Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 12, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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hayden Bros Are Selting Max Moyer's
. sheet Musio Saturday
The OrtRt111.10 ! : ! : Carntvnl Ever lleM In
UmRhR - "orlthlnl In J\lu.lo At
URlt J\IR1I 1I10)'or'R J.owcRt Wholo-
RIo l'rleeR SRtllrdRY.
Max Meyer & Dro. Co. have soM theIr en-
lIre stock ot music and musical Instruments ,
merchandise and sheet musIc , to hayden
This was the largest stock In the entire
west and Included every Instrument and piece I
p ot musIc extant. They were sole agents for
su'l1 celebrated pianos as SteInway , Knabe ,
Voe and others , and when they sold out
they retired from the music business and
For Steinway piano .
- . For IIrlggs Illanos.
0 For Inaho tIflflOs
: For Sterling pianos.
For Vose Illanos. ' . . . .
For Iven : & Ponds pianos.
' For Story & Clark org:1I1s. :
r For Newman Bros. organs.
t. For Lellr IllanO'ClIse organs besides having
k In stock every popular make ot organ : or
pIano worth buying , nl half Maa Meyer's I
L wholesale prices.
. . ThIs entire wholesale stock , which was thees I
' admiration allll envy ot every .muslclan arni
; Inuslc dottier In the west , Was bought by
' Hayden flros nl such n low 11rlco that they
arGo ennhled to
I ' very musician should be on hand. Every
musician knows the value oC the goods 0- .
ferell al this. the greatest music sale cver
known. Oct a musician to nccompany yet I
to show you why you should or should not L
II There never was , and never will be ngaln ,
such a grand opportunity to buy
' Al a third-at n fourth
I At halt
; , Maze Meyer's wholesale prices.
. . Max Meyer had over 2GOO.000 pieces o f
' eheet music-surely every Ileco ( ) In print to -
' dny. hayden Dros. got It nil and will close
It out at n fourth , n third and halt ' at Mnx :
: Meyer's lowest wholesale price.
. . ' Mandolins , guitars , violins , autoharps. flutes t ,
banjos everything at ut least half Max ,
Meyer's wholesale prices.
. Hemember , Saturday the sale begins.
t Selling Max Meyer's music
-I' : Al less than half Max Meyer's wholesale
\ ' prIce. _ _ _ _ a _ _ _
p ; hayden Dros' nd. Ison page 5.
) ! Society ot the Etrft.CongregattonrI I'IIIIIS
1. for the I'u' urr.
k The annual meeting ot the First Con grega-
t tcnal ( : church and society 'wa9 held on
to' t 'Vcdnecdny evening and mattera oC great
t . Importance to the church and others car r-
if cerned were alljustcd.
For almost three months the pastor , Re' .
i' Dr. Joseph T. Duryea , has bean surterln g
. . ' train nervous prostration , which has prevented -
I' " vented any service on his part In connection
{ " with his church and people. This break In
. leadership ClIme at a. time when every clef -
f ; . meat ot strength was being severely drawn
f upon , but with the fidelity and courage for
" which this church has , always been noted
c. the services and devotional meetings have ,
< r' , . been fully kept up. The new year has now
! cornel however , when It , Is customary to Iny
. . . out work and readjust affairs for the ensuIng -
, lag twelve months. , At the meeting 'Vednes-
day evening It was made clear that Dr. Du r-
t. ya would not be able to return to his charge
I. : ! tor 1O\'eral mouths , If al all , and , that some
, ; : definite and semi-permanent nrrangements t
'j { would have to be made at once for a substl-
t. ' : tute. The people of the church understand
; the high esteem In which their pastor Is
' . ' , " . held , not only In Omaha but elsewhere , ns
n preacher and teacher , and how valuable his
e ; ' _ . . presence In this communIty has come to be 1
, , ' ' nsldered. They know , too , how dllllcult n
$ matter It would be to fill his place In their
! r- ' , 11ulplt. With hOle ( InspIred by sympathy and
1. personal Interest In the doctor's recovery and
* riturn to his people , Il was unanimously d 0-
f : ' - clded to defer any action looking to n pe r-
I' lI1anent change In pastors until he shall have
) . bad the benefit ct long rest and congenial I
' ' clllnate , trusting that by mIdsummer ho will
" begin anew his work among them.
' With characteristic generosity It was voted
; to nllow the doctor frill Balary for the three
iN months already past , arid to gIve him n
L further leave ot absence ot six months on
. halt pay. In th : ? meantime n committee will
. secure n suitable man flr : temporary SUIIJl ! ] Iy ,
wltlt liberal comlensatlon. (
fi In spite ot hard times the'ery enerf\'etlo \
; finance committee , lIIr. George A. Hoagland
! 'b . # and Mr. W. O. Taylor , reported n payment
" : ot $ fi.OOO on the church debt January 1.
L : . Plans were adopted by which $2,200 moro
'i. ' will bo raised to meet another emergency.
H was decided to continue the envelope
, system for revenue and a general repledging
. at lo'alty during the coming season was Indulged -
. ' . dulged In. A full board ot trustees , consistIng -
' . lag ofV. . II. Alexander , William Fleming ,
A. P. Tultey , Charles B. Sumner and Dr. A.
p. Som1rs ! , was elected , with n. A. Snow as
, - .
, how does the new tariff affect you ? H
' males no difference with the popularity and
; . . excellence ot Dr. Prlco's Baking Powder.
, Clmrlu I' (1001111\\11. : One or ( ) lImlll " l'rom-
Incllt C1thrn : , lt nou.
At 0:4fi : o'clock ) yesterday morning , surrounded -
, rounded by members or his rnmly , the ( soul oC
Charles F. Goodman took Its flight , death I
k l earning so quietly that the husband all
father appealed to bo Ilauing Into I gentle
' For n number at years Mr. Goodman had
bon I sufferer with Iirlght'a disease , which
was the Imme < late cause or his death. lie
resided at 180 : South Tenth Btreet. I lie
" family consl ted ot a wife and four chidren ,
three sons , Oscar Edward and Alberti .
und one daughter . Miss Enuna Goodman.
I Mr. Goodman was born In Oermany In
1834 , Ild came tu America when 18 ) 'enrs
. " ot age. Soon after his arrival he entered tie
employ ot a drug romllny In Columbus , 0. ,
- . having Ire\'IOUR ( to that tliten n three yea rs'
course In chemistry In u university In Saxon ' .
leoro locating In Omaha hI conducted ) ;
prosperous business II drugs anti Plints In
' . "etrola , Pa. . arid was \Idely known throuh-
1 out that f glen , which vas just then coming
Into Ilrominenco on ucrount ot Its oil wel i .
Is 01ls.
In 1868 Mr. Goollman established hlnuelr In
Omaha , and his l1ogrenlvo' Ideas anti } great
1uslless , tact canT piiced him In the firt
' rank ot the Illonccr Ilrctmnl ot the srelt
nor hwest. Ills business grew from the I
start , und at the presenL extellls over Ne-
braska welern Iowa , Valota'yomlng ,
Colorado arid Utah ,
' Mr. Ooo < lan always took In active In-
) nctle
, tereat In the affairs ut his adopted state nn"
representell this dlHtrlct In the leglslnture
, , for several ) 'enr. Ito was In ardent . . : ; -
. porter of tire Ilroteet\o tariff. lie also helI
- - the omce ot esldent ef the I0lrd at Trade.
lie took n great Interest II the wehifare of
tire city and , was a member of ! Ito Board oo
) ducatIon . of whch he was president. Ito
r' Wal aho n iuieinber ot the city coulIl tram
- tire First ward . lie was a Ilromlnelt Mar oir
anti was connected ' with many ot tire put ) liC
end Ilrlvnte Instutons' ot the clt-
' The funeral wi bo held from ) reside flee
at 1 o'cloCk next Monday whir Interment
at Forest Lawn
. II : , I
' . . . p
- - - - - -
I < -
: hayden nros' . lit Is ear Jge f. I
' - . . . - - . .
' JI.&IES'E1' . : t.XCUltrifOdi 5OUTtl .
' 'n the Wul'tl ' ltiUroaL
- Our urlt excursion will leave Omaha J an-
' trary Ii at t p. m. For tickets and furl hier
2nrlrmatlol or a .Oil ) ot the Southern 110 iire .
IUlel : pride cal lt the new Wabnh of lice ,
1'5 Farnam street or write G. N. cia ) ' toil ,
' . W. 1' . .cen.
New 1Icmh.r Tnke IIolcl-omclsls ltnko
Their Annunl Joport .
The first meeting of the new Donrc ot
Iealh , In which Councilmen Thomas and
Oordon succeed Druner and : lcAndrws , was
held yesterday afternoon , with all members
inwa attendance. The greater part ot the time
was occupied In hearing the nnnual reports
ofan the health officers , which were approved
011 placed on file. CommlSonel' Savie
submitted a rnther lengthy report , In which
he advocated erich measures ns would tend
to plnee what are known RS "nvoldable" diseases -
eases under more effective control. To this
enI he recommended that the Inspector at
contnglous 11lsenes be relieved ot all clerical
work In the office . that he might give his
en tire time to his outside work , and that his
sal ary be raised to $ ! OO per year.
The report referred lo the Improvement
thnl had been made In the regulation ot the
mik business and atNI thnt iluring tire
hrlet time that the Poppleton avenue dump
had bell In existence the city irad been
clenned up 11 excellent order , all was In < better
! anlary condition than al any time during
recent 'enrs. The commissioner again urged
the necessity for I detention hospital and runsit
bullnce service , aud suggested that four ot
the unusell election booths could be utilized
as pest irouses lie advised tire appropriation
ot n sufficient sum to provide for analytical
InspecUon ot Ice . n ! some of the Ice that
was being har\est1 for city rise contalllell
the germs ot t'phlod fever anti shoull not
bo sold to consumers. He also renewed a
former recommendation that the force ot
sanitary Inspectors bo lmited to four men ;
thnt their salarIes be increased to $75. per
m onth . and that each ot them be directed
to supply hlns t with n horse.
The cost of running tire department during
the current year with these changes was
estmated nl $14,000 , at which $10,100 was
for salaries.
The blue for labor In constructing the Pop-
pi eton avenue dump , which ha\e been hangIng -
Ing fro for two months , wcro ahiowed. They
nmuunt to $71.41.
The report ot the register ot vital statistics
showed thnt there were 221 births statistc
December l arid eighty deaths. The death rate
fo r tire year was 8.2 per 1,000 inhabitants.
The report of the meat Inspector showed
thnt he haIr condemned during the year 17 , -
4S1 pounds ot beef , 1,6S5 ot pork , 1.875 of
muton alI 7.215 ot fish. Besides this ho
hnd coudemned IS boxes ot cheese 885 sacks
ot potatoes , 4,1G7 cans at canned goOds , 2,1GO
bunches oC bananas nUll consIderable quanti-
ties ot eggs , gnme and other tables.
Half n dozen applications for positons ns I
Inspectors were placed on file.
On lotion at Chief Seavey no Ice will be
alowed to be har\ested In the Missouri river
below the Nicrolas
NI10lns street sewer , and the i
commissioner at health was authorized to I
hn\e h chemical Inspections made ot Ice and ]
ot the water In one wel In each ward
The commissioner stated thal ho hal ( been I
Informed I that Meat Inspector Frank had been
very numerous around the members oC the clt
counci In lobbying on the ordlnnnco regur1atin
the right ot the pedulc regulatng
: : to do business In r
the business district . adjacent to Sixteenth I
and Dougla streets. Mr. Frank was Immediately -
diately on his feet with' nn explanation . but t
the board adjourned and left him stiii tahic -
Ing. l lef stil tal-
ug. _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _
"Whal's the matter with the grlddlo
calles ? " " \hy. I forgot to use Dr. Price's
inking Powder. "
- - _ _ _ _ _
1'IRfl'S 4xD1rEH ViE 115.
. A.'TEIl'lEIS.
"Duslness In Nebrnslm will be on a belter
basis this year than nt any preceding time , "
sall Charles Stroclt at Chicago nt the I'axtori I
"Ono product ot the late panic wi be to
place everything on n cash basis as much ns
possible and I nm already seeing tire elects
ot Il out In the state. There wi not bo
the good old times again , however , unti
there Is another good crop. WIthin the iras it
twenty years large sums of money have been
spent In railway building and other Improvements t-
ments In Nebrnslm There Is naturally nothIng L -
l ug left to revive tire old prosperity except
Ire crop. Nebraska has received G very
black eye by tire sensational accounts oC
starvation alI suffering In thIs state scat t.
tere,1 broadcast through the cast. That lie Is
done else. " mOle to hurt the state than anytblng
"Tho highly colored and outageous czar -
gertons ot destitution In tire drouth ;
counties ns publshed In New York , Doston
and other eastern papers have just simply
sandbagged the stain ot Nebraska. " exclaimed -
claimed George W. Keley at tire Commercial
club . with evident Indignation. "As
wih Indignaton. n merchant -
chant and n citizen I protest against the
methods ot InjudIcious , advertising while
emanated In Omaha and was telegraphed ni
over tire country . I ' was n good thing _ tor
space writers , but ball for Nebraslm. We
cnn take care of our own. Easter capita I-
Ists wi certainly be timid about Nebraslm :
credits and Investments until there Is nn-
other 10011 crop to offset the damage that
has been done this state
by tbe (
publication ot &uch stuff ns line recently all-
Ileared In the eastern . '
press. They don t
atop to realize down there that the sufforir ig
Is In drouth counties where plenty suterlng
Is always needed or that the fnnners there :
arc runny of them new and poor The
general Impression formed from tbeso :
articles In the papers Is that all Nebraslta
Is starving and that the state has gene to
ruin. I would bo n mighty hard job to
float any Nebraska bonds In the cast now-
ndays for thnl reason. "
Judge II. M. Sinclair of Kearney Is al
the 1Ierchnrts , "I succeeded Judge , 10lcomb
on the bench nerd find thnt the docket Is In
splendid shape. Tire next term at court wi Iii
he held on the 21st Inst. I have known
Governor Holcomb slnco 1883 and have always -
ways esteemed him na n man ot strict
IntegrIty , honor and conservative Ideas. 10
Is nol n calnmlty howler and will malta n
splendid governor "
"The election ot Governor Mclntro In
Colorado Is goIng to have a marked etfd et
on business " end Stephen J. Larkin ot
Denver nt tle Merchants "It means n r 0-
vlval ot better tiures. x.Governor Waite
ndmlnlstrton was n detriment to the stat e.
The present Colorado legislature Is tire fir st
to occupy tire new capitol building , which
Is about comllleted. ) I Is n mngnillcenl
edlllce on Iroadwa ) Tire woman In poltcs
In Colorado Is n great success and I belle Va
It wi result In great good The belevo
criticIsm I hj\'o to offer Is that I regret :
that tire best looking women at tire state nro :
not prominent In politics there Burt , then , '
c\rybodY cnnnot bo born beautul , you :
kiro % % ' . 'l'nlent Is what gets to tire front aft er
all . " - -
hayden Dros' . ad Is . on page 5. .
0'\1. , U'U VIIV\UO 1'\,1 : IiXL'ilS S
uke the L'hrlcago , Mitwiurkee / $ t . l'arst 1 Uy 1
For Chicago and eli pelnts east. Vestbuled
sleeper heaves the Union Pacific depot ,
Omaha , lt 0 11. m" , daily . rench-
lug Chicago nt 0 a. m. , tire following dny ,
In ample time for all eastern connectior .
Supper Ind breakfast served In dIning cars
a In carte Passengers Freeport I , Hocltford ,
lgln 1 And aliloint In Wisconsin cnn , by tak-
Ing this train reach their destination twelve
hours In advance at nil other lines. Daggago
checked through from your residence to des-
tliration. For tickets and further Informl-
ton apply to
O. S. CARnER , City Tkt. Agl.
O. U. I IIAYNES , City Pass. Agt.
F. A. NASH , Gen. jgt , lfiOt Fnrnam .
_ _ _ . _ _ _ _ Sl.
TIlE : IHHCO'l' uOU'1'ulEItN IWUTI ]
TIt HOU'llt
_ _ _ _ _ _
\'h the focl , hhud- I'I'tost 110 auL
lri5tu5 ' .
1"llt"lt Tiiiiv
To alt points In Kansas , Oklahoma , Indan !
Territory , Texas and all poInts In southern
California . Only one night out to all points
In Texas. The "Texl I.tmlted" leaves Omaha
al Ilfi : a. m. Ilaly except Sunday , landing
Ilusengerl. nt all points II Texts 12 hours In
advance or al ether lines Through tourist
vats via Ft Worth and m Paso to Los An-
seles. For tul parlcllars maps , folders ,
etc. . call alar address Rock Island tic ) et
ofce , 1602 Fatnain _ ft ; t ,
CIIAS RCWN1diyQ.N } . W. P. A.
- - - -
. ' ' i' , "
. mlrOI'"kl ri.
Out January lfith the Missouri I'acillp will
sell rould trill tickets at one fare ( plums $2) )
to all poInts In ) { anss , southwest Missouri .
TeJu , Arkansas : also err the Iron Mountain
& } { lnu City , Watklnl & nul raiways In
Louisiana . Tlekrll lmied tu 21 days. Stop
overs a lo\ . Fvr 'Intormatlou , rates , etc. ,
cal on ! r write agent II depot , 16th and
\Vebstsr , Qr cOIlny' , offices , N. E. cQrner
13th and Fuirnala. Omaha . NeLu
J. 0 } ' 11,1.IPPt , A O. F. J & P. A.
"UOf p 90PFJW , P & T. A.
1 Iiyden DrOb ; : . is on - ; ; ; 5.
- .
To morrow Wo Ooso Out from the Jafry
Stock All the Men's , , Ladies' and
, -
. -
len'l Warm Gloves anl All nlnnkots In
Anyway lllnlcd bT rite Smoke
Ur Water nt Just One Fourth
Their nCRl "nluo.
All the men's wool underwear that became
slghty wet In Jnrtrny's fire , go at ISo
eac h.
All the men's underwear from the Jarrrny
sto ck . almost sound amid lerfect In every
repect , go In lots at 2fic , Mc and 76c , worth
trim to $2.fiO.
Over 1,000 dozen men's heavy flnl buck-
sit lur , irogaitin anti Cur top lined kid glove ,
all go nl Mc a hair . worth up to $1.fiO.
Doys' heavy wool knee pants 19c
Doys' Ino wool waists 25c.
Mcii's heavy wool home knll socks 25c.
Misses' anti child's heavy wool underwear
worth up to $1.00 , go at 7c , lIe and 35c.
$1.50 ladles' natural gray nnl suits 5cc
All ladles' finest eli wool union suits D8c.
Your choice of nil ladles' wool underwear
from the Jarrry fire nt 15e , 39c , unlerwear .
Ladles' all wool cnshmere hose lGe. , anti
: Ge , worth up to 7Gc. IGYc
All ladles' IIcrmsdorf dyed Imported hose
go at 12Yc ,
All the finest quality la < les' Mace yarn ,
sik , fleeced , lisle threal and suit Inlshed
hose go nl IDe , 2fic arid 3Gc n pair.
Mirses' and cliihdren's heavy all wool
school Mse 12c , worth 3Gc.
All the boys' all wool rib bicycle hose 1G4c. !
Case Infnnls' cashmere hose slighthy
dnmaged , 5c and lOb pair. slghty
Cirlirireru's 'nrn mitts 3c pair.
Ladies' yarn knit mitts De Ilair.
All the full size white bel blankets from
the Jalfray stock go nt 35c pair.
I Extra heavy gray wooly blnnllets COo
Pa ir.
Extrn size silver gray , heavy bed blankets
$1 .25 pair.
$10.00 ALL WOOL nLANKETS $2.50.
Your choIce of o\er 200 pair finest grade
whlo fleece wool medicated scarlet and Call-
fornln mottled blankets Cal-
motted ( only slightly soiled )
worth up to $10.00 , go at $2fiO
Selling out the Jalrny Stock.
N. W. Cor. 16th and Douglas.
hayden Dros' - . ad. Is . on page 5.
JOJIs lmlms' "XCUIS10NS.
% ' hrs ChIcago , Itocklahiunil rondo 8 I'uucltlo Hnl-
Tuesday Januar'y lfi , tIckets wi bo on sale
nt rata ot one tare for Ira round trip ( plus I
$2,00) ) to all point In Kansas , OIlahoma ,
Indian TerrItory and Texas , tickets good ] I
twenty days from date ot sale. For full I
particulars , rates , etc. , cal lt Rock Island ]
tlclel olllce , 1602 Fnrnam street .
G. N. W. P. A.
a -
IUnele ulIilq L.ultt turret Sliver .
III lult IUt blv.r OntlJt.
SIOUX FALLS , Jan. -Speclal.-Tho ( )
output of gold and sliver from the mlnOs :
oC the Dace hills In 1803 Is I follows : Gold
221.675,858 ounces , with n coinage value at r
$4.10,083.27 : silver . 137015.20 ounces , with n
coinage value et $06,540.04. The output for
18Dt Is placed by ! onscvatve mining men
at : Gold , 443,351,716 ounces ; coinage value ,
$8,238lG6,54. Silver , 172,304 ounces ; coInage ;
vnlue , $120,675,80.
January 15 , 1805
One tare , plus $2 , for round trIp from
Omnhn to the Black lulls via F. , E. & M. V.
H. H. ; limit ot ticket twenty dnys. Passengers :
gers for the Keystone and Holy Terror distrIct - :
trIct buy to Hermosa ; these for Green' Moun -
tain district buy to Deadwood .
General passenger agent Omaha Neb.
The IUllltol foute PcrsoDdly Condleted
To California leave Omaha every Thursday :
morning. '
Through to San Francisco and Los Angeles
without change.
Cheapest amid best way ot reaching nny
point In Colorado , Utah or California.
TIckets anti advertising mater at 1324 Far
nam streel. M. J. fOWLING ,
. CIty Passenger Agenl.
Hayden Dros' . nd. Is en page 5.
Given SIx 1)neyeMorc to LIve
GUTHRIE , Old. , Jnn. n.-John 1111'gan ' ,
the negro murderer under sentence to hang
at Oklahoma today . was reprieved for sIx
days by Acting Governor . Lowell lasl nigh t.
The presIdent grows fonder ot Gray Gables
every year. They use Dr. PrIce's Daldng
Powder there. r
l' ' L ' . . ' .
ElSU,1 l'.il"UUl. L'I8.
Dr. D. L. Paine and n. J. Holland , Lincoln ,
arc at the Darker.
John IL Martin , with the United States
Supply company , Ip I nl the Darker.
L. D. Craig , with tire larry Weissinger
Tobacco company , Louisville , Ky. , Is at the
C. L. Wood , Imlghl of the grIp for Gron-
neweg & Schoetgen , wholesale grocers , Is at
tire Darker.
J. S. Shaub , knight ot the grip for the
Monarch Tobacco works St. Louis 10" , Is I
nl the Barker
R. W. George , knight of the grip for the
handy Box Blacking company , ot Hochester : ,
N. Y. . Is nl the Barker.
A. " ' . Sydney , knight ot tire grhl for the I :
Herriman & Curd company , Hnnnibal , 10" ,
Is registered nt tire Darlter.
P. L. Book , who has been employed for n
number of years In n confdential position
wih tire Crane mevntor company ot this
city , parted from his numerous friends yesterday -
terday to sumo iris new position ns the :
representative of the Churchi Pump con r.
puny nl New Orlenns.
Al the Mercer : harry Romaine and wlte ,
New York : J. 1' . Bupont , 'rihton. N. II. ; H. I
I. nucha nan , Sioux City : M. P. Hedmon ,
Osceola , In : C. M. Currier Osceoln , In ;
George 'el , Des Moines ; W. S. Grafter ,
Western : O. Ii. Metz , Friend ; E. M. Coihin :
Fremont ; II. D. Martin. Indianapolis : J. I. ,
Conw y. St. l.uls ; C. O. ShumwlY , Lyons : ;
A. J. West , Wisner : F. clrrciber . Wisner : : :
W. S. Delsirer IoJlrego : C. II. Brec" , jr .
Buenos Ayres. S. A. : L. C. Weisir Chicago :
W. WoodwnrI anti wife , Des Moines ; K.
Neb. Welsh , Des MoInes ; T. Whitaker , l.rton ,
- - -
. : . , - " " . --J " , - - - " - - , ' . . - - - , - - - ' " . - - . - , -
BEE : . MTFRDAY . , , TAUARY 12 , 1895.
.Tn tJge UundT Tot iltyon the ) lln ant Lo
JI"W ' n Enrey. :
There " 'l n ! ct ' hat dramatic scene In
Jucgo Dunly's crt yesterday when John
Dunn ot Niobrarnaistood up to be sentenced
for supplying R six , Indian with liquor.
Dunn Is nn old , Oirlier nnl' a widower le
Is the father of hfb , jlereslng children , who
woull have ben IIHL unprotected and alone
to fight the bat af the world It the father
hml n been placec tn prIson. Dunn did not
plead the baby aCt , nor hue his chidren In
lears present In the court room to work upon
the sympathies otUhe federal Jurist. There
wns just n bit ot moisture In his eye and hIs
hip s quivered , however , when In response to
tim e jUdgo's question he said that he had a
faml ! ) ' .
"hiow much of a family ? " asked Judge
"rwo chidren , " was the reply
"Where Is the mother ? "
"Dead , sIr. "
Judo DUldy paused for n few moments.
"Whal means have you nl your disposal
to turn over to your children . when you go to
jnl ? " asked tire judge
The prisoner drew from his pocket n piece
of paper and laid It on time j\lge's deslt. I
was an honorable dIscharge ns I soldier from
the Pourth New Yorl regiment after three
yelri of active service for his country.
"I have nothIng , sir , burt my pension , " and
Dunn struggled manfully to keep back he
te ars.
Judge Drmnrely Is tire possessor of I large-
si zed , heart and after giving Dunn sonic ex-
celent nd\lco he suspended sentence ttrrtil
the May -Ierm oC court I Dunn behaves
hllnselC In tire meantme ho wi keep out or
ja il . Dunn gratefully thanked tire jUdge and
Gergo Bal of Itushvle , recently Indicted
for selling Iquor to Oliver T\\ \ ! t , an Indian ,
was arralgncd. True to his name , Oliver
passell up his CIII fIr more unt he hall
nccumulatell I Inrge-slzed Sioux jag Then
ho betrayed Bal and the later was promptly
b roubt In by Deputy ) Liddiard
"hiavo ) 'OU any funnily ? " asked JUdge
Dunll )
"No sir . " meekly replied Ball , who 19 I
raw'bonell specll < ot the genus cowe
puncher , 'but l\e got n sweetheart what
thlilts n heap ot me. "
Then everybody laughed , Ineludlng ChIef
Deputy Coggeslnnii . who only smiles three
tmes ( luring n court session.
Inquiry developed the fact that tIre offense
with which Ball was chargE was his maiden
nfl Isdemnea inor.
, ,
"You are fined $1 and costs anti , will remain
In i the custody oC the marshnl ten days , "
said Judge Dund ) ' .
The case against U. S. Garner for selling
green goods to Prank Davis ot Darnesvle ,
0. . will be disposed oC today.
The grand jury will adjourn toJny. (
A petition for JUdgment In the sum oC
$53,724 has been flied by complainant In the
case ot Augustus rank against the villagE
ot Brownvll
Judge Dnndy wl go to LIncoln next week
and after molding court there two weeks
wi go to Deadwood Cor two weeks returning
to Lincoln at the close at the Deadwood ses-
s ion .
1Vlren domestic storms threaten , restore !
peace by using Dr. Price's Baking Powder.
I t Is .
I _ _ _ _ a _ _ _ _
Light Stun ot ltuincm4witIr the Men Rt the
Fred C. Loosle , who lives at 1712 South t
Seventeenth streef , was nrre tel yesterday on I
complnlnl oC J. L. 11"ln1 n , who charges the
! defendant with stealn ! some wood
Loosle was arraigned before Judge Derlm
and acknowledged time theft , sayIng mat he
was out of fuel and money and had to pro
vide warmth for fivd little children. The
judg j told the man to go home but to tal.e
no more ot his neighbor's property.
Members ot the polled ' force are muchly
Interested i In the numerous bills now being :
Introduced i In the legislature to change the
present system or.poltce govcrnniermt. Al I
ot the older members
arc opposed to any :
change In tire present system.
Anton hoffman , a tailor residing nt Oil
SOlth Tenth street , was In the police court
yesterday to swear out ' 1 complaint against
Constable McKenzie , whom he alleges as -
sauled hlmse\ and wife whlo serving re -
plovln papers for n sewing mnchlne. hoffman -
man claims that he bought tire machine entire
tire installment plan and owing to hard time
was unable to maIm his payments promptly .
The sewIng machine company sought to secure -
euro possession at tire property anti sent the
constable after It. Mr. hoffman says that
he didn't know tine constable and when ho
tried to nice ( the mnchlno out ot the house
he resisted with ni his might and was
knocked down and dragged out ot tbe
I. 'J. IcGovern and Hugh Hnggerty were
sentenced to thirty days nt hard labor In
tire streets yesterday. The men were reputed -
puted to ba chronic vagrants and have been
lodging In the polce staten for nearly u
monlh. ,
. John May was given twentr-llve days In
the county Jai yesterday for getting drunl
and going home and abusing his famnil ) .
lie wi subsist tn days at this time on :
bread and wnter.
Hayden Dros' . ad Is on page 5.
_ _ . _ _
They 1''n ' n 8nll
ThIs Is the season when the license In peter
tor IR In 1 peck of trouble. This year the
bill posters have not applied for licenses
anti the chnnce9 are ( lint they will not be
Interfered wil , Tire ordlnnnce provlde9
that they hal tnlte out I $101) Icen80 each ,
but Judge Scott decided that the ollnnncc
was unconstilutlonll , nrrd thlR source at
re\'enuo will bo lost The ordinance was di.
recte It nonlesllent , Irms , < which wet 1-
the hnblt of 1001lnl tine city with hund
bills on frequent occasions to the nlegell
delrlment of local dealers . hut the court
held thnt It olllel to ni men al , .
n.eo\"rrl iler , Inuumriitsr. )
Mrs. Kerch/ ot St. 1011 Plssed throush
Omnhn ye9terdn afternoon whim her lauHh-
tel whom she found nt Che'enne. The
Ilughter was Imluced to leave her home
se\ell weeks ago hy another woman and ,
fO' IL whlo Ive < In Vea Moines . InI , this
city . Her relatives trcel .tlw girl to iris
city , anti through the ussl9tnneo of the
polce Iellnrtment found the girl In Che-
enne. )
la'den Bros' - . ld , Is . on page 5.
GOODMAN-dma , F. on Friday , mornIng
A 9:45 : , nt iris residence , IS0fi Houlh 10th
strCe ( . aHe,1 , GO years , , I monlhs , 3 days.
Funeral notice later .
_ . _
Born , to : r. anti 1it's , Phi J. Tebbels , n
son on January 10. , Al wehi.
1 Ii71wclRr1
"Ob . dear , " ilhcd lltc MI fleece , "You coe. " laughed tat old Mn Wlme .
" .1 rely don't know what to d "I'l tel )00 what 10 do to set
About biscuits , though I retake 'em All 01 you folks tJ treat 'em
\Vith own hiandi and bake 'ciii . atid ' , m
Wih mo.n band , Qulc difercnll ) Ind cal'em I J
- Thafamihrsecnntohatc'cm , And cook beat 'rm-
tlyaeem t bat'cm Ad vow no cok can - s
And a my cakes and cookies too. " junit t 1 cain 01 Caumel" d
, . . , . _ _ _ _
-t.----- - - - - ' -t--- - -
- - - - - : - - - - - - ' ' -
T omorrow'a Grcatst Sacrfco and Biggest
Shoo Sale Omaha Has Ever Known
10,000 , WOMEN'S ' SI.60 SLIPPERS 29C , 59C
M en's Felt hoots ODe arid hiDe , Ilrilnircn's
Buckle ATtl . flOe , Itoy'R Art s ( Oe.
JlssJllbcr ftc . Men's nrlt
OrAllo ubber Hout B2.fIO.
10,000 pair ladies' elegant warm lined felt ,
Illush , velvet , beaver and leather slippers ,
worth up to $1.GO and $2.0 I pair , go nt 20c
nnd SOc hair
000 pairs chids arctcs , 50e.
1,080 hair bo's' nrctlcs , Gge.
1,200 pairs misses' ' plain rubbers , ge.
48 men's felt boots , 2ge.
300 : men's telt boots , GOe.
40 cases misses' dongola shoes , SOc , COo
nnd 85c.
5 cases mIsses' lace anti button dongola
shoes , $1.00.
Good ; youths' shoes , 90c.
IG cases ladles' warm hinted bulon amid
Ince . shoes , GDc S5c amid ! Oc.
5 cases la < les' Iongola shoes , Plc .
Car drl\ers' , motormen's Iml teamsters'
warm shoes , worth $3.GO. go at $1.75.
Ien's fancy slippers , The
Ladies' $3,00 buton shoes , $1.S0.
la < les' $30 button shoes , $2.00.
Lathes' $3.GO congress shoes , $2.00.
la < les' $ iOO congress shoes , $3.0.
1.3dles' cork sole shoes , $2.75.
Lumilies' . , $ fiOO halll turn 111 welt shoes , :
In nil tine new styles , 300.
Ien's $3.00 Jersey c.ilf shoes , $ i,50.
Ien's $1.00 shoes , lace or congress , go at
Ien's $ GOO cork sole shoes 111 flue custom -
tom made cal shoes , II all the new styles ,
In lace or congress , gu nt 300.
Men's best frade rubber boots , $20.
Infants' shoes , 25c , 35c airti GOc.
Anti thousands of [ other bargains < In shoes
equaly gre.ut , rind which BOSTON you can only buy at
N. W. Cor. 16th and Douglas.
The members ot Capitol lOdge , No.3. A. P.
nnd A. M. , lre requested to met nt Free
M ason's mail this Satnrtlay evening , January
12 , lt 7:30 : p. m" , to mnlt Irrnngements for
the funeral oC Drother Charles F. Goodnman
Dy order ot the master
. _ JOlN _ ,
The State Relief commissIon have established -
lished headquarters at 10D Frenzer block ,
where all contributions ot provisions Inli
clothIng should bo sent , Instead oC 407 Drown
b lock . a9 heretofore. All correspondence
shoull bl addressed to me nt 407 BraWl
block. W. N. NASON , President.
- Ir ' , , . Tiriemurin's Ir"th.
Coronel' Maul held In Inqlest restenln
over time remains oC Mrs. Chllles A. 'l'hle-
man , whO was lmmell 10 death : early "
Thursll ) ' mOI'nlng. The members of the t
ju ry carefully Inqillrel Into the nrrntter .
IlloblnS pt the marry rumors to tire effect that :
ire plnee was robbed anti set al ( Ire to
< lre
conceal the ermine There wns no evidence
to suhstantlate these reports . rind thl evilence
founl that tIne womln crummier to her deathr b ) '
b eing hm'nel II her residence , the leath of
thc mIre being unknown. ' 1lw funeral will
tnle place at 10 : u'clocle this mOlnlns ( toni
Maul's umleltll"ng rooms :11' . Thieman
was resting easy Ilst night , and seemed to
hear with his InjurlC In a hrave maimer .
Thl IllYsicianns 110 not think that he mlnnel. cnn recover :
cover ( torn his burns amid bruises.
What shall we do In the long winter evenIngs -
Ings i ? Fry doughnuts made wih Dr. Price's :
BaIting Powder
. .
] ' . I.c"rled 'rallceut.
A goodly number oC persons were at the
'Vomen's club rooms yesterday afternoon to
listen l to the lecture of DI' Learned upor
the subject of the proper eiucltlon oC cliii -
t hen. ' 1he doctor conte that there
should he a.ful development of the hotly In I :
order that thele woul be the vitality to
< vlnlt
CII'y out life's work. lie urged that the
habits l oC children should be regular , that
( lucy shoul have regular tmes for pIn ) ' .
eatng anti sleeping He thought that the ;
Imblc l school teacher usualy performed the
d irty to which she was nsrrignetl . but she
had Ito to do In malting the perfect 111 :
and woman.
I 1(1 ( for the
I '
. .
N\ ' 1
C j II .ij : II' !
Luxuriant Hair
With a dean , wholesome scalp , free
from irritating and scaly eruptions ,
is produced by CUTICURA SO\P \ ,
the nlost effective skin purifying
and beautifying soap in the world ,
as well as purest and sweetest for
toilet , bath , and nursery. I clears
the scalp and hair of crusts , scales ,
and dandrf destroys microscopic
insects which feed on the hair ,
soothes in i Hated and itching stir-
faces , stimulates the hair follicles ,
and supplies the roots with energy
and nourishment. For the
nouishmcnt pre-
vention of facial blemishes , for
giving a brilliancy and freshness to
time complexion , as wen as for
cleansing the scalp and invigorating
the hair , it is wihout a peer.
For bd cmplexions , motby skin , red , rough
lands and sbapelc" nO1'1 dry thin , and faming
b"r , and simple baby blernrihcs It is alhnl
Sold Ihruhoullbe world. Price , " c. Pan-rex
DRlfl AND ( . Ctrrp , . Sole l'rr" . "SC . , 1050n. POTE
Warm Your Feet. i
at night wih ' ! a
tRIA . Ol WAlfR BAG G ,
_ _ _ 2- ' uart , 65 cents
3.quarl ( , 76 cents.
, . 4-quart , $ 1 00
TheAloe & Penfold Co. ,
H08 Purnam Street.
Our 1111 or actual And ur.deniabm cures or
> fl'IULIS < phenomenal. We furnish oil me-
, cln. . free end eriidicis the poison from tIre
, , .
y.lem In 90 '
day. Cure iuarnlee '
lour 9:30 : t ' ,80 ; WeJne la ' . un'I S"tur-
. . . . )
ay. . 9. P. m.
81 New XQrk Life Om la Nei' .
Y earn / , Nhueoll Shoots Wilt 1owl anti
Uncs to .J"I.
'esterIR Judge Scott discharged from
the t county Jai n boy narel 10wlr , ' Llt ,
who hall ben ordered to confnemenl In tire
bale for tire space of one day , anti ' until a
ln at $ . was either paint or bonrdeI
A couple of lays ago howard was nnhnat }
wih the Idea ot pluulng time wlhl , game ot
lie prairies. Tire fact thal nt this tme at
the t year stick Inrsull Is strictly prohibited
by the laws of the commonwealth dill not
entol' nl all In his calculations. Ito 0111) '
knew that he wanted to go hnntng , anti with
the uSlal decision ot n : oy , ho aCteti imii-
m medlatel . lie took down the shot gun [ front
Ihe t wall , anti wanlered forth with the spirit
ot Nimrd In his south Islrst place or opera-
tons was southwest ot South Omlhl , where he
s truck the trail of I lock at ducks. With
Illomltable it i courage anti skill ho tracked
them tip , anti arrived \lhln shootng tiI-
t amice. He put his trusty weapon to his
sholider anti brough several ot the wild antI
tree Cowl to the larll with 1 turIn The fain.
I i ) ' ot Lit had every expectation ot Ilavlng' I- '
east duclt for Ilnner that day
hut time huntng operations of Howar,1 hnll
been witnesseJ , amid before ho man fully got
over his exhiaraton at hn\lng brought the
wlhl denizens of the skies to mother earth ,
ho m vas rUdely awaltened to the fact that he
hnl l beeu violating the Inws. Justce at the
Pence l lontgomer rules at South Omaha ,
anl m before him the ) 'olthCul oren r was
brought. ACer dire and deliberate consll-
o ratIon the maglstrnlo of the law decided
that t for tlo ( afortsll violation of time law
ire t cumlimrit alnonilti ,
culprl shou11 be Incarccrte,1 In the
count ) Jai for the l'erlOI ' of one lay anti
should further ll ) ' n firm or 5 cents nnll
costs. This was not luch for a nUller of
L mig , Cat IICltS , one would sa ) ' . amid 10war,1
wou11 \ould not have thought so either
If i ho hal hal to pay emily [ cents. limit
the t costs Igure,1 , nil $ IG , auth that
put h a lllerent asPect Oil the case. Never-
ireless Howard was transported to the COUlt ) .
i rrisonm .
At this stage of the play tire pnrents of
Howard took part In tIne proceeding and corn'
m mmemuced . habels corpus proceedings. The COl- latter - I
ter t C.le up before Judge Scott , who 111 lot
tnlto t the sale \Iew oC the helnlousness of
Hownrd's offense , and . dlschlrge - < hnirui
Travel arolll the \orhl nHl yott will fillI
Dr. Prlce's '
Ualtng Powder . everywhere.
- -
: llrrlo :
Tine following marriage licenses were Issued -
sued yesterday :
Nnmo alll Address . Age.
lnx Fried , Allress. 013hl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Hose Neer , Ormiuhint. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 :
Daniel \\'Iliiamtt . Omnha , . . . . , . . . . . . . . . 3
: lnrthl \i. Prcscote , Orriaumrt . . . . . . . . . :1 : ,
John Jalel ( , ElK horn. . . . . . . . . . . . . G
Lena Griturmi EIhorn. . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
John II\al , South Ornnihmn. . . . . . . . . . . . 40 )
Jlnr ) ' Denlselt , South Omimnthn't . . . . . . . . . 26 ;
- w
Hayden Dros' . ad. Is on page 5.
A meeting of the Department ot Education L
ot the Woman's club will be held at the :
'oman's club rooms , Saturday , January 12th ,
at 3:45 : o'clock A full attendance Is partcu- :
larly desired.
January Sale-Woaks and Furs :
Cures Ira effects or
fel-nbuse. : excesses.
- emls8tons : Impotenc ) ' .
, vnrlcocele and eon"tlpa-
, . f ; lon. One doirara box.
six ror $5. 1"01 snle by
4 co , nnd IgSI.n ; &
LESLU Omnha. Neb ,
Don't ' Neglect ! Your Eyes. y s
W. r. Seyniotrm , our optician , liaR beer
extremely successful in fitting glasses ti
hrunntlreds of tire best people in the city.
Lenses Exchanged l"ree of Charge ,
The Aloe & Penfold Co. ,
hios F'nrmmnm Street.
Opposite l'axton lintel.
When any article is found in
use in al parts of tlm cvized
world , it is proof positive that
such an article is necessary and
docs its work wel and cffcc-
Especaly is this true when
the article is only purchased
because the buyer believes i
is i not wise to longer do with
out it. Such an article is
Wal'lel"S Safe CU1'e.
I I A remedy that can be found in
the bazaas of India , at the
fairs f of Russia , on the equator
at Singapore , in the far north
at Stockholm , under the
Southern Cross of Australia ,
and in every city and hamlet
in i Emope ! , Canada and the
United States , must possess
remarkable power for the 1ca1-
ing i of thc nations .
Vlallel"S Safe Cure
i s a medicine with a history.
It las revolutionized the trcat-
ment of Brights disease , and
to-day stands without an
equal for the cue of all kid-
ney , liver , UrlII'Y and female
diseases The inhabitants oj
the civilized world say so.
Offices and laboratories are
establshed at London Eng. i
Rochester , N Y. ; IHelboure ' ,
A US. ; Toronto , Out ; Pars ,
France ; Frankfort , Germany ;
Dunedin , N. Z , ; Kreusingen : ,
Switzerland ; Bombay , India.
You make no mistake in
buying and using a medicine
which bears the stamp of the
world's approval , ,
THE "FAMilY ' - ftmpte
" enlI .
Household Neces . .
, . Necessiy. _
Cnntrins the rmrwmntm -
Stnni nnlc ) , , ' . wIth non tiieo . CIIChll r.n.wll ! _ _ _ _ - ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Stnll . Shoo Ih.eo.evo"lllo Inmmer. TlE FAMIIY . CoeQual
. .
Knife i'.guuim.g . Awl nn.1 \ , . " . . , '
Ic . .
ltattdle , , J.nrjo lllg , 101110 of _ 0 \fO"lnr : . ! ' r' I
L"nther ( 'eott ,
! ' '
, ement lrlo
, ,
10tlo nr Hnhher Ceient i'
, ' ' "r 141rs ot Ih'cI1141" . , 'l'aeitngo ot lePs , 14rk410
ot Icel tati . I'nkno ur Ciiciiiitt tlii for Melt ' i
Nai. NII.
. . , , , Cllehl !
nlil lotsVOI k\ i'etaao ur CllClllg Nals for
WOIOI s anti Chi \ II cu' . it err : , nll1
. . 'riintmm . : : , m'.uuts , Oi 1.\1' SOLES. , . . . . ' ' '
So..rolel'.krd . In " " ' \on \ Ion \ ntrIm.5mrl1. ViraI.I , . . .
Xo enn nlfml , to ho ithout Otto ; ( t Ihr.o ? "t.
. . fllnl1 . wlholt , .
f. \1 pay rorl.olt runny times oer eMI ) car.
For Sale thy All Hardware and General Siorel.
" Tlo Trade Supplied By Hardware
f .obbors Cenoral )
80\0 \ Irnprlrlnrs , Of tic ' ' ' 'lllly & . " the 'Tarn. '
, . . , , n .
ty Ua1c. ' eniter . " the "lolllr , Ualr Sell elc. ,
CHlcAUO. m'l' . i.our"
KAS.M . C1T : , 011\1 A . , HIUX OT\- .
Agcm. W""tNt. ttentt For Cataiorttre.
Sample Each : , Cobbler and harness Menderlor$3.50.
Welku.n anti trocrot
ivory . euro . muinnnteeti. ! :
) Ilnrnntcd.
230 y'arn' uxIernoncu.
- ox..rJolo.
4 8 years h. ( ) trrrtha.
' ,
' honk Free.
. 14th d l'n.nAI Nt. . .
Of.tUi. NIn.
- -
The Oregonian Country
Was NOT a desert six months a'go- '
- We DON'T have to build irrigating \vorkso
We DON'T ' have to cultivate nature to get a
URE of crops from any cause.
\ \ plant and cultivate the soil and nature
does the lest : :
If you want to get there right cal at our
Omaha office , RObn1 101 Bee Building.
We have the largest list of Oregon proper-
ties for . ale or trade that is in the market
Trades made on large ; properties only.
600,000 acres in one body-80OOO in an-
other. 20,000 acres of timber land which will
run 50,000 feet to the acre.
. . . . . . . . . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
, _ _
, , .
1 . . , . , .
, / . II' " /lulu. No liltln. , Nu , &mgmmcm'r ( S
. . ; , Ilca 1'lw"r for Corn 11,1 Fee,1 Id ills . , lulne
: _ , r' I f , Jill ) ' , iugmnrjgCrcttPiicrIcs,8ttmntrUt.OrS - - - - , & 1.
' '
. \ \ . ' Stationary I toJiOIl I , 1' . or Portable. . ' .
- , 1 1. , lto 3 , 1.1' , .
, . . . , ? 4L ' ' ' Send forClh''Ju ' t'rm's. ito ' dl"cILh'j ' wlr 10 b done o .
; . THE01.TO , . CAS . , ENCINEWORK&
, ,3,1 t % S'alnhrt 5ti. , l'JI.AUIGI'IIAI' , . &
, . .
. .
' CbICaiI245 Lake St Omaha 321 So.1lh 6t.
- : z' ;