Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 29, 1895, Image 1

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4 ES'rABJ1SJIJiD , JUNE 19 , 1871. OMAJIA , 't'LI1SDAYMORNLSdJANUATtY : 29 , 1S9. SINGLE ) COPY nY.I CEN'rS. _ _
- - 1-
Danger of the Present Condition of the
- Oountryls Finances
- '
Oongrcss Called On to Act Promptly and
Efficiently in the Emergency ,
: Necessity for the Maintenance of the Gold '
Reserve Impbasized ,
Authoriy , \kl'l for the ) hRlmnco or 1.011'
'Imo 101d to Un Icdoolllhlo II
OolltlcIIII'tltullo Toll -
" ' ( \ll SIlVer 11110 Clear.
WAShINGTON , Jan. 28.-Tho president at' '
specal : to con-
noon todDy Lent n message
gress calling Its carnest and special attention
to the nccessty for Immediate legislaton for
the protecton of the treasury from further
depletion of its gold reserve. The message Is
vIgorous In Its tone and calls for prompt and
elclent acton on the part of congress. It
states that the temporary expedients cannot
result In permanent good and that the busi-
ness Interests of the country demand decisive
action that will leave no doubt of the Inten-
ton of the United States to maintain the in .
tegrity of Its national fnances ,
Authority for large bond Issues Is aslteJ
and In addition a specific request Is made for
power to issue gold bonds. The message asks
that the secretary or the treasury bo empowered -
powered to IS3uo bonds for the purpose of re-
coupllg the gold reserve , of strengthening
our finances , or of replenishing the treasury
In case the present monthly deficiency of
revenue cootinuos.
Attention Is called to our monetary systems -
tems ali special reference Is made to the sit-
ver question.
The message Is as follows :
_ To the Senate ali house of Hepresenta-
1 tves : In my last annual message 1 com-
mendet to the serious consideration of congress -
gress the condition of our national finances
and In connection with the subject endorse :
the plan of currency legislation which at
that tine seemed to furnish protection
against Impending danger. ThIs plan has not
been approved by congress. In the mean-
time the siuaton has so changed that the
emergency now appears so threatening that
I deem It my duty to ask at the hands of the
legislative branch or the government such - I
prompt and ( effective acton as will restore
confidence In our financial soundness and
avert business disaster and universal distress -
. tress amcng our people. Whatever may be
& . _ the merits of the plan outlined In my annual
' * message as a remedy for ills existing and as
* . a safeguard against the depletion of the gold
reserve then In the treasury 1 am now con-
vinced that Its reeLpton by the congress and
our present flivanced state or financial per-
. rlexles : necessitated additional or different
legisiation. With natural resources unlimited
, In variety and prOluctho strength , and with
I people whose activity and enterprise seek
only a fair opportunity to achieve national
success and greatness our progress should
i _ not be checked by a false financial policy and
; l.q . $ a heedless disregard or sound monetary laws , I
nor should the tmdlty ! and fear which they
. engender stand tn the way of our prosperiy , '
I Is hardly disputed that this predicament
\ confront us tOllay. Therefore , 1\0 \ ono In any
degree responsible for the making and execu-
ton of our laws should fail 10 see n patriotic
duty In honesty and sincerely attempting to
relieve the siuaton , Manifestly thIs effort
wili not succeed unless It Is made untrammeled -
meled by the prejudice of partisanship and
with a steadast determination to resist the
( p temptation to accomplish party advantage
Vo may well remember that I we are ar-
lctM with financial dllcules ! all our people - ;
plo In all stations of life arc concerned and
? surely those who suffer wi not receive the
promotion of party Interests as an excuse for
permitting our present troubles to advance to
: ; a disastrous conclusion. I Is also of the ut-
most Importance that wt approach the study
' or the p'oblcms presented as free as \lossble \ :
' . from the tyranny or preconceived opinions to
the end thai In a common danger we may be
able to seek with unclouded vision a safe und
reasonable protection.
The real trouble which confronts us con-
slts In a lack of confidence , widespread mil
constantly Increasing In the continued , lie-
t ajiity ! or dlsposlton ! of tim government to
t pay Its obligations In gold. This lack of con-
' I fIJcnco ( grows to some extent out of the pal-
t , pablo and studied embarrassments attending
the government under existing law to . pro-
cure gold and to a greater extent out of the
impossibiflty of either keeping It In the treas-
't ury or canceJng obligations by Its expendi-
ture after I Is obtained.
The only way heft open 10 the government
1 , for producing gold Is by the Issue and sale
of bonds. The only bonds that can be Issued
were authorized nearly twenty.fvo years ago
' and are not veil calculated to meet our pres-
cut needs Among other disadvantages they
era made payable In con : Instead of specll-
caly In gold , which , under existing condi-
f. tons , detracts largely and In an Increasng !
rate from their desirability lS Investments ,
I Is by no means certain that bonds of this
\ description wi be much longer disposed of
tb. ot a price eredltahle to the luanclal character
or our government
y The most dangerous ali Irriatng feature
of the siuaton , however , remains to bo
.t mentioned. I Is found In the means by
, which the treasury Is despoiled or the gold
, thus obtained wihout canceling a single government -
L ernment obligation and sOlely for the benefit
p . of those who Ihll proft In benel
.t abroad or whose fears induce them to lmoarij
t I at home. hoarl
Wo have outstanding about $500,000,000 of
currency notes of the government , for which
goll may be demanded ; and curiously enough
the law requires that when presented , ell ,
In fact , redeemell and pall In gold , they shah
be reissued , Thus the semite notes may do I
duty many times In drawing gold from the I
tre : lsury , Nor . can the ll oeeB be arretell
. lS long as IJrvale venice wno .o or other-
, 7 wlsc ! lce un advantage In repealing the opera-
thou . More than $300,000,000 In I thes , 10tes
has Ilreall been redeemed In gold , and notwithstanding -
withstanding such redempton , they are still
outatUllng , Since the 11th day or January ,
1801 , our banded Interest bearing debts have
lecn Increasell $100,000,000 for the pUTlose of
obtaining gold to relllenlLh cur coin resen'e.
Two Issues were made amounting to $ 5O , -
, 0 000,000 each , one In January ant time other
i In November , As a result of lie ( first issue
: , there Was real ell something mora than
$58,000,000 In gold. Bet leen that Isue and
. thiq succeeding one In November , rOlprllng
. a Period of about ten months , l'arly $ , - I
000,000 In gout was drawn from the treasury i
This made time second issue necessary . and
upon that more than $5S,000.000 In gold was
lgnin rcal e < Uetwccn the date of this
second issue alil the Ilresent tIme. ovcrlng
a Period of only about two months , more than
$6 , OOOOOO In geld was expended wIthout any
cancelaton at government obligations or In
, say permanent \iY benefiting oUr People or
$ improving our pecuniary situation ,
The financial events of the
fnanclnl even past year sug-
test facts and con ltous which should certainly -
talnlY arrest attention . More than $172,000-
. - & 000 In gold has been drawn out of the treas-
ury during the year for the 111'pose of sh11-
. plug abroad or hoarding at homo. Whl\
' 7 ? nearly $103,000,000 of the sauna was drawn
4 . out during the first ten lolths of the year
a sum air atiuug nwru than two-thirds of
. lUl AII SAIIIS IJoro thAI lwa.tblrdl
that amount , being about $69,000.000 $ , was
drawn out durIng the following two months ,
thus Indicating a marked acceleration of [
the depleting process with the lapse of time.
The obligations upon which the gold has
been drawn from the treasury are still outstanding .
standing and arc available for use In repeating -
peatng the exhausting operation with
shorter intervals as our Ilerploxites accumulate -
Conditions arc certainly supervening tend.
Ing to make the bonds which may bo issued
to replenish our foh less useful for that
purpose An adequate gold reserve Is In
all circumstances nbsolutely essential to the
upholding or our public credit and to the
molntetianco of our high national character.
Our gold reserve has again reached such
a stage of diminution as to require its
slJeedy rehmiforcement. Time aggravations
that must inevitably follow present condi-
tons wil surely lead to misfortune and loss
not only to our national credit and prosperity -
Jerlty ! and to financial entlrprlse , but to
there or our people who Beck emllloyment
as a means of 1\'clhoOl and those whose
only capital In their daily labor.
I will hardly the to say that a simple
increase tJf revenue will cure our troubles.
fho alJprehenslon , now existing antI con
stant ' Increasing as to our financial ability
docs not rest upon calculation of our re\'e.
nue. The time tins passed when the eyes
of investors abroad and our people at home
Were fixed upon the revenues of this gov-
ernment. Changed conditions have attracted !
their attention to the gold of the govern- i
ment. There need bo 10 fear that wo can- i
not pay our current expenses with such '
money lS wo have. There Is now in tile
trensur ) ' a comfortable surplus of more than
$63,000,000 , but It Is not In gold amid therefore -
fore docs not meet our cltculy ,
1 cannot see that the 11rerences of opin-
Ion concerning the extent of which silver
ought to bo coined or used In our currency
should Interfere with the counsels of those
whose duty It Is to rectify evils now nll-
parent In our financial situation. They have
to consider the question of national credit
and time consequences that will follow from
Its coihapso. Whatever Ideas may bo insisted -
sisted on as to silver or bimetalsm , a
proper solution of [ time question now press-
log upon' us only requires a recognition of
gold as well as shiver and a concession of
its Importance , rightfully or wrongfully acquired -
quired , as a basis of national credit , a necessity -
cessity In the honorable discharge of our
obligations payable In gold and a badge of
solVency. 1 do not understand that the real
friends of silver desire a condition that
might follow inaction or neglect to aPIJre-
clatQ the meaning or time present exigency
If It should result In the entire banishment
of gold from our fInancial and currency ar-
hiesimles the treasury notes , which cer-
tainly should be pall In gold amounting to
nearly $500.000,000 there will fail due In
1901 $100,000,000 of bonds Issued during the
last ear , for which wo have received gold ,
and In 1901 nearly $600,000,000 of 4 per cent
bonds Issued In 1S77. Shall the payment of
time obligations In gold be repudiated ? I
they arc to be paid In such a manner lS the :
preservation or our national honor anti na- '
tonal solvency demands we should not de-
stray or even imperil our ability to supply
ourselves with gold for that purpose
While 1 am not unfrIendly to silver , and
whlo 1 desire to see It recognized to such
an extent as Is consistent with financial
safety and the presen'aton' national honor
and credit , 1 nut not wilng to see gold en-
trely banished from our currency and
finances. To avert such a consequence 1
believe thorough and remedial legislate
should be promptly passd. I therefore beg
the congress to give the subject ImmedIate
In my opinion the secretary of the treasury -
ury should bo authorized to Issue bonds of th
government for the purpose or procuring and
maintaining a sulclent gel reserve and the
redemption and cancellation or the Unied
States legal tender notes and the treasury
notes Issued for the purchase of silver under
the law or July 14 , 1SDO. \\e should be
releve from tie humiatng process or Is-
suing bonds to procure gold to be Immedi-
atelY' and repeatedly drawn out on these
obligations for purposes not related to the
boneft of our government or our peoplo.
The . principal ! _ and , Interest or these bonds
should le payable on their face In gold , be-
cause they should be sold only for gold or Its
representative and because there would now
probably bo difficulty In favorably disposing
or bonds not containing this stipulation. 1
suggest that the bonds be Issued In denomi-
nations of $20 and $50 and their multiples ,
and that they bear Interest at a rate not exceeding -
ceeding 3 per cent per annum. I do not
see why they should not bo payable fifty
years from their dates. We of the pre ent
generation have large amounts to pay I we
meet our obligations , and long bonds are
most saleable The secretary or the treasury
mlgh wel bo permitted at his discretion
to receive on the sale of the bcnds the legal
tender anti treasury notes to be retired , and ,
of course , when they are thus retired or
redeemed In gold they should be canceled.
These bonds under existing laws , could be
deposited by natIonal banks as security for
cIrculaton , anti such banks should be allowed
to Issue circulation up to the face value of
these or any other bonds so deposied , except
bonds outstanding bearing only 2 per cent
Interest anti which sell In the market at
less than par Natonal banks shouhl not be
allowed to take out circulatng notes of a
less denominaton than $10 , and when such as
are now outstanding reach the treasury , ex-
cellt for redemption and retirement , they
shouhl bo canceled and notes of the denomi-
naton of $10 and upwards issued In theIr
stead. Silver certificates or the lenomlna-
ton or $10 and upwards should he replaced
b ) certificates of lenomlnatons under $10.
As a constant means for the maintenance
of a reasonable supply of gold In the treas-
ury our duties on Imports should bo paid
In goll , allowing all other dues to the goV-
orment to bo paid In any other form of
mono )
I believe all the provisions 1 have su-
gested shoulll bo embolle In our laws 'I
wo are to enjoy a complete reinstatement
of n sound fInancial colmditiomm , . They npell
not IntelCero with any currency scheme pro
vldlng for the Incleaso of the circulatng
medium through time agency of natrlal or
state ban Its , since they can easily bo all"
jlsted to such a scheme.
Objection has been matTe to the issuance
of Interest-bearing legal tender notQ In
point of fact however , theNo notes have
burdened us with a large load of Interest
anti It Is stl aecnmulatng , Time aggregate
Interest on the original Issue of bonds , the
Ilroeeeds of which In gold constutc the ro-
ren'o for the payment of these notes ,
amounte(1 to $10,326,250 on January I , 1895 ,
alul time annual charge for interest on these
bonls , 111 those IssuM for time same pur-
IISO tiurimmg time last year will bo $9,145,000
datng from January 1 , 1195.
Whlo time cancellation of these notes would
not relieve us from time oblgatons olrealy
Incurrel on their account thel figures are
given by way of suggesting that their ox-
Istence has not . been free frm Interest
charges anti that the longer they are outstanding -
standing , judging frol the experience o of
time lust year , the 1010 eXenslvo they wi
II conclusion I deslro to ( rankly confess
mmmy reluctance to Issuing immure bonds In tIme
11'cllnt elrcUlbtanees and with no better 1'0-
suits tumult have lately followed that course.
I cannot , lies over0 refrain from Idlng , to
an aS8urlnl0 of 1) anxiety to cooperate
with the l'I'escnt congress In any I'casonable
measure or relief an expression or 1) ' do'
termination ' to 11\1 nothing undone which
furnishes I hope for Improving the sltua.
ton 01' checking n FUSIIcion , of our dlsln.
clnaton 01' disability to meet with the
atm iciest honor cvcry natonal obligation .
The Executive Mansion , January 28 , 1895.
1H'l' ' 11'1'11 : ( 'tllmw\ (03IJII''rfm
ItN"I , lirymmn . 1\11 Ilult ' ld other 1'lln.ln
"I'w lint " " ' 'ro Out roleil. ,
WAShINGTON , Jsn. 28.-There was a good
attendance pit the four when the house met
todayiuaumtieipatlun . of the IJrl . l\ent'8 mocs-
- - - - - - - - ' -
, I ( Contlued ou Fifth l'o&e )
Has a Large Majority in the Fist Te3t Vote
in the French Ohamber
l'roclalnis Ill e : t the l'rc8hleut or lemoc-
racy nlt Asks Alt to Unite for
the honor anti ( ltory
of l'rllco ,
- I
. '
PAmS , Jan 28-ln the Senate and In
the Chamber of Deputies today time first
message of President I'aure was read , Then
time Chamber passed the amnesty bill by an
overwhelming majority and the government
thereby defeated time first attack of the op.
) oslton , Time newspapers this morning were
noticeably less harsh In their uternces on
tile lbot ministry , but Goblet , It was announced -
nounced , persisted In his Intenton to In-
terpelate time government , demanding for
time deputies declarations In regard to Its
general PolicY , amid It was also Imown that
ho anti his groull of followers hal secele,1
from Etbot's support. This acton was taken
on time groulul that Goblet and his frlenls
were not consulted during the ministerial
crisis , Consequenty the Chamber of Depu-
ties was crowlell on the reassemblng of
that body at 2:30 : p. m" , amid time public and
diplonmatlc spectators galleries were acked with Interested -
Hbot , time new premier , real time presi-
dent's mCSago In the Chamber of Deputes ,
ali Talreaux , the minister of justce , read
It In the Senate. The message was as follows -
lows :
'Gentlemnen-In raising mo to the first
magistracy or time republic thc National
Assembly chose for these high functons one
or the countrs most modest servants. 1
shoul but Imperfecty express my profound
gratitude I I did not return to time working
democracy to which 1 belong all time honor
or this choice. I was to time democracy '
that the manifestaton of the 17th was ad-
dressed. It was to the obscure worle In-
cessanty accomplshed by the democracy
for the greatness of France that the nation
offered this solemn act of homage. 1 grasp
the full extent or time duties Imposed upon
me by the National Assembly : In entrusting
mo with the task or gUlrdlng the commatitu-
ton , You will not fnl mae wammtimig. You
can count upon my entro devotion , all ,
nbrn all , upon my vigilance In guaranteeIng -
Ing the application of constitutional law.
"Dy the 3bsoluto calm and complete con-
fdence which attended time transference of the
presidential power France has again shown
how much she feels herself mistress of her
own destinies under the protection of repub-
lcan laws "
Time president's message then proceeds to
praise effusively the republican regIme and
the demnocracy and alludes to the coming
French exposition of 1900 TIme message con-
eludes as follows :
"In letters . , art and science , In Industry ,
In commerce and husbandry , In everything
which displays the fruitful activity of time
country in the serried ranks of universal
suffrage as In the political world , the same
ardor should unie all thc60 who have at
heart the prestige or the French name. To
this union , to this common effort for the
power and glory or the French republic , 1
invite you In the certainty that I am the Interpreter -
terprctor of the whole of our democracy. "
Several passages In the presIdent's message ,
notably thee referrIng to the democracy !
and time necessity or union to achieve serious
reforms , were received with cheers
The presient rf the Chamber of Deputes
notified tIme house that he had received an
Interplaton front Goblet , formerly premier ,
In regard to the general policy of the govern-
ment and an Immediate debate on time sub
ject was orderCt Geblet asserted that the
government was defyIng custom In not presenting - '
sentng to time Chamber a declaration or its
policy. Explanations were needed , and es-
pecialy upon the strange message of Caslmlr-
PerleI in resigning the presidency and upon
the rambling alusions then made about the !
late crisis , 1 : aure's election and the late
attempt of M. Bourgeois to form a cabinet
etc" , all or .whlch pointed to the necessity of
a revision or the constitutiomm. Goblet moved
as the order of the day that the Chamber repudiate -
pudiate all compromise wih the members of
time right anc the policy of resistance to the
In reply Ubot asserted that It was at' '
variance with all traditions to state time policy
of the government Immcdlatel after the
reading of the president's mnessage. lie be-
leve that It was his 111ty to accept time mis-
sion of forming a cabinet , and he had rormed
a ministr for republican union TIme cab-
Inet would look to It that nil its omcers re-
speet the established Instutons ,
" \Ve nslt the Chamber to have done with
personal questions In order to reach time re-
form expected by time coummtry Time reforms
wo shah strive for are those demanded by
time republicaums. We desire a faithful re-
lUimlie.Ve see tIme evolution which has
taken place In the country and we ao not
wIsh to retard It. That Is our program. "
\astI , , republcan , moved an order of
time day , Ipprovlng of the declaration of time
government , which moton was accepted by
the government. Goblet , however claimed
preeedenco for his moton , but he was de-
featell by a vote of 33G to 11 , and Ilastid's
resoluton was adopted by a vote or 321 to
79 . Time result of time votng causCI a sen-
saton , Time minister of justice , 'alreaux ,
then presented a bill granting full and en-
tire amnesty to persons condemned for
crimes or plots against time security of the
state , ofenses against tIme Jress , laws emil
law of publc meetngs , and for offensl's
connected with strikes , Time Introlucton ! of
thIs bill was greeted wih the loudest cheer
from the members of time left and a porton
of the center jmmemnbera
After I brIef ! debate the different clauses
of the amnest hilt were passed , amid great
c'.eerlng. Ioche , editor of tIm lntransegent ,
Hoeherort's paper ; shouted "Ylve Ie Hoche.
fort , "
Clagny moved time revisIon of time consti-
tuition anti demanded urgency for time mo-
I Lion. This IJrOposllon was rejected by a
vote or 332 to 198
flosaily d'Anglals , a member of time republican -
publican mimmion submited a resolution ret.
mltng tIme disciplinary penalies Imposed
elton , time socialist , deputes , Jaurez and
Iouunet , This was agreed to unaniummousil' ,
le , a'democratc deputy , Introduced
a rlsolulon Inviing the go\'ernlent to can.
eel all disciplnary measures against time
clergy I was alol'ted , by a vote of can-I
113 and the Chamber adjourned. ,
Moro l'unr & 1 0 tu tubaL .
PARIS , Jan. 28.-The newspapers this
morning are less hostile In their uterances
In regard to the Ilbot ministry. 1. Goblet
however , Intends to ask the goverment for
precise declarations In regard to Its general
policy . anti he announces the secession of his
group of followers from M. Ribot's supporter
on tie ground that he anll lila frIends were
not consulted during the mlnlslerlal crisis ,
After the discussion of M , Goblet's queston
and after discussing the amnesty moton the
government will ask the Chnmber of Deputes -
ties to devote Itself entirely to time budget
The nnUesty moton wi Include M. Gerault-
Ilichard fort , Count Dlon and 1 , Henri Hache-
Allmlral lesnard has accepted the port-
role or minister of unarine
111.111 C"rohort Is 1)111
PARIS , Jan. 28-Marshal Canrobert Is at
the last extremity and his death Is expected
nt any moment. !
lorvl" ' Visits I.'raler ,
PARIS Jan n-Presldent : Faure today
granted an audience the king of Sen'la.
hlenyytlmmuws In 1'lllul' : ' ,
LONDON , Jan 28-There was a heavy
allow steno durlDC the nliht throujhout Eng-
land anti , severe coh , 'cathe prevails. The :
snow thrifts are six feet deel In canny
places. In r.lncolnsblrn there have been
cases of persons frozen to Ieath , The rail.
roads and country roads In the north of
Scotland are blocked with mow and out-
door work In many part of England has
been stopped. _ _ _ _ _ _
tUNEilAL , OL' - 1LtNlOLt'h CI LIRCItI LI. .
lIt lelnll ! Tnlum to \oolhtoclr , Odord'
shire for Ilurlmtl .
LONDON , Jan 28.-The remnlns f time
late Randolph Churchi were c ( nveyed from
the Churchill residence on Oros\'onor square
to Paldlngton raiway station this morlnI
anti plncell on hoard a train bound for Wood-
stock , Oxfortlaimire where they will be burled
title ; afternoon In IAllon church. Large
throngs oC people witnessed the departure oC
the remains from Grosvnor square with uncovered -
covered heads In sidLe of a heavy fall of
snow. Upon the coln were loral wreaths ,
deposi ell there by time widow and mother of
the deceased , his eons the prince of [ \\'ales
and otir members of the nobility.
Six carriages followed the hearse to time
ralroa,1 station . They contnlned Lady Han-
dolllh Churchi , Lady Curson time two Ions
of the llecelsed , MInister Leonard , the duke '
of Marlborough , Viscount Curzon , Baron
Tweedmouth , Baron do ltamnsey ali Captain .
Wison ,
Time feral tribute or time late Lord Unn-
dolllh's mother , duchess of Mnrlboreugh ,
widow of the seventh duke of Marlborough ,
WIS a large cross of lilieS . I was Inscribed :
"To the Memory of My Beloved Son , from
Ills Drolten.learted Mother. "
WOODSTOCK , Jamm 28-Tho mayor and
corporaton of Woodstoce with the crape-
draped mace bore In' front of them , the
local fro brigade , the tenantry of the lieu-
heim estate and leading conservatives of time
neighborhood ! , nearly all In mourning attire ,
met at the Woodstock church the train bearing
Lord Handolph Olmtmrcimiil's body and a pro-
cession was formed to escort the remains to
Dladon clmtmrchm
Time bishop or Oxford , HI 11ev Wlinm
Stubbs 13.0. , and time assistant clergy met
time body at time entrance or madon cburch.
Time cofn was placed on a catafalque In
time cemmter aisle There was large congre-
gaton present
The blsholl recited the first portion of
the memorial service and the sud.dean of
the chapel royal , 11ev. Edgar Sheppard ,
M.A. , read the lessomi After time hymns
had been sung by time choir all time people
the "Dead March" was played on the orgami
LONDON , Jan. : , - lemorlal services In
honor or the late Lord Handoph ] Churchi
were held today in Westminster Abbey , the
use of that church having been granted b )
Lord Hosebery The aUdience Included Lord
Rosebery Et. lion . A. J. Dalfour and manr
representatives of time British aristocracy
and a throng or the generaI-public.
London [ ' 'pers Think time 1ecomtmmncntia-
tOl Arc .S"onl ;
LONDON , Jan. 29.-Com'mmicnting editorially '
on the message sent to congress by President
Cleveland , the Standard says : "To us It Is
amazing that language of 1uch plainness
should be necessary. To orer-o pay natonal
obligations in silver Is 10' cheat the creditor
of more than hal his due No self-respect-
lng , honorable people , cnld contemplate the
perpetration of such a Ifrud -wih anything
but horror and disgust Wo hope the presi-
dent's appeal will be Ist n d' . fq. We want
the loan In some respeiiI badly as the
Amerclans themselves , Ifl"usm economic
brotherhood causes usto ) lter'almost ; equally
with themselves L t c rmgress .toke stock
that our money market.1s gorged with cap-
Ial eager for employment , and tlmemi look
at the resources or their country yet un-
developed. The adoption of Mr. Cleveland's
propositions would ref l In' n rebound oC
business on' both sides or time Atlantic such
as IJas not occurred In fifteen years "
The Daily News believes President Ceve-
land's protest will be Ignored , and that more
bonds will bo Issued , on time same ruinous
conditions as before.
rlrat I'rule of Artuemmluuri ' '
\tIIllnl' IIIulr ) .
CONS'IANTINOPLE , .Ian. 28-At the
preliminary sitting of the committee to
inquire Into the Turkish atrocities In Ar-
menia the foreign d ! eles urged time suspension -
pension or Tallsln Pasha and the vail of
Bittlis . pending the course of the Inquiry
Time Brttih . French and Russian envoys
urged the ' 'rltsh government to take the
action required. Late"this evonlng It was
unnounced that 'Tahsln Pasha , one of the
cmillcials complaJnel of _ by the foreign dele-
gates with the Arlenlan' ' commission , hind ,
upon the representations of the three for-
elHn envoys previously referred to , been deprived -
prived of his post He Is pro\lslonaly succeeded -
ceeded hy Eumer flay I member or the
LJtlimmoci tl , \lrr Ih3 I.etter.
VIENNA , Jan. 28-A 115patch from Constantinople -
stantinople says that Hlza Pasha , time Turk-
lab minister of justice , has returned to
! gr. Izmlrlan , the Armenian patriarch ,
time letter which was recently sent to time
minister of justice upon " taking possession
of the J1triarchate , 'I'hme4mnimmtster of justce
In semiding back thll letter had demandei
the suppl'esslon of time orlon relating to
time hnprlsonmont of time hl hop of 'mlooslm
and other hl5hops. Mgr. zmnirhimum , however ,
has returned the letter . dechining to mthter
declning aler
I , on the groull that h could not distort
thl' truth since the bl hop of Moosh Is
11 In prison _ _ _ _ _ _
Chuimet , Story If time . \"valcr ,
LONDON , Jan 28.-A ilspatch to the
Times fm ShanGhnl gives the following
Chinese olclnl account 9f the Japanese
movement against Wei-Iiat.\'ei :
"On January 26 the Jatmanese twice attacked -
tacked the west side of \Vei-iJai-\Vei , suit-
portcil by five largo and smal guns. Time
mittucics by the fleet were repelled . On Sun-
day the Jnpanese thnntened the emmstwnri
defenses , limit the Chinese were Prepared
anthe , \ enemy retre ( ! : 'fhe Jupanese
wished to atacle the Cheefoo forts , but
were prevente,1 the Cor.lgn feet , "
- - .
II.rl'.I' m 1"I'I rr"tlllh (2smimulm , .
ST JOHNS , N. I. , Jan , 2S-I Is announced -
nounced that the present cabinet will he
reconstructell this week , preparatory to con-
siderton of the ( tuuestiomm of the tclerton ,
of the colony with time Dominion of Canaln ,
Sir \ \ 'hiiiammiVhmitewty , who dlsnbiltes
were removed , will hecome prime minister
the positon formerly held by him lie will !
be the lender In the uEseJuhl ,
Several firms asslgncl loony , All the
tntltd iirrns are effecting rmpromlses witim
faied Irms effcctn
their crcllors on the best : , erms los51ble ,
hnn"I , a Ilrolllug:11 : 1. ) " ' ,
LYONS , Jan. -Inliumza Is B\lreldlng \
lucre In an alarming manner. The death
rote from this dismiso iam4 IncreasPll to
over 10 weekly , and barfly I fumlY In
the city has escalei sonic surferlnG from
it .
'rcmpornl' Hucce.Hui to II fliers .
ST p TEHSnUIG , Jan , 28- I , Shlshltn ,
who was assistant to the Jato M . do Glers ,
mlnlstor of foreign afars ! , hal . been aim-
pointed to succee(1 the latter temporriy ,
ii " 1111 Wlr Ihlll I 111111..1 lu lIe t ulk.
ATIgNS , Jan. 28.-A bottle WILY tount lt
Sant yesterday contalnln n iicce l or pa-
pr , dnte.1 January 2 ( anti Inlllbell : " \e
are slnklnH rapimlly . Inform the German
admiralty . German wmtrmmiup-Stein. "
"unllol"\ , \ hi' . T'neh ( :11111.
lAHlS , Jatm : -Generl ZUI'lnden , corn-
marder of the Foultim army corps , has
accepted the Position of mInister of \\'lr.
'l'hls completes the mmciv ablnel ,
)110. I'aUI Juts loroer : ul.
LONDON , Jan 28.-A dispatch to the
Stanllurd from Ylmnn la1 that Mme
Patti has Iecovercd and gomme to Dresden
- ion
llH'thal I ! lnr'lhlt ncad ,
PARIS , Jan 22.-1mIAshmal tCunrobert died
this afternoon. ' :
: c' _
lt.l.c.1 $ lov I him ut C alrol' ' F eiglmus.
ChICAGO , Jan 2'TheCrelt omclals
of the transcontnental roads , who have been
conslderln freight rates for the last two
weeks , have finally urrlnl ut un ngree-
intuit I wn deeitied to advance the rate
from New York , Chicago nlli all Mlslourl
Ind Miesiesiimpi river Ilul'lt ' to California
terminal Ilntl to f cent" , This wi apply
Inly cents In caces where the rte II below :
. .
- - a'----- ' r.'an AS
Two Pmons Killed and Many Moro
Seriously Ijurad ,
Wreck Cnulht Fire but IVas lxtllll : he,1
leroro Uolnl Any ilmurumu-Womiuler
Is tlt itmmy of the rlR-
AenlerS 1:8lallell : ,
INl NAlO.IS , Jan S.-A terrible t
wreck , causing loss of life ali mallell lmbs ,
occurred nt Coas\ll at : o'clock thIs aCer-
mmoon Vnliala train No : 20 , dime II this city
at 2:35 : , was wrecked b ) time sprealing of the
rals , Two persons were killed almost In-
stanty and from thirty to forty were son-
ously Injured The trin was running at full
sjmeed I hall just passell the town of Coats-
\le ali was rounding n curve when the
track spreli. The private car of President
It.V. , Ic can , which was lu the rear ,
jumpell the track 'hls was followed [ by time
parlor car ammd the ladies' car. All went oft
the track , the two rear cars going down the
embanltuent ten feet before the tmln coull
bo stoppeti. Time smeller left the tacIt , but
dill not g \er. The two rear cars cnmmgimt
time , but the fames were extinguished when
time work of rescuing began ,
A man die soon after being taken from the
car In his locket were ( mind letters Indi-
catng that his name was John \V. Norton ,
manager of the Oral11 opera house at St.
Louis. He was carried to a school house nn-
conscious and lived only a short time.
Mrs. W. S. Towers , Carthage , Mo . , was cnr- !
ned frmn the car and dIed while being taltn' '
to the school house. The Injured were car-
ned UII the embanltuent to houses OJI the
north silo of time track , and seen tIme lowns-
people and physicians gathered to give assistance -
sistance The Injured arc :
Margaret Roberts , Indianapols , Injurell
about time face all breast , internal Injurl.s.
Ewing O. Whitng , Doston , bad cut over
tile loft eye.
Mrs Ewing O. Wiuitting. Boston , Injure
about the side and brest , serious ! ,
S. Neugeon , Vlgo , Tex. , seriously hurt about
the head , probably fatal ' ,
P. L. Wrap , hurt about the head , not seri-
Dr. H. J. Talbot Indlnnallols , seriously
hurt about the head and internally Injured.
Mrs. N. W. Fergusomm , Terre Haute , right
side bruised and Internaly Injured.
Mrs D Hudson , Green Caste , Ind. , cut on
the right side of the head , not serious
Gertrude Parsh : , 'ear-old girl , Palestne ,
I" , cut on side , not serious.
.w. S. Towers , Carthage , Mo. , badly hurt
D. W. Mends hal Terre Haute , seriously
cut mind fears of Internal Injury.
Lulu Sheets , Indianapolis , badly hurt about
the Ime s.
J. . J. Leo , , Mansfield , 0" , leg mashed ,
Jolla W , Cravens , editor Green Caste
World , ribs , broken and badly bruise about
body . . , - " , . . . , , - . _ . , , : . ' - , . . .
Mrs. Zela Seguin Wallace , Indianapolis ,
hurt In tim back , not dangerous.
Richard Tarush , Brazil , Ind" , head hurt.
J. W. Michel , Terre Haute , skull free-
Mrs. Dell , Omaha , Neb . badly bruised.
Joseph 11. Dlilomm . traveling salesman , New
York , badly bruised.
lrs , Joseph H. Dillon , New York , badly
bruls and arm broken
1 W. D. Debee Peoria. II , bruised about '
the 'head.
Frank ! Gully , Washington , D C. , Pullman
car conductor , badly bruised.
Mrs Hotsehld , Ogden , Utah , badly bruised !
lrs , D. L Anderson , Green Caste , Ind" ,
hut about the head
Mrs. Fescue , Terre Haute , ribs broken ; Internal -
ternal Injuries
Andrew John ' on , Pllman portar , right arm
Charles Jones , colored porter , Indlanajls ,
Iurt ; In the b1C ] , . ,
C. F. Carson , Imlra , N , Y. hIp ! crushl
and eye gouged out.
C. Sherwood , Nyack , N. Y. , shoulder blade
brol'en '
\Y. 1. Sherwood , Nyaclt , N. Y. , one eye
Itlcked out.
C H Schmlenmeyer , Evansville , Ind" , hurt
internally .
Congressman Farris of the Eighth Inliana
district , ball cut over the left eye
I Is miraculous that so many escaped un-
imurt The wrecking crew was sent to' the
scene and the track soon cleared. No cause
Is known for time wreck , only that time track
spread. Conductor John H. Wise , In charge I
of the train , had his arm broken In two
places Time engine and mal cars of the
i wrecked train arrived In this city at 8 o'cloclt
; this evening , but brought none of time dead
and mnjureJ Immediately an englno and two
coaches were started back to the scene of
time wreck to bring on time wounded
At time office of the Vandala company here
reports from the wreck are meager The
wrecking train was sent for President H. W.
McKean was reporte1 ! on board , but the company -
pany hall no allvlces that he was In any way
Injured. All time persons Injured In the wreck
are being cared for by the 11eoplo of Coats.
villa , anll \h'slclans are In constant attendance ,
TlI 11 .IM ! ] ] IUlRn ,
II'clllr 'orrl'Y usual H'n'llor I " 'oollrnl of
\lllna " 'ilI COltnuo In . , "rvr.
CHgYENNI Jan 28-Seclal ( Telegram )
-At the solcitaton of the commIttee or
I.al1er citizens sent to Cheenne to worker
for the Agricultural college UtJrOIJrlaton ,
Governor Hchar s toda , ) ' return ell the rEslg -
nations of Sealter Torrey and Senator
\Voodruff , the Fremont county members of
time leglslalure ( , to them , as I has been prac.
tcaly ngreed among the members of tite .
Presemit leglslaturo thnt the use of outsile
\ nlucnco In lecU'lng .lesJre,1 , leHlslaton
should ho IlscountenlneeI , Time commlUpe
his deciiell to I'ctum home wihout tUklng
any part In refer 1lce to securing legisla-
ton , _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _
I I rrmflemm's Urnl hprhnl' ' 10I"tt&lzllt. I I
SAN FI.NCJSCO , Jan , 28-Charles
Maler , vice grand master of the Brotherhood -
hood of Locomotive Firemen , Is hero en-
deayorlng tl reorganize the Iremen who.e
organization was disrupted , by time American -
can lalwtY union strike , I Is said thut
the Souther Pacl/o company will pOlt a
notice that on March let u wage feule for
linemen of f : a month will supersede the
present scale of $ , : I clay . Opposition to
the cut Is eXIJectell , hut no ) strike Is feu red.
- - - - - - -
Lcmmmiyiiio ' ( iettuumg I'arlcular.
I.gADYILl.T , Colo. , Jan , 28.-'l'he Hele
Uo'as troop of dancers were arrested this
moring , chargelllh Jlvll ! an obscene
exhibition at the oitra h01s3 last night.
Time trupe Is ( rain the 1ldway theuter
San Francisco. all I the one that created
KUI'h I rncsco. sensaton In Chicago. A numhor of
ladles at the Ilerrerrunce last night left
the tlmater on account or Its aleged In-
d"lnry , 'The "llan2e du \'entre" was time
objectionable feature , . .
Elect : rio ( :0111 : i II ) - II I 1"lllul.1 i UI'\CIII.8 I I
' Jan. 28-he I1ac'iio
SAN FBAN.'ISCG , - ] Iae'lo
mfctrlll Storage cOlplny Is In /nanclal
Illcull's , wIth lablt s aggrq.tng $10) )
( moo , 'fhe l1rlncillal creditors are the \Vest-
, ' . , , T _ ' . . " . " . . . , ' : " , . - - I
Inlhou 1 Jctrlo anti tanlrnturlns com-
pan ' of l'ittsbtmrg , time ( cnrrnl glCrtrlc
coml.any of this ( I ) ' . anti the Central mec-
trio comlIBn of Chlcl O ,
- - -
.Urlo. " IWI'S . succi.ssoie. ;
11/118 IR i'atoraIohy Calling Christ the .
DEN\EH , Jan 2S.-Tho AIHlo\er theological -
logical eontro\'crs Is being fought over In
Den\er. lLe' John P. Coyie , who came from
NOlth Allams , Iass. . to accept time pastorate -
ate or time First Congregatonal church , Is
time calico oC the commoton , Dr. Co 'lo'8
answers to Iuestons naked him at his ex-
amlnnton PreParatory 10 his Instalaton
IJlalnl ' "howed that he dll not accept the
lloetrlno of time divinity of Christ atHI time
( till Inspirton of time scrIptures . but never-
timeless the counci voted In favor of his In'
stallatloim. Now He\ Addison . Banch'ld ,
who stolt ) fOIh alaltst note favorable
to time new Iastol proposes to I.reent . time
mater to his church with a sllgeston that
I will withdraw f'om fellowship wih the
First Congregatonal soclet ' . Hch'ron
Heed , whom Dr. Cole was railed to succeed -
ceed , reslgnell his pastorto on account of
a storm ralso,1 , by his calnl Christ an an-
arelmist. The fact thnt nr. ) Coylo at his cx-
amlnaton said Christ was the slpremo nn-
arehlst has excited mich comment both
In 1111 outside the church of w hlch ho Is
pastor _ _ _ n
- - -
1"IIf.U.iX . 1'U.I."J III1PJITT'.S , ( C.Il ,
I , ) umlgo CorllAh 11'll' - tIme . \rIUlllt nUt
hit'ser'es I I 1 Ih'lI.lul.
LAI1AMIE , \0" , Jan. 2S.-Speciai.-Tlmo ( )
hearing In time case of lreman Frnlt hewitt
against time receivers of the Union Pacific
Railroad cOUpany before JUdge Cornish , ms-
tel In chancery of time Unltell States circuit
court , has been conmclutieti The main Ilolnt
mlle by the petitioner , who asks to bo rc-
Instated In the service oC the con1an ' , was
that ! r. Hewitt was tnken sick anti was ex-
cusel by the master meehnnlc on the 25th of ,
June , and remained IUlier time care of I Ilh's- :
1lan untl long after time commencement of
limo strike. The point nHllo by the tlefemmti-
ant was that the pettoner hall mnde a
speech encouraging time strike time moring
of July 2. This was the ground for Hewitt's
dismissal Judge Cornish will relier a tie-
cslon In a few da ) 's , The Iletlloner was rep-
reaente(1 b ) Attorney N. C. Jahren and Judge
Willis Van Devanter or Cheyenne appeared
for the recelvcrs
.TollIX 1'IN GULl"
I ItllY SIII 'essel Wrccke.t . amid Their
( : rcw UrnwnCl ,
GALVESTON , Jan. S- A storm of great
velocity struclt this city about - o'clocle
this mnommiing , whlchl smulhcd and dllaHell
a nlmhel' of frail tenements , but titillated
no serious Injur to lenllS. nlholh It
number of nurrow ccalles are chronicled.
The dlmsters 110nl time hlflln were
more severe , nnmi several entail vessels
wereicwammilmed muimti a miumuher of imersomma
. . .
S..Is : Pepper Grove bay , twemity-fivo miles
mmorth of time city. mm. renmiezvomms for oyster
boats , time sioop Nelly Miller , with Cnptnin
Tanburg anti the mmlte aboamd , went tio\Vml.
Time sloop City Girl wa calmaizeti , ammd tIme
cm'ev timrosvn into tue water. ' 1'liv chmmmig
to time vessel until tlte wind abated , when
thmey were rescued imy a. Izumsimmg boat. Time
sloop Laura anui Mimma. was capsized and
blown ashore. and omie of time crew drowned.
The 51001) Magic , uvlmich arriveti into tIii
evening , reports that time mmmii sloop Edna
Freiberg was founmd , bottomu tip , off Smnith'mc
point. She carried the United States mmiii
between this city , ilalivar Point amid
Smith's' l'otnt The tlshing schmooner Andrew -
drew I'nice wits aiim ) canslzefi off Smntthi
l'oint. but the crew escimi.etI ,
NASHVILLE , , Tenn. , Jtlp. 28.-Snow be-
gaw'falitng"ltt an early hour , this morning
and continued all day , Ahotmt timree incites
has fallen. Street ear trafile is somewimnit
demoralized. Reports from middle Tennes-
utee towimit sImow timat the simow Is gemieral
over that section of time stnte.
CHICAGO. Jan. 28.-Today , the mercury
remnainlng contnnthy below zero , 2,000 pub-
lie school cimlimiremi wem'e dismissed becatmso
of the inability of Janitors to keel ) the
building warm.
iiunmor of a Sweet l'optmlist Coimbimmo iii
Idtimmm. ;
BOISE , Idaho , Jnn. 2S.-'hie result of tue
two ballots taken for United States Hen-
ators today was : Slioup , 19 ; Sweet , 18 ; Chug-
gett ( pop. ) , 15. 'rhere are rmmmors of a
trade imavlmmg been made by which time pop-
ulistmm are to elect Seet. Tonlglmt time pop-
tulists go Into caucus. Sweet's supporters
will also cnucus , and it lie said tue Shmoui ,
macn are to get togothmem also.
SAJEM , Ore. . Jun. 28.-Timere was no
chammge in the semmutorial lIght today , Time
vote stood : Doiph , 42 ; Hare , 10Veatlmer. ; .
ford , 8 ; Herman , 8 ; Loud , 4 ; Lowe , 2Vil ; -
llama. 8 ; scattering. 8.
OI.YMI'IA.S'ashi. . , Jan. 28.Tmc u'xteentim
Joint ballot resulted today : , tnlceny , iti ;
Wilsomm , 23 ; Ttmriwr. ii ; AlImm 13 ; Itoger. ' ,
23 ; McMiiian , 7Vahlace ; , 1 ; Manimimmg , 1.
I'imssiuI time CommOe'mt 11111.
NASIVIL.LE , Tenn , , Jan. 28.-Time debate
upon time contest bill was brought to a close
today and the vote taken. 'rime hlil PaSseti
by mm. 'ote of 53 to 43 , beimig three more thiamm
a constitutional majority. Only verbal
amenulnientie were made , not mmffectimmg time
tennis of time bill , 'rho senate gut once concurred -
curred in time imotmie nmrmendmnents ntntl time
huh muvaits time approval of time governor.
Vm'hmen signed lime two hmoumtes wili meet 1mm
blot comiventiomi and time rettmrns of the
elections for govermmor will bit opemmeml antI
tue contest over svhmo is elected governor will
begin ,
) It ) time l'noling 11111.
ST. PAUL , Jan. 28-'l'ime lioumse today
adopted imy umnmnimnotms vote the joint rose-
lutlon urging Minnesota's m elmrcsermtativcs
and senators to 01)1)050 tIme I'mttteriton 11001-
log Imili , flow menmIing 1mm congress , Mr.
Ilobbilharml introdmicemi mm bill mro'ithing thmtt
persons founml guilty of tlrmummiceminose the
third time be sent to time insamme mueylunm
for tremmtmnemit with time Icceley ctmro ,
' 1wemit-Iumn Somtts lim iiielumte ,
SALT LAEE , ijtahm. , Jamm , 28.-Timei Utah
comnmmmiesion passed mm resoltmtion today ordering -
ing time isatmu Of certliicntes of electiomm to
seventy-eight mhelegatee to time constittmtiomimii
comiventiomm. Of this numnber Iorty.omio are
reiuhmiicans aiim ) timirl-nme'eml th'mnucrats ,
lemcving twenty.rmimme immenibem's in dispute.
% 'mi mmhttomm SIOIu x I em iii id'm I mm n I 'llitI r % imt n t.
WASIIINGTON , Jima. 28.-llepresemitntive
Pickier of South Imkotmm : , iirougimt to tue
white imotmstt today a tielegmmtionm of Yauilcton
Slomtx I mci : in mms , ml mmml coinimimmi mmcml a f t lie mi m-
bitrary uct of their mmgent , J , A , Snmmltum.
- p
s.lil II , , used fur ii
SON DIEGO , Ciii , , Jan. . - - . ' ) ' steamer
Manuel Iuibhiun Is expecteti to mmcli aim time
arrivmtl of time stemmnmer CarIes ) 'achmeco for
San Fremnmcimcco , to loam ) a cargo ( or Guny-
mmliii ; . It is generally beilvemi that in case
of wmmr imtweemm Mexico anti ( ] uatcmntla : tlmutt
site will be tmsetl mis it. trammmimort by time
Mexican governmmmemmt ,
% % ' mm t an Iui omits mmli's ( St , imiblumi ii mc.
SAN FRANCISCO , J01i. 28.-A convemmtion
of reimresentatl'cs of water comnimmcmmit'm3 in
tills state u'lll macat imere timl s'eek to arrange -
range ( am' legislation vrevemmthmtg the owners
( numim cmttaumlisimimmg civic Witter woricte 1mm
olmpositiomm to m egularly operated commmimmmmilene
opc'nimtem ) by imlvuto Capital ,
It l. Var to the Jiemmuim ,
SAN FIIANCISCO , Jan. 28.-Time I'mmclfle
Coast Steamnsimlp commtpany hints ammnoUneeml
that It ili commtinue time rate emitting Itt
Pmmget meotmnd ports aim bug ate tlmo oppa-
sition lInes commtlmmue to rtmmm stelmmnemie , mmmiii
reductions in fares Is eximected svitimium a ( es
dmtyme , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Ilitus ( : omuts mit l'i'aeIIce ,
BAN lIECO , Cal. , Jan. S.-1'iie liniteml
States steamers Alert mmml hunger arm'lved
oUtitimiC' toeimiy train Mure Isianti , oulil an-
eiiom'ed alt Ccronmmmlo , wlmertm timey held target -
get , par anti until imrmmctice 10db ) ' . Timurue-
day emiornini , ' Is dxcii for cuemming immelde ,
Slou't.mmmtmi of hu'mim'mmg ' 4 , ' .lmm''m'srv 214 ,
At I1avrs-Arrivemi-1u Norcmmmmitc. ( mcmii
New Yom'k ,
At Ahexandria-Arriveml-Normnunda , from
New York.
At Liverpooi-Arnived-I.aUreltian , -
I'ortland , via halifax ,
At i'uillamlelpiuia-Armived-Steamner
from Liverpool.
At hlmmltimnmore-'Arrieti-Steamtmer immnenlca ,
from I'ort Antommie.
At Llvorpooi'-Ariived-Costu Rica , from
New Qrieanmmt.
Coucontrating Them Where They Can Be
Speedily Moved to the rroiit.
OtTers of W'eitltlmy Citlzemmmu aummt time So i'cre
StRte % VIli ltcllova limo ltt'pmuldlo's
Tremusmury of Scniutm4 Exiucmmhe for
time ( hummtteummilalm Var ,
CITY OF MEXICO , Jan , 28.-Time Fourth
lmattalion of lmifaumtry is mmmaking 1trltaratiomms
to mmmovo from this city , Its ubjoctive itallmt
beimmg Acaptmlco , where it will be lucId vitli
time otimer forces mmoy tlmero for trammeporta-
tiomi by sea for time Gtuatemmmainmm immvasiomm , it
tlmtms ortlereti ,
Fratmcols Varola Mtmras , ( Ito Cmmimamm jour-
mmmilist , vhmo muncie etmeim a vhclotms attack tmpomm
Mexico iii comimiectiout with time reception of
time (1 tmatemmtalnmm mnimiister by ( leumeral limiz ) ,
1mm stipposed to imavo left \'ermt Crux yester-
tlay by stcammmer for Ilavamma. Several Immflu-
eimtiai mmewspaltem imien of timls capital mmmat.lo
pctitionm to lomt liomnero iitmblo , secretary of
state , askiumg official action against Mtmrns.
Gettlmmg iubmd of tIme mmmntter he tjtmiotiy left.
touvit'ithmotlt. . figimtimmg ammy of time mitmmmterotms
dctols 'htich Imo had retuurtuetl to irnrtict-
imato I mm.
\Phtearammces am'e that tIme pemtmlimmg Citmato-
umlaut war rihi lint ito as expemmstyo to
Mexico asvmis at ( lest titotmght. Time gov-
ermmnmemit htms received mmmammy lmroffers of mmiii
frommm vcalthmy eitizemms of time republic ammtt
time mass of time coplo are so emitimuslnsttc
in timeir itrommitses tumat timeso itemmms , with
time nimmmmem'ous state approprimttiomms , with \'ery
mmcarly relieve time treasmmry ( Ieitartmmmemtt trommi
immaterial expommdittmre of mummy extraortlimmimry
mmature. Time coummmtry Is reatly mtmmml viiiimmg
also for a special var tax it time govem-mmmmmcmmt
linus this mtecessary.
Time vresidemmt ammmi caitimmet vcro iii secret
session all clay ammml umimtil mm Into imotmm nmmml tie-
chime to divulge ammytlmimmg mis to time mature
of time commferemmce. Thmo omuly tlmimig kmmowmm
lOsltiVely ) is timat mmotimlmmg imits yet tmeemm delia
ofllcially as to fornmtmlatimmg Mexioo's amismuer
to time last umob' ( tom Gtmatammmalmt. It is no-
htortemi timut Mimmistcr of Fimmammco Limm'ammtour'
will leave lit time mmtorning for ( immatlalajara.
\Vhmat time object of time trip is , is mmot kmmowmt.
tmmmiess it ho to commfer vitlm Limo state govern-
mmmenmt regarmiimmg ilmiammces , it imavimmg bcemm itoim-
tmlmmrly reported lucre that time tlitleremit states
bath pledgeth flmmammcial multi to the gemmeral gov.
ermmmmmemmt lit time ovemit of mmecessity for war.
Time govcrmmimtcmmt arseimai hero is itili work-
hug day amid mmiglmt.
AT TII E ENS ) 01" 'i'll II STRiNG.
itimited Stmite'e Uamm luotimlmmg Store to I'ro-
Saul , % % mmr.
\VASIIINGTON , Jan. 2S.-Time Ummited
States has exitaustetl all Proper mmleamms of
Provemmtiime ; a hostile colllsiomm between Mexico
and Guatemala , ammd time two countries untmst
settle their dIspute without furtimen restraint
exercised by the United States , Secretary "
Grcsimamn's telegram to the Imexlcamt govern- "
macnt' expressing time imope of time president , .j
that' the mattermigbt be 'e
, to some frientily nation Imhsunet'witbxt mS ?
flattering reply train time Mcxlcamm govern-
nment , but 1mm substammce it holds tlmat time dIff n
ence t'itim Guatommmaia Is such that , owing to time
attitude of that commntry , it will mmot admit. of
arbitration. Time irmferemmce is timat Guatemala ,
must eitimer promptly submit to Mexico's
tcmins of a smmrremmder of Imer claims to lands
in miisptmte 0mm time bounmdary , or fight. hum this
state , of time ease notlmimmg camm be done by our
govermmmmiemmt at present to avert a clash.
lmmhummlitummmts of Semuporte Looktmug to Itmmuor-
lcmuimme fmi' i'rotoctiomm ,
COLON , Jan. 28-TIme rebels and time gay-
ernnmeimt troops lmaml an emmgagemmmeimt. Frimiea
at Premiere , Departmneimt of Catmca , Time robeis.
were rommted. Time governmemmt troops were
comnmnanmdeml by generais Ulhoa antI Anglo ,
Later becaimt kimowmt that a revolution imami.
broken out in time dopartmemtts of Catmca , fbi-
ivar , Magdaiena ammti Antioqtma. Owlmmg Ia tlm&
fact tlmat time telegrapim wires have beemm cut ,
no acctmrato particulars are obtmmimmablc. It.
is known , however , timat nmartial law hmamm beemi
proclaimed at Cartlmegenia , and timat a portion'
of time detachment of troops stationed at. .
Panama hma'e been wlthmdrawmm , 'rime immlmab-
itammts are depending umimoim Amnericaut protec- .
Lion. Somne of time' leaders of time tlisttmriiance _
have been arrested. Time United States
cruiser Atlanta Is coaling here ammd time'
Uimitecl States steamship New York is cx-
pectemi , A French warship has been ordered.
to Cobomm. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I iemm mm I mi gt omm lImmler ' mm I I I mm g C ) cml ore.
VALLEJO , Cal , , Jan. 28.-The Iiemtnington.
is at ilara Jelanti ummmier orders to aaii.
Stores are being plnced on irnarml anti lhm&
coal cargo repleuiimeimetl. 'rime vessel will tmn-
mioubtetlly go to Otumitennalu .com-i will leave
tomorrow or Weminestlay.
( Itv rrumlvml ( I iuuill's I I i'mumtm rrtmr ,
NEW YORK , Jan , 28.-Jtm5tice Beckman.
of time mctmimreme court ! mns ttverrtmlcml time
mienmiurrer which George J , Gommlmi interposed '
to time complmtlmmt of time Soldiers Orpimmmmi.
imomne of St. leimmis in Its action nmgaimist imimu
individually timid its executor of lila fnmtimqr's
estate amid mtgmtlnst tIme other executors of
Jay Gommid mtmmml mtgaitmst lttmssel Sage to corn-
Pei restitutiomm to time Krtnsmmme i'mmcllic Rail.
way commiimammy of $11,000 000 of bonus alleged
to Imave Imeert comivem ted iy Jmly Gotmld und
ltummmsei I3rmgo to thmelr owmm ore. Justicu
iieclomnamm snmya timmmt lime ( acts mmnmrnmmtomi in
tIle comnimimtiimt uimotv tlmntt George 'J. Gotmimi is
liable unI ( timmmt they mmmtmet lie conmcetied us
true for thur ptmrimoses of time tiomurrer ,
I 'I miyei 11 mm ii m t , i'tm ( cc I I mmmi ,
SAN'i'A C'ltfl'Z , Cmml. , Jan , 28-M , H , Mat-
comm. slue hits bet'n mlimcc'overcmi to be a wo-
milan numtd is 1mm jail in. Smn Jose clmmu'ged.
wIth lmt5simil' bagman cimeclc4 1mm los /mmmgc'he ,
mctm1e,1 , itt Belt I.omnumimi ( or mmeimm'ly twt
yemtrme , For some tlmmme sim vtms ommiploycu
itt time Deli iomemommd hotel tts mmigiut watch- .
man. At ilun Jommonmmi situ mimnokemi mt pipe ,
Hat nmrotmncl time imotel , etimil strove to '
tel I vulgmt r m'totlC H t hit t t lm a mmmcii ctitmlii not
cqtmmml , liar S'mt'H 'tCi'tt effemmilummite itt tlmnenu.
limit imo onme suspected timmtt m.hmo m'mmme tither
tlmuit whmmtt mclmtt rt'prc'stmmtemi bmersel ( to be.
i4lmo left liemm Imnomm'i ' owlmmg umiuny unpaid
iiill , _ _ _ _ _ _ S _ _ _ _ _ _ _
ai mm r V it liii ( IlumI itil rl .mtmely I i I ,
NEW YORK , Jamm. 28.-Mary Ammdenmumn is
very ill at ilnigitton , Emmgimmmmmi , itccormhimmg to
mu , letter m'ecelveml ( mom thmmmt jilaco today by
ltudohph Aromummun ( if time Camminmo , 'i'ime letter
smtymelary : Amuiem'mtomm , who imam4 cmet iimti
a very serlom1e iihmmes , lie imemu ( lirigimtonm ) ,
imttimmg wimeele' ] imp anal miuwn limo imromtmemmnde
I mu a lint ii cliii I i S imo lie a mmiitzlmmg ly cimuimgetl ,
mill t im C hyl I dm.iilce I mmii iczm I iommme ci' hmer ommea
nmrc'ttY lgmire mmmmd time eionmmemvimmtt etimememet
( mice immivi- gone unti Iii tlmeim iiavtm we have
a nmmmtrommiy wommimmmm 'mcmlii imlumnh , Ummiry mould's
cheeks , " _ _ _ 0 _ _ _ _
mrml"r hi stir ) ' i itt'lM'iIIt.
ST. 1OthII3 , Jun. 28.-'l'imo himnuiemit on time
hotly of Ubevca Lmmmmd , the wommmamm founul
dead in Imer room 1mm tIme 1l , 'mtmm lnmlimllng ,
319 Market street , lusr Fm iday mnm.mmriimmg , wait
beiti tommy , 'Flits eviiltimce of mmmtmet of time
s'itrmememees emily temmtiemi to tiCetti'n mime mnys-
tory smmrrcmmimullng imtr dcclii , 'I'lmc jum'y'
( oummi ) timat Mime. Lund died ( ruin ueIrammmulmi-
tion timid olImCm PilYsiCill injuries , lmmiilctcd.
by 1)mtutiO tmmmic tmoYmm ,
I ) tmi I Ii 0 f aim I ii ml I I liii I.'g ' isima I or.
wAiIHAV , Intl. , Jamu , 28-Iftmtte Senator
J. 1) . 'l'imtmir tlitd Itt hue itoimmo item-u today.
Ills ( utmertml 'ill ( nice lbmae'odnceday ,
ilemul Ii cif mt I , mmtpmmirimmm ,
TO1.ELO. Jmtmm , 2L-i'cttrick K. fl"mteiy ; , ,
ageti 102. died lotlay , 111mm oldest semI itt * 0
years old. .
I I.miI'y i'mumiumrt' ' lit
ltt'FFA LU , Jmmm : , 28.1' lie 1mm of I ) . Jmn-
C rgemm , * 10mm Ailcmm failed , Liabilities , $1e ( , .