Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 28, 1895, Image 1

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    , . " "f . r' " ' " ' . ' ' "
. . THE OMAHA ; DAILY BEE. . . .
. . ' . . . . .
- I - . . - .
ES'l'ldn.JISll : : JUNE lH , 1871. . OMAhA - , MONDAY : MONflt- , , JANUARY 28 , 1895. . SINGT.JJD COPY 1 .YD OJDN'PS.
Tist to Receive Recogiton on His Birthday -
- ; day Annivermy
StRtne" or Al the Ir.llcnlnrl - l'rlnccI nnd
I or Ilultrluu : lea Iii RAt Ont ur the
Army to lIe ntlplrc.t In
Prominent - 1'ltCC
mmI.t Jon 27.-ToJoy Is the thlrl ' -
Ilxlh anniversary or the birth or Emperor I
. adds the following let-
\VUiIam. Ils majeaty adls folowing
tcr to "my army ;
"I.'or the twenty .fh time the memorial
day comes arolnd or the great war which
wal rorcell upon the fatherland , nnll ( which ,
after a I10th ) or victory without parallel ,
brought IL to n glorious enllng , fulfilled Ocr-
many's longing , anti as the noblest Iecom-
pcn80 for he Racrlfces , created an unshalt-
able fOllloton for her Jreatne s and welfare
In the federation of her princes anti people.
Wih touched heart I gl6rUy the mercy of
the Almighty thl he blcsCI our arms In
such n measure ot full einpatiy. ) I think
ot these who , In thc sacrificial strfc for Ger-
many's honor and , independence , joyfully
yIelded their 1\'c1 and IL Is renewed to all
those who co.opertcll to the attainment or
this end , but I crclaly tender my thanks ,
to my army , whIch , together with the troops
ot my illustrious allies , strove to xcel In
heroic ileeds. I bravery Is Inextngllshahle ,
the gleam or its deeds on the pages of history
I Is unfaIlIng , and round its colors Is twined
a wreath of glory. Upon It , before all , the
- duty falls of preserving the memory or that
time among the generations enjoying the
fruits ot Its victories. To thIs eli I ordain ,
In order to grant my troops a visible symbol
ot their prOl1 memories . that from July Hi
to May 10 , 18:6 , wherever the colors and
stanlards to which lY grandfather , the
great clperor and , king , granted dIstinction
for partelpalon ; In this war are dIsplayed ,
they shall 12 decorated with oak leaves , and
that the first guns or those batteries which
fought In the eontesl shal b wreathed with
similar leaves. \y lY army remain ever
mlntul that only tear of Gel , fidelity and
obedience can render IL capable of leeds such
as these that male , Its own and the 1ather-
lan'l's greatness
"Herl n , the 2rth day ot January , 18 : :
p " " 1,1.1.11 11 , IU X. "
A special editIon or the . Olcal lelchs-
anzllger to.ay contains an imperial order I
to the civilians and olcah ; In Berln In
which , In connection with his brthday : anni-
versary . , the emperor orders the decoration of
the city as I tollen or gratitude to the memory -
cry or the glorious past ot the 1atherland.
In pursuance of this scheme marble figures
or the prlnccs or Urandenlurg and Prussia
UI ( to William I , and near thel statues or
men ot special mark In their time , either sol-
biters , statesmen or ordinary citzens , are to
be erected In the Slcggesale , In the Their-
garten the cost thereof beIng defrayed by
the emrroi 'S private purse.
The anniversary or the emperor's birth-
.Iy was marked by the usual rejoicings. ,
The city was generally decorated and ium 1-
noted. Tile chief thoroughfares were
thronged. After religious services In the
. chapel or the royal palace , the emperor received -
celvel the congratulations or his royal
guests , diplomats and other notables. In
honor or tim day his majesty conferred the
decoration or the order of the Hed Eagle on
Herr Thielen , minIster ot public works ; herr
} Coehier . mInister or the Interior , antI Dr.
Sclonstedt , minister or JusUce.
, A gala performance was given aL the opera
' 4 1ouse. Alt the papers contain special art-
des on the anniversary.
LONDON Jan. 27.-A dispatch to the
Standard from Berlin says that Empress
Frederick , the mother ot Emperor WillIam .
and all the memlers or the Imperial family .
took breakfast In the palace and subsequently
attended service In the palace chapel. The
- emperor entered the chapel escorting
his mother. The Icing ofVur ' -
tumburg escorted Empress Augusta
Victoria Queen Victoria the prince
ofValcs. , Emperor FrancIs Joseph ,
King Humhert , the czar the pope and the
sultan of Turkey each sent n telegraphic
message ot congratulatIons.
-1 TW' , J xl'eced Namr MlMlug front the
PARIS , Jan 27.-Tho name or neither
Generl Jamont nor Admiral Besnard appears -
pears In the list of cabinet omcorl publshed
In the Journal Omclalo. The ministry of war
, wi bo occupied u.d interim by Prime liui-
Ister Ibot , and the ministry or marine Ui
Interim by M. Trarleux , who also holds the
PortfolIo or justice. ThIs makes the new I
cabInet as follows : I
Prime minIster , minister or finance and UI I
Interim minister or war , M. nlot , 1
1111ster or Justice 111 ad Interim mln- I
later or marine , Iul. Traricux.
- . , Minister or foreign affairs . M. Hanotaux I
Minister or the Interior M. Ieygus.
Minister or publc Instruction and worship ,
M. Polncarre
MInister of public works , ! , Dupuy.Du-
tern puu.
Minister of commerce , M. Andre Ledon
Minister of agl'lcllure. M. Cadean.
Minister or the colonies l. Chnuteml18.
'Tho newspapers eXl1rell great slrprlso nt
the composition of the cabinet , but their
communts are not hostile . Irelidolt Faure
this morning received Ienerl ( Jaunont.
Tile mlnlsLry held its first conference at
the residence ot M. I10t. a 11 ! decided In
prInciple to support an amnesty bill . In the
evening the cabinet met ut the palace of the
Elyssee . when President F'auro Imparted , to
flue ministers his message. which wi be
ro\1 by M. Ilot In the Chamber ot Iepu-
morrow ties , all , hy M. Trarloux In the Sonlto to.
Prime MInister ! lot lures decided not to
make I fMmal mlnlstcrlal statement , hut
wi indicate his poley In the reply to M.
Coblot's Interpelaton at the general policy
of the government Notice has boon given
ot other Intorlwlatlns. three of which em
nnato from socialists , and uro aimed es-
' pecialY against M. Ribot. 'fhe cabinet has
11echled that the ministry ot public worship .
Ih.1 be reincorporated with the minIstry ot
public Instructon ,
I fs stated that General Jamont Ilocllell
to accept the war poll folio until I W.II of.
rerel to General llcrvo . who Is now uuta-
tonel at Ahler.
Cardinal ' , to.
Carhl1 lamonl1 , archblslop ot Paris
day celebrated mass In the church ot Notre
Daml , and , publc prayers were said on the
occasion ot the end of the crisis Thieve
wus u large rOlgrgllll present , Inell\ng
many ediutors and members 01 the Chamber
ot Del'utieu. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
UI : UHalS : : UI:1 : l'IO ItUt.IV. .
Veil tn Slc'rl' 1111 til' . Tlmt tr I ) lol lit ion
w "I u'varcoly opplr . I ,
31' l'gTI lSBUHO , Jan 7.-'ho Inlne ,
tlatn cause of the death saturday at M . ne
Giere , the minister or fern : affairs , was
angina 11ectorls , COlplcatell with Infamma ,
ton of thus lungs Ills 1 lt hours were
11eacefll. lie tel Into a 11eep sheep early Sat.
trdY evening and pabsell a'vay almost 1m-
4 Pereeiutibi ) that night. The catafalque hu
been erected In the death rlulnbrr 1111
re1lulcms wIll b6 aung daily until the funeral
tal.el juace'edneeday ! next. I Is nol lkely
that the death ofl. , De Olel's wIll Invoh'Q
any change pf p lcy , all ot .hls probable sue.
ccseor helng In accord wIth lie
ceSors wlh ( zar In n
desire for pcace.
The Journal de St Icteuburg pays a warm
trIbute to the faithful , patriotic . devoted anti
talented Icn'lu ot M , De Gen under three
' reirne , ,
reflmel _ _ _
1"rll'll ' ' vhs F , \ul.lnl'r ,
YOIWn.\MA Jan. L-Oeueral NOlhu : In
an Olcial ulispuutch mI'uncel that ho d ; !
. . -
clnrfl nn otter made to Jllm by n Tartar
chief from 1lnen , who recently arrived at
the JOlmne camps anti denounced the Chi.
nese deprNlutlon , The chief offered the
Re\'lees of r.O ( men tb join the JnpancRe In
attacking 1loukden and , to avenge Chinese
crnoltl ! Natives of 1.lnoan , Manchuria , '
hnve also petitioned the JaPanese to apee(1y'
occUpy that ciy ,
: . \tmu. ( \NUOI'r nnn
IluatrlOu ' : llltury Career Ur.\lnl to I
PARS , Jan 27.-FIeh Marshal Canrobert ,
who Is sufferIng with phleglts , Is morlbulll i
rancols Canrolerl , marshal or France and
n senator , was born In 180 , ot good family.
lt St. Cyr , In the deptment ot the Lot lie
entered the military school at St. Cyr In 1826 ,
and , having distnguishe hImself there ,
'olnell ' the army as n prIvate seller , lie
saw much service In AfrIca. Ionls zapoleon ,
when presilenl , appolntell Canrobert one or I
his alde.dccamps. Upon the formation of
the army ot the cast In ISa : he was appointed
to the command ot the first division In the
Crimea. Ills troops ( took ) art In the bate
ot the Alma anti he was wonnlell by n shel ,
which struck him on the breast. Marshal
Starnand resigned six days after the first bat-
tie In the Crimea , nod the command of the
east was transferred to General Canrobert.
Although commander-In.chlef , General Can-
robert was again In the thlcllest of the fht
aL InkermQn , nnl , whist heading the liii-
) dloUS charge ot the zOlaves was slightly
wouintlcd. Inlay , ISrr , fnding that 1m-
pain-I health no longer lermlled him to
hold the chief conlna\1 In the Crimea , he
resigned to General Pelssier , anti soon after
returned to Prance. lie was treated with
great distinctIon by Emperor Napoleon and
was sent 10 Denmark un,1 , SWeden.
At the beginning of the war of 18r : General -
eral Canrobert received tlD command of the
third corps of the army of the Alps. lie
exposed himself to great dangers at Ia-
genta anti al SoHerlno hall to effect a move-
meat which brought valuable assistance to
General Neil.
General CanroherL was afterwards made a
marshal ot France . grand member of the
Legion of Honor and an Honorary Knight 01
the Bath In 1862 he commanded at the
camp ot Chalons and succeeded the Marshal
10 Castelalno In command of the Fourth
corps d'armee. Subsequently he was ap- '
Iolnted , commander-In.chlet of the army of
ParIs. At the tmc of the declaraton of
war against Prussia In 1870 he had the command -
mand of an army corps. Marshal Canobcrt
was shut 111 In Metz with ? Iarshal Bazalne ,
and on the capitulatIon ot that fortress he
was sent prisoner Into Germany. After the
preliminaries of peace had been signed lie '
returned to I rnce , where he met a fnvoruhlo
reception from M. Thlers. In 1876 he was
sent to the senate from Lot. In 1860 Marshal
Canrobert married Miss McDonald , a Scotch
lassIe. lie Is the last marshal of I rance.
I'Ol'E's 1.A'JS'1 1'Nl : UI\ ,
SJlo\8Is ur thin nteulc'lt Scat to te
A merl'lI EpIiucuuatn. :
ROME , Jan. 27.-Tho papal encyclical ad-
dress to the AmerIcan episcpate was made
public here today. In the document the pope
recalls the fact thal he associated himself
with the celebration or the fourth centenary
of the dIscovery of America . the evangelza-
ton ot which country was the first care or
Columbus , whIch evangelization was realized
by the Franciscan and Dominican monies and
the Jusnl rathers. After pointing out that
the first Catholic bishop In AmerIca was a
great friend or George Washington , father of
his country the pope shows how the epls-
copal councils , ahled by the breadth ot ad-
vice and the equIty of American laws , se-
cured the development or Catholic institu-
tlons. I was to contribute still more to this
development that the pope founded the unl-
v ! rsly \Vashlnston , for It was Important
that Catholics should be In the front rank In' '
sciences , even modern sciences providing they
were at one wIth Integrity and , faith. 'o thls . I
end his holiness exhorts the bishops to do all
In their power to encourage the progress of 1
the university Washington , as wel as I
of the North American college In Rome. :
With regard to the apostolic delegation the !
pope states that I was Instituted with a' '
vIew to drawing closer together the bonds
between the Catholics of America and the
holy see , without In any way curtaIlIng the
powers of the bishops. Ills holiness urges
the American episcopate to put an end to
strife , to Instill the Idea or unity and the
perpetuity or marriage among the faithful
anti to Inculcate among the people civi anti
religIous vIrtues. In particular , the pope
calls upon the bishops to tur aside worl-
men's associations from law breaking ; to
teach journalists respect for relIgIon and
truth ; to prove those journals which pass
judgment upon epIscopal acts and. finally. to
turn Protestant to CatholicIsm by charIty ,
by Instruction In doctrine and by leading un
examplary lIfe. In conclusIon , his holiness
recommends the sending or n mission to the
Indians. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
TIlmw silILi.s INro TIlE TOWN.
, JII'Oe80 \ Ship Jlltmrl . . the City or
, LONDON Jan. 28.-A dispatch to the
Times from ShanghaI says that news or the
bombardment ot Teng-Chou arrived from the
Chinese mission ly way at Cheefoo. On the
afternoon or January 18 three Japanese muon-
of-war were seen moving along the coast out
of range. A shot was fred aL the fort west
or Teng.Chou anti another at the defenseless .
less cIty. No notice was given of the bom.
bardment of Mission college. The resl-
Iences situated 200 yards north of the city
wal were In direct line or the city , I was
impossible to clsmanto the fort without
touching the city. The Japanese retired In
the evening but returned the following day
amid bombarded Ihe cIty rrom noon to .1 p. in.
Jour shels tel In the city , somc of them
around the mission premises over which the
American lag wuved. One ot the mlsslon-
arlls put out In a boat , waving an American
and a white 101 : . lie got close to the Japan-
dee ship , but his hal was Ignored , the vessel
steaming away , The American warship
Yorlttown arrived lt Teng.Chou on Sunday
und on the following day took away several
rorelgners. Time other foreIgners In the city
elected to rcumuain There was n panic among
the Chlneso who were leavIng the cly , A
severe snow storm added to the contusion.
( ' 'Ilnil ) 1',1011 tu obey time hub. ,
LONDON , Jan. 27.-A ' cl patch . to the
Times from noulob"e.sur- says that at ,
1 o'clock Satul'lay nigh I , off Dummgeneits ,
the nuth steumer Scimieulanim. Captain I ,
Stoln" , from New York , January 8 , for
Amsterlnm. , watt Ilroeelll up the channel 1
whel ll Ilillh tca\er 1IIHbachlseUs ,
nutwUI hound trIed to pass between tie
Shll'llamm anti time m'lmore contrary 10 rull
Tile ; lal acllllett struck the Schlellamm
wih great foree al hel' Illrt how , cutting
hid' dawn to time water's : . edge. The Hehihe-
ilumnuim imaui etus'euity on lmonrd ,
Illmm lad sevelt pU Jonlerl 10art
but thieveViIC : \ punic. Captain Stelne
decln,1 the assistance Proffered him 1)
the Masmuuchimeetts amid steered fur 'Iiou.
logne , Whel1 tilt Sclilethii mum Irll',1 , Sun.
llU' morilg , Site will teclt antI repaIr.
She Is ion icing 11(1) ( ' lu1 her pu nips relJlr.
to be kept going ( olstaltl' , "hp \ damage
sustained by that lasRehlS UI Is unlmown.
Vigoron : .iy l.rl..nUI\ I I I hn , \ 1'1(11"8. (
LONDON Jan 2. , < llllltcl to the
Speaker ( torn Constantllple says the work
o prtlocltlg thc Armenlal6 In \rmenla
all lucia : lnor Is II'oeeelll" Ut vigorously
its beo\ , n'hln , : " "i'lmt' ' 'urlith ne\\'IIIIICI )
nun Ivllentr under orden to keep up the
excitenuent . nuLl I II txtrcmedl(11 to
get Inrolnaton from the Interior. I the
Il'esent crllls ! Is lroiongetl I Is not limiprohi.
able Ihero with 1. trouble In lucllon \ a In
tie siurlmig , ull I they are sellouK lulgurlu ,
Greoel' unll Sel'la wi inevitably be In.
voh'p,1 , nlHI the eastern Illcston wi Il
raised In Its moet acute form , "
, \ rabenitlul ( 'CIIII..tnl % : loetiu .
CONWrN'lzOPJB , Tan. Z7-The coin-
mllFlon l\polnlc',1 to inquire Into the Ar-
mellln outrages hus hul , I prelmlnar ) '
rltnj ut loc . l. 'he Pore still r1uses to
I'erml newfl'npel' cOl'rcclwmlentl to travel
in Armenia , _ _ , _
IUm : ' 1"1'4.1'1 I tl'ttl II Ilrl < ,
P.\lS , Jan. 2i.IlngIexanlr or Servla ,
arrived ii 'ru 101In ) ' , He was met at the sta.
ton hty his ftlher. e.I\lnl lan , anti by i
rt'prcentaIIvvs clf l'rcstilent 1.'lure amid M.
Julutnux , Ilultcr of CorelJn affairs , I
Senate Will Take Up the Vexed Queston
Again This Moring.
I'resitlcnt lnr RUli In 1 Message nit the
rnanclnt QUetol thnt Wi Vlue
Calctmintlonr-l'mucltic lond8 May
lie Called UII ' 'le8.11Y ,
WASlNGTON , Jon . i.-The week will
open with the renewal ot the hawaiian
question , which 11'omlses to become the subject .
ject of several more very anImated speeches
before It eliot ) lo definitely ali
finally dlsposell of. The adoption
or the Vest nmelHlments to the
Alien resoluton , instead or discouragIng
time antagonists ot the allmlnlstraton , has
apparently hall the effect ot spurring them
to even more strenuous nnd pronouncell op-
position. They express themselves as hopeUI
ot I eyerslnl the verdict , of Saturday when
the next vote shall be reached , whIch shal
be on the final adoption of the stmbstittmte.
Senator Toiler will Inaugurate the discussion
for the week wIth n continuation of his
speech begun 'esten1ay. The hawaiian
question will bo confined to the two first
hours ot the daily session and will , aL the
expiration ot this time , give way to other
sUbjects. !
The bankruptcy bill has been given the po-
siton or unfinished business and wi occUIY
attention for the greater part ot time weel
SCMtor George ' will inaugurate the debate
wIth a speech tn 1 0 1111 y. lie expects time
mrasure to encounter very pronounced oppo-
siton and II this will not be disappointed ,
as a majority ' or the easter and northern
senators wi be fO\11 to be aaiumst he
hilt. When the bIll Is disposed of , In whatever -
ever way , the senate will probably proceed
to consider the pooling bill. I the threat-
erel , confct between thIs anti the territorial
admission bills should occur a mljorly of
the relHblcan senators would report action
favorable to takIng up the poolIng bill and
\oull probably turn the tables II Its favor.
There are no appropriation bills he10re the
senate , but three of those remaining mmmi-
acted upon , vlz : District of ColumbIa ,
dliuioniattc ami postotee bIlls will be reported -
ported during tIme week and It Is Senator
Cockrehi's plrpow to cal them 1(1 ( Immediately -
mediately with the view of getting them out
or the way as sooon as Ilossible. This he
wi do to thc dlslllacement of ether the
luwalan I resolulon or bankruptcy bull.
The program In time house for the coming
week will be subject to re1lslol In case
President Cleveland sends a special message !
to congress calling for legislation to protect
the gold serve. Speaker Crisp , who has
been at Ashcyle , N. C. , for the benefit of
his health Is expected tomorow or Tuesday
and I special legislatIon Is demanded by
Mr. Cleveland to meet the crisis an effort
undoubtedly wi be made to comply with
his wIshes.
Tomorrow , under the rule , Is DIstrict 01
Columbia day , but a vote wIll
probably be taken on the rule
to repeal thc dlnerenll Imposed
by the tariff acts on sugar from bounty
paying countries.
I Is the preFent Intention to give Tuesday
\Vednesday to the report from the PacIfic
railroad commission to fund the debt of the
< <
Union Pacific , but as previously statell , this
bill depends on the presldenL's wishes. Time
remainder or the week wi be devoted , to tht
consideration of the naval anti agricultural
appropriation bIlls. Eight appropriation bills :
have already been disposed of. Besiles the I
two nmentloned . there ere yet unaclell on :
only the legislative and general deficiency
Ils.STOLLI _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Address Icl,1 Icrorc the Famous Gridiron
WASHINGTON . Jan 27.-The tenth an-
nual dinner or the Gridiron club , gIven tonight
at the Arlington hotel , was one or time most
successful ever given by this club. Waler
D. , Stevens WashIngton correspondent or the
Globe-Democrat , WI was recently elected
president ot the club , presided. Among the
many prominent guests were : Archbishop
Sat01 and hIs secretary , Dr. Rooker ; ex-
Speaker Heed , AssocIate Justice Brewer ,
Major General Schofeld , the German ,
HawaiIan and Argentne minIsters , W. E.
Nye , H. H. Kohlsaat. Captain rank Howe
of the Merchants and Mariners company , Baltimore -
tmore ; Senators Teler , Dubois and Gormal ;
Representatives 10pklns. WI3dock , Baler ,
Caruthm . Sllrlnger and Cannon ; Judge Hutus
U. Cowin , New York ! ; Thomas Nelson Puge
al1 First Assistant Postmaster General Jones ,
Many level and' interesting features or en.
tortalnment were Introduced. 'fhe speeches
were unusually brIght and ablenotablo among
them being that of Mgr. Satohll. Mgr. Sa-
tout's address which was read by Dr
Hooker , was replete with eulogy or the pres ;
"It Is the publIc press wllci } has time most
general und efficacious influence In commetruct. II
big , mederating . Ileepllg alive and mOdlrylng ,
when necessity requires , publc opinion. The
daily or public press , I continuous pwss
when we1 ordered . has the advantagel of
being fully proportIonate to the
fuly proportonato social ex-
IOncles of time human mlnll. I do not he1.
Iato to say thaL In the body
politic the public press has that
Wiles whIch In time IndivIdual , Is
performed by commmtclenco and to define It as
the organ or social comclence. " Concluding ,
2ulgr. Satol sold : "So great being the 1m. 1
portanc ! or the nubile , press It
Is evident how much they who labor I
In this ministry merit time good wil and I
os teem or time people From the day or my
arrival In America 1 have had every reason I ,
to feel pleasel , with the press ot this coon- '
try H you desire to know my missIon
among yon , you wi Ind I expressed In
limo conditIons enunclatell for my favorable
reception here by a wel meaning hut mls.
led wrIter In time Forum I two years ego
I Is to 'help' to teach the Ignorant , to rnlse
limo ' fallen , to lead time guilty anti penitent
10 an Invisible and DIvIne Saviour , who
alone has power to forgive sin , to console
the sorrowing ; to edify the believing ; to
promote rlghteousren , liberty , 'mathy and
time spirIt or Christian therhood I throughout -
out the land. ' I you \ , ont to know what
my mIssion Is not , you have I In the words
or this wrter In which ho explains what he
thinks It Is. He asserts I am hero 10
further time claims of the pOl8 to 'u klnglom ,
of this worldj' ; 'u klngllom which embraces
time whole world , ' 'tmhh time lng < ems of the
world amid the glory or them , ' In my own
l\me. and In that of Leo XII" , who sent
me , I repudiate any such Ilurpose And ,
when : It shall please the pope to recall me ,
trustn , In the Idndness anti rectItude of
time publc press , us Saluel of old on laying
down the government of Israel allealel to
the ussemllell peoilio to express their suts ,
( action 01 dissatIsfaction wih his adminis-
tratton . so I shal not huesitato 10 present
to the press or the country the record of
my labors anti say 'Jullge me ' "
JXCUU : TeN :1 : : E I XCOUIuau : ,
Thik the Hocluu Ih'rl"t rrol,1 Thml
! ulreu11 Mimico I 1''IJllr.
W ASIINGTON , Jan 27.-Memmubers of congress .
gres who believe In the Income tax as an
equitable method of raisIng revenue are
gratfed at time unexpectedly good , showing
of the prelminay canvass made by the coi-
Icctors' Internal revenue at time directIon
or Secretary Carlisle , They believe that the
greater the amount realIzed tram this lax
the mere \rml " rooted as a part of the policy
oC the government will It imecommie iteprebemi-
tatve lc1Ulen of Tennessee says that I a
large Iler cent or time revenue at the govern-
ment Is derJ\,1 tram thll plan , any atempts
to repeal It before time expIration or the five
year limit fixed by time Wison bill wi li'
exceedingly unpopular anti that the greater
the revenue IlerJved from I the greater wi
bs time probabIlIty ot Its re.enactment at time
end or It . term. lefore the ( Ilroposlton to
tax Income Wit belore vomugress , the profits
, ,
10 bG derived from It - * . ' re tmate.l frl al
$15,000,000 10 $8,00.00. Litter time estimate
at the committee was rls to $10,000,000.
Later Mr. hail ot Missolrl , who has given
to the theory anti history or the Income lx
more tune than any other than In the house ,
lid not 111ace the total beow 50OOOOOO.
From the results ot timt' canvas ot the In.
ternal revenue bureau It appears that Mr.
hell was more nearly corrcL than the other
forecasters. lie now ! ' that the Income !
lax may yIeld GOOOO.OOO , anti It Is known :
thl the Treasury .lel1rtmenl orclals l0 not
place its results blow that mark The
sllowlng made b ) thirty-six : of the sIxty-three
districts gives ro111 for the estimate that
alouL 300,000 Ilcrsons anti corporations wIll
contribute to the trcaslry by this plaui
Nctv l'rllt11 11 . "tRI ( 1.11 , " .
WAShINGTON , Jnn , 27.-Sptctai ( Tel-
gram.l-Congresmnan 1alnlt says that It
hus bl'en rOI\l upon investIgatIon that the
ilessi - LtIII which ' ' iwcame n
neIriltln bi l'centh' hecale
Inw materially interferes with the olloralon
of th. llvision or the De:1lm : nt of \grl-
culture whlc'h imns chatge ] the circulaton
or reports mimi limtper relatIve to OI'O\I \ ! ,
farming anti faJlton , In that I te e-
gates to the Hoverment printing nillee the
Iuty of Ilrlnlnl times ! t'epolts ami thereby
delays tue mailIng for a conshlera time
beCllc that olce 1F far bllnt In its
work 1111 woul1 hI unable tl utel11 to ( hit
11 lncs of time Agricultural department
'rhe Ilrlntn" h ' the AgrlCulurl Ilcart-
ment han alway been eomnphi'ted lt short
nmti"e , . 10 that the ( tollrts11 halters on
the IltO'l'rent Euh'wctu' can hI ont out 1m.
medIately. ul 1t. ! /llel thinks that It \1
be necos"I , ' ' 10 UI(111 the \1'lntng bill 10
( hilt t till trollie wi I I I h ( 1\0 \ Ilel.
CongrsHmlU Icltlejohn las received n
large itimmnhtcr of mmlhltiavlts fm'omii nptiicniitmt
Inl''c nlmher nlhla\'Us f\m nlrlennts
' ' litter thmeir
showing ( helmlitter tellemlence on tl'lr
11enlons for support , with rell'stR tlmL Mr.
Ielklejohn leClre the Isslnnce or an order
luldng their claims F\eetal.
1"Itnt \\'c.tern Innntor
WASHINGTON , Jan 27.-SI.eclnl ( 'rele.
gmamn-l'atents ) have been IS lel aH foi-
lows : Nehraslm-I.cwl A. Erickson ,
Strom"ur , itleycle rim anti tire ; henry
Obermeer , JunS"I , mouse trap. lovtm-
Ira Vu' . b'inip'oui . BeIor.I . , moll fur cIsterns ;
John I' . anti e. g. Stromiterg , Essex I , muppa- \
intuit for Inlu1al1111 Ice : Charlel Closz ,
aFslgnor to Ciosz & Howarll Mm.mnumftmctur-
lug company , ' City . gmll separatIng -
Ing screel for threshln maehiles : glwln ,
sharpener. C. Llunsol , South Council ihlufi's - , iiorsesimoa Bacon emilk ,
Huron , meclmnlcul mmmo'cmnemit
omen May 00 10 In Ontoiler ) ,
WAShINGTON , Jan 27.-Secretary Car-
lisle has nbout compleed the reorganIzaton
of tIme olce or the supervisIng archiect
of the tl'eanr , and It Is unllertoOI will
very soon select a succeSSJr to : Ir.
0' hiourke. The 1111cntons now are that
1010 of the 111plclIt : fOI' tha Place ' , vI
recllvl the appoIntment Ind that Mr. Car-
lisle will probably tel11et' the positon tu
.Iohn Carrere oC the ln or eurrer &
Hatngs. H BroI1wu ' , New York. I IH
not known whether Mr. Carrerc would tic-
celt , the flhiPOifliiieflt , but It Is thought he
can have It ] he so deslreH.
OlOW1 ; , POl " 'lUJJCJ 'T ,
Clncllnat I'aler Collecting xprei.lon8 01
time bepubhtaum Nomllc .
HeJnhl n (
CINCINNATI , Jan. 27.-Time CommercIal
Gazette prints two pas or prefercnccs for
the next republIcan nominaton fur president
from representative relnblcls all over tl
country , anti . espeelul " from Ohio , IndIana.
Kentucky , " 'cst Virginia , New York and
'ashlngton Clt . . In Iht summary I saYH :
Ohio Is for JcKlnley and Indiana for ex-
lresllelt Benjamin Harrison. New York i
hardly knows "where she stanIH. Thl repub-
lcans of the Empire state are holding off , In
the end to either dlcmte the nomInee , or
falling 11 that to trl'e the , best bnrgaln
they can with the mul they see Is bound to
win One New Yorllcr dlares himsel for
ox-Governor Foralser.V _ st Virginia seeml
for the belt man whoeve he ,
\Vest VirginIan decar8 himsel for' Sen-
ator-clect EltnK , 'while several republicans
of that state exiress I preference lor Judge
Nathan Gen for second place on the ticket.
McKinley seems to bQ the IrHt choice of the
republicans of KentuckY. At the natonnl
capital the Ilrepontcrance of sentiment up-
pear to be for 'fom heed. Attention Is
called to the declaration for heed by lion.
John Beatte of ColumhuH. In the \Vnshlng-
ton Interviews It was sought to secure cx-
presslons from either reprlseltalves or senators -
union. Mc-
ntors from every state In the -
Kinley seems to be their second choice
while harrison , AllIson anti others have
quite a respectable following.
4 ; U.1"I.ill11C.l S OUT 1W.I1N. .
Ono ) Ial Jlurdere.t nt New Orlcao luul
'nolher 'Vnrned.
' '
'EW ORLEANS , Jan. 27.-'he Italian
Mafia has agaIn begun operating In this
cIty. The murder of Topy Chlzzl or Chicago -
ct TOfY .
cage In the Italian quarte' oC the city ,
Wednesday morning was followed yes-
terduy by a letter from the
Mafia to one or ' the wealhiest
Ialans In the city , demandln ' $ 2o on
pain or tmssamtsitmatlomm. Chlzzl woe mur-
terel , to wipe out a . debt which he hell
agaInst two memberq of the associatIon.
One of them lund just len'elll term In time
pemmltentlnry. 'fho murderers led to ' 1110-
"eaux , about seventY..mle" from the city ,
und have so far ehaled callture. The letter
, Iemandlng money was addressed to A.
Montelone I large shoe manufacturer.
The letter demuJled ttnt ! he 10 to Don-
uldsolvlle , In the Fmc Ioton of the state
as ' 'hlbodeaux , and plpce $ 2o hehlll a
certain treoln the woIII whIch ! would he
Indlcatell. The letter threatenoll nm'snumslna.
ton In case the police were notified. sotlna-1
lone was very much rrghtened , but finally
decided to place the mater In the hunl11
of lie lolce anti nppenl for itrotoction.
Time polce anti the het r chass of Italians
think the lall , which has been silent Ilnce'
ence. the lynching , has agn n. sprunl Into exIst-
lllXIJ TU 11.1 "lC " OO.1l' I TITIUX ,
Money Suhserlhed tu humid a IORd , from ,
' . .
"uu I'rnnelaeo to loJI'v.
SAN FRANCISCO , Jan. 27.-Chatis Spreck-
els , the he:11 of the committee nppolnted to
secure subscrIptIons for the proposed rood
( room San Francisco down the San Joaluln
valley , Is 10st enthushlltc over the Ilrojecl
' 1hnt he his faith tim evhlQnced II his own
subscrilmtlon or 'rOO anti $10,0 from euch
or hlH two eons Mr. Splcelwls says the
projectors or the new road will not rest
1'ltsled wih a competng road to 8toclllon.
'I'imey will buIld to Mojav'e , where connec-
lon wi he mitch , , with time . \lunlc & Pu'-
clc , giving dun FrancIsco It competng road
to Los Angeles anti , the eust. MI' Sllrecliels
suys time coml1ltpa wIll rul-e $ I.O"O ' ) In
cash , Instead r : JW ) coo , I sat t st Introled. ,
lIe sUYI the 10ney II nlready In llght und
can be hul for the usluing .
. ,
l'III1Ilphl I : 1mm ht'zzti'r \ ( 'ml \ ii I. In I 1k' ii ver .
ngzVml , Jun. 21.-harry W , Semple has
leen arrested In this city on account of a
telegram from Polce SClrrintenl1ent LII1en
o l'lmtiadelpimia , m4tmylmmg lte,11 wanted In thut
city for forgery ali embezzlement of $ lt.00
from thc llartn D1stl\'ry \ company , for
which he was tmookkeeperuntil last Novemmm-
her. Chnrle _ \ . 1hn'Iey alias Charles A.
1'llroll , who CUle wHh Hrlille ( ( rein Phla-
( lelphmln \ , waR nlso ( taken into eustoI , ' . Semlle
hal I considerable Wi ut mooney when he
arrIved In Denver , but has lost It all In the
had rooms. Jim his possessIon were found
several letters from hilt wIfe hegglng him
to rellr home ,
- - -
) nrl ; hwz' " llnl"re' " . . \ rrc'st"ll.
SANTA , FJ , N. M. , Jon , 2.-Josepl A.
Benallvllfe , Trinidad Cnt'z , Crefelclo Mur-
tines anti another 1lixtcn whoso nume II
not known have he3n ar.utel 0.1 the chrge
of murdering . Thomas Maltnz , a stoeknmami .
at I.a lurla antI blrnlr his 10Iy , , Sherif
CunnlnGhl1 st's that the shoekln nature
of the murder of young Iortnez can unruly
be exngJrtel. hut refuses at 1)rFemmt to
dlEclose the evIdence In his possession ni to
the Imerimetratore ' or time dp'd , I Is unler-
stOOl \ , howenr thnt the horse and gun of
the murterell \an were found In the I'QSles- '
stun or tie partes arrested ,
- - - - -
( tmniim-tc.i i tiruiermir . % tit'uiiits ' , mbcIde ,
100\1'1..1 \ unlerer1(111 \ llcll (
rabee , the Chlcao electrician who cut time
throat or his l1lcle mistress . Em1lng , last
October , WI foul'l ' gui of murder In time
lust degree. Ills sentence was fixed at life
imnmmrIommmnent. JIe was lokell up In his
cel and later WPI clKovencl II convol-
KlolS resulllg from sei.midminlsteretl 1)01.
FOi , J4mrrtmbeet rteutetI the efforts at pls-
Iclans to aplly , antidotes nue declares he
wIlt again attiupt suicIde .
'I I' ( f 51. . 51 lisodri's rlel'm' ' I'nuimid. "
LOt'ISViMJ ] , 1\ ) . Joii 27.--'fwo more
bodies of negro men sUPPosld to have been .
drowne'j ly time tlnlng of the steamer City
or MIssouri have l.el found In the river
S near Wolf Creek , Ky.
Strike Le dcr Advise the Men t OeMo
Violmt Demonstrations
1amlloM or : lnlY of thin Strikers Already !
In a 1e8ltlto Commuhltiomi-Mmmiiy '
Slrlker ' \I'II'lnl ; for Their
011 1'oltlomus.
DnOOI.YN , Jai , 27.-Vu'ero It not for ( the
scarcity ot cars to"ay one wo111 have
thoughL that Iho biggest Itrlke II the imis-
tory of Irookl'n was 10t In progress.
Church goers hati 10 wall to their 11evotons
In many Instances , or take chunces In the
enormous crowds which took posse slol ot
time cars , OtherwIse there was perfect cahium.
Large crowds nssemblel nrouml time ellot ,
where miiary guards are statonOl , htmL
there was mme violence Ihere , nml the banter-
log that the troops received was ot a good
naturOI kimid. !
Those In posion to < raw conclusions from
the facts , and < rw conclusions without pro-
judice , say time strike Is about etitied The
companies seem to be In u 110sllon to rUI
theIr cars. They are not slllful ' operated ,
however , and throughont the duty there were
lan ' eolslons , ami there wns much 'hum miim-
Ing together , butt there was no nccllenl of
a , 5erloul nature. 'fhe nUlher or cars op'
orated today was slightly over the numher
run esterda ' . Some were wihout windows
amid others running with dissipated looking
motor boxes and badly twisted dasimboards .
bnt most of them were carrying passengers
without immolostatioum. Time eOllJnles ( iiI noL
venture to open Iny lew lnes , nor 111\ they
seek to run their cross lne 01 carl through
time Brie basin toda ' . Mummy of the luhabl-
nuts or that locality are at a turbulent
charcter and woul" , time 1,01ce say , do mis-
chief , It only for the sake ot maIlng trouble.
WILL Imsmm NIHT 8mlIC .
The railroad companies have now become
able to operate their lnes , after dusk , anti
will . If no serIous disturbances ; are made In
the future , soon be runnlg them all night , as
they did before time strike began. The Iulet-
ness of the strikers has imeeui brought about
by the strlw leaders who have pointed out
to the men the ( folly ot a riotous course.
They explulned that the state coull HIPI11)
two mitamen for each striker , I they were
neeI0I , , anti that mob rule would soon be
overthrown by bullets and b : 'onets. The
men heard and understood the requests of
time lealers amid 1010wed them out.
Starvation already confronts man ) of the I
famiies of time strikers. 'he men were not
lel equlppel fnancialy when they Ileeliel
10 stoll ( work Dna the bulk of their fl119
has been used for the transportation of non-
union men to cites from whence they came
to replace the strikers. ThIs alone has cost
the strikers many thousands of dollars. I
Storekeepers have been very considerate , but I .
now that they see that the strikers are being
replace by men ( rein other cIties . they are
loath to give credit , and the wives and chn-
dren are going hungr Landlords , too , do
not enter Into tIme merIts of the situation between -
tween the strikers and thc compnles , anti
pomIses toay when the strIke Is ondel
do not cut much figure wlLh them. The demands -
mantis for food and for rent have crlpplel
the resources or the strllers , and many of
them are-in-sore straits. '
_ I was reported that all the Knights ot
Labor In Brooklyn' would go out on a slrike ,
but 'tO credence can be put In the rumors.
The saloons throl/houL Broolllyn were
kept tghty closed today In obedience to 0
special oredr Issued Ely Mayor Schleren , and
a threat made by Superintendent ot PolIce
Campbel that he would vIgorously enrorce
the order. -
'Presltiemmt Lewis of the Brooldyn Iclghts
cOlpany did not cOle to his oUce this mornIng -
Ing , nor did any other olcal or the com-
pan ) During the day the statement was
given out that time company has received
moro than 200 applcatons : from men claIm-
lug to be emclent motormen and conductors .
Many or the men now emi a strike are repre-
sentel as applying' for reinstatenmeumt Pres-
Ilent Norton or the Atlantic road dlrectell
things by telephone from hIs home.
"So far as the Atantc avenue road Is
concerned , " said Chief Clerk "
Kennely , "tho
strike Is overe have lore applcatons
for work than we have positions . Al least
100 cars are out today and our Sunday scimeth-
ule only calls for that number out of 150. "
"how , , about the lnemen 1" ? was askemi .
"Wo have all we need. Time power house
men are 10t going oul. That I can say
positIvely , and no wires ore beimmg cut , "
gx-Commllcmen Dglng and Best went
to Phiadelphia today to confer with Grand
Muster Workman Sovereign. At the strikers'
headquarters It was almltell that thele rell.
resentatves were on an Important mission ,
but its exact nature the strikers refused to i .
divulge Time report , imowever that they ( imati ,
Iii view Limo callIng out of time entre ! { llghts ,
or Labor In Brooklyn , gallel considerable
credence. .
Master Workman Connely said that the re-
port that he Intended 10 cal 01 thD strike
was untrue In every respect. "The companies -
panies , " ho said , "havo not hy any means
all they men they want or imeed They are
badly crippled , for all the men now In their
employ would not h sufiiclent to operate the
roads In the manner In which they were
ollerated before the strike. " Master " 'ork-
man Connely also said that It was not true
thai time mel In time Ilower houses were 1le
called out.
A mass meelnl or time mutrlheermu' friends and
sympathIzers WIS held this aferoon at
time Athenlum , Clarence S. Roberts , president -
dent or Stereotypers' union No.1. pre-
utltiemi lelry George was time chief spealler.
lie sold If time munlcipally owned time ro.1ls
amid taxed hind values the railroads , would be
tree to time pcople. Congressmau Jerry
Slrpson , who also spoke , nrged the luclenre
In time ruturo to vote time Ilopulst tclt\
One of time Ilrllclpal planks In the popul't
plltorm was time ownership ot time railroads .
telegrallh amid telephone lnes by time govern-
ummint . Charles 11 , Matcimemn . time socialist
candidate for governor ot New York at time
last electon , expressed his 'mpathy alil
that of the socialst party with the strikers
and saId time socialst party . went further
than any other political 'tarty . as It not only
advccutel Ioverment ownershlll ot railways ,
telegraph and telephone hines , hut of ul
other Industries having a 11hlc charucter.
Hesolutons were ado pled denouncing the
heartess anl , avaricious corporations for
having thrown the Iltlre comlunly Into
conruslon ( , Involving Immense pecunlar loss
anl paullerlzln u vust numher ot people ;
sympathlzln wIth time men In their effort to
secure lving wuges anti reasonable hours of
labor ; < emanling that ( the alorney general
ot time state beJln proccellngs to ulnnl time
cburters of time railway corporations ulII that
npon time forfeiture ot slid charters all city
railroads shoull be operated ly tIme city of
Irooklyn or by responsllle lessees under
stringent regulatons flr time exclusIve lene-
fit or time Ileople of Urookln.
garly this morning company' U I of time
orty'sevenlh regiment was ohlged to die-
Ilere a crowll of tOO Ilersons Thomas Mc.
Crary a strltln/ motorman , was dlsco\'ered
placing stones 1m limo truck. A crowd
gatherl11 anll jeered at the omeors. lcCrary
was arresled In bJle of their Ilrotesis.
Moses Brown , a special Ilolceman mllcr
Cuptlln ( Kizer of Ildlewood , was terribly
beaten anti hIs shIeld Inll cub takem away
tram him hy n mob In a saloon which time
olcer enterel , this aftermtoomm . Brown had
been drinking durIng time day alli was
The membEr or the Seventh regiment
staloned In New York Idgowood and
Ialbey street are calculating on receiving
orders at 10 o'clock tomorrow to return
home 'fhey base this anticipation on the
fact that motions tr but two meals were
orlered toda > ' .
Quite a number ot windows were broken
along Myrtle annue without any arrests
being made
Odd Fellows' hal , the headquarters of the
strikers nl HII/ewooI , was thronl,1 nil
clay , hut the hest ot order was malntnlnNl
Master Workman lllrlhy lall that his men
bele\'CI In keeping the 8abhath.
This mornln , for the frsl tme In two
weeks , care were runmmiumg on time Iticliummonti
miummi iioiimtnti I.mmtimernn cemmmetery limies of time
ihrcoklyn liehgimts eoimmpany ammtl tIme city
Press 11111 cdmmicter ) ' braimcim of time llrooklymm ,
Queens County & Smutmurbaui comimpammy ,
Totmmlmkitus aVt'imtie timid 1.orlmmier street , Meeker
aimti Metropolitimim avemiucs were' last stipphicti
with car service.
Time Central L'tbor union of lirookiyum held
a mmmetiiig at imcntitlmmmirtcrs this nfternoomm.
itesoitmtions of F'umipatiiy ( or time strIkers
mm'ero adopted , aimti it wmms resolved to boycott -
cott tlmmi lines of thmo three conipammics af-
fecteti by time strike , About $600 was cot-
icceti ( in alti of time strlhers.
Timonms J. MeGmuire muiti IT. ii. Mmirtimm of
time geimoral executive board were immtervleweti
ity a reporter for the 4'ussociateti Press , nuiti
said theIr visIt to lhrooklymi hmami mitmtlmlng tn
do with tlmit strike. "Master'orkmmimuui Coum-
tidy wIll wmuit cmi tlm presitieuite tmt time tlmreo
railroads ( omumorrow , " salti McGmiire , "amid
lumformum (1mm-ui ( thmat time mmmcii vito are lockeil
omit are ready to go to work hmmimmit'tilately. ' '
'I'hmis wIll , of comtrso , Ite on time contiitlomi
tlmat tIme mmmcmi rtmimumimmg trlimpers are to re-
ceivit $1 .50 a day. mmmiti mire to work emily ten
hours mu tiny out of twelve commsectmtive imommrs.
' 'Timo host legal olmilmiomi has becum oimtaiumcui ,
aimti we are ativiecti ( hat time effect of this
action vill be to ummake .htmtigo ( himyumor's tie-
chitlomi immmmntiatory. h'rcslmiormts Lewis , Nortomi
amid W'Icker can mmn tommgcr give ammy exctmse
for imot rmmnnltmg ( heIr emits elm cimedtmle titime.
' 'I'roccemiimigm4 vIiI also Ito immsltmmteui (
agalmmst time olilcers for vorkimmg time imiemi
mmlore thmaim ( elm imommrs a miay. 'Fime ) ' are Ilutimlit
to a flmmo of $100 amid imlmrisoummmmemmt for every
such offemise. i'rorecuutlons are also iteumtiimig
agaimmet tlmo commmimaiiies tmy citizemme fur umot
fmuitihiimmg time itrovlsioume of tlmelr cimurters.
Sommuo irommilmmemmt citizeums ( his cvcmmimmg icR
for Alhammy , amid wIll put this ummatter iii lme
imaumtis of tue nttormmt' ) ' gcumcruui. ' '
i'ili liIll'i ( IA , Jmimi. 25.-Secretary
Hayes of time Kmmigimts of Latmor said tommtglmt
tluuit ime lund mme kmmowiemlgo of time arrival
here of time coummmmmltteoummetm Ilest auth ( hiblimi of
tIme strikers' exectmtlve coumimmiitttee , vluo were
said to iummve coumme to meet Muster Workmaaim
Sorereigmm , to Immiimce hiumi to call out mmli time
Kumiguuts of Labor in Iirooklymm , lie said that
Mr. Soverelgmm Is now Iii lIes Mtmimmes muiti lie
iiocs mmot kumow wheui lie vihl retmmrmi.
1 hihimolut Uteil II Iiier. ' t'mmgcs.
Sr. LOUIS , Jun. 27.-A joimut commferemmce
of ( lie cotI mnlimers tuimti opcratou'S of ( lie Fifth
anti Slxthm uiisu'ics ( ( of lihimmols mmmct tut lithe.
rule , iii. , today to mum'ruunge a wage scale.
At time mmmormuitmg sesIomi ommly lmrehiuuiiiiiimY
\vtmrk wmus ilomme. . ' , . reitort tlmat mmli time imuinors
at time Fuoeburg hilts hind struck was die red-
iteti by time tlelegaeuu , who stated timat if tIme
ill eum imitti gomme tmtmt their action smts cmi-
tii ely tmmmautimorizeti ,
itmmverhilhi Strlttt'r , Lct'i t'rmeomir.tgeui.
IAVEltlhiLL , Matte , , Jumum. 27.-Several of
time smmmnilem' lhrmums were yesterday ndticti to
time list of ( hose mimmmumufucttmrers who have
sigmieti tue ngreeimiemmt with tue olmermitorit ,
ummiti tue stm'iltert nit foellmmg mmuoro commui-
dent ( lint they will vlmm time light. 'I'lmi'
summahi ummlhis mmmc jtmhmhiamut over time mmutu' , tf
affairs , as timey mtrc remmpiumg mu , huoumehit wlmilt'
time imIg commccrmms are loahmmg a commaitlorable
trade. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
ii C lit \Vct'lttu' itt rlmto Eimtied.
PROVITENC'E , Jmium. 27.-At a meetIng of
time strIkiumg einployes of ( hI Britiiu hosIery
conupammy nt Timorxmomm ( yesterdmty tIme promo-
sitlon of time miunnuger thmat as a conummmommmise
time ) ' accePt Em. 10 lmt'r cent cult , wiim a guam--
muntee of steady cmnpioymnemut uimtii July , wmts
accepted , amid tue eight vceks' strike I
cmmded. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
tigiit : 'rim , nmsui mid am timers i.mtttl Off.
'Vu'iLKESBAltIIE , Pa. , Jami. 27.-AlL the.
collieries of thc Wihlcesimarm'e Coal company
vili be ItU duritug time coming week. Eigimt
timoumsamiti amen' w'ili be without emnploymmmcimt.
SupemIntendemmt Lowell says the coal trade
With hOVel" kmmomvn to , ime so dtiil ,
JSLIZZ.hlfI ) IX , % 1PI J'JUC.
ihmmhiroad Traln Stoppeti muimd hklgimmvmuys
JnhImuuttiuIli ( ' ,
SARANAC LAKE , N. Y. , Jan. 27.-The
little blizzard reported early yesterday last
mmlght nssmmmned time Imu'oPortions of a imurmi-
camme. The atom-mum coumtlmuued tommy s'ltlm unabated -
abated fumry , time regiitmatiomm beimmg at zero.
'l'iie vimmd blev forty miles mum iiutmr ammtl
plIed time snow everywhere Imi imugo thrifts
Ruth the imhgluwmmyum are imlmasatmle. No
tm'ains have nrrived imeme immce inst even.
lmmg , and time roads hmave imot tmtteumu.mmtett to
mtmmm mm. train out imortim , nou % % 'lhi mummy attempt -
tempt hue mmmaic ? to tie so for time presemmt.
OiIlciumi say thmzmt evemm shmotmid the mutom'mmm
ceauts time tm'zuImms will not run. till touumorrow
mmlglmt or time ( oliowlimg mmmom'mmlng , for time
reasomi that the smuow is lIiOmi Iii ( rcmnemm-
( bus drifts along the trutcics wimere time
distnmmce betmm'eemu statIons Is greumt. Mmmmmy
travelers nra simowltoummumi in ( iii' svoode ,
IIENTON JIAIC1IOIC , itllchm. , .hnmm , 27.-'flmt'
lmeavy snow amid wind storm which sitri'mmti
ovem. ( hits sectlomm last Friulmiy mmiglmt Is still
raging tim mmii its fury. It Its reporte'I timmit
tIme early ( u-tilt has hieemu uinnmumged , its time
early iemmclm buti hmutl gmulmueti a slight
gm'ow'tim ( lurIng time recemmt opemm wc'atimer.
TIme iat' ( limit humus not imeen Iimjured.
.IEFFE1tSON , 'I'ex , , Jaum , 7.-A bhintlhmmg
smiow mitornm unit been ragtmmg for six hiommrs.
NATI I I'I'OCI I ES , La. , Jnmm. 27.-Thwro
was IL lmimowfnli of live imommrs' tltirumtlon imere
today , It. Is smmowImmg umcaviiy tommlgiut ,
JT4Jfl'1I ) hi. A ( LZSOfd.\'fl R.V1'JMSIOX ,
Two 1'COImC imttmilly hurt unii me Nimmmbei' ot
1 m immul miess I heuseN liii m'micd ,
ELulOltE , 0. , Jami. 27-A lire w'imlclm was
starteti by a gasoline explosion Iii time
kltcimeum of time Ainericami imotci mit 7:30 : timh
evening miestroycti the vrlneiimal Imtrt : of time
busimmess vortloum of time toivum and cammeoth time
death of two ieoimie. A strong u'Immd wits
blowlmmg mit time time of time start utmiti time
imotei vmis tmooim a mimes of Ilaummes. ' .L'wo gii is
cmimloyed In time hmotel , Mmtggle Flynmi mtmmti
Muiry O'Muhhey , were imemnmmiett In by time
thames auth were forced to jumuip from ut eec-
ommtl story window , uIits O'\iiilley watt ( a.
tui I by himmrmmetl anti cum immiot I I ye ttl I mimorni mmmi.
Miss Flymmim mm'mts seriously immirt nnd it Is
belleveti mulmo will tihu' ,
liemulules time Amnerlemumu lintel time followIng
other mutrmmctures iveme destmoy .1 Time El-
mumore Imnimmue , , loiunston & Co.'s immmr.iwuire
stout , Ftummmk Smmmltlm'mi clotiming store , Wliiiammm
P. Vail lom'n'a grocery , im.mmmc : Mandlebaummim's
miry gootls stoic , Jimcolm lCuIser'mt nmf'at immar-
ket. time itostotiicv , live mlmvehihngs atiti a
imarber utimomm. .Most of time imiutli from ( lie
imstollhee s'as tuaveul amid time mmuercimammttt
smiccectletl him mtavlmmg ii large utart of timeir
goods , It Is immmumossible tonlglmt to bum-u time
hoes uiiiti lmmm'uranco.
( JJIICUIfd'S O. I , I' 'u fiji I' ! J'OIt ,
lb og CmibiCS it elmu itI (1 mc m'mihi lv I t im I Co lb
A I unmet i'rttzimm ,
DENTON hIAhillOit , 'uiIchi , , Jnui. 27.-
\'imen tIme Cimicorum wemmt out of St. Jotueltim
on Its last trli there w'ums a ulog aboard.
Yesterday the thug wits brotmgimt into time
cIty mtiivc. Ttiemmdmty mmlglmt time tiog m'mts
heard wimlnhmmg mit time tioor of it youth hotutte
at l'ottitwitttumniu lmarl. It svamu ctjvem'etl
wIth let' . 'i'bmu Ilnmier conimecteul ( lie vIsIt
of I ito itt ni mge : ii 'agvli Icim butt I it m'Ii lout ti y
imist route tumit of time cubtl water , whim time
less of time Cimicora. It suits hmroimghmt to time
oiL ) , todmmy. It wits mtoitivelY roctmgmmizetl 104
t lie aumI mmmmm i I hma t iVitH mmhom : rd I Ii it ( 'imlcormi
'hmen it left itort. 'limo reltrn of time mmmmhmnmmi
I mmd ica t etm t hut t time ' imicora mius ivi t hm I mm liii If
tL mrmhle of flit uuuttt m'hmorn 'Fimestitty everitmmg
time secomumi mmlghmt ( tilt. 'l'imu dog , it is lie-
litivi , couhtl umot mtsvhmmm immure luau ii. hmmml (
mIle. 'l'ime mmltce : where 'liii , dog caimme tisimome
-Pottamvattmuniie park-Is u'Iglmt malice imortim
of lmere. a lmmIn.'iultie stmninmt'm' mestmrt.i.tmmy
ate hmmcllmu'mi to ( imluilt time yeesei roust imave
itunlt imot ( itt' ( toni titat inlmt. ,
Vtitllimg , lip I tiiiijii ru limum-Ni limopit ( ' 'immun.miv.
5'l' . LOLYIS , Jan. 27.-.Immtlge ( 'mull vim-li , In
time iluitted Sttmtemm i'oiirt , line ormit'mt'tl time re-
velvei'mt of time Ltmmmbard 1mw s macnt COIflI ) 101'
In ICumumsas City , vhia ihlol timeir Ilritt tmu-
coirmlmmg. ( to mmot rc'cc'lve or dtebmirst' ammy
money ( rommu or to mnol'mgtmgors tufter time
HeXt thu ty days anmi imustrum-ted mnortgmgors :
It ) PY macmid ) ' tllrset to owmmers or umnemitmu.
A- decree smttu mmmmmdm for lime sale of oil time
mtesetmu of time comnpalmy , time tOrimilmIlty of
iirawiimg up thmo dtcrou being referred to
Jtmulgu StIhu's. time ummaster lii clmmtimcery , hmau.
11mg time muuuit ( ( r 1mm ( 'imarge , (0 be commmpIeteth
1mm muixty days , mmmimi ii sale to ( mmk Iulrmt'u'
mcithmtn four mnommtims lifter I hmat mimfie. 'i'lme
receivers were diiu meti to iiie wlimimm ( sixty
.Iaymm sucim tmmveimtory of tuhi omuetui 05 admoultI
be tleemnemi lro1r by time immiteter lit cutan.
cery , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
ilsrrlmium Immy Imo % blmrl tO llcsimmi ,
OUA'I'E2uIALA , Jmtmm 27-'fim't ropuha it her
mir very mmmuch excltc"h watt it Is opu.uily stult d
that ummlemue ilarrIos mmmaic's iea'e vmnposmmis
now auth at ommce to Mexico timmit hme vhlI be
asked to resigmi time presidency ,
Mexico May ottlo the Boundary by Taking
the \Vhole Country.
ilitt flcmmmmmmuhe for ii htmlomm .gmmIii'ut MexIco
Therefore Carry Seine ' .i'iglmt-W me
Tmil k I'i I ( 'Si l'rnimtmtm n e'ul mm mm it I I opo
of ii Sctltcimii'imt Is Iiitertmitiieit ,
CiTY OF 1uiiXlCO , Jamm. 27.-it MexIco is
Itim5iioti Itito the fight ovcr time itmtertmntloumnl
boumimuinry itemiohlc' will be as ommthiuicui trout
time iirst by l'reshtiemmt iluiz mimttl his cablmmet ,
to time effect timat tlmis tilmulmtmte aumti othmer little
mmiatcrs will be settieti outco imimti forever anti
the imeceimsary mmmeamis useut to that omiti. It Is
PrOliicSietl imm sommie timmarters timtt Mexico will
settle tue boumumtiary lhmme by qtmIetl uuppr
lmriatlmmg ( lie mvhtolo ( htmatemmialamm repmutmhic tms it
Imart of time titmited States of Mexico , with
( lie City of MexIco as its capItal mmmmti with
tliit chief exectitivo of timlmi relttmblic as Its
ruler , Time Mexicaim amitimoritles ulecllute (0
thiscumes tlmis mimattt'r , however , anti it is cx-
ceetihmmgiy Iutmprohmahmlo that mmmcb a lmreltosltioil
has beemm mueriotmely couisi1creti except as
a last resort amid titter mmli ether umu.'mmsuros
have fmmlleti.
1mm aum immtcrvlotv witii the Salvatlorcimmi , Don
Jimcimmto Casteilaumos , he muatti that lie commsid-
ereul time limmal tieclarimtiomi ef mmgutlmit
( huataummaiit as a cmuiammmity whIch ouughmt to be
averted if iosIhtle , ammti vImiclm , Ime ( humus ,
mu'thl be averteti by time flumai recogumltlon of
time jtistlce of Mexico's clalmti , it will be re-
mmieuimhereui timmmt Salvador Is iii tIme Imositloim of
a fricumuily imeigimitor to U tmataimmaha , muiiti so
wili misc all imuthumemmce to imreservo time Peace.
'flue project of ( htmzmtatmimla : for foramluig a
Cemmtral . 'timmerlcaim tumiioui agatumet Mexico hum
time ireseumt Ilgiut seemmme to [ me less umrobmhilo :
slimce time arrival of thm Salvauioroimui immimmister.
lie has kept lmis geverumnmeumt will iumforimmeti
o\'er the imighi simirit of time MexitNIli Imeolulo
aumtl govermmmmmeumt iii time lireSL'umt comitroversy
aumti of the activity of this govorumummeumt In Immusim.
11mg forwmrti : imreiarmtiemms for it war to a
Iimmlshm , 'i'hmium sort of timimmg Is imot to time ( itste
of Sumiratlor or tIme other Ceumtral Aimuerican
reimtmhmhlcs. Prcsltiemmt Barrios of Gmmateuuiala is
feared tty souime of time othmer relmtmblics oum ac-
commmmt of bitt vatmumtIumg nummimition to hu rtulcr of
all Central Aimmerica amid so his iiemmmauitls carry
sommmeveicimt vltii timemmmvimeii leveled mit hils
weaker neigimiuors.
Time otllcimmi daIly of tIme ? dexicamm govern-
mmmcumt uttmites that time hate attcunimts of the
umttacimcs of time Guateummalaim govermmiumciut to
isit tue goverimmmmeuit urine ImuctorS' tas itot
mmmitdo 1mm commmpaiiy of au I tal lamm mum imilstcr ,
hmit witim Ctmrlos Loya , time ( orummor first sccre-
tam'y of time legat bum lii Italy. 'fhie liOsItiOui of
time govermmmmmommt Is tlmat if Omuateumumla or any
other muatioum desIres to see time luieluaratione
for war mmmv bi'immg mmmdc Iii tIme govcrmmummemmt.
armns factory , or aum3'wlmere eb.e , MexIco has
umothiiimg to hmitie mmtmti will gIve free amiumuisslon
umumti ilherty of fimhi iumslmecttomm to time rclmre.
sentatives of simcim cotuntry.
Gemmerat I'etiro ihimmojosa , secretary of war
amid navy. lets gone to Vert Cruuz ostensIbly
fur his hmealthm. General lierrloubat , semmior
coummiimmumutier of time aruny of the reptubiic , Is
also at that polumt.
TIme 0. C. Ord ucst of time Gramiti Armuiy of
'tliti RejuIb1ic hinve iaissed rtht'kiutlqnhi , fealty ,
' ' '
to time Mexicamm governmmmemmt Th case 'ot'ar ' .
mm-lIlt Giuatemmmaha. A umuumibtr of mummlon voter-
aims , lmmciumdimmg nmm Ammmericaum general , hmavo
sigmuifietl their mm'IliImmgmmoss to go to LImo trout
for Mexico If their aervlco wIli ho accepted.
Time immemmmorial vIht be presemmtcd to General
liaz ouu Tueetiay. Troops are beiuug commcemi.
( rated at . nil I'aL'ific ammti ( hilt luturts time
govermmmumcnt has dumartereum two ummercimatmenmemu
in Acapulco. ho evemmt of wnm , time invasion
will be mautule frommm several ports , vrimiciimaii' ,
( toni the h'acific mmltle.
Time city Is quiet toumighit , although In time
iobhubhcs of time imotehtu nmmti wlicrevc'r groups
are gathered , the topIc tilecmmseed Is time
Gmmateummala difference , thmouuglm time exciteumment
has , to a certaIn extent , abateti. 'rime pm-eel-
dcumt mummd officcr of hmlum cabinet hmavo been
considering Gmmatemmmala'mt last docmmmmmemmt for
eeseral days , it is bolievemi that It I not
miearly satisfactory to Mexico , although had
it beemm very radical tue 'pumbllc ' would mmmi-
dommbtiy learmmeti of it by miow.
l'reparatiomms for war tire beimmg made by
botlm countries , no tloumbtrbmmt timere sceiume ( o
mihgimt to be aim mmmmtiercumrremmt of opimmioum that
time trouble nuay bum dlplommiatlcally settletL
It Is mmow mtemni-oflicialiy amimmouimmeed that time
report of it warship imavhimg been sent to
Gmuatemmmaia is incorrect aimd that sue sauicti
( or nmmotiier port.
Mlumister do Leon hmmms leased a resimionco
here for tlmree years , closing the mleni Satmir-
day , which looks aim If imo timougimt ime wouhul
not receive PassPorts to retmmm'n to lmIs country -
try , Guuatommmalm : , for a whIle.
SiIet'miltmtiflhi in Itmii'mlui % 1mmmL Stop.
ST. h'EI'EHSIIURO , .Ini ) . 27.-Time man-
agent of time buummlcs vere titumumnuommeti by time
mmmhmmhstry of finamuce omm Sattmrmlmty anti tim-
( ormuetl that lucy mnuu.t talt stemme to pumt an
entI to time ganibilmug mtpecmmlathomi referred to
I ) ) ' Finance Minister White Iui ills mecent
; tuimlhslmetl wnrmmimugs. Time mmiuimmulgcrs were
ieruatluuti to glvo their cIiemmt timm'oe imueimhmms
1mm s'hihciu It ) hmtiuitlate their : uccoummmt , Later
time nmommey chmutngers were mtlmmo u'mmmnmnoncmi
amm'i ' ( olti ( lint If tiuc'y commtimmuetl to mmmlvhtttm
ammtl mmssist ollicertu mmiitl otlmert of the less
vealthmy lmtulultc In rulnotme specumiimthon thmus
mninister of Ilmiimnee wotmitl visit upomi ( hem
imeavy itemmaitheim null 1mm haiti cases woukt
close ( imeir etttmildisimmmuermtn.
Th.hiilc . Aimmom-Icti' , , i'roNpm'ets Not ( lhieerhiiu.
LONION , Jmumu. 27.-'I'imc generally
comuiuemmt upon time Amncm icamm cmmrrney imrob-
hem , 'I'hmo Sttmmmtlam'ui , In mull edlterimil , says :
' 'iroun aii' umoint of vie' , ' , lime lmrol4lmect Is
mutt lut'r chmeem-I Cite , liii t I lmmu A mime nt mi im leOithl ,
imuive a trick of wttkiimg mutnimiemmly utmmui actlr.g.
witim decIsIon wimemm IL Is leant eximecteti , ruu.iI
it I It cy svotmlti oumly ummutite iii ) I imeir ummhtmii is
they coulti hmavi' miii timeir jumomucy trouble
eummleti In it muomitim , ' '
( hu'Cum Stoi hilormu CohIlult , ,
LONDON. Jummm. 27.-Time prithtuim steamer'
2dlciihgaui , C'aptmuimu Fiuutihuuy , from Loimthcn for
ilimitlinore , rc-timrntal to Oriuvettenmi this after-
noah with imer stumu hitmurui imow cut to the ,
wati"n emhge Lmim'l ieimltilmg. Witi reports ( lint
mulme szts 1mm colhielomi itt hi o'clock SatimrmIay
mm igim t off I ) ti tugemummessi' svh I hi I ime I ) mm tchu
stealumer Einmum , , ( ' , mlttaln Iimtmmmmmma : , ( mom Nvt'
York ( ihottoimlunu ,
or _ _ _ _ _
t'ma lit ( I old I 'ii iii emit ( 1 in , rtm n m itumI ,
LONION , Jaum. 27.-rn 11mm Iiiimmumelml ttrtlcie
time 'i'iitmeti mta'is it timimike time lnimmks tire not
likely to hat lam-ge ImttrchmUsriJ of ut new
Atuuerlc'an baum , tie tlm.'y mime lmmrgo hmoImIer.
( It him' u eeoumt otme. I t tmmhti that mm hoummo
m'oti huh hit ) I cult I I I y 1mm ken imum'e nim ml 1 per comm t
ltmtuls , If reimaymmismmt 1mm gtuii tulmomilti let guimr-
aimtcetl , but lhut ( comiulittozm Is iitt ) likvly te
hum mucceimtui hji coumgm ess in liii utrcaL.lmt ( em.
Item' , ,
hiummihtmm , , iim I ( ibohmmid'i ' ' ,
NE\V % 'OltE. Jan. 27.A si > t''hui to the
\VtmrIml , dated C'oIomm , Colomimimla , .luituuam-y 27 ,
1411 1' : 'lime rmrm'ol t m tlomm I mm time ui L'i'a mt muon I 0 t
( ttlmfl. Itt l'ior I ci I t 0 tnt m lmrtutl I img mmort hi ,
Ir. 'U'imdrizmt , limo editor of a liberal miewn-
Ito ItOt I ii Pmt mma lila , Ha mu I uet'mm ml rrem4t i'd imeru. ' ,
J'imo I Jul tm-il S t ri I vs t'mmsmil hi crc imutti mi orm-
tenure mn tim I tie ltcim I mtum I hem-i t k-s. Fremcim
ammtl itahlamm wumrmuimhpmiaro e'inictemi.
iImiistiig mite Duly . , il % % 'lm.'at.
MAhiflIl ) , Jaum , 27.-A cabInet council mmmi
iteiti tutimmy , at whIch it smmms ti-diiled to in-
creamue time duty mm ( ortulgim wlmetmt to &m ) c'euitmi
imer htvu.'toltme Itii 0 ri's - the maliway ft Ight
chin i geui tim ) grab mm ( rommm I im it ) emu to I imu 1mm.
terlor. A cabimmiut CrIKImI Is ( hums mtverted.
I lit iii um' ' . S t 11(1 i'b-il.Iu , I .1 % h mit uo uma I , ,
1102411 , Jumim. 27.-It Is stuteti that ( lIe gov-
erlmmrment hums dctItictl to semmd troops to
uittenjmvtthm (0estalilimulm a uleflumil I tailiuim
uiltitcctomumtc , over time holder trlhH'h of lImo
eohomiy of Erytlmrea.
.thitcmml'gIts ( if Iil'tigilllt 'csit'l , , hmiimUilry iii ,
At New Yoi-k--Amilve'3 La hiretugime ,
( I 0111 1 iuvre , Oxiotti , fvrrii , ulehiterman' ami
i yIN ,
At Liv'rima ( i-\rmdvvti ( httihlec' , ( rommi New
Yci Ic.
At LIverpool -Arz'ived---Cevic , ( rein New