Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 12, 1895, Page 4, Image 4

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    rj . ' - ' : _ _ H _ ' . - " M- = : : : - . , l' " . . ' JJL4 - ' ' ; - . . "
I I . 4 " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
, . r. nosrnV.Tcn. TItor.
. " , - ' - - . , - . ,
Pu1JLtsui.mY ManNINO.
IUDLtsmm _ : _ _ _ _ _ _ _
'rmMf O } ' sUlJscIlflrr1oN .
i flail ? flee ( Without fun ny ) . Ono Year . . . . 8 M
, tnIlY flee end 8unday . Ono YCIt . . . . . O C $ ) I
. unl lonlh JM . . . . . . . . . ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 ( !
Thr " lonlhs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 r
BundlY I1. One Y"Ar . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20' '
fnturtR : ) ' lj' p. One Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 to
' Vetk1y Ut , One Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
OlI.'ICIS. ;
Omnhl , ThO U"e lule1In .
i South Omnha , RlngH Bk. . Cr . N nnd 21h SI.
- Conci luls , J : Ilrl I3trcct.
Chleao omen . 27 Chnmbtr Comm"tce.
? Jw York Hoomi . 13 , 1 ( n 1 Tribune flId.
Wuhlncton. 107 I SUeet. N. W.
: ' .
. Al Nmmunlcntons relltng 10 n. . . nnl' el1.
Loilal the i1Itor.
- 101nl mnler Ihould le nd < eNt' : To (
. .
: AlL bUsiness leUers nnd r.mllnncts Ihou1 he
_ tllcled to The Uee lullshlng compnn ,
, - Omaha Irnln. checks ann " pOllolce orders 10
, bo made tityabt . 10 UI' nrtkr or the tomlmn )
- ' - -
= = =
: . ' ; . .
aorge 13. . DC The UeO Pub-
: O.Ie I. TzcIiuck Iccrelnry lce Ilb.
l.hlnl compan 1.lng i1uy . woTn. M'S Ulat
) < 11)
. the nctunl number oC lull nnd COPICS
. DC the 101) Morln ! \'enlng nut Ufl41tY Ice
prInte ( , during the month oC Novcmler. , 151 , Was
I :
a 1. rolow8 . . . . . . . o 2. ' . G9 t6. . . . . . . . .
2. . . . . . . . . 21,7 1. . . . . . . . . 21.rM
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22175 ,
a. . . . . . 27.Z5 18. . . . . . . . 2,15
4. . . . . . . . . . Ur25 1. . . . . . . . . . 2J.II ,
, e. . . . . . . . 2J.r.37 2' . . . . . . . . . 21.1 ) I
6. . . . . . . . . 21.173 21. . . . . . . . 20,150 I
' . . . . . . . . . 34,20 22. . . . . . . . . 21.431
S . . . . . . . . . . 2 .95q 2. . . . . . . . . 20,251 ,
- 9. . . . . . . . 2I5 24. . . . . . . . . 20.21
10. . . . . . . . . 21.40Q 2 : . . . . . . . . 21. 90
I. . . . . . . . . 22,4\0 26. . . . . . . . . 2.121
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,070
1. . . . . . . . 20,091 27. . . . . . .
13. , . . . . . . . . 21MI 28. . . . . . . . . 19 , !
I. . . . . . . . 20t62 2. . . . . . . . 2.020
' 35 . . . . . . . . . t0&T0 30. . . . . . . . . 19,982
Total ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .r 9C51
' . Less copies ( llluelons . . . . . . for . . . . unsold . . . . . fnd . . . rllrnr . . . . . < 11,2S2
Tol.1 roi4 ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .t 72
Doly n\'erago net circulatlan . . . . . . . . . . . 21C1
. fl1O1t(1l I. 'ZSCnuc"
, Sworn to h.roro me rtnil 811..erlle < In ml ) ? pre8-
Inee thiS M tiny or Peecm1r. IS91.
: ' ( Seal , ) < N. 1' 1'IML. . Notar ) ' PubllC .
, .
: The 1)ouglns COUlt ' (11CfltO1l ( II the
; _ Hlate le lslnll'e Is Hot gvIiig any ole
nn OIJllol'lunlr ) ) 10 0'411001. Is IJ'esence
' 't nnt ItS Ililineitce.
A113I11el1Il(1 ) or the le ? lslal\e who ] hns
, been ( 'crlool\d II I the I distributon of
, . trco lalrOI1 passel ) Is Iii \ tetl t ( give the
. mll'onl11 notice or the overolg1it without
11eah . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
' \h ' HhIouhtll't the legislature let
Chl'chl nnd IusRel net nl lJlce com-
mlsRlolel's Inslead % or letl them nnme
three 1io11-i1ps ? ' . .i'hiatvoull ( fill the
mensl'e or their nlhlon nOd put the
pClqulsles ( hi'ecthy Into their poc1ets
South Dakota hal the most hlarlrel
SyIlShflthlY of Ne1)rIsha. : The Ileolle ) of
th1 slate hn\'e 1111 expe'lence with
t hank wl'ecl\I's S and 110ltcal 11anclerllg
' thnt Illnces them In a posltol to iiiitler-
; , RtII 111 nlllH'eente ) , the sltuaton ! In
: 1wh' slslel' stnte. :
All the scllmes 111 measures relating
, to II'oIJRed changes In the city govern-
: . , men t thIflt have been relHllated tme
alit ! tme I again and which could not
rouse I corpoml'8 ! guard : In their sUIJrt
Imolg the substantial citizens of Omaha
i : : . are 1'1\1unlr reappearing at Lhl1collI. !
* They wi shnIlly have to be klet
u aln. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
TrCz _ _ The Ilw Illaces ) UIJOn the 1llronds the
nbllgatioim 01 constructing and maintaining -
laming \I11uctH oyer theIr tracks In
: " ; cites of. the met'ololan c1as. Let the
P hHlgnunt propert3' owners uehr the
: . EIeeiitim Ileet , 'Iulluct sue the mall-
; l'al1s for denying them the use or that
I Street for traffic to and fl'OI their prp- .
el'tJ' .
The Japanese mInister io Great 1111t- -
, . ala says that the plesen king of COICU !
Is whnt' Amellcans cal "no good. " I '
. " "hle he douhts the rumor or Ume
. Corean I'hlg's usasRlnaUon : , he Insists
that he will be delJOsed In due tiiic and
succectel h3' his seconl soil.Vo pvc- '
, sume In that event the icing or COlea
a' wi In time eyes of time Jupuneso bo "all
, right. " . _ _ _ _ _ _ _
'The ' death of non. Charles F. Oood-
; man will be sincerely mourned 'by all
classes of our citi7.eiiil. 11. Goodmnn
hal for mOle than twenty years occu-
, Pled a COnRIlcuous plnce In this commu-
: c . lilly nnll state "IS a Imhlc spl'ltel ciI-
; , zen associated with ninny hnportant enterprises -
. telJlses that 1111 for their object the
tle\'elopment or lImo state anl1 the 1)1111(1- ) (
lag UI of this eity . DurIng his useful
; nnt honol'a111e career 11. Goollmnn oc-
. , cuplcd > various IH'omlnent pollens of
honor anti 11'lst In ImhUe hOlles ) and
chnl'lu1110 1112(1 hele\'olent nssoclatloiis ,
of which he wus 1 respected member.
I- Gm'elnor Iolcomh docs not care U
t- . 'plca3'lle Whotl1' ho hums : tile privilege
, of nppolnlng two of the live membm's )
. or lime Fire nli Polce Conunlslion dm'-
, lug his lel'm 01' not. lIe would ( loult-
Joss prefer to be relieved of the rC Pon- )
slbI13' . Jut the elt1ens of Omaha who
; , wlnt the commllslon klllt nH far ns
posllle out of polllcH and out of time
: hnl1H or lelrellleln lawyers amid 1110"
feslolal blnclmllm's wI not 1101.
t wih ( fa\'ol ulon Ihe scheme of conferring ! -
rIng time lWI'I' 10 select the lJlce nnll
; fro cnmmlHslon Ulll men or tIlt ! Rtnmp
, t , - Bell. nail nnleccl10nls of Churchill immmd , HU8-
, : . , ' 'ho 1l'lol llntol of $ ( nltO' 'YIlnm
, m. , Ohm1llm' of Now llmiinpslmlm'o " > ' n
onlwn of thin mojmmmhlicaim IWIhel8 01' time
, . leglsllll'o IJIICI'S hl'J'011 mill 110lht the
t question of hIs l'ol'nton In his IU'I'/Wlt ) /
: IIOglIl1 \Vasltingtomm. . Senator Cimmmimd-
. . 1m' hits I rt'corml tOl' homiest , aggressive
' l'ullhlclnh.1 HUt Clttl ! him 10 lll
, with limo foremost or limo l'llhlcll
lt'tmilem's In the 1111 to. " ' 'l Ilfm'mell
. - Dim CI'I'cnt tOIIl1 nll nlwlH ready for
( J1'Uollltol II 11 ellt0 , ho hi recognized
n8 one 01 tilt most serviceable nwii 01
, 01 floor or time 80mtl' . 10 I ! sure to
[ 113' I very IJ'oll1elt part In nnlolli
, Legislation ( 101' tIl ! next six yeard.
Time l'lcclon or Omnha ni tIme place
. for tht' 10xt aimutitil IWrlll of the Ne-
britsla4 amid Inva ,
11'III.n Imlllol1lt DenlOI' I !
- soculol must 10 talHH to menn that
- I , time ulh'ultagcH or thlH city have beel
so 1111'cSlol 111n ( thl "hlors dl'ln
their sesHlol just rOSI't Ihn they arc
, not unwilling 10 have their
11 wii 11 thl'l. OXIHlIrlco
rOle:1 : ( cnch yj : . Omaha 11llrcclutcs
, - tIme Cu\nr nil wi try to 110 ( IIH' shure
: ( I lulllnllllg the eel Inll'esslol thUs
muntle. Time association will bo wol.
C01et to hold Its meetlgs here so ofel
- n8 thmt- IIC.l ' will try , to commtvlb.
ute to 'mukllf timcc'llg or mutual
: corned belcJt to thl tllol'nt lJ\1IlS COl ,
. , , ,
' ; -
DFClSl'l : AC7WN .Ht,1m FOl
The State ] eler cmmission ns nt
lrsrnt O'ganlzed Is tot ( fnnl to the
( nergIIC ' . 'ho entire burden of the
ftuIJCllolf ttsk devolving upon that
hoty Is II'elcnly horne on the slmomml
tiers oC n single mnl , WhC1 In reality
I would tnx the best encl les of half n
< ozel oC time lest hlRIICR8 mCI In tIme
Rlnte. Hl'\ JllhN' Iutll\ ( \ 1 : mnn
or trlmelllous force and nlmost immatch-
155 executive ability , but he cnulot
IJOsidllr IJlrrol1 nil the state relief
vork. This Is really what he has been
ctled 1IJOI to do since the revival or
the cOIUIIslou Inst fall. Ho Is time
general secretary , cllu' e(1 ( wih coiulnct .
11g the corr'spon(1enco ( or the hm'cau 1 '
ull nll telegraph , whIch aggregates
seVeral hmlh'ell letters amid scores of
dlItcI. e'ery ilmiy , III 1.01118
half I dozel t3'ptwliters amid sten.
ogl'lllhers cOItnuth' 11 imiotlomm. He
11 Ilrl'sllwll to be ) In cOlslnlt coil-
mUlion wih cOlllr nl1 precInct relief
dist rhhmutors . uce'luln . time most ( II'eRsIIg ,
WUUtR Ir Inl1 locality nnll tIme 11uluttr
IC fuel , clothllg 111 IJ'o\'lslols ueedcd.
lie If i 1IIIRlmell to net ns general par-
ChISIIg : u : mgemit for nil supplies that are
Ult Ictunl : ' 1101UtCII , and he Is expected
10 mnke nil ( ontlets wih Ilwnr CoIn .
lfluliQs for trls1olIniol t of SUPIJlc8
mULti net IH general Ihlpplng clerk In
11l11 time commoll IIs forwarded 13'
rail amid cXlu'eRH.lhol h the commIssion -
sion ) ostensibly Imims . a treasurer , Mr.
I.ulilen ( his 1IJ tl 1111 tIme been per-
fOllln the fll'loUR 11c\01\11 Ullon
hll In the receipt amid dlsllrSelllt or
the funds 1IIIccII nt the 11S10Sl1 [ or the
commmniissioim. Is there nl ' wOlller . that
com1lulnts mme fl'omarlou8 I1U.tCI'S
thlt relief Is 10t as eXllcdllous , amId
R3'slcmltc us : It ! houll 1o' ?
t'he llollle ) or Xl'blnslm mil the people
of the whole country ' now look to GOY-
clnor Iolcomh to tnlw Rueh acton us
II his jld menl the Ixlgclcr ! or the
hom' demmmmmimtls. 'Ihe relief commIssion
shoul1 be reorgnll1ell nt alice amid
IJlnced UIJon I f otug flint wi enable
It to meet all 11 c 1 I 1 lIs. Time worl , oC
the bureau shoulll he suhll\11cd ( timid
IJclformCl bJ' len or good business
qiiaihlicntions. PoliCs 01' creed should
have no Iilnce ) In this\llg service ,
uor should the Itntu he iilggmivdlV II
C011lelsatn tlse who engage 'In this
Till ; A'T.IK ON ' 1l GWRNIJmCKS.
Time IJ'Ollsl ion to elmlnn te the
I'eclhac.s ) Crom the Cm'elc ' , hy re-
tlllg amid calcclu them , 1nds very
little SIIJ1ort ) outsIde of the eastern
hmlwl'f : nnd those who relec timely
views. I has been fully demonstrated
that uo uch IJ'0110Sllol can pass the'
IJlescnt CO11C5S , whether Il shal come
II the form of nu Issue of hOlds for
fnllllg thc Uuled ( States legal tender
notcH 01 In authority to the secrotnlJ' ,
of thc treasury to use surplus revenue
for retl'll them. Although time 11'esl-
den nlHl the secletu'3' of the trons-
tr _ are commited lu fIner or retl'll
time greel1ac.s I majority of their
lrt : In congress Is not wltl them.
Time declsl\c vote In the caUCUH of .
house democrats against the 101d.
lu'olslon of neplcsentntve Sperry
conchlsl'c13' ) showed that there Is no
chance for the success . In this con- i
gleSR of any scheme for etlng rid or
the Unlet States legal tender notes.
In his very ahle SIJeech lat week
In OIJlslton to time Carlisle bill , Mr.
Cochran of New York presented 1
strong argument to show that there Is
no necessity for r ll'lng the green- '
bacl.s. The financial wrier or the
New York Sun tkes the sume vIew
and gives most cogent reasons for It
Ito points out that the plan of nlJlJl3'-
Ing surplus revenue to the retirement
or legal tender notes Is not IJ'uctcnblo ,
for the obvious reason that thcre Is no
surplus reVenUe now , nor Is there likely
10 be for I long whIe to come. 'Y1h
the ntmlnlstlton nt Its wits' ends to' '
devise menns for procurn enough
I'e\enue to barely meet Its Oxpeimses , '
Im3'lng off $ : OOOOOOOO or legal ] tondcrs
Is out 01 time question. Beslllcs , II
there were I surpius It could not be
turned Into gold to an exlent Rulclent
10 retire m'on $ rOOOOOO of gl'eonhacl.s
It year wihout com'ulslng the fnancial
wO'11. As to 11111g the ] legal ten-
11er Inlo lJnl1s It would be so 1110nlt
C to ho Irnctcn13' ) IUIJOHsIII\ "The
UIJshot ) of the 1ntel' Is , " says time Sun
wrlm' . "timmmt for the salt 01 emmnllhmlm
cnahll !
time banks ; to 11it ) out $ : OOOOOO of
theIr own notes 111 111.e It IJ'oilt h3"
Imllng them ns money It Is lU'ollosel
thnt the co un 1'3' Hhal be saddled with
nn Intm'est charge In Iulrietimity of
i12,5OOOO ( ) II year 111 ( Incur the risk
of II Inlnolal crisis comllrct to whleh I
thlt of 1SB would 1111Jar InslgnltClnt
Nor would ( thc 1nlntm11co of gold tlm3- )
lonls be renllm'cll any . easier , nor time
liability 10 gold eXIJI.tH ho In the lelRt :
mhiiiitmitshctl. ' 1he only Ilfm'nco would
ho thlt time tlsl , of I.eoillng ut par
wih gold $500,000OO ( ) of IJllr lonc3'
woult lI tmnsfl'J'cll : fl'01 n slnglo COl'
Iml lJWl' ) . , . wlh time wholc wellh of
the e0l1. .hehlnd , I. to time 8,000 O'
1010 iiimihil ) . 1oslr slll ones , sClt-
toyed throughout [ 01 I J'-fOU' states , amid
ouh : lll'Huhlg its own cO\le wIhout
regmu'd ( to that of Its follows. "
'l'ho fuet hnIng Iwcn dllonstl ted
Ihnt time Clrlhllu CI'I'IUC ' iihl ) , 01 113'
of tIme suhstll 's for It so far IJ'OIJOsld ,
clnlot II llHRed , I Is hnllosslblu 10 5113'
whlt the dommmoerats who nme aimxlous
IUIOI"lt ! l'O nnxlols
for . 1010 SC.t oC currency Ilglslnlon
wi now lroJOse. Time allllnlltl'l 1 ni
Wlnts lime legiml louder notes I'otl'ml (
mind ii'0lii)13' ) wi 1m ) sltsnlll wih imotim-
' '
lug , else. That time present congI'ess
wi not do , nOI' Is It ut nil likely time
next one \ \ llI. Time 110lJllr 1 (1111
thlt time I'eenbncl.s Ihul 1elnlu a part
of lime CU'I'IIC ' wli not he Ignol'ed.
: [ nnlfl sIJ' time host thing coimgm'ess can
tIe Is to (11'01 ] thIs question timid take
UI ) . time 1010 IJ'esslng ) ono of 1nl.lnl time
l'o\eIUes or time go\el'n1Cnt 1cet the
cxIemIdltllres. )
" , Vlmilo IJ'o1lc1011 cold weather (01' Nebraska .
bmslm might bo n mot un'11csll\lo
hal'dshlp ! for thosc oC lel' l'e8hllJl18 us
are not ( J'oIJal'ell to wIhttmt I 11'lot )
of low tC1Jernlm'c , ne\ol.theless time
stale wOllllH'lwft greatly from ( U series
of wel IlstrlIICll111 Ilarmowfnls. .
' '
1ho c01111t\OI \ of I fair CI'OP COl' next
' ! ISOI Is that the ground secure , simili.
cent zuQisturo to counteract the bad
- - - - ' ' - -
- ' - - . . - , - - - ' - " - - - - ' ' - - - - ' -
1- . ' . , . , " ' _ " ' < . . . ' . - ' - - - . - , - - . - . . . . . . , --r . " , ; " . . . : ' . - , " - . . < , ' - - - , - -
. , , . \ - . ' . " " . 'i' i. .o"'f - . . ' " ' , , " . .
cfecLq or the destructive dry spell or
last 3'enr. The tefcencr In moisture In
most paris of the state hllcnh.'s that
It will require I great deal of 10W to
restore loMunl comiohitloims. Tie snow
thnt wi 8111111y ) ) this will hl welcomed
throughout thIs section oC the countl' ,
7'1 I : SOV7'l U.I,11ACl , .
The so.cnlcd hwestgnton of the
clmtmrges of collusion between the
gamhlers alil city olcials In South
Omnhl Ins tl'nell olt to bo I l'IIH.a1ln
farce. Timnt.wns 10 have been expected
fl'om the way It was instituted. Every
mnn rl'OI mI3'0' to IJntrollan denlcs nil
Imowlellgo of the conlrlmton or dis-
h'lhlton of hoodle by l\eIlel'l of ittW
leIs resorts , directly 01 tlmrotigim 1lhle-
mmmcmi. ' I'he affable amid ICCOmlOlntl
Lavyer DouII , who drew UIJ the ccii-
tract amid In\'enI0'3' for the sale of
conh'nblnll goods In the shape of faro
tahles , vhmceis. ( lice boxes nHl devices
for whing away the midnight hour ,
nlso COII18 ( In wih I general Icnlal ns
10 the Illicit immtercoimrso In which he was
ll'eRllcd ) to act the Ilrt of pioetlmei.
Mr . Doud C\'en Ilro\'ed ) that .10hnslon
dil not tel the editor of Time Heo that
Doml' . relmlnton wns shndJ' Thnt In-
tCI'\'lew wns between four eyes ntl
Mmiyor .10hnslol coull delr the son 11.
Time gang In South 01nhn that has
hell UII tie gamllels anti olive I'celerl
IR In ul respects the sunw ns arc the
' 1lnnl1r gangs In all the big amid little
to\'mms. Timey stick by each olher anti
( len ' everytlmlmig-eveim such fucl8 as lre
nolorlou8 and cannot he successfuly
'l'hlt there has been crookedness amid
rotelueRs lu the South Umaha iiiuiilci-
val machine has been patent to every-
hodr In that town for months If not for :
'earH. I Is not euled tlnt a mono\olr I
In gambln houses his beeu muaimitmmiimed
bJ' the .nll or tie city aumthmorltics.
) [ a3'01 : Johnston hlmset : lmla that
four gnhlng houses were under
Hleclnl protection or the 1)011CC and nil
others were m4ystemflhltiCllhly broken UIJ.
Did these four houses enjoy this specnl
privilege wihout lubm'icmmtiiig the men
through wl01 the3' secured protection
from ruinous COmlJetton ? Assnme that
the periodic ( donations to the city , received -
cel\ell without I shadow or legal
authoriy , were to be rOllell : In the
nature or I license , how did It come that
the foul privileged houses , wlh their
wine room attachments , could run all
night nnl all day , Sundays mmmii election
days , wllout coming il confct wlh
the police unless thieve vas I gleenback
bantngo put over the eyes of these law
olcers ? Ant how did It cOle that
police o1cers woult take time part of
the gnblcrs to Suppress COmlJlalnt ?
I would take I great tell of credulity
to swallow the gauzy expllnaUon that
the statements of Deaver concerning
polco Vlotecton were pure fiction con-
cocte to help omit I proposed sale 01
lease of his business. Time fact Is that
Deaver mndc the same boast to Parties
that were not even suspected of the In-
tenton to buy ' his franchise for omrn
10nopoly. fourth 01 the ' South Omuhl gumblng
I goes without saying that time South L
Omaha In\estga ton wi deceive nobody -
body familiar with the ! Iua Uon.
TIl : sUa1t11 IJOUNI'Y. .
Time Indications are that the sugar
producers can expect nothing from their
efforts to secure bounty on time sugar
'IJloduced last 3'ear. The case rought -
by the Miles Planting and 1annfactul-
Ilg comlmny of Ioulslana has been decided -
chled Ignlnst It In the courts of the
District of Columbia , ant while It Is
posstble ) that the decision whit not be
sustaIned by the supreme court 01 the
United States , t which tribunal time
c011mnr wi appeal the case , the
chances are obviously against the decision -
cision being reversed. The Louisiana
sugar company malic an IIJJlca Uon to
time circuit court or the District of Co-
lumhla for n 1andamus tl compel
time secretary of time treasury and the
commlsslQnel of internal rc\'enue to. .
mnlm mimi exumlnaton 01 the sugur pro- :
diced hy the ccomI1n3' , prclmln : ' t :
the IJymcnt of the sugar bounty for
1S9L ! Time 11JllIcnton WIR denlcd and
the case carried to the court of IIJIJeals ,
which n few days ago ItrJcd tile do-
clHlon of the lower court.
'rho OIJlllon of the COUt or nlJIIlalR la
thnt the claus\ the lew tariff law ro-
lt'm11.iimg ) the sugar h01ltJ' 11\'ls101 or
the ) IcKllle3' law olertcd ) al a direct
repeal ! , llt 1180 as aim eXIcs 11'ohlhl-
lou of any further IJrmelt of houl t3' .
'hl ) lcKIIII'y act having beel repealed
nlil the rights .f time relater ( the Miles
Cilmiahmy ) hn\ln : fnlln therewith , "tO
11nt3' le11lncll ( whlll the ICslJndent
( time secretary ' of the treasury ' Ill the
c01JlssloWI' of Internal le\1(10) ( ) could
Ilwfnl , ' jerformmi. . 'he fncston of thc
eonHllnlonnlt of the hountr la w 111" - .
lug Iwen raIsed , the comlm't ' '
ralsel COllt l'xII'eSSII the ;
olinion that the consul lton mines ( not !
give ( 'ommgress the llWI' ( , to lar lJIItes
10 mummmmmmfmietimrc'rs or ImrOlIlCemS ( iii '
1UlnrlctnlerH 0' II'OlhllC's II order
to ( 'mieommragc time 1a1nflctu'l 0' 11'0-
tuctol of n1 ' tii't lob. " ' 'he IJO\\'el'
heJ In\ol\cll , " Rnll time court . "Is ole
of t Ixn t Ion. 'I'he Inlwl houl 13' for
HIg11' 11'olhwton has ntICl'sSI'IJ' : cent
ont of the revemm ties rim . lst'd by clel'11 I
tmmxntlmim fj ' .
tlxnUol fl' the ImlIIIOI.t of time go\eJ'n.
1wnt. 'l'ho gross H1n lwuh'cl ] each
3'11' hul to ho Ilcllllel 11 thc ( 'slhlnleH
for nllual oXlcnsos ) Inl rOlsllc'ell In
time immmpositlon of taxes to rmmise time ' '
11IJosiloa tlXIS IIR ! I'e\-
cnuos to mcel them. ' Xo 11011t
nf Inclllntnl Ilhlc geol 01' Illett wi
mender valid taxation or the ' ' . ,
Ionte'1111 tlxatol 0' mmpprojmrlmt- I
Uou oC l'IVeUUO ! to he mlt'm'ls'eml timet'tmfromim '
for a' ' private iiilrImoe. " I this Posit loll ,
If ! oUld . amid should . he HI8tlilel1 by
I lam court of Ilst resort limo ( Inestol of
g\ntn ! lJuntes ) 1111 snhsllls wonll
ho ) settled , I1e1 It Ii to be hllll ) than. .
II'c'm" (0 I lt. wl he ( 'Ulieil 01 to las
uwm this constitutional 11lnl , which Is
mlUlfl'sty of ! I'lt liIill't ( ) limiet' , though
not llecessimy : , fs WIS Hlll by time ehllf
jtistice or limo ) C'OUt of IIJII'alt , for 113'
111'IJIO or time case immmmlei I' coimsltlermm-
Uon. I ntonls IU exColont OIIIJI'tunlr ) ,
however . , for a cccl81ln 11'01 lie highest
rOl.t nl to the ioVem' oC COIJn'IS to
grant bounties III IHhHI11 ) ( > I.
I "onlt ( 11'1 that the sugmir . II'Olhl'- )
ers 1nr lSYI JIJW u\ I heir I 1hl18
thnt timey wi gt uo hOllt ' 01 Ilst
' l"1 : ' II'oIUltu ) : . As a 11t'I' of fl'lt.t
justice und equity they ought to receIve
bounty on so much or the production ni
was tC(1y to 10 marketed before the
McKinley _ law Jns rellcnlell and tIme
10W Inw welt I ) effect , hut Ils to ho
npprlhlntet ) Ult the supreme court
wi nlrm tl61declslons of the lower
comls , which , I 1110V ho remarked , were
unnnllously cncurred in 1) ' the Judges
or those tribuimnis.
A GO1',11'JflSIllI' ; . . ( 7' STt.I : .
A political battle Is Inlulnelt In Ten.
leSRlO whlel IR already causing ' great
Ilpnl oC cxclChbnt tlcre amid will assur-
ell ' attract llb Atenton of time enUro
CttimItl'3' I glO":8 : out or n Inrposo on
tlo Ilrt of the tlelorls to contnuo
OO\'ernor 'rm'neJ' In otlice
oUle , nlhongh on
the face oC tIme returns , ns mll1e UI nc'
cording to iegal I'efulremel I , ho wnl
denny defenlel nt time Xo\em1er dcc-
, ,
ton by Hlt > Clay : Emits , the repub-
"cnn en 1 11 t II e. lnlledlatel ' after the
Recl'cllrY or stnto had nnlolncell time
Vote , whIch WIS deln3ed ns long ns pos
Ilble , ihuwhlg limo elcclon or IllS ,
time dcmiioc'tats
the demoClls begun } lloln1 to O\'el"
Uu'ow thc rcsult 'rhe < emocrtc slate
cOllnllle made I demand on the leglH'
Intl'e as soon as It convened for nn Iii-
ve'stigatiomi of the electon , chnrglng flint
thc'e IU\1 hecn vlolntons of the pail tax
In a nnlbel' or rountcR , 111 thm'e hns
slnco been brought to bear emu time dcmo.
Cltc members of time legllnturo all
time IJ'C8Sl'e IIRlblc to force them to
O'der au lmivestigatloiu. Iuch to the
surprise or cvem.ybomi3Govermmor ' ' 1'1'ne3'
sent I 11tUOI to time legislature giving
notce thut ho woull contest the election.
Now that body Is Rtrugglng wlh the
Iueston ( whethm' I call , wih duo re-
tIJect for the constuton anti the laws ,
Imlake time 11sUgnton which the demo-
cl'ats demmumummtl.
The gemiei'al assembly conlnlns eighty
temocl'uls , fOlt ' -t\o relJlblculH anti
ten popuihists , so that there Is I mnjorl
or twelty-elght l\nlnble for counting
out Mr. Evans If nil the Iemocrat can
be depended UI101 to override the con- i
sluton anti the laws. There It reason
to . believe , howeYe' tmt some of them
wi refusc to do this , though whether I
sulclent 11mbel' to defeat the s heme
Is or course unCI'rtn I Is I fnct of
great weight , which It would seem cannot -
not fail to exert I very decided Illuence
upon thc tcmolmlc memhers or time
legislature , that I large numler or
11emocratc papers , luciudlmmg sole of
the strongest In the state , Im\'e declared
that the reIlhlcnn cUJllhlato was
elccted nun tml he can 01113' be kept out
of 01ce hy violations of Inw. But I
Is more than probable that I majority
of the lelocl'ats II the geneml : assem-
b13' will 1laly' 3'lelt to the 11elant of
time Party lnctlne and O'der an Invost- ,
: tton , the outcome of which wi In all
probabIlity bm } to continue the ( lomb. ,
Cltc go\eluO' ' ' In olce , for It Is to he
presumed thelninJugers have nil the
"proofs" of frtl which they deem
necessar3' to aeeompihslm the desired cud ,
Time XO\'ClbCl' 1eclon celonstrtet ] I
that time cemocmlc parly In 'l'ennessee
Is going to pieces , .nnt the fight the
\art3' Is now inakng : I ! to retain . the governorship -
ernorship Is one fO' life. " .lh II rcpuh-
Icau go\'eror'ther ' would unlloubtedly
bo cxIosure of 'UueQrrupt ! : practices that
ha\e . lro\alcd for years In thc political
affairs of the state , and the < emocratc J
mllulgcl'S understand that onlr this Is i
needed to Insure the complete overthrow
of the party. Titus they arc so desperate
as to be ready to do anything , no
muter how lawless ant revolutonary ,
In order to n lte ] ionger perpetuate
their rule. Thc republcans show n dls-
IJslton to make the battle thrust upon
tlm It lent interesUng. 1
The nppolnbuent by President Cleve-
mud 01 Lieutenant E. H. Crowder , on
duty n judge advocate In thc
Depurtment of the Plate , to be
major and 31idgo ud\ocat In
the United States army wi he received -
cei\ed with no Ute gratification ln
both local mltr and cl\l circles.
Major Crowder has bean deservedly '
populnr ) both with hIs fellow officers
and with the legal fm'athrimity wherever
ho has been statIoned. tic early dis-
Ulgulshe himself In time lne or time profession -
fesslon of 1aw. As judge advocate oC
this cell11ment for the IJast : four years
his legal I ability and literary acumen
nUH1e his opinions nt once much Bought ,
not only In the mater or the ordinary
eom'l martial In the army , but In time
b ? 'Oller fields hl'oh'lng time cleston of
trials by ch'l all military courts. ILls
opInions ha"o hcen allpro\'el hy the
' hlghest 1111' ' and ch.n tm'ibumials.
Major Crowder Is I young mnn with
wile holds before him Iml his Iwesent
IJ melon Is lccognl1el nB II rIwlll of
mcrlt 'J'hmero Is something In It , too , of
I complment to General Brooke , who
hn hli time pleasure 01 seclng mnny of
his stuff officers 11'omtml whIc on duty
with him nUll undcr his general th'ec-
ton . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
'rhe house of mepm'eseimtntives { nt Lln.
coIn hnH Htluck I hlnw at : nlpntsl by
l'eful'lng that Imhlcly be 11'11 to the
1011 ton8hlll ) which ( , mflpioyen helr to
Jemhel's 111 utC ! ! ! 'What If Ihe
commimty collulssloUC18 , time city council
nun time school board shoull ouch re-
qul'e the IlhlllUon 01 time Ilt of dm1-
phlrl8 together yilii I alltelJlt or lIme
l'Iln ! tolshlll ( of l'acJ ) 10 mcl 11 other
Ilhlc ) ) offices or the city , county 01
school Ilstrlct 11m J'nbl.l. 'J'h. . . . I.etterL
Ncbra Ns'a.
Nchn il I ) wR.
Now watch the tUI , fly / The Omaha flee
hus hppn iroviIng loud
Ilowl" anti long because
' ' becuust
Walt Seeley slooe'a Gooll chnnce oC secur.
log an appointment Ir the seiia t. ' . to which
the 1.lncoln Joura rlpdndH that \\'alt was
'nt nile timiD seCr InI'y oC time state central
committee , dUl'lnl "lleh time ho waH In
receipt oC a 'numlr tC t requests tal tritims.
portaUon tram such Imatriotic genIeme
llutrlolo us
g , Uosewater : niH/ that he bud nlemen al
to hurn all his luttuxsm IUI ) hae Is ! ' '
al lotuisl Al very In-
teresln ! I prows that B , Hosewatel Is
not above .toIHtn on the enemy" when
he wants a Invor. unit It Ilso pI'o\'es that
the secretary oC he ( relubloan central corn-
mitee has a great deal oC "trammsportatjon'
at his disposal. "lrllsllortaUon"
The Internal nftalrsofnearly nil the Euro-
pan gos'ernments are In n state at excit
merit Ind perturbation. In England a
change ot parties 19 Impenelng , nnll when
It occurs n much steadier hand than Lord
Iobery's wilt hell the helm In the tor-
elgn omee. The German emperor Is plunC1
Into I biter struggle \ Ilh his , l'ulamlnt. (
anel distinct signs ot the separalsl feeling
among the South Oerman states are growing
frequent. Prance Is
treqnlmt sadly disorganized anti
agitated . and her fnnnce ! as well u her
trade feel the ( disturbing elets or 11ema-
goglc recklesness In Ulcl11uro and still
moro demagogic crangemenl ot the tariff.
In Ammsttla the old
Austtll tht 011 Jelousy anti suspicion
between thin Hungarian and German poit.
tclans ! have been pol-
ha\1 grNlly allravACl anti urn :
Ihreatenlng. And per 'la ' h torn ' " .iii time i
unalleaMblo passlon9 born at corrumptiomi and
poverty. Time general 11slurbanro pro'nilng
In these various countries will naturally lend
wi naturlly
to drive lealers 10 some bolder display In
foreign policy
polcy than might otherwise be ven-
tnro on . anti this increases the probability
ot sonic striking ehan e.
. e..o
Auspicious light Is cast on the tntentons
ot the new reign In Hussln by the Innounco-
ment that the czar Is about to summon to
SI. Pelersburg the pomInent omclals and
personages at all time provinces or tIm empire .
In order to ascertain the exact situation and
the desIres or time lleople. I will \ remem-
beret that jumst. such a convocation or nota-
hits preceded time organization ot the
Zemstvos , or provincial assemblies . by Alex-
tinder 1. As PrimarIly constituted . time
Zemstvos were h"lulno organs or local
autonom . rellreseltng time peasant amid mimer-
chants as welt as the nobles within anlmer-
area , alll exercIsing not only advisory bnt
legislative powers , anel also through their appointees -
pointees I conslderablo measure or allmlnls-
trat\'o authority. During the last reign ,
however these local bodies were gradually
deprived oC their snbstanlal functIons , all
now retain little except their nnme. A thor-
ough and sincere consultation oC time Hnsslal
peoilio wIll elicit an earnest petition from all :
classes for "
a revivIficatIon oC the Zemstvos ;
nor Is It likely that the expression ot theIr I
wIshes will stol ) there. It. Is not forgotten
that the institution oC local legislatures was
meant to servo only as the foundation or a
constitutional system , time crown oC which
was to ho I national Parliament. The text
ot a decree convoking such a Parlamcnt was
actually In type when Alexander I was murdered -
dered , and his succcssor was Imploreel by
Loris Meilkofr and other liberals
) elml lberls to publish
It on the morrow and
, thus shame the assas-
sins at hts talhcr. hut reactionary counsels
prevailed , and Alexaler II adopted arc.
ghno at rigorous repressIon. I Is not to be
SUIllose ) that Nicholas I would Itivlte hIs
! lle
subjects to Cgrmulato their wishes. unless ho
designed to grant them In large measure ;
and , therefore there Is reason to hop that
the reported convocaton ot notables may
usher In a serIes at events oC the largest
IicsIblc slgnilcanc/ to Hussla.
0 . .
The election oC M. BrIsson as president oC
the French Chamber oC Deputes has been
very generally accepted as a triumph or the
extreme radicals and a check to the Influence
oC M.
Cashnlr-Perler and the
republicans. Undoubtedly there Is some
ground for thIs view , and IC occasion should
arise dent for I definite issue between the presi-
ot the
republic and the president ot the
chamber the later would probably command
I the slpport oC the radicals and oC a majority
oC the chamber. But there are features In
: the career oC M. lirisron
Irlson whIch make It
, prolable that such an tssue may bo avoided ,
and that In some al the situations most
lkely to arise time two stalesmen would sup-
port rather than oppose each other. M.
lllsson , Ike M. Casimair-Porler , Is a man 1.
Inflexible Integriy and Independence. The
former was not only ready to probe to the
bottom the Panama corruption , but he resigned -
sIgned the chairmanship ot the commission
appointed to deal with that subject because
he could not secure powers adequate to such
Ilrobing. In any political disturbance In
France at the present ( line the peronal
complications oC leading politicians with
pltcians cor-
rupton are liable to play a decisive part
and It Is certaIn that M. Drlsson would not
compromise on that head.
I. .
Africa gives promise ot beIng the scene oC
as much activity tn 1895 as In I89 ! . Ceci
Rhodes Is at ConstantnopleCeci Rhodes ,
premIer oC Cape Colony , president oC the
South African company , conqueror at KIng
Lobengla and millionaire president or the
great Diamond Mining company oC South
Africa. His scheme Is to extend a telegraph
lne train Cape Town to Cairo , throughoul I the
'whoe ] length oC Africa , was at the bottom
oC time Anglo-Congoese ] botom
treaty ot last year ,
which was rendered abortive by French and
German Jealousy. The duet object or time
treaty was to gain '
! a rlg'ht-oC-way for Mr.
ithiodes' telegraph line. But the cheme Is
not abandoned .
abandone. 11. Rhodes Is a young man
oC great energy . and he Is now at Constanti-
flople wlh his newly conferred honor at
privy counc/or , to geL the sullan's influence ' .
cast In hIs favor , such influence being oC.
among Mohammedans along the Nile
between Cairo and Khartoum. Al the same
( line time king oC Belgium Is asking the
Delglum Parliament to annex the Congo
Siale-n which he has spent some $5,000,000
oC his own cashm-to Delglum. Such annexa-
ton would alter the relations oC time Congo
State or France anti Germany and matt 1
less subject to their pressum. Wltim Cecil
Rhodes and a Belgium emprre In co-operation
wHh England the problem oC the sate oC
the Upper Nile valley and Khartoum : would
be speedily solved. I Is not Impossible that
1895 wIll record the capture oC Khartoum
from the Matmdi by '
lahdl enterprise , Just a
Dulu\ayo was taken In IS9 ! . Events point
to an early ending oC the scramble for
. .
Never was there such a mixture oC pro-
gressh'o and retrograde Ideas as Is contained
II Iho new crIminal code now under discussion -
cussion by the ImperIal Parliament ot Aus-
tria , which Is to replace time ono that has
I , been In exlslelce since 1803. Several reforms
have been borrowed from Englan , such as
time ticket-of-heave ] system for convicts , the
detention during time soverolgn's pleasure ot
crIminal lunatics , the exemption from punish.
ment for time first offenses and the right oC a
magistrate Co commit mInors 10 industrial
chmools. Capital pumilsimmiment abolished by
Emperor Joseph II , and reintroduced by the
code oC 1603 , Is rctalnell , but restricted to
murder with premeditation amid attempts on
the 11erson oC the sovereign , while II many
cases In which It Is now prelcrlb d I Is
abolished . These are time real reforms , but
there J'eactonary clauses In abundalce ,
and some ridiculous oncs. Thus , IC two
persons box cacti others cars , time otelse is ,
so 10 speak , condoned , but t one oC them hit
harder than the olher ho Is liable 10 Imunishm-
macmit. I Is rendered I penal offense to organize -
ganlzo for a strike , qr even for workingmen
to combine whlo tie freedom ot the press
Is restricted In such I way that It time code
passes In Its present shape It will only be
possible for the newspapers to praise every-
thing . Ihat Is done by time goverlment oC time
day. _ _ _ _ . _ _ _
Co-Olt.rmslvo % Jrlnlnerlnc. ,
rica Moines COI'lal.
The enormous growth oC what Is known as
tIme "huilding and loan" business II I grati-
t'ln sign of the timnes. 'J'ho term used
hUlely dos justice tn the magnitude oC Ihe
interest. I IH mol pro'rly , ! hint for cc
operative su\'lngs. But w ! Iltever It Is styled
I has tuce , nod IH making , prodigious
strides. Neither In its IlrlfreHS ! docs I seem
to Intlrtere with the extension unI growth
of time banking business whether that ot
savings or COI' merelY commercial puriosCs.
On time central ) ' , the later seems 10 Ilve
kept on parallel lnes with that oC building
ale loan. I I" moreovl a very gratifying
tact that during all time "hunl ( lines" ito
bulJll1 ) and loan asoclulon has gone to
the wal for any cause exclpt far gross mis-
mnanageuiietmt and there have been very few
oC these-hardl one In a Itmausand . I
Highest of all in Leavening Power-Latcst U. S. Gov't Report
py 'Baking
- - - > . . " - . : ' . . . ' Mf"no'J _ " L , ' _ I J " .1 ! . . _
JIIRS A'I IllS itIiT.IL.'i. '
Chicago Trlbuno : Uncle Hor.el fobs
thinks the next president must come from
"west ot Iinois , " but not too tar cmt \c. .
nes Moines Ieader : Iolltl 11 a great
timing for the people ot this counlry I ( br-
crnor holes occupied n seat In the United
Sats ( senate In these times. Ho lies UnlN1 ,
out n cur e by which the democratic party 1
may not bring time days ot its usefulness to
an end. Ills words art worthy ot thou hUul
attention anel should Insplro Courage In demo.
crnthlarts. .
Cedar Inphls Hepublean : Mr. Uoles' re-
mnrks on binetallsr are like the biblical
charncterl7lon ot time wimul. where it Is
written . "The wind bloweth where It histeth
anti thou herlst time souOI Isleth
cans't not tel \vlienco It eomelh or wimither
1.gocth. . " No one con tel whd I. whiher
mind or the lealIeI of iowa demuecrac3bunt t i :
lag Ihls question . :
Inl queston. The chances are that ito
docs not kmmow hhnselt. Timese '
knol' These voals
Ire not characteristic ot wisdommm le They
stand Jar Inlechlon anti are the utterance ot
one not euro ot his ground
Sioux CIty Tribune : Ix-Governor I Boles
Is faithful t his Itien. Putt
11 Ide/ sliver out ! gold
cnn ho malntnlned lS moneby imnhimltc'ti
colnngo or both metals by thQ go\'ernment
or the United States , time ratio
. Unleel upon which
wi keep time coins at a . . rlto '
I parl ) The gO\-
ernor does not himself attempt to fix time
ratio which wi 110 timis 111 therein fx lie Is
wise. Jut It ia ) ' wel be donbteel I Is
wlpdom docs not fall short oC tIme
tnl grasping
real siuaton In time monetary world The
lrCcesslOI scents to ha\'o got past him while
ho dwel In the el'shlm' or \ \ hat ummlgimt whla
bren tt the fnancial world still wanted silver
money . slver
Iowa City ncpublcnn : Go\'crlor fobs Is
very fond ot
notoriety and calnol bear 10
be shelved long nt a time. When ho was a
candlelatb for \Ico IlresClt , ] ot the United I
States no aloult oC pressure could limtlmmce
him to rh'o an olliniol on the silver Inluce
01 qnes-
tton , though he
ton was IllJrtuned by repre-
seltatves trom eastern papers Inel also by
the Ilarty leaders ot his OWl state. In his
speech lt Omaha he hus Just declared that
Ieclnred thlt
there is but omme iii
I ole way 11 which democrnc
can ngaln bccomo trluml1hant , that ( Is this ,
"tor tlo lext national demimocratbc convomitiomi
Ielocrntc convcntol
10 commit the party 11equh'ocaly to ) lie ratio
at which gold and silver shmimil bo rate
and freely coined , anti Point out tn explicit
terms legislation that shmommhl bo
leglslnton shoull .ndoptell to
I.rcservo the parity of time mmmetals. " That
the imarity or the metals could
I.arly coull be regulated
hy legislation sounels ItO the flats ot time
popularIty pophiiists , . all Is c\llelty . I cheap bid for
Time Illeo for the Stub I'nlr.
I'.nn U momt.
The relocaUou of the state fair for
stlte tall
, next lIve ' . !
) 'elr will he deel'mlned next
' wi
I 'fue\la ' . January ) ' 15. rime prlncllll poiimts
cofltcnilimig . for the prlzl mire ] . \ POIIIR
IIR the fmmIm ' tor the
Plt ten ) 'oarl ailmI has treated the people
ot time state very Ilcely , hut then the ' -
pIe. on the 1'10-
other hmamid
. Intro
tie otlel hane. hlve eturned time
. !
COfI.lment to itfleoimi. Dut theRe are not
good reasons why Lincoln ought to IHve a.
perpetual lease on the hog ummtit nit the
grease . Is s'urezec elL oC hOI I. Ult ul
Omaha Is the commercia metropolis of
the state , Ild when we rural cltiaemms start
out to take In the lug Ilt7ens slnlt
bIoollJf Ilmpldn
amid the sade'ee :
ald ) onion we do not object to
looking o\er thEm bIg , lmeatmtlful mnetrolmolis
. 11g heautful
just norlh oC metropols
the foulh of the J'Intte. it
has ieeii Plnte. I
\een dtmolstlalcc In man ) ' respects
that ' , n _ _ Omaha . , _ _ . ito I . not quite _ . so imoggimoim. when I
. . , < ICO UlIJjg. its Lincoln ; nner when a.
mats starts out to limit In a veek at the State .
11t I
fall It m/ttell I tte to weel whether he
travels ' ' a tew miles more or less.
'j'he Democrat favors Omminima
Omaha this time ,
but time new celtul ) ' must be Inducted Into
society le ) ' . by locating the State Call Incucte Kear-
A TII'eatenld ( Strike
Chicago Record.
With the prospect oC an amulmassadorlal
strike meat wi far higher probably vages be , compelled tIme Slate to depart- take
action oC some sort. The dtihlctmlty wlh
tile lIUlcul
lrposlton to reduce time umbassamlors
to mllisters Is that time change would leave :
the UIIfd States In a hunmiltatbng imsiUon. I
flmplcmmatio the other hand etIquette , to Is Inexorbly naibassudors positon.I . to
a flugll tale while the other diplomatic
agents In their mmeigimboihmood are living royally -
Ir !
ally Is scarcely ) ' less Imunmilintltig . Jving noble
doctrine of humlatng.
doctrln/ Jeffersoimiami.
permls / a Jeffersonian oC simplicity this country unruly to
dine on the sumptuous Care oC hIs fellows
at court anti In return ml ; them to lunch
upon crackers \ and clmeese. Ou the principle
thaL whatever Is worth doing at nil Is
doIng well , thin United Slates al yet have
to raise Its amhassadors' ll ) ' . It iimt5cimose
) I hlSlchos l
(0 go In for style , and '
Ilyle styic costs " ,
itigiti nl 5t'IcosL' money
llgll economy would be
respectable hut a
frayed and iilsuliicient semblance mone"j
hJsulclenL ele-
galce Is not. _
1100re lieservcsCongratuintjims . .
Lincln New8
the In time News name congratulates oC decency and hette politics ,
ernor Moore tor his absolute reftmsmmh to
leCusl1 appoInt -
poInt Walt
SCley to a position In the
posltol sen-
ate. .
Mr. . Moore took this stand In the face
of the .tnct that many imiulmentlal , politicians
were asking the appointment. Now let Mr.
Seeloy go to work for himself , and mmot
I himsel 10t con-
tnuo to alc the state to fuirnisim him em-
plo'ment al the Umo. I should he added ,
too , that Mr. Moore has empimaticauly stated
that ime viii not emphntcaly sta.pd
In Seeley'a approve any voucher drawn
favor , which
Caval means that none
oC the wire JJlerH and mens ofilcials can
gIve him a job ettimcm- . . o/clal9
Omaha' , , Jlblt .Tudgo ,
I Is saId an effort will he made to have
tIme legislature Inpelch the notorious JUdge
Scott of Omaha as
Scot apetition has been
pelton prepared -
pared with that end In
pale wih view. It Is very
judicial evident I foul years' term Is to long ver n
term oC office. The people would
quietly and effectively nice wOlld
erectvely care of Mr.
Scott IC 111.
Scot they could get . a whack iL hminm
Wimy 1Iml Cruel InterroglUol'
Denver NewA
Andrew ] JI.ltson and ' 1holas Jefferson
used Jelelson
to be
Isell conslderee pretty good democrats ,
but woulel they umilhinte wIth goo democracy
umlale )
of today ? democro
i' . 1'1 - , .t.t xriuis. .
Galveston Newsl When / mann says ho'
omIt ot politics 10 stay , hI Incuns thnl he
fees no way to gH In again.
DolR News : Noho(1) can hlll ) noticing
the IhortlrlngA at time nina who Is nlwmtys
b hll titmie. tl 111 al\ls
Ihlaelellhln HI'orll : A downstairs linker
Ilspll's lie I tolowlng slain : "I1 1 ' lnker
111 /1 lu'pallt
to tIn all tIme loalimmg imecessary in this
tnbhislimeat . " loalng leeeslar ) II es- , . .
Inblshlelt. ' :
_ S .
S'rclsl Post : no 10t hooch ) n gooth muove- I
meat emi luau , \ whel I shouM Jell limit on
Cool wihout tleiay.
T.ifem : " ' 'lrlt Icnn Man : " 1n\1 you n
cigar ? Second ! eal Mnn : " \(1 ; only one.
nnl 1 wlnt tn sI01te myself. " " \ 'ehi , 1 ) hnvo
" )
( mile " too. Anti they stilled anti smokell
RHI each respected \ time other.
hid Inimaprihls 'ournnt m Tonimny-Pay ,
Tnll-ln' .
whnt Is aim "Intellt'ctuai soiree ? "
Nr. ' . .h In g-1 Is . .11111) 8111(1" 01 ( where the
reIreslmmmmemmts tb hot cost much I
T'frlshlleIIA Immore than
! 10 10t molthan '
n dime a , Imeati.
I henl. 1
! _
11(110 CourIer : Pommel i'rmssc-Yes . dear
\al > 11 \r ) generous. 01 1) ' blrtlhI ! \
nIWI1 , I\'es ; inn ! lolnr for each , year I
have lived , Ymihlt' Yommmmger-lmmtir'eti ? Timat
must have been time miiomit'y Chmmuley Gayboy
mneaimt vlmeml lie. nhil you imimti a little for-
tulmmo In your cmvii rigimt.
Syractise 1'OStl ? dcSs-mmttrrs-hmo ( lint 1)0) '
Of ommrs smnohcing thloqu' coimloimotleti cigar.
ettes ? I his \Vife---No. Imo's oiml' vmtmmmImig ImiS
feet It ) ' ( lie stove vith his mtil'lo'rs tin.
i'imllnticiplmla itecorml : Siilieims.-i un imato
to % vrthit cit thie slippery Pmi'eHmemitS. Cyul-
icums-Never mmli ii ii , old cimmm ii. 'i'imere's a. good
ttmmme cemulmig. 'rlmeme won't be liii ) ' let' lit ummo
mmvxt % vorld. Ailti umomv Sithicimmo Is wommderImm
what lie mmienumt.
WiNTlltNlOifl'S ,
iln'mtomm Courier.
\ititei' nights are with ummi ,
Nights t'i'otmmm' the stove ;
Chmrtvim1cin' limits mit' tmpplemi ,
? mI mm ki ii' iii I em hi immm' hove.
\\'immter imlglmts nrc with timi ,
Cltim''m iii Itmi hi'iumie )
Commue mum' mice mmmi , fellers-
Ummlmi , nfl' winter tinue ,
iiidred Laimenster in ilonma nnd Country.
'l'lmo stmictmmrcs are tmmimimei'itetl ,
Our foihic are imilmemitetl ,
Dim'cctly frommi titim' gi'miimi'ins time ) ' nil cnme
Otmm tiefects have beca tr.mmimiumiittcti ,
Aimml ve miliommld be ncqtmittcii
Of all remipouimulbility timid bhunie.
Vct are mint depraved hegimmumers ,
flumt lmcreditzmry sInners ,
lor our fathmurs umever mtcted as timey ohmouldi
'TImi th Ittli ) ' of our grmumn'piis
Timumt commtimmuahi ) hum immpers ;
\Vhmat a lilt ) ' tlmat. our gramn'ims weren't
uood !
Yes , we'd all he reverend senators ,
If 01mmtit'praveti progeimitors
iimmd itlt been prmmdemit , stuuhtoummi , imilti s'lse ;
But they mvere quite terresttmtl ,
Or vo mtummid lit' celestIal :
Yes , we'd all b imrover tennmmts for thr
if we're hot nIl blameless sages ,
Auth beaeomms to time mmges ,
And lit fet nrimmcleaiitles amiti Powers
If we tin not gtmlde antI miman it.
, tnmi eumgiimeer time Phanet
'Tis tIme ( oily of our ( omefatimers , imot ours.
. -who takc time Surest
, way to gamim a betutiful
- color amid a vhiolcsomae
, . skiui will not take the
- cosmmmetks , pauts arid
' 3 - , powders which soon
el ' . immure time kiu. Sal-
. _ t.y low or wrinkled face ,
- S I dull eyes and hollow
checks , together with
how sjirits , fojiow time derangemnemits , irreg.
uiaritucs amid weaknesses peculiar to the
sex _ All votmmcmi reqmmire a tonic amid imervimme
at sonic period of their hives. Whether suit-
feting from nervousmmcss , dizziness , faintness -
ness , dispiaccmimemmt of womammly organs , ca-
( animal lumilainummatiomi of tIme himmimmg mcmii-
bratmes , beariai.down scmmsatiomms , or gemicral
debility , Dr. Pierce's Iavoritc l'rescription
reaches tIme origiti of time trouble amid cot-
recta it , It's a muedicimme which was discov.
eyed amid used by air cunmmmcmlt physician for
mimany years iii all cases of ' femnaib corn.
jmlaizit , " amid timose painful disorders that
afflict womankiiiti. If womncmt nrc over-
mvorkcd , ruui.dowmi , tireti or sleepless , if
they arc irritable , imiorbid amid stiffer from
t. . . . . . . . . t. _ . . . IA 4. . . . 4 , . II , . . . .i..LI
- - - - . . . --J . . . . . . . . - . . ' - -
incahlmmforaDcnnammcult Cure , Dr , Pierce' .
Pavorite Prescriptiomi fits just mmcli cases
( or it regulates atid strcmmgtimcmms time special
fimnetiomis , builds up and invigoratcs the en.
tire female system.
Mrs. Comma 5. WiLsoN , of
Car/ide , Suithan Co. , lad. ,
mvritea : " I canmiot say too
touch for Dr. l'icrcc's Va
Vorite I'rescriptiorm , I feel
it amy dmity to army to nil Wa-
macmm who arc suiut'erlng from
any disease of time uterus
that it Is ( lie best mnedicimie
on earth for timeimu to use ;
I cannot vnmise it too hugh-
ly for the oed it did mime ,
] mnmiyommetoubts this give
timent my name and ad.
dress. " Mas. SVIr.soN ,
A pamphlet , commtahmhimg a vast number of
testinmomnals with reproduced nhotographs
of those cured and giving full name and
address of each , will be iriniled to any ad.
dress free - or , Dr. l'icrCe'mt large Treatise
( i68 pages5 profuseiyihiustrated with wood
engravings amid colored plates rmmaiicd post
paid on receipt of so cents in stamps , Address -
dress , Worldim Dispensary Medical Associ-
atiomi , Buffalo , N. Y.
BROWNiNG , kING & 00.
Yotmv Money's ' ° sVom.'tim or Vent' Money ILoak ,
. Put on a Cap
T1iat' Half Off---
Not oil' in quality-buL off in prioo-Thoro are in
the first lot-
IN TiIh SlSON AT fOc , 75o AND $1.00 ,
FliltitNT STYJhiS 01" 01.0TH CAl'S.
'rilp wniw oult ItIIGULAIt ioo AUI )
1.25 CAl'S , YOUR CIIOICIl I'Ot , . . , . , . , .
Thu ltitST LOT hAS IN IT PLUS ! ! CAl'S
$1.60 AND $1.75 FOil , CIlOlCJii. . . . , , , . , , , .
- - -
Our recent inventory leaves u with many shorL
lines ol' OvercoaLs that , In order to close out , we have
marked down to very ridiculous prioo. You can ge
almost anything you want. from a brown mixed rnol
ton with velvet collar at $6.50 to the finest made.
. . : . . -