" " ' [ 'i'T- ' " " ' " . . J " 4L . - ' " . . " - , 1' l.l . ; : , , l..l . - , . .pT , , , " , , - . . , . . . . . _ . - - " . " , . . ' > T- : : " ' . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . , . . . . ' 1""lM" , , - ' . ! . " " ' - . ' . . . . . " , . - , , . ' . - J . . " . . ' . . . _ - ' - > r- ' ' . ' . " _ " -n' .V . " . , _ . " . . , . . ' . _ . , ; ; : ; ; : : _ . . " , . . . . . ' , . " .1. - 1't . ' -t . : ) V ' .f ' . P " . , - . ' ' Iiii , , " . "r- - } . ' " THE OMAIL& : DAILY DEE : 1TE1ESDAY , tTANUAUY 16 1895. I OU. DAfY . , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' - - I.- - . - - - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ * _ . . - - _ ----7---- - _ _ . here's ' a I'ew One. 4 Some men are self-mado- I' Some men are school-made- . Some men their start made- Through a little want's aid- -1i zZty. I I : S 17 words or loss for 25 cents , one tie , : , niter that it's only a cent a word . " > ! Published in the morning as well I , as in the evening edition. I I . J - , - - - - . - . ! I ' - - - - - l . _ . r. . . " _ _ rjP6llL J4OT1BaH Aclvor\18clc'UA for thc'n (01.ln8 nll ho talcI until 1:130 I' . tii. for tile ov"III nnt ultl 0 p. in. for the 1011111 tint ) ! lltny .cIIIOI. Ach'crl'cn , by' rC'l ( "I I I n Iumbormt check , cnn I"vo nnA\orA , n.llreA80li to a 1'"lhret Inter II ciro of The 10" , An- "vcrA 10 Icllrollell will bo toll\oroll upon II'UI'IIIton If the ehcck Dily , fntll , 1- 1 1-c" worcl , frst Ilsortol , 10 n word r ihercarter. Nothtll tllOl for Je8 than J1c for Irt IliMortlon. , 'J bee ndverLIotiieiit inut run C0II5CCU - ntvorlsolcntl I\St rUI cOlsecu- tIveI. ANTED-MALE HELP. COOK WANTgD : MUST flU V1ftSTCLAS ; 1 J"JST.C.ASS iiIo' cOlp"lent in short or.ler work. enlahnn . ' Behuff , Ould Island. Neb. D-MbOS . _ - 20 - - WANT1fl MEN TO J.EAIN TI AlT OF Iural Illcomton8 : good chlnc" for the rheht man. William Iosenthal , Inrleer holrl. Cal by norniug. . 1-MSt 16' ; fAN FOR W1OLESALR JOUSf TltAVlLIN(1 : ; 'ilar ' ! nnd expenea : reference 11.1 malI cash : secUrIty requlre Aldre8s 1" 42. lice.HM823 Dlr.IMS2 ' I-MS2 16'S WANTED-FEMALE HELP. ( WANTED. YOUNG LADY FOIl OI"FICa worlc ; Iu.t write plain quick hand and be accurate In flgure . : slate snlary expccle In own handwriting. 1' . O. box 2G. C-M23 11' LADmS WANTING I1tiT-CbASS ! GmU ! cal nt Sc.ndlna\1an Y. W. home , ISI3 Cass . , . - C-MG52 Fl' . iWANTJm , GIL FOR OENElAL l1OUSL work ; small taml ) ' . 1216 N. 2Glh street. C-M753 % VANTED-A OllL I'OI OENEIAL 1IOUS1. jVANTJ In smal family. Lit , . U. Newman. 209 Dodg" 8treet. . 1799-1 : WANTFD . A OIL VOlt ( ] FNl1tAL. 11OUSE- worle Dane or German , no other need npply ; - good references requireiL 2:3G 1'oipietOn a\'e. . C-7t1-15 WANT1D . I.ADIES TO DO FANCY WORK AT .k iVANTED. : Go to $0.0 : eperlence unnecessary ; ' Bllldy wole ; no cam'n88Ins ; send stamp. Del- , ray Needlework Cu. , Delry , Mtch.CM813 C-MSO 16" ! AmES ; U' YciU ' wish EMII.OnJNT AT your home8 lend seit-adlresed cn'.ciop Cor our Ilerlptvo circular and commence work . nt oncn : 1001 wnles 1 > ld. The Alr"1Illlng Co" " 'Inthrp , Mus. C-M807 :0' AN'ED , A GIRt. FOI OENElAL 11OUl0. work , al'ply nt 2C Doge SI. . C19.1 : WANTl0t ) , PI HSI'YEING LADY OF PI.1AS- iV Ing odilress. wih some IJ.lneS experience , If posible : good pay Address 1" 40 , lIce. . ; . - - 1.'IS2t 16' FOR EENT-OUSES. 10USES , F. K. DAlLINO , DAICEI 11LOC1. D-3 2 10USES IN ALL PAXVrS OF TIE CITY. TIE O. F' . Davi company. 155 Farnain. D-53 JIUSES ; DENAWA & CO. , 103 N. 15TH ST. . D-35 $ r 1O1t RENT-HOUSE OF 9 ROOMS AND lAHN on Park . a\'e. Inquire at 42 S. lSth st. D-356 1OIt 1lINT-IIOUSE NINE ROOMS ; FUR- :01 mmT-I0USE 100IS FUI. nac" Lath. etc" , at 32d and 1'arnam. $ : .o ; also cheap . hou809. $5.0 and $10.0. dlrerent parts cl ) . Dexter I. Thomae . 401 leo bulldtn. D-357 , J'01 1tENT-6.ROOt COTTAGE , IN OOOD IE- pair. city vater. $10.00 month to good per ' ' ' , partlee. trI9w N. 37th. 1 block from \ aJ I ( _ 1 car line. Inquire at Stoetzcl's stove store t11 next to postotitce. D-355 I.flOOL IOrnmN Ilouslo FIVE MINUTIOL l.lOOI 1lDElN I0USE 1lNUTES walk front court houe , vacant December 21h. G. L. Oreen. rom 28. Darleer block. 1163 . : J OI flE1'T-E.1lOOM COTTAGE : ALL MOD t , cr con\'enlcnce. 212 Calforia st. Milon ' , ) oger/ & Son 1th and Farnam. D-198 . I' FOi UENT- CIEAP FOR TIE . .WINTER . 'no 8'1001 house $0.0. three 5-room cottages : $5.0. .1. A. Scott Omaha Nat'l bank. . . D-2.t212 D-U1 - 210U8E13. WALLACL lIOWN lLKU & D-t Doug , : . IIT nOOMS , IA'H , FURNACC . ( OAS I TC. ; - near Ian8com park : Oi cur. F' . 1) . Wend . 16th al11 Dougine . D-MCS2 . 10-lOOM I0USl' } . lSI CASSo TlLRI'1lONF 67 , South Omaha Reed hotel. D-IC911' . - rol : UENT. I'LATS AT NOITIEAST COR . nor of Ilh Ill Ioward .treels In g"Ol coflill . lIon. on rClsnable terina. Inquire lt rom 3U FIrst National anlt llldg. D- ISI 2G . i'oii I'NT : , 213 CAIITOI , AVI Nlm. I 1. rolS , IIIULICI1I . The O. 1" . Davis compan D-796 t t P.lOOM MOUmN HOUSn 1 : PEl MONTH , . t 266 CapItol u \'c. D-S1-21' % J - - : OR RENT-FURNIS ROOMS : NII.y FUlNISIED SOUTH ROOM. IN quire 1919 Dodge. . n-6 - ONI lWINIHl : VIION'I' lOOM , WITH AI.- cove , $ .o. 07 8. 2 th. E-i31 15' - TI1iI.Y 1"UHNIS\ lOOMS IN IIYATE fuml ) lngle on en cuRe , Ib09 Jtarnuni. fl-S2l.t' a t I'IHS1' 1"I.OOI PiON' ! 1.'lINISI J IIOLTHI : - . \ S 1111'1.lnl rooma. : Gt lit. Mnr"1 1 I1-M631 16' ? l URNI6HED ROOMS AND BOARD : 1100M & HOAIID , mMAN 1'IIIVATU 1'AM - II0AlD l'lYATU "A1- Ily lor J ur 3 repectublo purte.Ul N. 191h. . 1119-FL' 4 1"1-1'1' - J 1CIVItIIM ILOOMS , WITh 0001) IIOA1ID : ' NlI' WAl:1 100MS1 GOOI 10AIU 'p _ rates ren.onable : modern . com'enlence. 'he , moern t e MO Itarney. 1"-M143 V.1'I NWI Ii FIHNISIED 1100MS ANt ) 10OAItI I . . 163 N , l tl etreet. V-M541 13' - 11 l NT. 10AlU AND 100M 1"Ot ONn ] t , or two : I.rh'alo family ; down town. A.llren ' V 20 , lIeu olc . _ _ _ ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ F-M6H - ( . \ FUENISIIEI ) ITtAM IAT 13 cooi' wll $ 01' without barGI So. 1'-n3. 131h p1. : - J"UlNIHlm 100m , WITh IIOAItDANI I 10Al for' lIght houaekeeplng. 110 Davenprt altec' ' [ . , , ; " ' - . I7 nor - UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT I , L : l'HON1' ILOOMS. 11 I.I , \ YCNWOlTH ST. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0-480.11' . . 160011t3. BUITAUL FOIL lIOUI01CUlP1NC I. - low r.n N , \ cor 1th und Wcbster - ii. ' \0 UNJ"lINIHUlm ltOOMSVLTII I AT - , . tor two gentlemen . F 3 Det 0-'S.16' - fr JOU NT-STORE8 AND OFFIO'EB VOlt 1INT-TIR 443T016Y HIGICIC IIUIL.UIN ( i : ' .BOIY mucI IULDJNO Pli l"aram snut. ThLI Liulldtog he a Sri Thiuldlnl proof cement basement. complete sleanl nrO Inl nlturcs water on all floor . . gaa , etc. Al 0- "Iy ut the ymca or Tbe II. . . Ia - Ap I''H 1t1NT. 81011 100M WxH : . llItOVNUL - , Llok US to ItJ Iuth Ilh strett. Lincoln , Neb ; best location In ciy ; "alioteat for ge a- .rl dry iruod. ptote ' . . Ien. . \ry Ud. .Ior' gu water. stCm I..at ; wilt rent cheap on jong , leape. n. C Young . agent 11 Soul Ilh enl , Lincoln. Neb _ 1-MIlO : J' FOR RIONT. IMSK ILOOM ON OfIIWT FLOOI - . 1 Fn N. 1lh St DCSK Uelawa 100M C l'IST l-u.n 'I.OR. AGENTS WANTED. BALISMI N Ol AOENTS MAtD MONEY elY achIng Bults to order $13.6. pant. $ Bhlrls $ mncklntoahC $5. Hunter TaIloring Co. . Cin- cinnat O. J-M9CIFU' - ' A OINTLOWANTIOI ) TO iI0h1 . TIn C17L1l. hraled CalifornIa cor8et. tend for cuts . prices and term. CaUrorln Corset Co. , lroolt'n , N. Y. J-78 IL' WANTCD , Mlm AND WOMEN TO ENGAOE In an easy 11Iylng I"alness at hem : cal worlt taytmo or evenIng foil , lalle FOe to $20 per hour ; sure thing : sample anll Inatruetons sent for 10c World Supply Co. , Itutlaitil , Vt. - IutaluYitHl 21' I.ADY AGINTS. : 11DI1 UNDlmOAlmNT : quick sals : big profits : catalogue freo. Mr. N. H. LIttle Mfg. Co. , Chicago Ill. J-M530 16' WANTED-TO RENT. - - - A FUlNISlED HOTEL IN A GOD COUN. try town hyoId hotel men : county sent pre. Ilrred : beat at references given. .ddress l 26. I lIce. . . ' leo. K-H : 15'F STORAGE. DEBT STORAGE DULDING IN OMAHA U. S. ! v. bonded wnctiouse. Houaeholl goods 810red. Lwcst rates 1013101 I.eavenworth.363 STOlAGE FOIl 10USEHOLD GOODS : CLEAN and cheap rate. B. Well. . 11 J'arnaU I-S S TORAGE. FlANK EWEH 1U IL1tNflY. 11-3 WANTED-TO BUY. WANTED 3 SECOND hAND UPIOIT plaas please state price , make and where It can be eeen. 11. D. Scott , room 430 Iamge block. N-20 CIT & CO. CLAIMS. PllTCIAlD 112 FAIVM. N-36 WE fitlY AND SELL hOUSES ( TO liE moved ) . H. , V. Iarum & Son 11t N. Il _ N-M521 Fl' FOR SALE-FURNITURE. FURNITURE AUCTION AT 1111 FARNAM ST. 1n FAlNAM Saturay ! 10 a. m. Iobt Wells. 0-366 FOR SALE-M.bCELL.NEOUS. . WEOIAN PIANOS. nlDOEPOlT ORGANS . Wodbndge lIros. . U7 So. 17th. Q-36 10G AND CIUClnON FENCE ; HAnD WOOD ; pckets. ! C. I ; Lee. 01 Douglas. ' Q-36 A FINE LIVElY OUTFIT. CONSISTING OF : 1 ICeel & Lyons landau. I M. & It. coach I brougham , I surrey. I phaeton. 3 buggies 5 I sleighs 8 .ets harness . 1 Minder board but little used. for sale very cheap by Day & Hess , , - 39 Pearl street. Counci BluFfs. Q-M68 19 FOI1SALIO. A STANDARD MAtl I'IANO family leaving "Ity ; 0 great barcaln. No. 30. 1 McCague Lldg. ' . 9797461 . 1"01 SALE. JSTAULISIED OIL nUSIESS and fxtures In live town ; god chance for right party : present owner giving up boslness on nc' count ot sickness. Address 1. 41 , lIce.QMI29 . Q'MS 19 . CLAiRVOYANTS. Mn DR H. WM1REN . CLAIRVOYANT , IE- liable business mwlum ; 7h yea at 19 N. 16th - . - 830 S MASSAGE. BATHS. Tc. MADAM SMITH 602 S. 1TH , 2D J'LOOI. : room 3 : massage. vapor , nlchol. steam aul I.hurlne and sea baths. T-M779 19' MADAM LAUE , MASSAGE. 41G S. 15TH street ' MGi5 FS' . MISS ROSE . MASAO10 PARLORS. ROOM 13 30S North lGth street T-M80 Ii' - MASSAGE , MADAME DElNAI , 121 DODGE T-M125 22' . 2 TURKISH BATHS. TUICSH DATHS : ONLY PLACE IN CITY exclusively for ladles. Sulo 109.JO nee flidg. M543 113 : FERSONAL. DIL T. W , STONE SIO N. Y. LIFE , TEL. 641 , U-3T1 TiE lI.I.E EPlElLY CORSET . MADE TO order from meabure. 191 1"aral .treet. U-373 - MASSAGE ELECl0 'HElMAL IIATIIL , Ciiiruicodi5t. 1 . . l'ost 319\ Il. ! lh DATIS U-75 . COMI'OUND OXYGEN CUmS CONSUMPTIN. aihtma . bronchitis and catarrh. . Home treat- ment. $ .0 per month ; S days' trial free treat ment. 1oom 810. N. Y. Lie bldg. , Omaha. U-376 MA'IItIMONIAL PAl'CR WITH 3,000 ADVIOII I' - ADVEI tsemenls and photos or marrl6.caLlo peopi . lany rIch , mailed treu. Address Lox 2U. Brook _ lyn N. Y. U-M1I3J2O' U-MU32' - IIATgS GIOIND , HOLLOW on I'LAIN , AT A. L. Ilndeiand'a . lOG S. 1th street. u-no VIAYI CO. , 3U liCE ULDO. lEALTH 10001 free. U-3H HI MOVIlMiONT CUll FOIL I.ADI S. - ISIG Chicago at. ; consultation. acientillc. facial 1 and uLelly treatment free : onda's ; Januar3 U-M316J23' . : D. IIAAS FLORIST , PLANTS. CUT 1"I.OW- era. Banquet. hiii. resIdcno and ' : ers lanquet. hal. resllcnce cra\'e dec - ratons IUS Vinon atret . telephone 776. 76.UG NI0'Ll'ITTHi ! DATi I'AIOLOIOS. 'l'urklsh an.\ electric bath fur ladles and genii _ - men . Madam Uuwel , 320 S. 15th .treet. 21 Iento- 1001. 1-117 2C' - - 1IONEY TO LOAN-UEAL ESTATE AN'110NY LOAN & TRUST CO. , 31S 1.1 LH'E. lena at low rates for choice security In Ne- Lllka and Iowa farls or Omaha ecurly cly I.rperly. : - W-3 LIFE INBUIANCE l'OLICmS LOANF7LO N - or bought. 1" ' . O. Cheney , Kansas CIty. Mo. W-78 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA - reaL eState. Urennal , Love & Co. , I'axton Llk. _ W-37 MONET TO LOAN AT LOWEST nATCS : T1I - ' . O. F. Iavls Co. . 1503 I'aram LWEST st , ' 1IE : 'VMIY LOW nATES ! AnI ON GOOD LOAM 3. J. W. Squire , % Dee \ld/ LANI. - MONEY TO LOAN ON IML'ItOVL'D 0201,11 A property Fidelity Trust company , 102 OMAIA llral. -O CITY LOANS. C. A. STUu. 6 N , Y. W LIFE - W38 LOANS ON UI'l0VI , t UNUU'lOVED 'CITY prpnly , > .I and upwards. U to 7 per cent ; no dda ) . W. 1'aram tmlh & Co. . U20 " W-38 'amam CITY AND FAll LOANS AT LO\VL1 iT rate. . l'uley o 'l'homas. . l"lrst Nat'l Jk. LWCST - I . W-35 MONEY TO LAN ON OMAhA REAL IISTA'r i3 at 6 per cent W. U. Meikie . lat t"t. Er W-38 MONEY TO LOAN-OHATTELS. - . MONET LOAN ON l'UnNlURE , 1'LANO - ; 10res wagons . etc lt lowet rules II aty , ; 10 removal of goods : atrictly coOIldcnllaI ' rmoval gOes strIcty CNldental ; y 'ou amount. csn pay the loan off at any tin , , or II IIY amuut amount.OLIAIIA OMAHA lORTOAOe LAN CO . a d. "th street. X-SI MOEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS ao alt kinds of security . I'rd Ter , . coo 'U ' 40 Jmu bJok X-lt MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. . ContInu3. MONET TO LAN ON nOUSmIOI.D FUlNI- Lure . plnnoa . horles , wAgon. or Any kind ot ehatel security at lowest Slble 1 Ie. , which , can I" " y tack At Any time end In any Rmonnl. JIEI.ITY LOAN OUAUANTI CO. , I.AN Rom 4 , Wlhnel block. X-33) J. n. IIADDOCIC lL0O9.t m , UAMOI Ds Jc : BUSINESS CHANCES , WANTED . A MAN WITh A STOCI { OF DRY goods or money to Join with I stock of gro- eerie. . 01 lenten nnd trade estAbl Md. - _ John Ledwkh. \\'oca towa nne : -M31 ICn ARF YOUR INCOME I SEND FOIL FREE book. "how to Tree Succeesfuiiy In Grain on Fmal Margins. " l'erkln .fuly . . 2U Itialto. Chleaco. Y-Mlt J : ' rOIL SA.T' . ( IRNIlltAf4 lAlNESS STOCK OF about 1.0.0. 1'01 particulata n.lt , " nox 28 Seward Neb. parlcular8 r-M6S3 16' FOn SAT.n , A COMPI.nTT MlATMAfltUFF nt Fremont. Gui \Veet Sixth street , FI'pm"nt , _ . Neb. . _ Y-MnO it' A I.WETIMJ'S D ST AND ONI.Y CIANCI for n oot manager , with $ o cash. Address _ Max . 810 , 1'osttitce. l Omaha , . Neb. Y-M7 IS' GREAT I1AILOAIN . $8.0 STOCIOENnlAI. . merchandise . wll aesorted and In god hnpe In best I town and county In norlhMst Jnlon8 : doing cash LU8lnlss. $ :7,0 : must li 1 quick. Address . F 2. Omaha Bee. Y-M71 IS' "FOI SALE , A DnUG STOliD IN YOmC Nlm. : conakicration . $3.0.0 apot cashI : this inclUdep bulling and a bargaIn , Address Mr. . I , : . II. DorrYork , , Neb. Y-MS1 21' .or l.'OIt SAT.ll. BCr AND IUSTAUnANT ; .A. 11."I l'a'lns huslnrO ; rlalonnble term. ' . unlttaxiield . jIma. ' 2ela , Ia. ' - : 22' u.nl n 51101' VOlt IOAIl'7 : A R .l 1'01 .otne Ono : J do not 111 by "pnap" that Il Is I to h. given away , but I' good Irlle an.1 nn old . es' tILI8h. < stand In a city of nhout 4.100. , es'L 1. C. lunt , box 168 , Indlanola , la'Y Y-M832 17' WANTlm , A lAlTNGI : A OOOD CIANCI for I lion or woman with n emaIl amoUnt ot mon1916 . ' ' ' monl. Coming Ilreet. 2'-M836 17'V FOR EXCHANGE. $0.0 JMII0VgD IlOllmTIAI.P. : . IN trade : genuine bargain. Wiiams & 1flnn , McCISo block. Z - 116 I . \N ELEGANT ' 10lm IN J.1'ONt IOWA , AND rash to exchnnl" ' for n good modern house In Omaha Fidelity Trust company , li02 Far- nam st. Z-721 _ Z-72 WAN1'D. A $ .0.0 STOCK OP OliN. MOSI for choice prol.ert . anti . caah. OJ \lele * , . D. J. A. Dirks. \101'1. Net Z-MSOO 19' F OIL EXCIIANOIG J . A DIltGlltAllI.1l SIX.HOOM DESlAl.E louse barn. full lot. on 1ived atrcet. Will lake clear lot n. nrt payment. No cash me. quired. Address F : . lIce.MS0) - 10' WANTI D-A WORK 10nKI IN IXCIANGG for cord wood. Cal at 3210 Maple St. /-822.lC' FOR SALE-IAL ESTA''E. D ARGAINS. nOUSES LOT AND FARMS. sale or trade. F. I' Darling , Darker block. J - 9 FOI SAUl . NEW 4.lOOM COTTAGE : CEL- lar cl8tern. city water : cor. 31th and Scthler ; $ .2:0.0 : long time. Inquire 11S Fatnam. Snm. uel i3uris. HE 391 EXCHANOES AND SALES ] CITY PlOPFu'ry , farms , merchandise. Oarln lJros. , 210 N. Y. Lte. Im-39 IIUOATED FARMS NE\'EI FAIL ; FRUT potato grin and stock farms for 8ale on easy terms : corsepondenco solicited. E. II. l'ulmer , room 3013. People' bank Denver , Cr10. IE-l930 FOIl SALE. A 120.AClE FAlM , 15 MILES northwest of Omaha. Address 17 37 lIce. lfEjtlej2s' ; $ :0.00 CASH AND $1.0 PER MONTH WILL buy cozy home , large lot . Oi Oth street boule. yard near two car lines and only * 1,400.00. In ordinary tml this property will sel tor 1.50.0 easy. 1159.00 wi buy nice coUnge and lot $3 : 0 will buy n neb Vacant lot. 'Ve oner nothing but genuine snaps. house and stores for rent Clear. improved land for trade. H. E. Cole Co. , 106 N. 15th. I F.-514.15 TWO LOTS IN NORTh ! SIDE ; O.lOOM hOUSE $200.00 : S.rol hou8e. $380.00 down. Charles E. : $0.0 flarnum. 1114 North . . ? ' Darum. 124 lS.1 street UI1-M37 16' WILL YOU BUY W OIl 100 FI E 1lONTAGE In Innseom 1laco at 60 cents. on the aoliari I s COle and see us Fidelity Trust < 01:1 cm. pan ) ' . 103 1"arnam. 1111-720 . SPECIAL , IIUCES AND TERMS ON REEl : Place lots for ten days. Fidelity Trust corn pan , li02 Varnam. RE-Tll , EXTRA INDUCEMENTSIN _ AVONDALE PARS : for n few da's. Come In and make 'our deal nnd get ready for a home In the 8pnng. Ft dely Trust company . li02 Fnram st. nE-i20 ) LOOK AT \VEIISTIIR. . Ol LIlT US SIOW I to you : u,2.o for 6xH5 feet lot ; house alone coat $1,200.0 : owner must pelt. ' 1I. E. Cole Co. , lOG N. 151h. 11-17GIIG - . - BAlOAINS : SALE Ol TRADE IN CITY VI1OP erUo and tanns John N. Frenzem , OPP. I' . 0 : flLl-M833 1MS3 i ELECTRICAL SUFFLIE8. - AlMA'UlES AND CONVERTERS REWOUND : storage batteries recharged ; electrical ali gen nal machlnl8ta ; superIor work guatanteed : , Omaha ElectrIcal Work , , 61 and 619 S. 16th 41Z at EI.ECmCAL ENGINEERS AND CONTlA : tara for electrIc light and motor plants and ai kinds of electrical construction. Western Electrical . trlcal Eupply Co. , 41S and 420 S. lth st 43 LEAThER nEL'riNO. CIIAS. A. SCIIIEEIl2 & Co. . Mfg" 30 S. 1UI st. SCHInEN 94 2 UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS H. Je. DUmCIT , FUNERAL DhlOECTOIt AND embalmer , 161 Chicago . et" telephone 90. 113 - SWANSON & VALI1IN. UNDEITAICEIS AND embalmerl liOl Coming at. , telephone 1060. _ _ _ _ _ _ 394 M. O. MXiiL. . UNDERTAKER AND EM - .ND mi- balmer. 11 Faram st. . telephone 225. 291 C. W. DAKER , UNDElTAKER , GI S. ICth 390 ST 2 - OOAL. D. T. MOUNT HAS REMOVED IlS COAL - ofce to 29 S. 161h st. . Brown blocl 401 - SUEmDAN COAL , . EXCELLENT SUUSTITUTE for hard coal and $3.5 ion cheaper. 16 : Far siam street ; main entrance Door of Trad 402 ALl. KINDS OP hARD AND SOFT COAL I. Levi , 75 S. 1th street ; telephonel519. . M-2S J24 LOST. - ' - thROWN WATmt SPANIEL I'UP ; IETUlN to 'Yalace Cok , rom 1. Clowry usia. 1610 ChIcago street ; reward . I..t-MSC 17' LOST LADY'S COLD W TCH , WITH mm F heart charm. nel'lrtor return to Dee' ' o/ce. Lost-Mill IG' I.OST. ON OIL NEAR PARK AVIONUFT. A goldstone bracelet all lady' gOldslonc walch fob lelurn to o/ce ot N. 31. 1"nleuner for reo vard. Lost-1 ΒΌ i82716 . , I.ST , JANUARY H. A JU.I..IIOODI I > PE. ; mal. fox t rler , I months old. Hetur to 18 1 . I araln street fur reward. LoslM8 1. - iiusi6 ; AXT AND LANGUAGE. - O. I" . Gf I.J.lNnECI DANJOIST AND ] guitar teachcr 191 CaBs streel. 91 - 10t1 M001 . IAI1'ONf ANI ' 'I Ae1ER I : speclal.t II tune production une jiacing . I. ' J'repared ' to receive UI'lb' In vocal cuituro ! en . , culuro In.1 slnj1r1. iSo has hat Ifeen years experlencQ aa 0 singer nn4 INlchtr , und haa studied In Europe and AmefJca. Yolcu trle.1 stu\led . . CaD Cal lt northwest corner Chicago and 1lh streels. M77 17' HOllH. ' I0TEL II. 1 < 1m , 1TI AND JONES bTS. 75 rms at 11.50 per day 5 towns at $ .0 per day Special rte to commercial travelers. Room end board Ly wlek or month. rank Hidich , menager. 39 AETNA 10USfIOIEAN ( ) , N W COlt. 1th and DQdie. loOla by day or week. 393 BUILDING & LOAN AtS00IATIN 10W ' 10 GET A 10M ) on SECURE : 0001 IntereBI on savings. ApplY to Omaha L. & 13. A3an. 101 lee bldK. O. M. Nattng r , Sec. 1. 393 BHAIES IN MUTUAL L AND U. ASS'N IAY f. 7. 8 per cent when 1. Z , S years old always , redeemable. 1704 1.'srnam at . Naltner , alway 400 ' _ _ 4'J - - - - . BICYCLES . ! . O. DAXON , .03 N. ICTII. 40t OMAhA . DcCL1 CO. . W N. 1611 11' . 800 A 1. DIANU I CO. , UIC\CL S , 16 I"AlNA 14 STllLINO ICYCI.EI : IUI.T LUm A watch. 'Ve.tern Eleclrlcal SUPPlY Lonipany , 423 S. Ut , street. 1 'omlln : 3 15 - - - - TOVE REPAIUS , STOVE H ' IAIS FOR 4.0 nU'PEI NT make ot stoves. Water attachment and con. cn. nectons a specially . ! Douglas street. Omaha Stove Repair Works. 436 , BUSINESSNOTICE8 . DAMAGED AlllORS 1 SILV RED , 7U N. iS. . I..O AUC'ION. lUSINISS S0L1C1TlIDfThfj 3IOWIOLItY AND . JT\ELTY m'rchandiee of all deacrlpTona ; ' mPhAndlle Al descrf\ons : twenty rears' experience patistactIo . ,4rani.ed' urlencl SI.faclo' : "lr.nleed'l best of rerereneesl nIps made 1' and out of cit . Call on or f.e' J. Jwl. . once el , 1lh street . with John Ijaumer Omahn. 1.1526 P2 . lm6 F HORSES WmXERED. 1 WU.L CAStE FOIL A "DEW ImAD OF horses for the winter nl per lead per month. 10Is sent for and tHnl Jt It U nch. Non but helhy horses tap And only from re- ponBlble parties. I can II\e best of references. Address , it ! . J. 'Velcl , Or'a , Neb , - t5 JI CARPENTERS AD BUILDERS. AD c . MOILR1LL. CAJ'CNTEI ANI IlUll.D1E1 . paper hanging And sl n. brick work and plas- tering. Olce 409 S. 11h at . , telephone 408. 40 WHOLESALE COAL. JOINSON DROP. , WIOLESAf.M InALl-S : IN all klnes ot cal Correspondence solicited. II Farnam .Ireet 40 HAY &NDGRMN. . NEDlASKA HAY CO. , ' W1l0I.tS.L1i IAY , grain and mill atuff. We are always on the market to buy or peil. 1402.1.6 NIcholas st.4t 4t DRESSMAKING. ltESSMAI'INO IN FAMILIES , 4316 GRANT . M-16S JU' : DlESSIAI'INO IN FAMIItliH. FIT AND Ityll Ilnrantl'l A.I.R8 E 49. lip. 1191 23' COSTUMES. L ADIES' AND 1mN'S MASI StilTS FOR rent at Golden Eagle store. lt S. 16th street. r3 1"5' SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. VAN SANTS SCHOOL OF' SIOHT IIAND.N. Y. Lire , Omaha. Alk for circular. 41 JOB PRINTING. JmD IOU PRINTING CO. , FrH PRINTING or all kinds. 1th pt. . lIce bldg. 409 ELOCUT ON. ELLA DAY , U 9. COWL NAT'L DANK BLDG. 661-1' 7' - DENTISTS. DI. PAUL. DIINTIST 2 0 hURT ST. 45 TLtIIILEtl.TY MAII1tL7T. . INSTRUIENTS placed on record January 15 , 1895 ; WAllANTY DEIIDS. J ulia Fisher to Max Meyer , w lot 6. . block 123. Omahi , . . . . . ) . . . . . . . . . . . 1 I M , lames antI wlrr 10 it G 31111cr , lot ) . Llock 3. Delmal ant l'lace. . . . : . ller . . . . . . . : . IQ74 I o M IteLain to Omaha S.u'is , Icl.ln S.\lns bank . lot 2. block . I. Hlsll" add \ . 2. : . . . . . . . . 3.000 I J l Da\l. to Omaha Savil ! ' , lank , Iota I and . Nock . South nnl G. ii. Olinha lot G. block S. FIrst add to South Omija . . . . . 2.0 I nl < J ames . \URCOW aol , wife nod 1.,1 : , Alnscow tn I. S I'usey. truRtce , IQI 10. block G. Kountre & I.s a < , I. . . . . . . . . bloce . . . . . 4.00 : I J 1" Hlmeh 10 Ilti l'eter'on , n % t ot w lot 18. block 4 , 1 Cinipheil's 11. . . . . . . ! 1.20 I J A Icestror and wife tl I'rclerlcle 1.lnke. lIsSO feet In se part lot 11 , IlicIt. ( ry 2xSO . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . I . . Hlcl- . . . 1.21 I , o 'V Peck il wire to n 1,1 l'agan . 5 acres In IW nw f,1 [ .IG.13. . . . . , Iugan. , . . . . . . . . . . 10. ) I Da\'d IOIJer tD Snmu'i T.a1Iun , ! lots 2a aid 27. block 12. Kounttcq . & It's ld I. . :50 t J M Bemis and wlro to : . 'h& ' 2lcCreary. a ! lots 3 nail 4. bloce ; 121f" & ) mah\ , , . . . . . 2OJ I Dc ' 1 Special master to flyronlflrai CD. , lots 15 nod 16 , block 16 , l'oppl.Itort'Vark. . > ' . . . . . . . . 70 I Total amount or ; . . . . . . . . . . . . $79,451 F , rt : ' BUREAU. SUES & COo1IcItors. . Bee iiUd1ng , OMAHA Seb ; Advice FREE. 1:1 : , 1 RAILWAY ' ItliE CARD ( 'J _ , ; to [ , . . . LeavesiBtfltLlNGTON 110. IUVEIt.IAI'rtves & .LeVU'Utl1GTON \ lUVEl.IAlrlves Omaha Union Depot , 10th & Mason SIs1 Omahn I OiLan.Denver . . . . Expre88..9 . . . 4:36pm.Ulk. : HUs. Mont. & VOgeL Snd IX' . ; 10PI 4 pm. . . . . .Den er Exp ess. . . . . . . 4 ; 1011 : 6:4Spm.Nebrnk Local ( except Sunday ) . 71pm 8I&am.Llncoln : Local.except . ( Sunday ) . ,11lao 2:4Spm..Fnst : Mail ( for LIncoln ) Daily. . . . . . Leaves 1CIIICAGO. BURLINGTON & Q.IArrlves Omaha \ Union Dept , 10lh & Mason Sts.\ \ Omaha 4:45pm..Chicago : Vestibule. . . . . . 9:50am : 9 : I5Iun. . . . . .Chicago Express. . . . . . . 4:2pf : 7:50pm..ChIcago : and Iowa Local. . . . 800m ; 11:35am..Pacific : Junction Local. . . . . CI0IJm : . LUveaCHIAOO. . MIL. C ST. pAUL.Arrlve. ) Omaha \ Union Depot 10tl & Mason Bts.1 Omaha : GO1m. : . . . . .CnlcaJo LtriiteI. . . . . . . U:3i : m IHIOdm..Chlcug Express ( cx. Sun. ) . . 6OPI : Leaves ICIIICAGO & N0ttT1I\VESTN.lArrlves I.aeaCiICAGO Omaha \ U. P. Depot . 10th & Mason St.i ' OmOha 11:05am..Eastern : I1xpres. : . . . . 5:30pm : 4:00pm..Vestibuled : 1.lmled. . . . . 9:40am : 6:57am..No. : Valley I.ocal..l0:3m : 6:45pm..Omaha ChIcago Special. . . . 2:15PI : 3. Lave I CIICAOO , I L & PACIF Arrives Omaha UnIon Depot , 10th & Mason Htsj Omaha EAST. 12:00am. : . .Atlar.ttc Express ( ox. Sunday ) . . 0:03pm 6:21pm..Night : llxprea. . . . . . . . 9 ; 5am . :0m..Chlcago Veltbule 1.lm1ed. . 1:03pm U:35pm.Oklahoma _ ( to C. U. , ; Sun..U:30p/n ) - WEST. , f.lSam.Okiahoma. & Texas Ex ( ex. Sun..U:30m ) : 1:10pm..Colorado Limited. . . . . . . 4:0pm : : Leaves I c Wi' I' " M. I U. ( Arive Omaha Depot 151h and Webster Sis. I Omaha O:30am..Nebra.ka : Easenger 'daly ) . . 8:5pm : 4:35pm..Sloux : City Express ( ex. Sun..ll:50.in . : ! : . . - . . . l.au lmlted. Sun..1O.m . . . 0:10m : : Leaves I F. E. & MOVAI.JEY. lArrIves . Omaha _ Depot _ 151h and Webster St. . Omaha I .iioiv-.Fast Mil ' and - I1presa. . . . . . . :55pU 2IOpm.ex. : ( Sat ) Wyo. Ex. 'ex. Mon. ) . 4:55pm : 9O7am..Norollc : Express ( cx Sunday.10:30am ) : . : . . . . . . . . Paul Ex resa. . . . . . . 9t : : Leave I K. C. , ST. J. & . G. ' D. IArrlve Omaha I Union Dept. 10th I Mason St.,1 Omaha , 9:4 : am..I < anaas City Day ! "Pu s. . . 6 : : pm 1:45pm.lC. : NightEx.j'ia.jJ. 1.Trans. 6:50am : Leaves I M10GSOUILI I'ACiFXC. lAttice. Lea\8 I I1SS0UI I'ACIFIC IArlves Omaha Depot 1511 and Webster Sts. 1 Omaha 9:45am..St. : . Louis xpres. . . . . . . 6:0am : 9:30pm..St. : Louts Express. . . . . . 6:0.pm : 5:10pm..Nebrlalln : Local ( ex. 8un. ) . . 9:10am : Laves I I SIOUX CITY 8 l'ACII'IC. IArrlves - . Omaha _ Depot 11th and Webster Sts. I Omaha : ' " . : . . . - j'aulLimited. - . . . : :9 :0am : Leaves I SIOUX-CITY- & PAGJFI. lArrtves Omaha Unii.n Iepot . , l lQth&MnsoflHtLLOmah .n : am..SIGux City Passenger..I0IOpr : n 6:10DI..St. : Paul Limited. . . . . . . 9:40am : ! . Leave I UNION PACIFIC IArrh'e ; Omaha Union Dept , 10th & Mason Bti. Omaha 10o3m. : . . . . .Krar y - Express. : . . . . . . . . . 3:45pt ; 'U 2:00pm..Overland : Flyer. . . . . . . . 5:35pm : 2:00pm.Ueatrlce : & Stromsb' Ix. ( e".Sun ) . 3,5pm : 730pm..I'ociflo & . . . , . . . . ,10:5 : am , 6:51In. . . . . . . . .Fast ' 1xIJess. Mal. . . . . . - . - . . 4IOpr ; - ; WAIIAH1L 'nAI.W A Y. -IArrIV. . I Omaha Union Depot. 10th & M..on Sts.1 Omah" 3:56pm..St. : Louis Cannon D : : : I THE Animal Extracts I'rcpuc aecorJlng to the rormua ! or Du. 'V r. . A. I'IAMMoND , In his laboratory at Washington , D. C The most wonderful tiiemspeutlc discovery aInco ] the days of Jcnner. CEREBRINE. . . FROM THE flRAIN. MEDULLINE , . . BRAN. FROM THE SPINAL COnDo CARDINE , . . . FROM THE HEART. TESTINE " . . FROM THE TESTES. OVARINE , . . . FROM THE OVARIES. The physlolollcl cfecll l'roltclll by a sin. 110 deco ot Ccrcbrino ate arcelerstion or the \u\o with feellg of fulnus and distention In Iho head , ehiaration of 8plrl8 , lurrelc" mlnary excretIon , segmentation or the ex. \11181'0 force of the bladder and perletaltlc perlt.llc action of the Inleelne ! , hlerlao In tntBeulal strength and ndurance Incrla ed1'r ot "hlonln eldcrIYIcoplc , and Increased appetite and dlgcUlvo lower. ' Dose G drops. Price (2 Iraclms ) $10. THE COI.UnnA CIIIIMICAL CO. " 'nalington. n. C. Send for Ilook. . 101 KUIN & CO. . AGENT VOlt OMAtA Mme1 M. YALE , DISCOVERER OF The Excelsior Hair Tonic. Gray hair Re1LTh S1oppet L stored _ _ / BALD hEADS COVERED ; 1"01 the Sot time In the history of the worl1 n discover Is riade that restores graY hall to Its natlrll color without dye. 11mg. Ynll' , tim mOAt wonderful woman : chemIst nut , great t scientist. I. I the tlipcoverer. Tie Excelsior lalr r Tonic Is Ih" 'emed . limo. Yale his Placed I I ni Ile malket for tie 1"nrf oC tIc l.uLlc flat I guarantees II will restore the natural color burl to the hair. no , Iatter how lon It has been mater < Jt ) ' . . ' rite cure Is Iermanlnt , In every way I wilt alu etol' failing hall In from :1 hour , : ! sial to une ) weel I , . .tres tie lair on I.all heal . , and cicates , fl luxuriant growth. I Is 1 Iuarnl"'d cure for every almlnt of th" hall or 8calp. The whole wont bows down to Mm" . Yule's 118co\r ) ' antI In her great skill as a cicr'ist which has never been equaled by mat or woman. Tim Excelsior lalr Tonic hold , complele awa ) ' over the human hair. There nre ' no ailtitenis which the hair Is hell 10 that I i cannot cure. Hewlro or irititatiotig. See thaI ever ) ' battle Is Inbel.1 "Mme. M. Yule'8 Excel sior Hair 'onlc. Guarnnieel to Ilstorc Or ' Hall Wllhout D'e. " 'rlce $ per bottle : 6 tor $ : .0. Sold by all drtiggists. Mali orders tIlled by ni dlgglsts. : al orers prompty ] 'T1ME. lI YALE , Chicago. . Fine Cooking at Horel ' Sowo people think that they cannot prepare tim olcato soups an sauces alld delicious mndo , dishes which are pecu- liar .to . th best French cooking in their homes. But b.y use 01 . I leb.ig Company's ' Extract of Beef as 1 stock for Soups , Sauces , Made Dishes , they can bo made easily . Cilcaplyaflil successfully ani Huccessfuly at I1UIIIC. N. n. Got the gonuloo Lobig COM- PANY'S Ind Ivoh ] IlsapPolntment tee . that tim blue signature of JUSTUS VON J.uIOlslnlluo 01 Iho jar. . . - - - _ - DOCTOR SEARLES " 1' & SEARLES . , k " ' . "J - , " / ; \ Chronic1 , , . , ; , 'tJ , n ) Nervous & 1n , , (1 ( ' Private , . ' ' \ j Dseases , TIIl1tT.iJlNT BY 11\1. . Conoliaton ( Fret - . , We cure Catarrh , all diseases of the Nest , Throat , Chest Stomach , Liver , Blood , Skin Ind Kidney Diseases , Female t. male Weaknesses , Lost Manhood and ' ALL PRIVATE DISEASES OF MEN. WIA AtN AII VICTIMS TO Nntous Debility or ElhaustQn , , Wasting 'Veakne8. In Voluntary Losses , with Early Decay In younc , aid middle aced ; lack of \'Im. vigor nndweakeled luematurely In approaching old ago. Alt yell Al yeld readily to our new treatment for lOs of vlal , : power Cal on or address with stamp for cl r. I ctiiara. free book end recelpls. , I Dr Searles and Searles ' 11 . 1111\1 , , . I . . I - - - - - OWER FROM GASOLINE - . : DIRECT FROM THE TANK , . CHEAPER THAN STEAM , , No 18011cr. No 8tau. No EI IICer. I 1IES'I' I'O'lliL for Corn und JrcCI Mis , HalD/ : 11) ' , HUlnln/ Separators - - , Creameries , &c / OTTO GASOLINE ENGINES Stationary 01' Portable. 1 to ] 89 II. P. 8103 I. P. B Jo I Caluloiue , I'ricci , etc. , dl'crlblng work In ho I done Chlcago,24S'LaeSt. . THE OTTO CAS ENCBNE WORKS Omaha , 321 So , 15th st 3:11V"Jlut : ste. . l'JILAV Ll'lll'A. . - - - - - - - DIRT DEFIES THE KINGw THEN SAP0LIO IS GREATER THAN ROYALTY ITSELF. - - - - - - . - - 22 - - - - - _ _ _ ,5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I _ I a llvadacLu 'FbI. nuu. Famoue , 9Vakutuino.s. , * Ilewedy . . Weak l.uII 1lemry.1a.o cures quIckly . ! Iralll'Ucr permanont7 . , leadAcle Waleluileu. Vitality igbthy cmi ' IloUluTI dr"alulwpulroyund wUlthlldl.ea."B cwl' - od by 'uulhrul errtra , ur eacrises . Contutna .rrurs , eeo. no ' Opiatel. 1. a nerve iuolcuu.l blood turtalna , , . 'e opllto. 1 In.r , IUlleund 1luod builder Mae. ] t. the Ve&tpOckct palo auth , j'uny 1 ierboxIOforS. strong and pluwo. ) JymaIlprer'aidsltb 1ulder carried e , I "rucnlnarDto : . tocuroor money fy.lrl . Writeus. . rrcc medlcnl 1001 ( , coated plain . wrspper.wltb IcitI . ' . coy. I " DU . OA. . DU. - monlal , Cfld flnnnriaireferece , . No char , ejorcunsui to . thn. . 11tMre oj .rl tI. . Soht by our 0"11. . or addrcu Ierve seed ( ' 0. , Masonic ' 'lmplo , Clle" , , Sold Ir Omlh Iy Sherman k McConntli . J.uhn & Co. md bi Vlel.nl o lhchlnt. Dr\\II. ] AFFAIRS . AT - SOUTH O IAIA Last Penny in the Cty Tcensnr About t rae from Viow. GRAVE PROElEM FOR TiE COIThCILlo : lcnt 1118t 10 1'rovltlei . for Iotrn'lnl llnllclp"t I Xpeltel Until itigtit , When FruIt ot Next ( cI"r'II ' 'nx 1'0' 1Iny Ito l'lnckcll. - i'luckc.l.'I' OwIng to the action or the TI\I'crs' league Saturdny night Mayor Johnston ! , did not g 10 Llncoh ) yesterday to attend thc Ineelng or the In'ors of lut anll second class cities. The leasuo voted Ilown thc maor's proposition 10 Incrcase ' the gcneml levy from 10 t ( 15 InDia , nne the lIre nml waler levy front 3 : ; 10 7 1111113 . H Is n qucston now how the city Is going to pay Its delis , ns nt the itrelent lme the rnnning cxpenses nmount to $1.000 l'er an- nnm , ane the Income derIved from the 18 mi levy only amounts to ulont $30,000. i Some of Ito heavy taxpayers think that the ! league matle I Ilslalle In not endorsing the ; . mnyor's JOllosllon , , RII they attribute the 11efcat or the sU gcslon to a few slubbo old fossils who 110 hOt have the welJre of the Magic City nt hcart H wi take n smart fnnlclcr 10 fgure alt hol the city Is I going 10 worry along Iml ; next August , whcn the nnnual approprlnton bill will be passed. No more funds can ho raised until that tinle . Following Is lie ( condition or this different funds on January 1 , after the Dectmb r 1 , us ls ha.1 . been Ilahl : General fund , balance , $32.38 : polce ) 1l'IILI , $2,911.79 ! ; fire and wnlcr ftilld . $2 3.G2 : salary , $ I,302. 9 : publc light , I,400.H I ; engineer fund , G55.02 : street repair fun : fSi.i5 ; emergcncy , $213.59. The cxpenses er the polIo fro , cut the city GIO per mogth..lhns ( , thoI , will be n shortage or two monlhs' pay 1\1 lie I \ guardians oC the pence. I costs the city $500 a month to maintain its fro doparlmcnt Not a frcman can 0 p1hl uull August t , neither can feed bills be gttled . The chief'i has asked for 40 feat M nay hose , but the council can do nolhlng. as they have 11" mono ) ' In Iho fire fUII 10 p.ty 1 for nnylh 11"f . Street repairing CO.0 on . , io nvel'ago c $200 a month , , nnl there Is only $ S7 remaining In ito ( rund. Salaries of city ofcials amount 10 $560 I month , From the Imollt 110W on hand 'tho olclals Cab only bo pale two mora months , nail then the fund wi be exhaustcJ. Publc lights cost $ .I9O per month , an,1 there Is money enough II keep tle ! lights bUllng - for the next four Inonthl In alJlon : to all this , the city owes the Am rlcl WI.tH Worles COmllan $0,1 $ , jitdgnientc of nearly , $15,000 , to say nothing ot $10,420 interest on bonds Issued In ISSS. Tim city council wi chcuss tile malcr next Monday evening , and endeavor to 1110' 'ido some way out l'f ' the present financial dlfcul ) ' . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fnancial IiiA'EI1 IS A' L.'tltUli. . Gets Away fro , , , CltRC'iblolllmA itt the Heed ' hotel . George Denver , the gambler , escaped from Constable Adams about G o'clocl last oven- lug anti Is still nt large. Pending a trial Dca\'er was placed In charge or Adams antis the paIr took up their abode at the Hced hotel At supper time last evening Deaver and his wlo enlercd the dining room to- , gelher , followed by the constable , who oc- ' cupel a scat nt n table nearby. When thc i meal was finIshed Adams left the dining I roam first and lroceeded to the hotel office. ' Deavcr was following . but when he reached the main hallway he ran out at the sida entrance. leaving thc constable waiting for him In the 001cc. wailng Adams waited several minutes waled , and them took a look through the dining room. 10 found his man was gone . aud , grabbIng Jib t lint , rushel out tnto the street and rti , I ironnll ; the block a couple or times In hopes r.1 I I of Picking ] up the ambler's trail. Falling II I 1111J ; ony trace of the missing mall , Acams ; FOUgh Mrs. Deaver amt demanded 10 know Wiit'ro 1cr , husband was. Mrs. Deavcr up- pearell greatly surprlse Site said that as I sl' starled up stairs Mr. Deaver was headed I for the hotel office and that was the last she saw or him I Is supposed that Deaver had outside heIr' , as a tm horn gambler who hind been stopping . ping at the hotel for the past few days t Ilsnrparcd ( ( ' at the same time. I Is thought I callngo was In waiting antI that by Ihls tme DEnver Is probably In.nnolher state Mr. "carr' Iii ' . 111. Ilrtlcl"y I'.rty. In honor of his tItirty-fourth , birthday , 11. C. E. Scarr gave a part Monday cvenln < at hs ! home Nineteenth and Ilssourl streets These present ve:3' S. C. ' ShrloI'Y , Wet ; AIIcns , Fred Cockrel : Iaude Clifton , H. T. . Carpenter , F' . A. Jones Clarence Damson , Bert nmchard : , Glore Jones. WJlam Far- rer I. D. 10BI : ,1n46il ' , .tlran ; , W. D GoMrey , Frank . . Taylor A. I. Hunter , Hnrry Condron , J. C. Gammi , J. S. Waiters . Wil - Wi- lam Rosencrans , Ira Jacobs , lert Frncis , Cyrus Nelon , I. . r(1 , W. 11. Drayton L F. Dralnard , Pres arrclt , Charles E. Hid- well , Same1 I Scott . Ohcsler ' Clark . II. 11 . 10yt , D. E. Wlco" , Mis I'urltigt.on . Jo2epi I ' Christy S. J. AeleerlY , II. McDougall . . Mrs. Scarr was asslsled by Miss Heremann , Mrs. Moore and Mrs. Hosenerans. In enter taming the gncsts. An Omall caterer fur fished the refreshments The party was much enjoyed , and thee present wlhod Mr . Scarr many happy returns of the day. nente" 1) . J1rh\\i ) men. Milo Stokes was held up by three men I last evening , near Swift's pacldng house , and I robbed or $9. Stolles was drunk antI trying 10 find lila way to n lodgIng house when he ws ordered to bait. As 11 did not throw up his hands when told to do so , he was : struck with a club and knocllcJ ! down. The thugs then vent through his pockets end took all the money he lied. A gash about Iwo Inches long was cut In hIs scalp , anti he lost conslcernllo blooll. I ( gave a 10acrlp- lon ot the hhhwaymen 10 the police . an j Captain Connel slnrlell out on the trail. Jllllu ; , Cly IniAlp. The run or cattle anti hogs was unuualy ] heavy yesenlay , The Ideal club will give a Hoclal , laHee : at nlghls or Plhlas hal on 'hursda ) evening . Hosewood lodge , Woodmen of the \Vorlcl , I will day give night a , masque bal at Bauer's hal \Vorll : George Hahm , Nineteenth aol . I strebti , I I , hnppy over the arrival of I caughlel' . Mr George tUcks , Twenty-teveoth anti J streets . Is rejoicipg over the birth or rcjolcltJ llrth I lon : Cpectal gospel services brgan In the Unied I Presbyterian church last even9ng. ! ' ] he polor wi ho 8s8lste.1 . by 11ev [ kilo H . hawk of f Omaha. There wil be a meeting o Ito South i Oiiali leinocratio club at Ancient Omaha Democralo Ore r cr Hberians hal Wodnosl11 e\'cnln/ Al I memhers at the cxeculvl commltee are ic . Iluested 10 be presenl. Charles WIlliams , a vagrant anti sU8pll10lU character was Bentencell 10 twelve days II the eoqnly jai yefterda b ) Jade UlrM. mann For I the frt six days Jf \ , InIpria onment ho wIll dine upon bread an.1 walel' . ' Whie on hut way homo Monday night .t \ . W. Snively was held up nl tie comer or Twenl.slxlh and I streets and rcbh"r of ' his gold watch and 8 $5 gold piece. Snivel I at once reported Ile mater to tim palC3. : , antI the result was that William 'llnmp n was arrested on suspicion Mr. SnlVly I.a . identified 'fhonpson as the man who rebbed him The tolowlng aclons have been begun In the Juatice court or H. n. Monlgomcry : John Leonard . against Joln , Swanson , phil for $20.3 : for work and lahor ; Scott & J.ambert against mIen Barrel suit for $15 for profesional Ben'lccs. ICoutalay hires ugalnst H. 'F. Max . well , suit for merchanilso , toil ' anti /lelvero.1 . 10 the defendant ; oulsly l3mo. against Eu . ware Conley , suit tar $0,30 for lerchaulI 1 sold and delivered 10 the defendant , The South Omaha l'iattsdetitsclier Vereen will give I lance Salurday evening lt liauer' U hal In honor nt Ihe first convention or ( 1.0 . Ilals uellchcrlund , which meets In South ; Omaha lt 10 a. m. Saturday next. Illyill L- Jnvla- lens have been atnt. 10 tonthef or Iho ( vereen In all the surrounding cities and a largo crowd I expec\e \ The committee In I chage or the affaIr COD.tal ot ; W , 1" , J - IAuer , II , Wtc'ee In.l Charles PIngerlo 1 ! MW ayer Johnston will deliver ni R.IMes or welcome 10 the conventIon anti will bo tol- . lowcd by Frail I'rcllg. who will spcnk 1m G erman -S 5 llltl' h ) ' Cell II lnll' , The kllne ) ' " become ore nnll ccto to act p rolotIri ) ' . Relieve their distress nnll set Ihem In vigorous motion with liostetter's Stomnch Ilers , anti all wi bo well. Otherwise , np. prohcnll Irl h's disease , Ilnbotl , or nlbum- Inurla , all dangerous maladies . Malaria , dys. pcpsla , constipation , 1110uslcss anti nen'ous- ncss alt yield to this benignant ; nl1 agreeable tclclnt agent , " 'hlch1romoles appeilto 1 IUI\ \ nl(1 n gain In vigor anti flesh. . ( 1.\1o . \11 CII1UU:1 1XI.1I : $ i ' niaetli . lhllnrl. lh"Ruk.n . ' SI. I'utI , For ChIcago anti nil \o\nts \ enst Yestbuled slel'er Ic\el lie ( UnIon Pacifc depot , Omahn. nl G p. In. , daily , rcl- Int Chicago nt 9 a. 1. , the following tO ) ' , In i nlplo time for all eastern connections. S ili'lCl' anti breakfast served In IlnlnA % cams a 1f carte. 111scngcr ! for Freeport , Itckforl , BIII h and all paints \\'llcon,11 e I , by tak- In ig thIs train reach their destination twelve - I honrs II alh'anre of sill other lilies. Ialgno ehccllc.t through from your rc"llcnce 10 ties- tos- tt t iblation. I.'er tickets anti further Informa- ton nlly ) 10 . C S. CAHtmn , Cly Tkt , ' \It. G. ( n. ) liA'NiSIty Pass. Aflt. F. A. NASH , Ocn. Act. , 160t Fnrnm st. G WERE EDUUATED TO STEAL , ConfA"OI . 1lnlll Iy 111"hors uf n ( bug of 1ullhrl\1 \ I ' 1 Iii , , i i't' . The nrrest of Joseph iicove't. nml lh\'arlt Bust , two boys 1 years of age , dlscloscs to Iho t Police for the , first ( line a gang of ) 'ounf , thlevcs t who have been leen commltng cprelln- lens t In Omaha for thl past fwo mouths. M any articles of value whIch ! have myateri- ously disappeared are now accounted for. Monday ovcnlng thcse two boys vent into Iho Omaha Business college and proceeded ) to rob the 110clcts oC the coals nml cloaks or the ( stttdetits From I the cloak of Miss Tina Iearson I they took $3 al,1 , a number of postage - ago stnmps. The loss was soon tIHCO\'cretl S nl11 Iresillent Hooso oC the college SaW thebes bos going ont or the bullllll ; . lie at OlIcul S ulsplctc.i thc lads anti folol\-.I , . Ihel quite i4 a distance 110WI Sixteenth street , whoro' ho mel l n polccman nnd. causc.1 . theIr nrrcst. The boys were taken to time stnton 111 con- fesscll to the theft. Yeltcl.lay two tt'ar. l f ill molhcrs aPPe.1retl nt Ihe jail , having spent I night of anxiety looking for their ho ) ' . , but l earning for the Irst time of their arrest Ihrough t Ihe morning vapors. The boys were brought out before their mothers and nil of hem t began crying. Young teeycs Is the son oC n widow and has been selling IIOlcor In i the different largo once bnll1111S , The l loc , New York ] I.HL city ball , Paxton and olhcr blocls. BUst Is the son or a loco- motive engineer nUll has been running around wlh I Ircly ) tough gang of youngsters. In the iJresltcc ) ot S rlcant Sigwarl md Assl , tnnl County Attorney Day Ito ( boys con- fesse.l . 10 being thieves anti said Ihat they 5tole ? Ihq I'earson'z money all stamps. They further confcssll to robbing candy. s tores . a hat'dwll e store nut ! the theft c I pockelbook l ( from n Ilrwer In al once In the New York .Ifo building. Younl Hcevcs has beol allowed conslllrable fraction , In the , olco blocks , lS lie had n note stating that his molher was an Invalid and that ho was her h only means of support. Rust usualy vent around with him antI when they would find an office uulocllc they would runllgo a round to so what valuables they could find anll carry away. They would eplnd the slolen monlY for anything that c3plure.1 their f ancy . The poico : arc Inclined to the ballet Ihlt the boys stole n ged mJny things ilur- Ing l tim rush or the iiolltlays. About the t imo or the robbery In the New York Life ! buiding an efco In Thc DN1 building was robhhd , oC $57 , bul no trace of the thief ha been discovered. The boys denied this theft' ) 'csler ay , bul said Ihal ( they had stolen , stamps and other arlclt ! frm this building. . In making their confession the boys said that Joe Iawltns , a colored by of about Ihe same age , was the , : 'ringiedqr ot ; , the , ' ; elr gang anti that ho had cJ'ucatee tleml how 1' slcal. They sale that Joe forced them t ( dl'ldt their plunder with hln , and not long , aga Ito took a stimoi of mottey oltil a stolen pocketbook away from them , refusIng to give them a cent of ( Ito money that. they Itad stolen. J00 Hawkins io the reputed son of a colored woman living on Ninth street. and ha ilen arrested a tittioilcr or titnes on charges of vagrancy and petit. larceny. Tue cotmnt.y attorney has flied eltarges of incorrigibility' against all of tue boys , and as they have confeased to their inisdeetl-a It Is quite iikeiy that they will be sent to till reform eqitool. Th bothers of Reeves and ittist say that they have tried to make the bo's go to school , but tlirottgh the influerict , of evil companions they- were indtteed to colnlnit crimes and run away from school. CONFESSES TO OAR ROBBERY. Au'thiur 9IorrIq Ttlis lItiv lIc (3t 1101.1 of IJiihlb I'ac'iflo itrohthit. Arthur Morris , a youthful criminal and , tramp , claiming to hail from Chicago , lila former home , was arrested Monday night for robbing a Unloii I'aciflo freight. car. Morris related part of 1mhz history to a reporter last night , Ho claimed to have left. bomb In Chicago four YC3tS ago , when lie w'aa but 10 yC.lrs old. During time four years of i4.a tramp life lie claims to have travelci oil over ( lie s outhern and 'Ctrfl states , ani is apparently familiar it'itii all the large oties in those Iarte. lie arrived in ( hits city about two weeks ago. anti was eont to thio ioilce station a vagrant by on& of tue officers , who found him at a salami. At that. tiino lie sail wan on hits way to his hiotmie iii Chicago , anti tried to vorlt the autiiorltie for transportation. lIe was tEsehtergeil at that time , ailti had not been beard of until arrested for the offense tuentioned. Iliotitlay Iliguit lie broke ( lie seal on a box car which was Riled Oi'itii lilerchan. disc and destineJ to tome woatern point. lie rcnoained Iii time car until ho reachteil Avery , a email Statioll four silks south of South Omaha , where lie left the car , taking with ilttn thireo pairl of Shioea anti threa sweaters , which , lie had PeetIreti ( coin thic' contents of the packages lie hiatt broken open , From Avery lie walked Into Sunithi Omaha and a ltoUcclriaii there iirrclteti him because lie could not give a lintisfaclory explanation as to iioov lie had secured thio property in his liOsseIPloll , Vhihie lit ( lie jail mit South Oniaha the police were notifli-d titat tile car hail bcen broiceii ohien alil Morris was turnout liver to the authorities in title city , anti upurt being ( iue5tiOfletl liii confessed to having robbed the car. OLD PLANING MILL BURNED , 'tl Isiourl l'iscilic Ilex ( : ilr , lliiily Inuiii.geil- a 15tti'ti 17 a ill ( ) I iii. Fire destroyctl the two-story Ironic build- big at Forty.scconrl anti Doilglas streets yea- . torilny uftorlloom ' hetwetii S aliti 6 o'clock. Thin building was once used for a planing miii and later a box factory , but for aoliio thltld it. had memitalneil vacant. Time blacitsInithu fuel ) Just \vest and five Missouri Pacific box carut on tliti swltcii iililnoiiately east were damagetl. The lire started itt tile northeast canter of thin hiiiiltliitg tiriul before ovater could ho turned o It was a ( total teas. 'I'ho flIolilen'S attelilloti was directed towards say- lag tim box cars anti I hits biacllsilithi , 8hioj ) , auth they 50011 haul. ( ho fire under control. Two of thin box cars were almost totally (10. stroycd , with the exception of hit truck. . ali three others vere batlhy tteorciioi , Thu black. bonlltii iiop was daitotiged to the extent cit Thin iohii Ofl the till ihimmlhng , OWlIOtl hiy John P. Catiiemn , was t.'atiinateti at $900 , This Imicluthes au old bqx prhiitipg ires which was stored In tito buuidirii . The icisa OIl the five box cars is $1,500. 'rule iostt 10 , CX- cHit on the ItIlli , is coyteil by liiguraitce. I' . gasoline stove exploded in thou hioiito of T , 16. Morris at Thiirty.Ihftli nioui half 110w- arul titrecta yesterday afternoomi Ulitl tiid CDII- , uiileralbo dalnugo to thin kitchen of thin house , Mrs. Morris ivits badly cu ill ( liii left arm by lIme articles which were sent flying about ( ho rown by tiio force of ( ho C'XiuiOOi ! , , ? iir Morria is a iiieltibt.'r of engine coimipany Nc , 7. When liaby was sick , tee gave her Cutethria. Vluon the seas a Child , ohio cried for aab.urIa. When she became Miss , ahu eiuiu to Castoria , When she had Children , the gasu .oca P.s"tcrI& ,