Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 23, 1895, Image 1

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    iLfiji . . '
, THE' OMAHA , ' ; ; DAILY BEE '
, , - .
. , : - , .
_ _ '
J. _ - 4 ' - '
. , -I I
, Esr'ABT.J1SnJDD JUNE 19 , 1871. , , OMAHA _ , 'VEDNESDAY _ _ _ : IORNING t f , JANUARY 23 , 1895. SINGLE COPY -to. I'rVJ OJDN L'S.
Was Ono of n Crowd of Strikers Surround-
r ing the Ialsey Street Statton.
Small Disturbances Throughout the City
During the Day.
Istructetl to Reply with n Volley Whm
) They Arc AEsauled , .
- I
Lllcmcn Strike , 00 I Inck to 'ork nnll Are
UrdcrcII \lln-III"t on n It. of
I" huh I , tiSttiut1 as a
1Cfl. )
DROOUYN , Jan. 22.-The first falal encounter -
counter oC the greaL slrlke tel ( place UbUL
1 o'clocle tcnlght , when , In nn encolller
wIth a few boys at the lalsey street sta-
Lion of the Brooklyn City Railway company ,
I volley was fired by the I 1 ta. henry
Ahnes uf New York City was fatally shot ,
I musket bal entering his mouth and pass
Ing through hIs head. Another man , whose
name Is Williams , was wounded In the
, arms. The shooting had the Instant . erect
ot dlsperlng the mob.
The ninth day of the tie up has clcsed
wIthout bringIng any material change In the i
situatton. I has been a day of alarming i
rumor9 , which , , fortunately , hal slght or no
foundation. There were between daybreak
and nightfall numerous brushes b twln the
police and militia on , one sIde and the
strikers or headstrong law-defying sympa-
thlzerl on the other. Thc ilneiiien's strike ,
, \ Inemen's
which was to have tel UII the ( trolley lines
more effectively than had been done by the
strike oC motormen , conductors and other
employes , was called off befOre Il was fairly
on , and later In the clay thc mandate of
Master Workman Connoly was promulgated ,
calling upon the linemen to abandcn their
situations tomorrow morning.
What Inf ( ence the strike manager to cal
\ the linemen's atrlw oft thus quickly and
then to order one again tomcrrow cannot
now bo told. The reason assigned for the
' later act Is palpably but a prltext. The
. , flect oC thIs move , which the strikers have
compared to the playing of I high trump
cMd , remains to be demonstraled. The developments -
. , velopments of the day have not been reas
surlng as a whole. In spite cf the fact that
there are under arms In the ( city 8,000 state
soldiery and 1,500 police arc on duty , "n-
tramural traffic Is bufferIng a virtual pa-
Jalysls , In which all thC Industries of the
city participate to a greater or le3ser de"
gree , lawlessnes3 Is ramliant , and. altogether
< l conditions are such as may excite the gravest
apprehenion. Disorderly elemcnts In the
city have been largely recruited from New
York and other CltC0 , and , ns Is usual In
such cases , arrayed Itself with the rtrlkers ,
a Ielfsh advocacy of whose cause affords I
pretext fcr the Perpetration of graver crimes
then have yet marked : the progress of the
pending contest.
Adjutant General McAlpine , who ' Is here
ns the military and personal representative
of Governor lorton , hnl n conference late
In the afternoon with Mayor Schleren , Polco
Commissioner 'Vets and Corporation Coun- '
set McDonald. The adjutant general offered
to cat the Third brigade , New York , S. N.
G. , to effect the restoration of order. He
was assured by the mayor that nt present
there Is no occasIon for calling out more
troops. General McAhllno promised tl have
the Third brigade ready to come to Brooklyn -
lyn on a few hours' notice should its pres-
once there be required.
Master Workman Connely has orllere the
linemen out tonight. ISo says that this ac.
ton' hal been necesslatecl by the acton of
the soldiers at 4 I 'clock this afternoon , when
a company of the Seventh regiment surrounded -
rounded the hal at the corer of Myrtle
avenue and Palmetto strcot. A squad entered - '
tered the hal , seized the boolls all papers
r of the local assembly , which hal Its head-
, . , quarters there. Mr. COllel ) ' reports the
-'J troops have been withdrawn , and the police
have bcon put In charge of the hail. 1as-
ter Workman Cal1ely says this Is the reason -
son for the strike of the ( linemen. le says
ho was the one who sent the linemen back
. , ' ' today after they hall Btrucle. lIe huts now
.v * 'countermande'l ' the order. : lr. Connely
. " thinks the men In churge of the assembly ,
.lal ) have been arreated by the police.
I There 'ero ' around I
. , ere man ) rUlers flying
- "nlllowood all lay , but no realy oxcltng
.lnctdenta until after 3 o'clocl In the nfer-
. . lon , when cars were started on the Gates I
. "avonue line. Two shots were fired , one by
. - 1 Illceman nlcl * another by a natonal I
guardsman , to enforce the issued by
tile police authorities to leeep eVery window
closed along , the hue of the road. lint one
- missile was thrown at the , flrstcur , , a piece
: of tire brltle , from the Insldo of a store
which 'smashNl a window , but did not . In-
juro ally : f the occupants of the car.
With the exception of the pickets , the
militia wlro drafted , Into the depot , Inl (
Ilulet was maintained , n mass meeting at
the Labor lyceum , on WluuUhby avenue , at
8 o'clock drawing off all the strlcrs from
the neighborhood OCCUllloll by tlO Police Inll
the militia. .
, . . The work of the linemen was finished at 3
o'clocl In the afternoon . The construction
wagon , 1IIIoled on both sides , "IC . of 1" , "
'intchivtl the HhlHewlol1 depot ) a few iiiiii-
utes after , sot a:1O : p. I m. "Assembly" was
sounded , and the three companies of the
Seventh regiment , n , n and O. under com-
< nlnd of Major Abrahams , marched ont , anti
, , occupied all the street ! branching out from
lila uncaon ! of Myrtle nYenne W'ckot IY-
cnlo cud Palmetto street.
As vhe fIrst company marched , out a l'uee
lallen with now men , accompanied by four
otileeN. dashed Ui ) , gUILt as' I WIS unladen
the driver , WI tlk.n Into custody ! for caus-
Ing a fatal accident Oil a.te ! avenue near
3iushwlclc ayenue. 'o ayolll any possible
attack 10 hail Ilrlyen at a furious pace and ,
. , vcrtlllng I light wagon ' at the ( place stated ,
- dashed Int I , throwing the ( ctccupant out
-I Into the strttt and fracturing lila akuhl.
The injured Inl wan alien ( to St. Joseph's
hosillnl and the driver I ; the truck to tile
t Evergreen avenue Ilolco rllton ,
Tile ne't Incident was 1 startling one ,
I Car 12t Dr t'ho lIne which had started 'es-
I terday arrived front thovn town with
tenllY arh'el frm town townlh : thirty
t men on 1 ortl. Sgeant Sheldon with four
'Itrulmon carrying drawn Illstols were on
the front Platform . Captain Ilzer and four
Jncn nl\o ! a similar IlillllY on the rear.
. When the car slopped tht captain noticed
four or five \en un the elevated ! railroad
track. Pointng his revolver at them ho
sholte" , "lomo , get off there , quick : wo
are through monkeying : get off ( Iulclt cr
4 w'l fllw you \ 1'0ean business. " The
, , mita ale orllelCl ; them Iwn ) nl\l no '
one WIS allowed on the ( btructurc. 'l'ho Illat- ,
frin unci stairs WHU ale cleared. Al the
, ec.l company of the Second regiment
" 4 Iwung around ! Into Palmeto street the Great
k , crowd : of striker In front of tlh' heatl-
quarters , "Oll Fclowa bal , " scarcely half
a block aWIY , suddenly incIted , a large lumber -
e her running around Into Irving avenue , but
I abut : ! o crowd Into the hail . Then , at 1
signal . , the line of \en In blue Btrl'lchell I ,
ao I Ito sired , advanced lt I d { lblf
quick pact the 'lal doors . wblch were lt I
ono closed antI tock by tbo II.lce. . aUI1 I ,
the 16n were like rats In I trap iieeu'ed
until alt the cars were sent out and brought
back to the depot II' I space of a little over I
two houn. When the troops reported "all
Idy , " car t % whilcl1 hal been brought
, with men us stated , va5 stated down
wHi . lau ; .3 . Itlcl WI 10\D
, :
the Ino with two conductors , two motermen ,
two policemen Mtl three reporters on board .
Just al the start was made a member of
the Seventh regiment noticed several persons
nt nn open window In the second story of lie
hotel oopsle the depot anti ordered It closed ,
The order was not Instanty obeyed , so he
fred I shot In the air anti the ( window was
not only closed , but nil the faces disappeared. i
DurIng the passage or the car down thl ave- i
title there was considerable Jeering , but one
shot from a policeman's revolver fred In the
air close up the open windows and only one
mlsslo was fretl at the first car , and none
at the ( other as they proceeded on what nt
frt promised to bo 1 perious journe ,
The following order has been issued by
Superintendent Cmpbel :
O lrlm 01 TI SUllmINTENm NT OF
10.H.m , 1100KIYN , Jan. 22.-0rdere that
any ofcer who suffers , without resistance to
the best of his ability , any motorman , con-
ductor or an ) employo of any rnlroad company -
pany to be tnleen from the car or to be otherwise -
wise assaulted , or falls to promptly arrest
any person so aspaullng ( or attempting to
assault any such motorman , conductor or any
ellllo'e , or who fails promptly to arrest
any Person who 11lts or atempts to put any
obstruction on the track or otherwise to interfere -
terfero with , or attempt to interfere with , the
free operation or lie ( railroad by cutting trol-
Icy relies , wil , 'on proof ; being Ilroduce(1 ( before -
fore the commissIoner , bc at once dismissed
from the force. fly order of the ( commis-
sioner. I' . C.'Mi'llELb . SUllerlntendent.
During the afternoon and evening there occurred -
curre(1 no less than seven collIsions of trolley
ears with wngons , trucks or other vehicles.
Master Vorkinan Connely returned to the (
strll rs' headlluarters utter In absence of
half nn hour amI again announced that the
hue men shoull go out aaln. He refupell to
explain about the order , hut whel asked what
would he done with the ( line men who refused
to go out , lie replied they would simply bc outside -
side of the ( pall oC honorable workingrnen.
This move was preclpllte ( by the alleged
acton or the militia , when , nt I o'clock this
afternoon , a com pan ) of the Seventh regiment
surrounded a hal at Myrtle and Palmetto
streets , which was entered ( by the ( soldiers ,
who seIzed alt books and papers of the local .
aseembly who occupied the ( place as a meet-
lag room. The militia was finally withdrawn :
and the police tool possession of the hall. ,
Both the militia anti the police deny this. i
About 3 o'clock this afternoon a mob nt
Fulon street and Dlfalo avenue made an
attack on a Fulon street car. An effort was
made to force the conductor and motorman
from the ( car. Captain Dwyer with a
platoon of patrolmen attempted to disperse
the mob , which resisted anti threw stones
and other missies at the officers. Fifteen \
men from troop A , under commaml of
Lleutennnt Dagley , came to the assistance
of the police , and the strikers were dis-
persed. Two prisoners were captured and
taken on a trolley car to the Twelfth pre-
cInct staten house.
Cars on the Broadway line were stopped
on account of the cutting of wires at nock-
away avenue. A large crowd Is congregating -
Ing there. Captain Gorman and I wagon-
load of policemen have gone to the scene of
the trouble.
A brush between policemen and strikers'
s'mpathlzers took place at Green avenue
and Broadway , where a small party of the
Inter atacketl ( a Queens County & Suburban :
cnr. Mounted polco drove the disturbers
away , but made no arrests. Obstructions
were placed on the Broadway line near
Chauncey street but the police cleared them
away. A number of logs were laid across
the ( rack ( on Sutton street near Buralo
avenue at about the same time. Captain
German with a number of men went down
there on I hurry cal and the policemen
cleared the traele. While the cars were at
a standstill Henry Schlpp , a sympathizer
with the strikers , jumped on top of one of
the ( cars and atelp d , to break lie trolley
pole. Ho was arrested. A policeman
named Falvey was struck on the head with a
brick In this dlsturbnnee.
Only two cars are In 10ton on the Bowen
street line Ten were being run earlier In
the day. There Is I new scheme on foot
to further crIpple the road. The strikers
assert the newly employed motormen and
conductors are held close prisoners against
their vili. Thirty-nino men , It Is represented -
seated , are held at the Hdgewood depot. The
leaders of the strikers are said to have se-
cured the names of these men and will ap-
ply to the courts for writs of habeas corpus
and have them leased.
The executive board of the strikers an- i .
flounces this afternoon that , the linemen's I
strike Is off. 'fho reason for the hitch ts
not known , but Master Workman COI noly
told the men to continue at their work.
In pursuance \vlth an agreement arrIved
at yesterday afternoon between the linemen
that ( they would refuse to execute any re -
paIrs on the roads still ted up , twe1'o men I
strucle work at 7:45 : this moring. They
were sent with I repair wagon to replace
wires which hal been cut durIng lie night
between Gates and Knickerbocker avenues :
Upon reaching the spot where the wires were m
down the len refused pint blank to have i
anything to do with repairing them ( and left L
the wagon. The wagon was taken back to I
the depot by the ( Jotorman and conductor.
4\ squad of policemen anti some disturbrs
were In conflict this 10rlng. When the
men were order to clear away from the
corner of hamilton avenue and Court street
they reused to do so One of lie men
threw nn egg at a policeman. The blue coats
thereupon charge time mob and clubbed
everyone In sight. Twenty of the crowd
left the ( neighborhood with badly bruised
heads. -
Edward Hayes and W. D , Bray tin roofers ,
at work on a building on Seventh avenue , between -
tween First and Second streets , threw bricks
at a passing trolley car They were arrested.
The Drooldyn , Qeens County & Suburban
company was running cars on the Broadway ,
Sumner avenue and Ralph aVenue
l his , the later lilies having been
put In operation this morning. The
Brooklyn City has cars moving on the Fulton
street Court street , lalsey street and the
Irlatbush avenue lines. On all these lines .
the umber of cars In operation Is lie ( same
a ! yesterdJY.
The wIres extending from Central to Knlel- i i
erbocker avenues on Gates avenue have been '
cut A squad of men sent to repair lie wires
attempted to do so , but they were attacked I
hy the mob , The militia drove the ( mob a\I'ay ,
but ( lie linemen refused to 10 back to wcrk
fearing another attack.
DILLON } , ' / J : illS INS U'I.
Using Conaohidiioiijeceipts for lie O. I
I N , lt Itilihiabir.
lOf'rI.AND , Ore " Jan. 2-ohn F. DII-
lou , trustee oC the first 10rtlngo 1m the
Oregon Short I.lne , today tiled lila answer
to tile complaint of the Faiiiimtrs' Loan and
'l'riist cOlpan ) ' . thither which 11' . 1iicNcill
WIS ul111intell l'cccl'cl' or the Oiegoit lcNel
011101 Hal-
vay flint Navigation , olllln ) ' , Hllol hauls
its trustee thu 1I'It mOlgngo on the hells
fl'OI lmngel' to Ilnllltol , , Itculnl out-
ItnnllnH bowls nmountng to $ l JIO. lie
Wid hindu \ 118It ) to lie foreclosure suit
brought . I ' the Amcl'm : 1.01n anti Trust
1'0 1 11 ) n ) ugllllKt lie Ul'eHon Hnlway anti
Navigation cOlpnny amI thc Oregon Short
J.lno and Utah Northern
111 , hohlnl the mn-
Jorl ) ' or the ( atock of ( lie Oregon Railway
nntl Navigation I'ompnny , ills Halwny
would 10 Ifectell by foreclosure . scclrl IeCelul _
ant SI't I II not equitable thnt lie re-
cI'hltl derived ( rain the consohitlmitecl lines
IhUlil bt oxpoldccl ( Oi the Oregon Halwu Inel
anti NI\hntol ( ( olpan ) ' itnes. The lt-
homey fOI' the Oregon Hnlhl'a nll ( Navhn-
ton conipaul ) ' storkholrcls IRle"11 an co. -
tonslun of time until 1"dmllr' 10 In whiklu
to lila time nnswor on ( lieu' part whih
1"arnutrs Loan anti Trust 1I1't ,
'nrmnrl nl1 'frult ( ollan ( The
extension wnl granted and the Amerlcal
,1.0:1 anti Trusl company was also Ih'el
unt I'-ebruar 10 ) to answer ,
i Jllllfllur < \I"I't to ( rglllac ,
Cl NCINN/s'l'I . Jan , 22.-Tho nutonul con-
vention ot maiuufat'tircrs , effected
\'cnton mlluraCturcrs eft'ctod tmpo-
rll'y organization tOlll ) ' , with Thomas I' ,
1':111 : 11 ( 'hlirmnl , nail F . P. WIIOI as
secretary. "ldrHSeS Were laLo by GO\-
e'llioi. MeRinley Ild Mayor ( aliIweli . when
time con\entol proceeded to business. ' . ,
I forenoon was Ipclt IlscusllnH Illanl for
, Perunailent or'anlzatton : anti the
llermlnent orianbaton nl1 appoint-
, 1'It ot eomln'lttees. 'fhe attendance Is 60
luch Ilr/el' thul WIl untielpaletl ( limit the
anlclpatell tmt
Orr l"ellows' uucllorlul , which has ( teen
I \ery t'lubointely cl'ortcl for the OCl-
slon , Wil loon crol\l t ) . The megister or
I .lelegttes shows over 1,0IMllnt ICllster lal \ ,
tl'turcrs prlh'nl Oi ( lie UnIt rPy , A recess
\IS tu\el for slUn&1 of committees.
Jnpnn010 Govarmont Pnb1shcs I List of
Onpturl War Material .
Extra len"y Tcanlng AppareL l'ro"llel
for thin lreBent rervlce-Anothier .s-
BClbloH l'reulnhty to At-
tnel , Vei.Ilai-WcI.
TOKIO , Jan. 8.-Per ( Steamer Peru , via
San Francisco , Jan. 22.-The only changes In
the diplomatic situation since last advices
I the ( annoUncement that Chang Yang
Uwnn , China's accredited agent , Is actually
on his way to Japan , accompanied by 1 Bub-
ordinate representative named Shao Yu 1.len.
The senior messenger Is believed to be well
chosen , on account oC lila eXerlenco wIth
wester nations , which has undoubted I re
lieved him or some of the overwhelmIng con-
celt II which the majorIty of homeltceplng. .
Chinese are steeped. lie has been mInister !
to the United States , Spain and Peru , and
may be supposed to faIrly understand Ito (
responsibIlities or his new 10slton , Shao
Yu Lien Is also better fitted for practIcal
Iioltes than men of his class , having ser ' ed
for I while as charge d'affaires at St. Pelers-
burg. lie Is now at Shanghai , awaiting his
chief , who Is reported to have started from
Peking aveek ago. I It Is found that these
envoys arc authorlzCl to negotiate seriously ,
sonic rcg'es may be made toward defining
the terms oC veace , but no amount of official
reserve on the part of the Japanese author-
Ite can conceal time fact that they expect
very lIttle from the first meeting. '
The capture of Wel-Ual-Wel Is now re-
gardet as a foregone conclusion , but It may ,
however , again alter the aepec of affairs.
ChInese dignitaries move slowly In their
own country , and It Is anticipated that Japan
will have occupied the naval staten near
Cheefoo before the suitors for peace arc
ready to leave theIr own countr ) ' , The
present intention Is that the conferences shall
he held al hiroshima. The fact that Mr.
Foster will accompany the ChInese envoys
In the capacity of legal I advIser docs not
change the opinIon of the Japanese with re-
spect to the sincerity or China's intention.
The rulers of the middle kingdom are as
capablG or deceiving their friends as theIr
enemies , if I they think I expeditat , and It
Is no more certain hint they whil fully trust
w1 fuly
their emplo'es than ( i was In Gordon's time.
The presence of Jr , Poster cannot be taken
as n Positive guarantee of earnestness on the
Chinese side.
An official statement of the valuable spoils
thus far taken from the Chinese has beel
publshed by tile Japanese' government
, '
From thIs It appears that 607 large guns
have changed ownershili. The estimated
value of these Is 2,000,000 yen. The lumber
of small arms Is 7,400 , worth 30.000 yen ;
ammunition for large guns , 2,600,000 rounds ,
worth 3,000.000 yen ; ammunition for small
arms , 7.000,000 rounds ; thrcl ships of smal ,
one medium and two small . are rated at
1,000,000 yen. Most Important of all are the
arsenals , foundries
and machinery of every
description secured at Port Arthur and
Tahian. What tie value of these will be to
their possessors cannot yet be calculated.
From a recent report of Japanese SUr-
goon General Islgro , time amount and qual-
Iy of food and clothing supplied t { the
army Is nscertalned. The usual winter
clothing consists of the regulation jacket ,
trousers , cap shoes and overcoat , with cot-
ton flannel undershirt and drawers , woolen
sQles and breast cloth , alt one blanket.
The additions for the present service are a
thick fur head coverIng , n fur overcoat , with
double-lined neck piece , an extra flannel undershIrt - '
dershIrt , extra woolen merIno drawers . and
long stockings , and an extra blanket , gloves
made ' of thick blanketing , a stock of paper
under.wear , and n large fur skin , which may
be used on certain duties . as well as for
coverings. For the cooles no provisions for
clothing were orIginaly made , their pay be-
lag ten tmes as much as the soldiers' and
considered sufcIent for all necessities , but
In view of tile Increasing cold they have
been allowed each a flannel shirt , lined coat
, anti trousers I cotton padded overcoat , a
thick flannel head cO\'erlng , cotton flannel
undershirt and drawers . thick socks and a
blanket '
That the cooles surer more than the '
troops Is largely due to theIr improvident
hmabits.Thmey often gamble away their clothes ,
anti not beIng sUbject to the rigid dis-
clphhne of lie army , cannot be made to regu-
hate their food and drink properly.
The supply of food for the soldIers Is very
simple. Rice Is the basIs. The quantity ,
however , Is ample. A quart and a half of
cleaned rice per day to each man , one-third
or I pound of vegetables Is added , with con-
dhnents In the form of salted Ilums , ote.
On rapid and prolonged marches , when rIce
cannot be prepare In the accustomed way ,
the troops are perfectly contented to hive on
gruel mada of rice and IndIan corn Jye . , The
commissariat Is greatly improved after every
victory over the Chinese , for large stores of
beef amid pork are Invariably captured . The
urgon general has observed that when on
cue marcl and expectant of battle the armies
are cheerfully satisfied with anything that
wIll sustain life . I Is only when kept In-
active for a long tme that theIr appetites
arc more exacting.
The directors of the ( hospitals In the fell
state the wounded almost Invariably protest
against the use oC bandages made by the
empress and empress dowager at Toklo and
beg that they be hung near the pillows In-
stead. The gratification which these marin
of imperial remembrance and favor excite Is
oren thought to stimulate the progress of
lie invalids towards recovery. Irogress
The Japanese Prince Imperial Yoshlhlto ,
now In lila 16th year . Is gazetted a captain
'of Infnntry.
The Japanese troops In the 1.10 Tong
Ilenlnsula are Ictvely preparing for an 1m-
10rtnnt expedition. and I Is assumed on all
sides that Wel-Hal-Wel will bo the object at
attack , The military force gathered for this
purpose Is of about time same strength as
that whIch conquered ( Tahiett and Port
Arthur. I consists of the ( first division ,
Imoln as the Sedal division. Reports from
Wel-lal-Wel state limit not less than 18,000
Chinese are 110ste(1 ( In or near the fortfca-
( ions.
Two foreigners , In Englslnnan and U German -
man , whose names are not published , are saIl
to be superintending the ( derenslve opera-
ton . The feet In the harbor has been In-
creased and It i Is believed that thirteen
ships uf war and fifteen torpedo boats are
anchored there , tot least one-hal of the ( Vessels -
sels are of smal size Lieutenant General
Nosu hal left Kuln and Is on his way to (
tllee Personal commal\l of the Japanese
forces at and .
lear ilaicheng On January
4 he had reached Sui-Yen , from which place
hu telegraphed , that the Chinese general ,
Sung , hall reorganized his defeated army
anti ( was cautiously returning In the direction
ot Hal-Chenl humors of movements by
1.leutenant General Iatura are In circula-
ton , but there Is every reason for believing
that ho remains In Ual-heng awaiting
' ' .
Nosu's frh'al.
Yon Henneken's scheme for reorganizing
( lie ChlneFo Irmy and providing lt short
notcL 1 trustworthy force for the defense !
of Jeklng has been set eslile . by the order
or' Tsuuig-hi.Yamen. The reason publicly
given for aballoning It Is lie aleged de-
I'leton oC tbe treasury , Apart from this , I
Is known that great discontent was elicited
tn , high military quarters by I proposition
to confrr this chief eOllamt on a forolgner ,
amid hat t threats of 11111081ion were growing
Ito loud mum to throw lie court Into a furore
ltHIC ! the chiangu' .
A slight disturbance occurred at Foochow
lat lonlh when an attempt was made to
bury the remains of Captain l'ong. Leheallerl
for cowardIce lt the slnle naval battle of
the war . with the ceremonlel appropriate to .
the rank ! he hld held , Fong was the otcer
who took hIs 1llp out of IcloL before the
fight hind fairly begn , and wb decapitated
without trial ( t Port Arthur by order of
Admiral Tlng. Time funeral cc6lon was
stoned anti dispersed by rlote I , who ( Ieztl
the coma antI would nave Ilreated tIme
corpse but for the opportun ( arrival of a
strong guard on the scene. The interment
was subsequently electw br Inlht , and In
strict privacy. A few days Inter a flmlnr
uprising In tIme sam city \\'s caused b )
the announcement that Commodore 1.ln , late
commander of the Chen-Yu . would bl entombed -
tombed with naval hon rRI Ill hall com-
mited suicide ImClatcly after the Ills-
aIding of his ship at W I.Hal.\\'tI , nail , I
wa popuhrb' believed tht he hitch nten- !
( badly run her on I rock , knbwu to every
navigator and easily ayoldbtl , Though for-
merly Idolized by hil townsmen ot Foochow ,
his remains were followed Ito the grave ly
a shrleklnl mob. and would have SUrl1 ed
lie wor"t "lmllgnltes I time local oflicinla ;
wnrned by the tumult at Fang's ohslllllen ,
had not taken due IlreCutons against tX-
trelo vloleuce.
Foreign newspapers at Rhanlhal crntaln
translatohs of an alleged ( } imllerl:1 ; I tscrlpt ,
so extraordlnnr In Its character that its
authenticity Is scarcely crellted , 11 ought I
appears to hnvo been given to the pub-
lie through the usual chmaniteha. Its tone
anti ( purport many be judged from the follow-
lag extrnct : "The Japanese have gained \'Ic-
tory after victory , all despoied our turl-
tory , unt our august al'estors II their
sacred graves are distumrbeul. TIlls Is he-
cause we , who rule the empire , are unworthy -
worthy amid tlefclent In virtue anti have entrusted -
trusted the defense of the stale
( to unfit ser-
rants I , however , It Is OUr destIny to
stiffer the worst e\ls , anti 10 witness the' '
defement and destruction pf the revered
nlars , there remains nothing for us but to
perish with them. When that ( time comes
may you ( Wen , Lltsao nnt , IWenshlh ) reverently -
enty leat hue empress dowAger to safety' 11
thG . - west , . , , anti , . provide " for , a . worthy , . , sleces-
slon 10 tle wrono wlcne snai no Ilnger
fill , Then lay the sacred shrines of our
ancestors bo purified and time disgrace of the (
naton willed away. "
I Is rumored that this edict was privately
circulated In the at the
palacl beginning of
December last , ant has become known to
the outer world through ( treacher But the
genulnes& of so remarkable a document
needs further attestation. . ,
The ransoms palll for the release of Mme.
Chalet and her daughter from Chinese 111-
rates were about 90OOO.
Conferonee Pr.slletl Over hy HI.hop Isaac
U ' , Joyce of CitateimiuooCit.
CITY OF MEXICO , Jan. , 22-The thirteenth -
teenth nnnual conference of the Methodist
Episcopal missions of Mexico has come to a
close. The conference was presided over by
. )
Bishop Isaac W. Joyce ot Chattanooga ,
Tenn. , who inaugurated a now departure In
Methodist mission work In tiis country by
ordaining 11ev. J. M. Euroaa . a Mexican
pastor , as a presiding elder run the Htdalgo
district. '
Pastoral announcementR were today made
to the erect that 11ev. John \V. Butler , D. D. .
remains as presiding elder pf the central
district with residence hl this city ; Ites' .
Frank horton goes as pr sldlng cider to the
gulf coast district , with J'Iebla as headquarters -
quarters ; Hev. L. D. Salmois . " M. D. , \ 1
be presiding elder of ( ho northern district ,
with headquarters at S103 ; Hcv. S. 1' .
Craver , D D. , president of the Methodist
Theological seminary at Puebla. Is succeeded
temporarIly by 11ev. Dr. nuter . , until the
vacancy can be fled : Rev Craver goes to
Iowa and thence to South : Amonica. The t
conference was the largest l land most en-
thusIastc ever held hi the history of Mex.
lean Methodism. ' . ' , )
Glm lt lUNISTIIs6UGNS. _ : ; ' .
Kliig Uocntcd the Hqmnrlsot the Premter
IUII R Crl81s Ii ! ' t'rectittatctI. !
ATHENS Jan 22.-The entire Greek , minIstry -
Istry has reslgnt . A panic of the bourse
followed the announcement 'I Is believed
that a colorless cabinet will be formed , and
that tIme chamber will bo dissoived. I Is
said that the resignation of the Trleoupls
ministry was the ( outcome of an audience
which the ( premier had with the king , and In
which the Cormer made representatons to
his majesty wIth reference to Ihe ( Interference
of the crown prince In tHe demonstration on
Sunday last. The king Is said to have re-
sented the remarks of the premier.
will lake ni Effort tl Form 1 Ministry
wih time Aid of the ( . "f.
PARIS , Jan. 22.-After In.Int rvlew with
M. Oncarre and Cavnlgnae PresIdent Faure
again summoned M. Bourgeois , .and It Is
belIeved the later will renew the ( attempt
to form a cabinet , and tjmat In so doing he
will choose other flnanrilal advIsers , giving
greater preference to members of the left.
Tile Income tax , which Is the pet measure
of liT. Ieytral , cannot be Introduced In the
bUdget for 1895.
" ' 18 ! , ' . rrcsll'e for )111"1 ' 1 Protest
CONSTANTINOPLE , .Tn. 22.- lr. Cobb ,
the British postmaster here , wits arrested
by the Turkish authorities for protestIng -
lag against the seizure of an ArmenIan -
menIan post bag destined for Smyrna ant
against a brutal outrage commited on an
Armenian postman employed In the Drltsh
service. Mr. Cobb was only liberated on
the ( Interference of the British ambassador
Ocrmnn Jnnn ! , \ IIItlunletnl
BERLIN , Jan 22.-Negotiations have been I
concluded for UI amalgamation of the Dres-
dener and Dremer banles. The Dresdener
bank gives 1/OOO marks In Dresdener shares ,
with participatien In the for the
partclpatrn profits , as-
setl ( and labl1ies of the Dremer bank The
shareholders of the later institution receive
3,000 marks In DrEsdener shares for each
4,000 marks of linemen bank shares
COlforrhltlt Non Ca lh\e. .
CONSTANTINOPLE , Jan. 22.-I Is stated
on good authority that Alexander W. Ter-
mcii , the United States minister , has sub-
mited to the Porte President Cleveland's sug-
geUon to establish consulates at I rzeroul ,
\mau , Ihithis and other . It Is
YID mtls ant points. I luler-
stooll hint ( Mr. Terrel Is to see the minister
of foreign altalrs , Said Pasha , on the subject
short ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Jlrllllllllo Ihol'l : : , 10 FIIhl.
TEII HAN , Persia , Jnp. 22.-An oOclnl
dispatch from Meshed , cpllul oC time prQ\-
Inco of Iihoraslmn , ayt ' , that n evero
eurthtunko shocl was fht , there at noon
on ' 'hurllay last , Jrtuary 17. The \III'a-
tons temlctl In I north ; $ -terl ) ' direction
as far ns Chlnarln , 'fher \11 a seonll
shock Ito lame ovouhumg7Ffue Ilamao doime
W\8 slight Intl - evenlnJ/'f\e - \ lost. !
Unel ) IlducI'1 by 31011'1 11"Unn ,
LEON , Mex . , Jan. 22.-4lmm a duel nt San
Jrelpe , cast of this city , ween henry T.
Wed , an AmerIcan minIng engineer , antI (
Juan Canto , a mlrehant of he IllaCB , Wood
was seriously wounded beig shot through
the bOdy. The affair of honor grew out or a
financial deal between the two men ,
Iochcforl : IIY Bet ssrpmt " ! rllel
PARiS . Jan. 22.-nochefort , the xled ed-
Ior or 11Antranslgeant , Inarms the Asso.
elated press that ( he has direct knowledge that (
n. Dourgeols Will propose a measure grant.
Ing general amnesty , all If It Is carrleJ
Hochefort wi return to Pranc
Ahr".III" ( hl"f . ihititiled. .
MASSOW , Egypt , Jan 22-nas Man-
slcll , the Al 'tslnlan chief , Is In flight Intl
II set'klnf refuge nt Tcmban. His ( once II
completely scattered , Oenerul ilamatleni
hal ordered lie ( Italian troops to return to
their respective stations.
1011 III"dd ; In Iruarl , .
BRUSSELS , Jan 2-A bomb wait ex-
ploted ! yesterday cvenlnl In u crowded
cafe lt Iumet , near Chuijerol . duch dam-
age was done to tha ( building and a Ianlo
followed the CXllloslon. 'olo\y W.l lerl-
ously InjurcI _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \
J lrth'U"li' ! hol"w Iurei.a ( cii In Jlnlr.
ROME , Jan. ' . -I rejh shocks ot "arth-
quakes have occurred at ) teggIc' ( dl ( 'alabra
In the southern part Ir ia ! . The people
I are pan strIcken uud 110 Cllplll In
open places ) ,
No Liberty for the Men Thought t Dc
Concerned In Scott's ' Mnfder
Attempt to fcclro Their lclen80 on hands
iofcateui-1'rloners ) Appear Nervous
-Unn Morn Arrest Matie-Attonitey
Orneral Churchi nt U'Nel ,
O'NEILL , , Neb. , Jan. 22.-Speclal ( Tele-
grnm.-Georo ) 1ulihan miami Moso Elliott
were arraigned today before Judge Mc-
Cutchin for the murder of Dnrrett Scott.
The court refused to 8lmlt them to bal
until their Ilrelmlnary examinatons , which
wi begin at 1 o'clocl Monday. Mert Roy
did not appear 10 was taleen ill yesterday
with a very sore throat anti Is In bed at
the hotel lIe will be arraigned as soon ns
ho gets well enough to ! o Into court. At-
torney James Harrington made I long but
futile Irgnment this morning to convince
the ( court lint ( the Ilrlsoner could be released
on bal until their Irelhnlnary ) cxanmiimatiott.
Ho ar.ueJ that the charge of murder In the
first degree was balable unless , according
to tIme words of time constuton ( , "the ( proof
was evident , or the ( Ilrcsumpton great. "
County Attorney Murphy contended hunt no
case could he cited In the state of Nebraska
where an ncclsed murderer had been ad-
mlell to bal Prior to the prelminary , ex-
allnnton. The court Inclned to the lat-
ter view and refused to entertain the Idea
of bail.
iii. F , Harrington , who Is the principal at-
tonitey for the prIsoners , Is out of town , but
wi arrive In tlle to conduct lie cxamlna-
( ions. Mr. Ute ) ' , who will represent the
citizens In the prosecuioum ( , will arrive from
) rosecuton wi
1.lncoln tonight. I Is expected that ] Iul-
han's case Wi be tried flra ( .
The prisoners had not recovered from their
nervousness when they appeared ( In court
this meriting . Roth have lost flesh perceptibly -
ceptbly during the past two weeks and arl
evidently consIderably worried
Special Deputy JcEvony canto In nt noon
with Fred I-harris tIme fourth prisoner now
unller arrest. harris Is a short , ( hick set
farmer , with I [ ul beard Iml a noticeable
habIt of not hooking any one squarely In the
eye. 10 smolcd furiously I I corn cob pipe
mind , concealed his face lS much as possible
b ) puling down his catl to meet his tuned-
up coat collar. Soon acer ills arrival he
was taken III to ace Scott's body. He stopped
smoltng as he wits placed In front of the
ghastly spectacle and hailed his cap still
further over his face. He never lfed his
eyes , but the ( corer/ of ills mouth twitched
pelceptbl ) and In I few seconds he Qulelel
turn cd away anti walked out of the morHue.
lIe was then taken before JUdge 1cCutchln ,
where his examination was set for next
Tuesday Ill he was commited to jail .
Photographs were taken this morning of
Scott's body In different positions and these
will be timed at the trial. Snap shots were
ale tnl.en of the prisoners as they sat at
dinner. HarrIs Jumped clear ont of his seat
when the kodak clcllcd and tremulously inquired .
qulred : "What arc they trying to do to me ? "
The Interview with HellrlSentatve Robertson -
son at Lincoln was rend with much Indgnlnt !
comment at O'Nei toda ) That Robertson
should Ircume to represent the sentiments
here Is regarded as mIsleading. lie has been
designated a one of the memberl or the
vigIlance' organhiatlon , ' 'and" ' 'John ' .
vigiance' orgnli'aton " \ohn' hopkins ,
who , according to Mullihan's confession , - Is
the president oC the so..aled Protective as-
sociatioim . said his morning In the presence
cf several wlneses that Robertson was a
member of that organization.
ThEe Is much less evidence of prospective
trouble hero now than hero was Sunday. I
Is coming to be general ) believed that Attorney -
ney Uttey has evidence In his possslon
that will be sufcIent to convict Ito assassin
of Darrel Scott , and this feelng has done
much to appease the popular sentment oC
vengeance. Two days ago I was the general
belIef that ( there would be a demonstration
of some sort before the week was over , but
now It Is expected that the law will bo allowed -
lowed ) to take Its course.
Attorney General Churchi has arrived
from Lincoln. He Is accompanied by a
stenographer and Is spending the day In col-
lootIng the statements of some of the main
witnesses and ether data In regard to time
murder. Mr. ChurchIll had no explanation to
make of his presence here othcr than that he
was "Just hooking nround" and might go
back tomorrow. I Is undertood that one
of the principal objects of his visit Is to
ascertain whether there Is tiny possibility
that the serylce of lhr. militia may be required -
quired to prevent violence toward the ( pris-
oners I Is now thought that all danger or
such u demonstration Is over for the present.
Itundrecit Thron Ihb Stesots luul Acid to
the HClerl Excitement There.
O'NEILL Neb , Jan. 22.-Speclal ( Tele-
gram.-Tho ) intense interest that Is felt al I
through this section of the state In time Bar
rett Scott case was more than ever In evidence -
dence this afkrnoon. Never In one day
haye so many farmers' wagons been seen
on time streets of O'Neill. For n couple of ,
hours this afternoon there was a stead )
Ilrocession of lumber wagons loadell \ Ih I
ranchers In wolf skin coats filing In from
the north anti west. The remains of Scot t
are still on the cooling board nt the morgue ,
just al hwy were tken from the ( rIver , nnd ;
this was the first objective point of time via
. itors. Pu1y 2,000 11EOliio ) ) have vlewecl the
body during time past two days , and they
are still couutiiig. Many of them cOle from
the district north of the Niobrara , nearly
Ify miles away , and had traveled mieau-ly alt
day There Is only one expression al they
gaze upon the ghastly relic of lie mil-
night deed , and that II that the good ( name
or 10it county cnn only bo redeemed by the
IJllshinent oC the imiurderera
The high tension at which public sent-
ment Is strung was 111cltd hy un oecur-
renco this afternoon. Just afer 3 o'cloele
and when the main street was ful of leD-
I pIe , a pistol eliot was heard In I iteighibonimig
saloomm A minute after ' .
aCer 1 maui I'an bare.
headed Into the ( street . wih lie ( heel ! ( guli-
Ing In streams from a wound In the 11.10 of
his head. The oeect on lie ( crowd \\:3 : ( , o
trlcal. There was nut instantaneous ruh lu.
wrds ttU naloon , and men's hundl instinct.
Ively sought their belts.
hank McEvony amI several others antici.
pitted any demonstraton hy hustnl away
lie partcllants ( In the ( fracas , aH3uring lie (
Cl'o\ll that It was nothing hit a 11runl\n
quurrel. The mater wits nled ( there , hut
no one who saw the clrcmustn es could
draw any other concusion tll that ( there '
lit I vast amount of Infamlllblo material
here , capable of being ahno Inhtlntane-
ously wrought Into a hilaze. As I prominent
citizen who stood near I'emarleed :
"U the right fellow hail . pulled that gun ,
they would he shootng yet. "
The trouble was caused by a party of
young fellows who had loaded emu too much
lolt county booze A fellow namEll Chlsham
drew a revolver In tl ( saloon , when the pro-
prletor ( jumped over the liar . amid , snatching
the weapon from his hand , Inld his head
open with the butt. In the struggle the gun
vas discharged , but In some miraculous manner -
ner the ( bullet sped through the crowd without -
out hitting any one. The scrap ( served to
show the ( sort ( of lighting metal that ( exists
In l\l county , '
11 lerhelser has been one oC the leaders
In the search for Scott's body , and Is now
suffering ( roam inflammatory rheumatsm , Induced -
duced by the contnue exposure lie was
hobbling down the street on one foot and a
pair of crutches when this shot was heard
In an Instant his game root struck the
ground , and he was one of the first on the (
spot , 1 was not until a minute after that
the ( pain reminded him ( list he was Incapaci-
I shed ( for active locontotioim.
A " oruey General Chlrebl I. still 11
town , but wIll return to Lincoln In the morn-
In ! lie spent the Intro afternoon closeted
In a room at the ( Evans house with Del
Akin , County Attorney Murphy and one or
two others. They went over hue ( evIdence
In lie case In detail , about twenty WlleSStS
being privately examined during the session.
As a rrull : lr. Churchill will cOle back
to O'Neill londn ' anti assist
O'Nt1 Monday Rlll the
prosecu t ion during the t preliminary
ualinaton . lie aid that sOle nry
strong e'lltnco hail been atitled , 11\1 that
ho was confdent hint the nmumntierers of liar- ,
rett Scott would be brought to justice . 11cm
justc10 I
will probably antler the ( necessary entry ,
when he returns to 1lncoll , 11sllssll i
the case now \elHlng In the IUrCl1 court
agnlns ! Uarrett Scott amid reltaslng his
bonulsniemi. .
. A good deal .of . corroborative ( "Ilence was
aroumgn out Ilurlng the exnmlnaton this
afernool , but its nature Is not c1sclo .
Those iii charge of ( lie PmosecumIout ( are suppressing -
pressing all evitlemico ( hunt has hot alreatly
been inatlo public , as ( hey do not expect
to lie cotiipehic'ti to tuso it ott time prelimn-
mary cxanmittatiimn , Titey believe ( hat tiuere
will ( ie no dirncuuity In liolihlng ( lie mnlsoiters
to the district court , amiti they do utot want
( hue defense to obtain nmty' intlinatioum of
( ho ( estimitomty timat they uIhh haItI Iii me-
It wits tiecitlii tonight ( lint the fuitiemal
of Barrett Scott u'hhl be hehti Thmirsthay at
2 ii. ut. No change has been mumade lum ( ho
amramigeunemits imrevloiusiy decluled omt anti ( Ire
local lodge of Odd Fehiouva ulIi have chinu'ge
of ( lie services. Special ( ralums rill be nut
frommi Lincoln , Nehigh nail other politta.
An autopsy ili be hieltl seine ( line toitmomrow
forcnooit , vhmiclu uihl be comitlimcieti by 1)r. )
I , . II. Salter - of Norfolk nmiti lrs , J , 1' .
( Ililigami uuiil J , II. ilclomtahtl ) of this city.
It is likely ( hint a chicmnical numalysis will ha
tuntie of time stomumachu , hut order to nscemaimm (
whether lie vas kihicil at outce or hielil capO
tivo for sonmo tiny's in tam effort to force him
to reveal where hue haul couccated ( In' htoit
couummty mumoney , whilcim ( lie vIgilantes bchieveti
ito hind in hits imossessiomm , 'i nicmimonmmmnlumtm
has been sectmretl of ( lie imigretllens of ( lie
last meal ( Imat lie ate before lie heft
Minmisola anti It is expected that ( lie nmtaiysis
will disclose whether it was his lost meal
on earth.
Tim effort f flepreseittative Burns of
Lancaster county to secure an appropriation
of $5,000 to aid in time conviciomm ( of Scott's
murderers Is cnuiorsed by ( lie following ,
whichi was telegraphieti to Bunts ( hits after-
noomu. It Ia signed by mono than 200 repro-
sentaive citizeiis
lion. Joscphi Burns , house of Itepresenta-
( ives , Lincoln , Gmeeing : In ( lie mnattei' of
your anticipated recohution npptopniaimmg
* 5,00t ) from ( lie fumnuis of ( lie sUute of No-
tuimuehca for ( lie nrrcst and canvictiomm of tIme
nmuurlerers ( of liarrett Scott. vt' , ( lie tuniler-
slguicd residents of lIolt nmmul lloyd eoummties ,
Nebraska , irrem'pectlve of hart ) ' amilliatiomis ,
rcgnrdimig our . county tue our fnmtmihy , hiereb3'
CxIm-css cult. nppreclaiomi of your -uiitmah1e
mers'Icea by ( lie Introduction of said m-eaohuu-
( loll , which mimes to ( lie bcmmetit ahitl t'afey
of our countu-y by ciieekiimg our yotung coiti-
motiwenlhi ( from a ( euldenc ) ' to lawlessness
tutu titter detitmeiom by further acts of
vIolence at. tIme hmnntis of brutal inut-tlcrers
antI more thnii brutal trigauiuiuu. who lure
evidently serving ummder seine fnlse gods.
Another resolution , which will be mailed
to Iteprcsemitatlvc Robertson In time uuoniiiuig ,
is less complimentary. It is signed by upwards -
wards of fifty ciizeims ( , and is tirawii in the
foilouvhmtg language :
To John A. flobarison , house of Ttepre-
sentativea , Limicohn , Neb. ; . ' 3ir-\\'hiercas ,
_ , s sliuwii by your inmhiishmetl interview iii
time \ \ onid-itet-tilti of ( lie lict instmumm ( , youm
avow youirsclf acqumaintetiuvltli those coat-
pnisimig ( lie co-called vigilantes 1mm tIle
county ; and ,
Whereas , We are reliaiiy lntomatel by
( ito president of such comnnuittee or assoela-
( ion ( lint you ar a rnentbcr . thereof iii
good standlngatmd ; ,
Whereas , \Vcm are of the opinion that
tIme principles rummd practices of said aitsocia-
, ( lomm nuiti iu ; menibers are inimical to tIme
best interests , iceuce amid sveil being of our
cpmmuimity , tiid that such association anil
inlitiemices totally Unmit any peroon to rep-
rosemmt any constituemmcy , except It be suclt
an organization , iii shell a body' as that to
which you hmuvo been exalteii , thereforc
we. tIme ummdersigmmeul electors of your repre.
rienttitive diatmict , most cnrnesly amid em-
phiaticahly demmmanti youmr Immediate resigna-
( ion of ( lie position which you tmow hiavo
the honor to lioI ( l. Signed'
0. It. lIItiIJN.
IL C. M'ffVONY ,
And fIfty others.
Clarke Young was brought in by Marshal
llall tiii afternoaim as a witness , but ho is
not untier arrest. Young is tile farmer whose
hiouso is ( hue only one in sight of time ilaCo
where tile tragedy was begun. lie is supposed -
posed to know mnore about ( lie shooting than
hue dares to tell. This was evident when a
Bee reporter and D. A. Doyle visited his
house on the tiny following time murder. The
next day lie admitted to Dell Akin and Ed
llersliiser that lie hind beemi asked to join
( lie murderers. When ( hey asked himn fromnm
whom time invitation was received he told
( hem it was none of ( heir business ,
Mert Roy huas partially recovered front lila I
illness and line beemi returned to his cell at .
( he couiiity jail. The jail is just large eutommghi
to hiolul the four prisoners now 1mm custody ,
titero beimig two cells with one upper and ii
lower bunk in each.
Time city jail will only hold two prisoners ,
anti if many moore arrests are mnndo somime :
of them will have to be sImply placed tinuler
guard. TIme jail vliere ( lie prisoners arc I
now confineth Is a small frame lumlitling in t
time court hiomis yards , Tummnlecy Gibbons ir
alone In charge , awl there seems to be nc
good reason wIly , if they vero so ulisposeul ,
( lie prisomtera might not overpower hint anti
escape at any hour of time day or imighit.
Fred harris , the last man to lie arresteii
seems (0 be unore at lioumto in lila positior
( lien any of ( lie others. lie steatlfastly re .
fuses to talk , and will not oven say whier i
Ito vas on tIme miight of time mum-tier. Evidently .
dontly lie is smart ommougim to profit by ( lit I
himmowledgo ( hint lila comupaniomis have contra .
ulicc'il ( thmenmselvcs atmul onchi other , numtl I : 3
resolved net to prejuitlico his case iii ( hit 0
same manner , _ _ _ _ _
; il uirdmy'n ; . mistier Itt lloicoiii , , ,
LINCOLN , Jan. 22.-Speciai.-Laat ( night
Governor Ilolromb wired ( ho cnuummty itt-
tot-fey of halt county nuukummg if ( lie execu.
( lYe could do auiylmiumg to ( utcilittuto tIm mom'-
ro8t Di' hhuinislimnOmit of ( lie mnuirtlercru tot
lSiLrtett Scott , 'l'iiis niom-nimig ( ho governor
receive'i ( lie following telegmtumti ( roam
Comlitty Attorney II. Ii. Muiphmy :
"All iumrsoims clitungeui with ( Ito mum-tier of
himurret 13cot have beemi appmcltenuleii ,
brought before tine htr : of Justice amid vlii lie'
dealt with , du-icly nct-ortiimmg to law , I know
of nothiimmg ( lie ittiti Cttfl do iiitlC tItan it
hits mlouto I 0 titimmishi violcmit'ii of hew I mi I t
( 'O titi ty. 'Tim Is cou m'sc vi I I lie mutumoilVii I
iiiC tuusistiotice lit ( ito i tmttiie' if mmt'ccsihau-s'
l.uw ntul juustico u'hmnhl prevail in I bit
commnP , , 'fluke lit ( lie muommtiniicimt of otmr citi-
zomis ,
O1"J'1.J , ' 1iBIJIC'i 131/hi' .
% .yh multi g'4 Execitmi lYti hot Imuroti hy 'ulii miy
tv m , , Iteii , , (0 ( Iii , mIuitt' tmiuiIuivr ; ,
C'iliYIiNNF , Juiio. 22-fflpecitil.-Tiiere )
iii a lIvely eoflt-St ( 0mm novel ( lie oiilce of
umtate ecntmoimier , nuid ( lie fm-Iemuds of ( lie ccv.
cml apphlcammiJi art' mmiulclng life intem-eatitig
for ( Jovemtmou Itclinut1 'm'biu c'andidmies ( ( or
( lie oIice ( mcuo Harry It. Jientleucoti , the
Inesent imucummuihent of ( hue otlire ; Johun K ,
Jt'ffre'y , ox-county' lenbt of htuiammtie county ,
amid A. J , l'iurhiiii , tx.tmemisuumCr of time city
of Chmeyenmte. It is ClIiectt'tl ( limit ( lie got'-
ermior tvill inaite this cmpuuIuitumivmit within a
( ow days.
Theme' are also tsvo etinulitiotes ( or ( lie
oihlce of sflmtq caI maine Iutspector , with ( lie
chiamices rilioumt , ttuinhl hVe'fl ( uhient. Dave
(1 , Timoiniis , ( lieu liresent inspecior hail ( hue
mtuiport } of tIme western iiii t of ( lie state ,
he bc-ietg et rem'idriit of ihoek 5m ingit , Nommhi
Youtmg , ( lie ( oremitmi of time heer Creck
coal unities at ( ] iemmroelc in Canvcu-c.u county
is ( he either cammdieiate ( am ( hmcm 1111cc ,
( lie irnhlticluns froumi norihiemn and cantniul
\Vy'omnhtmg mim o uiging hii'u 'ippoiiitmmmvnt very
a ( romigly' . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
To sc'mimu ' 1'ilii Coimimry ; ,
14/tRAM 1FZ Wyo , , Jan , 22.-Special-A ( )
coiomty of LtirumnIe c'iizena hius : been orgati-
lied for tite Ittirpose or sttllmtg in ( lie Teritcin
cuUflti-y' . umouthi of ( lie Yellowstone lint-k.
Fretl IIess , llenr' IhuempfuterAtugust
Zhmnow , Charles \Voiterii anti Alsndrewmi
will not as the ativiunccu gurumil , They will
leave in abotmt a amonthu fur tue umrposit of
selecting ii desirahibe ioeaUon.
hhisee Track itt lIuithhis. ,
RMVL1N $ , Wyo. , .1mm , 22.-ipenial.-S ( ) ,
IdVlllis Iii tilting tip Ide i mice tmaeir , ammI I
the horlemtmc'n of itawllns exp'o ( to hold
two i-ace neetLngmi next euttutmier ,
Southern Republics Cannot Got Along
Without it Tight ,
Tolls Guatemala She Must. Baoc Down o
SufFer the OoIiscqucnco3.
P arade the StreetI with Balnll Shouting
. "On to GuatelIiaaI"
nmtiy at Ttvcii.m 'i'inuisntmt Mcmi Steady to
1iinicit % iieii ( lie % 5 tirti Ic ( liven
Tlu'ium , - h'i'cehht'imt's t'inlco
for C.iiiimi imuier ,
CITY OF MEXICO. Jaui , 22-After a very 4
s tormy cabimict incetimig last night l'resiticnt
l ) baz notifleti Gumatemimnla through its mnimthstcr -
( lint lie tvCumlti not coimcetle auto iota amid ( hunt
O ( iaeumtaia ( tvoimltl have to give itt to Mexico's
d enmanti or stuffer ( lie consequences.
Other Central Amimenicaum representatives tiers
a t ( lmo mmiceing ( iiuaiio ( lie stnteuimcitt to Presi.
d ent Iiaz that ( lucy uumitlersootl ( Mexico was
t rying to grasp Central Atmienicami territory.
President Diaz tienled ( lie assertion amid stated
t imnt ? iiexice would have her rights and ( lint
( Ito boundary lines sIiulti ha ns Mexico
c iniuned mind that Mexico hind alt ( lie territory
t huat she imeetieth , It looks as ( liotughi the other
Cemmral Anmenican reirimbhian were behminti
All ( lie goventiment students ore marchimig
lit ( lie streets witlu hiamuds nuiiuitimig ( "Viva
Mexico ! Viva Dinzl" ammtl ' 'Oim io ( iumaemmtalal" (
They are now in Trout of ( Ito imitlaco ( rota
12,000 to 15,000 strong , clamnoning for war
and pledging their support to I'resident Bins.
They are mimainly coinimoseti qf time stuidemits
of tIme law , mimimmimig anti imtercnumlio
schiools. Mexico has boeen preimarlumg for war
for sonto ( mime , ntmti hmn about 12,000 troops
on ( lie border. All ( lie ofilcers ( hat have not
been on active tiuity have been notified to no-
port for marcliimmg orders ,
President Dlaz made a speechu to ( lie liar-
atilng stutlonts auth others , nummmbening 15,000
or 20,000 , in front of ( lie palace thui afternoon -
noon , stating that lie tvouhui not recede frono
Mexico's Just rIghts. The ammswem' to Mex-
ico's ultimatummt is to be receIved hero on tim
. 21(11 , but President Dma fluis notified cluitte-
nmmula ( hint lie wilitiot recede ( noun the orig- .
mel demands , Both countniesmuro pu-eparluig
for rar.
Itn ( lila ( Iiuiico for ehio Present Imttb , ous
( icimi'uiit Royes.
CITY OF MIiXICO , Jan , 22.-Au interest-
inc story imi circulation regarding ( he probable -
able outbreak of tt'or betweomi Guunteinalmt anti
Mexico is to ( Ito effect ( lint General l'orflnio - :
Diaz , president of time Mexican republic , will
takoconmmnammti of the forces ant tue frontier
in person. The report lii widely spread In
omcial gossip anti is uiot ttihtout time range
of possibility. In time higher circles it in
held that Geiteral Iiaz mill mmot leave his
seat , as chief executive In ( lie pendimmg dliii-
culties , at least not until hula presence Is
iniperatively detnantled at ( lie front. Time
geuiemal opinion among those close to ( lie
executive is ( hunt he will place tIme conintnnml
finally 1,1 , tlmc Imands of one of three amen to
plush ( lie Gumteuualan invaslomi. 'these three
officers are : General Berminrdo lieyeit , gov-
emnor of tire state of Leon and general of a
division of ( lie Mexicami army ; General
Jose Vicente Vlllatlo , govem-mior of time state
of Mexico anti geutr'ral of a brigade , and Gent-
eral Luls Tot-rca , govertmor of ( he state of
Sonora anti gemmemal of a brigade , Of these
three it is pretty well knowmi ( hint ( lie chmoico
of time prosiulemmt iii General lteyes of
Monterey , ivbio is also thai tmmmulersood ( favorite
of General Iiiaz as his successor as chief
exocutlro of this repumbilic , The Guatemnatan
war will give ( lie president an exceilemit op.
Imortunity to bring out his hroege ) ( amid 110511
hint well forward ut puimhme favor its ( lie
hero of the Gumatemimalan pisodc ,
Royce Is already well antI tiuvomabby known
by lila valor anti line executive abiliUeus , ang
miext to ( lie vresident Iii the mnost popuhar
titan In Mexico aummoumuc Americana. lIly lmls
friendly anti cmmcouragiuig attiumule as governor
of Numevo Leon lie lies nianted tmmnutiy large
Amtcnican industries in the city of Moneroy ,
arid today , as. a result , ( hint place hmas a
lugor Amiienicamu popumiahoui thOu ( lie city of u.
Mexico. Slioumlul anything prevent General
lteyes taking comninomitl mit ( lie front , or should
accIdent befall liimmi , It is lirobiubie one or
the other of LImo retminininue noniemalti would
assuumme direction of ( lie caumupalgim.
Shmotmid ( Ito conflict heath lute a general
Central Atuiericatu fight or develop huiQ tutu.
forenmeemi commiphicntiomis It lii entirely wihmimi
( lie ramigo of ioeihility ( lint General lIaz
tvoumld thmen take ( lie held In petsoni , tt'itht ( lie
tirobahiihity of atlding to liii , glory tie ( Ito
greatest umuihiary' ( maui of ( lie presonmt g .rucrmu-
( mu , Iui Simnnmishu Ammmcrica , miltomuld ( lie pt-cal-
dent vacate lila choir , tIme mtext oillcial
legally nutimonizeil to assume Provisional
cliargum of national affairs woimlil ho ihie jiresi.
iiemmt of the senate , or In case of ( lie recess
of congress , tue at ( lie precumit ( lame , ( lie
chislrminumi of ( lie iiernmaument enmigreesifinal
conimnitiuion , thto is miumned ( ha first of every
niontlm ,
El Tiempo , ( lie opposition government
organ of ( hue church 1mm Mexico , line comae cut
fet ( lie feilenii ptwcr 1mm ( ho pmeaont crisis ,
aumul autumouncec ( lint iuy' ( lie side ci patriotism
no other hastues are to ito commipareil , It
therefore imuues ( ( lie lmntnhmet in a strong
euhitorinl , etuleghittic of ( lie general govermu-
uutemmt , aumd say's it trill riot flglit ( lie uimhmmiinie.
tratiomo until this close of hioatiill.ies , wimemu it.
tviii agitii ; tuin its attention ( a time oppres-
siomu fromn which ilomiiami Catholics s'ifer In
Mexico uimider ( lie prcvmuiihnm iofopn conmsltu. (
( ion , _ _ _ _ _ -
'Fit i I NO EU N I ( I 51 EX1 ( ( ) .
hut , ltuiimdi'el 'I'housu.mii 10 ito ietaoa-cd
lr'iui 'Slit-i-u tuitmthc'ri , $ tuit * , , ,
SN ANTONIO , 'fex , , Jan , 22--One hun-
tIred ( hiourimutti utegroes will be removed front-i
( lie tate5 of .iabammma , ( it'orgia suiti Loutsian.
to northern Mexico within tIme next six
rncuithii' . 'l'iiat is ( lie rtatetmmerit made by'j ,
ii. flue , ( lie tanmiager of tue Mexican Colon.
lzatton cornlariy ) , WIlt ) has jtmst returns' ' ) ( noun
Atlanta , ( In , Mn , Ellis states ( list ( his unis.
sionary work amnong ( lie ttegroes Is mneeting
with time greatest success , amid ( lie llret 100
families will pass through here ( hula week
enroute for ( hoe promised land , This Mexican
citizens lIvIng ium this cection to be coiontzcl
by' time negrces have irotsted (0 thu .iexicau *
govemrnuiieiot agatmtst the echmeumme.
( I I iaisii Si 'ry i hem , huh lii ioiidon , j
LON1)ON , Jan 22.-A disluiutcli frcimn Ot-
( awn ( oday stoics thiiut ( lit , Domumlnlon gov-
etiunnant wail iurglimg ( lie lunpenimul govern-
tnemmt to constiluic mu bug service decora.
(1911 far the eoluimuiml enillium , A t Ibis tol-
I'iJIfll eIiie totlty , it sus duiieul that uuv
situ rt'iuaL bind beeti reeiyed.
- - - - - * - - -