. - F ' ' CONDITION OF ? OMAIIA'STRADE - 10bblDg BUSDCSS ! In Some Lines 0. Little More Active , - COLLECTIONS AS A RULE NOT VERY GOOD . Tr"nUnl lIrrn "ho Blurh,1 Jut JlRthcr Jarly : ll'ct with R t IfRlr JenIROI for UoI In Certain I.liie-loIngs or the : IRnutRctlrcrA , While January IA. I ni a nIle , n quiet month rind while Jobbers were nol nnlclnlnJ much for the next thirty clays nrer the coming oC the new ydnr , Rome oC them , at leant , have heen leaRnntly (1IwIIIotnted. There hnR been no great 1emtjit for goo . but the country hI ) hen lem.ll hlYln/ n /ool Rmnl ! way nnt the aggregate alll nJ/regnte RaleR have heen eVEn Inter than mrtny dnrCI to hOe thnt they woulll he. Some oC the local hOlses ( Rot their men out elrler than usual after the 1io1tayL . nfl1l . the weather holllnYR. nltl. turing colder , they found n conlderable . COlnl conpilemhle demand for Hea. Ronahle good9. The dry Iootll people claim tmt lholr hU'lle1 RhoWI It'ery material gall over hUllness n year ago. The hnrll. ware People "ny lint they nre doing all that they hail renROI to expect anti trade al - the grocer Ill Is ( air. The mild weather ) oC the ( ast weelt his been n detrIment to bl"lleeR. II fact there haR not thti Cl ' ( lila winter hcel clolgh Itormy weather to develop husInc to Its full IJlles extent. Is II the llrducc tlltrlct husiless ) has been running Ilon ! II about lht Islnl channel. The ' Rnillo conlllsllol h01sel. ) whIch he- enme very holll ( a few . clme'CI' Cel welts a 1 < have re- malncd ' 1111 ever "llce The Ile expoe1 their OperatIofl4. 'j'he qutstlon le ! eXlloleel , nil- pearl to he oC the greatest Interest to corn. , . ml1810n men just lt present II the Ilropolell ctm. I legislation n"alnst oleomargarine. With. , out exception the cOmnllllon men \.lh. I fvcr oC the Rtlte Iglslaturo palling such laws ns wi cut elown the consumption of imitation butter In the Interest oC the gen . uhle article. The butter gel. nrlcle. huter men nil over the I state Ire workln to secure legislation of r ! lerlllatol this charlcter.FACTOHY FACTORY FACTS. Robert Vlerllg of Clcago IA II the city ' to nttenl ( the annunl nlenll neeting of the Pnxlon I Ineeln & Vterln/ Iron worlds . oC which he Is thii vice r'resident. Mr. tw presilent. : Vlerln II president , oi r ! Iresilent the Vierilag . McDowell o Ylerllg. 1 cDowel & Co. Iron wt1rks oC Chicago anti makes his ciy. Chlcnlo alI mlites hil home In thllt 1. C. l'eter manager oC thc nemls Omaha flag compn . says ! "Now that t1 fair hal heen located at Omaha . let u ' evolve l' IL scheme either to get a good build eiher - Ing at ' the fair IIOllcs for the huld- 1nnuCac- turer' association or have a manufacturers , ' . mlluCactlrerl' pnrad. Ilurhllf fair pardl week that wilt do credit. " wl us : . greatly The Omaha enlarged Upholstering its output or lounges company and hns Is I .makln/ own frames having found that work can he done just as cheapl ' cone jlst ) : here as nt any other point. The compan : t. has Increasell its Corce In the factory 111 ; has put n man on the road who will cover thc Paclnc coast trade nod another . \ 1 , who wi visit the trade alc Kansas . 11.\1 , - Kalsas. homn and 'exas. ! Oln- M. J.evlson. who faIlel In the grocer ' Culed ) business In this ! city upwards oC n ciy year ago . nail who IR now engaged In 1)0510083 ) In the tow oC Acton. enguel . In husllesA the former other day creditcrl. and settieti Among In ( the tihi creditors shtll cltho are hi. several manufacturers who credlorR very 1 highly oC a man who viIl travel several hundred 111i104 for the sole purpose RI\'erl nllCor Inc up old obligations. ( pay- ' \ ' . . \ . I'ne. president of the Mnnufac- tlrerR and Constiniers Arsocintloti ' ConslmrR Apsoelnlon or Ne- IraRkl. . writes from San Antcnlo under date ' on January ) ' 10. ns follows : "Yol Wanted to know what I think of the south . nod San Antonio In parttihar. I lllr. have vllle < l. ns you know ( art of the . norther cities In the last "Ix months. ant I can say this 1:1 San Antonio. that there are more signs oC nrospert ) . In this city than nov Ilace that I have heen In for ciy ' time. 'flwre . are no stores Cor rent In the prominent Part of the city . the offices In th bulllngs , or" nil token , as ofces cIrell. lag hOUSPR. I SIW n lady today that shipped her gOods here ' shlJCl hlr Ioods from northern Texas . ex- ( ectng t get a house to live In , hut she told 10 that she was I olnl to reship her .J ood' to Sutherland Springs where she hoped to find n vacant hOIS , ( Houses that rent Cor $ 2O and $23 In Omaha . $2 $2 rent fcr $10 tn' $5 ( ( hIrC . Of R that rent In Omaha ( for , $ lo an- $12 ! command from $20 10 $30 ncr month In San Antonio anti evervthln that YOU Jeo 1111cntef prosperity. The climate Is now \lout what w would expect In' Nebraska In thp months of May and June , wlh' ' ut tile "howrrA. They have hall no rain here to soealt' of since la't August. You wou'll tllnle. ; to see peole ' ) n the areeta and around the boarding ( houses ! . which tue town Is full. that every northern doctor that hns a ) 'tent that he thinks I" t 'I going ,0 die lies sent him 10 this city . as I somtIns Ihlnle. to Iet rId of them. Yon will make no mistakes In calling every other man you meet on tll street Doctor. I Was In the drug store ielonpiog to n helonllnl friend of tRifle the lxt morning ater I came hero anti my friend gave me nn In- trolllcton to six doctors. A good share of them , 111 In fact most oC Aood . have ( hail 1 , ! ' , , comelQre , ! , _ as , tier . could . not , hive In , n "U'"C" ' 'I'Ul. . nelI 111)'slclals b\ ' . pmfe""lon. ) they , - , open 1 ( an olce nl,1 tonic after the other InvalllH that come from the n'lthnrn stales. . I have no desIre to move dowl hier ( ' . T think that If I did that I cer- tnlniy would have n ; courh to keep In line wlh the balance oC the people here blt lne II a coed thing that we have a pinre In the country whore People oC weale constitutions can I VI. I have o'leed n number of people what they rise bert' . anT the answer Is cotton. and that Incl\leR' nil. Fvprvthhl" that IF o nsl1el In the . city of Ban Anc . : team II shl(1 * II hove from other olnts. , I . wilt mnlte one exception. and that IR sweet ' Ontatoes. ClhlmJe. potatoes and fruits of aJ kinds ] are shipped In her from other p01 0 ts. ( ( ! "I have mol a irood many people fro' 1001 ' Omaha anel N'hirask. I have ( visited the Mexican gambling houses. which AnmhlnJ hOlles. were a wlre curiosity 10 inc. A cnncr took me for 0 sucker , , but I 1111 ( not bite at his lah1e. and came away with the same amount of that I w 'tsnt there with . " money wih. In Fnle oC the 11ronlh the cutout of eannei tomatoes In Nebraska ( nlncll Nehrsla was louhleel e Int ? year. In ista 1 Nebraska cnnneries turned v out 1 ( ( , ! cases of two dozen cans tUI(11 . in ( while 1891 the .umber was raised to i2 . - 1 95 ? " 'hlo this IncrenA was very gratify- . Ing jhe fact remains tlt Nebraska Is not as fatflIVflflCeIl ( , In thIs flne oC manufacture Ino manlraet1e as many othcr states no more favorably ' situated . Tll folowlnl wilt "how the nalt II cases for 1893 and 1891 at several of thp ( wstCr states : also the total for the United : . lt.t. 1891. Iowa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S.7i'i M.:1 : : } tnnsas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71,8U. 12.71q . ritrn , 'Ttnh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I ' Nehrn"kn . . . . . . . . . . . . : . ( 41 . 0' ! OIOTnelo . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.0 . 79,110 Milnesota . . . . . . . . . . . . 49./O . 79.10 W'is.atisin . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.0 . . . 'on/il . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.21 . . . Total tllelt States. . . . 1,479.111 G.fM ni rr : Canada ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IrO.O 130. ( ( \'hlo the eOIRlllUon oC tomatoes has increased coImhtlerabl % ' . It IR chatiuetl that eOlsllerhh' It him / nol kent llce wih I thl Increase tml the nlIplit \ of the cinnerlt'q. ' OI\Plt o elllrr" The west . It up- iwnrs. tlrnptl Olt over 70.1 eases more al'- 10ro 1R91 luau In 1893. 'l'iie overproduction of 'Ihu corn 11 ISn caused mal\ ' of the flet"rles In I the WI't to turn their attention to t l tomltoes , nnel the l'IPllt II a , 'urtirisiuiiy large alit. . nut 11 some , of the : urlrIRln 11lntpa. 101lhly 011. ' 'miano , where I great mnnCnctorllR have been started tiiiil where efforts , nlll ( Corts are heilu ) made to orllnl7A othl'no. Conlllnns Cor 189 ; are mote C"\olhlo for the Packers In some respects ! . ' 'II Illal.1 tll S \ her box lower , "hooks are lower. onll ' hackers lire contract. , - Inl ii0i. I" 810 atntes nt $ .51 ) POT ton less than The Nebraska brush factory . 01" of the I new manufacturing enterprises of this Ott ) . . 111 hut I II'W 111 oC mails ) on the nml.tel ! i ' thrnt 1M Ihlt attruioting ronshlerahln _ , ' , i , from Ihl atl'lptng 11 , . The loolq ill ntelton I . . lolNlpt of a line o sohld.bnck 11 olcslon , ch"UII hnrRI' hM hes , rice root and irnl. sUet O hour or 11111h' bruidies nIIt1 JII. : t ald hriwery or b'lrrel brulsileB. The 0111 metholl of l'lnk. . big Ihefo hrlMIls was to Corm , thl' ( hJI'k In I Iwo III ( CPR. One 111000 wonlll h" Illrfomtll I for Illmlllu a 11 holding In Place' liii ' ' : hrtlsh material nail holelnl ] 1111' . tl' . . ia Inll Ihl f'OIII pliea'watuhil I , , wOIIII I" ) tflcketl ' . Ilcker 01' glUelt on toil of It. The ' ' , , .11..1 01 I. RI'PII I . . 111luly hna IlwI.S hell the t when tlec , I Whll 101,1 II voter there II I 'l'on tp"IItII' ( ) ' for thl 1 two " ' . I'III"'M 10 warp ( loll rpllt apart , thin I Wlt flt IprHI IhlR rauKln Iho brush to In soon iictroy.i1 . Tue N'bruluika bril'ihi fut tnl1 .lcallo'll. . NI'btl1kn hrllh Cn"lor ) has ; now coin iilOi'8'0ll , 10 turn nUt hl'uwhl with the (01. I I' mnd" o enl 5111\1 "h'po oC wih . . h'llks I ) are borl'l1 Into. but flCL ) through . the hack und the hruMh l1ntlllll flslenl'll In by i't'iile of this driven kind ti&Ii1i' iil ' lust tutU \1 wool. nero , A hrllh ) I I \ 10 wi I thtu . wool , 11:11k. : unit St UII t" hlc'k. I I. llll1lisSlhilO for it 10 . null out or for the " "Ilt In hrellt apart . ROle oC Ihl Olnhn lohhlnu ifltl'5 Illart. , . III n oa4 . 1e11 of interest In , , OI .1111 Inh'rtlt thlM hr""h . oC Illnlfnllll'l. In,1 , ore Ilr'lnl ( liii hluiei ' . - I the ) Onlho retail Ilea'pt ' wi Cul tnpl' , 11 I'nrr\ 0lall-10110 b"I"hel " cyriucively i viiI l'III not le 111' wpelt' bllro this ' 'el' liluntifue . ? . ture wti bn nhlu , 1(1 Ive ' IUnUCIl. enipioyinent . wil II 1"0 ut Ia l'Ilonn n I. hUII1rfl , I1C'OII4i ' " it luwt. ( tl , ( , J , I. ( ' owa11 I the DavIs / ( 'owgiIi Irol (0)/1 It works / 1I says thnt , workl ho wi IUen11 thIs i'ritinnn " I . . CincinnatI ec'pventlon ' . oC mlnuflcllrers to be 'lnMI " . Clm'lnnat. hlInte1 ' , Coift's . The ' > tn have 011 I , 11'11,1 : . whIch 101p.ln WILl 11111111.1 ) enrt h\ : : fire In the , reati ) ' Cor occupancy about FCiVt'y ) 1 thl lIlfitillinlO they are doing bushlCs lfnlllo In ' < ellS tOlllrar ) quarters. : . ' , 5eielnry , ) ollrl of thO Mlnuflrhl''M ; I .1"oi tel siys Ihllt thph' \ ' ( r - lve ] rp _ , idlea trQm n large Ilmb.'r of r\r-'eo Nebraska - ,4 Jobber nuthorzln their traveling men to at tend the "home industry" banquet to be given In Omaha by the manuCacturlt Innqlet b the Ilat ! Tll Car sixty travelIng men frm lAncoln eighteen from Nebraska City , Ciy nine from ihistings and 211 from Omaha have nreCI to b present nt the traveling tmvelng niqu en' . convention and ' 10mI indutry" ban. qu et. _ _ _ _ _ AS 'uus - : Him' IT. 1i nInc' ( letting UO\1 to R CR\li iiihi ( and that hi I the , Ir ! t. n. O. Iun's local manager , In his weekl ) ' review oC trade. 9a'I : "Oenral jobbing trade hal been slow , ( Rrty due to the extraordinary caution In ex tending credits. hut likewise partly lue to the general condItIons. In Nehrn'ka ah wing to the very general crop failure , housls are unusually cautious about extend- Ing credit to Nebraska merehnnts. Conse- . Iuent ) the blniless Is ral.hly reaching n c ash Imsls In thIs Rtnte. The only good thln/ that has cOIl out oC all these evil condltcl' Is the trend oC trade , both retail alil s'holesale toward cash. retai "One of the jobbIng merchants oC Omaha who Is closing out his busIness here. will Ilrohahly resume hut he distInctly declares hat he Is done with a tralle which dates four COlr to II" months nhentl anti sells on four mOlths tlnie. lie thlnles the tinie Is ripe all , the lell a good one Cor buIlding up a net cash h JobbIng trade. hultll ! ( "Hetnl trade has not hell lIvely . though lomelhlng Is lohng In nil lines. The warm welther Is a detriment to many lines , esp - claly commission ihealers Since lrlceB ! were , restored December 31. there has been vcr ) little good oyster weather nail , the 1n't l few Inys , have heel entirely against tmde II the bIvalves In entrel , veal eggs and simIlar merchandise . ! ! " "Tho season haA heen favorable In one Po articular. The worm weather has made oltloor work practcahle and kept mnte hlloor I expenses. The thousands who are ele"elllent upon common labor for ! Hsten- lice have thus found It I10slible to hiull alon/ with less IllcomCort than wns untlci. Ilated. I Is an I wInd . Indeed . that hlows no good . all We olght to congratulate ourselves - selves that the winter II mOle / than halt g one 111 vet compnrathvely little suffering comllrat\'ely li le Is i reported t among the poor. Nevertheless . ( . alplctons ) for aid from the county are very IUII'OUS nnll a great many good Ileoille willIng to work are trlCl to ! live ( rein halil ( to mouth and not uICrelucll ) ' claim assistance Cram the ntthorltl8. "The week opened with the discouraging nnlOUlcement that ole oC our largest dry goorl , houses would quit business hut I C108(1 wih the statement UIJn nuthorlt clahnel to he reliable that another large pc1lng plant would bl buIlt at South Omnha. 'fhe success oC the efor ! oC the ' Commercial club Iii securing the state fair the election oC nn Omaha man United States I Renator and the lmclcl/ house prmise i h averna'le . this n cheerful week for Omaha notwithstanding thc dloltnuance oC the I dry goods house . I Is . nevertheies. a source oC great regret to the trade that the KipatrIck Koch Dry Goods company has I decided to abandon this territory . Aside I from the popular people managing , , the cor- poratlon . the house has been a trade but - wark and we are confessedly weak In this ; brunch of the buslnesA. however there Is i good reason to hOe that the place oC Ihls house wi be taken b h ) a stronger concern I before another season'l trade Is ended I we have n Nebraska crall ) this year the tint larger dry goods establIshment will not miss the opportunity this trade center offers . " , he slate fair must be inmule an un- paralleled success. This metropolis wi hir Oil Its good behavior untIl aCer the close oC the state exposition. The work Is Just bet gun and Omaha peOIle lust not forget that success came 10 them because they were united and can be contInued only by union of purpose and concert oC action. Every individual must constitute himself a corn mitee or enl to hep ! the fnlr ( ommltees In . " " ' mnk. Ihl. ! .I"mhpr 'lPJnr hl. ' - ; \ South { ' Omaha ' - the " week . ' ' was a sur- prise. ! Peplo do not mu1erstnn where alt the stock comes from but I comes. and the welt has "hown large recellts. Th. fact Is , South Omaha Is a stock ant packing center - ! ter of exceptional \osllhltel. and nothing can prevent It from getting cattle and hogs BO hong as the Inlnll' are grown and , orered for snle. I Armour does not come ImmeclatI' . he wi he here Inter on . and will be ) Col owed hy other great packers. There IA nothing human more certnln than th ? future oC the South Omaha stock mnr- ket. " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ snow. . cluncu - & CO.'S VIEWS. Ontoole for Trade Not "ery Encourlglng for thin Early lntnre. The local superintendent oC Snow Church & Co.'s Mercantile agency wrItes : " 'Vhl ! the last week marks no decided L charge In tile ' buslne ] sl aton : there have 1 ' been a number of events beating upon the local condition of nl'nlrs. . . " I rchalts In most .Jobbllrlnes are still L felling their way antI ns : 'et ft ! Is ImpoR- slhle to stat . even approximately . how the ' business of the next few months will cornI hare with corspmtllg : months of previOus I years. The Impression Is general , how- e't'er and based on a good foundation . that It will be. lighter In almost'iry un" . The warm weather Is having a decidedly depressing - pressing erect 11 retail affairs . . and I Is I feared that merchats In heav7 % v.'lr : will have dIfficulty In dIsposing oC their stocks however conservatively the ) ' have ordered : The announcement of a lending dry sods I house of Its forthcoming withdrawal from I Ihls market Is news both surprising froiTI I unwelcome. The concern estimates that I will tal.e about nine months to close out Its . affairs. _ ' " . , , , - UTil unlQuet or tl Commercial club ell'lnl the first part of tile wclt was nn e vent noteworthy In mln ) ' respects. \hl the chub . I woult seem. han ( been much hampued by the stlh1Nnt trls during the last year . yet Its managers claim that I ha' don some tOoi1. The expenditure of money necessary to carry on this Insttu- ton woulll certainly warrant its supporters In expecting results. The location ( ( the state fair at Omaha Is a mater oC Imllor- tnnce to thll market the extent oC which can hardly bo estimated at thIs time . For year Omaha lUll occupied I ieculhar poi- ton l II its relation to the lma I towns of the slate oC NehmAlea. Located on the ex- trema e'tel' lountiary ) of the state. the sllri of antagonism displayed by smaller towns In tile . state who at a former period were Its rivals for supremacy ( erlo . fo.lnt which might almost be termed an- tpthy. thl results ot which are still no- t iceahle . The location oC the Itl fair h ere . brin/il/ the country people to O maha . and slvlng / an opportunity of ( his- ( ( Ils- p pinYin n honpltnly toward them which cannot but result In more friendly and In- tmate relations . 18 In consequence. as I sta tel heCe're. a matter oC great Impor- tance. Very few Ileoille who have not had the t opportunity of olll'lnl the subject closelv lave any Idea of tle apparently eauseln.s brach which exists between . the melrpols and the inhabitants of the state. ' 'hl. or course cO(1 not apply In g eneral . hut only to sections . There Is no eaUI for this feeling. ull every reason why I sheulll he ) merged In a friendiy in- t reour.ie. . } very citizen of Crlelty Nehrslm shoulll . Inltp untie In thl Iowth and pros3 IIrl i ) or Omaha al Omahn In turn takes a leading interest In the affaIrs of the s tate . . " .I appears that ( Bore defInite actIon Is aheut to t ) token In the acton the con/lct nfCulrl ef the UnIon PIllc. 'fho thislnte- : ' g rton or this "lst s'stel. centtring at Of maha . al1 the html course pursued , In its ( Il f uture futuremalagement.IKI matter oC IIBI'n- mOlnt Inlerest 10 ( the citizens oC the ' state anll will materially affect Its commercial I Inlfrestl I to a greater or less extent. "In glancing Q\'I'r the cvnll oC. the first . frst Cew werleR of tills 'lnl' It bcomes op. pnrent that thurst hal of 1& 'vIiI mark : Ioml IIIHHtaJt CIHlnAeS II business circien , 4 \I I ftnlctl earlier In th , ' month the I numher ) oC Cllm'"s has not beQu iK large I 18 l wnR antehmtfel unit . feared hit Iher ' hlvI I h.el anti there wi still be Inan.y 1.lllcnl changes In nil lInes of trade . Other- wire 1 "nn len nahlng ahead excepting a r.llhfr light timisineia for ( lie exceptng sI . m month of the ) 'elr. wllh I lecl /rsl tlx . I sro'enlent In thin lust luaU , ' < lrovelent thl hll provided nl- "I'ovllld \a.p , that 1 Jell crop IK In Illht anti that t otHI' cOlllons tire favorable. " . 11fr % iarlint Nfl % % ' YOI1IC. Jan. -SUOAiI-Unw . : til' r.nnln : k : 1'"lrlul"I. ( 19.-HtOAI-Haw. 1(01. : .al" . nonr : r'lhl.I. ' 111el , Anti " 1'0'Nn. : . 6. 3)if3 C-ice Ni' . 7 . -h''r3'M" ' ; No. H. 1'0'\ 5-Ito : 3f3 . 3 3.1' ' I : 1 i3e , ; 1"o. 10. 1413 5.ICc . l.I , 3.1 .I Ni. 3If : Ni. II. 3 1IGII3Yc' \ : Co . I : , : I3 XIIC ( : . : )1. 1. : : " .IG : I. 01 JGn31No. . , .e . : 10ul i A. . 3-ICij'l" ' ' ' : .llllanl ' , \ . 3 ll.lt39e : I'of.clol''r ' A. 3 1 ii.lGt3Tcl ( 'lit 1.I . 4 7.ICft 4.1 4 ; cru'lu.i. , 4 l-lt1j4.jr : l'11tiiI"el I'lt , 4 HGfI'1e : g rntiuiiitt. : 47.IC\fI ) , , . 4 1ICe. . 1,0:1'0 : Jln .1:1.-HII.\I-Cnnc. : . uteahy . ; lit _ lI ( ' 10111 ) : Mlrjugul Java lIe ; liueeovndo Tall ro'I\III" P8. ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , t t I'il'lll , . l'lhtit. : .JIlfl . h5.-t'OhiN-insIer . ' 1'1':01 , .c. . Jln. I-'OHN-Ioal r : Nu. : . 4lei' ; . O.t'ri4.-'llw ' enl , 10wI'rj ; ) . 3 white. 30 ' 301.e . ; I ttlItt- , , e'titlc ) : : . whie. Ni'1 I : - , 1 \'UI'Hn'-I.'hm ; high wlne5 11.22. 1 - - - I oil In.ll.t. CI.IIRTON. .Ion. 1-10SrN-Pln. $ 1,03. ' ' $1.0. si'ullrrit-vlroi. : : I c. H , \ ' , \ N\I , Jan fl.-iiolilay In na\'nl alares narktd. . \.i l.M1fllOi' ? , Jan. . . WIMINOTON i9.-lhthli.ljy In no\'al 1 alolt' ilmmrkt't. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Iln.I' ' " ( Mmirk'tg . ' IIW.AI. ' . Jami . ih-Wiih.tT-Ihwy : ; No. 2 1'.1. 11.1. : , 'I. 4011I'ulr .h'mond : i'0 2 , ' 4Gi .c . : No.3 ) . .1 _ low. 4",1. , ( i'JH-1TnvIiunexl . : Ne . 3 whie. 3.e : No : 1013,1-ti. 33e. . _ _ _ _ _ I'i'ii' \.nrk Ilr ) ( humid " Slirket. NI'W : \ 'OltlJiii . n- * "Iol t.sis' ; ot dry girsl Were , ulu.ualy ) .111 fur n Hlolrdl ) ' , I'i u"1 . clolha were . lli&ti ' , . Illnlll .llll ) nt 'ItO ( 11.1 for lt-fau r 'lUnleL , Ialea . fJI' lhio . week . 'GS.O 1lelel. , alluur ' 'rA : . ' " \\.IO"t ; " rkur . H.tW V11.tNCILtCO . Jan . ' . ' ) \1 I.\N 1'1.NCIIC. l3.-\1ii2.tT-F1rimi L ; 4 . . . . _ " , . . . ' . , . . , " . . . " . , . ' . _ _ _ THE OAUA DAIL BEE : 1NDAY , tTANUAUY 20 , 1895. COM 1RCliL - AND ! FINANCIAL Dnlncs lt home and Abroad Onus9d 0. Dc- cUno in Prices RECEIPTS WERE LIGHT AS USUAL LATELY Whc"t Was , \/"In "cry 111 all Corn \M II Itlo hatter COnlton-nt At. trnclCt Some Atenton Early : , In the Se.slon. ctncao . Jan , 19.-Whent WM again : . very ( lull. The dullness here alt abroad . caus1 I decline In prices , May closing \ c l ower. May ccrn closed .c lower , May oats c lower and provlBlons at alight lIe- clnes 'fhc clentlces oC wheal and flour f rom both coasts this week , as IlblshCI by lirniletreet's helped 10 sustain the cour- age of hu'crs oC wheal here at the Rtart. The quantity eXllortr.1 was 3.lGIo ) bu. , com\lrr ) with 2.58.0 bu. last week nn,1 3,32,0 ho 01 the corres"ondil/ oC the ) 'er beCore. 'fhe receipts were light t. nR has been usual of hate and ( light ns compared with the movement n year ago. The trntln ! was also light. Cablcs were ( lull. Prlmnr market receipts , 221,0 bu. , comae wIth 330,0 , : bu n year ago 1x- Port clrrnnccs from the Atlantic sea- board vere small , ImctnUlg to only 2 OO ] , , 1u of ' whet 11.11(1 IJr. of \hlch only IS.l17 wet In the .hal.e l'C ' wheat . anl 10.0 oC tmt went to New Oriea'ms . 'rhe opel11nl "rlces for May wh I't \1' . " the hiighest- lie day . 7c hil ) with one o. ' two hest .OOhu. lots at 57c. I declined to 57c 1111 closed at l7c \ bid. Corn Wil very dull and quiet the Ilrlces I oC May declining lc per 11. II the COUt\ oC the session nlt closing with I net loss I for the (11) ( ' oC : c. Shorts appeared to he I the Ilrncllml bU'er nt the np\leared \ eclne. The II I opening Price for May was 7e. ali ono I 1.0 bus. nt lent sold as low a8 tic . with I 'H c the Intest. 4e. Oats attracted some attention early II I the seeslon whcn the price fell oft % c : under free offerings. 1 dil not last long however iuiil during the howe\er IUII ! greater part of the session tuctuatons were liifluenccd b ) ' corn. 'l'he "n"s business averaged Calrl ) ' geol for I Satnla ) ' . lay started nt Crm : toc to : , 3c 3Jic soul down to lOc and later rose to 30c. \ . nt which prIce bill the morltet closed. . cost. The provision trade aimiarenUy saw nolh- lag to Induce , speculoton. npparenty therefore 1111 nothing . or ns near that ( 1' POssihile - May pork nt , lard CIOSld nt 2c \ declini - declne from yesterdn"s closing prices unit ribs finIshed un hhnged. ( The leadIng futures ranged _ as follows : . Arlele . I 000ii. I _ ifiiLI I Low. I Cos , . WiiemmtNo. ; 2 I WIit . . . : . _ 1434 In ( r.t : % r. . 1ay. . . . . . rm'G ' In , 1:1"4 ' . . . . . . . . /7H /7 ! Jlly. . . . /R Mm CB ' IB I8 S Corn No. : . Cor Jon. . . . : . . . . . 45 . 4'i " 4H f . . . . . , , . 4/ . 4C . 4" May. . . . . . 47s4 .173ctl. 47' 471 S Jul . . . . . . . . ! . . . . 4IU 47 40t i ( 4tiic3 I . . . OlIs : No.2. . Jan. . . . . . . 21 2R 27 ' 27H l'orlc Ma ) . . . . . a ; 30 } 30 30 $ I Iork JII. 11rbbl . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . 20 . . . . . . . . 1 May. . . . 1 .13 1 .1 : 1 40 11 43 LnidiO0 lbs . 1 Lall.IO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 I : Mn ) . . . . I 8' I 85 080 08 ( $ 2 Short Ribs- . ' . . . : } Jflhi. : " , . . . . . . . I 12H / 63 0- .5 . 621 n. . , TI _ 0 : , . . . . . . . , v o , , " 0" , " , , 0 " X CMh .quolntlons were a. follows : I"LOUH-\\'Inler . $2.10t12.70 , pal.nls. : straIghts . : 12.23fl2,6Q : inhea's SI. 0@2.2. : Slrlng patents .12.10 tj2.G0 : "II\llhIN. S2.IOf.5. .S2.10 WHEAT-No. 2 'I > ln . liclJlOtic : NO. 3 spring. nomInal : No. 2 re,1 Cii:9Yc II : COHN-No.2. 4oe ( : tlYe. ) .110\ 4tW , TIlc. OATS-No. , 2. 2Rc : No. 2 whIte . 30(3lic : No. 3 whIt. . 30t,4 ! f3Dc. 30'Hj31Yc 301:0yc. 1tYl-No . 2 . Gte. 52t4c. itAhtLEY-No. 2 , Ie : No. 3. 52ile : No. 4 . ll@ JLAX RI.mD-No. I , " .42. 'rlIOTIY m I'D-Prlne. $ : w. i'ItOVISIONS-Mess pork per libi. . $ l1.2OtIll,30. Ianl Ill' 10 , . . I6.G7',4. ! Hhar'lls bhl. sl $1.:0fl.30. ( ) . S.G2H (5.55. Shouldtrs ( boxOd ) . .2 l.StJ 4.S7t. : short clear sides ( boxed ) . $ : . ' IbnxMI.ol.i5/4.SH WhISKY-DIstIllers' , lInilied goods . . " WHISKY-Distlers' lnlshell goLs. per gnl. , The following were the reeellls ) and shilpimients 1 today : , I "Xrtcloa . . j . Itecelpla. mOd InflemIts. - - Flour , , N ; , . . . . . . = . - ; ; d.0d3 Whmoatbu. . . . ; . . . . . . : . ; . , 21,1110 60JI ) Con ! . bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . 122,000 1.00 . ) : Oats . ha. . . . . : . . . . . . . : . 102,00 ! ) . 41.10 . : ' Itv.bl. . . . . ; . . ; : . . . . : 102.001 . . 77.100' Dnrl"y. ! _ bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31.000.OJ , On tuft ProhlcJ e'cchaliro amity the b - - ltt was steady ; cmamer . 1'2t24c : daIry , llo 20c. Eggs . steady : 13t318c. ' NEW TURK : ( IENEItAL 1lRtET. Closing Quotatons on time Principal Com- moUtcs antI , Staptos. NE\\ YORK J50. . - 19.-FI.Ul-Reeelpt. 9,9YJ 9.01 hbl8 : exports 13.0 bbl. . : tales . 3r , pkgs. Market quiet : buer and sellers apart on se\.ern lines ot sprIng patehts . wlh : no proleet of on a < rmenl : city mill patents $ l.OITLIS : wInter patents , $2.S03.l5 ; city mil clears . S3.3 : winter slmlshls , $ .3512.71 : Minnesota nalenls. t2.Ol . ' . . ' .n 3 . 80 ; wInter oxtIns . * l.2)11t2.40 ) : Minnesota batters . S:0@3.6 ; winter low grades hl.70t12.15 : spring low l grades . n.71t1"J ' : slng extras . : SI.S2.3 . Soulhem flour . dull : common 10 fair extia . $1.8) 12.4 ; good . 10 choice $2.N@2.9 ( xll. flour . qulel : Falcs 2. ) hbl. ; superline. 12.55512.tO : fane ) ' . S2S@3.00. Buckwheat hour . dull : 81.71511.80 . IlITCit\VIIFAT-Stemidy : 4'c. $ .il1I.8. COHN JI AI.DII : yellow W.'stern , 81.15511.12. JIAN-O. HYI-Nomlnol : ear lois , , ' Car 15c : delivered : bal bails . IGIc. del\'ered lAIUEY-ulet ; western . CSIJGSc ; Iwo.rowed GiCSe sial. GOtf Ole. BAHLI MAIT-Dul : we.llm. iO@7e. \'lUAT-Hrell.ts. 2.1) ' bu. , eXIt" : . none : s ales . 480.00) iju. futures Ille. 480,1) 11. tulires : no spo Spot InactIve HI"l : No.2 Ii , In store and elevator C,51S0c \ " Inllvo . 62 : , t. o. b. . 620c. afloat . : No.1 licrtliern . alOI. : No. 1 hard . 710. delivered. OptIon , wore ex- t remel ) ' dull wIthIn n narrow ranga or prices end el"ell wek "I % 0 net decline. lu"\oea \ Was enlr.ly local. Weekly wheat and Ilcur exports IncrfR.I i 1.00 , ( ' bu. antI a 1"1 decrease Ixprl. ( peeld In Mtadas , .Ibo : supply . but tlme,1 toelrs were or no avaIl No. 2 red . ' a\'al : : red. January O5c ) ; Pcb- rar ) ' closed al 61c : March closed al 61e ; . cosed May 62fG2 3.IG. eiet't1 ut 62 ¼ c : June closed al G2\.e \ : July 623.Ig62 0,161 Gue al G2 ' / c. COIN-lCIIIII. 2.03) ) bu. : export ! , 3,500 bu. : i imiei' : . 1.0) : ) bu. futures and 5.0' ) bu. 3.C . Spct market neglected : No. 2 . SIc. la elevator : steamer mIxed . SOc. delIvered : No. 3. 45t4c. Option . , dull > III m easier al first , later co\'rlop'ng Iota .1.cIJec . dul weakle8s uncer reports or actIve selling lt lIe west : closed aL tttTtt.c net decline : January , I .d flc. cOeel at tIle : Pelru3) . closed ut 'H'e ' J : at May lie. 505131 1.IG. closed at r ) e : jdty I closed OAT14-lteeeepts , 30,004) imi . TR-ll'cCllt. ( hl. : exports . 2.5)0 hu. : sale8 , 1,0 : 1m. futures and h,0i ) ) ) bu. spot Spot market neglected : Nc 2. Sic : No.2. delivered , 33Ho : No. 2 white. 37e : No. 3 whIte . ! delvered : tl\tle , Whitt' . 3UNle. Options doll und caster with corn closing . . aL ' .fc net elclno ; January closed al 3o.e : I..vruary. 3f3Ic. IIHec ul Jo : March closed al 31e : Ms' , 3V,51hlc. ! close met 341C. GOd 7Cc , \ } ' . -Sleld ) ; shIpping 505155c : good 10 choice , 1tOP-Qulet : slats . common 10 'choice old , 3f70 ; ' . new , GUie ; Illnc coast , old , 3151Ic ! : " . Hllo' hIllliH-Virnm . : wet salteti New Orleans cc- lotted . 4 : 10 r : lb. . H . .alll : luenls'reo , 21 PI- 10 24 lbs. . 12c : T.'xa" , lry , U lu 31 ' lb. . . G ½ 517c. L1T1Ihfl-SteaIy , ; hemlock ! sole iluenos A5'i-es . lIght 10 heavy . H ½ tfhAc , 11enos , fl5o WOO.llell .toinestlo lleece 251125c : tulied I'Glle ( : Texas . E512c. Cf20 pule 1'10\IRIN-leer. 'IU'II : family . no 1@12.1 : extra nls $ . $ .lO@3.o : beet :11. : . liT : city extra Il exlr Inlil mesm . . lit 0)5118.10. . ( 'ut Itmeal. . ' temt'iy : plkl.,1 bellle. , 5i4TO',4e ! : 1IekllI shoulders . 'lel'ly . 4'Ae , pleleI hums . 85jO4t' . 1.nI , 'lull : \n'ster , .Ieam I Iuln'ster 110.,1 nl $ ; cIty II Gtj'ii4c ! : January clorelat J/nunr' IIOf.1 { 'I . 17. n/linol : May , $ : , ) . nomInal : ralinal . conti. l'nt. $ ,0) : " 'II"U . .I , 5uIZ'le. \ \ , \ . IMk. .tled. quill : ; new clear . 11. S3.11UI.0. . . $ i2.755113.0) : fmmiiy , ! $2.0112,5 : shun "UTlm- : ' e.t.r daIry . tOflGoi ; wl.l- .r Irl'Imery. 1:1 ; wslem tocIO' ) 9@15 : l'tgtn : . 21c , 1'llln8. 25 : Iml/lln Irelmer ) ' . IOISe ; state i ( jaIl' ) ' . 10020c : stats definer ) ' . l6h2Je. (2ltll5-Qulet : state . large 9 , . Clg allie. 9tl1c : small . , , : , ! .fl : , ' : par skilux . 3\rfOc : full 110 .mol. IOIIHI/w : slale and Ienll'hlnl , * . 23 { : let I 3.381 hOI" ' , nfrSe : w.l.r ) tn'sh * , ltti2.t' ! : rll'lllls. , , Ik8. 4\i \ 'I'Al.l.OW-Steaiher H .e. , : c'ly , HUlme : c ulr : ) . . I 'I'1'ItOi.l'ti5t-Ncliiinal ' hailed disc' , ] 01 9i31t ! . 11'TIO.I'A-Ncrlna' ; . . 6.l6.7U ' ) . . : 10.1 WI.hlo o'o , , I In hul" , 81.2) ) : 1elncd. New York . is.tO : I'Iitla. delilla "n.1 Balimore. I I I $ : .70 , I'liiladeiplila Ihla- 1IIIIor < . . II built . S3.2. Ihladelphla In'l tj 10:1hIy . ; .llnlnl-J. common . 10 good . U 3) ' i't'ltl'lN'1'it4li-1"ltni : : tIH130c. 1llt13-linmn ; dumesic. faIr 10 estra . ltl'-Vlnl dome.le. toll eJlr. 4ifJ4lc I J111 1) ' . IY.IO13IIC. l'ioltSSlS-llrmim : New Oleaas MO.\HHI':8-1"lrl . cpea ke1tt . c".1 ( I ciiire. :3f3 c. I. I OI.\Nnl 15-Quiet. l'ih iltoN-Duil : Seolc . . ) . . 8lh.OOtIl.O0 IH IlON-lul ; Amen Cat ) . 19.505112.50. JU.O2).O Amer. roi'l'iit-.vIrni : . ' C'OIIIl-I"lrm ; brokers' price. 210. Ig.\ l---t"lniu ; liolcrs' irlee ' . 89.O2t. . l1'IN-l'lnt.s. oUI I. l'rJ U.02\ 10rrON Slll ) O1I-W'eak ; prime Crude . 21@ lie ; oft crude. . :1e ; Ilme ; ' stammer 3(110w. 2I1 $ : ! 'r : e/ .mmer ) 'elow. 1tt23 : . ' : ) ehlow butte ( grailes . 3'fl30 ' ; online WIllIe , 31032 , el } bUIlr . 1.lvrl.11 Mirhiltil. : L"'Iml'OO. .1)lfl. ) i9.-W1IIIAT-Spot . quiet ; denianl poor ; No. : red -WIIMT-Spl. \ ' ; No. 3 'Id spnins . 6 > 4d ; Ni' < lmsrd . SIanlto'lai. 5a 1,1 , 1lanllo1 : No. I C.llr"lnlu. 53 1,1. ( I.'ullrl clo.e,1 all'ady thus 2.Iimy I ( millIng . . hIgher . and oilier nionthis Un ! ! cltitttge'd fummit ) -t'stenIty's close. . mnl. t111'd , t"1 .t..h cloc. lu.ln.a nboul equally ,1&lrlbul. ; Jauiuury . .8 1 bd : l'elirusr ) . < Ulla 1) Jln 4 P'tl " . t : 11 101. II ) ' , . 'd , Mrtl ' . h 91" . May I'.hrar . 4 9'.d t ; ( ' ( JuNpot quiet . 'LINHI'ul Ilule : Amel.lcon mlxrJ. new. 4 . . . ' 4 hi..i. I.'ululea ( 'hosed . . " steuk wIth hear Positioo . 1 5 11 ( < wlh 1"1 > .1108. IJ3 turllngl loycr Ind distant lottIuOs htj f.ulilings lacer business iieavleI II.llun. Ii : . luwe : bualnll hu\'I..1 on 'mtrikst 1. " dlnnl : January und February , b 1td ; Msy . 4 S . . 1.1 At 4 md : Jlnp. 4 Id. l'nO\1110S-laco/ $ ; tlenian4 . poe 'I . Cmlrnnll Clt 22 ' . , : 5.1 ; hrt nt's. .1 I 31 I .v" . 3:8 : InnK clear lIht . : 10 45 1"8. . Ils ; lon/ l c { par hM" ) ' . ro ithrmiii ; Pliant ienr imaCks . I 'h t. n il.s. l . 3 G ; lui . clear middies hesvy hlk . I hpl\'I. 5il C\ lbs. , 31 : clear bel" 'lt 10 16 lbs. . SSs. ShouterS . il erS , squmirn . 1 10 1l . ,1's , . 29 , 11am , . . short ( ' iit . I 10 1 lbs. ' % fIJ'1 , l ? . % Ixll Inll , . Ihor l. 1 : prime mess . r . Od. Iork , prime mess. fine w estern 57s Ii : "rime . . lao " "Ipm 6 .es8. medium. 52s Gd. 1 .anl . dll , prIme wl'strn , 31 9.1 ; refined Gl. . wr"lfo 1':1. l 26. . 1'1.01-11(011' ; ilenIqd mo\lemle : St. Lu18. tlnc ) winter. 5f M. , , IIARC"nn.lnn. i'jih'j.i . . _ . . TAli.OV-Fkse. . N. \ . . nominal. Ils. { 11 1'fm-"lrl ; dclUl roar ; Inl'81merl. : - ( whIte , 4'8 6 : ,1taest .merlenn colored . ro" M. J . 'I ' . toloreL. Ilt"rTllt-t'inest tIqtle'.t . Staten 758 : good . . Gis. TITI'I'NTINn SI'II'-211 cii. 10.1. } I1OSIN-Cominon , 3 9.1. ' 6. IN-lommon 3' Dl. COTTON ! mlOILI.o" ' . reflaeth . n8 6 , ] . i,1N8101) : : OiL-2lsi5il ' . , relnel. 6. I1 TnOl.IU-lcnn\ II. I.IAlIINO l'Ow . n41-11"twol. t. O. b. . l.h'lrI11. f ; lOs. 1101'S-At . london ( Paclnc 1 roast ) , ( 158. 0\\1. : GI\.L : . \1. lIt BT. - Condition ot Trade "UI Unotlton1 Oi allI Fitticy l'rodmlrc. 'Inplo alll Jf"CJ I'rollro , The mud weather has hall n weakenIng effect upon 1.lh . IJII' ant eggs. II 1 re\.lew ot the LIHter 1' < chet.e .lullbn lie ( New Yolk { emmerel,1 bulletIn 0)8 : 'Fhi . 11""llelon or hiler ) Ilurlnl lie wllier 11 nol CILI to the ( eotmsthhtptioa . nfl , , lam-ge I tl\lntt(1 o the surplus trm lie .lllner make are carried n.lolmg and worked ! into . , ' nOIR wok. 1110 1 < loumlt'on Urlhl time ofT scasn. \hle : has a tendency II 1"1' " I.ll'es II"onahl ) ' low .Iurln/ ( lie seasoll when Ihe / . Imllt 18 Iigst. : I"rm tIme to tIme Ilurllg the season stocks are COntIltittI siiowIn tin' 8enlJk9 nr comlI.1 .howlll quantity III qllnily hehl In this and . nllll eItIe . antI such Informa- lon would I" very \11:110 It I eoulll be ob allied ' ' . . Ifl\ This. howler. seems In be an Impo.lbll ) ' . ror 11 < ren/n that holders ot butter rrfu.e 10 give 1he information , antI In Inornalonil many cases It has h.cl found that when the llgtlrvs w.r Aubmilelt Ihl ) ' were Incorrl'cl. The Melnnile 1'xc\n : : . untIl within I year . ' two reported ( lie stocks on innemary 1 . hilt ) relorl.1 , , 111 "lok8 JInIOr ) . I. tile illures IhlnlnCI after n cor.rul ennviiss ot time ( lade 101.n. toun.1 10 be isl . . , . lodl WN" ; . Inl.lrn.lnl nn,1 ihlffene'n ( fmm ( lie actual qlonll ) ' known to he .111''nt tie Ixehanll illenhhbOrS resolVed to dn "wn ) . wlh stack taking . ant Ih ( ) ' hate nol fltteiilltC'i It or laIc. The' l'lultice 11.m\le.1 ' 1. PI"luco exchnngl" howl'\'o'r. haM conlnleo 10 1lxnl lie ( etheks ot Imutter wlh other articles . . nnt I they estImated ! the hulr qUII. ty In thiS city as tel ow. ul January 1 Tubs or . 1'lIs. 1.'lrkln. . Slate crMmery . . . . . . . . . . . . 1111. . - 1,2 State ilatry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.315 2,37 I Western crl'amCr ) ' . . . . . . . . . . 21on I S'estern daIry . . . . . . . . . . . 2. . : . . Cl . WClem factory . . . . . . . . . . . . - liln IGC ; : i Total 189. . . . . . . . . . . . . . M,5n 1.35 ! Total ISOI . . . . . . . . . . . . 51.9)3 ) r.3G2 , ) r Total ISn . . . . . . . . . : . . . . 519)3 > . 4,37 r The butter Irat. 19 almoll . unanimous In tin I belief lint ' Ihe IIU" ' ( nil very chart of Ihe actual l1ount carried hr Ihe let himt . onI'lh , i New York Daily Market II'pot eolmal8 Ihe actual stocks nl w per cent . . Inane ( linrm . tiC nbo\'e thgimres . unit the l'nmduc'rs' Prlco - . ' Cuncnt 11.1' ' nnt 1ldle. . eom- meats on time .ubjecl as follows : "I.'rum the IIU"9 given above it I , I. quite cer . loIn thnL time llltlItS nt Iho stock taking nrc 111. no better than In " 11'loua )101' . and WO n.e hl'.c IS maele . "ia estimates that . "m to us In he n ' . ' the . . .u.o'r actual holdings. Ielunl hello 1.llelll the cx - It" front the receIpts trout May 1 In Jonuor 11 antI allowing : .O ) iikgs. I week for hOle ' ) sumption . it siiov about 89,00) pkgs. . I 8hnw. 8.01) Iksl. its r.prc- sent.ng the .loci : on I"nl J"null 1. But ( hIm . dos not lake into ( lsll.mlon Ihs old sleek that wn" ; on unfit May I wlch was ostlillittelt , nt 1nIf If : 2.0 IllgI I'.lowlng tI1. . . "le 1111. the sloce ' I year ago were nl.lut mole ) ) ikgs. " Thu following Il'm wus Iublshed by a west - era ( mile journal ; " 1"01 the IMI time this season ) \0' " 10 ole In get I trustworthy report of the amount ot hnler II Ihr cold storage houses nnd cellars In New York ' . , ' , Si The City. l'icutuce Yorl el ) 1lue. exchange hail an : Inventor ) ' lon ] the 111 ot ( lie ycar 111 rcporl r..r ; ) tu\s ant 1.3) Or ) < lns. ' 'hl' report 18 to - lalle nail , may be lelondeJ upon. 1 show rather Ilor" Ihon wits est'mimated emmrlkr In tim oouon. 1,0 It I" evhl .lt New YOk huts got In i 1 . > "U ) ' god slzel "ld\II hlll In orler to wont .h" " RI.\ \ , nl 'hla an" " ' ' F'roin time - above "i ; .in ; seen ho" Important II I. lust the 1& " gl"'n'ly ( Ihe trade to those collectIng stocks eluouldhe . absolutely correcl. Intrr Is not . thai . ont . article wIth which ellculY ! Is fC111 In ol'olnlng sloel < . ( bough ! ( hat . Ierhnl's ' , 18 Iho hahte.t to obtaIn correctly. The reporl' of 1" . .I.ka or che"se on halll .liumuary 1 w.re IUluAht Irss erroneous than butter . but tIme Iglre" 'Wl'n believed lo be con .Ielerbl ) ' lesO' than the actual quantity on hal Ind It Is evIdent list ncw iuletlmusls lusl he Inll.lueel before stlll coo be obtaIned cor- rcl\ enough 1. h ot'mue , yolue. IUTTI H-Clcl sloek. . 'e : common to fair 1 ( lc : fair 10 good CU111 ' . 1 le ! : cho'eo to fancy . 15@IGe : h'ihered.etbamer ) ' , 1'0 ; separator creamers' , 2 2Ie. ' - - , - gOnS-Slrlcl ) ' tres".ilo . lie. L1Vg . POtJ1..T1tY-OidIii'ns - . 4 ½ c : spring chIckens - . 4\c ens . Ytel : . ducks . Gc ; turkeys . . Ge : heavy ems , fc' : geese. Gc. . - - , - - IItL'SSEI ) POt1I.Trt--thilckcns. fair . 4U5e ! : choice large . fe : ch01e6'"llal. 51,151-Cc : turkey . , ' faIr 10 goad , C GYe ; btioC ( , I.\\.y. ! Gt.to : choIce : IrJ I ; ilucks , mit t good , 75171C- ; fancy , : : fl fdJ full dressed , 141Cc ; g.e fair 'to good ' 517'A.a ; fancy , full dressed. ' 87I. , . , , T'SHm ta8il - II wing tI51I1 ' . 'per' < dnx : . $1.5O511'7. : : green wln1 teal r IIW-ooz. . SI.2UI.50 : ducks . mixed per 'doz. . tl.O05i.25 ; canvasbacks. S4O@ ' 5.0 : mallards and rel-heal. . 52.10112,75 : somalI rb"ls. 7ciSl.0 : jack"rnbbtts . . . 1.QO512.OD : smal relg. GOc. .1. f.Q@.OO VEALholee tul. 70to 10 Ibs. . are quoted at . 5\fG : large 11d coarse. . 3@lc. .1 CIIEESE-Wlscoasln cream , Young A. lIe : twins 12'e : Nebraska and Iowo. full cream lie , Nebraska and Iowa skims , le hart @Se ; Llm- burger . No.1. lie : brick. No. 1. lIe ; Smvlss . No. 1. 15. Y-Uplanel hay. U.fO : mIdland $ .50 : low- hand . S3 : rye straw $ C. Color makes the unto on hay. Light shades sell lie best. Only top grades , gmle bring tap pre s. i'IOEONS-Old birds . ' per doz. . 7cUU.0. . V13GE'AI1L51S. POTATOES-Western stock car loIs , Ce : small lola. 70c. OLD 1IEANS-lIanul-pIclced , navy , 81.90512.00 I DEANS-land-plel ; _ . , , , , . , . el LIma "can. ner II . 5" " . ONIONs orders , " 16'mOe. . CAIIAGEu orders . li4c. CFLt1tY-1'i'r orlers. . 45.50c : California , C.7e. SWEET I'O'I'ATOES-llomo grown S2.7 : 1us - ca tlne. $3. . BEI TSPcr bbl . 12 . : - CARnOTS-Pel' "bl. . $2. CAULiF'bOWaR-PerJcrate ot a doz and imalf 10 two toz. . $2.50 p - hal 1lO1tSiitADlS11-Per Ih. , 7518c. 7iSe. l'AI1SNI1'8-I'er bbl. ' $2. h W ' RtITAIIAG/iS-Per "Ii\ \ ; , $2. i'AitsLIY-l'er doz bunch , SIc. TtlRNll'S-Per obI. . $2. SPLIT 11 A8Per Il , $ 354c. OnmN l'EAS-ler Iju. . $ t.25t31.35. 1tADISIIES-i'or doz. . 35e. lE'"rUCBler doz. , SIc. SPINACH.I'er bbl. . $1tOtJl.75. FRUIT $ . PEARS-Wlnler I1ellis . 52. AlllI S-enlons , , OCtj3.25 : choice eastern st ock . 1.0. SiOf3. ORAll S-Coneord. none : Malagas per 63 to CS.I" . bhIN. . 'gross . s''OmO.O. : per CIAN1JE1IItIEd-Jerseya bbl. . fancy 811.005111.50 TROPICAL F'RUlTS. ORANUFIS-l'lorldns. per hox. . .75@1.01 ; Call. fornla navels 81.1-0513.75 ; seedlIngs , $ . Cal. BANANAS-Cholco stock. $2.0@2.5 per bunch. LFJMON8-1'ancy. . l"lorlda. sizes 230 antI 300. U.00@4.21i ; new JIIesslnas , sizes ZOO to 3CO. $1.00& 4' ' ' iN A1'l'LrS-1'1' oloz. . S3.1iO@4.00. loUflCELLANGOUS. OYSTI RS-JIIedlul11. , per can , ICe : horseshoes , , :1Jc : extra slandol'd. 21c : extra selects ! , 2c : c eompon seleeu , 21c : New York eounls. lIe : li ulhcsetnmmdari . per gal. , $1.30. Ni1\V 1"10H-gxlrn fancy . ICe : fancy , lIe : c hoice . 12@13e ; CalIfornia lnga . 7e. I10NI Y-New York. lie : dOlle. lI@1lie : Cali- ornla ICe : clratimed 4 to 10lh. , cans per lb. , 10e. JIIAI'IE IiYIIUI'-Oullon jugs . per Iloz" , $12. NUTS-Almond. . llio , nKllah walnuts sort- helled 12e ; standards . tIc ; filberts 8tjac : llrazll nUl9 , HI' 3Uli1t KItAUT-Choleo white . per bhil . $4.10 . Ir i , hair bbl. t2.M. MINCE MEAT-I"ane Iii hair bbls. . per Ib. . 5c ; 10.gol. kegs , Gc ; condensed , per case ot 3 d o-i. pleS8. n.5O. . I"ISU-Hunn.h and perch 60 ; buffalo , 70 : crap- p ie. hoe ; c'athlsIi 121' : "lack tunas . llie. CJDI It-Pllr" juic . 11cr bbl. , S.CO ; hair bbl. , $3. lUDES AND T\ILOW. 1IIDr'S-No. : 1 green hIdes ZHle ! : No. 3 green I h ides . . 3Hc : No. 1 - Kreelsalte'l bihIes fie : No. 2 : gr.e.n solicit hIdes . 4io ! : 'No.1 green .0110.1 hides , , , 2 3 I. 40 Ibs. . Sc : . - : . en sailed hIdes 25 10 40 Ih. . 4110 : No. I veattif 8 Ib 15 lbs. . Sc : 14o , Z veal calf . 8 10 15 Ibr J , IJtIf No.1 dry flInt hIdes , , ' I 61' : No. 2 dry IIInl hlilea. Co : No , I dry sallcll' h Ides . 6e : hart cured tmIdc.qc \ ' l'cl.1b. Ics thllll : I fUll ) cure . < , Si I El'I' : ITR-OrHlf'9 ' salted each ZHJCoJc : ; "reen salted .hearJlnlW rsliOlrt wooled early skIns ! ) , c acti . 11llic : dry .1..orll/l11 ( oholt woolcl , .all ) I sklno ) . No. I , eaci ; dry shearllngs ( short wooed ! early skins ) . fl1 , I . e"eh. Sc ; dry hint Kansas and NebraskA " "ilcher ' wool cUa. ' Ib. I I actual weight , l'j0t' . 'dry lInl ! lullua and I'er I N..br03ka murrain mvuof ( 1)01(1 ( . tier 11 . aeluol I weIght HJGc : dry glInt Cololado butcher wool I p elts , per lb. , netummllcp1112 . HiG\foc' \ tiny mnl ' I Colorado murrain wI" ( . . , 5'cls . oer II . . . oCluol r _ , m melght . HICe 'rAII..ow AND OIlFASE-Tollo\V. No. I. if1 I 4ltc : alley , No. 2 . ZtIficireaBe. while A. 41'.0 ! II 4 te : 'lealiP.l'hll II , % , ei c..ase , ) yellow She \ : grease dal k. ZItj3c : fYI butter , (1i.e ; bees . wax. prime . 17(1:00 : rc li eII I tallow , Ze. WlJltt-Mnrkf1t. LONION Jan. 1VIO 1 ) wool auctIon sale , tula ) ' 10.(00) I'olell,1 ( 1. The sItctlcn a n/'tere',1 1 0110) wvre 1t'lfI11JJlr : , b..ller. Aml'rlc"n hun'o Wl'r" ) ; ' ' ' I U\ . . Cur better greasy mcrl- nOl lit full "rlceo. " ( _ ' 9111lwtitll n all annual ' b I iiimirvlng \'alcs. \ . seounil and , hot fdIjls l unls 1d steadier : ; grrasy ' . New l'4412t'.l ' 81)1111 ' : I I\lI'enolllllll , uic.urel. ! Si,4uiil',4,1 : KI08) ' . t\HIBd. \ : Victoria oCollr..I. 7 1flla.SI. greasy . C511ll. . H ) iih ( 1 . Australia scour'xi , lt'tjl. ' ( ' I , .I : 1I'a.y. H\/\tl \ ' \ ' , New Zp"lund , sct.urgd1 StdS'ia : greasy . 60fd : Caller laud IbiS " and Notili. .321 bales : .icumileh 5Iii511s lid ; : greasy . t51Thd. ! lIT . IOIJI ! . Jlln. 19.-\\001.-HI.I for coors and m..dlum IIl1d < 'lIaler on liner grall l. . llIhrllulIl'/I , .tllrk" . . JlUI\\'At1\Clm , Jun. 19.-I-'IOIIH-Slead ' . W1IJoA'I'-Wl'ok nod lower : No. S sprllig Sic , ; No. I norlhern. ( 61cm ; May . SIc. eOIlN-8Iell ( ; No. 3 , 43\.e. ZO I-"wcr ' ; No 3 'Iilte . Sic , No. 3 wtitti ' . . IIAIUIQul"l ' : No , " 53lc ! : 6all1l1le , 82j'SIt' . It'S'l-l--lIIglier ; No. I. SIC' . 1'1I0\'IIiIONH-lh'ad : ' Pouk 1110. $ ' .ard. I $ G.w. 1U'I . II'TII-t"lour , 3.900 b'biL ; wheal , 20.010 ) bu . - barley . 4COI.u. . . fllltI'M . : TH-I'.laur. . 4.509 " 1.111. ; wheal , IlCille , . hal-Ic ) . 1 : , 'OO Iu. ; IIllltlnlllru C'P'II . ! Ullrleel. 1.'tI2.lOiIhi. : , Jon. p.-I'rOl'II-I'lIchonj'ecJ ( I : reeell'I. ' . 8 018 bvla. ; ahlpml'nili. 23.V78 Ll.Is. \\'It1 Nl'-IIlIIr ; Bl'jlJ iuiut II1Ul1lh , 3\.q.ici \ ' 1 I P ehniary . t.94515954e ; 'ny. 1h'51OIe ; steamer No. , 2 red , 10i4f751'.je ! : receIpts . n.u . \ . j Mock. Gli.lOt bu j sales . 45,000 ) / . ; 1\c.'l/them , by MmlI fiI Gle ; mstrnpie on graile 57ftGo. . COHN-Qul1 . . nn.1 eaSy ; flot nnll monlh. 411(0 l 9te : i'ct'm-uary 57 S.70H ; llIor , S0'Yc : "I'nllll' m i . ,1. 470 IUlke" ; 1'1'11'117.10 vu. ; 1rlpmenI8. . 31.211 hu. . Mock. 1YT.613 bU : MI/lhtm while rom , H'ift"e ; southern "Cllow coca 4ittit.C' . OATS-l'"lnn ; No. 2 . sIulie CII"plpfII. 2t14o 1,1. ! ; N o. 2 mIxed . Z3451360 ; receIpts IZW hat : stock , l IACCI bu ItYI--Innell\'e : ; No.2. ITch : receIpts . 9Z9 bui.l : s tock 40.G I'll. ( "A \-QIlIf'L and nnn ; good to choice ( tlmelh , JI2.tOUI3.00. $ _ _ _ _ _ _ S'tOCltS ANU llONIS. S llI1ro Sllceulatlon , hleft7 In Tone MI 1 1\ ) ' , NF\S YOnK , Jnn. 19.-The share RII ! .uln- lon has 'een heavy In tone nil : tay on t ver ) ' light volume oC bllslnell3. and prices , with aver ) ' few 1I111111llorlant cxceptlolll ( , show a L1rl'llllC front ) 'e9terlla1 tilt ml I'nlc3 . rangIng Crom per cent to 2' ' , Per Clt\t. ' File heavine's of ( lie market with lue (0 ( iiIe t I itethizo the profits of the rovnt a I. vm&lmce , c : ' ( 4 III Itt one or tw0 Instati38 , in S VhllOll ipeelmil Iisfluinces verc at ' % ur.t iii week. A CflRG in point Is Union I'ncItlc , Which , vtts sold heavily on ( lte reported in- ( ciii Ira to t Cl se the iroiierY ( iti ( ill It t'.igile ri'imr that a II ) Per cent iiC'S5nle't ( on ( Itt' luek wits probable , Afer ( te nlo.s , Cf blhi.IIless nild the receIpt of tmsO lnt"iI 1 .1 cemi il , I nithies of ( he making ci itli Illipli- atlumt for tue foreclosure of the firmet. Inert gage nail the nipolnflmsent of separate Ce- ceit'ers for the nnin lilie , tue stork tto' e 1 itor ettit I imit closed at the lowest lioIlt iClCliitl CI lnlgo tins vns weak o't selling Iniluceil by tue conmlihications resuhtliig' fl'ons t.t. ( . ! ' ' ( , ' ' to , hbnime time control at tIle C)1fl pant. . .A a curly ailvnnce of % Pci' ii'itt " .s pmatk , WliIeil WS quickly followed I v a Ihe- clIlte of pet CCItt to 7. with is flnet.raiI : $ ' of 1101' cent , tnaICtImg ( lie loss OIl tlil ibt' I Per cent , Iielede Gas ireferretl , itl , , tmmceui I cr cent and runcted 11/ . tier cent ' ( 'lii : grnngers opened iover , reacted a silate , nindo a partial m'ecover ) ' , almd , in cii" fihIuli dealltigs , fell off ugetin , except ltoel lmiItttil , , 'vhmichm slants tincimuimgeil on the tlt' : . lhir- , ilngtoii Is ilovmi , ' Per cclii , Northiwe"terli r ; mer ccItt attul St. i'mtui ter cetit , the Iattce being cold by London , Sugnr wa's hilt llchiy dealt in an I hilflt'Cil -tvltliin a. range of % per ccitt , losing jii'.i ' . that Iractlomm on time day's tralmmta"it'n'i. 'rIme market closeil 'lull nud 11 ! t'v in I tone. During ( lie week , whIle the tvv.tl ( II : vas s'cry light , the market was , Ill tilt I maIn. strong , nod , In it majority of ' uses I an nitvaimc lmit.'s becim rectruleit oil I lii , & 04- . Ing figures of Smittirulay last. Time aggregatt . of the sales Is 550,300 slmares. CIilci40 : ( ins I bailing lit PoInt of activity. The specialties C were more nctivo tiiaim tlsual ahuul a malor. . Ity of them tecoriled sutistmiiitlal allt'.l.mmea . TIme gruongers were ruh'enmiely affected Ii $ . the acUon of time Uumied ( States sentte i postponing conelderatlolm of tue pooling Lil attti reeeleei. it frnctlon in the early % satt UI I ( he week , but recovereih the losses \'I1li thu . oXcelitiofl of : St. Pa'ul , slmicht Is g tier cUlt off. off.Vliih \Vliih tIme built of trailing in the tlo I S boimd mnrlcc't was lower , the rtcessIumns ohS II I not exceed fractional limits. The tietilnam S were light and reached only $391,000. , vances were recorded at' 2 Per cent Ii I Northwestern sinking fuimul tlebentmmro Sm 4 reg. of 19011 , anil each in Atlantic & l'aclili 4 and Oregon hnmiirovemettt firsts. Tlii trnnsactions for the wi'elc us the boliti alan . hut aggregated $6,242,200 , tise Atchiisoit isstic , ,4 , being most lilomilient thereIn aimil recortlini an Improvenstmflt in the. 4s of 2 % per cent and in tile st'commd of 1f , per cent , with i final reaction of 114 and 1 ier cent respec - tivel ) ' . Most of lime issuc deult in no ' higher on time week. TIme following were tile closing quotatlomm S on thio leading stocks of ( Ito Nest' York cx - change today : ' , , , , 4.Nallsnstnrn . . . . . I - - - - - - - - - - - Adams lxpress 141 sc w. nra. . . . . . . . . . 114 Altomi , 'r , it . . . . . . . 3Ciii N. Y. Ciiimtral . . . . . . 1)1)15 ( lenTil. . . . . . . . . . . . 11O N. Y. , ! tN. 1' . . . . . . . . :024 : Ammi. 2xPrc5iS. . . . . . 111)4 ( ) , mtanio .t SY. . . . . . . 10 % llaitiiimoro ,5 Ohio 0 1 % Ortaeomm huh. . . . . . . . . I I. Catumuha i'mecltte hut Orcon Nov . . . . . . 21 Cmtimmmda Souihiinrii Ii ) 0. 8. L. & U. 24. . . . neimlrmul i'acillo 14 Pacific Mall. . . . . . 23i4 Cie. ( , & Ohio. . . . . . 1714 I' . P. & 15 . . . . . . . . . . :1 : % Chmlcmmgo Altomi. . . . . .1db , PIttsbuir . . . . . . . . . . ISil 0. . II. , t Q. . . . . . . . . . 715 i'uuhlmmiaii i'alaco ifil Ciliendo omes. . . . . . . 7n)1 ltoatlllmr. $ . . . . . . . . . . . Comisoittlateil ass 1214 % ItichmimoiidTer. . . , 151 $ c.c , . ea&st. L. . , 'di ) do hal. . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Cob. Coal & Iron Ii It. G. V. ' . . . . . . . . . . . . 1h Cotton 011 Cert. . . , 2 C It. 0. W. pItt. . . . . . . 4l 'lelawaro ' .t Ibid 11 i ( Rock island. . . . . . . 031f Pci. , Lack. & Vi' 101 % St. Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . I ) . & it. G. old. . . . . :15 : do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . 11)0 ) 0. , ' C. F. Co. . . . . . . i0 $ ' St. P. & Onihma 331 b'rlo. . . . .b . . . . . . . . . . 1(115 ( , to pta . . . . . . . . . . 110 do 1)111. . . . . . . . . . 22 Soutimenum 1'ciflc 1)0 Fort IVumylmO. . . . . . . ' 157 Sumg.Ir Itelimmery , 8'J1 ' ( I. Noi'tlionmi itd 102 Tcmmn , Coal , I.m Iroim 15 % C. . ' . 10. I. ntt ( . . . . . . 04 Texas PacifIc 0 % 11oclt1ngValloy 17 T. &O.CCOtPfU 10 ilhiiola Central. 83 , Uniomi l'aciltc. . . . . IIIi Hi. 1' & Duluth . 20 U. 8'ExpreRil. . . . . . 45 'IC. ' & T.prd. . . . . . . . 223i W. St. L. & 1' . . . . . . 0 , Ialco Erie & West ' 1614 do pitt. . . . . . . . . . . , 1414 (10 tifti. . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Welt Fargo Ec. . , 107 LakoShioro. . . . . . . . 139 . . Weterli Union 874 . . . . . . . . . . & L. Ii it ) LOuIsville & N. . 341 $ . ( to pid. . . . . . . . . . . . 40 r. . & ' 11. A. . . . . . . . . . 7 3d. .1 ; St. L. . . . . . . . . . 2)0 Manhataui , Comi. , 100 P. & 11. 0 . . . . . . . . . . ii Memmioiils&C. . . . . . 10 0. 10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3P15 Iillchilgamm Cent (17 ( . N. L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 MIssouri Pacihic 2514 0 , P. & I . . . . . . . . . . . 2514 Mobile & OhIo 16 do ifd. . . . . . . . . . . . 70 NtslmvilloClmat : , , (15 ( II. & 2. C . . . . . . . . . . 2 % NatIonal Cordaa 5 % T A. A. & N. M I m ( lopfd. . . . . . . . . . . 0 % T.SL L. &It.C 1 N.J. Central. . . . . . 01 % . . . . . . . . . . . . . l. & lv. pfd. . . . . . . . 18 9. lI 10. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 North Ama. Co. 3 % mb pfiI. . . . . . . . . . . . 3535 Northern Pacific 335 Amn.'Tob. Co 1154 No. Pao. piul. . . . . . . 1735 do ptd. . . . . . . . . . . . 10S1 U.l'.l.tQ.4 % The total soles of stoclis tolni' , svrr 51.5 % ' 7 h. . . . ' , , , , , ! , . ' A.ri'n , , )1eir Gloom hiur Il ngtcn , 1,800 ; Chmlcago Gas , 1,400 ; 1)istlliiflg & C attlcfc'dimmg. 2.700 ; Rock island , 3,500 ; St. i'aul , 4 , 000 ; UnIon l'achhhc , 4,500. otv Vork alonoy Market. NEW YORK , Jan. 19.-MONEY O CALL- 11 ns' at 1 tIer cel't. i'ltIIE 1IEI1CANTIbIS ' ' ' ' - l'AI'1iIR-2'5f4',4 per C ent. s'rilltLING lXC1IANGii-FIrrli , whOm actual li uslneas rate , , for bankers' lulls at $ l.89d1.WJV t ar demimamiut and $ h.SS1 fir i'Ixy dmits. l'osted r ates , $ i.3l',451i.O9 nnd $ h.1951h.t0. Comanierciai b ills. 14.87511.81 % . - SILVFO1 Ch0ht'F1l1CATE8-Gl51C1iC no mIca. BAIt SlI.\'ult-5595iC. MlNICAN IOhLAItS-IS'IC. GOVEIINaIISNT JIONDS-Qulet and steady ; s tate hands , dull , except for Vicglnlaa , which are f aIrly active antI firm. ClosIng quotations on bonds were as follows : 51.8.08. rein. . . . . . . 115)4 U..e1t.U. Is. . . . . . . 113 I I. S. liicoup . . , . , , I 111 % P. .t it. 0 , l. . . . , it I I , ! , S. 45 , reg. . . . . . 113 1Inio 2uiS. . . . . . . . . . . 64 I J.S.4s.coup. . . . . . 133 G,1 ! . ks Atis , ( P3 1 1. 8. 28. rag. . . . . . . 07 oo lii. . . . . . . . . . . . ltiit4 i 'acillc lii , of ' 1)3 10(1 ( 11. & T , C. fis. . . . . 10:1 : % Ala. Class A. . . . . . 101 dO ( Is. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10135 Ala. Class II. . . . . . . 13)1 ) % Id. IC. & ' 1' . laS 4s 82 Ala. Class 'C , , . , . . , 1)4do ) 2d 4i. , . . . . . . . . . AIim. Cmlrreiiqy. . . . . ( i-I Mlttmmal Ijuilon ( Is , 114)4 ) La. New Con. 4mi. , 0215 N. .1. C. Gen. Os. , , 1 121 S lisutolIri Cii. . . . . . . lilt ) No. l'ac. lats. . . . . . 11415 N. C. ha. . . . . . . . . . . . 12-S (102(15 . . . . . . . . . . 8110 . N. C. . .is. . . . . . . . . . . . 101) ) N. W. Comiiioli. . . . . . 14:11 : S.O.nOllflmmici 1 % .iie S. F. Pots , Is h01 % ' Feimli. 11(1W ( Set ( IS. 104 % ft. G. Ycst. lets (1735 ' reimii. iiev. ' iit Sii. 1(10 ( St. P. Coim'eots is , 125 % Tcimn.Oliftls. . . . . . . (10 doC.bl.W.38 111)4 Vs. CenturIeS . . , . ( .915 St. r. lJiI.ull. 5 , 70 do elaferrefi. . . . . . 1(114 ( St. b. & S.P. Goa.tJ , 101 AtchIson 4a. . . . . . . hOOf Tax. i'a. isIs. . , , , Sil do 2d A. . . . . . . . . . 31)11 ) do 2iii. . . . . . . . . . . Caimada SO. 20s. . , . 107 . 11. 1' . lstsof ' 00. . . h04l' C,1'.Ists of ' 93. . 100f'est SIIor3 4s. . . . . 105 ilo1omi Stue'c tJu't ( CIlIa I , lioSTON. Jan. 111-Call loamis , 25I4 per cent ; I hnmm loomis. 2541 Per calit , ( ilomhiig prIcal tJC' Stock : ) , bo.sd'4 mimi , iuiilimmr , i'larao : A1'1 , . , . . . .4 % lVeodimiZtl.EIOC , , . . AiIm. Smmmcmtr. . . . . . . . . I4U1I IV. i'li'e , iitd. . . . . . . 41) ) Aiim , Sugar old , , , (12 ( Vls. Cemutnitl. . . . . . . :4 : Itav Stale ( las . , , . , 1 1 Atc'lilM so 2ds , . . , , It ) ltsll'relelilolIe. , ltJl ( Atciilsomi 4is . . . . . Oil , Ooiitoml&Albamiy 2011 Now Elmgland hIs , , 11)835 ) ilostomi & Li , 1)1(1. 1112 01111 , hluctnhc liii. . , 1)2 ) ( I. hl. & Q. . . . . . . . . . . 7135 SVis , Cent. tat ) ) . , , , .l i"Itcliiiumrr. . . . . . . . . . hal Atlaimtic. . . . . . . . . . . . 104 Ceum , Siectnic . . , . , , :34 : lmostnml & liluntelmx : 08)4 ) Iilhiiois Sti'iI . . . . . . 411 lllitto & ijootomi. , , 11 MexIcan Ceiili'aI llh ( ImetmIlliet .tt Ilecl. , 2i4 24. 'V. . 'o N , F . . . , , , 0214 Cciutenmilnt . , , . , i , Hi Out Colony. . . . . . . . 180 % Framiklhmi. . . . . . . . . . . 1.1 Ore' . Short Line , 5 ICC'lrMIrgti . . . . , 1) itubber. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:1)4 : ) Oseeoimt. . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 % ' Uiiloii l'ueltlo 1)34 ) Qulncy- - . , . , , , . . , 1(3435 ( Vi'sti5iiml , , , , , , , , , , 03 'J'aniarack , , , , , . , , , 152 do 1,111. , . . . . . . . . . . 8851 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . Haul lr.tIloi4eO SliiIll StuImie ( jmlotmltlumI. SN F1IANCISCO. Juml : , lti.-Tiio olnelal cldmtmi ; l5tmotmlhoiiii br lmitniIl $ tO3itIl (0.1 ltf wJrJ ill fit' howe : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Gomuhil t. Curry.15 AiptiaCon , , , . . . , , . . II Ilmilmi . 'e liorcromss , , ills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' Jiislhumo. . . . . . . . . . . 1)0 llelchaer . , , , . . . , , , , 151) ) lIiiluicky Con II heat .t Iielchior , . . , 1)1 ) Mexienmi. . . . . . . . . . . . RN lkiilio Con . , , . . , , , , , hO 31011111 P11. , , , , II ) lliilhioii. . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 ( IphuIr , , , , . , . , , . , 170 liiiu'ei' ( ( 'on. . . . . . . . 1 d Ovi'rlliall , . i , , , , , , , Ill caledotita. . . . . . . . . . II l'otosi , , , , , . , . , . . , , 49 Cliallemigu Comm , , , , . .1 SiYlit'U. ; . . . . . . . . . . . . CIa , lIar. . . . . . . . . . . . . 41) Si'orliIolm. . . . . . . . . . . 4 Coiillieimcu. . . . . . . . . 75 Sierra Nevada. . . . . 48 Coil , Clil .1 Va , . . . , . li1.5 Sliver Hill. . . . . . . . . S ColiJmillcnial. . . , , 1 UnIon ( Jou. . . . . . . . . 57 Cuim. ll' % % ' Voile , , . 2 luau Coti. . . . . . . . . . S Ciowu l'uttit _ _ _ _ _ _ tiii _ Yellow Jacket. 55 - 81l''or blr4 , t'ii1i1ile Slexitrimm clollir : , 010 Ot35c. 1)rafts , BlIflit , iSo ; tolciiraphilo , 100. Now % 'oe.C Slimimmig utiumi , . NEW''OItIC. . .lOli. it-Tlmm ) followiim4 ara tia Cltlbtli lmitntttlf qulotattons : . jlultver. . . . . . . . . . . Ii llullniO . . . . . . . . . . 550 ciiolor. . . . . . . . . . . . : ta Ophiir. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 Crowli l'oitml . . , , , , , 51) ) t'lyiuuOmitii , . , , . , , . 2.5 Con. ( al. Vs 13 Qmitcksllver. . . . . . . 350 IltmuhwoQit , , . . . , , , 4(3 ( do iif . . . . . . . . . . .1150 Gould & Curry , , :10 : Sierre Nevada. , , , 411 llUlti & Noreroas , 1,1) ) Stmliliiilrd . . . . . . . . . . 201) I louiii'sta1t , . , , , . , 1 OSii 11111011 CoIl. . . . . , , , , flU IltexIelill. . . . . . . . . . . . Sit _ Yetlw Jacket. . . , 50 - 1.oilih Oil St oak C , ) ii o I a I Ioii , LONDON , Jaiu. 10.-i P. llmCIOtlltg Cciii. l'acilhc . . . . . . . 58 % 1541. h'alit coma . . . . . - i-Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lu)5I' ! , Y , 'eutral . . . . . 1021 ' : niu 2ils. . . . . . . . . . . ( l , l'cmmlisyivtmnhn. . . . . . I I I , Ct'Imtrlml , . . . . , . Ul1) ) itiioliiig : , , . . . . , (11 ( 2temxicauiortlliiary. li9l Mux.Cemi.Jiew Is. . 503 l1Mt 8ll.Vllt-2ld lien OUilCC. MONI1I'-'i ler Cent. Thu rotc of dlscaunt In tIme open market ft in ltiim imorL unmi , ttmree inemiuI bills is 3 per ceo oiLAIIA : LIVE STOCK IARKETSh Receipts for the Week Almost the Same as Tho.o of the Preceding One. PRICES FOR CATTLE RULE STEADY ( henoral % Scakness I'reinll * Owing to 1.0w jtlthll ) ' of tffcrltips-Stockers itlsn lui-ilogs ( l.ou , is ( , iisrtcr for ( lie 55'k , (3osimig Steady. SATUI1IAY , Jait , 113. Thics receIpts today were 1,000 cattle , 5.177 h iog'R and 128 sheep , ll ngaIlist 1,1321 cattle , 5,022 hogs nod 43 elmeep on yCSttI'lhlti' ) , nail 1,703 cattle amtl 6,2(1 hogs ott Saturday of last week. 5VilIll.Y hllii'ill'TR. - eattle' . hlngm. . Simech' . Total timl veek. . . . . . . . . . . . , , , ,12I'OI , ' 4l'mt , 2.457 Total inst tyCik. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ilhlil 4l.GI 2,211 TOtal l'reviolls week. . . . . . . . . . 10,507 50,033 1,1-59 it 'will Ins noted fi'ommt the ielo'e that tile receips ( of eLm ( tie mmml lmoga , luring tlmt , lmst seeic were tbout time saiiits as for the pee- viotis week. Siisc time first of timO year ( imere huts beeit a. , hocreiise in ( he rceIiis ( of 9.021) cattle filth 7,839 slicell flInt a. gflhhi of 39,405 hIogs as coimmllareul with (11cm ( come- Silondichl Period of last year. Tins receipts today tiuiitberrd 01111' fort ' - mdx cars , being the lightest rim of the wee There were imot enotigli beef stuers itt tile yards to imiaice very Itimlehi of a market. itiiii ilitlling very genii mmmmsomig the , fresh itrrt'it1s. 'rime iitost of ( lie eftt'rimlgs , however , were ( alcott hiefore ( ha close , nhil ( lie iimrlcet wait allout steady at ycistenmilty's prices. 'I'iiort' t'nR 0mb slmimill hunch of C.ltie ( good eliomigli to liming Sill. but iiitic from thiitt tIme smmles were nIl ummtler tlme SI imttrk.'l'ltere : has iiot beemm 'er' inlCil 8111111 to ( lie ( mule 1mm beef steers ti3is week , nuil time gi'iuermii teimileitcy of ( liii inam-lcet hits ticen lower. l'rices at time close' of the week time not fur from ISo to 25q lowot' thmmmit itt ( ho cltmsii of Inst. week. There vere 01113' 0. tea' CittM iiittl hmeifers I ill ( iii' ynmtl , btlt stlmmil his ( here were sold at about stead)1' Prices. Stockers anti feeders ss'cre Ill light StihiplI' . There was sense. little elItrIlil ? iieliittild in I ndditltmn (0 tIme hticai Shiectillttil'e buyIng , itlmil at ( lie close there wosi Itoh. iiiUcim left : tllmsold , 'Ihere was sonic little iimihiliri' all ( lie Part 01' distIllers for little native feed. cr5 , but tiii're was not 11111011 trading , Itepre. sentettivo sales 1310111) ' STISIII1S. Ni. y. l'r. No. AmP. i'r. No.tv. . Pr. 2. . . . lilt ) $2 P1 5..102I $3 SI 8. . .l233 $3 75 22. . . . SOC 2 S.'t Ii , . . . 1125 3 Ii ) 7. , , .12(1 ( 3 73 l..lil' ) Il 0' ' ) 1' ) . . . . Cit I 45 4.4..llfl I SI' . 2. . . . Sit Ii ii ; 2. . . .1215 3 1' ' ' ) . . . . 112) 3 St i..lllO 3 25 13. . . .1C.l2 3 1' ' ) 3'.1)7 ) 4 15 j , , , 82' ) 3 35 21. . . .1214 3 70 COWS. tIC 75 4. . . . SCI 10 910 1 Ii ) 1. . . . OS' ' . . , . Ii ) ' ) 35 s , , , , 93' ' ) 1 51) 5 , , , , 13 . . . . 1101 2' h. . . Sn ) I r I , , . .I .10 75 2. . . . 411 23 1. . ; . 82' ' ) 1 14) 1..12i0 ill 23. . . , 575 35 6. . . . 918 I III ) C' , . . . 055 5' ' ) II. . . , 515)1 ) 40 2. . . . 855 1 1 , ' ) L..b0Ch 511 1t.I0S3 45 1. . . . 87' ' ) 1 l' ) 4..10'I ' SI ; 11. . . . 915 15 : : o , . . . Iss I 5' ' ) 1. . . .1011 S 1. , . .1130 4 4. . . , 5171) ) 1 Ti' ' ) 4..10S , CS It. . , . 51mb lii ) 1. . . . 8I ) I'll 8. . . . 75 % 1 9' ' ) i..hil'l ' r.e :5. : . . . 555 55 2. . . . 911) 1 9) 1..ilSl I' . ' ) I . . .105L ) Ci , I..lOS ) Oil 1..121) fe 6. . . . 80' ) Ci ) 1. . . . 970 . . . . . . 5) C. . . . SIC'1 51) 1..lIkl ) C' ' ) ' 17. . . , 1193 I. ' ) 5 , , , , 81' ' ) 1 0) 2. . . .1055 il ) 11. . . . CU ii' ' ) 7. . . .1025 ' : : ; 3. . . . ei U. ) 5. . . . CII t.5 1. . . . 872 75 3. . . . 895 ( ii ) . . . . . . ISO 53 I. . . . 75(1 ( 75 1..hll' ' ) ti ) . . . . . .110.1 C' ' ) A IA' ? ? I f , A ) 1 1,1,11 , 1- ii. . . . Sf4) 75 17. , . . 514 ii ) 5 , , . . 74'4 7 , ) :1. : . , . 873 ItS 17. . . . tiC-I II ) 1. . . , 75' ' ) 73 2. . . . 955 75 S.lO.14 15 1. . . .1610 73 4. . . . 973 7 : ; 2..105' ' ) _ iS 2..1003 " 9) 4..1003 II' , 1..hl7' ' ) 2 15 l..1O'l ' 1' ' ) 1. . . . liii ) 75 12. . . . 903 1. 15 1. . , . 90) 15 1. . . , 720 75 IIEWEflS. . . . . . , . ; I 23 1. . . . 75) 1 9) 5. . . . lOt 2 Ci ) 3. . . . 55' ' ) 1 5' ' ) 1 . . . . SC' ' ) 01) 1 . . . , 470 2 5' ' ) 1. . . . 60' ) 1 Ci ) 5 , , , , sir Q ) ii. . . . G24 2 (51 ( 6 , . . . 450 1 CI IS. . . . 515 2 15 25. . . . 1112 2 70 I. . . . 4 % ' ) 1 'I ) I' , . , . Ott 15 I. . , , 730 2 55 :1. : . . . ITO I 75 1. . . . itO ) hI' 2. . . . 850 250 5..50 173 1..701) 55 ISULLS. 1. . . . rIO 1 2i 3)21Ii 03 1. . . .IlG' ' ) 2 40 1. . . . ( iS' ' ) I I' ' ) I..1255) 05 2. . . . 5151 2 4' ' ) 4.II7J ) I 75 1..13C ) 10 l..lf5' ) 240 1..hiii ) 1 75 1..llq' ' ) 2 : ; 3..1IS0. I 45 1.,13,5) , I SI ) 1..1370 2 : ; 1..11f , ' 2 45 1..lOltO 0 ht 1. . , . 55) 23 1..21' ' ) 2 45) l..113' ' ) I till 2. . , . 925 25 1..140) 2 7' ' ) 4. . . .1412 . 2 0' ) 2. . . .1070 35 1. . . .125-1 2 73 . . . . . . , 2 0' ) 4..12'lS ' : 'a 1.12)0 2 75 ,1..ilCi , ) 2 00 . 1,12-)0 33 , - . . . , STAGS. 1..1430 323 . - - oxhi. 1..i150 235 . . ' CALVES. I 1. . . . 130 1 Ci ) S. . . . 152 2 03 2. . . , ISO 2 10 S. . . . 2:1)1 : i ro I. . . . IS ) 2 ( Ii ) 3 , . . . 134 2 53 3. . . . 25(1 ( 1 f.i ) 5 , . , , ICC 2 Oil 5. . . . Iii 3 45) ) 1. . . . 210 1 5' ) 1. . . . II' ' ) 2 11 1. . . , lli ) 3 0' ' ) 3. . . . 326 1 Ii ) 3. . . . 373 2 3. ; 2. . . . 14' ' ) 4 00 - 1. . . . 210 1 7 , ) 1. . . . :101) 5 35 . 9 , , , , 192 4 (10 ( I. . , . 1150 1 71 2. . , . IllS 2 3' ' ) 1. , . . 17' ' ) 4 1.0 1. , . . 3I ) I 73 2. , , . 553 2 4' ' ) 1. . , . 170 5 0' ' ) 4..33O 175 1 , . . . 230 21.0 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. I. . , . CCI ) I % 't. 1. , . . 50) 2 20 S..1071 2 70 1. . . . Sill 75 ) . . . 551) 3 35 II. . . , 703 2 7) ) 1. , . . 550 9' ' ) 3. . . 451 2 4) 13. . . , G7 2 70 1. . . . 76' ) 9) s. . . . 571) 4) 4. , . . 797 2 73 I. . . . IS' , 07 1. . . . MS 2 4' ' ) 6. . . . 920 2 75 5. . . . 50) ) 2 ; _ . i. , . . 80) ) ) 4' 20. . . . 956 2.73 1. . . . 830 25 6. , . . 4C'.S 41) 1. . . . 90) 73 2. . . . 704) l'i ' . . . . 676 1 ' ) 10. . . . 71 % 73 1. . . . rio 23 ' 1. . . . CII' ) 01 9. ? 3 2 . . . . 1.51) 55 3. , . , G'6 5) ) 11 , . , . 574 50 1 . . . . 411) 35 2. . . . 52) Cii I. . . , 70' ) 83 2 . . . . 12 ) , . . . CC' ) IS ) 19. . . . 551 95 4 . . . . 42' ) 25 1) . . . . CII . .iS ) I' . . . . . . Ills 9) 8I . . . . 107 25 1. . . . 4c i ) j9 , , , 501 0) I . . . . 73' ' ) 2. ; 1. . . . 45' ' ) 5) 1.bO3' ' ) 15 2 . . . . 5)0 " :5) : i. . . . sis 6) 9. . .1592 II 3 . . . . 546 " 30 1 , , . . 92' ' ) 71) 'S'ESTIIRNS. - blake & Ilnrvey flro . 1 , . . . . . . . . . $2 0' ' ) 1 stag..l'lO 12 1,4) 1 . . . . . . . . . ) 2 0) ) 1 steer..1191 2 50 , hOlandanil Cattle Commspany. Corn-ted. 45 cows..1159 2 110 11008-The receipts acre illeral fqr tIme last ti ny of ( lie week , there ioinn elxty.s'x mcmiii lo ads on wile. In nllltian to time fresh arrivals t here were 1.504) henil belt ) over frommm ) Cser.1119' ( , m aking a total of tmhout 7,00' ) head on sale , 'Flier. ) -w as a hmretty fair demand , ( he simlppimre beIng n il time market in nlIltlon , to liii' lwl , nachiers. T he general qmmahly ( of time iu1)gm4 wits not much .l Ifft'rnt from yeser.Iay , the built ieiimg llimbmt , w Ith a few good Inailmi of heavy hogs. The m arket was a iiaiie ( is So homier , time wenkuuras b eing mote i-In thin l'iiit weIiits. hteavy tiegs % v cr , ' tu goe'l ' requIeM , nn,1 , Irices on . it"oitt'nlle , b ails hielit up pretty mvell , One lieav' loal lircugiut 11 .23 , iviiiclt waui tIi lop , ni against $432'f ye's. t erilat' imn'l Sill ( , ml Inst Itutturutav. h'niimmi 41.25 t he heavy hogs ncil , ) .lomvn to 54. mehitlo lleumt w eIgimt W'nt hugely at fmnnm 11.70 to TI. 'Flu , w eek eloecd wltim ( lie niathiet from 2)e ) to 2lc lo wer lImo the close of last week , ltrpresentn- tI 't' eaht'tt : N o. At' . Pr. No. y. I'r Na. iSv. I'r. 3 2. . . . . . . . 147 . , . SI 4' ) . . . . . . . . 4) $5 15 II ) . . . . . . . .1)7 ) SO 1. ' ) 41 . . . . . . . .2fl IC' ) 39) 115 . . . . . . . . 1)5) ) . : i' ; ii . . . . . . . .22) ) 16) ) 3 9) ) 9 3.-0 , , 6) ri. . . . . . . . iii' . . . S 511 5 7 , . , , , , , .i . . 'h 6) 12. . . . . . . . 191 , , . . 0' ' ) 5 2. . . . . . . . 150 300 (51 ( R'I. . . . . . . . ill . . . 3 9) GI l , . . . , , , , ir.i . , , Gb 02.- ; .21) 12) 551 4C 5 , . . , , , , 15' , , , rS - , . . . . . . . . , . . 54) ) C l . . . . . . . .150 . , 7' ' ) 73..210 15' ) ill 3 3. , , . . , . IS' ' ) 5' ' ) 70 ' ) . . . . . . . . - 4' ' ) 95 1 6 , . . . . , . , 155 , 70 . . . . . . . . . 12) 521,5 I i . . . . . . . .177 4' 70 15 . . . . . . .I'S 2) ) 9235 : 8I' . . . . . . . . ' , , , 74) , ; . . . . . . . . ' :5' : ' ) ) 515 I' . ) . . . . . . . .155 . . , II ) ' . . . . . . . . , . , lit 7 . . . . . . . . , , , 7r. , . . . . . . . . , . . 1)5 5 ' ) . . . . . . . .177 4' ' ) 75 . . . . . . . . 21) ) 03 S t. . . . . . . . 159 ' 10 75 . . . . . . . . , . . 00 C l . . . . . . . .161) ) . , . .77 hi ) . . . . . . . .2511 960 4 LI ) 7 2 , , . . . , , .1 l4' ' ) 5 7 ; Ill . . . . . . . .I' ' ) . . . 4 Co Ii i . , , , . , , . 147 , , (7 ( : ; . . , . , , , . 150 100 8 5. . . . . . . . III 4) ' 175 Il . . . . . . . .21 . . , ( A 5. . . . . . . . i'o . , , , sit 7s. . . . . . . . i 2 , . , 4 ii ) 7 7..3 . , 'Pt ' . . . . . . . . ) , . . 4 0' ) 9 1 . . . . . . . .Ill . , 5' ' ) c . . , , , . . , I73 4' 400 9 , ) . . . . . . . .134 12) ) 50 - RI.2)9 ) 8' ) 4 0) S T. . . . . . . . 197 12' ' ) 5' ' ) 4 % . . , , . , . . 222 fl ) 4 410 C . . . . . . . . .2' . . . . . . 8) ) ' ) . . . . . . . . , . . 4 (11 ( 7 7 , . . . , , . , 191 II ) ) lii ) 4 . . . . . . . ,10) , . . I 0' ) 7 , . . . . . . . % , , S II' ' ) 74s . . . . . . .191 . . 4 Ci 8 5 , , . , . . , . 17' ' ) , 3 5i ) 54),9 4 4 (13 11 . . . . . . . , 5' ' ) , 50 ' ) . . . . . . . . . . . -I 05 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 75 . . . . . . .221 31) ) 4 113 9 3.,7 4) 8135 2 $ . , . . , . , . 2 : : ; , , 4 11 7 . . . . . . . . ( ( I 25 CIt..2 i. . 4 II S . ) . . . . . . . . II' ) 4' 15 . . . . . . . . : ' , . , 4 17it ' 7 . . . . . . . . , JC' ) 55 . . . . . . . . , , , Ill , 7Il 3..501 4) ) : .t 5 : ; , , , , , , ,3" II 50 2' Il l. 3. . . . . . . . ) u17 40 III 65 , . , , . . , , 235 4' ) 23 $ ) (3 4) ) 55 SlI1't3 ANI ) Ct1LIi1. I . . . . . . . .21' ' ) , . . 2 lIt C..3 . . , 273 I . , . , . . , , )9) ) , , , 2 1.0 1..0 . . . , 13 5 , ' ) . . . . . . . . : , , , 275 1105. 7 . , . . . . . , . It , . , 2 (10 10 . . . . , , , 83 . . . S 00 Il.'I. ; , , 2 25 117. . . . . . . . 7' ) . . . .S (41 1 6. . . . . . . . ill , . . 25' ) I.3. . . . . . . . Il , Ito 2 " . . . . . . . . n. ; , . : sc in , . . . . . . . . St , . . a 1' ) I I. . . . . . . . 67 , . . 2 9) 134. . . . . . . . 87 . . . I 25 S i . . . . . . . . 54 . , . 2 91 Ii , , . . , , . .1' 'l . . , 3 25 4 1. . . . . . . . lIt . , . 304 19. . . . . . . . 91' . . . 323 5) , . . . . . . . 75 , , , 14 0) ) . . . . . . . . , , . S SI II ; . . . . . . . . 16 . . , Ii (41 )0i3. . . . . . . . 120 . . . 3 33 11' ) . . . . . . . 91 , , , Its ) S1lllI'-Tli"me Was ( shy OflO lrin'l ' of sheep ii tim yards , Tlui're hi , ' , nat i.en much cttango I , tli miiueep market during the past week , IteC'oliit a hill VI ! been toolers ( a oil I ii (0,1 rhiet has re ' - unalnt'il about stenh' froni ISV ( to day. Uric ' unuthout hued ) Are In faIr deniand. Itellresentatv ( a srilOs No. At' . Pr. I ( 'uck ' . . . . . . . . , . . , . , , , . , . , , , . . , , . . . , . , , . , , II' ' ) $2 (4 19 itslxed , matlves . , . . . . , , . , . . , . . , , , , . , , . . 10) ) 30) ) I4ii.clt . In ISigilt. hecnni ( ( it receipts at thmo fOu' principal 11151 . list. for Sniurday , Jomiunry hO , iS9 : Cattle. hing. . $ hir'em Rulti Ounulba . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.0511 1)17 hI ChIcago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,0)4) 16.00) 3,0' ' 5) . 3,0''A hCansiiv Cily. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.24) ) 5.00) 5 -'A ' 131. Loula . , . . , , , . , . , , , , . , , , . . . . . 210 1,40' ) , , Totsi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,4.4 2.317 ; ; ICltisuis City I.ii'o S(4I'IC Miirket. ICANIOAS CITY , Jmui. i9-CAT'I'Ll2-lteceliit 5. 2.304) iiecl : .htl'Iiellis. 1,2(10 ( tuem.1 , , niiarkt't ( a III lmf teau1y ; Te'xu Steers , $ Z.5ii0t.1.TO : 'F'sa , cowl. II 43 tjSS * ; Colorado ierrs , l1.14.09 ; beet itrers , $3. $ 10 . O 5.lS naiive cows , II 25413.50 ; stockers Sn , feed- e ra. $ i.POitfSS5 ; hulls. $2.001T2.GO. 110(354tec'elps. ) ( . s.rkso henit ; shipment. , 1,000 h cnl ; market stea.Iy to flami ; bulk of sales , * 1.54)53 4m $ heStica , $ I.(10Qi,23 ( ; i'M'kere. $ i.90Q4.20 m ked , Lf,3513.10 : lIghts. 52.001f3.05 ; otkers , $3.8. , ( T3.Pi ; pIgs. S715f 3.05. SIli'lEl'-lheeeii.ni. 91)0 Iiea.h ; fhtl'nicn ( , , 700 h eal , . InMket , steady. CIIICAU ( ) 1l5'li STOLlIC. 7 i ii Cattle TrimIo WtisQullet niih S'ahurs tin. eliengeul , CUICtC1O. .tan. 19.-In cattie th iIn"s receIpt. iri ere estiummateul sit 1,000 iieid , tnnking' 59,012 linih t Ar tills treck , against 57.551 for host week , 65.31 $ me 9'ear ago , anti 74,550 ( WII years ago , Trade wits q uiet oaI valeucs tunchiruags'l , Shiimplng steers sol , ( ( ill it 1.-isis ( It treumi $2.15 to $3.70 , stockers lflt f et'iinn , tnmuim $3.0' ) ( a $3.13 , amid coins isn't buila f nmmmri $1.10 to $3.91- . hlog reeciplr. 'mere eshilimte,1 itt 10,0,5' , ) haO , t imriklng nlsmttt 3110,4)1) lies , for tile tri'ek , which is 1 3,50" ) titer , ' thou foe tact week. . ntt 40,4)iI,5 , Inane tb hatm a trnr ngo Tue openIng was , htllI aiml , easy ut as tb' nmenumimig wait' on the iiemimnnd liiCk'J l ull. nni ii' i lii' uiil'hhiI' , ( it tit fnrcuioomt gaiwl , hi h ienv' nnui tne'hlutn tweight , were Inken rut Sc ad- ' i tuico , lii tiui' t'i'emillmg l't Ire. There mrs. no ciw- t espesmhlne iuiui'r'it'etiment Iii twice , for light umnil fl 1)eii ) lIght. $ les ' ' tt'erp gemmi'riIil' at froimi 52.9' ' ) I ll $4.10 for averages of l"s tlinmi 2(10 li's. , and l argely at fnimun 8)35 ) tim 4135 t.r iiemmvier iseighte. 'F lu' iniumstw'r of lims , en sale Stas about 33.04) ) h h iOltIt "rhilay. , Of tvlilcii 17,00,1 huenl were tii leat-tums. of ' ' Then' was it gomit , ttt-stmit for eliceti ni-Ill intimbi a uiil ( he mat lci't tins fijltic i'tea'I' ' at Iamb $2 tm $ 1.54) for inor Ia estma qtmailties of ( lie F'unier , nn,1 a t 1mb * 2.35 to $1.5 , ) for ( lit' latter. Tcslitv's me. . c ellO s m'ere nJmi'uut ,1.000 111811 , null I lii' total for I he Week teaches C2,0I10. 51 ; ngntnst 59,5100 for inst I vock , nmil , 67,219 a 'eor alto. I lei'flI ilta mi II it I ) i q iiu'sl t loll , it St lick , Oflietal receipts mill , ! , ileiSor'ItIon of .tork as shiiwn , l' the l'ohs of tlm iluihurn Stork Ynrd ( lilmilltln ' ) ' tmr time twemmt9'.fflulr limit , . eui'ting at 3 o'clock l. ni. , Stitur.ln9' , .intituitr' I ) , 10931 ItiiClll PTH , Cars. i1nit. ( 'utttli' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 % 1,1123 l Ines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 SIIi Slicehi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 128 hll'OITION. ' ( 'iittl. I logs. Simeci' . Omimalun 1 'iick iumg Cflmmmliaim ) ' . . . . . . . . . CCI . . ( 1 , 1 I , llnmummonh . . ' rommipaly. . . . . Ci 1,140 . ( 'mitlihmy l'acklmmg ( 'oummleiny. . . . . . SIT 2,25 , ? 2) Swift and Commmpamiy. . . . . . . . . . . . . III CC ) 43 h inlttnimi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . III . . . \Vllsnmi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :11 A. lluums . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ct It. Iheeker & le'gemi . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 I , . lr'ehier ( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 iiammltltllli & $ tClihmcmls . . . . . . . . . . 9 L.riliiiiimm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I ShuIpers nn.l . feelu- , , . . . . . . . . . . . 34)1 5 1 ? . . . li'1t i've'r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,551) 101 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.155 6,535 171 ' Cotton Slurleet , NEV OhliU\NS , .lnn , 1)-COTTON-Easyl 'I Inlil.il I umg , 5 Il-ICc ; Iimw lullihlil 1mm. 4 15-ICe : good onhimmuiry , 4 1-16 , ; rut't ' uee'lhims , 11,105 haI"s : re- CCImt4 ; , 11,571 1101cR ; , 'xl'imrts ' I , , ( heat lirltalmu , 11.403 l'umles : to l'nuiiiee , 5,1,797 , laic'm.f eomswtse , ( , 5155 Iumihi'e ; sales , 2,8' ' ) ' hales ; stuck , 1115,512 bnlemi , l"utiires , sti'al ) ' ; mimili's , 5.300 l'lea ; Jmimtumiry. , * 3.111(5.13 : l"'bnmlmiry , $5.lIffi IS ; Sllmirchi , 5.3Ol15.I ( ; April , $5l2'ii'5.33 ' ; lilay , * 3.37015.8 % : .imuuie , 8.5.135(5.44 ; Julis' , 8$4.tS5t3.19 : August , 33.55413.51 ; i4el.eunber ( , $5.fSi15.t'S $ : Octolmi'r , 55.C0lf5.Oi. NliSV'O1tl. . .iai , hi-CO'l'TON-QuIet : mlil. dung , 1c : net reeeimte , 1,014 I'.iies ; gross. 7,701 ( 'iciest ' i"cpmu Is I ) ( bri4 Itritalum , 1.422 halesl forwnr.lel , 4,29' I'ztles : eales , iiOlle : stock , 131.715 hal i's ; totnl t 'rt89' uiflii commsnl ltuut , ci lId receipts , 28,102 hairs ; exm'ol'M ' to lIu'emtt Ihrllalmm , 25.153 lalesl ( I , l"rnnce , 13,210 ( ole. , : to ( lit. ciuiimiiiuit. 9.544 iel's , ; stock , 1,0(0 ( , 4'3 ' ' ial's : tot iii since Sep- ( Pllil'r I Net rec'lrie , S,721iSGl iIles : : exports t 1 CircuIt ilnitatmi. 1.125.891 lumile : lii Fmamice. 575.332 hales : I ) ilie eommtluin1 ( , I. 199 lit hilts. .tnlIlsTA ; , , lamm , I9.CO'I'T(1NVery uuten'is' : limillihng , r.ve : law mnlii'himug , , Sc ; hOt utniL Krost recelpls , 1527 hiles , : , 'lilpumii'nts , 762 hales ; sales , rSi ; laIes : stk. 33,5129 limules , ( ' 1 ( A ltl.l-CTON. .1mm , I9.-51TTON-Ot"mtly ( , , ; uumltl , imig , 51/ , ; mull' lmmliuii'tig , 4 1 5.IGc : cool 'or- , lhmmary , I 7-Ie ; umet rOll gm'o'miterelnfe. I 112laiesl I l' t'i li's : stock , 53,71 4 Id i"q. Ni-ISI' 'vOJlC. ( , Tnmi , 19-TIme' Oottnimi imirirliet , lIs- nPt"tntnl time iiopi' , of ( iii' I tills tnihnv by ( lot- toning omtt eomiimilet.Iy. , h.tverpaol , Iecllnr'il 1.321 aim ei'ols nmml , 161,1 on fultum ( ' 5 , Nem' 't'onlc cell- Imintes limit Os imigit 115 22'ilm' ' ) , Time tnmurkct ' chase , ) u'temmil' at it 'let. 'tr'cttnp or 2514 pahnis coat cot toll. qui let : 110 Cli los ; tmmfuhl I immg , uphiutmuha , SIte : mmmiihilnic ! , cult' , Ce. ST. 1Ot'li5 ' , .liiim l9-CO't'TON-Stomjri' , ; multi- uhllmmg , Ike : sls. , 'JO ) b-ui's : reeelute , 4,104) baleal sli'limlt'nls 1,40' ) l'aleui : stoCk. 71.51) ) iuule. , S I,1'hhh'OOL , .Inmi. 11.-COTTON-SOnot , faIr d - manil ; PrIces inner ; , 'imiucnlami mllilinir. , , . fair , 33uI : go-al am lull I I ng. 3 1-1451 ; A umlerlen II mmsiullhi log , 3 1-321 : low imililllnc , , , 255'l I gocl , onhhmiriry , 31411 : orllummmu , ' , 2 0.1451 ; uli' u-nle at tin' clay rivera I , 110' ' ) lotte , of which 50' ' ) were for suteuiretInmm uimlul export nnl , tumcltluletl 920' ) hnl'q American ; receijif. , 0,100 1ales , , inelulIllng $510)tunenlcnn ; tittlmrr's gave ritay mitten the openIng nat cfl- tinuiel easIer all day , elo'dmig quid : Amimr'nlenzi ummtdilihmmg , I. . M. C. , Jnmmm'mry , ' 2 C.Cli s"llenmt : .Imiuimmnr' no ) , Feinirury , 2 f,2 04 sellers ; Febrmmnry nail 1Tnrclm , 2 Cl-C-lit volumes : luinrelm and AprIl. 11,1 , ; April nail Stay. S l-Sl't ' values : liiruv nnil June' , 3 3-4I relh'rs : Juie nnl , .liilv , 3 4.51,1 , ilulvere : .TuipI' afll Aimeumet , 3 5.61.1 . orllera : August anti Helltenmi.'r. 3 7-flit sellers ; Septemb r and Oetrslmi'r , It 1-5-1,1 , liuyetti. NOltirO1K , .Tan , IO.-COTTON-itrulliny , : act utntl gloss receIpts , 1,557 lunlI5I exports caast. \'lse , 1125 inhr"i1 stoelt ; 59,51 ? hnin , lbS h1'l'tMOlhii , Jan. h'rO'h'TON-Tuu1i : miii- filIng , Slic l'uy nihultillair I' , 11-iCe : gon'l ' ordIn'rm' . bales. 414c ; gross receIpts. 2,452 1nles , ; ntock , 25,578 OOSTON' . .Tnn. 10-COTTON-QuIet ; mhiIilI"ig , l'34c ' ; ton' ulit'itllng. , 51/,0 : gao'I or.liaari' . 4110 ; net recehlts. ) OI ) bales : gross , 716 bales ; exports ' - to ( Srent liritalim , 2 073 itales. \VIhMINUTOW , Jan. h3.COTTONItrilId'y : net anti err'es receipts , mmmc : 'exports to Clout BrItain. 5,110:1 : hales , ; stack , 9. III irnies. PhlTIA1)t5hi'it1A . ' ' ' , .7mm , -COT'FON'---Qulet : midlihIni. ' , Cc : how nitilhhlnmr. rte : goad ordinary , 4 e : net an' ) gross receIpts , 22' ' ) hale , ; stock , 101.772 irnies. i5Vt'ANNAfl. , 'Tan. 1O.-'OTTON-lTiiijnv , : nrt ROIl gross receIpts , 3,206 lnles , ; exonrs' ( hi Plane' , 1.003 Icules : to tIme continent , S 345 lull's ; coast- tm'lse , 11,122 tunIcs ; stock , 51,9)7 , ) lrnles. $5. talus ( h'nnu'il , Mmir'ttrt , ' ' AT , 1.0115)0Inn. . Ii.-FLOI8R-Pimhl trrivcr : pot- C Ole. 52.r5512 r , ' ; : c'xtr , , . ( nub ) ' , $2.235j2.iI ; fammcy , $ 2 10552 ? fl : elriIcu. 51.8)571,00. W'hIi'AT-\'nmi iiend .luli , draggIng ilawn 1501140 : N o. 2 u-ed , castm , 52i4c : January , l27e ; May , lITtc ; .l ulv. 5.c , COIIN-W'Siq mine an' ] Sohii , lnwmm % COSc : No. 2 intxel , , cacim , 4ixc : .lnnuumirv. .4llto ; February , l i',4c : Ilmum' , 43',4i' ; .Tuly. IF/.d'4394e. ' OATSO-.Iimull , miner ; No. 2 , cash , Ito ; .Tatmuary , 2 01'.e : May , ICe. lt5'tS-No. 2 offered , an call. rl7.Se , IIAI1LEY-Steady ; salemi at Mlnnosota. ' fancy , l Ie. Ie.i i lilA N-I tn1unn ce,1. , J"I1AN Sllll-I.49. ( ' 1n'ct $ lgnci,4 , _ , . 55.45515.53 , TIMOThY Hl71iI-$4.754515 33 , ) IAY-l'lrnm at recent prIces. I II rrrlIn-llnclmnnirnl , FUlM-ilietmer ; 14e. ' LIlA l-52.O0. SlII1Ti'lit-Limver , 50.02 % . ( 'O1N ( MiAI.-I.D552.00. \'hltHFC'5'-9l 22. ' ( 'OTTON ThI4-.1nchmmnged. , ' . - 3i , ( SUb Nfl-i ImIClia ii ei. , l1tOVlh'iONSltnrk , iutammlsnl , mesa , johslin ? , $ 11.55 1.mtrul , , steaumm. $5.53 ; eunIce , st.ts. Dry call , , meats cia'i ' lnuc'nmm , umncjunumimel. itl'ull"r14-plouur : , 2.000 l'h'ls ' , ; riu'hiemit , 8,00) liii , ; c orn , 72,04. lii. ; anti , , i2.04)hum. . 8111 I'M IN'rslrhour , 6,000 iiIs. , , ; rivlieat , Lp,0lO 1 )11 , corn , 2,003 iiu. ; COts , 23O0 liii , I.omion t'ii'mtt 3hurher. , LONDON. .lan. lO.-'Flie uhif'at market imnmi been ii ul I , fei'iuil' : , nl ii lie ) 1)1.010 1 lug. The lam- h llrtH are nimi'lo ; uiumI ( lie uiimnmmtlti' llliIlt his' ' , imi- eremmsl'I , ituyers rivets vers' lumnetlvi' . All Ilni ' uvlueml it rivera thruumi v Itehil. Thin i'n u eel I rail P l'llfl - u 'io'h'raie' . Iilot treile was claw ( it C'l , It'ehini' . C Ilel rit'lnter puinc'els , .Tntumuare' ihu'hit'ery. . rivets qmuoteil nt 22s. liour ommis in 111511 ilcimiarmill I ii Ices ut iielmuinge.l ; Inst bet lIen Ii : iii I xi'tI Anu'ri- ( 'an , 2' ' ) . 41(1 lhnrb' ' , rivr'milC nmi,1 , Cl worse , Oa ( , . ' lii iieat' ' PIUlPl9'lIt 3C'l , ledlne. ill iiimcmiicills , ; S'i'ti.'mit . 9lstrlcat. IItINNIIAI'0111t4 , .Iaui , ISL-'fiie ilmuiineuu ( In Wlm"a I fit I ul ri's ( , momtnt s to n lmmirst , eonllleto Inrie- tisli v. Tlucre % vumH Ii goad , letisiunI , for cash wheat s it GOc fat' No. I northlerli , 'l'lis ummill'nii myers Immora fnc'o iieivers turin ' . ' s'eeter.ifll' , lleceilts were 143 car , , today , ngmiinet 151 cars laud lear. ( 'Itiss : . Jnnuuirs' . lIe ; May. t133JfS0lle ; .1111) ' . COX.e. On heck. No. I Itar'I , ( .034cm No , 1 n'intiierum , 50 % . ' ; No , 2 lionihiern , IStie. 1"loiir , teatly. uuuciiatigeI. Fiuia II i'luu I , i t.s. 11 155 % ' OliiA ( Nfl , Jaii , lO.-'hem.rlmigs . , 51,926,528. ? ilhThil'JIIH , Jan , I9.-Cieaulmign. $299,822 ; hal- fiance , 552.117 , ' 4' hli-itIlN : , .Tiin , lSi-lxcIuiimmgc ( Ill jrmilon , eight i1ay u.lgiu ( , 20 tue II lm II jil'g , l'Altlli. .Iin , , i9-'l'hlenit was a ui-dint' of lISa ituiuImmg ( hi , day , ( tue closing iiulitatttitls beimmg hilT 1I7e. PA1IIH , .Iuun. 11.-I . ' ' - II. rn-'I'iireo per rent reimtes , biT ti71/C for tlmi avcouim ( , lmurllango on I.iumdon , 5 ( lie for ciui'u'liii llitl.TI1itOiliO. 381) . 10.-Ciearince , $2,53l.4'41 ; hiiuitmiei'ii , , 5111,7(3. l'or ( liii ss'er'lc : Ciemtniulge , Ill- 15SIG ; i'ain ' nec , ' , $2,3i.lll. Nl5S' ' ( ) lth' , .Inti , i3.--(1i'nl'Imigs , 511,502,113 : hi- ! nile , ' . . $1,407.05' ) , 1"am' thu week : Clu'nrlngs , 8515- 151,051 ; lalimires , , $ IItdlt.'li , I IO5TON. Jail. l9-CIenrIius , $1 4,3t2.3fl1 had- nilces , * 1,941.023. Vor tIn , wick. tlt'ailllg $ , $55- $ , 211,115 ; iaiuiaces. , $10,117,743. - I'll ilAIill'lI IA , .Inn , 1ii,4'lennings , 19.772,112 ; lialmIliel's. * 1,422,110. 111r liii' week ; ( 'le'aninia , $ CG,450 , Gl ; leulmuimees , 110,403,750. 'WJtIIIIINU'l'flN , Jun l9--7odim"s , , tatcmnent at tile i'nnilhIcoi ( I' ' ) ' di. , irc'nsIIl P stiwi , : Availulis , , susIm limuiaiico , $ i5iM7iG2 ; gut' ' : rea'-uye , 521,337,0's . NI53V YOItb , Jan , 19'l'Iie $ tl'iliileiliti fre Nor- unnuoll a , whIt I i eiiihr'h fur I uriIi , a IIi's ' inaratnw , cau-rlial 53,500,051) In gutiti. 81111 limo L'nmtria , 1550,001) . i.ONlON. Tan. I3.-'Cnarols u.n Imbue ) ' 055111(111 to4i' at IQi 13 ) C. it itehimit id 3.10 from ( hue ciue- Ing qUotmul'umms ( yesleniloy , 'Fiji , PIke for ( lie flu'- ccmlmut huM 10 455 , 1 lie cmliii a am , ycehe , us y. l5'ION .Inn. 13.Time uiuuuouuit of % , illlon gaas 1,111 , I Iii ) I ili nit of Inglnuui ; ( in iili , ni , today Is 219 (510 , faIth is ( lmi'I ( ( clay ill Iiui'IIOs Ayrem lit 259 : SlaInlil , 11.00 ; t.hsIan , 53 2111 ; St. l'eheris. burg , 50 ; Aiiemis ( , 75 ; Itonmi' , 100.25 ; VIenna , 1(13. Clhi.thO. Jim , 13.- ' , , 13.'Iioimlng , $ I3iII,000 ; total fur tll , week. $ J.l116,000 ; riilri'splllmlliui& & : wetis lust star , * 56.135,4)50. Money , 45511,1 , 1'r cent on call ; 5 ) Ci lien cciii oil ( tuum , , Nety York e'xtisumige , iSo Itretuilunri. 1-Iterllmig e'acliutngi' , UctImat , iS ( ( 1.53. NlI % % ' Y1)Il' ( , Jan , lO.iIln exports of SIuCCIS frotmi thu 1(111 "f New Yolk for the myi'k mere lii gilltl litud $313,550 iii siv..r. ( The 111i 1.0rPm ( or ( Iii , we'k tier. . : ( loil , 51)7,343' sIlver , * 21.1,71 : i1r' ioI5. $ l,00J,9G3 ; gmi'i'al : liiel'dllUn'iise , $7AGm,2'JO , ST. I.Ol'lH. .iajm. l0.--'li'artngs , $4,003,035 ; lai. 11111CC. 11.372.005. 'I'Iihs mu't'u'k ; ( 'icarinits. 810.773.- C. ' ; limilamic' s , $6 204,1147 , Lust week , lfl.siO.tilI ; isulmiatme' . , 85.321.113. Ceirresmiotlulllmg mveek cf 3854 , $21,571 657 ; imiuiallce-5 , $ l,825.Cli. Ilmerciuse , IihI&1'JiI. or 7.6 lieu' cent lxchimuul5e en Nsw York , 9 $ i5rerniunl 1)10. M0hit' dull , SliT icr c'nt , . - - . - - - - . , - . . - . . - - - - - - -