- - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ . . . . . . . I - 1,1 . . TIDE OMAhA D.AJLY , DEE : JJNDAY , tT.ANUARY 13 , 1891 . . . l [ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - ' ) - - - - - - - ? , - . - - . " : ; .4 . . . N. B. ALCONER.- . [ . : , : : ' " , SECOND WEEK OF OUR JANUARY COST CASH CLEARING SALE. , - - - - t J The past week has been a busy one with us.\We have done an enormous biinessof ; course \ve could hardly otherwise , for never before since \VC have been in business have \ve sacrificed goods like what \ve are doing no\v. Of course , , : this loss to u&vill be terrible , but \ve have got to reduce stock at any cost ; our t spring goods are already arriving and \ve must make room for theln."vVe now enh : upon the second week of this great reduction sale. We offer even greater in- ; ducel11ents this week than last and many new bargains will be added and extra inducements be offered in every department in the store. This week \ve place on sale our first shipment of Muslin Underwear and the latest designs ; and very best grade of goo'ds. If you , have not already bought your ' muslin underwear do so now , for \ve will guarantee you a saving of from 25 per cent to 35 per cent on every garment ; they will go at cost during this sale. To. . morrow \ve place on sale a direct importation 'VVebb's ' "De\v Bleach" towels. We are sole agent n Omaha for these famous to\vels. Ask to see theln. Anlong our many extraordinary bargains \ve offer this week , are silks worth $1.50 to $1. 75 for 69c yard , dress goods worth $1.00 to $1.50 for 25c , ladies' jackets worth from $20.00 to $35.00 for $4.75 , ladies'undervests worth $1.25 for 25c. , . . - - I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1- ; ; . WE ARE SELLING MUSLIN AND SHEETINGS AWFULCHEAP. EVERY ARTICLE MENTIONED BELOW IS A GREATB.ARGAIlq':1 : DRESS GOODS 1 Worth from $1 to $1.50 -POIt- . 25c a Yard. Webb's , "Dew Bleach" Towels ARE YOU A LOVER OF FINE TOWELS II Is well known , by all housekeepers , : whose ) experience extends back to a genera- tion ago lint the household linens of the llrl'sent day will not bear comparison In np- J'lcnrnnco or wenrln qunllllcs wllh the linen of former tlmc . There are two reasons for thIs. Plrstly-Mnch of the so.cnlled linen of the presen day ( much more limn the public EUCIeCts ) Is a mixture of half linen and halt ollon. : and this mixture can only be detected by the eye 01 nn expert. Secondly-Linens ute now invariably bleached by the aid of atrong chemicals Instead of by the old.fash- loned mode 01 spreading the linen on the . I grass and allowing the alternate dews and s uinnluIno 01 the variable Irish climate to whllell the linen by a natural and harmless l.r ( ' ( ' ( > r. ! ! . ' ' ' "hb's towcls are famous on account cf their great wearing quallltes. No towels over made will wear half ns long ns they \\111. No chemicals used In the bleaching oC these to\\-eI8. They cost no more than or- dinauy towels and will give you ten times more aUsfncllon. Ask to sea them. - During tMs sale wo Will make special J1roes ( on them. Fllnged buck towelS , worth SOc , for 29c . each. i- ' - Printed Wash Goods CASHMEREDE DE LAmES , Worth 1210 , for ' . 5c a Yard. , SELECTED THE GRAND JURY : Men Who Will Vote For or Against True Bills , .r - COMMISSIONERS AT THE WEEKLY SESSION ' - Undo Sam Itoundly Roasted for Trnmploj UIJ ChargM , DrlntllIJ Men here and , I Then Uumplnll' 'hom Upon the County to no bupportod. The Board . of County Oonunlsslonera yield a meeting yesterday afternoon , selecting a grand jury and appointing a county agent. In the choosing of the grand jury the commissioners resolevd themselves Into a : commIttee of the whole and selected memo bars In the seclusion of the committee room. ; When they emerged the following list was presented In public and approved. Joseph Dab- bitt of Chicago precinct , J. R. Watls of Waterloo , Ed Walker of Florence , DavId Reed of West Omaha , V. ' . W. BrIgham , Josiah D. , Redfleld , M. Dunham , George N. hicksV. . J. Kennedy , } o' . 111. Sears , Marlc' hansen , L. FumesV. . J. 1lerstcad , C. D. lIutchl. eon , J. W. Nichols , Thomas SlVobe , George i : W. Tierney , James L. Golllns , George C. has- I I lieU and Joseph E. BarKer of Omaha , A. W. I . . . Ilabcock of South Omnba , Christ Glesmnn of MoArl1lo : precinct and William Icalber of 1I1I1IIIraI precinct. Out of this number the sIxteen grand Jurors will bo selected. 4 ' William S. AsIwllh was appointed county ngont. Ills name was sprung on the meeting by a resolution Introduced by Jenkins , which provided for his appointment from "this date. " The resolution was Ilassed unanimously - moully , although there seemed to be symp. tome of a revolt on the part of Slenborg. ' Ho nrose and staled that although ho was the chairman of the commilleo by which the : matter should have been considered ) , this . was the first intimation that he had of the IJrolloJi\d ! appointment of any olle. When his name wall called on the vote he passed ! until he saw thuD other , colJlmlssloners voted "a yo" and lien ho fell In line. WILL GRADE A STREET. 'fho following resolution was Introduced by Lh"ese and passed : "ltesolved , That the com. , , mlttee on roads bs and Is hereby authorized ' to grade the county , road known as South , . Thirteenth street , grading 10 commence on' ' Thirteenth street , between MissourI avenue i and M street , South Omaha , thence running . . north , the washouls In the fill north of MissourI avenue to be put III proper shape. " , 'I'ho work Is to bo 'done by day labor and 4 . . by such IJerSOnl as are receiving nsslstance ' , from the county , saId labor to be paid for ' at ( tie rate of 15 cents an hour In goods from hue county store at cost price. The commit- I ' leo Is also authorized (0 employ tIme necessary teams for the work at the rate of $2,60 IJer day : also a cOmpetent foreman , who la to be IJaid ut the rate of not to exceed $4 I per day , ) and an assistant 10 be paid at time rate of not to exceed : r per day. Seine objection wDs , made to payIng : the : foreman $1 I a day when the boarll hall hired 1 I II man last year at $ 2O a day. 1.lvesey , .t 1SIated that a cheap man was employed last , ' \ Y4lar but ho was so Incompetent that he cost I ; : ' thll county several hundred dollars , In IIlldl. ' : , . lion to hla salary , which would have been \ \ " raved If n higher priced and more compe. 1.1 I tcnt man had been obtllined. } , ' Time fOllowing contracts for the comIng . I year were awarded : I.'or supplying the court . house with ice , Lameroux Uroa. , at lOJ \ ' cents per 100 pounds : white pine timber In } ! bridge work , C. N. Diets ; white oak timber . ) . , ; : .It und while oak I'lIIngu In bridge work , Charles I " Lee ; stmpplylmig ! meat Hamilton Bros. ; 8UPPI- .4 - InX the county hospital with Ice , South Omaha Ice company , at $1.25 per ton ; sup. plying groceries G. F , Monroe & Co. ; 8UP' 111)1111 milk at the county hospital Paulson lire , . , at l23 cents a . allen ; furnishing drugs and drug supplies Otto Selrrert ; IUPI'111ng . the county hO'111I1I1 with bread , the Ituehne &tjksry company , I1t 2 % cents per pound f ; brooms , James Scl1nchlerwlnd ; Lilting 1Icm. tltched buck towels , worth 7lic , for GSa each. 1 Fringed huck towels , wllh dnmllSlc center , worth $1.71i. for $1.25. lIem-stltched and frInged towels , worth f2.25 , for $1.IiO 1Iem.stltched and fringed towels , worth $3.00 , for $1.71i. 36.lnch linen and fancy , worth 75c , for 580. lice Webb's "Dow Bleach" towels and we guarantee them to give you Iatlsfacllon. ! SILKS HALF PRICE SILKS Wo did the greatest silk business last week that we have ever before enjoyed , and next week we Intend to quadruple last weol's busi- ness. Here's how we Intend to do It : Good , clean , fresh , new silks at half prIce. No damaged goods at any price. FOR MONDAY ONLY. Satin Duchess , all colors except black. worth $1.75 a yard , at. . . . . Faille Francalse. nil colors except 6 9 C black , worth $1.60 , at. . . . . . . . . . . . Black satin rhO\dama , worth $1.00 a yard , at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . illacic armnure , worth $1.00 a yard , 49c : k. . : . . . .r . : . . . . . . : . . . . : . . . . . : . : . : . 'I'heso prices for Monday only. Millinery Dep't. [ SECOND : FLOOR ] SPECIAL FOR MONDAY. Trmmed ! hl\.t8 that were from $10 to $18.60 will be sold Monday. Your choice for $5.00 each. each.Trimmed Trimmed hats that sold from $1,00to $8.50 , you can buy Monday for f2,08 eacb. Black and colored Jotted coque feathers , Monday 1lic each. Regular pr1ce , 60c Dress Linings. 160 sllesla , all colors , Monday at lOc the yard. 20c sheds , all colors , Monday at iSo the yard. Best skirt cambric at 4c the yard 20c linen canvas lor skirt facing at 150 the yard. Colored Dress Goods. NRlETTAS. FrederIck Arnold's belt German henrletta cloth reduced from $1.00 to 600. CHALLIES. All wool French cha1lfes reduced - duced Lot this sale from GOc and G5c to 250 , yard IMPORTED DROADCLOTHS 52 Inches prescriptions , Aloe & Penfold , at 15 cents for each prescription. ROASTED UNCLE SAM. A resolution was Introduced by Jenkins granting transportation to John Dunn to his home In Verdlgras. In supporting the reso- lotion Jenkins waxed wrothy and eloquent. He said that Dunn was an old soldier and pensioner who had been brought to this city by United States officials and oharged In the federal court with selling liquor to In- ' dlans. He was discharged and was then left to the mercy of the county. "This Is not the first time that men have been brought to this city on trumped-up charges and when they were discharged left to be- como a. charge upon the county , " be said. "It Is high time , that the public should under- stand that the UnIted States officIals trump up charges against men al a distance from the city and bring them here for the sake of time mileage fees. After they are discharged - charged theY' are dumped on the county , whIch Is compelled to gIve them transportation - tion to their homos. It Is time that this mailer should be Investigated. There are plenty of cases right here In time city that tim officIals ml'rlmt attend to , but they do not simply because there 18 no mileage or money In It for them. " The other commissioners - sioners expressed themselves along the same lines and County Attorney Baldridge Was asked If there was nol some way In whIch the government could bo made to send back such prisoners to their homes. Ills opinion was that there was no way A resolution was Introduced and passed , Instructing . structlng the clerk to advertise for bIds for the construction of a bridge over the Little Paplllloh on the southwest road. A communication from the county attorney requested that the board authorize ! hIm to employ Grace 111. Parker' as stenographer at $45 per month. ReCerre1. Time county clerk asked for three additional clerics to help him make out his annual statement. Referred. Lyman Walerman was appointed assessor , for the Seventh wan ? ' , to fill a vO\cancy. O. II Debts was appointed assessor for the First ward The county clerIc showed thal the register of deeds had turned In $1.081.66 ns the fees of his office durIng the year. The chairman was instructed to sign the Papers ) admitting Zlmrl1\lIaner to the soldiers' home at arand ' Island . Fred Notch of Drookllne precInct , F. n. VT Slaach of We.t Omaha , Henry Mica of Clan- tart and Jorgen Thomson or West Omaha filed applications for liquor licenses. A claim from E. D. Van Court & Co. of $9.001i.05 for extra materials furnIshed and extra labor perlormed on the west roOIn macadamizing was receh'ed and referred 1. William ! Iatz was allowed $421 , which was $100 less than his claim , for gradinG : on the west road Ex.County Attorney Ksley gave notice that he would appeal from the decision of the board In disallowing a portion of hIs claim for last December TIme claim was ,11i2.45 and the board allowed only 2045. . Attorney Shupe " 1ae Ulllllliltlilrocl. CLEVELAND , JIUt. 12.-Judte Stone , In the common pleas court , today ordered an attachment issued for Attorney 'V. I. Shupe , who create ( sensation n few days ago by testifying before the coroner that ho knew the murderer of General Freight Agent Caven of the VaIl9) railway , but 4o. cllned to tell the name of the party on the ground < thlll he wall client. . Thu court de- clded that Shupo must give up the intorma- lion or.be held for contemJt. 'rho hearing has been postponed several ! times owing 10 Phmysiciana cerllUcutea showlnK Shupe to be iii and unable to Ilppear. Time vroaecution today sent a Ilhysician to Shupe'li house miami the fact was developed ) that the latter had disappeared Ofllcerll are searching tor hlll1. . lIell1"Y :0111 thIIJIIl"III. fro" rltt.hur ! : , 1'lTTSnURIC , Jan n.-Durlng the past twenty.four hours the coal shipment by river from thIs point has II11l0uliled to l.nO- 000 bushels 'rile entire 1l1ll0Unt that has gone out on tIle present rise aggregates 4,582,000 ! bushels S Jll'ctrlo , Cur Darn liurimed COI.UMUUS , 0" . Jan 1-A special to the Dlsllntch from Lima , 0. , saysl Ten cars and the storage barn of the Lima. Electric railway line burned today Loss , $10,000 ; fully inaured _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ l'oltulIIII"r Matte Free , .lth the IIlall. , PERRY , Ok ! . , Jan. 1-'I'hom:18 : J. Mann , pOlllmlUter ! at Cleveland , where he I a lead- InK cItizen , was brought here today charged with tampering wltb.lettcfa In hIs otuce. I " - - MUSLIN UNDERWEAR YOU T CAN'T AFFORD . Childrens' Drawers , 150. 100 doz Chl1 l'ons'Iuslln Drawers ; good quality , nicely made , size ; ! I , 2 0.11(1 ' 3. Your choice for 15c. Drawers and Corset Covers , 23c. A good quality Muslin Drt\\\'QI' , Cull size : , cluster tuck 11111 cambric em- ' ' hl h ' low nook COl'Sot ' . ! bl'oidcry trImmcdi ; high 01' , cover Gowns , Skirts and Drawers. 48c. A Muslin Gown of good quallty , lull size , short skirt ruffles and cluster tuck trimmed : extra qualll ' cambric chomlsei ; muslin drnvot's : and cumbrio corsct covers , all boautlfully lint shed. Gowns , Chemise and Skirts , 75c. Gowns hoaullfull tHinined rotund 01' square yoke , cmcmnlso very elegantly It'lmmod , dl'uwQI's of cambrio lI'llllllle with 1l'lsh point embroidery , corset : ! corers V neck front and back ; : ; IrIsh point edge and insertion. Gowns , Drawers and Chemise , 98c. Nainsook Gowns , square yokes ; , and very beautifully trimmed umbrella skirts ! , ex1m : quality , embroidery tJolnlluCll , ohom.o ! ! , square yoke oC aU over irish lolnt edge , round yoke , Swiss nil 0\01' and Honlton lace edge ; corset CO\'OI'S , dnawol's , and skirts all most beautifully trhnmctl Gowns , Skirts and Drawers , $1.39. . Nainsock Gowns , wide irish point rake. front null back and torchon trimmed , umbrella skirts , extra quality , rulllo oC wIne Nat neocic clUbl'oldol' . chemise round yoke , all over Irish point and French embroidery , , trimmed corset covers : > round 01' square , all over Swiss , point Pavls lace dgo and in- sorllon. . Gowns , Drawers and Skirts , $1.58. Nainsook Gowns , square yoke or solid embroidery ; front and lack , cambric sklt.ts. clusto : tucks and wide Irish point flonnco , drawers finest cambric , tucks and French ombl'oldory trimmed , and wide rallies point Paris lace ; corset covers cambric , beautiful quality round yoke , Irish point edge and insot'lions. " ' " . . CORSET SALE COM , MENCES MONDAY. - wide. Splendid line cf colorings ( no blacks ) ; reduced from $1.25 , $1.1i0 and $1.75 to 69c the 'arll. STORM SERGES 52 Inches wide ; navy , brOwn and green : our $1.25 grade on sale Monday al 75c the yard. 101 ' } pieces nil wool IMPORTED NOVELTIES - TIES ; styles and qualities which have been retallln up to Saturday night at $1.00 , $1.25 and $1.60 per yard. MONDAY'S PRlCE..25C PER YARD. Consisting of several lines and qualities of the finest foreign dr&s'oods ever brought fnto this country LadieS desiring choicest selections arc ndvled l tW' come early , as In many cases the lots are' inall and some styles have no duplicates. i " Black Dre'ss , . " Goods. Lowest prIces ever inamed on fine black goods. Wo keep nOlhlo-g but the best. Prkstley's $2,50 quality silk warp waterproof - proof serge reduced tOi $ hOO. . " Priestley's $2.50 quality silk warp Eudora cloth reduced to $1.71i. Prlostley's $1.75 quallly all wool crepe cloth reduced to $1.35 Prlesl1ey's $1.50lo"elty weaves reduced to $1.00. Prlestley's $1.00 and $1.25 nun's veilings reduced - duced to 71ic. - All other black goods at cost or under. I . : s. : Et4LOO ! . . . .Or" EE , , , _ , ' GATE CITY'S ' SONS BANQUET Natives of Omaha Discuss Good Oheor at the Millard , OCCASION A MOST ENJOYABLE ONE - Was a Foalt of Good FoUowslllp as Well al One for time nlaterlal IIll&n- > or- t1nont Remarkl on Portl- neat Topic In the privatI' dining room or the Millard hotel last night the smilax mdnUed chande- hers overhung a merry company. The annual banquet of the Sons or Omaha Is invariably the occasion of unmixed enjoyment , and the zest with whIch the members Joined In the affaIr last evenIng testified to their appreciation - tion of Its p easures. The guests were all accommodated ( al a single table , which was loaded with a burden of cut flowers , of which immense clusters were distributed nt frequent Intervals The menu was the best that the cuisine of the establishment could comml\nd \ and was supplemented with the usual accompaniments of Sauterne and Cllquot. The president of the organIzation , Mr. Charles D. Sutphen , sal al the head of the table , and around him were grouped Charles E. Kountze , Martin Cahn , Latham Davis , Frank Hamlllon , Harry Ly- man , W. S. Poppleton Alfred Preston , Joseph Frenzer , Will A. Redick , Will Hamilton , All C. Kennedy , Will H. Koenig , George I'undt , Oscar I'undt , Frank Durkley , Paul Kuhns , Victor D. Caldwell , Clark Hedlck , Frank S. l'armalee , Curtiss O. Turner , Robert W. Patrick , Albert Calm , VIctor Hosewater , rank H. Koesters , Rev. Luther Kuhns , Arthur Nletz , I'ryor Marltell , J. N. Frenzel' , Waiter I'reston , harry Durkley. After the more material features of the affair had been disposed of PresIdent Sut- IJhon brIefly inaugurated the spoechmaklng , which continued until long after the mid- night bell had tolled ( Letters of regret from J. Sterling Morton and 1)r George I. . 1\1l11er were read alld the toastmaster Introduced 1\Ir. George W. I'undt , who discussed time "SIgns of the TImes. " This , In his opinion , meant everything that was connected with tim world's best efforts They were to be noticed In our everyday habits and customs , In current literature , tn the rapid development - ment of manufactures and In time progress of legislation. Each morning one was sur- prls'd ' ! to note the progress that had been made while ho slept , The recent conflicts between capital and labor were among the most portentlous signals of the Ilresent eta , and It was to be hoped that these would eventually lJo selllel ) In a manner that would afford mutual satisfaction . I was nn encouraging indication that the , signs of the times pointed to an Improvement In the coin- merclal situation In which wa found the heart strings of the republic. LOOKING INTO THE FUTURE. , Mr W. A. Hedlck spoke on the "Sons of Omaha Twenty Years lence , " his remarks I abounded In happy hits which were received with the approbation peculiar 10 festive OCt casioums . The ProsPective of the organization and of its membera was Ilortrayed In a manner - nor that elicited 1 frequent laughter and "P- plause In beginning the speaker remarkel Ihat the society Included the material requl- site to acocllll h almost any end I each member should make the best possible use of his Individual facilities IL would result bdtli In personal advancement and In the continued . Lnued progres of the organization. Drop- pg from the serious to a lighter vein he drew word pictures of the peculiarities of the members and Indicated the sItuations In whloh they might find themselvel after two decade had PsC away. "What Are We Here . ' " 1.'or-NowT" was answered - swered by Mr. Victor lCowater , who opined that the query had already been partially answered In the rapid disappearance of the viands which the hlsplaly of time organlza- flout had supplied To be a member of this organization one must bo born In Omaba and I was a pleasant contemplation tliht .jC every man who was born In Omaha might become the president of the United States. There scemd to bo I number of Incipient presidents sitting around the banquet board , and those who failed In that ambItion mlglll successfully aspire to .membershlP In the city council. . Mr 'V G. Doane who was to peak on "Our Trcubles-We'vo Had No Triumphs , " was almong the absent , and : r. W. S. Pop- plelon was called on to supply the vacancy. Presuming that the Sons of Omaha as an organlzal'm ' were exceptionally free from the tribulations of life , the speaker humor- cushy referred to some of the troubles that ho had encountered during a rent political campaIgn. Long before he had entered po- ltical life as a cndlato he had heard of the scholar In politics . the woman In politIcs and the mugwump In plle but hIs brief experience had taught him that the one pG tent force In vote getting ' was beer In poli- tics. In closing ho suggested tim sentiment "Througt Trails to Triumphs , " II whIch all glasses Were emptied. The occasion then became entirely Informal and hal a dozen brio'f speeches prolong the regular program . Al a late hour the last toast , was drunk to "The Sns cf Omaha " and tim party separated . for another year. JI1'OTlEl FLOUl AT rourLtNv. "cnvy Illnl and flurstiiigVatrr 'llel Do Considerable liamage PORTLAND . , Jan. 12.-A flood of muddy water poured down through I number of thc streets In the north and west parts or the city this afternoon. I made thos Bec- tons of town look like I\ vast lale The very heavy rains or last night all ] this forenoon - noon caused I general surface flooding all over the country Every branch and rIvulet became I raging torrent nod the ordinary chnnneis pro\'e1 Inadequate to cary the water away Along the Bides 'of the hills west of the city great quantities of water poured ) down. Shortly after noon a twenly- Inch pIpe lending to " 'nJhlllon Street from the city park broke allll Precipitated a del- uge of water on the streets . Meantime Johnson becumt Irging torrent. These IOlr" . ' comnlbnetl to make I stream thai re- lehJb\e \ I\ small rl'er. After ruchln ! Sew- enty-tifiril street the waler RII"eall out , rmmn- ruing over sIdewalks an.1 . Inlo cellars. The Portland Consolllllled , Street railway will BUKluln I heavy lose by having Inrgl par ot flood its . electrical apparatus . submerge br the Wlh Amorh'IU. to Iay time Cllblo. BAN FRANCISCO , Jam , . 12.-1 . Hutch , Ha- wallnn minister of foreign affairs , who cnme IIJ from time Islnnd/ on the Austria today , says thut th" main object of his trill III 10 lush limo IJroject for a cnblo between San Francisco anti Honolulu. lie says tIme liii- wnllnnH do not 1(0 Ihe Idell of foreign capitol invested In an ent.'rprbite which they tiiinlc / Ihouhl he purely ! Amcrlcan. Ualch says If capital cannot IIBecurld ! In this country It wi bo sought elsewhere Time phl or the luwlllans , Is to utilize Neckar Island as a station wlIn the cable III laid , whim a SUPI.llmenlary . , cljho line from Neck- I to Honolulu " . - Jeorlul aim Appeal ' " a 1Ilnlat : Suit. ST LOUIS , Jan - 12.-Arguments were begun today In the Untd States court of nppeals on tIme nppe61 br John C. Blenslelc ant , others of St Louis Rgnlllllt James itt . Thomls et nl. 'fho lull' ' involves thousands or dollars worlh of valuable mining Property situated In Pllkln cou"I , Colorado Imiciud- Ing two mines known ' ni time 1ndlno anti Yolande The other St. l"ul8 11Irtll'l Inler- esle(1 In the suit with 'lfnslek are I.onarll hi . W'emisel . Martin Y. ' itirdartValter ' I. UraYdon amid gdwnrlJ O. Iloelimer . 11rlam A. Timomas Flora li , . ) llnnerlan IInd Ihe St. Louis-Colorado nmeLing % Ind 1\lnlnl company " nl'o tIme other defendants. I p ' I Cahla lohirn4 tur Trial , SAN FHANCIBCO , Jun. I-gx-Deput Collector of Customs D , ' it ! . COlhln ret urned this morning from Vancouver , B. C. . where ho hUH heln BoJourlnK during the past three years. He whit sIn Il ! trial cor mal fels' ancu In oltco IInll conspiracy tn defraud time government In connection whim time Bmug- glln or the connecton of Newberer & Hels , who imported silks mind \el'pt8 marked ( lens , IJarln duty emi the latter luter commodl ) . Casimin 8 ball hue been retucll ' from $ iG 0 ( 10 $5(0. Ne.berger & Helll have palll time government ' 80\ ' ) In back customs practices. duties since the discovery of their IlulCIOl1 Jauk couseul . MINNEAI'OL.lS . . . MINNEAIO.IB , Jan. 12.-A Bt. Charles , llnn" , fll'clni to tIme Journal M"I the Dealt of SI. Charles was closed thts ( mornIng on the order of lime state bank examiner III capital stock II $2,1. I'resldent J. F. 1lnsalan.1 . owes the bank more than 15 per cent of the capital I10wet by law , A re cch'er wi be appointed ! , GAME WORTH \ THE CANDLE City Official Who Would Munioipalze the Furnishing of Ga - i HE TALKS OF PROFS THAT ARE NOW MADE , Tells of the Enormous Income that Is i Delnl heaped Annually by the Company Now Lighting homes , luslnul 10uscs and Streets . The lighting fund , which Is In a badly depicted - picted condition , will receive a material fa ! Inforcemcnt next weel when the royalty that : Is duo the city under the exlslnl arrange meat with tim Omaha Gas Manufacturing company Is to be paid Into the city treasury. This Is a new feature of the contract , and while there Is therefore no precedent by which to estimate the amount that Is duo the city , both tim comptroller and the gas Inspector think that i will not be far from $6.00. This amount wi supply the appar- elll deficiency In the lighting fund , but It will not provide for some of the over due bills that are still outstanding , because ' there has been no money In the fund from which to pay them. The total amounl available In the lighting fund was originally $66,006.70. Aside from $324.96 , this was all expended during the first eleven months of the year , As tIme expenditures from this fund during the eleven moths averaged a little over $5.000 n month , the Influx from time Iroms of time gas company will just about provide for the Decembcr bills. The ordinance under whlcb the gas corn- pany has done hulness during the year provides . vides that ut the el1t of the year the company - pany shall pay the city a royalty of 5 cents on each 1,000 feet of gas sold for private con- aumption . 'rhu Iwr slllements of tIme olli- Chile of the gS company are to bo suhmltC before " January 16 , and then the comptroller will" bo allowed 10 go over tim books of the gas company and check UI' the statement. I Is' estimated by these who are familiar with the subject that the . sale of the gas company In Ihls city average not far from 400,000 feet I day The royalty on this would amount to $20 a day , $ GOO a month , or something over $ ,000 a year TOLD UY AN OFFICIAL. In this cOllnecton , i city official who Is thoroughly acquainted wih time gas business , makes a few pertinent , remarks on the Immense - mense benefits thO\t the city would reap by malnlalnlnK its own gas plant and furnisim- hug lght both for puhlo and private use. "The Price for In this " preent Ilrla pahl gas city . said this gentleman , "Is $1.70 per 1,000 ffel. Ten cents on each 1,000 feel Is deducted for casim , making the net cost to the consumer $ .GO , Now , let us stop and figure out what tim proms of the company amount to at this figure. There Is no branch of municIpal comm- traclng that affords such profits lS are reaped hy time gas contractors. I can prove by figures that cannot bo lIuccesruly ! dll- Ilutel ! that gas can bo manufactured for 32 cents per 1,000 Ceel. The pipe system In Omaha I In very poor condition , and there Is 10 doubt considerable leakage , but let us say that the cost to manufacture Is 1i0 cents , which Ii I very liberal cethummate . That makes a net profit of ' 110 on every 1,000 fee of gas that Is 801 < . Assuming that the total sales reach 400.000 feet I day , and we see a prott of $ HO a day , $3.200 a month , or $160,000 I year , or a profit of 75 per Cent on the total saics . Now , ale consider the fact that wo are now paying much less than formuuerhy G8 at one time cost $3.60 per 1.000 feet In this clly. I was only after a determined effort Ihat the price was reduced to time present figures Who can estimate the immense fortune that this company hO drafted from the pockets of time consumen. Now , suppose that the city should go to work and munlclpalzo its gasworks work , Let the product be furnished to consumers at $1 , which" the prIce which II now being paid In Kansas City This would afford a proM of lt least 100 per cent As I wu seen that the gal could be furnished J a largelr reduced figure there might ba I I Blankets and I Flannels AT COST AND UNDER Soiled blankets , red , white and grey Monday . day wo will not stop at cost to close our cmi- tire lIne outVo have too man ) ' or them , and Monday they wt be all rioted Olt $ t2.0 nut $16.00 whIte blankets , slbgbmtly soiled , $5.08 each. $10,00 ali ] $11.00 white on.l . red 1 California blummukcts aligimtly soiled , $ UJS each. nee and fSOO whie nail ( red California blahkct , slghtly soiled , $3.48 each. Extra heavy , large . sliver grer woolly blan- bets 55corlh . . Iets , : \orlh $1.00. Ederdowns at less than Ilal cost Monday we place on sale the balance or our eiderdowns. They were sold at fiSe , 75c . SSo yard Also In this lot \0 have pnt all our lamb's wool eiderdown . They sold at $1.36 ) 'al'd. but 10 close them out In a day the prIce will bo 350 'ard. GSc. Embroidered Flanncls. 6Sc. This lot IMhules olr S5c. Sic , $1.25 , $1.31i white . all wool . shrunk iianmuels . all In uCat embroidered ( ! ecls. Monday the price will be GSa yard . SIc. Emnbrpidered ) Flannels 85g. In thIs lot you will find all our $150. $1.7Ii , $ l.S5 qualities , and we consider this tile bIggest - gest bargain wo ever offered In this lne , lit-Inch Extra heavy lannel. All Wool Cloalcng 10 pieces of tis goods In all the new styles ; large , plaids . elc. , made specially for ladies' cloaks , wrappers and bath robes. Time $2.00 quality will be 95card. . This Is an under- cost bargain. , $ S.OO Eiderdown Comfort for $ .98. We have about 20 of them leCt Early com ers Monday will get a great bargain In them at $3.98 cmii They arc our best $ S.0O quality . ) They are fled with the best importbd . odorless . less down , covered with the best French sateen , and Monday the price will be $3,98 each. 7c Unbleached Muslin 3c Yard itronday we will sell some more of that Unbleached I' bleached muslin at 3lc ) .arl. worth 7c. Cotton Eiderdown , 8lc. All our colon eiderdown will go at 8lc yard i In all colors. The very thing for kbrta. 750 Bemmll Sheets 1i5c. 20 dozen 0-4 hemmed sheets , made tlf the best sheeting muslin , 2 h21 .I be sold for 55c apiece or $1.10 a pair. ThIs Is I rare chance , as d Is very unusual to set this qual. lyn \ a ready-made sheet. , still further cut In price and the consumption - sumption would soon be doubled. The result would be that the price to consumers would be cut In halt , and the city would still ob- tain 1 profit more than sufficient to pay the cost of alt public lighting electric as well as gas. Now , any ' reaSonable citizen must admit that such a plan Is worth trying The council ahmduhd obtain the services of experts who are In n way connected with existing corporations , anti In a very short time they could be sUlplled wlh figures that would prove the truth or falsity of my assertions. H I am right , then the city has been robbed long enouglm anti I Is high time tbal the people took the maier In their own hands and directed Into municipal channels the un- herd or prOfits that are now goIng to enrich tJrlvato purses Such movement would a undoubtedly - doubledly only be carried through after a. . biter fight , as the Corporations wduld not re- hinquish theIr hold the lnquish on public treasury without a trugglo. but Il seems to me the game Is worth the candle. " . 3111 $ . ASTon J"ID AT ItRST. unoral Services Conducted at Triniy Church NEW YORK , Jan. 12.-The funeral services - Ices over the remains ot Mary Paul , late wlCe oC William " 'allor ! Astor were held at the Trinity chapel todl ) ' . Time remains were enclosed and sealed In a leaden casket , which was placed In I handsome rosewood coln , with mdx silver iumulitiles . On the coln nt the head anti Cool were Bevel'al mu" ntcent wreaths comllOsetl of lilies of the valley , orchids nlli roses of vurloul tints. There were no cards Illched to any of the bouquets The funeral cortege was led by time chol' . sl\glng the proCs corllre nnthem , "hark . hark lly Soul. " Then cn1e time oOclnlng clergy Hl. Heleuy C. ) ol. I\r D.D. , He\ . Morgan Dix I.IJ , end itev \11 I a 1llberl. . 'fhen clme OIAI nnl pal henrel , folowl'l hy time mrn'mnhem'im or the . IVilhinniVumltiom'f family Wllnm Astor entered the churh with time aged father of hil late wife on his urmum 'rhen came Re\elnl younger nwmberl of the Paul famIly and wll\ them . .llresenlnlves of the DahlKI'en , Iii'exci ChambelOI timid Gbbs famies , J. Coleman ] rYlon wall also a member or the funeral party Mr. 111 Mrs. John Jacob Astor are lt Present In 1'imbladeiplmia. Airs. \'llum Astor was not seen at the fumieriml. Time re- lulnl were after time ceremony thelomtitc'i In time J. J. Alto , ' \Iul. : ' . Astor yesterday - day dlrecled a laadwa ) ' 10risl to 1Iuce , cnch .Iny for a year on hil wlre's grave I wrenl of violets amid orchIds Aim intimumate frlllll of Mr Astor Bald toluy thut time Im"H1 bHwcel limo two hrllcl1s of the Astor fondly hl < grawmi wider wlhll the last Cew nmoimths \ llum'uhlorf Astor wi IJrohllly slenl' "Ole time II the . sonth of Frnc" or Italy anti tmo to Clvedel'l the 'I'hnmes . In time uqmrlrmg . ) I\f'n 1 flr for "honUm : ff'lltor 1'011) H NO , Now . Jan 12.- I'I. Alice l. larl- ly , who hIlled Senator 1. I ) . Foley lust July , was In eourl Ihlll 11 ; ring for sentorce , aCI\anlC1 \ I ) ' a nurlJ wih her 2.monlhs. old babe . lt.1010n fiji' a I IOW trial Wnf denied 1111 Iho wall /entellc"1 to t'levon ) 'enrl In the stmmte'mi 1IIIon , J taige Cheney this uCernol ulecitied to admIt juliet , M , < 1 hartley 10 bali II time Iln of $ 5.0. vend. bug nn 1111wnl to time suprt'mne court Her bond wi be n.llrovell by time COul't. Notice . Mi manatee Masons In good slaimthiimg , desiring . siring to Ilcnd tIme funeral of Brother I Chnrlc F Goo < lun are Invle1 [ to meet ' nt Fru-eumuumsaums' hll , IG08 Capitol avenmme . I\t 12 o'clock noon , Jnllurr 14 , ( coma which ' .llce the ) ' will hrocem'ui ) In iL ' _ i > ady to the < relhlelce of the doceuuumttl . & \ Boulh 'I'enth streel. JOUS PiA Y , W. 1" Capitol . Lotige No. . 3 , A. - F. cmiii A. M. Elm ! mmcii r 1111 I I 110 I , , / Urnken , , 11.WAUCE Jan 12-A St. Paul engine Collided with I Crlght train near North Avolue station , Ihls city , tel ) ' . Several car were wreckell acid one man was Herl. ously Injured , 'J'he maui InJnre , Wili hiumgi. I neer /oiowiez oC limo Iwlch engine . who ha(1 ( I leg und arm iiroken . 'welvo fright CUI'S were vEecked S AtPIIlet Smulelie . Ilul 1hpn lCsi'mmpeul , PEnny , Old. , Jan 12.-Miss Sarah Aired , who lhol J. 'J' Lucky dead Ieal Cle\'elal\l 'I'uelay. during I quarrel about some corn , attempted suiide today , hut was Ilrevenle,1 IIY one of time guards . Iutel' Ihu llp.e out of the room and Is now at iurge. Lucicy anti Miss Aired oW1'.1 adjoining reruns and limo two weru emugaged . . fort WIYIO "trtot Clr Alen rlrlko , FOlly WAYNI , lad , Jan. 12.-I orly out of thc 10 len employed on the street car I SILKS , Satin Duchesse " and Faille Francaise WOlth $1.50 to $1.75 69c a Yard. _ _ w- _ _ Cloak Dep't. Ladies' jackets , worlh $20.00 lo 35.00 , aU go at $1.75 during our snll mderdown \\aIJlcr8. IJlaln and fancy' , worlh $5.50 to $6.00. Sale price , $4.75. Mink Peas Carmer price $ 3.00 to $ S.OO , 01 echo for f2.25 each. COn ) ' and nst ralhal capes , were $15.00 ; your choice for $1.98 $1i.QO 1rll1r : jackets formcr price $31i.00 : choice for $6,98 during our clcarlng sale. A few more of those martin capes ; were $15.00 to $30.00 ; for $1i.00 each. CIIJesi Ladles' and Cent's . Furnishing Dept. MOIl < Iay \o wi offer greater Illucemel\1 \ at our Indies' hosler n11 InderwCar amid gents' Curlshllg dep3tment. Men's ShIrts and Drawers Men's flue camcls hair antI merino shirts amid drawers at $ eacim Pormlrl ) " sold at $ 2.75 Ind $3.00 each. Men's Ribbed Merino Shirts 37ic. Shirs Mcii' , heavy ribbed merino shlrls at 370 each. Former price $1.25 cache Ladles' Pant 62ic. Ladle fIne ribbed black and while wool pants at 62e each. Formerly soldlt $1.50 and $1.75 each. $ Ladies' Vests and Pants Lathes' fine cnmels hair and all wool vests and pants al $1. ' each. Reduced for this sale from $3,00 raclm. BEST L. L. Unbleached ! Mitsliii ' Musln , -FOIl- 3c a Yard : . - -U AMUEEMIaNps , - BOYD'S TONICHT r LAST TIME. OHOUND n.oon. FiE I'1tOOI' 8 EXIT This Sunday Ev'ng1 Jan 13th trial Performance of C. 13. JEFFEHON , JLA W & ImLANOEnlS ' 4 Country Circus A Cmc < ) ' -llla. lluslrtng lhases ot Life on Cull , ' Co-I , CII' ' cO ACTORS . RQtTgSTIhA NS . ACItO1IATS . ayar- NASTSi Ci.OWNS 10HHI ACnOI.T8. : > , DoGS , IN ! tlAitVUi.Ot1S . ANI II.hAHINU } ' 100" sil a."lc.t , Tw".Hlng Circus over ACTi any i'rices-Virt floor SOc. ISo and " .0. lalcon , 6a anti 7tc. CI > 800\S 11 tOo eacim . BOYD'S ONE NICHT ' 4 NN iHT TUESDAY , JANUARY 15th. Time flepm'euuentumti'o American I'Ja'er and l'l&y. wright . MILTON NOBLES with time n..lalco at DOLLY NOBLES , And hull rome s cOII'nny In I Superb ' ruO tmorm ot \on FROM SIRE TO SON An orlglna"J immnerie"mum ' ' In Four Acts , . writtes Amcrl"n Play wrll. . by I , MITON NOhIl,5t4. Benefit or Ltmili'a'thti Society of All Salnl Chumeim. Tickets for sate 01 hotels and dni5 tm. stores anti Clause & g.I\III \ , nlul by hue Ildlls 01 4 to Iho cents church. , Illce.1 FIrst floor , $10 halcny , - 4 BOYD'S We \ nesday& Thnrsda Jan 16-1 MR. J. K. EMMET "Otflt I"IUTZ. " In his latest success , . Fritz in a Ma house Which nOl 3 Month , at time I\h Street Theatre New \1 k. NEW SONGS , IJXCFJ.t.loT COMPANY , - N W lANCII : . SIJ Nml 110IUCJr Salt Ol'ens Tuesday morIng 1.1 usual I > rlces. BOYD'S 2 NIGHTS. - ONE MATINEE ' , m1lY , \ : : JNUAtY 18 and 19 t'arewol 1uigagetment , at time Tragedians , J'Jt JIWJ/JC J.llf/i WARD and JAMES Supported , 1) ( lie rormost , reunpany In Ittmmerlta , ) . In I lu&nUlcelt ) mCt'umle , ' revival < C tlm . foiiow- Ing 1,11)1 : I'rhlmiy Hnll NigImI duty tint nllcl . , a H E N R Y 1 V" Iutttiruhu' . . "R I C H AR Dill I I 1 " Hltnr.lrght. TIm stile uf blunts ! will Olel 'l'hmtmrsdmty ulmorn- hug. Nhrlt l'rlcemFhut I.IM. Ilna ) aud . 11.11 : 111. hiuticoumy . 10 1111 1fc , 1nlnIo Irlcos-I1lrat Floor , . uld UO ; BalcolY , COo < u11760. El M 1 PI R" J'r.AU" t 'elellhono 1 31. W. J. DURG SS. - - - - Manager I'olr NtlhlS , Cuu\IOICIIK , vil MATINlm TOIAY AT 2:3. : TONIGhT AT 8:15. : JOHN L. SULLIVAN , Iii hh lut- L nlll irlllI L success , A TRUE AM. RtOIN. COlllnclcllK 'lRUE ( -'Cl ; lmltUY WINNFlt hues In thIs city quit work amid time strike IH Ilocomlnl serious. Time places of time inCh l Ire Ielllg tilled lr men Ilrou/ht ' here IJY time company , from IIv(1 1 111 , / . , Ild otimer cUel J'hu cars on all the hues are runuln" anl U yet Ihfr\ ! 1 , 10 mmmummitvstatioa 01 violence or lawlessness ,