Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 04, 1895, Page 3, Image 3

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TilE OMAhA DAILY flEE : : MOXDAY , BnUAUY 4 , i895 { . 41 . . . . .
rome Wonder a9 to the Whmabo\1ta and
Intntion9 of the Economio Leagne ,
Turned Iho City novorlment Otcr 10 the
J mocrl , nll J.c It ( n nt ' htt-
Many Thihng4 It .itIIt
, :1Jht
Info JII ,
What ha become of the oncmlc League ?
Pa That Is the ( Iuuton that hu been asked !
more than once during ! the la8t few weeks ,
bilL no etstactory answer has as yet ap.
peared. The Economic ! league was organized
with the avowed Intention ot healing many of
the abuses that arc alleged to exist In con
nection with the city government , and for
a time a grat deal ot agitatng was dOn
h along that hue. In tact , the city election
two years ago went democratic , largely on
the strength If the representntons of the
gentlemen who were Ilo'ng the agitating ,
coupled with the unwillingness of the rl
- pUblcan ( party to PHS a few resolutions. The
democrats were a Utl ! more courageous antI !
passed the resolutions , and carried the day
In consequence. The resolutions never dll
any harm ncr any gooll. None of the men
clected considered thelllves bound by them ,
and the only thing that was really accom-
Illshed by thc league , which was composed
mainly of republicans , was 10 place the city
government In the hands of the Ilemocrats.
I hu been rumored ot late that the league
hall determined to s\pel1 anti make an as-
"Igment for the benefit ot the people , as
I were. But Inquiry develops the tact that
thll Is all a mistake. Meetings have been
held 01 the sly at certain offices during the
past few Ilays , all trom the Inside I Is given
out that when the proper time come the
league wIll bo right on hand 10 continue Its
deadly work against the corporatons , Ight
.under the nose of the leugue the cIty councIl
renewell the contruct wIth the electric lIght
company for fvo years No acton has been
taken to reduce the taro to Omaha , anti
citizens stIll hlve to pay for their water nt
.5 the rates that have been In vogue ever since
lie company commenced business The members -
. ben of the league still think that there Is
rom for their missionary work , and arc not I
dlspos to , give UII the light.
"Wo must educate the publIc , " said one
ot them a few days ago , "anl when we get
them educated wo shall have no dlfculy In
bringing about the reforms at which we are
alto lng . "
Just what stlpS will bo taken Is as yet
concealed unJer lie hats of the league , but
the Illan Is to be sprung upon lie ( Public
wIthIn the J.xt few Ila's when the league
L _ _ _ . wi tko Its Place In the polItIcal rlng.\
In this conecton It lay not be out of
place to ' state that Corelus Wesley has an-
flounced hImself a candidate for a1ennn-at- I
large on the democratIc tIcket , and Josepl\
Sandal on the republcn ,
Iflnnlll ! Heml.u"1 . Hcmlolll
The late clearing sale has left us n big lot
of remnants and short lengths , In all kinds
of gods , which we must close out Iulckly.
These goods wIll bo placed on sale Monday
nl prces : that are , bound to sell them. Come
and look them ever , ycu my find just what
you want.
Remnants of silks.
Remnants ot dress goods.
Remnanats of inuslins.
Hemnant of sheetlngs.
Remnanats ot table linen.
Remnants of ginghams.
S Remnants of prints.
, t Remnants dt laces and embrolderle
Odds all ends In hosiery , underwear and
gloves al greatly reduced prices.
S . Council Duas , la.
Wanted , competent cook , at 608 First
avenue. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
DavIs lea drugs. paInts and glass ch ap ,
After " TUX : hitrici'rg.
The saleon men of Potawatamle county
pj Ire not se'lng ' a very ' good example for the
mllonnlrel who are soon to be compelled to
pay theIr Income tX , for , It County ' Attorney
Saunders Is r'ght , they are proving themselvl
the most inveterate tax shirkers to be found
S anywhere. The mulct Iw has not proved a
very glittering 'success so fr , but , In justice
to the law. It my be said that It Is possibly
owing to the fact that the attempts to enforce -
force Its provisions have not t' been much more
enthuslaste than were those to enforce the
$ prohibitory law.
Of the taxes due on saloon property be
tween October 1 and March I , 1895 , It Is
said that $10,000 Is still unpaid. This Is
nearly 'one-halt of the entire amount. About
$5,000 Is due ( torn saloon keepers outside of
) Counci flltiffi' . This cla&s of the saloen ele-
merit Is goIng to be
more troublesome than
any other unless the law Is strictly enforcEd ,
for In many cases the property on which the
booze emporium Is located Is not worth an-
thing lIke the tax for .Ix months , and It
the ccunty t left to collect the tax at the
enll of the term , Instead of at the begInnIng -
nIng , a great lose to lie county wi result.
hut the county attorney has made up hIs
mInd 10 get after the saloon keepers ] with a
forked stck , Everyone must como and pay
up , or else shut up , and the later formality
will bG gone through with' very ( formaliy .
Elu'o YUlr ! OICY.
fly InvestIng In the stoilc of the SavIngs.
( I. Loan and Duldlng association of Council
U Dur" . Incorporated In 1877. Monthly Ilay-
ments of $1.00 per share , netting the Investor
about 10 cent Interest. ' ' :
Ibout Iler 'Cen series already -
ready paid out , which fully delonslrlt :
the ability of the associatIon to mature its I
Block In about soventy-flvo monthlY I'ay- '
mont Ne loans : mlHlb uhh.o of Council
Wufs , and all applications . Counci
passed upon by a majority ot the board of
directors. Good loans wanted Full Intorma-
lon can be obtained at the offIce at D. W.
Ots , secretary , 10 MaIn street , or any of the
S following directors : II. W. Iaolon , Frank
Grass , John Drown , A. S. Iazelon , II. O.
Deebe , A. B. \'aler , E E. Hurt , 10' C.
S Lougee , S. S. l.l'ard ,
Just reeelveI , a new line of stamped linens
and 1onl:1 : braids Art linens by lie yard ;
lessons In embroidery , hemsllchlng , drawn
work and Honlan lace. Order work done
Misses Clark & Welzel , 337 Droallway.
- -
Yu , Iho Eagle laundry l Is " ( lint good
laundry , " and Is located at 724 llroadway ,
I In doubt about this , , try I and be convinced
Don't forget name and number. TeL 157.
Gas cocking ItO\0 for rent and for sil at
Gas Co.s offlce. '
For coughs and Colds get flailard's horehound -
hound cough syrup - at , - Haven's drug store
Neatest drug ItroTaylor's , Grand botel.
'llnr Mciilioii.
' Orand bctei , Council Wuls , reopened Oct. t.
MYI heal state IgenlY , 63 ! Droadway ,
The travelng men of the cIty went to the I
Congregational church last evening to hear a
sermon from Ur. Askin ,
Another Iesston ot the ( Union avenue appraising -
praising jury wi be held lomorrow morning
at D30 ; o'clock for the purpose of hearIng the (
oplnlonl at the ( Ilropert owners.
Dr. Stephen Phelps Is suffering senrely
trol a dlUclly of the thront. Ills place In
the First Ires\yterlan church was filet I
yesterday \y Rev. henry Coker ,
A marriage lcense has been Issued to Ir
Slltlhart all Abblo Butler , aged ( 40 and 31.
They wi b3 rememlere < a lie IJates who :
\ were arrested several times by neIghbor not
long ago on the charge of improper conduct
A meeting ot lie ( council will be held this :
v onntne. The mater of opening Se\'enth
street was Ilostponell until this meetng , bu t
It la satd that ( I will . be liaised over In
S Jlence , as none at the ( aldermen are anxious
to repeat the dose of grief they took coin
weeks ago.
The funeral ot Hobet Jones took place
_ yesterday ICerJOOJ , uJder the auspice of
S the lnlghts of the ( Maccabees , who escorled
the remain ( rein thl house to the Ller
fr Iii Saints' hurch ) , soil trom there to the (
cemetery ' , hero serlce' were held according
to their riual. The dcctael. I II said. had :
just j joined the lodge , sad had only paul t
d ues tn return for ( tiC $2,000 which his widow
w ill draw out. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
We hive over $300,000 to Ilan upon 1m.
proved lawn farms. Farmer desirIng loans
cl ct 'svo money by dealing direct with UI ,
thereby saving 8Kent's commission. We do
not loan on wild land. nor In Nebraska.
LulN & Towle , 235 Pearl 8treet.
Slrpun : In 1'ltllllunJ 8In:0 : necofl
or Ihn 'rtlcherJ'tnltc. .
Tn the long list of ocean disasters , ap-
pallng In the ( aggregate , there Is none eqlal-
lng i In los of life the wreck at the Sultana ,
seven miles above Vicksburg , In April , 18G5.
Mr. 1owarll lenderon , who , nt that tIme
was confederate exchange commIssioner , gives
In i lie ( New Ycrk independent a detailed account -
count at what Is regarlled the greatest rIver
calamity ot the civil war.
The Sultana was emplo'e(1 In carryIng
paroled unIon prisoners to the north A
neutral exchange camp hall been established
east ot VIcksburg. On the 24h of April ,
18G5 , lG1 prisoners were hrought from the
calp all pined on the Sultana. There were
on board , besides these , 31 soldiers ( not
prisoners ) , paBengrs and crew. She wns
crowd to her utmost capacity , for besides
the human fre'ght there were thirty or forty
mules. Iatons were Issued for over 1,800
soldIers ,
The men covered ' the hurricane deck all
lie ( "texas , " anti It was feared their weight
wOlhl crush the roof of lie cabin , The
guards ot the cabin were tilled and the boiler
deck was 80 crowdel that ( the men sat thick 1
on the gunwales , their legs swinging over the '
shIes ot the steamer , which sunk so low that
when the vessel careened , while runnIng , their
teet touched the water. They were so
anxious to get away that they feared to
complain , lest they shouhl be left behind ;
they even claimed to be entirely comfortable ,
hut their wretched position excited universal
comment anti provoked earnest protests , The
steamer reached Memphis In safety , and , havIng -
log coaled , left there. Seven mies above she
explolled her boilers and burned. hundreds
were hurled many feet In lie air , falling Into
the water with broken , bruised or seaMed
bodies , 10 met certain and swift death by
Ilrowning. The number that lost their lives
Is approxlnalely 1,110 ot the prisoners , all
20 of the crew and passengers . Including
Captan ! Mason , the commander ot the boat
This number has been repeatedly placed at
from 1,800 to 2,000. but It approximates lie (
exact ruth ( to state that about 1,300 persons
perished , or about 60 per cent ot all on board.
The spring treshet was at Its food , all the
swamps on the Arkansas side were over-
flowed for many miles Inland Jan ) " escalled
10 the submerged trees , and n large proporton
ot these perished from cold and fright The
catastrbphic occurring on tim heels ot the as-
sassinaion ( of President Lincoln and the surrender -
render of Generals Lee and Johnston , the t
public mind was so "ccuplCI that thIs calamIty -
lamIty was obscured DY these events. The
magnludo of the disaster may be bettor ap-
prehendell by h few comparIsons with losses i
In historic hates , The union loss on the i
field has exceeded the deaths by this explosion -
sion In only four bates-ho WIlderness ,
Gettysburg . Spotsylvanla and Antetam ;
more perished than on the combined fields at r
Fredericksburg , Franklin all Five Forks ;
more than the Inled loss at Pea RIdge , Per
-'vile and Pleasant Hill ; more than the
union soldIers killed at Chancelorsvle ,
Chickamauga and Shioh ,
C. t I'TUJfR 1 Ii 1- CJl"J Sl ; o PP1UEItS.
Ofccr , from thc . \mrrlrol Ship Concord In
"rlol Trouhie .
LONDON , Feb. 3.-A dispatch from
Shanghai says'a telegram has been received
here t from ChaIn kin stating that a party of
ofcers from the American shIp Concord
landC nt Chalnkln for the purpose ot shooti
Ing l game. They by accident shot a China-
man. The populace became infuriated , anti
a ttacked . seized and carried off the whole
party. The commander ot the Concord sent
an armed force of blue jackets and marines
to rescue them nt all hazards. Further neWs
In I regard to the affair Is anxiously awaIted.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 3.-The reported kIdo
aping of the ( fcers of the UnIted States
ship Concord at Chlnktang , China , reached
Washington at too late an hour to permllit
tc o be Inquired Into In naval or diplomatic
c ircles. Up to 10 o'clock no news on the
subject had been received by any of the
goverment officials. The news will create
a profound sensatIon tomorrow and , unless
later l repots show that the captured officers
are at liberty , other vessels will probably be
hurried h to the scene KnowIng lie condl-
lon ot lie ChInese at the present tIme and
the way In whIch they are likely to deal
with prisoners , there will bo great anxiety
unt the safety of lie party ts ass red.
A court martial will probably follow , as the
polcy of the United States government Is
to require unusual care In such cases. A
tcw years ago a test torpedo from a UnIted
States warship was exploded by some Japan-
ese , who found It oh the beach One of
them was killed . and , though' the Japanese
government declared It held the officer o
the warship blameless , there was a court
martial and the officer was severely reprI-
'ho Concord Is n twin screw steel gunboat -
boat ot 1.710 tons displacement She Is
commalJlel1 by Joseph E. Craig and has a
complement at thirteen officers and 180 men.
She arrived at Chlnktang last Friday.
FollowIng Is the list ot officers on the
Concord : Commnnder Joseph E. Craig
commanding : Lieutenants E. S. Prime G. A. i
Merriam . William S. hlogg , W. A. Gi ; Ensigns - i
signs Marbury Johnson , C. M. Faks and L.
Ii. Everhart ; Naval Cadets Chester Wells ,
J. D. Potter and A. M. Proctor ; Surgeon W.
A. McClurg . Paymaster Henry I Smith ,
Assistant Engineer J. D : Ialon , Cadet Engi-
ner J. It. Brady . I
The other ships now belonging to the
Asiatic staten are Ito Baltimore , Charleston ,
Yorktown , Detroit , Machls , Petrel and
Monocacy Hear Admiral C. C. Carpenter
commands the staten ( , with the Dailmore al
his fagship , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
l"IW.1 TJl lUTE Uk' .it 1)00. .
'l'vo Men UIO from hydrophobia ant a
YOln ! 1.luly Attnckcd.
MINNEAPOLIS , Feb. a.-The departure ,
of Tulsa Margaret Otis for the New York
Pasteur Institute for treatment last night ,
has brought to light the story ot the ( death
or two men and the possible sickness of the
young lady , from the bite of a pet dog ,
hydrophobia havIng developed. Miss Otis
hnB been ellJlonl1 nt the . Grcnt Northern
general 0111'1 In this cIty . November last ,
II ( ito corridors of the vomniuny's building ,
she and others pel 11 1 stmnga ( buthlng .
011)1)5 , . the uUltor of the area ( North'rl ,
111 lila cleric , Frank Hoshaw , were therl
and al were Imppell at by ( lie dog , but tn
uo CISO was there I Ilgl of 1,1001 , Mr.
Glbhs dlel nholt I monlh ago , the on-
notlncenietit ot Ilealh
nOlncement being tint ( It was duo
to Filinal meningitis. One week ago Mr.
Hoshaw died wih much the same s'mp-
toms. Now llss Otis hal been nllelell. ,
anti her s'mptoms arc the nle as thoBO of
the two men who died.
( Ul./ tR1C1C11ItS " RICT ] J .fTl.
llnny I'roll'cctul France to Death In the
Ilno Ilv.r ( 'ohinlry. !
DUr.UTI Feh. 3.-Senral reports have
been received In Duluth during the whites :
ot Prospectors In the Rainy lake and Sine
river gold country being frozen 10 death ,
A man b ) the name of Icf.nln WMI pIcked
up within two mies of RaIny I.nko Cit > .
ou New Year's tiny , frozen stiff after he
hI walked only one mile . The thermometer -
eter was 42 deRrel1 below zero ' 'olIY D.
A. Melrose . who owns a great dell of t
valnuhll gold property In thl ( Haln ) ' lake
In,1 , Seine river IIFtrlct , reveivetl a hcttei .
ret'el'lll leter
from James Ctiliimings . stating that ot a
purl ) ' of nine rlrospeetors who were nhout
10 miles from Hulny Luke City all about
lift > ' miles ( remit Fort Francis on New
Year's day he was the onl' survivor Cum
mlogs slates It fel to 4 helow zero on
New Ycar's day , unit all of the Iart ) . sank
from exhaustion from . the cold
1rlllRRo ( ' Short ,
I'OIOIO , nd. , Fab. 3.-Burgess Ra ) ' ,
commissioner of drainage of 1owurll cairn
(5' ( , WIS * removell from olc ! Saturday with L
his accounls tl a hlllt tangled condition L ,
Heports are Iuo oil all IUlhio conditon :
al al puhle dlchel tn-
vol'lng , e\'elul thOU5111 dollars anti ( li , 0
olt'er Is Ilso accused at Illegal co\lecton \ I . (
teeii . 'l'hl amount of the shortage If aiiy ' ,
will not bo known until the books have
Ilct'l thoroughly eXmlnell , though ( the
bondsmel . e 'Mect to lu hlll for a goolly
- .
ila tie iia I I l'rh'IIAhll' l'IY ,
SUW ANm SPRINGS , Fin. . Feb. 3.-PerlY :
I.udlow , cultivated the
cull\ited friendship while vIs-
ttl' here of n Mr. : ll'rrlsol. a sturdy l iig -
lihi bachelor. itece'ntiy Morrison wihle L
II'celtl' wlelt
1.udlow alt his vast cltatc , valued at lore
than fiOQO,00IJ eterlng ,
Enggestd by the Bowed Head and Oray
Hair of Mr Justice Field
Judge Tur7' neAth In the Cnlrornh lnl- ,
log house Met Over , \ gnln the
luet In Which lie lUlled
Senator ilrocierlck .
1407 F . ' ' .
107 I Street , N. W. ,
WASINGTON , I eb , 3.
Every day at noon time chief justice and I
assocIate Justices of the supreme court of the
United State march In single file from the
robing room to the supreme court room
and take their places upon the elevated plat-
form One ot their number Is bowed with
the ( weight of years , ani leans heavily upon
his cane Ills once coarse , dark brown hair
Is now almost entirely gray. Ills steps arc
very uncertain , and his movements very
slow. He Is a broall.shoulerl11 man , how-
ever , who , at one time , Judging from hIs appearance -
pearanc , lust have been a man of powerful
phiysltitie I Is Associate Justice Stephen J.
Field of Catfornla , now n years or age , who
was appointed associate justice by Iresldent
Abraham Lincoln , In 18G3. lIe' has beqn I I
member of the supreme court ot the United
States for thlrty.two years : a full generation.
Fifty years ng Stephen J. Field was one ot
the ( grltest lawyers on the Pacifc coast , and
was regarded as n mnn absolutely devoid at
tear. His personal courage was such that
for a time ho was practically the law-giver 1
nail ruler of an entire section of the country
entre seton country'l
all at the people In the vicinity bowing before .
him as an oracle ot law , and a magnificent i
embodlmcnt of courage. I Is snhl that In' '
that early day he admlnlslerell justce with
drawn revolvers lying upon hs : dealt before
him , and no man dared gainsay the decslons :
he made In any case.
A few years ago when Justice Fielti was
In the 72d year of his age , timid nh1ost as
feeble as he Is today , David S. Terry a man
who had known him In his early days
slapped his check and threalened to heap
other Inllgnite upon lie ( old man when
Deputy Unted : Slates Marshal Nagle , who
was sitting at the ( dinner table with Justice
FieltI arose antI shot the assaIlant through
ito ( heart. As Judge Terry fell Marshal
Nagle shot at him again but lie second shot
imbedded itself In the floor.
I was on the afternoon at August 14 , 1889 ,
that ( Justice Field and Deputy United States
Marshal Davhl Nagle went Into the railroad
dining room at Lathrop , Cal , and sat down
together to dinner. Judge Terry and his
wife Sarah Alhea Hi , entered the room tm-
mediately afterward , and when Mrs. Terry
noticed Justice Field she lef the dlnlhg room :
and went out for unknown
some purpose , presumably -
sumably to get a revolver. I was at this
juncture that Judge Terry walked across the
room and slapped the face of Associate
Justice Field as he sat at the table , alli that
acton resulted II his Immediate death
Justice Field and Marshal Nagle tmmedlately
- . - -
Jen lf l the timing room and went 10 their sleepIng -
Ing f car , where they were locked In and the
train departed while excited crowds gathered
at the depot. Marshal Nngle submItted to arrest -
rest and was taken to Jai at Stocllon. He
was finally acquitted of crime , because he
was merely performing his duty In protectIng -
Ing I the associate justice.
DavId S. Terry was born tn Kentucky , was
In i the Texan army under the command at
Sam Houston , and went to California In 189.
Alhough a man of a great deal more than
ordinary ability and legal acquIrements , he
wns swayed by his passions to the extent
o f murder more than once. He was made an
Issoclate justice of the supreme court ot
Calorln In 1855 , and became chief justc
of the state supreme court tn 1857. In 185G
ho stabbed a man while resisting the arrest '
of a friend on the part of the vIgIlantes. He .
had been sent ' to Jai for six months In 1888 :
for contempt by Justice Field , and that was I
the Immediate cause of his assault upon the
old genteman , whom he would not have hind
the courage to attack In hIs earlier days. I '
Judge David S : Terry became a prominent
character before the nation In .8GO , when he
kied United States Senator DavId C. Drod-
crick In a duel. A friend at Terry who was
present when the celebraetd duel was fought
ts I temporarily residing In Washington , and
gIves a very Interesting account 'ot that romance -
mance or the exciting period preceding the 1
clvt war. ,
I seems that Senator Droderlck was a' '
friend of Stephen A. Douglas anti an oppnent
of ( he cxtenslon of slavery. lie hall always
ben a demorcat and refused to subscribe to
the doctrines of abolition. In tact , JIO occu-
pied a middle ground between the ( new repub-
lcan h party and the slavery , extensIon wing ot
the democratic party. Ho was a man ot
great influence all power upon tht Pacific
const. as well as In the Unied States senate ,
and ho was cordially hated by the frlendl ot
the Duehanan administraton , Senator Droll-
crick was so strong In the affections of the
people of Calorlia thai Senator Owin although -
though he hated I3rodeniclt tel obliged , for
lie sake of snvlnr his own political life. to
give Droderlel a letter promising not to Interfere -
tertere In the dtsposlton of the patronage ot
the Pacific coast. This document was called
"Tho Scarlet Letter " and It became the sub-
ject of ninny very acute controversIal argu-
meats In the press and upon the hustn !
Experenced : politIcIans , particularly these ot
the slavery extension type , declared that the
man who held that letter was doome
The leading alI most aggressive exponent of
lie slavery extension wing of the democratic :
party In California nt that ( Into , was Chief
Justice David S. Terry. In a celebrated
speech which was delivered before the democratic -
cratc state conventIon ot Sacramento In 1859 ,
Judge Terry caled Droerlck an arch traitor ,
who held In his own possession as a part ot
his personal property , all of the Klavery democrats -
ocrats In California. He said : "These peo-
plo cal themselves Douglas democrats , But
they are not followers of Stephen A. Douglas.
They are under lie banner of a Douglas , It
Is true , but It Is the black Duglas. ills
Inmo Is Frederlcl" , and not Stephen. "
When Senator nroderlrl read hint speech
as It was reported In the newspapers of the
day , he said In the ( presence of a lawyer
named D. W. Perley , n friend ot Terry , "I
see that Terry has been abusing me. I now
nice back the remark I once made , lint ( he Is
the only honest jUllge on the supreme bench ,
I was his friend when he needed trlends ; n
fact for which I am now sorry I the vig-
Iance committee had dIsposed at him ns they
did of others , they wouhl have done a rIght-
COlS act. " ,
This was an allusion to the ( tact that ( when
Terry stabbed a mn named Hopkins he was
In the hands of the vigilance committee , and
It requIred alt of his strength of hIs political
trends : to suve his neck , I Hoplcns had tiled
Terry wouhl undoubtedly have been hmangeti
When Lawyer Perley repeated the remarks
of Iroderlck to Judge Terry that gentleman
tmmedlately ( wrote a letter to Droderlcl asking -
Ing him tt he hall made such 1 remark 'Co
his ( hate Senator Drolerlek ( replied as fol-
lows ;
FRIDAY EVENING , Sept. 9 , lSr-Hon ,
D. H Terry : Yours ot this date has been
seceived The remarks mlde by me we"1
occasioned by certaIn offensive allusions of
) 'ours , concerning me , mlle In the l'onVcn- ,
lon at Sucramento and reported tn the
Union at the 2th of June , 'pon the topIc
"lulsll ( to In your note of this date , my
language , so fur as my recoleclon serves
me , WI its folow : : "During JUdge 'ef'1
incarceratIon by the vigilance committee
I paId $ : a weel and supported a news.
puper In hit ( your ) defense I have also
Iald heretofore that .1 cOtJsldered him ( Judge :
'Cerry ) the only honest nan on the lupreme
leIiChl Hut I take this mill lack , " You are
Iho proper judge as to whether this Inn-
"lge affords ground for offense. 1 ramnain ,
ele. D. C. IHODBJCK.
Judge Terry declared to his friends that
he consIdered thla lalguagr , and the nole t
of Brodertck , sulclent ( ground for the Isu- tS
ance of a chlenge to mortal combat , and
sent a challenge to Mr. roderlck , announcing
that Calhoun Denham was his principal second -
anti , with S. ii. Irooks and Thomas Ia'es m
as his assl8tants. In those days a duel was
regardell [ S an affair of honor , and all ( t
the seconds selecled by JUdge Terry were ;
experts In all of the fine poInts of the so-
caled code.
Senalor Broderick accepted the challeng I
ef Judge Terry and selected as his prlncl. IS
pal second Joseph C , McKibbeii . I gentle -
. _ .
man who hat\ been n membetlr f congress , blt
who hall actually no exper&4in aratrs of
this t kind The aulstahts oT1ionet lcKlb-
ben were n,1hD. ) . Colon ftn4.eonidns hiss-
kell. Colon hail been Ih rl j , Iskrou , 111
had been through many afa t * of I rough-
and.tumble character on the frontier . blt
he knew absolutely nothing about the so-
called code of honor , and Haskel
was hIke unto him afar : al that
was concernel. So that. from the outset
Drollerlck was at I IlsalW Jlage. JIJIIO
Terry , a man born and bred to believe tn
the code dielo , raised In 1 section where
that code was prevnlent lmhmIiM , the dial-
lenge anti selected for his assistants three
men who were hike himself In all of their
experIence , beliefs all prljudJces. So that ,
as a mater of fact , all mif'fhe chances ( f
war of that kind
were agalfstlSenator Brod-
erick from the very 10megt , the Issuance
ot the challenge amid Its ncccptnce The re-
stilt was practically a forci ne &nchmisloii
C lonel Iclbben , forll chief second for
Senator Broderik , resides and for several
years past has reshlel on the Maryland side
at the Potomac , opposite Mt. Vernon , at :
place calell Marshall Hall , one of the most
excursion resorts '
popular on the Potomac
rh'er. Alhough now well advanced In years ,
he Is a tall , erect , soldierly-hooking lan
and very companionable , wRit his unilnilteil
number ot acquaintances. He has told the
slory ot I. occasion again and again , unti (
noRla's he refers to I only when solicited
by his nearest Ilersonal friends ,
DETAILS . Ol TilE lU1il4.
The meeting was arranged to take place 1m
time morning ot September 12 , 1895 , amid the (
principals amid seconds and a nlmbr ot
friends ot both partes were upon lie (
ground whel the ( ) ' were arreslell. They
were almost Innedlately discharged , how-
over , when taken to court , on the ground
that ( no duel hall occiirreil. Senator Droder-
lek was Irged over amid over again , by all
ot his friends notably by 1r , : leGynn nail
Colonel Butler , brothers of Ihe ( celebrated
New York Ilrlest anti the late General Benjn-
mln F. Bnler , to forego the ( deathly mneeting ,
but he said that thus could not be done with
On the morning of Septemblr 13 , at I.a-
gUlm de lu Merced , a beautiful lake twelve
miles from San ranclsco , the fiminl meeting
flml meetn
occurred , Senator Drollerlck slept lint night
at the Lake house lear by , Ind was early
upon the groimnth . seemlnlly strong Inll ready
for the tr ' . Judge Terry care mipmi the
ground wIth his seconds , soon after , and
there were Ullward ot eighty spectators ,
who had driven over the rough sleclators n
very cold moring to reach the ( place t'IJ
the ravine emi the shore ot the beautiful lake ,
the seconds examined and Ipaded , lie ( weapons
anti made preparations for the wealons .
the toss of a half dollar . Terry won the
choIce of wealons , the distance was Paced
off and the principals took their places Senator -
ator ( DrOlerlck look the loose chnnge frol his
pocket and gave I 10 Colonel lcllbben ,
while Judge Terry handed his loose coins
to lenham , who scattered them ititon the
grassy sward Both Terry and Broderlcl
were examIned then by the sccomls of their
opponents to ascertain whether they wore
any coat of mal beneath their outer gar-
Mr. Colon then ( asked If they were ready
and having received an umrlatve reply
gave the ( word to fIre. Doth men : quickly
raIsed their , but , '
raise ther weapons Droderlcl's pistol
was discharged before I was half raised
and the bullet struck tle t ground two-thirds
of the distance between himself and Terry. !
I was n line shot and would have an-
doubtedly struck Terry but for lie ( prema-
tuna dIscharge of the weapon. Within halt u
secolli Iherc1rer a siiar remort rung oul
from Terr"s pistol and Uroeck reeled. He
trembled t , tried to stall , hkli \ es reele. gave way
ho I struggled to an erect poslon , and then
gradualy dropped upon 11 ; ! r 9ummd } with his
taco toward
the sky whiltjh wan lurid with
the rays of the rising sun : wih
Doth plslol were set wJth a 0 ilehicate hair
rigger , but Bernard '
Lagotrde , , a French ex-
lert l , afterward declar ; that BroderIck's
pistol had ben so lightly 'set 'upon the trIgger -
ger that even lie ( breath of a nuin would have
dischargd I ; while ! Terry's [ ) vas a better ,
weapon While DroderlcK
Whie wAs lying upon ,
the ground Tcrr"s surgeoi . ssited the upn ;
lor's t Burgeon , but , ( ! be done for
lie dying man. The bul t , hall entered the
right breast , broke tw'o rlRs , : issed through
th ( left lung , OVEr lie ( heart.lhd edge In the
lef l arm pit. I was I gb4Stlyiookjig would ,
a nti . f course , a mortal , i . " ,
Davis the owner ot'thie.ra : \ upon which
the duel occurred , tIed I start a riot. but
he l was quIeted after a great effort and lie (
party slowly left the field. Droderlck was
taken t on a mattress to the residence of a
friend hiving nearby where he lingered In
constant pain for three days , when he died
on the morning or September 16. ' He spoke
but little because every effort was agony.
He said :
"They have killed me be ausl I was op-
posed to slavery and a corrupt administra-
tion. "
The newspapers ot the day were flied with
all sorts of
ni accounts of and continents upomi
the affair. The prevailing opinion was lint
hero was an untalrness In time selection and
choice of weapons. Finally , the seconds or
Dodertcl publshed a card saylug : ,
"The Herll thll mO'nlng contains the
most serious misstatement have ' .
we yet seeii.
Mr. Blderlck bath not the choice of
'enpontm nor were his frlenls ) aware , until
the publication ot the Hemll IWII'e , that Intl !
weapon wine easier upon the trigger than
thl' olher. Had we beloved there was tiny
unfairness , there cOlld hlve ben no meet-
Ing. '
JOSgPH M'IUBhst'N : .
At that ( into and for many year after- .
ward , Judge Terry was lie ( hero of the
slavery extension wing of the dtlocratc
party , but after the e\1 war he gradualy
lost a great deal ot his prestige. Public i
sentiment , had so chanEed luring the tort > iS
years between the death of Senator , Droder-
Ick , amid the nssaul cOIIItel upon Associate i
Justice Fiehml that when Judge Terry fell In i
his tracks before lie bullet of Deputy Marshl i
Naglo regret for hIs sudden and tragic death : m
was by no means unl\lrsal. .
PI..J " ' ( llS CJIE 111071.
Annual London tale of Shullard . SII.1 &hOl8
heavy Ad\.ulr. .
NEW YORK Feb 3-The Press today
says : Private cablegrams flom London announce .
nounce lint 'at the annull fur sale held
them during the last week there hUl been
fn enormous advanca In htnndard II\ns ,
Mini lul\lnced 2) ler cent ; sl\nk , Ii Iwr
cent ; Hudson hay sable , 50
la r per cent ; nus-
Etfn sable , 25 per cent : white fox , 130 per
cent : Japanese tex , 17 per cent : Slhprlan
squirrel , 15 per cent ; 'hlhet 1111 , 1 her
cent , mind Chminchilito Ill"
Ind Chinchilu , Ii rJer' ceciL
' 1he I.ondon market controlI the world
and the nllvlnee IH Rroltel' thnn nl mmmiy
previous stage. 'I'ho CIUSO Is saul 10 In
tile I.mctel extnelon or Ihe more vahim.
nhle In11118. TIme largest 1111 practically
Hole ownen ot thin fur thai ( hua imiim' ncctI
tire : B. ( oLtng & Bloom of I.elllsic imimmi
I.ndon. J. Ulman of r.\lpfll C. C. fHII'ne flll
or New York and l.ldon amid H. J.elle of
Han Francisco anl :
- p
TU l'JWTIWT . 1Mb11IJt.V ( J0I'1'Itt1lr. .
' -
Executive ( 'mimineit ofti l.cagime Ulsl'p-
proves or thin l'rollnA..1IIO.hl" " ' . .
NEW YOnK ' . . ' .
, -'rhtlxeeulh'f j .
Il of the American A'u thbrs' Copyright
lea ne his adopted a rl olulon eXllresslng
Its dlsalJprqml of the ( Ilropo ( 'tt IItndmenls
to the ( cop'rlghl law .
) IIW eontnlnfd In the Phi
Introduced h ) ' Repretmenavj' ( ( ' ( 'overt , which , I.
It Is alegel , would "iiractic'aiiy d'slroy the (
elcleney of tIme entire ap ) ' m-Iglmt s'stem , "
' 1he council iledges \ its IDp'rght ' I"IY
In any amneitiimemm ( "whtc wEt be a prolee-
ton against excessive dUII s , whie iroll-
erly slfegunrdlng the Inttrests ( of eOIIrlght
IlroIJ'tetors. " I 5 , )
. .
C' , I' . Ilnth. ! - oII. I ,
WI'ST ( 'IIES'FEi ( , N'I Yu Fl'b 3.-Nu-
merOUH Inquiries have len. . made today is-
slllnl the health ot Coli' P. luntng-
ton , the railroad ma/nn'e' ' t 'Id ' mIllionaire
who resides In this village.
relles thll vllng Although Hunt-
Inglon IK not In robust health , he WIS Ihle
to go to his olce yesterday ; He II suffer.
big from I colt and general imidusposutloti
resuilng from this , but his ulmenl 11 not
of I nature , 10 he cOluddercd Kerlous.
NI'W : YOlK , 1.'eb. 3.-Iteportim have beemi
circulated throughout the ( 'olntry ( to the
effect lint e P. liuntlmigton was seriously
Ill In this city. Inquiry ut wal relldence
this morning elicited the Illtemen from
one of his servanls that ( Mr. huntington
was not even Indisposed ; that he was at
the olee Saturday . aK usual , unit trans.
acted considerable buiimmemi ,
conslderlble _ _ lUSIJfH _ . 'n SI . 1,1. Oniamit.
ST A\GITR'INI , 1"Ia" , "I'h. ) -A recel'-
ton was Rh'en Mrs. \t , R , Orunt II the
I'onCI de Leon hotel last nlghmt which was
attended ly several thousand people , Includ.
Ing mnny visitors of the hotels here , us well
UH the ( relhlents of the city . Time ' soldiers
ot the Third artillery statIoned lt 1he 'lohlel Jran.
cll Jarrcki acted al ! 'ar at honor The
reception was entbusuiUC
, . .
_ -
; - -r----- ' - " - - -
Ex-DLptst Ministcr Tells How Ho Organ-
Ied a Powerful Lobby.
- ,
lie fleslani RI Ornarnl Manager of tit
10"1' amid I.onlAotlntol
After Inklnl PublIc n lmber
of Iu8ncn Secrets ,
DES MOINES , Peb 3-Speclnl-Thie ( ) ht-
est sensation In this city I.romlses to be as
great as any hint have so rcccntl been be-
fore the publ . I started wI h the annou cs
ment emi Friday e\nlng of the retirement
trom the Iowa DepoIt amid Loan associaton
of 1)r E . C. Spinney , who has been Its general -
eral manager silco Its orlantzaton In 189.
jim' Spinney was formerly I Baptst minis-
ter. The coml1any has sharehohlers throulh-
out this ali adjoining states le hail as-
soclated with him as directors Johl " ' ) 'man ,
W. I. lcCaln anti J. G. Grdler , all well
knwn capitalists ot this city. They put no
money into the concern , but were allowed
blocks or stock for the use of their ( names
antI moral Infuenee , the stock bellg eventn-
all ) pall for out of the profits of [ the com-
puny , which were consolhlated Into on expense -
penso account over whIch Dr Spinney ha,1
ahnost InUmlCI control , and the residue of
which , after expenses were paid , to become
tIme personal property of Spinney In payment
for his services. During the ( last legIslature
bills were Introdncetl for legIslation to control -
trol Inll rgulnto the building amid loan associations -
sociations , all Dr. Spinney , with others Interested -
crested , orgnnlze(1 I Powerful lobby , spent
money lavishly and succeeded In preventing
Ito ProPosed enactments The books ot Dr.
SpInney's company show that ho cxpemletl
SOIO $ ! ,300 as his share , and ho docs not
hesItate to say that members ot the legis-
laluro and certain newsllal.ers got most ot
It. The examinaton made by the commitee
appolntell by Ito state executive council
shows that the company Is In good comlton
antI t hat the shareholders will lose nothing.
Dr. SpInney slates that all his actions In
eonnctlon wIth the company have been under -
tier a contract drawn up and entered Into
between himself all the above named directors -
rectors ; that ho had all the time lived urt t
to this contract , acid that they had done so t
also timid received the benefits therein stpu-
hated , Every director ever connected with
lie ( company has known of thIs contract
In regard 10 legislatlomi. Spinney saId that
the only items specifically appearing on the ( :
bools show tt wits paid In connecton with
amounts haiti by other associations doIng
buslnos here , and was a fund simply to pro
mote legislation beneficial to such cOmlllahiieS
Any other statements made by thIs comllt-
tee on this matter were purely Intorental i
and speculative.
The adjustment or fire Insurance rates In
the state Is now well under way. The governIng -
ernIng committee , representing nIl lie fire
insurance companIes doIng business In Iowa ,
has been In session here for several days , and
has appointed another meeting In Chicago for
ebrunry 13 , when thE expert ) , David Dever-
tdge will submIt a plan for mlopton by the
cotuitiiitco. ( The managers say they want to
get some basis ot making rates established
for the whole stte. so that each rIsk will
stand on Its own betel all bo rated according -
cording to Its merits. So some standard of
perfect risk wIll bo fixed and every defect In
every rIsk charge for al a fixed rate all
over time state. This wi 110 away with complaints -
plaints of injustice and discrimination , now
so generally made. The ratIng will not be
completed before spring , as each town will
be gone over. The cost of inspection of risks
will be very much reduced by the proposed
plan , as two of the three InspectIon bureaus
will be abolished. '
The case 'of the state of Iowa against Wi-
lam Tool , indicted for the murder of his wife ,
\as begun at Sac , City last week and wi
probably consume all ot the coming week.
The crime was committed September 28 last
at Sac City. ( The victim was Ills wife , OlIve ! ,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Scott , who
also resIde at Sac City. Shortly before 8
o'clock that evening Tool stood at his door
calling to hs ! neighbor , \ . Mary E. Stoner ,
to come quickly. Hastening across the street
Into time house , a terrible scene met her view.
Tool's two children , aged 2 and 4 years , rG
spectvely , stood at the door crying and ) ask-
Ing that their papa and mamma bo made to
get up from the floor. Mrs. Stoner sa\v Tool
and his wife lying tn pools of blood , and ,
growing faint , hurried away with the chi-
dren to give the alarm. Neighbors hastened
10 the Ill-fated home and found Mrs. Tool
lying dead at the north side ot tM little sIt-
( log reel , her torehead crushed so deeply
that the brain was oozing torth. In the mid-
dIe of lie room lay the husband , bleeding
from a gaping wound at his throat inflicted
by I razor. A heavy ax that had evidently
caused the ( death of Mrs Tool lay upon lie
floor , and on the bed In the room ndjonlng : .
lay the razor wIth whIch Tool had cut his , I
throal Tool was conscious and admitted by
signs that he bad 1led his wife because of I
trouble Dclors oxamlned Tools injuries I
and found his wind pIpe almost severel ! This
they united. Much to the surprise of every
one Tool began to rally and Is today prac- :
tcaly a well man.
The coroner's jury held Tool responsible
for the murder of his wife , antI , as soon ns
his health would permit , he was taken to the
county jaIl . where he has since rematned. At
the December term of court ho was indicted ;
for murder In the first degree , and his case I
J. K. Cumberlnnd , the Shelby county mur-
Ilerer , will be hanged at the penitentiary at
Fort Madison Frldny. The executon viIi be
tinder the management of Sherir Clark of
Shelby county , and will cost % 750 for mIleage
for twelve witnesses , medical attendance , etc.
Ucol810n or an 10\0 Jldgohlcl" hrotll _
Numerous Insurnlce Imrgmum.Izatlan. .
DUBUQUE , II" , Feb. 3-n time case ot tIme
Erand lodge of the Ancient Order at United
Workmen of Iowa to enjoin the loyal grand
lodge from using the name , maintaining smmb-
ordinate loges , ordering Insnrance or other
business In lawn , Judge Iustel , thirty days
ago , sustained pia Int I's demurrer to detend-
ant's answer nnd gave detenlant , thirty days
In which to elect whether to appeal or to
amend Its pleadings. The detendant has med
nn amended answer which simply adds em-
Ilhasis 10 tIme contention In hue ( onigimmal '
unswer that the detendint Is essentially a
fraternal benevolent orlnntzaton and that ( its
tnsurance feature Is secocmtlary . Detendltt's
counsel announced that It a demurrer to the
amended answer he sustained , Ilotendant will
appeal to the ( stulo supreme court antI ( I
beaten thieve 10 the telloral supreme court ,
also that a meetng ot the supreme ohllcc-rs
and counselors of many other traternal socle.
ties antI ot several old line Insurance companies -
panies Wits ' held In Chicago two weeks ago at
which It was decided to assist the loyalists
In thus fight amid dlt the societies have In Iowa
200,000 members whose policies of Insurance
will bo vllteJ shoul Judge hasted's actiomi
be sustained.
Ammmng ( lie societies : neimtloned as interested
iii ( lie overthrow of ( liii decision , are the lied
Men , lmitlopendent Order of Foresters , Modern
% \'oodmiien , Kmmlgbmts of I'yhmias ( and V. A. S.
Fraternly ( , all of which in Iowa are chartered
by supreme lodges in other states. how.
erer , Juega tiusted's decition expreseely stites
( lint Iratermmal societIes are not subject to ( lie
insurance laws of Iowa and cites the Knights
of Pythmias as an examnplo of a fraternal
society , it iii also tIme tact ( hint all old life
inmsuraemce coiimpaiibcs doing business In hmis
state have commformneti to tue insurance laws
of Iowa.
liurilmmmtoii Agents Traimmferrsti.
PA'mS'NEE CITY , Nob. , Feb. 3.-Special (
Telegram.-II. ) ii. Segur , agent of the flur-
ilngon ( railroad In ( liii city , leaves 'iVednes.
tinny ( or Ileatrico , to which station lie line
hieen transferred , Agent Loomnls of that place
being transferred to Deliver. Mr. Begun's
transfer Is regretted by au our ieople. lie
has been agent here for thu past four years
anti miurimig that ( line lie and liii estintabhi
family have won the fnlentlshiip of all our
people , His faintly will remnaimi 1mm ( lila city
until April 1 , whieti the > ' will remove to their
future limits , BeatrIce ,
itieistiid's m4eed 'I'ikIii , Hoot ,
SIOUX Cl'1'Y Inch. 3.-Speclal ( Telegram.-- )
As a result of ( be social purity recently coat-
- ' ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ '
hero a short time ago by 11ev. J. 'iS' ,
Mnbctc'mi , an organization Is being formed
to look after the enforcement of time'
laws for ( lie suippreesion of vice in ( lie city ,
An executive committee of 100 wIll hive' cli.
rect charge of the work , ( mat the membership
of the main conimlttee will he' tmnliitlcit (
Nearly every minister In ( lie city nntl many
prominent titisiness men have silgaifleil ( heir
wIllIngness to join , Time matter wIll be die-
cussed at the meeting of ( lie Ministerial as-
soc'nic'n tomnorrotv anii formnal actboti taken
lookIng toward the fmmrtherlmmg of ( lie work.
( J.IS iN .t t.4)1II l'V1IXlCH IXI'LI)1S. (
Sttabeimvlllcm ( hit , ceflm , of mu i'tlghmttut
1)1 s is t Cr.
STEUIiEN\'IIt.E , 0. , Felm , 3.-Two expla.
siomt occurred totlmt > ' at lttversitle fmmnmmnce
Iii tItle city , Injuring a large mimmmnlmer of
workmen , several of them fatally , TIme cx-
PlOslOfls were eaumeti t > ' shack lit time fimi mince
settlIng anti ( lie nccmmmntmlateti gas between
whmnt html eettlcii anti what vas hanging
above blowlmmg omit tons of itock nnti tiricke.
The fIrst neritlemit was a entaIl cxplosiomm ,
whIch occmmrreil tlmi mimormiimig , whiemi conelil-
ertuble stock was tilown out and ( lie lgnltliig
gas set tire to the cltmthie of Pat Timniln , lie
is hunted from licail to ( out nmutl 1mm not cx-
PectOit to live tilitil mnorntitg.
The seconti ( 'xhtlOeiCOi tool ( Place' early ( hut
afternoon niimi 'uvmis tIme worst , ( lie immaterIal
blown omit wreckIng ( hit' roofs of all ( lie
luihlllitgti ( , mis if they Imitti tieen caminominiled. A
score of niemi wci'e hum-leil or lnJmmreii by tl.
lug miemmile. The grotinti for 2kt ( ynrils
arotmail this fumimnco Is covereml with black ,
coke antI tither debris.
vilt mutmd Johumi Shucltey Vmipmmrett Itt liii'
Territory After is ieimcrnt ( , litittle' ,
CILRCOTAIT , 1 , T , , Felt. L-Shieniff 1.-ike
of l'awiiee county , Oklahiommmn , amid posse ,
comisisting of Delimit > ' Shierift' F' . M. Cantoim
niiti Ir. hitnmmd of I'awmiee , iomumy ; ( Mmurshmnl
DenIm Iletgan , of Mimseogee , lepumty Mtui'shmal
Johmm'u McCnno anti hiobert McClniim ? of Ciii'-
cotnhi . , n'mathe nit iniportiunt capture tomboy of
\\.Ili auth JoInt Shiehic'y , alias l'krce , ( cmi
miles east of home. 'l1lia Shelley ( mothers ,
'uvhm 'uvere lucid for grmmiitl inreemmy. broke
jail at Shiawnen h'eptcmnber 5 last. 'i'tn'y wnm-e
ii Imlirohiemmiletl Iii mm house otvmiccl by St cr1 I mig
llooml , whmt kmie' iuothmlmg of their reputatIon
mitt cr1 Imi , totimi 'hmen onthereul ti ittmt'reiitle m
olieiiet lire' , 'mumiihimig lelitttv 1dcCltiime and
1)r. Itiantl slIghtly. TIme odleers returtmed
time tire. shooting \'i'ill Shelley through tIme
legs , Coal oil wm3 hirocuireti nail the house
watt flrtl , After seventy-lIve shots were
tired nIl hope of cecapo from the tRance anti
ofliclttls wits goiie , timid ( lii. letqwrato mcmi
surrendered nitti were ttrouighut to Chteeotahm.
1'I11.S(1)E.\1 1.1 L1'fl11"11l.'m'Cl.
C Immelmumititi l'iuIicr cctmrcs Exprcsettmimtm miii
( ie't'lmm tub's l'oMilIlln Stmt'cesiir.
CINCINNATI , Fetm. 3.-The Coimimercinl
Gazette prints tIme lreshilemitliml hireferemices
of republican editors front every state anti
S'ermotmt Ito's mm kindly feeling for Senator
fletitlehti I'roctor ; Sammator Chitmniiler'mm New
hampshire paiter has a leanIng toward Son.
tutor Frye of MaIne ; Utah vnmits silver auth
Senator Ion Cameron , There is hero anti
thicme a toimehu of "favorite son , " butt the
great majority lIne up for some one of ( lie
big four-McIlmile > ' , lInrrlsoti , lieetl and Al-
llaoui-in the order tianmed ,
Sure' time Ih-pn'iitom ' .VIII lln i'iiti in Itmmhl.
NE"mV YORK , Feb. 3.-President P. ii.
Manner of the East Sitie batik , which cloitni
Its doors Satumrdny anti Is now In time hounds
of flank Extutnlner .1 utisoit , salti ( omhriy ( hint
tIme baitlc's doors womiltl ha ep'n ngtuln sonnet
thaii people supposed. I.ast evenhmig Mr.
Maitlier Was vlsitetl at his hionit' Imy several
of ( lie largest miepositors at ( lie battle , who
expressed confidence in thou baltic antI mle-
clarctt ( hue > ' litttl no fear about their momucy ,
There is cia doubt time presitlent says , ( hint
the depositors will be ittlti in full.
F'iitnl Fire tim I'eimiiylvimimlii.
PITTS1IUIiC , Feb. 3.-Aim early morning
fire at MelCeespont , l'n , , destroyed time S :
Hotel ColumbIa Wnrremu's wholesale
, coin- S
mission house mund a three-story bricl
dwelling. The Iir starteti in ( lie hitcher
of tIme hotel ffliti spreitti so raplthiy that tIme
guests were compelled to leave iii them :
night clothes. One mmmii , whose imiune Is mini
known the register hmavummg been destroyetl ,
Is mIssing , anti Is believed to have beer , ;
burned to death. Total loss estimated iii L
$75,000. _ _ _ -
i'.rranglmmg for ( tic Educatori
DENVER , Feb. 3.-Homer ] Jeavnns am
C , 0. Scumlder of Chicago and I'rof W. 0
Krohn of Champaign , Ill. , have been It
Demirer nrrammging ( or ( lie ncconimodntion a t'
the IllInois delegates to the eoiiveiitbon ar
the National Educatlommal assocIation. Prof
ui-olin said ( hint there wouhtl be at lens
2,000 delegates from IllinoIs nnd ( hint thii
total miumnber of delegates would be be
tween 15,000 amid 20,000. 5
( ' t'arty lltmrt.
READING , Pa. , Feb. 3.-A sleigh load oS I.
cotistermi collided wIth an electric car today S .
ltobert Wilman and Ernest Fisher , boys I.
had theIr skumlhim fractured ammmi will probabl' ,
die. Francis Fisher 'uvan hmnlnfully Injured
R'R'R' '
cwtns Mu i'mmmwisrs
Ooldl , Coughs , Bora Throats , Influonzi , Bron-
oht's , Pueumoimia , 8we1lin of the
3ointi , Lulnbtgo , Inflammationl ,
CUItEB TuB WORST l'AiNS In horn one to
twenty minuteS. NO' ! ' ONH 110(1St alter reading
( hill' advertieeuiielit need anyone dtlifL"Eht WITh
ltme.Iway's Itetimly flehief Is mm 'urn Cure Itr
15'mi ry l'mul ii , Svrmml mm , II rim lies , I ' . m i i m Iii Cliii
Junk , Chest or 1mnmlis. I I mm is r ii , , unit
timid is Cliii 0um15 i'AiN ICE ii Iih)1' ,
That iastamttiy stops this most excruchatfni
pains. allays inflaflitition , and cures congeettons ,
whether oC Iho l.unigu , Stomach , lioweimi , or other
gmanda or om'gimnv , ( . ' cmiii uppmlcatmoo ,
A. halt to u , teasemoomiful to halt a tumbler of
Water mdli In mm few minutes cure Crammilts , spas.
cnn. Hour Stomach. heartburn Nervousno4 , . , ,
Sleeplessness , Shk headache , Diarrhea , Dyeo
tery , Cotic , 1hatuIency mind all Iniornal pai.s.
There tu not a memoullsh agent in till the wo1d
that wiii cure lever imdn mieue anti mmli oilier Mis , ,
ham-Iou , . lihitous anti oIlier fevers aided by StAll.
'uVAY'S i'll.LS , so quickly a. ItAIWAY'U hUlA.
Smcmckmohilere' ) Sleetluug.
Notice iii hereby given that limo regular
annual meeting of tIme stockholders of ( lie
South Platte l.nmmtl coniliany will b hielil at
( liii 0111cc of miitiml cotnpittiy , in 1incolum , Neim. ,
itt II o'clock a m , , aim thom first 'iVetbimemitlay
Imi imlareli , 1893 , being the 6th day of tIme
nionthi , S
fly order of ( lie Board of Directors.
ft. 0. ImiiIZ.L1I'ih , Secretary.
Lincoln , Neb , , Feb. 4 , ib'J5. F4enilOt
Brooklyn strikers tone cn-Un1on Men n
Mi Skos. !
No hints of a Serious Nittitre ( ) cciircd , lmm9
SomalI ( 'rowdi iii Veruims l'.irt of
( lie CIty Anuitiyctl ( ho
Vorkmnt'im ,
BROOKLYN , Feb. 3-Thte police spent *
busy tin > ' 1mm thicir efforts to preserve artier'
amid prcvemit ( ho cron tls ( hint gntlmeretl In thus
s'anioums toimghm districts from ummaitreating thm
miomimmalon mmien In charge of time trolley cars.
lit se'em al lmmstaiiccs ( lie' tiitmtontuemi 'uucro
severely beatehm lwfore imohico usslstammce or.
rivemb , No riots , however , of a senlomms na.
tare occmmrrett thtmnhmmg time tin > ' ,
At Third avenute amid Fortieth street ( lie
Ilito vaii encmimnbered ( hum mnormiitmg with me
great idle of boards , boxes , tmmitl othmer mmmneniah ( S
of a heavy nattmre. Eucry car ( lint liasseul ( hint
tiny vas hiehil UIt by ( tie ci a nuicllon , amid within
tim eommdmmctor atitl Im'motonmminii uvere engaged
iii removing ( Ito deliria they were reltcd mmn-
mmmereifimhiy with bricks , imititl cmitl snow balls ,
Mammy of tlto macii's assailants u'ere nuercly
strike eymimpnlilzcrs ( amid street loafers , but.
( lie > ' were just as cmithimislastlc as thought
their lIves tielmemitleti oIl ( lie ommtcomiie of thmo
strike ,
IS great miutimmy arrests vere imintie ( otiny of
strike sysupatiitzers who lwrsiseti III throw-
lag stones antI 'uvayln > lmmg all the mmomiummilomz
mmmcmi iii sIght. Somime of those nrreztetl 'ero S
simmnhi boys ,
Mayor Schtic'ren , vhieii cccii nt his resitiemico
toitighmt , saltl lie' hititi received noiiotiflcntIomi
( lint tIme rablway comnpamiies Were. goilig to
nrmii their emmiployes niiul that whicii hue was
itotlileti It will be tutu' for hmimti to take
"I don't think there 'clii be any trommtil
at. ( liii meettmg of strikers amid their symnpa-
tl.iizcrs ot time city hull tommiorrow , " uIti lie ,
' 'fur thin macmi amid other cittzcmms have mu righmti
to go ( here ammtl I liresmimite tIme > ' will behimivis
thmetiisel-cs Imu an ortierly amid qitlet Iitnnmmer. ' '
The imiayor ulemmicti tue rummier ( lint iou hind
beemi itt coiismmhtntioii vItim ( heitermil McAieer ,
as to ( lie advIsabIlity of callimig omit time troops
agalmi. "Thmmt companIes sc'eimi to have enouiglt
mmmcii to nih ( lie care , " said lie , "antI yesterday , S
utas tIme quietest iii > ' since ( lie strike began ,
Titero 'uvihl be no miecesslty of calling out ( liii
im'mliitia as immatters u'ihl grow , luieter day by ,
tiny , There are two mimeim lii time city uhio are
ilaitig too much talkumig auth ( lie > ' tire Presl-
dent Norton anti Muster \Vonlemiiaim Conmmoly.'t
Muster \\'orhtmmamu Conmioly issumeil a immntil- . S
festo to ( lie citizens of llrooltlyim this evemilng
cmi behalf of ( lie strilcitig imiotornicmt antI comu-
tbiictors , lie calls mipoit ( lie citizeuis , miov that
l'resldemmt Norton line , as Couimioly says , proPosed -
Posed ( a arm his nien in defiance to thin
hiotice department , ( o refuse to hiatrommize thus
L'tT1NIL'J Tl1Il ( JfJLP 1.ZSI&7.
( nti ieuthcr of time Union l'nclIe ( iielumg l'ttc
I ii (1 imod idmim , i' .
lENVFR , Feb. 3.-Genertil Smipenintentlent
Dimnaivay of time Gulf road line sent instruic- '
( loin ; to ChIef Engineer Illssel itt Trlnltlad
to resuimmme consrucIomi ( itt once on tIme Omilt S
extension betwceii TrInIdad nail l'umeblo. S
'ntis tiction was taken emi Immfonmnntiomi re-
celved from Iteceiver 'rruimibmihi , who is In.
New York , antI imutllcnes ( lie ftullmmre of thm
negotlatiomis for me resumnihitlumi of tracletigu
ngreeumieflt between ( lie ( mIt timid ( lie ltiq
Oramii.le. 'Site contractors hitmyc been miotlhleml
to hiegimi work tomorrow impti ( lie gap iii ( liii
line viil be speedily closed up
l'hhl lovehop ii I'euv negiiin.
DENVER , Feb. 3.-Time Rio Grimmide h
Pagosa Springs Iallway company baum beer
incorporated by .1. J. Mcolnmiity , Chmarleim Dt
McPhieeVilllaumi T _ Field , \S'lhlinrn C. Mc-
i'hee of lemiver amid Edgar Id. I3rlggs or
Catskill , RIo Arraba county , N. Iii. TItus
capital stock is hmlacemi at l0O,000. TIme coma- ,
pan > ' POPoCS to build a rtuiii'oad from Lum-
1)51-toil , N. M. , on ( lie Rio Ortemitle , to I'agostv
Sitnings , Cob. , tapping a'regton rich Imi Ium a
Per , coal timid other minerals anil opening u
a hue agricultural and stock raising country -
try , _ _ _ _ _ _
ltet.imlt of ii FicmmmihyQuiurrei.
VINCENNES , Intl. , Feb. 3.-Mrs. Louisx
Jordan , a member of one of the imiost prom.2
hient fammmilies in thml country amid ( lie sltiter.ij
In-law of Auditor Jordan , was imrremitetl to-
tiny for settimig hIre to a grist miilll last Juiy
at Decker station. SIte 'uvaived exnmnimiimtiome (
amid watt held for trial. TIme affair imumim crc-
ateul a niotit iirofountl semmstmtlomu amid opena S
one of ( lie bitterest faimilly quarrels ever'
knovn here.
: J
W. L. $ GLA
E c i THC UT.
&tf t 43 FuNECALF&IANeAnaa
, ' , , . $3PPOLICE,3SOLE5.
( $ .
. $2.W0RKiNGM1
S /4' ' 'LIDhI it ;
; ,
. :
Over Otto Million i'eopic veer ( lie
WI L. Irnuglas $3 & $4 Shoes
All ourshocs arc cqually satIsfactory
'l'iiey give time best value for limo money
They equal custom iitos in style anti fit.
Si imolr wcaniimg qualitIes mire unsurpussed.
lIme prIces arc uniform--.stampcd on role ,
'trm .I t' $ , ( gavel over otirr micitce.
' ' , . . . , . ' . .
'vntirl"tn .ne ! ' .t"l I.-
A. W. Bowman Co. , N. 16th St.
C. J' Carison , 1218 N. 24th St.
w. w. Fisher , Parker and
Leavenworth St.
J , Newman , 424 S. 13th St.
Kelley , Slicer & Co. . Farnani
and 15th St.
T. S. Cressey , 2509 N St. , South
President. Cashier1
First National Bank
Caplttl , . I $100,000
I'i.otit , . . . 12,000
One itt this oldest lank. in time itato of Iowa ,
150 solicit your bushticam and catiecthomis. We
may 5 per cent on time de'losis ( , We tutu be
plascd to see mind servo you.
Spo ial Nolices-Gouocil illuffs
itl iiumke. et W , hi. Homer' . , HI hiroaflway ,
caurt hmouie , Apply at lice alice , CouncIl ihiuffi.
UEN'fl.I1MAN ANI ) WIFE , out TWO (1lWl'S.
rca mini g'.t.d roomims imncl bomrti in minivatti fain. 5
fly ; low rates ; ieu'llt'rio iii buehntss center.
A 2 , Imct' , CQtincIl Iliuuhs ,
- -
= - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -I
f S & , : : iclL . STEAM DYE WORKS , ,
' & B
: r' : . °
-5- - -