; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . I - . . 4 : , . TIlE oMAhA DAU.Y flETh : 1\LOND.AY , JANUARY 21 , iflt. - THE OMAHA DAILY Dm 1 , n flO1WATIR. 1:4110r. - L - _ _ - - S IUDt.tslm lcn : MOfl41NO. TImMS OF 8U scnn'tON. flatly nee ( Without 8un41Y ) . One Y"lr..S 8 M DttIIy ile snd undy1 One Tent . . . . . . . . 10 00 . PII Months . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1tnr. . . . . . . . 100 fz . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tree Mnnths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 S . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . S , uniIW : Be" One Y"nr . . . . . . . . . . : 0 . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I " "tIIIIY ile& Oni Year . . . . . . . . . . 1 ro I . Wtkly 11e' . One Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M OIFIC1S. S OWtCRS. - Om0hft . 'he ( ne fluIhHni. fouth Omnha , Minger * ! k. . Cor. N and 21h StL , Counci flIuf1 . I : J'nrI Sttet Chltnlo Omc' . 011 ( member ot Commeree. 11 ( New York 101" U. II anl 1. Tribune flldg. 1 'V8hlnlton , 10 F' Street. N. W COflRESPONDRNCE. SIOND NCE Alt comninnlcnUnn rtnttng to news an" edl. commlnllt'ma relltng lornl mAtter thou"l be nddreMe'\ To the Editor. L tUSINESS L1TTltS. r5 All buetneRe letters end remltnnce" shell he . S Iddr.aed to The Uee I'ubIh'hIflR com any , luLI.hlnl Omahst. DrAfti. checki find "ostomce orders to b Insde Onyabl 10 tIt _ order ct the compnny. Ilynble totr o TUN I11 lUnLISUNO CO l'ANY. STATEMENT OF CmCI.ATIO" S acorge . . flee l'ub. n. . Orre Tuchuck. pocrotury ot The ! aecrtnry lee I.hlng coml'nn . being duly sworn. " ) 's tlt : the Iclnl 'umber ot full nnd comtlde cOllu , of the haly MornlnR. Ivenlnl ful and Sunday Hee frlnlNt during the month of Nuvtmber , lS1 , was [ as follows : . folows . , J. . . . . 2)OCO . . . . . 21,5IL 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . z.8C' . J6. 17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i' . S . . , . . . . . . . . . 1. . . . . . . . . . . 22'j- J. . . . . . . 27.23 1. . . . . . . 21'ti , S 4. . t.23 1 . . . . 21' . . . . . . . : U. . . . . . i . 6. . . . . . . . . . 2l.t31 2' . . . . . . . . ' I. . . . . . . . , . 21.11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 21.173 21 S. . . . . . . 21.13 21. . . . . . . : S 7 , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ' 312) 22 . . . . . . . . . 34.260 22. . . . . . 2)'tal S 8. . . . . . . . . 23,9q : 2 : . . . . . . . . . . : 2:1 , : 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . o'- ; D. . . . . . . . . 2 . & 3 : 24. . . . . . . : ,0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 2 : ; ; . . . 1.:9 21.t"8 ) . 30. . . . . . . . . . . . . ' II 1. . . . . . . . . 22.4t0 2 . . . . . . . . . 2 , . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . O.O-G . . 32 n. : o . 91 . O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ] . . . . . . . . . . ZI.0O1 28. . . . . . . . . . i9' ' 8 H. . . . . . . . . 21.01 . 2 . . . . . . . . . 20.020 15 . . . . . . . . . 20.T0 1. . . . . . . . . . Tolnl , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .r'.G:1 Lees ,1elICUOIS for unsold nd returned copies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 ; Tot' Ao1d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C .32 : 1aly average net clrculiitlon . . . . . . , . , . . 21.612 ' , OEOnO II. ' 'ZSCIUCI . :5 : Sworn 10 before m. and lJ3Crlhcl In my pres. rnce Ihls 3d day ot fl0000hlWr. J89t. L , ( see : . ) < N. J' , I'12b . Notnry I'ubllc. row It Is about time for : Irs , rOtSOI S t Inlw her nI)1)clraltce. ) : A cOllllele , hhdOJ' of thl ! Bnnott . Scott L cnso : woulll Inlw a story . worthy of the most lurid ' ' . yellow CO\'e. ' lit : 1Ittticoti. : 1.llho . 111 KIaH : the felntO'lnl dn'l : horeH : I'C just now etiiergliig front , their Rtnls , issuing 10'C hOlds to stop the out- few or gold I ! le 1oIIIg water out of a Rllrllllug cal Itito n rat holc , Whele"el' Phi Armour dechles to 10' ' i. . . cnto In SunlIt Omaha ho wi Ild u large s1co uf earth reserved for hll 'rhc Iefolutol : : ( or the Stifle I odolton or Tnho' cllulllu all lub violence tS und localed iyiicli I law Is timely nnd ; to the IOiUt. 101nt. .5 I Is ; losslhlc that the Ice dealers may yet have 1010 real ground for thou ' Illlnl Inmoltnton over I short crop Ill consequent high Illces ) , 'Wntch for somethllg stm'ln ; fl'OI 'VnHhlnglol In time next few da 's. Secretary Morton Is cxpected ) to be back ut his desk this week. The finding or narrett Scott.s body only partially solves tile Holt county _ ' m 'sIC'Y. The llerpetrtol's ) of the foul i crlle must yct be brought to Justice. _ kt nl'I'ctt Scott was unquestonably ) ; mnlh ! Iwny wIth on the very tThy of his : abductou , The questol , " 'hem Is he hiding ? " Ims at J0 tme been pertinent , I 9 I the first mortgage bOllho ders : tk really want to foreclose on the Union j ; I1clc the cheapest way out of It for : L : the nled States government Is to let t , thel foreclose. . ; 1I" Thlston doubtless had inside in ' f01llton when he said he hoped and I \ ' expected . that tIme present coiigres : I , , 'f wo kl dlslJse or tlo question of the I Union PacHlc l\lebtedness , nut he Is I. liable to miss - his calculatons , Tim Nebraska Hclef commission lu- t t sistI that I huts beel all still Is uble : to meet every legitimate tlenlUd mudo ( S ullon ) It for nsslstanco. Such being the case the stories about \lclrel-ror 1 : destitution must be accepted only afer : L Benrchln IIIUI' ' . By applying to the proper nutholles : no worthy peron \ ; need go hUIJI'y 01 unclul. . ; 1 : i After tIme sact'llces so val Ily made by ConHt'CSsnlU Springer In behalf or the Carlisle currency bill It would bo , most 1nle Inrludo If the prcsldent tlletl to IJ'o\lle for him at the oxplr- S tlon or his torl In congress , lS ho hat . done for so mlny of 'tho other demo , cratic leldel ! whose constituents ha\o roleltlted them to private life because : ) S ot their constancy to tIme Incsenl ad D niluistration. . . The Board or health Is not nt al : blelwnrd about asking for increase nlii'OlWitttIOlIS. ) 'l'h ! board has hecl . opcltnl un the basis of n ciy t wle f tIme size or Oniaha , zind ' Omlhn l1d fur thlt I'el80n it .t has hecl n con8tllt IIJlllen'nt for more' ' mono ' out of the general ( mind. 't\Thial . - S O\'C' \ 11JIJ'0IJ'lllol Is mllle for time next ; rell' Ihoull he Ilnl In the nhscnce of , 8O1110 tiiiiooitifor ' ' , nnd the' ' BIO unloolWll.fo. tlnergemicy (2 ( ! 1lI'\'l'I'llon of the genetl funt stolllld ) for all time. S Postal car on tl street 1Iwl . sy : 4. tCI l'e I ( ( mlln.lth'el ) 13 ' old timing In a . numbel' of time larger cities of the cciii I S 1' ) ' . They hl\e been 11\10 llos/dble ) / hy time electric Il0We' timid l'ereasc.l . Hlleetl 1 i whorlh ' the sh'et railways offer Itl. : ' : vlnll/es O\'e' luaU wagons Ilul O' ( , Bubl'bnl trains that are ollel'ltetl 011) ' . It longer imitervuls. Tll'rIs , ever ) li S. reason to believe that 1 trolt' ' } lstnl ) I .5 car , between Omaha nnll South 01111 ; S wi II'oVO nt cure t'colnmlell nll oil I. t lent. It time immituortakimig ' I UHlertlllnJ llro\ts 1 _ BUt'Cess wo 11 ' soon see time service ex , : tomletl , fl't to Council BIII amid hUt .1 In other th'ectou , S The . dllth of 1ljO' J. W. 1Iul11ocle 10' JOVlS lIiitiit2t' ( of time Illoul'el' resident S. \f Omaha mimiti Nebrasica. lljol' 111111)1 k Wl8 Cl'om limo list llrmileut Iu llllo ? ! life , limiving bl'en clerk of time first te r- rltol'lal house or rOll'esentlth'os 111 60'01'11 thlH I Icmbel' of time ten ' I. totli legislature. At the tmo or 111 . tclth lie OCCUIIICI time IlollUon or JO\ erlncnt director or time Union Pacill Ic , ' Puclo . mll'oud. Major Paddock belonged to I thnt comllny ) or energetc citizens to I I whole e1O'tl time curly IJ'osllrl ) . or ( mlll was lal'gol' due , unt his loss ; wi be keenly , felt , cilechily by UI80 ; S who have beou associated with bun In I . jU trllrlses of I pubiie Ul tUI'O. I lAl/T1 SC'OT'S ( 10nr tOt'ZD. nrrctt Scott' body hn t lnt imeen tOll1 Its recovery wi quite naturally a rouse thl lleoilio ot Uol cOluty to n IIHcl him h ot IXclelN\t cflnl W that which 111'\led Immellntel ) after the news or his h nlJ111ton was mOllo Public. At that tmo there were mal ' doubts as to wlwther the captors ot scott had ciil . Ilnnl'l m their oSSlult wih murder 01' n t There WIS n dlRpo91ton lu mony Iltlrte's to regard the stntllonls made I y those who nCCOnlHllell Scott 01 his f atal ride ns Iltll1C1 to hide Homethln/ ital to the of the 'ster ' \lnl uurlwelu o mystery nld even to view them n ncessorles to t n Plot for his senile. 'fhe recovery or the 10d ' II\ts nu cll to nil this theolzlul amid fixes boyontl dispute time flhstnutll t1th of tIns first story of th t ( ' crlmiie. ' One of the most interesting features o f this terrible trugetly ntlches to time leter l from Mr. [ William A. 1lnlertol , 1IIIItell i In this issue of 'lhe lice. nc' tt'I'mllel t to slIrc lelhor trouble nor expelse ) to dispel the 1rstel ' that sht'olllcII , Handl Scott's disappearance , 'Ih t ! Bel dlsliltclwd : n mnl to Chicago to confer with the hcnl of the Pinkerton Iletect\ agemicy I ! to time nllYh.111 ' . of detailing one of their sldlel dctec- U"CH t to mnlw n thorough h Invest igat iou of the tragedy. ! : [ 1. Pinkerton took time ma mnte'lnls m : lu1e' careful cOIh1elton , a mid , nCm' 1'nlll critically the noc COllt ! that hind been published In Time Bee l , calc to the COlcluslol that time t hue WIS lot rile for slch 1 seal'ch Hut In the hotter givitig his own cone clutlols he takes UII thc ImlJOrlmt ) : m'l. dc lence , nnd after ! Imituicating Ig HI lln- alice expresses his lelherately ( : formed o\l\tlol flint Blnctt Scott hail been 11'Ilel'cll i by his enemies , Ild thnt his hotly was henenth the ice In the Niot lraIl : river. This was emi the 7th day or Jlnuol' ' . A 10re accurate forecast could not hn\e been Inline by any man , who hail personnhly hlsllectell time ground ; . iitl ' wlUI time otl al was Intmntel nCItlllted } hlJhwnrs l amid byways of Hol county. Every inw-respectlmmg cizen must join II i time hOIJe that thc parties guilty of t his outrage Hhnl he dily rOl'clel out amid brought to Justice. 'he temptation ' l\lel whih thc ft'lellls of Bn1relt Scott ' ' OIC la1o'llg ) to take the law Into their o\n Inmls mn ' be great but any such cOltemllln ) tet action Is to 11 silcelel ' ! tlell'eeatet amid severely comnleimimied. : ' i'hte ml'del of BUlett Scott Is not to : 10 avenged by more nmtiraer. The Inw , Is i 110ln nlt the machinery of UI law ' ' iJ i s It hand. There can be no excuse nor justlcaUon J for I resort to much violence under existing ch'cumstmcs , A O.WINI SIlBCUIE , . J Sterling Morton sneers a hIs department - mont and Intimates that It might ns well I be abolshed , I Mr Morton believes this m he ought to resign at once No man can do good work unless ho approaches hIs tsk I with enthusiasm Jerry Rusk took hold of the department with all the vIgor of his I strong character and wIth all the strength I of his rugged common sense His ndmlnls- trton was a series of successes. and he I made both hIs department and himself useful I and honorable Miss Nancy Morton ought t. to retire from public life and join some mug wump club In Doston He Is about as much m at home In the department of whIch he Is I : I the head a ! a land lubber Is in the rigIng' ' of a ship.-Cedar Rapids Reublcan , For once The neo Is In accord wltl m Mr. Morton. 'he1e no\or was any good I and su1clC\t reason for time creation oh [ the Department of Agrlculturo It I function has been chiefly to supply con JlessUen with garden sass , pump - kin seeds amid fewer bulbs for poltcnl I distribution , to raise tropical plants In I the nntonal conservatory . and to suppl ' the senators and congressmen with nose gays , buttonhole bouquets and f01ngo plnnts for gorgeous receptions. . Its sec 0\1nry functon has been to' guess at t the weather , expel'lmc with Log chol era germs . amid to Introduce hoc clo and corn starch pudding Into Euopean I kitchens. All these Imln11 and maternal runc- tons might just IS well have been per formed by the Bureau or Agriculture . with a $ 3OOO a 'eol commissioner a t its head , os' hy nn $8,0 a year cbinet t olhicer , w'ith an expensive retinue of alke ! wIb retnue as- slstnnt secrctnlc amid chiefs of divi- : sions. or COU'O It Is not likely thin I : Mr. Morton will throw up his job , but Lo deserves credit for hlvll/ the cour- ' ago' w tel the truth about It. OU.HI,1 ' ' ' ' ' , . AND ' /11 2LII TE. President " 'eler of the CQmmcrclll I cub struck tIe nul squarely on the head when ho declared In his nddress : or , welcome to time state ( nil board : "We have no quarrel with any city In time state of Nohmslm : , amid we want the lleoillo ) of Lincoln ns well us these or , mill other cItes amid tOWIS of the sUlte ! , to feel that we are their friends ant 1 they with us . 4CC a part of die /rent' ' commonwealh ) Ill should wih us do nl they lsslbl ' cnn for the advance . lent timid dm'elolllent or Nell'nslm's vast ' ' . " ie5OiimCeH. \IHt l'eHoI'Ces" OUnhn hns 101 ; silce outgrown th ! stage of petty rivalries amid slclolnl l conlontlols that divided Nebraska ! for 'OI'S Into the North . amid South Platic . She hits for 'II.s been the nckiiov1 edged state letl'ollols mind therefore Is I I II posllol to culU\to nllcnblo relim tons wll OVC'y town amid city In the state wllwnt nWllwnllg local Jeal I. ousles. Time em or good feoll ! be : . lWl'en GUnhl : amid time hnlnlce or the state shoull be In Incentvo to fnrthcr elort' for enlnlHcd social anti COllel' . clnl 1'lltolS between OUnhn Ind the state nt Im'ge. 'herc are } 11'lous of tIme state fm which Omlhl Is coimi mOI'clll ' ostracized nUll Ilsolltely clt L 01. In sPite of time fact that lien locatou should hnv , I\t'u her merchnlts aim ( I mUlufnctl'I'I'S superior facilities JOI' h'ltlhlJ wih those IJlnccs. This Is em I- IJelal ) ' true with regard to nOI'I1nst- crn situ southm\tC'n Nehl1slm , when Sioux CI . , Klnsns CIty amid St. JoselJh ' have ontstrlPIl'tl Omaha In the race by , 1'nSOn of time rainbow railroad system ultl time wretched . connectons lotwecJ exIsting nOI.th aUI south lnes , A . gUI or twelt ' .ih'o mil's In the , NOI.thwcstern road hals Olnhn Jobber ' out of Il0t'lons or time state that cnl'I'lel on 1 heavy trute wih Ollin t1I'111 , the Missouri rIver steamboat em. W9m , y can't time ( olmm'ciul club exert Ioir to close that glll so that Omlha wi nt least ho on nu . equal fooll ! wili I Sioux City In nOI.them Nt'hmslm aim ii have sonic chnnco ot cUlllton to r - . t hmo South Dakota tmllo ? \11 ha- P roved railway facilities southwnnl Il\ed ral\11 Cacltes southwn'l n ail n line through central l llms to the Texas Pnnhotllo Omaha could t'cul1y secure time lIon's shoe of trnlc of southeastern Ncbrll'n amid compete on advantageous terms for time ceutrnl l Camisas nUtl Texns cattle and gralmic't tIl 1 0 with J ansn City. A n.I's : J'U1 WN Cf.ltMtWF. A sUlllr ' or the foreign commerce ot time Unlml States for the cnlondor y ear 18H ! has been ) mnde by the Bueau or Statistics . nnd It docs Hot make n b ail showing In comnpntlson with the h'nlle t of the IJ'ccllns ) 'eor. The eT Ilorts or domestic amid forelgim mer. chnulso Int year nmounted to $8i2 , ' 000,0 whll time value of the 111ort wn ! $ mI0,2S0.000. } the excess of exports beht/ $181,720,000 , I very generous hal- once 11 favor or this cOlntr ' . Per 1S03nt the exports were hnrger than for Inst y ear , having : nmotmted to } 122,10,00 ) fll time imports for 1598 were also g 1'entC' luau for 1S0J ) , the II0unt helns $ in 1.000,0. ( ) giving nn , excess of ox- ji orts nmountht to $12StOOOOO. I Is thus shown that for time Inst two cn1en. dil . years wo hn\'e exported $30nIHOOOO wOI.th more or mel'chntlse thnn we IUl1 hUIIO.tel1 ) This large balance to our credit In the t tWo 3'INlVS voiiIti , \uler nOl'mol cOllllols , II\e caused n 10w or gohil to this countr , hut Insteud of this blln the cuse time net gold export for ISO t reached time large proportions Inrlo 11010rtous o f $81,20,00 Yo therefore llrtel ! with $181,720,0 of me'cltlulfo Ind $81,200,00 gold , nn aggregate or $ 2hhitr , \ ' , OOO. for which there wns ito ofset In i ilmmjmorts. Iii other words we have dl'lng the last tweh'e months COi' h'lbuted t that alOUlt to the hiqulda- ton t or our obligations , In one forum or nnothel' . held obrond. A leading cOlmercal journnl says it Is estimated thnt In norlli tmes wo IJ ' to Europe nhout ) $100,000,000 leI all\1 on nc- count of Interest and dividends mtccruB Ing l upon our secimril ics timid other inves'tmmiemits held thelc , flverythming above the sum II time $2G2- 0 00,000 above deduced Is therefore to le attributed 'to time return or our so- curltes or the withdrawal of varlols lesA l IJOI'I1Ient forms of loan ; so that I I man ) ' be coucllled that lu ISH ! sonic $ HOoOOo was devoted to these abd norlni m lquidatons , "TO were exposed to large liquidations of foreigmi credits amid retl'ning of securities In 181 and 1892. following time passage of the Sherman - man l shiver law , but I appears from the statistics that the foreIgn lqllda- tons of those two years averaged $ lOOa 00.00 per , nnlUl less thun those of last l 'eal. The principal reason for time IncI'eas- Ing l lquidatons Is ob\ious , I Is due mlinly to the distrust of British anti German holders of our obl ltons0 noted some tulle ago time report of time AmerIcan consul genornl nt Frankd : fort as to the general fee1ng at that and other financial fnancial centers on time contnent un- friendly to our raIlroad Recurltes , es- pechaliy , amid there Is peclal time same feeling feelug among British lnanclO'S , The charc- tel of railroad Jnnagemel t In tIme United States Is rlsnri d with great disfavor by foreigners ntI time large number or roads that h3\o gone into time hands of receivers during the last two years hns natlrnIy operated to strengthen this feeling. Anoler In- luonco that forces lqlhlatoIs Is the unRetted character of our monetary srstel Wih one of time great political imarties committed to radical mrtes commited rdical changes In that system and I large clement of the voters In fa\o'l of restorIng sU\cr. I Is not surprising that there Is distrust abroad regarding tIme future of our finances and that U.IOt'O are withdrawals of clpltal and the holders of our securities are anxious to get rid of thom There ought to be I ehnngo of feeling In this IJrtcular , however , In view of time ' aSS'nncoIvon In the result or time last general deeI tons that the currency wi bo kept on I sound and stable } bnsls. A row members of time legislature are grdlnly comprehendhl time 1lan- clnl condition of the Rtate. The ethers must soon awaken to the situation. ' ! 'hcr Is 1 state debt of nearly $1,100g 000 In excess or the constItutional conslutonnl lmiaton , 'rho receipts of time treasf \'y hnvo fallen short of the eXlendl- tu'es regularly for the Inst four years. There Is over $241,000 ted lp In tIme failed banks which wi not he available for some time , If reco\'orel at all. With tax colectous falling hehlnd and time nsesset valuation )1'omlslnJ ) a large slmrlimkage . time legislature IUHt ; slow I about malcng new appropriations. If ecommomy WIS ever needed In Nebraska It Is needed mmow. I trnnspl'cs thnt time constuton of South Dllcta absolliely II'ohlls ) [ the ' state fm 1'lenslnnuy ! Ilhlty to It 'fhmls will lut ) nil cnd to time ' 'lhlH wi lut ni efforts of time defaulhl/ treasurer's ) olmen to , SCCI'O a COIII'omlse ) settement , by which the ' IIht escape I lrt ur timely obhigmmtions on timmit iimstrummmemmt. But o11ntons thlt Instrument I wi oul ) . ' 111,0 way for I long light In time cotmits . and If tIme simile fully 1'0' CO\'el'S It will he titter hit , urgent need for the 1010 ' shal Immure 1een llssed. ) ' ) ho X.siin of luI'S IIsastir. , New YOlk \\'ouid. TIme explosion which killed nearly the Idled whole Ore department ot JIulte. Mont. . was the result or violating 11 city ordl11nCe tor the salte at businesi convenience. While the terrible results are stilt fresh In mind II mu ) ' not be Impertinent or uselelS to In . quito how man , ) huslness men In other chtie I are violating sImiar onlnances. clte3 t Cn\rou ( nh'I'ny : CIII.hIUII. Slrlngncht ( Mus. ) Bcrul.lcnu , I senators utI rcpro entatves In congress get little comfort trom reallll the newspa. pers nowadays they would get leWIII- they ' could heal the comments ur the I'eo- ple-Imslncss amen. protessilnul men and working men-UIon Ihe exhibition they arc I I malting ot them clves before the countr ) ' . II they could they would bless the Imeyspapoit tor the mildness and HlntfneSI ot their 1 comments an,1 , criticisms. 'l'he people are becoming thoroughly tired miamI disgusted , l I Impatent and angry at the evident Incom- petenc anti unwllhllness ot the men they : have selected to represent antI hegismato tot them to hell ) theumin . their tma ot / need. - - - - ( , nvrutite.ntImy , I njuumcmiun. Rrlnilel < UIIU ( , ) Itepubilcun . The action at Judge ' , I ' acton lonI's court will. ot course bring the whole hOlly at active Inbor leader In Haverhuli within the tear wamhm > our laverhl wihin I ot the court room 10 to ttclk. arid In10. . hutton or the rCbtrlnlng oritr IIUlt ho pun : ! hel ) as contempt ut court. 'IH'y may h : I \'Iolatng the luwl or they ia not : In euthmtt case they must cht ) ' the court or be clhtr baited under a auspanslumi at all thol" hi lt- : t t guards .nl rights guaranteed to the people I by the state con tluton In criminal and c C cl\1 IIOSeCUUQ " . They will be llenletl tht rllht to n tr by Jur ' -which method or l'rocNIII "bmniT 'c IHd tacretl.-alitt , pun- Ih hNI within Itho ' ) rihlacretion or the Judge on cre\on hl9 own motonnl to any degree short ot dlnth , , ; " nl' That thll . 13n assumption by time court of utrnorltnt3 towers would eem to b m anhfost. I Is ln \ extenSIon o the . judicial nUlhorl ' unl\fll nml Its nccemsitm' remain to be estabilsimpti. I ! conseqlenel' lit the best would t certain to be harmful ( lhrr to the IIIb1 C peace . It pertsted to . or to that Irell/o rot the judicial power In the folHlnl mimi so Important to the mnlntenlnce IC , I\s \ prl'el weight and nu. thorlt ) ' . 'J' ' . It"lrl In : ebrnlim. St. 1ttls JCuLlc , i A member 'or the 'Olrmnn.Aultrlan Be- Tc. nevolent society ut St J.uls asks the He- pUblo to tel wllJt Is the acutal extent of dEtlton In Nebraska. ' 1her 18 dlstulon In Nebmkn The first 1011 wave fouilt many famlils without the IIPPle9 of roorl amid fuel needed In stitch n clmate , The lruth9 or last RUmmel hall rllncII the crll ! ot annie lcnlle ! and had ler n Proportion at the Inhabitants 1 prpnrld to endure n rlAorus whiter. A second cold wave Increased and In tens I. fcd the dl"tre"8. On the OUHI hnnI , , It 18 10 be remembereI that thIs sllerlnJ Is conOne,1 , to n compar- nl\'el ) ' small area. NebfIkn 111 Kansas nre mich alike. 'rhe eastern counties of cOln\e8 thee states nre among the most productive In the union. The western lrOluctve ! onc-thl"1 of each state-.lmavo soil Inch "InteImve good Rol , but certain ralimfall . The cullvaton of cereals Ihoull surer have been 1Ilertalecn b I } ' poor Carmer8 In those countes , That It was tlliert\ken IW perlons who were Ilepcmlent on each yearn crop accounts for the desti- desl. tit tlon which now crIes out fol ald. Neither Nehmslm nor Kansas Is 1 poor stpo ate. The nllctcll counties are very thinly Ilollulntel anti the l'eron8 In distress bear n 8111 relnton to the total populaton of the slate of NebrnI'n. Another thing to be remembcre,1 , Is that 1\'t ther are two classes ot alvenlurerR , who exn gerile conditions ot this kind One con- SU its of IlerlOnK on the ground who Plan to Jet Personal beneOt out ruunl contrlhutons , The other 18 oomllosCl or those 1I\U8Ihlo tnlker ! who make a trade of acting 19 " , ni. sia oimtmries . " No doubt some ncln the stories are started by the frt class . nut ! It 18 as certain that some of the "agents" who bob UI ) In cites an(1 ( lawns all over the country are Imposters of n bal tpe. Allowing for those two ) qualIfications , the tnllh seems : to be that there 19 dlstres8 , to nn extent whIch calls for assistance from otp her states I wi he parlcnlnrl' II'pro prlate If I large hart oC the all goes from the 80uth lint before giving either mane ) ' ese supplies , the contrlmtors owe to them- se ht'es the pains of making sure that they arc giving to IHlcrer ! nail not to ndven- hu'er8 , Ant , the" owe to Nebraskans the truble ot unllerslallln that the state Is not a wl'e ' waste of povcrt " - . tru Initepettihent hoard 'nnted. J"rmont Lemler Did the members of the Nebraska State Board of TrtsJorlalon ever - do nnythlng that the railroads dldn't want them to do- lI ce. Bee.Nol Nol ! The people of thIs state demand that the ICgslnture submit to the people the queston of amending the constitution to elect the railroad commlsslonerl I Is well known that thc present mll'Dul commIssion of Nebraska II n contemptable body of rail- roall hicksphttles. I they hnve ever dOle nnythlng tu protect the rights ot the people ot the state It has been kept a profound os ecret . wlmiie . ! 0 far as we Ire advised. they ' have done everything to further raIlroad d omlnalon In the slate even to playIng the part of henchmen Inll cappers for them. ' 'j'he railroad commission ot Iowa n body ' electel by the electors of the state have just refused to raise rates , although tremendous - mendous railroad pressure wa ! brought upon hem to do so. had the same pressur been used on 'UI bean there Is mme doubt w hat the result wouhl have been. Hates would have ben raised , alhou h tha are now nearly three times that or Iowa By 11 means let its have an independent board of ratlroad commissioners. , - - limo "lammocent I'tmrclmaser" Mlrnop ls Tribune . The supreme court of Iowa has rather necked out "thQ c "Innocent purchaser" thery by imolding ' , that proof of want of consIderaton 3r l'aut In I promlssol note changes the Juren ot ] proof to the nh h older of the nUts Ito prove purchase and I payment before mdturlty In n previous : d cclslon the same court dented the right or t recovery by the innocent purchaser ot n rIsed note , evtn wimcn blank spaces hat e\/n been lef on the note This decision puts an end to the prdUco oC Iharler secur- bs Inl b signatures to I ontracts or notes fem s mall sums with , blank spaces and these turing up In Ute ' hands of "tnuocent pur- c hasers" for laget nmounts We don't heal much of such attempts to swindle formers now. " i Ignorance at d ' tzonAhlpllcompnU ( . l GJp ; " Ioumoernt. In the United States circuit court at Phil - adelphia the other day IUty-three forelners appled for naturalization , and twenty-eight ao ot them were rejected on account of Ignorance - ode and other forms ot unfitness for citt - cit- zenship , I all the courts would exercise : zt thell power In this Important matter with slmlal discretion the elect upon our pOl- Itcs i would be generally . salutary. Colontlo Rlubt ili-yan. Denver flepubilcan. Congressman Bryan ot Nebraska has Introduce - troduce n very sly bill In the house lot the' free coinage ot silver wIth a proviso tt ! hat the government shall retain all Iho selnlorage due to n difference between the bulon and coin values of the white meta Probably 11 Bryan means well. but he ha ; n very jmor way of showing I In so far a blmetnl 1'001 Is 'concerned. . The JUuRculur Coiiegian. Oo e.Democrnt. In I recent address the president ot the Chlc/ university remarhce1. & ncernlng alhletc sports , that "A limb 01 Ute Is m nothing In comparison with the genera s plendid development ot the best manhoot" I would have been wel to add a wor I to the erect that muscular excess worc ad sluggIng are not essentIal to the highes type type ot manhood. . I'etv Monrlor In Sight. lhlulelphln : LMg , It IS reported from Washington that lendIng - Ing h democrats admit that the Carlisle bi i has been hcilied. and that there wi be no Inanclal legislation during this session , There will be few mourners over this Intell- Ience , The country needs financial relief . but tt can doubtless walt untl the force events events compels the calling of the Fifty - fourth session . Currolcy U"RclorJ. New Yole Tribune What with Statesman SprInger howln r for currency reform In the house , and Slatesman Voorhees doing the some thIng In I the senatc time prospect of any usetul legislaton l In that line during the present session Is Indeed dreary nnd dismal. The quacI's are him charge ot the case , und there will be no ahow for the Iatent ) until Ihey atop quncldn . TIE l'.usrxa ( Il. ' Pit lI / Chicago Record : M , CasimIr-PerleI appar- enty went into his office as a fair wealher president. _ Chicago Tribune : 'ley maim a great dell ot f fuss over the electon of 1 presIdent In France , but they do the work a trifle quiche r than t wo do In this countrI. Cincinnati Commercial : ' Who says a Frenchman Is not a pattiot ? Fanoy an AmerIcan resIgning In a fit at pique an oOce carrying wIth It an annual salary ot $240.00 for 1 term of seven yenrsl lirave Caslmlr.I'erler ! lubu'uO ) Telelralh : Caslmlr-Perler's t resignaton of 1hp Clce of presIdent of France Is perlap } f1lly accounted for by the t statement tla\ \ ' h Is 1 very rich mar , Ia I I he'were poor he041d , not surrender so flt ; n jab for trIvial resons. Chicago Herald : Nqver did a man set out moro auspiciously thin the late president his l way 10 office bede\ved with tears tor the brave and practml 1otrlot who had been : slain In time gentle performance ot his dutiet . Novel did popular faVorite more sPeedily show that t time coogrezshud erred In Its choice , and had elected . poseur Ilresident Instead ot f a slatesman. " < . . JI.STH Jf J.u 11.IU'S hORN. . _ . F ' Golden OPllorlunlUes'do not Oy In circles . A selt.made man-nkc to brag on his Jet I' Covetousness is.aj Plore deadly disease than cholera. ' ' A head conver.lcn never puts any love In t the heart. " A mote tn the eye n3ke the whole world locle wrong. . . , QIan the door for the1penny. . and the delia will cOle In. , God's most effective IJreachers are not always - ways steaL to ibo uiit. . ' 'he world Is not so much II need of beter preaching as It Is or better practice. When meannes hsi beell bJptled and c aled relJlon It Is as endJ ' 01 the smalpx. : The devil gets 1 goo deal of substnntal help from time church member who grumble > . When time preacher cIn't get all the salny : hat hums beemm.promicetl , , him there I sme , b Jody that ougit to nao Ihorter prayers In I . laje : hurch - . IOJr.1 LlWMl CO. " l."T. hIIthtnfltm Citittions . Jew , Csphtl. The Omaha Be . insistIng that NebraskA Is able nnd whiling to care for the destitute , 'Ihn her borders suggests that itinerant s elicitors should be required to show cro' 110ntals signed by the governor of Nebraska , In i default of which they shouh } be shown the door. This suggestion might bo IdopteJ o'en by those who may not accept The l3 eo' hopeful vIew of Nebraska's capa- biiies In the Iater of relief fat lien sat- fe ting pcopho. ebrlllkn' " , 'il nulertut linarti : Iowa Capital . ! The Nebraska State Board : of Trnsl10r. taUon ts constituted } of several of the stale o iflcers . I las three secretarIes , each at whom has n salary of $2,00 I year , anti } who are supposed to do the actual work of the board tn time regulation of wor , but The Omaha . lice says that they "don't regu. late an.thlnr except their own diet. " I t hey regulate that vehi . they wi llo more than most People I do , and ought 10 be In a g oed frame at mind as wel ns a favorable Ilhyslcl condition to attend to any other rcgulntons required of thcnm Thin Innuclt l'nrcltrtsor. Puluque Telcllh , The supreme court of Iowa bas just do chleJ that when n draft Is so drawn a8 to Include exchange I Is non.negotnblo , anti the Innocent purchnser cannot recover Time trlbunnl las down the rule thnt neftable paper must bo certain as to tme , place alll mu imouimt. and that when It provides for I'a- ment at exehango without doOnlely slntng the amount It Is detective . lut n short tme ng the annie court decided that nn Innocent purchnser cannot recover on n nolo oblalned wIthout consideration anti by fraud. I the judges keep on u they hnve begun they will erect\'ely protect the farmcrs of the state Crout sharpcrs who are can- slanty Ioltng to rob hem. IUuU J'nrrult for ( inm'enimor. OUlhrle Tinmes. Among time many namcs that are receiving favornblo mention by the press of time state In i connection with the ofce of governor , Is hat of lIon . Matt Parrott or ' 1'ernor . Mr. Pnrrolt strikes the TImes ns the right man for the place 10 Is I newspaper man , and doubtess i In the years past has done valiant work for hIs party , and ns no editor has eer been governor of Iowa , we believe Mr. Pnrrott's clnhns should be good lie Is w ell known throughout the state having come to Iowa In the early Ores , lie served In i time state senate for eight years , and was publc prlnler for a tme , A mnn at strict business integrity , with a long lIfe of use Culness behind him , but still In the very prime and vigor of mauhood , Mr. Pnrrott would be a safe execut\e and \oull give the people a strIctly business man's admin- i stratiomi. 1llllclnl Yllurlel of ) oles. Sioux CIty Tribune Sound money men object to Governor Doles' Idea as said before , for the reason hat It seeks to commIt the government to a policy which Involves a Onnncial Im- p ossibility . Thnt impossibility Is that the United States cannot by statute , without the consent of the rest of the world malte a certain weight of silver worth a certain weight of gold. I Is open to debate whether al the governments of the world acting togelher could thus successfully violate the la\ l of supply and demnnd. but It Is certain that one country , acting independently . could not do it. I Is i concelvnble that 1 ratio ' rate 'mlght be establshed which would bo 1 true one on the day It was established , but there would be and could be no assurance that It i would bo a true ratb the day after or on any other day That would depend altogether - gether on circumstances and that luctuatng thing caled public opInIon , which fixes all values Whichever way It Is viewed the proposition or the ex-governor. although doubtless made sincerely , has mldo no Crlends , Iowa C"mthlntcs for 1800. Otumwn Democrat. Some of the Democrat's esteemed contemporaries - temporaries are otherlng themselves about time presidential candidates for 1896. The republican papers have ' como to nn agree- moot that Senator Allison can furnish good enough material for them , and they have lett little for the nominating convention ct their party to do. I the republican papers want that kind at diversion , there Is i no reason why they should not have It : but It avails little more at this tIme than speculation about next fall's corn crop The Oslcloosa Times and some other demo- cratc papers are out for Horace Doles They reason , and wIth apparent force , that the next democratic candidate for president must come tram the west , and this being admitted. they maintain that Iowa can fur- nish the strongest candIdate All of which Is good politics and god logic When It ' comes to admiration for the "grand old man" of Iowa the Democrat Is with the most sin- ce'ro of them , But the fact remains that the time Is not yet ripe for selecting a presidentIal candidate - date to be voted for two years hence. I ' Is al n waste of words and spnce No one could have foretold wIth anything like assurance - surance eighteen months before the convention ! - tion or 1894 was held that Grovel Cleveland - ton land would have been nomlnnt d. The ' same was true or DenJamln HarrIson In saro ' 1888. The Interval between this time and Juno 1896 Is likely to bring about many changes which cnnnot now bo antcipated , There will be an electIon In nearly every state ot the union In 1895 , and upon the ' ' results of that election very much will depend - ' pend There are other conditions whIch may lead to a landslide In the opposite dI- ' rectlon to that which took place In November - ben , 1894. Al present calculations are , valueless _ _ _ _ _ . - TICKLEd ! ! TllU'LES. Galveston News : : Let us rid ourselves at the Impression that one ' S belt Is the measure - ure ot hIs grentness Boston Courier : Dauhter'Vhatevel made them call It Wail street , pn'l PaSo - cal Itreetl So many pushed to tiic a'ittL I there. I suppose - Philatielplmia Record : Mrs. Max-I see by the society notes that Mrs. Gaahout was "at home" yesterday. files . Mix- Whelo else should she be on such a disagreeable - agreeable day New York Bun : HoI saw several per- suns take off their hats In , the theater this evening Sheat or the gentler sex ? ! c ' ' ' . Yes. 'J'he ) were men. harlem LIfe : Faith-Don't yon love the early poets Morlan ( mnnall/ , editor ot u muguzlne-Yes ) , ido ; they ! 10 all dead , Cleveland Plain Denier : Tomnmbe-i\ always picture CUI'ld , Sarah , whY do they the god ot love , nnllo1 .unt Snruh- Uelmsl he most ulus needs . impanlcln. ' Indianapolis Journal : "Come back ! come hae Jndllnnpols ) ! In grief . "my daughter , oh , my danghter , " But Ihe lat hid llehlml her sleeves , and , hopelessly ho sought iter. Judge : Fllupskl ( shguuimmg-Ah ) . mel T vlsh me dot I cot he a city eliorl Mrs. Fallupski-\'ot ( or . In Moses' lame , make you oot visit , Isaac ? Ftliupslei-I vas . loldt me dot yeller mnlc dwenly.nte as- Ilgnmelts etel nilmti 'ashlngton Star : "Wimat did Senator Sorghum say when you asked him Cor un interview ? " asked the man'glng editor. "Nolhlng replied time reporler. " \Veil make n column ot It. I'a just about what the public Expects tram him " Cincinnat Tribune : Time tYlowrtel boarder was In the . parlor doing IeI best " hlevoir hut Not Geodhy . " to sing "Au 1e\.olr , Goby. "Somehow " Mil the Cheerful Idiot .that . Irmlnds mo of a Ianyo" J saw out West , " "Don't see I. " remurlted the good nntured honrder. the Cheerful "I t IdIot. Is Buch I rocky holier , " said A WALL 1"J.OWBH. Troth. He could ( not dance or , talk smal talk : lie could not through time lam'el walk . 10 could not sing 01 play n part In amateur dramatic art. lie was not gay nor debonair , Nol o'el un bile inihliominhie . But none received . In all the rout , H mln ) ' Invlutols onto Ills prestige - had I basis firm , though slght- le'd 1.lay . wHh chaperons at whist all nlht. - _ _ _ _ _ S _ _ _ louth t Ilcllo ( lets a bhl' I'hto I"'mt. ' ChICAGO. Jan , 20.-The fut ship plate and boiler plate plant In the west hal Just been comlleted lt South Chicago by the Il- noIs Steel compnny. Two big buildings are equipped with the necessary machinery , I J- pioyjtit will bo givtm 10 ! OO mel Timeworks works are expected to start up next woath. 1UItKt'J.tSUhIIf - TIlr Im.Ullr. 1cn\cr ncpuhlcln : Under no circum- sc Btnnes should tue Unite States government consent to mum extension of the l/lne tit'l- real } debts for fifty years 10th the Central anll the Union l'aciflc tOIII' , 1111e mley enough IIutlnl their pro : . ) ) 'ear 1\ ray their entire indebtedness to the Untel , Stales I they heal } been so iumeii'm'l. btmsteiil , "f Oc lag ' . i 11 so they divided ' lp I hell lonls Imon the s tockholders . IIHI now they whine for nn e xtension . In order 10 relllt the s I 0 pro. cess In the future \ Vtm have mme loubt that It woult be better to let till IhQ mooney 1,1. vnneelt to these rl1 b ) the Jo\'ernlint } be. como a total los tban ; : to grant time tennis aske , } for by 110 ( co'ui.nnlca . Jrant InJ their lobby r epresentatives. Davenport 1emocrnt : The stockhtobhera , ot the Union Paclne have ' ; new scheme ! "r brlngllJ that compan out of time Ilfeuly Into i which It hns b comr etmtammgieil. I is I n proposition for extending thC \'Ornlnt len for a Iltlol of nlv yt'.lrs , lt 2 roer Cllt lit i crest. time S'\I'Illell agreeIng tn : case such au nrrnnlnJen : ca'r ! he eIete. to ra' ; ni lens pIer t that rf Ihe gtiverhimmmemmt , a'r ime officials tt time rllI I 'l ' thm.i : I tmcm rn arrangment is I hot pnhlly erte.leI the mend w ill have to be dismenibared . ' wi la"o lsmcmbered , whl.1 "oull certainly be IlsstrJI' , both fr Iloleloldcri nlHI the gonrlmmt % , len , I Is 10 hi h0111 that some plan lay he devised to l'l'cOm"CI e the Jovrnment for Hs Immense outlays on behnl of that l'oa.1 In(1 ( to Place I nn n 11a'llg basis New York ler.I : Time bill prepared by Hepresenl'lve Ia'Jlro : "f C.milforimln looks 10 n Coreclosure by the gO\er intent cii the Grlol P aciflc mmd Central ' . . Ilclnc anl 1.\c.no roatis 1111 their InlntlnnlCe ns n 11:11- : , highway a.ross the continent , Just ns Ih ( ( Erie I canal Is now . mnln. tnlleI , by the state of New Yorlc , HJ Cneiltes to bo free to all wn ! ' l'umlll > ' with cuml"on regul.tons. In this way the aavetnmmui'tmt line would serve to Ice : 1' alolher cQntlenlnl roules In check In tin imat'.cr : lf rates a 111 the qucston as to \h\lher ! .lnad lines cnn bo successtul ) ' mnuage'l utim'k'r emr : form oC go\ernment 10ull b ( .1Ut to I practIcal tct . I would seem Imposslblo that miLlie c1cers could bo guilty of any such I a : , caltes as have been jlerpetrntell on these tumid other ' Inlsnder u ordummary corporate conlrol , The ' stock wnterlng nl1 "deals" of all orts , cnd- Ing I In the accumulntng at vast r rtunes by tIme mnnllHllators , ammO time im0mCliS5 bam'k. : rUllcy of the roads , have hnpS211 coot mOls losses l upon Innocent Investors , and have brought all of bur railway securities into ' discrell at homo and nbroad. In case of the roalls now under discussIon conress Fheuhl refuse tile insulting offers of [ settement 111de ' by Ichemlng coporate omclals amid Ihell rep- ' rescnlat\s In lie senate and house. Let the govcrment foreclose on its lens and take over the ] , ropertes and operate them for the benefit nlllo of the secnrlty holders anti ' the imecimlo I would be Impossible to have ' n more Incompetent mnnagemenls than those : that have wrecked the proecrties. Let us : lnes have l ! a test of gO\rlmett control of railway ' I"ld on ( ) otntertcl era II New \'orlr NEW YORK , Jan 20.-n important raid ; ot alleged countertelcrs was male by secret ' service agents. and Frank SOllano , Mary , .h his wle Felix Canerone and Gulsseppe Can- forte , were arrested Time men were found on East Seventy-fourth street where the agents discovered a number of mOllds Corm- Ing i a spurious dollar . hal dollar , quarter . and 10 and 5.cent pieces , amid about $100 In counterfeit coin 'he woman Is supposed to b e the real circulator of the coins She was charged with passing counterfeIt money. When arraigned before Untell Stales Commissioner - ' missioner Shlclds Conforlo broke down anti ' contessed his gui Ho was hell to await the acton at the grand jury The ether : prloners were hell In $5.000 bal each for examinaton on January . 25. Robbed an Old Lndy anti ' Vns CauJht I ST LOUIS , Jon 20.-Albert Lincoln , a bel boy at the Grand Avenue hotel , went Into the room of Mrs Mathew Hoppole , an aged ady l last night ostensIbly to light the gas At the point of a revolver he compeled time u old lady to hand over all the money she had In i the rectum , about $100 , and consIderable valunble jewelr He then knocked her downS bound and gagged her while ho further senrched the room. She managed to free I mcrself l lmowcver and gave time alarm. Lincoln - coln escaped down the Ore escape but was i soon captured at the Union station . Alh the money and Jewelry were recovered , 01mb Inflrtmmary Director Miesiimg. TOLEDO , Jan. 20.-A special to time Blade i f rom LIma , 0. , says : Infl pary Director J C. JettInghoit of that county Is missing. : lIe started Monday for Columbus to attenf I a meeting of the State Association of In . firmary Directors and was to return or I Tuesday. Notlming has been heard of him and It is believed hue has fled , abantionini , his family. lie hues a saloon at Delphmos and has lost large sums belonging to hi : ; wife. His creditors have taken out attach. - month on all hits property which wIll satist ) P but a small portion of the claims , - Mayor miopucmne S Not Stuochiio Enough. CHICAGO , Jan , 20.-Judge , Manms imai I decided that the declaration in Mayor IIop . hums' libel suit against John R. Tanner , , chairman of time republican state committee ' was not sufficiently specific. Recovery wa : sought for damages alleged to have beer I m Imic the nmayor's reputation by ( ho Imuhii. . cation of a campaign argument. In wuilct m Mr. hopkins was said to have levied black. nmaht on time vices of Citcage. Time delensi I demurred to the declaraton ! , Judge Adanm : I allowed time plaintiff to file a new deciaration . i'ioI'i.n : 1X1) TJI1XIJ $ . M , hinisson hititi the synipathy of time iof in this country , iimnperor WillIam is now emigageit in I'C'g'ti- hating his Prussian hiet ) , Senator Ctmiionm iins deniohiiic'd what prom- iseil to be an ammnoying senatorial tie-imp. Joseph Shorett of Fond dii Lao , Wis. , died last week , age-i 110 , lila eldest son is 81 anti lila baby bay II. 'jmo ! qmmshlty of Ihie imnuer on which legislative - lative bills are printed does imot ellect its tmsc1mmhmmcss iii iduiggimmg blow holes , The inventor of Saratega chips thou at Saratoga the other day , alter arriving at a good old nge The inference Is that lie didn't use hih chips as a stOitdy diet , Contrary to early reports , ( immstnaim Athlicks is still etrmmggiing cahmtmmre time lt'lnwaro senmitorship , bitt a timajonity of thin legislature resists lOlitICal nsphyxistion , General W. J. Sewell , time lion' New Jersey senator , Was 1mm ( hint body frommi ISSI to 1SS ? . Ito was origInally ( room Ireland , liar- log been born at Castlebar , Drccnmbor 6 , 1831 , Mr.Vhilinm Waimlort Astor hias ordered a florist to iaco a basket tt frc'sht lilies of tim valley atlil Violets every day for a year on ( lie gmavo of hmts wife , This ostentatious elba. play will cost l0OOO , Time $10,000,000 capitol of New York state , whihcim represcmmts atm outlay of $20,000,000 , 's.1 stands a chance of hieiumg comuipleteil by the cioso of time twcmmtlctim century , if a tax- imayer's revolution times not take place mumean- while. Time linitimoro Simtm doimlits time wisdemim of emmacting time Australian ballot law in Vir- gitmin. Still , the Sun regards it as a "mumat- ( or for the white renhmlo of Vhrghmmia to tie'p teriimiimo for thmemmmselves. " The colored vote does not count , Tint governor of Southi Carolina threatens to seize an ltnhlamm vessel on suspicion of be- 11mg mm. floating bnr-roomii , South Caroilmma immanagea its ovim hhiimior lmmaiimess : , amid will not tolcrte foreign competition. Anmenican booze for Atmmericamm bozera , Saumator lull favors time ehectlomm of senators hqr lImo people , The uohtical % teniper of New York , as slmown last fall , timny be respomm. sible for time sinister's seiitiimients , but it does not afford Imiumi mmmiich iiOlJO of a lro- longed career itt ( ito tipper homisc. Thmo habIts of mia t.\vo seimmmtors at Wasliimmg- toii oiler a greater contrast tiiamm those of 11111 amml Murphy. 'ht.ie former is mm. bachelor , reserved - served , cold , naturally minsociahlc. 'rime latter is a famimily oman , geimhimi , frank. ( mmmi of good thlimimers and Jovial cotmipammy , niul a believer itt ( ito theory that Pmmhlic omco Is mint n Inivate sacrifice. There died recently In Jacksonville , Fia , , at. the ripe ago of t13 , Louis F'atio , a full- blooded negro , unti time only survivor of ( hue Fort .Dado mmmassaere , iii time Seutilnolo war. l ° atie was Major Iatio's guide , anti soimmo hie delivered time t'lmitcs imp to the 1mm. diamms , amid was sparial by tlmem In conse- qtienco of ( lila , Horace Cimilton , time new Texas senator , was born in Stimithi county , Texas , lecember 29 , 1S53. Ills father was killed in battle during tim civil war. After tue war young Chulton entered a printer's office as "devil , " worked up to time case , nuth hltmnily started a smimall lmewspapcr , from the proceeds of wimbch lie supported imis mmmotimer and emiU. cated hits sister , lie is thio fIrst native- born Texan to sit as a seimator in ( lie United States , Ex-Govornor Robert E. I'nttison has re- calved ( Ito deimmecratle imominatian for nmayor of Piiilatiehimhmia. lie is one of tim fems' timno- crats in l'ennsl'lvammia who aucetmasfumhly over- caine republican nmnjorlties , being elected comptroller of Phitiadelpltia in 1877 , governor ot tIme mutate in 1SS2 anti again in 1890. In each instance republicans resented machine dommminatIomi. Sitimilar coimditbommmt now prevail In I'hhladelphia , but there is a republican majority of 85,000 to overcome , I5mttiot itigiits m.ogiio for mite Soutim. NEW ORLEANS , Jan. 20.-The Soutimern Ballot Rights league imas been organized hero tvtthm representatives from ( hits state , Alabama - bama , Arkansas , MississIppi and Virginia. J. M. Channing , the Aiabamna populist whmo called time convention , made an address set- tiog forth time need of a better baliot system r. in time southm and Congresmnran ilowarti of Alabammma tumid others spoke in the saimie straiim , Al ! joitied in saying that thio nmoveinommt was not of a political chmimractor , but was for time benefit of cmli parties amid a better standard of citizenship. S 1 TOLD YOU /40. \'as1mbflgton Star. Of all time melancholy that besets the path of until There's a etngle darkest , deepest , dreani- A. subUeycf torture that's constructed on a. plan Which is lingering and quite beyond reIn - In of your' fortunes ; in the timicleest of Urn gloom , Whmen you feel that tlmis extensive waste tustlmepartially behind you , comes the culminating iioonm , In time shape of that remark , "I told Ohm , what countlcas venomed arrows in the soft , SflriiOflio sneorl What a wretched wreck of muimatterod self. esteem ' .Fumliles 'round the hapless victim of de- hummions once so dear ! A brentit destroys c'en hmope'a taint flickering gleam. You can null yourself together if you re only let alone ; You cimn go and lint another row to hoe ; But your convalescent rospets are bit- variably timrown Into sad rclalses ) by "I told. you so. " % : .hlt , ( ELIALC CLOThIERS Your Mor'cy's Wom'tlm or Your Moitey hack. S Cleaning Up. Now we've begun to out-out so evorlasling deep that none can withstand us. We've out some of the men's suits down to $5 , some to 7,5O ; some $25 and. $30 suits out down to $18. Overcoats and ulstors have been ou like that , too-A whole' 1t ofblaok clay wor- sed pants , the $6 and S7 kind , out to $3.75 , Three shades 01' Fedora hats out down to $1.50-Boy's shirt waists , Wilson Bro's , a lot of' broken lots ranging in value from $1.00 to $ l75 , are only 75o. Boy's overcoats - coats for $5 that were $13.50 , BDy's 2-piece suits for $3 that wera $4 , Boy's $ Gjunlor reeler suits are $3,50 and $4. Boy's knee pants , all wool , 5o. Then there's that big underwear sale , to whioh we have added two of the biggest bargains you ever heard of-two celebrated - brated qualities in the Amoi'Lcan hosiery underwear- stap'e ' as sugar-nobody ever out the price before-but you get the $5 grade for $3.50 a suit now , or $1.75 a single garment-the $4 grade , fine ribbed , form fitting is now 3 or $1.50 a suit. Come early and get the best thing you over got In YOUI' life. tj1NCKj , , O rn q , RELIABLE CLOTHIERS'O S. E , Cor.1511l ttnd Doug1ts , - S S