Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 13, 1895, Part I, Page 6, Image 6

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( THE ) [ A1IA - - D.IT Y UTHi ! T"n 'V' .T "T "n. " ' ' > ' OIH _
Delvet b1 cAnler to any part ot the el , .
) 11. W. TILTON , Lseo.
t 'FLrJ10NrS-lu.lnel omce. No. U : night
. lor , No. Z.
Oranl1 hotel , Council lurs , reopened Oct 1.
Mayne neal Estate agency , 639 Droadway.
For nent-Large private barn near court
boue . Apply at flee offlce.
An overcoat belonging to Charles Welsh
'a stolen from the loomer school Friday
Grant C. Wells and Alice Simons , both of
thIs county , were married In this city y&
t < ) ' .
The T . ' . T. were entertalntl at the
evening. home ot Miss Maymo Mulholanl last FrIday
The monthly metng of the Ganymede
Wheel cub will bo held Monday evening at
8:30 : 1) . m.
A case of scarlet fever was reported yester-
11ay at 608 Harrlon street , rnest I Mtrgan
being the patient.
Unity Gule will give art nperlence social
next Wednesday evening In their guIld room ,
corner 1Ierc and Union Etreets.
Sixty girls attended the Industrial school
yesterday nfternon. At the conclusion of
the sewing exercise : Ir. neLong gave each
child a hot bun and a tndwlch by way of :
A Ore at the resiIence of Harry 1hroos .
corner at AvenuD A and Twenty.slxh street ,
at 8 o'clock lat evening , originated ; from a
' defective dimetilty. flue. It was extinguished without ;
Regular meetlg of ExcelsIor lode Ni '
259 ; , Ancient Free and Accepted 1asons.
Jfonlar'enlng. . January 14. Viitng ( breth-
' rn cordially invited. fly order of the W. :1.
Nat Shepard , Secretary.
Mrs. I J. Iubltz enterta'inell a number
of buy friends Wednesday afternoon at I
; ! coleD chat at her home on Washington ave-
flue . In honor at her guest Mrs. Herman
4 .rnlcke at Lincoln , Neb
henry Bennet , Insurance Inspector for the
'VesteM Iowa Insurance bureau , has tendered . position and will move his family to
Cedar Haplee next spring. his resignation L
: will take erect February 1. 1
John Frederick the 3.year.clll son of Mr
and Mrs. F. IT. E\'ers. dIed yesterday after -
noon of membranous croup. The funeral I
wil take place Monday afternoon at 2:30 : ( )
o'clock way. from the resIdence . . 2313 Welt Irod-
Plple ot a reminiscent turn of mind are
recalling the fact that yesterday was just :
the seventh anniversary of the big blizzard ,
? ' when great guns blew and n man could not
ace his hand In front o Ills taco on ac-
count of the snow.
A meeting of the Union Building and Loan
association Is to be held at
auoclaton hele Burlngton Janu-
. ' ar 17. for the IJrpose ; of talking over plans
for the proposed reorganization. The Council
Bluffs branch Is entitled to two delegates ,
who wil be chosen early thIs week.
A petition has been circulated and exten-
Dively signed among the citizens asking the
' mayor to allow the patrolmen one day In
S the month vacation . to go to church or
. fIshing , as they may see fIt. I Is stated
by ChIef Scanlan that the petition will be
: granted.
A little party' of Omaha people came over
FrIday nIght to attend the dance at Cham-
bers' ball. Those who comp.ed It were Mr.
and Mrs. Mare Perkins , Mr. and Mrs. Ar-
thur EnglEh , Mr. and Mrs. Julius Kessler
Miss Stocking. Ida Cogshal . , 1 I. Paterson and Fred
_ _ _ The case of the Philadelphia Mortgao and
: Trust company against J. D. Johnson , 1' . H.
WInd and J. D. Stuart was on trial In the
.5 S distrIct court. The plaintiffs hold n mort-
_ _ _ - gage on smo property formerly owned by
: - Johnson , who sold It fa' Wind and Stuart.
The qUtton Involved lis whelher or not
r the purchaseru assumed the mortgage.
, k The report of L. Swearingen. overseer of
. the poor. shows th4 during the months of
November and December ho gave assist-
. , . ance to 186 ; families . containIng 633 persons ,
. S and to thlrty.three sIngle persons. The
. ' items of expendIture w"re : ProvIsions , $1.766 :
' 4 , clothIng $ S7 : coal . $504 Twenty-six parsons
_ 4 In the hospital were aIded to the amount of
S e $532. makIng a total of $2,890. amount
E. n. Dates , the city poundmaster , was
'k rejoicing yelterday over the fact that he
; S had located the thief of thirteen of his ch'k-
? ens. He med an lntormatln agaInst Mr.
anti Mrs. Moses Newman , wbo. he claims ,
S' had the heads and other mortal remaIns of
his pets concealed In their cellar. Moses
and his wife gave bnl9 to appear In Justice
: S Vlen's court Monday morning at 9 o'clocl.
The 4 o'clock service at St. Paul's today
'i b a memorial service for Mrs. D. ' C.
t : Bloomer. In additIon to the remarks which
V , Rev. E. J. nabcock will maka with refer-
once to the life and work of Mr6. Dcomer ,
the choir wi sIng "Magnificat" and "Nunc
Dlmlls , " by Stainer In A. and for the
? , anthem 'Vhat ' Are These That Are Ar-
. rayed In White ? " by the same composer.
When Bert Evans went to Texas he left . '
' a lot of old accounts In the handS of an attorney -
, , torney for collection. Among them was ( me
. against A. Ilaph a farmer living south of
the city. for $5. A suit was brought In
' Justice Fox'8 court but was subsequently
. : digmiesed . the record showing that C. Wesley
and John Fox each receIved settlement In
S full from Haph and signed I proper re-
ceIpt. Evans has
never receved his money
. and has accordingly commeneld another suIt
In Justice Cooll's court. Fox says he never
received tlno money. although he admits that
the ' ( ring In the bopk Is lila It Is claimed
S that WlI' applied the money on In account - i
count duo him tram '
Evans. Tqeult was
4 . tried yesterday and submttcd. A / decision
. Is expected Tuesda .
4 expcted morning. \
We have $400.000 to' loan upon Improved
farms In Iolvl and wilt take U the
' wi t gilt-
A' edged loans offered at low rates. Wo do
$ net want wild lands. and will not loan In No-
, bra k3. Louge & Towle , wi Pearl street. No
' r J'JtnSU.\'AT _ 1'.1 n.'f OU.t l lS.
. Mrs. John Hanthorn Is visiting In Daven-
, ort .
Miss Janey Baldwin returned last week
: tram a vacation trIp to Chicago.
' Hd E. Delmap Is able to be around agaIn ,
after an illness at several weeles.
. . Mrs. J. D. Spauhlng of loux City Is visitIng -
Ciy vIsi-
Ing Mr J. N. Calady on Oakland avenue.
S A. C , Smith , representing the
. Smih representng castern end
' of the firm of Fowler Dick & \Valker Is enl In
' the city .
S. Proto H. O. hughes of Tabor college was
In the city yesterday , amolg the Ogden
45 _ house arrtvals.
S Judge Wharton of Omaha registered at
' the Orand esterday. lie was Interested In'
- I care In the district court ,
' ' P. 11. Wind returned yesterday tram a
trIp to Iowa City. lie lef that place In the a
throes of the blizzard whIch visite1 here
J. J.
. Steadman United States Marshal F.
I Uralley and Deputy ) Moralist O. II. Brad-
; t hey wilt go to Keokuk tomorrow to attend
the United States court atend
.5 . Mrs. oerge B. Hex let Thursday even.
Ing Jar a month's visit with friends
at Ann
J. Arbor , Micli She wilt meet her sister , Mrs.
. : . . Kitchen . In Chicago and will be accom-
Panted iy her to Michigan.
: JUdge J. S. Woolson will probably
1SSS bold curt here In April , wi he 19 antiCipat.
Ing a trip t < California antclpat.
9Z adjourning the term of court which coin-
mences In leokuk next Tuesday. JUdge
Shires bench , will probably OCCUIY his place on the
' I aa eo ldnJ stoves Cor rent and for sale at
Gas . ' al
( a Co.'s orce ,
; ' Washerwomen use Domestic loap.
\ . 1t1. C. , \ . .IvetIasg .
: eelnl.
) , The men Qf this city will find the men's
" . . . ' meeting I snpst . healthful place to spend the
'A bour from . to 5 o'clock today . The service
: . : will be hcll 11 the old . ball , corner Droulway
and Main streets. over State SavIng ! bank
, harry Curtis wilt give the address. There
" will b& mUllc allllrollrlato to tli
tl6 occasion.
1r Al men are invited to core ,
. ' around oil cake $1.30 idbd . at Morgau &
: Co. ' . drug /tore. 13t flraadway . & :
.QIUUC soap outlasts cheap beall. ,
- _ - _ _ _ . . , _
I , - - . . . , , . _
Superior Wi Investlgato WiLta' Admin-
istraton of the Soldiers Belief Lund
Cllrncerl te IncIdent In Which t.e
JolnlT or the 100110 % 1M Ilel 1m-
posed Upon h" Unworthy and
I'rotcsIowd Mcndtcnt.3
The county supervisors transacted no busi-
ness of any importance yesterday mornIng
ant nt noon adjourned until Tuesday after-
non at 2 o'clock , when they will get together -
ether again for the purpose of . Im'estgat-
Ing i the charges preferred against J. J.
Wats , the commissioner of the Soldiers' ne-
lef 1 fund . Colonel I ) . n. Daley has been en-
gaged to look otter Vntts' interests and
the t evidence brought In by the signers of
the afdavis mentioned yesterday will lIe
thoroughly sifteil An ofco of this kind
has been found by Watts' predecessors to be
one of the hardest In the whole list to fill
satsfactoriy to everyone , and many Inter-
eslng things are told of the efforts that have
ben made In the past to look after the old
soldier poor
"The war you speak of between the oranll
Army and the Union Veteran Legion Is allen
on the sIde of the Grand Army " said W. I
Spera past colonel of the Legion , yesterday.
"The LegIon has never taken any part In the
appointment of I commissioner. Mr. De-
haven and ! r. lcFadllen , who preceded ! r.
Watts In thIs posItIon , were members of
Abe I.nlcoln past , and Watts belongs to the
post at A'oen , as wel as the Union Veteran
Legion In this city. The Legion believes
that the county supervisors are fully competent -
petent ; ( to manage theIr own affaIrs . and so
have let the Grand Arlry boys do the Oghln .
A few members of Abe Lincoln post , par-
tcullrly those whose names are signed for
\Vatts' removal ,
Wats' arc continually raIsIng a
disturbance. When ! r. DeHaven was corn-
mIssioner . charges were made by the boat
thiat he was unaccommodating and pst
unfit for the position. An investigation was
made and he was literally forced to resign.
Wal McFadden lke\\'lse \ failed to dele out
the funds to the entire satisfaction of some
of the members of the past , and his experience -
perience was pretty much the same. No
sooner was Wats appointed than trouble
began. Money was wanted from the sol-
diers' fund to furnish a room In the 'Voman's
Christian Association hospital for the Grand
Army. . . . This was refused . _ and the fight
against " hUn /as een pushed ever aijice.
"Thus far only two of the members of the
Union Veteran Legion have reeel\ed aId from
the soldiers' fund , and as for the widows ,
they are all fortunately sl situated that nt
least for the present they are In no need ot
assistance ThIs dissatisfaction on the part
of Ab LIncoln pst will be kept up until
the soldiers' fund Is placed In the hands of
the cemetery committee ot the post As a
mater of fact there Is no reason why the
soldiers' fund and the general poor fund
should not be put together and the overseer
of the poor given charge them both Under
the present system the old sQldlers worm alt
they can out of Watts , and then go to Swear-
Ingen and repeat the operation . getting twIce
as much perhaps as those who have only
one string to their bOlv. "
! r. Sper has been very active In looking
after the needs ! or the ali soldiers and those
depending upon them In this vIcinity. He
has had a number of experiences that
strenlthel hlR h'pl"r thnt + 1 , . " , I..lnnn
_ . _ _ _ u _ . . . . _ . . . " .
of the soldiers' relief fund has anythIng'
a "snap" In dealing wIth a lot of lead beats '
who masquerade as "worthy poor" and try
to get help to which they arc not entitled. .
"One time , " said he . "I was notified that
here was an old soldier whose family was
In i destitute 'circumstances . and I made an
i nvestlgatiorr. The ease seemed to be deservIng -
servIng of sympathy and I collected a lot of
clothIng and supplies and went down to the
house again. At the dInner table sat a man
w ho. was Introduced to mo as the head of
the house. He was grimy and bore the ap-
pearnce of I railroad man. When ques-
toned as to his occupation . he admitted that
he was a railroad man , and drew wages of
$ 60 pr month. Another old soldier who Is
known to the citizens of Council Bluffs as '
the father of a family of the most inveterate '
begglrs In Council l3luffs . made applca-
ton for help , and a member of Abe Lincoln
post took hIm a good , overcoat and a sack
of flour. Half a day later the overcoat and
the flour were In the possessIon of the near-
'est saloon keeper where the 'needy soldier'
had pawned them for beer. A woman who
years ago hail a soldier husband . but since
then has had four husbands . none of whom
were soldiers . lived off the soldiers' relief
fund until her game was found out. Another
woman called on her frlenes In the Ladles'
Auxiliary to ' the Union Veteran Legion and
asked for s'ome clothing to enable her to go
to Oregon whore she had a prospective hus-
band The ladies were unable to get ready .
made clothing that would fit liar on reaey
of her great sIze , but they did the next best
thing , and got her enough material to make ;
her h a complete outft She was In high
dUdgeon when the stuff was taken to her
and she found I had not been made up for
her. h It Is just such cases as these that
makes a man In 'Vals position suspIcious
of everybody , and I ho cultivates a grufi ,
, tone of voice there Is not much wonder " gul
I mporll Temperance Itrormor Still J.ool-
lug for ills Jrllhv ' .uere.
Relations between the lilnlsterlal assocla-
ton oC this city and Dr. W. N. Tracy of
'Emporla , Kan. . are decidedly straIned just
at present , and there is ' 0 telling but a
suIt may be started In the very near future
for the collection ot $5 to which Mr. Tracy
thinks ho Is entitled . for his werl last
summer In tIme cause of temperance The
uncertainty as to whether tIme suit wIlt be
aalnst the 'Inistrial ' association wi the
clergy individually Is what Is worrying them
Just now The association has no legal existence -
istenco . and so cannot be held for anything.
The ministers have ne money and so they
cannot be held for anything either , although
they may bo put to some little trouble.
Dr. TI'acy came here last summer , ostensibly -
sIbly for the purpose of holding a series
at "gospel temperance meetings . " as ho was
Pleased to cal them. lie wanted the .mlnls.
terlal association to back hIm up and agree
to raise $75 for him : besides paying Ille own
and his three as > lstants' board bill for the
ten days ho was here ; and the rent for the
vacant lot at time corner of Seventh street
and First avenue . where Ir Tracy was
to pitch hIs wandering tent. Time minIsters
were not particularly enthusiaStic over It ,
but a motion to do as the doctor wIshed
went through at one or their meetings , In
a desultory sort of fashion. and he caine.
Dr. Tracy and his wife hits bu&lnes cle. man-
ager and his stereopticon man' had hardly
Intrenche themselves In their tent , so the
minister claim , before the lecturer com.
menced a tirade ot abuse against the people
ot CouncIl Bluffs because lame of thel
claimed to bo temperance men , but did not
believe In the Kansas brand of ltohmibitory )
leghlaton , This sort of thing ' proillblory
until the audiences which had ben very
fair at the outset , grew small by degrees
and beautifully less . The people hall not cx-
pecte to hear honled & words alone , but they
did not object to hu'lnthe
curmy comb
hu\'ln/ -
/ curlY ap-
pled to their backs so persistently .
Ilcrsltenty. especiaily
.hlD their backs were deposited on rough
idno benches or au chaIrs whIch had to be
rted of Br Tracy at I cents hat tllhL
When the doctol' round the people . would not
rent hIs chairs but Insisted on occupYing
the fr\ benches , which were placed In very
undesirable 1I01Ions , hO decided to charge
an admission tee and In two nIghts the
work of annihilating the aUdleners , whIch
had been progressing at a fair rate , was
complete. ,
The last night of thu series the minIsters
undrtook to raise the $5 which they had
agreed to pay , but 10 great was the feeling
agalnbt the lecturer that 'C0 fetlng
ol was raised ,
and that came mo.ty from the pockets If
Ibo clerical gentlemen themgeh'
gentemen ! $ lnce Dr.
Tracy has been at bls home he : written
Dr. Stephen Phelps , tie secretary writen
Ministerial uaociation . nUlercu letters . lie-
mandlng n settleaimttit . 'fhes letterd were
resil to the auociatip , and '
auoclatOD Ir decided
by the mInisters to bo so abusive 1 In
mlnlt f ( f . : their J
. _ , . - , . . _ . . - . _
, ' - : - - - . . -
- -
tone that their hal determInation not to
pay him anything more was immediately
multiplied by two. The last letter . which
was received a to\ daTe ago wu from Dr.
Tracy'S attorney , who Itatr that he had ,
been engaged to bring a suit agaInst the
mlntter In case a settlement " 'a not I
made In full within ten < ay . The reply ,
was that the ministers hail done all that they
felt that they were obliged to do , and would
do nothing ' 1 ore.
The gentlemen of the cloth claim that
the t meetings were not "gospel temperance
meetings , " as were promised , for he side
racked t himself on several occasions and
gave lectures on subject that were not
even remotely connected with temperanee.
They else assert that I wa time IndiscrimInate -
Inate m abuse doled out by Dr. Tracy that
prevented them from raising the sum they
hat expected. _ _ _ _ _ _
After Con hlcRblo Uiscuslol the Matter
Vaq .nhl liver Undli .
\'n Vnll Momuimsy.
The city council met last evenIng , Mayor
Clcver _ ant Aldermen Drewlcl , Oeason ,
Ieler. Hshton and White ueing Ir5OnL.
In the audience were several bakers who
hall i come to record a protest agaInst the
ordinance passed at the last meetIng reuIr-
Ing l all leaves of bread to be at least twenty-
four ounces In weight. '
The ordinance makIng a change In the
method of levying aMl9ments was laId over
because the aldermen hat not had time to
examine It.
The bakers' protest , bearIng the signature
ot seventeen bakers was read , and then sev'
eral dissertations upon the 110lnt at issue
were lstened to. Mr. Bartlett said that the
bakers had cut rates until thlrty.two ounces
were sold for I cents to the retail dealer.
lie had found that customers Ilreferred a
small loa to a large loaf , and ho lit not
believe In forcing them to eat stale bread
half the time In order to benefit a few men.
Peter Smih , who pushCl the ordinance
through Monday nIght , said Dartett hall
never done a regular bred business . but ,
merely used the small loaves to throw In
with purchases of groceries.
J. Leutzlngr and Smith were very desirous -
OU9 of havIng the ordinance stand .
C. D. 1t1ndlett thought that no ordinance
was needed to regulate the size of the loaf ,
but one regulating the quality would not be
out of time way.
James NIcol stated that In Chicago time
city council has been enjoIned from passing
an ordinance of this kind Calling for the
opinion ( of City Attorney Hazelton as to the
legality of the ordinance If passed . that gentleman -
teman stated that In' the only three cases
which ho could find the city councils had ,
been sustained by the supreme courts
: . Nicl did not care what the council ,
did , but thought that the bakera should
agree among themselves as to the weIght dl
Alderman Keller sid that when he voted
for the ordinance I was with the under- :
standing that IL was satisfactory to all the
bailers ot the city and was willing to reverse - "
verse that vote.
It was agree that the mater should be
taken up at a special meeting of the coun . :
cli . to be held Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock .
E. R. Dates varied the monotony of the :
bread riot by presenting a petition asltng :
that time council give hIm one ton of hay
a mtnth to teed the horses of the poor and
also to prevent others from InfringIng on I
his monopoly at hauling off dead horses
Ho backed up his petition with an entertaining -
Ing speech In which he saId that his office
was th1 lowest and most degradIng In the
gift of the council . and he wanted hay
Ills prayer was referred to the police ,
Ils t polco com-
mittee. .
An ordInance narrowing Bloomer street - by
ten . feet was read and laid over.
'V. S. Dimmock superintendent of the
Omaha & Council Bluffs Railway and nrldge ,
company . asked that an ordinance be passe L
prohibiting mInors tram getting on and 01
trains whie In motion. The e lluunlcaton L
was received and the ordinance laid over
after one reading.
An ordinance requIring physicians to report -
port all cases of contagious diseases within
twenty-foul ' hours , and provIdIng a line of
$25 fo each day's neglect to do so . and
making , other quarantine regulations , was m
read and laid over. .
run MONDAY .
At time 105ton Store
Andorra plaid sultngs and Hamilton 4-4
cashmere worth 12c Sand 15c. reduced to
6e a yard.
50e and 75c ladles' cloth and striped re-
pellants . 5 Inches wIde , reduced to 3ge I
6c canton flannel , reduced to 3c.n yard
Heavy cotton blankets now 48c a paIr.
$ quality cotton blankets now $ .25.
$5 quality , all wool , gray blankets , reduced
to ' 2.98 1 pair.
Ladles' and children's all wool mittens .
reduced to 8c 1 pair worth 15e.
Days' heavy cotton underwear , regular 33c
quality , now 19c each.
Men's extra ' heavy ' all wool shirts reduce
to 69c each. our regular $1 quality.
Ladles' One all wool union suIts , ' regular
price $3. now $150.
Ladles' heavy rIbbed vests . worth 19c. re i
duced to 9c each.
25c quality children's all wool hose now
17c , or 3 for 60c.
We quality ladies' cashmere hose , reduced
to 35e , or 3 for $1 .
Infants' heavy wool hose reduced Crol 17e
to 5c a pair. .
Council Bluffs , Ia.
Store open until 10 o'clock Saturday night
. Want ; Alel to ! tny ,
At tIme last meeting of the Christian church
time following open letter was , ordered prepare -
pared :
We , the undersigned members ot the of-
tIdal board ot the Chiirstian church of
Council BuffS , Ia. . to Elder E. 'V Allen .
pastor : Beloved Brother Inll Pastor-Cur
rent events known to all lend us to address
to you this open letter. I Is known generally -
ally by our IHoplo and the community at
large much to the sorrow ot us all , that
alt Ilfueltal Christian church of Buffaio ,
N. Y. . tl making nn effort to secure your
services . . . _ _ _ ni pastor. ' .uu _ n n While . . ve canot.blame .
, , UU fUI l lnlrl ItanUpOlt ror 1001lng
favorably towards such u field of labor
und while we admire time jUIlgment ( or time
brethren or Buflio In their ntellt to thl
cure your /erlvces , still we intuit enter
our earnest protest and asle of you to
prayerfully confller our reasons for deRlr-
Ing you to remain with us as pastor till the
Lord severs the relations that now exist
You tool held of time church when we were
few and weak , hardly organized aim one or
the chlrchls at the city . Now upon all
hands the Christian church , because at Its
large congregation , influential memhershlp
Ind earnest worl along al lInes . Is recog
nized far mimi near lS one of the lending
torce3 of the cl ) " . No air or rlght.mlnded
person friend or toe , could deny that immitler
Oed . the credit for nil this Is 11IIer
to your exceptIonally wise anti correct
spiritual leallershlp. For yoU to leave us
now just lS we ate entering on this era ot
JI'oSllerlty anti usefulness , means. we tear
disaster. 'flmerel'ore ' out of esteem , for you
11 n man . love for you as a brothel' , and
for the lake of the cause of Christ . so dear
to you and us , wemisk , you to deny your-
suit , reject all overtures to tuvom' other
churches , nnll mallo Il olcialy known thut
your relations with iK are 10 he permanent.
I this II dOle we pledge you our huemtrty
support anti co-olieratiomi anll beleve heart.
we can truly pledge ) ' 01 the heimrty miup-
port or our members mind oC the citizens at
our city. By order of the hoard cltzlnl ,
C. F' , AnAMB
_ _ _ _ _ _ Church Clerk.
Smivo 11lr ! : ono ,
Dy investing I In the stock of the Savings ,
Loan and Iiuiidimig association
Duldlng associaton of Coummcii
Bluffs. Incorporated In 187 , Counci pay-
ments of $1.00 per share nettng the investor '
about 10 per cent Interest Ten Berles oh.
ready paid out . which fully demonstrates
the ability of time association to mature its
In about seventy-Ovo monthly pay- '
snemmis. No loans math outside of Council
flluffs. and all applications , Counci
passed upon by a majoriy of the board of
directors. Good loans wanlell. . Full inforimma-
ton can be obtained at time olce of D. W.
tlti8 . secretary . Ill ) Main street , or any of the
following directors : 1. W. Itazleton . Prank !
Grass . , John Irown , A. S. lazleton , II. C ,
neebe , A. D. Walker , E. E. lart , F. C.
J.useo , S. S. Leormmirml
CrlIIICu Mourn him.
ouwave Uecker. a German of noble bearing
and gooll clolhlng , II missing . and many
mQurnlng creditor Me wondering where they
can replellih their depleted treasuries lie
arrlnt her two months age and stopped at
the 'i'remnommt house emi Lower Broadway.
aklug the IcllualatarlCO of a taior Iroadway.
/RJU tr C henry Drier , lie NOposed n parlner-
ship , ant lbole ; pa'era which , c Iv.nced
. t-- ' .
. - " -
S _
- - - - - - -
, ,
. . . . . , . . .
Drier that ho hndOO0 In spot cIsl comIng
to him a his sht df an estate In Y'r1eburg comlnl ,
Oermany. Drle''Jought everythlnR was
right and loaned , hi I partner small sums of
money from timeto time , fully expecting
that when that I $ 90 came time accounts
wouM b squaredpn , The Mme papers were
shown _ to varlou\other parties , and In this
way Hecker obtuieiI ' credit at numerous
places ob'ilgell , Is a young woman
living near : Ianawa. J who , It Is sid , loaned '
her lover $25. whir" i as not been heard from
since Ue left a two , months' board bill un-
paid an accunof. \ . U5 with the COlnel
Burs Carpet conpiny , and a small bill at
cO\II smal bi
Dungan's harhvar ktore. Ic selected I lot
of jewelry a"llllalnolds at C. n. Jacquemln's
store and timid thtl\ put aside for him - until
time $5,000 came. I& was last seen In this
city Tuesday Some/of the bills he ran have
been squared by Drier's returning time goods
purchased . No warrant haR ben Issued for hIs
arrest , a I woul\Ilbe \ difficult to prove If he I I
were caught , thaI he dll not really believe
that the $5,000 was coming to him. About the
only thing his mourning creditors can dO ,
under the circumstances , Is to go on With
theIr C
mourning. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Monily'mi lug Cost Sait
Spend your money with us Monday Our
entire stock of line bleached table damasks
for ' ono day only at actual wholesle cost
I's money we want
$ I.GO ; qualiy , two yards wide , double satin
damask , Monday , 960 yard. satn
$ and $1.20 quality , 72.lneh satin damask ,
Monday , SOc 'arll.
DOe and $ bleach satin damask , Monday ,
63c 'ard.
SOc ald COo table damask Monday , 39c
yard .
250 Turkey red damask 16c yard . The
above table damask will only be sold onday
at the prices quoted ! .
8.4 I.ockwood bleached sheeting , 130 ) 'arll ,
Lonsdale and Fruit of the Loom muslin , 6e
6e unbleachell I..L. muslin . 3'Jc yard.
$1.25 silk ward white flannel , 79c yard.
35c. 450 and SOc white wool flannels . Monday -
day at 21c , 29c and 360 ) 'ard , '
30c red twill fannel , all wool , iSo yard.
lOc mind 12'c Saxony yarn , , 3 ½ c sleeln
Big bargains In dress goods and silks .
Come . In Mondar : every item we guarantee
exact ) as adertsld.DENNISON
, DENNISON 131105. .
Counci I u ls.
Wlmero time 1'0\1 Are I'ree.
Broadway Methodist Episcopal church H.
P. DUdley , pastor. Preaching at 10:30. :
Subject : "Christ ' eelng the Multitude. "
Sunday school at 12. Epworth league at
6:30 : p. m. Preaching at 7:30 : p. m. Sub.
jot : "Imjah. " Dshop Newman will lecture -
ture Friday evening , the 18th Inst.
First Presbyterian , corner of Willow avenue -
nue and Seventh street. 11ev Stephen
Phelps .n.nn _ , pastor. _ u _ . PreachIng _ _ _ by the pastor at
> uou a. iii. anu I :3U : p. m.
Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day
Saints Religious services In the HuntIngton
, imahi . 104 Broadway at 2:30 : and Huntngtou : . .
Sunday school at 1 o'clock.
Grace church , corer of UnIon and Pierce
streets. 8 a. m. . holy communion : 10:30 :
a. m. , morning prayer : 4 p. m. , evening
prayer. Morning sUbJect : "Persecution of
Armenians. "
Congregational-Dr. John Askin pastor.
Morning subject : "The Source of Power. "
Evening ' subject : "Working Highteousness. "
St. 'John's English Lutheran James' hal ,
No. 17 Pearl street-nev. O. " ' . Snyder pas- '
tor. ServIces at"'l a. m. and 7:30 : p. m.
Sunday school at 9:45 n. m. Young People's
meetng at 6:80 : P. m.1
Hev. T. y' . Thlckstun preaches this , evening
In the Shubert block \ . near Twenty.fourth
street . on Droadwayi I
Pcople's Clmurdhm-Iilberty . hal , opposite
cIty building. GeOrge Muller . minIster.
Service 7:30 : p. ru. Subject "Public Com-
plciy wIth Crlimmu.i' " Prelude , "Defalcations
by Officials. " " '
Second Presbyterian-Corner Harmony
and Logan. Mornlng servIce , 10 :30. : Sab-
bath sclmool . 12 n1 Evening service 7:30. :
Prenehlng by time ! pastor. C. E. society 7
p.m. , r fj
Reorganized 'Church of Jesus Christ of
Later Day SalntlPlerco'street. three doors
west of Glen aveuel Preaching at 10:30 :
a. m. and 7:30 : p. m. EvenIng subject
\'Whmero \ Is thathi , , ; tstIan' Church Sunday
school at , 12 m. 'I ! Z i ILL . . society at ,6 'Po m.
T. W. Wihlianms. Ad .s.clety
In t"te(1 Ollicers .
Last Thursday evening the Union Veteran
Legion Installed the following officers for the
current year Major 'V. H. Spera performing
the ceremony : Coloneh Oliver Anson : lieutenant -
tenant colonel , J. 1. Cooper : major Gelrge
w. Holph : surgeon , George Wheeler : oWcer
of the day J. D. Heft : imistorlan W. H.
Spera : chiaplaimi U.V. . Snyder : quartermas-
ter George Crisp : adjutant , 'IV. H. Spera :
daughter of the emmeamuipumient Sy1'la Snyder :
officer of the guard , E. Deal : sergeant
nmajor Andrew Carve le : quartermaster
sergeant . L. Sherwooe : color sergeant Paul
Siebolll : sentinel , Fitch Smith : buglar Wi-
lam Crisp : drummer , Samuel Johnson. There
was a fine program of a literary and musical
nature , and tIme floral decorations were exceedingly -
ceedingly beammtilul. The average term of
service of the members of the legion Is three
years and five months.
The following olcers were installed by
Council Bluffs ' lodge No. 49 , Independent
Order of Odd Fellows . Thurstay night : S.
D. D. G. M. , C. E. Tucker : noble grand . P.
HI Pardey : vice grand , E. Stmson : secretary ,
Wll m Hlggeson : treasurer , O. II. Drown :
R. S. N. 0. . F. A. Saclett : L. S. N. 0.\
Clmqrles Nicholson : n. S. V. G. , Charles \
Green : L. S. V. 0. Ed Williams : I. N. , Harry
Lenox : conductdr . F. M. South.
Suntny lchool Vnlon.
The Sunday School union will hold Its
regular monthly meetng next Tuesday evenIng -
Ing at time First Presbyterian church , beginnIng - I
ginnIng nt 7:30 : o'clock. The following pro- ,
gram has been nrranged : Opening prayer
by Hev. C. hooker , Trinity M. 10. S. S. :
singing selectons' from Sunday sehoot
songs : openmg . paper C. a. Sauueers of
M. E. S. .S. , topIc "how May Teachers
lost Directly Lead TheIr Scholnrs to a Sav-
Ing Knowledge of Christ ? " : music selec-
tions. by time high School quartet : paper
MISS . Laura Daldwln , First PresbyterIa Sun -
day schmooh . topIc , "Primary Class Work : "
violin solo , Paul A. TUleys , "Angel's Serenade -
nails , " by DeDrnge : paper by L. " ' . Tul-
ley/ of Broadway M. E. S. S. , topic "Music :
itim Place In time Sunday School : " music selection -
lection . by PresbyterIan Sunday school choir ;
general discussion : announcements : mlzP h.
She r'mimimm Coal
This new coal from WyomIng for sale
only by II. A. Cox 37 MaIn street . Telephone
48. Ask for circulars.
' 'il MoOt hen , II.ra ,
A meeting of the executive commitee of
time Southwestern Iowa Teachers'
Southwester associa-
ton was held In this city yesterday for the
purpose of deciding upon the Place and time
of holelng the frllmeetng of the tme I'
tion . 'fhose Ilresent 01 the commitee were :
Mrs. lichen Cluto of Atlantic . I F . A. Lacy of
Shenandoah , Superlntendent , Simons of I re-
mont county ant SIPerlntendent 1. W. Saw-
yer of Council lhhiffmm. Several places hall
sent invitations t ; q tT.o . association , hut It
was finally decide < . { ipon that time first meet-
Ing should bo hell"q ) ! as accesslble- place
as possible In ord5r , ( lImit the attendance nt
the outset might b0 large. Council Bluffs
was accordingly ) ele4ted , ald the mneotimig
will be held for' tluee days , commenchig
April 11. I Is & ( _ nlpe ted that between 600
and 700 teachers'11 bo present
Try Eagle laundr , 124 Broadway , for good
work. Our medlufll "closs " finish can't be
beat blt we do strictly hand work , domestic
fimmisim . when preferred. _ Telephone domesto .
Domestic soap breaks ' hard water.
Urocer.v Hror miurglmirised.
C. ' O. n. Iirowmm'm grocery store , at the
corner of Broadway and Fourth street , was
entered Friday night by burglars who broke
open a Beconll.story wIndow at the back ot
time store opening on to a aimed Time lane (
thus removed was only 9xl2 In uhze so that
It ts tIme belief ot the police that the work
was that of a very email man Time caBh .
drawer was pried oft and Its contents. about
$6.60 , were taken together wih n few cigars .
gars from the Ih'w case .
DavIs sells drugs , paint and glass cheap.
The laundries use Domestic loap.
I.uth.rai EellnlrT lurn"d howii.
MINNEAI'OLiS Jan 12.-The Norwegian
I.utheran ellnar ) ' mt Hobblnsdale , a suburb
of UIII pity , hal been destroyed by lire . The
students lOlL e\erythlng % they hud ,
* ;
_ _ _ - - , SSS _ .
. . , ' 'J. " . .3. . * 0 , ,10i0 -
Taxpayers League Vets Against Increaing
the Annual Levy
Ocetell to Lop " m Few 'Vf1111 trom the
School \cRr- IRTor , JohlHnl Invlcl1
to Rrlllnln Why lie incurred time
Jpenlo ot nn JU"OJtl.UOI. .
An adjourned meeting of the Taxp1)'eri
league was helll In the council chamber last
evening , David Anderson pre ldlng. Only
about I score of members were present. I
was elctell , that the league would hear the
report of fin ( ommll" o"In..l l.a' "una _
nmmn" _ . . , . . . _ . . _ . "C. & " " .
day to consider tIle allvlsbl1ly ot raising
the general levy I mills and the Ore anl
water levy 4 imulils . Time commItee dll not
get together alll sa the mater was placed
before the league again In tIme annie shape
that It was brought II at the last ineetimig.
City Attorney arnsworth said that the
question at Issue was , should the levy be
Increased , or should the valuation bo increased -
creased I the valuation was Increased , the
city would bo called upon to pay heavIer
county and State , taxes , and for that reason
he thought possibly It might bD better to
increase the levy . The legal gentleman
th'lght that It would not ba PolicY to olelll
the packing houses by raising' the valuation ,
as these big corporntcns might pul up
stakes and move to some other place Instead .
stead of doing anything to drive the Imneleers
away It would be better to scne a comimrmiiUteo <
to confer with them and se what comml\r
best thing to do tot the city . "Let us cmi-
deavor to get the packing houses to eml110y
as far as posslbo : only South Omaha mono and
that will help us great ! . "
There was very little enthusiasm ) because
the council chamber was so cold that every i
one , Including the chairman , was comlmlmehlod
to wear overcoats buttoned UI . compeled
Mr. Dreen salll that Attorney arnsworth's
remarks were all rIght from ) a capitalIstic . ,
pInt of View but the working men In South ,
Omaha coull hardlr stand even n dollar's
additional tax. lie did not think that the
packing . houses .were assessed at more than
one.t.enteth of theIr true valuation .
"No town of its size In the country pays
more taxes than South Omaha , " said the
spealer. ne did not think It necessary to
raise the levy but advised practicing tbe r
most rIgid economy for the next year or two ,
else annexation was 1 foregone conclusion.
JUdge Levy said that property In South
Omaha was worth only GO cents nn the ) .lnlnr.
lie opposed thc Increa'sO ofthe-I levy , ' but suggested -
gested that time big corporations pay I a few
more thousands a year In taxes , and thus
make up time deficit.
E. J. Seylra state that he was opposed
to an Increased levy and suggested that the
question bD referred back to the committee
for a full report. commItee
David Anderson called Mr. Seylra to the
chair and said that ho did not consider it
good policy to Increase the levy , as It would
tend to drIve capital away.
E. C. Lane was called ' for and In response
said that the city was runnIng behind about
$1.000 per 'ear. Then he cmpared the
capItal stock of the different packIng con-
cerns . the water works and the street railway -
way , with the assessors' returns. He thought
It disgraceful for the ciizens to sit down and
rest contented with such thIngs existing . I
thesl corporations paid on onc-fiutim of their
valuation It would amount to $2,800,000.
The valuation of the whole city of South
Omaha today was only 2000000. Mr. Lane
thought that a just equalization of taxes
would be about as follows : The citizens
one-thtrd the , banks one.ffh. the packing
houses railways and water works one.tenth ,
each .
In response to a call , layer Johnston explained -
plained again the necessity for the Increased
levy. He saId the valuaton of the city
$2,000,000. was entirely too high by several
hundred thousand dollars. Al the Lincoln
meetng the mayor said ho _ favored the In-
creas d ' levybecaumse 'It was the only way
ho saw 'b'f paying the debts. I was only a
queston of IncreasIng the levy or waiting
tour or five years and then voting bonds to
wipe out the imuebtedness. The
Incebtedness. mayor remarked -
marked that every time the assessor went
around not a word was heard from the' '
kickers about the packIng houses but as
soon as the reports were . In they commenced
to make I roar.
"What good does It do ? " hD asked.
The original question of Increasing the
levy was then put to a vote anll defeated.
As Is awel known fact , the school fund
Is nearly exhausted and In ordel to curtail
expenses the league adopted a resolution requesting -
questing the school board to close the schools
for three weeks during tIme month of 'March. '
I was fgured tmt I this was done there
would be a savIng to the taxpayers of nearly
$1,000 on fuel alone. Time advisabilIty of
purchasing I steam fire engine was broached
and promptly voted down , as there was no
money In the Ore and water fund to pay
for an engine
Chairman - Anderson asked the mayor by
what authoriy he employed I secnograpner
to report the proceedings of the alleged brib-
ery Investigation . and ordered the full re-
port printed In the Tribune. The mayor
replied that he was governed by a resolution
of time council.
Mr. Anderson remarked that he had figured
It up that the investigation would cost time
taxpayers something like ' :0.
"Who asked for thIs investigatIon ? " inquired -
quired Mr. Ammderson "CertainlY not the
taxpayers. " Then , continuing , the chairman
said that while pretending to try and re-
duce expenses and economnize time council
was continually spending public money fool-
After a short dlscnsslon of this mater and
other topIcs of minor Interest time league adjourned -
journed until next Saturday night.
1111:10 CIty ( o.iaip.
The arrest of Deaver caused a general exo-
dims of gamblers yesterday. All of the gam-
blng houses are now closed.
South' Omaha lodge No 127. Order of the :
World , will gIve I soclat and . hop on 10nday
evening at Knights of 1).thlas hall. 1.lght
refreshments will be served. An enjoyable
time ' is promised all who Ilene ,
The Ladles Aid society of the Presbyterian
church wi give n tea next Thursday after'
noon at time residence of Mrs. Holmes on N.
between Twent.fourth and Twenty"ffh
streets. An Intetstn program for the \ entertaInment -
tertaInment of those who attend has been
prepared. tend. All are cordially invited to at-
tend.Wllnm II. Car the man arrested a few
Ilays ago for obtnlnlng money under false
pretenses , was released from custody yesterday -
day afternoon by Judge Christmann. W.
Schmiz , the cOlnplalnant , falell to appear
when the case was callemi . and after waitimug
hal nn hour time court discharged the de.
The city Jai Is so cphl these days that
time few prisoners therein confIned nearly
freeze to ileatim Judge Christmann sale yesterday -
terday afternoon Uat unless Mr. '
aferoon Ir. Ilyonka fur-
nl8hell more heat on cold days ho would let
time prIsoners held for petty crimes go free ,
as he thought I. barbarious to keep l a man
In Jai amid freeze him . to death.
I' , . Jt. 1 7'JIHI - j'UllW.'T.
Fair /111 'ormer wih Slulherly" immls rlr
WASHINGTON , Jan 12.-The forecast for
Sunday Is :
For Nobraka . South Dakota Kansa .
Colorado and . % 1ontana-FaIr : warmer : southerly -
erly winihmi.
, '
For lowa-Iralr : warmer In the western
portion windimi. : northerl . shifting to /utherl ) ' ,
For Missouri-Fair : warmer In the west. ,
era portion : northerly wluds : becoming
southmem'ly .
5.0(1st ltecnrh.
OMAIA , Jun. 12.-0mahl record ot teml"r. (
ature and rainfail . cOlpurel1 with time ocr-
responding > day at the Ilst tour years :
1s(5. ( 181 1893. 1892.
Ib15. 193. 182.
Mnxhnu temperature. . . 8 ft 15 8
MInimum temperature.-II 23 If -It
Average teimiperature . . . . -2 388 -Ii
lrccllilatol . . . . . . . . .0 .0 /8 l .01 I
Condition of temprature an.1 . precipitation
at Ib91 I Omula : tor the day and precipiaton llarch ,
Normal tesnpsrature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 I
Ielclency ( or time day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Normal Ilreclpluton . . . . . . . . . . .02 Inch
' Uefelenc ) tor Ihe day . . . . . . . . . . .04 Inch
1olltt pr""pllaton since March I l6.O' , inLhie I
nelcluc ) ' since Marrh 1. . . . . . 16.0 tthC3
l' IndIcates trace of preciitation.
L. A. WELSH. Observer .
" . " .
County Superintendent Hill , Presiding Elder Tindal and Surveyor
Dnyhn Boar Witness-Also nI' . L. W. Eyestone of Council
Bluffs and Wisconsin Lady who was Cured Through the
Ir . Copelll timid ! hrllrd ( lt not de-
rmo their systrl iii ( Ilrllctlelnl u'llclnr , as
ma 10nl-ulklll chrm , hut \tll thin IHlr-
peso of cnnhlul Ilef0U ; or m,1 : 11'1' tl
the UUUO lrtIHmclt . Ill I rich 11101110
11 : ) large tmimia of money for. ' 1 Imeso
hi13'AIeIammn lNO % ' that
they cmmii cure dis-
claes : tlimit triki , at iiiio-temtimi , at omit imeim-
hile , filth tIle ) ' hcmitiv thmmtt by nmlvem'ttstiii ttiht
hitet imiii trcnttn plIttemItit elm is grmumiit Seitit' ,
they emit , atflrii to
charge a mw Ceo to cover
cost ot servIces nail imicthlclit'a , , him timemin
limird tlmn'mi siieii ii fcc comiiiiicuimt' Itself to
every ( in P ii ecmI I ii j ; ilicti lemi I t rca t ill CII I , unit
iv iiemi tIm o mihil I I t3' , , I t ft n p imysic iii mm Is vu imelmod
fur ot'ni'y Lecele by cItlz'um ci high mitmnmttuig ,
mmliii IIIIIIIIIeneilmbio 'ersielty , uhmi demiir
( it itormi sImoutit ktmimv wiumit
can be itone ( Or
them. It ripiiiit UCL'Ifl I limit time imimmt or
% VUIIillIi trite seeks
Iuicieai nttcnttumm calm
Ililikim tud'imilmitako imm guluu to lime , Vopi'lmmnd
uuimih Simujuird ,
( icorge Sv. 1)111 , Siuperlime. nmient of Schools
tot tumugiaa Cotmiit3' Muuleemi '
, mm l'ubhu Stmmuv-
mmmc mm C ,
County Smmcrlnlcimilemit ; , 11111 o Omaha tciis
his r'xhrm Jcmmee mis foii&us'i. :
' '
'l"om' Iutmme tWlvu yemmi S 1 hind e.'iturth of
ntmd my gmnermii ' '
hmc'mlthm % 'Im'e vc'ry
, , ; . yl y 'lmill t lolL % a ,4 mmlii i ION I by' g.'mm em mm I
, '
dellitty' , immek of mtupetito imimil lus or
Strenglim. I hind bemm
tmmmted tmy' sc\'vrmtl
( loi'toi a for thm'e ( 'unhhlhaintu' , bimt rreelvemt
, ho I'rnumm mmcmi t ret i ( 'f , 1 Ii tIn I ly c' Ii ( i umld I 0
oimsult Drs. COiuIauid mind Shmeparml muut
after two nmonlii4' ticatmimimit I fnmmimii immy.
self be'tter tlimirm I hind bemi ( or twelve or
Ttunht' '
tt'utmnt'mmt .
wmmim t.lillrmii
mind thiurcumm.ii mmmiii 11mm , '
bemut'mit I ( i'lt i'nu
marked froni time still t , I feel mmatlsllei thmimt
t ii ey mit' , ' , muii , a r iimio , '
I' muutl v I It ( II ) II S I hey'
migi to do , nhmil nit' untimely vortImy' or ilme
commfldemut.'e of the mmfhhlcteil. "
GEoicpV. ; . liii. ! , ,
: Suimt. of t'uphlc I ngtimietltn.
Douglmimi Coumtmty ,
. , ,
.tvtlOIi : Eon ItLtNl3 ,
l'ook Trcntineit , hmylimmhl amid V.'uis Cured of
Cliroimlo Catarrh , .
Mrs. 3. 11. Senver wic' of n prnmiilnent
citIzen of Darien , Vm'ls , lht'
wu of lIme t'xeei-
resuhtm of time Imimmil tm'imttrnpmut
' ' thimmim :
'Iii Jul' or iflMt , , . . i..i . . . . .
umenumnemme l.y maim II imilit
wmis nmmiU' Pk'n'l
with the '
z'esultmi , so mitrim m'o thiiit he rote
a symmtoun bhmmnk
to emiable me niso to
take it coulimu' . My own liei Itim hail been
l'miil ( cii' ( % veny ' ( y'raumi , I lie mm oumble being
rmmtiutmlimii mifl'eChiofl 01 the heath , tiii ont ,
lrinehhil , ttmi , and
mitonmumeim ,
iy sy'mnpi
1(11mm CFC Chronic
fim , nmntion stOlipage of time tiose , the
of lumiip' a nil s'zths lii time
mmustrihm' , me'eri' limimo In time cimest , imuIii.eutiumi
a liii uhl'tress mmtIer
eating , mImy'sIcmml
mind laid sleep. At time time I comnnmemiceml debility
the nmail '
tm''mm tmmment in ) ' genL'mmul imemmithi
Vary much bm vas
okemi , I mimui glad
. . say , howr
ever , that thm. tremtnmemmt hiiis hmad time efeet
clmrmmug the catimrrh mimmil or
ainiost conit
' coni-
pht-'tely restoming amy health , "
1r. L. ' % V. Eyosttnc. , Sot Avenue
, Coun-
cii ltlmmfs , an : mhstraetor -
\v. 'iuIIm' , muyi' : in time chico of J ,
"rh. net m'esult
my treatment
wltii Dr.
Ctmpnrcl has bt'
n m ubtuiitlai '
1 emit cure. \'hueii
to Imini I '
L'as weak amid % 'ret'hmed.
My ( Carl di(1 not
mime auth I
veIghmeil only' 110
poummIs whelm '
\'lght is 348. my' imovnumi
My breathing ' .
'iiS i.imalhov-
I could -
imot ill ! my lungs-and
gm'a t eflom t to Wuik wims a
hill to
dinner , A my
gremit weIght
wims always .
Imig' ( in my chmemt , Th ' press.
cmuunrm'hmuh '
( It tim' 'onditfon
' hitnil micemeil
to have
' through
Liii' whale body
, makimug
amllow. in $ iite of my me pale amid
hmabhts of
hlvimig , with
pioper diet anti
exercise I
CImnhl myself ,
Ftemm'lhly going
" , At ( he. iII'gemit down ,
C. W. Foi'tr. Cxton of amy neighbor ,
cf Ftir'iew .
tety , Who had been cured ' conic.
by Dr'
began '
a ceum'se of treatment ,
every tm'ace of my chmrontc Noarhy
leFt inc. I am entIrely restored troubles have
lay ( Ilgestiofi , strength ;
1,3 nih
thmtut I cook ! '
iimimgs cook'hsh. . Time
are ! tIommg ( tmmI '
lily' breatimimig
hierf t. The cun.ittmtommnl ( ! power
eaton ii thu
got me dr'wmt o low hui bii
iskemi out cnthr&jhy
my system ant I
excellent hm'.uith enjoying
in every resptct , "
Ittv. I ) , IC. 'l'INUALL , D. V.
L'rPI , h In g Efda r Ti dii
ii I I , cC G rim ad I s Imimu ( l mm
Say Forimmer , Ommimmimmi l'asior , Ilimmi Sommmetimmmig to
Pulpit , pres' anti people endorse the
of ] ) vork
rs. Copelanil & Shepam'd. Timer
tiw nim'n , if any , better kno'n in Methmiwhist mime
than '
' ' I'i''shiIhng
of Gm'anti IIand ,
plmstoi' of time Sewaril Stre'st recently
1'piac'cpiil Chiui rim , Omaha. lie Metimoillst
' hmns
( 'amigregations ny
in his district and
a'eti , ' picacimes to during a
of people. Dr.
Tinduil writes
, under
of date
December 1 1894
, , as foilouv ;
, -
Tennessee Uemocrimta ' '
I'ioi I'rcparcif to Sur-
reniit'm' chic (
Joverinrsuml1 , , ,
NAShVILLE , Tenn. , Jan. 12.-The situmi-
In time gubernatorial muddle
tonight remains -
mains practically unchanged , The house
' only was in session toihimy , and debate on
'time constitutional question
involved was re-
suimied. Mr. Ilelekel of Knoxville was time
lender of the democratic side
in time conten-
thou that thonccuracy of time
returmms could
be inquired into minim ins'estigatemi
legislature before by time
canvassing amid announc-
irmg time
result. After several speeches
mmmi con , a sort of test vote was taken upon pro
a resoltmtion introduced by Mr. Cnte ( rep. )
provlihlng (
or investigation by
a commIttee
anti adjournment of tue legislature pending
such investigation , Time resolution
was do-
tented by' a , ftmhl democratic vote , anti it is
generally conceded timmmt time joint resolution
tinder dfcusfomm vlhi be ailopteil
If it ha
, It retains Governor
Turnoy as
governor -
ernor until mimi investigation is hail and the
vote nmmnommncet , 1)y ) tue legislature , 't'here
was no filibustering or obstruction today.
Clmicago Mi'mmmhermi nt time Lcglihmttmmro Trylmig
to Cult 'I'ogntlier ,
CHICAGO , Jan , 12.-This afternoon a
cmitmcmlmi of tue Cook county legislators iii the
jmresemt assembly' was held hero for the pur-
1)050 of fixing on a candidate tom' the' United
Senate upon wimomn evem'y senator and rep-
rcnentimtmve Irom Immec oumnty 'vmmh support ,
Oppeiionts of Senator Cuhiot ay it tlmi
din be doria there will be a mitm'ong flhmtimig
nuance of defeating time man ( rain bpi'lmig.
foul. 'rhmmt ; there ore hopes of timus uniting
the county contimmgent urnmi evinced timls
morning 107 tilLimustiing anil tulle of the
heading o'4'miemits ot' Cmmllonm in Cimicimgo ,
Mouth is nutnifestly tIme favorite ,
"We Immive hopes that we can get our
CoOc county proilie to unite on IL Conic
county man for tlmulted States senator , "
saul Dr. Jameson this morning , "if this
cnn be done there will he sommie simow , we
liehieve , ( it t4enmilng tiiimt man to W'asimlng-
ton : i think tue caucus viii he told this
afternoon , definitely mmml numtlmoratively , time
hOHitiomm of Mr. Modlihi , lie is our cimoice ;
after imhn anygooii Cook county man , "
Sketehm of "Ioiitimlit's Niuv 'miumtiur ,
lISLHNA ) , Mont. , Jan , 12.-'I'Imomas 11 ,
Carter , who was last , night nominated on
time eleventhm ballot 1 time reimubhicans to
succeed Senator i'ower. was born in Scioto
county , 01mb , and is abthmt forty years aid ,
lie worked on a ( atTn in liilmmoiim and was
atterward aulmnittell to the bar iii Iowa ,
yiiere hme iirmmctlceil law in Burlington , lie
caine to Helena in 1812 , vhiere lie practiced
law till nomnlimateil for congremeu in 188S , himj
was twice elected to congress mind once ( he.
Coated , immtvlng run three years In succes-
sian , on account of the imdrnission of Mon.
tana as ft state. lie was commissioner of
time general land ofhice under l'resident lIar-
risen and was nmnile chairman ii ( time ima-
tional republican committee in 1892. lIe is
married and has two chmtluireiu ,
h'cpmmitariit Ileait'oek Iii Ilmiimo.
1301511 , ldimiio , Jan , 12.-Time senatorial
situation remains unchanged , Sweet appur.
emitly' line lila nineteen men solid , Timtii is
just within one majority of the repimiihican
niemberi.Imlp. Otimers , however , Immmve ri' .
fused so far to go into caucus. The Simuiltu
men rnmmniemit great cormhiIenee , , Tii camucus
adjourned iastmmigimt until Mcnday nlghmt.
A , I' . i. "mm i.m C a ( 'iou I rid ,
TACOMA , Waim. , Jan , 12-TIme state advisory -
visory council C the Amnericmmn I'ratective
association met imere today whim a fluimmler
of imiembera of tIme legislature to advise re.
gardizmg time laamiage cit certuimi leglalutiomi
said to be of a remedial nature and enmtcmrsmm
. S * ' , , - , , , . .
"For twenty' yc'nra I imns'e hind catnrrh ot
t1i iicmmmi , Tue. lInmie himlhrmired my' voice
t imiii , m'eemnlngly' , to soiiie extent , interfered
sitim mnc'nlmul vnrk. Abotmt a y'enr ago , imy
time ndvlce' of miomne of mimy' PhrlmihiiOilei'9 , I
vns htaiiueeml to try youir trm'ntmn iit , For
your owmi comfort nail satisfaction , as well
Os for liii. gooiI 01' ( ltilCri , I wIsh to say
thmmmt I imrit'e found miotiihmmg viiieim hias hielpeti
nie flu your m'lmiuple mmmiii pleasant liietlioilu ,
SiilCC tmmiihmr , your e'nre lily hmet1 hiit hteeii
h elter flint . my' iiiimiil clearer , I mmiii glail to
eomniiwnul 1.011 amid yotmr tremtiliierit to tiiii
M itN iL 1'hiMINi.'iCL' ,
A W'idely lCmiiWIi tIIiemi : of Eastern Na-
braska Telimi ' . 'luy lie iii No Liimigcr nit
llmvattml ,
This week Mr , C. F. linyho , for ten y'eau
county' stmrveyom' of Aiutt'luu' coilmity' , Neb , ,
Suites lila east' . i1r , lhty'ima hums l''cn , a.
liromuliment ilgmmr. in Nt'brn.ka mmfTmttm'g ( or
iiunuly yours. hl was mt lulomm'r editor in
tue emurly' tIny's , immi'Iimg lambhishied mmmmc'es-
sivehy time Ijakotu , Cits' Malt , time \'est
l'nimit. ltepuhllcmmmi niml time Nehighi ltepimtmhi-
( ' 11 Ii , I a stil liii I tug ii nil 1mm h1imemie ime is mimic of
time first citizens of hmi county' , Mv. lhetylus
says :
C. F. Bayhn , Nellghi , Neb.
Coumity Surveyor ,
"Thin luhdicntiomm or my case may ical
s ome mdt'ic i'oohi. ; mmIllk'ted ru I have boami ,
t o n successfmmt lnchI'Iul Cu enhmnent tlmnt hIltS
e tmreil mime. Thim is 'lmy I unmike imuimile vhiat
'omlhil othierwls be ii very priviute mutter
i nmlee'i.
"Four years nmoo ply trouble hiegilti and I
h ave beemi an him'ahiI ever mmilir'e , until my ,
r ecent dIre , My' ilisense wims ehironia
c ntmtrmh of' time vho1o systeni , offoetilig'
s everely the lu'nil , lmmngs , imeart , ichumu'ys ,
b hiiidei' , and luovelim , I 'mumm tormnemitm'i by a
r inging or wimistlimig in the ear drimmitmi , a.
b mmmnimmg iii thmi' eyes mimid t'lum1ulCi , mmmlii , at
t lmuic' , a se'em' imondaulme : iui , hmrIoil of
d igestive fimilure amid excessive mllorm'lmoen ,
dd " 1 hiavi' no ( nult ( cm ilmid with time local
d octors , but nbotmt. four yours iiaj , I himmil
s everal severe nttncks of ha gripp.whilcit
st teadily prostrated pie until , iii Jiimua hmmst ,
t hi'y uromI'uneeii limo imlcmmrmi [ mb , imftcr ha vimug
k ept tue Ui ) Ofl sfhmnmilants for limo ny' mouths.
Owing to U s'eak hu'umrt antI dlsen"ed kid-
n isys my kgs ' had become jumf'ty with ,
i ircpslcah effusion so that ( ho Imprints of
t he Ihimei's commi' ] be' nummdo in time flesh imny-
where. My imomumi' ldmyilami advIsed me
t o go to ml. specialist tom' coun'.ei ,
"J3eimig unable to walk , except on
c ruteiies I wmoto Drs. Copeiauiil and Siii'p-
a rd ( or a symililtoin blank amid nfter 111111mg
i t out edit it to timeiim with time reqtmc'st hint
t hey give' me ii 1)1810 answer as tos'ftat
t hey could do for Inc. In reply Dr. Sliepard
wrote that he thoimghmt he could hid ! ) me ,
but soumue time would be needed us may nil-
nIt'nts himimi [ ' ( 'come so chronic ,
"This wait mmii time encouragement I iiCi'mlel
and I begun tue mali treatment itt once.
At timat time I velghied only 111 potmmid nnil. ' - .
I was emaciated , weak .mncl . rachel yItii
pain. After 1mmy 'ciiurso of trentmnt my
weIght is 145 iOtmmids. s'imlcit is mmiy nornmtmt
weight. My lungs nail hmemmrt. kiilmmeys and
s tomach have been
restored mo a hii'altiiful
condition mind I nun irmmctIcalIy five fromn
evem'y slgmi of iiisemL'e , It miay b mm , hack-
m ieyed phrase , hut I feel that I owe my life
t o Dr. Shepard , lie pro'eil quickly that
nmy disease was NOT incurable , "
Amlyommo vIiIiug to verify time truth of Mr. tJ
l iuuylma's Stmttelmiuiit tr IuivItii to write imhm ,
emicmusumug' AtmulmIp. lie vlit ho gimiti to an-
mi ner mmli Jmiqtuirles ,
! IUIIDINO , OMlIA , Nin. :
omee Itommrs-t ' , to ii n. rn ; 2 to 5 p. am ,
vs amid '
6 to 8. fiunday , 10 to 12 am , Satum'dnys only
- _
s'Speckz1 Wolices
' Cojefl rniffs :
- _
io IJurko , at % V. S. homer's , 533 IJroatlway 'ItANgD ,
court house. M'ply at i-leo ollmce , Council Bluffs ,
kinds , new liii , ,
ti mmiaie ( morn oil mamim dial
reasonmmljio crices. 1010 Tlmrl avenue.
FOR linNT , iiim1
FURNfShiflf )
, iumtnhilm , ( or light ( , 1100Mg ,
( ' ( ( ' , . Ad11r
vmne strict ,
- -
applicants ( or clerlcsimlps , There
a good
$ itteniimmnce , It is cummimned by
American Protective association samno that time
svith their menibera
symimtimizern su'ihl
control time
hewer Imouse of time legislature ,
TihlIKS 'I 11EV SllOiJLi ) 1111 Hit'I'lMthItI ) ,
Ciirhimilo Cannot item , tvhiy ' '
l'eoplo % Tiiiu % % 'munt
Morn Moumey tlmjact to hum mmlii ,
NEVADA , Mo. , Jima. 12.-Jmmihgo .7. C. Murray -
ray , chmairniiin of time Vernon county democratic -
cratic commalttee , wrote to Comigreseman
Charles Morgan of time ltifteeimtim dIstm'ict on
time currency nuestion , Mr.
ii , , . . 1,4 , . . , ' , . . , a.e , , . . . t. . _ , , . , . Morgan S.- sent '
- -
- - - -
Mr. Morgan : " 1 timimik time' cimmmimgo of sent- !
m acmIt , % 'lmieim Mr. Murray simy's hits nccmmrreI ,
iu i n imiK part of time country , vihI take phimcq
u mc'iiriy i'verywhmerti vhpetm tii iieoimlp conic to
slimily time llnammelal ( iimt'tiomi in all ts
l iects , I have
nevmr beeui mmble to see wimy
t im , people uu'imo % % 'nnt inure mamime'y should
not lit , miatisiit'il
with imny kimuil of money ,
t imat is certmmimmIy souimmml mmml sate , nmmd there.
( ore , in my opt mm loll. a miy imlimi vim 1dm 1110'
poses mulch U tar them ought to he
satisfactory vimetbmer it eommsiiits of gold
or silver coins or hoped redeemable in gold
or silver coins. "
Level I I tug's it liuol ii I iii CII is i Cu uu lip.
' 1'OI'TKA , Jan , 12.-There wmms nnesslon
of time house today' , afmd time senate imimm confined -
fined itself to ( liIdvmisu4ing time appointmnenta
sent in by' Governor beweiling yesterday ,
Timero is great opposition to time curmilrmna.
tion of sommie of time nppoinunens ( ( on time
State lioimrd of iit'miltbm , 'rho senmmtors are
timlcimig Nt'iiil to ttmvesttgmmtc timimumo of thio
actions of time irnarmi , timid mneauiim'hiiie time
c 'onfirmatinmms are immtmmghng fire , Time momma.
tori mm I si t liii tloum reran iris mm ; t tim , sit me ,
Governor Mortlil 1mm somnewimiut hotter to.
day , himt imis ilhmmeiw lmas dehimyeml time comnpie.
tion of illS message.
- _
U UJ.'r1'm''i .1 . % 'll A.Wir ii'it : : . .
COUNCi ( BLI'FFH. Ia. , .1mm. 12.--To the
Editor of 'J'ime lk'eViil ; you titommm't immfarm
me timroughm time colmmmmmmimi ' '
of 'i'hme Jh'e what
i s time vmmlu of Uniti'd States $5 jolml Pieces
dated ' ' 1807 nail % vhmo buys tlmenm , J , it , D.
'I'imey axe quutcd mit $5. ' 1mm thit , imrlco list
of York J0i111 , F'itzgitibomm , 31.33 liroad Street , New ,
JUNII'LTA , , Inn. 7.--To time Editor of 'rime
lice : To decide n bet wiil you iiieii state
i n 'Fhme Smumudny It. , wimtm tue iitnumiI,5 , were
t imkomm off , mimmteimea'j 'II.i iiitOOidJhY ,
'l'imey worm , talemi off by mmmm act of con.
grou imasK'il Mmireim 3. It'D , which went toW
effect on Juiy 1 9 ( time minnie year.
( 'mit to heal ii wit ii a Jtizcr.
CHICAGO , Jasm. 12-Mrs. Itachmael MiiJsr
of 641 North Wood street was cut to dt'atia
with a razor at her lmouse today , liar
l musbanii Is charged with time amuriler and 'yai
placed under arrest. 1t
' '