Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 03, 1895, Editorial Sheet, Page 11, Image 11

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- TIlE OMAhA DAILY DEE : SUNDAY , l 'EBRUARY 3 , ISf . _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 11
neh City R Problem in It,1 with It Own
Dow the Work la Conducted In London ,
l'ntl , Inln nnd \'Ienn-Comrun-
the Cofit In merlrnn "nl
urope"n CItks.
London , Vlcnnn , Berlin nml Pnrls arc all
quito clean when compared wIth any Amer-
Icn city , anti ParIs Is beautIfully clean , !
clean that the strlts excite the wondering
admiration ot nil AmerIcans who see them. !
Now In these cites they have no Iecular secrets -
creta In theIr street cleaning methods. Each
method , la 80 slmplo that any other In Is
! lace would seem foolish , but each method ,
" . . at Iloing the work I thorough. What suits
' ' . suit
LOndon or nerln or Paris mIght not
either New York , Brooklyn or ChIcago , for
I method for each town should be devlsld according -
cording to thc orca , shape , density of popula-
tlon and drainage at that town. nut there
( .1 ton anl
. - , . Is n method for every town I the proper
person be asked to put It In operation and
bc gIven the authority and the money to
carry out his plan. And It may be oppor-
unely said jUt hero that even the dirtiest
at the great cities In America spends more
capita on street cleaning than the clean-
POt capia Itreet cennlng cean-
est city In gurope. The area at New York
Is greater than that of I'arls , but on the
other hand the population Is less. In Paris
the amount expended for keeping the streets
clean Is less than that spent In New York ,
where they are suffered to remain dirty. As
, ' what apimlies to New York apples In greater
'whnt IppllS
or heM degrl to every American city , these
facts and observations are neb ot merely
local Import.
Now let us look briefly to the method that
Is pursued In I.mlon , which gets from the
smoke that does not blow away an Immense
amount at flh , the like of which wo do not
have to contend with In any American city
The Immense area ot London Is dlvldel Into
some forty parishes or vetrlcs , and one or
these , London City , Is the chief In point of
- wtalh and Importance or thoroughfnres. The
street cleaning methods In all of these par-
. . . . I. .n' 1nlrn l. nn,1 wlthoul 10ubt In
; 'I' ; ; thowarksmuchbctterdoflothalt " . ' ; In
othrs For nearly all of them however , the
methOI employed In the city Is the model
The headquarters at the city operations Is at
I.cU's wharf , on the south branch of the
Thames , just east of Waterloo bridge. This
ts the teat recetaclo for the sweepings and
refuse ! the ciy , and here Is on elaborate
plant , including the most improved appliances
for gathering and dealing wIth the waste and
fllth , ot the great network of streets The
, force employed consists of about & 0 men ,
women and chllren , There are about eighty
horses , seventy dust vans and water carts ,
besides carts for the removal of diseased
meats , dead animals and so forth. The va-
riety at brooms , hand amid mechanical ,
scrapers , squecgces , and other tools suited
to all weathers and street conditons Is nearly
, i Time night brigade begins the work , which
1' couldn't be done In the day tme , at 8 o'cloclt
In the evening . Six hours later the van
guard at tw day section commences the
washing and sweeping of the twelve miles
. at main thoroughfare. At 5 a. m the regular
tiny work begins , during which all thl car-
rlngewnys In the city have to be swept nt
least once , In addition to being strewn with
sand or gravel. The carts for the removal
at sweepings and house dirt leave Lett's
wharf at G 'a. in. , and nt 7:30 : the boys who
are the skirmishers at' the great
street cleaning army divided Into
"A four compnnes : under the charge
ot Inspectors tenther over the four districts
t at the city. All street sprinklng Is done by
- the regular city force" lnd Is regulated to
meet the exact needs of time work. I Is reg-
ul ted1 on tit ( ' principle at aiding to remove
dirt , net at making Irremovable mud , as Is
the effect for the most part at street water-
erec American towns.
Ing In NeW York and other
Streits are also washed down from time hy-
Strets drnnts whenever necessary. In brief , the
application at water as n feature at street I
cleanIng Is made on a sciemitiflcniethod. _ i
conlng G a. m. to 9 n. m. the whole energy
at the force Is employed. After this the
n night brigade retires and the work gradually
relaxes , for It has ben principally achieved.
At 4 p. m. the men and carts are at hOle
and an hour later the boys are back In
Houml'a ditch.
That London Ciy , tIme cleanest part ot the
metropolis , attains this distinction Is largely
metropols the work of tIme boys , the sereet
orderlies. These lads , who number about 1&0 ,
armed with hand brush and scbop peculiarly
1 devIsed for the purpose , dart everywhere In
k and out through the ireas at horses and ve-
hicles. The luty of each Is to remove every
particle at dirt , especially horse droppings ,
In the area aulgnC to him before It has ben
ground by wheels. Dns at the street curb
receive the gatimerings I may be fancied
that time duty ot the street orderly Is no sinecure -
. ecure , and the marvel Is that these human
monkej's , aglo as they are , 10 not oftener
receive serious hurt. They do their work
' most erectualy , and the operation of the
system Is such as to make It Valuable for
general imitation . i .
Time orderlies at the London City street
cleaning service constitute an Importnnt re\-
ture of the servIce , for when thele boys
reach lanhood they are promoted to mon's
positions , and when they ! atalu old ago ,
after fnlhful service they are pensioned.
London , therefore , we see Is cleaned by
trained men , whose occuliaton In life It Is
to do this particular work. This Is surely
very different from the American system
by which time Incapables anll the Incol-
ptent employment . on the streets as
! easy refuge frol real workon the one
lido and starvation on We other.
The great mass ot accumulate sweepIngs -
tags , rubbish and garbage Is nn embarrassment -
mont In London , ns It Is everywhere else
and there have been Instancl where vestries
Ilnve been detected In Iulping the refuse
tn the Thnmes to the Injury ot the ehnn-
nel , I Is generally conceded now that
such material Is not lit to level lowlands
. , on which houses are to be built , and the
: , practice has been nbammdonecl .
When howe\'er , the component parts at
the refuse are separated , with some thoroughness -
oughness , then nil at time material can be
t harmlessly dlcposell of When , the carts
arrive nt Lett's whart time materials are
dlv"lell Into piles ns nearly as 110sslhle no-
corLlng to whnt the carts contnln-the
house garbage here , the street Kweeiling
there , the manure In another place. The
horse manure being In demand Is easiy
disposed of to time market gardeners , who
send and pay for I The street sweepings
at Lott's wharf are sorted by sevent
women , who iass I through large circular
Iloves , which divide It lute tno dust. amid
coarser elementy. Ot the latter , all time
artcles which have n cOlmerclal ynlue
luch ns unburnell coal and clnlers , bottles ,
old metal , crockery , paper , corks , bones ,
rags , strlucs , etc.-nro sorted Into dls-
tncth'o heaps , This work Is done under
the supervision at time contractor . who buys
the material , smith the city pays for the
sortimg. The city retains time sort core
refuse and thl dust and nshes , a 111 also
the hud core refuse , which consIsts of
worn'out IIOtl amid aIms , bottles and crocll-
try , Ote.
Time dust and ashes are sohl to brick
makers , the hard core refuse Is broken up
and used In road , making , while the garbage
tl burped UII Time burning of limo garbage
requIres quite a plant and each parish In
London 1 so supplied . The furnace Is de-
' 8lgnEd for the reduction by Ore at sut-
stances that contain I slal portion of com- ,
bu.tblo material. The furnaces are fed by !
a strong air blat and the material that Is I
put Into the furnace directly from the carts
' when It Is ot such chnraeter that It does not
meet ! to be sorted Is tolerably well destroyed .
Of .o car loads put Into the dltructer only
one remalna after the tire has Ilone its work ,
and thl onetenth hiss valuable Certlzing
" qualIties. Dut the metho at getting rid of
time rubbish la year by year a more dllcul
problem II London . , and It Is generally agreed
that solved a yet I has not been satisfactorily
For the purpose of street cleanIng the
' cIty ot Paris has ben dIvided Into ISO dls-
trlcta , called "ateitera. " Each ateler I pre-
sided over by an olcer known B a "can-
tOlnler , " ' 10 la held responsible for the
proper care of all time streets In his terrItory ,
' ' . '
There are employel In all these dIstricts
1,20 persons , including men , women and
children . But far the greater number oC
these only work a few hours a day on the
streS , taking that time from other occu-
patlons . In each district there Is a street
cleaning service antI a scavenger service.
The street cleaners sweep and wash the
streets and dispose of all the material which
cnn bo hushed through tie : sewers : the
scavengers take away what Is not eo disposed -
posed of , Insides al of the refuse and garbage
from the houses and the horse droppings ,
which are gathered In Paris as they are In
IAmlon. This scavenger work Is done by
contract , though the work of the contractor
Is strictly supervised by the cantonniers. I
used to bl that the street sweepings , the
garbage and the manure from the streets hal
a great value and contractors would hUy from
the city and sell agaIn at n proflt. nut this
Is no longer the case and Paris has to pay a
geol , rounll sum to get rid ot time refuse ,
Still much of It Is still used for fertlzl gal -
all at the horse droppIngs for Instnneobut
most of the housholl , waste Is burned. .
The main bOdy of street sweeping work 18
done hy sweeping machines , each dawn
by n single here , the work at hanl brooms
being only supplemnentary Summer nnl ,
winter the work begins nt 4 a. m. In aLl-
settle the
Vance Roes n watering machine to setlo
( lust , This 19 followed In narrow streets by
a single machine , In wider ones by two or
even three machines In succession , the fore I
mot one nearest the center of the street Such
n cavalcade : passing up ole able at n street
all the surface
amid back limo other sweep al
dirt and garbage Into the gutters on either
side , while a single man following flushes
directs nh but the bulkier
tIme guters atll Ilrects al buider
portions of the garbage Into time sewer openIng -
portons , situated at short Intervals between -
tween tIme h'drants. Such n cavalcade
does the work at n small army , its ench
machine Is supposed to perform what It
would take twelve mel to do. The regular
morning sweeping Is finished before 8:30 :
o'clock. In some regions the machines
make another tour at 4 o'clock In the after-
noon. But every street Is swept every
day anti every gut\er Is washed out twice
every day . When n gutter Is really washed
out In an Amerlcnn city It Is regarded ns
an event In the whole mielgimborhood .
In muimlition , to the official scavengers In
Paris there are thin chllonnlers , or rag Illck-
en. There are more tln 40,000 at these
In Paris. The gleanings that are time leglt-
mate shell at time chllonnler cover n wide
range of articles , time chief of which are
ohl paper ( ncluding books anti pasteboard ) ,
ropes anti thread , walling and cotton , rags
of all sorts , remnants of earthenware , horse
hair , human hair , horn , fragments at whale
hone cork , India rubber , bones , grease ,
old lenther and bread crtmsts.
There are purchasers for each class of
refusethere being In Paris fifty merchants
who lmandio nothing but old rags , and twenty
who purchase onlY scraps of paper. I has
been estimated that this great army of chlf-
fonnlcrs rescued from the refuse of Paris
material for which annually they receive
over $5,000,000. The work at these chlf-
fonnlers Is really at great .consequence to
11mm ) street cleaning problem and Is not men-
tioned here merely because It Is a picturesque -
turesque adjunct to the scavenger work
which In Paris the contractors do.
In Vlennn and In Berlin the street clenn-
Ing Is done very much as It Is In Paris ,
the cites being divided II Into small dis-
tricts and the streets being swept and
washed with wate Water Is used with
special generosity In Vlennn , which boasts
In even greater cleanliness thnn Paris
When n snow falls In Vlennn an army of
10,000 men Is put In the main thoroughfares -
fares , which are cleaned up with an nmaz-
log lulckness , and time snow dumpe Into
the Danube. But tim changes In temperature -
lure are not so quick In Vicuna as In many
other cites , and In some at the streets or
the city anl apt to bo sleighing for
many weeks nt I tme ,
The street cleaning work In London anl
Paris and the other great European cites
Is after al not In the least wonderful ,
though the results are such that when we
compare what Is done there with what Is
done nt home It seems that I must be so.
In those cite the pavements are properly
made In the first instance , and then they
are always kept In order. The street are
, swept thoroughly every clay and the gut-
ters are washed. So these gent cites
ere admirably clean. And the streets at
'any' ' American city can bo also kept Clean
'when ihey are hut In' the condition of those
at London and Paris and Vienna and Der-
In , anti when men are employed t sweep
and wash them because they know how
to do such things , and not because they
have voted In one way or another.
Frank I. , Stanton In Atlanta Constitution.
Little bit ot I fellow :
Coul n't get him to sleep ,
And the mother sighed
As he tossed and cried :
'lie's such n trouble to keep ! "
Little bit at I fellow-
Couldn't get him to sleep. .
Little hit at a fellow ! i
But the eyes of the mother weep :
For one sad night
That was lost to light ,
Cod smied amid kissed him to sleep
Little bit at I fellow-
He was never n trouble to keep !
At the advanced ago at 5 Marjorie developed -
oped an extraordinary liking for prayers ,
relates , Harper's Dramn She had been
taught not only "Now 1 lay me " but also
the Lonls prayer , and then nt her request
a codicil hAl been added , praying that
"papn and mamma and nil my relations" '
might bo prtected during the miighmt She
sahl the prayers just ' before going to bed
In the mornIng , and her mother oren heard
snatches ot them ns . the Ito girl went
about her 1101'/ affaits during time day.
_ I was no doubt party owing to this
familiarity with her prnyer , but largely to
drowsiness , that ono night the sleepy little
girl electrified her listening mother by
hastily cutting short tim Lord's prayer and
ending up limo 'ceremony wih : "iollver moo
from evil , ald-l my reiations . "
This story of I wel known bishop , whIch
reached mo the other day , seems good
enough for publicatIon , says London Truth :
The blsllp was one day exnmlng a batch
at deacons for prIest's orders After the
theoretcal lart of the examinaton , ho said
to them : "Gentemen , you have passed , n
most excelent examination In theory : I
shouhl now like to see you do something
practical . I shah go Into the next room I '
and personate a sick mmian. You wi come
In one by one , address me ns n sick
parishioner , amid say something comforting . "
When his lorlshlp hal retIred , the can-
dhlntes were In soma confusion , and nobody
cared to begin : html nt last n mad Irish-
lan volunteerell to be the first. lIe en-
tered the study , and approachIng the bIshop ,
who was lying with I woebegone aIr on a
sofa , thus allresse him : "Oh , Anthony ,
Antlmomm'l ' Time thrlnlt again ! .huro I will
be time death or yol , Tur from your evi
ways before It's too late , and be n manl"
This Is said to hnve been the last time
that the bIshop held 1 practical examine.
Some anD has sent Dr. Tnlmago n marked
copy at a paper printed somewhere In the
north at England , which suggests some-
thIng new In the wny at "hrlght foil lIvely"
relIgious sorvlces. Ono church hall a no-
lice Ilostell on time raiing calling attentIon .
to its watch-night service as I \.arlety
entertainment , " and time newspapers
chronicled the event In thIs language : "Tho
usual wntch.nlcht servlcl was held In time
Congregatonal chuch , at which Rev , ' '
M. 10dgo otilcitetl A few rockets and
colored Ihhhl were sent out , " Al editorial
comment on the occurrence suggested that
this seemed too lteral a way at lifting
time thoughts UI blgher ,
A good old Methodist lady attending serv-
ice In a suburbnn Episcopal church , says
the l'hladelphll Record , becnme happy
under time preaching at the word , and ejaculated -
latod "Uioryi" She was Indmonlshed to
keep quiet by two at the brethren , and
nodded nssent , hut soon becoming forgetful ,
, responded "Hd 'lujahl" The I brcthre
again coiled her attention to th annoyance
and told her thnt I alma did not keep quiet
they would bo compelled to remove her.
The sermon proceeded , and limo old lady ,
becoming very happy amid forgetful at her
surroundings , shouted out : "aiory to I
God I" ' 'lls was too luch for the brethren -
ran , and they tried to lead her out : but
Ihe refused to walk , so they carried her ,
On the way she soul :
"I am honored above my Master , for
while 10 was " carried b ) aim ass I ama car-
ned two
by _ _ _ _
Cook' Imperial World's fair "highest
award , excelent champagne : good eferves-
ceoce , acreeable bouquet , delicious flayer . "
Robbol of Its Tawdry Splendor by Poor
Patronage and Pad Wenther.
Oh05Ur Iln ' lens and Animated liosta-
riekl , , tcmllt to Helroduce time
\'Rrl"g"tcd Ulorles ur Chi-
CI co's JII" ' ' '
, -
"Twenty centimes to see 1 man die ! En-
tre , messieurs and mesdnmesl Only twenty
centlmes I" !
The speaker was dressed In the garb of n ,
stage monk Two or three other men , slm-
Inrly clad , stool around the entrance of
the shabbiest and dirtiest of the wretched
shows which constituted limo oriental section
of the Antwerp faIr. Five months at almost
continuous raIn haL denuded the section of
. Everything
oven its tawdry splemlor.
around looked bedraggled and forsaken , Vacant -
during the exposition -
cant booths , abandoned early
position , were falling to pieces on all sides
Those which remained were patched In n
hundred places with blurred signboards ,
showing fantastic pieces of gaudy advertisements -
ments In every conceivable shape , or
washed out bunting , whose former bright
colors hall faded under the soaking rains as
though a thousand giants had beel weeping
Into them. The signs calling attention to
the chnrges for admission over the ticket
wIndows at the remaining shows told the
history of the selton In a nutshell. Fifty
centimes reducel to twenty-five , and again
reduce to ten , and In many cases even this
small fee wiped out and time legen "gntreo
hibro , " or free admission , told of the final
abandonment of hope The plnchell faces of
the dancing girls , which even the tblclt
paint could not hide and the glistening eyes
of the hollow checked Turks , whose Invitation -
, the
tion to enter was about as seductive ns
snarling of n hungry cur , all toll time same
snnrlng dismal failure. The few vel\lors of
cheap jewelry or oriental curios shivering
the Ivelohg day within their open stalls
fashIon the merits or
still chattered parrot
their goods to the straggling visitorS who
ventured Into the section that chi autumn
afternoon. On every side one could hear
nferoon. Inlentntols at the Children . . of , . , the . _ -
Midway for the departed glories and glorious
sunshine of the Chicago Worhls fnlr.
to tale a farewell at the
Wo had gone ; 1 farewel
Antwerp counterpart of the , Midway and
to listen , probably for the last tme , to the
weird droning pipes , jangling castanets and
spasmodic tom-toms which go to make up
the Arabs' idea of music. LIke the rest
at the Americans we had reason to feel
blue over our experience In Belgium , ali I
was In the forlorn hope at finding some-
thing distracting , If not amusing . that we
had ventured once again Into the Ml way.
"Twenty centimes to see n man die !
There was something In the cry so fitting
the dismal surroundings that we could not
help stopping The shanty was a novelty
since our last visit. The
actor of time attraction within was SUg-
gested by the profusion ot trappings of
death In the shape of paper death's heads
and crossbones pasted on the black cloth
draperies which but poorlY concealed the
yellow drperies , red and blue boards ot which the
shanty was constructe Here and thele
n gaudy picture at n stocking or n grin-
ning taco ot a clown , the relics of show
bills used to adorn I defunct variety show ,
peeped out hideously beneath the trappings
with a grotesquely horrible effect.
ot woe 1 efect.
messieurs and
"Only twenty centimes ,
mesdames , to see this most wonderful ex-
hmibitlon . Look upon death and fear not
Its terrors. The death and the resurrec-
tlon for twenty centimes. " Thus , In n
ton monotone cried the monkish clad
showmen , their faces almost hidden be-
neath the somber hoods In a comn shaped
box at n corner at the doorway another
cowl cd individual acted as ticket seller " , his
gaunt features showing I startling family
likeness to the death's heaL above the
ticket window.
tcket not monsieur prefer front seats
for himself and madame ? Time price for
front seats Is but 30 centimes. "
All right , If there was any choice In the
matter we would pay the extra 2 cents
apiece , so In exchange for our 12 cents ; or
GO centlmes , we received two skull shaped
pasteboards admitting us to the best places
In the show Like most at the shows nt
Antwerp , time main feature at this was a bar
or drinkIng place. A few rickety chairs ,
evidently borrowed from the wreck at n deserted -
serted beer garden near by , n dirty , long
table , a ramshackle counter bar behind
which stood a tattered specimen at humanity
I waIting for a chance customer to sample
waItng content at the hal dozen bottles on
the shel behind , a broken piece of looking
glass-such were the uninviting adornments
at the maIn room In the show. At one side
at the room was a huge door clumsiy deco
rated with brown paper to represent n gran-
Ito tombstone. This the ticket seller , who
also acted as guide , unlocked wIth n great
show of difficulty by means of I bug key
dangling to his hempen glr le.
"To the depths at the Lomb all mankind
must desceml" ho droned encouragingly a. :
ho motioned us to enter
A pitch black hole 'disclosed by the open
door did not look very Inviting. Scarcely ,
however , had wo stepped Inside than time ponderous -
derous brown paper tombstone door was
closed upon us and we hearll the lock
snappe , The chnmber ot death In whIch
we found ourselves was a long , narrow enclosure .
closure , one-third at which lmad been divided
off to seat possibly about twenty at nn audience -
ence : I'lle reserved seats cmprIsed the
front bench of which we were ' the only
occupants. flailed off In front 'ot the a\l-
ence was a long , comn shaped table covered
with n black pal plentifully sprInkled with
white blotches to represent tears and adorned ,
at time corners with the inevitable skull and
crossbones At time rarther end of the narrow -
row room a hlclen ( lamp aimed n sickly lIghten
on nn empty comn standing on end on a
pedestal high enough to allow I full view of
anyone 'tanding inside . .
Besides ourselves there were possibly halt
a dozen women and children In time 20
centime seats , and a few minutes after we
entered the performance began
, crier who imad first attracted
The deep-voiced hal frst atractel
our attentIon outside suddenly mode his appearance -
pearance besIde the coln slumped table. As a
sort at ohrturo to time performance proper
he began a sepulchral droning to the erect
that all men must die : In the midst at life
wo are In death : that life Is short , but eter-
oily lasts forever , and simIlar encouraging
admonitions calculate to arouse the proper
sentment at horror necessary to appreciate
wht was coming When he had finIshed hIs
incantatIon , during which I could not help
thinking what a splendid wich ho would
make for the cauldron scene In Incbeth ,
another cowled figure stepped out at the
darkness and mounted the pedestal where
the empty comn was standing. As he took
his Position Inside time comn the first actor
produced a strIp or whie cotton goods which
ho proceeded to lck In around the victm
In time comn , leaving only the race at the (
Inter exposel to vIew. During this pro-
ceding time two kept up n sort ot dog-latin
litany In the same mournful key at the
incantation overture , time victim responding
"Mlserere , mlserere" every tme the other
stopped for breatim Lower and lower grew
the ( weird duel , and when the chnntor had
fnished enshroulng , the other ho moved '
a\\ay Into time darlmess , sti repeatng time
mumblng , to which the victim's responses
grew fainter and fainter , till they died away
and only his movIng lips answered the hum
at the litany chmantor
A sIckly paler , marvelously resembling
death , spread over time features ot time victim
tlO vIctm
D his eyes closed and his lips ceased to
move , his open mouth revealing two rows at
teeth. Gradually and almost Imperceptibly n
greenish hue mingle wIth time yellow flicker
at time hidden lIght : the face at the corpse
grew haggard and sunken : deep rings
grehaggrd anl around
the eyes and dark b10tche3 beneath the cheek
bones spread like shadows eatIng away time
tesh beneatim
"Alionsi S'lh" In terrified whispers behInd
U8 and my wire's tghlenlng grip ot my arm
told of time effect of the grewsomo sPectacle
on the feminine portion at the audience.
Slowly as n sheet of burning paper curls
and fall to pieces , the white shroud appeared
to melt and lInk to ashes at the feet at the
figure before us . Its dlsallpeaance revealed
an emaciated human form , whale almost
transparent akin barely concealed the akelc
ton bneth , Al the hhldf light grew
dimmer anti still dimmer the' , last vestIges
( f cutIcle eemOI to peel orl one could
Imagine that the faint glmm rvna , the phos-
phioreseent glow of the nosy lshless skeleton -
fhorscent no' l
ton Instead of the reflex 0k n light cast
upon it .
While limo handful ot t4e Ators caught
their breath In horror lt tJ\t tearful sIght
the deep tones of the c ) tII t broke the
solemn hueh.
"The secrets of the tomb a tIdden \ , to man ,
but even beyond the grny' ta , deaL may
still behold sma "
stl bhoh "
And D ho tittered this \ls1n\ \ croak there
appeared In the sockets of tbr rlnlng skull
oC - shining es' ' which stared
a pair brlghtshining ; , stare
In the direction of the auM rC a brief mo
ment and , as quIckly thisnpjaretl. The erect
of this startling apparition ' ' : s'somethlng of
a shock even though' on 'as conscIous
thlt the whole business wa but a clever II-
luslon Again and again thb 'briiant eyes
reappeared , sometimes roing as If In agony
or again pleadIng ns I Invoking the pity of
the hiving , but in an Instant they would vanish ,
leaving the ghastly object more hideous after
each flash or life.
So Car the Illusion hal been perfect , both
as to the disappearance of the livIng subject
and . the grewsome surroundings of tie sepulchral -
chral scene. Any person of weak nerves
would ha\1 been most deliciously shooel at
the awful realism of the performance hall the
curtain been rung down at this point . But
unfortunatel for time illusIon ) the tall figure
of the chanter appeared between us and the
iuminted skeleton. In his hand he carried
n tin cup , which ho held out to U9 for rnn-
restmrrectlon of the dc'-
trlbutons towards the resurrecton de
parted soul Time rattle of small coppers
dropping Into the collection box seemell to
bring us back to earth , arid the performance
degenerated to a mocking farce as the chanter
began hIs Incantnton for the resurrection of
the skeleton
"Statuo quo ante seeula seculorum Sine
qua no hi cockulorum , " or words to about
that effect , repeated with variations , produced
an Instautaneous elect on time skeleton. In
a few seconds the fgure haLl revived to the
extent seconls emaciated hUlln form , which
as quickly grew to n little more than a
shadow through which could bo seen the
brown habit of time monllsh actor. As the
lights were turned up the young man
descended from his pedestal , hissed his hanl
to the audience , and time show was over
1100IS AN ] J'JaUUIHV.t.S. !
McCluro's Magazine for January demon-
strntes anew the thoroughness at Miss Tar-
bell's study at Nnpoleon's career , both by
her remnrltble summary of his services to
France as n rar-slghted ruler and law-giver
and founder of Insttutons , and by the re-
larkable discovery she made at n contem-
porary document written by a grenadier of
the Consular Guards , describing the battle
stand at the
of Mnrengo , and time ramous
Consular Guards , In which 500 grenalers ,
withstood the onset of
In a hollow sruare
time 1 Austrlams' army , and turned , n probable
defeat Into a great victory. The paper Is
especially valuable ns giving , the feeling 01
thie soldier toward Napoleon long before be
became , emperor A new jungle story by
Kipling ; and n thrilling battle story by
Connn Doyle , show these nuthors nt their
best. Prof. Drummond's rasclnatng pen
was never used to better advantage than In
his article about D. L. Moody , whose re-
mnrkuble work In Great Brltlin mnrltd nn
epoch In the founding ot Christian Insttu-
tons , The magazine has a now kind of
, treatimig the
article by Edward Iarshal trentng
stage anti describing the Important plays
and players now before the publc , "Three
Men and Two Dears" Is "I title that does
anl ' " '
not disappoint the readers'ofCy Warmnn's
capital bear story. Beatrice Harrdel tells
the very interesting stor1of 'bow she came
to wrlto "Ships that Pas Ip the Night , "
and she gives details ns 'to how she suc-
ceeded Ih getting It pubiish1. S. S. McClure -
Cure , LImited , New PUblshV
The little ones who rca \ Stlcholns , will
find that the year begins promisingly for
them. The January number at the favorite
magazine Is 'full of holiday . flavor , and there
are sketches and stories to suit every tnste.
C. F. Holder tells all aboutr lHoguo Ele.
phants , " and describes " time exciting scenes
that attended the kIlling of seine at the most
famous at them. A frontier 1 story , with a
spice or danger and 'adventure , ' Is "Tim
Sheridan and His ChrIstaS Goose , " by
Leonard M. Prince , U. S. A ; The hero Is
1 brave boy who succeeds not only In win-
ning I rare Christmas dinner , but In saving
the life at nn officer with whom he was
hunting. "The Cherry-Colored Purse" Is n
true story by Susan Penltore Cooper , show-
lug how 1 little girl mnnnged to buy eleven
Christmas presents with her eleven pennies.
"A Piping Pie " by Rudolph F. Dunner , and
"Who Seeks , Finds , " by Judith flay , are , two
fantastic stories. A new serial , Intended
especially for gIrls , Is begun. I Is Called
"Three Freshmen : Ruth , Fran and Nn-
thale , " and Is written by Jessie M. An er-
son. I Is 1 bright and lively account or
girl life at Smith colege , The other aerials ,
which are eontnuCI by Interesting installments -
ments , are "A Day of the First Empire , " hy
Eibritlge S. Brooks : "Chris and the Wonderful -
ful Lamp , " by Albert Stearns , and "Jnck
Baihlster'a Portunes , " by Howard Pyle.
There arc poems In the number by lichen
Dorothea Lummimis , Frederick
Gray Cone , Lumlls Irrelerlclt
Opper , Tudor Jenlts and Mrs. Mary Mnpes
Dodge. Time Century Company , New York.
The names at Conau Doyle , Mary E. Wik-
and Alphonse Daudet
ens , Anthony lope an
should be sufficient atrnctpn to sell any
magazine , and these famous writers are
suitably represented In the January number
at Short Stories. Among other contributors
arc W W. Jacobs , Mary E. Wikens , Thomas
J. Vivian , John J. a'Decltet and Hchar
Linthicum. The Current LIterature Publsh-
log Company , New York.
Young ladles will delIght In the remarks
on the sUbject at matrimony lalo by Mrs
Burton Harrison In the January Ladles' Home ,
Journal I Is written under the title of ,
"Heigh lIe ! for a husband. " Mrs. Harrison
docs not resort to trite rcmarks. She Is
fresh and vigorous In her opinions. Eugehe
Field Is not less Interesting In his charming
narrative of "The Woman Who Most Infu-
eneed Me , " while Edward lelamy sketches ,
In his own way , \\'hlt ho believes a "Christ-
ames In the Year 2000" will he hike. John
Kendrick Bangs Is deliciously runny In tel- )
log of n s'oman's attempt to smoke u cigar. n 1.1 h. . n t'anp Imnnv nnn9r
which i" " will -i Interest - - timousands of ' lovers ' of
magazine pictures He tells " 110w I Mike
n Drawing , " showing the evolution at 1
magazine picture from Its conception to Its
finish . . Curtis PUblshing Company , Phia-
"The Waifs of 1 lhtJng Rocks , " by Cap-
tain Charles MClh'alne , Is the complete story
In the January number of 1.lpplncott's , The
usual varIety of good miscellany follows , In-
dicatng the general excelence of the maga-
zlno Is to be maintained during the coming
year dohphmia , ns In the vast J. D. Lippincott ' , IIJla-
The Journal at Ilousehmobj Economics for
December Is n new publ atipn , devoted , ns
may bo implied from time title . to household
affairs , The opening art\clc \ : "The Science
at Household Affairs , " Is bY ; , Elen latelle
Detrick : I. M , IlunlletthJ es' on "Woman's
Opportunity , " while "The Iloston CIrklng : ,
School" Is the theme o ' 1ena I. 2uwail.
household ; Economics IuUEtlng , Ccmllany ,
Boston I
Meehmans' Monthly for JJalunry signalizes
vimImmte by selecting
the entrance on n new -l selltng
the wonderful Darlnrtol pitcher Illant of
California for Its colored illustration . The
plant , we are told , Is omnhorous I feell
on earthy mnUers hike othe\ dants , but eats
'Insects as a gastronomic' ' l \ xury. Thomas
Meehan & Sons , Germantown , Plmhamielphia ! .
In Babyhood for January Dr , N. Oppen-
helm lays stress on the Inlpornce or teachIng - ,
log children how to exerIse their lungs I
chidren , shows that rIght care In thIs
direction will oren prevent lung troubles .
Babyhood Publshing Compny , 6
Street , New York.
Among the prominent features In the Janu-
ary number or The Cosmopolan Is an ius-
trate article on "l'aoia and Francesca , " In
which the story oC this most romantc and
remarkable tragedy 1 told by Ouldn' In
all time usual charm belonging to this gifted
wrier : James S. Metcl contributes a do-
Ightul paper on "Time Tlmentjcal Season In
New York : " J. Fortune Knott In an ius-
trated paper entitled "The Damboo , " pre
sents seine Interesting facts regarding that
useful material : W , D. 10weis cOltrlbutes a
sketch entitled " A Parting and a Meeting : "
Ph. J. J. Valentine has n llapr on "Hum-
boldt's Aztec Paintings : " Albion W. Tourgeo
adds another chsptfr 10 "The Story of n
Thousand , " and W. Clark Russell begins a
new serial entitled "Tho Three-Stranded
Yarn. " The Cosmopolitan , New York
r t" V
An Enterprise of Great Importance to Sra-
. fatng - Nations ,
A 1'rogrealve l'olnter for New Commnnlles
- -Cstent Rnt Coat ur time Unthertak-
Ing-I'urlly R hitmahmicas .
Venture ,
COPENnAG N , Jan 15.-Special ( Core-
sponlence at Time Bee-Wlthln ) limo last two
or three months thl ely of Copenhagen has
been an object oC considerable Interest to the
seafearlng natons at Europe For COllen-
hagen has crrle out n Shilenthld enterprise
by which , from being one of the most ex-
pensh'e ports of the Baltic , It Is likely to
lecome the cheapest as wel ns time most .
ular : and It Is with geol reason that time
Danesolnt with such pride to their new
free port.
Time Idea of crtatng a free port at Copeh-
hagen originated when time constructon of
time canal through Holstein , connecting the
BalIc with the North sea was begun Ith-
erto Copenhagen has been time chief trading
port at the Baltic , owing to Its unrivalled
posItion and its facilities for communicaton
with Sweden , FInland , Russia antI Prussia.
lut , naturally , If nnother entrance to the
Baltic be effected , Copenhagen woull lose
much IC not 10St ot Its trade , as the north
Germnn ports would then be easier of access.
However , having so excellent a situation , I
free port at the natural entrance to this In-
land sea cannot but greatly Increase the 1m-
prtnce at the city , by malting I the center
of the trade with western Europe and Amer-
icn . It Is Irmly believed that the merchants
oC the Baltic will be prompt to avail them-
selves 'at the advantages offered by n deep
and shelered harbor , almost entrely free
rrom leo In wlnttr , where they can stor
their goods for future export free of Iutr ,
witim only moderate warehouse dues No efforts -
forts wi b spared to attract vessels to time
sPot , 111 It Is even thought possible that
transatlantic steamers will make COIenlagen
their terminus , leaving the local merchants
to carry their cargo farther on to time shallow
ports of Hussn : , Prussia and Sweden , thus
saving much tme and expense.
I was In the session 1890,91 that the
Chambers hmassed I bill provlling for the I
establshment of n free port which was t be
regarle as foreign territory under state
supervision outside of the customs house
jurisdiction , no duties being leYled Inside of
Its bommrmdaries. The following spring , when
the bill hall become n IIW , work was com-
mencel under the direction at tIme Ilarbor
board , wIth govcrnment supervision and the
corstrlcton ha steadily progressed until the
opening of the free port was celebrated on
time 8th of November , 1894.
The Copenhagen harbor a mlnlstrnton has
constructel the basins , qunys and quay walls ,
bui the roads amid laid the paving , at n cost
of about $3,000,000 ; and tie Copenhagen Free
Port com pan ) ' has erected all the buildings ,
and machinery besides managing the whole I
concern. Time company has the right to' '
execute al sorts of work inside at the cus-
tOIS paling , and IIIOSCS n tariff for ware-
imotmaing which Is under government control ,
Issuing dock warrants for the gods stored.
The tonnage dues having been entirely done
away with and the port ' charges , which arc
reduced to one-half , being levied only when
the goods pass from the territory of the
free port over time Danish custom bounlary ,
the expenses oC the ship are limited to pilot-
age and whartage and these arc charged
according to a very moderte tariff . Time
procEeds are divided between the harbor
board and the conmpany .
The new tree port lies north of the old
harbor anti west of time Inner roads , covering
1 land and water area of 160 acres The
land area , comprising about ninety acres ,
was formerly under water , but has been
raised to seven or eight feet above the
ordinary level at the , fen by dredged materials
tram the basIns and channels. Time total
length of the qUaYs and quay walls Is 12,000
feet. The quay racing the Inner roadstead
Id about 3,000 feet In length. The water area
comprises three great basins , the norther
harbor , with I depth at about twenty-fire I
English feet : the middle basin , at a similar I
depth of water , and the large southern tree
harbor basin , with its two basins , thlrty-
one and twenty-seven feet deep , respec-
tively , the basin being divided Iy the mid-
die pier , 1,000 feet long , Into two parts , to
provide more quay room.
Walking along the broad , paved and
graveled road , time first buildIng to attract
one's ntenton Is the Central Electric staten ,
which _ furnishes all the power used on the
place to work time cranes , elevators , pumps ,
etc. , as well as to Illuminate the streets ,
quays and all the buildings. This Station'
has been establshed by the Algemeino
Electrlcltats Geselsehar at Berlin , which
0\ ns all time electric apparatus used on limo
place , though the Free Port company has
reserved for Itself the right to purchase the
plant at wIll for n fixed nmount. All the
latest inventions In the domain at electricity
hove here been utilized and the machinery
Is the most perfect that can be produce
The Ges lschar has already laid over 3,000
meters at electrIc wires on the free port
Passing time custom house and the railway
staten , from which utica of rail lead raiway al
the quays ot the fre3 harbor and to the
Itaton for the steam ferry to bo run between
Copenhagen and Mallno In Sweden , wo turn
to the middle pIer , whose chief attraction Is
the "silo" wareimouse . This structure Is 1GO
feet long jmy 100 feet wide , and Is divided
Into three prIncipal longitudinal apartments ,
at whIch the two lateral are fitted up ns a
general warehouse , wlt vaults , grpund floors
and six upper stories The Ilddh section Is
40 feet wide and two stories hl her th(1
the other two , with n double passage for
cars running lengthways through the buildIng -
Ing , and between the two lines of rails n
platform level with the bottom oC the cars
On the tel ) of these passages and on the
platform at the sale level as the floor of time
first story are placed time thirty-six "ilns. "
or bins for grain , In three rows. Each ot
these silos holds 0,000 Ions , and communl- ,
cates by shafts anti elevators with the lofts
and the other silos. Extra precautions against
fire have been taken In time construction of
this warehouse , the silo compartment beIng
separated from the lateral sections by wails
at lire-proof "heton , " the idea being that In
case or fire th ! two outside sections will
fall away from the middle one Into the water ,
leaving the silos Intact , protect by the
"beton , " The staircases are likewise In-
closed by walls of beton , anti In case at ex-
treme danger there Is at eacim end of time
building a staircase wlthmhmm mm fire-proof simaft ,
comnmnimnicizting witim eacim story by art iron
door. On time outside of time warehouse are
electric cranes for hoisting grain from time
vessels below into time silos ,
On time western side of time eastern pier
we notice two warehouses , ammo of two stories
amid time other of five stories , Time two-story
house , called "Sited I , " Is about 300 feet
by SO feet , and contains vauits , a ground
hoer , and an upper story , Timis aimed is dl-
vimhetl into two parts of eiual size , ammd each
of these rimaces is on time 'western front of
time btmildhng supplied with a double counterbalanced -
balanced lift , and on limo eastern front svithm
a comnmmmon lift. At each end of time btmilding
is a staircase leading botim to time vaults and
to an external roof-covered gallery , Time
gallery is on t level with time floor of time
first story and runs around time ends and time
eastern front of time building , tlmus affording
easy access to all parts of time upper story ,
witimout time necessity of Passing timroughm the
interior , Time iioors of the rooms hi time
lower story are level with time bottom of
time railway cars , anmtl around time floors of the
vammlts are sunken passages , to faciiitate time
commveyanco of goods frommm one part of the
vaults to another , as well as to and from time
At a distance of 150 feet from time stied
is time wareimouse of five stories , called
" % 'areimouse No. 1. " It has time same length
ammd breadlim as tii& Bimed , and consists of
a range of vaults , a ground floor , three
upper btories and an attic. This warehouse Is
divIded by two party wails Into three spaces
of equal size , amid eachm of these spaces Is at
time western front wall provided with a
coummter.baiamicetj lift as vell as with a fire.
proof stair , BesIde the six lifts , six hoisting
apparatus are Provided on the eastern front
of the building , to lift goods from one story
'Xhe niafles1 Wril , rek , a mIet of its
Yornig Man Take a Hhit. ' '
Don' ' ) o nfrnlt to atart lii at the bottom. Don't
think 3'Oil iimust have ovor'tlm1ng 'aplt and span"whoa
soil ninrt'y niil ottla down.Vo cmiii give ynil a
eI oimg little housekeeping Outfit for very smisall amount
-amid then we domi' wniit the 1110150 % ' citliot' . You en5
I ? E D I1
l'nY mi' it , gradually , \Vlth a little home , partly filled
amid " . , little svlfo svell willed , " yeti nm'o on the high
road to success.
. - - - - - _ _ _ _ _
floIleil thown are as follows , and It is all wrtim of goomi , $1 Ir % U'k1 .
time scum 141 tiq Which ; miaim yomi adopt , hr l i'er mmitimih.
tortim iii guiiI , $ i.i0 , I'm' weak
only onmu I imlng be sure ? , .
mm our aut'i. .
are .II ivnrr.IIt.I , both n to atmality I , , 5511.0(1 is , nnIItIm ,
anmi i'nltme. Our salemmemm , mire eamIrtenmI' , , wurtim of goomI , 5' pmr wem'kl
atm r itiml ta ' ' I I r H 00 a in miii I ii ,
Imimmoim nro , mimi
Pro tim 'omm
imi a I'
iIctrommi , . ma i IimriImaImIy , IiIImi'q.i'ItieI. , 8311 wortim ul gttiii , S' . 1II imur week ,
Either you cash Or Mit ) her mmmomitlm ,
pay or neoupt our
Ptymmmcnt : hlmtmm ) easy 8100 wortim of guaIa , , : i 5'rr u'rck $
Or N I : a "r 11(0111 Ii ¶
la wurtim of gmmmmmi , santm : 11cr weak ,
F1ltST-i ltim Coal , , SECON t-ti'Itia Or M I .1 p.r nmnmmtlt
$ lfiO worth of goo.I , Xl jier wt'I
; mart Catahi nimi an mmmtichm jier mmmnntim , Or tS I ii mer Iimmtim.
8201) worth or good. , ei I'er w.'i'ki
'I'll I lti-'itlm Part cimiii nimmi so Or SSmiI ) i'er , imiitlm.
Sane worllm or gIOI1P , 8(1 'm'r weeki -4
imit2clm 11cr veck , or $2 ! ' , imer 111,1mm 1 Im
$12.15 $ . - -
This solid Omik Sldeboai'd , 0
fcot4 imiclies high , 4 feet wide
2i iioies deep , Get'mnan lievof
Pinto Mirt'oi' , ] 'ix4 lmclios , _ _ _ _ _ _ _
oval jmilntem' , hand cat''ud , ' ll =
You t'cnicnnboi' this boam'd ? z _ : _ _ _ _ _ _ _
We nth'ei'tier ) It at $10.85 ,
nimd told Otl It was wom'tli 2S. oWe - ' , , _ ' _ ,
We had butweon corn nod I
tis'o litiiidt'cd1 and hayo foi'ty- _ .
five left. i
Tlmis it ; a sainhilo of otit' ' 03 1J1 : : - '
Ptlcos' l- : ? )
: 1 I I
; l I
_ $1275 $ _ - I .4
ut4 Peninsular Stoves.
I We are Solo Agcut for OitinItn ,
' .
Nearly overybomly knows that. the "Peninsulna's" nrc
the best , amid at prlcc lam' below any otlium' house in the :
, city :4
Sattrlay Eveihajs only. .cCIIIf jOe to coccio.ta,7o on Fia'zilturc ratatogt ,
L - - - ' - - - - - - -
to another. In time same manner as Shied I ,
a platform on a hovel wIth the ground floor
and with the botom of the railway cars runs
entirely round the imouse , and underneath
this platform anti round the , vaults , arq sunken
passages. Timese latter are by means of
tunnels conected wIth time sunken passages of
time "Langellne Shed , " ( the wareimouse under-
fleatli time promenade Langeilne ) , so that time
goods may be conveyed from one building to
time otimer witimout impeding the traffic on
the quay , Time floor of time upper story In
"Sited I" is placed at the same level aa time
floor of the second story In "Warehouse No.
1 , " and they are connected by an elevated
platform on time western side Cf the buildings ,
covered with a light roof of' corrugated iron.
Portable electric cranes are erected to lift
time goods from time ships up to the elevated
platform , or to , time railway cars ,
On the eastern side of time pier , alongside
time warehmouses , is time new "Langehino Promenade -
enade , " from which enD line a superb view
over the city , the Sound , and time whole free
port territory. Beside time pronienade runs
time quay , wIth room for more warehouses ,
ending in time jetty , with its lighthouse ,
South of time quay Is a small harbor for pleas.
era boats. Looking cut. over the scund , one
sees time new fort , the "Middleground , " and
time breakwater protectig time entrance to the
imarbor , 350 feet in svidthm.
Of the namea connected with the establishment -
ment of time free port , that of Captain Luders ,
lbs original promoter of time scheme , is per-
imaps the most prominent , TIme successful
comphetlcn of time project Is imm great measure
due to imis untlring activity ; lie is the head
of time administrative board of timct Free Port
company , Other pronmlnent namimes are those
of Mr. Bernberg , Mr. Tietgen anti Mr. Molier ,
the imarbor engineer , under whose direction
time works havp been carried on.
I.1 Bolt .NOTE.'i.
Machine woodworkers are having an organization -
ganization boon.
Time 4tmstrahian leglsiatures are trying to
save money by rcdueiimg salaries of public
officials ,
Time iumnbormen In time camps in Wisconsin
are forming uimions tom- mutual protection ,
A gigantic strike may be time outcome of time
rcconmt wholesale discimargo of ompioyes at
Ilonmestead , l'a.
St Louis socialist lmas'o "
, organized a "Work-
ingmnen's Sunday School , " Lessons are given
from 12 to 1 ,
Ai4 eastern dhspatcim aays timat. A. F.
of 14. executive board imas enclosed time joint
label of limo simoemnakers ,
Contract convict labor system has been
abohimmhecl In Mississippi , TIme state will
furnishm emiloymmmelmt to prisommermi ,
Several sweat shops in hlaitinmore have been
closced by time city to prevent time furtiicj
spread of contagious diseases ,
Time engineers on the Southern Pacific railroad -
road system are preparing to strike against
time recemmt reduction of s'ages ,
Many New Engiantl mimanufacturing con
cerns are lmrelmarlng to move their plants
to time south on account of cheaper labor ,
Out o't a total of l&0 printers' unions that
have voted on time question of limdeimendant
lx itical action , all but two favor time emmove ,
Time carpet s'eavers and emmmployes of other
textile inmimmstries in Pimiiamlelpimla are becoin.
log restless anmi wiii subsoiL mmow wage scales.
Time Central Labor unIon of Seattle , Wash , ,
will build a labor temple to give etmmimioy.
imment to idle mmmemmmbera of time bulidinmga trades
uiiion ,
Time Masshion , 0 , , coal operators threaten
to import new men if time tumors persist In
timeir refusal to accept time scale awarded by
time arbitrators ,
Time outlook is hirlglmt for time continued
operation during 1895 of time raIl mills of limo
Colorado Coal and Jroim company , at Pueblo
aimd its allied mmiines ,
A number of Clmicago retail firma have
adoimted a modified system of profit sharing
wltim timeir emnployes. Time plan seems to
work well , and largely Increases time yearly
income of time emnlmloyes ,
Time federation of time political and Inches-
trial organmizations of Now outhi Wales is an
accomplished fact , Timere will be two
brancimes-district councils for lmmmlustriai cc.
lion and district assemnbiles ( or political ac-
The diplomacy of ivoman , and liar en-
clouded understandIng of time lmecuhiarities
of tier sex , is aimown by a lady who sent
out invItations to a fancy dress bali , awl
received many requests to allow time con-
ventiommal evenIng dress. To those sime ro-
imhleil thmat all ladies over 30 nimlghmt appear
In their accustomnemml style of dress , and' the
ball wais a great success ,
- - - - - - - - -
11 PL.IJ .S011i ,
John nwtnton in New 'York Sun ,
The sun Is rising' in time morni ,
its rmiys lhitmmne time world , '
Our COtmntry'g hag' glenmims in itma .ligimt .
Old Glory is umifurled '
Cimorus ; TIme Anmcriearm flagi
Our country's tiasj !
That Slag shall no er be furlett ,
Now cairo it high ; 'S
Salute time sky !
Saimmte time earth. and noun ; '
Our flag is imere ; . ,
. Our llnm is timere ;
That flag mi Amnericani
It floats aloft mi time mountain top ;
It floats o'er the stormy maIn ;
It floats where our eagle wIngs his sway !
It glory shall nerdivane ,
The roth , s'hmite and blue are time colors I
imears ;
Anmml timeso colors shah stand for all tIme ;
They svero drawmm from time sky mmnd time
heart of man ,
Fronu time slmim'it of beauty Bobhime ,
Time proud Stars anti Stripes , time Amnericax
hag ,
'Phi ; time flag' of our freedom and power ;
Time hag' of our sires , time flag of our love ;
Time hog of our soul every hour ! ' '
Cimorems. , ,
$3U0.OQ for ai Idea. j
ThIs Is the biggest price ever offered for &
atcim line or heading for an advertisemea,1
hayden Bros. vill give a clmoico of oeverat
first class pianos svortlm $300.00 each for time
head line adopted and In addition will give
orders on their music department for 50O
wortim of nmusio for the next five best imieas (
according to imierit.
To secure an absolimtely impartial declaIms
applicants are requested to sign in number
only amid to mmmaii corresponding nmmmmiber witis . ,
imamo and address to Time hleo office , where it
wIll rtmnaIn umitli after time award is made. '
Time rigimi is reserved to usc anmy head lins ,
once ,
The following are time facts to ho adver-
tlsed : hayden Bros. of Onmaima are tue only ,
firm In ( lie wend showing a connplete iino of
time instruments mnanufactured by limo live
most renowmmed piano nnaicers on earth , hayden -
den Bros. are nmot tied imp with red tape restric.
tlomms like regular aching agents , but are free
to make time lowest imrices ever heard of.
Iiaymlen Bros. put special streess on tlm
Steinway and Voso pianmos becaueo tlmey haye
a larger line in steele and can buy timeM
cheaper than any other mnakea of equal reputation -
tation , Do not be misled by anmy one claim-
hog the sole agency , hayden Bros. have
tlmemn direct from time factory as svehi as
from time Max Meyer & Bce , Co. nmtocic. ilusio
trade papers are saying pianos cannot be sold
in a department store , but sensible peopi.
who do not care to he hmoodwinlded by silly ,
frIlls are 1101 1(0 ( notional and time beet proof
of this is tlmat hlayden Eros , sold niore
pianos , organs antI musical lnstruniemmta in
one week ttan : any five music stores west of
Chicago have sold in six monthma , Time musIcs -
trade papers say thIs innovation will be
waiched with unusual interest and litmydems
ljgos , propose to keep them guessing ,
F DROPS &gF0 & , " 1
Prepared from time originni to' mum r
rervedimm /trchiveeot the Holy Lauilh&y.
tag no utbcntio history datlug back GOoycarmo ,
( or oil Stomach , 'Kidney and Bowel
troublezm , especially
Price 10 oent. Sold by nil druggists ,
'tl2e Fracisan Remedy Co. ,
lat V ? 'URE St. CUIOAOO , ILL
- , torCirctmiar.m'.i IiI5sIrdC1.-
For sale by KUhn & Ce , , 15th & Dn gia
_ q
' " - -