Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 22, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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: . G TIIIn ( IAIL\ . DAILY JHiE : rUESD.A JANUARY 22 , 189o.
I It Was ead Day for the Boils on .
'Ohange. '
00011 nc"l ot Short Whm\t Wn.i , . Covered
anti More WnsVnntccl 'lhRII WRI
lor 8Rlc-Stockll nnll
' '
t' -
I J p CHICAGO , JRn. 21.-I wn9 n Inll lay for
f the hul9 In the Donrel ( ot Trade mRrkets.
1 i 'VheRt broke on general Iquhlnton and
! , cloecll lc lower for Mny. The other mnr-
t I ket" Joined the proe9idon nnl wound up
. 1'4c lower for lny corn , lc lower for May
I J oats and lower nil nrounel for provl9lons.
. , ' Wheat opened fairly active nt about Satur-
. dnY'1 closing prices May sold nt from
I . : Imic 10 171c. nnel July nt from ISc to tS'c ' .
{ Those price ! were IcRrcely recorded when
, the market began to break , and although
, luring the decline ot % c. which occurrli
I ) In the first hour , there were two or three
\ temporary rallies at 1 , the selling on
each of these slight reactions was very con-
r . fdenty renewed Ind kept up ) until May
1 was tram t7c ! 10 ln c. whIch It reached
\ I nbut Il hour from the opening. The
I English markets were weak. Liverpool
. stocks at wheat Increnled 18.0 ' bu. dur-
J - lag the InRt week. The ( iecrase In the vis.
I Ible lupply Wn only 1.029,0 bu. , and the
nmolnt on ocenn IJRsnRe becoming known
9 about the Inme time and showIng nn in-
crease or 02,0 bu. . the selling wns re-
5 . newed. with the result that another smnl *
, fraction wns knocked off the previous low.
CRt price. At & 7c nnI , rc ; \ n Rood deal
of short wheat wns covered . and more wns I
. wanted Ihln WIS for sale. The market
became weaker a nl" about nn hour from
' the close. and 67c became the general
trading price for some time . with sales
down 10 L lc. and lt thee prices n Vast
amount changed hands. Short sellers had I
I . hy thIs time , lsmllcd all jealousy for each
other anti In another half hour the Ilrlc !
? wns lGc. ' 'he decline contnued UII to the
t. close. the sellIng hecomll more and moro I
I . urgent 19 the 8e . BJol udanced. ant ! re
I . - acted hut i4c from the lowest ligures of the
t . day fllnhln at fic. nllrcs
I . Corn vas easier lt the opening and he-
came still weaker later II the duy. Tiit i
C receiving houses dill appeared to have
.i u/peared hlve corn l
, for 'ale . and that being taken ns rellrenl-
Ing wheat bought In the eounlry. It weak
c enell general sentiment and with tin
. . helty feeling II the ant grin mar
kets acting and reactIng upon each other
, ' " . corn Interest shared II tie general smash
Near thc cIoe May which closed
f ' . cose laYI on
. ; saturday nt 47c. anti also touched thul I
t " this morning , was down to 45c. Genera I
; liquidation the .
1IUldutOI wns order among the hold
! 1 ; erl. and I came wih orter nlong during holl.
I last forty minutes of the sesSIon. Ma p
closell at 4r4e. .ny
j ; . . A heavy business was transacted In oat
nUl the direction the market pursued I
; was In no manlier nn exception 10 the gen
i oral course or all the markets on thc floor .
. . Liquidation seemed to be the general cause
; for the decline. There occurred a sligh t
. rally nt the cud and 2c ' was the cbs
V Ing price after having ! range of Iron 0
30'c 10 2 % c. 'fhe IMt mentioned prIce Is I
thus tar the lowest
poInt of the crop , and
4 11 under Saturday's closing quotation ,
! which was at that time the quotaton .
r botom.
lrvlsloll were weak In sympathy witi
the grIn markels. The holders also wih
I ; . " grief of their own In the continued hnl
. hOI receIpts . and free selling of products b ) : :
packers. The close waR nt the lowest
. , prices of the dny. with May pork i5c lower ;
lard , 12\c lower anti ribs 151 lower.
. . . The leading futures ranged as follows :
t : \YbeatN Articlos.l 2 I 0001) . I - 11iii - : i. I - Low. I Cos : - .
: Jan . . . . S4 f4
14 i ; ; '
: ly. . . 6j Gn' ' 574e 12 62J
. . . . . . , :
Jul ) . . . 083g 68 ' r.t ; 56" 651
Corn o.2. . 6Ui
' Jan. . . . . . 4 H 44 ; 45W
' May. . . . . . 47 H" 454 41 4 4
' , July . . . . . 4U . ( 47' 4lH 4lH
Oals No. . . . . 41 41
. .150. . . . . . . S" 28h 27" 27"
I1ay . . . . . 30 304 2834 29) ) , t
t orkperbb1 }
' Jai. . . . . 1 o 11 05 10 85 10 85
) May. . . . . . . . 81
. . . 1 3734 11 40 11 10 ii 10
- 1
L11dlOOlba . 1 1
C. Jai. . . . . . 'G 573 G 57 G 524 U 52H
Jan..0 80 G 80 0 l2H 670
Short nibs- .
Sbor . . Rbs- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . / 50
I p _ Jan..5 ! I 67H
Cash quotations were as foliowi
quolalo :
' . a folows
P'LOIJlt-EUBy. unchan " .
7t WI T-No. 2 prll ! & 5t157c : No. 3 sprinI
. nominal : No. 2 r.d. & : % l2c.
. I COHN-No. 2 434c : < 3 yellow . 39c.
.e OATSNo.2. 2Hc : No. I white , 3'5Jh1i ;
No. 3
- white . 5Ol3O3.
RYfl-No. 2. SOc.
, , , . L253c. IIAI1LEY-No. 2 , 5c : No. 3 , & 35c : No.4 ,
6 t
I"I.AX SEED-No. 1. $1.4Z ,
_ _ _ TIMOTHY ! SgED-l'rjme. 2 5.75.
_ _ _ _ InOVI8INSM.s8 pork. per 1.1,1. . $ 10.90 ire
11.00. Lard , per leo Ib8. . $ 6.55. $10.9@
1.0. Lrd 10 Short ribs , : de8
- ( loose ) . i5.05.55 : dr salted : Sbor ( boxed l ) .
14.75f04.87 ' % : sort : clear , skies ! ( boxed ) . $ . lx"d . .
'VIU8KY-Dlstl(8' ! Inlshed oo4a , $5.80@5.9. . .
_ $1.2. &o. gl.
. ; Tbe folbowint were the recelpl8 and sblpmenls
folow In. S
_ _ _ to'lay : .
: . Articles . Receipts. Shlpmenl - .
. . - - - - - - Iecel\te. ) ! :
lhotr , bb1 . . . " . . . . . . 4.000 - - . : )
Wheat 1m. . . , . . . . . . . . . 5B.UOO 1.00 . 0
Coni . b\ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100,000 28.000
'i.e . . Onha bl. . . . . . . . . . . . . 140,00th 141,000
Ryebti. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11UOU
) bl. . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.000 2,000
I i , ' IJar1y. ha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ . 21.000 : 10.00J )
01 tIn Iroluo , "ohmgo : to.Ity tim b.ttor ntai -
I 1ecl wal slead ' : creamery . 12@2Ho ) ; datr . r
t : .20C. Eggt , , steady : 18(01bc. : 1
1 CloBlnQlotntonll ou the IrnclpR1 ICor It-
mOtlics "ld htIt1)lO . .
NEW TOnIC . Jan. 2l.-FLOUR-fleeelpts , I : I-
, 'S t bbl. . : exports 51,70 bbl. : sales , 100 pkg. 1.- : .
Dull oml wale wihrlce8 ( nominal : trailing In
job lots of 25 and W bhls. ! bu'er practical it y
' out of' the markel. Southern flour . dull
lour. dul : common -
' mon to fah' extra . . < 2.40 : god 10 cliolt ic .
i , . ' buckwheat Z.40tJ2.95 : rye hhour flour . weuker. . stonily : l\es. \ GO bbi . :
I lIUCK\VhhiAT-8teady : 49OPiSc.
COlN MI ALUul : yelow western . $1.10IJl. 12 .
. . $
. - III1AN-z.'o ' . .10(1.12.
ItYJ-Nomlnnl : car iota . .
HnNonlnal Itl. G.5Gc , deilveri :
. bat luad. & 5S. . delvered
1All.I Y-Qulel : western , G506ic ; two.rowed
Etute G dle.
lAIU.JY MALT-Dul : wc.ter . iO@7c.
t \'l1l0AT-lteceipiii ! . none : export. b6r.oO bu. :
d 5nIei . 3.870,0 mi. tulur.s nail IGO 16.roO . pp 'l'
8pot market weak ; No. 2 red . its ptoro an,1 , e Ic .
_ vatur. & \\c : aloot , re. ; f. 0 h. . 61c : No.1
. ; nortlicrn e3e delivered : No.1 hard . 70l.c dcl lv.
- creti . In OI'Uona the delv .
erel. feature today wus the pi 10.
Icky break which .
, occurred tlihii aft Cr.
. noun , when . .
) pricea tiechineit VI
. very
ahnrply under heavy llquktiitiunu of
long ItUI anti uloselt al fJc 1'luIIIIIls 111 . . Cab hen
were . weak alt dln ; foreigners soul en Cbl"8
the Visible 8ul'llly dccr".n 'iia n disapliOi ' : it.
I ' mont. nl"8 IneluICI No. 2 wla . lsll'lloll- .
G9"c : 1"ebrlnr ) ' . S'.iGlYYc ' . clol'd 5'fc ' : Mar iibt .
_ _ _ _ ,
S04JU13.e. clo.ed ,
_ ( ( Otc : MIY , G i12c. thci icil
G \ ; June . 60c : July . 6Ul6e. ! { clo.e \sNI 511 :
. . .
AulOuPt Gli1162e. clo..1 Gl % e.
. CUIN-II'eel'18. 2. & bu : e"p1rl. 38,00 b U. :
palcii 190.0 hu. tUlur1 and 50,000 bu r 01.
: .O sptl.
Spol 1n11 wcule ; No. 2 , 9\'c \ : yellow. Hc :
: sleamer Illed , Uo : No 3 , 47i' . Options . Ic.
A dIned nil clay Under large car lot Optons . CM .
liqtiktathon and . , ,
1'llhlllon a hhr vl.II ) 8u"ply lncrei lieu
and ei.seil at 1tftIc net iletilne .
49 .
< n If . l . Junlary , 15ff
SOkc cl.1.1 . kItc. . . . , del'III , nj'.c. clo.el 41.fP
4911c ; April , SOc : .t3) 4ttgQe ! . chased
m .1 llo' . 49) ) :
_ _ _ _ .1 ul > . 4S3I 0e. vta.i ; 1 mt . elol.d 49Vo
ONIH-I.cel\I. \ . " .G ) 1m. : , 'xllorls. 3Q hl. I :
Balls . 43.0 'u. futlre8 In.1 75.0 bu . " i 01.
I"JI marltel 'y"alc ; No. 2 ilehivereil . 54(134 ' o :
. Ni ) . 3. 32c \ ; Nv. Z whil' "cl"er.I. , . ! . 41(3H'0 : 3
Whie. 31e : Iroek white vestein , 37EJ10' c ;
track. whlu state . 3H111ic ) Options 3i(401 Ivo
. . Rl' ' wkcr undei' \ l'lullllol ' unit \ PyIlj.I ) til ) .
wl , Coin , , rloollK II 4o net iuIs : January do > tied
' ' .
52'c : I'chrllr' 33ltnlc , : . clo.ed SIc : March
it rl",1 33"0 " : ) I ) ' . 53'4.JSlc . closed 93tc.
, , 1. \-t1 e"I ) ; siiipitng. &Ot $ c : 31c. citol Ice .
- lbOl'-Quiet : plitlO . coml"l In choice i ) lil .
l EfhIc. (7i , : new . 6'le : Ilcllo coaot old 3\Hi0 \ ; a 011. ,
htil9it4-FInn : wet salted New , .
1I > sal.1 " Oricani . EC.
, Orlcau.
iccicil 45 In 65 lUp. . 41stSc : ituenos . \ne , . i ) 10
' Z4 ihi. . ' 1c : Texu ' . . 41&e lu.n0 I' . 6ljt1c > :
; ' J.JA''ltmleldn ; hellock sole tlifc. no
. AyIi' . light lu In'iiv ) ' . IHHrI6e.
\061 l-Qiiiet : d" hhtace . 2G32Sc ; pul lied
L 191:0 : ' TPkii $ iIllc. le"ce. pule
l.lO\'IIIUNI-l'ef. quIet : beet hiamp , nuoo
I 1T.vJ. CUt Ian1s quiet ; 1)lkl"II bellies . 541i lOc .
. , 'julet 1)lkl"IIele.
Lard. active Ind Ju\\er : wcpteru Pleilin .lf6e.
I $ G.6TL6LG.tli " ' ale . , w".ler , al.11 . co.ed
$6..14160nle. 1,6 tleiciu lit $6.6T'4ui1 . 1)0 ) :
_ ' chI ) nt stf'e : sulni. 150 ler.s : January cIa 5-cl
'i II * U.90. Mllnl ; Mn ) ' . ITlO. 101101 : rtllr iou .
qull : " " , 'i.40 : B. I. A" , $ liJ ; cunlpou nil'
- ( In.7rf:0. 11. 1.1le. dull : .ale ZOO 1111. $7.4 ; L'lpound. rn ccc .
- vorA' ) : : New Yorle. $1,51(12.12.
'FAL1.O-h4trily ' : city lila : CUnlr ) ' ( \ .
II lU'Y1l-ulcl : " . .h'r dairy 104J1Gi ; 'vi pat.
era t'ell.r ) ' Ille : : we.ler factory . VUUc :
1':1111' . Sic : 1111101 creal'IY.ellio : t hti
I ; Eiii.i , 2c lc ; linihlitlea 1 : I "md .U8e : l ate
h ' daIry. lo : : ilate craneny , 16(423c.
k' Chlllr.tq-Qulet : .Ial' . lare. Vtjhite : rn all .
' ' ! . { ' : . I"rt iikinip 3(410.10. full tlhe sI'I' ' , smal.
I' JUU--8Iow ; " tale anti L'ennvyi.anl.i . 23c : Ice
t - h.I" I,3MI , hibhS. . ltjlsi . ; \ olell ( niii , . lone : recell" "
"I':1II.I IM-NOlllnJ' IllIlkMi clooed at 9 6'e !
bid ; Vualihiiitoli. bhlw. . 65IU6.7O : WI.hlliIO Oio ; .
In bulk . 15.20 ; refined New York. 1 5.b0 : Phi lla .
- dell.bll . .nI llalhliivre. * .70 ; 1'hlalelrhIQ , I'hla.
Riilttivjrc , , In hUlk. S5.3. $
l1h)8l.SIaI9 siralneti ! ' . " .
101IN-tlc1'1r ; onllOI to aod. $ I..J
1 Tl'Rl'1NTiNl- : 3q : .
! z. .i Ill' -1'lnl . 4It4t' ; dornestto . lair ( cstrW4 ; \ co :
. - , JOIAIUnI"lnl : New 0..110. : epea kel tie .
Ipll kitf.
i-t o to choIce. 3 ( c.
_ _ _ _ . . . olh'r. OltANaflH-luhl ' .OOI.SO. . fanry. pound . $063. .50 :
. C'YfON ill:11 OlL.-Weik. co.lnl n IDIJ"H
ia.1u 1tt Vrhul summer yellow al : , Olber
' r
Mlf ! rumored nl 2714e ! . hut later nol ttec4 .
) rme ' "mmer to. 39iIOW1 Zc : prime enale . 2WI2 e ;
7W If' lltO4-Iulfl : Scle ! $ tt.O(2.O : Amerl.
ctnC . * 9.rezl2.SO. (
S C OPI'Elt-Qutt ! ; broker' price. SO $ : exchange .
SAIulll : but fr : bmltcm' price . $0 % ;
excT hange . $3U ! .
TIN-IMdYL 8Iral. $30 : plates . quiet.
8 1'EXTEIt-buhlh : tiomeptic' . $ %
OMAIA ( lIN1tltAL.1Aflflfl1' .
Comllton of Trade . anti Uuol"Uon on
Staple anti Fancy Produce .
nUT"I-Clr' "lok , 8c : commo to fair
1010 : fair to good czainlry . 1fl\ic \ ' : choice to
fan ) ' . ntIG : gathered crenmer . 10 : . .parnlor
cre amery , : )62Ie. .
EOOSSlrlety fresh 111,1 , t6unc.
J.IVE lOUlTn\-1 liens . 414e : FprlnR
ehlrk n. , 4HIG ! : . - . 6 : tunkeyc ! G : heavy
lom . Sob : geese . G.
IUAfn \ I'OtJl.TRY-C'hickena , faIr 4131'4c :
choice large , 4c : choice pmnll . G : Ilrke ) HH'Jc
to gooil . 6U6'c : choice h.M'YI 6HI7e ! : choIce
em ail 78 ; iflickp fair 10 fll1 . 76eT'.c ' ; fancy
tul l I rcpeN1 . 8llc ; gccae . fair to 7't7 a001. 76J7.4c ;
fan cy . full trf".I , 8'1ge.
( \MIllue wIng ( nfl . per doz. . * 1,1081.75 :
Jen wing tell , per doz. \er $ l.21t.l SIMl.75 : .
mlxrd , ) .10z. . .00t.25 : cnnnpbnekp. tlck .
r.o : mllnnis nail rll htael . $ 2.roSgS.75 : emaIl
ra bllta , . 75c6Jl,00 jack ralibite . . .mnl
rahhl SOc. e6.0 ; Jlele rabl . $ .0Hl.WI : suir-
VIAT-Cholca fat . 70 10 110 Ita. . are quole.1
10 I.
at 4tlre . : large nnd conree . 3lc.
C 1hll3l2-Wiqcnneln : lull cream . Young A ,
ISo : twIns , 1e \ : Nebraska nail Iowa full
cre am . lIe : NpbmRkn 11,1 , Iowa , part : pklm , 7f
Sc : 1.imburger . No.1. lIe : brick N. I. 7f :
A\'I lue . No. I. ISo Jc
I 1AY-ilplnniI , hay . S .W : mllanl , , $ 9.M : low-
Ia nil , , 0 ; rye plrn\ , G. Color mnkeR the I.rlce
on ha ) ' . l.Ight eliziiiea cell the best . Only top
grrl.s hrll tup Irlcc. h.t. )
1 'lGIONS-OIib liirila . tier ,10z. 7c'.0.
l OTATOl4-'eatern stock . car botp , 65c :
am ail 101. 70o.
01.1 IJIOANH-ltnni1.plclceil , naUO ( . :
I.t ma I"nu , . p.r 11. . & % . ( .O
ONIONH-On orders , SOliSte.
CAJlAI -On order , 1' . 1f''e. .
la CIlLfllt-1'er O. doz. . 430Joc : California , CMIIpa , , .
HVlllr IOTATOF8lome grown $2.75 J3.00 :
M 1..1 nr. $275f3.onnOaR. : . 'Z.r. $ .7503.0
BJ TH-ler hll. . 'I.M1I.75. .1
CAnHOTA-Per hbl. . $2.
CAt1lll'l.OWItL-1'er crate of a doz. arni half
H-I.r crle
10 two .Ioz . ' % . % : . an' hllt
llOlti3IIlAtl8lf-j'er : Ih. . G7o. _
l'A1tNI1'H-I'er hbl. , $2. {
H\TAI.\O.\RP.r Ihi. , 11. )
J.\IRI.I.Y -Ier doz. 1iiinche . 35c.
TI I ItN I I ' 9-1'cr 111. I . ! lneles. .
HI'INACII-Per bhl. , $2.75. $
PNAHR-Wlnler NelIla. * 2. .
AI'Pl.I0-Getiitons , 03.0Qt3.23 : choIce easlprn
3.o1i3. :
st ock . * 4.
OltAl't-conn1. none : Mnthgap . per 63 to
69 .11 , . hhIR. . Jo A. * 10.OfllO 50. ! :
CHANUEltU $0.(0f0 fancy . , U.oUI.5' I
) er bbl.
OlANGFSI.'lnrtnR. per box * 3.75413.00 : Cal
rltonla navehi' . 13.3.75 : pee,1nJ. $ $ iI.0
BANANASCholct slorle , ' 2.00112.10 per btinchi
m.o. I.I'MONS-New Mes.los. sIzes o to 260. $ 3.11 I
1INI PI'IAS-Per dez. . $ 2. 5OJ1.03.
OYSTflfl-Meiluint. per cnn , 10e : horeeslioca .
: c : extrn ivtanila.rtls 21c ; extra pelectp. 25c : corn
pln ) ' selectii , 2Gc : New York counts . 2:0 : : bulks .
st anlard . , per gal. . $ .30. . 30
NI'W F'tCS-ixtra fancy , IG : fancy . 14c ;
ch oice . 12a13e : California . bags . 7c. 10
JONI Y-New York , lie : dnrle , 141715c : Call .
f rnIa. IGe : straIned . 4 to 10.lh. cnng . per : lb. . Cal. lO.
] fAII.I SYRUP-Gallon Jugs , per doz. . $12 :
Ixhy 5 gal. vans , $3.
NtJTS-Alnionila. lSc .
10 : 1ng1leh walnuts , eott
.h elled . SIc : standards . Enlsb : Iberls , S6'0 ; 8f. I
nuts. Se.
SAIIEn KItAIJT-Clioicc white , per bbl. . $3.50 :
I"r half but. . 12.50. b\l. $
MINdS ] f AT-Faney. In halt bbl. , per lb. .
6c : 10' al. liege , Gc : condensed . per case of 3
tl oz. pkg& , $ .W.
eDEH-Pur juice , per bbl. . $5 ; half bbl. . $3.
SLIDES-No. 1 green hIdes. 3' . i4c : No. 2 greg a
h Ides . 3c : No. 1 green salted hldep . 5c : Jeln .
g ren ,1.,1 blde9.0 : No. 1. green satteil ) iti1 ,
I le.1
2 10 40 Ib > , &o : No. 2 green saie hldcs hlles 0
40 lbs. . 4'e : No. 1 veal cl. gcen 8 10 Ii lb. . Sc : 2 I.
2 vent cAlf 8 to 1. lbs. , 60 : No.1 dry hint 111001 ; I.
60 : No. 2 dry flInt hides , Ge : No. 1 dr ) ' salte il
h ides . & 0nri : cured hides c per lb. less sle
fuly cured.
.SHIEI' PELTSOr"n enltal . each , ISOOCOC ;
g rccn salted .hcrln 8 ( short woled early 25G ) ,
e ach . 1fi5c dry sheanlIngi . alens
.neh. 1& : sllarlngR ( short wol.1 Iarly )
aklns ) . No.1 , each. 6@IOc : dr ehiearllng . ( shier t
% v ooled early .klns ) . No. 2 . . sllalnGs . re ; dr 111
Konss foil Nebrska butcher wool pelts. per
lb , actual weIght . 51 e : dry flint Kansas and murln wool pelts . per lb. . ncluol
% v egIt ! . f6e : dry flint Colorado hotelier wo
p elts . per lb. , actual weight 44364c' dry tile
Colordo murain wool pelts . per ci' lb. dr . Inl i
we t. 400Cc. '
TALLOW AND OREASE-Talow. No. 1. 41 @
4 ! 14c : billow . No.2. 3@lo : gr.ase. whIte A. . % @
4e : grease , white 1. 31 ; grease . yellow . 3'c ;
grel" . dark 23e ; old butter . 20)24c : bee 3.
sv ax . prIme 1@ ' 0 : rough FURS. tallow . 2@2\e
FUHSDear. black No. 1 large. $20.0OO25.O < I :
No.1 medium , $5 : No. I small . $ . $2.012.0 :
b lack . yeaxllngc . No. 1. large. , SOOfIO.OO : No. 1
mN adluni . $0 ; No. I emaIl . $7 : bear black. cubs ,
N o. I large. 'O.0@8.0 ' : No. $ medIum , $5.000IIO.0I : 1 :
No.1 emaIl . U : bear black Montana and Rocky
mountain No. 1 large . ' tS.0Ot22.00 ; No.1 snediun
'I : No I .mal , $10 : beer block. litontanayeai r- I
l lngs . , No. 1 large . $2 : No. I 10nlana.year. , : .
a mail . $5 : bear. 'black . Montana cUbe $ No. 1
I arge S6.G : No. 1 medum : , " .60 : No. 1 smal .
$ : bear . sliver tip . Nof 1 lr.rge ; Z0 : smal. .
medIum , $12 : No. 1 .mal' $1 : bear ihlver tI ,
yeorlnco , No. 1 large $1 : No. 1 medium lp l I :
No. 1 mall . $5 ; bear . sliver tip . cubs No. 1
l arge . $6 : No. I medIum $4.50 : No. 1 small . : 3 :
b ear . brown . No. 1 large . ' 20.000025.OO : No. $
medium $6 : No. 1 small , .12 : bear brown yea r.
lng. l No. 1 large $10.000nU.Q0 : No. 1 medium , 3 8 :
No. 1 small , $3 : bear brown cubs No. 1 lang .
$7 : No. 1 medIum $ ; : No. 1 small . $3 : badge r .
No. I large. 31.00001.50 : No. 1 medium GOc : N 0.
1 small , We : fleher. No. I large 38 ; No. 1 mediur a.
$ 6 : No. 1 small . $ ; fox , silver. as tD color a cordIng .
conlng to beauty Nu. 2 large. $100 : No. 1
medium. 'W : No. 1 small . $5 J : fox $0 . pal e .
accordIng to beauty No. 1 large $ W : No I
medium $30 : No. 1 small . ' 2 : fox. cross No. I
Inrg" l . $1 : No. 1 medIum $3 : No. 1 small. U :
fox . red , ND. 1 large , $1.50 : Nc. 1 .mul. . $1.2 0 :
No.1 emaIl . $ : tax , gray No. 1 large , 75c : $ : .
I medIum , . Wc : No I pmalI . 40c : fox . "i dt , No. I
lare l , 60 : No. 1 medIum . 40c : No.1 small. 30e ;
lynx No. 1 large. $3 : No. I medium , .mal. ; No. 1
small . n.W : marten No.1 large $2 ; No. I
mPdlum. $ .5 ; No. 1 smo \1 \ I , $ : mInk No. 1
large 60f65e : No. 1 medIum . 4003 No. 1 sma Ii .
35c : mInk dark No. I large . Oe : 'No. 1 medlur
40c : No. 1 small . SIc : mountaIn lIon . perfect head i
anti feet No. 1 large , 11.002.00 : imperfect skIn .
2UWo : otter . No. I n.ot.o : No. 1 rnedlur
$6.0$7.0 : No. 1 small . $ ; otter . pale. No. I
large $7 : No. 1 medium. $5 : No. rail. , I ll :
raccoon , No. 1 large , SO@70c No. 1 medIum , 50 $
gen small j. 35c : raccoon , llack . , to ur l y :
No. I large , 50c@$2.0 : skunk , black cased nan-c W
narrw )
strIped No.1 lorge. 50c : No.1 medIum .Oc : No.
I small , : c : akunl . brad strIped , No. 1 large.
20'20 : wolverine. No. 1 large . U' < No. I mediui
1 : No. 1 .mul. $2 : wolt. mounlnl No. 1 large.
$ : No. 1 medIum , , n : No. 1 small . * .50 : we i' .
praIrIe . No. I large . 650090c : No. 1 medium 6Qc ) :
f9e .c
No. 1 small. lIe : ba'er. per skIn , No. 1 hart . .
S .0t6.O : No. I medIum . 14.50 : No. 1 sniall . I :
heaver kits. No. 1 1p. . $ $ : No. I mellu .mal. , . 1 : ) :
No. I small . TIc : mu.krnt. winter No. I lan .e .
8@IOc : No. I m.llum. 9c : No. . 1 small , 1e : mu. L .
rats , fall. No. I large , .a6e : No. 1 medium . 7e i ; :
No. t small , Ge : muskrats kite . 20J3c.
1.lverllool Markets.
LIVERPOOL . Jan. 21.-WIIIOAT-Spot . qu let
but steady : "lemAnd lor l : No. 2 red wInter . 45
8d : No.2 red sl.rlnl. & 4140 ! : No. 2 hard Miii ai-
tabs , Si t : No. t CalifornIa , Sa 11.I1. I'ulur.s
open.1 qtilet wIth near unit dlslnnl ) o.llon. I 1
farlhlnl lower clooe,1 IMY wIth near hOsltlC ins
20(3 fnrlhlngl lower Inl distant posItions 3tI 110
low.r.USh"AS elllall "qlnl \o.llon8 dlstr Itu.
tital . January nnll I".bruar ) ' . 4 7'il ! ) ; larch , 49
8510 : atprll , 45 Si4il ; lil'y. Os S'il : June. 4a 9th ,
81'l' ' - . 2U t , , lt 1 Ii : Anielican : nixed row .1 'lil I.
I'ulurps opened i wih near III dIstant 11.1.
lens 1 fnrlhlng lower. on,1 duped ilull wIth ni lam
111 dIstant positIons 2 tarlhlnGa lower. wih luslnc8 nl'r
heavIest . on 111le , p08110n. . January , .1 3l iI :
I.'ehrary. . . % ,1 : Ilrch , b I" : April and May \ 4.
1ld ! : Julie . 4s 1tI. " )
Fl.OlJ1t-Manket steady : d.mand modenute : .SI.
J'111 ( line ) ' wInter . &s 9d. 10"emle
1'ItOVJIIIONH-lInOon. demand per : Cumb or-
JAIII cut , :1/30 Ih. , 33s Gl : short ribs 28 It Is. .
32. ; ; long clear . lIght . 3Sa45 Ibs. . 31s' long Ch'II' .
heo"y. 55 lii ! . . 31s : short clear 310'k " . lIght 18
lbn . SIn ; short clear Ildll.s , heavy . G : it ull. .
3h : clear bellies , HUl6 lb. , 399 : . houlile re.
seluur. : 12ql8 lb. . 291 : hams shnrt cut . Ill I
lb. . U. 6d. Tallow. tIne North American. IHt6
nomlnnl. lIed . , ' ) la IndIa bees , 70s : I.rim" nit _ :
It >
5s Iii. I'otk prime 11S' . gina western . ITs fd :
IiriIne niedluin. SIn 6j. , 1.111 , dull : Ilrlme we.lcrn ,
3. 6\1 : r.nne.t , In halls. 36.
CII E I-Qulet ; demand moderate ; Ino wt at-
era. G9ui lii .
er. 9.
111"1-l"lncl United States . 7s ; goad , 608. I
TtlltPflNTINfl-Spirlts. : 21. 6d.
10 : -Conlnon. . ) . N.
e01yroN II "I OlI-l.lverpool rehlilcil . 18. Cii.
LIN1li . : ) 01.:1. 6,1. . <
J'I..JUm.1'01 fI"-I'orerluarl'r. . 4 d :
hiintlqunrters . .
1101's-At I.olion ( PacIfIc coast ) . ( 15.
HI. Louis Uener,1 Illrkel.
change. . I.UIB. Jan. . 1.-l'I.OU1-Jul. with out
VlII5AT-Lost . 1"0 on longs unloading an,1 i
heavy cables : No . 2 red Cal ) ) . SIC ; January , 51' ' 1c' ;
IIY. & % e : Jtihj ' , 14'&c. 5lic
COI6N-Cloertl 1a oft on ICUllolon : No 2
mlxc,1 , cask , 40'4c ' : January , :91.c : February , ICc :
5th ) ' . H.o : July. 4 : ' tltc. O
OA1 -I.osl Ie In the general declIne ; No 2
cn.h , 2l0c ; January . 36c : May. : c.
I6VM-No. 2 effort-tI ' call . 540
1YNo. of.'r'd en cal. 11. wIth Soc bid
east aid ' . Wllih ale II I.t.\'alor.
5554c. I4AItLIOY-Stuady , quiet ; sales Minnesota . 66Q I
c.ll A N-8atl.1 east track GIc.
'I.AX Seln-.40. .
TIAO'llY l4iIt-.tJnchiunged.
JA Y-D"II ued. Lull nol quotably affected .
ittrrrslt ANI EOU-I"lrm. unchanged . .
1.BA L-fl.10 hh\ unCball"d.
htt'll.Tl5ltt3 1'5 ' u.lee. .
( 'UN btIAl.-Id.S5EJ1.0O 1 .
WIIII'\ $ : 1.9(3.0.
e01''ON 'III-.l : AND IAOGINO-Unehang.l.
I'OhIl-hitnndAitt m'8. lower $13.50 $ : . ii d .
prll ' . aled ) ' . lower ' 6.4 : choIce . IG.SZj : dry
stilt meats . lower : Ihoul.lerl . , . $6.51 : lot 155.
$ l.0t4 ! : tIlts n. n : shorl , $5rH I baa ol1 ,
Ix"I shiouhilers , " .l2I4 : long . 36.1114 ! ; rIbs . 3 6. . ;
shorts. S67 .
IIECIII'ThOl'iour . 1.0. hbll. : wheat J2.0 I LtU . :
corn. J02.0. . ; . halL 3..0 .
14111 t'tINT8 l'iuur 7.000 bhuls .
aHt l'ltN'1 1"lor. 1.0I. ; theut 13.0
bu4 euro nopeo&t : . 8.0 bu ,
\'I.lblc ( . . ,11 11(11)1" ( .
NlSV YORK J8n. 21.-'ho , ' 1.1111 supply ot
graIn Wn r , JuacI 19. as collilIhled ' ) lb i
New 5'onl ; i'ruducc \I oxchtaiige. ' us foIl Wi ;
\Viieat. U.0.0 Lip. : decreae. 1,029,000 bu. 1 r rn.
1Z38,00Q Liu. ; increase , 1.199,000 bu. ; oats , 3,401 t.O
W -i .Ili - --JJ
r r
bu. 3 decrease 2I.0Ci0 ho 441.000 tm In-
. dCrNMI . ( . I eye . 44.0 . 1 -
erM" ' % ,0 1U. ; It117. 2,318,0 bU. : deerense .
3.0 bu. _
&TOCltS , \Nt JUIS.
Sh are Speculation opened for . the Week
lnl nnd heavy .
N EV YOUI , Jnn. 21.-The ahnre specu-
laton on the Stock exchange opened
for the week Ihll anti heavy anti In the
opening dealings there were fractional de.
clnes recorded In Chicago Gas and New
Jerey Central A quick recovery tolowclI
In the general list , and Sugar which had
tolowell 3. % per cent * old \IP i4 per cent
Trndlng was very light , and the market
contnued Irm to steady \ 1:30 : , when
1 reaction let In which did not exceed n
fra ction. Shortly before 2 o'clock Itt
Ova t , made 1Iwn through the me- '
dlum ot the AFsoclnleel preps diR.
pntehes that the United SinteR supreme
Unied lupreme
court hail decIded the Sugar trust case In
fnvor of the tru9t. There had been buying
In the stock In anticipatIon ot the render,1
Ing ot IL favorable decl910n. nni when the
fnct was eRlahlshed , there was n rush to' '
realze Profits Ihl'ough expectatIon at meet.
Ing a good buying movemenl. The e" .
Ilecled Purchasers did not materialize. ho' .
ev er . aOl ! the stock failing ot lullport fell
1 % \er ; cent closing within ' 4 ver celt o'f
Ihe low Vault ot the morning 'nnlJ . per
cent below the final sales of SIIUrdn ) ' .
U"\orls were received from Chicago or n
de clIne In that market of bolh grnln nnd
11rovlRlons , whIch together with the faIlure
of Sugar to respond 10 the decision In Its
favor , caused a genernl ,1epresHlon. The
conlers were most seriously nffectetl there
beln nn adlltonni incentive nreclec1 these
sloclts In the rumored trouble In the coal
co mbine . Speculation continued weak to
Ihe close , Itlid the final sales show losses
al the day ranging from % 10 2' , 2 per cent
Ihe Inter In Delaware & hudson . 2 ! per
cent In New Jersey Central , 2 5 ! per cent pr
Delawnre & I.cknwnnnn. Lake Shore
gnlnec 2 per cenl. The exception to the
general lIst , DIstillIng , closed 1,4 ver
ccnt hIgher than SattIrdIty'S \er
pa le. Donds were stagnant anti lower
during the morning but In the
In Ie "e9slon n line tone marked
Ihe trading nnel there was n slght Increase
In the dealings. I
Total sales , however only aggregate I
The followIng were the closing quolatons
on the h.'adlng stocks of the New York cx-
change today :
At lil.ol. . . . . . .H Northwe.Iern.5 . (
Acllsl xprcsa. . IH N. W. pilI. . . . . \5
Al . loriT. 1 . . . . 3S ) N. Y. Cenlral. . . .
< 011'1. . . . . . sal N. Y.kN. f : . . . . . : OO\
AI. , Exin-eRS . . . 1nl ) OntarIo k W. . . . 111' )
Jallmor . \ Ohio. 04 Oren hIm. . . . . . . . . Ii
Canllh PacIfic. . . 5Mt ) Orlo : : 11) . . . . . 1
Canacn Houhe'rn. 41J' ' 0. R. 1 k U. N. . : 6 !
C entral l'aclhlc. . . 14 1'.toitbc Mall. . . . . . . 22S (
Ch..I.\ 01110. . . . li 1'.olfo 1. D..1 Jal. f. . . . . :3)4 : )
'Chleulo Alton . . . 1.111)4 Illebnrl. . . . . . 10
C. Del Q. . . . . . 1411 ) Inllnan l'alaoo. 16U %
Chicago Gns. . . . . 7IH : IteratIng. . . . . . . . . 1"
C oiisolldatotl Gas. lB fltclilnoudTer . . 15)4 )
C. C. Col SI. I. . . al ! Rohlnond ' . . . . . . . 11'
Colo. Coal . \dron. I 15. G. W. . . . . . . 103
Colon Oil Cent. . . 26 It. G. W. ptti..I
Oelawlrn & nl . 1213 % ltock Island. . . . . 0316
D cl. . Laek. & W. . 11 10ek . ; . . . . . . O:1
D. & It. G. pftt. . . . :34)4 : do ) ) fd. . . . . . . 1R' ! ' "
P . & . I' to. . . . . lOX SI. P. & Oinaht . . :3334 : :
E rIe. . . . . . . . . . In ) co 1. A . . . . . . . 110
do 11 < . . . . . . . : : SoUthern l'aelflo . 1894
Fort Wayne. . . . . ll7 SIJar laelOo. . . lRJ
( ; . Norlhem ntd. . . JOl Teun. Coal & irol ) . i4 {
C . ,1 E. I. nfit. . . . O. Toxn Irllc. & . . 11)4 !
Il oclttngValiey. . 17 T. & O. Cent. pfd . 70
11lola Central . 1f Union l.aelno. . II
S t. 1. I 1nlulh. . 20 U. 8. E"press. . . 42)4
) .I T. pl. . . . . 22'4W.St.L.P ) . . . 4\1
L'ko Erie & \Vest 1014 do 1.1 . . 1. . . . . 14
do pl'I. . . . . . . 72)4 Welts Fargo fx. , 1
L akoSliora. . . . . . 1:3854 : Weel UnIon . 87h4
L eadTruvt. . . . . 3794 Wheell ! & L. E. . 113 ! $
l.onle\lo \ N. . 6H cto ltt. . ! & . . L . . . : \ . "
I. . & ! N. A. . . . . . . . 7 ? t. & . . L. . . . . . . 2714
Manhatan Con . . lOll O. & It. G. . . . . . 10)4 )
MemuhlekO. . . . lOB G. E. . . . . . . . 3:1)4 :
Mlcllgan Cent.7 N. L. . . . . . . . . :
MIR'onrl PacIfic . \J C. F. & 1. . . . . . . 25)4
Joblo k Ohio. . 10 do pfd. . . . . . . 70
N ashivtiloChat . . 65 I & \ . C. . . . . 2)4
N"Uonal Conac O % T. A. A. & N. M. . 1)4
do rfd. . . . . : . t ) T. SI. L. & K.C. . Hi
N .J. Central. . . . 81H dOllld. . . . . . . ii
N. & W. pt. . . . . II S. I. I. . . . . . . . 10
NorlhAm. Co. . . 34 do pftI. . . . . . . . 351 6
Norlbe" 1aollo. ' 34 Am. Tob. Co . . . OSI6
N o. Pac. ) ) ftI. . . . 17H ) do ptd. . . . . . . . 112
u . P. D. & G. . . . 11. St. 1' . M. ' \ M. . . lOl -
The total sales of stocks to1a ) . were 110.0
shares Including : AnlerIcan Sugar. 2.10 : lIur
ll ngton . . .10 : ChIcago Gns. 1.0 : General Elec .
tr iO . 5. 0 ; LouIsvIlle & NashvIlle . 3.0 ; New
JerRey Cential 5.0 : Northwestern. 3.90 : Itead
lng , .30 : SI. Paul. G.5o ; Union ' Pachtic .
I'Oew york 1oncy Macinst.
Easy al 1 per cent : last loan Ier cent : close
at 1 per cent.
1lMD lEICANTILE 1A1EH-2 % $ per coal
ST : LING gXCIANOESlron . with nlull : i
business In bankers' bis nt $4.890J4.89)4 ) for dc .
mand i and at U.88@U8' for 60 < days ; poate
rtes , 34.8854401.89 and $4.SS0J4.SO ! : commercIal
b Ills . $4.$744.S754. $ .89Hi40
GOVERNMENT 1lONDS-Steidy. Slate honOr
I nactIve. RaIlroad bonds firm.
lilONl7Y-35 per cent.
The rate of discount In the open market tor
8hort % per bills cent. Is 9.16 Iler cent : for . Ihre montl" bilk . .
Closing quotatIons on bonds were ns follows :
U. B. 6e. rein. . . . . 1. " 'D. & I. U. 45. . . . 81 -
U. 8. 5s.COUII. . . 10 ) Erlo 20s. . . . . . . 11
t S. S. .s , nec. . . . 1 : : G. II. < S. A. Os . 99
U. S. 4a.coitp. . . . 1:1 ( 'elo 7s. . . . . . . 100
' tJ. S. 25. re : . . . 17 11. & T. C. 5s. . . 1033 : '
' Pacitletisof ' . 100 . doUa . . . . . . 10:1' (
Ala. Cass A. . . . 102 M. K. k T. 1st s. 'SHi ) L
'Ala. Class II. . . . . 104 do 2d 4a. . 1t . . . . 80)I' 41 ! !
'Ala. Cnss C. . . . 9. 'Mnlual Uulon . 110' ' 0
.AII.Cnrreloy.4 . 11 4
IM' New Con. 4a. 9i)4 No. Pac. 181s. . . . 12 " )
' ] IHsonrl Os. . . . . 100 d02rs . . . . . 13"
N. C. Oa. ( . . . . . . 124 N. W. Con.ols. . . 1433 I
'N. C. 4a. . . . . . 100 do S. P. Deb. Is . 110
S.C.nontnnd. . . 1 % I G. WosI. lHtL . . 10 ) 4
'Teln..eWKal UK ) 84)4 SL l'.Con'0Is7a. . 125 ! 6
' Terin. ) ItV Set 18 1nO ) 'do C. .t 1' . W. Sit 111) ) ) 4
. Teiin. oltI Os. . . . on ( St.L..I.J.nen.O. ! 1. la 10 ! k
Vn. Centuries. . . . 59" SI. L. . S. . ' . Gca.t. 7f1 !
dodeferrcd . . . . 10)4 Tex. t'ac. laSs. . . . 10.1
Alchlsol . . . . . . 1UI do 2ds. . 1la. . . . . . l !
do 2d A. . . . . . 101 ) U. P. 1l' ot ' 110 . . 10. J ' ] !
CIIuta So. 211' . . tUI ) Wesl Shore 4s. . . 105
C. 1' . 1gtof ' 93 . .10034 80. It It . . . . . IBH )
' 0. . & I. G. 7e. . . 1 : -
' bid. _ _ _ _ _
108tOl 8too ( lot.tlonl.
DOSTON. Jaii. 21.-Cal loans. 2S44 per cent :
time balls Ioo3 par cent Clolln ; Prices fJr
stocks , bonds and mining shams :
ATT.&S.F. . . _ . .U , do Ild. . . . . . . 87 - 34
Ant. Sitirar. . . . . . . HUI Westlugh. 5)1cc ) . . M7k !
Am. Sugar pfd. , . 91 W. 101cc. uld. . . . 4UU )
flay Statu Gus. . . . . ii Vts. Ceitral. I I . . . . . . 3
flolITolophI000. : : : 1M AtChitsn I 2ds. : : : : : : 18 H
) oslon&AlbaIY. 209 AtchIson 4s. . . . 05H
Boston & Maltio. , . 105)4 ) New ( Is. .
) & ! alno. England Oa. 108V
BostOn & 74. ptd . 1lJ Gen. ElectrIc 5B. . 10BJ
C.l.kQ. . . . . . 71$4 Wis. C'ml.lsls. . 51
Flohbul : . . . . . 80 AtlantIc. . . . . . . 10 1-6
Ccii. IlecIrIo. . . . . . 3354 : Uost'n I Montana 3M 34 !
Ilnola SII."I. . . . .111 Dulo k Boston . 11
! uxlln Celitral. , 4 % Citttrnet . ) i Ilectit. . 1
N. V. . \ N Crll'll. . . . . 31 k Caiilt'nnial. lecla. . . . . !
Old Colol ) . . . . . 181" l'rlnJln. . . . . . 71
On' . Short . hiiu. . r Korsuge. . . . . . 1
\ubb"r. . . . . . . . 4 : % Duiceola. . . . . . . . HJ
Union Pacific . . . t ) ' Quincy. . . . . . . . 101
lVeiitEnd . . . . . . U2 TIlillurlIck. . . . . . . 18 L _
San Frttliolictn lnlll took fJlol"ton
BAN 1l'RANCISCOJan . ! ! . .Tho omolalcboalt ,
000tatiollS Iowa : fur 11nluJ stocks SoOty w"r" coslnr 11 L !
An < el. . . . . . . : l ! eltlo\y Con . . . 6 I -
Ilelchier. . . . . . . 41 Lady Wash Coti . 4
heat & ilelchier . . 10 Mexican. . . . . . . .
Hullion. . . . . . . . . 10 Mono. . . . . . . . . RI
CLtleiiOilfl. . . . . . . I MOlnl IJiabho. . . . ! l )
Challenge Coii. . . . : O"hlr. . . . . . . 3 III
CItoi lam. . . . . . . 41 O'.ermm. . . . . . . . ll
COII'lenco. . . . . 71.010HI. . . . . . . . . lr
Con. Cal .1 Va. . . . . : tl Savnco. . . . . . . . 47 !
Coil . Illittitbtt. . . . 1 Scorpion. . . . . . . 4
eon. Nnw York . . : SIerra Novad . . . 41
Crown 10Inl. . . . . . 57 Silver 11111. . . . . . .
H\ . I
Ooull k Curr . ) . . . :1 : Union Con. . . . . . SI '
1110.Norel.ols. 81 Utah Con. . . . . . . . . 5 I
Jiivllee. . . . . . . 21 Yellow .lackct. . . II :
Silver ii Irs. ti1l3400504o ! oxlc.1 iboitims . 51
. ll'19Ho .10111'S.
0l1 % . . Drfs. allhl , 1794e : lergraphle.200. ! )
today 'rho . Uulon . In'le au auseK81unl 01 $10 a /1 a : 11 1"
No\ Vor.e lhiiitig Qtiitrttlon , .
NFW11 \ . Jail . I.-Tho folowlnl aN tt
closing mllhl , : ' 11011tonl ; : .
1ulwcr. . . . . . . I tInlarlo . . . . . . 1)01 ) 1.
Clioior. . . . . . . . . . :0 Ophilr. . . . . . . . . Ino :1 :
Crow I.olnl. . . . . 50 ) l'lymoulh. . . . . 151S
Cuii . Cal k Va . . 1125 Quiclosttv . r. . . . . 101
. (
lh-adwood. . . . . 40 do Ifd. . . . . . .1:00 !
Goull \ Curry. . 31 : Sh'rr. Ne\.nda. . 4l
1110.Norerole. ; . ,0 BIalllln. ) . . . . . 200 )
I I Otiii'IitillO. . . . .10thl ( ) Union ( on. . . . . . GO
lOoxienri. . . . . . . . 80 Yelow Jlcu'I. : ' . 6U ! _ _
1.01.101 Stock Quol.Unn >
LNDON , iou. 21.-i : . p . Ill . cloln :
Cati. l'achhiu . . . . Zji " tot ' l'aut coin. . . . . '
Erie. : . . . . . . . . IU N. Y. . . . ( f7H
Enin2tIs. : . . . . . . . I. ' I.CluI8ylvQnla. . . . 1014
III. Central. . . . . . \0" J. ' .lln : . . . . . . Ill ,
lcxlcanonlnar ) Ii Mex.Cou.lcw & a. ra Ok
Eiiiiilt'lat : otes.
IlafJII ! . .Jan. 21.-CI arlnga. 1235,0114 , ; bal.
ann-s. :50,813.
BOSTON , Jnn. 31.-ClearIngs . $13,602,521 : bal. I
hares , $1,600,713.
IIAI.TlStOttiO . Jan. 21.-Clparlng. $ : , G75.:7 ) : ;
balances . U7. . O.
NII W YOltt. Jan. 21.-ClearIngs , ' $ G,6U,0:2 : :
balances . $5,130,005. .
IUU.A1 1.11IA. Jan. 21.-l'lcarlngl. * 7,7 > I. l .
39. : balances ' , 11,264.316.
lilSltl.lN , Jan. U.- : xchanle on l.ndon , , 'llht
daya sIght 20 morks U l.fI. .
NtW OI.NH , Jan. 21.-Clcnrlng. , $1,312 37.
New York exchange . bank . i'url cumnlerr hat .
II.I.O I' " $ & ) dIscount .
In" 1\ ! Jan. tl.-Clearlngs . U.959.326 : bl. I
ontes . ' 95.G. Money dull , f.ii7 vcr viit . Ix.
change on New \'ork. ' 5 premIum
WASI1INIITON . Jnn. 21.-Today's "Ial.mcnt
of hit' . treasury Shows : . \'alablo cash baii * , IC .
U 113.625.724 ; gold l.aen'l. $ Ii63.11
I.NOON , Jail. I.-.Uold la 'luolNI ul Hue abs
Ares . lOa ) ' at : : ludrld. 11.00 ; 1.\on. Hue5l. :3 . ;
$1. \ ' I..hurl W , . \th'nl. 7i ; lom . 10 ; . & 0.
( 'hIlt'AOO. Jsti 21.-Clearings. $15. U.O.
Money . . 4 ll I'er ; celt C call ; $446 I. ( . tent un
tIme. New York exchange . 20 I.rerlum. 81cr hag
commercial . $ U1\UH \ S1i !
. . . . .
-ta-J' 4'a ' - -a-------
! flr - - . . . _ - -
Week Begins with a Light Run or Hogs
and Ver w Sheep
NothIng to Tempt J\erAcd Sleet Jlel , but
rrlcC 1010 AbO ! t"c1-nog ; IIr
kc Fiat trom'he Stnrt
ClosIng . 'cnk.
- . ' idONDM- , Jan. 21.
The receipts totlayhwsre IG cattle . 2.9 G
hos anti S. sheep ns against 1,32 cattle .
1,1i hogs anti 128 sheep 01 Saturday anti
1.113 cattle . 2.1 hogs and 103 abed ( ' 01 Moli
day or Inst week.
CATTIEWhle there were Ofy.nlne car
of cattle In tile ) 'nrds , very few or them
were tnt steers good enough for the dressed
bee ( men Such cattle ns there were here
thnt wOll suit the buyers brouh fuly
steady all In some cases n little stronger
pr ices. The bulls ot the steers sold nt $ .5
< ) .S5. The market was fairly active , anti
In early clearance Was effecteti.
The buyers genernl ! clalmel that they
were paying steady prIces for cow shir
nnc they undoubledl 1\1 for such as es-
IleclnUy StIlted theIr requlrementa. Sellers .
hQwever , In ninny cases thought the ) ' had
to take oft somelhlng from Salurda"s
pr ices .
Stockers and feeders were In moderate
supply anti fair ( "ecers . lrlces remalnec
ab out steady lemunt. l.revnlnG on Sattil
urdn ) lepresentntve Riles :
1m. S'l1HtOilS.
No A" . Pr. No. A\ . Pr. No. A" Pro
2 . . . 7a $2 75 3. . . 1111 $3 3 : 11. . .1Gt5 $3 5 :
12..10 315 16..903 33 : 2) . . .ll2 $ r :
16. . . S9H 32 2..110 3 40 26..1203 : 70
3. . 903 : 2 : 1. . . 970 3 40 31..lG2 ) 3 50
I. . 90 32 8. . 870 3 55 2..10:3 3 85
.2 . . i000 315
1. . 670 1.0 3..IISO I 90 l..IZr : 2 :
1. . 670 1.0 1..ll30 ! 1..12G ) 2n :
1..tO : 1 40 2. . 832 1 90 6. . TOO : 25
7. . 951 1.0 1. . . 1170 195 1..130 2 :
14. . . 031 1.0 I. . 970 2 00 1. . 72' ' ) 22
20 70
I. . . 70 I r 10. . 92 20 1..1010 22. ;
1. . . U : I r. 2. . . : ISO 20 2..11. 23 :
I . . 80 If , : 7. . . .1054) 20 6..106 . 235
1. . 86 1 60 1. . . .lOIl I ) 20 : . . .to : : 2 II
2. . 840 1 60 8. . Irs 210 3.1106 2 r.
3. . .564) 170 11..SSi210 : 3.\06 . . ; 2 r. .
7. . 918 170 1..1010 210 12. . . 802 2 & . :
8. . 910 ) 170 0. . . ,10510 210 13 . . . 992 2 & :
3. . 76 1 70 I. . 0)2. ) ' ) 21 7..IOZ : 20
7. . 1,4 175 7. . 87 21 15 8. . 935 270
3. . . 70 I 75 5..102 2 15 4 . . . 795 27.
1. . 9 : J 75 ; 3. . 913 2 2 : 1. .IZOO 2 75
1..l' 17 : 1. . . 930 ) 225 1 . . . .70 29
1 . . . .1010 1m 1..10 22 1..130 30
1. . 96 190 3..10:1 2 2 : 1..IISG 30
2 . . .10 < 190
1iIllEnS. :
2 . . 42' ) 1 0 5. . Me 20 1. . S70 2 7 :
1. . 40 1 7 ; 1. . 715 2 2 : I. . 8:0 301
5 . . . r,22 1 9 1. . . ! 225 3. . 983 3 00
I. . 430 190 & . . .796 26 : 75. . . SOS 31
1. . 510 20 7. DULLS. . 750 2 G . 1..1010 3 :
1..tOIO I 70 2. . 930 2 t5 2 . .mo 2 30
1.\10 1 70 4.l001 I 20 1..1530 240
I. . 730 2 0 2. . . 530 225 1.1370 2 40
3 . . .lSS0 . 20 1..130 22. ; 2..150 2 fo
1..120 2 0 ) 1. . 930 22 : 1..1380 265
3..120 2 10 1..10 225 1..1310 . 25
1..1:2 : ) 20 1..1 : 20
2. . :40 1 ro 1. . 290 2 48 1. . 10 3 W
1..240 1 50 3. . 373 2 G 1. . . 101 310
1. . 130 2 0 8. . . 316 2 r 1. . 120 4 00
1. . .250200 1..200 2 r 1. . 10 .0 0
: . . 33 : 2 0 2..210 2 & 0 2. . IZO 4 0
4. . 3S5 21 : 1. . 220 2 : 3. . . \6 4 G
1 . . ,32S0 220 2.)0,0 2. . IW 4 50
2. . 260 2 : 2 1. . 10 4 0.0
2. . . 315 2 25 2. . 11" : 25 1. . 10 4 ro
1. . 39 22 : 1.(1 hIS I. . 240 . 4 G
STCKEHS 5'D11ED00ltIl.
1. . 390 I 90 4iPEEDEHS. G 3. . 70 275
6..1036 : 0 1..59l ) r 50. . 85 275
1. . . 50 ) 20 14.- . . & : r 9. . i0 27
1. . 70 : 0 3..41 255 1. . 84 27
1 . . . 630 215 14. . . . . ill 265 1. . 819 2 15
I. . . GO 2 : 2. . , . : 2 & : 3.1160 . 28
9. . & 94 : 2 5..60 : 5 3..1GO . 2 85
4 . . 80 22 3..15 : , ' 0 16. . . 901 290
I. . 70 : : 22. . . .677'2 65 1. . 70 30
1. . GO 2:0 10. . 2 G 0.5. . . 896 3 00
1. . 65 : 3 10. . ' .30 265 32. . 067 30
0. . 58 2 3 25..6I4 . 970 1..101 30
I. . 82 240 3..771 1.70 1. . 5 32
12. . 582 250 8.675270
wI0dTiI1s. *
; .
' N o. As' Pr. ' No. . , . Av. Pro
2 co.s..l0 SI 75 'I . . 4 COW.1096 : $2 75
I bull..3150 . 20 " . ' ( Qw".1075 , 2.75 .
2 oxen..H2 I,3S.1zy. ' If der ; . : 8. 2.05' .
I . , : . . . . . \ 2.3a )1d' 6 ateer0..1195 . 325.
3 COWS. . . . . . 1)59 ) ' 2 40 ltJ 86 I steers..1246 . : 3 60
52 cows. . . . 9 2 40 " . 1 steers : . . . .03 3 G
2 cows. . . . . 9 2 W 1."I er..IHO . 3 60
12 cows. . . . . 897 2 G )
Ilake & Woodall. .
47 sle"r..1o Juke 0 Woal.
A. D. Ford.
2 6 cows. . . . . 9 : 2 70 79 COW' . . . . 931 2 70
Veach Dros. .
3 COWS. . . . . 80 20) 33 . . . . 941 2 S5
1 t. der. . . COO 2 15 7 slags..r.l5 COIs..t. 30
HOOSThere were Ihlrty..even trch lands of
hOI on saiD thIs morln . In addItIon to 1.50 ) t
herl ot stale making n total of .r bead on
sale. The quality of the offerings was not " ay
g oed , there beIng very few good heavy hogi
The market opened .10" wIth only ona buyer
tl'lng to do anything. After buying thirteen or
fourl."n loads of tIle beet hogs of pretty talr
w eIght lt prices fully G lower than Saturday , he
wllhdrw In,1 the market tel lint. The I.rovl.lon
market was lower and the hogs that were lef
were mostly Ig:1t : , and ninny of them on the
commonl.h order. . The bu'er eld not appear 10
c are whelhcr they got any hogs or not , inil the
market came to n complete standstill. One ion 0
of good welghl. but not overly goad qualltl ' .
broghl $4.10 , which was the top prIce patti. A .
tew medium wll"hls liritilghlt U. whIle \n l'ght ' it.
bt ogs went at from $3.6 10 ' 3.0. Al the clo.e
t hen . were still quite I number oC the hogs or I.
s ol-.1. RepresentatIve sales :
N o. Sh. A" I'r. 100. 88. Av Pro
: . . . . .185 . . 3 r & 4..19 . . 390
0..18 . . 35 74..H9 . . 390
I I . . . . ISO . . 30 78..219.0 390
26..206 . . 375 . . . . . 40 39 :
. . . . .26 . , )17 ; 11..265 . . 40
20..210 . . ( ( L7OS , ' ' 7 . . . .23 .0 1 00
.7C 40
1..26 80 3 901 _ 71..25 80 400
SO..2' . , . 3 8 2..460 . . .0
8..127 . . 3 : u & . . . . . . . 410
73. . . .20 hO 385
. : . . . . 51 . . 20 8..10 . . 29
& , . . . . U . . 20 6..J8 . . 310
18. . . . 58 . . 2 W l. . . . . . . . 350
2. . . . . GO . . 275
SlLIih'SP-Thero w.rl six fresh lands In II llt .
'anls , but a portion at them w.r billed Ihrough
anti were not on.r"1 for pale . Good . fat ohcll . '
were In demand al strong , prices lepresenlolve !
pales : i
No Av. Pro '
214 w.ler w.thers . . . . . . . . . . . . J3 $3 3
30 mlx.d natives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U9 $ G )
higher l'rlcesero I'aIil . for .411 " tirades ot
CHICAGO , Jan 21.-Higher prices were paid
for nil grades of cattle : the advance , In butela irs
aluf was not " "r 111'k.lul : faIr to choice ) I
steers ! > ohl nnwhere from lOc to 200 higher Ihnn (
on the cloning days ot last week . 'rho Ilrmer
fp'lng WIS brought about by small reel'lpl.
Ther was a air .lelan.1 . fnnn all sources . and
( lie bulk or Ih" offerings In,1 ) , been dIFI.o.ed ot hy
mhhlny . on I basis of $2.2 10 1.75 for common
10 exlnl "OW9 11,1 , billIe , nnd tram $ .75 to ' ; .80
slpcrs. for common to fancy dressed beef and hlppI tIC
The changes In Iho hOI market were tint nI.
portlint. ' 'h. receIpts Sully "Cualed eXI.eclo.
Inns II 1".lnl . ot riiimhers and tle' , were not
hclow the overage of recent Mondays In quaIl ity. .
The best uf the hCIw'lghla brought from $1 .45
10 U W , antI rlme lIght sold , Iroun,1 ' .15. The
rouge nt which roost of , the bu.lnes was .loi lie ,
however , wal from $ ! i ) 10 $4.40 for nverales of
tuer weIghts. 200 lb. , und flai ) ! . $ ,90 10 $1.10 for Ilht.r
1'he "hc'1' nld lamh receipts 1 were Very mod em-
ate today . uiitl . 1M II < onCu.nce. the fecli lag
was fIrm In i-ilte ; of a UIIhel' lIght .leinai rid.
Iheewpre .alllle ) al n"rl : 10 $3.H for poor 10
extra. mil the ranlo ot quotatIons tar 1111. was
trom ' : .7 : 10 $150 . though . fancy qualIty v las
( hunted aM hllll I. u.GI ' 4 )
ltt't'elpts : Clile , 3l,0Q 1."d . ; cales . 40' head :
hogs ; 5O . .1.1 ; sheep , 1,0 lien < !
11llpt911HI UI\11111 \ If litoek .
OfficIal rel.lpla antl. ) disposItIon of stock 8
.hown \ ) ' the hokl o II unIon Stock YniI di
, 'ol\al ) ' for the tmh..lghl hOUl1 endIng al I 3
o'clock I ) . m. . Monday Jltuury 21 , I 15051 :
l 1 Cnrs. lie au. ,
( Tattle . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . t 9 leal.
10" . . . . . . . . . . . . .n. . . . . . . . . 37 2,9tO
8hu'V . . . . . . . . . . . : \1 , . . ; . . . . . . . G b9
' .
fllO1'OdITION. , . flogs. She 1' p.
O. I 1 , lan.o"1mp' " ! , . . & 3 10g. ; . 8h.c\ .
1OWII . 11,1 , Cm\any . , ' , . . . " . I 1.0,0 Jill
Cudlhy ParkIng cotilptifly , ' . . . . Ill 2. , OJ
n. It. I. Iacklnl Cits' . . . . . . . . 10 . .
Nelson MorrIs . CI . . . . " . . . . . . .14 . . . .
It. Ih-k.r & DeJ n . . . . . . . 2 . . . .
hamIlton & 8lephrn. . . . . . . 1 : . . . .
I. Ucek.r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . . . .
J. l.bman . . . . . . . . , . . . . . 2 . . . .
HIII'Ilf ' In,1 , feedtrs . . . . . ta 'j 29 . .
1.eft otei ' . . . , . . . . , , , , . . , . , . . .
1. I OV.I' . . . . . . . . . ! ' _ _ _ . : . : . : _ : : :
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . - 4:291 ; -
New Vtrkl.IVl ! tuck fltknt
NI \ YOue. .lan. 21.-UEI'WI'kIlcl\la , 3.1
head : on pule 3 ears : al"r . actIve . SOi '
higher : rough stock. > 10)\ ' . slIghtly lower : flat Ve
.I.ra. onlnan' tl fair . * 1.40(11.15 : ' "xal. SI. .I
4. % : oxen , ' x.t10tIII.75 ; boils . $ ! .i3.0 : dry cow. .
$ 51' . 6. . 3.4pa" : i cat-s on wIle :
> Itw on,1 barely' stoutly ; . 5oor 10 Irlm" , . $2 SOUl .75 :
Jamh ( ' 01101 10 elmite . P.0001 1.1211.
1l008-flet-ellits . 1.73 b.d ; .Ieady lt $4. 0041
. .
4.5U for . tn'le w.lghlp.
iI. 1.lul. ' . \u "I..k .1'lreur.
ST. I.OU8. Jan. 21. - . ' ' "LIl"c"Ila. . 2. &
.t I .hlpmeU ! : . ( heal i lalt Icth'e and
. . _ . . .
- - - - - - . .
' ' . ' ' , h , " _ 4 r-- . . - _ - -
Almnl to 10 hheh.r : good chIpping .t.rl 1.
treme tnll. $ .t75105.i0 ; .to ) kers. ' 1.7512251 ;
ffe , * 2.10403.IOI ted TURf And miltOn "I""n.
ext reme rK" . $ : UIOj ; grass steers , $2 : ) < 3.30j ;
RM COWS . 'UOf.2.
100SIfelpll 3. r hen" : shipments , 2.30
hfl < : market active . hut , baely sllnl\ : choice
h..y not represented : good heavy . fair to "I
375. Ilht. $ 9@IO : plls and common lIght , $3.2Oi8J
8IEfI'-RI"p" 40 hen ! : phtpments. non :
market quiet pti-sidynnd slrnllt . recent figurCe.
InnlR City 1\o Stock Mnrkt .
ltANRA9 CITY Jnn. 21.-CATTLI--TleceIpts.
4.fO h.lel : hlpmenll ? , 2,10 hecul' market plow
but olMeJ : Texas .ter , $3.5Q1.75 : Texas cows ,
* 2.5 5002.70 ( 'olamdo . . .
$ .5(270 : l'olor o steers * 3.50414.00 : Lef steers
$ : (6.5 : natIve < cows . ttFft.fO $1.tMH0 ; etokers leerRI
t.1.r. $ .65(3.0 : bulls . S 0053.25.
1l 0t124-itecehpte. 6.40 beau : shIpments . S )
le.l : market plendy for best : others wek : bulk
nf eaies l $ .845t lIghts . * .G3. 8 I Yorkers
t3.7 1q03.S. : pIgs . $3.3i3GO.
S llllV-Ilceeipte . 3,40 henll : shipments G
hend : market .I.all .
- -
Stock In Sight.
1 eon of reelllil nl the four prIncipal mar-
kels for Monday January 21. 1993 :
Cattle . J gs. Sheep.
Routh Olnhl . . . . . . . . . I.f' . : .94 0.116
( 'h. 't.n1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.10) ) .5.01 1,0)
lOn I neas CI ) ' . . . . . . . . . . 495) 6.4) 3.40)
SI. l.uls . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.M 3.4" ) ' ) .n
- - -
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . 2).781 G7,740 15,696
'l'lnSCo 'ti' 11 . \T tAII\ .
W heat has I tlc ' umblc In the Ilny
( ) IIInn.
SAN I'HANCISCO , Jnn. 21.-Whent haul n bail ,
tumble thIs morln . . \ the mci ) ' Inrormnl see-
olon of the call. board . May optIon , the princIpal
nne operated tn , opened nt 933c , and was soon In
I groggy conilillon. On thr openIng or the regli-
lar se'.lon there was n lively etampede among
ho llers . on.1 Iherlcl ) or MIY waf knocked down
10 92e. tIle lowest I.rlel . which that o\on ever
r.aebrll In this mnrket.'h:1 nIlr < to ) the scare !
am eng holders waf the ncws of I .1rol In \a ) '
wh eat In Chicago 10 0.5T40 . a declIne or I % .
" ' . MeGlaulln WAR n lieavS ' seller rind .llrlng
Ihe morln IlisliOsOil nf nearly 7,0 ) toilS or Mn ) ' .
Tl . other optIons fill the sol malkel were
tve aker. On the street lt noon May was lower
al 92c. May option rccoveme.1 10 92'Hc al the alter .
non session . do.ln nl D3'rho .h'B I
elurln" the day were ns follows : Whcal-Ma .
2.9 tons nl 9456c Iler centnl : 6iO II DIdl : 5li13 ' .
3.80 Ions , 13\le ) \ ; SIlO tons . 03c ; 400 toils , 113c ;
2,6 01) tons , 93)4e : 500 tons. 92)Oc ) ; 900 tone , Oli.4c ;
00 ( cap , 92e ; 6,700 tons , 92Vc ; 400 lotte , 'J2.4e.
COtton iteirket ,
Nl1\V OTILUANS , Jan. 21-COTTON-FlIturea ,
st eady ; sales , 55.100 hales : JnnU'iry , 83.03005.011
F'e Oninry , * 5.11105.14 : March. * 5.23015.20 : prIl ,
33. 26505.17 ; 51113' . * 5.32015.33 : Jtine , I5.2St5.39 ; htily ,
13. 43(15.44 : August. * 5-si5.os * ; Septeintier , $5.5lf3
5.5 3 ; Octoter. 15.0.5415.0.7.
LlVbltl'OOL , .lnn. 2i.-COT'TON-Ppot , fair ule.
m cmi ; business oiii' nlotlemate ; 1111cm cisier : :
At aerlcan middling , 0 1.62i1 ; pales of tile , iiS' : ,
15 , 00) bates , of whIch 1,00. ) baleS \vere for specu.
mI mi ani export , Lull liiclu,1'uI 13.50) AmerIcan : ]
rec opta , 13,190 1 ale ' , all A me Iran ; futui es opened
qu iet and cloil quiet but plentY ; Anlericail flliil.
dlh iig , L. 2.1. C. , January. 2 61.CltI , sellers ; Janti
ar y and February , 2 01.64th , elleis ; Februar :
nn tl Mardi , 11 62 6-td , sellers ; Starch nrnl Aturt ,
2 6 3.640 , values ; AIrll and ' Tdn5' , 3 1.61.1 . , sehlersI
M n ) ' Cr111 June , 3 2-61.1 , iup'tlers : June and .Iuly ,
3 6 -64,1 ; July niiui August , 3 5.640 , buyers ; August ,
an tI SelutenlIler , 3 6-640 , sellers ; Septeniber anti
Oc tober , 3 7-Glil , , ue4iers , TIle tenulrs of t000y'l
, le liverlea wet-c 200 baleS of now ilockets.
NIIW YOllic. Jan. Il.-COTTON-Steauly ; mlii. .
ill Ing , Ic ; net receipts. 1,208 miles ; gicos , 6,2. ) I
ha les ; exports , Co Great Itrltnln. 15 balc ; tc
501 130CC , 549 bnles ; cootnent , 3.63) bales ; for.
v aideul , 4,210 bales ; sales. 522 bales ; pIlanerv , , 03) ) !
1.n les ; stock , actual , 143,073 luales : total 03)b
no t receipts , 42,176 bales ; exsirt5 to Great ltrlt .
a' ' n. 5,1.04 bales ; Ii ) France , 9(9 ( bales ; contInent ,
15 ,935 bales ; stoek , 1,014,921 bales.
Wool ! ilnrkot.
ST. LOUIS , .lan. 21.-WOOL-Quiet. wttiioui L
qu otable change ; medium. lillasotirl anti IllInois ,
14an 41150 ; brat,1 anti low , 121114e ; meilluill. Kanitl : I
an d Nebraska , iOi112c ; timId antI law , 8IIl0c ; lue
( h im ) , Texas anuf Arkansas , lOUISe ; braId no. I
lo w , 8510e ; medIum , 1)akota , Wyoming , etc. , no.II II
lI c ; braId and low , SOjIOc ; faIr to choice tul -I
w nphed , 2021e.
LONION , Jan. 21.-There was a fair seiectl0t
to day itt thu wool auction sales. CompetItIon Ir
t eauiIly lalprovlng. AmerIcans vero strong buy -
er a of tlte fIne New South ) Wales wools At buyt
9 )40 700 or 500 baIts were taken. Torilgilt Vor3 , .
fu ll rates are naked , Yorkshire anul the contl .
n eat tire good buyers generally. Tire oitertng L
w ere 10,100 bales , of Wllhchl 830 bales tt-ere Wllil
ili awn. Sales In detaIl : New South \Valea , 3,59 1
h ales ; scoured , 6Ld001s 3)40 ; greasy. 4419544)
Q ueensland , 3,378 bales ; scoured , 9)d0J1a ) ) Id
g reasy , 4545111. VIctorIa , 411 bales : seoured , 54)0.
Is 3d ; greasy. 7(10. ( AdelaIde , 342 bales ; greasy
4' 44$154d. New Zealand. 2,003 bales ; scoured , 654u i
@ 15 Cd ; greasy , & 30095td.
Ilaltlmoro Oruln Market ,
PALTIMOI1II , Jan. 21.-FLOUR-Dull ; receipta i ,
6. 875 bbla. I shipments , 5,314 tibIa.
WhEAT-Dull anil cans' : spot and month. 5S I
OI SSc ; February. 511005355c ; Nay , 600060'4c : ateanler - .
N o. 2 red , 550056c : southern wheat. by sampie ,
59 41Gb : southern wheat. on grade , 56540059',6c.
CORN-Weak . ; spot and month , 463347c ; Feb -
r unt ) . 47414754c ; May , 50c ; steitner , mIxed , 405
41 46,50 ; southern WillIe corn , 475414S54c ; yellotn
4 60017c.
OATH-f0leady--No. 2-white western , 35)4c ) bid , .
N o. 2 mIxed. 35',40J36e'recelpta. ; 15.614 bu.
I1YF.-Steady ; No. 2 , 57),4c. )
SUGAR-Dull ; granulateil. $0.05 per 100 lbs.
llUT'TtOlt-.Qulet ; fancy creamery , 26j20c ; fang 5.
I mItatIon creamery , I94110c ; fancy creamery mOlt 1.
5 5001Cc : atorepaclced. llOJillc.
EGGS-Steady ; fresh. 21c ; storage , 154117c.
CIlEES101L'hrm. _ _ _ _ _
rhlIlaIleIptIla Oralti Mnrket * .
l ewer ; No. 2 red. January. 5940059 ½ c ; leebruarl - ,
5 O'4415954c ; March , 60'44J6054c ; April , 61416154e.r
L'ORN-'A41lc lower : No. 2 mIxed , Jaounr3 r
i 74II175c : 1ebraary , 4T447c ; Mardi , 474J47c !
A prIl , 4S)44149e. )
OATS41 c lower ; No. 2 whIte , Jnnuar .
25 55365c ; February , 30u350336'4c ; March1 36551
3 635c ; AprIl , 3756c.
FLOU1t-Dull and unsettled : winter auperflni . ,
* 2.10012.50 ; wInter extra , * 2.25092.40 ; No. 2 whntel r ,
f amIly , 12.50412.60 ; Pennsylvania roller stiaiIii
* 2.60412.75 ; western vlnter. clear , * 2.5)512.70 ) ; weel :
e ra wInter , straIght , * 2.70413.90 : western wlntej r
p atents , * 3.0000.3.23. fly. ' flour. light demand b it
s teady : * 2.75 for choIce PennsylvanIa. lluckwhec it
fl our. unchanged : 31,75401.95 per 100 lbs.
LIUT'J'hOlt-Stcady ; fancy western creamery , 20r . .
f ancy l'ennaylvunha prints , ISo ; fancy jobblni :
Z Ot12)tc. ) _ _ _ _ _
ICansas CIty ) liirlcets.
ICANSAS CITY. Jan. 21.-WIIEAT-Easler : N a.
2 harl and No. 2 red , 5255605354c ; rein-ted , 480049. . :
a ample sales. , C. 0. b. MIssissippI rIver , No. 2
h aul. & 5c ; No. 2 red , 1541-SOc. .
CORN-'Ao lower ; No. 2 mixed , 3S03S14c ; No. - .
whIte. 3St4Oc.
OATS-tItt-edy ; No. 2 mixed. 2o35os00 ; No. 2
whIte. 32544432c.
FJ.AX S117D-Duil at $ i.300J1.3i.
SuSAN-Firm at OSUTOc.
IIAY-flull and lower ; tImothy , $ O.000lO.0 0 ;
prairIe , 67.00005,50. .
llUT'I'IOlt-iiult ; creamery , 350j122c ; dairy. 134134 0.
unS-Duhl at lIe.
1tlOCIOll"F11-WllOat , p,000 bu. ; corn , 2S,00 bu . ;
bats. 19.00) bu.
HlSlI'MCNT-Wlleat , 47,000 bu. ; corn , non e ;
oats , none. _ _ _ _ _ _
lilincatollC tiieat 3tarltot.
MINNI1IAI'Ot.IS , Jan. 2I.-ThiC wheat market ci.
day wItnessed an oI.I-tlmo brook In jrICCs. TI tie
marleet , went 14c ! below i3itturday'ii close. In api to
of tile sudden eoilalso there was a light trout
The InclinatIon was to follow ( lie break slow
and uireps were acomprtoItvI by sf11111 transu . _
lIons only. In cash vIieat tIre market was S c
lower than on Saturday anti there \vaa a git al
demand at the brook. The millers bougiit Illic r-
ally , ReceIpts , 212 ears. Ill cars In st
year , Chose ) jilnunry. I7o ; ! tlity , r.55c ; .ltil y.
h9c. On tiack : No. 1 untO. 1.954c ; No. S fort y.Ii -
em , iSc ; No. 2 northern , Sic. i'lour easy ; Iii -at
patents , * 3.15013.33 ; aecontl Ilteflt5 , 02.1I003.I 15
fancy export bakers. 32.10102.20 ; red dog , * 1.60011. 95 ,
hOhipinenls , 10,864 bLila.
Toledo ( lriilii Murlcot.
. TOLIIO Jan. 2l.-W'iIlOAT-'iVealc , lower ; 2' o.
. cash nn.lantlar5' ( . t4i : ; May , 0.G'c ) ; . ! tily. 5 Ic ?
COitN-lull. sietitly ; No , S tnlxet , , 42c ; No. .1 :
nllxe.i , Ole ; No. 3 yellow. ole : No. 3 willIe , 42 .
OA'i'S-Steady ; No. S mixed , bc ; No. 2 whil to ,
ItYll-flull : crush , SIC ,
(1LOVIIII lOlOlOt-Icnt-er. steady ; prme , cat I I ,
icciuruary IIIIII March , * 5.4754.
ItlOCI7lI"Ff4-Flour , 1,000 Ijils , ; wheat , 16,5)9 lii LI. .
corn , 22,0)9 Lu. ; oats , 5)0 ho. ; rye , ISO ) ku ; tie P r
peed , 61) ) liars.
$ } ihI'lill5NTS-Flour , 3,000 iiiuis , ; corn. 500 Lii a , ;
Oats , 0.04) bu. ; clover seed , 1,10) bags.
l'corlis MUrkuts.
. , P1701tiA , .Iftn. 21-CO1SN-liiarkct easier ; 2 o.
40)4o ) ; No. 3 , 40'4c.
OA'r14-Market coaler anti lover ; No. 2 SVli ) to ,
3011C : No. 3 white , 29tjlOc.
ItluloIl'TH-wIeat. 3.030 bu. ; corn , U. ;
Oats. 65,100 lu. ; barley. 8.400 bu.
Sllt'MINTS-'VIieat , 4,650 t.u. . ; corn , 26,00 Li U. ;
oats , 77000 Lita. ; bClITY. 5,600 bu ,
Noiv 'ork 1sF ) ' (0011(14 Market.
NI0V YOlIlO , Jan. 21.-Very taoIst tvenfl ier
having prevaIled the , Ieinailli lIne very In-el Cu.
loT , ilevertheless faIrly good stiles vere re-
iuoile'ti through allot liuy'rB that teem ctrnslde ia-
lily Increaset through 11)1111 orders for vuryl In'
assontente of stilhiles nail specIaltIes. Natwl thi.
stondlznc tIle quIetude the sellers unit buy
( eel confident of a goa.l season's busine cj
l'rlntlng cloths were steady at 2)o ) bid and tIc-
clinctl. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
3IIlwuulcol' , ) lnrkete ,
MIL\S'AUKUU , Jan. 2l-VI.OUIt-iltoady ,
S'1Ii-iAT-Vcak and luteer : No. S strIng , S So ;
No. I nortlteill , G3Yc ; May. 57c ,
t'OltN-Hteady ; ho. 3 , 4355c.
OATH-Lower ; No , 2 whIte , 5Oc ; No. 3 whI lIe ,
liAitt.lY-lMwer ; No. 3 , 13',5c ; sample , 520JI Ge.
ltYIO-1etver ; No , 1 , ttlt c.
PROVIIIION1S-I.otler ; pork , $11.00 ; lord , $3.5 $ 3.
l'iigar Market.
NEW YOill { , 30n. ll-SUOA1I-Itaw , iii rn'
sales , 3.3..O bugs ; c.'ntrlfugal , 80 test , at Ic. cx-
$1111 , ; 7,130 bags , centrifugal , III teat , at 2 3. ] Sc ;
ietined , active ,
LONDON , Jun. 2h.-SStOAti-Cine , thin : cen tr
Otigal Java , ole ; Muscovado , ( air refluilng , Is.
( ) hi MarKet ,
NHW I'OltK. Jan. 2I.-1'5iI'ltOI17UM-'ii
Penllsylunla oil sales , none : February odd
aleh , none ; closed t'ifrre.l at 'j15c.
L1NIIlifih ) OlIr-SOleS , none.
llgiui huller Market.
IILGIN , Ill. . .Jiin 2b-.1l1'T'1iI1-WCak ; en lee ,
, * .PQ lbs. at 3334c ; 12,960 lbs. at SOc.
W ork of conring a Jury LIkoy to Con-
osimo a Week.
1)e fene Acciiqel of Intert'iptxing tue Va-
fl lt'ClllCfl emil Ordered to t'rmtnc * , a Wi1
ness Thu M7 ! TelL Sonintlllng
Startling-The tttorntya.
MINNFAPOL.IS. Jan. 21.-The trial of
Ha rry hayward for 1110 murder of Catilerino
Gi ng was formally begun In the district
co llrt today. FIfteen lnlnutc's after tue court
ro om doors Were opened the seats were flhle'.l
an d the doors were closed to the public.
SI x rows In front were reserved for IndIes
anwa d were entirely occtipietl , Harry llnywartl
wa s brought ill 1111(1 ( WeIlt to hIs seat as
bl Ithely as If ire hail been entering a tileater.
lI e chewed 511111 vigorously alId played with
hi s spaniel s'lrile waiting for proceetlillgs to
be glil. JItlgO % Sengmave SInith , the prcsIillng
jtm tlge , soon emltereli atmd ascetitled the bench
an ti the sheriff declared the court in session
an ti the trial begun.
v. v. Irwin , the criminal lawyer , already
n eii known frolu lila connection with the
h omestead anti Iebs cases , was on the tie.
fe lldlflt'R ) side or tire attorney's table , flanked
by Jolioi Day Sllhlth , a local attorlley , vim is
to assIst lIlt ) ) , County Attorney Frank M.
N yc , a brother of 11111 Nyc , tue llillfiorist ,
an d his flSShStflllt , Albert flail , were on tire
ot her sIde. It o'as deetiled sigiiiflcant that
( h O attormley ot Cloths Iliixt sat upon tue
pr osecution side of tue table , Soon after :
lr ocecdlligs began Miss Jolla GIng , tire twIll
si ster of tlio inttrtiered W0IUOII. entered anti
to ok a sent hot six feet frOIll tile prisoner.
Thro Cotlhlty attorney first mnoretl that tIre I
ca se.of . lIilxt be reEd. for February 5 , antI
tll la was rreed to by lillxt's attorney.
Tire first venirenlan was called for exatnl-
na tion , lie was a Dane Ilalneti Nels Miller
at itl evinced considerable Ignorance of the :
st ory of tire murder. TIre defense accepted
ltl rn , hIlt tue prosecutIon was suspicious and
ex amined 111111 at. great length ,
It Is belIeved that tli
work of securIng a I
ju ry wIll Consume at ieast a week. A sPecial II I
ve nlro has tCell lrePared in addition to thrc
re gular panel.
JUIL before court. atijotlrlied at noon tilero
w as a sensatIonal epIsode. It hati been
ev ident that tlio tIcfellse hail uhtahnetl tos
se ssion of the jury list antI hiatt looked up L
e very narno on it. Juilgo Siiiithi inquIred
v ery severely if this were not the ease.
J oirn Day SInIth admitted that tire ante. :
ce dents and characters of each ) man hail
b een looked up , but claimed that tire ( be.
b ane was prIvileged to take that course ,
T ire court atlillitted that ln'estlgatioll as tc I
c haracter and antecedents were adnllssabie
ba ut declared very emphatIcally that If II
a ppeared tlrat the defense or Its agellts lrad
ta lked 001111 tlre venirenten about the case
In an endeavor to ascertaiti their opinions
ti o court woulti hold the defense's attor.
n eys Iii contempt. Mr. Erwin had jusI -
c hallenged a venireman , tieclarhng that he S
ll ati talked over the case with a witness
w hem ho Couitl protluce as lately as lasI ,
S aturday. Jttdgo Slnltlt deciareJ that thaI
W itiless hllust ho produced and court was ad.
Jo tirned amid considerable subdued excite. :
m ent.
_ _ _
flats , cocicroacires , water bugs , etc. , Idilec I
w ith Steam's Electric l'asto ; 21c.
IIE.tVl' s.VotI's lx TItL lrEsr.
O verlrtncl Passenger Tre.In Itoported F1ftcr 1
JIourit Jlehi.ut Time.
SACRAMFNTO , Cal. , 3an. 21.-Anothei r
s torlu Is ragIng in thu mountains and , al .
t hough there is more snow on the grount I
t han there has been for live years , it 0. 9
r apidly growing deeper.
The 8torm began yesterday mrnlng am I
h as continued without ceasIng alt day. Th e
w Ind is howling through the mountaInS am II
t he snow is falling thicker and faster than a t
a ny time during the past twenty-four hours
O wing to the violence of the storm and 111 ;
p ossIbility of a tieup at any moment fl
m ore freight wIll be moved until tile stern
a bates. Passenger trains will ho kept may
I ng as long as possible. Tire snow is banke. . ;
a ir.tlgsIde the track In places nearly tllirt :
f eet , and tile rotary plows are begInntng t
w ork with difilculty In tirese places. Hun
d reds of men are einpioyetl in shoveling thi ;
s now so as to wIden the spaca between tb
b anks. As it Is now tim snow scrapes til
s ides of tile cars , anti as the plows can no
vork to advnntago tire shovelers work I
t Ies grading the banks.
The storm on tilO Sheets divisIon Is eque LI
t o if not great than that on the Trucice
d IvIsions. A number of enormous slide
t rove occurred between Dunslnuhr and Sissor
b ut it. 1 hoped the track will be cleare :
t oday.
North of Dunamubr there Is an enormou a
s lide which push plows are tryilrg to irandit 1.
A number of engines coupled together talc C
a tlylilg start of about a halt miles at till
b ank and are slowly forcing IL off tiltS trod C
I f tilero are no more big slides or drift
o il obstructions wIll be removed front tir :
t rack by morning anti the traIns wibI ho abl 0
t o go tllrougll , but as It. is strewing iicavii y
b etween Sisson alld Dunsniuir more slide is
a ro likely to occur.
SAN FRANCISCO , Jan. 21.-The storr n
i ras caused trouble witll railroad traffic ill tlr
mountaIns. Along thio Central Paciiic nil
on tue Sltasta dIvisIon of tire Southern Pacihl
the snow Is eo deep that trains are gc > 1
through wIth great ( IimCUity , No gcit
t rains are running , anti au the passenger an
express trains are behind tIme , This tnorz It
Iilgs overland was four hrotira late , anti tii IC
Oregon exress. : due here at 11 o'clock tlil Is
Inornillg , is fifteen itours belilirti time. Tli IC
Los Angeles expresa Is also late.
GtulTei ,
NIIV YOltlC , .
, Jan 2i.-COFVt7l7-Contrac
( } poilti ? firm at no advance of 10520 poInts ; sal. .
UP to noon , 6,250 lags , InciutlIn : January r ut
311.0.0. an aulvrinct' of 30 points ; 1.larcll , smi.40 : , LII
aiivance of 15 minlnts ; iuuiy , $14.20 , na nilvance I of
23 lialilta ; Septemlier. * 11.45 , tIn iulnnee of 20
l' ° l rIta , aol I a'ceniber , 5 I 4.0.041 1 4.53 , thin latter ii il
nilvnnce of 20 iiInta. At noon his niaihcet Wi i ,
itt lhro heat t.ollit. 'chic Improvement vvtia on II me
ihocitietl flhl'llnCt ! In ltrtyro and Ilarnliurg ealle
Itect-Ihita at ltto iiilt ( i4ailtos ore irloii.'littc , wlil
cicaritticca nuly Ii' rielleil llhieral b9' etcaineril ar fi
emeehi. . % Vareliuuso , hellvcrles lii tIm UnIt. .
Slates art , larger ; for tIn' wet-Ic , over 10,00) hag 5 ,
agahllst 6)001) ) I..igs last yeelc , uni (0,000 l.aiii in at
year. 81,141 , COOCcO , quiet hut hTml Ni. . . 7 , 1t1 , * 1 t
. > IOei 111gB eflIlill , OptIons OIWileIi fIrm ot 100.i
) tollits rnlt'iince , further oiivriiiccd 10 poiii hiIi
on foreign iiut'.ilflci' . i.rnhcc tinIer I
( lUilLttIOfl ( , aiiil cluitl Liniely steady
11110 puints ridtnneo for ihlatunt montI
. nnui unchiangeil In 5 poInts ilerlIil on lIe
months ; prilea , 15,000 lairs , Itichirtilag : Januni 1' ,
111.254111.50 : Iilarrhi , 814.254111 40 ; Stay , * 14.150014. ] 15 ;
June 91t'dO : August , * 14.49 ; l4elltl'mber. $14. ) I ,
NoeilrIer , $14.50 ; leceinlii-r. * 14.500011.55. SI
Itlo , dull ; No. 7 , $16 ; iiilitl. lltlIet Cortiae ii
SIS.2511l9,00 : soles , 1,000 bags .SiirIlus ; , spot , I 10
for the canoe ; 4,200 liars liuiiracall'o no.1 500 his
JltZflriIcll. u. S. ; 1,200 111111 $ Skiot. $1.31 , $2.1.T4121. :
( .00 mats lntelloi , stint , itt $15.10 ; watehiouse ci
lh'eriell ( attn New York. 11,139 bugs ; New Vuk
hua-Ic baby , 259,218 brigs ; 11111100 btilteil atoc k ,
229aO bugs ; total t'ishIile film tIle Unltr.l Stat. ns ,
515.0.60 lairs , aguhlst 0.31,5119 hogs last year.
9OAN'FOIl. Jan. 21.-FIrnI ; gcxiil average liant ,
314,50 ; recelt'tp ' , 11.600 Itags ; stock , 41600) I,1 ,
No , 7 , lIla , ISo ; offerIngs srnriII ; denied , Jnllurl
18 , 19.000 tiara.
liAiitIlLJIG. ) Jan. 21.-Hicud ) ' ; llricee , 15151 III rg ,
advance : sales. 22,000 bags ,
IIAVIti ) . JiLl ) . 2lOltofleul etc-any , )45lC )
t'an'0 irt noon , Irregultir , Yf aiiviiiice ; at 3 :
rn , 5Sf itIllInilce In % f ili-eline ; i1tse.1 . Irrc'gul ar
lit If ailviincc' : sales , 23,9)9 bags ; J.inunry , 90.2
Fefiruiry. 03.250' March , 143 2Sf ; April , 83.7Sf ; 2'I
53.7Sf ; June. jaIl' an.l Augtrbt. 110.7Sf ; Helitemli
3.7l Octotier , 80.5Sf ; November iinib 1)cccriit
' '
't1t'h ) JANIO1IIO , Jail. 21.-Firm ; No. 7 , II
$11.15 ; exciiange i03ti : itcelpts , 4,009 1.01
cIeAieil for the Ufllted States. none ; cit-trIal I toi
UuroIie , noite stuck , 1119,000 bags ; cleared , .li Ii ) '
uui-y 30. 113,000 bags.
811)1 IL lS't'lt lifT by icci.lent ,
OUAIALAJA1A. Mu. , Jan. 21-Fm Ilk
iT , Clarke , formerly a Well known comm Is.
sloim merchant of Chicago , but who for so : 110
time past brie been a resident of Mcxi. . 10 ,
lookIng after 1i18 extensive rnlflhllg PrOP ol
ties Iii tIle state of iurango , was killed
few days ago by an Anenlcau coinpani
. :
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - -
- -
_ - N
T. .
1114.1.14114 0.
1 -
na mal Lacey , with whom he was making the
eve rland trip from thla city to Masatlasm ,
Th e affair occurred In the mountains near
ths village of Tasou. Lacey gsve hImself
upVi to the Itithorities. lie claims that his
\Vi ncheater was accidentally cilacliorged , the
bul let passing tllrough Clarke's heati ,
.tIceIilrnt to the ( lvcrlnnil ,
c im ENNI' , Jan. 21.-Spectal ( Telegram , )
-T rain No 1 , the mornIng ; aseenger from
De nver which is due ilerO St 7:25 : , q de1atl
thr ee hours today on account of on accident
at Carr. a statIon seven miles 5011111 of Chey.
ern ie. The flange , of one of the wheels on the
ten der canie off , throwing tile trticks from
the track. The traIn was coming up a heavy
gra .lo ut the tlnie. Tile engineer brollght the
tra in to a stop before any of the coaches left
th e track.
Cl nitllq lievy ihIhIlitlIeS from Sie'mnI'nto
S AN IltAN'ISCO , .Tan. 21.-V. ' . li. Henry
be gan stIlt against the city of Sacramento
In tIle United States cIrcuIt colIrt today
fo r $363,255 dalnnges bectme of the city's
nil eged refusal to allow CoIltractors to lay
1)11 1Cc for water works Ill different lIrIrtil
of the cIty' Its l'leeilbetl III flu ngrcemnent
be tween lhie city and A. h. Fish ill SC1)
tel nbc'r , 15513. ThIs ngreenlent was ( ral)8
fe rretS by F tSit to Henry.
li y pllrchaslflg goods marie at the following
N ebraska factories , If you cannot finti what
YO ll want , COmllluflicate with the Illanutac-
tu ners as to WIlat dealers Ilantilo theIr goods :
i.iu ,' i\'n
M anufacturers of nil kinds of cotton & burlap
ba gs , cotton flour vncks & twine a spcinlty.
61 ' 16-619 13. ,
. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Manufacturers & deslcra L't 'cli kInds of brushes
0 51cc mInd factory 1019.31 8. 15(11 street.
A. S. Green , Mrtitrtger , Manufacturers of
br ushcs of alt kinds. 100 8. 13th at. , Omaha , Neb.
itIOI0.l1l't.i r Po-wi ) , FLOUR , YL'.IST.
liIaiufacturera of Preston's California Flakes.
Si elelo lmnnd , stit rntsing flour , Si yenaL Do you
us e Preston's Oebt & .ur7
J.iII.a l'tll'IRfl.
- -
M anufacturers of litre. ICcith' . Pure Baking
l' owder. Extracts & Self Ittslng lluci4wheat.
So ld by all grocers. 615 3. 13th at. Tel. 1809.
1ZtI'IUIflS. . ,
C ar toad shIpments made in our own refrIgerator
ca rs. Iflue Itibbon , Elite Export , \'fenna Export ,
an d Fondly Export. delivered to nit parts of city.
qj.UfIiI.lE .F.ICTOIfTJS ,
C arriage & Wagon Makers. Carrlvges , buggies.
ph aetons & wagons always on hand n.atie to
or der. 1313-15 Ilaraey st , , Omaha.
CO1".FEId , $1'JUES , 1I.IICING l't.IJI'IER. 4
Coffee Boasters , lOpIce GrInders , Manufacturers
C erman Baiting i'owder and Geriniut Dry IXop
Y east. 314.16 8. 12th street , Omaha.
PLO till ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
s , KG1L1AN.
Manufacturer of Gold Medal Flour.
C. 35. Black , Manager , Omaha.
M anufacturers of parlor furniture , lounges , dirt-
ln g tables & folding beds. 28th ave. , l.tycl to
S abler streets.
- -
Over one nrilllon dollars go out of Nebraska
e very year for no better Insurance than Is fur-
n lslied by Ills Union Life of Omaha , Agents
w anted In every town in Nebraska.
IWO .INI ) coi ; .
D omestIc & steam coal. We have the bent. Of-
fl ee 1601 Farnain-nt. Telephone : Office 373 , yard
1 766. .1. A. Doe , gen'l manager.
IRON 1101(101 ,
M anufacturIng repairIng of nil kinds of ma.
c irinery , emlglnea , Ilulnhls , elevators. printIng
p iesses. hiallgers , shaftIng & couplIngs. 1400-S
I loward st , , Omaha.
FIre llyilranta , water & gas pIpe , specials ; boiler
( loots & fittings , street Ily car wheels. Archt-
t ecturul iron woilra , OffIce 307 13. , Omaha.
M'f'r's of Arciiitecturitl Iron Work. aenemnI
F oundry , MachIne and lIlacIcaillithi ' . 'nrlc. En-
g iiieenii & Contractors for Fliehlroof llullnllngn ,
O iflce and Work ; U , P. Sly , & flu. 17(11 ( Street ,
O maha ,
,11I .V liP. I ( J'l' IJlt1.VU UIIIi'.hII. , ) LW.
Manufacturers of fluid extracts , elixlra , syrup ;
& wliies , compressed trlturates , iiypoieriala tab.
i , & scIentIfic rnedlr.aI noveltIes , Omrtila ,
Jul 't"J'IIIOS. ' $ 10.'S , Co ! l' . , Cit I 1t."l.
- Li : _ nthji ,
Manufacturer Mattresses , Spring Ileda ; Jobber
Featimels and I'Illaws. North 14th anti Nlciiolai
- - - - -
Z.'JGII'l' JP'.l'J'Ull , l'IflIO 14 lOll J'IOb. ,
Time only perfect protection to property , Exam.
lila It. heat thing on earth. Iteducea Insurance
rates. lIlt Dotrglrrset ,
( ) J'.itiC.lI.f.P..lUTOltuIitl.
MonutaCtulers lOt jobbers of this celebrated 5luk.
elcln tirrinul ihtirIs , o.antl . , overall. & duck cloth.
1l0l3-5 Iiarney'st. Factory UntiL Omaha.
Manufacturers of men's & l.oya clothing , pants
shirts & _ _ _ overalls. - _ _ _ 502.513 . - - II. - : llth'eI - , _ . _ _ _ _
- - - - - - - -
J'aSJ'JiIt 11X10.4
Manufnctureri of all kInds paper boxes , iheif
iioxeii , sstnplo cases. lilaIlIllg tube , . etc. wed.
ding cake & famicy candy boxes. druggIst & JeweIr7
boxes. 1109.10 , . Omalma.
. - ShIRT CO.
Exclusive cuitom dull taIlors.
1115 l'urnuin idreet. Telephone 903.
= - : - - - _ - - _ _ - : . : = - . = ? - - - . . ; _ = = . : . : _ _ _ . _ _ _
ri Tit I 1' ll11 P.1 VI.V0 IUUCIC.
Factory In LuusVhIl , ( ! mmss Co Quality of brick
guicInteed to be a , g000 tie aliy maa&EJISVUr4
outeldd of thIs elate. Ileiny ikllti.
- - -