- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - . . ' . . ' V- . ' . V /i Ii ; TIlE 01\LAJIA DAILY DEE TUESDAY JANUARY 29 1805. 5 \ : , , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ nn ANTS , GOLD BONDS ( Contnue frem - . FIrSt - - - Ia ! ! . ) - 14/ and member stood < Around In little Jeotl specutng on Il contenb and dls- cmalnR enerAly the treaury iltuation. Iost- master General Bsael : Wi on the floor con lerrlng with some of the democratic leaden. The house WI not kept long In suspense. WhIle Mr. lyneh Ilemocrat of Wiecansin wa trying to get unanimous consent to consilier a 1J1 to quiet the title to certain lands In \Vl- I cnaln , Mr. IMHlen , the president's executive clerk appescII and announcd a mess un WrUng , from the pretdent. Mr. I.yneh's request was Immediately objected - jecte to anll Speaker Ire Tern Richardson lalll tim message before the house. As the clerk began reading the memberl took their Real and Hstcneel with Intense eagerness to ever word. Mr. Heed and other . republican leaders followed tile prcshlent.s argument 1 cosely a the democrats. AI soon as the reading was comllJttd , there was a round of applause from the democratic lido In which a number of republicans Joined. Mr. I3prlngr. chaIrman of the committee on banking and currency forthwith sent to the clerks desk the administration bill stat- lag that ho WOUld move the reference of the bill and message to his committee. Mr. I.ivitigston , democrat of 020rgla , moved a substtuto , for this motion that the message ho referred to the committee of the wh lo on the stale of the union for Immediate consideration. Mr. Springer sahl ho was Willing that the bill should go to the coin- - Inilo of the whole hut It It was referred : . to , his eommlteo ho prmlseel to cal the committee together and secure early action. "Under the rules . " Inlerlupte(1 Mr. Reed "this leseage should go lo the ways and leans iornmlttee. 10 I understand that the chairman of the ways Rnd ( means committee waives jurisdiction over I ? " "Part of the message , " replied Mr. Wison , "would prollery go to time Ways alI } means cmmlte . but the Important portIon relates to banking anil } currency and I have no objc- ton to that committee tIling charge of it. " "It. Is not for UB to InsIst , " all Mr. Heel , as ho turned lo tnko his scat , "If the corn- mittee . " on ways and means desires to abdicate - "TIme ways and . means committee , " retorle Mr. Wilson rather warml , "Is not going to abdicate nor Rhlrlt responsibility . but we arc sat ned that the message should go to the other committee. " Mr. Bryan , democrat of Nebraska . and Mr. Thand . democrat of Idissouri at thIs point showel signs of oppositon ; and raised several mints of order , which were overruled and the message was referred. without division , to the banking and currency commlltee. Mr. Bryan objected , however when Mr. Springer asked unanlnou : consent that the bill go with the message to the same corn- mltee and Insisted that It bo referred by the chair under the rules "Tho chair will refer under tim rules to the banking and currency committee . " said Speaker Pro Tem Richardson emphatically. This ended the first skirmish over the administration's second currency bill . and the house proceeded with Its routine bust- ness. Alter thIs was disposed of the house proceeded In committee of tIme whole with time consideration of time bill to repeal the differential duty imposed by the tariff bUt on sugars from bounty paying counlrles. Mr. Hopkins of Illinois , who poke In op- position to time 1)111 ) . devoted considerable time to proving that Germnny's prohlhlton placed on the importation of our food pro- ducts was a mere pretext Ire rested' ' agInst nn abject surrender to Germany . - - . nn urgC that I this bill was to bo passed , . " ' , the amendment ho had given notice of emi \ Saturday , requiring German to remove her restrictions on our meat before her sugar should be relieved of the differential , should bo adollted. After some debate In favor of the bill by ? siessrs. Turner of Georgia , Wheeler of Alabama , and Terry of Arkansas , the com- mltteG rose. Mr. Wilson tried to effect an agreement to close the debate after two hour discus- sIon tOmorrow , but Mr. Grosvenor of Ohio objected - Tll house nt 5 o'cloek adjourned. 81'IcI4OE1t ASliS FUlt , \ nOSf ISSUE. ' - , " ' ReconulcllRtoht oftilo I'rosdent % I m. bUled In the l'orm of 1 11111. ' WASHiNGTON Jan. 28.-ChaIrman ' Springer of the banking and currency com- mitee of the house Introduce a bill to carry Into effect the recommendatons of the presidents - , dents messnge. 10 has notified . his com- mitee to meet tomorrow morning and con- I eider the bill. Time bill Is as follows : - An Act to AuthorIze the Secretary of the tl : : Treasury to Issue 'onds to MaIntain a . Sufcient Gold Reserve and to Redeem and , Retire United States Notes and for Other . rurpose. Do 1 enacted by the senate and bOUSG of representatives of the United States of America .In congress assembled , that In or- der to enable time secretary of the treasury to procure nnd maintain a sufficient gold reserve - serve and to redeem and retire United States legal tender notes and treasury notes Issued ; , under the act of July 14 , 1890. entitled "An Act Directing the Purchase of Silver Dulon and the Issue of Treasury Notes Thereon , and For Other Purposes" ho Is hereby authorized to issue and sel at not less than par In gold , except as provided In section 2 of this act , United States registered or coupon bondS In denominations of $20. $50 and multiples of : : ' III sums , respectively payable fifty years after In gold coin of the United States. of time present weight and fineness , anti bearing Interest at a rate not exceeding 3 per cent per annum , payable Quarterly In like coin : and such bonds and the Interest thereon shall have like qualities . privileges alli exemptions as the bonds Issued under the act approved JUly 14. 1870. entitled "An Act to Authorize the Refunding of time National Debt. " Such bonds may be % sold and delivered In the - United States or elsewhere as may bo deemed most alvanta- seus to tIm Interests of the governmcnt. Section 2. That , whenever any other legal tender notes or treasury notes ' shall be re- deemed In gold . they shall b'o canceled and ' - .L , , not reissued and time secretary of the treasury - ' ury Is hereby authorized In his discretion 'to receive United States legal tender notes 11 ! treasury notes Issued under the afore said act of July 1. 1890 In payment for any of the bonds Issued under the preceding sec- : ton at this act , amid the notes 10 received abal bo canceled and more Issuel SocUon 3. That hereafter national bank- b Ing associations may tall out circulating notes In the mnnner now provided by law , to an amount equal to tIme par value of the bonds deposited to secure the same. But . this provision shall not apply to any bonds * lOW outstanding bearing interest at the rate of 2 per cent only Section 4. That hereafter no national bank notes of n less denominaton than $10 shall be Issued , and as rapidly as such notes of denominations Into the less than treasury $10 shall otherwise be received . I . than for redemption and retirement ' - P. they shall bo canceled , and an equal amount I of notes of like character but In the denomi- ' I nations of $10 and multiples thereof shall be Issued In their III aces. All sliver certIfIcates now outstanding , In denominations more than $0 , shall , when recelvl- Into the treasury at the United Stales . , bl retired and canceled and silver cettiflcates . II denominations of larger than $10 shall be Issued In their stead. . Section r. That from and after the let day of July 1895. all duties on Imports shah bl paid II gold coin only and all taxes , debts and demands , oilier than duties on Im/orls , "I accruing or becoming due to the United J States shal be Paid In gold and SIlver coIns , United States notes silver cotnctes or Dotes of natIonal banks. Section 6. That all laws and part of laws Inconsistent with the llrovlslols of the lIre- eolu , sections be and they are hereby r& Pealed and a sum 8ufclent to carry the provisions - vIsions of this act Into effect be and the same 18 hereby Slljroprluted ) out of any money In the treasury not otherwise appropriated. ' : : : l > " ' ! " : mWlmutu : ' 'UK 11YrSAU 'f - . : Stewart and Ilrrll Wanted It to LID 01 , 1 the 1"lu " for Ullcuulol. ! . j WASHNOTON , Jan. 28.-Thert was but a ' . email attendance In the senate when that body met today The session was called ' .1 to order by Vice I'resldent Stevenson , who . ; , . b : returned to the city after attending the . ' . . burial of lila daughter at Bloomington , Ill . . , : : , SOOI after the senate chamber began to ' , sIll and before some preliminary business on the vice president's desk was dlsllQed of there wu the largest attendance of senators sInce the session . The ' lsilon began. ' 'hl presIdent's ' . , /ecretary was announce1 very loon and all knew be bad lbs Illeclal menage on the tlan:111 question . There was the utmost 'p1 Quiet II the aeuato cbe while the mes- : - - - sage was being read . and senators on both Ides gave I the closest attention . At the close of the reading Mr. Sherman . rpub- lcan of Ohio ! ugglle,1 that the message bo referr to the fInance committee. There was some objection on the part of several Meura. Stewart and IlaC- senators , Including lar- rls , who desired that the message should le on the table ao that I senators desired they might submit some remarks upon It. Mr. Sherman's motion prevailed . however on a viva voce vote Unanimous consent was given to a sug- gestion by Mr. Harris , extending the privilege - lego of the floor of the senate to the late Ileretary of the senate General A. O. McCool , who Is now In the city. Time senate agreed to I resolution offered by Mr. Stewart of Nevada calling on the secretary of the treasury for I statement of the estimated defelency In revenues of the government to pay current expenses be- twpn ( Iecemher :1 : , 1S91. and December 31 , 1895 , and If the $ Ui,337.i9 cash balance In the treasury on December 31. 189t , will bo Ilmclent to meet such deficiency : also to a motion calling on the secretary of the treasury to ascertain the claims of the several - oral states now on file In the Treasury lIe- partmcnt under the act of July 7 , 1861 : the amounts dime them for expense incurred In raisIng troops as provided by order of th' secretary of the treasury , February S , 1893. 1893.The The vice president laid before the senate the credentials ot lion. Richard J . Patti. grew of South D.kol for re.electon to the senate for alx years from March [ 4 , 1895. The credentials were place < 01 file. : fr. Pefer offered a resolution calling on the secretary of the treasury for a statement . mont of time kinds and amounts of money received In exchange for bonds Issued and Fold luler the refunding act of 18iO. Objection - jecton was male to It and It went over. Time senate agreed lo resolution a resoluton offered by Mr. Chandler calling on. the secretary of the navy for n statement showing the prices pall per ton for armor plates for \'es' Bels of tIme imavy comparing the same with the prices paul by other nations . and also especially what prices were paid or are to bo pall under recent contracts to American manufacturers for armor plates for other nations. Mr. Teller } to continue his Teler expected contnuG remarks - marks on the Hawaiian matter . but gave way to Mr. Wolcott . who desired to call up the house bi disapproving the treaty heretofore . toforo made With time southern Ute Indians , nail providing for their settlement upon a part of their reservation and relinquishment of the remainder to the government . When tile hour of 2 o'clocle arrived nn effort was made to have time consideration of the bill continued , and Mr. Wolcott sought to obtain Mr. Georgo's consent to n temporary displacement of the bankruptcy bill. The hatter , however refused to yield. Mr. Wolcolt then formally moved that the senate proceed ( to the consideration of the Ute bill. By a yea and nay voto-29 to 25-the bankruptcy bill was displaced and the Ute bill made time ulfnlshed business. After discussion by Senator Vilas . 'Val- cot Teller and Jones of Arkansas the bill was passed as It was reported from the committee by a vole of 2i to 21. A bill was passed appropriating $100.000 to purchase sites for public buildings In Spokane Cheyenne , Dolse City and llelena. The bankruptcy bill was then taken up and made the unfinished business. Time senate , at 4:40 : P. in. , tool up the consideration of executive business , and . later adjourned. W''OUI O HUJIE INTERESTS Ncbraslm anti South Dakota Senators Mind- ful of Tbelr Contituont' Neotl WAShINGTON , Jan. 28.-Speelnl ( Tele- gram.-Senator ) Allen today presented the pC titian of Cigar Makers union No. 276 of Platsmouth for the passage of n bill to pro tact the interests of American seamen. Senator Peltgrew today offered an nmend- meat to the Indian appropriation bill making an appropriation of $10,000 for purchasing seeds , gain and Eeed potatoes for the Indians . dlaas of South Dakota. lie also offered an amendment to time same bill requiring the secretary of the Interior to proceed with the construction of time Indian industrial schools at Chamberlain and Rapid City . S. D. Congressman - grossman PickIer endeavored to have this provision Inserted In the Indian bill when that measure was before the house for con- order. aideration , but was rule out on a point . of Senator Kyle today made a favorable report on the proposed amendment to time sundry , civi bill providing that hereafter timber cul- turo claimants In making final proof shall not bo reQuired to appear before the land office to which such proof Is to be presented . bu may have evIdence taken by the clerk of any curt of record and transmitted to the land office. This amendment will probably pass the senate The house committee on Indian affairs today . day made 1 favorable report on the bill IntroduCed - troduCed bv Conlressmnn Pleklpr nnnrnnl ating$187.000 - - - to . pay the Crow Creekindians of South Dakota for loss sustained In receivIng - Ing less lands per capita tn their diminished reservation than was received by the Lower Drulo Indians. Congressman Pickier called a the Treas- ur department today and urged upon Comp- troilor of time Currency Eckols the Importance - tance of considering time wishes of the stock- holders of the First National bank of Hed- field , S. D. . In making an appointment ns receiver. Mr. PIckier stated to the comp- troler that time choice of the stockholders lies between Crane and Hassel , both of Redfeld , and that petitions will soon be sent here urging the appointment of one of these two. Crane Is a democrat and Iassel Is 1 populist. T. W. Smith of University Place Is a candidate . dldnto for the postorCG there. Smith Is a republican , and his claim will not bG con- sidered by the departnment Rush O. Follows - lows of Auburn Is another republican who desires to hell 1 federal office . IG wants to be postmaster at AUburn , and has writ- ten to Washington , presenting his candidacy. Senator Mamlerson today IntroucC1 a bill granting a pension of $12 1 month to Tal- bert Draper of Ord. D. n. Robinson . president of time Nebraska League of Republican Clubs , left the capital for his hOle at Omaha today NO MENTION OJ SftVER. Loophole Left by Which Conceulona Van lie f1at" to Slivorito. . WASHINGTON , Jan. 28-I was considered very significant that Mr. Springer's bill con- tains no menton of sliver , and the suggestion was made that perhaps time omission was ' Intended to permit concessions to the silver men . Mr. Springer openly avowed that the bill was the administration's and was drawn at the Treasury department I was learned : ICrom ' a source very close to the admninistra- I ton that the omission of any silver pro. vision was intentional . The president has no objection , the member who gave this information . formation said , to the provision for the coinage - age of time silver bullion In time treasury and the scigniorago hut ho did 10t care to malle any recommendations to that effect . with the understanding that If such amendment was Proposed the friends of the administration would make no objection to It. UAI'IDLY ! ' E\OISU TiE nOTT031. Cold nOlone neaohe the Lowest I'olnt Since Slleoio U..UllltOI. WAShINGTON , Jan. 2S.-Tho total with- drawals of gold tOday were $3,075,000 , of ! whIch $3G90OOO was from the subtreasury at New York and $285,00 ( toni Boston , leaving the gold rcservo'at the close of bus. incas $51,773,173 , or $116,327 lower tban over before. The amount of the withdrawals last week were $15,03,273 , of which $7,322- 000 was exported. - - I"'nrllhl" lie port ni n.lrnul 1.111 I I liii I. WAShINGTON , Jan. 28.-Time hOl 11 COIfl- mlte on pUblo lands today voted t. favor- ably report the resolution introduced by Rellreseniative Camenetti 01 California HCllresentat\'e Camenett Caltorla to stop Issuing Ilatents to lund grant railroads until congress has taken acton for the classifIcation of the lands Into mineral and nonmlneral. This II In line with the resolu. ton recently Introduced by ! r. Ilartmnan which , howe\'pr. 111111el only to the granted lanll of the Northern Plcllo raiirotwi . . ' 1he commIttee also decided to report Mr. Camnenetti's bill directing the secretary of the treasury to classify as soon al possible al Ulilatento lands In California within the grants of the Union I'lcllc. I nlfrnl.1 un lul" " . ' t gent . WAShINGTON , Jan. : -The sonata In executive aesslon today conlrmed the nom I. nntoDs of George Steele of Depuyer Mont. . as Indian ageDt at the Dluckfuot aemmc II Mon tlL aeelcr I SATOLLIS ' POSITION - DEFINED Text of Pope Leo's Llt0 Encyclical Given t the Publo , SENT TO EXECUTE TiE PONTIFF'S WIIES ! Il.hols of Thh Country Urged to Co-Op crate with the Papal 1.egamo for time ( oed of the Church In America , WASINGTON , Jan. 28.-gr. [ Salem today made public the long expected encyclical - clcal from the pope. The most Important features relate to the AmerIcan delegate and his relation to the hierarchy In this country and ale defining the pope's attitude concerning . Ing societies \vorklngmen. . The later begins . gins as folows : "To Our Venerable Brethren. p I , . ArchbIshops and Bishops of the United ( , 4.U3 of North America . Leo XIII. , Pope : Venerable Brethron-Ileaith and apostolic benediction . Wo traverse In spirit and thought the wile expan3e of ocean , and ai- lhough wo have at other times immltlrossed you In wrltng-hleny when wo directed encyclical - cyclical letters to the bishops at the Catholic world-yet have we now resolved lo address you separately trusting that We shall beef of assistance to the Catholic cause amongst you. To this wo apply ourselves with the utmost zeal and care . heeause wo highly es- tcem and love exceedlng\ the young and vigorous AmerIcan nation . In which we plainly discern Intent forces for the atlvanca- ment alike of civilization and Chrlstanlt ) . . . Time emmcyclical then refers to the Interest encyclcal tel by tim ppe In the recent American cole- braton of the discovery of America "Tho barks of Collmbu8 carried not only I the germs of mlghl ( slates , but the prlnchlles of religion , Into remote regions beyond the ' seas. The first solicitude of Columbus was to plant tim sacrcII emhlcms of the cross wherever ho disembarked. The very names gIven to American towns and rivers and mountaIns and lakes teach how the begin- nings were marked wIth the footprints of time Catholic churcim " The pope refers to the fact that the first blsholl set by apostolic authority over the Americn chnreh hegan. his labors when the . great Washington was at the helm o't thc young republic . The wel known famiiar litter- course between these two men seems to be an ov\lenco that the United States ought to bo conjoined In concord and amity with time Catholic church. "And 10t without cause " contnues the encyclical . "ror without moral- fly time state can never endure a truth which that iilimstrious citizen of whom Instrlous citzen yours we have just mentioned . with a kcenness of Insight - sight worthy of his genius and statebmuarm- ship perceived and proclaimed. " IHOm1SS OF TiE HEPUBLIC. The giant strides by which the republic Is progressing Is set forth and satisfaction Is expressed that Catholicism keeps pace with this progress. The extension of time clergy anti the establshment of pious societies . parochial schools and mutual aid associa- tons Is particularly commended. "Dut , whie It Is true that the church has pro- greased under the republic , yet It would be erroneous to draw the conclusion that In America Is to bG sought the most prosperous - ous status of the church or that I would be universally lawful or expedient for church and state to be , as In America , dissevered and divorced. " The pope then sets forth the efforts he has made to leave nothing undone to preserve and soldly establish the Catholic relgion In America. To tat end two special objects - jeets bava . received . attention : First . , the advancement of learning : second , the perfection . fection of methods In the man- agement of church affairs. The first end led to the establishment under apostolic authority of the Catholic university at Wasblngton. I Is urged that an education cannot be complete which takes no notice notce of modern science In the keen competition competton of talent Catholics ought not to bo follow- ers , but leaders. The success of the tmni I. "erslty In unitng faith with learning Is dwelt upon , and special menton ts made of i the generosity of a pious priest for permit- tng the building of a hal of science and lit- erature bearing his name ( McMabon ) . The pope also rotors to the beneficial results accruing - cruing from the third plenary council at Baltimore. Dnltmoro.CROWNINq CROWNING TiE WORK "Wben the council of Baltimore concluded its labors the duty still remained of putting . ting , so to speak , a proper and becoming crown upon the work. This , we perceived , could scarcely bG done In a more fitting manner than through the due establshment by the apostolic see 01 the American leg- tion . Accordingly you are aware , wo have done this. Dy' this acton , ns 'e have elsewhere - where intimated , we have wished first of all to certify that , In our judgment and altec- ton , America occupies the same place and rights as other states , be they over so mighty and imperial In addition to this wo had In mind to draw more closely the bonds of duty and friendship which connect you and so many thousands of Catholics with the apostolic see In fact the mss of the Catholics understood how salutary our acton was destined to bG : they saw , moreover , that It accorded with the usages and policy of the apostolic see. For It has from the earliest been the custom of the RomaR pontiffs . In the exercise of time divinely - vinely bestowed gift of primacy In the administration . ministration of the church of Christ , to send forth legates to Christian nations and peo- pies : and they did this not by an advent- tous but an Inherent right , for the Homan pontiff , upon wheat Christ has conferree ordinary and Immediate jurisdiction . as well over all and singular churches as over all and singular pastors and faithful , since hG cannot personally visit the different regions - glens and thus exercise the pastoral ofce over the flock entrusted to him , finds I necessary from , time to time . In the dis- charge of the ministry Imposed on hlnm to dispatch legates Into different parts of. the world , according as the need arises to sup- ply his place . to correct errors and make the rough ways plaIn and mInIster to the people confided to their care Increased meats . of salvation . "Dut how unjust and baseless would bG the suspicion that the powers conferred on the legatee are nn obstacle to the authorities - , ties of the bishops. Sacred to us ( more than any other ) are those whom the holy Ghost has pluced aa blbhops to rule the church of God . That these rights should remaIn In every nation , In every part of the globe , we both desire and ought to desire , the more so sllee time dIgnity of the immili- vilual bishops Is by nature so Interwoven with the dignity of the Homan pontiff that any melure which benefits the one mmcces- sarly protects the other. My honor Is time honor of the universal church My honor Is the unimpaired vigor of my brethren Then I am truly honored. when to each one dub honor Is not denied MUST WORK WITH THE 5151101'S. " since It Is the office . "Thorefore , ofce and tunc- Uon of an apostolic delegate with wbawo. over powers he Is vested to execute the mandates and interpret the will of the pontiff who sends him , far from hIs being of any detriment to the ordinary power of the bishops be wi rather bring an acces- slon of stability antI strength ; his authority will POSSeSS no slght weight for Ilreserving the multitude . a subml8sh'0 spirit In the clergy , discipline and due reverence for the bishops and , In the bishops mutual charity and an intimate union of souls And since this union , ao salutary consists maInly In harmony of thougbt and action be will no doubt bring It to pass that each one of you shall persevere In the diligent admlnlstlaton of his diocesan affairs , that one Ihal not Impede another In matters of government : that one shall Dot pry Into the counsels and conduct uf another ; finally , for tba with disagreements eradicated and mutual esteem maintained you may all work togetber with combined energies to promote the glory of time Amerlcnn church and the general wel. tare . "It Is dlfenl to estimate the good results 1 hlch will now from thIs acton of the bialmops Our own people will receive edification - cation . and the force of example will have Its effects on thosl without , who wi be per- suaded by this argument that the divine kllostolate has descended by Inheritance to the ranks of the Catholic episcopate "Another conalderaton clalml our earnest attention. All Intelgent men are agreed , and we ourselves have with pleasure Int- .4 " NeV Walt f 1 Ladies' Dress 6obds There ere no lWuty shotvcA ot f4 Wrappers Haden's-ofieo1nhIy , ' In the , Wash Dross Goods dcpO'lmcnt \Ve have Just opened 150 where wo nrol showing the ( [ ' ' . ' most complete Ssormont i cases of 'V rnppcrs-1 indi4 Ins evoI' beCILQUr fOl'luno to , mourning and caUco IO ' " buy. Wo WOo olwly on the U b' gray catcos morket fInd g ; t nil the now . - - - and percales , dOrk and light styles which It and all - the novelties _ shades I of f flallnclcttc f 1 I , cas 1 1- to d elble to fnd wi obSdo 10 ext our stoi'o hnpos- Si11cs Dress Goods . - mere c delaine and ele cashmere. : S. Inch Morley l/h 'r , lOc : Islt to . , . see timemn. " , / f .IIie lrce to commence the Oarner's : Glncb percale , 10c : other talk 12o ! for the same. Cliallies. season will be about one ta1 ! UWI Duck 1 snitimigt 1 aI1e popular Our Special Sale Tuesday Chnlics. wi , . prices wi make them go' 10. ISo and haU I I ( last 1 seasons , prices Ilaln olor In crepe wl\ \ be very tie- slrable this coming measomm . hay ' dens' have six hues to show 'ou-l0c. 12fc . A "anntU"t line SnUn flttvo 50 15c and 20c . It " lno Hn\o 7 yard. costs to Rnl 2 I 1othln g ' " . 1lClllV. , look lt them. Priutcli ChIne Silks In 1 Chntos JUST H Cb\r- Imported nmitl domestic tlimities . 12c 19 ED Time chok'o or > rtet 1111 Iomlslo dimiies. 0 number of 8rnaL hnndsomo C chol'o OlO ' 950 arid Figtire 2e yard and : they striped are beaule , . lIe a. designs I , only ) ! rnt . . . . . . . " . , . , . , ot I time lni'gost 1 mills I 1 timu 29 C ' ; , . ali vugue ) ' 1"IJurel ' "rlI Ilugle I : world ; prlco. . . , . . . . . . . . . . 'ariel' and figured Oaletn cloth nt $1 . 25 . 100 yard. 7 Organdies and SwlMes , l2e , lIe and ' . OrJandles 15 al % Vool 1ia11ie- i t 48 Herringbone yard aUnc , new novelties 20-Iu. Nntlrnl Poiigco Silk a 1 e- TJ just out t , on pale at hidytiens . U\'lllC9 . rClnlnr 50e goods , for ono 19C and 2c . 'lr.l. . And . 11)'lens. rate 20 day oimly , 10e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Come and see our . ' \ might fill The 11cc. " 'c have the stick hi dark gt'ouumde , hnn some Black Stitt"tlC ready for your In"plclon. desIgns ; special lHlco. . . . 2 5 C , " . \ Domcstcs , Blankets aunt Litietis . lea Gowns ; $1 69 r1ce 2,50 0 . , Dres goods are chenp. Now Is a regular eel 100 ' for 'Ol . to lit ) ' In I supply 20-luc1 ChnuJcnblc Silks , 2 9 too of the c1ol e5t Dress I3attcm'ns prce Dt Hayden's eombtnatluns prices. handsome ; C " , shleached . . . . comblnnton9 Ladtcs Coloi ' cd t ' Yoo1 - . yard . . . . . . . Pepperel . . . simeeting . . . . .I'io extra Imeavy cloLh. . . . . . . , , I11d yard. and . . . . Fruit . . . . . . . . of . . . . Laommm . : . . . : . . . maims- . . . Ever Offered In Omaha Tea Gowns-Just opened-a jlnch Silver grey bleached blankets damask , Pair. , . . . . . , 3:0 Otel1ed , sample I lot I to S ell at less than . yard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :1 . . Inel Mo Wnah Silks lmnnd- 3-4 ( Uniter nnikins ; ; . limit bleached i , Striped . SIS , hln - the cost of manufacture. manufactue. dczen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8,00 : BOIO quit ilty ; fast colol's ; 25c . ' " ' . ' . Large size fringed b'e'mj spremmds , ; . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . " NO ! \ "OLTI , \ and style 1 guai'nntced 1 . Apron white . checked each. frlnel . IlnJllun9 . . . . . . silrelll .ard. . . . . . . . 3'0 juc neW style to . be exclusively Hayden , it.os ' Plco $2.00 tO $ 10.00 Indigo blue twilled . ' , lie ft'otn shlrth1lf. 0 11110 straw wilel . yard. ( . . . 'nrl. . . Ge f. I Every 'ciViiiter GnrJlCld blenched yard . . . or . . . brown . . , . . pillow . . . . . casing . . . . . , 10e Plaid Siks , al the Scotch in our stock is being offered 69c ofercd 7-4 bleached . or brown slmeeiitmg , clan plaids ut time low C . 00 ' i-8 yard yard emily wIde . . . extra . . . . . . . . ' sheelng . Shaker . . . . lie iwlco of . . . . . . . . . 7 5 C to $2 - - lcg.\rdless of . cost , as \ must . ) lleo , extra . . hlav . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eiderdown 'lannel yard comforts only . . Ind . . . line . . 5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ be sold during thc next 20 ' I fornln hlanllets at less Ulan cost Must . anl will be sold. Clothii-tg m men , boys and cliildreii. . days t i MEN'S BUSINISS SUITS-All-wool Clmoviot I , vcrc mndo to sell lot' $1.50 mimud ) $3.50 . , I ( lEN'rO . . . . . . . . . . 7. . . . . . . . : . : \.o.ll. : ? . . . . . . : I. . \ . . : . .1 . . . . . .t . . . . : l. . ? . .l : : : $4.75 MiEN'S FINE SUlTS-Wot'tcdm mind CnBslmm'c ; stiLts tlmiit wo hare been soiling for ' . . lIEN'S . to $15.50 SUITS-\VO'5ted ; como whio ! this smile lasts Co. snls . . . 1lt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . soHng . . . . . . . . . . $975 . . Profi 4 Prices IUN'S FINE Kl1SEY OVERCOATS AND FIHEZE iJLST1flS-flluck . b1no and IE"SEY ! IN'S ' ' made to soil amid. lmmtvo sold for $15 , $ i S mumd $ Oj brown oxtu'n long ; amlll\o fet $18111 ; 10 50 P us h e d any day ; UIS week Cor. arlcnts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bol . . . . . . . . . . . \ . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . S . P U 11 e d IEN'S OVERCOATS AND ULSTEHS-Onr $7.50 and $10.00 kind ; como If you want Asiae. ! bargaIns tom' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . 11 5.oO Way Down - MIr4'S F1Nl \ AND CASSIMERE PAN'J'S-l.OO ailti $5,00 l ] ; this ay WORSTED gm'Iucs ! IEN'.c l lot' . : . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :7. : : . . . . . 7. . : . . . . . . . . . . .0. . . iI. : . . . ; : . . .g . : . .C.S. . . 1.1 . . $2.75 BOYS' VERY FINE KNEE PANTS' SUITS-Ages .1 , to 15. The $ i4.50 to $0.00. ' - grades , line worstcdcassinmero mind choviots11 ; bargains bring you dowim . only $2 - . 75 _ I -C SUOITY USEn PIANOS. , . . Organs-- We have n number or instruments . taken In exchange for hhherrmle Y STORY & CLARI . pianos or returned by piano /rmle . _ _ _ _ _ ES1'gy , Cr\U TIllS \VFEK many or which arc as good as . new but _ _ _ _ _ _ S1'JII.INO. THI : O.O WFEIC not only IS regards npponrnttce lmtltiU'i"rE . Come Early also lS to . tOI e. quality . notion and HUHDP'I"rg. . And Gel durability . Theseo on simie Monday NgWMAN nROS. . YOU1I CHorCa at prices ranging from $ . . to $ . . Piano Case o rlll ! YOUI All Jdnds and makes. , SECOND-II PIANOS. 5-BAH AUTOIIAI1PS . $ .i5 EACH. ' AUTOlAnpS. In this class we . have many really Accordeons worth $2.00 . $ . , , . , , . , , , , , sell . $ t,00 good immstrumnqtmts .whlch we can $3.0.$10 InstrulQnts sel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aeconleons worth $ . $ from $50.00 up. Come and see them . . . . . THIS $50.0 'VEEI Accordeons worth $3.75. . . . . . . . $ - - - mate It above that , Amqrlca seems destined for greater things. Now It Is our wish that the Catholic churclt-'shoul } not only share In but help to brIng abQut this prospective greatness. We deen\ It right and proper that she should , by' avlng \ hersel of the opportunities daily 'reented to her , keep equal atOp with the tfPublc.ln the , march of improvement at the 4ame , time by striving to the utmost by her ! virtue and her Inst- tutions , to aid in thom rapid growth dl the state. tutons Now. she wi obtaIn both these ob- jects more easily and abundantly , In propor- tion to the degrees In which the future shal ton fnd constitution perfected. But what Is the mae mlnv of the legation of which WG are speaiclcg . or what its ultimate aim , except to bring It about tat time constitution of the church shall bG strengthened , her discipline better fortified. "Wherefore wo ardently desire that thIs truth should sink day by day mom deeply into the minds of Catholics : namely that they can in l no better way safeguard their Individual Interest , and the community , than by yielding a hearty submission and obedi- ence to the cbureh. " ThIs closes. the reference to the American coses delegation and the pope proceeds to discuss the Indlssolub1ty of marriage. WORKINGMEN'S SOCIETIES. To Catimoilce entering societies of work- Ingen , the encyclical says : "Now , with regard to entering societies , extreme care should be taken not to be ensnared - snared by error. And we wish to be understood . stood a8 referring In 1 special manner to the working classes who assuredly have time right to unite In , associations for the promotion of theIr Interests : and are acknowledged by the church and unopposed by nature. But It Is very Important to those with whom they are to associate : else whist seeking alms for the Improvement of their condition , they may b Imperiling far weightier Interesls. The most effectual precaution against this peril Is to determine witim themapives at no time or In wlh tblms/Ives tmo any mater to be parties to time violation of justice . Any soeety : , therefore , which Is ruled by any eervlely obeyed persons who are not steadfast for time right and friendly' to religion Is capable of being extremely preJudicial - Judicial to the Interest as : wel of IndIviduals as of the community : beneficial I cannot be. Let this conclusion , timerefore . remall fIrma- to shun not only thesG assoelatons which have been openly condemned by the judgment of the church , but also those which , In the opinIon of intelligent men , especially of the bishops , are regarded as auspicious and dan- geroims. "Nay , rather , unless forced by necessity to do otherwise , Catholics ought to prefer to associate with Catholics . a course which wi bG .velY conducive to the safeguarding of their faitlm . Also for presidents of societies thus formed among themselves It would be welt to appoint chimer prIests or upright lay- men of wolght and character , gulled by whose counsel they houll endeavor to peacefully adopt and carry Into erect such measures al lay Slm most advantageous to their interests - terets , keeping In view the rule laM down by us In our encyclical , Heum Novarum Let them , however llever allow this to escape theIr memory ; that whist It Is proper and desirable to assert and secure the rights of the many , yet thIs is [ not to be done by a violation of duty : and tibet these are very Important duties : not to touch what belong to another : allow everyone to bo free In time management of I hIs own affairs ; not to hinder anyone to dispose of his services when he pleases and .whero he pleases. lime scenes of violence and-riot which you witnessed - nesse last year II yqu.r own country were sufcient to admonish y u that America , too . Is threatened wltl tmo ludacly and ferocIty of the enemIes of he , public order The state of the times , therefore . bids Catholics to labor for the tranquility of the common- wealth . and for this purpose . to obey the laws , abhor violence' ' and seek no more than equity or justice per.mls ( , " ADVICE FOR NEWSPAPER MEN. I Concerning the prbss' ( tie encyclical lays : I "Toward these objects , much may be contributed - tributed hy thosl who , have devoted themselves . selves tl writing . and , In partcular , by these engaged on the daily ' press. ' 'e are aware that already there are In labor II thIs field many men of ski and experience , whose dignity demands words of praise rather than ot encouragement Nevertheless , ' since the thirst for reading and knowledge la so \he. meat and wIdespread among nil : since , ac- carding to circumstances . I can bo productive of eiher good or evil , efforts should bG made to Increase the number of intelligent and well disposed writers to take religion for their guide and virtue for their constant companlon. And this seems ni tie more necessary In America on account of the famil- la intercourse and Intimacy ; between Cath. olci and those vho are estjnnged from the estrnged Catholic name , a , condition of things which certainly exacts from our peole great circumim- specton and more - than ordinary firmness. I Is necessary to Instruct , admonish strengtben and urge them on the pursuit of virtue and to the faithful observance , amid 80 many occasions of stumbling , of their duties toward the churcIm It Is , of course the llrper function of time clergy to devote their careful energies to the work , but the ago and the country require thnt journalists should be equally zealous In the same cause and labor In It to the lull extent of their ful powers. Let them however seriously reflect I that their writiimgs . I not precisely prejudi- cial to religion , wi surely ba of slight serv- , ice to 1t unless In accord of minds they all ' seek the same end. Those who desire to be of real service to the church and with theIr pens to heartily defend the cause should carry on the conflict wih perfect " unanimity , anl , as It were with serried ranks for the ) rather invite than repel war If they waste their strength by disoord. In like manner their work , Instead of being profitable and fruitful , becomes Injurious and disastrous whenever they presume to cal before theIr trIbunal time decisions and acts of bishops - oils , and , casting off due reverence cavil and nnd fault , not perceivIng how great a disturbance of order and how many evils evis are thereby produced. Let them then be mindful of their duty and not overstep time proper limits of . moderation. The bishops placed In the lofty positions of authority , are to be obeyed , and suitable honor befittIng the magnitude and sanctity therof should be shown them. _ Now this reverence _ 'tvhicb It Is lawful to none to neglect , ' shoull of neces- sity be eminently conspicuous and exent- plary In Catholic journalists. For journals , naturally circulating far and wide , cole daily Into limo hands of everybody , and exert I no small influence upon the opinions and morals of the multitude. 1 'Ve haye ourseit on frequent occasions , ' laid down many rules respeetng the dule of a good wrier , many of which wee unanImously - Imously Inculcated as well by the third coun- cl of Baltimore as by the coun-I their meeting at Chicago In the year 1893. Let the Catholic writers . therefore bear impressed - I pressed upon their minds our teachings , and yours on this point and let them resolve that their entire method of writing shal be thereby guided If they indeed . desire as they out to desire to discharge lhelr duty well. " The encyclical gives special atenton to tie Catholic university and accords It the warmest papal Incouragement. In particular the pope spoke of time noble act of Pather tIcMahoim of the unlversly In giving the funds necessary to establish the schol of phiosophy to the ummlversity . In conclusion time encyclical speaks of those who dissent In maters of faith , and hopes that they will bo at length restored to the embraeo of the chimrch. Time pope refers to the Indians and negroes as offering a wldo field of cultivatiomm. The cnc'clcal closes as follows : "Meanwhile , as a presage of heavenly grace and n testimony of our benevolence , we most lovingly In time Lord impart to you , venerable brethren , and to your clergy and peolllo ) , our apostolic hemmwliction . "Given at iloulo JCr St. Peler's , on the Glh day of January time I Ilphany of the Lord , In the year one thousand eight bun- tIred and nlnety.fve , the seventeentl of our pontificate. LEO XIII " AWI : ( > ) II.t" MUST 'AY. Subject to the Tlu : liegardlees of SoureD Ir Their itmcomime . WAShINGTON , Jan 28-Attorney Con- eral Oney has given an olinlon to the secretory - tory of war holding that army and navy officers - fcers come within the scope of Limo Income tax law. A few weeks ago Secretary Lament raised the queston whether , under this statute . ute , omcers of the army wi be subject to limo tax whether tnelr Incomes are abovG limo U.OOO limit , by reason 01 allowances for mileage , quarters and rations , The queston has agitated the amy for some time , and I was thought .wel to secnre I legal opiniomm . Jim his oplnlol on time subject , time attorney general holds that the law applies to all In- , bolls aplI\es u\ comes above $ ,00 regardless of theIr char- acler , and he states that paymaters lust deduct from time amount disbursed to olcla on their Individual account In all cases where It aggregates the sum mentioned , 'fime attorney - torney general says his views are the salons ns thoae expressed by a predecesor In passing elm the Income tax law of 1861. It Is expected . . pected that the War and Navy departments will Issue reglatona Ilreicated on this opinion _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " 'lr Slmipmt ( lolimg tl Culotbhl. WASHINGTON . Jan. s.-'rlme first omclal news of the revolutonary outbreak In Col- ombla has reached the Navy department In 1 cablegram from CaptaIn Cromwell of the Atlanta . stationed at Colon. He lays he hus learned that I rl'oluton has broken out at Uuenn Ventura , on time PactIe coast of Colombia Secretary Herbert , who had Intelded to send n warship to those waters thereupon communicated hy telegraph with time .mmanlant of time Mare Island Navy yard . to learn how Ion I wi take to Ilul the Hennington II Ihulle tor Bea I much time Is nllulred eiher the Alert or time Ranger now on the wuy to San Diego , will bo ordered to Colomllu . . . . . , 4 _ _ ' . . _ ' ' . - - - - - - - BOATNER OAS A SUBSTITUTE Compromise Between the Reiliy Bill ana Government Ownership. NUMEROUS THINGS TO BE , flVZ5TiGATED V'Imomm Default of Interest Occurs a ( lovern- mont Commniseimum I. to Operate time itomitta l'otmtiimig a llimal Settlenmont , WAShINGTON , Jan. 28.-A substitute for time Reilly Pacific railroad bill has been introduced - duced in time house hy Representative Boat- nor of Florida , time member of time committee on Pacific railroads who made the minority report against time Reilly bill. Time bill will provide for a Pacific railroad conmimmisslon to take cimarge of the government-aided roads when timey default in time payment of their debts and to control them as representatives of limo government until a comprehensive plan can be adopted by congress for settling time relations of the company witlm time govern- meat. Time commission is to consIst of three nmernbers vlmo will receive salaries of $10,000 and to be given the powers of immanagemmmommt usually exercised by railroad directorL Another - other feature of thm plan is to authorize time commission to Investigate all tlto subsidized roads to ascertain wlmother they imavo on- lawfully obtained mmmommey from time govern- meat or unlawfully dIsposed of any fummtls and to recomnumend a plamm for sectmrlng restl- tution to time government of diverted fnmmfis. If they find timat they have been diverted time secretary of time treasury is authorized to put the roads In time imands of time cornmnis- sioners , Two of time commissioners are to reside west of time Mississippi river , Tlmeir immvestigation Is to cover these points : 110w much , if ally , of time capital stock of any cornpammy , was issued contrary to time law and the names of persons or corporations receiving it ; how nmtmcim was issued for cash amid lmow mnucim for services ; to what extent contracts for construction have boon awarded to comnpaimles or Imidividuals represemmtlng offl. con or directors of time road ; to wimat extent land grants imavo been diverteml fromu their original purposes ; to what extent property imas lmeen convoyed to persons representing the officers ; to wimat extent time fuimml imavo beeim used to influence legislation witim details - tails of time transactions. A canvass of members known to oppose time Reilly bill is being zimado to induce them if possible to ummito upon this schmome , whmicim is in time nature of a compromise bctweeim time Reilly bill and time various foreclosure mind govornmrmont control and ownership blue. flepresentativo Camonittl of California , vimo has a bill to place time Pacific railroads under military control , says that lie is wihiing to accept this plan it It cannot cormmmand time suiport of a fair contltmgemmt of time house amid lie believed timat time otimer California members are of time sanme mind , ] NCOMI TAX NOTICIL ltoquiremuemmta of ttmo Act Set II'orlhm by Comamimissioner Miller. WAShINGTON , Jamm. 28.-Commissioner Miller of time iimtermmnl reytmimue bureau Imas prepared a notice , copies of whmicim will ho Postemi in all the cities and towns throughout - out the country , umotifying those who comae withuim time provisions of the Income tax law of their duty In time premises , The law makes aim appropriation of 245,000 for cam-- ryImtg the act immto efl'cct , and hmrovides for time appointment of 300 additiommal deputy revermue collectors aimd ten additional move- imue agents , Time deputies ili be zmppoiimted by time district collectors , and the agemmte of Commissioner Miller viii at once begin the allotment of the deputy collectors and time apportionment of time appropriation. Time deputies will not au be allotted at once , but only as time necessIties of time work require. After quotiimg the imrovisions of the law , tIme notice says ; "It is the duty of oil persons of lawtuh ago having aim ammnuul inconmo of immore tlmaim $3,100 to make ammd reacher a return en or before the first Mommday in March , 18m5 , to the collector or deputy collector of the die- trict 1mm wl.miclm timey reside of time amount of timeir gains and immconmme for the whole of the calendar year 1&9i , antI all guardians , true- tees and iersona ammd corporations actiimg iim any fIduciary capacity shall make a like return - turn for their wards or persons for whom . ' . - . - . they act. Every corporation , company ammd associattoim , botim resident am. ' forelgmm , doing busimmess for ProfIt itt time United States aimahi mmmnko mmd reimmler a return to the collector or deputy collector lit time mlistrict whmore Its principal otilce or rdaco of business Is situated - uated on or before time first Imlommday iii March , 1895 , of all its busimmess or lroflts for the vhmolo of the cniondar year 1894. Returns - turns of persons shah ho muado omm form No , 365 , and of corporatiomma omm form No. 366. Said forms may bo procured of collectors on applicatIon , "Penalties-If said returns are imot made in the : nammmmor anti time above stated it is the duty of time collector or deputy collector to make time returims 1mm time forum prescribed , and add time penalties prescribed by law theroto. Time Income tax is duo anti pnya- blo omm or before time 1st day of July , 1895 , and on all taxes duo and unpaid after that date there shall be levied , in addition tlmereto , 5 per ccitt on the amnouqt due and interest at time rate of 1 per comituni per month from time tUne time same became due as a penalty , Full instructions for maldug said returns are priimted in blank forms , "JOSEPh MILLER. "Commissioner of Internal Revonuo. " JJEMCitATS .tJtE lL'lliD. Report on time Rand 15111 Deimemmiia 1.11)0mm tim. hi'lmmbllemItms , WASHINGTON , Jamm. 28.-There is some doubt vhetimer time imouse committee on bank- tag and currency will ngreo to report the bond bill to time imommas tonmorrow. limo democrats - crats of time committteo are divided In their views aim all financial legislation and some of tlmenm are irrevocably opposed to bommd issues , One mnenmbervhmo favors Limo president's plan says timat imo does not. boilevo more titan ( omit of time five temmmocrats on tIme comnnmitteo will vote for it. Time balance of Imosvcr , accordingiy , rests with time republi- calms on time commmnmlttco , as it does in the imouso , Cimairmaim Springer believes that the reimubilcaims sviii vote for time bill and aid time denmocrats to jmass it. Representative Ilitt , one of time republican leaders , emmys timat his party is for time bill by a majority of sixteen to one. Four muemimbors of time banking and currency coimimnittea are absent from time city , two deimmocrats amid two republicans. If time committee slmouid refuse to report time bill , its action would irovo but a slight obstacle to consideratIon. A rule could be reported to discimarg3 time coimmimmittee tron coimslderation and bring time bill back bsfor. time lmoueo. Cimnuir' ' , tim himmimklimg ( 'irelt's , WAShINGTON , Jima. 25.-fflpeciai Tt'le. gram.-Thme ) comptroller of tlmt curremmcy hints approveti time selection of time following reserve - servo ngenclemi : Nehirnnka-Iinnover National - tional imammln , Nets' York , ( or First National baltic , Ilunmboidt ; First National bammk , i.in. cohmm , for City National hmmiiic , iemmrney ; Lin- cohmm National batik , Chicago , fur Amnericmmns Nmmtioniti immmnk , Omnaima , Iowmm-Amnerlcami hxeimnngo National inimmk , Cimicago , for First National lamk , Simirlt Lake , Sunlit Inkota- f3wetiiaim-Amerlcan Nationui hank , hiIImmne. impohis , far First National bmmmmk , Pierre. Time comnpti oiler linK lwemm notillemi or time following changes of nIiicermt iim Neirmmsima. national bmmnitmi : F. ii. bmmmmgvortl ) ' , mmmmisL- ant citehiem' of First Natiummiml imammic of Sew- arm ] ; iimtmuei Id. Itogermi , Victi President of \1ereimmmnta Natlommol htmmnmic , Ommmima ; A.V , Trummmbie , vice vreslmlnnt , in ldmmce of C 14 , Hutmt of Packers National bank , South Omaha , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I item , mnt 'l's x A ml Vs mm emit elm I lie I ) tItet , WAS ! i INCITON , Jan'rime supreme court of time United Slates today granted time motion to advance time income tax cases on time docket , tmmmd set tIme itrgumnemmt for time first Moimminy in Imimmrcim , 'lime cases are those of Charles I'crlock versus time Farm- era' f.oun mind Trmmtit conmmlmny , amid Lotmits if. Ii'de versus lime Comttlmmemmtmii 'rmust corn- p'mny of New York , mind thmo quesilon raised in limit commstitutiommality of thm inconno tu law. _ _ _ _ _ J'etiigremv amid 11,4 , "imit' , WA SIIINGTON , .1 an , 28.-Specimml ( 'tele. gram-Senntor l'ettlgrtmv of South Dakota lii being severely emiticised by repubhiran papers on time Atlantic colmmmt for having voted witim timP mlemnocrmmtmi to endorse tIme president's Ilmtwuiimtn Policy , iiiii friends tiny that hue vote lit chmaraclerimmtio of hilts 1mm. ' miepemmdcnce in smftairs , anti point to time bits- torio vote of Plumb , I'mmddoelc and Petit- grew against time McKinley bill , hlivlmlenmis trummm iiromcmsm hlmimiltit. WASIIINO'I'ON , Jimni. 28.-The comimtrohlez' or time currency hilts declared dividends Iii favor of time creditors of insolvent national barmkmm , oil ( oliotvs : i ; pe ccitt , Stock Grow- 518' NatIonal bank of Miles City Mont. ; 3-7 mmer vent , Spokane banic of ldpokaime , Wasim , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ? , , my i'mm'mt , iim.tor ' mit , itti'.t'ii ' , \S'ASII INGTON. Jim , 23.-Special Teie- granm-Louiea Iiimnfl'cr wits tomlmty rmppointed imoittimtiat reas ott htussell , Frontier couni- Neb , , 'ice C , II. Niekeisoim , resigned. t& . _ . , b . , t .