Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 28, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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G _ _ _ _ TIlE Ol\AIIA \ DAILY DEE : MONDAYS JANUAltY 28 , iS9. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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Dan1r Oews Sees No Other WRY in Which
' the Treasury May Recover ,
Jil Currency Proposiion $ Compared to the
AntlllatCI Mflttat7 I Irstem th1t II I
lO1.lnl 1,1111 , Ho'ten b1
the , \rmlel of . 'nlln.
- NgW enc , .hn. 2i.-Henry Clew , head
nr tim banking hOUFe or len ! Clews &
Co. , writes of the Ituaton In \\al street :
. Business In Wnl street remain ! dull. lr
the Investment delarhnent , the trnsntons
rail conslderahly ) below what Is usual nt
; thll scnrn , though IIrlces for frt'cln s
mortgages , ylehlnA about 4 per cent , are
f quite steady. Sp culatve transactions are
: nolmost cntrely confined to " rOOrn" op :
erator , nnt all cfort ! to stimUlate bUying
are slmodlc and Cal flat. At the mo
V ment the " bears" ! eem to have the upper
r hnd , trhnps mainly becaU holders
: choose to give them rope In order to entangle .
tangle them In 1 iulueeze. The strong
feature or the market le ! In the fact that
there ore AO tow weale holters , and that
S the owners or stock regard securities 1 In.
trlnslclly cheap at current quotations , and
therefore will not pel except at nn advance .
& vance upon , present prices.
, The market Is In n mod to seek nn occa-
aba Cor llstponement oC opemtons , and
It Inl18 one ready to hand In the treasury
situation , the currency question and the
tardiness or congress In doing something
toward setting these issues It Is generaly
1' concfded hat ( In the way oC legislation on
the currency question nothIng Is likely - to
c be done at present , nor Iniei ( , can be
proiwrly dune wlhln the brier time remainIng .
Ing for the present congress. 'l'ho feeling
In favor oC the 111110lntment or I national
eommltsIoii on the question ( If ( Iule geti-
cmi ' itliti the recommenllaton ( to that elrect
ly the Clmmher or Commerce If likely to
Ilrclgthen thlt sentiment. With respect
to provhlng ( authority for borrowing to
. atrelgthen the trelsury , the feeling Is one
oC growing Inpatence , exprsset In strong
denunciation of the neglect of congress. This
PostPonement Is the more inexcusable be-
CHAISe the inevitable ] necessity for the thing
being Ilone leaves su little loom for delay ]
. arisIng front the differences oC opinion. The
uneasIness on this account Is Incl'eAsell by
the Ilsplclun that the Inaction or congress ,
IS due to fears that action In this matter
may bring tit ) again the eternal silver Ilues.
ton , with al its llBturbll1 Itiltuelices. The
question oC the kind oC money In which the
treasury bonds shall be made payable applies
the match to a great deal oC IXllloslvc congressional .
. gresslolal material , Washington leaders
hetltatl alt to what Is thc best way oC
getting around that tllculty , the more so
' 4 aR the siveri tel are evidently awaiting the
occasion for wrestng from the fount money
men some sort oC concession to t'ilver. As
usual , SenatO' Sherman steps to the front
Its u reut comlltmlSer , Int instead oC
strengthening public conldence by proposing
. that the bonds shall he payable In gold \ , In-
t'oluees , II bill providing for an issue oC 3
t per cents , payable "In coin , " which means
silver as wel ! gold . 'rhe senator Insists
that as thc word coin has always been used
In government bonds , I should continue to I
be. In taking this stand hc seems to lose
' sight of the act that when that word was
originally Inserted In the bon silver ( which
II al much coin as gold ) was at a Premium
over gold . anti , when the present bond act
was passed-which Is now the only authority
for the Issue or bonds-silver money was not
In circulation In this country. Senator Slier-
man must know that since that time silver
has depreciated from a premium over gel
to less than G cents on the dollar . hence the
. tvortl coin his not now the ring that It once
had Senator Sherman w11 make a seed
"heathen Chlnee" Ir In Clina , because In
that country they still continue to use the
. .
, old.Cashlonell war weapons which they coin-
menced wIth , iiid do not even now deem It
to teem
r . necessary to change them to meet the con-
V. l1tons called for hy modern warfare. I Is
: : for that reason that the little Japs have
Ilrlven them to the wall The United States
trenlurr' I fear , wi be equal ' as badly
. ( 'rippled ni the ChlneHe are at the present
- time If Senator Sherman nnd congress do
not infUse the word gold Into our bonds .
whIch modernIzed conditIons cal for wIth
flrst.class nations. The nation that leeeps
' Irt-class nalons. naton
; , abreast oC the times , whether In Its money
; . 01 weapons , will conquer In the end. Feudal.
Ism hal llssed Corever. The enlightenment
of this generation II not likely to give way
: to another dark age. I Senator Sherman
will allow his mind to wander back over the
. wi
; - past forty years hc will realize that the
- progress In everything connected with the
human race his been greater than for all
; Previous time . which calls for revolutionary ]
changes In methods. ThlB countrv. there.
Core , must recognize gold as does England ,
; _ France , Germany Austria and Russia , as
' - the , money standard , anti should put the
I word told In future bond contracts bv legis-
lattvoetiactments. " This country will then
. , : he on a secure bAsis for the people oC all
: ; . other nations to dell with \ .
k' 'rhel'p Is a very clear evidence or prom'eRs
. In public comprehension of the nature oC our
, financial ditllculties. I Is seeii ' that the bank
. fnancial ltculte :
currency question IB only Indirectly coti-
nected with the treasury question , and that
the treasury question haH two distinct
: liranches . one relating to delclencles oC rev-
t cane anti the other to the retention oC gold
In the treUmr ' , each oC which requires I1S.
tinat methods of lulustmtnt , ' 'JI gold reo
' 'i serve IB the most acute disease and wi per-
' haps prove the latest to yield to treatment.
I cnnnot be fnnly remedied untl the banks
f'el lt liberty to resume their former methods .
, ods of laylnJ out gold , and lie e 11 ' reasnf
to hope that some means nifty be ultimately
+ devised hy which thc obstaeleB at this point
; can be overcome. Light IB dawning. and the
way out of embarrussment Is becomIng
daily more visible.
= M.Y
" : Large AmerIcan fold I.oln " 'oull U.
it Iraul ) Aborbel.
; LONDON , Jon 27.-Tlie plethora oC money
. Is still that American gold
i' sti SO great I large
. ' loan could readily be absorbed here. Con-
' sols having touched lOG durIng the past
' week There were considerable realizations
; , made , but I Is believed that the price ' oC
; i thesC securities will go still higher. Ru-
i " mars are current oC un impending Issue oC
I" . Indian government sterling bills. Home
' rllway and foreIgn securIties were fairly
: ; strong. Argentines vuncell on the ap- ,
\I' polntment of S ! nor 1rlblu to the presl.
; . denc } ' . I would appear that mining securl.
i. tics have touched tile top notch. The rush
f. . to secure llrlts unsettled the marleets.
; South Africans generally exhibited a de-
1\ \ ' dine , but the German and [ 'Iench demand
" for these shares continues unabated and
H' will enable pludent spccuiltors to get out
l In time. AmerIcan I I way securities relapsed -
. lapsed to their former stagnant condition ,
r with email speculative buying or the best
; . class oC securIties. 'fhese IleCI'cascs were
mude : headings firsts , : l : Louisville ,
* 1 ; & NIShvlc , ! Northern lncltc ore- '
1. Cerl'efl Ind Union Plclfc. each 2' ;
Reading nail Norfolk & Western ,
' each 1 % : Denver preferred , Wabash sixes
' nail Atchln mortgage , 41. . : Central 1tt-
i (110 and ErIe HcomlK , each 1. antI Erie
f . " 'Vabnsh New York Central and Denver '
Rio Ol'unde each . .
, " ' 011 Market.
i , LONDON , Jan. 2G.-A good selection was
: . offered lt the wool auction toda ' . Anion-
\ cans were free buyers u nln. American
I buyers have Purchased / up to date over G , ( )
J , blle , tollb ! ng lerlno.K _ were : In Iteen ic-
rt ( itiCS 1 IU poor , wa91Y lots were iieg-
i'1 Icttd. Cross 1001 wcr generally In guoll
4 demand and all lambs were vtry dear 'l'he
s number of bales offered was 13.33 : oC which
IG went , wlhdlwn Crom sale.
'rho following are Ihe tall'l In detail : New
South Wale , 3.21 bales ; Hco\'eI , , GtlIls
7 II ; greasy , 44i8ttl. \ Queensland l.3i
bales ; scoured lUU'lYA' greasy , Il\ \ . Vlc-
tOIII\ 3I8G haunt : scoured l 1 .II'1 greas 33 .
; tI9\ \ . Honlh Austrla , 'I lrnes : scoured ,
Dd ; greasy 4 tt1. Swan Hver , 1,182IuleB seouret ;
' greasy , 3 i4j6d. \ ' 1IS11 nln. UI balCI : scourp I ,
' ) 7d. New 'etlaiiii. ; lUl bllCl ; scoured , H.MI'
. - 1 1'1 : greasy , fdtld . elpl oC Good Hope
1.2tlles : scourt'tl , 8dbls 11 : UOIe }
; - 6i4.d. Tile weeks Imllolt ! were f.3.8E1 hules.
E : 4ext wcelt' offerings - amount . - to j5G7 , bales.
Inrlct' "t ltltiiiviirsl.r.
ANCnES''I , Jan . . . ' I
L : ' I 27.-I.nst weel.'s
business was very sniall. The makers of ,
t , China goods are fully engageil ' for sonic
&t ; montul alteittl 'h" makel'B of India spe-
I. deities wlnl orders tutu ) often took'er'
low Prices to secure btisitiess . The Imallr
] mnlleetl dId I tile miscellaneous trade. The
, home trade was good , moving more Creel
at concessions . Prices were very irregular
nil around . Yar" moved In small lots antI
atocks are accumulating. The large c mIO'1
purchases W",1 puzzling . Price. ! wcre gen.
' emIly 1.16 down. 'ho Ilunntt ) ' of Idle inn.
f ; . chllel' ) ' Is slowly Incrn lng , )
HlvOl' lltaulur " ' 'Il.
ti , lBIBNA , Ark. , Jan 27.-The transfer
t ' steantet' . J F , Fey , owned fll operated b )
-i the I.lnhnm 'l'ransfer COlllll ) ' , salk this
' morlnl while anchored on the lsstsslplll
bide of the river. She was laden with four
- cars of staves destined to lie east The
l creW escaped . - . . - - _ - . _ _ _ _
s , Hllrll I , it l'isrteti 1."I'r. .
, VAL1.lJO , Jait. 2NI'IPon \ h'uetor S.
' \7 . Armllelul was soniQtly Injul'et this
alornln ! b ) ' the pu'UnQ ; at 1 two-Inch 1mw-
per attached to the tone dry dock caisson
RI It WAS being floated from the dry dock
entrance. The hawser struck him RCr08S his
forehead , hrenklng his skull. He II not expected .
peetell to live. The hawser also struck Fore-
man Sheehan ncrOl1 the face breaking his
nose and otherwise injuring him , though not
fatally .
Hnd Tried tu hum VI Iwo Wlnc e !
Against hIm.
WAnSA , lad. , Jan 27.-Chnrles F. Kirk
oC1ICorl , who was arrested on a charge ot
setting lire to the house anti the barns or
Captain S. . 3 North , because the later hal
prosecuted him for alleged violations or the
liquor laws , mace n murderous assault last
night on SherIff Stoner who bal entered
his cell with hll supper Hut for the 8U.
perlor strength or the omclal he would
doubtless have been killed. Kirk's weapon
was a steel rod he hail torn from his bcd
A month rl , In n lit or drunken boasting ,
KIrk toll n party oC bystanders that he
knew more about the matter than "most
anybody cl"t " anti that mater PO knew that
North would yet stiffer for the part he had
played whIm regard to Kirk and his bush-
neS3. Kirk was arrested and IlIac ell In
the opclusko county Jai at this plnce.
Two Prisoners from the MIchigan
City penitentiary , Connell and Brandt ,
who were serving two.year sentences ,
due to Captain North , were brought
here hty a warden oC the prison to
testIfy In the case , as both were known to
have been Intimate with Kirk ! prior to their
Imprisonment last September.
Im\rlsonment placell In I cell directly above
Kirk ] During the night 1lrk tore tp his
hell an,1 htdding and worked I Into the cell I
occupied by Connel and linandt . after hlv ,
lag saturated I with the oil In his lamp.
lie then set this ou lire , with the evident
determination oC burning the two men to
.Ieath , thus doing away with the most 1m.
portnnt wItnesses the state hail. The sleep-
ers awoke In time to extinguish the names
and save their lives. ThIs was introduced
nnl ! evidence on lves. following day , and the
result was that Kirk was sentenced to seven
years In the Michigan City prison.
COh'OfliS.S 01. JU.Lll oNS.
Many l'roniiiiciit I'crsonl Attend. unTo l'romlBcd to
CHICAGO , Jan. 27.-A Pnn.Amcrlcan congress .
gress or religion ! and education will be held
during the coming summer In the United
States to whIch people or all religious be-
lids , Catholic , Protestnnt and Hebrew , In
every country or North and South America ,
will be invited. , TIme congress will last one
week , and have two general sessions each
day anti ten sectional meetings each after-
noon. Many IhlnnthrolllMts and the hlthest
dignitaries or church and state oC North
America have tlomlsed co-operation. 11ev.
Samuel G. Smith , D.D. , pastor of the l'eo-
nlc's church St. Paul 1 \ Inn. , II presitient
and Mr. S. Sherlo who was secretary oC the
local executive committee oC the National
executve nlsodaton at AHbury Park In
1&9t , and St. Paul In 1889-90. has been elected
secretAry and general promoter or the congress .
The tune and place will be announced In n
few tme . anl I will likely be held In July ,
anti as to the place , there are several cites
anxious to entertaIn it. Among those inca-
tloned are Ashury I'nrk N. J. , DetroIt ,
toned . St. Paul or Minneapolis . Atlanta. ,
Ga. . and Atlantic City. The railway com- I
panleR have been asled to make 0 reduced 1
rate. The fixing oC the time and place has
been referred to a special committee. Secretary -
tary Sl1rln has started systematic Plans oC
organization , which w1 be carried out In
orJnnlzaton .
every state county and province , by coun-
ties. ) The executive committee w1 have
sole elHrgr of the program and nil the matters .
terR regarding , preparations. There will be a
meeting oC prominent people hell In Chicago
next week to further perfect plans oC work.
T.n'l.on IIWTIElS Ifl.4 I)1' Fun TRl.1 L.
Alleged Jlnrdcrcr of R nUB80nr Fimly
Alaln ' t Any Drlay.
LINNEUS , Mo. , Jan. 27.-WIlliam P. and
George E. Taylor , the alleged murderers of ,
the Meeks family near Drowning on the ;
night or May 10 lost , will be arraigned for .
trial ut a special term of the Carrel count
circuit court nt Carrolon next Tuesday. I
is not yet known whether the defendants
wIll be called upon to answer to all the five
Indictments at once , or whether they will
have to answer to all oC the charges ut
once. SherIff Stanley oC Carrel county has
subpoenaed a special jury of sixty men to
try the case , and a great many more may
have to be subpoenaed aB there are very
few people who have not expressed their
opinion regarding the murder In some man-
nero Over 200 wItnesses hAve been sum-
moned on 20 wlnesseB . R. Stevens of this
city and of the defense received 0 letter
from W. P. Tlylor _ today stating , . that he
hoped the case would go to ' trial the 'Jtfl.
The crime was one oC the most heartless
and cruel murders ever committed In this
part of the stnte that of the killing oC Gus
Meeks his wife and two little children and
an atempt to m'trder another. The first
week oC the case will be taken up In the
selection of a jury and the examination oC
the witnesses will nol begin before the sec-
enl week. _ _ _ _ . _ _ _
Fatal Exp.rlmcnt ofiiVrofcsNIonftI WhIle
I'ractlctiig ' nt Muskegon.
Iractclng' Itn kjon.
MUSKEOON 1lch" Jan. 27-Albert Hell-
lng , 0 proCessional fire cater and sword
with Lee's circus , swallowed -
swallower . recently wih clrcusswn.
lowed an elghteen.lnch sword at the opera
house last night while practicing for the
Elks minstrels , and will probably die. In
order to do the work better. Helln ! locked
hlmselC < a room by himself and proeeded
to Pitt three swords down his thl'oat. He
had Inserted one safely , but , the second
sword struck the end or the first , driving
It below the palate Into the stomach. Then
he climbed a ladder and called for help
over clmbed transom. Heln ! afterward
walked nIne blocles to a doctor's olce anti
then home. An operation was performed
by Drs Deniow Garber and Vanderlnan.
Believing the point to be at the base oC
the stomach , they made an Incision there.
wnlltcd far the sword
but Ileillng had wnlted 10
hal stink Into the lower portion of the ab-
110men. necessItating another Incision. Hell-
lag Is 21 years old . anti though he Is strong
lila recovery Is doubtCul.
IwI1LLs DIJ'II'1'JILlfrt ( JAhi ( ED ,
ththl : Sa\Ot by Antitoxin After Doctors
Give It V"
INDIANAPOLIS , Jan. 7.Dr , PInk was
called to the residence of C. C. 'Vul
Wednesday anti found 0 bal case of diphtherIa -
therIa II u child 3 } 'eari old. The child
had received no 1reatmcnt , anti Dr. Hodges
and other physicians who were called pronounced .
nounced the case fatal . Time dose or I full
nouneet botte , 1.0 unIts oC the No. 2 antitoxinS
serunt WIK adminltered yesterday , and .
Corty.elght hours after thc dose was given
the chlhl was lronotinctl well. 'ro each
oC the other six chllren In the family 1M
units or the weakest serum No 3. was
given as a prophylActc , anti no case his
II\en I I
developed among them , alhoulh they were
constantly amon\ company oC the trl child
constlnty trst two days before ho came under
treatment. _ _ _ _ S _ _ _ _
" 'I . "Tllm FJIUWJST
I'al.vlh Variable Wlm1 for Ncbraslm
WAShINGTON , Jan. 27-Time forecast for
Monday Is :
For Nebraska , Kansas and Colordo-L'alrj ;
variable ' winds.
1"01 10wa-III' ; lght west wint1.
For South Dakota and Montana-Fair :
west wInds , becoming southerly .
For Missouri-Snow In the southern por-
ton , : fair . In tin northern POI'UOlj ; northeast
l.oclll liccorti.
OMAIL \ , Jan. 27.-0mahl record or temper-
OMAI.\ rainfall , eonJaret with the coi-
responding day of the vast t four years :
1895. 1891. H9J. 1892.
Maximum temperattire . . 1 15 I H
Minimum temllerature " , ' 9 " 2 " 9 2t
Average temperature . " . 1 6 .2 H :
Peclpltl lon ttmllerlturc , , , . , , , , .0 .0 .01 .0
Condition of temperntr and Precipitation
lit Omuha for time day and since March I ,
1891 :
Normal temperature " " . " " " " " " . " . " " 1M
Norrnl for the titty " " . . " . . . . . " " 1
Normal pre"lpltatlon . . " " . " . . .0211ch
Deficiency for the lIIY. " " . " . " . , , . .02 Inch
Total prcipltatiOn s mica lareh 1 i.6 Inhe
Dotclenc 1otal ) since March I" . , . , . 15.9 Inches
1elOrt frol Other MI\tlu "t I 1' . M.
> . '
UI 55
. 3 . a ; _
aTAIIo:3. 5 e.l ' aUT or
B. "
. " " : :
. :
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Omaba. . . . . . . . / 1 .00 Clear .
Omaha..5 , ] .on Clear .
\allno. . . . . : . zero 0 .00 llnar ,
Chicago . . . . . . . . t : ere .00 Clear.
HI. Lli. " . . . . . . 1 : H .UO Clear.
St. l'aut.'H . , 4 .01) ) Chml'
Oayenpor. . . . . . , . ! 6 4 .OU Ciea . ' .
I/Usa" CI ) . . . . . . . 10 12 .ou Ch ar.
P"o\.ur. . . . . , , . . . zero 4 , OU Plrlclold- .
Sal Laka . eUy. , . . , HI 20 .11(1 ( Clear
Itapidoity . . . , . . . zero 8 .00 Clear ,
lu\ldCU . . . . . . . 'I ' : .ooCI'lr.
litmiamarelt . . . . . . 'lU ' 4 .UUClcsr. ,
St. Vlne.n' . . . . . 'itt , , . (
Oheyennu . . . . . . . ' : I .00 ( hear.
WU"a City . . . . . . . ' 4 I 4 .1)11 Clear.
Oalestou. . : : . . . . . - :0 - f 2 : ' ' CltmUy.
below ; oi-o.
l ;
' 1' InJlcalu tmca of pr.eipitatton.
I. A'ELSIf. . Obser\'er.
Wheat Continued It Record Dreking
Slide for Oblivion .
- -
There Wits R Slight Recovery nt time Open
lug on R lain In thin I'rlce of J'utureI
of AmerlcRn Ielt Winter
CHICAGO , Jai 2G.-Whcat continued its
recorl.braklng slide for oblivion today ,
touching & 2c for May , and closed % c
lower than yesterday. Deter cables caused
an early advance , but free selling wIped I
out May corn closed Ihc lower , May oat
unchanged and provisions slightly hIgher.
The wheat market opened In a manner to
encourage the hope that liquidation had
rl Its couro May , which closed yesterday -
day nt f'3c . opened at lle bid , wIth sales
at llc nt the same time. Hanging around
Sic for a while , It gradually weakened , and
about 1 o'locck I was down to lc , which
was its previous lowest point . The cause
of the recover al the opening was an Un-
expeted gain ur Y1 In the pMce or futures
or American red wInter wheat at LIverpool.
That started some local buying , but as
soon as that ceased the dark view of the
future again predominated and the decline
reported was the result. Chicag receipts
were 48 cars , against 6 a year ago. Miii.
neapls and Duluth received together 22
cars , against 10 last Saturday nnd 18 n
year ago. Brndstreet's male the week's cx-
port or WhiUtit and flour from bth coasts
2.810OJ ) bu. , compared with 361,0 bu. on
the week before and 2.91(0 ho 1 year ago.
Primary market receipts , all told amounted
to 212,0 bu. , against 221,0 ni . the previous
' Ilturtny and 196.0 ' bu. on the _ COtCMlo.I I.
Ig ( lay n year ago. GuesseS or tile VISllle
supply for Monday range from & 0.0 bu. to I
7r..W . decrease. St. Louis shlpmentl of
wheat this week amount to 518,000 bit Sell- I
Ing became liberal as the session advanced , 1
May clolnA nt Sic , having made n new
low Ilrlce recorll at 2c.
The corn market , compared wih wheat ,
was firm , on fair buying , Ilhough In the
end lower than 'esterda's close. May
started strong , at 45 % . or % c , Improvement
over lAst night. Owing to the henvyness oC
wheat anti some slacking up In the demand
for shipments , the opening advance could
not be maintained. The close for May was
45c , against 45c yesterday.
A fair business was transacted In oatS.
Values at the start were somewhat firmer
and gradually eased off , closing a shade
lower , but within a very small fraction or
yesterllay's last prices. The steadiness oC
the cash market and some demand from
other sources were reported as the cause
of the early firmness , and 'mpathy with
wheat influenced the decline. May sell
from 29c , the opening price , to 291. and
closed from 29c to 29c.
The provision market was steadied by the
small receipts of hogs Shorts were the
buyers. The range for May pork was from
$10.80 at the opening to $10.60 and back to
$10.63 at the close. May lard opened at $ G.7&
sold down to $ G.70 and cioseti at $6.72as
against $6.G7mA 'esterday. Ribs for May
started at $ .G and left oft at $5.55 , which
was also the closing price on the day be-
Estimated receipts for Monday : Wheat . 2
cars : corn 135 cars : oats GO cars , 30,0 bu. ;
hogs , next week , 16,0 bend
The leadIng futures ranged as follows :
Articles.I I Op n. I high. I - Low. I Cos :
Jan . . . . . 50U iI 49i ! 400 '
Na . . , , , . tt4 & 4 3 113
: a ) . . . l $ I. ! ' 12H6 13
Jul . . 65 1111
July . . . I I 15 63H 03J
Corn No.2.
.Tamm. . . . . . 4 : ' 4n : 42H 4274
May . . . . . .5H . .U 4/ ; 45)4
July . . . . . 41 4534 45@4C 44C '
Oats No. 2. . . . .
.laim..2874 288 28 ! 2S4
May . . . . . 2PH 20H 2014 2t)740174
Pork per bbl
Jan. . . . . . 10 l , 10 55 10 :5 10 40
May. . . . . 1080 1080 1010 10 011
Lard,100 lbs
.Tatm..0 . . . 574 0 57 0 524 065
Ma . . . . . . 075 675 07u 07n
Short RIbs- .
Jan. . Rba- . . . 6 45 I 45 5 40 1 40
.560 . 500 6 15 5115
Cash quotatIons were a follows :
, FLOUH.'Vlnle. patents $2.55@2.65 : winter
straights , $2.2@25 : spring patents $3.1513.5 :
spring strlht . $2.lO2.8O : bakers $ .it@2.5.
WHEAT-No.2 sprIng . t2'U154 : No. 3 spring ,
nominal : No. 2 red ; 495 % c.
CORN-No.2. 42'.e : No. 3 yellow . 401hc.
OATS-No. 2 2e : No. 2 whIte , 32c : No. 3
white . 3131c.
RYF'-No. 2 , { c.
RLEY-NO. 2 , 6 : No. " 3 , t3@6 : No.4.
FLAX SEED-No.1. $ .42
TIMOThY SEED-Prime. $5.S0.
PHOVISINSMess pork per bbl. . * O.40@
10.50. Lard , per 10 Ibs. . $ G.55G.57 % . Short nibs
sides ( ese ) . $5.40@5.45 : dry salted shoulders
( boxed ) . $ .57@t.i5 : short clear , sides ( boxed ) ,
$5. 6415.7O.
'VHISKY-DIst finished goods , per gal. ,
$ SUGARS-Unchnnged.
The following were the receipts and shipments
today ; ,
Articles. Hccelpts. Shipments.
- - - - - - - - -
Flour , bt'ls. . . . . . . . . . . . 0.000 : ,001 )
Wheat bu. . . . . . . . . . . . 21.000 6.000
Corn , bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.000 44.000
Oats bim. . . . . . . . . . . . . 101,001 160.0UO
Rye.bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000 4.000 )
l3arley. bit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36.000 22.00J
On the Product exchange tOday the batter mar
ket was steady : creamery , l2@23e : dairy , 10
@ 20e. Eggs , lnn ; 13@200.
ClosIng ( Juotatloiss 01 the Prlnclpat Corn-
mmlUo8 and Ntaples.
NEW YORK , Jan. 26.-FI.OUR-Recelpts , 12.tO
hbls. : exports 8.60 hbls. : sales , 2.50 Ikgs. : market .
ket very dull anti weaker to sell : city mill pot-
cots $ l.0013i.15 : winter patents $2.80033.1O : : city
null clears $335 : winter straights $ :
Minneapolis patents , * 3.05013.60 : winter extras ,
$ l.902.4O : Minnesota bakers , $2.0O3.GO : winter
low grades , OO@2.15 : spring low grades , $ .75@
1.90 : spring extras , $1542.3. Southern four ,
dull : common to fall extras , * .S0@2.40 : good to
choice $ 2.40212.35. 1t'e flour . quiet : sales , 2:0
hbls. : suporlne , $2.55@2 80 : fancy , $ 2.50123.00 .
Uuckwhelt flour. quiet $ l.658f1.75.
JiIJCIC\VIIIJAT-Uuil. 488153c. I
CORN MEAI.Qulet : sales 20.0 sacks : yellow
Western . U.08@1.12 : Urandywlne , $2.90.
RYE-Nominal : car lots , f4t&c : bat loads ,
5)57e. .
IIAItLEY-Neglected ] : No.2 Milwaukee , 4Uj65c :
two-rowed. state . 60fi61e.
DAIU.EY MALT-Nominal : western , 7011'71c.
WIUA'-lecelpts. none : exports . 8,60 bu. :
sales , 880,000 hu. futures : no BIIOI. SPOt market
Inactive : No. 2 red In store and elevator , 57'tP
r.c : 11001 , fbitt5STc : f. o. b. , 59c afloat : No.
I northern . G70 delivered : No. 1 lion ) . 670 do-
hivereti. Options opened with conshlerble firm-
ness on hlJher Liverpool advice" and Jed local
covering , but In time late morlul turned very
weak under realizing. dIsappointing exports and
closing cables , the heavy gohl .hlpmenll anti gen-
elal luck of oonndence among local peol'le ' : closet
ittc lower titan last nllhl , anti time lowest
Irlce May ever Bolo lt : No 2 red . January ,
closed nt 57c \ : February closed 57e : March
Sstfeb ½ e. closed t8 : May & 8U55 3.16e , closed
580 : Juno 58 1-lG'59c. closed 580 : ' Jui5St
W'"I. closed f87c : August 9IHP9'c. closed t9c. .
COltN-teeeipt5. 42.2' 1. . : exports 5,800 bu. :
sties. : 90.00 bu futures , no spat 8110t , mnraet
Inlctve : No.2. 4S0 In elevRt l : steamer Jarltet
47'4c. QptOS opened stronger wlh wheat but
sUhse'luentY reacted slightly , closing at IO net
u.I\'lnc\ : January closed ] lt 4S9c : I'lhluuy
closed at 491 : May , 49\6490 , closed at 494c :
July closed at 49e.
OATi4-lteceilmtlt , 1C hu. : exports 2,80 bu :
sales . 10.0Q hu , futures . : ,0 hu. 81'ot. ' Spot
market ! dull ; N : , m o : ' , _ 2deIIveed _ , _ 'Y"i
tnimelt Wile , " . , " , ? " . vl'"u"a " " all
the forenoon and closed ut % 0 nIl luh'anc\ :
January chased al 3ac : Fehrulry * closed lt
333c : March closed ot 34e ; May , 33' { ' 3c. i
closed at 33c.
GOOtltc. hAY-Steady : shipping 1(55c : goo 10 choIce ,
liOI'fi-StcatIY : state common to choice , old
3'7e : mmciv ( t&lic.
1IIPES1ii-nm : wet salted New Orl.nns. sc.
IIJS-l'Jlm . Itt , . 4j5c : IUl10S AYI" . tlr , ' .
20 to 2 lbs. , 12e : 'fuas , dry , 2t to 30 Ihs. , 7
tJ 1'hc.
LgATHFR-Flrm : hemlock solo n. A. , light
to heavy \elhls. 11HI1c , ,
WOO I.Firm : demeltc fleece , 1@e : pulled
l'ItOVISION'S-hieef. ! quiet ; family , $ l0.tOfjl2.5) ) ;
extra mess . n.5'8.o : beef hams , SIG.t1.0 :
rachel . $9.f9.5 : city . extra Inola niess $6.0
rac.ot. . Cut O"als. bl\ldy : pleltllll h"les. $ 6 %
8fi1o : plclIe1 shoulders , 4I4124ic ' : plcklti hams .
14i8c. I.old .sllld ) ' : wul'm closed
at ' 6.bB : sales , i5 Irc.s II lG.h,5 ; city 01 6\0 \ ; :
January ! closed at $ G S. . nomInal : May $ (6. nam- ,
Inll : r"noed. steady ; coimllpeimt , $ .40 : H. A. '
$ .G : cempouna . f4i5e. ! l'orlt , quiet but steady :
new limess. $ m2.tkfilZ.5Q ( ) : fomly , $ il.50i12.OO $ ; ohor
clear SS.25ill.W. '
iiLiTTSltFIrm : western dairy bIllIe : weol-
era creamery . 12a1 , : western faclory , tUlle :
:1.lns. :3jtc ! : Imlulon crlnm.ry. l@lSe :
stale dairy , 1Hige : State cruml ! . 111:11.
: CII JHn-nul : slAle. large , VOI.e : small ,
9m-4C1i0c : hart sltiiiis . saso : full shuns . 21C2'4c.
? . , ' . , ' '
state nnl .
lUOH-I.'lrner ; In,1 l'ennsylvania : S\ \ . @
sic : Ice house 16Q118c : ( \'I'ler 2e : itoutherim ,
2H0 : receipts . 2,54) Ikg.
'J'ALLOW-SttluIYi ; city , tHe \ \ ; country , 4\1@ \
4e ns 10 'jual ! .
h'ST1tt1IL't31l-Nominal Ilniteti . closed * 1.t.t0i \ :
Unl..1 coal'd .0\
\'I.hlljlol IfTIP.UUM-Nomlnali .iU : % 'iihington. , tim
bulk " . : : rrOm'd. New York $5.5 : I'hlud"lphl"
utah Pal t I immore . n.75 ; l'bliadciphila und hal i iimiuc " .
In bulk * j.:5. :
IOSIN-Iulet $ ; tlalncd , common 10 good , $ ,3'
6'r ' . '
' : ' PINTINC-UI.I. ; : ' ! qO.
TUCl-HINulr ; 110Ielc , fall to extra , 4fJGe :
, tsiellm , HHII'c.
Mil.Sl-teimdy : oimen kettle , good to
! IOI"U'SIS-ltull ) Ilelle00
rhol , ' " . 3i'4ic. : : 01.1
I "OT rUN Ifn t."turde. and in-
clned to wcukimess , whim ll'll limited ; prime
enmile 2e : oft cnitl" 32e' prIme summer yellow
eMiIe , : of crd. .t' " . .ln\
27U274c , oft summer-tlitv , : r127ei yellow butter
gm.I. SOc. _ _ .
OIANOEfQuIMAt ; ) ' , eounl $ .OU40) ;
others , U.52.6 .
PlO moN-nul : ot4h , $19.06.0 : Amer.
lean . $ 9.801112.&O. 10lth
COPI''h : I' okrs' "rce , $0.0s
LflAt-i4trong ; brokers 'price 13.021.4.
! nt ! h : / stral , $ ' . Wts.lfO ; ; plates . quiet. I
f"lr1 ( o ' change : Is tM January tin . $5 : 2
tons June tin , $13.SO0hri tons , to arrive . $ tl.SO :
2 tons . to arrive , $ . . 25 tons spot , $15 ; G torts
I'ebrunry , $3.0 : C t/ , ' "larch , $3.G.
_ _ _ _ : , , .
oMAhA m : rI'L MARIfIIT.
Condition or Tratmntt unotltoa on
tRple , and 1nncy l'rutiuce.
BUTTER-Culled J ht Se : common to fair ,
10le : 1\1 \ to good bunl" 12(1\ \ : cholco 10
fancy , 11C : Ither & i "rcnmery , jOe ; separator :
crenmet' , 204721e. - L ' J
EGOS-Strictly trlsh haIti , 10"
LI'I - l'OIJLTItY-k'lii ltens , Se : ducks , Ccl :
turkeys SICc : heavy ' tUrtis , S : geese , Cc.
InlgSI ] 1'OUi.Tlti-Cimlckenm' , fair , S :
choIce large , S05c \ ' : choice small , Ctie : turkeys ,
fair to good 7e : choice : heavy , 71U1Sc : choIce
small , 8tge : ducks , fall t good , 7 nye : fancy ,
full dressed . 8fge : geese , fair to goo'l ' , V(7c :
fancy , full , lrsS . ttfOc.
OAMI.:1ue wing teal , per ilex . $ .COOI.7 :
green wing teal , per tiox. , $ .2501.5 : duCks
mixed I , per 110 % . , 81.00121.23 : cln\'nsbnks. $4.OOV
5.0 : imiallarIs en , $ 1..1 i.2 , . $2.Phifl.75 : st.1
rabbits . i5U.0 : Jack rabbits , I1.25t11.&O : sqilir-
rels ] fCc.
" : , Ge.holc tnt , 10 to 10 lbs. , are quoted
nt H15e ; large and coarse . 3lc.
l11IHt'lsconsln ftmll ( CI'II , Young A ,
lIe : twin , . 1234c : Nebraska nn,1 Iowa full
cream . lie : Nehl'aRkn Oll town part skims , 7@
8e ; Llmburrr , No I , lie : brick , No. I , lie :
Swiss , No I , ICc.
Y-Upland hay , $ .5 : IldlaOl $ 0.501 : lowland .
land , $ : rye straw $0. Color make8 the Ilrlco
on hny. 1. ght slldes sell the best. Only top
grades bring tOil huices.
I10EONS0Id VI. , \rlccs. npTA per nt.t I\OZ. g. , iScfjl.0O.
I'OTATOIifi-.Westcrn - ' ; -k- ' ca lots Ge :
small lots iCe.
01. IIEANII-hland.piclted , navy $ O@2.o :
Lima beans per lb. . Mie.
ONiONS-On orders 00c.
CA1IAOt - On order . 18fu1fc. \
Cill.flitY-j'er .kw 17415 ° c. 11"c.
SWm I'Oi'.TOgt3lom grown , * 2.50112.75 :
10''ATOES-10Ie $ .C012.7i
I'"n" , $2.00p2.23.
1ifliTS-i'r bbl. , $1.fOfj'1.5 .
CAI111OTS-I'er hbl. $1.ri1.1S.
CAtJLiVI.O'llt-1'er crate of a do % . and halt
to two doz. , $2.2g2.5n.
JOnSI nAJIHIltr $ .2 I2W. Ih. , 6111.
IAnSNIIS-ltr html. . $2.
HUTAIAOA - lel Ih. , l'4c.
l'ARSIEY-l'er doz. hunches , 36 ° .
TUnNIIS-ler Ml. , , $ .ro. 3
SPINACh-Per hhl. . $2.7"
FRUiTS. . .
PI7AES-W'intor Nellie . $2.
A Pi'l.lS-acnltons , 83.00113.25 : choIce easter
stock , * 4. $3.ot3.25
OHAIJSConcol.t. nnne : Mnlagns , per 65 to bbls. . gross . $10001110.50.
per CItANnlt1unt-jersoys bbl. ' , fancy , $ iI.O01I,50
OIANGESPlorlls. per hex , $3.75,1.0 : Cat-
Iforln nO\els. $3.5 : seNIII . t3.
1iANAAS-CiuoIce . . hunch. ,
IANANASCholc clock , $2.0012.50 per bunel.
l.gMONSNew Messilmas sizes 30 to 300 , $3.tO I
474.0Cm. '
1INIAPPI.ESPer doz. . $2.tJff4,00.
OYSTEHSlc < uim , per can , ICe : horseshoes
2O : extra etnatlaruls . lie : extra selects. 251 ; com-
Imny selects . 26c ; New York counts , 3O : bUlk ,
standard . per gal . $1.30.
NhiiV PIGS-I xtm fancy , 10e : fancy , 141 :
choice , ] 2i130 : Califoinim . bags . 7e.
HONEY-New York lie : dark , 1 150' Call-
fornia . IGc : . 'rlned. 4 to 10lb. cans . per lb. , ioc.
MAPIE SYIIU1'-Qahiorm jugs Ier ) doz. , $12 :
Dxhy 6 gal. cans . $3.
NUTSAlmonJs. 15c : English walnuts . soft-
sheled , 12c : standanils . lIe : Iberts , S19c : Brazil
nuts , Be.
HAUgH KRAUT-Choice white per hbl. , $4.tO@
50 : per hAlt bbl. .
MINCE MEAT-Fancy , In half bhl" , per lb. .
5\ic \ : 10-gnl IIS. 61 : condensed , per case of 3
doz pkgua . $2.50.
CIDER-Pure Juice per bbl. , $5 : half bbl. , $3.
MinneapolIs Whent Market.
1INNEAPOI.tS. Jan. . -WliEAT-Close : Jan-
tiary , le : May . t lf.'e : July . 55415c : on
track had , 531c : Np 1 no.lhlrn. 551c : No. 2
northern . Mc. \ . ThC J lollzltOI In wllnt
contInued today . with 0 local break o . % c In
futures . the week clslngle ] lower for MAY than
It opened Monday. 'hete . was I heavy trade ,
IUIII.1 to h II part . outside business 0'
'slrcaIs. " Cash wheM was duih. 1teeelits were
11 cars today nglltsL 101 carR last 'ear. The
flour martt ] Is Unsettlcd. Fret , patents In wOOl
ale quoted at S3.OSfitiO . : seconll patents . $2.ifff
3.0 : fancy export h kel. $2.00ff2.10 : red dog
11.00471.75 : shipments 24mS hbls.
London : \illp \ ! He-Iew.
LONDON , Jan. ? 6.-rhuoiveatiuer 18 been van-
able ' and seasonably cald.Tliq wheat market bier
been weak owing tothj1ango quantities aflant
the poor demand anti 'weak foreign advices. Buy-
era have practically "withdrawn" nnl holders have
been willing to act 6i@ls , leclinp. Pm'cels
were slow and Stlcul\ , \ , led wnt r wheat
parcels . prompt delv.ry. ' were quoted nt 218 3d.
Flour . WM slow nll : , . lowcr Maize Was steady
all the , demnnJ wa8luleL < mixed American par-
ces , , prompt delvery ; , , woeQuoled.at1s 9d. D.
hey vas del and ' ea.Oats , 'neglected.
Coffee Market.
NEW YORK , Jan. 26.-COFFEE-OptIons opened
steady at unchanged prices to 10 poInts advance
rated fn on European buying and scarcity or
sellers . > closed steady . 5@15 points net advance
sales ' ,13.00 bags including : 1'ehruaIY , $1,5 :
Marc'h , $1.40@U.r : May $ i1.30fj1l.35 : June
H.35 : September . $14.40 : December. 814.504714.55.
Spot " offee. itin. stoutly : No. 7 , $ IG : mitt ] , steady :
Cordova , IS190 : sails , none.
I'corl" Markets
IDOnIA , Jan. 2G.-COHN-Marltet firm and
higher : No. 2 , lie : No. 3. 40c .
OATSMarkel ! steady : No. Z white , 3030a ;
No. 3 wlmite 30@30c.
ItYB-Mailuet nominal.
W11ISKY-Malket Irm : high wine , $ .22.
Jaluth Whent Mitticot
DULUTH , Jnn 2G.-WhEAT-Lower : No 1
hard , cash and January , 57c : May , 10 : July ,
59c : No. 1 northern . cash and Jnnuay , t"'e :
May , Sic : July 51.0 : No. 2 lorlhern , cash ,
521.1 : No.3. 491 ; rejected 46e : 10 arrive .
No. I had , t7'o : No. 1 northel , 6Cc
' 1'11"(1Vhent -llrlct.
December , 91'c : May , 50 ½ c. )
8cverll Joterestul t'cnture. to the Spcou.
I"Uon on 'Change Ycstcrday.
NEW YORK , Jan 2G.-The leading tea-
ture of today's speculation on the Stock
exchange was the renewal of the liqulda-
ton In Lad common. These shares were
heavily pressed for sale , I Is believed , by
insiders who are In I position to know the
company's affairs. The character or the
selling thereCoro caused more credence to
be gIven to the rumor that the commission
stock was to be taken off the list oC dlvi-
dend payers At the opening the shares
were Per cent lower and a further sharp
decline oC Al per cent took place shar
In the later dealings n recovery oC 1 per
cen'of $ which % pcr cent had been lost pr
the close , Wil effected , making the
decline on the day 4I per cent.
Lead preferred declined steadily through.
out the day In s sympathy with
the common und Is down 2 % per cent from
the Inal cafes oC l'estcrtiay . So tar as Is
known there Is nothing In the condition oC
the country to account for this depression
In the value of the shares , but the Street
accepted the sellIng as 10lcntve of the
views of those acquainted wIth the true
situation oC affairs. wih
Chicago Gas opened % per cent lower aOl
then advanced per cent on the covering
of short contracts I report being current
that a settlement ] between the opposIng interest .
terest In the country had been effecteil.
The hlAher range of prices was not malt-
tamed for long , and I decline oC 1 per
cent was recorded on free selling , the last
being the lOWEst price oC the ( lay . Most
oC the other industrials arc down on the
daY'B transactions , Including : Cotton Oil
preferred 1 % per cent : Cotton Oil common ,
% per cent : heather preferred aOl Consolidated -
Ida tel Gas I per cent , und Tobacco , % per
c 'nt. Disthlng lost ; % pel' 'ccnt , hut made
I full rally ut time close. General Electric
recedell % per cent recovering 14 per cent.
0. rccov"rml
London was IL small Rcler of RL In.1 nt
the opening , but without deprtssing tile
stock , whIch was /hel / firmly on ii reported -
ported Increase of. " , OS In the December
net earnings. ' 'hr. .Qther grangers were
strong In symptu , anti \ It the close Ihur-
Ington , was up 14 Per 'cpnt mmd Northwest-
era % per cent , whlel St. Paul and Hock
island ] arc uimcilungel ant
Most oC the railway stocks tratitsi In sloii'
tnllC Ihow
declines al the enlof / time clay from yes-
terday's fInal aales : Same few shAres show
gains or I small fraction , and Pullman Is
1 per cent hlgher.1" ' I
Speculation was .genqrally heavy In tone ,
except within the lasS \ half hour , when a
covering movement Fet In , which was due to
a belief that Immcllite acton cue lIe
taken by IresllenU.Clveand. ] with a view
to restore confidence In the financial situation -
tion . which hac abet reached , a point when
such a step I : regarded aB absolutely neees-
sara' . Anti on this point of view the market
closed firm. 'ho week just closed titus heea
disastrous to the valle of railway anti industrial .
dustrlal shares 11/1 the low point oC the
month wa reached iii SIKty-slx of the stocks
trallet in . while some shares s:1 below the
bottom figure oC last } 'far. 'rhe contlued
heavy shipments of Hohl WIB one oC the
most ctpreFlln Inluenees oC the marltet ( ,
Involving lS It did a serious decrease In the
treasury gold reserve , In,1 a heavy draw on
the gold coin vauls oC the treasury avimil- ,
able for the redempton of golc certifIcates. '
I.lqullaton'as plainly 1isceralie In the
shlre. oC the recelvenhlp roads. ald In sev-
oral oC the low priced stocks : Heavy blocks
oC I.erul common were thrown on the market .
ket , bailing to 1 belief In current mInors
that the paYment oC dividends on the stock
WOUlll be discontinued , anti talk that the
forthcoming annual statement would be tin-
Cavorable. 'fho net loss on the weele Is SlIer
her cent , which Is wIthin Ih pel' cent oC the
\ lowest . Lead rreCerell also harell In the
weakness and 11111 n decline oC 55 per
cent Nprlher Pacific preferred , on are.
Iteration oC the FtalcrentB that an asitesm-
ment would lo levied bn lie ( shares , Bold
down 2. ! per cent , with n final rally ot ,4
pEr cent. Northern Pacific common touehCl
21 { , . the loweR price ever registemeti.
The Cordage shares , while Isl animated
( ontnuE11 on their downward career , anti ,
sales were made oC the common at 4 % . Cordage -
Ilngc preferred nt : amI CordAe guaranteed
nt 1 % , the prices oC the ( two first named
being the lowest yet recordc.l. Unln Pacific
atalnt an advance or I per cent In' the
early Part 0 tht week , but towarll the
close Iquhlaton or long Icounll camell a
Ictlne or 1 1'11 cent to 8 ½ . thp closing
price being } 4 ' per cent helow laSt Saturda
Missouri I nelc was "uhlecttd to a drive ,
which cnrrlcll ( lie shares Iowa from 2 % to
21 , the lAst price made being 21 . Sugar
was marked [ } 1 % 11er cent , 21i. 9 ' on
Monday on the announcement or the de.
cl lon In favor or the trust by the supreme
court , but renctel to 8 i. rero\lnJ in / the
final dealings , anti closeI ! unrhAngell on the
week t The 11 ! rngrB cole. easet oil early In the
week , but when the senate reported the
poolng bill wihout nlnell'ent there was a
shari } rally. A Inthleqlent nnnOlncemnt
to time effect that : the bill woulll be stib.
jectcll to a \lporoul attack IW those sean-
tor desiring amendment to it brotlghit
! tellrlng ! I trolht
nitotit n reaction , which was party recovered -
eret In the fnal trmlnJ on huylnA Indlced
by St. Paul's favorable December iitnte-
mont The lose on the week are to 1' %
Iler cent , the later In Hock IpIAI1I.
The . bent market was qliet III generally
heavy tlring time two hours oC huslnel !
The aggregate sales were $ : I.O. The spec-
ulaton In the bond market tlring the week
has beell heavy anti the general trend , of
prices tiownvant1. The aggregate sales were
$ G.l.O. The main Ctnture oC the trading
was the Helln issues , some sales !
which were registereti at thc lowest ever
iflade . There were nlo ] ome noteworth
declines In some oC time uluAI } ' inactive
mortgages. nnel final prices are Ienernl '
at n liberal recession from the previous Sat-
urday's closIng
The Evening l Post'B London cnhltgrlm
say : There was I general reaction In
stocks today . due to the unsettled affairs In
France anti the approach oC the settlement
imere . Colowell by - the usual Pari monthly
settlement , which will be htavy , limverrt-
meats stocks were weAk. Conlol ! were -d
lower , pArty on realization amid party on
rumors of n new India loan. These rumors
arc Ilrobabl ' tiatmtie . AmericAns were dull
to fAt on report export oC $ 1OO oC gold
from time states tomorrow.
The following were the closing quotations
on the leading stocks of the New Yore ] CX.
chnne today : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Atclmitroim. I I . . . . . . 4)4 Norlhweslern. . . \Mt
Alam ! Express. . . 11 t N. t\ ' . \1 . . . . . . 34334
xJres. <
'I' . . . . , ' . . . . . . ) "
Alien ' U . . . . 31 N. Y. Cemltrai . . . 111"
1 I do HIlI. . . . . . . itIhO N.Y..N. : . . , . . : H
Aiim. Eximress. . . . 10 11 Ollallo ,0 W. . . . . 3r.)4
1 hinltinmore \ Ohio fl'234 Or'gol 111. . . . . 11
Cannd'i I'aclo. . . 12' OI'gOI Na\ . . . . . 18
Caimada Sotilhmerum . 4\ ) O. S. I. & 1 N. . 4
Ceimtral l'acttic , . , 1:14 : P.teiflc Mall. . . . . . 2(1 (
Cli'a. & Ohio. . . . . . 1094 1' . 1) , J B. . . . . . . . . . 314
Chicago Allot , . . . . . 147 i'itttrbumrg. . . . . . . . . . I 511
C. , Ii. & Q. . . . . . . . . 7 1 ' 4 i'ulhinnim l'alaco , , 111(1 (
Chicago ( las. . . . . . . 723-4 ReadIng. . . . . . . . . . . . . I41
Coimsoliulat.'it . Gas , 127 hiiCiiiilOilh Ter. , 1554
C. . C. , C , &St. h.1734 ito pfui. . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Cob. Coal & Irolm 44 Il. (3. IV . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cottomm Oil Curt. . 22 It. 0. W. phi. . . . . . . 43
Dciawaru& hiiitl 12814 ltock islatmil. . . . . . . 623-4
lId , , Lack. & V , ltiOtf St. l'amml . . . . . . . . . . . 51134
I.Jt It. (1 , ; mrI. . . . . 3414 tb p12. . . . . . . . . . . . liii
I ) , C. F' . Co. . . . . . . (1)4 St. 1' . & Onmaima. . , 323.4
Erie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o ; ( Ii ) life , . . . . . . . . . lit !
do imlul. . . . . . . . . . 21) Sormtluerli Pacific , 373-4
Fort \Vriyiio. . . . . . . 1117 Sugar Itellnery. . . , 8784
G. Northern uful. , 101 Teimim. Coil & lromm 113-4
C. ii. I , old. . . . . . 00 Texas i'acillo 874
Ifockhagvaiiey , , 11134 P. & 0. Cent. hId 7034
liliiuoI Central , 87 Uimioim Pacific. . . . . 834
St. P. & Dimlutlu , , 20 U. S. Ertprs'r. . . . . . 4' !
it. & 'P. imttl. . . . . . . 2i ( V. St. L. & P 1134
Lake Erlo & West 10 tb pIth. . . . . . . . . . . .
do lifti. . . . . . . . . . . . tI'334 Vclla Fargo E'c 105
Lake Simore. . . . . . . . 13834 % Veitoriu Utmiout . , 8714
Load Trust. . . . . . . . .1) whmechiimg & L. II 1)74 )
Lotmtsrillo & N 5:134 : ito pril. . . . . . . . . . . 30
r. , t N. A. . . . . . . . . . 7 lit. St. I . . . . . . . . . . 2734
Manhuattaim Con. . . , 10.3 ( 0. . .tit. . . 3. . . . . . . . .
Meimilrlmiil&C. . . . . . 1(1 ( 0. 3 ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3334
Mlciitgaum Cent 115 N , L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Missouri Pacific 2134 C. F. & I. . . . . . . . . . . . 2-13.4
Mobtie , ' OhIo 15 do ( lid. . . . . . . . . . . . IC'
Naslii'ilie Chat. , 114 IL & T. C . . . . . . . . . . 234
Natiommuul ' ' , . . N. lit
Cordaro 4r 5' A. A. & 134
do rftl. . . . . . . . . . . 734 T. St. L. .1. E.G , 1
N , .i , Cemltral. . . . . . 8784 tiopttl. . . . . . . . . . . .
N.&W.pfd. . . . . . . . 1134 S.ltR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .134
Nortim itam. Co. . 274 do . . . . . . . . . . . . '
Northern Pacific 27.4 Anm. 'rob. Co. . . . . . tlh :
No. Pac. Old. . . . . . . 11194 do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . 108
. . . & . . . . . . . ' (
Total sales of stocks today mere 82,102 imimares.
including : American Sugar , 8.300 ; Iiurlingcta ,
2,400 ; Cluieumgo ( lute. 2,700 ; DIstilling and Cattle-
feeding , 1,500 ; General Electric , 3,500 ; Louisville
& Na.simvtlie , 1,900 : National Lead , 10,610 ; Na.
tional Lmd prefernetl , 1,900 : Nortimwestern , 2,001 ;
Iteadlng , 1,600 ; St. l'aul , 4,000.
Neiv York Money 1lharlot.
Easy at 1 per cent ; last loan , 1 per cent ; cio'e.i ,
1 per cent.
l'ItIME 2t111CANTILII 11Ai'tiIt-214ut34
STERLING EXCflANG1-Flrm : nctual bust-
ness in bankers' blil . , 84.C9ff1.8913. for deimrand
$ l.S8474.t8 ½ for sixty days. i'ostcd rates , $4.8Sff
4.90. Commercial bills , $4.si474.t7i ! . , .
StLVllt CEItTJIICATES59Yc bid ; no sales.
lIAR S1LVER-59c.
GOVERNMENT JCONIS-Firn ( , except for Cs.
which are weak and % lower , State bonds , dull.
Railroad bonds , weuk.
Closing quotations on bonds were as follows : ihS D..t1t.U. . 8034
. . . . , , . . . . . . . . . .
U. 8. iiscoup. . . . . . 11634 ErIe 2dq. . . . . . . . . . . 04
U. S. 4mm , reg. . . . . . 113 G..11. & S. A. 0mm tIll
U. S. 4s.coup..113 Co Iii. . . . . . . . . . . . 100
U. S. 25. nor. . . . . . . 07 It. & T. C. 5s. . . . . 10334
PachilcOsof tI5. , ' 100 dolls. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10134
Ala. Class A. . . . . . 104 21. 15. k T. 1st 4s 8134
Ala. Class II. . . . . . . 104 do 20 45. . . . . . . . . . 4734
Ala. C1ae C. . . . . . . 04 Mutual flimlon Os. 112
Ala. Currelmcy. . . . . 04 N. J. C. Gel , . Sit. . . 11134
La , New Coil. 4s. , 923-4 No. Pac. ist'r. . . . . . 11:134 :
Missouri Us. . . . . . . 100 do2ds . . . . . . . . . . 883
N. C. Os. . . . . . . . . . . . 1'25 N. V. Controls. . . . . 143
N. C. 4s. . . . . . . . . . . . 100 do S. F , Bob. 5 , I 10
S.C.nourltmad 134 Il. 0. West. 1st. , 01134
Temmim. new sot Ga 84 % St. P. Conol 7s. 12534
Team. new set Cs 100 do C. $ j P. W. Sit 110
Tenn. old ( is. . . . . . . 00 St. L. & IMMeii. 11 , 70
Va. Centuries 110 % St. L. it S.F. GenIi , 303
dodoferred 113.4 'rex. Pac. Ists. . . . . 84
Atchison 4s. . . . . . . 05 (10 tuIit. ! . . . . . . . . . . 2234
do 2d A. . . . . . . . . . 1834 U. P. bits of ' 06 , , 103
Canada So. 2d. , 100 West Shore 4s. . . . . 103
C. P. lets of ' 95. 10034 So. it , It. . . . . . . . . . . 87
i&lt.G. 78. . . . . . 115 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Ilortoii Stock ( juotmthons. :
BOSTON , Jan. 243.-Call loans , 234ii per ceat ;
tlnmo loans. 23 per c'nt. CiorInr prude's fJr
stocls , booila anti uminln shares :
A.T. &S. F. . . . . . . . 4t4 Westimmgii Elcc.31t4-3234
Ant. Sugar. . . . . . . . . 8ll)4 IV. Eiee. pfth. . . . . . 411
Aim , . Sugar phi. . , 1)13.4 ) WIs. Ct'itral. , . . . . . . 234
IlayStatoGas. . . . . 1034 Atciulsn 2da . . . . . . 18
lleliTelepimoire. , . , 10134 Atciilrioum 41m . . . . . . . 0134
lloatotmlAllimimy : Slim Now Eimglaimd ( is 108
Boston & MaIne 100 Geui. 11it'ctilc C's. , 8034
C. Ii. & Q. . . . . . . . . . . 713.fVIs. . Cetut. lata. , , , 5(1 (
Ii'itcluburrg. . . . . . . . . . 85 Atlaumtic. . . . . . . . . . . . 1034
Gezi , Electric..3334-54 lhOrlt'ili & Molitaaa 3834
Il1limoi Steel. . . . . . 4:1 : liutto . Boston. , 1(134
Mexican Central 0 Catmmimmct.u ( liccia 2110
N. Y.&N.E. . . . . . . . 3(1)4 Ccimtenmmtal. . . . . . . . 50
Oltt Coloimy. . . . . . . . lSi34 ( Fraimkliii. . . . . . . . . . . 143-4
Ore. Short Limmo . . . ' irsarge. . . . . . . . . . 83-4
Rubber. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4134 Oseeol'm. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2234
Union i'aciilc . , , . , 804 Qmitney . . . . . . . . . . . . 10034
WotEimd . . . . . . . . . . 61 % 'h'aisiaraclc. . . . . . . . . . 14(1
domfd. . . . . . . . . . . mCi _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
8.1gm Yrailcilco Mililug atoctc ( jisotuttiorms.
SAN FI1ANCISCO. Jaim. 20.Thin officIal cloIn
quotations for unlaiiuy Nto2kS iverJ ni
lows ;
Ahtmt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Jurstice. . . . . . . . . . . 111
AlpimzmCoum. . . . . . . . . . 8 Kentucky Coii 4
lfelciucr. . . . . . . . . . . 41 Moxietii. . . . . . . . . . . . 82
heat & Beleher , , , 144 Motto. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
liodle C'oim. . . . . . . . . . 75 Mount thablo , , , , , . JO
iltilibolm. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Oecltleiital Coli , , . . S
Iirilwcr Coim. . . . . . . . ii ) Opluir. . . . . . . . . . . ISO
Calt'ctonia. . . . . . . . . . II l'otoal. . . . . . . . . . . . . 411
Cliahleimgo Con..2 . Savage. . . . . . . . . . . . 444
: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Conlidence. . . . . . . . . 7i SlenraNevathi. . . . . 4' .
COIl. Cal . 'i Va. . . . . 025 SlIver 11111 , . , , , , , , , 11
Con , limilmonial . . , , , 1 . Ilniogm Cpa . . . . . . . . . 110
Crowi , l'olnt , , , 44 tliuti ; Con. . . . . . . . . . . 4
Oouild & Curry , . . , , a' .i Yellow Jacket , , , , - 47
Jialo& Norcros5 711 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Sliver bars 113045034c Mexicaim dollars , 4034
475Cc. Drafts , slirlut , 1734e ; uelegraimiilc , 2234c.
Notv York .iiltiliig ( juoIuitlolm ,
NF.W YORK. Jan. 2(1.-The ( foiiowlimraro tlma
closiug am liming uimiotitiomus ;
Ilimiw. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tneai-io . . . . . . . . . . P100
Cliolor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' Oiiulr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
Ci'oWa Point. . . . . . . ( ) Plylimolilhi. . . . . . . . 211
Coir. Cal. & V , , , . $00 QuIcksilver . . . , . , . . 100
Ieaiwoouh. : . . . . . . . . 40 do . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Gomtld & Curry . , 30 SIc'ri'.i Nevada. . , , 40
link , & Norcrols , , 70 Staimilarti . . . . . . . . . . . 240
Iloimmemutako. . . . . . . lOOt ) Uiiiou Calm. . . . . . . . . 411
Mexicmuli . . . , , , , . . . , , 70 Yellow Jacket. , , , 45
New ori ( % Vceiely Itimiilc Slimtcinoimt.
NS\V 3.'Oltlf , Jan. 2G.-The weekly bank statement -
mont ithuows tIm- following changes ; Jter.em-ve , Increase -
crease , $415,275 : loans , dt'crense , $104,300 ; specie ,
Increase , $3,720,100 ; iCgtti ten.leiTl' . tlecit'uuue' . 13,052-
0-O ; iieosiui. decreat'e , $2,7t10,300 ; circulation , decrease -
crease , $51,200.
The hniiits now boll $45,880,400 in excess of tile
iequireaients of the 25 per cc-nt rule.
Euroigli inuauclumi AffaIrs.
1'AIIIS. Jan. 2G.-Three twr cent rtntes. 3021
4234o for time account , Exeiiluiige on London , 2f
1734c for cilecks ,
LONDON , Jan , 2G.-lIar slv-r. ; 27 5-lCd per cc ,
l'imo aimmount 1,1 bullion gone into the Sanlt of
lngluiad on hulmiance today is 46,000 ,
( Johl Is quoted today at llu'noti Ayieui at 232 ;
luiimthriui , 1100 ; Ltsbon , 23.23'4 ; 141. I'eteiburg , 50 ;
Athens , 71 ; Itonuo , 100.50'lenna ; , 103 ,
IIhflILit4 , Jan. 26.-Exchiaiige on London , 8
days' &ghits , 5) marks 41 ½ jug ,
Thus iteekh' st.atetnelul of the Jnrperial hank of
Germany ehoa's ( lie following changes as cciii.
imared witim the lmrevloUs uccounU ( 'aslm In hand ,
Inert-use , 23.701,001) imumrks ; treasury notes , iii-
crease , i,320.0' ) marks : other securities , decrease
24,520,000 marks ; notes in o'iculutiosi , deereas ,
48CiO,000 smmarks. _ _ _ _ _
hoiiieiitlii ) Trutilo l'nitifi ' ,
IIAITIMOliI3 , Jan , 2G.-Cleft lags , $2,240,168 : bal.
dices , $33L5S1 ; fur tile week , cleumrlrmgs , $12,536,353 ;
balances , $2,03Ob73.
IIOSTON , Jutm , p3.-Clearings , $11,078,011 ; hal.
uinces , * 1.855,353 ; for tlitr t'ek , ciearins , 183,4Th , .
434 ; Iaianct's , 110,283,54' ) .
3'J illdt lELI'II IA , Jun. 2G.-Clearings , $5,145.03-i ;
balances. $ lIITfGS ; ( or hue week , c1earing , 164 , .
061,021 ; lialances , 19,22G30. :
NI'1SV I'OhtI-f , Jan , 1G.-Clearings. * 94,63-0,572 ;
balances , 115,313,4)5 ; for time ivvtli , clearings , 1495-
021,011 ; balances , $34,700,231.
N511 % ' YOlthf , Jan. 26.-Thue inmports for the
iYek wend Gold , $121,202 ; silver. $5,145 ; dry
goods , $2,9'JOStI ; encrui enrciuaadlse , 17,407,121.
Not Much .Actvity ! In the Market for
Beef' Steers.
Stockers nail l'entlers Were In S'ery 1.lgiit
Stilmimly ammd 'liiere Was Seine InquIry
front the Otititlo as
. as Local.
SATURDAY , Jan. 26.
Today's receipts ntimnbcretl 786 cattle , 2,615
'hogs antI no sheep , as against' 1,522 cattle ,
5,834 hogs nitl 149 511001) Oil yesterday , nimtl
1,322 cattle , 6,177 hogs anti 124 shed ) Oil
last Stttttrday. it will be notetl that time re-
ccipth today were time lightest of time week ,
Ta fact , the receipts of hogs were time lightest -
est of any day since Monday , Jautiary 14 ,
and time h'ceeipts of cattle the liglmtest slirce
New Year's day. Since the Ilrst of time
year there has 'heel , a loss of 0,0'0 cattle
itiiti tm,4C sheep and a gain of 13,583 hogs itmi
conpareii witim the receipts dilniiig tIme cer-
respondlimg period of 13-Ill
Vm'lh3KIX lihCGii'TS.
( 'nttl. hogs. Shre'ep.
Total this week . . , , . , . , , , , . , 10,210 23,003 2.825
'fetal last ii'e-ek. . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,827 42,503 3.257
Total hrevioiis week. . . . . . . . 12,912 11,851 2,139
Tiiet'c' Were oimly twenty-nliit' fresh loads
of cattle itt lImo ynrds alt told , hull hot
enotigli of aims' otis kind to irinioc mtmclm of
market. : WIlS nOt . nmuchi ltCiiVty
iii ulmo irmtricet [ or titer Steers , mmii time
trlttle seeimmetl tievoltl of life , btmt eveiltti-
ally tue offeriirgs were PrettY vcIi cltatmied
iii ) at itbotit Stemtd5' priceS , 'i'lme Immarket
durIng time Past week or atone hits been fnr
front sailsfitctort' to tile selling interests.
'I'Ime i'hiole t1. nileimey of the immarkt't hull
lieii doi'ns'al'il , anti tim atiiiltioit hias been
slotv and ( lull , The buyers have tlmkeim time
t'attlo timat lirriveil , but thieve irns beemi 1w
SlIlti ) to tIme trade , At time close of ( lie
is'eek it is irate to say that prices are imot
fiml' from 20c lower thmalm thic high time tWO
weeks ago.
Cow stuff was In liglmt stlpll ) ' and tire of.
ferings Were clenimeil tip ium good seasoim ,
'l'imo hhlniket thu not iiiuow intieht ellliiige
front yeritertlny'pr PrIces , ( 'u\'s have becim
in better dimimmuri , during tile veelc thmall
StOOl'S tttiil there Imaut been inure life ilm that
bratmclm of time ( mOe.
Stockers antI feeders were In 'rry lighmt
supply. 'l'hmerc i'lmM Sonic inquiry Iroum the
olutmrldo tar u'cll ut , , float hocal siiecuiatoi ,
auroi time rattle were all soul itt about. steady
prices. ] teprescntative citIes :
linEs. STiiF2ltS.
No. Av , I'r. No. Ai' , i'r No. y. rr.
6 , . . .1018 $2 25 13. . . . 170 $3 35 13 , . , .1147 $3 f'S
I , . . . 621) 1 61) 33 , . . . 523 1 115 8. . . . let 265
ll..llOS 3 15 2. . . . 301 3 40 4. . . .1335 4 00
2 , . . .10S3 :3 : 25 14. . , . 027 3 10 22.1435 4 15
I. . . . 700 00 11. , . . 931) 1 75 l.1l26 25
1 , . , . 700 35 1. . . . 1)5) ) 75 14 , , , . 911 25
1. . . . 740 35 3. . . . CIa 75 5 , . . . 710 25
8 , . . . 807 10 1. , . . 830 85 4.1025 2' .
12 , . . . 841 45 9. , . , 774 91) i..12i0 25
I. . . . 910 50 2.i035 00 13. . . . 872 25
2. . , . 935 50 ' 1..1026 00 2. . . .10e ) 40
2 , . , . $25 50 2l000 2 00 2. . , .1101) 50
3..l00G 511 7. , , . 573 _ 01) 5 , . . .1000 70
5. . . . 912 55 14. . . , : C ) 2 10 2. . , .1030 75
2. . . . OSO GO 15 , , . . 591 " 15 1. . . .10)0 2 75
3. . . 940 1 65 3. . . . ( (4 15 17 , . . . 92' ) 2 60
5. . . . 732 1 65 3. . , , 1150 15 1 , . . .1120 2 80
10. . . , till I 70 2..1143 20 l..1400 3 (10
1. . . . 810 1 75 3 i. . . . 730 20 l..iltO ) 3 00
1. . . .1100 1 75 2. . . . 825 . 25
1. . . . 930 1 00 . . . . 640 1 65 1 , . . 453 2 25
1. , . . 40' ) 1 Ci ) I , . . .lilO 85 39..5 . 2 40
1. , . , 380 1 60 4. . . . 1125 55 2 , . . Sal 2 50
I. . . . 620 1 CO 18. . . . 520 uS 5 . , . . . 461 2 65
3. . . . 176 1 05 1. . . .1300 Lu . . . . 7Th 2 75
1..1l60 I 75 l..i14 . . . . , 2 25
2.,1235 I 85 1 , , , . 970 2 15 . " . . . . 1365 2 55
l..1331) 1 90 3. . . . 980 2 15 1. . . .115) 235
i..1250 2 00 I..lTOO 2 20 _ ' . . . . 1300 2 33
5..i i202002..i" S3 2 2' l..1370 250
l..1240 2 10 i..1380 2 20 1. . . .1100 2 50
I . . . . .10 2 10 2. , . . 510 2 25 i..IlOO 2 85
i..l0s0 : iio
2..00 2 13
1 220 1 25 1. . . . 200 2 04) 1. . . . 110 3 25
1 : iio 1 211 3 , . . . 350 2 40 5. . . . 118 3 50
1. . . 330 1 75 3. . . . 356 2 50 1. . . . 360 4 0- )
1. . . 230 1 75 1. . . 330 2 ro 1. . . . 170 4 00
1 260 1 75 3. . . . 310 2 60 1. . . . 110 4 00
1. . . 230 2 00 8. , . . : tis 2 71) 2 , , . . 205 4 00
2..60 2 00 3. . . . 180 3 00 3. . . . 122 4 25
1. . . 110 2 00 2. . . . 103 3 00 4. . . . 153 4 75
1. . . .1030 1 $5 2. . . . 520 2 50 3. . . . 016 2 75
3. . . . 526 2 25 7..572 2 50 S. . . . 713 2 35
2. . . . 743 2 31) 1. . . . 56' ) 2 50 22. 914 3 0' )
5. . . 483 2 40 6. . . . is : : 50 23. . . . 1005 3 05
6. . . . 616 2 4) ) ) 4 , . . . 415 2 r,5 5..11G.S 3 25
5. . . , 620 2 50 8. . . . 573 2 7t ) 3 , . . .1033 3 25
Siirrpsoii & I'etersnm.
No. Ai' . Pr. No. Ar. Pr.
1 . . . . . . . . ' ) $2 50 $2 steers..1191 $3 75
31008-There wi'io oaty tiilrty.ilvcr flesh luatIa
iii tIme yimrti , mind about 900 Imi'ad cit ittuuie hogs.
'file itgimt receipts hod ( tie nmole favorable outlook -
look at oIlier pubis causal an atvnnre , of Sc ,
The trade was fairly active at the higher prices
and time pours veie eletireut at an early hour.
One lead of good hmeav' hogs brought $4.10 , ( lie
top , its against $4.03 yesteriiay minI $4.25 en Satur.
ila' of Inst week. 1'iue light hogs sold froln
$3.55 up to $3.93 , witlm the hmilk of all the lungs
selling at * 3.75114.00. Au indicated l'y ( lie sules :
time tnmtrket Is now not far hum where It was
at tire opening of limo acek. On last 2loniuiy ,
time exirenmo i-nag , ' of prices inhul ' .me $3.&Oiull0 ,
as against * 3.533-14.10 today , ant ike btultt of the
hogs sold oh Moimday at * 3.80114.0' . Itepi-ecentru-
live sales :
No Av. Sit. l'r. No Av. Sli. Pr.
77..160 . . . $3 & : ; 107 , . . . . .1St. . . . $1 CO
$ . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Cl ) 57..155 Ii ) 3 10
57..153 80 3 63 70..1714. , , 3 Ii )
104) , . , , . , . it , ? 120 : os . . . . . . . . . . : SO
. . . . . . . . . . . 3 70 . . . . . . . . . . . 12-1 ' 90
$ . . . . . . . . . . , 3 70 . . . . . . . . 4) ) 3 1) )
. . . . . . . . l2) 3 70 " . . . . . . . . . . ill 40 3 95
$1 , , . . . . . .iiG 40 3 70 . . . . . . . . 49 :
. . . . . . . . . . . : 75 61 . . . . . . . .211 12. ) 3 ' 5
. . . . . . . . . . . ; 75 65. . . . . . . 22.S It' ) 3 115
. . . . . . . . . 80 3 if , 5).257 , . , 4 00
92..7 10 3 75 . . . . . . . . . . . 4 00
35..173 . . . S 75 Em..223 4)I ( JO
112 . . , , . , , l' .8 . . . 11 8) ) ( . . . . . . . . 16) ) 00
r,6..200 40 SI . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1 $ )
. . . . . . . . . , . 8' Cl . . . . . . . .24:1 : . . . 00
77..207 Wi 9' ' ) . ' tO..195 . . . ( II )
. . . . . . . . 40 9- ) 72..239 44 10
SEll'S AND CL'I.l.S.
. . . . . . . . ) , , , 2 5' ' ) . . . . . . . . , . , 2 54
3..i ) . . . I SI ) . . . . . . . . , . . 2 73
- 1'IGS.
16. . . . . . . . 44 . . . 2 6' ) 40..106 , , 1 25
43. . . . . . . . ' 75 ' , , 2 14) 41 . . . . . . . .IOU , . , :1 : i
24. . . . . . . . 112 . . , : i ml ) 15. . . . . . . . 121 . . 3 3) )
. . . . . . . . . . . 4 15 13..137 , , . : i SO
36. . . . . . . . PG , . . 3 20 1 . , . . , . , , 110 , . . S 75
$ IIEIl'-'rluere : were a few state sticep iii this
yards , whIch will at gIOd stitng in-Ices. Itepre.
seimtative oaies
No Ar. Pr.
15 cullS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,6 $1 f/I
102 native tcelerli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 2 23
207 mixed imutl'CS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 300
'llIcAm ( ) LL'E S ' 1' 00K ,
liumycril l'iclcctl Up the Few llundred lheiiul
olfterett itt Good l'ricos ,
CIIICAiSO , Jair. 26-Aiout 3.00 heal of cattle
nrriveul tuului 9' . 1 ( us'ei's lkieul lip I lie few hiund i ed
lieumd on sale , pui'ing stloimg 5uri'elr , iii epc.
tatioul of light receiluis for 3.ionihui' , iIicci-s
sold frolmi $3.15 to $5.60 ; stoelteis aumil fecht'us
fronm $2.10 to $3.75 ; couss fruit , $1.25 to $3.60 ,
ThU lung taut i let SillS 0 uuuum Cc to 10 , , hi 1611cr
t ban itt I lie it'st I hub yt'si eida' , iinil ( roimm ICc
to I So litgiier liirilu 'J'iiulietu , s' . 'I'iit week's i t' .
eel p1 ii are ( lie i'ecoii&I ShIll I les L ( ci' a ivt't'Ic lii
Jluuulnry sInce lOSS. ltu9't'i-H uric boltIng Cur a
I Ic lit ( Him for Slonilay , hot inure I bun a 10,0' ) ' ) tm
21,00' ) , ILlid they i cu willIng to r' ' , p ( lie hi igli
prIces asked by haulers , 'I'luo lett ia-ai'y
II era ealcuihi , , iirtiriiutl $ 1,50 , iuuil Ii 1,3cc lmlislrtt'il
light wt'igiittt ut'ui , tim , leiiuind at (101mm $1.15 to
$4.20 , 1"l-oflm this , ) ligluros , silica u-umimgel ti bug
tioiVi ( (0 ( Cu cxii $4 tim $4 , 10 ( or eciumirmon lmeiuv ) ' , utmi
from $3.85 to $3,310 ( or eoiinrun iittut , 'fliti close
ivums llrun.
'l'hlo lri5lu'ct of somali uuiuppiies ( it sheep for
thin cpeiii ng iki'S ( If net Wt't'j1 i'ti nhlilai 'd I lie
ilernanub uiti l rengtiuojleui ( irices , 'l'hii , J,5JO ( hiu'aii
ufTercd , wi'r'r uluti-Icly ilitiiosei.I or tii a tasis of
( loin $2.21 to $4 ( or t'uiulumuon (0 ( extra shed ) ,
( mm $3.25 t .i 84,1/I fimiliior to fimmmi'y laumutut.
3teeiptli : ( 'attic. r.lJ' lui'nhI ; cii I met , )3) ) head
hogs , 8,00' ) hieiuli-imci'p ; , 1,504) heal ,
Itceol IltS ii iuut 1)lspot I ( mum iii 18 I , ick ,
OltIehItI receipts and tlisposltlnn of stock
( UI * luown by 1110 books of ( lie tJuiiohm Stork
Yards COiiiPOiW for time tweuity.l'our hiothrn
endliig Ut 3 o'clock I ) , am. , .Juiuuury 20 , 1615 :
Cars , head.
Cattle . , . . , . . . . . , . . . , , , . , , . . . , , . , . , . . . , t ) 73-6
llogiu , . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . , . , . , , , . , , . . . , , . . . , 35 2,614
hGiieep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 102
horses and mules . . . , , , , , , . . , , . . . . . . . . i 25
Buyers. Cattle. hogs. Siieefm.
Omaha I'ackisg comnpams' 610 , , , , ,
Tmtu ) ( I , hi. liamnmoubi Co 105 3-00
Swift and Coxnpaiiy III 728 222
'Piio CudimiY l'liekitlg Co 163 Si7
John P. Squire & 3-'Iheoru , . , , 210 , , . , ,
Nelson Morris , , , , . . . . . . . , 8
A. Iluas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
It. Ilecker & legeim , 48
J. Lobman , , , . . , . , , . , , . . , 4
I. . . Ilecker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
linmurhiton & H . . , . . , . . . . . , 42
Shippers and feeders. , . 503 6 102
Left over . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O0 , , , , ,
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,113 2,527 1124
ltmmek lii Sight ,
Record of iecetpts at ( lie tour prllueipt.b iriur
hats ( or Saturtiuy , January IC , 33-55 ;
Cattle. hugs. Sileelu.
South Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 2,613 .
Cluteimgu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WI' 5.00) 3,511
Kuiisas City. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.10) 4,600 3-01)
St. Louis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,0111 1 50) 103
'rotate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 , 16.713 2,4/I
Ralisils Chiy ilw StucK Muirkit ,
KANSAS CITY , Jan. :6.-CA'VrLhS-bteceipis ,
2,100 heal , shipments , 1,500 hesu4 market st(1ft,13P
IC strong , Tc'ns stOers , $3.30ff3.,0 ; Txa cows ,
$ l.7jt4.25 ; ( 'ohoifmio stedup $3 00474.13 ; ( 'eel 510Cr !
12.40U&05 ; within cows , ji.s.s3-03.30 ; sutockera nntl
feelet-s. $2CMt3.90 hulls , $ ltSfi3.85.
I iOIS--hteceihilui , 1,600 lmemul ; shtpment. , 1.700
huenut ; motiket strong to 1 higher ; bilk of esIes ,
$3.$0tllO ; lucavies ' 11.95471.20 ; psekeus , $3.304J4f'O'
limited , $3.50ff4.(1& 'llghmtmu , 83,621)3.3-0 ; Yorkers , $3.73
(33.80 ; pigs 13.354j9.5.
SllI4kl'-IteceltiIs , h-cO hIeSil Slmlphfl0fltli , lC'O
hieatl ; matket steady ,
UOTI'tN 9tAitKET ,
New York ( Jootntiotmsftpeumeul at an Act.
.uIsleo of TWO i'oint.
NEW 'i'ObtK , Jan , 26.-Thic cotton irmirket
opened at tin advance of 2 points. titled ste0y
anil closed at an nivoace of 1112 l'olnted total
pn1e , 25,710 iies , Thue ptealltmc'su. , of this iruutket
wits ( lie result of a ll(1i ( local covering numd a
scarcity of sellers. lneStlrB were pcottt'c'l by
time m'eri exports anti big receipts. l'raticniIy nit
ltislrucs'e truomsoeleul on 'change toitmh' Ira ! In the
ulatiir , . of switching for local ctweriimg.
1itniichmeetur sent a , toleftil i-ctu-uuln in the ivuty of
cables limitetit lug ( ear of a uituqq1 cc of sltum.hiC3
a ! thit' resuiit of tutu ti-ale. New trlc'afls ihil her'
l'zirt wilhm nut advance of 2473 l'mliit5 , tnit bncketl
thai , ii after the elope ,
Noiti"cibb ( , .lnii. -CO'rFON.-Stcndyt mli.
uhiltig. ; low tnlldbluug. 4 Il-ICc ; gutsi ordinary ,
4 I lGr ; net auth gi'p it'C'I'tl' ( . lii' ) hult'Ct cx.
1)011 ! , cia-twIce , 512 Stales ; Iou's , Sil tailes ; stock ,
52,110 halt's.
hA l.'rhhiolu4 , .lnn , fG.--COTTON-N'tuntimal :
irrtld I lug , 5'e ; tow timildllti 11 1 .iGc g'od or-
utlimni-y , 4c ; hot imiutl gross rceii'ts , mrt'lrel ptock ,
2.035 leiletu ,
llOS'l'ON , Jiti. 2G-t'OTTON-Ihtubl anti t'n's' :
iii Ill I lag , 5 1 I1 Ge ; hay iiihhhl Ing , 1 , 1.18' ; goul or-
, iiirary , 4 l'lfc ; net receipts , lt'l ' lahos ; gauss.
lO.'li hales' t'xiiou Is tm Gltitt ilrltnln. 4.331 isilet' .
WI 1.5112' . ( ITON Jcuum. 26-T'l\N.-t8uily'
mulCh lag , 1e ; oi % ' iiiihtil lag , 4 i'lC'c ; net aim1
sass let-chile , 1,0113 Ismlcs ; rttick , 11.835 titles.
P11 1 l.A lili.l'i I IA , Jan. -'OTTON--iite.'mIIP
nilihliuug , , 5 11.1Cc ; low nmlIdtlng , 1' 3-hCc ; good or-
tlnnry , 4 D'IGe ; trot tmhmut gross . ' ( ' , 153 hales ;
slack , 11,3-73 link's ,
SAVANNAh , .Tan , 2G.-COT'l'ON---Qutlct cliii
sI aml' ; hull I ing S S-ICc ; low mmiIhutithig , ltSc ; goat
ontiumni4 7-i6c ; net nail gros'c receiplit , 3,150
kilt's ; pities. 8.630 halt's ; ptoviC , 111,501 lalt's ,
NlV Oltl.EAN $ , .lnn. 20.-COTS'ON-liasy'
lflthdl iuug , I , l'IGc ; lair rimthiiiurg , I il-ICc ; gao
"ohitmutry , I 9.1Cc ; iret leu''ipls. GfSI limit's ; goes ,
G,70S tales ; , , 'xl'rts to ( braut lii-iluiin , 10,800 memles :
( I ) thu remit iimeat , 2.037 tale-s ; emetW lee , lb 273
bales ; sales , 4,700 iuith's ; stock. 355,115 titles.
h'Iituui't' , , sleahy ; pniep , 12,000 tugs ; .lanuuary ,
$5.00 bib ; l'eliruizmr' , $3. 11117,13 ; Mmcii , 85.251(15 lii ;
Api-il , C5.231i3.2l ; 3-huu' , $1,2.3S.10 ( ; Juiiue , $52310
5.26 ; .buiy , 83.11115.42 ; Ailgilet. $3,464(5.17 ( Seitein-
Icr , * 5.50815.51 ; Octotuor , $ i.53045 56.
A1'UP'I'A , .iun , 26-'Oi"i'ON-tluie ( ; immhiuhiihmg ,
5t.fc ; low I lug , Sc ; lit-I ii ( ml gast i-ecu'tlts ,
815 hales ; tiitliimt.imtli , 1156 lush's ; sates , 324 kilos ;
steel-c , 31,030 built's.
( ' 1 1 Alt iI3OTON , .laui. -COTTON-St laIty ;
irmtddi lag , fiff3 l3I6c ; low iurt1litirg , 5 3'h6iJZ'76c
net aumil grass r&'vt'tiltp , 2.563 iuiie. , . . . .
l.lvi-1iti'OOL , ito , 26.-C.ON-Spat , nmo'l-
era It' tlu'imms uI ; A nrt'ricumn , inilull in g , Stl. Tue sties
of ( lie i155' ivt'ut' $000 buttes , of iu tuielm tOO ivero
fur sji''llhlih ion itni eaptu t it ird lit3-ltuilet 7,1u )
lutes it iimerlcuimm. itt'veliits , 13,000 iaiui , inc-lathIng
8,500 built's Amuuericiium. llt art's ciueh qti lit hilt
ii timI ) ' ; A na'ri ctiur untIl lug , I . . 11 , ( . ' . , .hiuiiuuiii'S'-
I'ciriiuii ' , 2 5:1.6 : 1(1(12 60.641 ; l'cbrilary , unit Mutt cli ,
2 59.64472 1-tI il ; Miii elm antI A liril , 2 60.6 1012 Gi'Clth
Aiui-ll imuil Mui' , 1 62-641 ; itiiy unit Juiiuc , 2 63'Gliu )
31 ; .itlime intl Jab' , 3 l.Glub ; July and August.
3 3.84,1 ; ttigimst iuuii h0'teuntuem , 1 3-64133 4-64d ;
Septeumber and October , 3 56i1 ,
St. 1.1)014 ( bciucril ltitrket4 ,
S.F. LOUIS. Jrun. 2C.-i"1.0t1It-Dtlti , depressed ;
Patents , $2.4302.f5 ; otilelit not ctlotirIly ciuiuirg'h.
\v I I h-A'b'-\3-'imiu lull earl ) ' , hut hIm , on'iirit to
lack of , utsibe advlta'e ; cioseil t1c ( ott fiMiu
ycstt'aliy's , u-iv's ; Nm. 2 ic-i , cash , 493c ; Jiumu-
amy , 4'.ilc ; Slit ) ' , 0l71c ; July , f171c.
COhtN-ievcloiumrid.nts % VCi C lii line with wheat ,
I Ii' cioso bt'iimg 3lb7.c loiter ; No. 2 iimtxcl , caiuii ,
.January nut February , B-c ; huhity , 4iCjit)4e ;
July , 4234e.
OATS-Dull , neglected ; No. 2 , carOm and Jau
ar' , . 29c ; Slity , 2')4c , '
It' l-thiichimiuged.
IhAItl.E'-Quilet ; salt's Iowa , 53c.
iiitAN-f.Se , t-ackel , eauut. traci : .
FLAX Slii1-I.38.
(1LO'l-lit $ i3El-Loiu'er ; $ S.10475.20.
'PIMOI'hiY Sfllt-I1lgtier ; 15.25125.50.
I1AY-ltull. unetianged ,
IX'.GS-hiigiut'r ; i7tic.
I lt'i"rEl t-tYiiehiuiirged. C
LIIAD-Fimn , ; 12.95.
( ObtN alEAl.-l.9062i.S3.
Wit iliiCY-l.22.
c'OTEON 1'ii.s-GSe :
I ( AGO I N0-43-ti5i5c.
b'ltOVlStONS-l'orlc , strmntlarl mess , jobbln ,
$10.75. Liii-ti , prlimre teaii1 , $0.40 ; choIce , $6.35.
1)1-IC , 'ait utit-iLts iinul tucn , tunctrumngeul.
ltgcEli'TS-Flour , 3,0)0 biOs. ; wheat , 6,004 bu.j
coin. 43.000 lum. ; , uuils , II , ( kii. ) bmu.
SlIbl'5thN'1'S-Fioir. 6,00' ) bbls. ; wheat , 61,000
Eu. ; corn , 7,000 lu. ; oats , lS,000bu.
llaltiiimore Slaricetr.
IJALTIMOItE , Jan. 26.-Fi.OUI1-Duil and un.
cliaiuged ; reechiutS. 11,9' ) ) Ubis. ; shitpiaeimt , , 734
bbjis. ; pales , 154) btils.
' \'liiA'r--Eiu'y ; squat and month , 53 6j56o ;
F'iruau' , r,6c , ; ? lircli , 570Cf5Sc ; May , L0
&Sle ; taeiuiuer No. 2 tel , gmiAt533c $ : receipts.
2.1,401 tim. ; slipnients. 16,0M ) ho , ; stock , 720.523
lou. ; pales , 33,000 but. ; eoutiiern wheat. sample ,
571(15Cc : soutlmt'rn ivhieat , on ginelo , 51'447311'c.
COItN-eiils' : spit and mantim , 46ilc ; Feturmi-
amy , 46'0461c ; Jiliiy , 49c n.ske'l ; eteamt'r , mrul'.el.
433.547453-c ; m-eceiptir , 31,127 bu. ; to k , 01,601 bu. ;
pti' , 34,000 bu. ; soiitlrorim iviulte cmii , 453ft9
46150 ; iuouilliemn yellow.46347tic. .
OATS-QuIet but steady ; Ni , . 2 white , ivet-
em , 364737e ; No. 2 amlxal , 3436ff33d ; receipts ,
10.943 ho. ; static. 135,617 bu.
ltY13-Steuid , ' ; No. 2 , 57fSSc ; receipts , 1,455 ho. :
tocbc , 37,497 bU.
IIAI'-Stouuils' ; good to choice tImothy , $ l2.50J
GitAIN FrtilGllTS-Unehaaged. , ' -
; - .
( 'I lEE3j-1Timciraiigeil.
EGGS-Steady ; tretuli , 2Cc.
l'hiiuulelpluhus Shzsricet'i.
P1IILADEL1'IITA , Jan. 23.-WIIEAT--'Dull , and
near ( attires 'Ic lowei' ; No. 2 nc-il , .hanulary , 55 %
Gi5Sc ; I"ehruai' ' , 1i7744jSSe ; Maicli , 5S475Sc ;
April. tOe.
cOION-Htctulh' ; No. 2 mixed , 4T4783lc ; Febru-
amy. 47114713-C ; Apali , 484i1SC.
OA'I'S-iOtentiv ; No. 2 whIte , January , 1EJIG1Sc ;
March , 35'/4737c AprIl , 3T4737ic.
liU'I'TEbt-Flrimm and Ic higher ; fammey western
crcuirmcrs' : , 24o ; fumime ) ' l'i-niisylvimiit.u priiits , 22c ;
rifles' I'dimns'Ivahiia joltiiiig , 2SUlSc.
IGC.S-Piuin ; ( mccii , near by , 210 ; fresh west.-
cnn , 23c.
Cit EESbO-Unctiatlg'tI.
SIJGAIt--htt'liuidi , cuumiet but firma ,
' 1'- LlJVu'1)ull and it cult.
ItEClll'TS--FiotIi' , 2,500 bills , 2,500 sacks ;
wlmeat. 3(0)0 ( ) lii. ; corn , 10,01)0 ho. ; oat , , , 33,000 hal.
$11 ll'stiN'rW'iiuut : , 3,100 bu. ; ecu-n , 20,000
lu. ; oats , 15,004 bu.
Ifuunrvi City ilsiricotS.
1ANt4..11 ( 'tT % ' . Jan. 26.-\\'i mAT-Ic broom ;
No. 2 tail , illt(32c ; No. 2 ied , 5012510 ; ueJectcd ,
lie ; tsaiuii'ie citIes , f. a. it. MtsstaMIisl'l river : No.
2 isuird , Sic ; No. 2 neil , lCPSic.
COIIN-13c , hIgher ; No. 2 nulxel , 4034741c ; No. 2
rihtte , lie.
OAT-teahly ; No. 2 iurixed , 20341230c ; No. 2
white. ll132e.
ItvllIu : in ; No 2 , SOc.
i'l/tX i4iE1)-ltitl. 21.30111.31.
ilitAN-Flrlim , CICuTOc.
I IA V-Dull. itt-lid ) ' , muirclinimgcd.
' " ' ' , ' 'uuimciiang"si.
I ( I J'1"Fl It'm''alc. .
IX1(1K-ACt ire , tiluuiier , 1634c.
lttt 'in i'4'--Wiicuut , 7,0' ) bu , ; corn , 5,000 Lii.
rotte , 8(00 tii. ,
$111 I'MENTS-NOfle , .
Stigiur Ilaricet ,
NEW l'OIti. , Tan. 21l.-S1JOAR-Rnw , ni-in ;
( air u , 'hlnturiC , 2 Il-ICc ; ceuiriruiglsl. 66 it't , 3 l4.32c ;
sales , none ; rcilneI. steauly ; No. 6 , 3 i.3G47'Ju : ; Ncu ,
7. 33:6i3 : 5.1Cc ; Ni' . 8. 211153 5.1Cc' Ni' . 9 , llto : No.
10. 'JC6j3 5.1Cc ; No. II , 3 l3.lG0(1,4U No. 12 , 3 3 lCo ;
No. 13 , 3 15.1Cc ; off A. 21',6s3hc ; unouiitt A , 4 1.1649
434c ; striuiumr'i A. 3 11.1f313'4.t : ; c'oimfccltniieumt' A ,
) bt.l64f37hc ; c-Ut lout. 4 7-ifitie ; ciusht-d , 4 7-il
Ulc ; porvIt'rc-t , 4 li.loc ; gsuunulated , 3 l3.1647icj
(2Jul01 , 4 1-1612 4t.c ,
LONI JON. .laii , 26.-SIJOAIO'-Cane' , ricoh' ;
In ret ( till y inaililut luut'd ; ceimtrffugal Jai'ui , I iii
10 ; 1tuiecoa'IO , hum ucliiuiirg , Is , , Si ,
14(1. I.oiui * Iivo Stnuufc .ilutrlct't.
ST. LOUIS , Jaii , 243.-rVI"h'LlS-It'cetpls , 8,000
iiersd ' stil talcum is , 3,0V ) hucual ; iimtrluet ii till ; suply
ti ) ) iiiitit. ti-i male a i-esrc'teiitiitive riirtu bet on all
gninit's inc-c-H uiobmmihiflh I 1' Cii true IS i'rislay's.
I 10U-Itcceilst $ , I , 500 ius'uiil ; , iili'a , dirts , 4 , 700
hi-its I ; ails ricet pti'Ohif ( and rfJ lIe hitriucti' ; heist
hi'ut , vy , I 1,20 ; gooil luitd iii iii a tid liii tel , $1.1 2i,4fii'i ; ' ligtit , 13.10111.03 ; pIgs , common lilnl
ituigli , $3,351t3.75.
3I ; I I I iI'-1 teetliul I , 100 ) ieni , ; sli I purueimtp , 2043
hail ; ( nut rki't ( ( ii lot ; gael sheep ; snh ivi-ji set mu , 03.60
ff4.00 ; fair iimlxed.-.iSi43.25 ; illurmIus , $ fi,08J4,4' .
14is' York immy ( losalum Iham'kit. ,
NIIW YOlthf , Jail. 26.-Suim' biiisineeii was
, loin , today In cotton gohi' , thress fairIes and
ttsiireptlc-i4 , alsO very ( usir yimli's rciutiileh ( toni
11010 juurciiatti'S , while the ummcuvein-llt of gools
tam cli eeuguigcuimeflhii ii as jiisf nut in I ie : in pro.
lort In , A 54 usual , iu'oOleii guilt wi'u-cu Iit'ifCted ,
h'i-iimtiiild c-luther 'vote quiet but firm at 2 5.1Cc
hill uiid tieclinfd ,
II U lid lug I'I ek big tJj , ii 1.1 I Cli' ,
So tar thilus montii permits have lseen Issued
( toil , ( hit' building inspector's 0111cc aggregat-
limg $25,000 , anti it. is hiOssIblO that tire total
will be ralseul to 30,000 before thin wisl of this
iflOuitll. [ "or the caine inotithi last year per.
omits aggregatlims only $8,000 i'ere Issued ,
hrmakliig thie lhim0Ulbt this year over Ihircu
times greater 111311 that of last , Part of
( lila Increase ha attributed to thi OOIb weather
of thio winter , lmut it Is , nevertheless , cotm-
sidereil that It Indicates thiat humlness is ldck-
ing tip. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
4iii'sl , Ititis ii iuui A iii In' rut ,
OMAHA , Jan. 22.--'l'o tile Ehitor of 'rlis
lice : Whi're tloes a la'i'solu get a patent
from the governxn'rlt ( or lauisi7 Jo yott get
it froun iii' luiiui ohIit'u or tiiiuugh thu
Unitetl States court ? jbO2iIS'1'1AIEIt.
Immorim Ilue bush ollice ,
OMAIIA. Jimum , 17.-'i'u (110 ( Eslilor of' The
lIce : VIII you please tell lilt ) In ) 'oilr Silfl
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