Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 02, 1895, Page 2, Image 2

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I o . , r . . l Y " . , , ' I 0 , i 'i w I. ' 1 JT , 'I' , I
' OMAhA DAILY . S..tVPUUDA , FEI3RUAItY 2 , 1805. 1 , I
I . . TILE ) Bnf1
2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4
n - -
, atemptng to contaIn hImeIf . Mr. Brlkln
- rIlge began hIs apology In humble toneL
'No onl. . ho begin , " can regret more than
I that nny personal dIfculty RheuM ( occur
on this floors but when 1 thought 1 had been
taken oft the floor with great rllieness , 1
went to Mr learll and sal(1 to him that ho
could not do business In that ' ny. lie rc-
p110(1 hat that was nn Insolent Rtatement.
plel that 1 was an 'Impertinent scoun < el. '
" " Interposed Mr.
"le called me n scoundrel ,
"Ho calleti mo n Inr , " went on Mr. Breck-
Iritidge , Ignoring the Interruption. " 1 ought
Iot to have resented I , Mr. Speaker , " he can-
lnuel ( , turnIng to the ch31r , abut al a Mis-
Ilsslppl judge once tIII . The Ito was nrst as-
au1t. . nnl In spie enc of my white hairs 1 could
not restrnn ! lnyEclf. 1 ar010lze to le ! speaker
and to the home. To the gentleman . 1 will
say , " lIe atlileil . as he turned al II looked
squnrely al Mr. Ilenril . his voice rising to one
of denanee , "I will say that that .cannot remain -
; main between he and I. "
: A scattering burst of applause greeted ( this.
Mr. Irecklnrllge ! took his scat. The house
sat breathlessly awaiting for the reply. Mr.
heard appeared to bo cahn , but he WI also
evidently lahorlng under great excitement . : ,
Not once In his long congressional career , ho
hcgal , , had he been embroiled In n personal
controversy on tim floor of tht house. Mr.
lpnrd then explained the situation.
Today , he said had been b't apart for 1)ls-
trict of Columhln busineas . and ho hall felt
I his duty when the opposing leaders on the
Hawaiian resolution hail nnlshe(1 ( their stat -
Inwnlnn reoluton
mcnts to tmnnd the previous quelon. The ,
gentleman from Kentucky hall then hlrrleJ'
over to him and had stated In n tone which
ho regarled ( ns nn insult that the house would
do nn business loday. lie had thereupon de-
mallell the yeas nlll nays , ni ho deemed I
his duty to do . whereupon the gentleman
from Kentucky , In what ho regarded I most
olenslvl language , hail called him an imiso-
lent and impertinent somcthlng.
"lie folowed , " saId Mr. Ic.rd , his temper
rising , "that statement with a personal assault -
sault . upon le : he called , le a scoundrel. "
' 'If r ( said hint , r wi withdraw I , " interrupted -
rlptcll Mr. Brccklnrldge , with nn eareslness
that struck emu of the members na ludl-
crols , rind they laughed , hearll' , "I do not
thlnl I said It. " he cOlflnuel1
"Mr. Brecklnrldgo did say itt" said Mr.
, . " disclaimer the still
"Afer lY gentleman stl
tnststs r said I , " retort ell Mr. Brlklnrldge ,
again flaring up , "I withdraw It ; ho does not
f . , deserve It. "
1r. Heard hastily denied that he intended ,
to queston Mr. Breednrl ) ] ! c's veracity , but
stated that he meant that In his excitement
; the gentleman frol Icntucky hall forgotten
' what he did say.
I "I stated , " ho continued , "that thir' gentleman -
man led , Ulln his wihdrwal of his offen-
slve epithet , r will wihdraw mine , but not
before. I believe that I have done nothing
- . which I was not my duty and right to do. "
, . Mr. Heard was also applauded when ho tool
1 his Sl'at This ended the wordy combat , and
In the absence of n motion which
might have been made to repr- !
manll time PrinciPals In the nf- '
( fair , the house procecdet with the question
" before I , amid the excitement soon subsided ,
. although ther ! wets much slcculalon through-
t out the day ns to what would be the outcome
! r , Perry of Kentucky , a friend of both
I , Irccllnrldge and heard , was using his good
omces after the row tow\l , reonclatng '
them. Datl are saul to bo possessed of'
. . physical courage but the two len have been
t. friends ! In the past , and , I Is believed , that
' tho. mater wi bo amicably ndjusted , and
that no bloodshed will resul
i The encounter between Mr. Brecklnrllge
IL and ! r. Heard will not eventuate In blood.
I Throlgh time Intermediation of friends of
both , parties , ! essrs. Goodnight and Derry
. Ientucly acting for Mr. Breckinridgo and
s , Mr. Dockery and ! r , hatch for Mr. Heard ,
, nn amicable adjustment of the difculy was
.m ( . arrange(1 These gentlemen went carefully
over the ofclnl report of the words uttered
i ann agreed upon 1 form of apology that
would be satisfactory to their principals" .
k. Accordingly , just before 5 o'clock , when the
c ' ' house tool a recess , ! I. lear arose and
rem ) a typewritten statement , to the elect '
k that \ , lareful , a cstmalon of ; the words uttered -
" tered made I evlent In the opinion of his
: frLcruls 1 that' , ( ii1r. Drecklnrldgl , d\ \ -
i clAimed the 'IS0 1 of time Ihngiihg consldercl' '
bylllnl ) ( heard ) off nuilvo he ( heard ) should
11\0 \ ? 'wlthdrWl svluat he had sall , 11' .
Hrnhl said lie thought he had : don so , but
his friends sal ho had not
* r "I conolder , It my duty to do so now , "
it said ! r. hoard , "nml now withdraw what I
t % ! r. DrecIlnrhlgo then complacenU arose
r and nccepted tIme olive branch 'of pea e.
"I ought not to have gomie to the desk
f : : of the genteman , " said he , "nnd have made
'i' , time statement I did. I was particularly
- unfortunate , considering the past friendship
) :
i " ' existing between that genteman and m-
self . I express my regret In this frank
' mnnner to hll and to the house. I pro-
' foundly apologize for 1 scene that shoull
' not have hnppenecl No inattor what occurred -
" currel ( , I should not mater It
- ) h'slcall' . I , sny to the house amid to time
4 genteman from Missouri that I exceedingly
' regret . " what has . occurred and ' crave . their
' The hClS0 npplaudell Mr. Brecklnrldgo
, heartily as lid sat down. At tim request
& _ of ! r. , Goodnight.tho entIre coloquy was
stricken from the record Thereupon ! r.
" Heard went ' over ' to ! r. Drecldnrldge , and
u the hate i"lve'rlrle8 shook hands. The
whllhwlnged dove of Peace spread her wings
and the Incldont was ofcialy closed.
: wit ii ltiN HlmSWI CII UENTl\LS. .
I Seelli Selltor from AIIIuul with l'lper
blJI"1 17 "floverminr" Jtolh.
, j , " WASINGTON , l eb. 1-A large parchment -
4 ' mont 'document bearing all the external e'I-
't' dences of the credentals oC a Unlell States
" senator was presented by Mr. Aie , populist
' - of Nebraska , on the opelllng of the senate
' 'r ' today , Mr. Allen , nnnounced thnt they were
. the credentials or Warren S. fleece of Aln-
111ma for the senatorIal term beginning
. Mnrch I next As the credentials of Mr.
' ! or/'n for the same term had Ilremly been
' receireul there was sonic surprise , and the
clerl was directed to rfall the new credon-
, tiai. They were of time usual form , style ,
, and closed UIUI : 'Wines his excellemmcy
, excelenc
Goveror I. F' . Kolb and our seal hercunto
k niihccd nt Montgomery , Ala , this 8th day
of Icembcr , etc. , ( slgntll ) n. F , Kohl , goVernor -
ernor : J. C. I onvl ! , secretary of mtste "
' 1ho neelo credentials were allowed 10 lie on
t , time table for ' time lrcseimt
Time credentials or ! r , Chandler for the ,
" term teginnhiug 1 next March were Ilresentcll !
, - Mr. McPherson olereJ his resolution of
yesterday , that the nnance commllee be Ils-
ehargd ( rein further consldoraton of Mr.
, Slmernian's bill to prevlde a temporary means
. of mmietimmg deficiencies , The conference report
on the arm ) approprlaton ! hi was submllcll
ant , agreed tn after tie resolution offered hy
- . ' ! r. McPherson went over .
The senate nreel to the reoluton of Mr.
k , C.I.'ry , democrat of I.Qulsllna , tD refer to time
court of claims the bill , for the relief of the
Citizens huuk Louimiana
Cltzen . _ . L , of _ I.oulllana. , . .
-11 JI5LCiClappropriacion ' 11 was taken
- UI and I again served as a text for a fuau-
' clal discussion ! . I
L- Mr , 'Feller /aid that the ststemcnts.mlde by I
; ' Mr. ( .
Gorman last night contained most roe
markablo declarations ems to time condltcn of
the treasury. TIme statements were so start-
In , tlat tin country hall not yet com pre-
II ndl1 their full meaning Mr. Teller ream ( !
fro I ! r. ( lormait'ii SIJeeeh to time effect that
the current obligations of the go'ernment
' were IOOOOOOOG ) In excess of the ayalabo ! In-
Iome. : Only the pthel' day ! I. Yelt had
stated , on the 100r ot the scnllo that In n
conversation wih the secretary of the tl'eas-
- . Iry the latter had given ak3urnnce that rev-
r enUC ! were nmple for expenses. Mr , 'roller
c read from the IJresdcnt's ! recent message to
time same effect a to "comfortahle balances . "
l hut now , sad ! he , the senator frol Muylund
, . the extraordinary declaration of a lIes-
tic Iml Ixltn ! delcl 01 ' 100.000.000 , based on
his IJenenal oxuimilmuation . Heferlrng to the
' - . - - proposed new baud issue , Mr. Teller 911t I
' - would be about UI effective al 10uring water
' II ; a sieve And these bonds mire being IJut
' . ' , out wien the administration was cliiuing 10
' IIwI ample revenue for expenses Mr. 'l'eiler
II tIf1 ( , wlh ; great force : "Th& atmlntstratol
! ' - ' of our fnancial affairs hal never been In absolutely - I
lutely Incomllclonl hands , but , I the senator
Irol ! hrYhll II right , they are In such I
, "
hInls now
' \n interesting 'IUI'ston : arose when Mr.
' 1,11.1 called attention to Mr. Oormun's declao
- , I'aton lat night that the sennto would , If
I Ih'CPICraU' , 1\11 I renmUA mealure to an alJ-
IJroprlaton bill. Mr Teller luggoltell that
til Marylanl aenutor musl have ovellooked
' a constitutional luroimllmitlomm to add gemmeral
' constlutoual IJrohlhltol ald Jeleral
; , ' _ -
lejIlutlon for bonds currency or otherwise
to an 11)lroprlatol ) bill.
, Mr. 00ln8n rose to say he hail /ot Intended -
m . tended to Illto a general ren'nUQ meaSure
' - - - -
-r-- : =
- . - .
* ' ' ' . - . -
_ _ _ _
would be added ( to nn appropriation bill. 10
fully understood the constitutional -
tlon . lie hat intended to usa the expression
"money amnendmnt" to an appropriation bill
rather than 1 "rovenue amendimmemit "
) tr. Teller said ho was ready to Join the
senator tram Maryland In any reasonable
plan to met deficiencies I they Oxisted
lImit this cOlld not go to the extent of tearing
down our whole currency system
"Slmoimld not this congress enact some fnan-
enl : leglslnton of n radical character asked
Mr. Hill.
"Yes , and 1 ha\o hen trying to ret such
legislation for several years " answered Mr.
Teller , "but the remedy I would suggest
might not receive time approval ot the senator
train New York. "
Mr. 11111-As we seem to agree. that some
radical legislation Is necessary why enn't we
got together amid endeavor to secure It 1
Mr. Teller-And what shah thnt legisla-
ton lie ? Think of time condition we Are in I
The ndmlnlslraton asserts no more revenue I
Is needed. The senator fro ' I Maryland ( ns-
sects n great Increase of 're\enue Is hnper-
atlve . 1 believe time judgment of time senate
Is with time senator from Marylanmi ( , But
what assurance Is there a measure agreed on
by this senate and the house will receive
executive approval ?
After strongly presenting time distress following -
lowing the 'demonltzaton of silver ! r. Tel"
ler closed with 1 hrlialt peroration which
drew forth n hurst of applause from time
senators about him amid from the galleries. I
I attracted close attention not oni ) ' for Its
fervid style but for the warning the senator ,
gave that : he would see to It that no hasly
legislation was enacled
" 1 realize , " said ho In closIng , "timat a
critical period huts been reached. I realize
that the agencies of wealth and high position
are against us. limit I am not craven enough
to he frlghtenell hy the contempt that ia ) ' be
heaped ulon mime when , I say 1 will see to It
that so far ns this session Is , concerned there
shnl bo no hasty nnd weal legislation thnt
would carry out the tell 11IrliOSe now being
attempted. "
Time bill was then passed authorizing the
m Hel Irllge company 10 construct abridge
bridge homo , over the South Canadian river , Okln-
The senate bel n brief cxecntve session
all at 6 o'clock ndjourned.
JA\ IAN : I\T'rl'1 ; Ul' AU.UN.
! lou80 lI'ldos Il ThuD ] otl"len that IuII
Ilcllo tiiitIrOhitI4.
WASHINGTON , Psi , . 1.-Time personal encounter -
counter betwcen ! r. Brecldurilge of Ken-
tucly , who figured In the notorious breach of
IJromlso suit last summer , and : r. heard :
of Missouri , who has been a member of the
house for ten years , overshadowed In Importance -
portnnco all else that occurred today and wns
almost the only theme of conversation. An
hour was devoted to debate on the Pacific
railroad bill , a resolution was adopted calling '
on the president for all correspondence and
Intormaton regarding the alleged aid fur-
'nlshell the rebels In hawaii by representa-
tves of the BrItish government and the remainder -
mainder of the day was consumed ( by the
District of ColumbIa committee.
Mr. Dowers , republican nf California , op-
poset thc railroad bill blterl ) In doing so
he severely condemned time methods
Ilrsued by some of the Calorla OIPonents
of the measure , notably Mayor Sutro of San
Francisco , who had been 1001n members
with frantic appeals to kill time bill.
"J oes of the gentleman claim that Mayor
Sutro Is In realty attempting to old the pas-
sage of the mnea'ure . " said Mr. Camninetti .
democrat of California.
"I do not " replied Mr. Dowers , "belIeve
that Is the real effect of his circulars. "
Mr. Bryan of Nebraska also opposed the
bill . which ho sold dealt with two classes
those who had been guilty of mlsmanngo-
ment and those who would use the lines In
the future The title , In his opinion , sholld
' , be amended eo ns to make It rend : "An act
to nmend the eIghth commandment , and make
It read : 'Thou sbal not steal In small
'amounts : to visit the Inlqlites , of time fnther
, ; on tile ' sop to thQ fourth generation and for
no other purpose. ' ' ( .aughter. ) Mr. Bryan
purpose. (
'doyqtvll , 'ost of-his time to n discussion of
' time equiles between the people on the line ot
the -rod' antI the stockholders. -The real
Pul1QSO : or time bill , he , said . was , stated by
Mr. Powere , yesterday when he said most of
time stock WS held In New England" . They
wanted ( dividends and the . men who had
robbed . the road wanted trnmmuunlty. , . ,
Mr. .Carutl of Kentucky consumed time re-
mainder of time hour wIth n speech In favor
ot the bill , ,
At 12 o'clocl time hOlise relurned to Its
routine business. On l ton of Mr. Oros-
routno of Ohio a joint resolution was passed
providuimg \e for a joint eommlteo of the house
amid senate to report a plnn for participation
In time exercises connected with the dell-
catlomi of the Chlclmlauga Military park
caton '
September 1 , 1895.
! r. Hltt ot Illinois then slbmltted from
the foreign affaIrs committee n privileged
eprt on Mr. Stor < r'a rC50\ltlon : calling upon
time president 10 transmit al corespondenca
regarding the report the rebels against the
hawaiian government were Incited , supplied
.anil led by who
with arms , .mI party persons
clalmell to bo BritIsh subjects , amid thnt the
minister of Grent Britain intervened In order
to prevent the application of martial law to
those concerned In the rebellion.
The report recommended time passage of n
substitute covering the same grolll In different -
substtute phrseology. Mr. HI , immade the re-
port In Mr. Storer's absence , and asked for
Its Immedlato passage.
Mr. McCroary , chairman of time committee
on foreign nl'lrs. deprecated what he cnle(1 (
a furler : Iltpla. of "Paalan hlst.ory. " He
said hil commitee was unnnhnously In favor
of time resolmitioim . and It shouhl be passed
without stirring up thIs old question a aln.
Mr. Hear then demanded time previous
question. This led to time bandYing of epl-
thols and a IJCrsonal encounter between Mm'
Drccklnrld amid Mr. Heard , an account of
which Is given elsewhere In these dispatches.
After I was over Mr. Reed demanded tell- ;
er Afer time yeas and nays stating rather ,
sharply that the demanU for the previous
questIon hind summariy taken Mr. Hilt oft
his loot . This led to another exciting scene.
The speaker replied he was willing to take
the responslhlly un lmiinself After 'he had
eXlllalnul the parliamentary sluntcn Mr. Hltt
stated the reason he hat not been able to accede -
cede to the request of Mr. heard was that
lie did not Imow that that genteman desired
to speak on time Hnwalan question.
Then Mr. nrcclnrldgc , In his usual tone
with great coolness , said : " 1 had desired 10 I '
say n teW words of opposition to the resolu-
ton , but hat not tune to do so. " He would
In time future have occasion to say something
upon It. r
Then Mr. Iclr of Pennsylvania shoule
"RIlllar order " mind after the speaker hn(1
with ! difficulty hmersuaded the members to hear
time speakers Mr. Hlt went back to his
speech on time Hnwlian resolution. Possibly ,
ho said , part of the remarks hall been lost ,
because of a little confu&lon which might
have diverted the ntenton of the members.
le sr. Breel\nrillge ulI Heard were then
In their usual seats , thirty feet away from
each other.
- . - KlcCreary made n brief repl ) ' , In the
course of which he and Mr. Ilt got Into a
good natur.1 wrangle , Mr. lcCrary contend-
lug that time Hawaiian cable , of which ! r.
Hlt hat spoken , hall nothing to do wih time
' iimestioim.
'fhen the Iefoluton was ; dolJle wihout
upposlton , uli with little dlsor er.
) Ir. Springer oC Illinois and ! I. CoX of
TruneSeo : became involn In 1 discussion
over the statls of the rellort of time ndmln-
Istraton currency bill , which ! r. SprInger
asked permlulon 10 report. ! r. Cox thought
the report wonhl cut off the minority trum
the rght ! to present its views ! r. IcII was
Ilehlnndlng to know l "flces the gentleman from
Tennessee object to time report ? " when ! r ,
Tracy of New York shoutcd to him : 'he
gentlcman from Tennelseo Is able to take
care of himself , " alhlng lie ( Heed ) wnnted
to qleer th.\hole timing Thereupon several
members lade n feint ! of holding ! r. Tracy '
back tram Mr. Heed I'
'flul report was received , with permission '
given to the other members of the comlltce
to file their views 'he remaInder of the dar
WJ ! c091umell by the District of Columbia
coimmimmittee. Several bills were Imassed. After
lutual apologies frm ! r. Heard and ! lr.
lirccklmirimlgo for the earlier In the '
Iretlnrhlgo scene carler day
a bill was passed 10 give an additonal judge
to the Se'cnth judicial district , and 1hen at
5 o'clocl tho' house tooK a reeen untIl 8
o'clock , the nlgbt leulen to be devoted to
time consideraton 'of private pension hills .
"o"lmu"totl Cumml.I..C.
' \ ' AfIHNf'ON , Fetm . . 1.-Seclal ( Tele-
grmmmmi.- Postmasters wCI.e eomninisioned . to-
Ily Ul f"loWI : Nebraukm-Hliswom'tim ; A.
liamuhmmil. rolll ; John \V. Gore Liberty.
Soulh Dakota-Jolmmm O. 1anl , , \ r. , Ulrl ;
Mar L ArlRlronJ Harhln , mltz ; H.
0 , 1 etersn , Newhope ,
: - - ' "
Suppiseti to Have Instlotions Concamng
I Bond Issue ,
SU1'1"Cd to lia'e leen J'R"I In for Money
to Shill tn the Inlerlor-I'rlce5 Rt
% hleh 10115 11)
ln boid
WAShINGTON , I eb. 1-Late thIs afternoon -
noon Secretary Carlisle slatell that mme Public
announcement of' a financIal character would
be male tonight. Time cabinet meeting ad-
journell nt the usual hour today , but Secre-
tar ) ' Carlisle , Attorney General Onley and
Postmaster General Dssel remained In con-
sulnton wih the presldenl until near 3:30 :
o'clol ( .
Asslstnnt Secretary Cmmrtis' report of his
mission nt New Yorl , was laid : before the
meetIng by Secretary Carlisle , amid after n
full dIscussIon of the maters involved ! r.
Curtis was relluestet to ngnln proceed to
New York . He left Wnshlngton on n late
afternoon train , but what his Instructions
Were Is not known , though It Is nssumc
nothing looking to a bond Issue will be done
unti ) Ir. Curtis cnn confer with New York
nnanclers anti conlnunlcnte the result of his
mission to the secrelnry.
Time omclnl report from AssIstant United
States Treasurer Jordan nt New York thnt
$1,257,00 had been wlthlrwn from the sub-
treasury tony amid $1.800.000 In gold coin had
been returned lot currency wns received
with much satIsfaction amid sur rlse. I Is
not l < own , however , whether this deposit of
gold Is the forerunner of others In fulfillment
of nn agrlment between the bankers and the
treasury . oiicabi. ! ! : . I Is believed .In som.clr . -
dies cue lepOSlt was maue mum time orumar
course of business for currency to b shipped
to wcstern correspondents. By today's trans-
actions the gold reserve Is slightly Increlsed ,
standing nt the cjpso of business $12,8GO,012.
Time prospective Issue ot il0ther bail recalls
tIme interesting act that during the period
from June , 1880. to Jmmmmuary 1891 , time government -
ernment IJUrchnsetl and retired $ I79.8t2GOO
In 4 per cent consols fnUng due lit 1907 , for
which It paid n bonus or premium of $46- ,
396,006 In addition to the accrued immterest
The government nlso purchasM of the 41
funded loan of 189 $1.3GI8,200. for which
I pall 1 bonus or premilm oC $9.998,201 In
addition to the accrued Interest. These
bents were purchase nt prices ranging from
129 to 124 , and n somali quantity of this same
issue was today sell In Washington at 11 .
A calculaton of time prlcef whIch must be
obtained for 4 per cent thirty bonds on 1
3 per cent Interest basis Is 19,74 ; on 1 3V&
per cent basis 114.84 : on n 31 per cent basis ,
109.26 ; on a 33 per cent basis , 10449 ;
nAIGAIN S'mLlS 1N ( ; II1MtN. '
IJI 10 Uo SubmUt"1 to time Holehstug to
sti'I' Unllir ( onmpetluumi.
WASHINGTON , Ieb. 1.-Time bargain sale ,
so dear to the AmerIcan women , has been
Introduced into Germ.n ) with results so dls-
nstrous to conservative German busIness
methods that time government has been apPealed -
Pealed to to cure the evil , A bill has been
drawn for submission , first to the federal
council and then to time Reichstag , Intended
to check the practice . United States Com-
morclal Agent Stern nt Hamburg has sup-
piled n copy of this bill to the State department -
mont with extended comments upon the con-
ditons which have caused Its preparatiomm.
The proposed law Is directed first of all
against those schemes In which the managers
of so-called bargain sales by means of fraud-
ulent advertisements , effect a sale of mer-
chandlso.of lQ lrerert ! , goods , for n .conslder-
able period , turlng wimiclu ' , mt cQur.a.the legitimate -
mate busin ss h'ouscs have td'suler and the
weWtro of this whole ommu"nlty rls Injured.
A number of the Chambers of Commerce
have complained of this unfair competition .
The act Is very sweeping In its provisions ,
and prescrIbes these thlhgs ns unfair com-
petition : "Attempting to place business offers
In n particularly favorable light hy means
of Incorrect declaration regarding the nature
of prices of articles of merchandise : time
amount of stock nn hand or the cause of selling -
Ing out : hindering the business or credIt of
n merchant hy Incorrect statements as to
his business person or wares , using names
of Irms or persons or trade marls or signs
so ns to lead to confusion or infringe Ipon
another merchant's trade. The betrayal of
trade secrets by nn employs wIthin two years
after leaving his employer.
Mr. Stern says that owing to the great
difficulty that would be experienced In construing -
strulng the application of this act In mdi-
vidual cases It has already beep severely
crltclset and he expresses doubt of its pas-
sage by the Relchstag , nt lest thIs year.
, \nslnus to have time J.ttolRlllna Election
WASHINOTON , Feb. 1.-The credentials
of Warren S. Reese ns senator from Alabama ,
signed by Heuhen F. Kolb , claiming to be
governor of thal' state , were presented ( to the
scnato by Senator Alen today . Colonel
Reese was nt the capitol when time creden-
tials were presented , ant was Introduced to
a number of populst senator by Senator
Prlclind of North Carolna ' He was nq-
companied by nn aged and Illiterate colored
mnn. John 'ashlngton by annie , -who was
exhibited to time senators ' as 1 specimen of
the judges of election chosen by the demo-
cratc nuthorltes to represent the republcan
amid populst parties. Colonel Reese slated
this man has acted In this capacity nt Mont-
gomery nt several electon : Speaking of ills
contest , Colonel Reese declare It to be his
urposo to press it , and he seemed especially
anxious that Senator Allen's resolutIon pro-
vllng for time appointment of a commitee to
investigate time charges of fraud In Alabama
elections should carry.
Senator Allen rIll speak on this election on
Tuesday next , nail It Is understood to be the
policy of time republicans In time senate to
support him In time movement.
UPllOotoI to time ? Icuur" AJroo Ulol I I
immlitItmiLc .
WASHINGTON , Feb. I.-Tho minority ef
the Pacific railroad commitee , which oPI ses
the Helly . l , amid the members from Call-
tornla , who arc fightIng It , hat a conference
nnd agreed to certain nmendments to Mr.
UOtner's bill - for , n commission to take , . charge
of the roads when they default In bond
payments which will make It acceptable to
the opposition. The amendments wi be of-
tered by Mr. Boatner tomorrow They provide -
vide the capitalization of the corporation when
It shah paS out of time control of the commission -
mission shal not exceed the purchas ) rlct
b ) more thnn 10 per cent , also that cnethlrt
of the ) urchUo price shal bo paid In cash
down , the remaining two.thlrds by ffr-'ea
3 per cent bonds , this being n substitute for
the section alowing the Issue of simiar bJldl I
for the whole mmmnount. The lull does not em-
hJdy the Ideas of the western len , but they
assort that they consider It so luch better
than the Hely bill Ihat they will vole fcc
It , lS It 5eelS to be time only opposition Illan
wih a chance of success
, \"TJ 1 H11"NNl IU\OI.
Ciiimmdior , , Uoelar's time ' \ / Heats Ihoull I
Uecilred 'mmvmuiir .
W ASHNOTON , Feb. I.-Yesterday's brIef
filibuster In the senate , which was preclpl-
tntCI by Senator Ciianuiier's iaton to declare
time scat of Senator Martin of Kansas vacant ,
was thc beglnnln of tIme tactics which aOle
of the rflllblcan senators ha"o decided upon
for time rJurrole of delaying legslaton : , and
Is so recognized by the democrats and ao
confessed by sOle of the repubiicamma. Senator -
tutor Cbandler , when aBIet for ama explanation
of the leanlng : of lila resolutIon , replied :
"We lean 10 get Martin out If we can , amid
after that 18 accomplished to get Hoach un'
seated and have rlllublcans elected In their
placca . With this done miami whim the leW
Wyoling anti Montana senators seated , amid
with Washington vacancy filled by a re
pUblcan , we will not only have the demo-
crlts In a minority , but we will come lea
- - - - . -
. u .
having I republcan majority Wo hal b
In shape to bring relief to the country by
settling time financial problem , which the
democrats b'f shown themelves Incapable
of doing wMlJln ! the nmajorlty. "
Mr. Chnnlier declared himself In earnest
Senator I"aulk" r did not regard time filibuster
as n serlous1t'ter $ , and said It was Intended
to tenmporarlly delay matters until time demo-
ernts shouM npnounce their order of business ,
whleh wouldn1 done soon.
- - ,
Incrtso II the helitimmrlng ) time Mouth is I
\1 i ' .
11'lsa Slillion
' ( Milon.
WASlIhNcki ? , Feb. 1.-Time monthly
statement of the publc debt , issued from the
Treasury deamtihent today , shows on Jnnu- .
nry 31 the . I ublc cash In the treasury I
amounted to $924,46,269. nn increase for the
Ilonth of ' 13lt2G7 Following Is n recpltu-
Inton of the debt :
Interest bearing debt , $681.323.710 ; Increase
timiring the muontim $5,155,580 : dtbt on which
Interest has ceased since mnturly , $1,792.690 :
I\ecreaso \ during the month , $33,110 : debt
hearing 10 _ interest , $382,933.172 : decrease
during the month , $316,172 : total debt , I,6H-
827,486 , of which $578,777H are certificates
and treasury 10tes offset by an equal nmolnt
of cash In time trensun' .
TIme cash In tIme trenslr ) ' Is classified ns
follows : Gold , $97,353,776 : silver , $ : Oi ,0Si-
384 : paper , $140,572,456 : general account , mis-
burslng ofilcers' balances , etc. , ,11,156,715 :
total , $760,470,331 , agaInst which there ate
dOland liabilities nmountng to $616.867,028 ,
leaving n cash bnlnnco of $155,603,303 , of
which $44,705,067 Is gold reserve.
Urging 1.1111 interests.
WAShINGTON 1'eb. 1.-Seclnl Tele-
WASIIrGTON , - ( ) Tlle-
gram-Joimmu . n. Wel1ster of Omaha Is In
the city to urge the Immediate commence-
lent or work of ImlJro\lnl time 1Isrlri
river lt Omnahma . amid to Iecure aim I 1mm-
urt-ased npimroprmntlomt for this itmrPoe.
Congre mlPickier imas again urge
lon l'resident Clc\elM the necesslt of
Issulnl his < Ilroclllntun < II soon ns 118'lble
for opening time Ynnltun reservation In
ullenln/ reservnton
South Dakota , comprising tCO acres . The
' , , he lastiemi Blxt ' ilays
proclul\ton must 1B'le < imixty 's
irior to time ( into of O\Jelln and ! r. Plc\- \
icr Islts that It he nll \ e nt once so that time
setUcrs , 1.1) : tithe their c.hnl amid IJro\'e
uwm UI ) lelr ! croll jmammtmng tmmne
1) ) lnlnl
Scnntor Pettlrew tollY offered nn
nme1lmcnl to time Imlun appropriation bill
jlrOVldlnl for ni nl1lJrolJ'lnt \ al ) $7fOO , for
lmlrovememmts mimI repairs at the lndll
school ut Fllldreau , S. I ) .
St mite mmmt'ii C or luuk (1 : remmlmu t 10mm.
WAShINGTON , Feb. 1.-The monthly
statement of time comptroller oC the cur-
rency shows m. national haul circulation
I ; ntonll crculaton
amountIng to $20,2,3H. which Is Ot do-
create for the 101ih of $1,207.703. amid for
time year of $2.60.016 , Time clrclinton omit-
stmunding agmulimat bOIHI amounted tu $17 . -
Gil.21. Rlanlllg I decrease for the mouth or $993.217 ,
111 for 1CI' yen or $7,117IS7. ' 1ho 110Ult
or clrculatol secured by lawful . alone ) ' waR
$29 , 11. 69 ; . n Ilecrmse for time month of
$314,492 . miami al Increase for time ) 'ear or
$ .w7.4H. 'rhe I10unt oC registered bonds
0 ( Ilellslt 10 secure circulating notes was
$1.8 G.IO ) , and to secure Imblc deposits ,
$ } ,9i3O.h ,
Slit : ll\on ! Short In .limnmiumry. '
WA11INGTON , Feb 1.- ' treasury state-
shows the - from all
mont receipts ni sources
during the month ' or Jnllnr ) ' to have been
$27,801.399. and the expenditures $31,523,147 , 1
deficit for . the monlh of $6,719,015 and for the
Iscnl year or $31.252.070 'Jhe Ie\orl Items
of receipts durIng January are given ns Col-
lows : Customs , $17,561,916 : Ilterlul revenue ,
$9.031.961 : miscelaneous , $1,40iG18.
Col.UO . for the MOlth. I
WAShINGTON , Feb. 1.-'l'imo monthly
statement of tiifi " llrcctor or the mint shows
colnnl ! at the "vernl mints dlrlng January -
ary , 189 , ns fii1o * s : Gold $ .G98,3o : silver ,
$5i4.00 ; mllu r tln ! . $6.20 : Of the silver
coined $20.0 was In silver 101ars , Since I
July I , 181. the number of silver dollars , '
'C"lne was 3 2 i ,
Nnw ttma8ter lt timummacim.
WASHNG ' FFb. t.-Speelal ( Tele-
gram.-F. 1. rrrt - was today appointed
postmaster nt Ilmsen , Adams county , Ne-
brska , vice J.V. . procter , , resigned.
, t
r. -
! noason 'Vhy thn City Counci IQCu8ed to
Pass JunuIT Salary Or < hm ee.
A lon talotIY thieity ' co'uumcll at a specIal
meeting yesterday afternoon will delay tem-
porariy the pay of cIty employes for services
during 'he mno'ntlmbf January. The meeting
was called to consider time Janlar"salay or-
dlnance but ! I. Durkley ' called attention to
the fact that the sl11 for the fire department
was about $7,000 , while only about $6,000
was remaining In the fund from last year , and
the levy for the current year had not been
made To be on the safe side , It was there-
fore determine to defer the passage of the
salary ordinance until the levy was made
The acton of time Board of Fire and Police
CommissIoners In retiring Chief Galgan or
full pay for three montbs or retiring him 'on
hal pay absolutely and gIving him 1 leave
of absence for three months , which amounts
to the same thmimmg . was not approved by time
council. This body , In the first place , rec
ommended retirement on half pay , and yes-
terday afternoon determIned that the order
shoult operate from the day Gnlgnn ceased
to be chief , which was January 1. Of the
slxtel members present only one voted In
the negative on this question.
The vote by which time whole salary or ?
dlnance was defeated stood ! to 7.
Motors for time FiiI nrolll .
The lark commission met yesterday afternoon -
noon and allowed bills to the extent of
$2.10. The commission also unanimously de-
cided to grant tie petition of property
owners to permit tie extension of time hues
of the Omaha ' Street Railway company
from West Lenvonworth street 10 the site
or the state fair , l nt In the vicinity of Elm-
wood pnrk. _
All the members , or the cnmml\lon were
present except ! I. Klpatrlc , who Is ab-
sent tram the city. ,
. '
Thmoimimmid WUln to net Iii.
Miss Viola Coln , secretary of the Boarder
or Examiners of the Civil ServIce commis-
sion received 1 letter from J. D. Proctor ,
president of the commission at WaRhlng-
ton , which conveyed time intelligence that
over 4.0 npplcatonR fOI' positions In time
railway mail service had been Iled and the
commission wnl out of blanl(1 for 1lllca-
ton IJUrpnses. A new stock of blanks has
been ordered
- .
None wi hold strength hike Price's Baking
Powder , for It alone Is absolutely pure.
J'RUSON.l r " l IJ.IOJ.l'1S.
Ira A. ! etcal Is a' New Yorker who Is In
the city.
F. DrIscol arid wife of Creston , 10. , are at
time Barker
n. Barnum has taken winter quarters at
the Barker ' , : V
J. A. Harll ' n banker at Broken now , Is
at the iaxtomm. { " '
John W. Dedfte ( , 'oJ Chicago , a western In-
surnnce man , ) u ip , time city.
J. P. Dnrret\ . pafsenger agent of tIme Mis-
lourl Pacific , h114 \nTIer palron.
Harry Swellman , business mnnager for Mor-
rlson's "Plnst\1 \ 'isl at the Barker .
'traveling mel ' 'l time Barker over SUllla
are : J. S. SI'lb : I. D. Craig , Louisville ,
iCy ; F. S. Jlunib , E. S. Smlh , H. G.
looreshead , Cllcah .
At time Mercprj : _ O. Oulaher , Kansas
City ; J. K. HmUllrad , Delrol : Cain Chapin ,
P. i C. Powers , g , . 'rnmk : Merriam , Sprlngleld ,
Mass . ; 1' . F' . Ilinjmel , Fremont : C. Kirk ,
Boston ; a. O. tLmrpchmmter , Ablene , Kamm ; H. P.
jImmies , O. , \nloobler , Sieln , Neb : W\-
lam Cummings , tChlcgo : R. 11. \Votzki .
Billings , ! on tS.H.ovo Kelley , Chicago ; F.
W. Shaw , LlnClni ; I. 1. 1 lzhuh , Cincinnati -
naU ; Et 0 , Yates , I.lncoll ; I. . F " . nderly ,
harrisburg . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
' . , 'bimawkimumg "t J'III hotels.
At the Iehiore-lI / , A. Hobbs , Bancrof ;
J.v . Hlmphrey , Norfolk ; H. V. ! artn ,
Blair ; A. C. Chnee , Nebraska City
At the l'axton-J. H. Hothwel , Norfolk ;
E. C. Dmmocl ( , Creston ; J. I. Baker , Charles
A. RUle , LIncoln ; J. 4 , hams , Jrolcn 110w .
AI the Arcade-Il . 'n. Kelly , Norfolk ; 11.
Steele , David City ; F. J. edmond , North
Plate ; O. W. Rogers , Craig ; J. O. Black-
burn , Arl.dton ; C , jut. Johnson , l'emider
At the Iuiiihard-E. N Clark , Genoa ; M. D.
Tyler , Norfolk ; P. Martin and H. Sprague ,
Fails I CityV. ; . I . Ingrhum , Oerlng ; J. ' 1.
Trenery , , Y'awnet Ciy ; W. S. Summers , LIncoln -
At the erchants-J. . Hutchlnl , Madrid ;
P. J , Taylor , St. l'aul : O. Iemlledl , l'aimli.
lon : M. Courier , l.Immcoimm ; E. Hose , l'olller ;
( 1. Burke , North I'iatte : W. J. Housewortl ,
Lincoln ; I' , S. lurls , \\'eOpiuK Water
- _
' -f *
- -L---
Blood is Life'P
And upon the
Purity . , and Vitality
. " ' . " Of the Blood , Depends the . . P
Health of the \Vhole System.
- The Best mood Purifier is '
Hoods Sarsaparilla . ;
? I'hl 1 : lfln'ehl beyomitl a 10\ht ) ill- , time
t ho1:1 : 11 : or w'omiiel'ftll ( cItrus fl1'eOlht-
1llhulI , l' huH tmiedicitie.
W'o rest our else not \llon whal we
5:1) : ' , but U1lon whlt the lleolle , stay.
uhoul h100tl'm4 Sarsapurillt . : , the great
bloom ! ' ' .
( l'IIII' '
Weak tlt'el , ' ' nml !
) tl'cl ( uen'OIHI men nm i
WOlcn tel or lew stremmgtlm uul 'igot' ,
ull sleld ' IWI"'CS given by lioutI's
Sll nlHl'ln : : , lie t grunt blood littrhiiei' .
leo1lla who coals ! hot sleep , tint !
who limit ! \0 11'IHtlu [ , tel or refm'eshimmg
I'pst nnl lment'ty nlllIUte ) ) won after tmik-
lug JOOH Stti'saptrihll : : , the great
blood Inllll' .
Hul'ulel . ! ft'ol 1 l'u:1n I SCI'ofull
sores , Sl rhcul , amid the severest
fm'l : or other hlool diseases , rt'jolco
In cures by Inllel blood , nccol-
1lshm1 , by Hood's Snrsturll : , the
great bloom ! puli'iiler.
'l'h { teftlonlnls we ptmbilsim l lre not
1I1'eIScI : , nol 11 ! they flol our CI'
hilOYeS ) , unIt' mire they wl'l ten imp In our
Olll' . Es'ei'y one Is strictly rehlmtbli' ,
' ' ' ' conlhlcnce If
Ill lS wOlth 'Ol' lS
It bor catmie . f11 your most t'ustcllelgl-
Such n tc tmonlnl ns this no other mel\-
clno can iirodumce I Is ono of thousnl\ls pos-
sessell by HOOIIS Sarsaparilla , amid Naves the
merIt of this mmiedicine.
Reliable , honest , h\lustrloue , Is what all
say of ! r. Bennett. lIe has been engaged
ns gas-fitter In Boston for 3G years , with Tar-
boll , 11 Washington street , amid Ielhle ) ' ,
Wnshlngton street , opposite 10)'lston ,
"C. I. Hood & Co. , I.owcl , Mass . :
"Gcntemen : I am anI' doing what Is Just
when I tel \oluntarly what HOls Snra-
pnrla has done for me. I kno\ It
Saved My Life.
"A year ago last winter , after exposure to
atornis I caught 1' severe cell , after which
chronic eczema appeared on time calf of my
left leg amid spread all over my lower limb
from knee to ankle , amid time Ichlilg mind
burning was something awful , AddCI to this
was 1 severe pain , seemingly In the bone
At last It became so that I lund to give upI
work and was Innble to walk. I hall to have
r my ler hal\laged all the time nnd freuent
changes of the cloths For nile monlhs I sol
wih may leg resting In a chair.
Oh , I Was Dreadful !
"Friends said I could not 1\0 long In all
I had seven different phslclans , all to no
HOO9S Sar parBUa a. CU. RES
Be Sure to Get Hood's and Only Hood's
Sea Has Swallowed Up All Evidence of the
Disaster to the Elbe ,
. I
Eibo'g : lsslOI Lifeboat ( has Not neen heard
from Bud AlL 1101)0 or , \ 1) Store
I'asseiigors Jcllg SiTed Ils
Doel AIBlu1oued.
LOWESTOFT , Feb. 1-Time terrific weather
Jf the past fortY-lght hours continues along
the east coast of England. Inquiries this
moring at . the varIous , .0. life favlng . . . . and , coast-
guard stations slow that no aUUluonal news
has been received In regard to the loss of
time North German Lloyd steamship Ebo and
no trace has been found of tIme missing lifeboat -
boat supposed to contain peplo from that
steamer. However , the sea Is so rough that
many of the fishing smacks are unable to
make port and arc beatng up and down the
coast waiting for a chance to run Into ! some
Altogether fifteen fishing smacks which
sailed over the scene of the disaster havO re-
turned. They report that the saw nothing
to indicate that a steamer had , been lost.
In reply to 'I message of sympalhy from
Queen Victoria the agent of the North Oer-
man Lloyd Steamship company hums tele-
graphed to lice majesty saying that no hopes
whatever are entcrtnlnc of any more or the
passengers or crew or the steamship Elbe
having' been saved.
I became known today that the Elba had
on board the body of ! lon C. Connors , of
South Dakota , who dIed recently In / Banl-
, tarlum lt Berlin .
himdlcmmtlouig host The ) 11111 to Secure TheIr
J\811tl alll " ' ( nt Uowa with the J lbc.
OAKLAND , Cal" , Feb. I.-There Is no
doubt that "D. ! Drunson and Ida Drun-
Bon , " whoso names appear In the Elbe's
steerage passenger list , are time young mill-
tlry captaIn and wife who started for Der-
In In December last to present their claim
to a $260,000 share In time estate of Baron
van Iharnokow All the circumstances of
time and travel and the knowledge of tIme
tme ant
oolng couple's intentions In time event of
failure , prove theIr identity .
Time story of ! rs. Drunson's short life Is n
roirantlc one. Twenty years ago Baron van
Durnekow the hell to' an Immelise estate
In Baltmore , by 'lrtue of being the oldest
son , calo to California. In San Francisco
ho met amid married Mrs. Green , who Is still
reshlng here For some years the noblemnn
and his American wife lived together , and
Ida VOI hiarmmekow and a twin sister were
born. Ida , who alone survived , Is time girl
who subsequently adopted the name of Green
when her mother resumot it Time marrlnge
of Mrs. Green to the baron was not a halJllY
one. Ida was placed II the convent of the
Sacred Heart , San Francisco , and there at
Miss Lako's private school she was educated
nt her Cather's exnense.
- . ' - '
Baron Von ; Bnrn'ekow returned to Germany
to claim his estate nt the death of his
father , amid there he died without making any
provIsion for time support of his wife or
dalghter , thouh ho had been exceedingly ( at.
tuched to time ! Ito one lie hnd lived wih
his wie lp to the time of his departure , and
It was his Intenton to rotur to Cailtorimia .
Litigation over the estate followed time buon'
, death , and I was In time hope of favorably
erdlng the case that the young couple started
for Germany a little less than two months
ago wih n little 10ney to Illsh their clmmlmn
I Is evident from the fact of time IHdden
return thnt either the case was compromlsell
vitii tIme Ollposlng heIrs or that time prospect
was hopeless , anll time crcumstances at
traveling In the steerage tells plainly of
failure . _ _ _ _ _ _ _
OU"lAIN QoIU ( : ' $ 8TATI\31 \ NT.
'houeht time Elba 'Vent I'uter , 'rhmsum time
Vmlhlo alHt Must 10 Hate .
ROTTERDAM , I eb. 1.-CaptaIn Gordon ot
the British steamsbhJ Crathle , which Is
generally admItted to have been the vessel
whIch ran Into timid sank the Ebe , hns lade
n statement to I.lod'l Igent here In which
ho says that he was knocked down by time
force of the collision and that when he regained -
gained hIl feet time two Bhll" were Sam\ dls-
lance apart amid the Cratimie was so ilimemiaged
that lie expected her to simmk at any mmioumiermt ,
in spite of thus , Caimtaln Gordon added , lie
followed tIme other steamer , but found thmmmt
sue went faster timarm time Crmmtimle sail so lie
thought time 'essel hme hail collided with was
safe , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
' ' this Eiuil ,
omie of 'l'hmcmmi Cmsmmieomm
NB' YORK , Feb. 1.-Time custonm of time
North Gernman Lloyd Steamship commmpanY , to
whmtoli time steamer Elbe belommod , vt selllog
tickets in Europe for passage to America
wimichm umiay be mused on any of their steamers
gives rise to time hope hero that sonic of time
passengers who were booked to sail on time
Elbe might have taken passage on tIme Bums
of time same line , which sailed from Brenmen
on January 22 and arrived imere last night. A
careful comparison of thmo names on time Bins'
passenger list , however , with those reported
oil thio Eibe , proved timis hope to be umifounded.
Corrected Figures l'lace time Numnber of
5111w VictIms at 881 ,
NEW YORK , Fob , 1.-The last omcmal
cablegram roqeived at the New Ygrk ofilce of
time North German Lloyd company today from
time Bremen omce shows a total loss of' 332
people by time ainking of time Elba. Of those
aboard fifty were cabin passengers and 149
steerage. Time crew in an entirety consisted
of 153 people. Of time cabin passengers forty-
four were bound for this city amid six wene
booked for Engiand ; of tIme steerage , 139
were for New Ydrlc and ten for England.
Time crew consisted of tIme captain , fourteen
Petty ofilcers and crew , tlmreo steuvardesses
amid tourmaii clerics. Of the entire numnbe
of peohiie mbmmmt tventy were saved ,
A cabiegranm received at time ofilce oftime
North German Lloyd company tubs afternoon
announes that time name of Amitonio Fisher
of WashIngton , D. C. , was correctly printed
in time' list of timose lost. Iomningo Forrer ,
svito was also reported lost , imowever , sailed
on a British vessel. To time list of persona
aboard time llibiu time pliols must be added ,
thus swelling time total list to 334.
Vas Coumming ilommie vitiL time'hhommmtmiiis of
15cr Ihiigbaiiti ,
NEW YORK , Feb. 1.-When time namne of
Mrs , Connors , wife of Milton C. Connors , tIme
wealthy cattiemmian and miner of Spearfish ,
S. D. , appeared on time passenger list of tIme
steanior Elba as among thmouie who were
drowned , hmer friends expressed doubt that
she had taken passage on that stexumner , as
her imusbamid's nanie does mint appear with
imers on time list of passenger. Time reason
for time umon-appearatmco of Mr. Connors' name
is made clear by time dispatch front Lowestoft
to time Associmmted press , saying that imis body
was on board time Elbo. Mr. Connors' lhmYsi'
cian told him last. fall it was absolutely rice-
essmmry In order to prolong his life that ime
should take a trip abroad , and , ucconmpatiiad
by hula wife , hio left time I3lacic hills for
Emmrope In time hatter part of Deceuumber. Aim
time mhispatchm from Lowestoft shows Ito died
recently iii a snnitnrlutn tmear Berlin , amid
Mrs. Connors was evidently accompanying
lila remaimtti to time Umiitei3 States ,
IULlt UftUh ) IN 'lIE W'ESiI1 ,
itmiothicr North Genummami Traimsmitimmumtio Limier
Ilicotim whim ma Sllshmm.p ,
I3REMEN , Feb. 1-1lmo Not'tim German
Lloyd steunmer Fouls , Captain Thmumleumhorst , is
umgroumud in time river Weser. Tugs arc olommg-
side of lice and alma will pm'obabiy float mit
time tmext high title.
Time Fulda called from Now York omm Jammu-
ary 22 hound for Sommthmatnpton unui flremen ,
She arrived mit Sotmtbmamiptoum arm Wedmmesday
host , amid after iammmling time English mails
and passengers proceeded to lim'emcmm amid
groummmded wimiic golmmg 'imp tIme river.
ii ritisim St cm. iii um' V.m . mimhmmrot ,
ST. MICIiARLS , Azores , Feb , 1-Time Drib-
lab steamer Itunimi , Cmmptaimm Snittim , grounded
mini ! fotimmulered off timis port.
Time Ituuiimu sailed fromim Lommdotm November
29 for remmmerara and hut limb lit , Iuiichmaels
lit distress , ltehmshis mere immado tmmmml utile
Proceeded on imer voyage lccemmmber 10 , arriving -
riving at iharbadoes aim 1)cmnber 28. Sue
wait on imer retUnhi trill to London wimeum time
presetit disaster occurred.
Time Itunla was a screw stemmuner of 77th bus
net register , Sue wait built at Newcastle ,
Emiglanil , In 1884 amid was 237 feet hong. 37.2
feet beani mmmii 16.5 feet dcci' ' . She hmaileti
fromn London amid was owned by time Dt'umier.mra
& lherbic conipany , limited ,
1.Ighit ( luies cii m Ilu 4tt1tiitie ,
QUEENSTOVN , Fob. 1.-The ( juuuard line
steamshIp Lucania , CaptaIn McKay , arrIved
thIs mncrmmhmig from New York antI reports
that light gales and rough seas were cmi-
countered tiurougimoUt tIme entire voyage ,
Pilot Lyons of New York , who could umot
ho transferred froumi time Lucania to time vliot
boat after time miteammmsimlp cleared Smmimmiy hook
bar , oa account of time dense fog wimicim lire-
wailed whoa time Luucaimia left New York , vill
rotura on time Umnbnia from this port on Sun-
Oflielmil Imiqimiry Ohio time lIgmister ,
BltihBN , Feb. 1-Time oiileial Inquiry
into the founderiumg of time Ilibo will imroll.
ably be imelil in this city , 'l'ime charts show
timut attimo imhitce wiiro time Ilibe wemit dowim
time s'ater is 126 feet deep ,
Si'ilu ( iii' ) mid tlm Steumumiet' Cratimlo ,
DoT'r1RnAM , Ieb , l-'i'hmo British
teamncr Crathmie , wlmlclm ran Into mud utatmk
time Bibe liftS been sequestered at timlui Port.
11cr caIaIn hiatt been detautied ,
Ilaymica hiros' . ad , is on page .
. - , - -
- - -s.-
Pumrpose vhmatever , I kuiew thmo merit o ?
hlooul's Sarsaparilla as I hind , seine years be-
tore , takemi it with benefit , nail mlecided to try
It for may apparently hopeless case. in two or
three days after I began mmiy apletito wai
better amid
My Courage Revived.
"To ummako a bug story almort , time eruption
entirely disappeared , amid time Ilesh on mmiy leg
reammimieti a tmerfectiy healthy appearammee. I
was sooui able to walk about. I cannot tell
imow amazed may mmcighmbors amid friemmuis were.
I camm now walk withmommt atmy lamimeness , mis well
as over. himuve hot time slightest erumptioum or
itching or bummIng , or amiy sort of trouble
wimatever with may leg. TIme grntitmtde I owa
flood's Saranparilla is simply mmmmspeaknbio1
"TIIOS. IIRNNI1T'l' , 172 Sycammioro St. ,
Roslhummiale , liostumi , Mass , "
A Creat Medicine.
"Hood's Smursaparllla imas emmtinely cimrctl ins.
I ecuiti mmot sleep oveii wlmcmi I 'as tired , antI
vhmcui I voultl get omit of bed imi time niorning
I felt verse thunmi before I vemmt to bed , Now
I can sleet ) well ammul iii the mmiorrmlng I ama
timorouiglmly refreshed , I fool better every
\8) ' , I guulmied ten poummils lii thmremi weeks.
It is a great inediciime. " JOHN ChtAi , 2
\Vyatt Street , Sommiervihie , Mass.
. , .
- S. ,
S'etermmms of tim J.zito Vmmr Ihemimemiitionetl by
tim ( itmnermil ( ioverimmnmmt ,
WASHINGTON , Feb. 1.-Speclai.-Pemi. ( )
sbus granted , Isstie of Jantmam'y 19 , vere :
Origimmnl-Joimn I' . Tarpley , Omaha , Doug-
huis ; Johti F , howard , Vi'hmitmiey , Dawes ;
Ebon Conistoclc , Onkdnle , Amitciope. lIe-
mieval-Josephm Myer , Gleruvilie , Clay ; Giles
S. Wallace , Exeter , Fillmore. hteissue-Amm-
drew N. Coffey , Tecumseim , Joimuson. Ito.
Issue amid Increase-William Plumner , Omnhma , '
DOuglas. ' ' ,
Iowa : Orighmlnl-Michiael Cumminlngliam ,
Volga , Claytomi ; Alfred Johnson , Huxley , '
Story ; Humus Logi , Wiiton Junction , Musca-
tine ; Ezra 11. Grintmehi , Grinnell , Poweshmiek ;
Noah 1' . Ziiiiler , Denovnm , h1miry Supple-
nieimtal-Ismmac N. Moriamid , East Des Moines ,
l'oik. Itenewmmi-George . Barr , Clinton ,
Chintomi , hmicrcmmse-Arnold Twigga , Vashm-
iimgtomi. \ VmusuiuumgtomiVlihiimni : U. Chilton ,
\lam-mmhmalltown , 1'ilat'shull ; Stephin , Ic1Cenzie ,
hiarmiemi City , Keokuk. Iteissue-Oltver G.
Bailey , Davis City. Decmutur. Original
widows , etc.-Susami B. McCarnimbehl , Crea-
cent l'ottawattamnie.
Colorado : Original-Robert W. MobTat ,
Momite Vista , 1510 Grande ; George W. Da-
'idsorm , Globevlhie , Arapmmhmoe. Original g
wbhowu4 , etc.-Mary 'B. flusic , Grauid Jummc-
tiomi , Mesa ; Minerva M. Wmulshm' , Denver ,
Momitamma : Original-John 1V. 1Cm-iso , Liv-
imigatomi , I'arhc , Original w'idows. etc.-
Miuioms of ilumrtomi 'V , F'islm , Qlcndive , Daw-
Short I'olico Stories.
John L. Benson was arrested yesterday
afternoon on thin cumntge of going imome ha
a drunken condition amid beating amid nbua-
lag hula familily.
isa Kane , accused of nutsammiting Jessie
Carter wIth u hcmilfe a few days ago , was
setitemiced to forty days in thmc county jail
yesterday afternoon.
Charles Smith , a young maim who has been
in time police court on several occasions ,
s'ns held to time district coum't yesterday
without bail on time cimarge of harceuiy ,
Jannes Lee , 'hmo was semitenced to a terra i'
of impmisonnient In tue commmity jmmli some
time ago for time larcemiy of an overcoat , is
now s'mmnted on time chiamgo of getting drunk
antI heatIng his vi1e. Time hurtles live at
503 South Timirty-thtird street.
William howard % m'as fined $10 and costs
yesterday on time charge of creatIng a mis-
tumhrmimce In time tints occmupied by Lommis
F'rolchmnnn , oil Nortim Seventeenthm stmeet. Him
vent up to this place and tried to rt'gmmlatm ,
time stamiitmmty system withiout mummy legal rIght.
George Sheets , ' time 13-year-old boy who
told it umymnpmmthmc'tlc story to time mneambers of
time police force mibout hmmavlng been deserted
bY his parents , has been hiommntl over to the
district commrt Iui time sum of $250 on a eimicrgt ,
of inc'urmIgiimuiity. Ihis stories were imroven
to be fuhsehioodim.
Eul Egan time cook at time J3iuimsvick who
neatly killed a m-oustaboumt mmmcd Louis
King , vas mhiechmam-getl from cummitody yester-
dicy , as thmO pretmommdermunce of time evidence
vommt to show timmmt Egan acted in self-dc-
feast' . King lit still hum Jail suffenimig front
his wouuidi4 , and its soon mis lie mecovors ii.
will be chmmirged with disorderly conduct ,
( uttcur
fl'OAP 4.
The mon effective skin purlfyinmg and beau.
tIf'ing soap Iii tIme world , It is time only
prOvontivo of I.Inmmplesbikbe5 , rail , rough ,
anti ohiy akIn , romlrough hands viUm shape' .
lou hmails , dry , timimm , amid faiilmmg imain , anti
sitimplo baby blcumiishe-s. It is so because It
strikes at tIme cause of nmost coummplcxional
dittigmmrationsvIz'nuisCLOousni , iutmmh'rATEI ) ,
IvaAahmo , OvaiiwOatciu , On 13L1J001511
l'omti : .
rashes , freckles , bites and stings of Insects ,
Imnitatiomma , ehbow , oily , ntt mnotby skins ,
cbailngs , amid uuuluim Imorsplration. cu'rz.
CUiIA SO/u ! ' , because of its dchlcmmto macill.
ration , Is tlmo most soothing , cooling , Purify.
, iumg , and healIng apl'iicatloul , 5. . well as being
beyond all comniarison thU purest , sweetest ,
and amost refroilmimig of toilet , bath , anti
imursery soaps. Sale greater timuma coumbimmed
sales of all otbor skip anti complexion soaps.
Hold thmnoughout the world. Prlce,25e , l'orrii *
buys 50 Cilems. Coup. , bide l'rop. , baste. ,
"All M.uut lb. kin ti&13' , iimd liii : , " Sr.i