Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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1 _ . . - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TILE U.'l1UllJJAJ.1 BEE : 'l'IIUflSDAY , JANUARY 17 , 189g. I 5 -
Oongresman Walker Switbes OfF from the
Indian Appropriation Bi
F JIHd tl/ the CRrlhlo - Hill Jell or I" t own
\clrht ' Irr" " o It " , Blt h'etorJ
to 1o l'iirty . 01 to the
' .
WAS1INGTO ! . Jan. 16.-MaJor T. O.
' 'rowle . chief clerk oC the house , called ! the
) luse to order today an,1 read a communica-
ton from Speaker Crisp , who Is somewhat
thtllspose(1 . appointing Uepresentalvo Dockery
toc1y. of Missouri to conduct the dutIes oC the chair
Mr. Mc0ann . Itemocrat of 1lnols. aslld
unnnimols consent for the consideration of a
resolulon to Increase the pay of printers and
bookbinders at the gO\'ornment printing ofce
from 40 to 10 cents 111 hour. Mr. Sayers
On melon or Mr. CockreI . democrat oC
Texas , 1 bill was passe,1 to authorize the
iCatisas City Oklahoma icc Pacific railroad to
conslruct a railroad through the Indlnn ter-
, . : I ritory.
On motion oC Mr. Iooltle. republican : of
' \ashlngton. 1 resolution was passed authorlz.
Inl the expendlur of the $21.000 apllro-
. printed for drdlng gverett harbor Washing-
tori . In the constructon of a fresh water harbor -
bor at that point. ,
II the ( moring hour Mr. Otithwalte from
the commlteo on military alTairs . called up
nnd had laSel ( his to donate two condemned
cannon to the village or Chelsea , 1lch ; to
authorize the ( hoard of commissioners of the
Soldiers' homo to sell "asylum lot. " on Pas-
cagoula hiy Miss. ; directing the crelary ( of
war to Iseue four condemned cannon to the
keeper ) of Oalwooll cemetery nt Chicago ; to
amend the act or March 2 , 1889. relatIng to
the relief of tlIlers ! of the Mexican and civi
wars from the charge or desertion : to give
brevet comllsslon $ conferred on ofcers of
, , 'olun\ers. ! now In the regular army for serv-
Ices In the war at the febellon , lie force and
I . recognition at these In the regular service
g. . amI several other his of lesser importance.
idr. Curtis' bill to nmeml the existing
Rtntutes so that the corps of cadets shah cop-
flst oC one from each congressional district ;
I ono from each territory and one from the
I District or Columbia. and such number ns
I may be appointed n large not exceeding
, ten. annually . and lint ( they shall he actual
t residents at the districts [ rom which they
1 purport to 0 appointed , caused some dls-
senslol' ,
,4 The mornIng hour then expired , and the
I ] Iouse went Into the committee oC the whole
) ' for the further consideration ot the Indian ap-
I IJroprlaton 1)111. Mr. Flynn at Oklahoma
started time debnt with nn assault on the In-
.lnn office which he charged with double
) doaling.
Mr. Weadock or Michigan devoted some
time to the discussion ot the proposed policy
oC discontinuing time contract school system
and opening government schools. taking the
position that provision for building schools
should keep pace with the discontinuance of
the contract schools and that the charitable
schools should not bo interfered with.
: Mr. Waler at Massachusetts took advantage -
, vantage at the latitude nlowell for debate
to discuss the ( conditions of the treasury and
the sources ot revenue out of which the
enormous expenditures of the government I
t were to b defrayed. lie said all the ( re-
] 1blcans asked was that the sections at his
li currency bill be considered In a logical order ;
that being refused , they voted against ito
I consideration. tIe challenged any one on
the democratc side to point out In his bill a
single ! feature that should not he there. The
9 republIcans would vote for any measure that
would furnIsh sufficIent revenue to met lie (
lemands on the treasury and that would re-
form lie ( currency.
, ,
" ' \1 the gentleman ' guarantee . " Inquired
: Warner ot Now York "that his own
Idli will have the sold support oC the republican -
publican side ? "
"Never " responded Mr. Walker "until
.we are assured It wi pass. \Vo will not he
placell In the position or voting for a bill
. that Is not to pass when we are without
responsibility for legislation. When wo come
-3 Snto ( "ower you will see what we wIl do. "
' - - ( Applause 01 the republican : side. )
"The gentleman from Massnehusetts (
' ( Walker ) wel lows , " said Mr. Warner .
L "thnt so far from this republcal minorIty
L : whlch ho laos vaunted as so ready to assist
us In tile financial question being agreed
upon any point whatever the measure which
Ie proposed Is the only ono which any member -
ber on that side has dared to expose to the
nit and ho will not claim there are ten men
. on that side who wilt even vote tor the con-
I- sideraton ot It. "
'Vo all know , " ho contimmued "that on
' lie day to which he referred there was wlt-
' ] essell In thIs house an unprecedented po-
. , Itcn ( event , when the two wings at the flat
Jnoney party heretofore estranged tram each
ether by unfortunate tloltcal differences . the
, one led by the gentleman from 1alle ( Reed )
tE : . and the other led by the gentleman from
, lshourl ( Uand ) flopped together until they
ore sore from their attempted co-operation.
' ( aughler. ) Time gentleman wi also re-
1nember that upon that day for the first time
' pen ! record , and tt Is 1 credit to his party
that they have kept so long apart from such
alliances . the ser money democrats ( , the sit-
m ; vet democrats , the populist Ilrly masse
I and the republican party imnanimnomisly with '
I the exception at one man who had not been
m. iero . loug enough to be gotten into dlsciplhme .
! woted successfuly ? to Ilre\'ent further conslll-
eralon ot the ( measures for the relief at this
- ' , ' . country that ( the administration had sug-
gested and that the majority of lie demo-
crate were then pressing for action. 1 do
not blame the gentleman for one moment except -
cept as to ( the mnter ( at tate for speaking
Dr the nightmare which he has before him In
case by aim extra sesslomm . the populst party
Is dragged hero and led to make 1 holy show
at themselvel before the country. I am
, , bound to say 1 have sympathized with the
feelings oC some of our friends In the north
and other part : cr tie ( country who have
' , t crllclze,1 ( tiiit demor lc majoriy ( for not
! L bnvlng been able to enact In this congress
the measurs , : for financial relief for which
. I the coumitry stands II need , but I now hero
heg them to save enough of their epithets to
treat with the conslleratol ( It will deserve
the situation they wi SOOI have to deal with
when they find a silver republican senate and
I Ireenhacl ; republican house standing In
the way of nil decent lellslltol for the re-
Ier or lie ( treasury or for time Ilreservaton
. ' t Dt the homier of the AmerIcan people , ( ( emo-
erotic apmmlause. )
Mr. led took the floor all humorously
suggested lint the democratic side was trying
to get cOllolaton ( out of its defeat "ex-
cep ( . " ho added , "Iho gentleman tram Now
: york ( Mr. Wlrner ) . who Ilwas eamo from
. the sammie hole ho went In. ( Laughter. ) As
a mater at fac ( . time Carlisle bill fell ot its
WI weight. I had not consistency enough
to stlnd alone. ' 1hat was proven by the
D fact that had objected to time with-
' . imo ono wih-
- i- , drnwll of time rule not even Mr. Varnor. ;
'fho bill Ilrolosoll was not satisfactory to
t the house 10 lie country , to anybody , amid
( everybody knew It cell not pass. That
: WIS Ito ( lac ( . The simple fact was the
" governmelt was running behind $5.000.000 a
mommth smut the remedy was shnille. lake
the revenues equal to the output. amid you
wi restore Iho ( public CedlL and cure the
situation. The remedy Is simple enough for
the democrats to IJpl' . ( ( aughter. ( ) Then
they comm . face I Crowning world " ( Hllewed
laughter. )
' Mr. Simpson at Kansas Jllnged to get
the ( ( loot 10lg enogh to create n laugh by (
slaUnK ( se'entea cat by populsls IUll
defeated time rule and Ir both lie ( other
partes were seeking to avoid time resllnsl-
blity for Its defeat . the pOllulsls were will-
Ilg to assume t , and would consider them-
Belves worthy at credit It nothing moro thal
the defeat ot this ICluro could bo charGed
to iieni
. 1st. . Messrs. Band and McIao made brief
t ? Blatements ( ot their position. when Mr
4 Cockroli. In whose ( line the debate bad taken
Place , claimed tbe ( floor , and proceeded to
. discuss lie Indian but.
At lie ( oC Mr. Cockrel' . remarks -
: marks ( lie commleu jose and lt 4:35 : the
house acijouraed.
I'olt. , Albeit of 1 uIII" ' '
, WASIIINOTON . Jan. IG-Speclal ( Tele-
c grain.- ) \ . N. Babcock at Soulh ( Omabl
y'm leave tor home tomorrow. He says :
- -
"I am 1llsfe that no legislation for the .
relief or the packing house can b secUred ,
during the Ilrepent session of can Rreu' : . and
It would hI ulelel to rpmnln here inner
sekinm legislation . The situation 18 political
Ilpkln > leRblnlon. Iltunlon pol Ieal
rthlr ( than lu8Ines.lke. and Inle8' there
Ihll bl nn Ixtra stslon ! oC congress nothing
can he hoped for until the regular session oC
congress next December. "
- -
SUllrclo Court Wit Icmlor nn Opinion
Tad sr.
WAShINGTON . Jan 1G.-The United
Stales supreme court today heard an aru-
meat hy O. S. Darrow attorney for E. V.
Del1 and others II their application for 1
writ oC error and habeas corpus and release
on bail. Mr. Darrow contended that the
curt could properly review the case on 1
writ oC error and that the law tinder which
they were found guilty was uncnsttutonal ,
Mr. Whitney appeared for the government.
Time argument made hy Mr. Darrow for
the prisoners and also that by Mr. Whiney
for the government was entirely technical .
and related to the petitions of writ oC habeas
OrIIU8 and time writ ot error with super-
Redeas amid admission to bail ! . only
Incidentally upon the constitutional rlht
SUlllloscl to bo Invol'eel. Mr. Barrow contended .
tended that under the act oC 1891 , creating
tIm circuit court oC appeals . a writ at ertr
would le In a contempt case . and while
there had been soma doubt on the Ilart oC
time coursel they hind come to believe that
they were entitled to both h writs asked Cor.
Previous to the act of 1K ! chancery cases
had been rovlewablo under an appeal , anti
those of common law Uller I writ oC error.
hut ho contended that the new law was
Inlendol to wipe out oIl distinctions , nlli
that either process was allowable , but this
helng a contempt case It could clearly be
reviewed better under a writ or error than
an aPlleal. in ] case at its review by appeal
thin record would bo voluminous as to
lake It Ilrobablo that before n decision could
be reached the terms oC imprisonment ! or the
prisoners would expire and they would fail
In securing the relief sought Mr. Darrow
also made brier reference to the claim that
the ant-trust lass' under which Bobs anti '
his associates were arraigned , was uncoim-
sUutonal , and said that It was applicable
to combinatons by corporations. Mr. Whit-
ney contented himself with pointing out
authorities for the guidance oC time court anti
did not seek to Infuenco the decision.
In so for us ho ventured nn opinion It sought
to favor proceedings umfer n writ of error
as tIme Ilroper plan providing appellate Juris-
diction Is given In contempt proceedings.
10 said however that the proceedings oC
thin chnrgo was not clear. lie said also
that the government would make no ob
Jecton to Ito admission of the prisoners
to bail. Time court wlthhelll its decision .
but intimated that It would be rendered , on
the application for writs of error and habeas
corpus tomorrow. There was also an informal -
formal understanding that In case tIm writ
of error Is granted and bal furnished the
case should ho set for argument on tIme
last Monday In March on its merits.
t'VbLthU OUT 01' SUIO ,
NOApproprlaton to Carry Out the Amor
Iran l'nrt of the Agreoiiiont.
WASIHNGTON . Jan. lG.-A question hn
heen raIsed . by ( he appearance ot the sundry
civil appropriation bill whether the adminis-
traton ( Is likely to carry Into elect President -
dent Cleveland's recommendaton that time
United State recede from Its part In the
tripartite protectorate over Samoa by refraining -
framing from asking congress to approprIate
any money to defray our share at the ex-
Last year's sundry civi bill contained an
item under the head of the Department of
State for carrying out the Samoan agree-
1ent. but from this year's bill the clause Is
conspicuously missing. I mIght properly
have been Included In either the the dlplo-
mntc or consular ! or the sundry civil bills .
but the diplomatic was trained and passed
the house without reference to Samoa , and
Chairman Sa'ers says that no request has
been received trom the Department at State
for any funds for the purpose or the pro-
Secretary Gresham has several times suggested -
gosted that the United States recede from
any part In the government or Samoa and
his views were made the subject at I strong
paragraph In the preldent's last message.
In accordance with these views the ndmlnls-
tratloim has for some ( line neglected to station -
ton war ships nt the Islands alhough It
wns 1 feature ot the agreement that ships
should be kept there , amid ' It was understood
that time three nations would alternately be
represented. Chairman JcCreary ot the
house commitee ( on foreIgn affairs states
hint he has never looked upon the Samoan
agreement with favor and In the course era
a resolutol upon the hawaiian matters has
referred to the policy at keeping a savage
on the throne there as an Instance ot the
sort at foreign policy which time republicans
accused the president at deshmlnJ 10 carry
out In hawaiI - .
A resolution was introduced lat week by
Representative JcMlen or Tennessee making
ilqulry Into the cost ot this government's
F.laro oC the Samoan expenses , and It was
uwierstood to be the intention or the demo-
cmu In time house to oppose any further ap-
Ilroprla ton for the purpose Since the ap-
propriaton bills contain no such provisIons I ,
they will have no opportunity . so tar as can i
1 seen to do this.
FnANlt G 1'ILVLLICG s nF\'I"I D.
I'rlntlt lUlL Carrl"d the I'rovlslon Inc I
6111\.1 'hrollh Unnoticed.
WASIlNGTON , Jan. lG.-In addition te
many changes made In the printing ofee
and tIme dIstribution oC documents , time print-
log bills signed by the president really revive -
vive the franking privileges. The words
are "the vIc president members and mem-
bers-elect and delegal -elet t congress
shal have time privilege or sending free
through time mails and uner their frank
an ) ' mal mater to any government official
or to any person , correspondence not exceeding -
ceelng one ounce In weight when on ofcIal
or departmental business. " The provision
was never referred to when tIme bUt \a
before either house and senators and mem-
ber were equally surprIsed when Informed
at It today. _ _ _ p _ _ -
hligliwityimmeim Still Continue time UollllC or
Citlzems-iliigic : City Notl .
Holdup are becoming time rage In the
Maglo City . and the police think that an
organized gang from Omaha Is doing the
work . Last evening Peter Sulvan was hell
up by 1 highwayman with a big revolver
Time robber went through every pocket ! In ,
Sullivan's clothes hut did not get a cent
Wednesday Is \ay day a Hammond'a and
Swift's , and It Is supposed that time robber
expecw,1 to find a roll In Sullivan's cloture .
Wiiam Thomp.on , the young man arrested
for . holding up John.Snh' . y , had a trial In
police court yesterday afternoon , and was
discharged Mr. SnIvely could not positively
Ileltfy Thompson lS tIme man who robbed
Thompson Is suspected of robbing a house
.In Omaha and wi 1 taken there today to
stand trial for burglary
- -
110110 Ciy ( lo4ip.
J , K. Campbell . one of the Union Stock
yards switciimmien . leaves today for Scranton ,
Pa. , where ho wi spend a month visiting
relatives .
Adam S. Urllgefarmer Is under arrest for
assaulting Thomas hatfield . 10th are car.
; ienters . and they had some disagreement (
about work and , following a war or words
Cilno to blows. lirldgefarmer's trial Is set
for today _ _ _ . _ _
( ) 'iirlomm Jrlrrol.d ror % siauht .
\\llnl O'Uren. who was arrested for
thefl It time 1axlon anti Jlard holels I
tow days , anti who was afterward
ago UJI wal aterwlll dls-
chal'gel hl'Cluse Snlulow refused to return
amid prosectmte . was eon after rearresled.
uliroeout ( afer
ito \\01 \ charge with alaul with intent
t do great lolly harm In nlneklng ( trglnt
" 'hllen. amid time case was hear h ) " the
police judge . ) ' ( ltenIIY afernoon ( , when he
WIS bound over to the district court In the
lum ot $ t.o. George fleck and James
( umithimi . who were arrested on simnilar
charges , were discharged ns no comma could
ho Inade out against them. Bock anti OrIC-
liii were ualn arrested and booked as
vagrants. , - - . lS
Hayden Tires' . ad. Is , on page 5.
1) I " .
MAC'COItMAC-hlazel Marie lt residence ,
118 North mrhte nth Sircot ego 3 l 'eari .
8 monthl and 2 da's. unerul I 'l'hur.'jay.
JOluur ) ' 17. ut 2 II. m. . from hkmrlc ( 'a
undlrlulll : nurlors ll18 Chicago street ,
to Forest Lawn .
Public Given n Little More of the History of
the Tariff - Oonference . .
[ 'llnl , Succeeded In Oetlnl One , \lolled ,
Jlnklll time UUCAloakcll h l , Collectors -
lectors Little I.C 5 him-
, -
WASINGTON , Jan 10.-After a debate
covering over n week the senate voted down
Mr. 11111's proposltcn to refer the legaly
oC the Income tax to thin courts , only five
senators JoIning with Mr. Hill In supporting
the ProPosition. lut the vote was not taken
unt late In the day , and UII to that time
there was one eC the most spirited debates
that the Hilt proposition has called out.
Mr. Vest was the principal speaker oC the
day , and InIew oC his ser\lc on the
tariff conference commitee there was great
interest mnnrCeste In santo oC the committee -
tee secrets whIch he felt justified In disclos-
Ing. In time course ot his speech Mr. Vest
called attention to the gravity or the tariff
war which foreign countrlN had begun
against time United States ns a result oC the
one-tenth sugar differential. Although : .
111 tailed In referring the Income tax to
time court he secured the adoption oC an
amendment which wilt have lie effect oC I '
conipiiing time Treasury department ( to change'
its Tegulatons as to the courls. : tr. L .lge's
effort t have Income ( ax. ofcial ! placed
under ch'l service rules was defeated The
Income tax appropriation was then agreed
to , and the ( bill pa9ed. Mr. Aldrich seurCI
time passage of a resolution calling on the
president for information as to negotatons
with tu to the tariff and
wlh Germany regard tnrll re-
taliatlon .
Senator Petgrew at South Dakota was
on the focr for the first time since he was
r-eleclll for six years , and received the
congratulations oC his fellow senntors.
Mr. Duter favorably reported from the
commlte on naval affairs time bill for :
comprehenslvo revision at the Ilersonnel oC
lie navy.
Bills were passed to provide for coInage at
the branch mint at Denver ; authorizing cer-
tain naval officers to administer oaths ; to
exemllt ' from duty foreign exhibits at the
Cotton States exposition at Atantu ; granting
the cilIa Valey , Globe & Northern railroad
n right oC way through the San Carlos mmmiii-
tary reservation In Arizona
With routine business disposed of . the
pending urgenc deficiency bill was taken
imp and Mr. lull addressed the senate on
his arpeat from tIme ruling of the chairman ,
that his amendment to the Income tax ap-
proprIaton was out ot a Il cr.
Mr. Vest directed attention to the stale-
ments oC the senator from Maryland ( Gorman -
man ) that the senate passed more bills than
time house. Mr. Vest declared that or course
n smal body could act on routine business
moro expeditiously than n large body
"Yet " continued he "everyone knows we
stand here like u lot ot Muscovy drakes bow-
lug and stooping solemnly and then go
stupidly to the consideraton ot routine. "
The senator said ho did not shut his eyes
to the disastrous and overwhelming defeat
or the democratic party. He was now wait-
Ing time promised restoration oC public seren-
Iy ns a result at thin republican success.
"I have no authority to speak for the
President " said Mr. Vest wIth much earn-
estness , "but I most earnestly hope that IC
some delnlto action Is not taken by this
congress the president will cal a extra ,
session as soon as the gavel falls at time close
at this sesslcn without taking up the ques-
lon oC raisIng more revenue. " The senator
referred to the sugar duty and the tax on
spirits. The one-tenth differential on sugars
had aroused a contention by Germany Aus-
tria and other countrIes. Mr. Vest explained
the condition or each foreign country on the
sugar question. Ho thought there was a
good deal of pretense In Germany's claims
against American cattle . "Dut these contentions -
tentons with foreign countries. " said Mr.
Vet , "Indicate thnt wo are entering open !
a great commercial war the extent ot which
tt Is dlmcul to foresee. " ITo urged that It
was essential that the one-tenth differential
should be taken oft la order to avert this .tar-
ur war and lts dIsastrous ( consequences on
our revenues.
As Mr. Vest precede several Interesting
chanters on the enactment ot the - sUlr
cladU1 were discIosel Mr. Allen oC Ne-
braska asked what the conferee bad intended -
tended to do on the Hawaiian treaty affecting -
Ing sugnr. Mr. Vest answered that time con-
forces desired to do away with that treaty
but they were told by certain senators whose
votes were essential to the passage oC time
bill that this could not bo done. I was imperative -
peratvo that time votes at rorty-threo senators
bo secured. So , against the judgment at the
senator and the committee , the desired action
on the hawaiian treaty had to be abandoned
Mr. Vet preceded to state tIme substance
at an Igreement that had ben made as to
taking ! up the free sugar bill.
I was his understanding that themanag-
log committee oC democratIc senators bad
agreed with leaders In the house that it I the
later boy yielded and passed the amend-
menls to the tariff bill the senate would In
turn take UII time special tariff bills . por-
tcnlarly that as to sugar. His memory
beIng refreshed by Mr. Harris , Mr. Vest
said he did not mean t say there was a
positive guaramity but It was a general under-
standing which warranted him In urging that
this sugar queston should bo acted upon
Mr. White at California and Mr. harris
of Tennessee spoke briefly against the Hi
ammiendmnent. Mr. Hl ngaln nlldressed the
sennt . answering cbJectons ( raIsed to his
This closCI the debate . and for the purpose -
pose at simplification It was agreed to take
time first vote emi sustaining the chair In rnl-
Ing out at order the lull amnenmlmnent refer-
ring the Income tax to Ihe ( courls. The chair
was slstalned on a yen and nay vote 40
10 ( G , only fIve senators Dubols Davis , llch-
oil ( are. ) , Quay and Petgrew.otng wih (
11' . Hilt agaInst the decision at the chair
By the vote the Hi amendment disappeared ,
as time chair hind ruled It out at order
Mr. Quay then sought to urge nn nmend-
ment similar to ( lint ( or Mr huh , but It was
rulel , out by the chair on the same point or
order . Loge Ilresented ( an amendment 10 the
Income tax appropriation providing that the
collectors should be under civil service rules.
Time amendment was defeated , 17 10 3t. Mr. I
Quay again sought to get time Income tax before . .
fore the courts by proposing a new section ,
but on u yea antI nay vote the section was
defeated , 19 to 32.
lilt . Hi offered an nmenllment to time Income -
come tax IJrovlslon restricting the Interroga-
tories to persons or flrmns . notwlthslandlng (
the printed regulations of the ( Internal rev-
enue hmmreau After Mr. 11 explained how
far the Treasury department regulations went
bcolu the law Mr. Coelrel , In ehare of
the bill . agreed to the amimendmnent and It
was adopted. It the house agrees to the
nmendment It will have time effect of com-
pelng modifications In the treasury regula-
tons already issued as to time collection at
the Incme ( ax.
Time delelency bill was then ( umassed
Mr. Aldrich presented n resolulon eahi-
big emi the president for the corrspondence
with Germany relative to the tariff . The
resolution was agreed to Then at lt5 :
I' . m. the senate amljourned .
lrciirmmi'y's nI. \ I.1 Jmlmhit.
W ABHINU'l'ON. Jan. IG.-Speelnl ( 'rele-
grum.-'ho Kealle ) ' National bnnl or
Kearney . Neb . which SUslwlule,1 , pnynInt
December 13. last , ha\lnl tul conilihied
with the condllon ! Imllose by the comp-
trailer at the currency anti the capital stock
not being Ilpall'II , hal today Ieel Iler-
mllel to reollen its doors for luslncs3.
8111h I " 'llwl" ' I' , . . I ii m' NI ( ' r' ,
WASHINGTON. Jan. IG.-Speelal ( Tele-
crum.f-South ) Dlkola Ilostmasters wert 111
Ilolnte,1 today us follows : Ilard 1anson
county. J. O. Uart , Jr. . \Icl J. O. Bard ,
dead ; Tery I.awrenle eOlnt ) . . Mms 1. J.
Hunker \Iee , Iohmmi MeLeod _ , _ resigned
NeIr"11 , 1'"II&'u I ( ; omII mlm)54lmi ) ed. ,
WASh IINOTON . Jun. IG.-Speelal ( T le-
traun-Nebraeka ) Ilostmlsler8 ivre commls.
bloner today as follows : Prank II. 1umes.
mis : Oeerle l > b'l t'itca'hail I I'
Sllun50n. . XuraViLard ; 1. Swelel. Mm. .
it , " ' , I . IN OUR GREAT
J 4/\ / NL1J ' : : 1R\ ( SALE i : R The 01naha has ever Price seen Cuting Sale
' I
- - - - -
January S ie :
Linen Lac'es. '
A mG Jon 0 ] FANCY uxnEUWEAH
ISo laces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . le
250 laces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lOc
2c loces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 ½ c
Emmibroiieries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1e
Best Machine Thread full 20 yard spools 2c
G ro cei'i Cs.
35 lbs New Orleans granulated sugar. . $1.00
27 pO'Jnd8 'whie ( coarst granulated
sUgar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rranulated . . . . . . .1,00
25 ; Pounds fine granulated sugar . . . . . . $ l,00
Scotch lne CutS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3',4c
Large vail jelly . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2ge
2.poummd can cormi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6c
3-poun,1 can tomatoes. . . . . . . . . . . Ic
3-llund can . . . . . . . . . . . ' c
3-pound can pumpkIn. . . . . . . . . . . . 91c
Pure red salmon , can. . . . . . . . . . . . 10e
Oil sardines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 c
Corn st.uch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3c
Condenscll cream can. . . . . . . . . . . 10e
Condensed mnilk . can. . . . . . . . . . . . lOc
White Paris soap , bar. . . . . . . . . . . . 3c
3.poul1 glass Jars strawberry Ireser'es.
worth ( GOc , on sale nt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c
Pure Java and Mocha coffee , Pound . . . 8c
Japan rice , pouml. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3c
Parlor mntches , dczen b ( ' . es. . . . . . . . . . . 10e
-imoummtI bars castile soap , usual cirice
: lic , now. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 ½ c
Either meted or white
Imported casle Sap , per bar. . . . . . 12 Ie
Desiccated Fruits
ChoIce evaporated apples. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 c Ib
Choice evaporated apricots..7 ½ c Ib
ChoIce desiccated pelches. . . . . . . . . . . . 7 .7yc Ib
Choice California raisin grapes. . . . . .3c Ih
Vnlonola raisIns. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c Ib
Soda eracl.ers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 c Ib
A Tea VV reck.
\\0 recl\ed a large consllnment of choice
tea from the great U. P. wreck- . consisting of I
teas worth $1.25 lb. . $1.00 . 75c. IGo and as
high as $1.50 per lb. . whIch we will sell for
390 : lb. until alt Is sold.
Hams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gc
Salt pork. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c
Bacon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I . . .9c
Dolegna sausage. . . . . ; .L. . . . . . . . . . . . .3c
Corned beef. . . . . . . " . . ' , ' . " " " " . . . . . .3e
BoUeless \ ham..8 . " . 'I ½ c
Hot cheese. . . . . ; T : . . . . . . . . .3 2C
It I i
, .
H - : DEN
ILROThtmc- , : . _ . .
( Continued Cr,1 ' Pirst Page. )
dent's military hmou4lmoltl later conveyed to
M. Dupuy M. Caslmnlr-i'tirier's letter reignIng -
Ing the presidency of the French rpublc
In spite or the grel' Interest taken In the
political crisis time clf remains tranquil.
Time resignation at the president produce
a complete change In' the business tendency
on the stock exchange. Buying was entirely
stopped and there was a closing oC accounts
for I rise . this proceeding rapidly In all de-
partments. There was a general though mod
erate decline . French rentes fell francs
stocks with the majority oC other Interatonal
The Chamber at Deputes was crowded
today when the sitting opened at 3:30 : p.
m. . wIth M. Brlssol prcsldlng. M . Drlsson
read M. Caslmlr-Perler's letter ot resignation -
tion . and when ho read the words : "A president -
dent or time republic without means at action .
or without control can derive tram the cn-
fdenco oC time nation alone that moral force
without which ho Is nothIng , " Cunco
d'Ornammo , who Is 1 strong advocate oC ap-
peals to tim people whIch he considers to
be the base of a democratic republic , cried : '
" universal
"Let the president bo elected by
suffrage. " Drlsson , however continued realI-
Ing limo letter amid murmuls from the left.
When he had finished reading time letter .
Drl'sn said : " ' 'ho chamber has taken note
or the presIdental declaration which will be
placed In the archives. "
Drlsson afterwards announced he hall re
celvell a letter ( room Ciiahiemnet-La ' 'our presl-
lent of the senate convollng the National
Assembly for 1 o'clock tomorrow at Ver- I
sailles. The president or time chamber then :
stated he had received from two deputes
a proposal to revise the constitution , which
Ilroposal ho could not omclaly recognlzo.
Cuneo d'Ornano again shouted : "blow
about universal suffrage / "
This caused ahrot , a socialist and a
worleng haler , to cry ; "Vivo 11 repub-
lque soclale. "
The Chamber oC Deputes then adjourned.
VIVE LE 1(01.
As the deputes ( were leaving the chamber
the Duc do la Itocimefoucaid and Due do In
Doudeyale cried : "Vlve Ie roi. "
A scene of great excitement followed , dur-
Sng which the members of Iho ( left retorted
with loud cries oC "Vlye 10 rO\Jblque. \ "
De Inuddy d'Asson , leglthnlst replied wih
a 1011 shout : "Vlve Ie 101. " This Increased
tIme exciement greatly . and caused time members -
hors of the left to galher all shout for the
republic at the top or their ( voices while
cheer for limo king were to bo heard mInglng
with the cheers for the republic.
In time senate Caslmlr-I'erlor's letter of
resllnaton was recelvell very hadly. The
soimators In direct contrast ( to their usual
atitudo. ( of conservative reserve. repeatedly
Interrulltell Cimahlenmet-Lacnur while he was
reading time presldent's comimimmunicatiomi . Nearly
every phrase elicited protests.
1.01 Instance , one senator ( cried : "Ono docs
not enter Into a discussion In u moment of
< imimiger. "
Another senator shouted : "It Is a rambling
slalemenl. ( " 'I '
When the reading wash r.nchlled vellement
protests aroSe from ni ; parts or time house , and
eonlnued for some tme Time senate finally
adjourned unt MOlulay next .
All the various gfpuls of leputes hell
separate meetIngs to\ayj but they have not
decided upon a candllal ' ; The republicans
will unite to force al yoto for one candidate
of their party.
The revisionist deputies are greatly an-
noe,1 at the refusal ot 'Ur/aon. ' / In the Cham-
her of Deputes , to 4)loy ) 111scusslon of the (
proJosal 10 revise the , canatltuiomm. ( Michel ,
a revisionist amid the author ot a work upon
constitutional righi ( Ideclares thaI hef
bring time moteI bEer the ) National Assembly -
bly ut Versailles on9rrow. t .
(1 . \'I' i'it&oiui'iJi , ) AT Wl'.tlCIt.
.l . Iluwlt [ ctarr tImoigimt to 10 One tn
Whlt'h AI COlulr" " , \rn Jnlure8tOI.
LONION Jan 16.-A dlslJtch to time
Times from Paris says lint ( time crIsis Is
not really a mllisterial one but one In
which a constutonal principle , tot peculiar
to France I . but common to 11 countries ios
Icslng a constitution . was at stake. Ever
sluice the hegltnlng or the present republic
the republican party has always shown I
peculiar tendency to transform lime Chamber
of Iellutes Into a . convention-timmmt Is Inlo ( I
dictatorial executh.e rather thnn an assembly
of legi3iatOrmi. Whlt happened Monday was
only one 1010 prCf of the singular force of
thus lendelc ) ' 10 act at the majority was
the act of the convention. By resisting this
tendency M. DUIJUY has been greatly elevated
In time eyes at all couisiutiommalists ( ( . lie
mlt be praIsed for having immediately un-
, ! entood time revolutionary character or the
. P11S'i { I LINg ' [ ' 0 sHOW 'rH
New Novelties
Was I Dress Goods
FOR 1895.
Always in the lead as to styles and prices , and as to qualities
we are strictly in it.
1G shalles oC crepe In plnln colors . . . . 10c 1'cl 1 ' ,
u Dofflst'ics D t'
. . . . . . 12 } 0
16 shades of crepe In plain colors. . . ures
, U
lG shades oC crystal cloth crelme . . . .
. .
lG shndes oC satin srlpe crepe. . . . . . . . 1 ) - 0 U New 'York
More to follow In different gram'es. \ Au c t ions.
Now Is the timno '
( (
New styles In Swiss doted nmmmsiin. . . 10 0 to buy , 'otim' musll tmo
amid shmeutitigs. Tim
New fancy orgaI1Ies. . . . . . . . . . 1 0 ( ( IIICC8 1000'0 .
lB lownsntlloll. ;
Yiii'l WIdO mmitmollmi ,
New styles oC duck suitlimg. . . . . . . . . . . . , 2 U C ( ( YI'd blouched . oi' mlsll bl'O\\1 I
33mb'Ltt'd. . Pul 110
. . . 2 0 ( ( of pillow ctsitmu.r : nod
New slyles ( of 32.lnch Ju\'enle zephyr. U pilow oasilnld
oull" width sheet-
Q ' ( lug II bhmchel1nld
brocaded anti printed Go'
New salue ! styles . . . In . . bloeadet . . . . . . . Ind . . . . . . . . . c ht'o\\1 1 ) decs. at n\etlol
New styles Scotch iawmm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Go ( ' }
Best grade French percale , .10nhle
wldtim lie , \ In st.les. black . . amid . . . hluo . . . grounds . . . . , 1C ( ( Linings.
The German twilled suIting . the knockabout -
on about eale I sullng . . , . the . . . . gala . . . tea . . . . cloth . . . now . . lOc " t1t'ess t Iai'gest IIIS ' stocic t I . I tim 1 0 f
. Now sleek
wost. \ \
Silk stripe chales In cream ground at . 1c . Q , U 0 . just 1mm. BIg stock
of hint' cloth amid
New styles In Japanotte. . . . . . . . . . . .tO 1"C7 illlntll ll coth { huh'
oloth. New sleo\o
New styles . In fine zellhyrs. . . . . . 1 [ " pllte 1 i I Imi i g H . luel : Now buck
s'mlcsia. ! In act , If
New styles In Scotch tartan styles ; In 5e lOc 15c 21cslesa. ! I
dress gnglams. I I . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . I I U c "IU I the 1 miced WiLy anything of di'css 1
Full line of apron gingham. . . . . . . 3c , 5c , 7c 7 , tOe ! ( linimigs lCmi't . WlOIO go to Bay- you
wi had it , l to bo
VIsit our wash dress goods department. had.
radical p051(10mm ( In pretending to contest
time peslton the decIsion at the couucl
at state. If , as believed by many he chose
to fall , ho could not have possibly quitted
oiflce with more credit to hlmse\ than In
falling gallantly lighting for the defense era
talng galanty universally honored by self
respectng communities as that of a separa-
tlomi or .
ton an editorial the Times says : "M. Casi-
mlr-Perler was convinced that be accepted
the only alternative. I must be allowed that
ho made the only honorable 111 dignified
abandoned his post
choice. but IC he has
throllgh mere Impatence or personal dIsgust -
gust lie will be rightfully adjudged to have
Incred heavy responsibility In time eyes ot
his contemporaries and In htstory. Such an
act may be the act at a strong man but It
Is not time act at a true lover at his country. "
The Stnndard's correspondent In ParIs says
thnt M. Caslmlr-Perler during his presidency
has done nothing remarknble. His present
decision Indicates great lack or moral cour-
age. Besides M. Drlsson nnd Dtmpuy the
other candidates arc General Fevler and M.
1. 1 lnrgo and Cavalgnac.
Tie Pal Mal Gazette says : France Is now
In the throes at the moat menacing crisis
since time fall at time empIre. Time Gazette
thinks parliamentary _ governent ! In France !
has been tried mind broken down and that
ther Is a chlnce now such ns has not
existed for twenty-five years for a pretender
to come forwnrd. Time Globe . on time other
hand , thinks that there Is not the slightest
danger or hope that France will retur to
a monarchIal form ot government.
lenrl Itochefort time exied editor at the
rallcal Immtrammsigeant Is quoted as saying In
un Interview : "Tho present stuaton ( Is a
great triumph for the socialists because It Is
owing to them tmt M. Gerauit-Itlchmarm.l
was elected I believe that lie chances are
II favor at M. \Vnldeek-Houssea bellI elected
president 10 succeed M. Casimnir-Perler. 'fhe
caudldacy of General Saussler canuot , In my
opinion , be regarded IS serious , anti time
vIews of i\1. Brisson mire too advanced for
him to have I chance oC election by the
natonnl congress as at present contttitutc'tl. ,
These crises arise out of the hatred of the
government for the universal suffrage. had
M. Casimir-PerleI remained president wo
shculd have seen many socialists eleetld and
ho would have been oblged to resort to con-
tnual coups d'etat simiar to that which
Invol'et keeping M. Gerault-htieimartl In
prison. I do not believe the new president
wi dare to oppose time popular will . but It
ho does he will fall like M. Caslmlr-Perler. "
OONB A..nn IllS ' .tIONI .
luke 01 Orh'lus hopes to I'ront hy time
Crisis itt I"rlnc " !
LONDON Jan IG.-The dulo of Orleans ,
pretender 10 time throne or Frammce . left Stowo
house today for Dover. I Is presumed that
ho Is going to Boigium or thl he will meet
his MllJporters ( at Dover. Cnsequenty It Is
believed that time royalists or Franco ore
preparing to take some acton In view or tIme
. '
cries In France
Coughs and lloarsenezs.-Thme Irritation
which Induces coughIng Immedlalely ( relieved
by use of "Brown's Bronchial Trachea " Sold
only In boxes.
OUlTW , . M.I U ) N(1 ToNES J'LI.
10'lplot at ) llvluloo $ l'rulrOulll Ilpll ,
hIclmm Vjpmi.dme.I .
One Event lelll 1'1116/01.
JU.'AUKJI , Jan 1G.-One even I. lie
consolaton match at time hons\llel. \ wits
fnlshell today ' . and two of tIme Important
events , the Pfster trophy und tIme St Paul ,
Jobbers' trophY were hrought down to the '
serl-lnls. 'J'11 contest ror time George
Unl dilmond medal wins started at 9:30 : , amid
when the gll < were over tonight It Wil
about completell to third round During
the afternoon time Juhn Johnston event Wil
stal'led 1111 time frlt round 1ut welt undel'
WI ) ' . ' 1helo art' now but three ev n\ 10 his
startedtue'mmiker . Internatonul ( und
Veterans matcll und the Point eontesl.
IWl.1Ul BXI'LUH1U. , IT lUII " 'i1'BAl.
Two lrn Ilrl",1 I..rt' 'lrd8 and Initally
IUnod-Two Other. . , IIJlre , ' ,
PITTSBURO ] . Jan 16.-Two mcmi were
killed and two others Injured hy I boiler explosion -
plosion at the 40-lncl mi II the Carnegie
steel works at 10mestead this mnorning. 'rime
boiler was completely wrecked entaiing a
Ion or iO,000.
When the explosion occurred larry Ireen-
man was standing heEde the boiler , amid
John Gorecl was stoking the furnace . Tile ) '
were llown , forty yards away and were
cru.bed and scalded so terribly Ihat ( the
bodies were unrecognizable.
A raise report WIS elrculatell that the ex-
Illoston had been caused b ) dynamite.
Nothing can exceed the care with which
Cook's Extra Dry JUI.erll Champagne Is
! made
Transcontinental Lines Have at Last Setled
.1 . i
Their Differences ,
Wi Uecomu Operative ns f"ol 19 time [ lto
Clerks Can Cumilloto''heir -
Bound Trip liesthtma-
tions .
CHICAGO , Jan H.-Tho agreement be
tween the transcontnental lines has been
signed by all partes Interested and will go
into elect as soon ns the rate clerks have
finished theIr worl The areemcnt provides
that the' Calfornia destnntons to which round
trip tourIst tickets may bo sold are Son
Francisco , Los Angeles and San Diego only.
San Francisco may bl the destination ut the
rate or $90 from the Missouri river for tick-
eta reading ono way via Ogden 01 via Dar-
stow or MoJave or via Darstow and Los
Angeles or via 'Doming or via E Paso and
fthio , retur by any at time above gateways.
Los Angeles may bo time destination at
$90 from the Missouri river for tickets read-
Ing one way via Ogden anti San Francisco
or via Darslow or via Demlnl erIn E
Paeo , and' for time retur via any or the
above gateways except n comllnaton of
Ogden with E Paso or Demnimig
San Diego many ho the destination at $00
for tickets reading both ways via Ogden anti ,
San Francisco or for tickets reading one
way via hiarstow or Deming El Paso
\Ia larstow or E , and
for time return by any at the above gate-
The revenue on this traffic will he divided
one-halt way from the destnaton ( of the
ticket , except that the rates via time Shlta
route or by steamer shal be so divided aB
to recognize time Southern Pacilc arbitrary
rate for its Shasta line and belween Sar ,
Francisco and 1.0sngeJ p.
Hates for tickets to either San Francisco
or Los Angeles , which read one way via
Ogden and time other via llarstow will divide
on the [ 0101111 percentages : letween ! ! .
sourl river and Colorado corlon points 1
per cent : Colorado common points and Og-
den , 1eI cent : Ogdel amid l.s Angeles
via Snn Francisco 35 ,
I.'ralclsco , per cent : Los AIIelus
111 MissourI river via Bars low. 40 per
cent In this ( division or rates time Southern
Max Meyer's Music
H 1f Max Mcycp's ' Ppicos
- - -
Half '
All time the latest hirotitictions .
A1 wihout In ) ' exceltol. ! ! \rOllet0I9. . . . . . Pi'ice
On.thlhl or otir emitre stock oC
slnil' ! : MUSiC Iltre nt. . . IIOII . . . . . . Price.
Tim' rnt of our stock of slmTFourth
Th. lISW rl It..7. . . Price5
iO.OdO titles of Max ' Meyer's \
( ) tl.I : : : ( 0
Sll ln' : IUSIC. tmuithiird. . . .
Books and Studies nt Ono-touth
to One half Max loyC"S prlco.
A iitmhmei basket or JIWSUAHPS
lt lulhel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
A clothes hasld full or lIAR-
: IO leAS at. . . . . ful . . . . . lAnGe . .
\ax \ ' wuiolt'saled sonic of them n9
high : . . ) ( . wholl'salel sOle
Alnx Meyer's $ \ mmmitl $1.25 VIOLINS
: ( , lle of timcmm'm ) 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Alnx Aieyer'im $2 mmmi $2.23'lOlIN'
imOxl * ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
\'lohlN STllNGS ( limit Mmix
Meyer iwhl for lie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
All of Mnx Aleer's 2'lol.IN :100 :
All kimids of trlmmimmmiiigs for nIlMax
Max Moyer'n
kimmds of strimmg iiistruimmeiits at. . Wimoi"snie
MANlOT1Ni4 , 'tnmmhiird mmimikem ,
Mmix Meyer gut siuo. . . . . . . . . . .
GUl'I'AlU ( lint Mnx sieyer mmeveu'O .O
wlmolesmmleml for ht'mmmm timmmim $ . . . . . . .
Mic'I'ItONOMES - Mmmx AIeyCt"m44O iZ
iemuilimg $5 immstrmmmmieiit. . . . . . . . . . . .
Pianos and Organs.
By time rmmrcimnse of time Mmix Aieyer aol
lhrotiier stock we ima'o becomime time soio
mmgeimts for ( lit' lmi'st vimiimo timid organs emi
m'mirtlm. \\e simnil he Itleisi to quote yom.4
prices 0mm
0mmS'I'Rl ' '
S'I'Rl N\VA't'f.
( "l lI'klitlNiS ,
Amid bri < ide8-
Max Aicyor hind a. nmmnilmer of' fine pianoS
nmmml tmrgmimms out eu lease , Immost of wiiielm
immmve itecim but m < lipimtly tisetl miiitl nil of
vhmhcii nrc imi first t'lmm" slimmpe. \\'hmat if
tlmy tin come under time hieatl of aecomith-
lmnimil-tlomi't you tlmmmk it iveuhmi pay you to
lmivesttgttte wimemi you emtmm get
Organs 820 aiid up.
Pianos 850 and 'up.
Especially as these pinimOs represent
imardib' Lt fourtim of Mmix Meyer's best prices ?
Cahiformiia road is to receive an arbitrary pro-
portiomm of 3.25 each way betweemi Los
Angeles nmmth Sami Diego emi alt business Inter-
cimamiged with time SouUiern I'aciflc at Los
Ommo way rates between Missouri rIver
comimimmon pahiits amid California comnnmomm hmoiflt
are fixed as follows : First-class , thirty-day
tickets , with stop over , $60 ; flrst-climsmm1 con-
timiucus passage , $ i0 , Second-class , con-
tinuomis passage , $40.
It is explicitly stated ( lint notlmimmg iii this
ngrecmmment shall lii ammy way mimodify time rlgimts
of time Sotmthmermm I'aciilc or time Atlantic &
Pacific tmmmtler their commtmact coveriimg time
intorcimango of trnhiic via Mojavo.
Time proposed commferemmce lmetweomm time trunk
lines amid the vestermm roads regardimmg commissions -
missions amid differemitials huts been indefinitely -
definitely postponetl , because of time inability
of some of thu roprosomitatlvemi of sonie of
timu trunk lines to be present.
h'imrmucioo amid I'etors Situ Winners.
A 'ery chose and very imiteresting live
bird race took place yesterday afternoon
on time imemnis Pork Gum chub grounds across
time miver , Frmimiic I'armelee anti Milton C.
I'eters were time ormpommemmtmm of George Wasim.
immgtoii Loommmim < anti Jacksomi Cornelius blend
fifty births to time mmmii , live tmnlcmiown gm'oumul
ti'ilis , eighty yurtlm4 boumitlary , Aimmerican
association rules for time price of the birds
mind a collation at ? slcThgime'mm. ( Joodley
Drmmcker ohliciated as referee.
'l'hme weather w'ni as if mnmimle to order ,
vam'Imm , svlthm a ciimily sl' nmm'i scarcely a
breatit of wind , mimmd ( iesplte time fact that
time Imirmis were mimi extra. good lot , good
shmootimmg was time restmlt. There was a fair
crowd of spectators , aimmong whom was time
well known Atchison wimmg idiot , E. liythe ,
amid W. N. 1toger1 of Glemmwoomh , lii. Loommmis ,
liemid nnd Peters tied oim f0r13'-oiie each ,
Colonel h'arunelee , nit usummi , cnrryimmg off time
palm viUm forty-four , mind t his left time '
score : l'iirmnelee and l'etermm , eighty-five ;
Loomnis ntmtl iteami , eighty-two. 'l'hme ihuri (
I ItammtlH for a. lull With time fhrt barrel , a. -
2 ( or mm. kill wltim ( lie iteconti , x for mlcad out of
bommnthim ituiti 0 for mm moiHa. Time score :
hnrmimeleC2l2ll , x1201 , 10121 , hill , 11112 ,
1012i , Ii2hl , 1(121 ( , 11111 , 11010-lI.
J'etemmm-12xx2. 11010 , 21102 , 12121 , ixilO. 11212 ,
21121 , 21021 , 2xlil , 12111-41 ,
ltenml-21220 , x1212. 12120. Olx2 , 22211 , 21x21 ,
Olhih , 11212. , i22i0 , li2ix-Il.
Loommmis-11222 , 22O , 01212 , 11222 , 20121 , 2x212 ,
02201 , 22lO , 01022 , 21112-li. ,
TiumiL' : 'I'wo hours and thirty-five minutes.
'I'ortii r , , niiii ltobmory. !
Henry Dean hmnH beemi mtrrc'ste.I . anih boimnil
over for mm. proliniimmmiry hmemmriimg in time suns
of 2.0O0 , mm ( ho cimmirge of robbing Cym-ims
blower , ii I'omicliit. creek resident , of $120. It
1mm itilegeti ( limit Demmmi immimi nnoimi'r ( moan went
to Dower's hmouie ( $ attmrdmty ovemming ammd.iit- ,
( oh' implmlyimmg imot imnmimt to tIme soles of his
feet , mnumie imim dleCiOFAi lime iildlng imhitca of
iiim < mmitmiey , I bury Smimitii w'iiiI arrested as
omm tf time itWpeCtm4 'I'neamiay nigumt , but lie
limit imcemm m'elL'mmi4emi , na tlmero is umu evidence
imgiiimmat imimu , iettim Is aiti to immivo got
( I to mile on Smmndmm y it mimi iii nile itomime renmarlrmi ,
viitcii heami to his mmrrest ,
' 1
t , ;
I k
1 Boy'sk . Knee Pants
¶ j
fi 1303TS'SLlItS.
\\e arc now stocked up h i.50 .
t with a very choice selection - , , .
lection of Small Boys' ) J
Suits that ought to be
} S priced 3 , $35o , $4 , but ( 2 00 *
. ,1 they're half that , (
yj , H. Cook Clothing Co. ,
13th and Farnam Sts ,