- - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - r-- - - . ' 11T TV OltLAIIA 11ATJ.JY JUDE : 'V1DDN ] SDAY , tTANlTAUY 30 , 18 fi . ! t TUE OMAHA ! DAILY DE : " , ; . COUNCL m.l l S. OFFICE . NO. 12 PEARL TflItT DtlVft4 by tarltr to any part ot the city. H. W. TIIJTON Lessee. 'ELEfI0NE8Uullnua omce. No 4 : nigh 1 Iditor . No. 13. - .Il.'Ul $ .1U\'TJU. ' Grand ( hotel , Council nufs , reopened Oct. 1. MaYJ Real Estate agency , 63 ! Broadway. Avenue n scbool bou3 wa cloed Monday on nccount of a breakage of the furnnce. Eider A. H. Smith Is In the city nlul will Ipak In the Latter . Day Saints' church this ( venln . Mra. "orace I veret will ! entertain a party of friends at dinner this evening nt her home home"a on Secol1 avenue The Omaha Gun club has sent the Council Bluffs Gun cub a challenge for I prize shoot , which wilt be nccepted. An order has rcenty heen lent out from the railway mal headquarters requiring a photo- graph of eac'l ' employo to be nIJu ( l to his COl mission. Lizzie'ai'tl was arrested yeslerllay for ! r. ceny , on Information being flied by Leo lIng an Inmate of IGI Broadway , who lost $ G worth or hose last Sunday. The I.adiis ' dS.id society of St. John's I ngllsh I.utheran church meet ThurslllY of- teroon at the residence of Mrs. G. \ \ ' . Snyco der , 217 South Seventh street. The cape of Meta Sadowski , charnel with Illng a tick or cordwood on the heal ( of a Icllol mat . was continued yesterday untl Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. lrs. John T Tldd entertained a Ilarly of ! ladles at cards yesterday afternoon at her hOle on Sevenlh street and First avenue In honor of her sister , Miss 'ogg of Boone. Whlo C. l. IatCmnn. emplo(11 In J. Vt. ' . Squire's offlce . was nlendlnl the Y0I Men's Christian association meeting Monday evening n sneak thief nipped his coat from the hail. The dumagc suit or Ivers against the Hock Islnnll was finished onJ given to the jury yes : terday. After helng out for two hours a verdict - dict or $78 In favor or the plaintiff was ren- dered. The UanyincdoVheel club Is haying pluns ; ) I for n reception next Saturday evening , to r which the lady friends of the members are to be Invll 1 Music and refreshments will form I a part of the enlerUlnment. Archie , the 4-monlhs-01 Fan or : lr. and I Mrs 1 P. Hoe. died yesterday afternoon at I 2:4G : o'clock of congestion of the lungs. The funeral will lalt ( place Thursday afternoon at t 2 o'cloele , from the residence , 611 J'nster street . Sheriff Inz n. who went to Crescent to search the premises of M. Iavis the derelct saloon keeper , returned with several quart bottles of whlsleey two or three galen jugS I , fiscateti. and n beer keg party filled. I will be con- "The Girl I Left Behh11 ! e. " one of Frau , mnn's greatest successes. will be presented at , S. ' Dohany's this evening This Is the first tim it tim theater goers of Council limiTs have had nn opportunity of winessing this stirring war drama , and the house should be crowded. News has been received of the death of Fred C. Erm n few days ago at his home In Newark N. J. Quite a number of years 4 ' . ago he was engaged In the furniture bnslness nt the corner of First aVl'nue und Pearl 1 Street where the Shugart block now stands. When the case or the state against Clf Hough , charged with beating a police ofcer about two months ago , was called In Justce Cook's court yesterday the battered up pohicc t- man and his friends were conspicuous hy their absence , and Ihe ( case wilt probably be d isna issed . A large amount of stuff has passed through Council Bluffs within the past few da8 on Is way from the east to the Nebrast ] su1Terer 55 ' % 'ithin the past two weeks the ( Adams Express I : press company has carried five car loads of ; food bedding and clothing most of I fret ' the Christian herald Helef hureau. ' Clement 13. . the 17-months'-oid son of M lr. 'r and Mrs. I. M. Weirich , ! 07 Fourth avenu a . died In spasms yeslerday afternoon at 12:30 : o'clock , after nn Iness of two weeks which was not supposed to bo serious until yesler- day morning. The father was absent on n road Irlp. and the time of hoMing the funeral will not be set until he Is heard train. . The cases or Reddy Ross and Charles Pe r- ; rine , charged with gambling , were contnued In I police court until this morning. As soon , - Its police court was over the Ilreious pair started on n tour or the newspaper oillces to I hunt for the ( mUI that "writ their names In the paper. " At the first place they visitc til visied they tried to raise n row und were fined bodi : ly Into Ito ( street fred hOdly The nightly meetings nt the Young Men 'S Christian associatIon are growing 1n Interest and members. Last o\enlnl 11ev. Mr. flu ii- ICy gave Iho ( opening addre s. Tonight the meeting wi open 'nt 7 o'clucJ and . close at 7:30. : In order not to interfere with the I Weekly prayer meetings In Iho ( churches. Tomorrow - morrow night 11ev. ) . . \rlcn will speak ; Friday night Hev. C. hooker and Snturday night Hev. ( Mr. Iavis . Wo have over $300.000 10 loan upon 1m. . proved ! lawn fnrms. Farmers - pove1 lrmer dslrlng loans cnn save money by dealing direct with us , wlh thereby saving agent's commission , 'Va do not loan on wild hands. nor Iii Nebrask Lugeo & Towhe 235 Pearl street. P1W8U..1 1..1t.Hlt.U.I. . Mrs. Lucius Wels and laughter , Mrs. A. 'V. Cassady , are sick with 11 grippe. Miss Jnulle Inman has returned from a ' month's visit with friends In Wnllut. Judge McGee dil not open court yesterda y , his physician having advised hint to pot it- pone I a week 10nRer. Dr. G. W. ' Plrde ) , traveitng' Inspector or traveln/1' ' . , the Umatla Indian Medicine comport } ' , Is In , , the city for a few da's. Miss NellIe Moore , who has been seriously Ill for the Iast ) \ \ elIs considerably betti r . and wi be wel In n few days. beler. J. A. UnlTett of the University of Ne. r brnsle Is In the ( city for a visit of ii few : clays with his brother I I. I. I3arrctt. 1 Judge W. H. Green of JUlllo .uIIUb'l IIs , ell . : ( , brought Iw city yesterday on ns ! 10 01 way Sidney , where he Is to open I term 'l of ) Is. net lcun. TI.e federal court now In session ( lt Knob Uk ; WIJ ! Ilrohahly adjuirn Saturday . arid car l ) ' next \Hek JIIRO WoolEn anti wHo rl' tart for Sun Uego. Col. ! , to bji1l ( wi tht I , .Inor. ! A. I , . Irlslon of A \oca waR In the ci Ity ely yqstQrlty ulf/alng district otIri. \110 ( en. gaged ( th'ero he reeeivell . a telpII'um a in- ln- noullelnl Iht serious Ine2s I.f his father at fluitnino ' Nfb. , anti ho took the aft'nrio on train fl.r that 1ace. : afl'rnoorl $ _ U ; Jay Glenn has returned front a trip wih a Ihonographle outfit through Texas 'n ' houston he met Ur. C I. Jlll of Detroll. formerly of Council lufs , who was sehii iii ; sellng electric belts wih a traveling street show. Janies Maher. another lity. Jamls Council fluffs notable , L Is also In lonslon , running a crap gai lire and otherwise ' crnIame otherwle trying to infuse northern .0- terpr\o into the soulh. Colonel n. n. UalCy heft Just evening for i Des Moines to look after the 1lernla ! of Josapli Long the Council lufs clunmlsslon snout for whom a South Omuha firm wants requisition Itapers . lie took wih hurt four notes Which tire finn heft wlh Young two uc three months ago for his signature , nlHI by those anti oilier things he expects to shQW that Ire firm Is frm merely trying to collect a debt by 1 . lns of I criminal prosClton. . A case or mistaken lilentity has caut ed Ilentt. Iau Elmer II. Y. Batey or tic ( Wailut Bureau L1 conslderablo ' . A few Inno'anee. clays ago a 1II'orc6 suit waa startell In the courts lt I Avoca by George W. fleatty . anti the air iii. laly In names led to tl report hunt ( iii.It was the editor of the ( Bureau who hall LImo I domestic trouble. A letter frai Mr. Daley to friends In this city conveys tire rep ort that ho Is 11'ln& In domestic tranquility. Mon tugs 1.icenea. The following inarriag . licenses were I sued p yesterday : Name arid ulldreu. A ge. ( hlll'l U. 1"loOI , i'ottawrittamie county. . 3 ; 3 , Calhetlnu 1nl . l'ottnwattatnio count > ' . : ' Oeolgl 1rolll ) Council liiuffs. . . . . . . . . 3 .lr/all CtthillCourrcll hhiuiT . . . . . . . . : , ; I Try acle laundry , 724 IroII\IY. : for g oed f it work. Our medium globs finish can't ! heath blt wo do strictly hand work dometc . tlll . when 11l'derrod. ' 1IIelhul" 157. . Neatet drug tcro-Toyion' . Grand hiol tel . . ' NEWS IROM ; COUNCiL BLUFFSmon - Car ter'a Libel Snit Against Pontin ! and Olbe is Pull of Promis INTERESTNG DEV1OPMENTS EXPECTED - UnrolHI , ! or the Story in Court " 1 1011t- leas Malta /ome Blrprho for the Member or the Floek-lmv I'onthll WI Tmp\lod. \ The coming libel suIt of Hev. nr. Cater against J. , " " aga C Pontus 0111 others" promises to bo very interesting before the $15,000 Illalages clnlmed Is fuly paul. Who are the "a nti others ? " The petition not having been fed ( yet and the doctor being strongly In- elnel ! to reticence . only guessing cal be Indulged In , but It Is confidently whispered tmt several others prominent In the church of which Dr Carter was formerly the preacher wi have their names howled out hy the court bailIff. Brother Pontus Is said to have been necessarily premature , lS he was about to leave the state on business which wi keep him absent several months So though not lulo ready to enter into co urt . tire plaintf ; thought I best not to wnlt for the return of the offending brother but get service nt once , arid then take his tit He with the "nlll otherl " An interesting letter writing chapter Is nnlratCl lS preceding tire starting of the suit. Some of the warm frlen.ls . or the former prencher Rslee,1 , Brother Pontus I he could give the nlles of airy persons who coulll corroborate his report concerning Dr C arter's Ilcord In Missouri. lie gladly fl' vo red them , directing tire envelopes himsel They cunnllgly retained PosSession of these en\elolles. addressed others to the Slle Ilnrles , anti waltell for returning utah . There were six responses In all. and Instead of conllning Brother 10nlns''Iews lS to the dark anti dreary MissourI Past , they WOIO very Ialerlng to the uloctor declaring thlt his record vas al right , and ripping the ugly rlmorR lP tire back most terribly "llolhO' Ionlls como up tonight. \Ve've got thc answers 10 these letters , und they 110 just" ( then. with n wink ) , "cole up anti reall them for yourself. \'e are surprised. " The brothel carrie tip wih watering mouth , ar id . thlnl\ng that the letters contained some fearful revelations conllmutory of his ill opinions of the reverend doctor , ho aired his ml11 ( unto freely In the presence of a few lelghhors who had casually dropped In IS convenient witnesses. After the "I to11 you so" the letter reading begnn. I was lS \old of raciness 18 I lheet of press notices of n coming lecture. lrother 10nluB wnnted to leave , but the doctor's rlends punished him by locking the door and compelling him to sit Ilulet while se\erl bolts of corn plllentnry blcachlng were roiled off , showing the doctor's prvlous Missouri record to be I IS stalnles8 as his shirt front. tOS'OS STO1E. - ClolrllJ Sllo Contnnes Tutu 'Voek. NOTION DFPARTMENT. lOc Mess buttons reduced 10 Ie a dozen. 19c and 25c dress stays , lOc n dozen. 100 curling Irons. now 5c each. Black spool silk . lc I spool. Books arid . c a . 100lts 1\1 eyes. rc groSB. 15e and 20e silk rlbhons. 50 n ynrd. 25c silk elastic web now 12 ½ 0 I yard. 50c handbags. now 25c each UND1R\VEA1t. . Ladles' heavy ribbed , vests winter welgirt 90 each I.adles' 25c underwear. to close 13e each. Ladles' rOc vests and pants , 25c each. Ladles' line wool knit underwear , worth $1 , reduce.l to 50c' each. $3 quality union suits . now $1.tiO each. Genis' heavy undersirirts reduced to 15c c achr . Gents' $ shirts , now 69c each Gents' &Oe underwear. now 25e each. - FOWLER . . DiCK & W AlmH , Counci Bluffs. In. Must J' " , I"'ODD Tax W. IT. Stacichouse collector or Internal I re\enuo for the ourth district at Iowa , whose olco Is located In l3itnhiirgttrn . and his deputy. J. C. Lange In this city . are making ICnngements for the collection of the fed eral income tnx. Collector Stnekhouso hns : a complete supply of the blank forms for Innual returns of taxpayers for the assess ment i or the Income tax , for distribution teal all persons having Incomes of mom than $3.500 per /U1Im , and to all cO'portons doing business within the district Indlvhl- unls are required to malta returns on ni i IncomeB i In excess of $3.500. but no tax wi be collector ! excepting on Incomes exceeding i $ .00. There Is no exemption whatever on lie Incomes or corpor lons. The failure or persons or corporations to receive the blalks or notice that returns Bhould be nrurlo or that arty act enjoined by h Inw l should be compled with. wi riot be deemed I mid excuse for not maldng the returns 01' not complying wih the provisions or tire law In the time and mnnnel' IJre- scnibed but the Ilennly of 50 per cent of the entIre income will bo Imposed for fnlure or neglect. The returns must be In by March 1 , and the tax must bo paid before JUly I ] I , 1895. 1895.lr. . Lange states that there are nbout 1.600 l perons arid corporations In this distnici comlJ'lslng the southern half of Iowa whose Ilcomes wi be taxed. The law bas Provide In which the ' a way revenue collector cnn eOlpel the paymonl. Any persons or corpo- I mlona suspected o having n taxable Income muy bo requested by ho collectors colectorl to show their books for- the purpose of having the nmount of their Incomes determined. Upon thch' refusal ¶ o comply with the request the collectors are to eBlmnto their Incomes as i nearly nB possible arid when they have don so their acton Is final. Persons or corporations Fhou11 Immedhtely apply to the office of Collector Stncl.IIUso In lurlllllon for bllnk forurrir As those vr'escnlbed for Individuals arid corporation Is are , lferent , persons applying for hlanks fhoull stab whether they wish form : W5 t (1111'ldulas ( ) 01 - 366 ( corporatIons - ) , or hoUr , A l'rublol. One goes In : twice ; 2 In 1 yoU can't. When oilier htores adverle shoes for fOe on Ihe dollar II means mite Sargent IB now having i . his seml.annual sale ; just two sales a year , not one every month , because I I leeep open I have to make a profit part of the time and' I always do as I advertise. and e'erybody that has l\ell In the city any length of tin : e Ico\'s I. Just stop and Ihlnle when you read an advertirenmenit whelher common advertsement sense leaches you that It Is all r ght I I Is so . go ruin see them , Sargent wants your dollar 5' le has too runny shoes and wants to swap shoes for dolors , arid will mnke I an object : - ject Ihla month for you 10 swap . Come and : see me. I.oole In my window for prices. He- membr I wil sl'l shoes cheaper than any house In the city for thirty days. ' SAIO NT TJnaan" I'nt""ta. August Wlemeyer or ariswoiu who wa : thought to have been feigning Insanity , WIS gl'cn : lother examlnalon b ) the comurri SIOlllrS yesterday moring , arid I wal found that he wn really Insane During the realy mornIng - Ing there was a yell of fire Insldo tire Jai ' , and an hurvestigatiomr by tIre Jailer led to the dIseo'ery that \'leinreyer's discove Wlemeyr's mntres was r 11 ablaze. It Is suprosvd that al sUPI'oe I one of the Irls- ) : onerl set lIre to it. Tire eommlsslonen in- dared Wleme'er taken to the state itospli al at Cierintla an order to that effect having been first received front JUdge Woolson of the Unltell States court. August Irleger of of'I James township was also fuuli Insane nnd Sherlr Haen nnll De\uty Sheriff O'Brien left ' for ClarInda ' Ilf yesterday wih both I'a. i horns In charge Music a tbe ( Orand hOlel ThurEdaYI , well ' a Sundays at the dinner hour I a to 8 o'clock _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Davis sells drugs palal and glass ches Lj ) . ( Julol " 'ork fur tire ifospital. Tire annual report or the treaburer cf the Woman's Christian association shows a wry salJfactory ( condition of the finances or Iho I hOFp11 for 189. The cash receipts were U , 8r.6. and expenlurps UfS..71. the U mu. once , on hand Jnnuan' 11 Lining I ! cents Out of the sum dbblra d there were old UI us lls paid for the years 16n'-3. llQUntng to U,23t07 : bis for supplies anti repairs " I S2. ? 7l : paid for labor . $897. The Interest monTh ey has also ben considezabie. The sources of income are : hospital pa- tlen ts . county patients , membershIp fees , entertalnmentl , and cash donations from cltIow Izenl 'nd frlcnd8. The basket and other denT ations hue almost supplied the table. The public will be glad to know that all the Improvement bills , Including oM his for Sup plies , etc. , are liquidated. There remains now the original purchase debt to be 'Ifted. The association begins the year 1895 with renewell energy and bright hopes of r'lluc. Ing the debt by several hun Ired l'I.Uors with in the year. In a few days the annual report vl be published In pamlhlel form , containing all details of manJg' lent arid mnny facts interesting to the friends and pat rons. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Old Vase htcvsinrpoti. The ease or Henry Pieper against Otto Iloj art , which was tried In the district court about two terms ago , 18 to have another trial ted ) Both parties are from Mlnden Pieper com menced atnchment proceedings for rent due and Dojlrt put In I counter claim for damages for false In1rlsonmenl , There Is a new feature to the case now Dorothy 10jart. wlfo of the defendant baring commenced an acton to recover damages from Pieper for crimina ! assault. In her petition she alleges that Pieper called on her one day and toll her to COIO over to Iris house as bls wife was sllShe went but when she arrived sire found < l that neither lrs. Pieper nor army one else was In the house. She elalus Pieper took her Into n lied room and commenced using his hlandlshments like any gay tharlo from the vnterland , 10w sine got away the pet ition docs not set forth. but the facts are to bo aired In the damage suit , which Is set for I hearing today The other case has the precedence , hiowever arid so the court loafers need not break any of their other engage- me nts . On its frst trial the case of Pieper against Dojurt occupied several days and tine 11rOsitects are that It will do the same this tme. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ iuto \'our : IIIC ) Dy investing In the stock or the Savings. Lon and Buiding association of Council Bl uffs . incorporated In 1877. Monthly payha menls of $ i.OO per siraro netting the Investor nbout 10 Iler cent Interest. Te series al- reUly paid out , which fully demonslrte the ability of tire association to mature Its slock In obolt seventy-five monthly pay- rrt ents . No loans made uutslde of Cotmncll Counci Uufs , and all applications examined and passed ripen by I majority of the board of di reetors. Good loans wanted . Full Informrra- ton can be obtained nt the office of D. W. Ots , secretary , 10 lain street or any of the C010wllg directors : 11. \ \ hlazelton . rank Gr ass . John Brown A. S. lazelon , H. C. Be ebe. A. n. 'Vulker , E. E. hart , F. C. Lougee , S. S. Leonnrll. WIn JI.ve , New Trh.I. The supreme court hns decided that the Union Pacific railway shnl have another Inning In tire case In which Fred Elshm sued for damages for a smashed hand. and which was tried before Judge Thurnel In tin s city about a year ngo. Eghmy was n brnkemnn on n freight train and had his hRll smnshed. There Is some conflict ns to whether the company was guilty of negl- : ge nce . but the court thlnles the 10st of the evhlence Is In favor of Iho ) Iompny. But the principal ground upon which Ihe jup' ; warded a verdict of * 1.GOO was that the brnkemnn's hUll was unskifuly dressed afer tire amputation rind was thereby crip- pi etl. The surgical treatment waR fuii'nshod : I by the defendant railway e'1pmynd I was held to be responsible for lie neglect , Dut the court holds that the neglect of the surgeons was wholly theirs , and not 'f the : company ; that the C0111any was not re- : lulred to furish the surgical at lmoulce u nll cannot be held responnibie for the acts I or the surgeonB. So I new trial Is awardLd . 8lJech,1 Violin .uiI I" 'fhls Weelt "t C. o. D. ltrowmr' . . . nrown's C. O. D. XXXX patent , 850 per sack ; Buffalo . 750 per sack ; Lone Star 65e per Buck ; Iturby &Oe per sac ; rye flour. 450 : per sack , a 11 rye graham , 45c per sack : , corn menl , The per sacl ; Iiolatoes , 650 per bushel. Remember n silver dollar packed In every : twenteth sack or Brown's celebrated XXX'a pntent. I you are lucky you get your four ( : for nothing. DROWN'S C. O. D. lount ltecrtuur. About a hundred lovers of music gatherer I nt the homo or I. M. Treynor on First avenue Inst evening to listen to a program pro Bented for Ito benefit of St. Paul's church 'Vihout exception the performances were o xceiient . the singing of Miss Hnwlcs or St . Joseph ' , Joseph Dlldrldge of Omaha and the Du'dley Duck quartet of this city being henrtly enjoyed. Wlinm Kuchonmelster or Omaha played several violin solos , Bhowlng gent technical ability . and one of the gems of the evening was thin mandolin and gultnr duet by Master Aaron I.'man and Cnmeron P atterson. Irs. S. S. Fnes' recitation was encored. After the program the performers nll a few other friends were served high refreshments. VIIel ' .hoy Stand. The cigar mnkers' and barbcrs' unions have recently taken n stand which shows that they menl business At the last meet Ing i or the cigar makers they passed a resole lon calling upon all their members to boy c ott all nonunion hair trimmers , and ImposIng i- Ing l a fine of $5 on all who disregarded the i njunction. The barbers returned their IM plment l nt their meeting , which followed n day or two later , ann passed a resoluton prohibitng their memeberB from smoking anylhlng but blue label cigars , and Imposing a like penaIt' . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Gas cocking stoves for rent and for sale at Gas Co.s omce. Jury " 'III 1\8eIS Iain'sga. The jury appointed to assess damages to I : properly ownera on Union avenue ngnlnst imo Omaha BrIdge and Terminal Hnlwa y company will met at the sheriff's office tbls morning and take a trip over the mitree I . They wi then return ald mnle their eat . mate of the amount which the company shoull p ay. TIne jury IB composed or O. H. Lucns : , M. F. liobrer George Graves. Michael Morse , H. O. Graham and Wilam McCrnry " 'l , " TIlm FU1tlW.1T. " - 1 ' air with " "rllbll 'Vhlh Promied for N"hra.lm Tnday. W.\SIING1ON , Jait 29.-1ho forecast for 'Vednelduy Is : W ASIJNG1ON , Jarr. 29.-Tire forecast for " 'elnelllny , Is : For Nebrslt , Klnlas and Colorado-Fali r ; vlrlnule vinds Foi ' Missotmni-Generaiiy' fair ; colder In the eastern porton ; ; west to northwest winds. For Jowl-l alrlrllllle : winds For Soulh Iakotmr-Furir' ' - 1.01 Dalotn-I"lh'I' warme/ : north I , Ihlfng to soulhwest wl ! s. Z.uciti Heeuro' ' . OWJI OF TIm WgAlUEH nUREAU , OMAhA , Jon J.-Orritthra record of temp r- Iture arid rainfall. compared wlh the coi r- r'llondln ! day ot the I'lst four 'enrs : 1195. 1891. 1893. is 2. Maximum tempen'urture . . 10 23 8 ISn 2 I Minimum temperature . . . . 1 0 .5 i 30 A verKe temirporature. . . . . 4 12 2 39 lreclpltutou . . . . . . . . . . .0 .0 .0 : . (10 Contllon of temperature . rind hrteclpiturtlc at at 1891 I Omaha : for tire day anti ll'eclpitnton I Normal temperature ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Dllclenc ) ' for tire dl ) . . . . . . . . . . . , . H Normll Ilrcclpltl ton . . . . . . . . . . .02 Inch Delclenc ) ' for the 'Iny. . . . . . . . . . .02 Inch Total precipitation s nco March 1 16.t 6 Inch as Delclency since Mnrch 1. . . . . . 15.97 Inches Reports from Olher Htthun . aU 8 1' . 51. - " h " Ca . . a Et ! 1 TATIOSS ' 'I ' F STATS or " "a i IE.TD/U. / .0 : : a ' f . : ' ' Omaha..5 ; : 1 .flO Clear , - Norlh I'lale" : : U iii .00 r- Valentine . . . . . 2 : 24 .00 l'ant cloud , . . Chicago . . . . . . . 1 : 18 .001'arlclo\dr. . . II , Llla. . . . . . . Ii i(4 ( .00 Clear si. Patti.4 . . . . . : 2 .00 Clear . Unvemiport..2 : .00 Clear . Handa" . . . . . . . . . . Ccar. " Cly. . . . 12 IH .00 Clear. Denver. . . . . . . , . 20 28 .00 Cloar. ! ' " . . . 16 21 * .00 Clear . Denver..O 10 .00 Clllr. . le ell. . . . . . . . 16 20 .OJ Clourdy Lrtsiiram'ck.4 . . . . . ' 2 .00 Clear. Vincoul . . . . . . 12 'U .110 Cear. . CIreenrro. . . . . . . . :0 ( 2j .00 Cknrthy Miles City..2 . . : 10 ' 1' . Parlclomly. Galveston. . . . . . . U 40 .00 Cloudy. - below Eero. ' ' ' Indicates trace ot precipItation. L A. WhiLShI . - . Obsen' . . February Coal l'rot\elol Fixed NEW YOHK , Jan. -I.ocal agents tOday agreed that tire February producton ot coal should be 2,010 tons. No change v as rondo In the price east or weaL wal READJUSTNG rIHIR RATES I' 1 - , Iowa Insurance Men Mt at \ Des Moines to Fix the Ifntt't. - . ALL LOOKING AFTERAJJJORM SCI1DULE PNrORM SCIULE ' Re port Uccct/Ht fro" the , JRn Who fR Marie the Invsll"lQn"bul No Acton TIken-/e.rll , 1laos 'ero Talked Over. DES MOINES , Jan. 29.-Speeiai ' ( Telegram. ) -T he governing committee or the fire insure - aneo companies doing business In Iowa cenSed vne here today for the purpose of formu' latng a plan for the remljustment of rales. The union companies , non.unlon companIes and the Iowa companies are all representel1 1avhl lieveridge . who has been making int- vestgatons as to rates. mode a report. lie teak Des : lolnls as a first elaS cty : , Macshah. tow n as seond class , Jefferson as thlrll class and Jallrhl ns fourth cas In his ( lllenvors to establsh a syslem of Inlform and equita- bio rates all over the state. This report was ext emrsiveiy discussed. What Is Imown ns tha universal schellule was also discussed , mitt not very farorably. Membrs of the board say the object Is to establish such rates as wi cause every rlk to stand our its merits. Hates will , In some instances . bo lo\erell. and In others raised The work was not cent- ple ted today. _ _ _ _ _ _ nl'ilt WI 1.1. CASI ! J TT1.CI. II' I " ' Suprelo butt Ailtrmiri the Iecisiotr ) or tIme 1.1"11 4.'oiirt. CEDAR 11II1S , Ia. , Jan 29.-Speclal ( Telegram.-Tho ) supreme court of Iowa today hlnded down I decsion In the Bevr will ca se . afrming time decision of the lo\er co urt. S. C. De\er of this city died In 1892. ier'vlng nn estate worlh more tim art $1,000.000. To his two daughters he left $50,000 each and to his three sons the hra lance of the estale. The daughters con : tested the will on the ground of menial Incapacl ) The trial lasted several weeks nnlt was bitterly contested on bth sldcs. It almcted much attention Ind resulted In a i : vlelory for the 11nughters. By the decision al the property or the eur tate except that ( which Is owned by the le\'er Land company will be equally shared by the five sons and dauRhters of the lab : lr. Bever. The property owned by Ihe H ever Land company Is what Is known as Dever park and tracts of land adjacent there to which waS deeded to the company by Do\'er prior to his death , arid the stock tray Ing been Iold to the sons by him Is not nfecled by tire will or the division . There IB also a suit pending In the Ilslrlc court to set aside the transfer by which th ins property was deeded by Bower to the H over Land company antI also to declare \'old the transfer of his shares of stock to his sons , and In event of that suit being successful It would cause the entire estate to bo divided equaly among the helra. The declBlon of the supreme court sustains the lower cOurt , In all respecls. Supreme Court ' ieciiilour. DES MOINES , Jan. 29-Speclal ( Tele- gram-Tho ) folowlnl opInions were 1c1 In the supreme court today : In re wi of Sampson C. Ilever , deceased James L. D over and George Dover , proponents und a ppellants . against Jane E. Spangler and ! Elen C. Blake. contestants Linn district , reversed ; S. n. Doler against C. W. Grton nnd lit. E. Glrlon , Lintervenor . appeiiant . Harrison district afrmed ; In tit maier of the probating of the will or Thomas P lrililps . deceased , Thomas Phiips and Liz- zie Glarroy . contestants ; appellants . 'Vliam J . PhillIps . proponent flPPehiOe , Johnson dis- t rict . reversed ; C. I. . ' ' 'Trener , appellant . against J. H. Swnn.I administrator , Ply- mouth district. nfrmCI ; , . Andrcas Daum- gartner against Jobrn. . retprson et nl , ap- p ehiarrts . Des Moines district . amrnreil. 11.yor rmumhla' , Ne " 4ppolnloes. DES MOINES , Jan. 29.-Speclal ( Tele- gram.-At ) the city council meeting this evening Mayor Hiis announccd nppoint- ments to fill vacancies caused by recent dls missals ns follows : Marshal , J. H. Ford ; deputy marshal , Ed Sunberg ; sergeant of polee , Charles J. Shnfer ; desk sergeant , AI l G. Miller. The new marshal Is n grocer and a man of some ability. The attorney - torney for ex-Marshal Johnson and his ccl- le agues. who were dismissed , fed charges against tIre mayor tonight , wInch were reo erred to a committee - - for investigatlonr. Infanticide ut l'J"rl"l CIty. CEDAR RAPIDS , Ia . Jan. 29.-Speclal ( Telegrnm.-There ) Is great excitement at Charles City over the finding of the hotly of a new born Infant In I snow bank yesterday morning. I was wrapped In a newspaper and frozen stiff. The authorites are making a thorough investigation . _ _ :01' .Fon T11 .tItiIl' . - ; lnJor Fcchlt Assigned 10 Duly wIth time Nchrluk" NIUonal : Olnr" . . WASHINGTON , Jan. 9.-Special ( Tele- g ram.-Major ) Edmond G , Fel'het , Slxlh IAvllr ' . now at Lincoln Neb. . will report to Governor Holcom\ for duty wih the . Nebraska National Guard . The following assignment or officers re- ' cenly promtetl are ordered : Cavalry arm - CaptaIn John . -Callllln A. Johnslon ( promoted flol Irst l leulenlnt , Eighth cavarry ) , to the Eighth cavalry , troop D. vice I.uf retired : : . Captain Joseph A. Gaston ( promoted from frst lieutenant . EKhth cavalry ; , to Ihe I EIKhth cavalry ) ' , troop F , vice Guest no. 10- tled : First Lleulenlnt Thomas Q. Donuld- , son , jr. , ( promoted from second lieutenant , Seventh cavalry } ' ) . to thc Eghlh cavalry , lroll L. vice Joirnsonm . promoled ; Firmit . I.leulenant George MeK. Williamson Fl'lt ( noted from second lieutenant , 1'igtrth cav- : leulel1nt 1'lgheh Ih' ) ' ) , to the EIKhlh CIVII r ) ' . troop C , vice I Gaston , pronrioteul . Infantry Irm-Caplaln Jdmund l D. I Smih ( promoled from first hour. Irat leu- tenanl , Nlneleenlh Infanlr ) , to the Nine- tecnth Inflntry , compln ) ' I' . vice 1cleelson , retled ; First Lleulenlnt lard H. Sclwnclt ( promoted from second hietmtennmnt , Twelfth : Inflnll' i ' ) . to the Nhllh leutcnnnl , company 1. vIce AicNurtt . retired ( he wil proceed ; to I join his lroper station . lldlson BlrlckH , N. V.1 ) : J'rst Lleutennnt : Slmlel A. Hmoc ] ( promote.l from secolHI lieutenant . Eight. . leutenlnt. JIHht- eenlh Intlntl' ' ) . to the Nlncletnth infantry . company D. . vlcc SmIth proloted : Final I I.leulenlnt I.'mnlt n. Alhrl/ht ( promulell tram second lieutenant , Ninth inrurrtry' ) , to the 'rwcnty.lrh infantry Inunlr' vice Anderson , retired ( he will proceed 10 Join his h proper station . Fort wi , . NI ) , ) . 'he resignation of Major Ernest A. Gar- InHlon. h Inspector general . or his commis- sion as captain ] of cavalry , Seventh reHI- : ment only his been neCt'llled by Ihe presl- dent to take effect Januur 21 . 1895. Tire resignation by NaJO' I Emnoclr II . Crowrler judge ( allvocte.f his commission as frst ( leulenant , lghlh \ cavalry only , has been aCCCIJled. " I 'Fire extension of leave of absence grnnted Captain John Pitcher . First clvllr ) ' . Is further - tier extende,1 , two monthl. Leave of absence grunted Lieutenant Col onel David Perry . 'renlh . cavalry , Is l'X- teneed two monthrs Leave for three months tram Fehrlary lr 189 : IB ranted First Llelienont Wiiiiunr ; T May , Fifteenth Infantry , reclultng ciii . con _ _ _ - . _ _ _ . T"elty Thousanl CRRea itt , 'rrrerrra. WAShINGTON , Jan , 2.9.-The worl } of the ( special examiners or the' l'enulon bureau has fallen Into on Irreara 0' ' . over 20,000 cases aI I , owing to tine recent la < 'of approprinrtiornr I. There Ire now 262 slcll ( examiners In the fIeld and as n result of the increase of $ 250 , - 000 In the appropriation for the service the force Is now be'ng augrrrimeti hy slxty.thrte employes detailed for tine purpose tram the ( bureau I Is expected with the preent force or 325 thnt the will be arrearage wil reduced I- duced to lee than 10,000 cases durIng the remainder of the fiscal year and that by the end of the calendar year . If the force Is I maintained , tire work . will be - on date. Athtnl" " 111 < 1111 "t Color , . WASHNGTON , Jan. 29.-Secretary Tier bert has sent orders to Captain Cromwell or the Atlanta to remain at Colon for the prer eat He will also order one of the shills on the Plclfe coast to the scene. The liennin . - ton will probably be Lent a - Contract for tur/lhll : ntololea. I . WASlNGTON , Jan 29.-The third assistant - sistant postmaster general will loon issue a cal for bids for furishing envelopes ' 0 the : l'ostoIce ( department during the next fleet al ' . 1. . ! rrrrrrrrrrrrrrir r 1r rrrcrrrrr-rrrrrnj rjffffW U1'WWn'f'f'n' CUT THIS OUT 'H t I'S WOnTH $5.00 TO YOU ! - : This check will eni1/c bearer ' to IL. V eltile ( [ ' 'e- T 5 dltcll i $5. 0 0 on any E Order for Suit . ) t placet tlus week 1 ) 1 . ' 207 . SOl ti ' Til' check e pre- \ t selted whcJ o"dcr 11s1 l , plat'cd. , _ _ ,5-m---- _ ' lQ Q Q . . - - - Fitccnth St. : : & -rlU ; ! ) -U ' LtlJAA. L , tttt L4LiL l & 'k , , & rUU. tL { JU 4- 1 ; r { UJdWJ UJA l4U ; . ; ; { r ; r ; , J.r > ; ( At ; ; ; . 4 . rnhitrif l l l 91 r r l'l ll" r r r1i'l'l \ 'fa nlr" : 'iRi'f 'f ll : : t CUT THIS OUT J E ITS WORTH $ t.OO TO YOU ! t , Thi check wi 'I ! mtltle bearr to a 1'C"R : duct/Ol oj $1. 00 on zny ] ' 0 ) l $1 ' 1 t Order for Trousers i t \1. \ ' . lacd thz week. ; . : i' . 207 South , 1 l" ; Tht check mlsl e pn- . . 1 l smcd whCJ order ' Placed"I' Fiteenth St. : ' - " - ! = "I'- 4j { ( & 4LtJ4tL ! UU rU Ux11L , ! . . _ : . -Ud ; ! UU rU UAt ijJt UdUd - : -Ud ' J .dtdJ r ; . ; ; : . ; ; ; ; { ; ! ; ; ! ; . ; IUJ. t y ear. The contract Is a yearly one The cal may include bids for furnishing enrol- opes 10 aU of the goverument dcpartrirerrta but the matter Is not yet settled. The con- tract averags $90.000 I year , and If the new p lan Is put Into operation tine contract price may bo raised fire-fold. . 11 ( JO rJ1f.'d.II.\7' " OW"l" } TIlE 1W. ! ! ) . Inery AII"rson Says I lltrntirel-allrlion BIII lstro ' Vt'Itd Ito ccees4ry. WAShINGTON . Jnn. 29.-A letter adn drcssed to the chairman of tIre house com- mleo on Pacific railroads by E. Elery Anderson , representng the receivers of time road , the organizaton commitee and gov- erment directors , mnkes It appear that tine defnult In the January Interest on the Union Pacific first mortgage bonds was due to the fact that there was actually n lack of funds In the company's treasury to meet the pnyments. In bringing their petitioner for foreclosure the bondholders , It Is stated , were not acting In collusion with the receivers - ceivers to force tire c government to take nc- tb ton ns to tire debt settlement , which has been Intmatcd , but were simply pursuing the ordinary course In such matters . I In answer to the Inquiry IS to whnt would bo the cost to the government of Iniatng the experiment or the goverment railroad mairagenir itt by gnlnlng possession of n through line or railroad from Council Dufs to San Frnclsco , Mn' . Anderson mnlws a detnled slatement or the number and Imount or prior lens which would have to b o adjusted In order to make connectons complete and provide necessary termlnnla. The experiment. : . Anderson saya would Involve i an expellure nt the Outset of over 100000000. for whleh a special Issue of bonds would bo necessary. The pending forcclosuro suits . ho says , do not actually threlten the government security slnco courts or equity are invariably disposed to see that Junior Incumbrances have ample ( intro to prolect their interests but he sub- mis n that I Is not I dignified atttude for ire United States to bo asking postponement - ment or a foreclosure sale to protect Its own rights IS I creditor. In that view of the case ho urges the necessity for tins congress - gross to take decldcl acton upon the ques- ton or a settlement of tire company'a debt to the government. Even If It should bo deemed wlso to put $100,000,000 Into the ex- perlmont of operating a railroad hy the gO\- orment ho says It Is absolutely neeessnry hat this congress should enact legislation legislaton to thnt ell , are there Is no authoriy vested In i any omt'er of the goverment under oxf i sting laws to maeo ] the contracts anti to take tire steps necessary to carry the plan Into i effect . efect.ll'Ulr. 1) 1" UI ! . ! % UES. .Juojo Gr08CII ) UecllrOI Evidence or a Con- " /lrc > II Jllclc Tratm . Adml8lhle. CHICAGO , Jan . 29.-Tho defense In the Debs conspiracy trial received n heavy blow today on time adverse rulng of Judge Gross- cup on the Point raised just hefore adjourn- intent yeslerdny. Whie Oliver I. Jyron was on the stand counsel for the defendants ob- jecled to tine admission 01 evidence as to overt acts unless It could be shown that Ihey were lane by the knowledge anti under the direction of tine olccr annul ( lrectora or tJc American Raiway union , charged with IJe lag headed the conspiracy to ohstruct tire rrraiis. JUllgo Grosscup held that evldencc could bo Introduced tending to show that n conspiracy existed 10 stop all trains , anti that this wO\11 include necessarily , a conspiracy 10 stop the United States mails : In 1 worrl that ( tine greater conspiracy would ineitnie . In its nulural , responsible and Inevlnhle 10 , suit , tine lesB. JUdge Grosscup delivered Ils decision as soon ns ho came on the bench Its Import , as affecting the chances of the defendant for acquittal , was recognized In- stormIly , until its Infuence on tine defendants anti their . cOlnsel was marleed from tire ( line being. _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ CUVr" J'OT l. .1 J'J TlB UBIIJf If . Young I'Iiyrsiclrn Who 1.lved time Jn1chta nf J'ylhllH Slurs , ' Iln Ild l'IIII'e. PEORIA , Ill . , Jan 29.-Dr. B. B. Stmnder a young physIcian who has been practicing irene for threa years , and wino Is tire son of Dr. Joseph Stutier one of the oldest and most hflhly respected physlclan In the city , las eloped with Matida Mate , a young woman employed by I dry goods frm hero. Young Slimier was engaged to marry Miss . Natee of St. Louis , daughter of I pronri. poml. nent nnd wealhy distIller there , arrd I Is said . his father Is so cnn-urged nt his elopement that ho says ho wl shoot him on sight. The young people went 10 Milwaukee to be married , nnd are now In San ranclsco on . their wedding tour. The trouble seems 10 ( I have grown out of the religious beliefs or tIre young people. Doth Dr Studer anti his alancell are Homan Catholcs , and when the recent decree appeared enjoining null Catiro' Ics to leave the nlghla I of 1)'thlas his i fiance besoulht him to abandon tie order or which ho Is an enthusiastic member. 'Ic 0 I this he dernurrenl but she per lsted , and Iron 1IIIrtunitel ore belCe to have decided him to marry Miss Mate . itratead lhnt for Jnll'lnl\ . \1111 ( Itri . I.I AJ\UI.I . Colo. , Jan. 29.-Joirn H. iul . Ivln , 16 ) 'Olrl old. 8hot .m 1 bilk' I \ S IIIn r II'nn. I miner , aged : on the street ealy torll ) 1"l'nn was In company with Huili. . 8ull. vln'l sister , 15 ) 'earl old . whol Sullvln I accused him of entcln ! away ( rout home. - - . - cCUNCIL ' CCUtCIL BLUFFS = I , 4 ° ' 13 - . MA - -k ; lO - STEAM DYE WORKS . All kinds or Dyeing annul Cleaning done In tine highest style or the art. Faded und - stained fuhrlcl mndB - to look as good as lS 1 : new , \011 , pronrrptly 11'omply done until delvered . 11 nil ats of the - ) n l cO\llr ' . Send for Price ls t. O. .1. \ \Ol.\X. : : l'roprtotor fladu'ay , near North- ' . wesicrir Dcpot , Cournctl InttttCrr , Iowa. Tel. 322. - - - - - - - G EO. P. SANFOI1D A. W. 1UEKMAN . I Pz-eslUcitt. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ nEK1AN. . SIMS I & BMNBR11) ) Uu I Prar't AII.rnt-"t-I.\ ice In tIme Sluto ' nirnul Iuti oral Cur un'ts. lbrInnrs ' i0'i-7-S-'J . tir u , gtur f ; : : ; \ mMi . 'i' : . , li . flhtmrV. , Iowa. First Natio ' t nal 'Ban _ COUNCIL BLUFFS Iowa Notices-flciIDluffs Special - CnpitaJ , . . $100.000 NotcesGuncimlufs Profts , . . . 12.000 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ } CLEANED . . D VAULTS : CLtiArED CllN lS CLEAN Qna ot tIne oldest banks In the state ot It.wa E < Uurke. at , V. B. Ilomer. . 61 Droa < wlY. Wo slcit your business and collecttonrs. We pay 5 per cent on time eposlts. We will he ' . lme ( wil I LARGl'lUV ATg IAlN VOlt HFNT NEAn leased to Bee unit servo 'ou. Court hnouae . Apply Dl lieu oUlco . Cuuncl Du/t. nUNC L ON THE TROLLEY WIRES Strkers Suspend Effigies of the Street Oai'I Company Magnates , THREW STONES AT THE MILITIAMEN MILTAMEN Two Liii all . I'Rrly : Iornlll illots-Striico 1'lr from 1 ltcd Int tin Men Now HOltO to Win-Wi Hlmller the Com' 111110s In the Courts. BROOKLYN , Jnn. 29.-l'reairlenrtnr Norton and Lewis were hnnged In effigy last night from the trolley wires of the Union avenue Ino l nt the crossing of Hnmburg ail Flush- Ing i avoirues. I rom tine high tenements on either aide death cats anti togs , old clothing and boots and , shoes were thrown across the wlrcs. I kept I gun/ of Inemcn busy clearlns the wires. Notwlthslandlng the ( vlglanco or the police , a battered looleln/ dummy , with I label on its breast reading "Old Woman Norton " was hung on the wire , and shorty afterward a dummy ha- beled "I.owls" kept It conrparry Stones and bricks assailed tire mlln plclwts I at tine Hhlgowooll station of the Iroolel'n i Heights Railroad comllany ( Iris n rtorrrInrg . Tlo thrco companies of the Fort- seventh rcglment our duty ( Irene were calell out and several shots were tred In tIre ' dirce- lon from which tire missies han been thrown. I Is not 1I0ln that any one \ at i nurt . A gang of [ six track cc'aners welo nt- tacleed ann badly beaten by a mob numberIng - Ing i nbout sor'ermty-tlvo at 1 llshlng ann Nos- trand avenues \hlo lt 1011\ remoIISn'll from tine lushlng a"onuo line at daylight. hAVE ALIi TIlE MEN TiilWVANT. . A meeting of tine directors of the Urool.lyn . Heights 1ulroall cOllJany wus : heli Ills ( af- terntoon At the conclusion of tIne Ineltng IreBldent Lewis , In relll 10 a question Cl3 to whether the 10'npalY ' will muke any can cel- sierra to tIne frmands of the strikers , said : "Wo will concede Irotbring. Wo haVE till the men wo require 10 operate tire roads , /11 ' wi tomorrow mayo 477 cars running . We will run tip to mldlight , and on some or the nlht lines later than that , except II such localities as are peculIarly dangen'ous. " can ! President Lewis said In regard to ( the ( Ilam. ago to the compsnIlrOperly ( lint tire roll. ' big stacIe had miulfcrerh to tine extent of $100 $ , . oOti. oOti.Vlrilo \Vlrilo ear 140 of tine Fulton etrct lime was I passIng tinder tine t'iev.rtcul railroad strtnctrrrc I at ( lie corner of Alnihtanna averue : and Fniitomi I street shortly after dark ( Iris evening , ni atmort , dane man leaped out fmon tire pinarlcrti Qf one of tire irurt pillar's armd jurrrpinrg err tim , i-ear step of tine car iuungeni at Conductor : Green , uvhro was stanthinng on tIre pirntformri witir a krrife. As Ire did so iris foot ilpped I aind ( ho blade was buried hr Green's. hotly - just over tirO left liii' . lii ( liii ceimfusion ( mat I ensued Green's assailant rrrath , Iris escape , lellnirrg lteniirsIile , WAShINGTON , Jan , -Sernurtor Pefei hair introduced an nruendmntent to tin r iroohins bill defining "urnrcasunnablo rates t n be stick as are in excess of wtmat is me - quired by tine carriers In ornlcr to pay' tin I orrematlnng expeirses of tire rends umnthr'r ne t er'orromical admlntlstnnttiont , and u m I mnrollt on tire actual vnmiutt of tine hrrulon'ty , not to exceed 5 her tent per nnnnunr. " 1 % alus for air ia : t emsitnr , , , NEW OltLENH , Jan , 29.-'tlte flun a r Clrnnifec'est & Co. inns asicerh fcr in reiitr 'I of two or tlrree y'cnrrs. 'J'lre fretitionrers , . ( bitt a mneetimrg of theIr L'rcditors be uiuhleu before Notary' 'IV , Julor'gurm tj'Uiiy to curr - milder ( heir application , They assIgn the I , - , l ow price of cottort ntnib tire durhhc'trity in c Oihi'ctiorm as tIre ccnunre of threir fntllnmrc. Air- s ets , $317,155. i3 ; liabilities , $29h,700.10. .lItiW .1 1t.I.VI lI'.IS Ji'If1UICfD , I .o.tnroil l.argo Sunrrrr cii i'nnliitliigs Not VortIn ? , toru , 'l'tran tIne Currents. NEW YOflIC , Jam , 29.-I'etcr A , Gatens i nratlo sontre scmrsatioural statennrerrtur inn gen- o ral micsstotr relative to tine , affairs of tIre oi i iarlomrn River ianic winicir Called March , 1 894 , learlnrg nranry storekeepers to naounrn f or unavailable deposits. il ciram'ged cure o f tire rllrectors with nnakirmg oft wittn a p ainrtinng stnpponuerl to be voi'tim $10,000 upon winicir the barrlc hail loaned intorrey , 0mm h icr.son hail been ac'customniorl to call at tire h ianlc irofore it closed its noon's every Mort- r irry for tire iruniptiso of collecting ltiaelirnahl f or tehlinng ntonto rutory Inc lcrrorr' nthotmt ( lie a ffairs ( if tire lrarrh , Ho also said tirat $40- 0 00 hiatt intern tonuneri lry tito iranic cmi patmnt- i nrgs , tire vimoie of r'lrlcir wer'o irot rvortin m mdi nror'o timarn tine cost lrrcurronh for miter- a go , 'rime lawyer ricciareci tinint iii addition $0O00 $ lund bcenr burred our otiror vonthheas eollaten'al , I'idiu nile I' , IiI.i'R /r rObri , TIre Neinramilca l'IniirnteliC Society lnelii its first arretinir unaiu of Hitmntil ) eniile'c'tirjnns nnnti specimens tnt l'nun'mruilee'r4 gun store Inst r tiglrt , Eighty lot'i 'er ii offt'rrirl ( dis'nmle t nnrtl tine Pn'ices , irfym''i ' ' ' tvei' S 'ery grtl. : ' l'iro cullec'tlorrs eonr'tttsiI of ostnge n'v- ernie rrmnd rieIan't mrl'nrt n'tnrrir. trinti , ranrrreui err'elolrr's , 'J'li"I'tt vH ii good t'i'nit.i I' ' ( 'ii- err t nm ml t ir II tiirl 1 i rr.r ; waa I ively. A I eCu I gociety of collector's jim my' ho um'gnermleoii mrs 't wecic. JIIerv 11cr Iir'aiins O.mt . nrr'roro I un Mirror , NILES , 0. , Jirri , 2h.Mr's. . i.orrla Rtmhnm , a I n d y r rtrrmni ii tin t I it elm tni'eir vum Ic at t Iris IrlinCe , mitoori befur'e a rnrii'rontorluy minI Iriew her. hnnn I in ii out rn tin in r'trr'olvr'r. 't'lm o s'ormintr ( lnehl iron your rig elm liii I tm Ii en' ni tins v.'Ini Ic miii e connrmltteni tIme deed. l'oor incaitir irrourably hen ( ii tire act , S31OPOO for a Idea. TIns is tine biggest price ever offered for a atcIr limo or heading for an advertir.entent. hayden hires. ruill givr a choice of several first class irianot wortim : ioo.oo eacir for tire intand line adointerl arid in addition rviii give orders on ttrrtir rntraic departrniert , for $ t.Q.OG north of music for ( ho next live best iders , mnceerdirig to : mnt'rit. To cecure err also1niiely irnlrantin'l decision applicants are requested to , , ignr In nnurrrbcr urniy arid to irish correslroriding rrrtmnber wiUr Inanro arid address to 'fine lice oiiico , vInere It will rennrainr urntii rifter tire unworn is made. Tire r'lgirt I reervcul to use any lnernnl line ornce. 'Fine following are tIre facts to ira adver. ( tsctb : hlaydeir hires , of Orrraita are tire only ( Irma lrr tire rvonld showIng a connhrlnt lure of the inairunronts rrrnnufumcttrred ry tine lIve mnrost rennowmreri Iniano nnrakers err earth , hayden - den Bros. are nat tied rip with ned tape restric. tiorro like regular selling agents , bUt are fres to irralte tire lowest prices ever Inrarul of. Hayden llrori. itut sreeial streess on thus Steinwdy and Vomit , vianos because tiney have a larger line mm stock and earr buy thrara cheaper titan any direr rrrakes of equal ropu. tation , Do not be misitti by any errs cistirt. Ing tine sole agency. Hayden hires , trays tirotrn direct from tine factory nra well nra front tine Max Meyer & lire , Co. stock. Music irade iapere are paying lrlsnns cannot bu sohil hr a tlepanizrterrt store , but stmsibio Ircoirie wino do riot care to lie Iroodwimrkeci by silly frills mire not o notional and tIne lset vroot of tIri is ilnat hisyrlen hires , sold inane pianncrs , organs sun irnusical innstr-rrmnents In onre week then any five inuie stores west of ( 'tricago irave acid in six months. 'L'int rrmuaio trade papea say this Innovation wiJ ( ha watched with unrimsual interest arid llmnythu lines , propose to keep them guessini. - ' , . . ' . . - . , - . . ' . - ' ' . - - , - "