Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 28, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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_ J 8 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TIlE OMAhA DAILY DEE : MONDAY , JANUARY 28 , 1895. !
Views of Lccal Bankers on the Finmcinl : !
Legisat1on Needed
Contlllnanco of 1101111 II'SlIM Not ThoUjht
AchhnlJle-OI'II,101l8 lIesp"ctccl ( R I'olnt-
* . Inr Loan-iletlrenirn.t of Urcelbaeks I
- Senntor11501'1 I'lnn.
: , Omaha bankers are not fRllng to wnteh
tlosely congressional acton with reference to
t. the currency ( ItleNtion. In view of certain
recent suggestons male ( Washington In
j : this connection , a number ot the local
bankers were seen yesterday all asked to
again express opinions as to what the pres.
ent financial stress mRlle necessary and their
r sentiment loan. regarding the Ilea or 1 popular
President C.V. . hamilton of the Unlell
States National says the greenbacks must
le retred at the earliest posslblo ) mOlent.
To this end the government should Issue $ & 00 , .
000,000 In bonls , bearing Interest at 2 ! per
cent , anti offer them to the banks , which
should have the privilege of Increasing their
el culaton to the par of the bonds bOlght.
. . The money thus obtained by the govermcnt
: IIIUhl bo used to take up the grconbachu
The new circulation should Io II the de.
r , nominations of $ to all multiples thereof.
I This WoUld afford an opportunity for the
circulaton of slver certificates of small de-
Mr. Inmlton looks upon a popular loan
with no favor , Hecent sates oC bonds have I
leen mere makeshifts , and ho would exp ct
no permanent relief through a popular loan
, . 'ho chief cause of our distress just now , "
. . says he , "Is that the silver men control
corgress , and will allow nothing to Io done
. , that will pern1nenty remedy the difficulty. "
' . : Ir. J. 11. MIllard , presllcnt of the Omnha
c. National . commends highly Senator Allison's
plan This Is to issue legal tender cx-
chequer holes , bearing 2 or 21 per cenl Interest .
. terest , which could ho ) used , by the banks
, for n reserve Instead of gOlll flankers
. would take these freely and give gold for
them. "My bank would take $200,000 or
$300,000 In such notes tomorrow , " said Mr.
. 21Ihiard. .
: A popular loan would have no special ( errors -
Tors for Mr. Miilard. Ho thinks It might
not be a bad Idea for the government to
nsk for n loan of $100,000,000 or $200,000
000. or enough to slpply present neCds the
bonds to Io 3 or 31 , ! per cent , and In small
denominations , so that the people of com-
pnratvely limited means could handle them
as well as larger investors
' The popular loan Idea Is , In the opinion of
Mr. Frank Murphy , president of the Merchants -
chants National just about the rIght thing
II thInks the amount mlghl bo $200,000,000
or 300.000,000. ' . and the rte oC Interest 3
, PCt cent. Inlcel , ho says ho Is convinced
this Is thc only way out of the difficulty . and
? ho belIeves Omahl could respond to n cal
. ot this kind to the amount of about 00,000.
" President H. W. Yates of the Nebraska
National would hike to see the present legal
: tender notes converted into long and short
time Interest-hearing notes. flanks would
1 rather have thcm , because they would be
more valuable than gold. "A Popular loan , "
: . said Mr. Yates "would not In my opinion
be a success and It would Involve the con-
traction of lie capital of the country to the
F : amount of the loan If all the bonds were sell ,
c and that would be 1 detriment , for wo need
s. . nn expansIon of capital rather than 1 con-
' traction. I the Ionds were In such shape
l. that they could be made the basis for ' : 'clrcu-
tt. laton then they might be bought . but . cer-
. . "
- : tnlnly not for Investmont.
r Withi President C. W. Lyman of thee Commercial -
. . mercial Natonal' the main features of the (
Baltimore plan remain well liked , Some-
thing , very much 1'0 Chis he believes should
' bo adopted , congress taking care to Provide
F' security for the extra circulation lie banks
4 would bo allowed to Issue Further issue of
bonds . ho says , would be useless , as by this
methol the gold reserve could not be
q proipeil up for any great . length of time.
; . Thlt Old Uenler ,
: Father time , who "reaps the bearded grain at
a breath , and the flowers that grow between , "
spares for n green and hnlo old age those who
counteract the Innrmies incident to Increas-
Ing years with Ilostetter's Stomach Bitters ,
. For rheumatism , lumbago , poverty of the
c. blood ) I Ippepsln , neuralgia anti torpidity of !
1. the lvr I { , Use the Great tonic an . healh pre.
server methodically. , .
- -
? l
, . ' , : ; _ . " - :
_ 8bcrnmn , \ iue' to l ho l'avcl with Cal'
i . 1 f tornla ' \ Shia1tUZfl. -
r When lie litigation over the award of the
contract for the pavIng of Sherman avenue
, wns first started the Barber people In their
: fIght to prevent the award ot the contract
, to Hugh Murphy , lie lowest bidder , set up
one of their allegations that 1r . Murphy
did nol ' sire ! Iii 11s [ bl3 trI source from
. whch ! he was to secure the asphalt to be
. used on the street 'fhe courts held that
L this was not n sufcent reason for the (
rejection of the contract , ns Mr. Murphy
, agreed to give n bond which would guarantee
that the pavement would bo as good as
any nsphalum laid In the city of Olnha ,
, Since lie settlement of the controversy
' by the courts Mr. Murphy announces the
p.- sourct of the asphnlum ho will use In the
contract lie will use the California as-
phalum and says that It Is superior to ,
. any nsphalum used In this country for' '
} paving purposes , lie cites ns an illustration
the pavement on 'fwenty-fourth street In
South Omahn. This pavement was laid In
4 freezing weather by Inexperienced workmen
, but It has stood lie test ot lie heaviest
! , trnmc and Is today the best Piece of as-
phaltum pavement In this part of the country -
try .
, . \\'hilho the fight against the Barber ns-
hal monopoly Is now In Omaha It has
been going on In other cities of the country
for some ( lineVhien the development of
, the asphalt Iuslness was first begun Iy the
, . laying of the pavement In Washington a
syndicate got tog ther anll leased front the
gOVrlllent of Trinidad what Is known UI
Pitch lake In the island of ' 'rlnllal , and for
: ) 'ecrs afterward no bidder eXCelJt the Barber
company could ecuro contracts for asphalt
. : paving , as that company alone had the right
. to use the. ( Pitch lake which Is really a
bog. 'fho fne Is that but little of the
- , . aSlhnlul used came from lie lake or bog ,
y. ' but the lalber company secured the adoption
, of sPecifications all over lie country callIng
, . for asphalum ( from the Pitch lake Three
. ) cr/ ago the Omaha Board of l'milhic'orkmm
remove.t . the Pich $ lake cause frol lie
IIJfclfcatop8 for asphalt IJavlng and opened
the way to COl petton on that kind of pavIng - ,
Ing : tr. Mur'hs huh Is the Irst really
) realy
. . conipetitlvo bid ( lint the Barber IJeollle have
. nQt been able to shletrack. In' Delver the
! Board of IUb/IC / ' Works refusct to consider
11etllons In which the petitioners hind ic ! -
. acted asphalum from , Pitch IlIte or any
Ihls except those sllilf calln for street
, olhallm , ' 'hl r sul 'as that ( Denver this
'car hal ISlJ11UluI navement laid at ' 2.30' '
) er slluaro ( yard , against time Barber corn-
pan)8 bid o ! " 3,15. Like results hero been
atalnco Ihlalelllhla , Detroit , St. Louis ,
CICago : , Salt amid \ l'eoria und In all
't these cites lie result was obtained only
. after the same course of litigation und argu-
IClts that Is now going on In Omaha
. lilt Murphy says that he Is anxious to have
the present case prolilty pushed tu 1 nnal
hearing In the courts , so that ho InY begin
. ' wprlt nler his contract ns seer as the
, weather wi permit , As the lowest responsi.
bib bidder , he Insists upon his rights to
' enter Into competition with the ( asphalt
, monopol amid Irumlsea to give the city and
I'roperty OWnfr the bet aSI'halum ; avo-
. . lent they have ever had at u very big re-
- dllcton over prles formerly -U- . paid ,
Sbhlob's Cure II sold on a guurantee. I
cures incipient conaumption. I Is the best
cough cure Only one cenl a dose : 25c , 501
. t II ft.00. Sold b ) Goodman . Drug Co
, Xlonnl CtuCutolll.oehlUon ,
; - C. G , Peare of Beatrice , national educa-
if tonal manager for Nebraska , has returned
from a trill to Denver , where be went to
make arrangements for the accommodation
of the Nebraska teachers who attend the
meeting ot the association July 9 to 12
l rom l'rtcnt Indlcatens the ateldance ut
the meelng will be the ( largest II the bis-
tory of limo Iuooaton : , The ateldalca tram
J lr 111li bQ espe lall lme : : In , 'leof
the proximity of , the place ot meeting to
this state .
The railroads hue made I rate of one tare I
for the round trip , plus $2 , lull the memo '
bershlp fee In the association . Tickets will be I'
good to return up to September 1. Excursions -
slons at very low rates will be conducted to
various points of intereSt In the vicinity of
Denver and every effort male to make the
stay of the teacher In our sister state a
pleasant one
The headqualers of the Nebraska teacher
, 'I 1 al the Albany hotel , but of course
teachers from this state can go elsewhere If
they wIsh
nheumnlsm Is primarily caused by acidity
of the blood. hood's Sarsaparia purlfel
lie bled anu thus cures . the diseao .
More ' hn OOOOooo l'ami'icngeru.
have been carried by the Lake Shore &
Michigan . Southern railway during the past
t.enl..nvo nnrs. Very few were ohio to
find any fault The rest were delighted , One
ot them recently said : "For several years
pnt t ( mayo made from two to four trips
each month between Chicago all New York
and am almost always accompanlell by from
one to three or tour others I belevo ! ' ( as I am
InformCI by your conductors ) that I have :
malI more trIps between Chicago and New
York ! Inn anyone other man during this
past few 'cars. I have always travelell over
your roall In preference to any other , because
hy careful comparison wIth others t hnvo
found not only that the real itself is . far
superior . hut time table all the service arC
In every respect the beet of any road t have
ever traveled en. The conductors , stewards ,
waiters and hatters t have found to bo unl.
formly courteous and attentive
anl atenth'e , adding
greatly to the comfort of hose who are
obliged to travel ns much as I nmmi . " Trains
heave Chicago aa follows : 8:00 : n. m" , 10:30 :
a. m" , 3:25 : p. m" , 5:30 : p. m" , 8:45 : p. m" ,
daily , all 11:30 : p. m , . daily except Sunday.
n. 1' . Humphrer , T. P. A. 721 Main street ,
Kansas Ciy ( , Mo. C. K. Wiber , W. P. A.
Chlcngo. _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _
Frank CranO'M Advice to l.horerM In Contests -
tests wih Corporations .
The Brooklyn street car strl ( { furnished
the theme of Rev rank Crane's prelude to
worldngmen last ovenlng" I was al appeal
for lawful methods on the Part of labor II
all contests whIm corporatons , Said he :
"It Is claimed that the labor unions arc
not responsible for the depredations thaI accompany -
company these strikes. They declare that I
Is time mob ot rJ-rar that docs these thing
Let us assume thaI this Is ( rue. II thcu
follows that the labor nnlons themsclves
should bo the very first to cal on tIm gov-
ernor of the state ( to suppress this lawless
rlr-rar. I Mr. Debs and his co.workers
really had nothing to wih the burling of
cars nl1 the kilng of "scabs" In ChIcago
they shonld hnvo been the first to welcome
lie military power to put down these hood-
loins who were brlngln disgrace upon their
cause Time labor unions must either assume
the responsibility oC time violence attending
the strike or welcome the effort of the lawful
powers ot the country to restrain that vio-
"Organized labor Is never going to gel the
connlence of this country untiL It shows not
only Iy word , but by actIon . that II Is op-
posed to violent methods , TIme people bate
the tyranny oC . corporations , bul they prefer
It to tyranny .of mobs. The thing most
needed today Is for the laborer to show that
he , can fght his battles ns lawfully as capital -
"Laboring men , the heart ot this age Is
with you. All ( lie teachings of that Chris-
taniy which Is the soul of our cIvIlization
are on your side All the altruistic senti.
merits of lie Anglo-Saxon race bur for your
delIverance . The greatest teachers of politl-
cal economy In our unIversities are your out- (
spolten friends. The preachers ot the gospel
almost to a man are anxious to stand by
your sidein the battle for juslce , ThaI old
British love of faIr play that Is an Ingrelenl
ot our blood Is your great helper , You ' ave
only one thing to 10 to bring all of these
tremendous force Into sympathy and co.
'oplraton ' with you , Amid lint one thing Is
n show not by word only , but by dee and
unmlstakaIle &vldence that yon have neither
sympathy nor supporl for any movement
: that proCesses to be In your Cnvor.yel which
, countenancs acts that are unlawful , violent
or unjusl. Rise from the narrow plane of
contelto and strie : Take your stand upon
the broad rights of man . , "
FIWJI SOUTII uihtU.4 . ,
Not a single person las been arrested by
tie polIce since the 2M.
The BohemIan Turners gave n masque bal
It Kroutsky's hal Saturday evening
The city councIl wIll meet tonight , when'
retrenchment In municipal expenses w1
again come ue for lscusslon. .
FrIends of . C. Stanley are working Ilarll
In his behalf for nppolntlent ns county
commissioner. . ; , , . . '
" .
Frank n11ey , who t arrested some days
ago for being .Irunlt and disorderly . has
been sentenced to twenty days In the county
The guests at the Transit house gave a
very enjoyable party lasl e'enlng About
tOO ladles ali gentlemen were present , and
daliced until midnight. , . . _
Mr. Fred Dugbc , assistant county poor
agent , , vns In town yesterday looking up
the poor In this part of the district. lie
found some deserving families who were
not receivIng alI , and Home who were being
helped by the couuty who did Dot deserve
any nld.
Last evening at Dnuer's hail local talent
proluced "Der Melnel bauer" to a large
aulience , Those taking the leading parts
were Jacob lauck , Xnnlel Dauer and Mr.
and Mrs 1.llleman. The Tyrolean , varblers
also participated , and materially assIsted ill \
enl rtalnlng time aullence , , _ _ . . . .
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Goi1rey ' have returned
from a short wedlln , trip , amid are ut homo
In ul1artmcnts at Twenty-fourth and N
streets Saturday evening the members of
the "Dutch band , " of which Mr. Golrey
Is n member , called upon the couple In n.
body . nail were royally entertaIned for a
couple of hours ,
Anus , Outs a Latter ,
OMAHA , Neb , . Jan 24 , 1895-Ames n. E.
Agency , City , Gentemen : The large size
$ ! OO concert granll upright Kimball piano ,
French walnut finish , seven and ono-thll ,
octaves , three strings amid osrato , duet
music desk , three pedals , highest grade
worlunnnshlp , bluest tone and action , Is now
on exhibition In our' store , ns liar ngree-
ment. Will bo pleased to sio\ The , and
guarantee its unexcelell qualtes and value.
Piano stool and scarf InclUlel1 In price
Hespcctuly ) 'ourI , A. 10SPE , JH.
Time above f400 piano , now on exhibiton
at the store oC A. 10sp ! jl' , emi Douglas ,
wi Io given to any person soilIng for U1
six of our North Thlrty.soventh street
sPecial bargain $200 lots , absolutely the
greatest InveRtment . over offered In Omaha
Investigation bnvltetl . Cal for ilarticulars
Such chances are rare
. , , AMES R. E. AGENCY ,
. ? 1G17Jarnam , opp N. Y. I.lo.
. . .
\ 'Ii Uocl 11:111 , IHlrle't 1.lno and 1"lutos
To all points In Knnsas , Oklahoma Indian
TerrItory , Texas and all points In southern
California. Only one night out to nil points
In Texas The " 'exas Llmle " leaves Omaha
at 5:15 : a , m. daly except SUlday , lauding
pasenger nt all points In Texas 12 hours In
advalce of all other lines. Through tourist
cars via Ft. Worth anti El I I Paso to Los An.
geles For full particulars , maps , folders ,
etc" , cal ut or address nock Island ticket
Ollce , 1602 Farnnm lIt
CIIAS. KENNEDY . , 0. N. W , 1 A.
The state Relief commission have estab.
Ilhe beadquarters at 109 Frenzer block
where all 'contrlbut.lons ot provisions and
clothing Ihould ba sent , Instead of 407 Drown
block , I heretofore All correspondence
Ihould bp addrene to me at 401 Drown
block , W , N. NAtION , President ,
lW''lS 01' lm/.IL 1."TIWlST ,
Frank Ahdrews had a fit at the corner
of Twelh and Dodge streets yesterday
forenoon And In falling on the pavement lerl-
oU81y cut his face. lie wu taken to the po.
lice station and given Burglcal utenton ,
At the Chnutau'jun coleg . First Methodist
church this evening at 7:45 : o'clock Mrs.
Judge KrY80r will read a paper on Thack-
Cray : Mils Fich will render selected read.
logs and Mr , E. A. Benson will lecture on
welcome British poets. No admisslea. Everybody
A .fU.1tIfNT.
. .1u..mrltNTS.
"A Oreen Goods Man , " made known yesterday .
terday at the Empire theater , II a decidedly
promising youngter , In view of the fact
thaI It entered on Its fifth week with yes-
terday's performances There Is a decided about It , Tammany bail , the
laying ot the tiger , the LxOv Investga'
ton , and the green goods swindle affording
large opportunity for clever satire and ho-
morous situations , which Paul Dresser , the
author-actor has most intelligently appre-
clnted. There are rough edges to be
rounded In this newest farce comedy , action
must Io nccelcated ; 'In some particulars ,
and minor situations brought forward more
prominently , but for o new a comedy the
play made a very big bit yesterday , due
largely to time excelenco of the
compRny , which Includes not only
Paul Dresser , who Is the biggest
German comedian on the stage but
Harry Maxwell , who was with "A Texas
Steer" and "A hole In the Grommnd" for
yenrs. Ben Dilon $ , a well : : nown Irish
character actor , Holert Vernon , ' 1. C. Job-
soil Miss gfe Insmore , Miss Jennie Sat.
tonic , whose Irish women have been fit-
mniliar to lie stage for a decade ( , and several -
oral other clever girls who appear In n
lot of IOW things . Paul lresser has not
permitted himself to monopolize the stage
nl every turn hut has made his part of
Herman Dntz , which Is n counterpart of
Tammany's PolIce judge Patrick Dlvver ,
entirely harmonious with lie other characters .
actors essential to the telling'of tIme stor )
Barry 1lax\ol tellni dusty Heads
and Weary Walters , now 10 common with h
lie comic papers , playln a tramp character
with a great deal of ability. E. C. Jobson
has a hit In lie Astor tramp who slept In
John Jacob's bed , but a hit lint stands out
aa one of the very beet things scen In
n character way this seasomi I Is exceedingly .
Ingly clever because of Its truthfulness
John Parr has a good tenor voice . which
Is heard In I number ot new songs I fo
Dlnsmoro and Jennlo Satcrlco are both cx-
celenty cast , and amId greatly to the
strength of the compnny.
"A Green Goods Ian" can hardly be said
to Io even farce comedy : It Is a character
StUI ! . purely , exaggerating the men all
women seen In New York day by day , anti
as such gives promise of being n winner. I
won favor yesterday and has virility enough
seemingly to last the senson.
Joseph Murphy ended his engagement at
Doyd's last night with the production ot
"Kerry Gow , " n play which has ben In his
repertoire 'for ' years and which brought him
Into prominence na an Irish comedian. Mr.
Murphy shows Itto change In years ali
his nnnual visitations are sure of pleasing a
certain elemenl oC society , which cannot bo
said to bo theater goers In the strict sense.
He fills his niche ali wi until sonic new
delineator oC tim Irish character shall rise
Into prominence
Mrs Jennie Kimball and Corinne are
registere at tIme Mlnr . Mrs. Imbal re-
cel\ell a dIspatch yesterday conveying time
Intelgenco thaI Arthur King a member of
the company who was sick at St Iuul. hal
died In the hospital al that place Mrs
Kimball immediately wire to friends In St
Paul to have the remains of the unfortunate
singer sent to his home In the east and she
would stand all expenses.
A rare anti attractive style of dramatic
diversion Is alnounced for Doyd's theater
the fIrst three nights of this week , opening
tonight , when the Kimbal Opera Comlquo
company , headed by lie talentel artist .
Corlnno will bo seen In Gill and Frazer's
clever Hudson " operatic extrnvganza , "hendrick
These two authors have achieved a prom-
meat success In this feM , Thin their lat-
est effort , Is said to bo the best work they
have done. "Hendrick Hudson" Is a clever
dramatic creation that invades alIke the
realms of comedy music and specialty and
extraynganza. Time title role gives to CorInne
dramatic opportunities for which her beautiful -
ful face and shapely form are especially
sulte The play Is impregnated with mu-
sic of an excellent quality , and for
this season all the fua . acton has
been brought thoroughly ' tip to date
The company of sixty people who will pro-
sent the play Ire said to be even stronger
than last season. Wlnrd Simms , the eccentric -
centric comedian , who contributed largely
to the fun lasl year Is one of this season's
cast . as are also several other of lie pop-
ular fun 1ll < rs.
Mrs. Kimball bas spared no expense to
make the stagIng of tills season's production
most elaborate . and In the staging ant costuming -
turning much elaborateness Is promIsed.
The ensemble songs , dances and marches
are promised to bo ot extravagant descrip-
ton , and will be participated In by n corps
of shapely young ladles. A large advance
lale Is now In progress for this attraction.
MorrIson's /Faust" Is underlined for a four
night engagement nl the Empire commencIng -
Ing with Sunday matinee , February 3. The
version of Goothe's great work which Is
presented was made by Doyle Dnrnarl of
Lon on. The general arrangement ot the
scenes follow closely that made familiar
by Mr. Irving but II should Ie said that
there Is no evidence of any attempt to
copy the product of the English mnnager.
One of time features of the production will
be the Nuremburg theater choir , rendering
appropriate music throughtout the piece
The Droeken scene In the fourth act Is a
marvel of stage craft , with its electrIcal
and general scenic effects.
anl - . . . ,
Councimanic lelorK' Club , Huth a General
" . Meeting with Inseal to LOiil
The First Ward Improvement club hell a
meeting Saturday night and discussed pretty
thoroughly a few of the thIngs wanted by
the ) cople located In that section ot the city
lying south of the railroad tracks
This being one of the first meetings held
not a great many were In attendance , but
notwithstanding the small crowd , a geol pot-
ton of which was composed of councIlmen
and ox-councilmen , rather n lIvely meeting
was held
Councilman Back occupied the chair , and
called for a full discussion on the proposed
Improvements wll h his constituents desired
should be made In list part of the city.
Ernest Stuht mildly took Counelman : Got-
don to task for not declaring himself on the
Sherman a"C ie ptvlng contract , which was
let last \ veek. 11 Gordon , In reply to Mr.
Stuht , stated that he hal favored the post
ponlng of acton for n week , but as the contact .
tract ( hal been let ho thought It all rght :
lie also stated the contract and bids had not
been suImltcd to the seven npw members
b fore the night It was passed . Ho thought
It poor polIcy for the councilmen of time First
and Second wards to oppose Imlrovemen ts
affecting only other parts of the city when
It was deslreJ that they 1 , .made
l x.Counclman 'lhomas I.owry gave his
experience concerning the cty : hal foundation
deal and how time asphalt repairing contract
was let , and stated I was his belief that
the original repair contract had been reo
placed by another before I reached the mayor
for his slsnature.
The real business of the evening and the
object of the meetng was not fully understood -
stood until Isaac Inscal got the members In
working order , lie stated that It was the ,
desire of the 1 lrt ward people thlt the
street car service In the south end of the
ely should be improved olHI that the Street
ear company should extend Its linen south on
Sixth , Tenth and Thirteenth streets to itiver-
view park , mind the tracks on Beventh Street
be taken up and the viaduct repaired , 10 be
used only for vehicle travel making Eleventh
Street 1 nice driveway , all It could be done
without any damage to anyone on that
street. Mr. Hascal also wantell the First
and Second ward councilmen 10 use their
efforts In getting the sewerage sYltem extended -
tended cat of Jvervlew park In order that
nothing but IJre water would be contained
In the lake In the park. Ie
Councilman Itment agreed with Mr has.
cal , and It " 'a recd that the two wards
would work together In order to accomplish
these desired improvements.
Mr , Stuht wanted to discuss the union
depot propositon "Rn see If I could not be
located at the present site. This proposition ,
It was decIded , should be diectisseil \ at some
later date. A motn of the First and See-
enl wares will b' held al the same plaCe ,
101G South Eleventh street , one week from
los night _ _ _ _ _ _ _
TO 7l& 1W lUI.
'horo lie tarntiSaitiy I Nreded ,
OMAhA , Jan -To the l lor of The
Dee : 1 have been exceedingly graified of
exceclingly gratfed
Into to note that you have commenced var-
fare against the utter dIsregard ot ordt-
nary business principles which characterizes
the employment of help In various county
and city olllces. In face of the fact that
taxpayers have been decreasing tlxeatera
have contnuel1 to Increase. Each Incomtn
olcial flails hlmEelf beset with a hungry
horde looking for soft berths , and the al"
plcnnts chosen nre generally the ones who
most Ilstn""lh'hed themselves by heir ) e-
election activities.
In fact lJltcnl dirty work has come to
he conshlerell the conitton IJreeellent for
being Illncell upon the city or county pay
roll-at double or treble what CoUld Ie
cnl'netl II flii % ' other capacity . There has
n't been nn election In years which did not
verify the statement the lust one lost
iiotnhdy . And ' is not conirnrntloii
lotahh' yet there II n cotlrton
01' business . house , big or little . In Douglas
COUlt which has not within the last twelVe
months nl > IJICI the prunln IwlCe , not only
In the rellneton of siminrles but nlso the
lumber oC emllloycs , Amid tt Is a fact worth
oC note that almost unlversal ) ' Is this flit-
tlng down or wages recognized al a necessity -
si ) ' by the employes tlmselvcs ,
The time la ripe for reform . and t lleleyo
that the Inance conllilee of our city cohn-
cl are competent and willing to give us a
taste oC "civil service reform ! " by probing
Ilto this matter , nail In their innovations
along these lines they will earn the npproha-
lon oC hoth press anti publc ) , and , I believe .
receive I. I Is i high time ( limit mel who Ire
, count
drawIng salaries from the city or county
he made to ennui them 11 pertormlnl the
duties for which they were em\'IO'e ( , In-
stead oC ttmrnimiggrindstomies to sharpen \ the
axe oC Rome sebemlng Ioltlclnn , ) little
Ilss "times' ' Inll " "elglol " ' nli 1 little . anti'
rustle ahout the business oC the city amid
count Is the mete which would flttimigiy I
adorn the escutcheon oC several oC our city
and county departments. CEnnEHUS.
( ' 01(011111 1.1"Ihono HrnlnlR.
OIAlA , Jnn a-To the Editor of The
1e ? : Time charter of the cIty oC Omaha
provhlc that II shah be within the pnr-
view oC lie mayor and city council to regu-
lute the prices which ia ) ' be lawful for the
use oC telfl'hone1 In use In time city of
Omaha and , slnh'larlY [ a I wouhl seem
the ely council has heretofore ncglected
this 10st important duty.
As itt Present u1naged the cost to the
of the service Is ,
user telephone Iclvlce simply
frightful , ali hundreds or citizens arc tlo-
barrell from this now almost Inl18pen8able
accommodation becaus of the outrageous
prices charged for such 8el'\'lee
Time city of Omaha has opened its streets
and alleys anll p2mlted the telephone peo-
pie to tear up amid Impair our pavements
and pllce their 'I E ! 111 holes to the oh-
structon of the Plhlc interests , and the
anno'nnce oC Indlvhlunl convenience without -
out money a 11 without pl'lce-ln ethel
words the frnnehlse of the local telephone
company hns been bestowed on them , and
what have these people returned to the
public more IR n ! recompense ? Only thIs , and nothIng -
A property owner residing . say one and
one-hnlC mIes from where the3' locate their
central olee , desires a telephone servIce
to his residence or olee : they are , of
coimrse . anxious to plte the telephone , but
itt from $6 to $ per month ! Whie that
taxpayer has vacant cottages upon hl1 lots
that have COt him $1,0 upon which he
has to pay taxes and grading and oren
paving and 'sldewal < nsessrnenb. , besides
repairs , for which he II glad to got $7 per
month. That these telephone people would
charge the tennnt for the simple use oC n ,
telephone to such cottage $7 or $8 per
month ts a , plain , slmplo outrage , and that t
I hmas been perm\te to continue EO long
Is past m ) comprehension This telephone
franchise Is one of the most luscious pluls
ever plucked from II gullible public In mod-
era times , and It has been to me.R mater
of amazement tnt the gentlemen compos-
Ing the Omillm elty council have sat so
long idle and permitted this robber when
they have always hal.t ! correction In their
own hands .
t observe that , finally nn ordinance las
been introduced by a member looking to a
correction of this abus ? and whie I Is
not nearlY a-tron 1' Jt t should be , wIthal
being I simple temiency'ln the right dlrec-
lon , there Is no sort of question that thc
general public sustains thc tendency ! of the
acton contemplated. , and If I shall nppeal'
that the council shall lend a deaf car to
this mater , I may be In order for a "long
I suffering public" t take JOHN note D ' FUHAY.
. -
)1 Obicmi Times
< '
People overlooked the Impo'rtance of perma-
neatly beneficial erects and were satisfied
with transient action : but now that It Is gen-
eraly known that Syrup of Figs will perma-
neatly cure habitual constipation , well In.
formed people will nol buy other laxatIves ,
which act for n time , but finally Injure the
system _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _
1'IJfsoN.IL . PI1MGJM1'IlS
James K Mnnn of Chicago Is at the Del-
lone.C. A. Fellows Is nt the Barker from To.
J. F. ICIng ot ned Ok , la" , Is stopping at
the Paxton ,
Over fifty theatrical people spent Sunday
at lie Darkcr. ,
W , " ' . Oeason Is registered nt the Paxton
from Cheyenne.
Dr. A. G. AlIen of Whimore , S. D" , Is
at , the Merchnnl ,
C. J. Davis of Liverpool , England , Is rcgIs
tere at time Paxton.
J. H. Clarke and wife are at time Barker
from MIssouri Valley.
M. 1-i McLaughlIn , San Diego , Cal , Is reg-
Istercl at the liarker.
JUdge Cornish of St. Paul Is among time
arrivals at the Paxton
George Wchlen Is registered nt the Del-
lone Crom Moberly , 10 ,
F. M. WillIams , n merchant ot Missouri
Valley , Is nt the Murray
F. E. Coo , rife and child of Laramie ,
Wyo" arc nl the Millard ,
J. M. Hammoli Is a guest at the Met-
chants , from Hamburg , In.
E 1 Schlagel and wife are registered nt
the Darker from 1.lncoln.
Edgar Dolce and fnmly are reGistered at
the MIllard from Cheyenne.
Ten members of the 1lmbal Opera company -
pany are registered al the Murray
Mrs. Kimball and Miss Corinne of the
Itlmbnl Opera company are at the Millard ,
Fourteen members of "A Green Goods
Ian" company are regIstered at time Darker.
Harry Sweatman , business manager for
Morrison's "Faust" company , Is nt the
' members of the Kimbal Op-
era COIIIUO and Corinne company are domn-
idled at time narller.
Fred S. Abel ot army headquarters Is
away on two weeks' leave of absence , visit-
log In Knnsas City and Wintell , 1-Can.
Monroe Salsbury , ' the San Francisco turf
man , stopped over In Omaha on his way
east yesterday , to talk track matters wih
Thomas II. Grifn ;
Mr. W. M. Iadge of the firm of Hnlr ,
hutchins & Co . general contractors , with
headquarters at Chicago , accompnnlell hiy
headluarters . . . capitalist , and W , ' 1' . logan ,
assIstant chief smoke Inspector of Chiicoigo
were In the city yesterday , and paid a visit
to The nee , Mr Dodge was a former real.
dent of Omaha , and ho hall this distncton
of building the new 11blc library of this'
city ,
NelrllJII\ time I ot,11
C. Koch , Fuller-
At this laxton-hcolore Fuler-
ton.At this Millard-It . H Dllltson , O'NeI ;
F. 1 Uurhnm and wife Madison .
Al the Dellone-J I Hollemun , weep-
log " 'lter ; A. J. ; I\eanoy at F . l. I '
Stanton -
Huble , "
Al thc ! Arcade-F. M Rathbun , J. Pro- '
vurt Cnmurlh"i H. W , Wailer , Geneva :
Levi Kimnbiili , \ \ akelield.
At the MerchnnIH-S. B. 'fhomlson , liro.
ken 110w : J. M. Bridge , Gothelbunn ; " ' .
U , Dearing , Ilatsmouth L S , F' . Flint , Gib-
boa : C. C. Parish , Vm est .1 ' oint .
- - -
Highest of ni Leavening Power-Latest U. S. Gov't Report
oyal Baking
1k Powder
&ilTEWV ) lRE
I'rofltnble ( UnO fllcrlcr Workccl . , bJ n Cleveland
The pstofco authorities at Cleveland , 0. ,
have causc the arrest of Elijah Robinson ,
editor ot the Ladles' Monthly Gem , on the
charge of using the malls to defraud .
Robinson conducted / masked lottery In
connection wIth his paper. "Gold" watches
were offered as prizes for solutions of riddles
and puzzles , but the winners were requestel
to pay various BUlS before the watches were
delivered . The evIdence collected by Postal
Inspector Fleming lells him to believe that
the swindle Is one of the los1 stupendous ,
daring Indertaldnrs ever brought before his
notice . RobInson's express rectlpl book ,
which he Hcurel , showed 38 entries representing .
resenting the expressing of U8 : watches
which were Perfectly I worthless In every
BelM of the word , According to the express
COIIlny , this Is the only book used by Itoh-
1120n , all shipments malc IJrc\lous to le-
cember : W. the date of the final entry , having
bn receipted 01 loose biammks I Is fair to
presume lint time nUII receipted for In
this manner was comlal'tvely ( smiunhi . 1"01-
lowing out a calculation hiaseul uloli the lum-
bel of letters connscatell by time postal au-
thorites , Mr. Fleming concludes that every
twentieth watch paId for was delivered , the
other nineteen relitances 110elicel ( by the
editor , nod the ( remiters Ignorcll , Judging
from the tenor of t hl communicatons con-
tafnClln unsealed letters all on postal cards
thin majority of victims sent the "Ocm" $6,76
for the watch that came or did not commie as
the case . Ilghl have been ' Therefore a fair
avernEo for the SUI Paid for watches Is In
the nelrhborhooll of $5
As express receipts were taken for the (
shlJlent of about 500 watches amid only one
watch In twenty orders lel\rel , the I0stal
men ! argued that Hoblnson has netted a sum
In the nelghborhooll oC $50,000. This docs
not InchulO the 30 cents remltell In the nit-
tue of an opton on the wateh Money re-
cel'el In this \ \ ay probably aggregates Into
the thousauls ,
! r. lemlng thinks the scheme hall hardly
begun to met the antcipatons of time oper'
tutor , In feet , lEurnt\ely sleakln/ , , he nlppel
It In the boil. Hal tIm scheme been allowed
to continue tn operation 1 year or so , as
was robably tl Idea of Robinson , the ag-
grlgato sum of money swindled from I'eoplo
In every locality of North , \mellca would b
appallIng , Inasmuch as over ' & 0,000 has been
realized In less than a month There was
Ito expense attached to the emce nail trio
cost of the watches was a macro Iagntele ,
'rhousands of' letters have arrl'el nt the
Cleveland postolce addressed to time "La-
dies Monthly Gem " Judging from the addresses .
dresses on tim envelopes , wumen are In the
majority of Instances the victims , SOle
fair maids or worthy matrons were In such
a hurry to /0 aroull town with a gold watch
In their possession thaI they sent tim money
ly special delvery letters. Doultess there Is
weeping and wailing nod gnashing oC teeth
at the hOles oC these unfortimmiates who are
looking for lie letter which never came
Some of the envelopes are bordered with a
molest 10urln bauid whie othfr arc Pink
amid blue , carrying with them thin delicate
odor of violets , indicating thaI many of the
vIctims were nn do slecle girls oC time most
Pronoumic.ed type.
) S
S. n. Paten dentist removed to Drown blk.
Muslin Underwear at ManufJturers J Prices
Coaks and Furs Cost or Less
\XTON nf.ocu : .
Is the Great Life Giver.
l PI I ) ENE bnlls up
: - ' l'reshos , hn'lorlcs mill !
exhuustetl organs of the
bOly. I Is the great
WEctlble vialzer that
. destroys time germs of
limit 11Slli0ls clsen ( o
I . which bnq lynched time
' . strength o our ) 'ouug
't , ' J There nra hundreds of
, Y- ) 'olng nllllddlo aged
mel who 1 nerve force
are declining , who snf r frol debiiatng
drelms and t ions Ills which folows from excesses -
ceases and over 1udulgcees 11 early life.
( 'UlolXI : will give you back your ' life .
You wilt be lS powern y strong afer 1s use I
, .
you are now 1urleut ) weak.
. Are ) 'OU In 1 premature can
. , ltol ? CIJol ) : ao will
, stol this wce wiito ! " , II a fortnight or
, .
ImpntelfY sterIlity , mental
. I incapacities nr . quickly cured
- muimd I'ecdly to. "
mOl'elr hy thOuse .
of CUl'1ENE
curl IEXLI
cures Lost Maui.-
hood , Lots of Drln Power , COl'
! Ulllton nf time JrllllareIEes ! ) .
Sleepleisness .uek of 10101 dlz.
zlness l'aiuslimtiiehiackNervou'm
l'rosramlon , Nervous lebilliv
Irstrllon Jchlt"
Yurlcocele , CouistIlaition nut ! w 'ii1 [
surely of man brlu , ! blclltho JOlt power
. Prostatts carries of our
young lll mllIo' ( elt imicim.
nlarc itriustutte gliuuitt necds
< Jwstltellund
- . . n quieting yet Iolcrul , rele
- . - - dial ngm.'iit bIeh 1s CIJl'I-
Dmm Use CU'IENlaud
I avoid u dnlgerous opertou ,
' Guarnteo In writIng given
, II'nnll mmioney returell . I i'er-
! \ \ mllcut curds Hot effected by
, six boxcs. Gnurantee Eont .
with mal orders jmt the
the seine ! IIO n box , n
boxeR for S5. ( ) ( ) hy mail. 5,0 Testmo-
iuiiuls Scud for free circullrsand testUoulub ,
Address all mal order to
P. 0 fox 2016 , Hnl * Francisco , Cnl.
J'OI i'Ai.It IY
ODMAN DRUG CO" , 110 &
LESLIE & LI SI.IE. Omahc Nebruskn
CUml : ANI ! l'mVlN'1 : :
OoIds , Cougho , Sari Throats , Infuenza , Bran-
obit's , Pneumohia , Swelng of the
Joint , Lumblgo , Ilfanuuatiou' ,
CUBEB THE wonST I'JNS In tram ono to
twenty minute NOT ONI 10tt afer rending
Ivent adverlsclent need an'on. iUF1"EH WITH
Hllllus Honey J.Uot b 1 sure Curn ( or
) ; " ' 11) ' I'UI , HI'rlll , 11111(1. 1uIIN II . time
Jlnck , ChesS II 1.immmlts . I WI" the lInt
nle I. Limit clly I'\IN I 11 \U\ ' .
ThaI 101lanty Ilops tile mOil excrucIatIng
paine , allays aflaniatlon. ald cures coaesttons ,
whether ot the I.ung. , itoniach . hewn. . or chimer
gland. or organl , ly Doe upiiiicauIon.
A hair to I leapoonful to halt I tumbler or .
water will In a few mloutes cure Cramps , Ipa.
\'nler wi 1
' ,
liia Hour IHomach , Heartburn Nen'ouaoe ,
Eleepie.nesi' . Hick headache Ufnrlhen , Uye : .
teny , Coiic . I"htulency and all Ilt"ral palnl
'here I. not a remedial lent II alt the worM .
and nil oilier Ma.
that vlli cure ( ever adn minus 01
wi iiutou. sail other cYcle ald"d by iA U.
WAY'S lJ.LI. nnt quickly "I HAUWAY'S HEA.
DLRIIL.hlIL. : . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
Wt UIR YOU 10 8,000 fAIIIN1.
' , ,
Wrie for1ank Reference
No Operaton , No Detention from Business ,
& 0'-308 N , Y , Lie Did . ; " . O.A A , NE.I !
' : i Three
Eminent Men
1irv &
. ,
i ni celebrated physic:1s : , declare that consumption -
sumpton can bc cured jf the proper remedy
is used.
W ,
I 1WS. . Sir James Clark says : "That consumption -
' 1 r - sumption ndmis of cure is no longer a
, mater of doubt , "
Dr. Carswel says : "There was never
more concusive evidence of thc curability of any disease than that of
con sum ption , "
Dr Sweet says : "From the rccovercs I have witnessed , I wilL
never despair of the Life ofa patient with consumption. "
These are the statements of men eminent in their profession ,
. .
( TitAn 1-MASh )
is the proper remedy to use in consumption , and all diseases of the chest
and lungs. I is a scientific preparation of Ozone , Guaiacol and Cod
Liver Oi , It is easily taken and quickly digcsted It is not nauscating
and docs not cause erctatons , or belching of wind. It stimulates the
appetite , destroys the consumption germ , restores the lost vitality , and
brings the patient back to perfect healh ,
Consumption , Bronchitis , Asthma , thc after effects of Pneumonia and
La Grippe , and all Pulmonary Complaints j Scrofula General Debility ,
Loss of Flesh , and all Wasting Diseases.
Handsome Illustrated Pamphlet Free T , A. SLOCUM CO , 183 Pearl St. , Now York
: czr & . .
15th and Douglas Sts" ,
- ]
_ , _ _ _ _ . , _ . , .
, " " , --c ' - - " " r.----
Joung Man ! I
YOung to get uimarrbcd ? Do you Imn/Ino that . it. Icqulre1
I deal of wealth to IO to lonselieelln ? COlO In Ild see what
we CII du for yon for : , or $50 , or $200 ; amid tiimi wo . don't
WtLt time money , clhor , Marry that. Ilrl you hU\1 i.ot your
heart on amid settle down. You can settle . Uti wIth us for your
ouUt gradually as your o'I'nlug como In.
- E-
Bargains This Week .
i We Submi a Few Rattling Bargains to Rducc and Clean Out Stocli ,
3-Piece Bedrooni Suits $11.75
Etn , antique finish , COxCI bevei plate
mirror ( a dresser.
2-Piece Bedroom Stilts $7.50
Eim , antique finish , besicad 4 feet
bigiu , comnmiiode dresser with 20x13
Mantcil7ohdlmsg Beil $12.50
Eohki front , elm , antique finish , wIth
best. supported wire springs.
Gooil Mattrmss $1,85
Roft and comfortable and not full of
Satcen 13d Comforters 98a
how nice ) OU feel with several spare
comforts plIed ui-on ( lie shelf.
Good Gray Blnnkets 90 it pair
Buy them and your investment will
pay you 300 vet cent next fall.
Large 1ttsy Arm Roelcci's $ IAS
You wlil laugh at tue price when
you see it. We bought all thU
factory had.
Ladies' Cane Sewing Rockers
Ihard wood , antique finish ,
S-hole G.isi Pans 9c
'I'timnblcrs pee. doz.on 28a
A great tumble in prIce.
Foldiui Ironing Boudg 69.
Ciispidoi's iSa
lirown ware , decorated by hand.
Ingi'aimi Carpets 48a
All wool , prevailing colors ,
Wfndow Shades
Complete with rollers arid fIxtures.
The .pning roller aien is worth the
Suusymmit Rugs 45a
Makes you laugh , don't it ?
Il'ISII IOiflt Lace Ctirtnins per
Lak- $2.85
When you see thuem you will know
whether they are cheap or not.
hand Lamnis 14c
Complete with ciulmn ; nd buraer.
There are occasions : uo you need
several extra ones.
Jiiituiatd Fii'c Shovels 5c
Why not have a shovel far every
stove and fireplace ?
Hardwood ExtemIsion 'rabies
6.foot , $3.50 ; 8-toot , $4.50.
JhlpltlICd 1)tust I'ans Sc
Cheaper than dirt ,
Carpet i1mmssoaii 25c
Good carpet , nasorted pattern , ,
Citis Opeimeis
All malleable b-on.
Large amid Small lippers 4c
Stave some extra ones for time chill'
dren to lug off.
'fable Kutives tiii1 Forlc l'cr'
Coeoboho handles , 6 knIves and
Roiling Piii 5c
Revolving handle , , made of floe pol.
liued moaple.
Tern-is Cash orEasy Payments.
Open SaturdayEvenings _ Only.
. - .
- - - - - - - - - - -
No ltolhr , Nos'Iearn , NoEugiiiecr.
Best h'owcr ( or Corn utimil Feed Mills , Builimig
- - - I - . flay , Itnuumming Ci camimenics , hejmarutors1 &e.
, - - : : - - - - - OTTO GASOLiNE ENGINES
-hi .
) Stationary or Portable.
r , 1 to io II. I' , H (030 ( Ii. 1' .
1- . _ Send for Catalogue , l'rlri's. etc. , descrlIimig work to tie done ,
aa.u - S'uimimtba , , l'IIILAIlOLt'hllA , I'A ,
Chicago , 2.45 Lake St. , Omaha , 321 So. 15th St.
'I'hl. Lauuiu. Remedy cures quickly 'ermnanently
ciii n'rvuus t1ie&seI , Weak elumiryL.iui liruii , hvwcr ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ iieadischu , Vakctulnes , J.u.I Vitelily. m'lghtly ' cmii. .
sIuisuvil druitiul , lwiotSflC , mmd waniuig diseases caus'
lid lit suiimIrui error. or exce.e. , tie
opiatus , isa .iervo tuule asd Iluud Liiider , Makes U
itiopals mind m'uny 5110511 antI . lIailycarrmndin
¼ iTCh pocket , 1 met bozi ( I for sr . lyaiaul pre.'ald with
a evr'ttnngumarftnieo t'CUrOOr nimoy refun.Ie.1. Wrto u , t
rree meilei $ costed pia'i ( wram'rurwittm tech'
menialS and itnarinial references. 't'oIare/arcnnultU-
. Sab 581
( Ion , , Jiw'arc DAT 01 I ( mttaitOnc. i'IV 0 el2 bj our c5 ntC , ortidUrtis Nerve * IecU Co. , Slusonto 'l'uuupiu , Chicago.
Sold In OAiaho& bt berwan & Mcconnell , Kuai. , 4 Co. and 14 Vlcker. 4 Merchatit , pruggiat $ .
, .