- - - - - - - : : t _ _ TIlE O\AIIA \ : IlAII..4Y nEE : 'YED'NESDA"Y , JANUARY 9 , lS0 . 3 THE OMAHA DAILY BE. : I COUNOH nr.UPl"S. orFIc1. . NO. 12 PFAItL STREET. . Dtlnre < by canter to 8ny put of the c117. H. \V. TI.TON. Iessee. TEttP11ON1S-flutne omct No 43 : night TEI.EI10NISuslnu edior , 14o. 23. .1/\UI . : / . ' 7'/O. ' . Orand Iiolcl , Council nlul ! , rcopcnel Oct. t. Mayn Real slate I agency 13 ! BrOallwny. 1'or Rcnt-L3rge prIvate barn near court bou ) , . A'lly At i Bee office. Mrs. Anlrew 1'Ollk , who Ive3 on Harmony street , was thrown from a buggy Monday nn,1 RerlolAly hurt. Wiliam Inrlwlck , of Hell Oak wa bounl , over to the Iron,1 , jury yehtcday on the charge or hootI lnr. luls Ilvlslon No. 27 , UnIform Hank Inlghts or 1)'lhla . meets tonl8ht. A full nthm.lnncp IR derireiL TIm remains or Wlinm lalarl , , who Ilc < . Monday , were tnkcn to lernlr < , In. , for In. trment last evening. The week of prayer IA being obpcrvetl by the FIrSt I Iresbyternn : church. Meetings are helll every night In the church pariorL MFL I. . E. Ih1lecomb wi entertain the ladIc of the W. , \ . P. A. nt her home , 34 - North Sevcnth 6treet , Friday evening , Jani- 4- nry 11. ' The Jury In the case or Green against Han- cock. whIch ' WIR trleJ In the superior court Monday : ] , returne,1 , n verdict , yesterlay ( In favor or the II fplllBnt , _ _ _ .n . . _ _ . . : Prnycr mectnK wi he helll In the lecture room or Iroalway , Methodist , church this c evening at 7 : :0. Alt Ire cordially lnvlteL : H. 1 lllley , pastor. , All members or Ihlf .1\1810n No. 27 , Jn'ghts of Iythlas , are Tquestel to be present - ent nt Knights or Iythias ) hall tonight. l3tisi- ns or Importance to he transacted , Judge Thornel did ( not arrive In the city yesterday , al was expected , , and so the Janu- nry term of the strIct court was not oened. lie Is expected to be on hand this morn- leg.The The "raslng ! up of chiefs" of Potawata- 110 trlo No. , 21 , Independent Order or Rell Men , wi occur at the eighth run or the retting of the sun or the ninth sun. All resIdent - present. Ident and visiting members are Invited to be 4 J. H. Emarlne , charged with shooting with Intent to kill his stepfather , W. K. flames , waived examinaton yesterday and was bound over to the grand jury. Ills father signed a bon or $1,000 for his appearance when wanted and he was release < anl < Postmaster C. W. Dutcher or Bristow , la. , pall n visit to Council lImits yesterday , whose expenses were pall by the universal uncle who pays his official snlary. lie was charged with the very plebeian offense or bootlegging , and he was also bound over to the grand ' jury. jury.Tho , Tim court house ut Manchester , Delaware . , county , In. , was dedicated on : Monday : cost , $10,000. The First Methodist plscopal I church nt Uoone , costing $2G.000. WS dedicated on , Sunday , the Hrvlces realizing $12.000. Bell & Kent , architects , have the highest recom- menlntons frol both buildings. General James B. Weaver ( loUvered , a lec- tnre nt Liberty hell last evening before a good sized audience. Ills subject was "Con- c , stutonal Finance , " and he dealt with It In . the able way for which ho Is so well Imown. The proceeds \ere le\otel to carryIng on , the work or the People's church. , . ' ; ' George Johnson of Unlerwool has been found Insane all ordered taken to St. Ber- nard's hospital for treatment. lie forged two checks recently and passed them on two merchants or this city. Ills queer actions nt that tme convinced time county jailer that he was not rIght In the upper story , and : ' sInce complaint. then his relatives have entered n format - 'Ve have $400,000 to loan upon Improved farms In Iowa all will take all the gilt- edged loans offered at low rates We do . not want wild lands. and will . not loan In Ne- 4" braska. LougC & Towle , 235 Pearl street. r15. , , J'er Ctiit I , l'ln J'lr Clt , Discount on water bills until 9 o'clock Thurs- dlY evening , January 10. i The laundries use Domestic soap. Domestc soap breaks hard water. Sherliln Co.11. This new coal frol WyomIng for sale ' only by H. A. Cox , 37 MaIn street Telephone - . 3. . 48. Ask for circulars. Oas coklm ; stoves for rent and for salt at Oas Cos chico. , ; Ground al cake $1.30 hM. at Morgan & , Cos , drug store. 134 Broadway. , / 'ltWi.V.IL.ll.Hll.U'lS. . \ : JUdge J. E. F. McGee Is on the sick list. Dr. F. T. Seybert has returned from nn 'S eastern trl ) . O. C. Gaston or Tabor , court reporter for S Judge Thornel , Is In the city. City Marshal Jerrles or Red Oak was In the city yesterday on business. I J. H. lee and D. F. Richer have gone to ) Mobile , Ma , to spend the winter. , Mrs. John M. Lane Is recovering from a , protracted siege of typhoid rever. Miss Eva Nason Is ill at her hOle on Den. ton street , with congestion of the brain. William Larson has been appointed to the Shepard. office of deputy by County Recorder \V. Id. O. A. I.OllCis. who ! lies been suffering with a disease or the eyes , has returned to his position In tho' Union I'aciiic . positon Pacilc freight ofce. Mrs. W. C. Koelno Is reported lying at time Point or death , Ier son Hay reached hOle Monday night and Phi Is expected In a i5r day or two. r C. Id. Scanlan a brother or Chief Scanls'n , t . has let Wheelng , W. Va. , and will make his home Ilere. Ills fatally wi arrive In about two weels , John Dates , captain or No , 1 hose house , . . has returned from a visit of two weeks with hits brother , who Is a member or tho' Den. \'er fro department. 'I United Stales Marshal F , 1' . Bradley and Postmaster Thomas Bowman went to Omaha yesterday afternoon to pay their respects to ex.Governor Boles or Iowa , who Was there for the purpose or malting an address before I . . time Jaclti0nlan chili or that ciy , In time ' ( evening they attended the banquet given In ' honor or the IIen10cratc Saint Andrew. 4 Try Eagle laundry . 724 Broadway , for . good worlc. line mellUI gloss IISI can.t le beat , bl.t we do strictly hanll work , domestic finish , when Ireforred . Telephone 167. 'asherwomen use Domestic soap I.ost-Betwecn Fourth street anti Willow avenue anti Mrs. George Phelps' residence , corner Seventh street anti Flrt avenue ' ( going thrC\gb pal ( ) ; one pair geld eye glaS8eS . wIth Ino gold chain and pIn at- tuclie1. Finder return tD 60t Broadway and ) receive liberal reward , " J I"uuerlt of IPr ? , .Iec'rll " .j The funeral of pr , Thomas Jele ls will take place this afternoon at 3 o'clock at his late residence on Fletcher avenue , Rev. E. J. IJabcoek of St I'aul'a church clatlng. Music wi be furnished by a quartet composed ot Mrs. W , I Wakefell , Mrs. George leLeran or Olaha , C. I. Ogden and W. r. . Thlckstun , J. II , Simms acting as aecolr3nlst. The pal- bearers selected for the occasion are Oeneral James U. Wea\'er. T. J. Evans , A. C. Ora. . f llam , J. N. Casaly , S. S. Keller . Id. , F' . ' - . . . . nohrer , Thomashiowmnanmmnd p. C. DeVol , 111111U I.I'l'u" ' , , , The following marrIage licenses were la , sued by the county clerk yesterday : Name and Address. Age. Christian I'otor Asmu . Pottawattnrulo Chrlslun . . , . . . . . . . . . , . otawntnmlo . . . . . 30 Mary } { Itl % lturkt' , I'ottawattamnio county , 20 Jerbert Inwklns. Council Ifluffs. . . . . . ) . 21 , I Hile A. lrelnll , Council - IIIuITs. . . . . . . : , ; Lost , Saturday night a black Cok " .v spaniel : nswera to name of Fritz. and wore . a black leather collar . A suitable reward will be h'en for his return to Mr. 11. E. hart . 62P Wiow ave I"he I'or Celt , 1' ' , _ . D"colnt on water bills until 9 o'clcck Timurs. , - ' I ti day e\'cnlnK , January 10. ' Davis sels ! drugs , iaints and glass cbap 1 Doruto Ilap la the ; leap _ . ' , . ' . : : f . " , 'r. : NgWS \ FROI I COUNCIL BLUFFS Plan to Make Prop3ry Owner Pay for Street Intorstction Prving. - MODELED AFtER A DES MOINES ORDINANCE , 1) Wnh'lu : ' 1 heir IIJht Property Owners tl"O So"el Years / in Whlrh to l'uy time huh , Othrr\ho It hut Ito l'iiltl nt Once. The ordinance presented at the meeting ot the city council Monday evening and briefly referred to yesterday Icrlng Is worthy of Borne especial notice , ns It will make sommia- thing or a change In the way or levying asreSlents , mis well as collecting them. Thc ordinance now before the council Is 101hl 11 on one that Is awaiting passage by the Des ' Iolnes council , and one or Its main oijects Is t put the burden or intersecting IIwln : dl. recly upon the property owners , instead of cn tIme ely , and thus keep time bonded hlle\tcll. ness down. No bonds arc to be issued , but only certificates , which , unlike betIde , hero no fixed time to run , and heed not mmeccs- . eerily he Paid ] until the prOmerty Is .s.1th ] for ' taxes. The intersections , Instead ot being Ilmpel together nnl asnled by the city . wi be assessell up against the property alongside or both time streets , the owner of ! each lot having to pay his proportionate amonnt. After the a2SeSment has been dc- clarell , anti withIn ten days , having be n notified through the papers anti bills poslod , along the street where time pa\lng Is to be tlone , Limo property owner unmet come Ill ) and sign I paper by whloh he waives his right the or the vroceedimis. to challenge regularity procce < lng. ! ] ho doc / so he immay IIY for the tavlng In seven nnnual installments , instead or In five Ilennlal Installments , as now. ] he lloes not hlgn such n waiver , ho must pay all seven hltallnents In one , the first year after the wcrk Is one. The ordimmammce wIll come np for considerntiotm again < next Saturday nlKht , < / anti , In the meantme-tl ) aldermen are look- Ing to see Ir there arc any Improvements that can be mimetic In IL ' . ltutiimcett i'rlces nt the Alt Wlnler ( oUI nt Helnerd s I InU.n SI.re. Big reductions In dress goods. 11g reduetloims In blanketR and eomrorts. Bg reductons Big reductions In mltels al < gloves. Big reductions 11 underwear. Bg reductions Iii hosiery. Big reluctons In ladles' cloalts. Get our prices before buyIng FOWLEI DICK & WAt.KER , - Council lus , Ia. leJurt for the Yeur. Last Sunday was time annIversary or the rounding or the Christian church 11 thIs cIty. The report or the work for the year shows a gratifying Increase In membership and general - erl usefulness under the mInistratons of the pastor , Rev. El.V . Alen , The church started out last year with a membership or 280 , a 111 that lumber wa Increased during months 110. Nine- the twelve ammccecdimmg by 10. teen were dismissed by letter or exclusion , which leaves a present membership or 371. The average attendance or the Sunday school and Its two mIssIons has been 304. The rolls or the various auxiliary socIeties contain the following lumbers : Senior Enlea\or , 98 : Junior Endeavor 4G : KIng's Daughters , G3 ; Ladles' AlI , 31 : C. W. B. Id. auxiliary , I IG. The following are the amounts received through various channels : By the treasurer or the church , $2,182.GO ; by the Sunday schools . time Endeavor society , schols , $540.30 : by glleavor fGG.8t : by the mn'S Datmghters $ 34.95 : by the Ladies' Aid society , $185,39 : by the finance comnnmlttee , $ 91.G3. Total amount raIsed by the church and its various auxi- lanes , $3,222.13. On the first Sunday or 1890 there were six addItions and two baptisms. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ice Carnival ; IRnR\ . Trains wJI be started up next Saturday for Manawa o accommodate those who desire to Indulge In such wInter sports as skating , etc. There will be two trains for the lake early Saturday afternoon and two early In the evening. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ UooL Snur Schemo. ! A meeting or friends of the sugar beet was held nt the court house lat evening for the purpose at hearing the report or the committee to which was referred the ques- ton or tim advIsability of starting a sub- Bcriptlon list to raise money to build I factory - tory The committee's report was favorable to the scheme. I stated that tIme experi- meets made In the raisIng or beets In 1894 warranted the belief that beets could bo raised In thIs vicinity more profitably than any other crop : that the establIshment of n factory , here would enhance the value or farm property ; that the time I favorable : that $100,00 would be spent for labor each year and $200.000 received hero aa cash In- stead or $100,000 going out from the corn- munlty each year for Its smmgar. The report recommen < ell the organizatIon of a penna. nent company , to be known as the Iowa Beet Sugar association , to procure capital to promote the enterprise , anti stated the belief of the committee to bo that one-third time required capItal would he secured In this city. I also , recommended that $5,000 be raised by subscription to be used In Interest. lug eastern capitalists In the plan. This report was adopted , and the committee wil business now go , to work on the practical side or the PlaIn sewing , millinery work of all kinds , new hats made , frees old material , at reason- able prices. 1012 Third avenue Ilxoll Uleial Salaries . The board of supervisors fixed the salaries of the county officials nsterday. The clerk ] gets 3,200 and the probate fees and the fees as clerk or the Insane conmrnisslon . Out ot this he has to pay his own clerIc hire , but he Is allowed an additional $900 for his deputy at the Avoca court. TIme auditor gets $4,000 anti rees , which Increase time emoluments or time office by about $500 more , anti pays his own clerks. The recorder gets $3,800. Inchl ] ' lug clerk hire , provIding ] time fees or time office amount to that much . I not , he only gels what he makes. There Is not much danger , however. of the receipts falling below that figure. 'rhe county attorney's salary Is fixed at $1,600 per annum Time county printing was again doled out to the 00 and NOlpar I , Freic Presse , :101" Reporter and Avoca herald. The fifty justices of the 11eace scattered through the eolnt ) reported that the fines the ) ' bad collected Imounted to just $ 3IS. : 111 , \ rcuumum. : Fidelity council , Ioyal Arcanum , of thIs city , has receIved an h1latt 10 attend a grand blowout to bl given by Union Pacific council et Omaha next Monday evemming . AI. ready about torly' member of the Council Buls counci have signified their intention of going Secretary W , A. hroneweg wlshcs all who expect 100 to notfy' h1m or the tact by Thursday , In order that preparations may be made , The affair wIll be somewhat on the sale order as that given by 1 ldelty council sOle time ago , and the Omaha people have announced that they wU try to outdo their lawkeye brothers In time excellence or their enterlalnmenl. A special car wi leave time arced hotel at 7:30 : o'cloel Friday evenIng and will bring the visitors blc home agaIn after the socIal I Is expected that quite n number of membrs of the order from Lincoln orler wi ale be present. Iktlklll 1'aty lt alenasyis ' , . A jolly party of skaters vlsltell Manawa last evening and srelt several hour In gild. Ing over the surface at time lake , which had ben swept clear or santi ] and other timings that might Inlerfere with the runners . They met at time residence or J. B. PAtterson and went to the lake In a big car'al. The club house of the Hawing association was lale limo imeadquariers , and a big bonfire was built on the Island , The 100nllht : mad time occa- slon a very enjoyable one. , \mQI { those corn- posing : the puny were Mr. and Airs . Wooll Allen , Mr. and Mrs , I ) . r. . Ross , AIr. and Mrs. B. II. I.ougee , Misses Anita no.a , Jo. aephlue Vincent antI , . \\Ile \ Sherman , and Messrs. I. . C. Paterson , II , Z. liens amI 1. S. Ogdemm . _ _ _ _ Must Cluso mat 1111111ht * ) , 11)or Cleaver has directed that Limo sa. loons Insamblng houses unmet Ireltr ( male a lcmblance , at least . , or ubeylnJ the 13w I.l evening the mayor luue un order that hereafter all saloons cud gambling - - . - . houses shall bo closed promptly lt mhlnhht. Time police were instructed to see that this order was strictly enforced , and to arrest any who refused to comply with it. Chr"I' l'npl Last nlgh William Wels , nn 011 colored man , who was In for the same olense last winter , all two whIte boys , who gave their names as Ell Goodwin anti O. 1'lsher , were arrested for stealing coal ( roes the : orthi- western ) 'ar < 8. They lodged In the ' city Jai over night , and wi bo called upon this morning to answer to . the ehargo or larceny , l'VZZJ FUll IJ.\TIW I'LICi. Authortlrs 11111e to Icelio 01 lie I He- llomlhlly for time ; llr"cr . IR4VElt , Jan , 8.-Tho more the stores toM by Alphonso I.emnlrt or Charles Olicharll , which Is his real name , anti Victor Ionehana'n ' regarding the Market street strangling cases are It1tstgate,1 the stronger becomes time suspicion that they have been concerned , In the Interest or "I. s Chevalers I'Amour , " time French Iacquernux , who ) ha\'e 'been suspected or the lurlers. Last nIght Ionehanaln anti Guichard were brought face to face. They were questoned , badgered amid bullied for four Imours They were also al- lowe to bully each other. They repealtl In detaiL the accusations they had already made against each ether , each punctuating the other's language with an occasional "You're a lar ! Nothing new resultl from time Investga' Lion. There are dicrepancies as to dates auii other points In time stories or limo men which tnnl .IN'hPh. In ,1. ' rP11 thirm. " Time ' ' ( we ' stories . : agreeing i ' as - ' they do In s , many points look as though they bath been prepared ammO careful ) rehearsed by Ion' chanaln anti Oulehard before beIng toll to the < etectves , moreover John W. WillIams , a negro , now comes forward with a statemen that he heard Ionehanaln and Lomnaire dLs- cuslng In the street the proposNI mlrder and robbery or Marie Contas-l , but he says time conversation took Place November 29 , whereas the murder was ommlttl October 23. lonehanaln Is 1 native of Lyons all has ben fifteen years II this countr ) ' . He has been two years In Colorado amid worlt In time Palace hotel at Cripple creek before he care to Denver a year ago last October. He 19 a carpenter by trade , but clalm3 to have workt at mining. Charles GuIchard was born lt Iorlalx , on the Uretngno coast , and has folowed the sea during ' time greater part or his life. lie came to AmerIca In 1814. About two months ago Guichard waltC Sergeant McPhee to give him a gun anti policeman's badge , ns he saId he could find the strangler. Ho wa drunk at the tme and McPhee threw him out or time police station. p , L"'B STOCK MRS GO E.IS1. nort. to no Iado It W'mtshuuigtoui for the lr.torlUon or Clue Sugar Tariff. ChICAGO , Jan 8.-The following commlt- tee of stockmen leave here this evening for 'nshlngton : Levi B. Bawd at Chicago , W , N. Babcock or Omaha and W. J. Broil- erick or St. Louis. They comprise time corn- mlteo appointed by time executive commitee or the National Live Stock associatIon to labor with congress for time restoration or the McKinley sugar tarm. In the belief that such n course would result In the removal or time European embargo on our meat. In 1 recent Interview telegraphed from here and publshed In time cast Nelson Morris was quoted as saying : "Cattlemen know there Is no pleurepneumonla to speak erIn In this country " Mr. MorrIs says that this statement , Inaccurate In that It gives the Impresson ! that he allmlted that there was some pleuro-pneulonia In the country whereas time fact Is there Is lane at all and has been none for some 'ears. Dr. Salmon chief or the bureau of , animal Industry of time United I States. In an Inter- view In Washington , corroborated Mr. Mor- rls In this respect . I'L.tTE GLASS T/lUST. tndlcat tons that the J'Uhbur Company Uln fought Ont Al Rivals. . CHICAGO , Jan. 8-Chlcago representatives or the two biggest plate glass companies In the Unite States have received notice that the price has been nlvancel ( 20 per cent , time figures going back to those fixed October 27 , but whIch was subsequently cut on account - count or I disagreement at a meeting hell by the companies' representatives December 20 nt Cleveland. The reinstatement of the prices seems to indicate tlt time plate glass companies have come to an agreement and presages time purchase by the Pltsbur Plate Glass company or all the other plants In time United States and the formation of 1 plate glas monopoly. In fact some Chicago job- bers were wilng to say that they thought the purchase was already . ma < e. . lrAxT . A . XBI 1WTTLI LI U. , 10u1.Stlto UottersBsocllUon In Session lt Cellr flapIds. CEDAR RAPIDS , In. . Jan. 8.-Speclul ( Telegram.-The nnnual meeting or the Iowa State Dotters association began here today with twenty-five members In attendance. Secretary Rogers , In his report referred to the great dllcu1y experience In securing the passage or n bottle law similar to those existing In other stntes , and said that the poor financial condition they were In this year prevented the proper enforcement or time law lIe belovel that the results the coming year wouht meet ni expectations. The olcer for the eomln year and place ot holding the next meeting will be selected at tomorroW's mmem'sion . HOlk Ihllll ' Ilrevities . ROCK RAPIDS In. , Jnn. 8.-Special.- ( ) While fooling with n revolver today , Moie Williams shot and dangerously wOUnded her IS- 'car-old sister In the left lung. The water works nt this place were sold Friday to JaIl \ . Hopkins of Granvihie . I. who will amid nn electric light plant to the system , which Is badiy needed lt this place. Ir8 loln"8 raluun Irn norel'rl , DES MOINES , Jnn. 8.-Speclal ( Telegram . ) -In the mulct caR In the district court today Judge Spurler Austalne the ( leml"- ncr to the motion of the saloon men to quash the proceedings. TIme defense must now provQ time validity of the petition un- mien which the saloons are operating . There ! IH tale or getting up a new vetition . . I Inllcl , < i for Arlon. SIOUX CITY , 11. , Jnn. 8.-SlleeI11 ( Tele- gram.-J ) W larshnl , who hatl been an employe In the livery barn of John D. Emig. cumbe anti was lschnrgld , poured kerosene ave. Ihl IIIY anti set Ire to I lie was discovered IL short tIme after and arrested . 'l'hl/ afternoon he was indicted by the , grnd Jury for nnon His ur Iowa Nows. AR the result of 1 runawa ) ' . Mrs. Poly Wallace ot Fort Dodge ts lalt UI wlh n I broken imip ' . I There have hem n hundred conversions ns time result or the revival In time Methodist chul'eh at l.ellrs , Mrs. Alfred Lnl , or gssex was thrown from a tllgy anti sustained injuries thnt restmitt'ul In her death In a few hotmrs. A IJlaclsmlh nt I lulkner , by the name of "Snowbali" Hose , has been arrested for soiling whlHIy ( without a b"vermL1t license. The dead biy ot Thomas Cafrey , a wool sawyer , was found In un aie In Dubuque , where he had heen nt work ) I II etlpmQset1 he died lu'hlonlY ' of heart SUllIIORet le lelves several orphan children. TIme National Demokrt. German paper of Iuhullue , states Ihat or the total voters of that city C fer cent or the 7,810 registered arc ron'lgncrl or BOIlS or for lgncrs , un,1 , that 43 Per cent are iemmans Colonel henry I ) . Nile ; who won mhistinc. tel al ( I olclr or the One I IUIJrClt and Fifth Ohio Infantry durin the war. died nt his refilenee In Cedar Itapitis lie hal ) been a minister or the Christian church Shll'O time var. John W. Gambs ot Sioux City Is circullt- lug a petition tOl' n receiver for time Interstate - state lair etll ; the rlgnalurcs or time smaler creditors , llleclaly , ' 1he ) ' express lime opllhm that there Is a genie of freeze- out In irogu ess . and that they wilt be the vlclms 11roJllss. thl step Is takon. The State unh'Crbl ) ' paper , \Ilete nnd Qui , which InICIHI ' 11 10 cease iubileation beclust or the executive bOlrl Iran ftr- rhll their ulets Cram the central building tu rooms In time new llommicopathic building ! which were without 10lcoluthic Ins Iuidlnj continue . hel'auc of time lellon et lr"slhmt teimueffer II Jlvlt IhemallCI.table . quarters - ters In the ilomiopmmtimia terl lumr'oputhlc hospItal , and time servIces of a Janior , . . Orecn Kidney Tea cures Iil kidney trou blu. Trial ) sit , 25 cet. All druggists , . . ALL BIDS FOR Tn&- AIR IN , . r - - II' I " Matter of Reloction of \ ' : ' Instiution I Will Do Bottell & I If , - " ' PLANS OF TIlE UNCOLN' " , CdMBINATIN - No 1.njlimtioum ' Wi Ito "Hcmptett Untt SomellllJ ! clultu" ICudvn , 118 to time ' . \cUon of time Sin Ie libmmnt lrl or Agricumitumee. , , ' ! : ' -I' J.1CO.N , Jan. 8.-SICeblHThe ( ) blls for time relocton or the state laIr are to be opened tomorrow night by the committee appointed for that purpose by the State Board of Agrloulture last 'ear. Time committee - tee consists . of Judge M. 1. hayward or Nebraska . braskn City , U. W. Fumes ef Irown\le amid Austn HUlphrey or I.lncoln. H Is believed that time principal contest for the co\ete,1 lo- caton will cOle between Omaha amid t.ln. coin The commlto will mere\ open the bids tomorrow night , the consileraton or the several proposals being reserved for time State Benrd of [ Agriculture , which meets In this city next weel The much talked of legIslaton by which enterprising peple lving In 1.lncoln hope to Inluee the state to foster the fair for their own 11rlvale Interests has not yet been un. coreremi. Nothing will be proposed In the shape or legislaton until after the meetng or time State hearth er Agriculture. Then If Lincoln - coln secures time locaton time Plans or time combinaton here are eXllected to develol COUNTY TIL1dASURRRS' lthil'ORTS. County treasurers are now coming In for the purpose or setting wih State Treasurer Hartley. Five counties hlvc relortel [ their colectons tip to date. ThlO show a falling off or 1 per cent compared with the colec- tons at last 'ear. This rate ustalnel will cause a net loss In clectons or $100,000 for time aggregate or ninety counties In the state. FOR IUHTY IN J'O.ITCS. Closely following ' the advice of Uov. Byron Beau to Goveror 1olcomb , recommending that he place at the heals or the three state Insane as'luls one republcan , one lemo- crat anti ono lap [ comes Rev. Mr. 1untng- ton or Trinity 1otholist Episcopal church with a resolution requesting the pastor or each church to appoint n con\nlteo of three to eo.operato wIth committees rrom other churches for the purpose of securIng time nom- Inatons or proper persons for mayor and commncll . The resolution was passed nt tIme regular meetng or the Lincoln Ministerial associaton yesterday. I OLD SOLDIER ARHESTED. H. B. Straut Is a well known real estate agent amid nn old soldier , yet despIte these mitigating circumstances a warrant issued out of time' 10lce court today for his arrest. Straut 1m charged with havIng given Grocer Oelsler a worthless check on time Columbia Nntonll bank for $1. Chler or Police Cooper , Captain Irelal1 Anti Sergeant Kinney of the LIncoln force have been male lefenlants In a suit for false Illlrlsonmenl brought by Froth D. Martimm. 1artl Is ProPrIetor or n towel sup- Illy company , and some tm ! ' since ho ran over whim hIs blc'cle anti seriously Injure Mrs. J. T. 1)awsomm , rcslplng at NlnetEntl anti N streets. Murln was arrested and lodged In jail . and he mmmr sties to recover against $5,000 < amages. him. Tie CISO Was . not pressed N. P. Beck , rOllerly a ' cooper In this city , Is reported to ha\'C been Idlel recently In n frolght wreck In Franklin COUlty , Kansas. TIm trustees or'yulm cemetery have de- cllel to make a much needed Improvement by erectIng a waiting room for time accom- 10laton or the publc , I Time structure will be 3xI8 , one story In height , 'and cost $2,000 DEMISE OF A. W IA WLEY. A former prominent resiiieii 1 or LIncoln , / V { . Hawley , one or the lop'ers or the city. died Sunday nt lila home : In San Diego . Cal. , the result or a paralytic tro1ce . . 11' , hawley once owmmed that portiom "o , . . East Lincoln el portoll ' known as Hawley's addItion.1 Another or the earlIer residents of this chI , Judge Joseph H. 1alnter , dIed at C o'clock yesterday morn- i Ing at the homc or _ his son , J. K. Painter , superlntenlent of HIP Colorado Central , at Julesburg Colo. The remains will arrIve over the Burlington at 1 :35 : tomorrow mor- Ing. The funeral will take place nt 2 o'clock In the afternoon. The city council has Itle , } the propositIon to sell Oreen & Van Duyn $534,500 worth or city bonds , interest all prIncIpal to be payable - able In gold. A proposition was received from E. H. Holns & Co. or Doston to vur- chase $230,000 or time bonds legally Issued , ten.twenty year , 4Y per eenl. payable In lawful mane ) on 43 per cent Interest basIs. DEA''U O } ; . JUDGE , \ . 11. CIIIJICCIJ. Pioneer Nolra kan nics Slhlenly met lorth I'latte or heart IIsemusc . NORTH PLATTE , Neb. : Jan. 8-Speelal ( Teiegramn.-Judgo ) Alonzo H. Church of thIs city dIed suddenly this morning. lie was well known througlout the state as n prominent - nent member of the Grand Army or the Re- publIc . being grand commander or the Department - ' . lie formerly . partment or Nebraska last ) 'ear. merly held Limo position or dIstrict judge for this judicial district and was county ItornlY- elect. Ills death was due to heart disease . Alonzo I ! . Church was horn In Oreen n..u n. Clurch coummity Iinois , June 16 , 1841 , all was , nlsel In Springfeld , where he enlstell August Ii , 18G2 , In company G. one Hundred and Fourteenth IllinoIs volunteer 1mm. fantry , better leown ns the Lincoln Home Sixteenth corps Inder I.ogan ned Sherman , alll was captured In June , 18G4. lie served Illume montha' Imprlsonme t nt AI1Iersonvle and lorence. After the war ho was engaged - gaged In newspaper work , on the IllinoIs State Journal , and In 187 came to Nebraska , where for two years he acted as tmeleeper for the Union Pacific at North Platte. He c ntlnued the readIng or law begun In Springfield , anti In 187 was admitted to the bar In the fall or that year he was elected probate judge amid served for two terms. lie was elected to the district benel In March , 1889 , remaining untIl Janu- any , 189. being then detdated by Judge NeYlle , Limo populst nominee. He had been connected with the Grand Army or time Republic - public for the past twelve years. Ills tamly , consists or n wire and three children , one ' < daughter beIng Mrmm . Charles Sherman of Ommiahma Judge Church contnued his cows- paper work In Nehrasl , having been can. neclell with time Western Nebraskan for seven yeara. Two years ago ho was electe ) ale < con.mander or the Nebraska Grand Army and was succeeded by Church 10we. DAU\GINO l'It , A1'tUllUftN. , herald OleeIIOt out nUh . Mummy other Jtmullmiiu 11llllg8. AUBUHN , Neb. , Jan : 8.-SpecIai ( Tele gram.-I ) was < lsco\rol this nerloon about 4 o'clock In Myerk' saloon emi time west bile of the court hous Yare all It was /oon beyond time contrl } time many who were prompty on lmamjd } , Inl tim Herll olee , just to the north , " , as time first to suffer from the iiamnos . All time type Job Ness and other contents efl time ofce were prompty removed , except 'IO ' boiler , enllno and Babcock cylinder 11rei8 ! , the later beIng belted to the tcor and delicti ) mill efforts to drag It rrom the rooni. Two other room to time north also caught ' tire , the wind to time north also caught lire , limo wind being rrom the south , and we1re' entrely consumel after the restaurant fixtures from one anti , the stock cf harness trnl time olher had been removed to the street , itchInroim's clothing store on time SOUII , was saved , thus saving the entire row of huldlngs In that dlrectlomm . The contents or al time reels were saved except time Iou noted In time Herald iifleo. . 'ho bUldlnga were owned by Wiiam Inlpe , all trame , but veneered with brick , They were valued at $ ,800 anll Inaured for f2,000. 'he heaviest 1-.1 fails upOn Barn- hart of the Herald , whom poley hal , ox- plred . at noon , only four hours becro the t.o broke cut _ _ _ ) _ _ m 1111 " 11'11 ' fl'\'RI"'I'r ( hIUl' . . GRAND ISI.ANU , Neb. , Jan , . 8-SpecIaI. ( ) -C , P l , n , Williams , edItor and pubilher or the Grand 1:11'11 : 'fme , came 10 the con- cluson ! timid his pope"as not paying , anti , In consequence , his doors were closed yster- day the expenses being greater than the 1mm- come. Williams Is out or tIme city hooking UI ) n flOW locatIon. Time weekly Democrat of this city lIas made n change r editors against , Monroe Taylor having taken charge. Taylor Is an ' i old-timer. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lttUATIUN hITCh eu.ni'UiTIn. : Sherman COlnt ) lunprotetmient Corll.l.Y \ lllhlll n I'lno l'lco nf 'uS uric. I.OUI CITY , : b. , Jan S.-Speclal.-Tho ( ) Sherman County Irrigation and Improvement compm : has about completed ' the building or the dlch rrom ArcadIa , , : eb. , to I.oll City , . n distance or fifteen miles , and wIll In timinty days d such weather complete time en- tire ditch to Rock Creek , a distance of ' twent-tcur mniieo' . I wilt wnter OOOO ncre3 of ns fine lall a\ there Is In the vest The bulhlnJ of this dItch hEs furnlhCI labor to llO men for the last rort.f\e Ila's. The en- ttrprlst will soon bo complelrll. The farmers imere are arranging 10 put every rooter or land unter water tIlls season. The s'l In this bottom is I not sumrpasati fcr pr iltictive. nfS R1)'whert on earth. An enmhl1ton or time gowrnlent reports on this snbject will verify Jhls assertion. ISTIIS1ATJ Ill Itt ) SIUH\ ' . l'ouii ila : iii hi t lou mutEmul Is C I ' , t t I l'nulry 1"hl"lll1 II 1'11. CI ) Ulrltln g us I.nrl" Crtuul. : FALLS CITY , Neb" , Jan. 8.-(8peclal ( Tele- gr.m.-Thls ) time first day or time IntOr- state Ioulr ) ' assocIation's slmow Exhibiors were not slow In puttIng their fowls on exhmi- blton , as a number cal In yesterday ant were put In readiness for temlay. MIssourI , Kamiaas. and al portions or Nebraska , arc well represented. There were over GOO births on show today , anti some of thl finest ever seen by the clzens or Falls City can now be seen Time show opens In full blast 'morrow , all It Is i exp cte,1 , that a largl crowd will be In at- letlanco the oilier thrto days . Ccnslterable interest Is manlfcsled by time town5\eolllt. UefRulhl ! i'o'mtuuimtuuter's J'n.llu" Vhiietl. " BROKEN 10W , Neb , Jan 8.-SIclal ( Telegram.-Thc ) vacancy In the Broken Bow poslofco was filled totay bY time botl men or limo efaullng I ) stmaster , Olmore , np- < lJlntng J. C ; . LemlnJ who took charge or the ofco this afternoon. Inspector Sincair was present and npprovet the selecton made by time bondsmen by allmlnlsterlng the oath or office to I.emlng. There arc eight or ten can < llates for the iosition. Time dlsappolntod ones will mnke nn effort to Imock J.emlng out with the 'epartment ' le Is an alI resiIent of this city , a lfe-Ion/ Ilemoct at , successful business man , nnd his character Is unlmpenehable The preliminary trial or 1um\hroy Smith and son , harvey , who were under arrest on time chnrgo or stealIng a carload or cattle from the Great ranch September last , was concuded tOla ) ' 110 father wits released , but the son was bOlul over Time cattle stolen were shIpped from Dunning to Omaha on September 12. The County Beard or Superisors met In regular session today mind organized by elect- Ing S. C. Cooper chairman. ] rom time extra amolnt or , : orl ( . occa lon 11 by time relief ! ! , CO I- mltees , It Is lougl time noarl Wil no I sessIon all weol Shrewd 1'lltlcmut Uenl. O'NEILL , Neb. , Jan 8.-Speclal ( Tele- gram.-The ) Bard or Supervisors met this mornIng and elected S. r. Conger ( pp , ) or Inman townshIp chairman. I , . A. Jllson or Stuart township , who was defeated by J. W , Wertz , editor or time Stuart Ledger , has contested Wertz's election. Wertz Is pMt- master at Stuart , and this , time cntestant al- logos , dlsqualnes him from holllnl the of- flee or supervis-r. Wortz defeated Jlison at time polls by a vole of 2 to I , all Jlison now tries to defeat Wertz before time populist county board , of which he was for two years u member. To humid UOvd County. BUTTE , Neb" , Jan. S.-Speclal.-Time ( ) county commissioners at their next meetIng will consider n pltton whIch has been clr- culatel during time pa 't month praying them I to submit . at a special election , a prp.IUon 10 bond time county In the suet of $20,000 to pay the indebtedness ot the county. The prop lton has been . twice voted down , but I Is believed that I. will g through with but very little' opposltlcmu ! thIs time. veryte oppostm tme. Chid } 'II1I , Ilurneti . ORD , Neb. , Jan. 8.-Speclal ( Telleram.- ) A chid namel Jammeska .IY years old . was burned to Ileath yesterday about olght miles ' west or Ord. She hal been playing with matches and her dress caught fire' . - Oregon Kidney Tea cures all kidney tron' bles. Trial size , 25 cents. . All druggists. Jflt.l CIIli ) TIJ lUG flLS1' /'O/.VT Waters or the I1onol1Ihcl/1 / Are Now Ito- ceoculng-Tiuo 1loOls. 1ITTSDURO , Jnn. 8.-At 9 o'clock thla morning the state of the water In the lonongaheJa river nt thIs point was twenty- five feet nine Inches and stationary. Time river Is rllng above and I Is thought that the highest stage has been reach el. Unless there Is more rain the rIvers are expected to fall mmmi the river men will begin to take advantage or the boating water to get coal to souther ports. The damage done by the flood haa not been nearly us severe us was expected. All the Iron mIlls along time hanks or the Mlegheny anti the Monongahela are nuder water and closed down unt the noel recedes. None or the railroads are blocked nlhough the tracks of the PIUs- blrg & Western mire Iller water In Ale- gheny. While the total damage will aggre- gate a consIderable umount , yet It will not approach 1891. the - loss In the foods or 188 and . Illnt Six Inches aim hour. POMEl0Y , 0. . Jan. 8.-The government marks al 8 o'clclt this morning show twenty- nine feet Cr water and time river Is rising sIx Inches an hour. Since 1884 there has not been so lueh alarm as now. I was raining again this morning. Ilgh water has de- stroyel I $1,000 bridge on Lea < lng creelt antI several brIdges on other . streams arc damaged . ElectricIty TIllnl .tho J'Jaco nr hiram . BOSTON , Jan 8.-The New York , New Inven & Hartford railroad Is preparing to equip Its Nantaslet beach amid Warren and BrIstol brnches with electrIcity to replace _ v ' Quakes ! OATS ' I your salary is siiiall-cat tt Quaker Saves Doctors' , n\ \ Dcntists' and Butchers' bills i \ Sold only In : Ib , Packages , - t - : - - - - . - - - - DUFF sr's PURE MALT WHISKEY. AJ Dx'uggit. r---- - _ - - - - - - - - steam power , which 18 now uSNI. Time Nantnsket bench Is ten miles anti the BristOl line twenty'ol miles In length Time later , starts from Iro\'llence , passes throulh ) 'al River anti , lermlnnts In New tetord , n distance of fourteen ( ml ! 1 Is Intmnt 11 that the company Inlen.13 ullmatel ) ' to equll all its minor branclles . whim electrlcl ) } : , . , . 1W.t ) ' .WIT I. WI > BritIsh thalenre for the Aumuceiems' ( lump 1'lml ' A crept " ' . NEW YOUK , Jami S.-Tho following telegram - gram was sent so Secretary Orant or the Royal Yacht 8'uI\lron by c'x.Comnnuotiero fl I . James Smih , chalrmnn or the America's cup committee , today : " . Cowcs-Terms of setticunemut 'Grant - setlement as 10l1lcll by your calMgrm or 7th hare nceelted. "S I\I , Chalrlln , " Intrr'CU I ) ' II" 11 : 'lotmrmma nicum t. CtlC\OO , Jan. 8.-mght or Chicago's bet nmateur boxers will meet noston'A Illekel eight In less than 1 rortnlght 10 battle wIth naturc's weapons for their own glory anti for the honor of their numbs anti Ihelr cities . The contet will take place II Boston Saturllny. Jocular ) ' 1' The tOlrla- lelt Is to be hell 1\ler the auspices of [ time Chicago anti Boston athlete nasoclatiomis . In Hoston the matches wIll be hel,1 In the assoclatiolu's sl11ell11 eilb imomuse' I Is known ns the nnnlnl amateur 1IIIrcly box- Ilg tourament of time Basion asocimitioii . 1"I"II'l "lnh'rM 1111'lr.I. I.ODON , Jami S.-Tho Australbn pugilist , lmmunmny'immters , nreslell for killIng George Sllh In n glove contest In l nglnHI , was dlschareI hrought before , the 011 Hale ) ' tribunal all - . A Quack . is I II 111 who II\II lmh'nN , whll'h revolutionize lIme e'xlstlmmg IllhlI of 11011 Ihll1 . 1've I : _ ' . whn miiuue'ovt'l'- 1'\1 \ t1 ll'l'ulltol of tl' IIHHI WIS n ( htmuiek , 11a ] so 111\1111 : \ 1 ' his je'hlotlm4 : lOltl'IIOI'll' ) ' o WIS .1 h'l- iBM' , who gave to tIme wol111llII' . 'olllr their 11'llt ( lISCi\'emi't4 . Ile nl . Imo"lelgl(1 ( ( nlll : nel.tlltt11 hy till Ci\- iiize'tl ) IOIII'S. Time' wOllll of today Is 1)'o ) t'IHslve. Time tlII\I1 Is for lt\ Iteas 111 leIlt better mctlmomis. Ozomulsion Is a II11l11 1 tel for he I (1l of Coimsilimiptioti. I Is imimmilu' of ( 'ml lAyer Oil , Ozole 111 Gunlnlol 'i'lmese II1rt(111Is ( n.t lot imev. Sl'll- Iltel : ' ther hn\'t l'I1HI sell for years for tlealmelt of this dIsease. I Is the lelhOl of COmIIO\III ul1 llllrll that . Is umov . TIme force WI' cal electricIty huts leIl ) Imo\1 for ages : the 11\'eltols of Morse all BI\SOI lule It vmmhuable. . So with OWle , Gunilcol : 111 Cod 11'11 OIl. Iii Ozmulslol , these three trl le- stroylmig , Ire- lvll , te h.tlllll agents have been C01pO\11el1 Into : IHCllllUnn that : Is both I positIve modicum Int u perfect food. The Kind Physicians Proscribe rOT Omghs ; , Colds , Consumptim , Bren- chitbl Asthma , the aft3r tffct ! of Pncumcnia and L1 Gippo and all Ful- monuy Complnint1 ; Sorofula , Go oral Debility , Loss of Flesh , Amema ! : , and all Wasting Dl' oss. IUI & CO. , ltth ant Douglassts. , Omaha. n . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ THE AnilaI Extracts - I'repuN aecorJlng to time formula of Du. 1r.1 . A. ILtMM0ND , In his laboratory at 'mushington . D. C The most wonderful therapeutic dlco' , cry ! nco the dayS o' ' Jenner CEREBRINE , ' , rROM THE DRAN MEDULLINE , ' . rROM THE SPINALCOflD . CARDINE , ' , . rROM THe HeART. TESTINE , ' , . rROM THe TESTES , OVARINE ' , , rnOM THe OVARIS , The h'p\oloslcBI , \ ( n"019 1'oIne(11 ; ( 11 B idn. rlo doe of Cneblno a'l ' ! atccit'tmutioim of time itumice. % liii keliumme of fullness anti dI.tcntion 1mm time head , t'titlmmnmtioum of. spirIt , increseed tmrimmtmry cscrctlomu , amignuemutation of time' ox- liumisive Itirco of tii hkldcr , anti roristaitic attica of limo Iimtctine , Immereae in mmmsctmlfte S etreumgth anti emutimmtaimce , ttictttt.eut l.omcer ol vIsion i'i elderly people , mtmut iuucreasoil mulupetite and digeuhivo l'omer , lso 5 drotis , l'mice , (2 ( draciummms ) $1.00. . TilE COldiMhtiA t'illhltlCAi4 CO1 ' .Vmuiiuilmgtomi , I ) , C , Scud for Ilomic , 101 KIJiIN & CO. . AGIINT ron OMAHA. 1) ) it't ' \1ll1P \ Fys. v. 1. Scymmmotmr , aiim' olttit'imtli , imna been t'xtmemmmeiy stuccessfuml Iii mlttimug ghmumises to - imtm mmd med mi rut I ii e best ltt.tllit 1mm t tue city , Leiist ; llxcimmtumgcmi t'tco of Clmarge. The Aloe & Penfold Co. , I4EAlING SC'l lIN'l'l ltC Ot"i'iCi ANS. 1 Itis Fmmruimm mu Street . Oppmnmitu' I 'a x t oum I I ot ci. 'I'll Id LION lltUi LITOItEI. IUJPTURE 11 PERMANENTLY E& 11TT1)PT ORNO ta1.-i jU1thJ ) PAY 't . _ NO PAY UNTIL CUREU . . . - ' WE iirrneu TO 8,000 p.tmis1s- \vrmtcforBankfloforonce. xAMiNA'rIoN FflEE. to Opcratlon. No Detention from Busliloss. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. . 'ri-IF C' i : MR-i.R CO. . 306 antI lOS NewYork Llfo bldg , , . Omaha. GRO. P. SANFORI ) , A. W. 1llEKI4N , I'resident. Casimier. First National. Dank . -4 of COUNCIL BLUFF3 , Iowa. Capital , . $1OOO9t l'rofits , - - - 12,000 One of limo oldest banks him time state of louva. Wo solicit your Lnisincss ad collections , Wi pay C mer cemit .am Ilumue deposits. We will bum ideasemi to see and ecu-va you. --ScIa NoUces Cohefl his-- , ciuMNicys CLEAND : VAULTS OLEAN1ID. Id Burke , atV . homer's. 633 llroatiway , A 14,000.00 STOCK OF ( lOODS AND FIXTURES to trmtIo ( or Iowa or cmstern , Ncljrmuskmu land. Greemmslmlekhs , Nicholson & Co. , Couacii Bluiro , Fort SAI.1l OIL ICENT , ONE OF TIlIC BIISP ( arms In I'ottawmttamnlo county 7 ½ ntlles imotutim at Ncol.m ; 2t0 acres cuuitlvnted ; $0 acres pasture ; eplendhi mesidence ; gnu. ! much , gran- cry , i.arns. oretmarti , etc. IL Itlsliton , 21 ilnrmnomty street , Cotmncll ifluffe. L.I5Gm PItIVATII liAluN FOIl RENT NEAR coum C imoumie. Ampm ut hoe chIco , CouncIl Jiluffa. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - . , . - - - - - - - MI oney not Wealth It Is only good for what Comforts and Necessities it svIIl oxoliango for. how foolish poopio am'o. They viIl drive an old knocic-kneed hmot'eo for years. Ho cats , anti costs Its mmmcli to hoop , as a sound anlmutl. Thioygot along witim dilapidated ftmu'nlturo ; faded and BhIahJ1Iy carpets ; bate wimiulowmm ; anti quite likely an olti stove which eats up more ftiuh In a year tlmami a new and ecmaomnical consumer would eot thutium ; broil timoit' wives and sei'vrtnts ovom a t'oau'hmig five in a July day , when a Gems- Ohefle Stove riot only does bottom' work without heating , but 'vith far mnom.e ecommomny ; they scm'nb or laitlt an old t'otmjnli iloor , when a beau tifimi covcm'ltitr of Lincoltiimi rouid not only look better , but actually pay for Itself in a short tirno with Iaboe saved ; timoy cat oiT of nicked and cracketi dishes , when a vlmo1o anti complete DilhhIcI set could be bought fom' almnoBt nothing. In a word , thmoy deceive tuicunsolvcs by Ihileholug they ai'o economical , mhcmi they are actimally oxti'ovagamit 111 tlmcl sliiftlc9sn css , 01' perhaps we ought to be mnoi'o clIa.'i tutbleand cal I it t ttuoughmtlestne.os , while nil the time the children itre gt'osvlng imp amid getting accustomed to sutch mnttlcshmift lmrtbits rtne imum't'oundingmt ; grow untidy in dress , darcleso In habits and gonemaihy timm'lftlos , Ltm'gely yothi. fault , ft'Icnd , because you have mmot made your chmildm'en'm Jioflima q. Uhiti ltd stmm'roundiriga thmo motimodk'aI , systemnatic aimmi attractive jiltteo yeLl ought to make it , ANt ) MAY. - What fools wo mortals bol Thorn is hardly an ot'tllnary home but , at the expenditure of mtnymvlmet'ofr'om $25 to $100 , could be Iflittlo to ionic like a dhilet'ent habitation ; yotmr good wlfc'mm hopes and ambitions realIzed - Ized , and your whole home itmosphmcro m'adk'ally changed. \Vo men , lii otir Invctmnonts , fulcculatlohms aimd toll , foi'gct omit' Iloiiies too iiiuehm. ' 'MarIe ' mny words , " salothm the wrltom' , "you youli'- self vlll be a different lollow If you butt follow omit' advice. " Now , you say , ' ' 5U)0dttig [ money Is 1101 wealth , butt. only i'cmpt'csonta tivi ) of sutmno amid oxehummgablo for hitmfle , and I have iiot. Ui Is ximoimcy ; bow am I to got \Vcalthm , which you define us 'Coiaitou'ts tumid Conc'cn- lelmelosVo ' answer , b3caJso Credit is it uu'foot substitute fet lhiOflcy , so lomig its thin pncty gi'mmntlng saute believes It to be goad. We do bellovo that time Cu'edlt of our Wage Eariiot'a lii good-tue vol'y best , So much do wo believe it , that we most earnestly Invite you to tess ' faith In It ' ( ' . out' by availing youm'ucl o omtt' ptoposltloii. \Vo extend to you our MAGNIEICEN'1' CItII)1'1' SVS'f1I , wHIm Its numerous atlvaimtmtgcs , zw(1 ask you ftmI'hhIshi . your Iloilles Sltii mis , anmi pay for yomim' fut'mmisblmmg in one of tlireo wayms : OUR TERMS ilolhed down are its follows , rutud It is mmli timut mmtmmmo to mmii ; vlu Ic it imi mu ii yotm mitlu imt- . emily ommu t iminj ito stiro of , mimur ugonums mini , eli svmmrr.utuuI , iflti $ mi'l to tiimmulity ammmi 'mulUo , ( Jtmr saloirmmemm lure cotmrtcoums. Cu r mmii i lmmmc II t.s it ru hliJummlii , mu miii ytu ml r mum u un mis m. ' mut I Ii ore ii ug Ii IV mu i' m' I flil , Either you mmuy : calm or accept our easy hmumyimmeiit Imimi pm : I I ltSi'-IS html C.immiu , SLCONI-tVItim liarS ( imusIm mmmiii so saudi lur mmmommtii , ' .L'iihitI-'ithi liurt cmisim amid at ) munich per wreic , - CASHOr , , , i 0 iron Pm of gmod 1. 5 per mveoic ; ( Jr m1 tour immonu hi l $2 : ' meorthu at goad 4. Fi lAO hu4r uVefti ( ( r ? 3t1 00 ii , moittm N3O meuntlu of guomlum , 4 per woeki Or ttH 0(1 .u imioiithi ; , s7l worth of good. . fi2.AI ) per mvrric , - ( in SlO imer smmommilt ; t1oo muontlu of go nIt , $3 luumr uverk ; Or S i 0 iusr 100mm I ii. 812r wortim , r gonuis , tt.flO juer svtnk ( 'r u I 4 11cr imunmutlu 81d0 svorllm of gootlum , 1 umur wreim ; Or $ I (5 mor imiesitim 15200 worth mu goods , t3 , usr sTeak ; ( Jr II5'40 iuer mumomutli $2110 worth of gionl. , ttm purr witmik ; * 1Z3 misr imioumtlt , - _ Send bc to cover poslae on our hig Furniture Catalogue. Baby Carriage Cablogue mailed fro.