. . . I ! . . I . mIlE OJ\IAlIA DAILY J1EE : THURSDAY , JANUAR.Y 10 , lSD . ' n : ALL RELEASED ON BAIL - Yen ! Suspected of Abducting Barrett Scott Waive Preliminary Examination. . ( . - I DETECTiVES $ ANXIOUS TO TAKE II 0 LD. Jllnll' folentlu'llIln / : to Unravel the : IIs- tcry tllIt ! 'tllrroulllh the o-lffnrh : : to Iecllro the tlff"r of R I.argo Ho"ar O'NflL1j , Neb. , J3n 9.-Speclal Telo- r cram.-Mullihan ) , Roy antI l'lnkerman Dp- soeared before Justice Cootello this morning far their preliminary hearing In the Scott caSl' The Ilrlsoners waived examlnaUon and ; were bound over to the district court In the fHlm ot $1,200 each to appear In the district . ourt = 1"l'hruuy 7. The bonds were fornished A Bee reporter \'Jlled ! Mrs. Scott attorney : this morning And asked him about the letter ; .v . 1.lrs. Scott rcelvd from Indiana staUng that 11er IlllsbIOII : W.lll there and to send money ' , That gentleman ( , Mr. Uttley , denIed all knowledge - edge oC such a setter being received , and said I 4t must bl ft mistake. The ( gentleman who ) . told The flee reporter about It yesterday Is ' , an Intimate friend or ScoU's , and saId that L 1m hall read the Il'ttl'r. lie alId : ho had tor- gotten the name or tim town from which the lettl'r came , and that he ulldertood & the lelter : was turnl'd over to Mr. ScoU's attorneys to bl Investigated ( and used when the prisoners came up for trial Dell Akin upon ) being Interviewed upon the L lIubject , said that he had heard such 1\ letter . BIul : been receive- < ! , but ho had not seen it . 'A large number or letters have been re - celvCtl train detectives all over the country , " said he , "whe want to be employed to terre out the mystery one man / going ] ( 80 far as to t Bay that he WOUld < l1'ccovc.r the holy or Barrell ' Scott for $300 I dD not know the name that ; was signed ' ; to that leUer. " . Sheriff Hamilton will start out tomorrow to head a party of twenty volunteers , reel ! dents of the ( Niobrara valley , who w1l1 con tlnue the Carch for the body . The work wll1 l 110 on the theory that the body was thrown Into the Niobrara river , and the party wilt be Jlbpplled with grappling hooks to drag the - dvcr . - . O'NEILl4 IS VERY QUIET. The crowd that accompanied the prisoners ( o town yesterday have all departed 1 ror their homes , and the city tonight presents t I very peaceful , appearallce After the ; prisoners had accured their bends today they acted as Ir a load had been taken from their 3nlr\lls. , Mullihan , who ! appeared to be the center oC attraction , had a body guard ( or a ( ] 1ozen men last night. Tim principal topic now Is for some method . ' hy which the n I- assln may bo tracel Some are In fare I or sending for a "mlnll reader" to como ] Iero and undertake to unravel the mystery ' , , , Others think that It one or the suspected . ; parties could bo hypnotized that he would Jlrobahly reveal the sl'cret. Friends or the missing ! man are endeavoring to secure the services of a tlrst-clau detective to go to I "work upon the case There Is also some talk or petitioning the leglslaturo to offer 1re - ward for the apprehension of the culprit ' 3 . : , Thls movement has not taken ' . definite form :1) : : yet , but It was strongly t.\lked up on the , : streets today Supervisor H. J. Mark or , , this city Introduced a resolution at the moo t- log of the county board today having for ' " t its object the ! * offering of reward of $3 , 01 )0 ) 4i ; : tor the arrest antI conviction of any party or parties connected with the crime. The to , resolution : was referred to , . . Ire , and will be a committee of I brought I ; up tomorrow. It : ; s thought that the amount or the reward : . . , will otrered. be reduced to $1,500 , and that amount TURNED 1'I11 DITCH DOWN. : edge County floardofRiiporilsore ; : ; ; ; Orl''Qu ' _ S . lae and Uogln IIt..lnt' . FREMON'l' . Jnn. 9.-Speclal.-The ( ) new c ! edge ' county Board of Supervisors met and organized yesterday for the coming year. S. - . S. Van Horn ! of , , Everett township was re- electoll chairman. During the day Chairman iVan Horn appointed hili regular ltandlng JOmmlttees. . ' The drainage ditch project , to construct a 'cut-ocr ditch" between Ames and North mend , which hils created a great deaL or Interest - terest durln the last year was brought up I ' and Indefinitely postponed by a vote or 11 to ( 1't C I Ii. t The proposed ditch Is designed to drain , I , the surplus ) 1II0isturo 10w from a large ( area of r buds which are nearly unfit for cultith jVatlon In wet seasons , but mainly to "cut 011" \\'nter : In time or floods and carry It Into the platte which otherwise would overfiow the . , Platte [ ' bottoms east of the proposed ditch , rI'he measure Is favored by the Standard Cattle - : tlo company and other large land owners 'ond It Is I likely to coma up again durIng the ' ' , iTelU' . Many of Frl'mont's stock companies have bold their annual meetlns ( during the last two days , and contrary to expectatlons the rnanuCacturlng concerns show a healthy con dition The Frnont Foundry and Machine company - ! pany made some money during ( the last year 01111 ( fInds Itselr ( ( In better financial co.ldltlon ; . than ever betore. The officers and directors aJ elected are : C D Marr , president and man oer ( : A. 'l'ruesdell , secretary and treasurer L. ! D. RIchards , W. R , Wilson , E. II . Darnart1 : and J. S. Seeley. The Grant Sarsaparflla company Is In a ! flourishing condltlon. H. _ W. Tate retires : trom tim manal'olllent. ' ; whIch Is assumed b y' G. W. D. Roynotds The officers elected arc : n. : . w , Tate , presIdent : Dr : N. II : Brown , I , ; vice president : G. 'V I ) . Reynolds secretary , and ( general manager H. E. ( ; : Grlswolll , treasurer ( I. r urer : H . W Tato. Dr. Drown , G. V. ' . E I. ate'noltls H. E. Griswold , J. H. Pugh , R. t d. ' - ( llammond and Miss Lucy Grlsl'old , directori 'itt-zr The Fremont Drawing company transacte(1 n ' large business last year , paying out $18,344 for labor , $6,862 for fuel and $12,646 for ini I- cllIaneous expenses. The officers were elected nil follows : John Dern , president : J. M. 'Dlels , rico president : H. N Morse , secretary : ; I. P. Larson , treasurer and general . manoer ( ; : John fern O. Muller ! , I. P. Larson , J. M. I Dlels and J. F. lIalllan , directors The Fremont Carriage Manufacturing con ! > any , which suffered a large loss by tire a few lays ( ago , has decided to repair damages as soon as possible The officers are : John , nunt , lITelldent : L. M. Keene , vlco pros I- . , ( lent ; John Thomson , secretary and treasurer ; .s G. S. Mltterllng and E , N. Morse , directors. The Fremont Canal and Water Power con 1- . Jlllny Is hopeful that Its objects will be coi 1- sUlllmated speedily , and there Is hopetul llrospeet for the construction ot the canal this 'car. The board or directors elected s : Wilson Reynoltls , J. D. McDonald It. D. I Schneider , E. N. Morse , L p. Larson , Otto ; nuet-to : , L. n. ) Hlehards , W. R. Wilson and : . ' . 2 _ ( . crtobert Bridge , .4 The Nebraska Hinder TwIne company was i ) shown by the secretary's report to bo In a .1 prosperous condition Tim disposition of the I present crop Is assured ! , as 0. contract has been made with the state or Minnesota to take the entire output , The new board t elected Is : Wilson Reynollls , E. N. Morse 't - l ' red zteyor William Smalls , J. F. HUlllon t , iW. ; Ii . lIeYllolds and 0 , H . P. Shh'ely. 1A Joe Wacek , a well known traveling man , I " "ho resides In thIs city went out In th" 1 country on Ills blcycre to make some colic - , , , tlons. Ito had occasion to cross the Union ; . 'L I laelnc railroad tracIe and owing to being mulled UI ) 10 ho could not hear , ho did not ) observe a train allProachlng. Just as his 7) . bleyrlo wheel struck the first rail he was lit ruck by a locomotive allll knocked twenty C teet Into a ditch where there was soft sai rid L 1 - to liGht In , lie came to his senses after ft tlmo and crawled to the road , where ho was loon picked up by a passing team nnd brought to the city. His head and one leg 1 are terribly bruised and out , bul np bones are broken and lie will be around again utter a time Ills bleyclo looks more like 0. bundle at old umbrellas than anything OliO , York News Nole. . TGme , Neb. , Jan 9.-Speclsl.-Elecllon ( ) bf olllcerl ot the Sunday school of t he , _ . , : Presbyterlftn church wall held Sunday ci ad , y.s $ the following omcers elected : Superlnteml- i cut , Dc n. McConaughy : assistant , 1 > lIss Dorothy IIlgby : secretary , LeRoy Smith : " &Blstant , Lulu McCandlalll : treasurer John ] 'fontgomery : librarian , D. H . White : as- IIIlltant , William Cunningham : chorister I ) r. Lang : organists , Miss nub and ! Miss Clark , .Irs. Redburn and sister . Miss Zook , who lias been visiting : .Ira. 1' . O. Itundell lor I , 80mo time left Monday for hampton , where , fitter Ipendlng a few dD1 villtlnil' , they will , , . . . . , . , , st art for Jacksonville , Ill , at which place they will snake their future home. Judge Montgomery Issued marrIage lic enses to Jacob Pellers , aged ' ; 27 , and Miss It Lichen , aged 19 , yesterday , or thll county The First National Dank or York bold It s annual meeting or shareholders at . this place tOday at 4 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. n. A. I.'lIe of this place left for Del Moines Monday , at. which place they will for some line visit the parents of : M [ r. I.yUe. Miss Julia Lynn , who has been visiting Dr Lynn and wife ! for Mme time , returned to her home In Carthage , 111. , Monday. Mr Clara Hitchcock or Omaha , who has been visiting friends In this city for the last feM w days , returned to his home In Omaha M onday . lion T. E. Rl'IIwlck ( , after spending Sun- day with his family nt this place returned to LIncoln Monday . once more to resume his duties . as secretary of the ( senate. SCAIUm : ) Ill' I UJ.\NS. . I'latbmotlth 'VOlnllll Serioiity lit ns the ltctuIt of R S'isit from lIeu Iicggnrs. . l'LATTSMOUTH , Neb. , Jan 9.-Speclal ( 'felegram.-A ) band of six or seven Indians came to town last night and camped just olltBlde or the western limits or the city . This morning they commenced a general erusado of begging all over the city , their practice being ( to unceremoniously boll Into the house without going through the formality or knocking. One woman name [ ; Jacobson was thrown Into spasms when one ot the red men bolted Into her house. lice condition ( Is still Quito serious Asldo from being ( ordered to cease thel lr : b egging ' ; : ( , the Indians were not . molested. The county commissioners have coiplin I their estimate or the funds required ) to 011 the business machinery or Cass county during ! the year or 1895. The total Is $76,300. r Helluctlons l were made all along the line and ' the figures arc $ GI00 [ ; less than the estlmato oC 1894. The present board Is a conserm- tlve body and an earnest endeavor will be made to keep the expenditures down to the lowest possIble limit. Two I'laltsmouth youths , Earnest Mat hews and Joe Calkins , left home Sunday morning to sco the world They walked to Union , a distance or fifteen miles , nnd after sleeping ( In hay stacks for three B and partakIng ] or little or no rood concluded they had soon enough of tim world. They walked back to 1'Iallsmouth , arriving this morning Doth or Calldns' feet were n and several or his toes , and perhaps most ; of one root , will ha\'e to be amputated AffaIre at Ashh&Ud. ASHLAND , Jati 9.-Speclal-Innls ( ) Pal ' - tenger , chrtrged with stealing coal from the Burlington coal shed , was fined $1 and costi Charles Williams left Monday evening ror Greenwood to take charge of the High school I as principal. Ito Is a graduate or the HIgh school here. Miss Hose McCoy or , 'Yahoo returned homo after spending a toW days visiting Miss Lavern Ashle ) ' . MIss 1I11a Goring returned borne Sunday after spendIng a few days with Miss lorence o Donnvan. The boys of the High school will glvo , an entertainment this evening for the benefit of charity thlll promises to bo a good one . liS i the best talent oC the city Is on the program , 13. F. Whitney returned yesterday fro in a six weeks' trip through ' ; Arkansas , New Mexico Texas and Old Mexico , looldng for a desirable location to invest In land There Is being greab preparations madl a here for the coming annual High school declamatory contest , In which Ashland has flourIshed so much for the last three years , and expect as strong If not stronger men In the race this year as ever before , particularly - ticularly Frank Young who took with case : tile prize In the alumni oratorIcal contest a low days ago Charged with Defrauding a Uaoker. NEBRASKA CITY , Jan. 9.-SpeclnI.- ( ) Sherlfr Huberle went to Lincoln the IDOrnng armed wIth warrants for the arrest or Charles D. Smith and N. D. Kendall The complainant Is W L. 'VUson , president of the Nebras11 City National ba.nl" ITo charges thom with malting false slatemnts ! ! In order to secure money from the bank and with signing ( ; flso "arebouso receipts. The case Is an old one and was thought to have been set tled. Nellie A. Anderson tiled ber petition In the district . court today . praying for a divorce trom her husband , Robert G. Anderson , alleg- Ing nbamlonment. For the same cause Mrg. inD era D. Hauber wishes to bo separated from her husband , Joseph Hauber , and has filed ] the ( necessary petition JUdge M. S. Campbell's Senel1mblan : \lInstrels gave an excellent performance at thl o opera house last evenIng to 0. large i audience , The company Is composed of local : I colored artists and was organized by the jolly clerk or the district court , Judge Campbell. The receipts were turned over to the Helping Hand ' society for the'relll't of the p oor. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ltxoter l'erooal8. ENETIR Neb. , Jan. 9.-Speclal.-Fred ( ) I and Hbnry Powers of York were hero Sunday to attend the funeral of their cousin , D. II . MulhQlland. L. C. Gilbert returned borne Sunday after a ten-days' business trIp to Cowles and Grand Is land. M. A. Pfing or the Madar/lsz / & Pflug Dusl- ness college , Lincoln , Is at home with his : parents to recuperate his health Tim Independent Order of Odd Fellows : and Daughters of Rebeltah lOdges or this place helll n. social and oyster supper Mon day night In honor of the visiting member trom Frlend\'lIIo lode. ( WllIlam Horrigan sold his quarter seellon yesterday to Miss Garry , the consideration being 5,200 , spot cash . The Grand Army or the Republic , 'oman's S ! Rellet corps and Sons of Veterans will gtvo a supper and entertainment In their hall ] tontght. Everybody Invited. The revival meetIngs ( or the aptlst church IIro progressing tlnely. The discourses are \'ery Interesting. I.oft Many Creditors. FALLS CITY , Neb. , Jan , 9.-Speclal.- ( ) Charley Boyle , who conducted the Bin Front meat . market wllh John SUtzor , has , kipped out. lIe mortgaged ( a horse belong I Ing i to Slllzer for $25 , besides leaving a number of creditors. A. Maisch died at his homo In this city this t morning. lie was 72 years aid The remains wIlt bo talwn to Freeport , Ill. , tor burial ' today , where ho callla train to this ; city' about two years ago. 110 was said to bo worth $1,000,000 before his death Ill' leaves l a wife and ! one child about G years o ld . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Jodtlclnl County inipioyrs'l DEATRCE , Neb , Jan , 9.-Slleelal.-Tho ( ) committee appointed yesterday by the board o f supervIsors to fix the salaries or county employes not already fixed by statute made a report today . provldlug for a wcplng cut all along the Une l train deputy county clerIc to coure house : j anitor . The eport has not yet ben dopted Dr. G. L. ROD was chosen county phyalclan for the ensuing year. Yurk'i New 145W FIrm " YORK , Neb. , Jan 9.-Special.-A ( ) new law i firm has been organized ( In the city. Time firm Is composed of Hon. N. V. Harlan and A. I ) . Taylor of Imperial , this atato. Me larlan has for over sixteen years been a leading l lawyer of thll county , und Is at present - eat county attorne ) ' . Mr. Taylor was a leadIng - Ing l attorney or ImperIal , and was at one time county attorney of Chase county . The bUllneu wi be conducted under the firm name of larlon & Taylor. Irm Secund Uay of the Poultry lho , , FALLS CrfY , Neb. , Jai , 9-SIJeela ( Tele- gram.-Tho ) second lay of Ito ( Interstate poultry show was better than was hopell for , al the wcther was Slime and numerous vl- tOT kept the show room constantly full. Over. one hundred birds were added to the number already on show today , making over 700 chickens exhibIted , besides ducks , turkeys and geese The judge arrived today and the work of scoring wilt be begun ta mflOrrov _ _ _ _ _ _ Uulon 'ieeiflo lrelaht Co"luctor , Crlll'lod. IUMINtY , Neb" , Jan -Speclal ( Tele. b'am.-Whllo ) 0 E. leetchum , conductor on a Union Pacific freight train , \DI switching In the yards here tlil afternoon , he slipped and felt across the track and one leg was crushed front the knee ) down. let Wa taken to his borne In Grand Island Je wa t - JAIL J DELiVERY - PREVENTED Inmats of the Lancstr County Jai Given a Bref Shaking Up , DISCOVERED WHILE TRYING TO ESCAPE Three ) I'rlloneT Interrupted While Indus- triousy handling n tine Steel Saw on the Grating of a ! , Cel "Intow _ LINCOLN , Jan 0.-Specinl.-An ( ) at- empted jai delivery was nipped In the bud last I night at the city jail. Two prIsoners , ono Paterson , now en'lng a jai sentence lor attempting a jail delIvery , and George l3 radsbaw . 17 years old , attempted to escape f rom a grated window In the cell room They used a small , finely tempered steel Saw , anl ( the noise ot the Instrument called In the night captain , who nipped the attempt In the ( bud Typographical unIon No 209 , , Lincoln , , hRS acknowl dged Its defeat by the State Journal ompany and declared off the strike In that o ffice . The street car service to the LIncoln Nor- mal i college , which was dropped when tIme I street railway company went In lie hands ot receiver , has been resumed City students - ante make the trip for 5 cents and residents I 01 Normal at 7m cents. IN lttOHY OF A . S. UUL\ , . York Connty Bar Association I'a.qe , Heso- litiols on Their Late lantier , TOme , Neb. , Jon , 9.-Speelal.-A ( ) meet Ing l or the York County Bar assoclaton was held In the court house last el'enlng ] for the purpose or learning the report or tin commlteo appointed by the court some that ago to pass resolutions on the death ag resolutons or the late A. S. Harlan Judge Wheeler presided The committee consisted or Messrs. F. C . Powers , E. A. Gilbert all A. J. Newman The resolutions were Ilresented and rod i by Mr. Gilbert , after which he made a short address. lie spohe or the . IH1ross. Jo so.caled lega I fraternity , and Insisted that such a fcaternit V does exist FollowIng , addresses were niami a by Judge Wheeler , George B. France male George 'V. Demls. Every law firm or the county was represented. Tim resolution resolutons were as follows : " 'herea Albert S. Harla atorle ' -at- law and a member of the bar of York county , Nebraska , departed from ( hiM lit' a thll o the : UI day of October , lb91. 'rhercCoro 0 It Resolved , By the bar and ofcer ot the ( Hslict court of York county . tha wo deeply deplore his untimely path. untmely Hesolved , That by years of gentlernanl deportnlnt uml kind and genial entemanly , Mr Harlll hm won the esteem and attncli . meat of I wide circle of trlenll" Including the member of the bur and olccrs " of the court. Resolved , That we recognize In the de , - censed a man of gracious and kindly < o I- position , possessing the quality of gee Ielo\hll II I marked qualt , generous to' . generus n fault and charitable and considerate to toil. He was a good man , a good husband , goo I god friend. goo I Rflolved , That aim I member of the Ig ti profession he 10lal he so conducted himself as to "aln time respect 'unl confidence of his brethren : Il of the community at large Resolved , That we tender our sympathy to the bereaved : wife and other relative ; < In thEIr great sorrow. relatves Resolved , That these resolutions be spread at large upon the records of this court an ml recons that the clerIc be requested to forward a copy hereof to the widow of the deceased lUl ! furnish the same to the local publcaton _ ste _ loca papers for , ( elebrnted Tholl Sliver 'VeI < hl/ : . ST. PAUL , Neb. . Jan. 9.-Special.--Satur- ( ) day the sliver wedding of Mr. and Mrs. H. P. lemanson , being abut ten mies west of here , was celebrated. About G o'cloclc a . largo delegation or the Danish Lutheran I. church congregation of Nyted , of whorn'Mr and Mrs. Hemanson are members , arrived at the home or the happy couple , bringing , as a present a tine silver table set , followed ' folow shorly after by' ' the members of the Danish Si nging ( society or Nysted In torch procession - sion and singing ( ( beautiful songs to suit the occasion. At 1 o'clock the members or Danas lfnde lodge or time Danish Drother- hood , of which Mr Hemanson Is a member , arrived to do honor to their brother and his wle , bringing as a present a beautiful oil 01 painting. At midnight all sat down to tIme banuet ) tables and partook of the many good things , after which all departed , wishing the bride and groom health and success. . Polk County's Mortgage Heeor OSCEOLA , Neb" , Jan. 9.-Spclal.-Te ( ) mortgage record of this ( county for the past i month shows there have been fifty-seven real I estate mortgages ted , amounting to $40- ron $0- 579 : rorty-sevon released $4,40 : elghty- seven chattel mortgages tiled , amounting to I $1 3,590 [ ; : thlrtynlno released , $ , amountng . On Monday evening Rising Star lodgo' No. 75 , Ildependent Order of Odd Fellows , In- staled officers for time next six months. The I boys ! t together to the number of nearly ' 100 , did the regular business , conferred time m deree ( on two pandidatos , had installation cndldatos I Instalaton and got away wIth about fifteen gallons of oysters all In one night , or a part of the I orning for the banquet dId nol break up m unt after midnight. District Deputy Grant Master McKnight of Dralnard was present as the Installing officer "yracl o \ 'lterVoriL CO\Ilotet SYRACUSE , Neb. , Jan 9.-Speclal.-Al ( ) the regular meeting ( or the village board last night the system or water worlts which was i contracted for II September was accepted At the test the mains stood a pressure of I 125 pounds , which Is fIve pounds more than ( the contract called for , and frau : the hydrant Io I n front or the Rovlmv truck house a stream of water thrown was through a one and one quarter-Inch nozzle 100 feet high The con structng englne.er claims that there Is not a better system In the state considering ( tb 0 tle cost or the plant Time total amount paid I o ut . Is about $12,000 , which includes hose and cart and buIldIng for same , as well as : the plant. The board expresses itself as wel I satsfie with every particular , and has Betted - ted all bills In - full. - 10\US for . Hlutngl Enterprise , HASTINGS , Neb , Jan 9.-Spl'clal ( Teie sram.-A ) meeting was hell ! In the ( Union club room thIs afternoon to consider the proposiion oC tile Smih Sorghum company tp o establish a plant here The company reposes to locate a factory In time city und lease l 1,000 acres or land , which they will put In cane , besides doing custom work for the rarmers. They agree to on1plo an average ot fry hoopla ten Hnth In time year , hastings people are 10 gIve a benue or $ $ ,000 , or which $3,200 Is to bo cash brJUf Ind the balance In labor. Time proposition will no doubl be aeceptell. The Ilropcsiton ciy been divided Into four distrIcts and committees have been appointed to raise the commilees . ' Doubl."hlll lt " 'elt I'olimt WES' PONT , Neb. , Jan D.-SpeClal.-A ( ) largely l attended double woddiimg ( occurred In SI Charles township yesterday , Fred Iloke and Miss Iunlgunde Esngor and II . T , larstek and llsl Catherine ICloke being time contracting parties. Over 300 guests were assetmilmled . The Parents or mill the ( par- : tes are among ( the largest land owners In the county and are pIoneer settlers. The guests numbered representatives train ' ' represontatves rrol ever ) Irecluct I In the ( county and large delegations ant from towns In the vaihey The nuptial mass nuptal mas was celebrated by 11ev Father Ilavoiburg In the hlstorlo church ot St \ lavelburg , . Charles precluct I . 1 , J. r , Jnl.laton , The Young : en' " Institute held Its fifth InstallatIon or olcers and social function In Mornnd' dancing academy . tuncton , , A lurge number or young people were res. opt anti wItnessed the installation or the ) f 01. ' lowing officers : 11ev S. 10. Carrohi , chap. ' 1nin uiik'nn. ' 'l'homuM J. Fitammiorris , . ' Carrel : chaB' Sull I.an , tlrst ( vice president' S. B. Collins , , socoimul ' 'Ice president : F. 11 , ioesters Collln\ , runs. urer : 'r L McDonnell , ilnumicial : 1" , I. itlurphmy , 11111111 secretary : ] 1urphy reconlnl secretary : H . Jas/orJhelt , marhal ; 1. O'lonnll. Insll [ , sentinel ; J. McQulau , outsitie iseimtinoi Dr. ! , . A. ' ' . outl ! Httlell1r. W. . . itilcy mtdlcll examiner ; S. C. 3aw. ' tel , G. J. ICleffuer . J' . A , Smith , F. I Ii . , ICoetitermi , ' 1. . McDonnell , executive hoard , Fattier Carrel deii'eretl an address anll I the 1hllharmonlo Nale quartet furnlshmemi I vocal tousle. 11nlo furished Fatimer McDevitt fcJevllt of South Omaha made a abort address on the objects the Institute , , , - , . . . , < ' ' 1 ) . - . . act 1 1'I ml HAYDEN BROTHERS . , , , ut ( I , ul Begi1ting , . , Our January Clearing of Fashionable . 1 ] I : ' DRESS i : : : O"OODS : impossible The special prices to du here . are 1)l'aCticalIY . .11 . 11 paSS1 pl1ate- : : they arc ' Omahs ' It finest collection and I-ayden's best values , at prices made to insure . us tlt . . Dress Goods . business now and always-reliable weaves and Inakes- , . I All our 40-inch Hcnriettas. . . . . I 5. . . . I . January . Janqary , Jrlnqr1 All our 30-inch Ladies' Cloth . . , . . . . . Clearing Price CI ear ng ! COI AU our 52-inch Broadcloth , , ! $1.90 All our 36-inch Wooll\Ixtres. . . , . . . . . 21 C ' ' 75 All our 36.inch all wool Bedford Cord , $1.25 and $1.50 qualty'f C January Clearing Price . January ' Our 4o.inch Navy and Black Serge , All our Cotton \\Tarpiianccs1 , th , Cleorin riRo . Al 15c rw. CottOIVarp'.Fances . \Varp'.Fances ( . \orth i , 4-8c . . . - . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . 'I . . . . 29e ' 9c and 25C quality . . . . . . . ' ; . : t. 12 2 C 1/ / I' . Clearing January Price. ' , January Our 46.flCll Navy Blue and Black Frederick Arnold's Best German } -en- Clearing Prc < 36c . ' Serge , extra quality and weight. . rietta. Positively the best in the 59c ' world. 46-inch , black and colors , . ' " Our 52.inch Navy and Black Storm Clearing January Price. Clearing January PrlcD. U Serge the S r ,00 quality. . . . . . . . 59e 36-inch English I Covert , the 29c qua- ! - C 1 : . . " . . : . . : : . . . . S. . . : . . : # : : 15 j c , - , January Clearing Price. Newporteele Crepe , the latest , the ClealePrlce January , Our 48-inch Navy Blue and Black ' neb iest thing in the market for French Serge , worth 75c. , Back . . . . ' . 49 C evening olars . . . wear . . . - S. . . . all S C . I the . . C S correct - . . . . ' . 4J3 - - - . I PRICE : MARVELS - I I STYLEMARVEL.S1 l I _ Dress _ _ _ , Hayden Ere Ba iDress - . Dress Goods. - . . _ _ _ _ 1 . IJ I . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - anli then about 2 youmig people finished thc evening In danoIT . ' fnished up The Omaha , wiil hold another - InsttHte vl so- clnl dallclng- party on January 30. and the South Omaha Institute will give an enter- tainment mary 13. In D ) d's , opera . , house on Peb- JJ. . GOOJJllN ( Hthi , , IlS JOn. r I ' - 4 ' " V . .l After Six Yt'IU8 Lllgnton the Courts no- Instate him nud' Grnnt lucl , l'ny. NEW YORK Jan. 9-Tho celebrated case of Roundsman John , W. Goodwin against the polce board which was the longest ( and most p ersistently fought litigation In the annals of the police department , has ended by time board reinstating Goodwin to his former rank and paying him $ nOoo back salary and $ ,13 eXpenses for prosecuting his suit. Goodwin got , his shIeld and It was pInned on him 11m again after In absence or six years. Good- Go- win was formerly attached to the Oak street . police staten , under command of Captain Carpenter In August , 1889 , a carriage In which Goodwin mid his wife were out driv- Ing i upset near the staten house. Goodwin was carried Into the station house seriously hurt. Ho was charged by Captain Carpen. . tor with being Intoxicated. The captain demanded - manded his resignation and extorted It from extorted him. Goodwin signed the paper , but added I the words : "Under duress. " Sergeant Mc- Gann under orders from Captain Carpenter , erased the words I was upon thts the contention hinged In the numerous heulngs of the case before the police board and In the courts. Time supreme court finally decIded - cIded the scratching out or time two words I entirely changed the document and that Ii . was not to be considered as a voluntary : resignation . . resignaton. _ _ , . _ XO JIrlSI L.JNIJ OFFICES Jnformnton Received Iii South HakotR R Rchrmo of the Governnu'nt. CHAlIERI.AIN , S. D" , Jan 9.-Speclal ( 1 Telegram.-However improbable It may appear - pear , information from what Is considered 1 an authentic source wag received here today to the effect that a well matured scheme for time abolshment or nil United State : district land 01Cl'8 and olees of the United 1 States surveyors general would be sprung In congress thus , . ' ' weel Time alleged object or aleged the scheme Is to Place all government hand : ml under ( lie jurisdiction al time geological survey - vey for disposal under the provision ot tin land laws . pro\lllon a Ititeresting U.nl , Heel'lon. SIOUX FALLS , S. D" Jan. 9.-Speclal.- ( ) The supreme court or this state has handed : i down a decision In the case of Noyes liros & Cuter or St I'aul Minn , against C , C ! , Cm-armdail and P. S. ' Cl'undnl McAllister. Three yona II ago F. S. Mc.tlilstor . then 'lreo yenr a Alerchmunts intuit ] of Hartford Jerchlnts IJn , sklppeI the oounl' ) ' , but before doing so ho drew In his : own . nummie . Several tlrnft . ni me. leveral drafK zimrnmntln.r to ov" , Si ΒΆ .Mt on tilU aiercrmanus amountnl onus , tie fllW Jerehnnls omoy 0 which , C. C. Crandall , McAllister's partner , was calhlcr , find [ negotiated the titans ' . 'ittt tile St. Pall Irm. neAotlalt 'l'le dmfs were worthless , - less and time lels buncoed Parties sued to re- cover on thmern Jude Altens , the circuit judge ) here , de- chIId that IUl81uch as McAllister had made the drafts payable ] to himself , thc plaintffs could ! not rcUQver Title II the de- . OiKlotm which the cilion euprerne court has ' re- versed , and the St. Pwl firm may recover 'I. from C. C. Crlnda I , i the latter has allY Ilrollerty , Ills honle haK , slnco failed and he I Ilmselt Is under Indictment for forgery . for/ery. . - / lWJWI ) . it J.UT l'OUOl - 'oltomoo I1\oelOI I % rrest Stage Drive I Eli Al"n nt Aller Iiimiighit . RAWLINS , Wyo. , Jan. 9.-Speclol ( Tele- gnlm.-Inslleetor ) Waterbury returnel train MIIOl8 Delight thll wenlng , where he arrested - rested gd Alcn , a stage driver , charged with cutting open a mal sack and taking three registered of regiltcred lmamkages nominal vulue at lJcween thirty ad forty letters. It 1\11 been reported . thatl , package of hul I would be sent out 01\ ( lint morning valued It several thousal11 < 01tl hut as lie matter had become so pU1J1p the gold was imeld for a couple of dqr A } pair or hell were In the sack WII(1h ! Allen evidently mistook for time goii \ , Time robbery was ! not II\eo\ered until the sack reuched this cIty . anll when It was opened 't ' ollly contained the skates , n. couple of letters anti time registry way bill. 'fhero was II very In- JtnlouB cut discovered under the flap In the bottom large enough for a imurson ' lap In- Men his ImaM. ' 1'ie robbol' Ih'ton lert hurd. ) tas reported 1'/10 / WU\ to Don\'er Rod Allen arrested. He will be few taken to ' Lam'umie and given I hearing In I days , _ _ _ a _ _ _ _ J'or Urouth buflerur . 1ho Modern Woodmen ot America , acting wih time management or the Coliseum skut- Ing rink , have arranged for the use or time Coliseum 10 servIce on Sunday , January 13. frm I to 10 P. m. lIvery ont taken In ' on 1' ( that day . wl he used for the Ilurl'hast pr miUlmIlt'tm ( for \Up/I..1 the droulh sufferers of webtern Nebraska , time Modern Wodml'u taklng'fuii ehnre. Admission : Gentlemmien taking , cents ! ( mules , 1/ cents. Gentemcn 2 'entl : Donatoos may he left at room 2. Omimahia Ollllhl National bank , with T , D. Dc'iltlle. TO BE RUN BY THE RECEIVER , Lincoln Street , Railway t : e' Run by : rad . : . - Slaughter. , JUDGE DUNDY NAMES HIM FOR THE PLACE V lie Will Take Possession a Soon IS Ills )00 < II Fled and Approved by the Clerk of the UnIted States Court Ex-United State Marshal Brad Slaughter of Fullerton was appoInted receiver of the Lincoln Street Railway company by time Col- lowIng order of JUdge Dundy , flIed In federal court yesterday. United States Circuit Court , Dlstrlct'of Nobraska. In the case of James Sampson versus the Lincoln Strcet Railway companr : "I Is hereby ordered that Brad D. Slaughter b and 10 18 hereby appointed receiver - ceiver of and for tile defendant In the case above , with full power and authority to take , recelvo and retain full possession of the railroad and all other property rights , moneys 1 and credits belonging thereto or In any wise appertaining to the said road or its franchises - chises , and hold , secure and protect the same to time fullest extent . until otherwise ordered by this court The said receiver Is hereby empowered and fully authorized , directed and required to proceed and continue to operate I time said road and Its franchise for the use I and benefit8 of the publIc , In a I suItable and proper manner , so tar as time current receipts from I the business wl pernmtt. Bond must bl ! first given In time sum or $15,000 ; , with good and ufllcieimt sureties 5u1clent to bo approved and In time usual torm. When the bond shah I I have been approved It shah bo the ( duty of the said receiver , as soon thereafter as prac' teablo to proceed to take Possession prac'I I and singular the road , branch roads , tracks , etc. , and make 0. true and correct Inventor or the same and file said Inventory In thla I court properly verified within twenty days I afterward , Current and operating expenses II I may bo paid wihout rurther order or curt , but the strictest economy must bo observed In operalng time road Orders will bo made I hereafter designating time manner In which I moneys received shall bo deposIted , " The appointment was made upon time bIll I or complaint or Joseph Sampson ot Sioux : CIty , filed In federal oourt January 4 , In which 11 was alleged ( lint the Lincoln Street Railway company was Insolent , and , amen ( ; other timings , owed the city oC LIncoln time sum of $50,000. A. L. Ido & Son Cuyler Morgan & Co. and others also held judgments - meats against the company. Receiver Slaughter arrived In the city res- t erday and said that ho would file his bond at once and follow the Instructions of th court In the premises above named. Last Friday Judge Dundy appointed F. W. LIttle or Lincoln as temporary receiver or time road , but the new order relieves Mr. Little from further duty In this respect . - .TIXSOX CO UTY'S - ' .Im' OFFiCERS . They Take Charge and Appoint Their Depute - ute for time Term DUFFALO 'Vyo. , Jan. D-Speclal.-The ( ) ofcers or Johnson county took the oath of ofce and entered Into possession of the iC house this meriting. AI Sproal , time new sheriff , Items appointed Thomas C. SmIth nB deputy sheriff , and reY lll'as deputy In the 1 , Horn , SUcccssor to Johmmnyt D. Johnny hopkins. ] Thomas 10ptlns. Smith Is ot Ilresent proprietor - prietor of the Occidental hotel , and was a . , V 0 deputy marshal during the troubles succeed- In time "Invasion. " ! Ho was n favorite cmiii- dldato before the republican county cal- - venton for the olce of sheriff , and ivlhi Onl i doubtedl multo Il good cmillcer . wl Norman Davis , the largest man In time county nn old soldier ] and Grand Army of Grnd time Hepuhlo Iln , nnt an hOlest , Armr re- sec tel ! cItizen . has been given time position lled. of Jailer and jUllor. for whIch lie positon wel 'rhe new prosecuting attorn C ) ' . who liaR vacated n pORIUon as taIlOr In the ( FIrst Na- tonal bank of Burnlo , Is a iCt'imtuclclan by Ientuclliln byV blrtl , and clmo 10 thlH count ) ' soon ittur ( V Judge Saimfiny's appoiltment , during ufcr trst admlniltrtol or President Clevelaiitj Ho was for several years clerIc of the dll- trlct court Anti fluster comrllBlollr , and has the best ! ) unlleutols for lila olhice. The posi 101 of county clet'le Is olce. retained - tamed by Jack Fiagg , who Htl llgl ran a tie with rn I lila rellhlcan opponemmt te wih ' . 'fwo of time former commlsRlolwrs retain timely seats. Time newcomer Is a democrat , but highlY esteemed as honest and xpe- rlenced , with no person II llrejUdlces to influence his actions. G. I' : . A. loeller , the fotlner clerk of the district court the most Inveterate oleo Hl'elter In time eoiitty , who ; his prohahly done more ' coulty\ \ InHon county titan any other man of time same I capacity , II to Il'avo , for - Denver prety ! soon lme , V Crlm Wi Die by iOctricity . NEW YOI ( , Jan 9.-Georgo . Cram , who murdered his wife October 9 , has been : entenced to death by electrIcIty. Before being brought Into court Cram altomptcll to end hIs life hy cutting his throat with a wih glass nnul when arraIgned ho was weal froni loss or blood Is execution Is set for I 1 - ruary 22 - - Perfect Pants. MEN'S WOmnNO PANTS-STRONGLY ' ' ' PANTS-R'fONGLY Hl0'm'm'liD-warrarmted not to rlp- ' JiI'flfld new- lU11 . . especially . . . . . . . . . tor . O. UR- . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 C V JlmN'S GOOD BT.ACIC CIIIIVIOP ' ' ' ' B.ACI CIEVIOT' PAN'l'S$1 , 50 Mnle . especially fur us- t/- / ) = I : : : ALTj " WOOL ' , ' PANTS-IN . : : : : : : L . Bl'ant or atrlped new- cIsslmere , or worsted- $ / 2 . 0 0 . /ale m..hpLt.l.iiIy for us - = $ & \ ' e-speclaly . . . . . . . IR- . . . . . . . . . . . . . = . MEN'R PINI DRESR PANTS-IN IMPorted - Jlortel and doml'lte fabrics-In thu latest , lmatterfls-- I . n.terns- H'unl new- 11.1 . 00 . $ 4 iUnde ' 6,0 value especially at . . . . . for . . . . us- . . . . . . . . . . . . IjJ . --4 M. H. Cook Clothing Co. , 13th and Farnam . . . R V ADWAY'S PILLS , . 1 . Always Relablcl , Purely Vegetable Perfectly tasteless \ , elegantly coated , purge . Mh'late. purify , cleanse end strencthen. n- WAY'S PILLS for the cure of all dlsorde\ o. the Stomach. Bowels ] . iCidneys ll\ler. Nor vans Diseases , DIzzInesS . VertIgo . CostiVemiell . POles. SICK HEADACHE , FEMALE COMP1AINTS , BILLIOUSNESS , INDICESTION DYSPEPSIA , CONSTIPATION and All Disorders of the Liver. Obsere the following symptoms. reaching from dleeasos of time digestive organs : Constipation , In- I ward piles , fullness ef blood In COlstpoton held , ncld- Iy or the stoniactm . nausea , heartburn , dtsgu.t of food fulnrl' ' of welcllt ef the etomaeh lour , erctatons , Inklng or Stuttering of time heart chokIng or eurrocating sensations sufocatng when In a 8enntons lying l posture . dimness er vision , dots or webs before the sight , fever old dull pain In the head , deflelency of permitlratlon , ' . defciency per\lrtol \ yellowness or time skin and eyes , pain in time I aide , chest , lImbs , And gde < husheS one . burnIng In tIme I" : h.And A few doses of tIAD\VAY'S PILLS vlli fret , . wi the By.tem or all the Rhove named disorder' l'ICE na A HOX. SOn nv nHUOGISTS OR BBN'r fly M/.Ii . lMAI. Bend to DR. HAlWAY & CO. . Lock DOE * 15 New York. tar fade of AdvIce. Lck IC Don't ' Neglect Your Eyes , . I 'r ' . . . ' " y , \ ; w. r. Seymour , _ . our oimtlclan , imas been optcian hrs extremely' HUCcefsrul In iitting glasses t , ' ltng gllHles hllreda or the beat people In thin city. LeuHe/ l'xcltanged Free of Chorgo. The Aloe & Penfold Co. . , LEADING SCIN'rPI OP'rlCIANS 10 'nrnnm Htrpet. Opposite Paxton Hotel. TI1 I.IN DRUG SJolm , Colonial Chairs. _ / kikll1llIh You want one of these In your library cc lr lbrary living room. They have grown to iso 8 mucl o a necessary part of the furniture or 4 moders house as a piano or a leather easy chair 'flero sro over fIfty dIfferent st'Je all copies or genuhlo colonial orIginals , but for time three essentials of comfort , beauty of outline , and historic suggeittvcnen outne hiltoric suggeltveneu there II V no pattern 80 Ilopular as this , I embolel the high back with the gal. V lery back above , tie "dUR" or recessed seat , the broad arm rests , the tapering : cross- crOB- braces , time nearly every wel known feature ot time 18th century construction . Wo take special polls with the larquetry , or our colonial frames , anti at time low price at which wo are selling those chairs there II nothIng that can compare with them at the wih thl , rrlel In this counlry , Charles Shivorick & Go FURNITURE of Every OO'orlplbl ' ( ciii porary 1.01191. ' JUOU ' 'HI IUt , lJu//uM Htro . MILLARD HOTCL DLOCK f ,