Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 10, 1895, Page 4, Image 4

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- " . ' . . . . / , . ' . , , ' ' . . .J : . , - , - ' . \ . . ' 7 { q.U' ; ; , : "JI . 'I . . < i . \ . : . : " .I " J t ' _ " ' . ' . ' ; 11 r"'I' , . ' ' 1' ' " ' ' 1.1 \ . .JI"1. , , lY7W , r . , " . " , t , .
( - 4 . TIE OMAHA DAILY JUDE : rnURSDAY , JAAY 10 , iS9ii. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -
r _ E. 10SEWATEt. 1ditor.
Illy neo ( Without SundAy ) . One Yelr. . . 8 8 0
flIIy : IIe and Sunday One Year . . . . . . 10 00
. tUx ) tenth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 0
Thrlt Mnntha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 GO
, . Aunlll Ike. One Ytar . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
f"turllnT leOnp Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 t
\ VeekIy flee , ODe YMr , . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
oF1cLs :
, Omnha . Thc 1kn flulitling. '
South Oma1ii . lN' Uk , . Cor. N nnd 2Uh fit ! ,
S Counci Jura , J l.ntltre.t. .
ClelRo pm11 Cnmber of Commerce.
New York Homl n. 1 nn l t" TrIbune fl11g.
Wnshln/ton. 101 I' Itreet. N. W.
All MmmunlMtona relatng to new an" etU.
lotnl mater .hould be ldrcMed : To the Editor. ,
All buslne' 1.ler8 Rnd remittance ! , hou1 be
Iddre led to The lee lublohlng company.
Omnh. Drlt . checke Rnd poatomce order to
b made A'nMe tl tile orl.r 01 the comt.nny.
. . _ ' . . _
- - - -
: : :
Ororlo II. Tz.chuck. 0" 'Irellry or The leo Pub
lohlng comrn ) ' . "el"1 duly . wurn. " ) thnt
; the nctunl number 01 tufl nnlt complete eoplel
I cit the Daily Morning , 1\nlnK end U"dRY Jee
rlnted during the mouth of November. 1&4. wu
11 follows :
I. . . . . . . . . ! oc 16. . . . . . . . . 21.G1
Z. . . , . . . . . . 2lZ57 37 . . . . . . . . . . 21.3C
I. . . . . . . . . 27,25 21:1 1. . . . . . . . . . 22,175
e. . . . . . . . . . 21,523 19. . . . . . . . . 20.HI
I 6. . . . . . . . . 21.L31 2) . . . . . . . . . 20.r1
6. . . . . . . . . . 21.13 21. . . . . . . . . 20,15
1. . . . . . . . . 21.2c ( ) 22. . . . . . . . . 2),414 ) I
t 8. . . . . . . . . 24.20 , . % . . . . . . . . . 2,2\ \ ,
t 0 . . . . . . . . . 21GO5 U. . . . . . . . . 20.39 I
i 10. . . . . . . . . 2G , 2. . . . . . . . . 2\.0 \ I
J. . . . . . . . . 22.4Sf O 26 . . . . . . . . . 20,12
i J2. . . . . . . . . 20.1,57 27. . . . . . . . . 2'O6
S 13 . . . . . . . . . 21,01 28. . . . . . . . . ID.98
34 . . . . . . . . 20.rG2 ; 29. . . . . . . . . . 20,020
T 1. I. . . . . . . . . . 2 : ,570 30. . . ; . . . . . 15,952
Total . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CDCi :
. Less de4uctlons for unsold and returncd
' 11 t : . deductons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rlured . . . . . 11,202
Total sold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64Q,272
. . , , . . . . . . . . . . . 21,613
rally overage net clr.ulAton. . . . . . . . . 21,61
Swor to before me onO IUb"crlhed In my pre.
tfle this 311 day 01 Decwmljc'r . 1M54 ,
S en. IHenl . , ) N. 1' . I.'NI. , Notary I'ubllc.
SOl I hcl Bm'OIH Is hlvlug : 0 taste of
real \\'lntC' wcnthm' .
. 010 ) of ni ( South Ollhn , tiger lcns
$ , hits .closed Is leers llermlncltr for
I thc le1cll ) of 11 coiicerncd.
Dollgltt : cOlnt . Ills no rcnson to COI'
' receh'cd h ' her
] llln of the f'cutnlnl ( 1Y
deIentIoii : it thc ilaIttis of Speaker Iticli .
urds. tle \I.on II IHntls Sicnl.C' Ich.
:5 :
urds.I Is not the I seat which It cOlnclhnln
OCCllllcs ) , bil ) thc work which he docs
thll efitlilts 'hcre lcGre or sis ,
thm'e's the head of tile table.
'rhe cOllltee 01 "lllucts nUl
S bridges , Ii i loudct1 No new \IHlucts
wi bo built stud 10 old ones repaired
S unless tile i'l1hirO11d5\'l1l1t to do It
' ? EmcRl Stuht hI right for 011CC. I Is
: " nn outrage thut : the le\'cuth street "In-
S duct Ils not leen placed In passable
I . conlitou 1onths I not yru's ngo _
S S , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
'S , , 'Ve haen'l hClrl us ret : whether or
. not there wns In exchln o of New
Yem"s greetings Ielween tie emperor
S. of Chhl alit ! the mlkndo of Jupnn.
. S In tile mnlwull of council commItees
I looks very much nR If President Ed-
S wlrds' lIed eXlrtei IU his strength andS
In ' to lit ' into roundS
iiigeiiuity stiure pegs
S S + 4 t " holes onul lt sfuil'e rouul
- .
_ Now that the Issue Ii squarely made
, I betwecn thc city nml ( the water works
h comlHI ' I Is to he hopel the conteii-
ton wi sllcelly ) be settled In tileS
i courts.
* 1 S GO\rnO' I. wc11 Wlnts Kansas to
Y . I : ' substitute the South Cnrol n dlspensal'y
Ilw In 111ce of prohibition. That . would ,
. : , ho like jumllng 11m the frying 1)11
.5 Int the lire.
1 lre.
, No , there ' , lS no lu'eurl'nngement ) that
1he ( Gel'nUI emC'ol' ) should open the
1k l'l'u8slnu LaulnJ ( 01 the snme tiny , tiiat
, :1 : : the Nebraska legislature is to elect I
United States senntor.
, 1 With nil tile local legislative bodies
.once IUOVC ol'gnnlzc , them 18 no longer I
; In excuse for delaying u vigorous policy '
of retrcnchmen In every branch of our
: lullelpll Illid county governmcnt
S P _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
S Among tht bills introduced In the leg-
t : Islnlul If nu ncl to establish a StateS
S . .Board of Emlhtwl's , Tills ought to be
S V WeiCol11u , hews to the political
w.lcole 10WH . poltcnl corpses
thlt nre IJtent awaiting Gabriel's
S trulnp. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
S . The veto of Mayor Bemis of tile water
S worl.s ai11n'oIrlatIoll ) his been su1nhlcll :
! .b ) tile COUl el , whlel clearly Indicates
: , ' flint tile COmllr ) hns brought no high
, . ' ' the lileulbers to oytjri'Itle
, .1)'CS81'0 npon leUIel's o\'el'llo
i S .
S , t , eto. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
. ' : / " , 'fhe JeollllJ of the ' lawnlnn ( ities.
: i t i thou might meln the rCPlle'uneo of
! l'lll'alllotlnt lount n1l 01-MillIster : Stc\
'S : : S , tIllS. Iresllent Ce\c1111 ought to tiltilk
' I twice before velitlIrhlIg to bring this on
; ; the counl'\ ' '
, ' '
: , ; ' From tile Ilunliler of senatorial con.
: : r tests going 01 eli around lS one wo111
S S : S ilIltIgilIti thlLl thin while ( Unlell States
! cuntc WCI'O buul to bc renewed. As
' I 1nttcr of fact , only ono-tilird of the
: ' oelllol'lul tl't'lllS expire tills ) ell' .
. S I ; Is to bo llOtt'd that 11011 . Fluldlu
I lncYenh COl ! ] lol hvo been lIre-
\'cutetl h l ' ' t'eiti (1'nlnlltl ( ' ills ' .
'I \ ? ( ) Oily l'l'ulllllUl ( (01' II'es. )
. : ' ence nt the IWlt : of the l\uols l4Cllltttl'ittl
' ; S conlest frol iitteiitlhiig the .TItI.Honhpl
S Illluct ( In Oltlalltt. I lust hl\u blel !
otlel' IlsllCSH that kept hull uwn3.
-S Mr. I'lol1'1 Is nlrmnn , ot the com.
S llh e Oi text bool.s ) 1111 ( COtlt'SO of sttitly
: SS In the t'olml of 1(1tIC1ttiOll. ] " 'hnt
. S Knblel doeu'l I now nbout text bools
c \0111 ( 11 810'11'oluleR , IHI whullw
, ImowH nllolt ) the COUt'O of stuly cou11
S bo Wl'ltul Oil the tlro of 1 postage
atnini _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
S .A flllCr . who ( 118 r'slcll In ChI' )
- i ' CHIle county for eight years Informs ' 1ho
. Bpo thnt In tilt i'ellr ISPO , wheu Iitlpik's )
S WOI'O thllllictl ) ( lute thnt collilty to n\evl.
'uto the sufft'I'Illg ot Ileolilu Hull : to bo
de2itltute , thel'o WI : much c01111111t ) ex.
II'esS1 ' bl'enlso or 11IJIUI ! % ( ilstrhtutholl. )
f Val'lllvi's U\'ulnl large herds und bn\lng
, 1 conlllliblo ) lrOllcl'I WOI'O 1\0Ul the
fIrst to claim assistunce , 11tl In too
S 'many case ' 1' ( elrcl It. Whnton 11111
ot l'elcf work mi ) 10 du\'lscl by the
SSt 1.\lslltUo \ : It hI of tile ulmot 111111tnlco
I ' that provision Io Ilt IUlhlt : , 1m.
11110 ( . I Is Iulte lS essential that
Ulltlt'SCti'hIIg ) ' ) ' $111111 be ' ' ' '
. S \lth'sOI'\'IIi II'lllll' Hhll IJI IIJ\'l'uh't1
( real llcllllu ; by the slato' : : . charIty
UCt tS that tile mUl ot the needy shall lo
, . . . . ; , . \ , , I .L" . , ; ' - " 55
L1T ; cmmmss SUPPLY SD.
Senator Alien hiss Ilnll nn nmenllment
to tile nlrlculule npllrOIlnton bill In-
h'ollucell Inlo the senate for nn appro.
prlnton of 8OOOO ) to enable the Aeere'
tfll'y of n rlculuro 10 ImlchnRO anti lUR' .
t'lhuto Heel grain nmonl tile droutit' (
Stl'IC'keIl ltzens of the different states.
Thus nlllu'ollrinton , or ns much of It 11
mn ' 10 necessary , oUJht to be llromlll '
mncle , Ill SlUtOI Alien ! houl * ( hl\'o
tile cordial flPllort of every member of
tile ddt rttoll from the rnrmlng states
for his Ilrolloslll ) n 1 t11 1 en t.
Why Silollid lInt tile Unlel States JO"-
Irnltlt ( mnl.e it'OVhSI)1l ) for sleln that
tm deslulo drouth suIerer/ ) HUP
iltetl with Reed grain for ncxl 'enr'H
crop ? Con leAs hills l'xtelllCI Hhulnr
relief to other nmlth'tl Ileollle ) on iC
\IOUR OCCflSlOlls. 1 hns lnssell ! llecnll
nclJ lusplllln for the tune tile ittnitn-
tons \llon ) hOleRtlltl 111 other th'lcs
on lhlc Innll to 11cl the ( 'Inergelley of
cl'oll fnlhl'e ( II' disasters hr ) lire 01 wutcr.
Fveii now there Is I bill pelulhJ In cots-
J1'eHS to cxtelll s\ch relef to the hOhlcrs
of thnhm' challIs who hn\'e been
; \ ) rca-
( lerel 11csltlte by the great fm'csllrs
In : llnncsotulll Wlscolsln hl l year .
Tile greater numbcr of tile dl'outh s\f.
fe'ers In Nebraska , ore original settlers
Oil IHllc 1111s who took tIp their farms
\llel' the Inws of the 1Jnle(1 ( Stotes.
They were encouraged to 01111II this
new counh' ' b 1 y tile enticing offers of
fl'el 1111 ) which thc federal gO\'clmenl
h0111 out 'j'heh' Il'esell ulfortulnlo
IJ'ctlcnnwlt ) his fnlcn \In thcm
titl'Ollgil 10 fnll of theh's. Tile lleoillo
of chrlm wl assist tH1 to live
lhrougl the whileI. but whcn spring
once 101'0 1rlves the ' wl fnl them-
selves wiholl seed glln for a lew crop.
W'ltlt seed ! Irlht HUllplel thel and
wllh flJ : cOllltons of telllel'ltl'e nul
molHluro her t wi In : \other season 10
again self-supporting. Congress , thro\gh
tile Agriculture departmcnt , hns for
years beol ) ( lstrlmtng seed to fUI'mcrs
largely for llltcll , P1IIPOSCS. Whnt Is
lo hinder Il ( vomit alotn It ful supply
of seed grout 10 the farmers of the
Ih'outh-strlc districts of KllSla , Ne-
hrska ) 111 South Dakota for purely
1)hiiantilropic IIU'lses7
Congress otIgilt nol to hesitate n lao-
lent to make nil cconomlcnl nlll'OIII- [
lon for tile distribution of seed grain
to such of our fnrlers lS , IW reason of
cl'ol1 fll\'c , 111 UlemRcl'cs without
! eel anti \nnhlo ) 'to IHrchaso It That
much Isslstulce the federal government
owes to tile Illolel's who have hew
tins path for advancing civilization In
tile west
The following letter , which his just
been received speaks for itself. ' The .
check enclosed 11 the letter 'hn8 been
dudorsed for payment to the order of
Governor 'Holcomb , who wi 10uIUess
place It at tile lsIOsnl o the State ne
le ! commlsslou :
MOLINE I . Jan. 8. 1895-E. Rosewater ,
Editor of The Omaha Dee : Dear Sir-Feel-
Ing It our duty , and pleasure to add to the
general contributions beIng received by various -
Gus committees and other sources of author-
Ity In your state and not knowing any of
the committees but having the pleasure of
a , slght acquaintance with you we' are
pleased to hand you herewith our check for
$500. asking that you place It In the bands
'of some state or central committee wblch
will distribute the same for us In such re-
mote agricultural portion Of Nebraska wIreln )
help would be slowest to reach and therefore -
fore most needed. 'Ve trust YOI will Immediately -
mediately take this mater In hand , and we
think It quite probable If their attention was
called to It Ih somcthlng like dIrect manner
the great majority of the agricultural 1m-
pement ! manufacturers In the middle and
easter states who enjoy valued trade re-
latons with the people ot Nebraska , would
cheerfully and promptly fail Into line.
Our Mr. Allen will be In Omaha tomorrow :
and the day tolrowlng , and wl do himself
the honor to cal upon you It he finds any
portion ot time at his dIsposal. In the event
of his doIng 10 you can advise hIm how you
wl handle the fund otherwise wo hope to
have your early advice by letter. Yours
Dictated by G. A. Stephens.
I Is u good sign that there Is n very
general lemnlll for more stringent legislation .
Islnton to protect voters In the exercise
of the stlffI'itge. Most of the states now
hn ballot rotorm laws , and quite gets-
ell , ' these hn\e opemtetl satisfactorily i
In ! reilletlyllig Jln ' of the abuses laid :
evils that formerly exIsted. Nowhere , Is
thC'e any 11olHlnl deisiand for the aluu-
tonment of such Inws timId I l'otUI1 to
the old s ' : tem. Bolt some or these laws
: tl.o defective . and whel'O'C' tills hIntS
been fOi I 1 to be the case the leglsia-
tunes 111'c heen urged to mal\ SHell
cilallges lS itt'e lecessnlY to render these
stululea Inure efecl\'o In securing
secrecy of tile ballot and preventing
' interferemice with the individual
corrupt InlerfC'enec wih 111h'l uul
'l'hls Is notuhlr the case In several of
the eastern 8tntcS. 'l'ho ballot Inw of
Now Yorl. Is ollel ) to so\'crul objections ,
to which GO\'el'nol' Mottoil hus directed
tile atenton of the leIRlntnrl , Iml I
bill his Icon Intlollcelll'O\'lln for a
new II w. At the l'IHIlclu Party ' his
lel ill this most 1111ol.tn11 batter of
balot reform , It is to Io eXllecled that
tile . I'cplhleau ) legislature I of New York
wi give thll Htlie u htw thai will
libeL ( wlr ) It'lllll'1cnt for the 11'otec.
Hon of the voter lutl tor KcU'ln nn
111 ) 'St Ill ( uuh'ammelell expl'csslon ) ot
the IIOIHlnr wi. Referring to the hal.
lot IIW or PellllSS'lVltulSt , , Governor Pat-
tison Hnll It was no longer nu experi-
nlmt nud that It hud gone far t so-
CU'O tile tlesh'cl ( ( rcsuls , but S0l0
chulJes Wttt'O nceessm' - 10 Illrfl'ct I. 1111
the 1la\ol Heform UISOelltol his II'e' )
I1rel n hi to Io 11r8Cltcd to tile legls-
lahl' amlUtlnl tile tectoUI that cou-
taln (14'fectS. ' 1ho ] cglsllturo ot COl'
Ulctcut will give that state a IWW 1181.
lot law , the IH'ecnt 010 hl\111 Ilen 10
Ult'lllll ! Ultl ) ulchll ( frol julIo to tmo
that It does not nlHwcr tile itlL'PoLl : of n
l'f0'1 luw. A sh'ong Olilloslon ) ou thu
Ilrt . or Iomo IlnlUclnus ) WIS Io\'cloped
after tile SI'lltemher cleetous of lust
'l\ : Ill rllne to tile ballot law or thlt
tate , but lu his mcssau to tile t icgls-
In tune tilts gO\'CIOI' "lgol'oltl ) Ileentla
tiltS ilitY , 1\11 tIle polt"lml whit hIH'll )
bo mIllie to carry out their 1)l'OllllsU that
It shoull bi ' t'olH'aletl. ' 1'11 ! ( Inllces ,
tlough oul ) ' U row out of molly , serve to
Illclte tile drift of llblc ) teltlupnt
atId to ! lo\ that ballot reform \ Ii
ito ostlblbbc fact , from wtcl Uler" i !
not likely to be nny deartule , hut on
the contrary legislation to fix the re-
forl more firmly and render I mere
This subject was referred to by 00'
ernor 1olcolb In Ills InnuJt'nl c11'eff
Ill ( hill leSUOI In relation to the
law of this Rtnte Ihol11 ( receive the care-
fill atenton of the legisintilce. I Is
1111lHlonnhle tilat the ehrnkn ballot
law ] IS hInd good refmls , hit there Is
no douht thnt Il can be nllle stronger
In tile Ilh'etol 1)OIlItttIi ! ell lv ) , Governor
lolcomh ) Iml ) ) I'lps Imll'o\'el ) ( In other
respects that will render Il IOI'e effective .
1'e for the purpose the law Is Intelled
t flCCoIlihiISll. There I\e the beR\ \ of
lelSOIS1) ' chrlllm : Rholl l.el11 Ilnce
wllh the Ilroll'eRs thut Is maltlug In biti-
hot reform .
II.x . ; ; iIflArfl't3 ; IJr.
Tile . cnlle.rnlsinluh'I'est of the
l'nled States , which Is 010 of our 'most
11110rl\t interests , hISS I I tIe nn clii'-
nest appeal to conJress to tnke ncton
looking to the recovery of the Burolleun
nlu'lwtl thnl have recently been closed
lJulnst AIC'lenn cut te Ill dresscd
Illeats. TIle IUt'Ht nlvlceR fl'01 1VILSII- ,
hlJton Indicate thnt there Is very little
lt'osilect ) of this appeal having the do-
sl'ed elect I Is well unclC'stoOI ( hut t
tile real cause of tile embargo estlb- :
lHhell by ( GCI'nuln III othcl' l > I'ollenn
COtllltt'il'H ugalnst our cattle Is the 115-
cI'hllnnln ( bIlly on t4tlgltr , and thut
tile elnint thll the cattle laid Ien foull
to he dIseased Is a lucre stllltei'ftlge. I
Is 0 fact olclulr "ouchecl for thul there
has lccu no IllcUI'O-IHcllonlt In this
counh' for at. least lwo 'elrH , 111 lhe
talk nholl ) Texas fever : Is equally
groundless. Our greatest foreign cattle
.llrl.ells Great Britain , 111 the BrItish
gO\'lmenl hIlts Ilrovldell ) u 10sl rigid
system of inspection. The fact thul no
comliluint . JIlts come' fl'om tit source
sumclent Hhows that there II no
ground for cOllllalnt tile Inslcton of
cattle for export to conthwntll eouuI I
trim being Just lS cnrcf11 mId Ihorough .
ns for cattle going to the nlt-h mar-
'YlshhlJton advices say that I.t Is
agreed on all bands that the ( bltC1'ilflhIlilt-
lug duty ; of ono.tenth of I cent on sugar
shonld Ie repealed , but It is Hall I the
Itelpt : should le Ilule se\'crl interests -
ests will insist upon using thnt as n
vehicle 10 carry tilrougll olhcr Imonl-
ments of the tariff act , none of which
ha\e any relcvuncy to the mlin ques-
tion. The representatives or tile domestic
sugar growers . it Is said , would Insist
on coull with the prolloRltou for repealing -
pealing the 11sclmlnatng ( ititV one to
award honnl ) ' for the SU cl'oll.of tIm
Inst year . Ill ( other llroposltons ) would
he offered ulcl11ntor ' 01 the tariff law
which might lend to n renewnl of dIscussion -
slou of the whole tariff question. Mosl
melbers of congress desire to avoid
this , and tills tile Indlcntons ( are that
no relief Is likely to come fl'OI this con-
gross In the direction of raising the em-
burgo which Gernlnhly multi other countries -
tries of eastern Europe have laid upon
our staple eXorl
None the less i Is the Imperative duty
of the Tell escntntYes of the epple to
take such action ns may bo necessary
to reopen the markets that hn\e IIeen
closed to our cattle and meats , 111 no
) urtsnn feeling should Io pc'1lUe to
interfere with the performnnce of this
(1 uty. neiullcans nnd tcmoclts Rhoull
agree to put asIde nU extraneous : llld
Irrelevant matters for the one pur-
) ese of promoting the welfuro of the
Interest that Is directly assailed Iy those
foreIgn embargoes. Hundreds of thou-
sands of American farmers are con-
cernod In this niatter . and their Inter-
csts are worthy of the consIderation of
congress , indeed never more so than
now. So far as the differential duty Is
concerned It Is of no consequence , . either
for revenue m' protection . but If It were
its value could not possibly make up for
tile loss resulting from the exclusion of
our cattle and ments from the European
inmirkets. Nor Is It likely that tile In-
jury to our foreIgn trade will stop nt
tills In the event of the faIlure of con-
gress to 1)t'O'ile the remcly which all
agree to le necessary. I Is hlghl prob-
nblo tbnt emIargoes 1Usd prohibitory
duties will 10 laid on other Amorlenn
products , fO' there Is great IlresRure on
nearly all tile 1 lopeun go\erlents
from their OWt 11'OIucel8 ' to do this.
The agrarian clcment In' Gerlaur ,
FI'unce , Austria and hungary Is strenti-
ouslglng the gOVCllluts to give
them better protection against outside
competton , and eSlclulr Alel'lcnu
competitIon , nnd there Is a strong dIs-
posItion 1uulfoste to resect ) this do-
mnl1 (
This II nn entirely . practIcal IUI/tou ,
wih which . partisan polIties shoulll not
bo Im.olved. A mistake hits hl'en mude
that culs . for correction , 1\11 It Is the
Illnlu ) ( ltit3' of COligL'eSS to correct I wih-
out ' ' .
unnecessary delay
.1 IIT7'If lI..1N T4LK. I
Now that tile Board of Educuton has
been duly organized n ltto Llalu talk
concerning the reforms which the People
huve a right to expect nt its hlUds , amId
eSieclitiiY ) from its ncwl ' elected ' -
cSlleclul Is newly ! IU'csl-
deiit IU . ' nol Ic out of order Tile
fOllle.s of tile 11011'd of Education be-
slncd tile bOlrd to ho nOlpoltcal 111
nolIseeturlall. II tile ol'glllzltol of the
school system and In Its mllngemelt
tile board WIS expected to keep aloof
from 11 poltcll contention 111 nil re
lglols COilti'OversIes. ' 1he olecl'l ,
teilcilel's 111 emplorc ot the board : were
to \01'1. In hnl'lon ) for one object . only ,
null that Is to hither 11Igeut for attain-
II tile Ilcst results In training 1111 ( etlti.
cating tile cllildren ulItlur tibia' ' tmfli
cntl ehlllrel Uller tloh' clu'e 1111 (
SUII'lslou wih the funds nt their coIn-
IllIlild . ' 111s coull only 10 Ichlo\el ( by
strict ndilelell'o to business IH'llcllllea !
111 1u811melhOla , Whlten'l' 10.
telR out' Htlcl has suffered fll In )
Io 11 h'lllel Iu cyei'y Instance to OHO
of four causes : : ,
Ih'st Lack of integrity ou tIle part ot ,
IlICllliel'S ) of tile burl : nul COlsllUeut
)3'llldittS lut1 reckless waste In tile PiI
l'haso : ( f school sItes and construction
of school Imllllja 1111(1 tlo lenlngs 11
the IHU'chuso of school furniture , heating -
lug Illpnrutls , fuel ) , text honlllnl other
school tlllII'S. )
ccoud lucolllleuc ' , ltpotSU filth
gloss f\'ol'It:1 : to which lIre 110 ill-
ctrhnc ! ' of t'ilIIl1O'etf , the foisting oC su-
penziuulerariesi and creation of costly
fads thnt nre kept lp trom year to year
to make places for lleople who either are
10t need el or 10tOIOU81y delclent lu
scholarship , tmlnln or wlent
Third. 'he Infusion of IInrl8nllhip
n11 ( the nlnles thnt 811rlng from ioiItI-
cll 8el\lll of nmbllous memblrR of
the bonr\I\'r ' WaIst 10 lfe the school
patl'olingo [ n lever to 11lcnt ollice.
Schemll for nllllolltmeltR ) nUl ( barter-
lug of pllCl'l lt tile 118110sI1 of the board
for PO1ItiCfldtltltleflCC lIfts In the Ilasl
heen IJlltir ' 11cloll Ill Its effect. I
hlR tlh'11 ot1i I' school bO\ls Ilto ( P0-
ltcnl clhluci nnd ereltltl instllorillla- ) (
ton t 11 the .lf\lfe ( Rchool systetli . Instenl
of c\ntrW ! and Ih'cctlJ subor-
1IIIte8 011 lu'IR have heel 1011lntet
1) ) thel t ro\Jh tile ( cite of InClrrl !
their llShlC1tiStlI'e nt tue ' ' itIlti
dI811'II'e tl IJhllres ) Ild
elcclol ! 'l'iitts tIle tIll ! TIlls been WI/
J11 the tiog and It will contInue to do
RO 80 long 18 pnrtlmnshlll 18 allowed
to r\n riot Ill tile board.
. Il.
Potlrtil. 'rlo infusIon of selnrilul81
through I secret political society avow'-
ecl ( ' organized tu IJotlcl tl school !
lJnlnst the Inrolls .of HOmlnlll ] , but
ill reality 11tle snbse'vllnt 10 tile 11.
IIt0us fche11'R of polIticians who hOlle
to ll'Olit 1) the pntlotc lo\'c of free
schools wi leh Ilerleates t he Aillttl'iCltll
loIlle ) re lnless of creed 0' sect and
( LXI'Ct ) to ellnh lute olee ulln thc free
school SU'l ) bIdder wile waving the
A1erlclu 1111g.
'l'ho fl'It118 of thc 1llc IchoolR have
It rlghl to lellul ( that the lew Board
of ] ' I\Cltol shall elldeavor II flu' lS I
IRslhle UUllp1 existing cOllllo1S to
Ilt'lle ) I polc ) ' thul : wi dlmlnlte these
\lrlo\s cluses of discord , Inclclenc ' ,
IIhonesl ' Ind intrigue. Now Is thc
tle 10 hcgln ) thcse refornls. Tile Imt-
rolls of the sehools hl\-e I light to dc-
lIlitild amId expect titelll.
Omlll Is Interestcl In IH'e\'entnj fur-
ther Regl'eglt01 of the Pllou I'acliic
IH'olJrt to this cxtcnt that the 11lpolnl- )
Iwnt of selHu'uto : receivers for any
Iruuch lles aul their operation us
selll'n [ tc IldmClus 10 much of their
n llnlstlton tllten Iwn ' from the
ienerul hellllnnrtel's : II tills city. I
clerks In the Olllho ll\a ' otces are
no longer neeled here they must either
rcmo\'c wih the hel quurtel's of tile
branch lne 0' find thcmlel'es alto-
et\I' out of emllo ) 'ment. Iu both
c\ents Omaha woull bo ) thc suttrcr ,
Neither woull this city secure lillY ill ) -
II'eclulle lel'lt fl'om the SelH1to op-
tlntou of tile roads. rhe lutcrest of
Omuhn Is decidedly . 01 the SIde or maln-
taming the unity of the Union Pnclfc
p1pert ' . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
A sUllremeurt of live 01' seven
jmlges woull ' . adequate to the preseilt
business or/tho court and that ia nil
that tile lir seut legislature Is expected
to h'oVIdO ) f"r.hen the tme COlS to
Ignlu : relo\o the Stlii'OnlC court it may
ho ) then ht.utvlsnlle to Inaert one 01
molc appclltc-trlbunuls between the
district court anti the sUlu'eme court
There Is uon ' urgent call for this now ,
llO'VeVCr. let is hn\o nu OillltrgCifleIlt
of the SUIHeme court unl the abolition
qf the suirflLe1coutt ? commission , and
the Orgalihti1tii"of ! the . judiciary withlu
tile state wULb ample for mnny yelli's
to como. ' : a1 {
low Is It that the report of
time soldiers' Teler coullsslon which
was rend . nt the last meeting of the
county commissioners ncconnted for the
expenditure of $ i269.31 ! during the past
year , while the esUnmto for the tel lors'
relief timid for the coming year submitted -
ted nt tile SU1e meeting asks for $ { .0007
From $ 5,269 to $ { OO Is n pretty big
jump. Surely the number of veterans Is
constantly inciting down and unless
lhere Is an excess or dependent veterans
over the number tat die off annuuly
ther Is no . renlon for increasing the
levy for tileir inalistemianco.
Should Senator Cl'lne , lS chalrmlu of
the senate committee on munlclpnl corporations -
Joratous , IHsh n determined light for
charter umemll outs dlmul101 ( ly tile
common people of this city , success
would certainly crowu his clforls. In
that event ho woul wake ul some morn-
lug to hear the 1)eoI) him gl'eat
. \ f 1 IIsad'niitaigc.
Chicago necord
Before Senator Gorman enters upon a
hullJllng bout with Senator Hi he should
observe that the latter gentleman's coiffure
affOrds discouragingly . small opportunities.
The 1.lmll,1 r'ierniflco.
An era or good feeling Prevails among the
democratic lenders concerning the preslden-
tnl nomlnnton ot 1890 All \ut one arc
oound to cseape. and he can pOle as a
matryr when he - draws the black ! bean .
J''rhll' . the 1'.nK . 18 Agitated.
Knnsns Cl ) Star.
Some congressmen are objecting 10 Mr.
Sherman'a sleeping car \i ( Ill tile ground
that It the rates arc to be reduced the ser-
Ice will not be lS satisfactory 101 the 110-
commodalona so comillele. The servIce
eoull not ) e much worse than 1 Is nt pres-
flIt , lInt ! as for thc accommodatoli Ihe leo-
tle wi compel tile rlroulf : to atend to
that. Competlon ts too sharI' Ilowadays
for carelessness of equhanenl. nowalays
\IIH b 1 NOt In it .
Chicago Tunes.
William C. Whitney the administration
candidate for I'reshlent 1 An excellent 5011-
teman Is Mr. Whitney-able . brilliant , and
a clever politicIan. But aon1hnw we think
that the democratic candidate for Ilrcsldenl
In 1SUO will hOt' come from l lfh avenue ,
New Yorlt Not ni the oleaginous output
of the Slunlull' Oil COmIHn ) ' , wIth which
he II closely qonnrcted . couid 1loth Mr.
'Vhltne"s patl 'to ' S . the . white house.
Strallhtrol the hhoulder.
.J.hlbln % "K ,
Tile hoodlo'Aown Is getting shameless In
its defense of , llroall tools unit hireilnio.
'i'odtty I sliamesct'dly takes UI' time cudgels !
In ( hehalt of ! " 'a\ tiecley . whom al
Ioltcla ns knoW US' : one ot the cheap lobby-
IsIs thut Infest tho' "Inte. No one COIl re-
memher ) of hli baying IJrtormed any
manual labor 5aV0 . In the capacity ot one
ot Mr. Holdre"e'l bloodhun . or as an
employe ot thCle lslature. As secretary
ot the republican stale central committee
ho was a prlvdte ) pass dispenser and pre.
sumablY paId rep esentatve of the rail.
roads : later on . 'w/len ' / he cu1 no longer
secure legitimate 'emlllonenl ' from the
state . Toni Majdrs Ifoiltel ) him on tile pay
roil al his prlvltc secretary In which
position ho drev1 state money jar Presiding
over nn oil room established In he lieutenant .
tennnt governor's oliice. The details ot
Seeley's career ure Well known to the News
and I he'were worth the tme und space
11\'olvel they could ensl ) ' he gIven lpee
lUbhio. Seeley Is just now endeavoring to
get onto the senate pay roil as bookkeeper
to the secretary. secretary Sedgwlcl Is
Inxloul to have him there hut
to the credit or Lieutenant Gov-
ernor Moore Jet It \II said , he
has declined to accede. The railroads
art nnxlous to have him there and this
qUnsi.deeiise h ) ' the lornlnl IlaPer to
alacls that havc not yet been made Is
lIrel ) ' flit attempt to Ia\'o the way 10 his
ullpolntment. I I for Ihl & benel ot tile
republican partY ali not because the News
cares anything about what becomes ot
them lhut I ! earnestly \rg"s u/on the
mem\erH ot tile legislature that I tur
down the tool and 1011)11 ( who are al.
WU't I'unnlnl abtut el.lim\orlnl 10 : el
\oles that It has never ) .1 been made - UI'I
that lIl'iy cO-I < 'elvu.
Dulo Gazette : I will b ant everlasting
disgrace to Bolt county I the mob which
assaulted Barrett Scott and his family ere
81 UICJ Darel Scttnd famiy ae
not to swift. anti .
brought IwHt nll sur Jnstce.
Orll Citizen : I Darrett Scott . tim de
faulting treasurer of Bolt county , has been
hung , as announced In some ot our dailies ,
he 19 only reapIng his own harest When
len high In ofce will violate the law RS
ho lies done Uley Are sImp settIng n ball
example to our lawless clement. These
men reason . If they reason at all , ilkc this :
here Is a IRn who holds n position under
the law oC our state and who violates those
very same In".s. I lIe violates those laws
because It Is to his own personal benefit
to do so . then \0 have 1 right to violate
them also . and they preel on that theory
to rob him or lurler hIm the first chance
the ) ' got. WhIle murde 10 to be deplored ,
BO also Is embezzlement and our officials
oUJh to have moro regard for tIme law than
many of them have hlreloCore ohown.
1laUsmouth Journal : The Darrett Scot
abductIon case , \I' In 10it county II indeed
1 nine dnys' wonder and refuses to down ,
Since he was tnken train the carlrago wih
his wie ; chili and zilece. nothing subslltal
has occurred lo indicate what has become
of hlim ills friends al O'Nol hoh that
ho was murlored by cneml1 and his body
secreted. On this theory much work .ha
been done . anti three men are under arrest
for Participation In his abduction. The
were Imown to bo his ooiitical I enemies.
Sunday a well was discovered In In Ihan-
done1'house. and this was selrched for two
days In hO/e of ChIding his body hut this
wns fnaly given tip. On the other hiami
It Is now held by his enemies that nil this
eoncentrnton of effort on the theory of his
murder has been mada 10 give him than
10 escape Inc get welt out of the country
befQre attention was cled to tin possIbility
oC such a tiling . so that all trace of him
would be 4mposslble. I Is a strange case l
Sioux City Tribune : There seems little
prospect that the fate of Barretl Scott vIii
be determined. I 19 over 1 week .lnco his
alleged lynching and IOt a scrap of hair of
him has been found . and If ho Is dead how
ho died and where 1s still an Impenetrable
mrstlry , On the one .hand It seems almost
Ilposslhle that ho could have been laundered
nccorclnc to the accepted version of his dl9
appearance . and on the other , tim story told
by the women who Worn with him In the
carriage which bears out tim I'nchlng
tileory Is continued by 60 may corroborative
facts that It seems trim and worthy of ac-
celllance. flIt If ho Is deed . wher Is the
body ? An open prairie country Is not a
goo one In which to make concealment and
every Inch for miles around the scene of
time alleged . abduction has been gone over.
This IMvps only the Niobrara river
( nl' as a pos'
sible relplacle. But this river Is neIther
large nor turgid and wo have the unequivocal
testimony of the sherif who first visited I i
otter the Monday of tIle disappearance , to :
the effect Ihat Ito ] and his pose bad explored
up and down for fifteen mies and that there
was no evidence that anybody had come
to or gone away from the lonely river. There
were coyote and rabbit tracks but J0 huma
Lincoln News : The general opinion of
publIc men and polIticians now temporarily
resident In Lincoln Is that Darrett Scott
Is i not dead , but that he was n party to the
scheme to run him off under the retense
that hIs enemies had killed him I ) Scot
S had been murdered It , would not have been a
difcult task to find his remains Since they
are not 10 be found after a ' 'ek has passed
away since the aleged assault there Is 1
gradually growing presumption , that bo Is
still 'very much 'alive. I Is difcult to be-
.llevo ihat It there had been such a hatred
existing In the breasts of Hol county farm-
era against Darret Scott I would have
smouldered so long after his pitiful sentence '
ot five years for stealing $80.000 had ben
nullified temporarily by time supreme court's
action In admitting him to bond In bait the
amount of : h16 theft. Vengeance of that sort
the vengeance that demands the letting ot
blood Is Is of the quick , violent flaming sort .
not the deliberate and premeditated working
ot the mind. Again 1n searching for the
perpetrator of { crIme , motive Is the first
S thing considered , and It must be admitted
that the men who were Darrett Scolt's
fellow embezzlers and and the men who had
pledged $40,000 worth' of their property for
his appearance when his case was again
called , hM I greater motive for 'havlng him
disappear than any or the outrage taxpayers
ot Holt county for ImbruIng their hands In hi
Ex-Governor Furas has planted 1.000 persImmon -
sImmon trees on hIs farm near ] Irownville.
John Hauf of Butte has been arrested on
. the charge pcrmlt. of selling liquor without 1 government -
Mrs. J. W. Powell died at lIen home near
Weissort Custer county after an illness ot
twenty minutes. She was 70 years of age.
A new race circuit , to embrace the towns
of Wakefield . Albion . Creighton and oIlier
northeaster Nebraska points , Is In process
of beIng tormed.
Lura Tilerard . a 16-Year-ol Ravenna girl ,
took laudanum , because she was forced to go
to school and only the prompt acton ot
a doctor saved her life.
Caleb Zclars of Bennett captured In owl
lhe other day that measured over five foot
from tip to tp , I had been living on
Zellar' chlcllens for some time .
While Farmer Crane ,
'Vhlo of York county was
. attending church at Dradshaw his residence
caught fro and was burned to the ground.
All the contents Were consumed I Is supposed -
posed than an exploding lamp was respon-
Ilblo for the conflagration.
- -
11 , f0lNa .FOIf TI1J ruyj
lll : 'llC llUN.r lW.E
Galveston News : No resolutIon Is eonsld-
el'ed geol by soma people unless it will
stretch I wi
- ,
, Phiadelphia Record : "Mlny a man with
a glib tongue " says the Iiiana3'unk 1hlolo-
pher . "bas an Impediment In hts pocket-
\ool , . "
Atlanta Consttuton : " " . 'hal subjects arc
treuted tn your new book ! " "None. It's a
plea all. " for prohibiton and doen't treat at
Truth : Spacer-Wlmatcan I say In thIs
obituary ot J.sher. the bartender ? Liner-
Work Il something about his "having a
smile for evcry\od ) . . . "lavlng n
" 'afhlnJton Star : "llilckens Is devoted to
ills 'Wife " devotec
"How co you know "
"le Is smoking tile cigars she gave him .
for Chrlstmus. "
illdinflnioIis ) Journnhi"tjnpopuhar ? fliI-
I11ann/oll Journal
dikes , unpopular ! 'Why ho didn't even get
any calendars from insurance companies
tills 'ear. "
Harlem Lifo : Prencher-F\'eryman must
some day settle his account wlh lila Maker .
Tailor-I wllh you could Impress Mr. Pal Ier ,
wlh that Idea . He Imsn't settled wIth me
In about two 'ears.
Cleveland Plain Dealer : Great Novelist-
I fear that our poor Indian charlff lIre he-
coining restless and dissatisfied . What would
you SUJgeft1 Lone 'J'ml PeteUue vI 1'1
Rn' walnut juIce tel 11 chiminge . Even 'n
Jnjun ' 1 alt tired o' gov'ment whIsky after
while .
Detroit Free Press : Tcneher-'Vbat Is the
difference between victuals antI vlunds'l
Seholar-'Ve have victuals on wash days
and viands when we have company.
'Vas11nglon Star : "My dear , " said the
man who had been waiting tor his wife to
get ready for the tlleater "I am Inelnell to
believe that It you had been born a man
you would hnve been a protesslonal I'U-
gI I 1st. "
" " 'hy ? "
"neeluse tt takes you so long to put on a
Ilalr ot gloves "
Atlanta Cns\uton.
"I gave him hil medicine regular
From morn till the set ot sun .
He took two Iowders at 10 o'clock ,
And another powder at 1.
"nut doctors cannot belt ' us .
When death knocks at the door ;
Goodbye my darling husbandl
You left at , 10 . to 41"
'rhe NlruruuJun CUI"I ,
Ht. J.ula nepublc ,
Is It not an evidence of Reel faIth that
mel I1'011ostJ11 to enter upon an enterprise
offering every assurance of large profit
should < 1 usk the United States to guarantee
their bOlds to an amount many millions In
excess or thE sum needed to make the plan
. The ot this
operntve. 1ho people country have
hal two le sons In government subvention .
So long /1 the Jovtrnlent continues to
hold the Pacifc railroad bags there wile
popular Impatence ; wUh new prpfltous
for enlpe.hunting expeditions. We anti Issuing -
suing too man ' bonds ot our own 'o beginS
g larnnleelnl tile bond ot prh'ltl corpora-
11Wl'l. , - ll'll riitxas .
Pctnnoyer oC Oregon threatens to move 10
Texan and Wale or Colorado to Illinois.
A unIque form of political amusement has
broken out In Chtclgo. I Is known 11 allt-
" . . "
manic cinches as the "Holo skate
New York rushes to the rescue of Pulls-
11elphla , dltermlltt ! to rout the Quaker TAI'
many. The supply ot gal In Gotham Is
equal to nil demands.
TIme orange growers of 1'larlInlst on
weather predictions twenty-tour to ferly.olght
hours in nd\anco of 1 dangerous storm
The demand ] l easonabhe .
A northern syt111cate has been formel1 to
open up Jcntuck ) ' . The trouble I nol
located . but 11robabl one oC those Jlel tangled
stoppers 19 wedged In the neck.
Dmocr.ts 310W propose 10 lax beer anti
diminish the deficit . Pretty tough lnes
when time nhnlll.lraton Is obl/el to rush
the poor Thafl'S can for a fraction of a
Five able-bodIed burglars captured the
polco force at W sl\ort , Conn. , and marched
It about town Willie they cracket1 safes and
bagged the bet ) . . \\'estport's force consists
ot one man.
GenerAl Coxey the noted horse trader ant
Commonweal leader . Is about lo shalto 1as.
elon end settle In 1hlalelphla. The
general Is sfrely In .1 of a rest from .hls
exhausting laboro.
The Denver He\ublcan asks . 'Are we an
English colony ? Considering the large num-
her of Dem'er mortgages held by I nglsh
capitalists , the questIon must be answered In
the alrmatve , dontchierknow
The lion. John M. Thurston of Nebraska
does not escal'e the evils of senatorial reat-
ness. Pictures represent him In all shades
and eonlltons of ph'slcal agony and Inuthia-
ton foes , disheartening to friends and horrifying
A number of ladies of cleltifleld . In. . )1-
tlono the city council for a law prohibiting
dancing. Time to\n frcmen gave I bal re
cently which arousel consIderable femme 1111110
trathi The firemen mace a great mistake . in
arranging I cOI'crvator ' and then negtectug
time OeCUIJants. Wail fowcrs will turn
: There Is one polceman In New York whose
respect for tIme law Is greater than regard
for self or shoo leather Ho resIde In tIme
vicinity of lCingsbridge and travels to and
from MUlberry street station wih court
records every day on font ralher than
fracture time law against pass , Time
distance Is tit'enty-flvo miles .
The hIstory oC moern reform movements
afford .o paralel for the pecuniary success
achieved by the counci for tIle Lexow
COfilfihitteC. Mr. aeru's tees are estmate at
$ IOOOO. and In addition ho scured a four-
leen-year ofco with I salary anti perquIsites
amountng to $1,000 per anmiumu Two hun-
dred and sixty thousand dollars Is pretty
snug returns en a political accident.
The justice shops of Chicago are long on
fines and short on collections . During tile
months of October and Novembr fines
amounting to $32.428 were stayel1 But In
order to secure suspension the victims were
obliged to sugar the colony ot fee sharps
schoolec In these petty justice shops Sev- '
oral of the ] ducked assert they paid their
flues . while limo records show they were
"stayed " ,
Goon JOIW. ; , 'OI IIOLCOME. ;
Kearney : Hub : I Governor 1olcomb keeps
up the first good Impressions there wi bc
no fault to find.
Kearney Sun : I Is Governor Holcomb
now . I you please and POI thougl1 ho is . he
Is genorly regarded as an homiest . oven-
balanced lan and will maim a good governor.
Nebraska City Independent : Taking
. Governor Holcomb's Inaugural as the outline
.of his policy . all apprehensIon that there
Is any danger of reckless or anarchistic
acton while 110 remaIns at the helm has
been dispelled.
Kearney hub : Governor Jiolconib's inaugural -
augural Is the ' expression ot a candid sincere .
cere . nian . and Is devoid of the demngogery
and Idtefylng that has marked time public
Utterances of 60 many of the populist leaders
and representatves , And for this much
every citizen can bo truly tbanldul. .
Geneva Republican : Governor Holcomb's
message to the legislature Is a conservative
and moderate document , many ot Its , sugges-
tons being on hoes of opinion held hy all
men , irrespective document of from party. the It ranting Is a verY different -
ot whIch other pop governors ] 11 Waite
and Lewellng have been delivered. The
careful reader who did not know tim gov-
crnor's alleged politics would be likely to con-
sIder It a republeat production. .
Pan Mal Gazette.
In the highlands , In the country places ,
Where the old plain men have rosy faces
Ani the young fall maIdens
Quiet eyes : '
Where essential silence cheers and blesses
And.forever In the hi recesses unc
Her more lovely musIc
Broods and dies.
O. to mount again where erst I haunted :
Where the old red his are bIrd-enchanted ,
And the low green meadows
Bright with sward ; '
And when evening dies , the million tinted.
And the nIght has conic and planets glinted ,
Lump-bestarred I
O. to dream ' 0 , to awake and wander
There nod with delight to take und render ,
Timrotigh Quiet breath the : trance of alienee .
Lol for there among the flowers and
grasses .
Only the mightier movement sounds and
plsses ;
Only winds and rivers ,
LIfe and death.
Ono of the Things that is Worrying Her
Gracious Majesty's Su ject.
- .
Complaints of Un cr"IUlnn. ItmiritnOlS
: lcthoh of A\ Trailer. ' nltl melt
Jfurt : to Cormier time J'n\ : h Inr
ket-liomno imuitmetry Shill Uut.
LONDON , Jan -The meeting last even.
Ing of the meat anti cattle section of time Ln-
lon Chlmber ot Commerce In Memorial hal
has serve to bring out a storm of abuse In
regard to American meat and American business -
ness nictlmotis. The ialiy Telegraph states
that time American beef kImig ! , after half ruinIng -
lug Britsh husbnnlr ) ' . now coolly repose
to take 11 mlltonRI ,000,000 train British
traders anti consuimlers. This stntement Is re-
pealed on all slles. .
In an IIlterl'i001' . Chnlrman Cooper of the
cnttho Sectioll of the Lonlon Chnmber ot Com.
eatlo scotan
merco Is qlolec as saying : "If It wn
luerel ) ' a qU.e ton of no abtement tier is
no doubt tlmnt tile retailers cotuld Intro accepted -
cepted tIme sittlatlon , Hilt it 1mm 'vIewed by
iminhly as marking tIme begluining of a series "
of oIlier encroaclmmlleults of trade. Time Almieri-
calms go so far as to say hot emily shall the
salesnman be ( ieprio'ed of time liouflil and a
qllartor ailowance ill CVC3' quarter of moat
imitimerto allowed In order to colllpelisato for
time loss by shrinkage in transit anti in
cuttimig tip , but lie lmlust not make such nit
aiiowaiico to ills custouners. This is ouily the
first step . toward obtainhulg control of thio '
market and ot'Imeul it suits theIr fancy to cor-
ncr trade.
"Time reasons AmerIcans have obtained such
a hold on the Emigilsil nlarket is that tiley
hmavo aemit macat. to' it. perfectly regardless of
the price at whticlt It Was soul , ThIs was
merely to create a deumianil , But lii so doing
timey imave lmnmtctlcali ) ' forced timoir nient upon
tile niarket and what i umioro they have
forced English meat clean out of tile nmarket ,
"Thmero are only two sources of beef supply
available for tIme London 'market , excluding
of course , the frozen stuff. One is Amnerica.
amid thmo other Scotiand. England itself is
not in it at nil. Time American exporters
have theIr principal centers at Liverpool amid
at Deptford , London , where tlmeir stuck is
ianfied anti slaughtered.
" \Viiat tlmey are nintilig at uutdoubtedly Is
ta drive every one out of time trade if they
can possibly do so ill order to create a mono-
holy. Tlmey regulate not only time wimoicsaho
bitt the retail prices in America , At one
time tlmey fairly cornered time trade in New
York. To overcome tlmls tile legislature was - .
compelled to introduce a bili to time effect
that all meats sold ill New York state nutst
be killoti in It , ' '
Referring to time cost of meat. Mr. Cooper
said : "Time American lies not to pay mlearly
so much for the carriage of meat as tile
Engiishimlian. It costs less to bm'iulg a ton of
beef from New York to London tllan It does
to bring the SaiilO quantity from Aberdeen
to Londomi. TIme ilativo producer Is not placed
on anything like a faIr tooting anti th Amneni-
can capitalists , realizing this , are mimaleing
every clIent to control the Emiglishi market.
however , feel that they ought not to be
allowed to do so without a great strllggle. I
maintaiim that if tile trade here sticits together -
gether they can bring the American Import-
era to the old terms because their macat must
be sold. " _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Kaiser Emitertaini time Law Makers.
BERLIN , Jan. 0.-At the parliamentary reception -
ception held by EniperorWilliamn at Potadamu
last evening his majesty made a long speech
ulion nayal matters and pointed out the
necessity of increasing the strength of the
German fleet. With a map in hand ho
shmooved those present the dIfferent naval stations -
tions end ( histailt scenes , especially those of
tile war between Cimlna and Japan. After
supper lied been ilaced before each of the
guests tile eniperor canversed freely with all
who had assmbled timero at lila invitation.
Salisbury Talks I'rotectlon.
LONDON , Jan. 9.-Replying to a come-
apondent , ex-Pnime Minister Salisbury writes
a letter tilrough Ills secretary in which 110 -
says ho feels deeply time deplorable agnicul-
turd depression but cannot encourage tile
hope that ParlIament will over favorably con-
elder a protection policy.
ilelcimetag Itept Iluiy with t3oclmmhleumi ,
BERLIN , Jan. 0.-At today's session of the
Reiclmstag a motion was adopted suapondimlg
tile pros'ecutlon of Herr Stadtlmagcn , a socIal-
1st member of tlmat body. Time debate on the
anti-revolution blil was then taken up.
J'oruvlaui Inmiurgomita' Successes ,
LIMA , Peru , Jan , 9.-The insurgents have
occupied Orchmillos and Mollentlo , Moilendo is
in southern Peru , being at the Atlantic end
of tiio Orequlp amid Puno railroad.
Count miederymery Can't ho It ,
LONDON , Jan. 9-A dIspatch to tim Daily
News from Vienna says tilat limo efforts of
Count liodcrvary to form a new Hungarian
cabinet imavo failed.
, _ . ,
Yotmr Money's 1)\TrtiL 01 Your 111011(13' IIttCi (
S 'S I
Sorted Suits- .
Now we begin our great olearing up for Spring-
we don't propose to have any winter suits loft-we
never have-we always have new goods-.ono of our
sucoessful seorets.
' 1
$25.00 Men's Suits , now $20.00
$20.00 " II ( I $15.00
$15.00 . 'I it U $12.50
$12.50 " I' U
$10.00 " 'I it $ 8.50
Men's $5 , $6 , $6.50 trousers are in one lot at $3.75
-why pay $6.50 when you can got them for $3.75.
Clearing Up Sale-
of everything for Winter wear In every deparLinent lii
the store-no matter whore-the dIscounts are great
-espeolally is this true of our Boys' ant ] C1ldrons'
Winter wear-You know what our prices 'ero-You
will recognize the out when you oo the olothes.
' 5
Roilaiiie Ciotillers , S. W' . Corner FIltoelItIl tumid Jougiiis Ste.
- S. t , . , ' ' .Sal ,