Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1895, Page 4, Image 4

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    " ' ' - ' ' ' " ' ' - . . ' ' , . - _ . . . . . , - " - ' . ' - 'T- " _ _ , , _ - " . - - . ' . - " " . y' : r"f" - . - - . r - " . ' . . , , . " . - . - , . " " . -.A.-\ ' , . , " "
F ; ' ' 'T"'I' ' - - _ , . " . " . - , . , : . - ' " . . f ' . _ . . . . ' ; .
I , t 4 , . - - _ . . - TiE ' O rA DAILY BE1 : 1 1 UnSD.Y , JANUAY 17 , i 89g. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t
- TIlEOIA1IA - - - ' - DAILY nE
. E. nOSEWATcn. Idttor.
k l'un.tsmm tvlmy Mon INO.
r 'nmMS 01. SUISC11Tt .
k : : Daily flee ( Without Sunta ) ' ) , One Year . . . I S 0
; naly 1ee find Sunday , 0.18 Ynr . . . . . . 10 0
I Rlx Months . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & ( I
Thtt Monlha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 r
r Rundoy ; 13A . Ono Y.or . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Rnhltdr flet. Ono Year. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 r
r \Veekty ! let . , Ono ltar lMr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & .
, Omnha . Th , tlt " 1uli1Ing. .
/mahl. Omnha. ) 1. lullln Ik. , Cor. N and 21h S15.
Council I11u11 . I : 1.ltl RUpel. ( .
ChlcoD OIflee . 117 Chamber of CommerCe
New York , HDoms thambtr . I t5 Tribune flIcg .
I . , E ' \'uhlnclon ! , 107 F' Itrect : W'
¶ - All comrntinkntlons relating 10 flW an" 01 I
tonal matter should 10 telatn ? 8ed : To Iho 1dltor.
IUSINmS . : 1S. I
F All buslnc I ters end temltnncC sho111 he' '
.r , , lrc.sed 10 The lce lubUahln ) eompany ,
Omalm. 1)rnft . checks anll "oslomce orders 10
be mad. Jrr to the order of the comllnn- .
4' . _ rn'ahlO . I'UULdSIIINO COMPANY. - =
- : - - -
= - = - . . =
STATIMBNT 01 C1CU.ATlN , H. ' rzcIiuk . ecrelay or The lice 1'iib .
IIhlig ! COIInt.y. . h.llg duly sworn , e's tha
the nctunl "umber or run nnd eomlllrte copies
of Ihe lal Morning , I''enlng 8no HUlllny flee
c f > rlnlNI Ilurng ! the month or Novcmher , 1sI , Wa !
8S follows :
I. . rolows . . . . . . . . 20,6& ' t. . . . . . . . . . 21.CH )
, 2. . . . . . . . . 211 : : 17 . . . . . . . . . . . 21t6
Z. . . . . . . . . . 2.25 1. . . . . . . . . . 22.l7
4. . . . . . . . 2U2 H. . . . . . . . . . 20,4t1 , .
. . , . , . ' . . . . . . . . . . 2)t12
6. . . . . . . . 21r,37 2) . . . . . . .
C. . . . . . . . 21,173 2t. . . . . . . . . 2'JI ' :
7. . . . . . . . . 31,2GO 22. . . . . . . . . 21.431
8. . . . . . . . . 28,9 : 23 . . . . . . . . . . . 20.2\ \
9 . . , . . . , . . , . 21 . . . . 2IJ,3'
9. . . . . . . . 24,53. 21. . . . . . ,
10. . . . . . . . . 21,405 2i. . . . . . . . 21 , 9,1 )
1. . . . . . . . . 22,4'0 2r. . . . . . . . . 20,121
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.06
1 . . 20.8'7 27. . . . . . .
I. . . . . . .
21 . . . . . . . . . 21.0'H ' ) 2S. . . . . . . . . a.9G8
1. . . . . . . . . . . 20.Cr2 29. . . . . . . . . . 20,020
1. . . . . . . . . 20,1.Q 8. . . . . . . . . 19,952
. Total . . . . . , . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .G09.G51 $
LeSs iletluetlons for unsold coil rLUtflCd
1tn detuclonR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . nrl . . . . rrlulnrl . . . . . 11,2\2
Total eotd . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . .G4\,32
1nl ) ' n'enge net circulation . . . . . . . . . . . 21GI2
o\'ernJe nWHOn n. TZCltUClC. .
. Sworn tn before me nnll .u".crlh In my prcs
. ( flee tills 2d ilay or iet'erner. ) IS91
(8nl. ( ) lay N. I' . 1flIL , Notary Public.
, Olllm : wi III Its heRt to prevent thl !
ncxt state fnlr fol Hhowlll n deli-
. eieiicy. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
' lr the Plil of l\other : week the
' 111.l'UI ) of I lie lext Ulllll States scn.
' nit ought to he 11efnler l > own.
'rhat : loshll' 1)111k ) fllure IH'omlscs to
' fullsh ltlellll for federal 1nt
'jUllcs for the rest of the centl ' .
. ' 1he tI'Pl' I ( taiors I I of 'POlt' ) ' street ha\o : I
, . ol'e ilOl'O oth'n ) together all Isslwl n :
. IJ'Ollwl\lcnto , : t I In . the I I 111l' of "wc ' ,
thn (11nIo'rntIe party of the state of
' . "
\\I1 the cOlslllla : tnn for t e accom-
mOllatl" : dellul of thc boss "amhler : )
of SoUth Omala : ; 1JI'mlsslon ) to l'ltle thc
vlghhiiiae of the watchfll constable Ilto
whose custody hc had been given ?
That wllely Il'ad : hook , " 1 t'ol the
Farm to the . Iresllelc ' , " vihh now have
. 1 counterpart II the . CoOling II'olllcton )
. of ' 1holal : II. ( 'arter : . entitled " 11'1'01 .
Book Ael to 1nlcll Stales SenlLtor. .
The strl hghmt demol'rls ! lsealm hitv- :
lug contrhlnmted to the election of the
' ' ' ' ' of NelrnH1mt. As If
, II'PSllt O\'C'lor IehrHlm
' nn oleul tsclahlcr : were nccessarr to
hIIJ'PSS tlls' fact 1110n the mhlts of the
lCOllle !
_ , , 2 , . The . IJI ) for a branch mint at Denver
has gotteit as : far as 1 favorable report
. - front tile finance conlnlUec ! of thc
. eimate. 'l'hie dllcllr hi . however , that
I II quest loiinhito whether wi get
furtlC' at the lWeSCflt sessloim.
: 'rile State Helof commlsRlon Insists
tlnt It Is : meetIng every leJltmate lc-
malll malic upon It . for nsslstance. H. .
lilly imtvge comllnlt .s realr : snferll
fl'om destitution the Immediate heeds
can suiltisIh1 bc SllJII1od ) iy the re
sources at hand.
I uglla Field Intmates that the loss
c of her treasury caulot meal much to
: SOlth Dalwhl . fO bug us slo las her
dl\orce courts . still wih hm' This Is
: cruct : Particularly after OI.laloma
, compettol ) has made such Imouds UIJOI
- the SOlth Dulwtl divorce Ihusilless.
'he 101Rt ( mass meet IJ held In
San 1 I'ulelsco last : week to take action
on several maters of putJlc Importance
In . whlll the people of that city mire
-r ' Interesteti has boriuc Ih first
IJI.tcuhll Inl'l'cstml bolo ; 11'st
: - fmls In the ( remoyal by GO\CI'UO' Budd
of the ohnoxlol8 IJolce conlnlsslolcr
whol his predecessor hind foisted ; Ulmn
Situ Frniiclsco. I 18 lot likely l that this
. Ii the cJll , ; of tw matter bocam'Q the
tlepolell COmhlmlmiS'siOilCr threatcns to light
fOI whut he caims are Ills rights. I
ml'UR , hoWever , first blow for time pen-
1)h' . It also shows that thc new go'-
: m'nor Is ! ( RlJReil to do wllt hc eln In
tile II'olllon ) ( of betcl gO"Ilnmenl ! , Ill
this Is 1 S\lbstlntal ) gain.
Omnhll whit receive nearly $0,00 for
18tH fr01 the gas r0l11alr In Ictm'n
. for the 1III'Il es whleh the latter ( lI-
joys ummider I Its lew fl'Hnchlse. I t J"lot
. he rt'ml'lhl'I'Ctl ) thul the II'lnclpl ) & ! 1.1\t
l the city Slllll ( seCIl sOle mtl'n for
Its favors to tile frammeilised ' ' bus
I ! fu"ols ( flnchlsetlcOI'IJI'atons )
"JIS , l'lhllell In tile ol'tIUICt1 ell ' by
\'Ison 0 ' the Bh\l ' light lullo11m' :
; 'end ' o 'I'ime Bee agallist tile lifty-ycur
. gus fluchl.o O'llluncl which WIS
j rflhitmldl ( thllgl the coulcl I lte
: .
: O\C' 1 S 'IU' ego ant slUl11'I1 ) br 1 tuwl '
: veto IlV1liYr ) Bemis. Tills $ OOO ( ) Is
hit ) 1 Hmll : purt ) of tile RII saved to
, the tIXIJ ) 'ers nld ( gus COislm's hr
' tile new flnchh ; 'lhllt' hus nut heen
1 8ulcllnl hlI''IIO II tile CouHIllton )
to hl'lng I l'lIUCtol this ) 'Ial' In time
- 1I'Ieo ) of gas Il'conllug to tle slllng
scale In force . hit ) n 1'llllctuu Is hnlml )
. to 'UUIO l ! suon Ul the Hulls of gas Ilk-
CI'CISI Imtcl'ntr.
Thin dcmlli (1)1It mUII.t ( ilolIStO. has .
. once 101" hl'l'n mntlo upon tilt cIty
4 COl ncl t Il'ougl lie Commel'clli cu h.
' lint' thel t 11'0 , jlft I fl'w Itmmpethtniemits I
In the 'ny for the present . which mlst
_ bo cleared away before nmiythilmig thllmgI-
3 \10 cau li txIlcted. ) Fi'st , there Is l
no 10 U I' ) ' lu the cIty \'I'zHr ' for tile
erectIon of riet hous lId there
( ( I nUI' Iiotms1 Intl
, can bo no moue ) ' raised by genell tax
Lz _ _ _ Uils year for such 1 111'1180. ) hlumlch
us the levy Is nh't'11lr above tile Illl
bf ellIiIIVikllCU. Second , the $ 2QOOOO In
' bonds voted immure than 1 ) 'ell' ago cuu
not InW bo Issued hy rcnsun of tile fie
. tha t our boullell ( mlUICIIJI debt Is n1.
l'eudyp to Its legal ilumlt. 'l'hl'l'o Is ,
; 1U01'nTer , I dOlht us to whelhtl' ! those
; ; bonds cOli II uow bo Issued , even If time
: RaSONment Is I'alst't to o\el'como tim
. - 10 per cNlt limit. The . Illeclul ) market
hous conlul ' Imas therefore several
tlas .
knotty problems t WI'eslo with.
.2VEflfltSKA'8 ' % 'E Ii' flfN.ITOR.
J fll/tSl.A'S . . 1 RFZ..tTOR.
Joint M. Thurston hums het1 duly
clcclcl hy time lejhdature to relcscnl
Nebraska lu tbe { llm } States fllate
for six years bcjlllll oil Mardi I.
Senntor ? . lhurRtol's career has heel II
mlu ' respects Ilhelomcnal 1111 his dcc-
tOI to thc . upper hotse or tile natounl
le h ' ' Rlate kmmowim
lflahl.t ni a I'lllnl Imowl
10 ho IltcIscl ' hosto to rUwny tiotul.
Intel Is flIt nnolal ' 11 thc Iiolical
nlllls or the cOUltlJ' . Only two years
mmgo , Tohl I. 'l'hIRtol ! was defeatetl Iii
his contest for the selatm'shlp hjyVII1. .
lam 1 ? . illicit . n 11Jllst. who wi be his
'oiiengime for the lext four 'calf
Less Ihal three mouths ( ago mOle
thnl 21)KO $ ) rClmblclus oted for
1111 helpt'll to elect Slls A. Holc01h ,
1llllst. o"cror of cchrmuskim , cllln '
bemuse of the 1:10\1 : suhs'lelc ) ' of
thl 1IIIUhlcl1 camlhl\le for gon'rIO'
' ' . ' . 'i'iiihi's-
to 1111'oail COIPOltoIS. :1' 'lhll'R'
tou' ( 'ammlllliney lit tin' ! face' of such nil-
, llse eOl11lHR was : 1110st Il ! elauce
111 his ptN'tOI h.\ l ) ' neallr tht'\'ths
of ble. the entire lelslalll'e sellS 111'11.
:11' . 'IiItmtston8 trullJh IR by imo ,
milemlims to hl' lutl'rpll'tl ! ( lS n f\lllen ( ( I'e
vulslon 11 Imhle 81ntlent In favor of
the COIII'aton , : ! ami tile \clllelou !
11I\)1s ) hwhleh i ) thlr ha"e 1l110SCli
tll'l. ! 10111101 ; ullon teco ; ) le of this t
Htatl ! 1 I Is tue Ilalll ' to the hllwuse
pnpllarly ) of the lan anti ills hllllnt. .
llciiIt'velimpmmts tim thl' omtorlcal Ibid. I
WHR nlso iirotigiit Hhout by the 11'culhl'
cOllltons ( Illel' whllt the reci'iit cuulti-
ptigtm : was fought , Inl 1011 luau 11
l'hc ; the 1'11llllous l'lJhlcan tllll
" . . . . .
WI\O 1Uat SWIIJe COIII ' 1'01 oceln
to oceal ald Ruh1l1' ell ni sccO\lT :
Issues Imllel' ( the ITeslstble Ialmlsc to
l'ltl'e the Ilulgelelt of IUtoual If-
fairs Into the hllds of thc 1'\\l : 011
partr ) of Lincoll , Gmut , Garlehl Iml
11 l1 SOl
Inchleltnl ( ' , ? Ir. ' 1hurstol was 10 for-
tunatc ns to clcountcr no opimosit hums
from COllJtors In his own Ilrt ' . 'l'hIR
Is thc niorc l'lal'lmhle : lS thcre were
se"11 very able len In the In\l who
Ilght ha\e : bloclwt bls way hud they
heln ) courageous clough to pllnt timemmu-
se\es tllOI a plltfO'1 : that : would have
touehell the 11IJlal ) lIO'II
Iii cnsthlJ ! \lnnllous IJII : ' vote for I
.Johu : U. 'rhIthIstOti the relJhlcaus ) In
tile legislature II1e nRsulcll n grave
m'espotmslbiitty amid Senator 'l'hm'Rton
mOle than alY other mal must realze
that fnet I remails for him to exert
his ; talcnts and Inluenc to counteract
the PI'cjtllclul Inmpm'ession Ihat the re-
IJblcans of Nebra.ska hu\e commltCl
themselves to the polIcy of fostering
monopoles ) mint ! iiinkitog time common
weal secondary ' to the plomoton of car- '
borate Intcl ( s. 'hcn Scnator Thls-
ton severs his otcal relatons wih the
Union Pucilc : Ualwar comlanr : amid en-
toys uIon his duties as [ rOIJ'cscntaU\e
of the pcoIle of Iehlslm lie will bc In
Iosllon to divorce hlmscl fl'om rahi-
wad poltcs mjimd devote himself solcly
10 thc Interests conllled to his l > ephlJ
hy the IJCOlllo of Nehiraskms. lie Is sUI
In the pllme of life , Iosscsscd of great
lulual gifts and avast stole of In-
fOlmnton gathered In time poltcal
htIml ' ' ' of In the
Ilcna Hll by years experIence
II'ofcsslon In which he has occupied
high rank \Ve mIstake very luch If
John M. Thulsion wi he content to
stol on the rsmimg of the Henatorlul lad-
der. With ambition sti futhcI' to be
I'allct wc hu\c no doubt that lw wii
shape his course In the national Icglsla-
tare RO that It may receive time approba-
lon not enl ' of his constituency , but
of thc ' ' at ' . ' fromu
cotmntry lal'e. Sprung flom
the loins of time common pcoIlc , Senator
'rliurston's Instncts and sympathlcs are
wIth the people , and If he obeys his
nahl'uJ IIIuise his career In time senate
whit relee ( credIt on hhnHelf , his ardent
Ilcrsonul following amid the stato.
l.tNKIWlIOl LfGl ' LA7'II' .
A great deal of concern Is felt by
business interests . thln holt . the coun-
try In the queston whether therc will
be any legislation hy time IJ'esont ) comm-
JI'CSS IJlo\hlng for n unlforl amid
'stem of ' . At
equitable systemmi banllltc
plcsent the outook for such legislation
1 : not vqry . favorable. Time tCln of the
Flf ' -lhlll congress will cUll In Il little
than six weel.s aud them'e '
mom thelo are imr-
geut mmimittei's to be couseled In thut
brief tiimme. A lumhm' : of mmIil'oprla- ) )
lon his ore to ho dIsposed of , und
there me other subjects which It Is to
bc expected wi be sh'on Irecedeuce
or the bauklllltc ' bill.
At time last session there was paAse(1
l'y ' the house what Is Imown HS thc
Bule ' bill , II'o\'ldluA for Yoluntl' '
balla'nptc : ) ' . This . mmuemlsure Is oPllosel )
br ) the leading comlcrciul O' allza-
lous of time eoultr ' , us llehlJ a 11lICe
10 hushtsS IllgI'ests , which In ' opera-
ton wnull ! Iuhlnco tile eXIlns'c ) , tile .
coufuslon all ( tile InJuslce of the forty-
fml' simile Ilsuh'eU' ' laws. A cIrcular
I'pcontr issued by thc Iew York Boul'd
of 'L'rult' ull 'l'iammsportmstlon calls U101 I
the comul'l'clal hOles or the country , to I
tulm Imch nl tou as shun IJ''cut this
bill le'olmllng I luw by lecel\hlJ the
nIIIH'o'ul ) of the SCltte amid IJ'eshlent ) ,
fll suggests that public mectngs ho
heW by . . IJsll'sS 11 ! lhl'ouhout the
coimnt ry 10 OIIIIO\ ) tile enncllcut of time
lallY huh amid In the Interest ! of the
'l'I'I''r bil l't'EltitiS ) It wOlld10 w01 to
( ] 0 this , e\en nt this late lIar , though
there Is rl'al ' hardly R possibility thut
tile iliensuml'e I118etl hy time house can
/0 through the selute . , amid It 11 not
o\en likely to bo reported to that hody.
I the RuhJect Is I'clchel In the scum-
ate at this scsslon It wi comc In time
f011 tf u 10W hIll , which Is uimderstooti
to IltL'O bcml IJ'eIJUI'ell , though nothIng
definite lS to Its dllctm' hls been
nllio ImbUc. ' 'holal tl1renco be-
twcen thc 'I'ot'm'ey nnt thc Bailey his )
Is thlt olin II'o\llls ) . for In\oluntl' '
and thin other ft. volunlll ' banl.IUlltc ' .
The acton of the house set'imms to make
It iibsoititt'iy 4'el'tlin that no hi ) which
{ J'o\ldl'9 ) for InyolllU'r llnl'I'ulltc '
cnn pass that body , 111 . tile dispositon
Ilnll'stl 1 ' the 1111t lu control hls
not uecu IUU.tculn'lr favorable to 11) '
kind of bnnIH'llllc ) le 18Iuton , tIme
quio Il'nell fcelng bllng ) thl t this Is
n matm' which the states Hhou\l bo. ' .
left to take care of I 11 to this seutl-
uncut thut the adoptIon of tile Bailey
bIll vas due. 'l'hls hllg tim 8llatol
It wi ob\lousl ) bu very dltiicult , If 10t
Impossible . to Jet un u lecmcnt be-
- 1. ; : " . _ - : : = : . ; '
tWln the two hO\ses on nny mcmmre
In the brief period remainIng to this
congress , amid It 11Y be regarded as
practically certnln that this , with n
n\lber of other In\ortant tuelons ( or
elcral Interest , will have to await ac-
ton nt thc hnnds of tie l lcolUI
congress. In the leanthne the bURlncss
Interests ltmml3 ' very wlselr amid ProPerlY
give CXIJll'slon to t1lr views on thIs
sUbject They II"t already wih IIIIC-
tcal ullnhulr asked for n Ullfoll
bankruptcy law fll ( tills lefueRl has
cOle flol ni sections of the counh' ' .
, 'hatc\'C' Ollllollon has cOle frol
111 ! source hlH hccn , of so little conse-
tlelce ns hnldl ' to mcrt sellous 101'
sllt'11lton. Hit mme Inl'1'can : conl )
fl'OI l'epemttilig the l'llllst. so that
the uext COI ICS 11) 1\llr8lnll thlt
there has hecn ) mme cilimilge of 1lll
along huslle8s len . lS to the dt'slrui-
hlir amid mit'cesslty of this legislaton ,
TI.I"'SI.'NI S 11'1 1.11 $ DIC1Sl.
'l'll decision of , ll\lgc Chnplnl that
thl' transfer : HWIl1 law l'llclell by the
last leglslmulumme 1 t I ! ummcommsthtutlommmtl t I Is
unfortuliate . 11lause cOlln ns It 11lWS (
In ll walm of I sllllr 11rlslnn wih
1'lflI'pnl'e to thl' Ilxlnul frelgIlt rate
law It lusl tl'11 to stl'ngtln the 11-
\t'l'sslon ) al'IHlr gllnllg 1'0111 that
10 law Ifl'clllg mll'oad : ! cnl hold In
Ol' eOlrts , ' [ 'lie tlxt . of tIme ollinion In
this l'IHe docs hl'f. out tills theory be-
Cl18e the dl'clslon Is hlSl'llllon II1'lr )
technlcnl grotutltis. 'he mw Is hehl to
be 11l'nlstutonni hecnuse It comil rim-
vnls that : IJ'o'lslon ) whllh requires cv-
N'r ? le lslat"e net to conlaln Il inure
than one ! lhJee cllll ' ( XII'l'ssell ) ( In
the title 1111 that no law he 11e11ed
lnlefs the mit'v act cOltalJ the section
or sect Ions so ammiemnied. 'ho tr nsfel'
sectols IICJle !
Hwltch Imtv It Is Iwll , In realIty mOll
lies a IJ'e\'lols II\ on the sall HUhJect )
111 ( hencc fails to C0l111r wih the con
stfl imtloim. 'lhe poimitvlletimer 01 not the
rll'O\ls cln bo lealy cOllllet to
give the use of a transfer swich witim-
out extra charge Is nlhllell : to ns : ques-
tonahle I : , btmt the 11eclslon ( turns solcr
on tile technlal defoct.
HaYing the war : thus hllcated In
which the IllW can ho ulelcll ( so lS
to obvlmite the consttutnnal llelllcs ,
It rests lpon the Ilglslltle to Insmmse- I
11Ilel ' mulw tile nel'tlell ehange8 amI
re-emmuct the lmt\V. .Tudge Ch\Jln : imhmmi-
self says that n manilatl' ' act or this
l > nl ( Is neCl'SSal , null that had the
legislature ohser\cll ( In the constlucUon
of the act tle law In force ald the con-
sttutonal IH'o\'lslon governing the cn-
actment : of laws there would In ni
IJ'ohabltj hayc Ilcn ( mme contlst In time
courts regard lug tlc constructon and
maintenllc of such swich connec-
thomms. I Is time dutr or thc Ilrcscnt
legislature to rcmcdy these omlssloa8
of Its IlrelleceRsor.
The frightul catnstrople at Butc ,
: lent stands unlJrlclcd In the annals . -
nals of recent vlars : _ } In nlcul's are
- - - . - -
unable to portray time terrlhle , . scenes
timmtt cnaeted In time simort '
tlt were RhO.t IWI'lod
of ntccn minutes , withIn' which not less
tuna n. bait hundl'el of human belmmgs
wc'e literally lown of . the face of
the carth amid ns mnny more seriously
Such an accldcnt 01 series of acel-
demmth could not possibly ) have been fore-
seen by those who welc mnde Its ylc-
titus. The first to be sl' down by
the uncxpected explosion of gunpowder
were time brave II'emcn , who , In time
fearless Ilerforll\ce of their dtitles ,
were endclYorln t extingumlsim fames
horn ) of tmrnenhlnrIsmn. ' 1ho men who
were cnught by the s\cOl and third
explosions were heroically trying to
rescue the bodies of the dead ntmd
teat ant
wOmtcd who were first entrappel. The
sulcI'crs In each Inslnnce were hmo-
ccnt "lcUins to duty. Should the In-
cCHlarlcs be still alye ant be nl1pr-
headed nt ' fntm'c tIme tile severest
hlet IU tmo SeVelCRt
pClaly of the law wIll tI onlr Icnlcnt
for thcm. In tl mt\wllo the whole
country 8tants nglnst at thc awfnl
wI'ccl 1\1 extcnds Its sympathr to thc
herenycd ) und the suffering peoille of
Btmtte . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Time letter of resignmmtion of President
Caslmlr-Pm'lm' 18 varIously consh'nel
ty the Pal'IR 11'ISR and his encllml attrIbute -
tribute to him motveshlch Il Is nl-
lost Impossible to hcle\e ) hll calnbIe
of omitertmiimmltmg but It Is 1 most I'C'
11'lwblc fnct that his COUSO limos mme
tlefendel's. Ills oXllhmaton : ccrtalnl
will not add to his mimic for nimselfishi
wi unsellsh
devotion to the state and mum el \nted
patmlutismfl. 'h'iumit he Ild becl Buhjcctet
to great cares null IJrlJlexllcs ) , as wel
as to Insuls which IcClll ) ' wO\llcd (
him , Is true , but nil this wi not excuse
hums for hnlnJ deserted bl8 res1)omst.
bltes ) undcr ch'cumstnnceR most favor-
aide to tile CnemllR ( of the rCpUluic. ) 'l'ho
occnslon delllell ( the most comillete
s'lf-mibnegatioml , hit It to\ll Casllh' ,
Pm'lm' unnblo to wihstnlll nt n most
critIcal Jnnchl'o an attack on his ( Jig-
nly , Hll wll n \Ien ) of i\V'iiSSumeS5 )
hn left the ' ' to
eallltulltptl ,111 tt comh'
hue conlct of fnctol ; . 1Is pretleces-
Sal. , Carnet , would not haYI done this.
Il8 usoltss ? to conJectme what the oumt-
como of the cl'lsls mnr in' , but It Is
\I' ' \lohnblo ) thnt lucre wi bo some
IlimiOm'tlliit ) cimummiges 111 a l'm'lslon of the
consltuton Is not un1 > ly. 'l'lto ni'
tonnl assemhly ) wIll mcet at Versailles
today . WildS action wi ho Illum on the
l'esl Ion , which If it
nntol , accepted , as I
IJ'ullbl ' wi be , time asseimibly wi10'
ceed to time electon of' a now iresitieumt.
Time fire nnd COlmhlmmlsslommOm's imtto
II'e nndolco cOllnlsslonols hu\o
readied the concusion thut n [ 11 tax
wIll not yield enough l'c'cnuo to cn.
uhle thl1 . ! to Immcm'ease the fl'co to tIme
PIOII.tOUH which they are umbllous to
ha\o I assimue 'l'hey tht'ofoe wnntl
Iho gencml funll hlcl'ellet by 2 mIlls :
amid lot the treasurer transfcr this In-
cI'cnsld ! reyenuo to the Ire and IJolce
tImfli ( . 'l'hls prolosllol wi bo Icsente
amid vigorously objected to hr time tmtx-
payers of Omuhu. 'l'hls Is 10 tmo for
Ilcl'enslng tuxes. 'I'he live nail pol co
board shoull lit Its garment accordIng
to the cloth. 'l'hey shoult cut down
expenscs alll devise mcans for reorgamm.
Izlng the Police amid lime force on the
basis of time [ ml Income. ' [ 'Imey can
dispense whim several detectives , amid by
the time time chllter Is revised the ) ' wi
doubtless bo In u oosilon to organize
, .
- - " - - - - - - - -
. ' : . " ' . : - " - - - -
: : ' .
time \oIC ( forcpmi lime t In ( or grauTh-
ntel lrny l that lit fnnhle t hel 10 Iii-
crease tlc fom-tltIuont dlCrenRII ! the
lilY of the \tl'I jm I Ilolcet'ln ' n11 vitIm.
out ' ' or thc
Ilcrcnln 'dle aggregate
polc pay roil.
One melher of the city cOllcl cx-
plnllll his vote him favor of the lcsoll -
tlon nuthorlzlnJr thc 111lIe of two
addItional fire hjteR Oi the glolHl
that he hall becll\jsslrc ) } \ ! that the \rs.
emit 1111tonnl ( rule for Insurance above
the thl'll stor , wou11 hc rlII'ed so
HOOI a ! thc Ilcl\cll : lire f htltJ faclhl-
tcs wI'ro nt hilill\1.1 \ 'l'hls IR mum nlclelt
tmmle. 'Ye hl1l' hlard of fleCIUl'lt 110s'
IIleth'e l'ellnetfltR In IlsUrl\l'e rates ,
hit the reihimet hums have nivnys fnled
to Iltl'I'lnI1 . I we relllhcr car-
l'I'lr this sale nllralCe wits given
out at the tme lilt ellnlgetelt or tile
lire ! eIJI'tlelt waR 11'st a ln tlll. (
Shire then Intlrlal 111110'l'lelts In
thc . service 11"1' he1 ) 1111 ( nml one
of tile thl'l'I' engiles has : II'l'lllr heel
sectmt'cd. Just let time IISII'llle COl-
IJIIls show ( ) their good Illl'ltolS hr
Illrllntll I ( ' tll llg oI tllthlrd I of the
l\lllolnl ( rate for InS1UICl' nhn\o the
thh'll story. 'lhll woull be 10 10re
thal earryimmg . out n IJ'olJJ'tonntc Ilrt
of their m'prest'imtntlouls.'ileli the '
shah haye ( lone that It wl bc tme to
onshh'r time ! llstol or tl'etlg the
rest of thel' delmuumlis.
Ciimtii'inmimtVlmmspt'mr : of the Hoard of
i'uiblieVomks has : becl glltell ( Il ten
days lelle of allllCO for n skip to
Calfolia and hncl. ) I the chnlltll
tealS to 1e buck wlhll the tme of
his leave he wi have Yel' ' lIttle chalce
to look al0111 Cmuii fommmlli. But why '
docs ho take tills trill Just now , whIch
the courts are liable to dissolve tlo II'
Jitetol 11 the Shc'I11 a"llne 1"lu : :
case ?
'rhe unluall'xhlhllon of time Nebraska
State l'olmltm'y associaton Is II II'ogresR
110WI lt Jhl tII. rho IIHllluy Is saId I
to IlehHle som\ of the Inest birds thnt
hwe : Ilen seen tim tlcse IJrtsit ret It
Is havIng I harll tmo to t1'aw favorable
comparlsol wi h thc colecton of pout-
Ical fedgllgs 01 view In thc hnl1 ; of
time state imutmse.
Omaha wi tee very grateful for the
$ OOOOO alJIJ'ollrlutol for her postofcc
contuhll' In thc ' ' civil
bnlllll ! sUldl' c\1
alllJ'Olrlatol hi just rcportcll to the
house. That will enable work to bc
cOltlne ! for another year , when we
wi be ncurel' a position for the flal
estImates. In the Interval smnl favors
will he thmkfulr : received.
That South Omah" JnveNttgatmon.
Cilicag ! . Dbpatcii.
Charges of blackmalnA havIng been pre-
furred against thi'outh Omn1n council , that
body calmed u t11eclal mcetng went Into
committee of thcvhpme . Investigated Itself
commltoe th6hple. Investgatll IselC
nml ! returned n Vaihct of exonaration. - The
comic opera 11\Ulst , _ Is overlooking' good
thing by neglecl" time On\ahogs. \
Com'I.IWI. ! ( 'orge.
c&gt ( Hecord.
The fact that 'the 'Mlssourl legislature Is
professIng a detfrmlnnton to reduce Pullman -
man car rates I"dlc.nes that the average
Missouri statesm hm a ProperlY prudent
hankering alter z1veIb1e ! ; means of support.
'Ve look for nu less outbreak of this
character In thc'fJI1nols ! I glsluture very
soon. JIf ' ) m .
. _
Short Crop I.urge Uelurn
The corn crop ot 1891 was not much more
than half a large a , the unprecedented crop
of 1889 , but Its value Is' estimated at 5i-
79,0. against $5,9IBO for that of 1889. I
'hus we have a slrlln/ illustration oC the
fact that a short harvest Is often nearly a
profitable as an excessive one. owing to the '
increased . price that - I brings
A Chance for 1lorm.
New York 'Vorld
I seems to be too late for the combina-
ton between Messrs. Hi and Cleveland to
du anythIng for currency reform , but per-
haps they might succeed better If they
would dh'ect their joInt energies to bringIng
Iho Sugar trust to justice and compelling
Andrew Carnegie answer In cart for the
blowhole method of plugging up government
Ueudlnj Chwellld Out or the l'urty
Sioux City Journam.
Congressman Bryan of Nebraslm. In a
speeeh before the Virginia Democratic IRSo
elation In Washlntot declared . that President -
dent Cleveland Is I not n democrat , that his
conduct Is not democratc , that he Is wreck-
Ing tIme oemoeratc party and that he Is the
llrst democratic President who has been unable -
ble 10 control his party The one member
of the democratIc party he has been least
able to control Is Congressman Bryan
a , '
8uuthern \ Il ( .lahu9.
Chicago Tribune.
All the other old war claims should bs laid
on the shelf at once I not It wil lurn out
In a few years more that the outh was a
perfect hotbed of loyaly , that there was no a
reason for sending trolls .Iown . Ihere. and
th't what little rebelon there was was 8Up-
preosed ( hy scuthern 80ldlels. No claim eatIng -
log back of Appomattox should receive the
lelst consideration. Then It wIll nat be
uecl'simry for southern representatives to
stultify tliemsolves bv d(5cuntn on the extent -
tent of southIm loyalty . durng : the rebiliomm .
: o lloshor UU811f. II liis'j * ,
lansas CIty Tlnmes.
Time present treasurer of Colorado refuses
to accept a certlcute of deposit In a Denver
bauk for $25QOO US so much cash. The new
treasurer wants to see the cash counte.1 out
III on the refusal of the hanlt ; 10 .1cm 80
tals of proceeding imgalnst the ex-treasurer
nnl his hondmen to mak" the nmouut
good . The treasurer Is right. I he care-
lelsly accepts a certificate of deposit and time
hank should prove 10 ue iumsolvent Ihen he
and his hondsmen would he relponsllle , It
II grtfYln to see un otcer oCcasionally
who looks after the Interest ! of those who
elect him and indorse for hIm ,
Corporatl" ; " Anarch" .
Ufn\er New.
While some of Governor Altgeld's views
Incline toward extreme rdlcalsm he clearly I
sees the danger to American lnstltution '
arising Crom comhlna\on ! of lasttutons' '
l'OSSCIorl or matlerS of vast amounls of
enplul , None wil thou ] ) ) ' that these com-
biusrittons . taking Ilh'IUtuge , of the laws for
the security of property rights Ilve to all
IntcnnH nUIlOl8 .lretelmled to Set up
an Independent so\/erelnlty wihin the government -
eminent anti to dft tc , through the black
lst , that men 8hll I'fore'ere debarred
trom earning tIlde : bread h\ their nccu
tamed . means of livelihood . 'fhls Is the law
of the Itrong hana-the Jaw of the robher
baron-aumd It woul t n black day tor the
United Slates If the ' time ever came when
II would be necessary to Ilemonlirnte (
whether the oppressor or the opjressed had
the stronger hUfJ , , , oPl1resset
'fhe American rcmmJml1o ! \ II hnsed upon equal
re\ \
justeo to all . amid . th 1 man who uses his
miions to crush Ii ! Worker Is us guilty ot
treason to the 8p\lt of the republic as the
anarchist who hurls hIs dynamle bomb In
blnd rage at all 1 lstmg . lnstltutlomms.
1"1"1 ( I' IcJimnrat.
lanKas City Slar.
nepresenta\ve JlrYI\n \ or Nebraska took
the trouble last Frldny night 10 tell the
Virginia Jemocrll association of Waim-
Ington that Mr. tflevela \ mt Is not u demo.
crat I would bo a Pretty good Idea to
cal a natIonal conventon of the democracy
at an early date nml decIde what I demo.
' crat Is nt the Ilresentme. . 'hea time con
\enton In 1892 mad" its declaration at prin-
eludes It was 8UIlOKt that a man could
stand on that platfonn and be a pretty I
fair sort of Ilemocrt for lt least tour prety 'elrl , :
but In less than a year congress 1111 Its best
to dIsabuse time publc or that Impression.
Wihout arguing the partcuhu' queHton of
the presldent's democracy , I Is luhmlte1
In all fairness that the question of what
real democracy Is has degenerated Intro a
b"esslnJ contest , and It Is , theretore , the
more desirous that Hi and Bryan and
illley zumd other gentlemen who hlve of
late run nIp tqptinst discouraging majorities
shouht Ult /1 / convention and take a fresh
slart. Ot course It Is likely thut AIr. Clove-
land wi keep right lkely the obstinate
ballet that lcOPle knew their huslneSI In
tl2 when tie ) ' accepted the platform of
that year amid elected him to tht presIdency ,
but that imouhI not Interfere with time demo-
n."I. & , anun Clan f" . . . Iht
. . . .
- - - ,
, . .
- - - - -
- -
- - - - -
. : J _ -A -S-- l - - - ,
risoz'r.n AND TI1INS.
.lWI'Tn Tlll'aS.
To the brae belongs the fair.
When Omaha puts together omethlng
must give.
I Rhoutd be nolell the Gouh reserve sticks
at $80OOO.00Q , with a tendency to Increase.
I the pesld nL of the French republic
was all wool Instead or Cashntr , he would
have sluck to his jOb.
DeCaulln Treasurer Taylor Is now said
to bl on the ocean But It Is I not likely tult
ho will cough up anything or lnteret to
his victinis .
The Ohio man I getting there in 10111
shape . Senalor.elect Ekin ! or West Virginia -
glnla and Carter of Mental are natives of
the luckeye state
British crltlclm of Japanese crueltIes at
Port Arthur took on I fresh stock of In-
dignatlon ( n discovering the placing of Japanese -
anest orders with German merchanl
Since Mr. George W. Turner becaml I
fixture on Govero orton's stall the New
York lecorder has shown marllNl cordIality
lowarll LImo new state administraton ,
The Chicago detectves did not catch Seeiy.
llt they caught two-Ihlrds oC the reward.
Squealer Mel'arland got the reummalniler The
fly cops rarely amiss u reward when It Is
I New York raIlroads stick to the amiti-
Pass law It means a saving or $25,000 I
year on legislative transllorlton alomme Ten
Per cent -of members' salaries Is whlel out
hy the nimionminment .
A bill has heen Introducell In time New
York legislature 10 10 establsh the whlPllu
Post au a mtUS of checking crimes aJlnst
helpless chl ren. \'ldenty 1 time Brockway
laddIo Is not a sucCess as a reformer
Ono of tIme dramato efforts of Henry
Jnme was hlssell amid hooted In Lomlan.
: tr , Janws may extract fame comfort Cram
the fact that henry Irving was hlssOI for a
week tn the sale place all survlvell ,
I wa I thrilling moment In the Color-ado .
leglslalur A murmur or excllement was
Instanty husimed. Members held their breath
al11 the alnosllhere cleared. A lady member
arose , shoolt the lolls of her dress , ant
calmly surve'ed the subdued and subjugated
x.lyrlnts about. "Mr. Speaker " sIlo cx- !
cialimieil . "am I In order ? " ' Iadamo Is the
'b ter Judge , " replell the galant liresldtmmg
o0cer. poIntng toward a mirror.
This ts a merry old winter. despite its
varIations. A Kansas City girt Is suffering
from lockjaw . clusell by gnm chewing.
Three moons ha\'e been seen In 111111015. A
judge acqull(1 an accused man , because ,
being the father or len chidren , ho had
suffered enough. Thirty reputable resIdents
oC Jlchl"n amrm they saw a fresh water
sea monster skating on the Ic ( LouisvIlle ,
Ky. , threatens to bauquet the man who exclaimed -
claimed last summer , "Is It hot enough for
you ? " Omaha bagged n snalorshlll and
the laIr In tIme same ilay , but does not want
the earth. Even street car stoves wax warm
on Ild days. New York Is reaching out
for other cites to relorm. And yet there
are a few caloric calams who think le
Is not worth hiving.
I -
XEIiIf.ISIC.1 .I'J ) N1IItfltSJ.iNS. .
D. A. Roberts of Albion was badly cut au
the head while atemptng 10 al a windmIll
In mmiotiomm .
Miss Ella CUlovln , a prominent young
lady of Chad ron , , dlt aCer a brIer illness
of pneumonia.
The Nebraska Starch company has been reorganized -
organized wIth a capital stock of $200,000. of
which $90,000 Is pal up.
Re\ John H. Frazer of Coleridge has been
called 10 tile Pastorate of the Presbyterian
church at Duo Sllrlns.
A 3-'ear-cld chid of A. Krumenachlr of
Humbolt tried to lght a fro with kerosene -
sene and was fatally burned.
A 200 pound chunk of Ice fell and struck
Frank Mansfield of Albion and rendered him
umiconscious Ho will reeover.
Dradshuw had a scarlet fever scare and the
schools were closed for thrt weelts. Only
two cases developed , and the schools arc once
more In session.
Fir In the Episcopal church at Broken
Dow destroyed the chancel carpet and the
altar cIotlm but was exlnglshed without
doing more harm.
A number of young men at Geneva make n
practice of lstrublng time revival meetng
In progress at the Methodit church , and
the officers are after them.
Hog thieves are al lodge la Niobrara. Mrs.
Hugh Smith heard some of them operating
In her husband's hog pen and went out In the
ntght and drove the Intruders away.
Some enemy of A. A. Hardy a farmer near
Elmwood , has caused the death of eight of his
horses In the past four years Two of the
animals died ' last week , and It was discovered
that they had been fed pounded glass.
After cutting n hole through the Ice with a
borrowed saw , novo James Hiatt baptized six
Nebraska City people who had been convertet
at his revival meelngs , There were four
men and two women In the and who defied
the cold water with the thermometer standIng
only two degrees above zero.
- - -S
.TOJn lS' lUUl JINlrs.
Ihlldelphla Record : Ioax-'Vel. I must
be goIng. Joax-I've heurd that you had
wheels , but never thought you would admit
Truth : He-Now. I-I nm a lover of yours ,
A lover of twenty years' standing. Shc-
" 'cl , take a seat. You must be tired.
Smlth's Monthly : Halrdresser-Madum1
what 10101 do you wish your hair dyed }
Miss Oldgirl-Oim ! I am not particular ; any
color so you "keep It oarlt , '
Vogue : "Dr. 'While ! Is u specialist Is he
not ? Whut Is hlR specialty ? ' "He has two
-consultations and fees. " ,
Phiadelphia Inquirer : 'obly-Is your son
worldnl now ? Jouly-No hnt he's got a
party working for 1dm. It's this way. He
goes to his mother for spending money and
sime works me for the doughm .
Jude : Eider Sister ( patronizingly-Golng
to bell , I SUllposo'l What a shame ! Never
mind : In Il few year you wilt he Invited
out , too. Younger Sister ( independently- )
Yes : and In I few years you wilt not be
Invited out.
IndIanapolis .ourtmll : "I'l just fine you
un even twenty " rmarpd ] the ju.lge . to the
ambitious young mon who hul tried to
hick n polceman , ' "Nohod but time mInt
director In Ihls cOln trY has a right to put
I helt on a copper. "
Boston BIIIget : A Little "New "roman"-
lie : What a Rhame I Is Ihut men may aslt
women to marry them , IHI women ma'n't
UBI men I She-Oh. wel , you Imow , 1 RUP'
moose hey ( can always gIve n sort of iiimmt
He-Wlmt do YOI mean hy a hint ? She-
" 'el , they can always say , "Oh , 1. do love
you sol" !
Chlcalo nlcord : Street Car Magnate-
Jve got an Idea . Let's have the street car
heaters painted I fiery red .
Supertmmtendent-Thmmut wouldn.t Increase
their heat.glvlng qualUs ,
Street Car MagflmitC-WOmmilImm't , eh ? Just
thlnlc how It would HUmulate the passengers'
New York Times.
There was a young woman of Guinea ,
Who played-for she was no nulnea-
A game she called golf ,
Slut she was clear off ,
For the IlasUme was nolhlng but shulnea
Itcop Hliet About It.
Cedar 1011l < s ( Sacette .
Two Omahn judges arc 80 ml.1 . at each
other that they will not ( alt , .thnt Is what
may be called I decent . ort of a quarrel
Atlanta Cunltuto : .
Oh , Dixie land Is the lanll o' eoton-
Siring Buy live n cents hale , , an' the crop's forgotten ,
Buy a bale
Buy } a big old hale II Dxlel
Then I wish I wuz In Dxie
Today ,
Hoorayl !
'rhen I wish I wuz In Dixie land ,
With I'd llve.ceumt buy cotton al chimer . hand
l'd buy ,
The whole blamed crop In Dlxlel
Oh , the fl\11 planted lots 0' acres ;
Asked tel cah , an' there warn't no takers ,
Not a bale
Had n sale
That \\'uz worth the work In Dixie.
Then I wish I wuz In Dixie
Today Hoorayl .
I wllh I wuz In Dixie land
Wih ICeen dollars In my hiand
I'll die
Or buy
[ ' _ . . .1. 1".1 " rou In nlyl"t
, - . . - - . . _ .
- - - - . - - -
TZ12 UJhI't 1iTl iii'tiv.Y :
TiE IW.t iliTE IHt'ISIOl'
Sioux ! City Trlbnl : Vhatever may be
sid 01 either side . It is I 5snrbly plaIn
that the railroads . ha\'o 1 IllmcnH task t be.
fore them to convince time people tht their
operation necessarily should b ( mal corn'
I'ensatory any niece than a worklngman's In.
come shal bt male safe against any intro-
storm of labor saving nmachlmsory or a mer-
chant's Income bt lurt on 1 failing mmmar-
keto But If
anything In a personat way
will Itrenlthen the caUSe of the ralrcacIs II
will bl the courageous exanmpe ! ol such men
lS Peter A. iy , WhOD honor cannot be 1m.
leachmel ( amid whosl great career of iimde'
Ilemlene of railroad all eaptallc Innuence
cannot ha for/olen ,
Des Moines Capital : \e belevc the coin-
mIssion started Into the Investigation bellew-
lag that tt was pos51bll Ihat time louts rates
were 10 low but time railroads dILl not make
as strong n IhowlnK as wa ! XIU\IeI. hence
the finding mat by the commlslon In favor
oC the present rate . The rails In force
Ire how anti the result or the sonic imas
been time dlscharJo or many ralroall men.
This cannot . bt denied but when Iowa has a
good crop Rnd everything shall 1t boomln/
the ralrclh ( wl 0 entitled 10 another har-
Ing. This hl\'cstRaton has Ilsclocll one
thing which Is lmieasnt ) to know , and that I
that time lmlasses of the people ) or the state
ha\o no prljuilco ng.uinst railways .
Des Molne& Leader : The Ileopl of Iowa
era Ileelll Inleretel tn tile IJrosllerl ) oC
the reads. 'hey want II elplo'ment for
rairoad men lt 1\lng wages. aimd time very
best trall service polble. Thc ) want 1m.
provement la real bet , better bridges and
culverl . Ilouhll tracks amid neW branches
neW depots 11)1 shop and rouml houses
busy \lh cheerful men. They knothl'se
Ihlngs cal enl ) ' COl' Cram prosperous roalh ,
The contest for ruinously low rails Is waged
enl ) ' la Iowa by a Cew whotSlle ) grocers , who
arc wlln 10 see the entre state IUral'zlll
amid haIr her flron ! men omIt of work I only
their Profits can be enhanc a little. Why
should time commmmsissIoner : ! bt so lenllr cf
these few immiddle mmmcmm who Etaml as tel
gatherers shImmers ? letween tile Ilrotlcers ammd con.
Davenport Democral : I may bl ob3ervel
rIght hire that the Iwo cOlmlsslonero who
declare for time conlnuanct of the present
rates are theorlfts nml 110111cans ! , as wel
as repuhlcan9 , while Colonel ie' Is n mrac-
Ical raIlroad engimmeer ami a man who Is
versed In the operation of railroads. . lie has
nlHle the sUbject a le "llt : h has hall
a longer xperlenc on the board ( hal the
olher two cOlmlssloners togeher ; and he Is
out of a I Cl wherens time major ! ) member3
are to conlnue In the public service. As
19 well Imown , Colonel De Is t demmmocrat
but he Is nol , amud never has beemm In any
Eense n pollticlmmmm. lie was first appointed
by a republican governor . beeaus ho was
reecgnlzeo as time fairest and best InCormed
man In time state , who was , RII Is . In no
way connected . wih the ralroa s.
7'Jl J'.lSI.\'O - C 01" ' Z111.OIf.
Chicago Mail : Now Defaulter Taylor Is
said 1 bo oa time ocean. 'omorrow he may
be at the norlh pole. or In Australia. There
Is no limit to the possibilities In his case.
Chicago Herald : The bondsmcn anl the ac-
complces of the absconding treasurer oC
South Dakota Eetms 10 Include nearly all of
the republclns In tile state. No wCnler
" "
they are trying to "compromise.
Cincinnati Commercial : South Dalwta's
treasury was looted by In absconling ofliclal.
Time state might'coup Its
recoup re"enur by
raising time tax on divorces , time grantng or
which has been a fourshing Iduatry l for sev-
oral yeJrs past.
ChIcago Post : ' \ ? . W. Taylor , South Da-
kola's defauling state treasurer appears to
be one of the mosl verle men this countrj'
has ever produced. As a lIghtning change
artist there Is a great future before Ilimn I
he can keep out of jail. As a traveler he
has a record that has never been touche
I ts a wel known ] fact to all people who
have followed the reports oC his case that
he was arrested at 1enlhls , Tenn I II
equally well Imown , of pourse . that just
about the time that he was arrested In' '
Memphis he was seen and recognize at
Middleton Tenn. Then , just to male the
malter intereslng , ho was located In Chi-
cago. There , Is also an indefinite report
floating around to time effect that he has been
seen In two or three other places
p - I
"UllIElS .s Jl
. ! . . SOrlJT.ONS.
Think They Should no AIowed a Larger ,
Voice In National Loglmmiatlomm.
ChICAGO , Jan. 16.-The executive com-
mitee of time National Farmers alance held ,
an all-day session here , at which Elwood' '
Furnas of Nevada , Ia. , presided. nesolu-
tons were adopted declaring that as the
flrmols are the most numerous class In
the country and have suffered from an- ,
friendly legislation the farmers Ihould elect
their pro rata share of leglslalors. They do-
amend nationalization of means of transporta- '
ton and communicaton , that the pooling
clause or the Interstate commerce law shal
be retained. A declaration was made In
favor or temale suffrage and a demand for
strict legIslation prohIbitng adulteration of
food products Tie following officers were
elected : l'reshdent Ewood Furnas , Nevada ,
la. ; vIce presldenls E. J. Dye of West
l3rancim Ia. ; F. E Fich , Behlevue. 0. ; A. S.
Brewer Tamimlco IlL ; William Tonic
J3arraboo Wis. : T. J. Meiglmer . Forestvle ,
Minn. ; W. A. Kelsey , Dunee , In.I. . ; J. 'V.
Arroanmith . Colfax . " 'ash , ; Theodore , Itedard ,
Frenchlown , Mont : J. Durrows Lincoln ,
Neb. : secretary and treasurer , August Post ,
Moulon , Ia.
111'1 t'UlI'T' IJlllT11 ' ! UPPSflZCIIS
" % illl17 Imlh" IO".t8 of 11"1 Secmmred
-.lIeum ' 1410 ! at 11-lint ,
NOltlOhi , Nob. , .laii , I--To time Editor
of Time Ilee A trtli Into i105ll cotmnty at tlmis
( tome brings one face to face with comiitlomms
ilot ofteim rumet witlm , cyril in time new settle-
mnt'Imts. Ilartimmimips nimd l'rivatloums ' there
mmmtist lie , to tlmos itimo seek to build imommmes
far froimi time rlmilronlls fluid estmuloiisimel ( lii-
stitutiaums , immit usually the imard work in-
1ul't1 litodluct's time macaims iiy which hifo
Is smlstnint'd anti growth immade ; xmllmle.
'rime loss of crops , ivhmicim is keemily felt ill
any sImile , brlimgs disaster to timose Piommeers
iho have tmraeii null chanced e'cis'tiilmg
to secure a imoumme. To mnnny faumohlies imu
lloyd couinty It imas brotigimt ilisaster , but
limit altogether Sticli as lmni ; iecum described
thiromigim the coltmmnns of time Press. It is
imot imecessmtry for mummy one to mmmake in-
( itliiies tO be mlssumreI ( that. iemmtitutiomm lmilmst
lIe time lot of mmmalm ) ' time imave veumtmmrell tlmelr
Imil 1mm thmi folur-yerur-olti couuilty. 1(11111 ( cnmt-
not live e'l1 Ely time sivemit or ii lirow , It
time soil will imot yield back time borrowed
14eel. hunt time tir'titumtion wimleim I have
found 111)1111 immy ( mlii timlotigiu tile cotmulty
dimes hot Imm'olvo starvation nmmil ileath , as
ieireselmteti. ) Tim , ' Cmimifliolm lot , experletmen
and imuosimec't 1mm timls t'oilnty serves as a stilli-
r'kmmt . rlilmtml fomit conimnon life , nimd mme
liersoim or loIomms viih go ilnenrell for so
101mg as 0110 smirk of 11(11mm ( remflmtlns lim time
0(1111) ty. ' [ 'imeu'e I s ii 1)11(0111 t i'tl ly a spirit of
geumerom'i t' n liii I ( myuul I , v iuit'ii , it ii lie It
lml1 , ' PlOt lreveimt ) m4mIit"rtimg , iili allevinta
It mis 1am' as Possible. All timis I immive hroveli
trmme su imiho I immm'i lmeemm ( letiuij tile hurt of
the gooll Sitmmmllritmmn for ( iii' tommgrcgatilmmmnl
I'imluielmeS of tile Stlite , ( hlstriitltilmg ) mm cat' of
IlImlir to tlmt' micedy.
i3' car ( lilt HOt remucli O'Neill untIl tIme
6th of January , nm-mu yet it wiis time lirst car
lot i'lm 1dm ii mmmi imecim meceIl'Cli for ( I 1st ribul tie um ,
'i'lmat imm visit was very tiimmei' vihi lie 1111-
IlCIStOOlI Wimell I Skim to timmit lii ) tO time timii
tIle cemitral relief ( 'Olimummit tee' of time i'olmuity
hind aimly receivoil alluumt 1.200 110101(15 ( ut'
stlmmiiles timrotmgim time I eglililI t'imflIllieiS , nmml (
I fotummil tlmlm4 eommmimittee vct'y solIcitous mibout
limit umy fit mim I I icim , even ilia v I 1mg ( lIt illimsilect I 'e
sumimpi he v I tim t lie n iii of tim e locmml lam imkers.
\v I t lm it % ' ( lt I tug imopillil I loll o t' 111)011 t I .20) ) ) ummil
mm dueS ( I C PCOPi i' hi it V I II g mmmii x I umiui mmm lather
timmtim mnimmimmmtmmmm families , It ss'ihl ime remthiiy
secum tilmlt tile coummmmitteollC tmtxeti to time
tltmmmost to tide oer time loimg llmter'mul umutIl
mlliel4llll to RIIIhiilS sim Quill be fart imcoimmhim g ,
ISvery limel I mmmIImitm' ii mmd mu ri'mtmmgccl for
the equal distribution of stlhlllies commmumiitted
to t imeir cml me.
'rime coiIlmt5 , ' commtaimmiu eight mrcciumcts aiml ,
entim of timemim llmtll 1100mm eni-ermuily eanvmtsset
Imy sllhcolmmunhttees lmL'qhiltilitelt wlthm tlmehr OV.'lt
IlistliCtil , Il lid t imeim reports lileti vi I hm I lit'
central t'ommmmmmittee. Vimeii I first llc'iml'lll timese
m eIlomts I ) ( ) to wish timnt I imutil a train
1011(1 ( at mmmy lii"lmosmtl Iumimtemud of one ion
cmmr. mmit I 1400mm seelurelI mm list of nmmmnes froumu
tim , ' lhiffereumt limecilmetS. Fortlilell vitlm timese
lists I 0'e'nt lmmtu tim , ' 'murlotus , histrheii mtmiii
coimferreti 'itim time m4lilcOlmllmiitteeM ( mtimil icimli-
immg ilushmmcsi4 mmmemm mummi sooum. wedlied Out time
mmimmes of' ammy ammo who score immchineil to -r
impose , or wlmo were kimowmm to imave mimmy
other mimenns of smmpmmort ivimatsoe'er. ' 1'imi
I 1st of I lie miest I t lIt e mm mmd immos t 110(11 ' imat'i umg
it'eui mmrrmhimgell iii timis % ay same of thm miunm-
11cm'ero Pr .se ( S Into service to lmmmiml time
tloumm' frommo tlut' mmt'nrest m'nlllond. 'l'imh lim.
volvemi mm roumumtl till ) of froum eighty to IOu )
immlhes by teammm , acrorihimmg to time location of
time rlistrlimumtilig polmmts. Timls ; uicce of i'orlc
lii the immost ihlilteult hart of time mmrocess of
11 i et rilmuu I limmi . 'i'ime ameim v ii mm imeCli time hurl P
nmmd ougimt to lIe nilleul iii ; wmmy imave to
8tart off with irmirie fed teams mtnul very
I mmlhifferemmt mrotectlomm frommm cold weatimer.
Fortmmnmmtelv , time veatimom hits imecm fairly
favorable for smmeim trips , rmmmd Plemmti' of tiumme.
commluimmed wlthm flotmry imro5iCctS ) , secimreml
tmansmmortatlomm , siii' but stIle.
Fotmr deposItoiie of time iicmtmr ivere am-
ranged , time iemm'iieiamles already selected
vere mmmalhed timeir orders 1131011 0110 of time
depositories , ammd time ( Iimmtrilltmtiomm secured
Witimohut expense anil vttim time ummimmiimmmmmmm
anmoimmmt of labom'Vimen tilOse orders are
all SiliIliel time sigumni pallors will be re-
tmmrned to mime and I shmnli have 1mm may oos-
sessioim a. receipt for every aIc of flour
coumsigmioul to my emhre. 'J'Ime list of bemme-
fleimiries commtahlms 172 mmummles ammul time nmpor-
tionmnemmt'as muntle iii accordance with time
siy.e of time fmmmmmily or otimer detemimmlmming
facts. Thmls first car load of llour was lused
to macct time most lmressimig imeedl4 , mmd to
give time commmlmmittee timue to dlstribimte two
otimem' .lmiimmsemmtl of ivimicim time ) ' immttl mc-
CetVel notice.
'rime imtmblic slmould he notified of two facts
iressott tmpoml my nttemmtlomm ( Iumimmg lily week's
still , ' 1mm lloyd coUmiti' .
1. 'rime ( IOta ) ' 1mm i'ecelvimmg aid lmau resulted
1mm time formation of local relief commmmnittees
over time c'nuimmty , amid imy tlmem time nmmthmoriza-
tion of solicitors to go oumt amid convass time
state or states for supplies. 'rhmese corn-
Inittees nt'e reported to be of time "close
corporation" order mind llmmmlt 9ie bone-
Ilciarios to timosc' wimo , 'clmip in' a dollar
to ImrovlSe for expemmmues of solicitation , One
smmcim solicitor returned ( rain a canvass of
time surroimimillng towmms nnd I smtw hiinm pass
timroughm Spencer vitim foumrteen wagon loads
of sumplies coliecteml for time mlrotlthm "suiTor-
cr5 , " bmmt destined to be divided amsmommg time
aforesaid close corpoiattofl , without ammy
refereumce to time cemmtral commmnmittee or tIme
mmeeds of those who are really etmiTerhng
timrougim time county. if I reniemnber rightly ,
this solicitor has eflmlme(1 time title of 'tyindy
Smith' ' In hIs locality anil ime told mae timat
lie imumd secured sixteemm ( aims of summplies.
Otimer sucim commIttees are dolmmg similar
worlc nmmd time mUbliC lmnuld know tuft. tOme
central committee imaving im cimmirge time
subcomnmnlttees of time precincts have not
sent omit anybody to canvass for timem ,
smeltimer imave they signed any recommmnsendmt-
tions or credemmtials whatsoever.
2. Time central committee is a Iman ) woric-
Ing , self'-smicriilctng devoteti trio. itev. C. F.
Waltimer. a Lutheran mInister : Mr. A. E.
Rowland , a. real estate man foil of busIness
Ideas. amid rulrs. Forbes , mother of two sons
In time banking and lumber business In
:1-lutte : , coflultittmte time comnmlttee striving
Iii every way to mnalce a faIr and Inteilt-
gent distribtitiomi of supplies.
supplies.W. . J. PASIE.
Edgoimml'imt l'ytimlmimm tntortaln.
EDGFMONT , S. D. , Jan. IC.-Slmeclal (
Telegranm.-One of time great events Cf time
history of Edgemomit took 1)111CC last nlgimt
in time llemhicatiomm of tIme ICmilgimts of Pytimlas
immihl arid Immstittmtfomi of the loulice by Deputy
( iraimU Cimamicellor Clmrm.rles Color of 1-Ilhi
CIty. Kimlgimts fronm Nelirumaica , 'Wyomlumg
and South Dakota were in nttdxmdammce , and
an elegammt bamlquet was given at time B. &
Ill. hotel. All tim , ' lmronmineumt Ommisiness
mcmi , as ivell us lime ralIroamI emmsployes , 3ohne
time order.
" ' Your _ ' Back ,
1"out Moiley's WToiLii 0L Moisi'y
oil That Boyl How to dress him has Probably been
- _ worrying you. for some time-Here
is your chance-All this week we are knocking oil' the
prioe on evei'yhing that a boy wears-You can afford
to borrow the money and not ue the olothos ror a year
rather than miss this our great sale of broken lots of
everything that a boy wears-
Wilson Bros. simirt svmtiits that ought to be
$1 , $1.25 , tC0 atid $1.75 Imme. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Flannel yaists that we shmoulti sell for $ l.0 ,
$1.75 , $2 mmmiii $2.0 $ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '
W'ulsts hint were $1 , $1.25 and $ l,50 are. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7O
Children's Stockings-- 0 P" ( mm 0 immilrs
rise heavy ribbed cotton . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . ' - ' - fori'Ja ,
All our own mnaice amid timerefore guarnumteeI
quality , ' 1'lmOlio Ilmat ought to ho $13.50 are
Those timat ivere $15 amid $15 , size 14 , 15 mind Q
1 6 , are./ / . '
Boys' $9 ulmuters arc . . . . , . . , . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G.5O
Boys' $10 and 1l2f.0 umisters arc , . . . , , , , , , , , . , . . . , . . . . .
Boys' $13 amid $10 ulnters are. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
Summill _ ( lie macat iommuIar weave , big hmeuvy oumes for commitort.
For uheters that were always sold for $10 ,
, ( )
'fhme II2.5 , $13.10 aimd $15 $ ulstcrs are. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7I5
$ I suits are. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
$5 suits are. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . d ) t- '
'rime sa.SO and $7J'0 suits are . , , , . . . . . . , . , , . , . . . . . . . . .
Fancy Junior and liceters that were 5 are , , , , , , ,
'he $0 kind are , . . , , , , , . , . . , . , , . , , . , , , . , . , , , , . . . , . . . . . . ' 4
p 51 calms arc , , , . , , . . , . . . , , . ,
I 1.50 caps are . , . , , . , , , , , , , , , ' ' , ' ' ' ' . ' ' ' ,
A II ivool. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- - -
- - - - - - :