- ' . . - : - - - - : - - -Tr----- ; , - - - - - = - . - . w , " - -r-- -r -T--7-T- w , - ' , TIlE O % [ AIIA D.AILY n ] l : 'rlTSD"\y ! ; , tJANtfAUY 22. 1805. n TIlE OMAIIA ! DAILY DEE. , COUNcn nJ ur'FS. ; , OFFICe , - NO. 12 PEAt STREET DtITr b1 carier to any p.rt ot te el , . b n. W. TILTON , L.es8ee. 'nI.ErnONESnullnul omce. No 4 : nigh . eItor . No. 23. .1/fUlt . 11RNT1O. . Grand hotel , Counci Duls , reopeol ( ] Oct 1. Mayne Real state agencr , 639 I3roadwaT. Jutge Thtrnel made 'an assignment 01 law easeR ycsterday In the dlstrlcl court ; A marriAge license waa Iuul ] yesterl1Y I to Albert Anderson aged 21 , and Leni ] lnlckman , agll 29. both ef Polawalalnle county. The ladles of the Rebekah Hele asoctaN ! ton " 1 meel nl Inllepentnl Order of Odd Peflows' portance hal this nlernoon for work of 1m. The tuneral ot John J. Armstrong wIlt i take place thIs afternoon al 2:30 : o'clock from I I the residence , 1009 HIgh street , H'v. Dr. , Phelps ometating. ! A night session of the dlstrlcl court was held lasl night for lie trial ot the clue of WIllIam A. Saunders agalnsl A. J. StephenThe eon , H. V. tunes Mil J. I. I'lumer. The lailel ot St. Ann's Aid socey will be In the hatcmenl of St Prancls XavIer's church Wednesday afternoon to recEIve ' . 'j1 - donatons of clothing 0111 provl6ons ; ! for the ; . poor. . Mrs. S. n , Wadsworth entertaIned a few of her friends ol I card party Saturlhy evenIng In hone of her netce MIss Mix or Ortgon , I" , ol her home on South EIghth street Martha , wife of WIlliam Dial , Iled at 'Vcston Sunday night nt 1 o'clock , aged 70 years. The funeral wi take place this afer- - noon al 1 o'clnel k . and the remains will be burlell In lazel Iel cemetery. wi lul City lodge No. 71 , Ancient Free . and Accepted : \Iasons will hold special com municaton this evenIng for work In the : . ful degree anti banquet. All Masons cor- Ilaly Invied to participate. J. D , Atkins , , secreta ry. John Neal , a vag with I bally mastcatell I countenance , was given ten days 1n jai yesterday - terday by Justice Cook. Ills two companIons , , William Raymond and John Roach. had I faces that were In hotter shape , and they only recelvell Seven days apIece. The city council wlU hold I meeting this ! evening , al which , I Is probable that Pmo action wilt be talien towarll oscertalalng the amount ot damages to be palll by the Omaha Bridge and Terminal company to the prcperty owners along Union avenue. The judiciary committee oC the city counci I ' has decided to report adversely to the settle - , ment oC the claim or the Citizens State bank' ' for I reduction or aSO3sment , and wi recommend - ommell that the city attorney ba Instructed to fight the case In the courts I ntcessary. . - Doug : lcI. land was arralgnt In Justce Cook's court yesterady on the charge or assaulting Addison Brldenbeclt In a row at Mergon's saloon Sunday afternoon . linden beck was In cvldence , and so were his two eyes each of them surrounded by a . purplish halo. McLeland was fne'o $1 0 anti Goats , all In default of the money was sent to the ' county jai to board out the fne. Georgo' Wiillainson . Ray Bxby and U. T. ; Dahl made a century bicycle run Sunda : They left here at 7 0. m. and rode to Iie I- sourl Valley In an hour and fifty t11t1mte e ffy . . . : . River Sioux forty-five miles away , was the ; objective point The return trip was made agaInst a strong head wind. To piece out the run to an even hundred miles they rode out to n Sunday school at Pony Creole aIls ir returning frem RIver Sioux : John Canary , who stole an overcoat tram Hayden l3ros. In' Omaha , was turned over to the ofcer from Omaha yesterday. George ' Pur ell , alas Drown. who was with Canary when he was selling the ' coat , failed to turn S S up In tme for court and his mother's $11 0 , which she put up for his appearance , was declared forfeited. Canary , I Is sold , was S given a thirty-day sentence In Omaha nol S long ago rOT stealing some dummies and the clothes they wore from In front oC n store Emi and Herman Schurz on one side and I S larry Inman on the other held a tallng soiree last evenIng In the office or the Inman hotel , which for n time threatened to turn Into a three-corered fisticuff . Inman tel the Schurz boye' . who were eating supper In his dining room , that they were making tea ' much noise , and the Schurz boys 1010wed him out to thC ofce anl , told him he had : wheel In his heath Just which was In tht right had not ben definitely decide when Inman pulled off and went to the poll ce otaton to talk the maier over with the a U- thonitles. _ _ _ _ _ 'S ' Wo have over $300.000 to loan upon Improved - proved Iowa rarms. Formers desiring loans can save money by dealing direct with u Ito , : - thereby saving agenl's commissIon. We do nol loan on wild lands nor In Nebrask Lugeo & Towle , 235 Pearl street. Trlulel In S Good second.hanl stoves of every < ie- mcniption . that have been traded In on Cot O'S Air Tights , for sale cheap. Cole & Cole , 41 Main atreet. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -r1 Domestc soap outlast cheap soap 'S J.FIS0X.I J'lIt.JGR.IZ'JIS. Mra. Nellie Moore Is slcl with scarlet fe\'er l her here , 250 South Seventh atreet. . ! rs. E. W. Drnl of Omaha was vialti leg her Council Duls Intends yesterday. . Fannie , the daughter or Mr. and : rs. " ' . .5 J. Davenport , Is sUIerlng from scarlst rer II her home , 109 I outh street. ' . S ; ; t Dennett , with the Adams Express COI' pony In Chicago , returned home last retured hOle cvi en - IF log , alter an o\'er-Sunday visit vitls \ his ' : L mother in this city. " .lh A report from the bedside of llrs : E. A. Troutman yesterday was to the' effect that , , Iho was no better and no worse. She Is In t , n very critical condition. A. V. ' . Ekwlh returell ) yesterday Ic oils ; Ohl.ago , where he renewed old acquaintance wiLls Waiter Halelgh Vaughn over a I < eg S of nails , Mr. Vnughn stIll 1 iel } nals lr. sll sports a card In- forming the iublio that he " ho ' , IJblo 10 was 'Ma yor ot CouncIl ) ull. 10. , five years , " "la'or editor and Publisher of the Chicago Dcmo- crest , the olclal organ ot the anl.Amerlcan - _ ? Protective association. The typo \\01 seized on a writ or attachiiient f 1 aUachmtnt n few days ago . I Dr. PrIco' Daklng Iowller makes the S nest rood because It's fDesl , absolutely pure Crlli Jury ludlcts Icvlrnl , The grantl jury lade n partal report ) 'es- , terday , returning several Indictments , ii los p : ' ' 108t Of which , howcver , are Dot yet la"e iuL die , owing to the fact that the accused are nol In ousted ) ' . John Morris , who stole nu Out br. shirl rrom M. Marcus was charged v ilib larceny train n building . and the same intl let. snout standi against Toni Keley and Prank J.lbbey , who stole some underwear from John Jeno & Co , lIoomingtonVood and his Ito brother , Thomas U. Wood , who broke Into a school house In Neola townshlll w bile on a tramp und stayed there all nlgbt , were 4 turned loose by lice grand jury. John I marile , who elect at his Cattier .in . law , W. K lumes . and was himself tatler.ln. two loads oC buckshot by ) ainee' son , was indicted for assault wiLls lutenl 10 coin great bodily Injury , and was arrested dui ring S tbo afternoon . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 11& " Your Mousy . Dy investing In the stock of Lice Savii rigs , \ Loan and nulhlnK associatIon ot Cou nell Bluffs. Incorporated In Counci . . 187. Monthly payments i - monte of $1.00 11er share , netting the In\'utor S about 10 per cent Interest Ten serIes 01. ready paid out , which fully demoDstrates , the ability of the association to mature Its Itoclt in about . ls II seventy.fivo seventy.fvo monthly pay- ment. No loans incite outsIde or Coo 'neil ' I )3lutTs . and oil applcatona Counci S paned upon by n majority ot the heart of directors , Good loans wanted Full InrQrma , S ton CAn be obtained al Lice olee of I ) . W. ' , Otis . secretary , 10 Main street , or any ot the ' ' folowln ! dlrcctou : 11. " ' . Huolon , Fe rank ' r' Grass . John Urown. A. S , liaseiton . U. C. Deebe , A. 11. Walker E. E. flail , F. C. S _ Louee . S. S. J.enart. Try Eagle laundry ; 'z liroudway ( , for bond work Our ' medium cloln fn:6h : can'l bl S beat blt . wo 10 strictly hand work , domesUc Illsb. when preferred. Telephone 151. S Davis sells drugs , _ ! anti cia. c leap , nlcaUa SOIP brcas hard watsr ' . . , S. S NEWS \ FROM COUNCIL BtUFFS ' Rev , O. N , Armstrong n lcloc from U1 Eng.emgnt with the Sccnd Ohurob RESULT OF A ROW IN THE CONGREGATION : I're slytcry Henr the Uotnl8 of the Trouble n "I Iccdrl the Mnter "Rtstnctorl ) to Cloth Ihle8-rnutron ! Uue ns n Missionary tu Utnh. There was a meeting ot the presbytery Yelterday aernon al the Second Presby- t rlan church for the purpCo of adjusting the difficulties between the pastor , Hev. C. N , Armstrong and his flock. A9 already stated In these columns the relations have bee n somewhat strained for several months pas t. Mr. Armstrong has been here only a year , but In that time the bonds ot olec- ton have nol grown particularly firm. In ract t , the congregation dwindled until a mere handful , and sometimes nol even that , wouhl bo present al the Sunday servlcM The church , weakened . numerically and finan- caly , ralell to pay the Iastor's ; salary , and fnaly a 11etton was circulated among the church members asking the presbytery to aSfmblo and dlssolvo the pastoral rtlatons , This petition mel with a hot fight from the pastor , who at the close of n Sunday mor- Ing service about four weeks ago , tool occasion - sion to read the riot act In vigorous terms to his unfaithful co-laborers. Beore the theI mttng was over , however the pastor ww I pre vailed upn to unite with the petItioners I In their request for on Investigation. This I inv estigation was made yesterday. The meeting was presided over by IteV A. I Fraser of Atlantic . and Hev. J. I. Carpenter of Shelby acted as clerk. Beslles I these were preDent Rev. W. H. Snyder of t MissourI Valley , 11ev. Johul Iale or Logan , HeB. . C. Swank at Marne . Hev. E. M. I.andls of Avoca , 11ev. Stephen Phelps of the First church of this city , and 11ev C. N . Armstrong or the Seccnd church. J. II . I. Westcott and D. n , Huston represented the eld ers of the First eli Second churches or Counci fluffs , respectively. Doth had changt their pugnacious attitudes or , a row wceks ago , and the meeting was much more peaoerul than was expected. There was a thorough examination made or the church tro uble . anti at the cncluslon Il was decided - cided by a unanimous vote that the pastoral I relatons should be dissolved. There was quite I discussion with refer ence to the . pay Mr. Armstrong Insistng t on being paid up to the let or ! 'ebrary , and the church representatives wan lng him cut oft with the let of January. After I warm debate , Il was decided that as the church had won In one part of the fight , the pastor should be allowed to win In the other. Mi . . Armslrong's services will close with Feb ruary 1 , and the church wl pay him all the al back salary due hIm up to that time. He wi g next week to Utah sent a9 a mls- ; si Iunary b ) the American Presbyterian Boar or Home Missions , and w1 have charge at the churches at Gunnison and Sauna , wit 11 Salna wih his residence at the later place. JUSTICt1 N WAS TOO SUDDEN. Ullries Ierne , 8u5"cclel of lsurglar3 P , Turnl'd Loo.o , nnd Skips % Onto _ ) Charles Kerns Is once more snifng the , ho real breezes of freedom In sonic unlmown quarter , and the police have just succeeded , II locating a witness who might have sent him across the state. Kerns was arrested several days ago on a charge oC vagrancy , that charge being pro , - terred agalnsl him by the officers to hold him unl they could investigate a more serious a ccusatIon. JustIce Vlen , who happened to I be holding police court the next mornin g . discharged him and gave the police a lecture - ture on the subject of arrestng people on general principles. Ofcer Murphy was standing outside the jail \ \vaIUng- r ken 58 a fter crt and : , as soon as he appeared arrested - rested him again , placing the charge oC i valraney against him Enough evidence had been collected to in ale I appear that Kerns was connected with the burglary of N. P. Conant's jewelry store on Christmas day and the theft of bout $ l,5O0 worth of jowelry. There was aie witness , John Wells by name , whom the ofcers were nol able to locate until yestt r- , d ay. In the . morning Kerns was brought L e- f ere Justice Vlen for aD e x- nmilaton , and asVells was nol on hand the court discharged him. A little later Wels turned 111 , but Kerns , Il Is sold , lost no time In making tracks tor I Nebraska soil. The story the police tel Is that on Christmas - mas night shortly after the rObbery took place Iers , with two men named ICe Ily anll Cr.lvrotl , called al Wells' house all Rsked permission to "planl" a lot oC jewelry and valuables ther lie saw the at' ' taft and was able to glvo a good description of I i t , so that the police arc convinced LI eat these t three len are the ones who robbed Conant's place Wels refused to let them leave l Il there , for some reason or other , al1 ; ts t hey wenl away. Kelly and Crawford have since been convicted or highway robbery In Omaha , and Kerns' reputation Is that at a prorerlonal crook , ha"ng ! been repeatedly mixed m up In crimes or different sorts 'fhe authorities tool Wels before the grand Jury yesterday arid hall hIm tel his story , nit 1 whether or not an IndIctment Is returned , there Is nol much probability ot Kerns' comIng : lug back to have a warrant served on him When asked for his side 0 [ the 6ory , J us- ties Vlen said : "The police hadn'l located their allan Wels , and could not tell , me when they would There being no evidence agai nat the fellow . I dIscharged , him , just as any court would have done " just Dr. Price's Is the rOlemosl baking powder In all the world , because Il's absolutely pt Ire . \ Ilttute I' Uorcntt The Central Labor sudan spent Sunday afternoon electing the rOlowlng ofcer for the current haIr year : President , John II tin- led I or the Typographical union : vice icr esi- dent , J , U , O'Hearn of the Switclinic in's unlol : recording secretary , A. SicarIce' or the Switchmen's union : financial secretary , T. F. Callahan of the A. H. U. : treasurer , Cc wry Heed of the Knights of Labor . Labr : sergeant - arms , James l.alerty ot Lice Inlhts ot I.abor. Executive board , Ell Aspinwal , , Cigar makers : Franl Simmons 'rypographlcal : Carry Heed , Inlghtl of Labor : J. W Ja. eels , Swichmen : John SChererly , Barb ens. Organization co nun I ee' , Ell ASlllnwal , J. II. O'Jear John Schefterly . John Ilul < el , ' ' F. Callahan , Boycott committee , O'Her lntz , "rlpst ! , l.alert . anti Simmons , After the mcetng the bocot committee held a in eeL- lug and discussed the advisability of maLl tot , ' lug a ho'co.tt ) against all estnblshments In the city ellloylng non.ttnion labor. A folder cOltutllng th nausea of such establishmi outs will be prlnled mOlthly and circulated among the members of the union and their fnle ne1 , whu wi , Il Is claimed , do all their trading elsewhere _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ C. 0 , I' . IlOWS IS ' ' 'OCIUSO 10TTIUI Vicar out If I'rlee. This Week . 32 pounds New Orleans sugar for 'I , 21 puunl18 extra 0 .ugar for 1 , and i 25 pounds line granulated sugar $ U. An is "oullI pal pure fruit jelly , 36e : l4 galen pal Golden Urll syrup for 4e , And n one Ilound can of I'rlco's Baking Powder for 40e. Fresh country eggs at ISo a dozen , and the finest coulty butter , made In Iotawalamle. county , for ISo I IOuIII. Remember We la\'e you 25 I'er CLOt on anything you want 10 buy. lIltOWN'S C. O. D. S Jrleo Jeti M Uhurco A. A. U'bee , who lived awhile ago In this city , but now II In Crescent township , twt\'e miles north ot Council Bluffs. , told a story ot domestic trial to Judge Thornel yci cten- day afternoon In the district curt In order to get a Ilwrce tram Julia A. Uybee. 5ev' er.lt years ago I ppears ) . Michel Slevel. anl wire lived here and kept the Central hOU51 , a slll hotel at the corner of lryalt , and Vine streets , Stevens antI tots wife did not get t aJonl 'ery well , and I divorce at It ended In their $ separation. After about two mOlthl Irbco married : u. Stevecue and tn'y lived together sixteen months whtn they , too belal to have trouble . : r. Dbee finally came tu the conclusion that ler , . S S first husband was the best , she had ever bad , and she pIcked up her belongings and went back to her deserted hearthstone 10 ofclote In the t capacity of housekeeper for her grass widowed nail dlvorcell husband 'n ' Mills cOlnt" , Son she came back to Dybee. he says , and wanted to return , but Dbee had ben getting along frl rate without ) her anti would nol listen to her proposition . She wen t back to Stevens , anti has ben living wIth him anti their three children ever since A 9.months-old Dbee baby Is also with the m . After hearing the story , JUdge The rnebb decided to grant the divorce , as the woman made no defense , but he allowed her to keep the chili ) . Snrllnt Is l Through . Invoicing Ant Is ready to begin his January solo to make room for spring goods. Remember , Sar gent has only two special sales n year- Jan uary eli Jul' . The fact Is 60c on the dollar sales In the shoe business every month admits fake ad- vcr ttsing . which we never do Yon have seen Sargent's business grow year after year , until we hear people say , " \V eil . It you are not busy , we know there Is no business , " The reason I that we never sell a poor shoe for n good one : never sell $3,00 shoes for $5.00 ; never sell ne\er cheapest rubbers and arctcs ror _ the best , but give you all wo can for the price. Sargenl has always done lots of business 01 his special s les , for they don't como often md they one always business I teinember we 'shall do little advertising Hemembr wo'shal 1110 ad\ertslng on this sale , but shall make the prices sell the pries sel goods , sAI1OENT The Shoe Man . Mclonl Hoard. The s heel board held its monthly meeting ! lao t evening . with President Field and Member - her s Thomas , Snyder , Drldensteln and Fonda present The city engineer preentt his estimate of the amount of work that would have to b3 done to brIng the High school grounds tea I a lower grade. To slope from Lice S gr ade ot 1Igh Scl1001 avenue on 1 5 per cent grade lne to a point forty feet south of the present school building , then on 1 level ; south 135 : feet , tram the center of the build - Ing east and west the ground to elope buid- I I per cent grade , would require the removal I of 70,000 cubic yards of earth To grade on I lho same plan tram I point ten feet bebuu the cub Ino on Hgh Schol avenue wOlhl bluw re quire the removal of requlrl 100,000 cubic yards The cost ot thIs was uncertain. I the can tracl should be let tomorrow I could be taken out at I ccst or from 5 cenl to 7 cents ! ; per yard , there Is so little demand for labor no w. PrIces have heretofore ranged all the way up to 1 cents I yard In either plan ; 10 ,000 yards could bo wasted In the Iligi C 1gh sc heel grounds on' the Gen a\enuo side Only 5,000 yards could bt used In bringing the Fifteenth school up to grade , so that this would cut . but little figure. The coin - municaton wa9.placd on file. Chairman Fonda. oC the Fonda supplC committe' ' a reportc thal ho had purchased forty new ch airs. "Superlntendenl Sawyer reported that durIng - Ing December there were 1.948 boys and 2 , 035 girls enrolled , a total of 3,983. The enrolment for January , he sid , would Tba considerably larger. The night school 11 ' [ 7 an enrclment of ffy""even and was pro < , easing nicely. ' The superintendent oslt that some dec- 'I sion be arrived al with reference to the breakage of apparatus In the chemical laboratory In the HIgh 8chool. A motion to quire I deposit of $1 from cacti pupIl as a security , to be refunded In case there was no breakage , was carried Scsrgftnt's 8"cclai nle of Shoe . Wo shal nol spend much money adver- tsing this sale , but will give our customer S the benefit . Remember this Is a cut of everything In the store-not 50 per cenl die I- co unt. Wo would not want people to know we were makIng 50 per cent profit. All of our $5,00 ladlcs' shoes during this sale will be $ 3.75 ; we have had the hIghest grade of gods sold In the city for that price You can buy n splendid shoe for I maD In I this sale for $1.00 ; you can buy a ladles' fne shoo for $1.00 , patent tip , etc. ; you can buy shoes cheap. Look In our windows ror prices , Sargenl was always the lowest In i price aDd will always be. SARGENT 43 Droadwuy. Gas cooking stoves for rent and for sala al aas Co.s offlco. . The laundries use Domestic soap. Hearing for Crafon and howard Today. I Crafon and Howard , suspecte of stealng I J . W . Wambold's diamond , were arraigned berore Justice Colt yesterday afternoo Crafon retained G. H. Gable as his a t- torey , but Howard refused to follow suit. announcing that he was a good enough at- L torey to look out for himself. Doth wanted an Immediate trial , but as the wtneeses ror I tht state were not on band the case w's contnued until this morning at ! o'clocl Ic. One difculy In the way at tic authorite will be to prove that the theft , If Il tok place al al was committed In Pottawatt a- mlo count ) Al they know Is that ' eld est l his diamond fomewhere between Icc re a nd St. Joseph , but this Jntormalon Is not explicit court jurisdiction. enough tu give the Council Durs Go to the other shoe sates see what you ' can do , then come to me. I will sell you your shoes , for my sale Is to sell the stuff Cor I cash. _ _ _ _ _ SARGENT. Music al the Grand hotel Thursdays , ns welt as Sundays , al the dinner hour , 6 to t 8 o'clock Washerwomen use Domestic soap. Avocl 1111 Ilsal" . Deputy Sheri John P. Stuhr Came In from Avocn yesterday with SChuyler Sweeny In charge. Swcny woe taken Insane last Feb- ruary and after an examination by the commissioners - missioners was ordered token to the dane cola hospItal for treatment The hospital author- iies discharged him last June , but shorly , ; after lIe was token with symptoms of 1/ sanity once more , which have constnnly been growing worse. Ito Is not vIolent , but 1 his talk Is such as to show that his mind Is entirely unbalanced. The commissioners ex- amlne him again yesterday , and once more ordered him to Clarinda. _ _ _ . _ _ _ S , Every other Is weakened by aduleraton , , Dr Prlec's Cream linking Powder only on.is absolutely Imre. . iri.eiiie FJItRU.IST. : - 1'111 anti \Vlrmer wIth " 'elterlyVluds for Nelirct.kc. . WASHINGTON , Jan 21.-The forecast for Tuesday iso : For Nebraska , Kanms anti COlorato-I alr ; WII'mer : westerly winds. For Missouri and Iowa-Fair : westerly winds. For South Ualtota-Folr ; warmer : vat rift- ble winds. .ocnl neeorlt. OFFICE O THE WEATHER nUHEAU , OMAHA , , .lafl 21.0111rcant oC ii em- I'rture and rainfall , compared wiLls the corresponding day oC the Plst four yes cccl : 1895. 1891. 28)3. 1 892. Maximum tempercittire. . . 31 s 36 3 Ilnlmum tecnperattlre. . . , 1 2 16 15 Average teunperuture. . . . : 17 26 24 I'reclplaton . . . . . . . . . .0 .T .0 .0 , Condiion of temperature ant ) precip Ito- lon nt Omaha for the day und 81nco Mu rob I , 1891 : Normal temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . , 16 . ixcess for the day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Normal precilsitntion . , . . . . , , , , , , precipitaton . . . . . . .02ln i h ' Delllency tor the day . . . . . . .02 Inch I Total precipitation slneo March 1 6.07 Inches Delclenc ) ' since March 1. . . . 16.0 Inchel ; Ucports from Other StatIon , I" t I' . a . ItntonJ - - - _ I _ _ 11. , i . : a , ! SUTIO S. ' i STATS or .oa B - " : i WEATIcI ccl. _ _ _ : a "i r - - - Omah/ . . . . . . . . 28 31 , OU Clear. - - - NorticPZtstt . . . . 28 .e'j .ou C.ar. . Valelln. . . . . . :1 : ) : . ( ( Clear. Ciutcaito . . . . , . . . 2(1 : : . ( Sceowini . . 81. Louis . . . . . . . :1 IU .03 Clean . St. 1'11. . . . . . . t 22 .14 Clenr. Da \"nporl. . . . . . 22 :2 .04 Cloudy . Konaai City . , . , . .R 3U .uu Condy. . . Denver. . . . . . . .U 41 .UO ( le In . . Sail Lake Ctty . . , . 8'2 014 .OU l'arl cloud ' : Clr. : tttiy. : I ) Raplolcity . . . . . 3U me .00 Clean . . . . . . . . . . . . . : l lelma. . . . . . lU 2 .OU Ciur . Uhlulr : . . . , . . . . . , ; : .00 Cc1r. ; . SI. Vincent . . . , . ' 1 U .tui Clear. Che.nu ! . . . . . . . : tu 31 .ou Clear . : Nie" Clr. , . . . . . 11 t'8 .UU Clur. Cleur . . . . . . . . . . :8 I Cclr. Gi.rdtun. - . : . . . . . Oil 70 .lOtttlear. , -.t \ - fll\v zero. " ' ' 'lnllclc8 tracts of JI'lllalou. L A. WILLSII . Ob6rvcr FINE LMV POINTSANVOLVED - I\ Draining of au Iowa Lake P vok\s Intorwhic oting Litigation , - ) :31 : SQUATERS TAKE POSSESSION AT ONC Law yers Advise Them , ReclaImed thnt" , r JeelnlmCl Lall lelonll to the Uniteet states anti Is BnlJeet to 10mo. Relli Entry. .11 _ ' 1'1 1"11 , " FORT DODGE In , Jan , 21.-Speclai Tel egrain.-Ono ot the most 'mportanl business - ness enterprises In recent years In this part of Iowa has been the reclaiming of Owl Ilko Humbldt county , 'from a bake slough to tlablo t land , I contains over 1.000 acres of land , and by means of atean1 dredge anti a < itch several miles long IL has been made dry land. George It. Iearsons or Fort Dodge carried on the work and received I dec o ) from lumboldl county . Several years ant i a large amount of money was expendell Now , by advice ot attorneys , a lot of squat'M ter have settled on the land , claiming that as Owl lake was I meandered body , f water Il belongs to the United States , and Its bed Is subject to homestead , enlry I Iromlses to be on Important ali Interesting case I Is the opinion of some good lawyers that the owners ot the adjacent lands will have riparian rights , but that the squatters can gel no title. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DES IJUINI S' SENSATIO2. ( . Inv tlntln Expected to 10elo80mo Startling ! 'acls Ida to CorrultOI. DES MOINES , Jan. 21-Slleclal ( Tele- gram-Tho ) suspension of Chief oC Police ! Polce Johnson and others by layer Ills Is stilt i att racting much attention anti oUraclng aUenton promises to I lead to sensatonal devebopenents The SIS' pended men say there will be an Investga- ton If there Ie any way of getting one They apple to the city council tile evening ; to leave an investigation 3tartetl. The grand I jury will be called tcgether again Il Is I claimed , to sift LIce mater to the bottom In the meantime ofcers will be dispatched I to Ol < ahoma to bring back and secure the testmony of a noted Des Moines gambler anI to Chicago to try and induce lanager : Davl6 of the Capital City DrIving Ilark II testf ) to the methods alleged to have been used t compel him to "cough up" $1,000 as ! I condition precedent to permitting Lice wheel at fortune to roll during the October ra ces . There arc other charges that wi mal < o very interesting reading. One concer aleges that a demand was made by an oil ) . clal for the payment or $200 before he would ; consenl to perform an ofcial act , and an . ot her relates to boodle to the extent or $700 ; alege to have been paid by a certain gambler rcr supposed protection. ( ItEA' V.\tET\ WEATCIEII. Codnr Ilelpiul . 1.1S a Inlu810rm , r and tghtnlaJ and SiOAltoJ"thtr. . CEDAR RAPIDS , la" , Jan. 21-Speclal ( Telegram.-There ) has been .greal variety : of weather here In the paJt twent-rour I'r ho urs. All day yestcrdaylthore was a 11 cavy fo g . followed last night "b ) i heavy rain storm , accompanied by thunder and tight - nl ng. Early this mornhcg tub rain turned to sleet and later to snow. ' ' I ( lgh wind has prevaied all day and business o ! . nit kinds has been almost ol a standstill , cis ' , travel oC al kinds has been almost lmpotible. Stock In the country viil suffer theyety. wi suIer seye'rtly. OTTUMW . la" , Jan. l. . 'rhe thermom- ettr In the last twenty-coon iours 'l ! droPPCl 49 degrees. I was 65 a bYe 'resterday and 16 below today. A howl g le Is blowing , and It Is growing colder : ' 1 lcero Is some sno\l. , , , WAS ONCE SIOUX . PRIDE. VIT'.S 'i " , .J PRIDE Executol Issued fot'thudSch'ot the Rapid ' f. . : Transit Eievhtlcd LI le. , SIOUX CITY . Jan. 2l-Spebla % Telegram . ) - The district court Issuel\ an executon toay t for the ale cf the Sioux City Rapid Trasit company's elcvated railroad. The road Is subject to $300,000 df bonds and nearly $100,000 of other liens. I was buit tour year ago when the city was booming , and was designed to connect with the city on east side suburb. I was Vie third elevated road In operation In the ceunI I tr. and was LIce pride of the town I has I never more than paid operating expenses - ponses , for the suburb stopped developing as soon as the road was built. The ICing Bridge company owns most or the bonds , and will buy In and operate the road , wi _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Supreme Coosr5 : Deci.Ion. DES MONES , Jan. 21.-Special ( Polo- gram.-The ) folLowing supreme court de- ciions were fed today : 'Wind & Co. , appellant - pelant , against ler & Co. . Peter E. ler and Joseph D. ler , Mils distrIct , affirmed ; Adalne Dwlnnel against J. Ii. McKibben , appelant , Marshal district , afrm d : Iowa City against Johnson County ap- pelant , Johnson district , affirmed : Rhoades , Carmoan & Co. . nl- pelants , against E. E. Leach and Id. H. Giet , Franklin district , 'reversed ; Peter S. Robertson , appellant , against John Stuhl- miller el al , Dacl < hawk district , reversed - versed : J. W. Naylor and J. W. Naylor against F. L. Butcher , appellant , Calhoun dIstrict , reversed. S held VI' the Otis 'Jompau DES MOINES , Jan. 21-Speclal ( Tele- gram.-A 6ens toI was prung this evenIng - Ing In connection with the pending gas onulinance. A weekly paper has been fighting the company , anti Il Is alleged thal It was paid $1,000 to keep still , The agent admits paying tine money and says he refused to pay lore , hence the exposure. He claims to have been blackmailed by the editors. hits of JOWl NuwI. Volney A. Dubel of Sheldon took five ounces of laudanum with suicidal Intent. Ho lIves ) torty.olght hours after taking the plo- son. Whisky dId it. While boring wells In the vicinity ot Oel- vein or late , chunks have been brought to the surface that resembled coal. I Is tin belief that large beds or coal underlie the city , aced a strong company has been organIzed - Ized and prospecting whit bo commenced at once. hero Is a prospect for LIce location or an Episcopal college In the state of lawn similar to the I'arlbault school In Minnesota. I will be a mltary ' school Ilder the care or the Episcopal church at the state The can- didates for its location are Mason City and Nassau. Mason City offers five acres ot land and $20,000 In money : Dubuque splrlualsts do worked up over the exposure by an evenlp paper that C. E. Winans , 1 medium who , hf been gh'lng a series of startling mnteriaJng seance 'In that city , Is the identical mup' ot the same name arrested at StrawUerr ' for arrelled PoInt imposture - posture In 865 , ald tat the photograph taken of the ( later arter' iclc1 arrest bears a strong likeness to the IsceittIun ' now operating . 011eralng there. ' ; - . Everwhere and always anllyses prove Dr. Prlce's Poking Powder * 'absolutely I , pure. BOOTHS FOR A IthSPITAL , , . l'lnn tn Oct uartrr' -1 ) \Ifro Contagious Ullelun ; 11" Ip.rted ; The Board or health J bell a short and harmonious meeting rester r' afernoon , A resolute was Introduced by health Com. missioner Savie rellUestn the mayor and council to allow the board to place four ot the unused elcton bOlhs on a portion of the per farm grounds , wber cases ot In. rectoU diseases , ueb ds smallpox or scarlet fever , could be Isolated and cared ( or . 'he county commissioners have signified their willingness to give D IJrton of lbs grounds ar the erection DC a hospital or temlJrary Ilu rtfrs. The resolution was amended 80 ai to Irovlde for the placing ot Ilx bothl , and as amended was pal < . . AI sn expernl.nt ; to test the curative qual- ities of ant.texlne , Hr , Sa\'le was . authorIzed - Ized to purchase four doses 01 the serum , at $5 a dose , wth ; which to treal a child afflicted with malignant diphtictsriu. City ' ' l'hYllclan 'owno stated that by the use of I the renedy deaths ] from this dl eRs ( which usualy occur In nine cases out of tn , have been decreased fully one-halt . As the hEn dcreMr tuly one-hal. Al first qunntly of the serum arrived In the city last Saturday this wilt b the frt case In which Il will b tried Meat inspector Frank 'I granted five days ' leave of absence . FROM SOUTh OMAHA Man ager flisbeockontice Uom\ of nt. Mieoltn to \\alhlnton , M c . W. N. Babcock . manager of the Union Stock Yards , company , Ices returned tram Was hington , where he went al a member of a com mittee appointed by the National Live Steck exchange to Induce congress to To'n duce the tax on oleomargarine and all oleo proucts : also to endeavor to have congress take some steps toward raising the embargo placed by the German government upon AmericAn meats. : lr. Babcock sal yester- day that the talk In V'asIoington was to the elect that the Germans were retaliating becuse the Wison bill raised the duty on sug ar. In order to conciliate the German : government Mr. Wilson lead ( Intouc a bill in the house at representatives , reducing the taif on sugar and those interested In the live stock business thought thal If th1 , " bill became a law the Germans would raise the embargo on American meats . lanager Dabccck stated that he was satis- Mis- noel that l'hl Armour Intended to build a packing house hero sonic Lucia during the pre sent year. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . City Council I'rocoeilng. , . \ Vatters' ordinance for txlng nickel-in-the- slot machines failed of passage by the city counci lasl evening. Counciman Bulks introduced I resolution . which Was passed , thanking Congressman Me rcer for his slecesstul efforts to , procure an appropriation of $100,000 for a public build- Ing In South Omaha. Counciman Walers made I motion that thc counciL request Unite States Senators Alen anti lallerson to use their best endeavors to gel the bill throuh the senate. No site for the government buiding has as yet been selected , but I Is stated by Mr. Dula that ! hl two sites most tavorably mentonell are ol Twenty.ffh amI 1 streets and Twenty-third anti l streets : Ir. Uula suggested that a committee he oppolntt to communicate wiLls Phi D. Ar- mour regarding thl eslablshmcnt at a pac - Ing hOlse In South Omnlcci Messrs. hulls , lels and H'an werl"appolntCI as a concinit' tee to confer with Mr. Armour. Magic < ) . Oonlp. lIce Ladles' Aid society ot the Presby' ten ian church wilt give an entertainment at th e church Saturday evening consistng of Im personations by Cjayton D. Gilbert , a graduate ! - uato or the Manning School or Oratory of 1Innopols , The citizens were pleased yesterday afer- noon by the receIpt of I bulletin announclci that a bill appropriating $100,000 announcng lie building has passed the house of repretent- atves ansi would go to the senate within a tew days. Mary Anderson , Thirtieth and T streets , has been arrested ror whipping Lice little Ion or 010 Schulz. The trolble grew out of a quarrel between some . children. S I , - Economy Is practiced by usIng Dr. Prlce's Daklng Powder , because U's absolutely pure ! . Coining to Ilnrlluto Ild , NEW YanK , Jan. 2i.-Loecis KbopCCIi I started from New York for Lincoln , Neb. , I where he wi operate with the State Helef IS commlsson In releving the destitute rarm- leslute lrs II the western counties or that slale , , D r. Klopsch wilt consul relatve to the llA- : trlbuton among Iuterers oC a flnll of over $15,0. ; contributed through his jottrnal the Christan Herald , anti about twenty cam : lo ads of coal , clothing and suppiies. Dr Klopsch Is confident that the relief Drt placed In his hands for distribution In this 0 worlt wi reach $2,0 part oC which wi thisI I le sent to the drouth-slrlcken counties oC h ansas. . - countes LyndorsI l'rohably Do Indicted MOUNT STERLING , ICy . Jun. 2l.-There Is I large crowd In the city , but eveT.thlng Is quiet. JUdge Cooper of the circuit t w Ill deliver his charge to the grand jury this afternoon. There are no troops here ' , nor have any been asked for No trouble , Is expected , anti 'the lyncher of Blair 'vii I probably be Indicted. wi i . WHY THE _ PEOPLE COMEI ' ' IlIPRESSED I BY THF POWERFUL EVIDENCE. _ They Ileni' of Cures or Arc Brought In by 01hcl'5 'Vio have 1101 Cured " 'ceJd Budget of IIiIbl'IIlfltIoli rOl' the Sick , There was nn old German lady In the consulaton rooms of Du. Copelall and Shepard n few days ago. She snide "I want y "OU to treat becAuse ' who me a young Ian , Is 1 neighbor ot mine , saM he cale to you when he was nothing but skin anti bone anll y otc cured him , lIe's n big healthy follow now and hO'B always talking about you. " A young lady from Sherman a\'enlo. afer . describing her S.tpt01S In a severe bronchial Call , sid : "I should never leave thoughl of coming to you I It hall not been that Miss - , n friend of ictitco . Is one of y our patients. She thinks highly or your treatnenl amid told mo to bo SUIO to go to " Y OU . A well known lawyer called last week Introucing i I lady 'loctor " he said , "This Is I n relative ot mlno. See whal you cats door ror Imer. . " The lawyer was coined sonic mouths ago of catarrh or the slomach by , Dre. Copcland anti Shepnrd There Is mON In this Linen wouM opprar to the < a.lnl rnller. 1 means that the week "f ! r. . enlolnn,1 l and hol'nrll I. thlnUIKh and coclentlitOl : lint their I'nlelll ( trust nn,1 .os\ect I \ 9clcnllc : ; their t mlhl % nnll cllcl\'e treatment 19 cristeftet tn Ihoso Iho ha\'l "lle.1 CRud thc severe onettuoul. l'melee,1 II issaccy " 11celalsts ; Clued their rklll I aa SiC , ability ore recognized , nnl that tile ) ' .kl II I nnl keel lice InlMnec "f their matlenle. ii t monns that established , .IH.lhl" . mon who I 1"'lmlllo,1 o h ) ' plplo whol ( lucy have Itcn\,1 I are nlln's tn ho Ircferred 10 un\'olcho".rnr amid I untrle" Rtrngors : Cleat Ronuluo solcnlle Iotk In I Lice 0110 I. bet ter ( huh the led scrlnelecate ,1 ' II'n.lnR of "reenedles" tin " Inliserlminate , fonnula that has been hitched II cooeccewhet'e. TIlE CMit Ul - tiO'tili'li ; lcUII.N 5hol8Vhat Can Uo Bout , for Sufferers from \Jlrl\'atcd I'orm of COlsttutonl : ! Clllrrh I , The case of Jo.eph Mciirc'es ' slcosts what can IcIrc'n shol8 be lone for seefteo'ene , f'O ni aggravated form I of eonsllllol 1 cII/rrh ! : . . - ' I I ' ' . . " , ; . , J Joseph McUreln , , ant Cutter ittrcet " 1 am nIl right now , " enhl Mr. Mclirein , who I. nn emplo'o nt I'arrol'l relne , ' , and lives at the nbove number. " . toad poison all thruJh mo until knew eec ) ' 'slem wns 11 wrng , I canto 11 cteisdll If Iwlng worse every wlnler. lily Ion Alondly was I solhl Acnb. always. Ahout 1\01' no.lrl Icelt I 8e\'ere sick , . headnches would slczo ccmed prostrat C mo I noticed tint discharges frm Ind my prstrall _ " 1 pnsse,1 down olel Into my sllllch alHI I tel I. Ihnl \ ' bIt of Ihls every Was acting l < e u poison 1 am now cured my Illd Is clear as a bell nnu , ii crnr In,1 I leave no more stomach trouble. 1 bl'l unit ) ' two bad attacks since 1 began cny tc'otttnment . 1 vent 10 Ur. Sh"lnll because my wire iccoul beet Is cure , ! ly him. . 1 elm entirely fll.le , hll becl entirely. result , In " my case. I reel 1110 < wlh a WROTE FOt ULANICII 'oolt TreAmont byICIaII and \Vns Cured of Chrolio Catarrl Mrs. J. H , Seaver wire or a prominent citizemo oC Darien . \VIg writes oC citzen Daren. wries the exce I- lent results or the mail , I treatment thus : " "In July or last year my husband took treatment by mal und Wend quite please ol wlh the results f much 10 that ho wrote tor 1 1)'mptol tOlank to rnnble lt alto wrtl tl tnke 1 course . 1) ' own health unit booms t out for twenty years , the Crucible being Intnrrhnl nlcclol oC the hentl , throat , S brnchlnl Icmbecs anti stomach. . ' tUte Itolach. l ) 8)111' tom were chrnic st'lpn ot the nOl ! , Lice formnton oC lumps and scabs In tim nostri ! severe I'nll hi the chest ilidigeatioms nnll distress < after eating . ) ' Illllltol \h'slcal Ieblt 111 bad sleel , At the time I eOmflmcielsCeI tht snail trentlelt 1) ' generl tme teenitli was henlh v ery luch lirokeoc. I ant glad to say , how- cver , that the trlhnelt has lend ( lie effect of ' ' clrlnl the cntarrh nnll of nlmosl com- pletely I restoring ' iiecittii , " rCtorllg - I - ) - henlh OPEN TO ALL. S _ hear Ice mln,1 Cloud an ) ' ch"'nlc sufferer . "hother Irene catnrlh Ir other gent.1 nll 11. _ . tfoslll t cllolic Ialnt ) , busy apply an ) ' tIme nt : i IIHt 31 New \ erk l.o hll"ln ! anti f'l'ol\o S frnm ire . , COlelnnt anti 'hol'"r,1 lice moot emclolt tfnlmonl loW In 1'Kue ni n 10mlnni % f e.rnlo a m'nlh , InrlhlnK meIcles , 10 ollico oleo nu.1 mll patient , nlke , Trial tfahnrnts tree lu Ihose nl'I'I'lnl ' In lecsoa . , 'S ' T\'INC tl CASE IU\ duct numb . , Irolll.t" a 11 AsthmBco' the s'otouoe-.t. IVitiehy l HIO\VI " "VI MII ( lives ii . 1)'IItlm. I' 1'or'h"I : In ICed Oak hnOM. . P. lIven. , lenuluruetor of Clue leliuueieioue restaurant. mn" . 10hnonl. .tnlranl. 1:11. : Waco Cni'onerly n mlron,1 . Inl , nlHI whnt , tee .sys IHln ) ' wi deeply ) ' interest Ilullr h or < l'eolle In "eolc" 1011 , \ lucre ice tIns been S flmlar figure for ) 'onrs Mr , l val n.1 , . . ri : _ at. S. uvacc . , fled Oak , In 1 ' " .tftt'i' n tlcornugtc . trial I silo conviciCeil that II \ ' the COllelnnd IIHI ! h."nrcl 9)'slcl eon\llco,1 ! tics mnsl 1II'IIK 11 nnd COO nrC tiieOi3P le custarris steel fleet icictt Ilnlmonl Inw II'ror , ' Ih' inctultc. 11 Imml'l lcl"ley I wi say ( rankly Illhlc Imow of nothing 10 I heKl1 10 I'om"nte Wi I to It. " "In I ) ' coca Ihe C bc'iccu'tlitC : IIHI cccotleuccctlcs trouble , le,11 wih e"tlrrh of Shot throat , wlctcC . ( . ienead'ulowcswan,1 . , whlc. S .Ir Ilownwnrl Ihrl h Ilco itcngu' , 1lclng the air passages In n ch"olic slate uS tnilauesoceectory rnlrclnn , ( lslnK I SOnNQ of ' Inlinunliory , In 8re- nOFS tlcrnccgleout , , < Ihrn hell lice dual mukll II , llcult or Painful 10 Lt'catlee. 1 hUll 1111nfll spells of . Irellh ( com- - - Inll\'o . .1 frm Iho pal ' ' Flrls ,1.lress. boiL e\el hum I dll not breathe wih nnlutal rulncIs or comecloo t. Arer I shell anile or a lIttle e".rlon Ihe air I' HKel 111"1 scenic 10 Close tigict. ccied tiuceecteec SOCI ! Ihl 1111 Ihl'oilen ceo with decitit from surneo 101. wih Icllh "I \ory winter 1 hC'lmo worEe , send my Irolblo tenet been wOII kiceC on Ie r" seven or duet ' ' . . , , "Kht ) 'I'ar. Tic hronchlnl 1"nKh WIR Ionrlo In the extreme , tenet with the Ihronl cu'id hond entlrh hl'IlnR I" )11 lice IIOWI I ItR < lteu'lnecr In honlh rIght nlong. I got F lint I could , not rnt a good mcol wlhoul great eliot tness or tucatte couKhln on,1 wheezIng. "My cl e was mlnlf'sl ) ' InclroLI ' by any ordlnll' niecens . bunt a eoscrso or tecatleceect with I"mltl Ircltmcnt Ur. Shellr,1 bmughl cue toonpueto relief from I cell the ' ' , I leave . , relef al l'mllols : " " .Iolcrlbc" Anyon. who choMes Is nl liberty 10 address Iberly ol"res le on the subject at alY tlnsc. " . DRS. COPELAND & SIEP ARD ' ROOMS 31 AND 312 NEW YORK LIFE BUILDING , OMAHA NII3. Office Hours-9 to 1 a. m. : 2 to 5 p. ! Evenlngs-'Vednesdnys and Saturdays only I to 8. Sunday , 10 to 12. m. ) .1. , - - . - S ( t"S t * - . . - - - - . - r' . . .4 > ' \ , , , . ( : i PEc S _ . R O AGENT ' S , , t. ; ' . rh rubli is respectfully : . : - _ _ - . invied to visit us on Wednesday and ' . , } ; : l' r . O bursday afternoons of eacb week . . , ; it " > : . I . S and see in pracical operation tbe . , Finest . . ' S ' bounclry in ibe , \X/est \ / , a * s ' ' nDnDc Lillul U Vegetable , Prepared Croon tlse original to rnula rr rervedin . tInt Arehiverof the i.oly 1.anulheav .ig ass autbenlic lust ory dating baea G0oyesrca A POSITIVE CURE ( oral ) Stomach , Kidney and Rowel troubles , especially OHRONIO CONSTIPATION , Price 50 ccaotu. Sold by all druggists. rho Fra'icisuan Remedy Co. , La , v&r : URE. Sy , , ouiooo , ui. . C for Circular i , o4 HI 2etrnfrd Ciad&w F0r sate by iluibu & Co. , 15th & flougUs I Teeth Without Plates. I 1S BAILEY I ) , - ' . - . , ' , DENTiST. I , , h'axtono 111k. 1ttatt ts I , ; , I I"tihl Set Teethe. , .I 5.C 'Sils on Fillitoirso , . i.00 i ltubt 'i'ut'tlc. . . . . 7.1's' ) l'eero Gold Illiluogs .G ) 'i'heiic l'iate. . . . . . . , 10.01 Galui Ce'ocves , 21k . 0.00 l'csini''ss ' Extratc'n We Iio'isigo ue'thctootlc , oD ) Tieth Out In Morning , I , New Teeth Same Day. I - _ - - _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - . -----------S---- S , , -COUNCIL BLUFFS- ) S. .r : ; : ; : : : ; STEAM DYE WORKS I- cO ' 'S ii All bciojels of Dyeing 4 L ut' ' i ' - i ' icted Cleaning deco icc II I I f thee highest uetylo of STrAtA Li ' tine art , Fndt'tl and ti I Lfli'l rtainecl fabrics -S Xnala Sb - = - et. , , VW to bole as good as = 5 new , Work promnptly I'i I ' . cloclo and deliverea Inuttparteof then t.uL i ; t4ORK " 11 4s ; ; " i . : ' -n JjL I' . , - " ! - S ' Mi'iCIIiP. I , _ ' ' 55. . 5 . , . " , . . , , 1 J'raprlotor _ tIrctthVflyflecSVflOttt % ' ' ; OEO. P. SANFORI ) , A. WY , RIIIICMAN , l'residecnt. C.cslcier , First National Bank of COUNCIL BLUFF9 , Iowt. Capithti , . $100,001) 1''olits , . . . 12,000 One cf ties eldest Leant. in ibis mints of Iowa , We solicit your busIness sad colieciton , . Vo pay S tier cent on CImuis deposIts , S'c sviii be pietised to see and sets' . you. SIMS & BMHBRIDGE Atlnrtesys-eet.Lctsv I Practice iii the Stab ccciii iotlercti Courts. ltoorr IPJ-7.5.9 , Stcuani IJiock , L'ouuuoli 1itutr , iucys , NEW FACES AlA. A1iOUTCiIAtrcIte'c1 the I'estures used itemoy. tour lilemi.ieeIo iw' p. tero fur is stasis" , JoleujE. Woudhury , lB W.iditt..Nt , Lancelot , ug SVotedburi' . scial uLi. l'IOl'OSAIA FOR PI1IN'I'INCI , ' Scaled lroliosnis ss'lii be received by the Stctlo liourci of I'rlciliieg ut bloc olllco of thu secretes ) ' of Htnte on or hiefore 2 o'clock P. Iii. Jeeciouary 28. 15)5 , too' thu pi'lsct. I oil-c II ad bhndi cc g I a isa leer twelve leo ted reel ( i2)0) coekn of Hoe unoouai report of tlco Suite hiccnking liuarti for lice ycac' lbUi , in accordaisco S'Itlc Lice siecciticatiociui oh itlo iii thee bccnhiicg departojcvcmt. Work to be coinlietei and delivered tea time 0111cc of the State Iiumciticog hoard neb to exet'tl thirty ( SO ) tinys ( corn tlce award- iur of thee contract. J. A. PI1'IIil , Hs'ccetary of State. I Dated Junucary 10 , 11)7 , , iLe3mtc5 SpciI Natics-OounciI Bluffs CIIIMy8 : CJ.BANItIJ ; VAUI.Td ijLB.\NOD. Cd Clunk , . at % Y. S. hiocoer's. SE tOroadeyccy. L.AitGl'1 i'ill.Vl'II JIAItN Foil ItFN't' NBAI1. court icuus. . .tppit' at lies ciltcs , Council lutiSt. . \VANT11I ) 'i'tS'O J'dhcSONH 'JO ILOOti AND bee'd ; ; ccii oisv'.rlescuu , , IncludIng tttlc. Li 52 , Ije entice. volt itte , "t.'t' wo VtJItNlHLil't ) cOlt 1ifl1tiil. selsiced souoiccs , iou desirable irticcton , for counts and wits ; ceo obicetion to a clelid. Iscijuif , I boa yirab tIVIOUS ,