Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 29, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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: . --i i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I. 8 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ THE OtAIT1 DAILY DEE : T1J'ESDAY ! , JANUARY 20 , 1S9. ! _ _ _
Will Bring Their Desires w the Attention
of the Legisll\ture
! -
No nero : e"ICR of i1ortgng.I I'ropertby
bllcel"l JlII\\tcn-IIf'MonR OITcn'hy
ThcRe Two CIiangcl ; Should ! ! lie
lIl"de-'herUY lrcxel TRlk80
The sheriffs ! ! of thIs state are up In arms ,
and , combining In a bo1y they propose 0. Ill.
lIe legislation on theIr own account looking
to the protection of their Interests. In thIs
direction they hnvo interested senator Watson -
son and ( Hepresenlatlvo McNitt , who will
champIon their cause before the other mem-
bers of the legslature : which Is now In ses- I
slOI1.Thesc county officials ask for the passage
of but two hills , one of whlc1 ! Is to increase
the term to four years , while the other Is to
do away with special master commissioners ,
who have heretofore been 'nppolnted by the
court to make sates of real estate In cases
where the property Is sold under foreclosure
of 1II0rtgage. Upon both propositions the
. sherf ! ! are n unit , declaring that their hopes
for the future are wrapr-e(1 ( UII In the enact-
menl of these IJrolosed ( laws , In discussing
the advantages to be derived from the Passage ( -
sage of the bill making the term of omce four
years , the sherlrrs declare that they could
render theIr rewectlve counties much more
effective Fen'lce , as then their terms would
correspond wllh those of the district jJlllges
ntlll they would have double the oppor-
tunities to fumlllarlze themselves with the
work rCQulred of thcm They also urge that
Il would relieve them of much of the ( lolltl-
cal leg pulling , thaI Is now lractlccd ( ntlll to
which they arc compelled 10 submit. Being
judicial omcers , they make the point that
their terms should expire with those of the
jllll/es ( / and the clerks of the court In addi-
tion to this they state that It takes them two
years to make enough to square tip the ex-
pellSt'S Incurred In securing the omce and
that If th term was Increased to four years ,
with a clause that they were barred from
' seeking ! a re-election , the last two years of
the term would net them a little money.
Regarding ! the other bill , which Is to pro-
vide for the doing away with the special master -
ter commissioner , SheriIY Drexel gives his
. reasons why It should become a law.
In speaking of the matter he said : "Last
year In this county there were 7GO forced
sales of real estate. of which number 186
were made by the sheriff's office , the ' others
being handled by the special masters appointed -
pointed by the court. Now understand , I
attach no blame to the court , but this specllli
master apllOlltment Is a dangerous thing.
None of the men arc under bonds and as a
ruIn they arc clerks In law offices about the
clly. The fees for making the 7GO sales In
this county averaged < about $0.70 each , which
would have given my omce $7,330 Instead of
$ I.SOI I , which It received. If I had made all
. of the sales the sum of $ G,600 would have
been turned Into Douglas county Instead 01
being turned Into the pockets of the com-
missioners. There Is another thing about this
plan of selling Where the whole matter Is
left with the attorney , he Is allowed to deslg"
nate the paper In which he will place his
advertisement , and as It result nol being
under bond , he places his sale notice In sonic
obscure sheet , drawing a rebate of anywherc
from 20 to 2G per cent on each notice.
"So far this year the courts have Issued 13 ,
orders of sale six of which have come to m
omce , all of the ethers going to the special
masters , and out of the 135 the county will
nol get II cent , as the fees will gO Into thE
pockets of the men who do the selling. ThE
sherI Is allowed to make a. salary of $2,60 (
per year allll then the county allows him [
salary for each of tile deputies. If the OffiCE
. doe ! not mnlm this sum. the balance Is \Jali
by the county , but If the fees aggr h'lte snore '
than the salarIes , the balance goes Int > LIsa
general fund of the county and reduces the
taxation just thaI much. Take , ! for Instance
the sales of last year. If they had all been
) made by the sherllI the balance which would
have been turned Into the treasury would
have been Increased $ G,500. or just the
amount that was paId over to thO' ' specIal
masters. "
Speaking of the action of the court last
Saturday , when It was stated thai some of
the judges were consderlng ! a plan of appraisement -
. praisement , SherIff Drexel said that he had
never apPoInted hangers-on as appraIsers but
Instead. he had always selected competent
parties , usually business men who were In
the real estate business. He had never had
. any set of men for the work , but as a rule
had selected such men as W. J. Mount N.
n. Apple John Butler and other large prop-
erty owners. lIe could nol see why the
judges should be dissatisfied , as he had , always -
' ways performed his work honestly and for
the best. Interests of the original property
owner , Instead of In the Interests of the hold- I .
ers of the mortgages Sheriff Drexel did not
take kIndly to the idea of the appointment
4 of n court commissioner. whose duty II
i should be to appraise property. lIe was of
the opinion that thO ! creation of such an
oll1ce would mean slmilly that It was a move
In the direction of making It easier for the
holders of mortgages which were being fore-
closed allli that It would take just that much
snore money out of tIme treasury of the
cOllnt . as the fees of the man would havE :
to be paid and there eOllld bo no limit on the
amount which ho could make.
Il's the best-Dr. Prlco's flaking Powder-
. because It's absoluteLy pure.
_ - _ _
lieNigilomi l Ills CI"rge
At the close of his' sermon' Sunday
. , morning Dr. Williamson , In a tow brief
words tendered his resignation as pastor
of the Central United Presbyterian church
S allli asked that action ba : tullen looking to
, , his release by time presbytery at Its meeting
S In April. This action of the doctor's will
no doubt bo a surprIse to many of bls
S-S frIends In the city. nurlng his pastorate
S here he has accomllllsheEl mu h. lIe took
.5 the congregation at Its organization about I
5 : eight years ago with thirty-six membors. '
It now numbers about 200 , but has had
nearly all many more upon Its roll In that
time. While eight years may not be a vary
long pastorate , yet Dr. Williamson Is one
of the oldest Pastors In the city changes
haYing been m1Ele [ In nearly all of the pillS -
S IItS In that tlllte. lie will leave nn active
S congregation , Occup'ln ! u hundllomo build-
. . 11mg ! In a good ! field , carrying a debt , but
hopeful ,
Of the three Unltel ! Presbyterlnn churches
In time city two at time pUlpits are vacant ,
S but the Park Avenue People are hopeful of
lIecurlng the services of Hev L. N. Lafferty
S at Creston , ha , whom they desire to call an(1 (
who has given them SOIltO encouragement ,
I1ayden Brcs' . nd , Is on page 6.
Allswf'n III Our 1'1111111 I'rlzo Contest .
is Several InquirIes have been received as to
whether we want only h slllgle line or sev-
S S oral Whllt Is required Is a heaEllng for an
ad\'ertlscmE'nt as set forth In our announce-
S menl. Wo leave It entirely 'to the jUdgment
of contestants whether ono line or several
should ! be used ! for thIs IJ\lrpose. \
t - - . IIAY1)IIN BROS
Jluth met II /lIce. /
. Judge Baxter decided nn Interesting point
S In the contest over the estate left by Harrl-
S ) lion Uuclmer , which has been occupYing time
attention of the court for teh last few days I
It appears that Buclmer was married In ISGJ ,
and as a rpslut of time marrlago a daughter
S V was born , Iluelmer left his wife , and several
S years afterwards msrrlE' 1 another woman
without going tthrough the formallt of In-
, IStltutlng divorce proceedings from the IIrat
S wlft' When IJuckner died , wIfe No. 2
clalrl1e : the estate , whIch Is i valued at over
5,000. . but IIhe met an obstacle In the Ilau.h- ! ! . I
tar of wife Na I , who clallnel1 , , to bG time I
legal helrL
S ' JThu ; Duxler ( lIeltl that there was no doubt
O't the leglthlllle of the marriage between
: I1uckner and wife No I , and that therefore
the daughter was hum leglll heir lit law. lie
also belch ' that wife No. 2had married Uuck-
. ner In good faith , thInking that ho was free
of wife ! No.1. alHl that therefore she Was
S entitled to a IIharu In the estate Ilbo.
S Tile state Relief commission have estab
IIshed beadquartera III 109 ! ) Frenzer block ,
i where all contributions of provisions arid
S ' Ilothllll : ahould be arnt. Instead of 407 Brown
: block. III hrretQfore. All correspondence
t should be- addressed to me at 401 Brown
, loCj- W. N. NAONI President
IJOSTON STOltI' : 1'1111 : 8/\1.I
Tomorrow Wo Sell ! Alt the lomrRtlu ) nOlI
Cotton ( howls from the , J"lTrny 1'lrr.
Cl iEFS .
All lining cambrics 10 a yard ; all prints
and calicos , 21c a yarll ; cotton toweling , Ie
n yard ; white cheese ! cloth , lc 0. yarEl. ,
All the colored 110uble fold cheese cloth '
worth 8m,4c 0. yard go at 3 ½ c.
All thin 2 yards , 21/S yards and 2 % ! yards
whlo shootings ! go al 12mc a yard .
All the linen furniture covering , worth liP
to SOc a yard go nt 2'4c ,
All time fine IndIa linens , fancy checked
lawn , nllnsooks , worth up to 25e a yard go
nt 8,4c.
All the dotted and figured drapery Swisses
worth 3Ge a yard go nt Jc. !
All linen shirt bosoms worth 25e each , go
al Ic.
All the drapery silks worth up to $1.00 a
yard go In two lots at Jc ! rind ISo a yard ,
All the checked and strIped taffeta silks
for ladles' waists and children's Messes go at
Gc alill tOe for an entire remnant
All GOe goods go nt ISo
All $1.00 goods go nt 20c.
All $1,50 dress goods go nt 30c.
-N. W Cor. lCth and Douglas Sts.
Hayden Dros' , nd. Is on page 5 .
. .
Sam'l Burns continues his pre-In\'ontory
sale until Saturday , during which limo every-
timing ! goes nt Iii 11er cent discount , including
cut glass , china , brlc-n.brae , dInner sets
toilet sets anll lamps.
lIIore 'luau : IIIIIJIJIJOOO ) I'n'icugors. ,
Have been carried by the Llllw Shore &
Michigan Southern railway during the past
Iwenty.fivo years Very few were able to
fil\(1 \ any fnull. The rest were dellrhtcd. One
o'f them recently said : "For several years
past I have made from two to four trips
each month between Chicago and New York
anti am almost always aceompanll' < by from
one to three or four others. I bel'evo ' ( as I am
informed by your conductors ) that I have
made more trips between Chicago and New
York than any one other man durlul the
Past few years . I have always traveled over
your road In prefercnco to any other , because
by careful comparison with others I have
round not only that time road Itself Is far
superior but the tnhlo and the service are
In every respect the best of any road I have
ever traveled en. The conductors stewards ,
walters and porters I have found to bo IInl-
formly courteous and attentive , adding
greatly to the comfort of those who are .
obliged to travel as much as I am. " Trains I
leave ChIcago as follows \ : 8:00 : a. m. , 10:30 :
a. m. . 3:25 : p m. , G:30 : p. m. , 8:45 : p. m. ,
dally , and 11:30 : p. m" , dally except Sunday.
B. I' . Humphre , T. P. A. . 727 Main street
Kansas City Mo. C. K Wilber W. P. A.
Hayden Dros' . ad Is on page 5.
1I0SIIO "rites B I.ettor Worlh I1cl\Ellnl
OMAHA , Neb" , Jan , 24. 1805-Ames H. E.
Agency City , Oontlemen : The large size '
$400 concert grand upright KImball piano ,
French walnut finish , seven and one-third
octaves , three strings and agralTe , duet
1II11lc desk , three pedals , hlgbest grade
worlmmnshll ) , finest tone and action Is now
on exhibition In our store , as per agree-
ment. \\1111 bo pleased to show sallie , and
Jarnntee Its unexcelled qualities and value.
/"ano / stool and scarf Included In prIce.
Respectfully yours , A. HOSPE , JH.
The above $400 piano , now on exhIbition
at the store of A. Hospe , jr. , emi Douglas ,
I w11l bo gIven to any person se1llng for us
S six of our North ThIrty-seventh street
i spdcial bargaIn $200 lots , absolutely the
. greatest Investment ever offered In Omaha.
; Investigation Invited. , Call for particulars.
i Such hances are rare. Competition closes
February 10th.
. 1617 Farnam . opp. N. Y. LIfe.
I .
I Hayden Dros' . ad. Is on page 6.
S _ 0
) -
I "I" flock hl"IIII , Shortot Line BIIII Fuste.t
I ' 1'1 me.
To nil points In Kansas , Oklahoma Indian
Territory Texas and all \1olnts \ In southern
California Only one nIght out to all points
In Texas. The "Texas LimIted" leaves Omaha
at 6:15 arn. . dally except Sunday , landing
passenger : at all points In Texas 12 hours In
advance of all otlter lines. Through tourist
cars vIa Ft. Vorth and EI Paso to Los An-
geles. For full particulars , maps , folders ,
etc. . call at or address Rock Islllnd ticket
office 1602 Farnam St.
. . .
S. n. Patten dentist removed to Drown bhk
-a- .
\Vomen's l'romIRt's.of Heformccepted by
'ollce Jim.lg.i ! In ( ; " oct Fnlth.
Dertlo Mann has moved out of the pro-
scribed distrIct and says that she Intends
leading a different existence during the remainder -
mainder of her life , but. she Is meeting with
obstacles In her good resolutions and as soon
as she quit the district she and a number ! .
of her girls were arrested by the police.
Their trials took place yesterday and Acting
Police JUdge Crosby discharged them , saying
that he would be the last person In the
world to put anything ! In the way of these
women to Ileep them from reforming. The
trial excited considerable Interest and the
police court was crowded with people anxious
to hear both sides. January 15 Dertlo Mann
rented a suite of fiats at 622 South Sixteenth
street , and made' preparations to keep room-
ers. Sue was accompanied by four of the
former Inmates of her resort on Ninth street ,
and they ha(1 ( hardly gotten one of the rooms
fixed up for sleeping purposes when he
police raided them Two of the Irls hail
railway tickets ready to le\VoPih : - - city " ' him
n few days and did so as soon liS they could
get theIr cases dismissed , whIch was done
on Saturday May Farr remaIned and was
tried 'ylth MIss Jllllnn. She clllimed that
she had given up her sinful life and was
now employed as a servant girl for her
former landlady and that they were only
fixing tip to run n lodging house like many
others In the slime locality On the stallli
Miss 1\Iann expressed great IndIgnation that
she should be hounded by the police and she
said that It was because of the III will of
M , F. Martin , which she hal ( gained by her
Independence , She said on the stand that she.
hail been Informed that sue conld not live
In Omaha outside or the "burnt distrIct" be-
cause time police wouldn't let. her She
fnrther alleged that she was told by one of
the arresting omcers that his ardors were to
thin effect that she would bo arrested every
day If she continued living where else Is
now located. May Parr stated that she had
been employed hy Bertie as a servant In
order that she might have an opportunity to
reform , 'fho attorneys for the defendants
roasted thin police anti said that n I.exow
committee mlghl 111111 plemmty ( of work to do
to Investigate the manner In which "soellll
evil" Is being handled In this city , Judge
Crosby In rendering his decision referred to
the mntter In a feeling mllnner amid when the
women were dillchlirged they broke down and
wept Miss 1IIann on a former occasion
1I11emlted ( to remove from tIme Third ward
and was rallIed so often that sue ! again moved
baclt to Ninth ! ! treet ,
Thin police claim thai this ! removal Is only
1\ ruse of these women to get. away tram
thin distrIct and evade ( paying theIr monthly
fines. They further state that time place
which Miss Mann has routed Is only a
block away from a school arid that these
women do not Intend to reforimi A close
watch of tIme . place will probably be kept
In tins future ,
TIlE vm SUIT - II'I'I .
Eureka SII lnliI , ' \ rItanaag , Ol'enl February
20 : , 1805.
A beautiful stone fireproof structure \l'lth
all modern Impro\'emonts , situated In the
heart of the Ozark mountains Mild and
bracing cllnute. \'ild and beautiful scenery.
I Unrivalled medicinal waters
\ < Through sleep-
en over the St , I.Qulij & sari I"ranclsCQ : 1'1111-
I ¶ 'ay between St Louis anti Eureka Springs
Write to tIme manager for descriptive
pamphiiet rates etc.
Hayden Dros' . ad 18 on pl1go 6 , \
Muslin Underwear at Manuracturers' ' Prices
Cloaks and Furs Cost or Less
Monroe Salisbury w Visit This Locality
When Raoing Opens Again
MGVE TO PUT OMAHA ON RACING CIRCUIT 01 Union I'nrk by r California Race
Horse Man \ . \hout CUllllllclNI Where
lIe Will Show ! ! Some IUligs
of the Turt.
Monroe Salisbury , without a doubt the
most promInent and best known light harness
raclug man In the worM , spent Sunday with
his old friends , Colonel Thomas II , Orlmn ,
another celebratcll trotting horse man , and
Jolm D. Creighton of this city at
the Dehloimo Mr. Salisbury Is enroute from
the coast to Cimicago and stopped ort here
especially for a day with .Colonel Orlffin , wlio
Is negotiating for Council BlulTs' falllous
track nt Union Park and expects to permanently -
nently locate here. Yesterday n Dee reporter
had arm hour's Interesting talk with hIm
anent his own peerless stable and other
great horses or. the coast and the prospects
for thin approaching campaIgn. lIIr. Salls-
bury C.1l110 straIght from his big stock farm
at Pleasanton , Cal. lie will remliin In
Chicago this week then proceed lo Wimeaton
Ill , twenty-fi\'e miles out of the city , where
he has an Interest. In a mile track , said to
be 01\0 of the best In the whole west , After
looking over his affairs here the great turf.
man will go to I..cxlngton , Ky. , to attend
WooEl\\'nrd-Shanldln horse sales , which
open UII ebruary 4. 'I'here Is some great
horse flesh to bo disposed of at the sales
among which are the rermowmicd stallIons ,
Wilton , 2:1S : : : , and Dan Cubit , 2:0JIh : ! , In
addition to a largo number of other vnluabe !
ones Wilton , next to Direct Is tIme best
producing stllll In America , hnvlng forty-
t\l'O In the list.
In regard to his winter racing on the coast
1\Ir. Salisbury salEf any tlmo they could count
on a good day they drew from 10,000 to
IGOOO pcople. The weather there just now
Is erratic and unsettled , but If all right when
ho returns the meeting will be continued a
while longer : : .
In sll\klng ) about Colonel Orlmn's leasing
Union park , Council Bluffs , 1\11' Salisbury
said : "I woult ! be exceedingly glad to hear
of Tom's maldng this deal. It Is one of the
fastest and best tracks In tIme country and
he Is Just the IIInn to keep It In good order
and give It the reputation It deserves. lie
Is mllde out of the right kimid 1 ( of stuff and
knows no such word as fall. lie Is full of
business resolute . Intelligent , termiperate and
ns square as a die . besides being a thoroughly
first class trainer and drIver and all-round
trotting horse lIIan.
"If lIlr. Grlllln gets Union park I will cer-
tainly patronize him , and so \1'11I lInmlln and
other liromninent ( horsemen. I will come
early and ! be hero through the whole of hIs
opening meeting. "
" 110\\ have your Idhgs arid ( queens wintered -
tered , Mr Salisbury ? " thin reporter Inquired
"Magmiificentiy . never better " he replied
with vIlli. "Allx , Directly Azote , Miss Kate ,
In fact the whole lot of them. have fairly
revelled In good luell. Allx was brought out
at Los Angeles one day last week and stepped
a half In 1:01 : * . Andy McDowell was tickled
half to death , and to say that I was Immensely -
mensely pleased would only be half expressIng -
pressIng It. Ed Ceers who Is driving for
Hamlin , wItnessed the little bay distinguish
herself , and stepping up to 1110 said , "Say ,
Salisbury , did you ever see one step any
faster than that before ? ' I told him I had
not , and Inquired If he had , anti of course
he answered 'never. ' I have the little mare
balanced differently this winter than she ever
. was before and the horse who heats her Is
'yet to be named She Is now going better
than I ever saw her before. What do I ex.
peeL her to do this year ? Well , maybe It
would not bo the most becoming thing In
mo to say , but you can rest assured I expect -
pect her to beat her record . and that ought
to be enough , hadn't It ? "
In commenting on time little black wonder ,
DIrectly , the 2-year-old pacing champion ,
2:07 : * . and who Is evIdently lIIr. Salisbury's
especial pride he said :
"Hobert J went out one day recently and
went a mile In 2:07i4 : , and could go no faster.
The mmext day McDowell took the little 2-year-
old out amid , over the same track anti Il
wasn't a fast one either but he ruled off
his IIIl1e In 2:08. : 1 tell you thllt fellow If
not already hem , Is the comer of the age ,
and I am not afraid to send him up against
any of them , old or young. He will be here
with me this sprIng , and thc horse that beats
111m will know that he has been at a horse
race. He has grown a great deal since you
saw hmini has filled omit and gotten to be a
larger horse every way. Azote Is wintering
finely , and I expect him to be a great horse
this . Yes I have another
year. Yes. 2-year-ohl
pacer , by Direct which Is extremely fast , '
and you can depend upon It , will open eastern
horsemen's eyes this season. Direct Is the
champion pacer , 2:05 : % , he Is at time head
of my stud , and Is the sire of the greatest
2-year-old the world ever knew and that Is
W)3 ) :
A Sample Package (4 ( to 1 doses ) 01
Dr. Pierce's- -
. _ .
Pleasant Pellets
To any one smding mIme and address loU
flS 011 a ftostal card
llmce , our objecl iIsmding 11.:111 0111
- ON TRI L. -
Theynbsolutcly Sick Headache , nil-
iousncss , Constipation , Coated Tonl\'uc \ , Poor
Appetite , Dyspepsia and kindred derange-
ments of the Stomach , Liver and Dowe1s.
Do , : ' ! acce/i some slibslillile said 10 be
"jllsl as good. ' "
The slibslilllie costs lite dealer less
II costs you ABOUT lite sail/e.
HIS rofil is ill lhe "jllsl as good. "
ILdErcss ) for FREE SAMPLe ,
World's Dispensary Medical Association
No. 66.1 Milia St. . BUFFALO N Yo
EPPS ' - 0000AII ,
DniM t1 AST-fHI'I'Im.
"Dy n thorough ImowlL-dso of the nutural
laws which govern the operations ot Iges-
lion and nutrition , and by a careful IIPIIII-
cation of the line llropertiell of wel1-lelectel
Cocoa Mr lippii hiss IlrOVltled for our breakfast -
fast amlI1UIIIr a delicately aVorell ' bevel'-
ago which may tnve us many len\'r ! doctorll'
iJllls. 11 Is by the judicious ' use of such
articles of diet that a conlltttutton may bs
gradually built up until strong enough to
resist every temJimc to dlsealle Iluimdreds
of subtle muladles are flouting around us
ready to attack wherever there Is a weak
point We may escape many n fatal , shaft
by keeping ourselves well forlllleEl with pure
blood anti a properly nourbhell frame.-
Civil Service (1aette.
Made simply with bolllnl water or milk
Bold only In hnlf-IJOuntl tins , 1.Iy grocer ! ,
labeled thins :
JAMES lPB & CO. . 1.111. , 1I0moepathlo
Ctwiniste. , Ulnllo , EtJlJlnn
Directly , 2:0Hi. : , no Is certaInly IIn unequalled .
eqllRllcE1 sire of race horses. Miss Kate is l a
trotter , 2:24 : , a 2-r.ou,0Id , and 1\ fine OM , an-
other ot Direct's You remember the great !
rIvalry between Dltrot and ) Hal Pointer three
years ago , and ! howiDirect triumphed , winnIng
time crown of tho' turf ? WolI , Hal PoInter
visited his old rttal In CalifornIa this win-
tel' . and Is thcrelyel : lie was turned out 1\
year but he was taken up last tall and
shipped to thin coost , where he Is being can-
lHlloned for this' 'cRr's campaign. lie hns
wIntered well , and Mr. Hamlin and DrIver
Oeers are sell1r1g'III11ch store by him. "
"When will you tome : east ? "
"Well , I Intend 10 come over earlier than
over before , for L , expect lilY horses to work
hard all suml1\er..ns . I shall gO everywhere
they see proper to liming up the right kind
of money and I " "Rnt to get them re.accll-
mated as speedily as Possible Bo here , just I
as sure as Colonel Orlffin gets thin DlulTs
track. "
- -S
Hayden Dros' . ad. Is on page G.
- - -
1I'1S1'lm 1'J.'uHO.\ ,
\'eteraliM of thin 1."te'nr IIcmf'mllerClI { Itr
the LitiiietaI Oo\'erIlIllNII.
W.\SIIINGTON , Jan , 29.-Sll.'clal.- ( ) )
Pensions granted , issue of Jnnuar
15 , were : Nehrn"lla : Orlllnnl-Jlllltls W
Clark , Omaha , Douglas : Fre.1erlclc'more ,
Liberty Gage ; Frederick l'funler ! , O'Neill ,
11011. Henewnl-Heuben W. HUllllall , Alma ,
IInrlan , Inel'easc-gtlmoml I1o'le '
) , Un-
moml , Lnmicato- Helssue-\\'lIIlam " ' .
lIllner , Nellgh , Antelolle ; Snmuel K. IInzen ,
'l'ecul11sl.'h. Johnson : Hnhln"on P'rl.I" . .
- . - - . - . _ _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ . - - " " . . .
\\-n'l1e , \\'R'ne----- .
Iowa : Orlglllni-Joseph I1romle ) ' , Bortler
1'lnln'Vebster : Milton Oxcl\I"elllel' , I.n-
conn , \ \'nnen : Joel N. Lillie ( deCaeel ) , I.e-
mars , PI'mouth.lltllllonalSllas S. 1101-
IIslel' , Hull Shoimx Henewnl-Jnmes IIn"an , :
CeElar , Hnplds. I.lnn : John A. itElro3 ' , Keo- :
1 < . Increasc-\\'llIIlIm Simencer 1..1- : '
dyvihie / , \\'nllello : lIlahlon C. .Tohnson , Clnr-
hula , Pnge ; Robert Orr , Plensant l'lmtiim ,
JefCerFon. nelssue-SIl\'er O. \\'Ilsnn , Dc-
comh , \\'Inneshlel ( : A ndrew ) . . 'l'l'nnnnt ,
l'relon , Union : John : ' 1. Brown , lIllIl\son \ , !
Calhoun : F'rankhlmi Pace. CarRon , Pollnwnt-
tamale : Nelmn Potts , 1.\1H'rt'vllle. \ . Jffermcomm
Original whdo' . etc.- lIner nf John A.
Hulll11l1n , Moulton \1pnnoose \ : Margaret C.
: lJmi ulcer , Bloomfieh , Davis
Colorado : Orl lnal-'lnrtln Ii' Dlcldnson"
GrRnaEla , Prowel's.
'Iontnnn : Orl"lnal-.Jnmes C. Ray East
Helena , Lewis 1lI1I1 Clnl'le.
issue ! of JRllUnT16 , were : Nehrnlla ! :
Orlglnnl-FrallllIn Pearce , Palmer , l\Iel'l'lcl
Increase-.Jolll1 g--gleston , , 'I'elmll1ah , Hnrl.
Helssuc-IIenry Loomis ! . homer Dakota :
. .InniesV. . heater , Blair , \\'ashlnglon :
George 'V. .Johnson , Ashland S\unders : :
James ! K. Gallowa , South Auburn ! , Ne-
maIm Helssue amid tncreasl.-S pI1\ls C.
Harris , Bostwlcl , Nuelwls ! Ol'lglnnl wid-
OWl- ! , I't-lIlInol'l.l of Abram 'rllht , ArnIm-
hoe , Fimrmmns
Iowa : OrIHlnnl-OHlen ( M. Rtmggles Hoele-
forth , Floyd : John \V. Copelnlu ) , Llbert\-
vllle , Jefferson : James E. l Cllmlllle\ , m.
heron , 'l'lIIna ; George elllnger , Council
Bluffs I'ottnwattamnie '
, Supplementnl-Paul
C. Ochler , Ioravla , Appanoose. Im'reasE
George \V. Coo Innnlnl , Cllrrnll. Reissue
-Evan " ' . " ' 1\1 \ I alii ! ' . I.lm Sprl1ws. How-
aril : John I. . Knight. , Pleasllnt\"lIIe , 'IarIOlI.
Original wlllo" , etc-Olla M. Chatl1eld'
Dnbullue , Duhuque. .
South Dakota : Addltlonnl-PetE'r Kuhn : ,
\Vesliiirton , Hl'nE1le. Helssue-Da\"lll M.
Way , Marion , Turner.
f : '
Hayden Dros' . ad Is on page b.
, \ . r. . Huttnn for Cciiimiilsiloimpr.
It Is reported on good authority that lion.
A. L. Sutton , member of the house from
On the tcm'1le face ,
on the upper lip , ' -
chin chieeiss . ( ore-
head , between Ihe
eyebrows , on the .
hmantis ' , arias ollEI
IJll'1U1 ; also hair en ,
mell's cheeks above
time heartS line , Ile-
IIlroYfl1 forever No
palll or Injuiy \Jy \ .
the ' ; ' .
NEEDLE. : , , , ,
This Is one at the mo.t unsli"hUy blem-
. IHhes that all ) ' reflnl'll wOllin can he nr-
fI'cled wllh. It Is sure ! 10 attract attention
111111 10 exclll cOlllmpnl.
Ieptlntorles ucid" plnolers. wax \Jloclil. \ I
soapstone lime tweezers , scissors &ini razor
1111 l11alIC Lucite Ilnlrs scaly hmarsiiei' . " dancer .
coarser , and alan" lIumerous. 'rime only
mOat Imoth III the world hy whleh time hnlr call
Le destroyed Is Ly tire
We have had 'pllrs' experience III Ihls
wont and Huarllnloe a cure In every case ,
no matter how bail It may 1w. MnIe
Wllrls Wt'n53. liaise veIns . , red nose , ml.cll
scars IIIIEI all mor\JltI \ HI.O\\'lh8 dcalo'e.1 Ly
Ihls metisol and " by , It Ihtl , 1"leclro "urgery.
A sllilioll expert always 1'1' < ' 80111. 1I0urs. 9
to 7 ; BunllllYs , 10 10.1 . , 'fho
1703 DodJtc'Strcct , - 011I11111.
. .u . . . . . . . . .
( HIl 5AW
Douglas ' county will be n\polntCl to the
vacant position on the Board of County Comn-
Mr. Sutton , It Is said , will remain In the
legislature until the end at the session , anti
will nol Maw pay as commissIoner until
wi unl
that time .
. .
1M J'l Jt.L.iU'2'O. J t.lWTllVla ) .
Shayer of \ blow , \hcrnM U\S Ills Ufo for
hits l'rlm"
SINO SINO , Jan. 2S-Dnvlll hampton the
murderer , was electrocuted at 1:13 : this
nio mm g.
hianipton's crime was thin lurEler of MrR.
Aherns , a widow 70 years of age , In her
apartments 'iii West Fifty-fourth street New
York Cit3 on the . night of December 20 ,
Hamplon and his wife hall nt one tIme
boarded with Mrs. Aherns , who o\nCl the
building In "blch slmb I'CI , She ball ne-
cumulatell money by renting out rooms but
beIng or a miserlY disposition she kept 10st
at her money In n colon bag \ller the
bed Hnmpton Imew this and ono morIng
stole $ S5 and skipped fern the house with
his wife. Mrs. Ahers followed him Unlli
demande the return of the 10ney , lianip-
ton was hearEl to say that It time old lady (
thitl not stall botherIng him ho would cut
her throat ,
On December 30 , 1802. Irs. Aherns was
found In her bedroom with her throat cui
frhm ear to oar On n washstnlill neRr time
bed was a bread ! knife amid , a finer ! stall
which belonged to the murderer , ThIs was
all the clew time police hal to work on.
Time knie was IlenlfieEl ns one lampton
hind stolen fl'OI n boarding house keeper
naled 'Irs. Josellhlne Johnson Tim mornIng -
hug after the 11"ler hampton wenl to Irs.
Johmiisoui' house amid showe(1 ( her a roll or
bank bills all Ioll\ The mommy was In a
whie colon bag like the one In which tIme
Eleall woman 1IIt her mmioney TIle next
day hampton met Joseph lallslco aimd told
him he would lay ( his eXllenses I he would
accompany him to Nowarle. lie showeEl
lalJslco a roll or hills ! nll the gold. The
two nen : went to Newark , where lamplon
IlurchalQ1 n c0l111eto outfit of clothing.
lie then disappeared amid was arrested on
l'hruary 16. \\'hen thus n\mler was com-
mlte.l . 1an\ton had a sore finger amid wore
a fillger stall on the wounded flmmger. lie
was placed on trIal for tim murder amid
fa11 guilty and sentenced to 10 executed
last year , but his case was taken to tIme
court of appeals When the decisIon was
handed down slstalnlng tIme nclon of the
lower court ho was agaIn sentenced to die.
. .
hayden IJros' . ad. Is G on page 6.
' \PIIIIIII'11 t ii I otimimilt I ( ' 0.
The directors of thin Omaha Fair associa-
tion miiet yesterday 111 selected an executive -
ecutive commltl'e of four , Dan Farrell , jr.\\
H. Bennett , George W. Kelly 111 J. E. Daln ,
who will act with a Ile commitee from the
Omaha Driving Parll nsscciatloim . This com-
mitee will have charge of tIme grounds ! and
local arrangements or . the state fair.
hayden Dros' . ad. Is . on image 6.
amiss Illnr'l Itecital .
Miss Fuller will give her regular monthly
recital this evening at 8 o'clock In the
parlors or the First Presbyterian churcim
corner Seventeenth and Dodge streets
- - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
qr------ ig
' :
. \ ( ; t
S ic
I - . FOR AN
. ' , . I . " 'V
M , ' : OVEJCOAt .
\Ve have about 75 Overcoats in broken
I $ sizes and styles that we want to close out right
away I. you are of the right size you'l save
. J4 r ail the way from'$3 to $8 by buying these hand-
some all wool Overcoats for $5.
I .
- .
M. H. . Cook Clothing Co. ,
13th and Farnam 8ts.
TRAD : MRRK J - - -
Warm Your Feet.
at night with a
iRlA 2-quart , 65cents.
3.quart 7 cents.
_ _ _ _ _ 3.qlartl 4'IUart ( , S5e
_ _ _ ' 5-quart , $1.00
I ordered by mul ,
Add Wa for oostage
The Aloe & Penfold Co. ,
HO l aral Street ,
. - ' _ _ _ _
IU1UI2 n Vegetable Purely .
Prepared from the orIginal 10 mult mo
' ervedimi the Arehlvt't of the 'Fol.V ( . auhlmav ,
: g au authentic history dating bnei ( Oyeln
for n Stomach , Kidney and Bowel
troubles , especially
PrOD 60 ccatu. Sold by all druggists.
? h Fraicisan , Remedy Co .
181 VL ! : URE.h 5' " , hhlIlCAGO . I
; for Ol'cnlal , " m'i III astrated . C.lend
FOr l sale by Iuhn { & Co" , 15tl & Douglas
. ,
- Vo enl tlm mar'u'lnun
- ,5-- Vrrnchm
' .
e _ hleinc&iy CALXHOS r. , mdliii it
F l
, - . . legal ' guarantee . , , . ( list , . tY.tLTmiaI . . . . ii . , Ill
wi'flI. )
- ' ' -.5-- iIcii.rgt' m.i..i011. :
. , . .
- , . ,
'BE - vtmruc : ' -1.rnui..rri % grleueeio
' ' , . . . , ,
IS P . urnt mnI'i'oiti : Io.L I Pg.
't 4t C.- . ,
L/.re ii and oy rifsaIisjid ,
- ill , AUrIVON , , , , MOIIL. . Co. ,
. .
" fbi Ani'Iu ; f. , t'irini.jii , Ohio.
Don't ' Neglect , Yotii Y Eyes
. "O
\ "
" . , . . " ' Jl % .
. . . . & \ r 1 }
\ v. 1. Seymnoui- our optician , has been
extremely successful In fittIng classes to
hundreds of the best people II the city.
Lenses Exchulcell Free ot Charge .
The Aloe & Penfold Co. ,
108 l arum Street ,
Opposite l'axton Betel.
Teeth Without Plates5
l'axton tulle.
lUlls and laruall Stl
' ' / , LOSS.
I'ul Set Teotim . . ' 6.0 u 'Silver ' Pllu1 , . il.O
icH 'J'clh. . . . . . " .6 I ! ! ur UlIEIFUII:1 : .OJ
ThIn 1'lllu. . . . . 10.0 I i Gold ( imuwims , 22k : . U.O )
l'nlule& Extrne'mm SOc Irldgu teothtooth 1).0 )
Teth Out in Morning ,
New Teeth Same Day
I Appetite
( a. . Is what the consumptive must
5 , have. The disease is simply a
CQeston of nutrition or death
'II ' , ) Without appetite a sufficient
I quantity of food cannot be taken ;
- - . - consequently , there is no iiotir
j - ' . ishment , no strength. The forcing -
. . . ' ing down of odinay food wi
not answer. What is required is an extraordinary quantity
of nourishment in a concentrated form. This is found in
fRADt.MARI ( , )
a scientific compound of Ozone , Guaiacol , and Cod Liver
Oil I not only creates an appetite , but also supplies the
needed nutrition. It is both a stimulant and a food. It
enters directly into the circulation , enriches the blood ,
strengthens the weakened lungs , builds up the wasted
tissues , and makes frm , hard , velvety flesh.
It is the Kind Physicians Prescribe
for Colds , Coughs , Consumption , Bronchitis , Asthma , the
after effects of Pneumonia and La Grippe , and all Pulmonary -
nary Complaints ; Scrofula , General Debility , Loss of
Flesh , and an Wasting Diseases.
Handsome lus'ated Pamphlet Froe. T. A. SLOCUM CO. , 183 Pearl st. , Now York
: U : 1T ct CO .
15tl and Douglas Sts' , S
I } SA uncndt.1 cimrat'va ngent far ; , orZtck
r hrl
Cleansed , purified ! , must beaimtilletl by CIYTJCtJTZA 1uleho , , Bratmi ihou.tion , itlooniesan . ,
Ifi . , , . , , . _
. . . . .ei-octct or eemsrni ieuriiIItm iiis ( ' '
' 'ocd forfthu'c.
- SOA urente.tof kiii el'Jnl2.utllilllU .
' ! " . .lln punltiers . and / B m".m , Goat , lititnoy IIlorderi , Acid Dp
51' :3 ; beimumtilscrs , n8 smell ns purest nud " ' . tnn'nstn. Althlolo for AiibchIo
. flr'.l " Alobcla
( 1. ) ' Onl 8wcell'.1 cure toilet for hlimmupks nll nUlcf' nN ! 'OlpS. black. EIPYcen end otmor ( ! 15(5008. . J'rlco,10. 2ln"r u ,
, - , _ , . hiezmds , Iecnu.e , lhu , only prvensiivo C THE P'I1NOLD CHEMICAL CO.
.2St pO of Illnlmlllon . tp , Clle IIHI of IW.I cittgcing coopicz. of the . IH S . Western Amenuc "III C AGO ,
. ' . _
tonal dssiiguratlous. Sold c\r'whele. . , .
tllstgurtoDo. " For sale by aU druggists ' mlh
- - - - - -
. _ _ _ _
" " ' " ' : " 'H IsS- . ' ' '
t "lo"'c ! ' ' ' ' > . : 'r'I'
. S
oung Man !
. YOUllg
! Woul YOl like to get married ? Do you Imnlne that It require
I I deal of wOllth to ! o to liouieekcoplng ? Corlo Ins anti set what :
we CII : do for yon for $100. or $150 , or $200 : arid thol wu don't.
wlnt limo moue } oltiioi- Marry that erl ) 'Ol hl\ ' . SOt your
heart on niitt settle dowim. You can settle UII wllh us for your
0111 setlo
< setto
. outlt gradually IS your onnlngs COl : ! iii . I
- p _ ; li "H\ \ _ _ ,
' This Week ' .
Bargains t
, 'S
We Submit a Few l Rattling Bargains to Reduce and Clean Out Stoclr '
3Piece He l'oom Suits $11.75 Window Shades 25c I
EThi , antique finish , 2x2t bevel plato Complete wIth rollers and fixtures. I
mirror In dresser 'time spring roller alone Is worth time
2.1lece IhdmoJ SLtits $7.50 '
Suis S myrna Ittigs 45o ,
Elm antiQue finish . lestead 4 feet I
high , commode dresser wili 2071 Makes you laugh don't I '
mirror. . I
Mniitel Folding Bed $1" . 50 lush l > > ol1t Lace Curtains pCI
liii- .
Ii $2.S5
Solid front , elm , antique fnish , with
best supported wire sprIng. 'Vhen you lee thorn you will know i
_ whether they are cheap or no I. ,
Good Mattress $ 1S. . " :
II In L amps Il" I
Soft and comfortable and not rut of
Ser . Complete . with chlmr ' ! d burner. i S
There are occasions , ; ; iD you need
Satccn 1d Comfurtcl's US ; se\erl exlo ones : )
Jew nice you eel 'llb several pare Jnpane Fire Shovels 5c
comforts piied ui-on the shelt.
pie" urn Why not have 0 shovel fz- every I
Good Gray Blank'.ts UOc I pah' slave and nreplaee ? " ever
Duy thorn and your Investment will hardwood Extensiun Tables
pay you 300 per cent next fail .
30 lIeI
Gofot , $3.60 : 8 " toot , $ .G.
' Arm Ronlccis ) $1.sS
Largc ; Easy Hmcrs , . Japlned Dust Pans 5c
You will laugh nt time price when
you see I. . Wo leug I'rlce alt Ihe Cheaper thln dirt. I I I
factory had. '
Cm'net Hassocks 25c \
I La les' Cane S.wlnl Rockers 'JSa Geed carpet assolled patterns ,
; Can Opencl's Dc \
lard wood , antique fnlal
. S.lolc Gem Pans fe All malleable \ : ron. . ,
Lt'gc and Smith Dlppct.s Ic \
Tumblc.'s per dozen 2S ; nave some extra ones tor the chl- I
dren 10 lug oil. S
. oc.
A great tumble In prIce. ,
Tuble Knives uml Foi'ks l'cr
Folding / hi'oiiing Boirdi S On ; Set 010 ISc
Cuspidors S 1S. Coeololo . handles G knives and C . 1 , ,
Drown ware. decorated ly hand
Rolling 1 Pins / 5c
Ingml1 Carpets IS : .
; He\olvllll hmantiics made of don pl-
All wool prevailing colora Ished maple.
Terms Cash or _ Easy PaY11e11ts.
S Open Saturday _ Evenings Only.
. . : @ 1" . " . . .a"H _ .
' - - - - _ _ _ _ _ c
OA'rOI .J" fV'TrLJiI i Is b 111 u801 I hy Ilou8\11 : or Indies 101Ihl ) ' . I II Site
J' . : ' mmi 'irniod latiy's frluuitl if Immutimlim' : frouni ! , it is Hirts
. unrll" 1Lty'H tllu/ll l1'u.llal rrOI Iiny ealHO II :
anti i-citable' , nOI'er 1tsil , gmnmr.miitco ui-il ii OI'UI'V bottle \ , ' to . , . ' ' I Ha
allllllblc talll wlh OI'UI'VJoilo 111'010 111IY : ! 'h18 inc I id iii ) tH far itsi honor to
1)1115 al ovury bottle \ IHroalod 11' ' ! mini-em' loenti its Hlroli"lh Sold ly alt 10ldlll : lelno . l'rieu , * 2.OI5
per bottle , I ) 'OUI' dl'ulilat OOI not Ia\'u 1 scud $ JOO and wo wilt turw.lrJ ) ' 01 a ; belle . Irleu oXllr"li :
Wester Oiiieo . OJmhu , Nebraska . I
- - - - - - - - -
For sa\ : ) by ntll 1"It'st Class Doalol'l. Manitifttuttii'od hy the
Fuctl' ' No , 3OI . , St LoulMI ,
: .
. - - _ w ,