ,
. .
of great onvenlence to every person seekIng
Positions I of trust to be nimle to secure surety
bonds. So mmmnn tiefalcations have occuirreti
In time inst few years hint men of mnemmna
are diary ( if stiguming booths for even their
roost intimate felentis. It s'ouuhti be a great
injury to honest cmnpioyes it tlme3' were mm.
able to Pturchmase liotitla , wimicim makes them
immore Intiejmemmtlent mmii saves tiunmi frons Ito-
15mg lthmmcett tmnmler obhigatioims , ofteumtimes to
timeir disaul'itmmtnge.
ttntler the Present order of timings Pt'OP'.e
requiring surety boumtls can sectmre timt'm at
aim average rate not exceeding $7 for a ( imoti.
uuammtl-tloliar bond , Ordiumnrv rnt'ea for ( tank
eimmhhOyes are s : 11cr $ ioo3. anti ( or em-
hiloYes of railroad nsmd tehegrmmjthm eoimmpanit's
e'eum less iimnum $ i ° r 1kiJ. Time tt'imtlt'mmey
mumumoimg btuslness mmmen geumerahly is to exteimil
anti increase the bofltl busimmess , iimstctitl of
crippling It. 'l'imere are cimly live surety
etmulmlmantes delmmg bmmsiuiem's 1mm the state of
Neitrmmska. Time total study
timroiighiouit time state nnmoiummta to less thimuim
$2')0 iii ltreummiummms ; wr aumimtiiml. So ( am' mm
stilts ima'e ( teen brought ngmmiimst Fmirety cntn
hmaumies fr liii' hierforunammee of theIr (11(11'
guetiommit. Time geumernh verdict is thuuit (1mev
immi'o been iiroummht antI hmnmmorahk' In theIr
ticahimigs anti tlmeir syittoumi of espionage over
their patroims in ( lie way at' wati'1miuiimes
aimil eimechliiit timesum imp hits beeii very bnt'-
tIdal to ltuisimmeett immterests geiwrmihly. 'I'o
thmat extent that nearly every lratlIimg hausk
in time state of Nebraska hums now boufid
limit emitluloycS , ns haVe nil the i'muili'omuil muimtl
telegraph t'ofli'tntIons , as vcil mis tmuttm't um1I
of time lc'atliumg mmmnimtmfactttrermt iimii otlmers
s'hmo cimipiny smirim to hmaimul I e mont' ) ' its' II I
ihmtCei , ; of trust. 'fimo Itlest is growiumg
strnmmgr every fimmy ( bitt our county tretis-
umrers throumgimotit tim stats of eirmmslcmt
shmouhil b cumspelietl to give stmrets' Ionth
rmmthmer thmnum ; tcrsoittui bantls. if stmeh a law
himmil heels in force Barrett S'ott 'mi1ti mint
hmmi'e heetm nnshumtitet1 mimmul 1 bIt eoiiimty
wotmltl mmut lmtmve host $70,000. Other cotmnties
iii tIme state would hmu'e saved several timotu-
smtumtl tiol Imirs ,
lteferilng to tlmo lulls iii qtmt'stlcmm , time' sc'e-
tion of ( lie Itihl (3) ( ) reqtmirlmmg a t'Peeittl de.
Posit for sill Iltlelity or gummirnultee coiutpnflh's
imrymuumizeti in other ittmttes suimmi mioiisg ltuusiimem.s
iii Nebraska of $2W10 is vicIous mmmiii itmuil ,
for tIme reamtomm that there time otuly five me-
sPoumsittie simrety cOflmlmtmmles doing luimsiumess 1mm
time thiiitel Stotes. l'ne1m oiti , of tlmcse eommm.
luimmles hmmus n. large st ecimml ( leltilsi t ,
sonic of tlmemmu mmnmouiimtiimg to $2).thii ) )
nmmtl none ies tlmamm $10 , ( earls ,
ms'itht time instminimcc coummnmissittimem' of Nest'
Ytmsk , which , mmsmmier tIme latms of time mue'ei'tt1
S intes , Peritilta I imeium to tin lttms Incas 1mm ut hut's'
stnte.t wiiimoumt any sitecimmi deposit , mutt timi
t'imcimui ? deposIt iM for thm Imenefit of smhl l > OllCY
1molder tlmroumghoumt time ( Tolled States. If
conmisitumieM mitt' t'eimipellt'ti to st'eregmito theIr
cmthtitnl by tli'ImlIsig it tip tim $2itk ) deposits
thmroughmomit tIme several states iii ( lie 1 miitetl
States ( lucy wouiiii emmelm lma'e n'em' $ l.000 ( )
( If tlmeir workiimg Cflltitmmi tlti tip muid cuimse-
quemmtly commiml mmot flu tsumtttuiess rut mthl. It is
not ltOsSlhlC for timeimi to mmmtmlto mm. fair liroilt
on I Ito httmslim ess I f ito mmitmrlm c'npi ( iii is t led imp
ummless rates mire tlommblctl amid tretileti
tlmrotmshmotit tIme iTumitetl States , wimiclm woulti
Ito a imnrtlrhmip wiImotmt nit ) ' corrospoimtlliig
SectIon 5 of time imili wotilti be nietolsitely
destruicti'e of tIme bonti 1jttsimmcit. , ltectmum'C
It deumies tIme might of tlm eamsipmmitie8 to keep
coniltleimtiiml their correeltonliemuce bum regmtrtI
to ( lie chmmmricter of nppllcmtiitm numti pmirtles
bonded by thiesms. TIn' 'erh' mmtmtuit'e of time
lttiIuiesq m'equuirss tlmmit before nimy gunrotitee
coimipany cmmut issue St. itoiui they mitit kitimmi'
fully the life amid record of time smpplicmmimt ,
mumd to get thmmtt they call umitosi tIme appli-
rant to ftsrmmlsim full informuntioms nit to wimero
Ito huts lived , by whom ime linus becim em-
vlovetl , anti wimat hmus b 'cii huis Ittisiuwss for
me certmuiim lerioi of hIS lIfe-if a young immmttm ,
comniuemmt'trmg wills time tiumie ime heaves iucliool
ttmmtl imsuumchmes omit Imito tIme vorid fos' imlum.
self. The pirtv 1mm mimmawering timi'ae qiie
tloimS tllscloscii imia lccimtioum imimd time lmnnis
of res'pouisiblo peoPle. wimo tire isimumietlhately
conmmntluilclitel witlm i' tIme suu'etb1 cmii-
isa mmy mmnder time ItletigO that t lid r comnnmutumi-
catiOims iilmnli lte ab'oititely h5i'i'fltC , ' 1iie
secretary nitti Iim'eshdeimt of time ctimmlmany sure
muimsohutely limo only imai'tics who htmmtmw mvlmitt
thics' , ummtts'erS mire. amid no Iccal or geimermul
agent , even , con obtnism stny hmforimmation isa
to whmttt stateimleimtm4 are mmmmlm _ ' by time refer-
If time baimker or busimmess nmamm who is
called upon to give infoummmathomi na to the
cimarmicter of nimy npplicammt mualting for a
surety ltond diii mmot kimow timmut Imis coums-
mmsunicntion was absolutely lirivmmtO , nuiti
could mmot be tilcloseti , lie 'ould pi'ohtably
hesitate before telhiimg tlmat miuclm and mmmch
(1 person Imaml beea guilty of m'oimmm' crlmmm"
aimfi was lending a vicious life , etc. , nmmd
thmat PersonallY Ime voultI mmot trust. bIns.
lie would net do timi , bcnuse time mmattmrsml
tendency is not to iumterfere with other peo-
itle's business , as tIme caylng Is. Surety cciii-
panics , it they could imot get tlmis infos'mna-
tion , certainly could not issue bosmd on
time fidelity asid hommesty of npplhcanta , sund
If such a law as time one ProIi3Setl should
be enmicted ever ) ' company doing business
in Neinmisica would be conspeiloil to with-
draw. It often traumShmires that a poor mmmumui
caumimot cnsmvesmlemutly get frIends to go ott
personal imonds for him.
Under time preseumt system , if he imatu it
good record , comes tinder time tongue of
good report , and Is a mnasm of good cimar-
ttctcr ammd habits , Ito can get a bormtl , if lie
huts time wlmeremvlthi to pay for time smume ,
whichm , as befos'e stated , smunousita to but a
trifle. $4 or $5 , perlmaps , for a $1,000 bond.
If a boimd is cancelled , mmotlce is given to
tIme employer of time reasons of camicella-
thou , and no cammcellation is ever made cx-
cept for account of dlsimoimesty or for ella.
creditable acts on time part of time PartY
bonded. In ( hue matter of time llrst accapt-
mince of a hmontl applicatIons are rejected
because of bad records nod In that case
Information Is miecossarily confidential oud
cannot be diseloceti.
Do our legislators wish to deprive a man'
of the chance to secure a position of trust
tlmat will brlumg bread amid omeat to hmts fain-
iiy ? H. E. PALMER.
110W tIme Old Iuisumiy : Operates anti hoW
lip May tIe Qimiritly tvm'rcouimc ,
\V ( , inns' as well Ionic time situmatlnes
smpmarely hi time our old foe , time _ _ _ _ _
, ; rIlm. hmn attacked mis again. lIe hina beous
ititletI hiy coIl. damnhm wt'atimer , mmmi tlm 'ile
c'oimditlon tit tIme' str-'ts in towsus nntt
cities , Streuig mmmcmi mimmil mouimon are stricken
down nod tormmn'mmtetl I' time femmr tlmat oven
If timev i'eetsver their health smihi Iii all
htrohahh1ItY lit' lrmnnlt'imtl' slmntteretl.
This is oume of hit' worst timings about Umo
grip ; ( hint it inmuy leave the semises imim- _ _ _ _
lni5Cl , smnti lungs , stomimnehi , or smervouis
53'steni mvemikemmed , loetom's ore urglimr tIme
need . of Pr'eniutIotmnrY mmietlmods , ieeD
wmlm.mml , well fed smumsl good teimipereti they
say. Avoid overweik , terry mUut 'et
feet as yotm votultl ml tiemttlly P015011 ,
More : tirmuet' nimsl tone yoimr holy wills a
lumen at I ummtmimmmm I , v1i 1dm slmah I hell , time di-
g'sti' mitimi rcshsir.mtry orgmtita to mmoumrisim
uumi'l eleuiimst' tIme ays5tuui ,
l'imllk OhtIii100 eiiimtmieitti huffy's l'tmto
'mtaItVhmikey nut aim Imivalmmable umiti iii fight-
big lImo gr1m , I t Is llrt'liareml mmitim a vion
ti t'ommmimatiumg thmtist ! ummmiimiririi Immflumemmces
witichm together go to mimuulee tim Power of our
olil eimi'mny. A simt'ez ' . mm ( ' ( lit git , mu d silt
lmemulnehme , with lirottally it little fever ,
ammil somime immumseumlmtr hialum tell that the iii. .
'ntIer itt at iimtsmtl.
\eti will soon ilmiil lion' wise you wer5 to
take luffy's I'tire isilt'lmiskey , for it.
stirs yntii' tilol so ( limit wmmqte mmmattem' is
remitlIi3' du'iveum otmi , whimlo 'cIl'digesteti food
iii tiirumed to mmcmv tissue , 'l'hmls miliimtmlaumt ( _ _ _ _
tm'lhl kc'p you iii Perfect lmeuiitim , amid ito
lmenltiiy iterstul ) 'Ieithtt to tIme gHp , it
stmlkes oumiy tIme wemmitllumgs ,
Is the Oreat Life Giver
r I 1) Ii N I ltniltls ii '
. metresls's , immvlgoraies
' cxhmmmumstetl nrgtmims of lImo
, itoly. It l tIme great
egeimsltlo vitmmilzcr that
deotru3s tlm genus cmi
titat hmmsldIotm dic'ime
. vlmhs'hi Imisivnteil
etscumgtls of ciii otiimg
mmmc si ,
'rimire nra ittmmmiiretis of
' yiui mm g mmmiii tsmitldhe aged
mmmcmi wlmt'so miervo force
are deeliui iii g , vhmo stm mlr fm omit dcliii itatiuug
drt'uimma , uumti t 5mOMo I Its mm it icli ftih inn s fammum ox'
cescs rmitti over immtltslgc.umccs itt cmmel' life.
UI , I'I 1) IN II will give ymtmm hnek ) oimr life.
'tOil iit Ito as ittuverluslli strong miller its use mis
you are ttou' Iltutleistli' weak.
.tro 'out iii mm iremuitmttmro cissi'
dithomm ( 'VI'ihIIlNLI will
5tip limit waste to a fortnight or
p . three weeks.
lutiittI.'iie ) ' sterility , mncimtat
t ; . Iumcmqimseitmvs umeti quickly . curctL
. mmmiii u' iettiily Ye.
Iii' iittsuso .
of CiJl'IhiNE. )
eimres loot Nan-
hmooil , T.osi of hirmmlum l'ou er , Con-
tmtiii't loim ut tIm it I hal it I harelsee ) ,
SiL'tiltle' ° , mit'SS 1nek tf l'owi'rIiz.
ziimesi l'stimms lit t lie ilmu'k. Nervous
i'roitraultsmm , Nerviuiui fleitlhitv
\mrlcoeeic , Coitet Ipimi immmtl iv ii I
sturdy brIu b&mckthmo lost lsumc'r
of man.
I'mmttiiitiii carries oil' out
. votuimg mmmmd maitiille'egc'l mmmcli ,
Iuilmtrgeil lmrotimt 5' glmmumd mmeeds
. a tuietImtg yet PtVCrftmh reumue.
- - " hiiii ngcmit. t-uit'lm I'm ( Uh'1.
lIE. then Ctjl'ilENi autO
4A sivohti is tlmtimgcrotis operafleut.
: , , fiuirtrnumieo iii writiutg givemi
' t"e' sumti mimosucy rcttmrmmeti II mer-
mmmiiiiCuit cisreis ttot efl'ectcu by
' tx boxes. ( Immmmrimmmtce scimt
i'itlt mail ortiers jumat ( ho
time same , ' 51 .45(5 a box , ( I
bee for S5.IO b3' mmmli. 0(100 TeatIme.
mmimmls. South for Imec cireularsand testimonials ,
Admlrcsa all mali orders to
p. 0. Boc t'O ) , inhi Frnnc1co , CaL
mrttu s.tii II'S.
( JOODMAN DRUG CO. , 1113 ,
A I flilloitY
Rpon1ii curatce eaeat fr 2orrous ere
Jieal.mIto , iJrnln JtIiai-tinn , lloenIestn'tu ,
i'octh or priterat leurtmig5ut nsoforshsa.
B niatstm , Guns. Kitimay Jtnrdtr ) , , Act .i.
iei'.iu Aitiem5a. AntfIo ( , for .4JoaF
no.1 oLmoi Oxcostos , l'rlco , 10 ,
1F2 S. ! CStOI' S.ittO. C1IICAS3 ,
For sale by all druggists , O',6ahs. .
130(1 u'lmIto lends , itimapely nails on
ttmmtdemiimt'd , kIit , end Immztmmlant hair
are lrodmmcd ) by tIme cek'brmsted Cei'm
cUutA hisuEmlmmoi whesi alt others ( mmii.
Jut facial bicuisislit's , or time severest ho.
immors and dh'cates of the simium amid cmmhp ,
vlthm losmi of Stair , omen vhmen scrofu-
i , louis or imereditmiry , they nrc ctually
succe&mfol. loi4 everywhere ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
' What "
, . " '
' '
. :
. . -
" ' . . \ , ' . . . . .s _ & - % . -s. . - ' - ' ' .
Castoria is 'Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prcscrljtion for Infminth
nud Children. It containii neither Opium , Morphine noi
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless tiulstItuto
for Paregoric , Drops , Sootlmiiig Syrtips , and Castor 0fl.
It Is ricasant. Its gltarftllteo Is thmli-ty years' use by
7tflIliomis ofMothcr , Castorla ( lastroyS Worms amId allays
feverishness. Cmstor3a Provelits voiiiLtiiig Sour Curd ,
ctu-es DIarr1itxa anti WLILCL Colic , Castorii jeIiovc
toothliig troubles , cures constipation anti 1Ittucncy. )
Castorla nsiilimillatcs the food , regtilates the ttornac1t
flflt bOWCIS , IVIIlg Jiet1tliy aimil natiirai Hicep. Cas.
torla hi tim ClilidroIt'S Thtnacca-tho Motbei-"ei 1rlttntl.
Castoria , Catoria.
N Castorla Isan excellent irmedicino ( or chill. 'm Ctoria Is so ivell adapted to clulidren that
dren. Mothers hmame repeatadly told misc of its I recomuumcmm1 it asbuporiortoaimymreacriptIOa
good effect UlOii thOu' chIldren. " . kuowms to me , "
Ba. 0. 0. Osnoon , IT , A , AucisEa , 71 , I ) . ,
Lwcll , Mass. 111 So , Orfomilfit. , hls'cmoklynmN. Y ,
isCtoriaLtlmoimoatronmedyforCimildi'Oflcf "Our piiyhcIani In limo chiiiiiren'iu depah.
P'hiicis I amis acqimalntctd. I hope time day Is ot meat have SpOlZ'a lmighmly of their expcri.
( ardIstantwhiL'ntnOtitOrsSvihhCofl5idCrthmeri core In timeir outside practice withiCastoria ,
Isutercet of timelr cimIldrcn , ntI use Castorla Inamid altlmourhi we only lm'mxo among our
steadcfthmovariouaqunckimostrumnawimlChmaro medical upplics what Is known as regular
destroying their loved ones , by ( orcingoplurn , products , yet we are free to confess
immorphimie , soothiug syrup anti oIlier hurtful merits of Castorla has mvoa ' to lanig with
agents sbus-n their throats , thereby senuJlug favor upon It , "
( lions W premature gravo" UemmTsu hLosm'rrI. iJavstJUSV ,
Bit , .1. P. Wucnzs.oe , liostho , Mass.
Conway , Arl : . Au.zN C. Smorni , I''cs. ,
Tue Centaur Company , T Murray Street , Now York City.
( ITTDDfl Oil NO
- , WE ClEfS YOU 10 8,000 PATIENtS'
. Wrltefor hank References ,
No Operation. 1o { Detention from Business.
507-308 N , Y. Life Bldg. . OMAHA , NEU ,
Tee th Without Plates
U ( OTIS 1.
t'mtxtoim P1k.
lUtts timid I'mmrmmamn 8t1
'J'mI : , tOad.
Full Ettt'Ft'etii , , , ! & ( ) ) . Pliliuig , , , . $ I.OO
hiebL 'i'etiilt . , , , , . 7.Fi I'uu 'a ' fiolti F Ihiumgs 2,155
Tlmln I'lato , , 10.0) (1oil ( ( Orowms,2'k. , 6.0)
i'miluiess Extrmsem boo Iirldgo toctiitooths .00
Tzieth Out In Mornlrg ,
New Tooth same day
the i"eatursla and ileamoy'
issg ittointImesin 31,0 5' . L't.ok fur a SLam ' . 0
dlim IS , WodIiira' , 1it W 424i41.N ,
veur 01 % 'ooburj's
. -