Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 08, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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    4 "MT' _ _ , . . . . "W1" ' , . . . . . . " " _ , . , " , _ . , _ . T't , . . , , , , ' . . , . - . . ' . ' . . . '
_ , 8 _ . _ _ _ _ _ TIlE _ OMAhA _ DAILY . _ JUDE : t'UESDAY , , JANUARY _ 8 , 1895. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' _
Tlo and PoUco Board Reslvo t Emp10y
that Many More riremen
ChArget ARlntt IRI and Hemp-er hold to
lb 10 Unfounded-Strickler Wants ta
Jnow Whether ( RI"ln. Ie
Cnrrlecl 01 lit OmRh , ,
Commissioners Hartman , Coburn , Strickler
Anel the mayor were In attendance at the
meeting or the Board or Fire anel Polco '
Commissioners , held last night at which
Bomb Important business was disposed at
a 111 SOIO instructions or 81gnlfcanco were
When the committee to' whIch the charges
against Detectives Haze ant , Den1'
sey had , been referro,1 male , are.
prt Mr. StrIckler was prepared to sit
down on the persons who made the charges
and the medium through which they were
made public hy offering the following rcso-
luton , which was adopted , , :
He80lveI , , That the board tnls the charges
mlde by .Iames n. : lrCuIH . through the
columns or the World.Hemll. ! December 7.
] 891 $ , lul18t the city dltlctve8 * , relating
to I1wn ! brokers , uro untrue and that thl
detectives are hluleless II the matter and
det.ctvlS thC Fall Irl Mltahe Is censurable for his
notion iti the matter . according 10 the evl.
11 mlter. !
acton lence the hoard his heel able to ohtaln.
Mr. Strickler , In order , to fnel out the
' ( acts concerning gnmblng ! In Omaha , Inlro-
11uce,1 , n resolution lS follows :
Hesolvel , , 'hnt the duet or police and ,
Cacti cllllnin and fwrJennt or ) olce he und
nrc hereby directed to report In wrItng to
this hOlr,1 , at 01' ueCore r o'cloclc p. in.
WpelnesII , ' . January O. ] bO :
Pirst whether or not gambling II being
PI'Rll 01 ! In this city and IC so at what
place or laces.
Second whether or not gambling has been
elrrll,1 , on nt ( Lily Illnce or 1)laCCS In this I
city since AprIl I , ] b9. . .
Third , whether or not any ! nmhln ! room
, I . have been
0 ! ' rooms nic now malntnln l. or
' mnlntllnl,1 0' Iooms , Il'e Omahllllnee April I. 1&91 , 11\1 (
, and . by whom
IC So . where they arc 10cat,1 whol L
hlve they 'heen managed or comlueteel.
Tim above resoluton was expected t pre- :
members of
cplltO I wrangle between ,
the board , but It was passed without any comment -
mont by any of { the memb rs.
SIX''EI'N ! : NEW FIfl1M1N.
The board went Into secret session to listen I
recommendations of Chief
to suggestions and recommenltons
or the Fire Department fledeli. While In s - -
cret session It was agreed that the force or .
the fire department should be Increaset by
not less than slxleen additional members. and
that the board would hohl ( I session : on Thursday -
day afternoon next at 1:30 : "docl ( . at whIch m
an examination ot. the applicants for IJosllons I
would be conducled.
The commitee on supplies was Instructed i
to purchase two horses In,1 I set of double
harness In preparation for the cqulpplng ot r
tIm new lre engine which Is expected to ar -
rive In about two weeks.
The proposition or grading salaries accord
tnt to the stand In ! and length or service ot r
the firemen was , liscussed. I was also par
' determined , ' the flre alarn
tlly to remove fre allrm
machinery at No.3 1 engine house to the basement -
mont at the city hail.
: , Fireman 1 llwart Carr , who asked for thirty d
days' lelve of absence , and James 1 Downs ,
who desired len days off , were granted the
same , subject to the discretion oC the chlet.
The finance committee was Instructed te
prepare an estimate ot the probable cost 01 I
mnlntnlnln , ! th . lire rCnnrtment for 1895 an i
submit ' ' " it S ' soon "n-s P .sibl- H
. CommIssioner Strlcl.ler got In his third resolution -
' elution during , the meeting and I was lJssed.
I Is as follows :
\Vhicreas , On the < vening or January 7 ,
1895 when answering an alarm or lire. the
chief oC the fire department discovered two
hydrants that hind become so rusty or
' frozen that one or them could not b" openee
and the other required the combined efforts
of three men wih I wrench three feet
long to opel I , thereby greatly Impeding '
the work of the firemen In getting at the
tire : 111
. Whereas , The same state or affairs ' doubt-
, ' IIs ! Is permitted by the water Works . coin-
- pany wIth other hydrants In the ct ; therefore -
. , Core , he It
Resolved That the water worlt' company
: : are hereby directed and requested to ) \
t ceed at once to test every hydrant In the
' city and to Immediately put all or said
hydrants In proper working order , anl also
to lubrcRte the same both at the nipple and
- stein stlmnl boxes.
The Afro-American sent In this set of reso-
lulons for the board to take some acton on :
.5 \'hel'eal , The Afro-American citzens and
taxpayers ot the city or Omaha having
pall taxeR on property valued ut hundreds
or thousands of dollars for the purpOSe of
, supporting anc maintaining ! I fre depart-
ment and other departments In the cIty or
, ' Omaha ; and :
? \VhereIH. The payment or said : taxes wih-
out representation In sale fIre department I
IR undemocratic lne contrary to the spirit
m of our republican institutions : anti )
\VlierenH , Every Important city In the
United States ( New York excepted ) . em-
ploys members or our race lS Iremen ,
: notabl ' . Chicago Denver. St. Paul , Knmms
City . Mo. . nod kansas } Cl ) . , Knn. ; there-
fore. bo It '
Resolved , That we , the ACI'o-AmerlcanR
. or the city or Omaha , In mass meeting aR-
Icrblcl\ , do hereby pry anti petition the
' hmonorabk \ Boarel of Fire and Polee Com-
, mlsRlonerH of the city or Omaha to ap-
' point six member or our race us Ilcemimen
: II'elen
I _ nOlI lire delmrtment ; und '
: - Resolved . That II case the honorable
' Doal'II of Fire and Iole , Commissioner !
. ' grants our Prayer that those of our nice !
' 10 , selected bhll be employed , collectively
" 0 as ono body . or Indlncrlrllatel ' or In any
manlier that Iho honorable Board or I'IN
. and Police Cen\Jlsslollr may den best
t for time Interest or Hull Ire eIJnrtment ,
' Hesolved , That the chairman of this meet.
' lug shall appoint ) I commite ot seven ,
' whono duty It shall ho to pl'lsent this
1' prayer and petition to the honorable hoard
- of tire anti Polce CommlsslonerR and se-
let six members of our race , with Il vIew
; to their qualilcatons , charctel' and courage -
. age anti use all honorable mcans to secure
, the { I' uppointmnent. _
: Thi resolution was laid over to bo called
' up at a later dale.
Omccr Dillon , who was charged with the
offense or going ; to sleep whlo on duty , was
slven an opportunity to explain , which hell
i did , but action was IJOstponed ,
' Time board sitting as I license board ,
. : granted Ilcenies to Charles Melchior 318
! Icelcs
Leavenworth , anti , Franz I.lnlner , , 3032 ham- .
Iton street and reuse,1 , a license to ( barge
' Tlorne , at mcvenlh anti Dodge streets , on
account of Its 11roxlmly ' 10 1 pUhlc schooL
'fho money deducted al fines from the
salary of polcomen for the fracturing of the
polco rule , amounlng to $84 , was ordered
' , IJ11ce11 ciation . 10 the Credit or - . the Polct Relief IIS0.
In every hand and clime Dr. Prlce's Hal-
' . big Powder , iads l the list. I keeps everywhere -
. .
- r.
- -
It Wi Contllt tIme UI'ntr.hlll ar 1\ m Lot II
: lllh 111 Itarimey ,
f The Injuncton suit to reslraln the city
: from InterCerlng wilts property on the corer
or Ninth anti Ilrney streets , I petition for
: which has been flied In the district court by
1 I.oulsn floyd , will probably be up for trial
' next l rl1) ' . The properly In question his
m been tlll ! or : I a IlrobJbla site oC the city
. jail and welllll018e ; , for which It Is proposd
' to vote bon ; . , The IIenele' " city charter , I
t It pauXs the gauntlet of time iegilatimre . pro-
. , 'Idos \ ht t bQnt fet to exceed $00,001 lay
it DO v"tcd for thIs lnlrpose. Time site Id I not
' - rE rr to In the bill , but the general 1m"
' prudon Ilrevals that time earner will bO ter
. .ful < for Ille bJ Hlnl than nny other site
r' " . that lies yet been menton .
The Iletltn or I.oul'l lloyd states that she
j Jal.el ) 1l1 laceablo Possession .of the . said ,
: J1'OIHlf for eleven years anti nSI' that lime
title or the ely bo Cluleted amid that the lal\\ \
' 2 be sl\I t her. City olclal , deny the alt -
, t legatons In tote alll ) that they are able
to prove 10 the satisfaction or any court thai
, . tie city II tie owner of the prorty anti
- that 11 one elu hu a clJlm t ( It , particularly
Louisa no ' , I. The plalnllf hu lived upon I
4' since 1883 but the mater hn been brought
4- , to the atentol or the courts be re amid
: each . UUle lime city hns l01 ! out victor
- , II IS8t the courts decided that time title or
this city to the properly was clear amid that
: Louisa lloyd was Ivlng upon time same : A
, , tenant. A Jllglnent was rendered against
hm amid lhe was ordered to vacate , but 1
, , writ of execution was InueIn time fol.
IwL wri V" UCCUtOD . , nlllanl " Inue\ 11..1 In Ih. t'.iu.t' . ,
court , alleging that LuisA was still In poe-
session and would not \'aeate Again R
Ielslon ] WAS given In favor of the city , to
the effect that the title or , the city was clear
and that Louisa was only I tenant at the
sutranco or the city. The case was np
poleel to the district court all the fnding
or the lower court waR Rmrmel. , All the
time , however , since 'she first settled on the
property Louisa has remained In possessIon.
In each case an order was Issued to remove
herself and her chattels fl'om the ground , but
Iii no case WIS It executed.
Such ts time statement or time city officials .
Al the land was not needcd for any purpose
Louisa was allowed to remain In quiet ios-
session , but only as n tennt and only so
long n time city would permit. I Is sid
that the order of time court Is still effective
antI that a writ or execution can bo enforced .
forced to oust the woman tram the proerty.
This will be time nature or the answer to the
petition which City Attorney . Connell will file.
A spoiled cake Is no better than n spied
chill. Nothing Is spied with Dr. I'rlce's
flaking Powder.
.1.1'1.t.1' 1. CO.ISI tTl S.
SAN FRANCISCO . Cal. , Jan , 2.-To the
Editor ot The Bee : I notice 11 The Hoe the
fight between time Barber Asplmait company
and other contractors for p:1111 : Sherman
avenue , anti , the claim made by certnll am-
dais with regard to the , IIerelt asphllul ,
Now , I there Is no nsplllt but TrinIdad
that a good pavenment let them COIO
hero and see the llverent In Los AnReles
and other cites In onther California , then
visit Olklanl , Allmeda , Ierwley ) , all or
which hl\e no other pavement. San Fran.
clco has nilles ot . and where
! his mies I. the grades
are not too heavy they lay nothing cis !
Kearney street , one or time main streets of
time city has Just been paved with It on ac-
count or the ohl pAvement Ieln torn ) to
lay electric street car tracks In 1IIIce or the
old horse cars , an,1 the property holders insisted .
sisted on a phnl Of course time material
Used Is called blulinous rock , but It I
nsphal mixed with sand , and where they
tImid biuminous reel they always timid asphalt
springs The pavements last here trom
elht to ten years . and arc fully ns good I
not better thln any Isphal laid In Omaha
or other eastern cities . The objection to
California asphalt Is made either Irom ignor-
anco or ( rom some sinister motive In my
opinIon. 1 iior.e . some other asphalt beside
Trinidad will he tried In Omaha , for time
benefit or time taxpayers - . O. II.
lX'eOU.\Ci1IIXTS ]
Interesting ply , good company . Immense
busIness and John n great surprIse. This
has bn the report In every city where John
L. Sullivan's new play , "A True American , "
has mace its appearance. People were In-
dined to take : Ir. Sullivan's adoption of the
stage as a joke at first , but his sIncere efforts -
forts to become a painstlltng actor sol won
In the IJarl of John Desmond Mr. Sullivan
Is said to display an order or talent unbaked )
for. Ills mlnly fIgure and Ilndsore face
calls for It I verle force of actng Ito sus-
pecte,1 , hmttherto.
Whlo avoIdIng the absurd featuring of
some organlzalons , the glove contest In the
last act Is by no menus 1 mere detail. I Is I
then that "Iticimard Is himself again" and time
autlenco have ' chance to howl themselves
hoare over time strength Gnd physical devel-
opment of the man who held the championship .
ship of time world for twel\o years.
As to his acting , Mr. Sulvln has gone to
work with true grit to make hlmselr n ) osl-
ton In the theatrical profession , and , from
all accounts , Is succeeding beyond all expectations -
tons and should meet with overwhellln !
success during his our-night engagement
at the Empire , commencing with SundlY matInee -
Inee , Janulry 13.
_ uu _ d _ _ - _ _ . . _ . _ u.u h. . . _ _ _
'J'nl IJ11iV1' : OUTItIN nUUTI
\l time flock Ishititt-simortet : Line and
I'astest Thll' .
To all points In Kansas , Oklahoma , Indan !
Territory , Texas all e ! points In southern
California . Only one night out to all points
In'Texas. The "Texas Limited" leaves Omaha
II 5:15 : a. m. daily except Sunday landing
passenger/ all poInts In Texas 12 hours In
advance of all other lines . Through tourist
cars via Ft. Worth and E Paso to Los An-
geies For full particulars . maps , folders
cte. , call at or address nock Island ticket
" l1lcc . H02 Flrnam St.
CHAS. KENNEDY . , O. N. W. P. A.
Jomescker'l ExcursIons.
On January lth 1895 , the Union Pacific
system will .sel tickets from Missouri river
points and stations In Kansas ' amid Nebraska
to PoInts south amid west In Nebraska and
Kansas also to Colorado , Wyomln and
Utah. at a rte of one first-class fare for time
round trIp . plus $2.00. MinImum rate , $7.00.
See your nearest Union Pacific ticket ) agent.
a i. LOMAX
General Paenger and Ticket Agent
, Omaha , Neb.
- - -
Dedel Institute or Blair , Neb. . Is the best
and only guaranteed euro ot the liquor , morphine .
phlne and tobacco habit. a
Dr. Learned . talks wih mothers and tealm.
ers Tuesday . p. en. Woinami's o club roomS
1'JIf.SO.Yt L ; J'IIt.lUIf.tI'flS.
John Furlong , Ogden , Utah , Is reglster t
lt the 11am ker.
tram A. W. liamimmibai Sydney Is registered lt the Barhhr ;
John F. : llher Is registered at the llr1 r
( rom Nebraska City.
John G. ! lher , n wel Imolyn citizen of
ChlI'on , Is at the Merchants ,
Mr. A. F. Clare ] , general asscnger agent
oC time Cutaway Harrow company or 111g.
ganum , Conn" , Is In thc cty. !
Mrs. J. C. IgbY the mother or City Clerk
Highy , Is slaying for I few days at the
hOle of her Eon lt 281 Dodge street. She
has been on n visit to St. Louis . , and Is now
on her way to her hOle In Deatrlce.
At the Mercer : W. N. Delter , J. Kirk-
' 1lnd. St. Louis ; O. Onilalmer . Kansas CIty ;
Charles Mulln , St. Paul ; E. 11. Andrus.
Holdrege ; A. A. Mlgganl amid lady , Coundil
muffs ; J.V. . Hlucnstne , Chlrles I'rice St.
Edwards ; Jesse L. hoot J. L Ftthlng : ,
Plltsmouth ; C. O. Carpenter , Ablene : A.
F. Holebaugh , Falls City ; W. E. Sloane
Fremont ; A. McLees , Davcnort : I. . C.
Vehsim . Chicago ; H. n. tl'ownlee ) , Doughs.
N.mbraicmsmmi lt time IltI .
At the Iaxton-S. J. Aiextinmler , J. L
DaRer . J. n. Brisker , 1.lneoln ; Charles J
WlnHhll , Fremnont
At the Millard-Il . C. Y011 , 't' , ' . U
11 1 Ih1'Y. A. J. Sawyer 1lneoln ; 'mV . I
Mumiger . A. J. Lee , J.'remont : I. 1. Clarke
hastings ; N. W , WeIA. Sehl'lcr ; A. U
( orColth , Ltnccin
At the Dellone-hi. C ! , 1"I'emlan. Nellrasl
Cityv. , . 'J' Columbus : li' . 0 (
homer , Kearney : e. Swanson , Oultnne
n. W' . Burke , Iancrot : ( beomge 11Ittson
Ionea : S. H. lugheR , Newcastle.
At the Arrnce-C. ] W. Spencer M. N
Drake , G. I. . MI'tz. i.nmiisviile I : ChnrlcH ( \1
Idlon Iuleshle ; H. t' dtmsiey . Box Bute
.1. C. % \'hll U. J. Vmtilace , 1.lnroll ; A. C
Dnwne , ii. U. KeIth , A. \IIUI , W. 0
' Illt l , Hiler ! , ; J. Ii. cIntne , Nebram-lcr l
' J . 1' ' ( ' .
'gtrL ! lIJnltoIIJ n'n r.
At the McrIJnts-I. , 1. Demmison Crete
Mrs. C. K. 1untlton an,1 , son Orem
Ilnnll : S. S. Alley , Wiber ; J. tI. Lee OK'
orel ; 1. \'IWI , Beatrice ; J. W. Jiemmder
HOI , Blair ; J , J. lilotigett , Seward : Mis .
: . IanHton.Allanct ; AI 101 anti wife
John towl : . . 1. ) . BalI Olnon ; 11V. . Win
Ilow , Colllhu ' : e. J , Hlimon , Oxrul1
James C. Unhlmal\ . G. Mahel' , Cllllron
J. A. John > on. AI \ row 1lnl ( , \\est Iuilt
SII son , 1'rcmont anti Jack Chrl tanHen , J. e. . \lller
- _
Dr. l.earn.1 at Woman's club Tuesday ,
p. m , Mother anti teacher wanted .
--'p . .
-4- ' n/I : . ' . , - ! " . .
' : ' ' . ' " : : - -
. . - t\ .
ti W-Mrs. ( Mary Mo at the \tslcenc 0
her M. C , Ache on , ] rol flul ]
'l'imirtietii \11 I t , Ige,1 , 8 years. . I"unera " ,
servIces lt 2 p , m , Tuesday , Time bol , :
wi / be talen to V"uuhtnjton , 1 . , for In
tennent t ,
Comfort for Oncc Makes the 8ty10- Etegnnco
Not Needed ,
The Omaha : 'Inl this the AlhnltRe This
rear Over ills SUlerlnl Frlelds In
Other Cities-So 8111 1
Mama Who JIO" .
"Tho continued mild weather imp to date
hM played havoc with the muster busIness
In this section . " sale the old resident. "Why ,
tIme big hOlses , the Continental . In particular ,
have ulsters stacked up on theIr front count.
ers In snch a grand army of styles as you
never saw betore. but they ) lmlso to create
a sensation tomorrow that will make It iossi-
blo for every man In Omaha to , wear an
"They announce for tomorrow their great
January clearance sale or winter ov rpcats
and tmister. . . Every arment must ht turned
Into cash ; not chargel on time books ) , but IX'
chnnged for so mammy ,10nars. "
Tlmo Contnental Itands ready to make any
financial sacrifice to accomplish this pur-
1)050 and will sell
$25 overcoats for $ IS.
$22 overcoats for $16.GO.
$20 overcoats for $15.
$18 overcoats for $12.60.
$15 I overcoats for $7.60 ; these are In sizes
31. 35 , 36. 37. and If you are a sm:1 fellow
you'l get the biggest bargaIn In an overcoat
you evcr got In your te ,
In fact nil of tIme : prices are for the best
overcoats made In Amimerica and represent
time PriceS usualy plld for ordinary factory-
nldo sarments. Every overcoat offered In
these bight grade lots was made 'In the Con-
tlncntab'a own work rooms , and Is the qual
In every respect to l1tOI mate clothing.
$ $2 ( ulster.q for $18.
$22 ulsters for $16.60.
$20 ulrters for U (
$18 ulsters for $12.0.
$6 'ulsters for $ 8.
$ Ir musters for $7.
When strm ulslers oC such gilt edge , guar-
nnt,1 Continental quality are offered nt
profitless prices sureb' no man need go
ulsterles9. The $7 and $8 101" wIll surprise
you lS to their value. This great ulster and
overcoat sale real ) begins Wednesday mornIng .
lng , amid I you come early you will get I
snap lt time Continental.
- .
The State Helef commissIon have estab.
Ished headquarters , at 109 Prenzer block
where all contrIbutons of proviIons and
clothing ) should , be sent . instead of 407 Brown
block as hereloare. All correspondence
should be addressed to me lt 407 Drown
blocl W. N. . NASO , President.
Dr. Learned , Tuesday . 4 p. m. . Woman's
club. "When Should the Child Enter the
Schools. "
. '
Love I.aughee at Ioclsmlhs amid Hoover
n'on Ills undo .
The upper crust of the society or the little I
town or Papllon Is all torn up.
1"01 more than fifteen years P. II. Ayer and
his wife 111"e resided there , raising a daughter -
tor , Bertha , who has been the apple or their
eye. Dertha Is 20 years at age anti fair to
look upon , and for I number of ) 'ers she has
ben the belo of time Ito city . having had
admirers by the core. Something like a ) ' ( a
ago she became engaged to I prominent
'oung simon of the town and about thIs time
Charles L. Hoover laid siege t her heart ,
declaring that he would outwit liLa. rival. 'he
suit which was pressed ' by Hoover was looked
upon with favor by' Miss Bertha , though her
parents opposed hIs coming to the houe. and
upon sundry and divers occasions ordered him ,
to close the d.or from the utolee , ThIs con- . '
tnued for some time and clandestine meetings
were trequen held.
Sunday , however , the clmlxIS
reached , and today Bertha Ayer Is Mrs.
Charles L. Hoover Saturday night Hoover
visited the Ayer reshlence. knocked lt the
door and when the same was opened by Hay
\Y. Ayer , brother of Miss Bertha . an Inter-
eating engagement followed . There was a
contest. Hoover was knocked down dragged
out on time step , and the door locle. 'hls ,
however did not prevent him from carrying
out the scheme which he and Miss Bertha
had concocted Miss lerlha read her mother
a lecture during time evenIng , and then went
11 I bed , declaring that Ir she could not marry'
I thc man or her choice , she would live and
silo an ole maid. Subsequent developments ,
tiowever . arc conclusive that Dertha had no
Intenton of remaining In 011 maid for any
great lencth of timime.
Sunday mornIng Miss AyeI was a Ito
slow In arising from her couch , amid did not
sIt lt the breakfast table with the rest of
the members of the farniiy' . Immstead . sue
arose , remlinell In her room , made a careful
toIlet , packed her best wel ring apparel and
SOIO or her jewelry Into a grip and then
Cme down to brealrlst
Shortly after breakfast a carriage was
driven up to the front door oC time Ayer residence -
dence , Hoover jumped out , ran up the steps
at n rapid gait amid rang time rant door bell.
No one answered , the ring , and utter waiting
there for a feiv momenls lie returned to the
carriage To watch the proceedings all the
member8 or the Clmly , except Miss Berth .
gathere\ l In the rent room , and while they
were 10 engaged she took time by time fore-
lock ) , picked U ) her little valise , which had
hiherto been packed with her clothing , and
belt a hasty retreat to time rear door , ran
around the house and jumped Into the car-
rlage , Hoover foilowimig . and the two were
whisked away at I rapid 11 , They drove
to the depot and boarded the Durlngton
train , which just then pulled In , md departed -
parted for Council Bluffs , where ' that
afternoon they were made one.
flay \V. , Ayer . the brother , was In the city
'ejterlay anti 'said ' that his IJlrents vigorously
opposed time 11r'llge. The daughter had
made her own bed and that she would hlvo
to lie In I. lie also said that she had
treated her parents In 1 shameful manner
and that she would not be nlowed to return -
turn home. - . -
Wlh n steady Incrase In its prolucton ,
for time past 40 years , Cook's Extra Dry 1m-
penal Chlmpagne now . takes the lead .
031AHA AU UIO.\UU - 1'\lT IXI'ntH. ;
, . 'ako the Uhlllro , : lhvlnleo 8 SC I'mmmth ny
For Chicago and all points east Vestbuled
I sleeper leaves time Union , PacIfc depot
Omuha , at 6 p. m. , daily , , reach.
; lug Chlelgo at I a. m" , the following day ,
In amillo tme for all eabterl commnectiomis.
Supper and bl'enltls served In dinIng cars
. a la care. Passengers for Freeport , Hoelford ,
: . 1 lg11111al IlolnL' In Wisconsin can , by tak-
. log this triin reach their destnlton tWllve
hours In advancl or 11 other hlmmes . Baggage
checked through from your resllenco to des-
timmation . For tickets amid further iimormmia-
. tion apply to
) C. S. CARRIER City Tkt Agt.
. O. U. IIAYNES . City Pass Agt
; F. A. NASh , Gemm Agt. , 1501 1"arnlm St.
: 1ho IUI'II\tol Ioiio Penimonmiiy : Cnnductlc
; ( . . : . . - - Exctmrsios .
To California leave Omaha every Thursdl
. morning , )
'fhrouh to San Francisco and Los Angeles
without change. .
CheaprRt amid best way or reaching any
poimit In Colorado , utah or California .
Tickets and ael\rtslng mnter at 1324 Irlr-
nasa 2treet :1 , J. nOWLING ,
City Passenger Agent
f -
m 1"1'11'1 NCIY OtlIcem' ' .
'fhe lu ld 11' ' one Traders' excllngc 01
t Omulm held I meeting Inst night Ule ]
elected olcers for the Ilsullg year ni (01.
' _ _ _ _ _ "
- - - - - -
. - _ - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Highest of alt in Leavening Power-Latcst U , S. Gov't Report
I ? V
lows : J.V. . 1'iieps-presitient , : J. F , Slnlhl
vice Ilresident 'hIJI'lpre : , M H. Copllam
and Thomas Her directors for two lar/ :
John H. htarte . lrQtor for one ) 'car. ) I Is I
more than IkelfI that Mr. \V. S. \'ed/c.
"ho has servC 'aR secretary of the exchange '
change for the Illt , lour 'enr/ wi be re-
cllctcl for another lenin.
The exchane 11 In better condition than
I has been for the , past two years anti , Is
sall to be out or. delt. Time Ilmberlhlp 19
not as large ns I was some time ago blt
the affairs are sA11 to lie In good 8 llJe.
'rher wnR need Itenelance nt the meet.
ing last night / anl the utmost harmony vre-
vaiietl . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _
ShoOI and l.eIls\Tel Their Connecton In
the Matter.
Sunday night x.l'oUco Sergeant Shop ,
with II. Pybur. calIll nL The Dee office and
stated that ho hail been empleyeel by n bud-
ness man to break up gamblIng. lIe said
that lybur went along to help get time
evidence Bailiff Williams . or Scott's court
was wih them Ho anti Attorney Cochran
e le,1 o ex.County Attorney \ale ' and
asked him to O. K. the complaint. lie refused -
fused amid then a visit was made to JUego
ScoUt who Issued the omplalnt. Yesterday
morning Sheep called at Time Bee 0111cc . and
with him WIS ex.Deputy Sheriff John Lewis
They denied having consulted Scott anJ , Il
dared that Cochran was not connected with
their detective agency. They malntalnell
that their agency was run upon bnslnes3
prnclplc3 ! , and not for the purpose of black-
mall .
I \ linmmI's tl"cIRlmer.
SOUTH OIAIA. JII 7.-To limo Editor or
The leI ; An,1 , so : lr. Jollslon , In his Inter'
view with : Ir. ltosewmiter . says that my reputation -
taton Is not or time best ? m tl , Brute ? I
can sit calmly by and listen to the paid
falsehoods amid ) lrchased Ilsreresentllrns
or n stranger , but
'lhl9 was time mot unldmle9t cIl of al ,
For when the noble enelu\ saw him stab
ingratitude , . more strong than traitor's arms ,
Qiltl vnlHlul8hed iii in.
What 1 hlve to say on the general issue Is
brIefly tc.kl. : Ir. Deavr came to me about
2 p. m. December 31. I was engaged He
called mime outside the door and hurriedly told
me thlt ho had I customer for hIs establish'
mont : that ht wanted mr assltanco In ) ut-
lng the deal through , and Ir It went through
lie woulel give nee $50 , Notlng more or
less was said. About I o'clock ho brIngs
: lr. Com\e11 \ Into my office to draw the pa-
pers. I dictated time contract to my
stommograpimer and have the original copy of
time sonic and stenographIc notes , which lre
subJect to the perusal of Mr. Hosewlter or
anyone else. . The contract contains no
such provision or provisIons I stated In
Tim Omaha Bee. The account of the Inter-
vleoo' as given by him , Is an Ibsolnto and
shameless misrepresentation-a distorted exaggeration .
aggeration .
The account given by Mr. H. L. Davis , cr
time seold Interview Is In most resect cor-
rect. I desire to thank the gentleman for
his pains. There arc ono or two trifling
inaccuracies . however , but 1 don't care to
refer to them nrther lt this tme ,
I havl no knowledge ) of any gamblers' peel ,
and don't believe there Is one. There Is ,
however n tacIt understanding with the clr
amid the glmblers , by whIch It Is understood
that I the gamblers make I 10nthly donation
to the city they will be permitted to run , at
lest lS Car lS the city Is concerned. 1
shall be glad to give IIY Information concerning -
eerlng these matters . of whIch 1 have Imowl-
edg , to anyone who eels the Interest to
request It. ELI 11. DOUD.
. .
Purity or food Is next to purity ot chlr-
acler. Pure fell Is assured with Dr. PrIce's
Baking Powder. .
Concluot ot Grrtrmle Intehlnl Drove ler
Fmsthmer Insano.
Chief or Police Seavey receive a letter
esterdar morning ! from Mrs. S. H. Hutchins
or Denver asking him to locate and detain her
husband whom he , heard was either In Omaha
or Council Dufs , " lutr. "Hutchins Is believed
to be suffering from a temporary attack or
Insaniy , caused by time escapade of his dlugh-
Social circles or Denver receIve a
rude shock some time ago by the sudden
marriage or Miss Gertrude Hutchins to Clarence -
ence \V. Ciark arm alleged bicycle cimampion
on November ] 3. Clark and the girl are alleged -
leged to have been acquainted for only two
days before the nuptial ceremony was performed -
formed without the consent or her parents.
Clark was at about that time under suspIcion
of being the Iln who stole Corbets puglhls-
tie championship diamond belt , valued at I
$ 10,000. Ho was detained by the Denver
oncers , and time parents or Miss Hutchins
use every effort to hlve the mlrrilgo an-
nimliet ) . but without success , and the girl Is
slid to have clung to her husband In spite of
parentI opposition. Mr. Hutchins took the
mmmatter very much to heart and brooded over
the affair until his friends fel red that he
would go insane. One day last week ho
wandered away from home and for a few
days all trace of him was lost. On Saturday
Mrs. Hutchins receive word from 1 former
Icqualnlnce thlt her husband Ild been se1
near the transfer dept In Council Bluffs and
that he boarded I train for Omaha . She 1m-
mediltel ) ' notified the ctcers , and It I alleged
that Mr. HutchIns was seen In this city Sunday -
day , wlnderlng aronml In an aimless man-
nero In the letter to Chief Seavey Mrs.
Hulchlns wants the ofcers to investigate Into
her husband's conditon or mInd and Ir ho Is
sulerlng from mental disturbance she wants
him arrested and held here until she can
Irreste unt cln
arrive Cram Denver and tale charge cr him.
The chief has detailed ? t detective to Apre-
hend the , wlnderJng man and Is satisfied that
he Is still In this locality.
- - .
Ilesult ot time Hoard ot Trdn Eh'ctol
Somelhilt of 1 i5urpnlc.
There was an election or three directors or
the Board or Trade In this city yesterday .
The result was a ammrpribe. Between the hours
or 3 ammtl ( In the Iternoon Judges Henry
Pundt E. DaIs 111 ] J. n. Kuehne recelvel
the votes mind deposited them In the ballot
box. Every slip oC paper dropped In the slot
for the first hour Indlltcel time election of
Joe Connor , F . C. Ayr and James Walsh ,
Then some or I. . I ) . Fowler's friends got Into
time battle and plshed hll forward . I was
In "open secret" that Joe Connor was slain
In the house or his friends , because SOIO or
time Ayr.Wolsh cnthusilsts traded Connor and
put up a cOlbllton or Ayr , Walsh antI
I"owler. Only one or Iheso was clected ,
Suleenly ] , about one hour before the polls
closed , a few dark horsps were trotted omit.
They kicked ) large holes Into the slate and
smashe,1 , It to pieces. When the polls close
the judges Innounced the electon oC J , L.
McCmmgmme . G. ill. NaWller Qnd L. U. Fawier .
'fhe defeat of time old guard was somewhat
In time I\ature \ or time unexpected.
The vote stood lS follows : I. . U. Fowler ,
1 ; 0 , J. Nsttnger , 46 : J. I. . luicCague . 46 ;
James Walsh , 33 : Joseph Conner 20 ; F . g ,
Ayr , 19 ; S , 1) . McWhorter , 2 , and I ) . 1.
Wheeler , 2.
I Is generally cneclet around the build-
lug that the choIce or time new directors as-
sures the re.electon ofV. . A. 1. . Gibbon to
the presidency If in' wants it 1 , and It Is also
rumored that Miss ? tl. 1. Smih , the present
emclent secretary , will be retained .
Time ful board or directors now consiltl ot
MeCagime Messrs. Farrell . , Pecl , Nattnger , I.'owler amid
'fhe clecton or officers wi occur nexl Ion.
day' .
) . . . _ . _
- - - ' - - - - - - - - - - -
' "OOSTOR : LE )8. ) "
January aG-CIoaks ! and furs
l'\X'us 1ILt)1i.
Stnckhnhleu' Ilulu .
Office or Lcc.Clatke-/ummdroesen Hardware
'Co ' Omaha , Neb. , Dec. 7. lSDi.-Nctico Is
herbey gl\'el to the stoclholder or the Iee-
Clarke.Andreesen lu.lwarc COlp1n ) ' that
the annual' . maccling or the stoclhol era of
the cOllllny will le hellJat time olces of
the sall compl&y , ] 219. l'l 1 and 122 Uare ) '
Itreet , In the or Omuha , In the state 01
Nebraska . an 'I uesda ' , January 3. . \ . D ,
1&95 at 3 o'cloclt p. m. , fur the PUIP,10 01
eleciimg a board o clrector for the coma'
IJalY to serve durinG tle ensuinG year , amid
1 : transact such othl'r busllen al may I
vrueute at such meeting.
Attest ; meetng. 1. I.lH. Presldenl.
W M. GLASS , 6clrctar > : . . , .
. - - . , - , . . . . . . = -
- 1
Stn Grander Bargains from the Great Jnf- ' :
fry Fire on Sale Tomorrow , I
- I
' ondcrs-I'eOlllo , l'XIICc to ( let More for
Their ' : lollY Here 'rhalnfvhere Ibo ;
-Thc ) AhvYI iSo-Amid Thil Sail
Is SI111y Wllierful ,
$ .2r EN'S WARM O.OVES. 39C. 1
2,000 pairs or men's lined fur top kid gloves ,
lIned dogakin gloves anti all kinds of lIned
anti unllld cal , imogshdn bucl.skln gloves
anti mils , worth imp to $125. go at 39c.
All or Jlfrns all wool cess flannels .
mlxCI Ilnnels , serges , cte. , worth ( Oe , go on
our bargain square at iSo I 'ard.
All 1.yar'1 wide all wool novelty flannel
dress goods , lalles' [ cloth al\l fancy mIxtures ,
Jafrl square " ' 1 nt wholesllo 25c. price 7ic. on 011 bargain
! $2.60 INPANTS CJ.OAKS. 76C.
Chmlidren's all Infants' elderelown cloal.s
with Angora trlnmlngo , Jaftray's price $2.50 ,
on our bargain squafe 7c.
$1.50 LADIES''AISTS . 35C.
Ladles' dark Mteen a 11 percale waists .
Jlfra "s ' prlco $1.50 , on bargain square on
maIn floor , 35c eaclm.
Ladio' . cloth cape with fur edge worth
$5.00 , go at DIe on seond floor.
$1.00 BOYS' WOOL \S'AISTS 25C.
300 dozen bo 's' wool waIsts In flammnels . cas-
slmeres and imported cllevlot9. In all sizes .
worth imp to $1.00 , go at 25c.
le.len's All misses' and cimildren's 'ar wool mIts ,
len's and ladles' wool underwear ( wet ) ,
worth SOc . go at iSa.
Men's and lathes' jc underwear RO al 2ie.
Men's and ladies' $1.60 underwear go lt SOc.
Men's amid lac\ s' $2.50 BOSTON Inderwelr STORE lt 7&c.
N. W. cor. 16th anti Douglas.
. _
- 4
Ur. : Crl\.ror.1 l'rollSCS 11\0 I Thentor
of His 011.
Mr. L. M. Crlword , owner and lessee of
Ihl Emlre theater , formerly or the FIHNnth
Street anti I arnlm Street theaters , both of
whIch were destroyed b ) ' fire , closed a con-
tract last night for time erection or n new
thoter building , with a satng capacity of
2,200. The theater will be jOx10 feet , and
wIll be built just west oC the Young len's
Christian association building . oa the prop'
erty owned by ElIzabeth 1 Durren and Guy
C. Barton . The entrances will be on Douglas
street Just east of the Harbach proertr.
There will be slxty.our square feet of exits.
Time front part oC this propert Is new occupied -
pied by three thtre- story flats , which are to
be turned Into stores and ofco rooms. The
west building wi be made time n1ln entrance
tf the new theater.
Work will be begun on the new building
March 15 , amid the house Is to be fInished
all ready for the public not later thln
August 29. In time for the opening ! or 1895-
06. Mr. Crawford will hl\ personal super-
vision of the construction of the house , and
It will be lS finely apportioned lS any public
. .
play house In the we.t.
Mr. Crawford his leased the ground for
ninety-nine years , and Is quite juhllnt at his
success let securing such 1 desirable location.
Never trust the spurious baking powders.
Use only Dr. Prlce's. It's pure , strong , sure
and wimolesomne
llnhgo 1lceIAC !
The following marriage Icen , s were Is-
sued yesterday :
Nnmo and Address . Age.
Christ Nelsen , Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . Age.
Ela Johlen ; , Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . O
Frank Pesek Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Mary Itaiter Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
Thomas Hart . South Omha . . . . . . . . 3G
Mary Lyons South Omaha . . . . . . . . . 2
Valentine Pietrucime Omahl . . . . . . . . z
Agnes KOHlol , Omlhl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Cnrten Cnrstels , Omahl . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Karolne lloukowsky , Omaha . . . . . . . . 2t
Nick W'eber , Keolml . Ia. . . . . . . . . . . 2
Anna Heinig , Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . :
Dr. Learned . \Voman's club Tuesday p.
m. Strong motherhood need for strong dm116-
hood. _ _ _ -4 _ _ _ _
1.001111 for . Lost 'Jewelry.
1nrslml Hardenblool , of Exirn , Ia. , was
In the city yesterday attempting to gain
some trace oC parties suspected at being 11-
Is n 1m'fee ! food fat' II"allls. I
Is also It umedicimme. I cOllalns
07one mimi Guaiacol 'l'hese llw
mippetite. Allete creates : 11t'-
aim for food. Cod Liver Oil-tIme
lam sk or 07111810n-8Ul)111s It.
I Is the best nutrient kimo\s'ii. By
nutrielt Is ( nll\t : Inythln ; that
IH'onlles growth 111 I lllirs )
wmuste. 0701\18101 10s tiIii4
. 'I'ha's why 11\111s 1. it. 'i1hmQy
1. I nlo because It Is easy ! t !
take . etuy' to digest , easy to lS-
Iihhiilitte. ; This Illws I n pcrfect
food . 'Ihel It docs 10 ! 1tIHlu (
like ollllll' ' COl Ih'I' Oils. Does
not CIIHe et'iietmltiomIM , thnt I s ,
1lIehll of w'Iutl { rout lIme slom-
. DOgH imoum'im.mhi i'oti''sim
ach. I lol'lsh , refllsh.
' uumiti ( ' ' . ' .FIimit'i
utt'oumgtimemi t 1111 : fO'1 f 'lhn
II0tWI' reROI why It's : I Ill:1
fond for sick IleOIII Hit to\ (
IHl beyond mill It Is hcst , lot . Iw
cause Is Imsls Is COIl r4ivo' Oil ,
hit ! ) PCIISU I. 1 eOltlllH t I OZOIO OHl
( iiiaimucoi. 'J'hul'l 'J'll 10111. )
'J'hu's o'liy
Physicians Prescribe It
- forOo'h9O id' , Oon9umption , Bron- ,
ohitis , AsthmD , the afor Offb of
Pneumonia and Ln Gripe and toll
Pulmonary mplaintsl ; 1c'ofulo ,
General Debltj , L'8S of Flesh , An-
aemia and nn Wn9tug DecaS3S ,
. KUHN & CO" ,
15th t DOIlns 5tH. . Omnhn.
(1 ' i'Jouuner ot Iow
I ' 7I' , Prlccs II
I g , " ' -
I : O I.I.\ ,
Full : Set o [ Teeth , $5 ; Waranted \ to Fit
'reetim extractMi and put , 11 san\ day. Ovid and .
' 'rectl ( All' ' y i-'iIings. I , 811'I'r ) 1'"llnls. $ ,
l'urt , iiOlii U : lOut , t'I""S. G 10 U-22k Iii mug' ,
. ,
'I'cttii 10 Icr , 1,11 1'ln.'sl work , ul\I's. 3.1
FloHr'laXlon 111k. . lelh fnd 1"1111. , Tti. 108 ,
1..11Alvll NIN'l'
" /
- , - , - , .
IleatCl In thl robbery of Thinrnish's jaw-
Irv store In that place , n week ago
' 'hl lirprictor \ the jewelry store left
118 Illace of IJ IJes9 to go to supper anti
/'ns not gone more than twenty'ttvcm iiiiil-
ites , Before leavln he turned on the day
: omlinatol , to his Safe neil hut hi ! most
mluable jewelry In there for faCe keeping
When he retlrne,1 , he fOln,1 that the safe
III been ol\ned anti nearly all ( ( his tock ,
uIountl ! to $1,811. ) " toiemm. Time thle\'e took
thong his books and , Invoice imuimers : , destroy-
ng . all Possible clew ni to tue t itlentiflentlomi
Jr the Jewelry ' . 11 case It ilentllnton
rime robbers tlrove ! to Atlantic . twenty miles
\\n ' . al11 put imp lt a hotrl. The otem
were \ close 01 their trail . and beCole muonmm-
Ing loud mann Cl to IrreRt one of the party ,
narNI Hlc\'ls. The otimors . n mnn ummiti I
: lissoltote womnn , got wind oC the II'xlll nnc '
Jr the oml'en RII male , their escape witim
\bout fG wOlth of the jewelry . wih
Inreenbrolc has RPcurel1 Il clew that the
\omnn Is In Umnhn or Coulel lur . but
poured her mnle companion leems to have 11snll'
Nebraska Mnte ! II tlrlcRI Sncllt . ,
An adjoure,1 session oC thc nlnetclnth
nnnunl mcetlg of the Nebraska StAte IIR'
turlcal society wi be hell 01 the evenln Ref
of Jnnlar ' 15 amid . 16 , 11 the chapel oC the
S ate . Inlvcrpl . I.tleoll , nt 8 o'clock \ , with
tlmt' foliowlmir
Cololln Ilrorm
.Jnnunr ' lIPI csimlemmt's annual niltlress .
"The ' Ilollcr 10lHIsI eslllnt's I ! amid 'rhl'lr al1lres
In the ' 1crUor ' oC Nebllslm 11 l55 1SM
all ] 8:7. Inll tl I ! ! eRuls ; n l'muraliei Ile-
tweel lnqt IUHl lrlsent Fnl aries . " J. Slel'
In ! Mortomm I . NbrnRlm Cl . : "Sioux Ohnst
Dances , " 1.V. . eoll ' . Bentl'lcl' ; 'A Me-
tl0'lnl or I. . H. Simryoclc . " J. N. , Iohnson ,
Lincoln ; "Some 1' Jt\etn from Early Iocml-
mmmemmts " prellare,1 by' F. flail . rend by' time
sClletnn' . t\
Jnnlar ' ] r."FreIHhtlnIn ] SG , " Moses 1
SYcenlm , Iarner ; " ] ! mlllllcnees of time
'hlr,1 , .lmmdicial District . ( rom 1857 to 1861 , "
I' : . \\'nlceley' , Ornhn : " ' 1he lonca 1)llns. "
Jay Alnos Ialet. I 1.lncoll : Hcmlnlscelces
hmy' ell settlers ; elccton of olcel" ! an,1
trnuismmotiomm oC such other btmsimmess '
trn nton . busiless ns mmmny'
heCol'e .
come t Iw Foellt
Tile Stlte 10rteulurl Ioclct . will hell
its seRRlons at the State umnio'tirsity on the
15th . , ] ih nn,1 , lith oC .llnuI1' . Its FeRIloIS
wi be hel,1 , enl ' 11 the Corenoon ! nu,1 tufter-
noons , hegllnln 'leselnr nelloon and
elHllg 'huI'slny ( orenool ,
lnrcleroll ilk "Ifo ' 11,1 , Motiuen-Imi-1ay.
GAINESVILLE . Oa. , , lnn. 7-A negro
moamnodVare . livimig ' lumtmgnmm . '
\'arl. Ivllg lel' lunlal. mmmiii'-
eleree his wlCe antI mothel'-In-III anti then
bured lila honse Satl'hl : ' night. Il WIS
nrl'csted In ! nl IJlncC Iii jail herl thl" mmmonmi-
A Sample Packlge (4 ( to ' doses ) 01
Dr. Perce's2
Pleasant Pellets
To al ) ole sCliblg I1a111e and addrcss
tiS Oi a poslal ( are'
.Ifence broadcast . our objel i sCldilg them oaf
- - - - - - ON TRAL , _ - -
They absolutely cure Sick headache . 1311-
10lsncss , Commstipatiomm Coated Tofmgime . Poor
Appetite . Dyspcpsia amid kindred derange-
mcnt of the Stonmachm . Liver and Dowels.
Don arc t sOle substute said to be
" t . ' ' .
'j1iI as good. .
The substul rests the dealer less.
It COStS you ABOUT 'he same.
HIS , rft is in 'he "jlst as good. "
Address for Vnmm : SUlrLI
WOI'ld's Dispensary Medical AssodaUOD ( ,
No. 66J MaIn St. . nUFPALO , N Y
Sy p fFQS
. . f , " : ,
BoUt the menull anti rem1ts : when
Syrup of Figs is tnken ; it is p1ensnnt
amI rofreshilg to the tsh , 811(1 nct
genty 'ot prmJtly ) on the hidiboys ,
' tholno)6
L'i'cr and )
l.ivC' Bowd ! , cleatiseg the Bj'S-
tm efeotualy , d iSJols ) lohls ! ) head-
ChCR nHl fevers 811(1 cureH habitual
constipation , Sj'rup of Fig ! is the
only rcmedy of its kinl o\el produced ) -
duced ( , pleasing to the taste 1\1 nc-
ceptnhlo ) to the Itollnch , prompt in
its ; action anti ti'iilv henelcal in Its
effect , " ; , prepaled only from the most
hiealthiyaiid ngrcealIeuullhstalIces , its
many excelent tlUalties ( commend it
to all mid have huRtle i tile most
popu1al ) rcmedy known. .
SYIUp of Figs is for sale in IO
cent bottles hy nil leading : ll'Iig- . . .
gits. Any reliable lhuggist who
may not have it on hanlf wi procure -
cure it promptly for any ono who
wiRhcs to try iL Do not accept any
StlbStithht.C .
Coloolal Chairs1
\tltl1il1iI \
- - '
You want ono of these In your library 01 - -
living room. 'Fimoy have grown to be as mueb
a necessary part of the furniture of a mnomlers
house as a piano or a leather easy chair ,
There are over fifty different styles , all
copies of genmmimme colonial origimirmls , but tom
time three essentIals of comfort , beatmty of
outline , amid historic suggestiveness timero 1 *
no pattenmi so PoPular 115 thIs.
It embodies time hugh back with time gal'
lery back above , time "dug' or recessed seat
time broad aria rests , time tapenimmg cross.
braces , time nearly co-cry well kimovn featur (
of tIme 18th century construction ,
lYe take special pains with tIme marquetrg -
at our colonial , franmes , and at time how prict
at which we araselling timeso clmair there It
nothing timat can coummparo with timemn at tbt
price iii thus country ,
Charles Shiverick & Co. ,
FURNITURE of Every Do3oriflh.1
Tcnmporary Loo.itmm ! ,
22C.J nhid 'OS IoitWlzms , Strocs
A Iow Orogoll Colony.
w. C. Tilison , a veI1 known bnsincs ; man of Kearney ,
Nebrar1a , is organizIng a colony to take U residence on scv-
eral thciusand acres of land in the heart of the far famed '
Willatnette Valley , almost under the shadow of the capitol o
It is the finest body of land in Lhat fine country.
The colony is making up of people of all trades and prod
fessions . With a fruit farm of a few acres at the bottom ,
working men , merchants and professional men arc absolutely
sure to better their condition , in going with him. 'ilicre is land
enough for 500 families ; over TOO have already engaged trans
portation . , ,
Mr , "I'ilson will be at our office , room 101 Bce BuilWng , for
a few days. I-Ic will engage a civil engineer , a goDd accountant -
ant , a foreman , and ten or twelve laborers for steady work. ,
All must have means to join the colony , as the owner of a
piece of its land.
Parties wishing to take tracts in this colony under our home
guarantee contract system will be given special terms in this
tract this week. ,
Farmers can take farms in any stage of improvement
ol any size tip to ioo acres at farm land prices.
, -
Room 101 , Bee Building.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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U1DAPO $ ( \
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Iti'.I J,1'ii i mom ii tvr. cm
Nmri on. uIe.ims. ammt.u Siemuttu- , ,
I'iurcs $ Hiimlrsm.ui , imiutuy ii'-
Our recortl of actual and tmmmb'n ) I4 rules ( 'C . imu. . ott' . , caunil Iy e ' . ' 1 , . . I msuul stem
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' . Is pimenonmentilVe ru imlumli miI unsd. lo tt .uui.u umgsm , scj iuinI $ limseruir restores
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nimi eratIiratO lImo i'ui "a Ci am time I.u.t. 31 iLo.i It t,14 ir 3 uuuC. Iusim - u In vsI
It : Imea free ( 'uto guarontt'tl , i'D'met. ' ' ' * , ( ) , kogs. smzcra.mooeImm , , .
in DO dais
ystemui , 93) t , ; ,3o Wdnodu's amid Satimr- , , , , , . , , , , ' Shin , ;
hours 1 um a ii tLu tutit luusi ' ) ium I N i' I'll I
da' , 9 , p. m. ) uur drtiggbt tuuus nut got it. iue oymi ) semi Ii ; ur"psii ,
iIItituul IcJIoal ( b , i'rvn. . , ( itsjq , iii. , irsr..jii ,
ThE 1)INSMOOII htlII1)Y GO , , l01.i ) by Kuimim & Co , Cor mymim anti hougta' 11s. ,
flmLl j. A. Vmmlimr & Co. , Con , itli alum )
812 New 'York Life , Omaha , Neb , ts. , olMM , : u
. _
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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For mtie ; by all I"it'.t. CIzts Imalor. IolumitmIacttmm' . t
l"ittvi'y No. JOI , t31. LoulbMo ,
- - , ' - - - - , - . . . , - . ,