Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 13, 1895, Editorial Sheet, Page 10, Image 10

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'PilE Ol'AIIA DAII..Y . ITt. ! : SUNDAY4 , TAN1TARY 13. 1805.
It , WOJ1'1arl'S D o m a in. -
- -
TIt.\INIiU , AT\1.ANT.\8.
Flyo " 'oml'l Whl . .nll. II trlctor or
I'hyslcnl ; Cullrl
- The ! chool or college nowallays that ( falls
to provide n department for ph'slcal tmln.
lug Is far behind the times. Whn a dozen
or less years ago \0 hal , a few mild , Rym- I
nastcs done to slow musIc , wo now have
' almoL a Bclentnc ! system for physical de.
; velopment , and the ( vigorous body , Is con-
Ihered ] of as great ? Importance as the "sound '
I mind. "
. or necesiy then have arisen teachers In
the land who are learned In every art or
physical culture known to the classIcal old ,
Greek anl Homans , as wet as a great many
L of which they never even Meamed.
t Th9 Instructor or director or the * gymna-
slum Is more often than not 1 woman , and , a
. woman , moreover , who writes " M. D. after
. , her name In a,1lton to being aIM to dl-
agnoco every 11 to which her pupIl Is en-
tItled , hy heredity , Dr which she may have do-
velopll on her own nccount the director
' must bo able to Instruct a girl In the art of
vaultng , turning hack somersaults , miltary
drill , swimming , rowing , sprinting , and even
foot ball. Verily , the Instructors In our gym-
. laslums musL be nl.around hletes In every
sense of the won ]
MIs3 men : Le Gardo Is perhaps the best
known , ns she Is not only I very successful
Instructor or physical culture , hut a writer
and Inventor nB well. She has visited every
h'mnaslum of Importance In Iurope , learning
something , so Bhe says , from each one. The
only piece 1 > o apparatus of the 300 or more In
use In I Ylnasllls I , I ii yen tech , by a WOlon , Is
: - the musical dumb bells , which we owe to
Miss 1.0 Dorle. ,
. . She has loei honored , all the only woman '
- thus honored by the North AmerIcan Turner I
- -
H ,
e& v f I
_ _ _ _ _
flun(1. ( having been their credited representa-
t e at various conventions ant congresses ,
where the subject of physical trainIng was
4 under dIscussIon , notably the one nt Chi-
. . , eaH durIng ( the World's ralr.
, , . Miss 1.0 Garde Is at the head of the physical -
; cal training department of the Providence , R.
I. , puhlc schools , ant probably Instructs no
, less than 25,000 children durIng the year
p Miss Lo aarte Is very fine looking : she Is I
% tall , has bright eyes ( that nothing escapes ) ,
very dark , brown hair , and rather a round ,
full race. Jer expression animated : she Is i
r4. . . very enthusIastIc and ambItious and a bri-
4. lant conversatonalst ,
Wellesly ! college ' conslt1rs that the
Weleshy colego 'consllers aye
. tem "of physical tralnin adopted there ayeII. : ;
ideal , and that 1ralnlnF fner collection oC
, stat5cs [ recording _ physIcal condition than
4 t . any woman's Institution. This college I 1S ,
also leading In the evolution of oixanlzc
' out-door sportS and pastimes-not athletcs- "
F' as I part and outgrowth oC the department :
of physical training. Miss Lucite Eaton 11 1 !
- Is at the head of this department , and with
the assistance of the physIcal examiner ,
manages the class crews , teams and clubs I ,
' G' Miss 11 coaches the crews and starts al Ii
' ant al
. . the gomes. She has organlze blcyclo ( ,
bosket bal , tennis , golf and other c1ub I' .
't each student , Is required to do a certain ;
amount of regular , systematic work In the
f sport undertaken , and she can not chang
: from one kind to another , one object of thIs
, being to develop the quality of persistency ,
? ' which Is certain to hotl the gIrl mentally.
: One oC the best lown and most popula-r
t teachers of physical culture In St. Louis Is' I
Mrs. Mary H. Ludlum. For about half Ia '
, dozCi yean she has ben teaching la the
111gb and Normal schools , and In connecton
1 ; wIth this work gives Instruction In the gyni - '
: nllum of St. VIncent's semlnory. Unt gm-
: : within a year she has taught the Delsorto
t system , which lately she has changed for
f r. the ana employed by the Turner bund" which
j has Its headquarters at St Louis.
, Miss Kato S. Anderson , slitter of Dr. Anter-
son of Yule college , Is In charge of the gymnasium I-
nasium nt the Chicago unIversIty , which , by
the way was founded by Mr. John D. Rock
- feller. .
. _ Miss Anderson pent hut summer In Seas I.
r , dinavia , and while ! In Stockholm she receive , d '
, private insuruction In SUCUICiI
. Instructon molcal gmnastcs ,
.I under the direction of Prof. 'fongren , who Is
, at the head of the Royal Institute of Gym-
'u naslcA In 3tockholns Miss Anderson Is
.5 bending all her studies In the medical dlreol ,
; . .ton . anti hopes soon to receive the degree of
M. D. : her object Is to Jnake a specialty of
, medical gymnastics . Upon Miss Anderson's
. return last autumn she rOIHI awaiting her
; t .tho npPolntmont to the position at II Chicago -
Cage university. A course In gymnastics la
, required of all nnder-radnato stndents and
4 the privileges of the gymnasIum are offered
to all graduate studenls
: . - Alice UertH ! Foster , M. D. , late of the
'Chicago ' ' nnlvcrslty Is now Instructor and
director of physical culture at Bryn Mawr
At the ( qhl ago university the witching call
and gown Is worn by students , and upon all
r ofclnl 'occnsloul , by the flculy , Miss I os.
'I ter Dr "lr. Foter , " studied lt the medical
school of the University of Buffalo , and graduate -
, slated with honors for her thesis on spinal
There are about 300 students at Bryn
Mawr , and they all go In for physical cui.
turo The Sargent anlhropometrlc charts
have been Introduced , all at the frt meet.
lug In thl I autumn of the freshmen class ,
each member Is given her own "curve" to
r It\ly , with PrescriPtion cards to follow. The
' ttudcuts lake the Swedish drill at first : thIs
Is followed by tIme more general range Dy
tIme generosity of Miss Garrett of Baltmore ,
' and II\ Popular subscription of the students
I swimming 11001 was buIlt last summer at
tIme college , anl , now every girl Is being
lnttIali'tl Into tile gentle art of swimming In
. cnnlclon with her other athletic exercises
\ Inter lxerviice tar ( : hlhlrln ,
'Inter babls are often loollel on as 'un.
tortulute , In that they are debarred frem out-
door exercl&s , but It ought not to he so.
AlY ChIld I nloderate ( health , properly
clothed , can go out a six week oC age , nnlNR
forbidden by the doctor , and If nu slclwess
i : Intervenes , every day after. From 10 to 12
In the mornlul \ ths Lest time , but alteroon
. . \I db u wel , provided the sun Is up ,
Sickly bablca need exercl5 ns wel a tie
snore healthy . but JUdgmEnt' must I ) used In
regard 10 frtlluency , length of outng , etc.
t ltany Ibers \ claim that a necillaco of Bmber
F hiondi constantly worl Is I Preventive of
susceptibility of taking cold
Children DC : years of age who ore strong
' am\ active , and alt older chlhlrln , should
: baa rpnil In the yard on all days when
L not actualy storming A healthy child ha
InlnOlie vitaIty. and remaining ) Indoors In
' a warm room weakens this imntenshy , while
. tuldoor 1111) ' Incrol5 It , 1'ho street Is toe
dangerous for a Illaygrund , so tISIf \ the
: . yard pe sinai ! , a little thought must \ be taken I
to provide amulement , -
, A barrel I of sand or sawdust , with shovel , ,
bucket , wbeeb.rol and cat are fuclnatng
to Post children. 'fho sand can bl IJrchued :
of buiider / aunt th , sawdust either from a
11 or Perhaps a friendly liverymisan. a bu.
ri of either costn ! ; about 10 nt The rC41
e C the outfit will amtunl to abmt : 30 cents ,
lnaklng 1 mighty 1181 outlay In comparison
to the amnusenent It .
amusen1nt I nlord ! All sorts Dr
games can bE played with these and a boy
or 10 years old will not refuse to be enter-
talnecl by them.
A coasting sldo Is another putlme Dank
up and le\'e of a much snow ns necessary ,
with an incline nt bth ends , slighter at one
than the : ther. Sleds , of course , are the bMt
run f , bul Ir water he thrown on till the slide
I s slippery a smooth board , Dr even a cobble
tOne , wi shoot down Just as well . t the
yard Is l large enough , an Ice Pont Is anothel
Nurce a pleasure , that even "grwnull"
chllren wIll not espLse. This Is mode vtry
simply by thrwlng watEr every night In ons
pot , showing Ii to freeze solid before using
One eminent college professor , now dead , kept
his brood In the yard every day by just such
n device. _ )
The outdoor hablmonts Dr all children ,
both young nut ! ohl , should he selected for
warmth and , lightness of weight Bundling
UI not only pre\'entB free usage Dr limbs ,
but also impedes the circulation or the blood ,
and makes thin child an easy prey to cold .
Toddlers ahoul have stout shoes , overshoes ;
drawn-Itgglngs , 1 pea Jacket , mittens , cap
and veil , besides their ordinary house clotlie
Older children will do quite well II rubber
boots , pea jacket , mittens RII cap. A pea
Jacket Is preferable to any other style of
coal , being Just as warm but much Ics
clulsy. legs Children all \10 free use of their
legs.I the house bas an empty room , turn I
over to the chlhlren Invo no picture on
the wals nor arty furnIture that Is of the
slightest value. The
slghteat windows should bo
screened hy wire netting , and t near the
leer , protected by Iron bars without so that
there Is no danKer Dr falling out. I the
leer shows wile oracles , have the children
putty them UII. The stove , t one Is nteded ,
lust also 1m screened , to prevent the
slightest Possibility of flre. Any decorations
the children want to make BhouM he allowed ,
provided they furnish them with their own
10ncy or Ingenuity. It gives them a sense
of ownership they can attain In no other
way.lero all the rough all tumble games not
permissIble In the nursery can bl played.
Time floor , even , can be used for roller skating
and croquet , while base ant root bal , circus
and tag can be played with Impunity. A
tel chest and scroll saw will while away
sunny rainy days , and a heap of sawdust
wil keep even - tile baby In , Elysiuns . Make
tIme children themselves keep the room tidy ,
and while not insisting ' on the order that
reigns In the nursery , yet see that utter
chaos 19 avoided uter
With so many counter attractions displayed ,
by saloons and like ' places lie first desire ,
.0C every parent shoull be to keep her chit. : '
dress home. The only way Il can be done Is i
to furnish pastimes .that so draw them to :
the simple home life that no place In after '
years will ever be able to compete wlhl I. :
At no time does foresight so repay as In
Childhood. "
Jew to Accentuate the Graceful Lilies or
the , rlJure ,
A captious critic said Dr Calve lost winter
that be could see nothing admirable about
her , unless , It was the long line Dr' her bust.
Immediately , American beauties began to
adopt something else belonging ! to the great
sInger , b3shles cigarettes and I Spanish comb.
They trIed on corsets whose fullness In , Dr
lack Dr bust , lent to the figure that graceful
long' line from the two tiny muscles In the
front oC the throat to the point Dr the bosom
French women have long known that this .
situatIon oC the , bust makes an exquisite contour - I
tour oC fIgure. I It was not natural , they
acquired I , ' and the result made the French
figure with Its broad shoulders , low small
bust and long slender ! : waist the Ideal one
for time ' civilized world ' )
flut It was only 1 copy Cram Greek art
whIch 'Mnie , Reamter' brought lath ' vogue
during time , .emplre. , No ynus there had a
pIgeon breast , nor banded ! her bosom up to
the collar bone ; as the huerfcamm ! woman too
frequently - . .does tle r r Y.nan
' enly.does Tlle longer the slope . so
much more , perfect the curve , granting
always that the incline allows DC another
curve to the line oC wnlst.
Even French conturleres did not sufilciently
Impress - the American mind with sufcienty ,
imhtll the fashlonabl women across the channel -
LISCI adopted I . Then English corsets were
fashioned to suit the mined , The bones were
either cut sufficiently low for the bust to fall
to tIme correct line , or the fullness across the
chest allowed time same positIon . Take Mrs.
Kendal or Mrs. Langh' for Instanc , . the
two English fIgures with whIch , perhaps , we
are most familiar ; there one can note that
superb slope ! along the chest : and , again , In
our own Emma Eames-Story whose contour
Is well nigh , perfect , the line Is almost phenomenal -
nomenal from chin to bust Contrast this
With Lillian Russell , whose corset binds the
fullness over the dress line , no- matter how
' slightly decoleto Is the bodice
I. went ' Into a ' corset shop op Fifth
Ivonu ) yesterday fnd I' Now York
women vere adhering to the start they
mode last spring "Customers 10W add
to an order , 'be sure you get the bust low
enough , ' and , In fact , \\e only advise the
high-bosomed article for very slm women.
But , oven they , " concluded the lady clerk ,
put lower down.
, ' 'I''or evening wear ; limo ' short corsets , arc
worn exclusively. They are especially favor-
u4 -
. - - -
' . , \
, / . ,
. ,
able for women ' inclined 10 over-plumpness ,
for then decoleto gown discloses only the
lines or throat and hest. "
Those corsets , I found , run below the waist
to 1 point back and front : "much more comfortable -
fortable , tltLml those cut oft at the waist tine ,
for they were apt ,10 be trying to stout
wom n. Then the Ino over the hIps Is better
when regulated by wimnIeixmes. "
Plain white corsets seem to have been
shelved wills white stockings . lack satn Is
correct for ordtnarywjar , but every variety
DC sta1 are sold mad\ imp In fancy brocades ,
and thee are the modish thing Just now , no
maler IC one' / gown be as "pbln al a
Pipe-stem. " For full dress
Ilpe.stem. ful , the ground Is
white satin , go'ly lowEre , lr wreathed In
Ileslgns , this being considered more elegant
than time blues nnd pinks ' of former year !
For &tout-wel , fat women-the corsetiora
hadovlsed a lew comfort , Ilstead corseters
the Irritating whalebone ends that renders
setting 10wn I torture , a wldc rubber land
outlines the lower edge of the stny This
movement. retains use shllle , but yields with every
Iror women whose fullness reveals
tbrough time \edlce the exact 110 reveal
corset ends a IlolntN bust bas ben fash.
loned , This elects Its end In an admirable
manner. '
I costs from $7 to $25 to have a corset
inside . but such stays last . for years. always
4 . -
retaining theIr shape therefore , It Is the
best economy In the end
o.n % m Mji 1 O.
8010 oC the ChnrmlnJ Conccttq 'orn At
'nllc ) Irr ' Hnii.
NJW YORK , Jan , 12-In what may be
called the mid-season of winter gaiety Is the
moment when fancy costumes begin to play
Important parts II' the femlnlno world.
ThE costumed gaieties of this season are
BO many and varied that Ilv ll le hard
to enumerate them all.
But among others the ol.rashlolel "don-
key party" has been revived , and I new
whim .IB II dross the guests a8 vegetables :
all the green and colored things belayed by
his ass-simip.
The "parly" itself Is as everybody knows , '
merely the pInning of a tailess donkey
drawing agaInst the wall , anti , thiOn trying
blndoldet to fasten lie Illsmemberel por-
ton where nature has Intended It to 'grow.
The costume ! IIY bo oC lampshodo Paper
Dr common calico .
Eiher medium , t cleverly handled , wi
turn out an effective and Inexpelsl\e vege
table , and a cart anti n lettuce may be
mole , In this way :
For I carrot choose calco of n yellowish ,
red shade for the skirt , and the same mltorlal
In the ( green or the tops for the bodice
Have first a kltCI skirt of the carrot tint ,
all , then over It 1 peplum trper ) DC bug
pieces shaped ns much lS possIble 1110 tIme
The low , green bodice has no sleeves and
Is best In a polute shave wIth green rIbbons -
bens fInished with high ullstnllng bows
forming the shoulder stratus
A green filet and , tufted , silo how orna-
ments time hair : the long gloves are of deep
green suede. I
Front suele. waist up , as can be seen , ' grows
then only the green tops , and to keep alt
the lower part of the costume In harmony
with the Idea , the slippers and stockings are
In the carrot tint.
The tough lampshade paper-tIme un-
crinkled sort-affords tIme best PossibilitIes
for the lettuce , which , however , must begin
wIth a to\ndntol of cotton. Mak . I low ,
round bodice and short scant skirt of this ,
over which the paper skirt , In leaf sections
shading alt the way front white to deepest
greets , Is next to bo glued. Model delicately
the edges Dr time leaves with a dull knife ,
und pul them on time foundation as If the
vegetable were growing downward
Drape palo green paper over the bodice
In any way liked , but have the ( short sleeves
two distinct lettuces wiLls white centers. F'or
time heal , , either nn Inverted lettuce as a hater
or else a green satin flet and side porn ibm ;
pale green shoes and at cklngs , And al
lost , under the skirt , which should come but
little above the ankles , 1 full founcing loco
petticoat will further simulate In dancing
the white crinkled heart DC the vegetable
the young woman represents.
Along with the edibles , lowers are also
admissible at a donkey party. All are possi-
ble In the lampshade paper , either crinkled
or plain , ant violets lies , narclsses , roses ,
poppies , peonies , daisies and sunflowers may
be meutoned us most easily accomplished.
When worn by the right sweet shefor as
even Ovid tells us , "no complexIon \ can
bear"-these dainty costumes
are revelations
of what con be lone . with Ito money.
Where expense Is not a thing to be considered -
sldcred , a mushroom could bo created that
might rouse oven time donkey on the wall to
animnatiosm . Peau do sole In a rich white ,
tuglng almost to brown , and pale pink chiffon
are ' time best luterlals for this
First , hero Is a kilted skirt of the chiffon ,
anl over It 1 panler drapery of the peau te
solo rounded well out over each hip to coun-
tertelt mushrooms. - .
The rouud bodice of peau de solo Is held
over time shoulders by straps : some Inches
below , on the arm , hang precariously time
short , plump mushroom aleeves ! , '
TIme slippers and stockings which are to
Imltato time stem of the plant are In time
browl white of time sll ( . The sueto"gloves
must he tIme same shade , and a mushroom
hot with I pink , slurred chIffon lnIng can
be made hy gatheing nt the edge a large
circle of the PMU do sole over a wire ring
that has first been covered loosely with whlo I
colon batting. 1
It time costumed entertaInment Is In the nature -
ture of a rather ceremonious , dance , any of
time characters or history may ' serve us lod-
cia with which to gown I. Tall . alien , lily
blondes may bB Elalnc and Enlds , 81110ndld
brunettes Gulnoveves : and any wel IHus-
trate,1 , Tennyson wi supply becoming and
romantic designs for time toilets. Patch and
powder ladies need red heels ant rich hro-
cales. Dainty Do1y ) Vardens , on the contrary -
trary , are sweetest In only fay flowered call.
coca , and n goddess of the most heavenly
sort can bo evolved frame simple cimeosecbottm
I you are a lover of the Corsl an hero you
might take I hint from ( he Napoleonic resur-
rection and bo a Josephine " a lortenso a
Marie Louise ala , If you have only trlvo-
louis French tastes , and are ot that. sweet ,
slim , white typo that Is most adorable when
audacious , you might copy Clalrln's white
Pie rret to.
'fhls charming costume , which ) Is a sort of
sIster to the Plerfo 's , Is malle of whie satin
and ribbn and thin , white lace. The short.
gored skirt Is first trlmlld with flounces of ,
loco up to the waist j' ; over pack oC these fails I .
a second one of the satin In deep points 1he
bodice of satin Is pointed at time waist and
the sleeves which' fit tght to the elbow are .
there fnished with a heavy fall of the lace
A berths of this "lins the low roqnd neck ,
ant falls In ends oningledwitim bong loops of
the ribbon over the imimoulders. Two other
bows with flouting ends tie about the seoves :
ahl\'o ) the lace nominee ; the long white Dlrec-
tulre cane which II carried In the rIght hand
Is also ornamented with a large bow , Add
o all this ( I full ruchc Dr lace that Is worn
snugly about time baN throat ; I plltel !
clown's cap or white fell , suede gloves , silk
Btorklng and squaro.toell shoes wills lace
And then , a you stand the thing of beauty
whose Infuenc ! Keats tells us Is eternal
thank heaven for your Irlmll loveliness . And
don't time who has
forget painter so dressed
It to perfection ,
The ( IomlUrr 01 TluJ'
Tears are never idle . TennYlon was using
a Iloet's hyperbole when he said BO. Tlley
have their functional . duty to accomplish ,
1.IJ . .
like vert otmt1'rgan oC the body , and the
lachrymal gnJ ' ' Is not placed behind the
eye simply , r' or to give expression
to emotion . t9/1 . ,
It Is usu' fa ; the laity to believe the
later t\eoryqr , tears are Indissolubly con-
nected \'Ith Hw , although eye Ipeclalsts :
assert that tfreris no stentnc explanation
ror this nccepammp.
The accenall. I this : That the tear
SIC Is fortnritf , many sympathetIc nerve
fibres , thlt.l spy emotional condition of
the body IIIQIIUrt the gland'B secretions.
One may weep for JOY nail , the expression Is
not paradoxh.a1ththmough commonly BO COn'
slderet , The pshic acton of tears Is purely
a nervous ar , the reflex acton Is produced
rrom physical roohs , Tickling the nose
on racing the nfhll' mummy cause I Bhower of
tears as abut < nt as the result of Ilcepest
grief Dr grNtesl leasure.
Time chemical Irollertes of tears consist or
phosphate of flume and soda , making them
vary salty , but $ ever bitter. Their acton on
the ) Is mos 'beneficial , and here consists
theIr ; rescrIbcddut . to the bOdy , washing
thoroughly that enslUve oran , which allows
no foreign Illd t dO . the same work ,
Nothing cleanses the eye like a good , salty
shower , bath , mind meical nr . has followed
natura's law In this respect , advocatIng the
invigorating soluUon for any distressed con-
dlton of Limo optics. Tears ,10 , not we ken
Bight , hut Improve It , They act as a tonic
to the muscnlar vision , kteplng the eye soft
and lmpid , nail If i wi be noticed that
women In whoso eyes sympathetic tears
gather quickly have brighter , tellerer orbs
than others. When time pupils are hard and
cold the world attributes It to ono'B dlsllO-
Blon , which Is a mere figure of speech , 1m.
ph'lng the lack of balm- tears that are to
the comm what salve Is to the sldn Dr
nourIshment to the blood
The effect or tears on the sldn about the
eyes , however , Is Intensely Irriatng ( ntI in-
flamning. They keep time epidermis In a dark ,
inmffy condition , and In legends only to weep-
Inl women Ireserve the beauty of their broad
white lids . NIObe , nib tears , may have hind
clear eyes , but she coulll not have been
a comely sight when she was Indulging In
her favorite pastime ,
The reason Rmo womtn weep 1 ere
easily than others , and nil moro readily
than tIme sterner sex , has not Its difference
In the strenglh of the tear gland , bub In the
possession oC I more delicate , immipassioim-
able nerve systeimm Time nerve fhers about
the glanl , vibrate more easily , causing a
downpour from tle watery sac. len are
10t nearly so sensitive 10 emotIon : their
sympathetic naturothe term 19 used , In a
medical sensoIs less developed , and the
eye gland Is , therefore , protected from
simocks. Consequenty I man should thank
the formation of Ills nerve nature when ho
contemptuously corums tears n a woman's
lractca ,
Why facial distortion shoull be the usual
accom\anlment to time sobbing of the
gentler sex there seems no satisfactory so.
lmstion. It may bo that time nerves which
lead to the muscles as wires to marionetes
twitch and pull them .In thts fashion while
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, they are al work ' emptying the tear glalul
I I oC its contents. . , .
Few women can shied tears as gracefully
as the Mater Dolorosa , whose face Is only
patimetle . not ugly , n the great crystal
drops slowly flow down her fair cheks ,
ThIs Is the graceful way to weep , but I Is
a Ilfcul pose ' , to assume , requirIng the
mobility of I statue to carry It out satis.
factorly , sals.
That the copious , sneddlng oC tears "which
I breaks iso Ice-pound fetters DC the heart "
Is a' healthful action , all physicians assert.
In some cases It Is. even thought to avert
Insonlty Even hero the reason Is aclentilic ,
for It Is 1 slgl DC relaxation 'of the brain
nerves front a tenseness that ( was congestion .
Between man and monkey. there Is this
essential dlfrrelce .C tears An ape can
not Weep , not , EO , much because his emo-
tonal powers are undeveloped , as time fact
that the lachrymol gland was omited In his
optical maIm-up.
, Hltdwl Sluilotimi .
You may not1know , anti It you ,10 not , you
, will the fact find : 1 useful to bulletin in the Idtchen
Thot time secret of making sponge cake Is
not to beat the air all out of the eggs after
It Is once beaten In . Beat time yells to n mass
Dr hubbies , and the whies to a stiff troth ,
Then cut them into
each other with 1 few
crosswise thrusts or a fork , and cut time eggs
Into time cake 'mixture In the same fashion
Do not beat time cake after the eggs are
amided . - .
That slamming time door of time oven will
make cake "toll . " wi
That slinking potatoes after the Jackets are
off for a minute at the anon wIndow } vhli
make them " , " ' vl
"mealy The cold' draught
causes the ( starch 'cells to burst open , maIming
time feathery whIte ( lakes that are In such
agreeable contrabl to the sodden mass semved
too ofen for Wflut sered
That punglnJ'uldaronl : ( for a single mln-
mite In 1 bath ml t uh water afer'lt has been
cooked tender is1 bulling Salted water
Ir bllng saied prevents -
vents I being rftISll "
Thal time erlsp,1 a lclous slices of bacon
that are 1 feature of EO many appetizing
dishes lay ho ftAd b ) ' turing each slice every
minute over a hot ' II'a In a pan large enough
so that the slo 1 : 'lal 10t touch : and then
as loon as delbtMS brown on both sides
lift from the pan onto 1 sheet ( of hutcher's
coarse wrapllnJ { I'er ( save It for tIme pur.
pOse when It come&ftrom th marllet cleamm ) ,
and alol ! time rucJufo Main upon I cean
oven for another minute '
That an eg dlell'houl $ ' never be thrown
away In a taWll Ihat likes coffee . Wash
and wipe the tJ 'Jeor ' ) It Is broken 10 use .
and put the egl IIMII In' a covered glass jar
A couple of ( hUh 'flown Into the bottommm of
the coffee blggl\ \ tv'Jhl , ' ° settle time coffee as wm
B anything krlt1 ' 'hls II one of time econo-
lies practiced r ii lioUSE3 where several serv-
ant : are emumphcei1 , 'ali there Is a house-
Ileeller to watch the airmail leaks In expense
Thal a couple ' of skeets of .
sl I.blg newspaper
wrapped about Ice will kemp I half as bug
again as Ice that Is uncovered. The paper I
much umbra cleanly than a piece of blanket ,
u I can be removed daily ,
That crushed Ice can bo prepared In a
couple of minutes by chlppllg off a piece
from time large cake with an Ice lick { ( see 10
cent bargain counter ) : put the piece that ( Is
to be crushEd II I clean coarse cotl ( the
burlap that comes wrapped about bacon , ham ,
ete" , after a being I admirable for this and
other kitchen uses , lS hamlng hol pots and
Ilans ) ; gather the corner ot the clolh and
bamig I two or three times ngallst alY 11.
breakable surface a a stone harth , Iron
sink etc. Rinse the Ice first . and use a
clean cloth , and Iho eru&he Ice will . be per-
fecty clean , aB tea oea ,
Thnt a Pinch cf powder sugar and an
. . . . . .
' ' - - - -
' ' . - --1 rlJIJ IP WI i"
, .
other or cornstarch beaten In with the yolks
oC eggs wl\ keel In omelet from clapsing ,
Beat Limo whie stiff and , cut them Into the
yolks .
That a hmalf-teaspoonfiil - or chicory to one-
third of I ciuii oC Mocha and two-thlrlls or
Java ( or therebout ) gives the rich , Ilrk
tnt and ecular favor of French Iter-ln' ( ( !
ner "black coffee , "
That a little knowledge , far from being
dangerous , often - saves time cook'B cooktr ) '
from disaster , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1'vmiiimlmma , Nol" , .
Miss Prances Wiard acknowledges lmer-
self as favoring th single tax .
Mrs ladllocks , 1 Sydney wheel woman ,
hiss won international ranlo by rhlung a
Internatonal rk\ng I
bicycle all the way from Sydney to Mel-
bourn , I < 1stunco of r.o miles .
SOlehocly has dIscovered the curious fact
that the reluctance or women to tel their
age Is no Illeco of modern sensitiveness. I
Is a ell as the hills. In the old testament ,
nlhough great numbers or women are mmmcii-
tone < , there Is but ono-Sarah , Abraham's
wirewhoso age Is recorded .
Mrs. Whielaw Hell Is a musician or no
little merit aunt has a sweet voIce for simmg-
hug ler little Inughter , who resembles her
very strongly , has a taste for luslc , amid !
received from her 10ther as n birtlmday
present not bug ago a Bnial whlo ( laluJ ,
with her amIno inlaid In mother of' iearl on
the cover
Miss Susan n , , \nthony and lrs. Carrie
Ctapnmami-Catt will hell n series or meetngs
In time south , In advance or the coming
natonal woman suffrage conventIon In
Atlanta. They will visit Lexington amid
l.ouls\'lle. Iy. , Memllhls , Tenn. , New
Orleans , ha , Jackson , Miss , Brmlnghnm ,
\Ia. , ant other cities , In each case by the
Im'lalon of time ladles In that lumace
Mrs. Brockholst Cuttng prides herself on
having the most perfect drawing room of
times perlo ( of one DC time Iouls , lu New
York City. Whether It Is oula XV. , ur Louis
XIV. , 1 nm blessed 1 rememher now , but
whatever It Is I Is regal , There Is n
quantity of gold all rod , besides w'onder-
fully embrolterell hangings , so 1 guess Il
mlst be In tIme period of time gorgeous and
gaudy "nol Soleih" .
Grali dames In Paris have rene a step
further than atocldugs with real lace In'
sertons , that have been their extravagance ,
this soasomu Semite of them are now wear- I
lug hosiery made entirely of time costly fabric
wILls an embroidery of seed
wlh elhroidery Iearls ) on
tIme Instep These real lace stockings areas
ns flume and cObwebby l I veil or scarf , and
Ire as expenslvo as they are dainty.
Mme. Sarah Grand takes a vivid interest
In the poor girls of London . Every Thlrs-
day evening when she Is In town alma attends -
tends Mra. Frederic Harrlson'B Girls' Guild
II Newton hnl , and alma Joins heartily In all
their occupations . She Is a strong believer
In athletics for women and has taken
especial pleasure In helping to llrovldo the
girls wlt . pretty costumes for gymmmmmaaties .
Time managers DC some colon mls at
Saco , Me. , InsIst that their women emplo'ps
Bhal wear their hair In 1 close coil about the
head , ald have also prohlblte the big sleeve
from being In evidence the
along opera-
tves during worldng hours. This sort of
dress relorm was atotCI after several
serious accldent through the hair 01' dress
DC employes beIng caught In time machinery.
1'aImlomi Note'
Pall 1 and dinner gowns trimmed wIth fur
are always be.utful ,
Short , fancy colareUes of ermine are
pretty , amid very dressy for evening ' wear.
lAng strIngs of pearls , or which there are
good imitations , are worn nroumnd the neck
and caught up In festoons on evening dresses
Molm silk petticoats lined with horsehair -
hair sure worn to keep the voluminous dress
skirts well flared out It the bolom ,
Persian ! suilngs are distncty Amerlcau In
con tructon , a 11 compare most favorably
wih any or the products Cram abroad.
The fur bodice wor with a clolh Dr silk
skirt and sleeves , Is one DC time season's
fan [ es. and entire dresses are made of seal-
skin aumil carcul ' -
. Timroatbots formed of violets
: Throatets roses , Dr other
flowers are -aother Cancy for time neck with
evening dress , and gauze rosettes set thickly
. , onto " u band oC satin ribbon Is still another.
"Sor russet buckskin 'osts . collars and
fluts embroidered and fur edged , and worn
en suite 'with cloth ' and ' velvet dresses , wor are
among . the fancies oC the winter season.
Some of the latest evening gowns ore
minus the sleeve entirely , having only a lit-
tie strap affaIr to hold them on the
shoulders. This is , Indeed , 1 Jump from time
Immense baleens ,
The Cad for long gold chains , threaded
with pearls or quito plain , as the wearer's
purge wi admit , Is more In evidence since
the chnlns have grown In length , , so they can
bo draped once or twice over the bodice
Ermine , sable and Cox arc used even on
dinner gowns oC gauzy airiness , and do not.
seem Incongruous , so beautifully does the
soft Cur combine and 'harmonize with the
sheeny satins und ser velvets.
Lustrous corded silks In
( siks are now great
misc. DAk green , golden brown and the rich
fruit shades , prevail for dressy < day costume ,
anll for evening toilets Persian maumve , bluet
blue , EnglIsh pink . antI cerise are the fa-
"Sllkwarp Frliby" Is the name or a very
pretty material to be Iselt for next seasons '
street rind travelng costumes. 1 \ In
Jacqnarll rleets , and In hue evening color
the tints are nB delicate alul hanllsomo lS
silks costing nearly double the lurico
The latest novelty In millInery .Is the 111c.
turesquo hint called ! the "lithe , " whose hroa,1
brim Is wove , from narrow velvet ribbon In-
trmlxe < wltl moire of ' the Mme width Time
crown Is of velvet , the garniture consisting Dr
flowers and featlmers . consltn !
A beautiful gown ric nt ) ' worn at a amnrt
New York hal was oC pale 1)lnk and satin1
'with rows or clt Jet arounl thE skirt. The
waist was n close ftng bodice of pale rOM
satin , covered with accorllan pinitemi , bback
chiffon . A jacket < tt t was formell by side
peces ! of rosa velvet , which were connned In
front hy i bow DC black satin .
Whie the Imee.lcnsth coat will still bo
wl atl
favored , It wil bo rivaled decidedly hy the
Jaunty I'rencl Jacket \vlh simon , farlng
skirts , showing thre plais lu the hack ,
sleeves only mClun\ large RHI double ro-
vera , the deeper one oC lerforateml cloth with
I rancyjerrOral \1 \ Pattern ns a border , the
jacket shorter ole o vtlv t , lho' ' shade of time clolh ,
Jeweled amid gold embroidered stuff , silks
stiff wih silver thread nail glittering with
. gltering wih
artificial , lace ' .
nrtnclal gels wrought wih .lvers
stones feathers lul every coucelvable rich
all SIUptuous thing will be used to snake
time picture collars or the comlnl year. Time
"ordlnar ' ) ' " collar will contnuo to bo a crush
affair , with ever lengthening side Ilrojec-
tions .
7'Ul " 'U.l.lJ .JJlTro.l1lm. ' ,
, TeuneN" Miller Monthly.
1"11 or outne nl.1 . fnh' of fnce ,
Swinging her tnn witim Innguhl grace .
" 'hll a"m" gleaming wih thl'olgh fOhla of IIC ,
A womnn of forty Sl 1 lel a.
No threll DC white In the luhur hair ,
No lne of nge II the toreheall Cnh' ,
A life Ilmnrn'l by tOleh of cun' ,
In spIte uC hel' forty mmummmummers.
A hmusbnmid.lovcu' 111 chllllcn H\veet ,
IIel8urel 10 chnrm nn,1 fl1el18 to greet
HOlel scn terel befOre her feet , . '
'I'hmrougit each oC hel" Cert '
1hrough forty sunuu r
SUmmers nIl , fur winters bold .
have cold m4msatcimed : her lunshlle 1111 mnde her
11ve Illell , her rOSl1 nll left her old :
Nothllg she ImowH but summers.
Nothing she Imows of laden cloud ,
OC treell nh' ami tempe"ts loud ,
Of 8nOWI thlt weave for hope IL m shroud :
liar life hal been only stmummmmmermm.
So cams she sits II the bumlmmmy fir ,
No sorrows to fret , no cross to boar
! , summmiuumom' hl'I ! vision tnlr ,
TiS wOlal or rrl ) ' summers
Yet cold and blast but male us stromig .
After the SIOW the robil's stronG. ;
To the Culest life by right belong
Time wlnlers al wel nl Ielonl
Anl , they whom fauna shal calve In stone
Time women whom men woull flin emutlmromue ,
TIme womelIom God his Itnmled his o\vn ,
Live wInters mis wel . as - summel'S
CU : . , UJIblf.I2'1E.i. ; '
GraceShe'sery eccentric. Elhel-How7
GraclSho mnrrled the man" she was engaged -
gaged to at the slashore last summer ,
Mr. Gamble-Would 'ou like to
! you lke take I
chalce In I lottery , Miss Overage ? Miss
Overage ( blushlng-Thls ) Is so sullen , sir.
The crown prince oC Jalln wants to hurry
nn American heIress Evidently the Jal
doubt their ability to collect that war In-
domnly tram Cimhnn
Dcnnlson Whelock , leader of music In the
Carlisle IndIan school , and I Chippewa girl ,
now nt the same school , celebrated Chrlshlas
day by getting married.
Smarl-Whatever Induced your uncle to
marry the widow of a man who was hange,1 ,
Simnpsomm-hlo hns been married to widows
befQre and said Il was tired , of having the
virtues of former husbands fung In his face
Dr. Elas ShiIng and wne of Lexington ,
ill. , celebrated theIr fiftieth marrlogo anniversary -
versary on the lth , surrouhded ' by their clmli-
dren , grandchildren amid other relatves , chl.
lie presence oC thc company they were remarried - ,
married , the cerelony beIng most Impressive ,
For twelve years past October has bcen
tIme most popular month for marriages In
Chicago. Last year June took the lead ,
whim n score of 1,590 to 1,560 for October
Januory hd a record DC 1.313 : February , S7 ;
March , 1,028 ; AprIl , 1,425 , and May , 1,381
Then came June , wih her roses and warm
skies , and 1,590 knots were ted by busy
parsons , July , August , and September hal
respectively ,1,005 , 1,17 and 1,356 , the year
closIng October , 1,560 ; November , 1,51 and
December ( esUmat ) , 1,350 Of the con-
trclng parties the oldest , groom was p3St
80 and time youngest 17. The former married -
nod 1 brIde of 20 : time latterone of twice his
uak r
' . A million a day'eat it A
i ? Why ? Non " just as gOOd as. " f
, , . ' .
r TRAOB MARK Sold only In : Ib Pckages leADS UAftS
- _ t
The Oregonian Country
Was NOT a desert six months ago-
We DON"r have to build irrigating \vorks
WeD 0 N'T ' have 10" cultivate nature to get a
URE of crops from any cause.
\Ve plant and cultivate the soil and nature
does the rest.
, -f you want to get there right cal at our
Omaha office , Room 101 Bee Building.
vVe , have the largest list of Oregon proper-
ties for sale or trade that is in the market ,
Trades made on large properties only.
600,000 acres in one body-80OOO in another -
other 20,000 acres 'of'ilnbcr land which wil
run 50,000 feet to the acre.
I .
' 1-wUL&Lm---- 1 ri I \ .n U T ! J ' J J-JI-w 1L.F5U :
own age , The yosmngrr couples genernhi ,
married ! In time spring these or more mRture
years Inter In the year , The oldest bachelor
to assume nllrltnl responsibilities was GS :
the olmiest ,
ohest Silinster r,9. Thlrty-nvo grooms
hatl 11auNI 65 , - nlll ten . brlles were minuet 16.
IMJ'JleI Jls .
On the 9th the First corps , commanded imy
General I ! ) 'nohl , was reviewed by time bl ,
dnt on a beautiful Illaln at the nLrth Dr
POlomac ' creek , about eight mits ! OI hloek-
er'l hwlqunrter writes Noah Brooks In the
Contur , WE roce thltler In an amhulanco
over a rough corlluro road : : anti , a9 wo
passed O'treme Dr the moro Ilfcul lior-
' for-
tons' or time Joltnl \ way , time amhulanco
drIver , who sat well In front , occasionally let
fly a volley or lUllpre8c,1 , oaths at his wlhl
tom or six mummIes . Fimmaily Mr. Lincoln
Icnnlng rcrwarc , touched time l/n on the " .
shouhler , and saul :
11IRn7" "ixcmmro 1 . ( 1) ' friend , art you ' nn gplsc
The lan , Rtat ) ' startled , 1001(01 arounmi
nlll replec : <
, "No , , : Ir. Irlllent : 1 am I Metlmodist. "
"Wel , ' ' salll 1lncOln , "I I thought t ) ' 01 Ilst
bo an Episcopalian , because ' '
Flliscopalan bcclso' 3'otm swear just
Ikt ( o\'trnor Seward , who Is a cllrch
ivarulemi I The ' .
driver fworo no 1 ore ,
Time Ilastor or a church at Iosngel0.
Cal , , ono J. W ,
Cal Caulbel , tool occasion re-
cenl ' to put thlS Into Iii ! Prayer : "Oh ,
l.rcouchs re Thy la"lnl grace 10 time ,
librarian of time Los Angeles city Ihrar ) ' , ailt
cleanse her frol al sIn nnll mnko her
worth ) ' or her omee , " The librarian
ccml'enstc the 10mlnlo . for his Intercls lon
for her by cllnl on him to pay ' : , OOO for
deramaton of her character In liuhihe .
Little Dot-I conhln't lake ant whal time
preacher was talkium' aboul. ,
talln' Little Dlcl-It
was I queer sort of 1 story , nhont a mn
what 11rellretl a big Ilnner for I lot of cammu-
paumy , hut mmoboily cUle , anll SJ he emmt out
Into the hlhwa"s amid byways amid got
strangers alum ! beggars 10 come , Little Dot
( tbmougimtfmully-1 ) 1'1131 the ' hail , mme 10 In .
those days , amid thhla wommldmm't icoeli
St. Peter-What claim hO\'Q yams to mlmt- !
talco here 7
New Arrival-i always paid ) amy pel\ rent
antI sent the chlhlren to chmmmrch .
"I gnMs WO cams let you In on the Sal3
termmms I
' 'Er'I dluimm't bring ' s1tim . "
rI dlcn't any mOlt wih le.
Mr. , Johnl-1 mihumi't see you nt church
yesterday. You ought to have beel ( lucre .
We lu\c I young mn rrom the theological
college to Ilreach for us. Uncle laclllll . \
knows dat , boas , en his etact ' do reason
on I ( hidmi't me , lm. 1 'IOW9 no stuJents to Ilractzo
The Excelsior Hah Tonic5 ' . i
hair lialog
- Hair
Re- _
- -
. , _ .
- . SlOjped )
I'or the Orst time In time hINlor or time world
n Ilscn\'cr Is nUIIIhnl Ieslorc > gamy hnlr 10
its nnluml comet without 11)'c. JI" , Vale , ( tint .
most WOIIC rul womnn chemlsl I ni giant
sc.nlBI , I. time discoverer . 'he g"ccl8lnr ' Illr
Tonic Is time l'emelV , I me , Yale hl' IJlncel1 Il .
Oi the Ilrllcl for Iho benefit oC tie , puhlc Ilt '
/u"MllrR It \\1 restore Ihe ( natural color hacll
10 mmmc bin ur. no Illel I how , long I u hl ! " " 1'1'1 ,
grim ) ' , The cur" IN IJermlnenl mum every wn ) " .
I wi amen atom ( rlJhlr hair II tuomn I hourR
10 uric weck I reRlon's time hlirn " "II
hpn s and creates a luxuriant growth. H I. I
guaranteed clime for emery ntlwnt or the hlir )
or Ncal" 'he whole worll bows Ilown tu Mme
Yule' , mucuor , ) ' 1111 10 hcr ghost slll I. n
ChCI'IRI , which his never been " 'ullcll hy mUl
or wommmamm Thin g"celslor 1ulr 'fonlc holds
comlllcle sway over the humll hnlr There are
no nln1nls which Iho hnlr Is lieu 10 lust I
' cannot cure. He\nrc or IuimttationR , Hoe hint
c\er hOllo IR la"elel "Misc. 1. Ynle's flxcet- :
Rlor Heir 'fanlc. GUlrnl ,1 10 lrnlole Gray .
Illr Wlhoul Dve. " l'llcc $ 5er bottle ; G for
Sold by all drgglsls , Mali orders promlJly
: Olell by
MME' M. YALE , Chicago
. - s1hJ 1 , AFlnol3Oold :
" , J'lntotWnhto
.T ' tD every rondtr o (
3.75 STEM SET thll rIJIlr
. ell him is omit tumid rn-
turn ivumim ' nne mmmiii
wlh OI'I'I'/)1
5 . Wo Wil f4ummi . IhlH
- l11rnnt % Vum ( elm , La-
' . 111(11' ( or ( i'mlti' , SIZL' ,
ii. 0. Ij , * 3.76oim
: - mrovLlm , l-s mmumu him
- lpuelr.mmtlu , to nay
' . , s5i.o ( ) unmid is'uutclm ,
- 'iri or mu itt , imiO
m.- t ' , ' : init iv , , , glvo mu , ,
FILICIL 'l'hmis
I iooti ( or thirty mas'e
. ' ' .
ommhy. ms'i'r.Amem
1IANtTh'Ac'rulm sew
Co , Coi'Amlfmmmme 1111(1
- Stmlt ; , Sic. , ChIcago ,
Isiti esirmuetlisle ,
flammmo n'imltc , liglul
oveuilymtl.mtrlbumt. '
eti , cuzmohmsy
( timreo tiuimcs usual
iilmiminumtion f ) a r
cubic footof p'as )
gemmial to eyes ,
HtOutilhless ,
A. C. MOREY'LaCrungo , lila.
I'lfiitNY ( ) 'I'SIlIt ItFl1Ir , ,
'i'arrmmmmt's Ixtmrmet of ( ti.
; . , ( ) arid ( 'a mum ( bit u. . um an ( C ,
. lcrtI In , und ijulimu ciii mu fur
' m'nrirrmuaum II nI gut CC II nil Is
, umu ; mih'SrlLl , remimeily ( or mmmi
, hiselm ( ( , of I umiu mirimmiury or-
slim ) , . ( 'tmiuhIumlng ill ft imhgmmiy
, 'oiic'nlrmut't ( cram Ii , . . mime.
. , mmciuimm i-lu Smut's eitlehs
- multi caiaiIm , , html m.ormublu
. stauhie , ( , 'r'Ioui , ( room mmmdc
mn'i , ' pct'dy aeliomu ( eturimiur In
mass Illume Ihmemi mmsm' (1511Cm'
r'Imnut , in ) IIIItk'I It 'O'l I 1I
1t-s'r VAi.hjfumh ! iee'ovn
I I hiM ii ) Y. 'to premIum I ( I muuii ,
s ee I 'ycry , - un. a u ad euului flCruss ( lu ,
( mmcc of Ibeh , wmumu Ihie ilgniitmmra of 'l'arriumit 4
( , ) . , N Y , uu'oum it. l'JhlC'i , * 1,00 , Hold hy cli
trone ' L1 F
. r. t. iiavz , &ti ! L1 ! ? 2LTUEIT'
is sulil under tObiIiVO ivrttemm UUnriuhltt'O , by
, iuthmnrlz'tl naont'i ouuiy , to cure Weak Ilemory
I .oss of liraimm mmmiii Nrrv 1'war I 1.o 5. Mnuuimoumii
( . iuickneum , ; Night i.ossc. . ; Yil 1)reammui ; Lack of
I , ontidenc-oi Nt'rvoupuui'ui , , ' Imm'stm Ohio ; I' ' Ii Jirumi as ;
11050 of l'ovor uf time ( loimerot lye Orgiusmu 1mm either
sex , cammued iiyoor.'x'rtiiumi , , , Ymmtlmfui LrrIr , , or
1zeessivo Use III 'l'iimacr , , , ( ) u'kmmim or Liquor.
wimlcim loads (41 Mitt'r' . ( 'ouflumumh'tion ' , Imismualty
ar.i hammtim ) , lii' mnmmiiEi us isis ; six for $ nwItIm
wfittft.i uuaruimtuu I , , cur , , u refuuiuh znomim-y , Waul's
7.1 ? : , l-'iitm euro i4ick hlaiumhuuu'iuo. ihiiiousuoea
Iiver Coiriplumint. )4mur ) i'Iomnirim , 1)a * p.imm mmci p ,
autipatiu&u. (1 ( lJ1l ( . N'I'EEiI 1ituemI only hi
Ceothimams Drug Cu , Omshs. .
- - , _ * _ s S