Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 08, 1895, Page 3, Image 3

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: . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' l'IE O LIA , DiULY . . nEE : T1ESDAY . , , T A"U Any 8 , 1895. _ _ _ _ 3 I
Dtlveed by cattier to any pnrt ot the cU , .
,1. W. TILTON , Lesue.
TflLtP1IONES-I3usInu3 omec . No. 4 : nlghl
tdlor , ? lo. 23.
- -
4i.on , 1Il. " T1u. ' .
Grand , hotel , Council fluffs , reopened Oct. 1.
Mnyne Hen I rstnte aRency , 6 : : Droadw ) ' .
. Ior Rent-Large pivate ban near court
" Ilouge. Apply nt lee omce.
Several new memhers were allllol ( , to tha
OnKrehrtonal church Sunday morning.
The case of Orcene ngnlngt Hnncoclt was
on trial In the superior court yesterday ,
p. J. Maloy , the obstreperouf newshoy ,
was discharged by JUlIle lcGe ye3terday. .
The squatter contempt case was fnlsheJ
tcrday. and submitted In the district court yes-
A case of Fcarlet fever was reported ) 'es-
. . ' terday at 1000 Seventeenth stre t , Thomas
Jane , a 9-'e3.ohl boy , being the victim.
Mr. Charles T. . leebc nHI ) Miss Annn Cut-
le both of Motiaie , were married January
7 In this city , ltes ! . C. hooker oflIciatng.
The funeral of Dr. Thomas Jererls will
take Place Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'cl3ek
- ; al the residence on 1.'letcher avenue , Rev.
. - E. J. Babcock olilciating.
Judge , Smith heard nrHumcns yesterday In
a case which Is broucht by the creditors
of Jales I.ooby & Co. to have a setlement
of a chattel mortgage by the asslHuee. In
favor of tIm Fenlor .ooby [ , set nslde. The
, court overruled the moton. !
Dave Daley Is the name given by a mal
, . who tried to sell some goods to J. C. 1)rake .
. . 321 Oal ( ' street , yesterday. lie was arrested
' for pedtllll without a license. Amonl his
elects were five pairs ot ladleR' kid gloves ,
six neckties ! nlll three suits of unllerwear ,
which the Ilolce think \ ere stolen.
Articles of incorporation were filed wth !
the county recor.ler . yesterday by the Coun- i
ci lur Mutual lullln ant loan [ . apso- I
ciation . with a caillnl stock of $1,000.000
The board of director for the current year
IR cOllIOtetl of A. T. Plcklnger , C. H. Jud-
lon , P. J. lay , 1' . C. DeVol and J. M. lar-
The meetings at the Baptist church , under
the leadership of 11ev. L. G. Brown , are Increasing -
. creasing rapidly In Interest , and n great deal
of good Is nntclpJte,1 to result from them ,
Mr. Brown Is a heaker of great poWer , and
his , which have
srmons have so far been aimed
only nt prGessed Christians , are causing a
great awal < nlng. This evening ho wi
preach to moral People.
The PoHawaHamle County FruIt Growera' -
and Gardeners' associaton have Passed I res-
elution tendering thanks to the ladles oC the
Christian church Mr. J , M. Matthievs . the
" ' PolawHamlO County Poultry and Pet Stock
' \ asscintlon . Medamea Hol and Mulhla . Mr
\ , anll Mrs. C. A. Atkins , Miss N010 Pralney ,
p. . Wheeler & Herald , L. Prouty ant Sylvester
Bros. , for assistance In their late exhibit.
The Young Men's Christan asoclaton
heM its Irst meeting Sunday afternoon at the
rooms at the corner of Broatwny and Main
streets. About sixty-five men were presnt ,
and the meeting was an interesting one.
Harry Curtis , who has come to assist the as-
oclate'n In getting on Its fed , mate some
remarks which were adapted to the occa-
sion , and aroused the enthusiasm of the
friends of the organization In marked
' t & ' frlents gre ! organizaton a marle te-
" w \v. D. Proctor , the insurance man who has
hall considerable trouble In crImInal courts
lately , had another dose of rlc Saturday ,
when tIm Council lura Carpet company ,
Myers.Durfee , and ' ,
MyOrs-Dnrf mpany Peters-n &
Schoning pall his house on South Seventh
' : ' street a visit and levied on nearly everything
It contained. The furniture , which was
valued at several hundred dollars , hat never
been palr for , ant the owners took the only
course that sI2mell to present Itself. .
The Broadway Methodist church Is observIng -
' ' Ing the week of prayer by holding cottage
'r' prayer meetings at the homes of the members
i Ild others all over the city. Meetings were
held last Ihht ; at the hionies . of Mrs. Grif-
fhs , C. M. liar ! and Mrs. 11. R. Jones.
" Meetngs wil bo held this evenIng al Mrs.
GrimLhts' , P. U. Orcutt's and Mrs Cold-
well's. At Orcutt's and '
WlI's. Orcul's Caldwel's the meet-
Ing are at 8 o'clocl and at Mrs. Griufithis'
lt :30. : . larry Curtis leads. the meeting at
Mrs. Caidwehl's and 11ev. henry at
the other places mentioned .
c ii. O. Cook and S. T. Waler. the newly
elected Justices of the peace , took charge of
theM oncls yesterday. Mr. Owl was as-
sited In the process of Inalaton by his
. .elow JIPtC ! Ovldo Vlen who had been
through thO process himself anti exhibited a
ghulsh glee In seeing Cook go through the
mysterious rites that ushered hIm Into office.
One of the dampers on the tra d good feel-
log that now exists In the Judicial circles of
ICan townshlp Is the fact that I new law
- . "venl Int ! effect January 1 , by which the Jus-
lces are required to turn Into the county all
fees which come Into their hamla In excess
of $ i,200 In cItes of betwee 20.000 and
30,000 population . The board cf supervisors
whii probably have to decide whether the
lecde tht Jus-
tC03 have to pay their once ret and coal
bis out of the $1.200 , or shaH be allowed a
811 for contingent expenses. This question ,
. . . , . howl\'tr. will nct come up before the next
meeting of the board .
Wo have $100,000 to loan upon Improved
farms In Iowa and w1 take all the gilt.
edged loans offered at low rates We do
nol want wild lands , Ind wi not loa I In No
bra k3. . I.OUS0 & Towie 235 Pearl street.
Telephone :0. 45 for A. D. T. mnes500gers ,
wagons or carriages. No. 23 Main St.
' The laundries use Domestic soap :
. J'lW'U.-r I..fIt.iUIfl'flS. *
11ev. I. L. Moorehiouse 1) . D. . Is vlEltng
the fatally of his brother , 11. L. Morehous ,
I In this city.
JUdge Smith and leporter Drulngton leave
this morning for Hell Oak , where they will
open 1 term of district court.
F' . F. ( llanll , formerly with the UnIon
" l'acitlct In this city , now at Gimore , Neb " , Is
In the city visiting hum friends
Mrs. M , L. IrvIn has gone to Zanlsv1e , 0. ,
In respCnse to a telegram announcing the
. serious Illness of her brother , H. I. Wliiey .
. - , 101. J , D. I Yeomals , the new member of
time Interstate
ConlnOree commission , was
II the city yesterday , and btopped at time
, Orand. I
x-eounty Attorney Organ Is planning aim II
extended trip to New York anti , other eastern
cities In the mar ulure. After he has fin-
ihed I lie wil return to Council lurs anti
open UtI n law olco herr. 118 wIfe ( and cliii-
, - dron wil still make theIr home In Neola.
"When Ihe frost Is on the pumikln" eat
griddle cakes cooked with Dr. Prlcc's flaking
Purder. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Domesto soap brooks hard water .
TWtlo YOllg Ant hora .
Time time for handing In manuscripts In I
e ; the " . " '
"prbo story contest" announced several
weeks age by 11ev E. W. Allen expired Sat.
urllny nigh I. Mr. Allen has twelve stories .
wrlHn by the youthful Ilterati , which will
bo turned over to the Judges , Prof. IIV. .
8aw'er. Prot. E. I. Hothert and Prof. Ioul-
lon , The 111'lze of $0 will bo awarded by
thel ,
Hb rll"n Co.I.
This new coal from WyomIng for sale '
only by 1. A. Cox 31 Main street Telephone
. 48. Ask for clrculors.
Gas cooldl\ ; stoves for rent and for sID at
Gus Co.'s office .
around oil cake $1.30 hhd , at Morgan &
CO.8 drug . bture , 134 Broadway .
I Ilnrrl" ! , LIceii'tc.
The following marriage licenses were II-
; rued b ) the county clerk yesterday :
name and Addreu. Age
. . . Charles I. hover Papllon , Neb . . . . . :
. .j. " Jel'lhl Ayer . i'apiiiion \ , Neb . . . . . . . . . . 19
o' " C. I. Ileebe. 10111" . Ia . . . . . . . . . . . . :
. Anna eutler. : lodnll Iii . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
" ' J. V. Koholt , Council Iluf . . . . . . . . . . 26
ICltte Artlose , Council 1Iur . , . ! . . . . . 2
' Try Iaglo laundry , 7:4 Broadway , for good
" w \ rk. Our rcthln gloss finish can't bo
beat. but we do strictly han,1 , work domestic
fnIsh. when Ilhfcrrue Tolephoue 151.
P : uberoren UI DOlcsto lOP
. . . . . _ . " .
. ' " ' 1.
. " .W .I . ; _ " . ' _
Onlcd Upm : to Settle n Numbtrofmpor-
taut Questons ,
X,1 Meter tan ( " time : terher to ! Jnf"lon
Limit , \clrlY nt lie m 1"I ure -Ollhl
Bridge anti , ' erm'naCom' \
t'I , ' . Coml.lalnl ,
The city councIl met In regular monthly
sessin last evening , with Mayor Cleaver an :
Aldermen lrewlck , Ooon , Grahl , Keller ,
NIcholSon , Ishton anti White preent
Among the bills presented was . that of the
Gas anti mectrlc Light company . one of the
Items c which was $63 , for light at the city
buildIng . A now meter hal , Just , b , ' : : put
In , anti It semetl to he nn opel i question
whether soma clerk had mails a mietaks In
figuring , or the meter hall sat up nights
t real off aniperes Thl nll was finally
allowed , with the exception of this enl Item ,
which was rerred to the light committee
for inveatgation. ! ,
Thc commllee to which was referre.I the
Ilctltc oC time Omah3 Bridge anti TermInal
company for a reduction of sessment c.n , Its
bridge , reported that the assessment was
only 61 ( r cent of that of time motor bridge ,
anti : : S per cent of the Union I'aclfc. which
showed that the assegsc hall taken Into con-
shlerJtkn the facts NnteJ In the petition .
The report alh'er.e to the petition , was con-
curfJ In.
Th13 ordinance vacating South Seventh
street was again laid over for one month.
An ordllnce imposing penaly of not
mere than $3 for any dealer exp.sIng for s31e
any loaves of breall welghtn ! less than tWln-
ty-our ounces was read , anti letn Smith
asked Its PJ9 ! saying that that weight
ha been seWed upon by the bakers of Coun-
ci IhitmiTs . , OIAha anti , South Omaha. The
rult were susllenllel , anl the ordinance
passed , whereullon : Ir. Smih agreed to set
imp the pie
An orllnance was read , regulating thc levIn ) ' -
lag and colect ! oC taxes for the paving of
streets and alleys. It was' modeled on the
new ordinance about to be hiassed by the Des
[ assel )
Iolnes city council , and Is Intened to sops-
rate the Ipeclal taxes from the general , In
order that the unpaid amounts for paving
may not bo nlrcd to the city Inlleblednes3
By this crdlnanc the contractor Is required
10 sign nn express waiver of any claim :
against thl city . aOl Is enabled to collect
directly from the abutting property owners.
I wat' read once , and then laid over unll
Saturday night , when another meelng Is to
bo held.
Anna ! ! . St-phenson presented . a claim of
$2,500 damages for n brolen limb. the result
d 1 fail cn a piece of defective sidewalk , at
the corer of Malln avenue and Stahl
street , Oeotber 20 , 1894. I was nol aihowed.
T. J. Evans presented a communication
stating that the brick usel In paving Oak-
hand avenue were not equal to the samples [
furalshed with the biti . anti suggesting that
some measures be taken to repair any bricks
that mlghl prove defective from wear or
frost. 1 was placed on file.
A communicaton was read from J. R.
Webster oC time Omaha Bridge & Terminal
nalway company , which stated , that their :
superintendent had been circulating around
among the owners of property abutting emi
UnIon avenue and found that they were
outspoken In their promises to "imoid up" the
company and compel It to pay for their
property This , hC said , was not this sort of
treatment thel had expected from the people
of Council Bluffs ant would undoubtedly
delay the company's plans.
Mayor Cleaver suggested that the city
might order the street brought to grade In
case the property owners refused to allow
the work to g on , In which case hI thought
the property owners would b mora willing
to acquiesce In the company's desires. Alder-
mun Nicholson thought this would merely
precipitate n'squabble , out or whIch no gee
would come , and several other aldermen con-
curred In his vIew. The communication was
placed on file.
place fe.
The meeting adjourned till Saturday.
"After the l3ahl"-an ice and ale rasell :
with Dr. Price's Baking Powder. AlWs
refroshlng. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
lUre. F. Clark . Sooth lyel and Worker or
ZtIystcric ' , In limo TolI .
Deputy Sheriff Fulen of Sioux City has
been going through a lively chase for the
past few days In the attempt to locate Mrs.
F. Clark . a clairvoyant who has been worl-
hug the boom city fet all It Is worth for
several wecks. Mrs. Clark advertised her-
self as the possesosr of second sight and
as a gooll person to tin to. She succceded
In gUlng about fifteen people In Sioux City
whose credibility exceeded their good Eense.
Among them was a washerwoman , who
bought what Mrs. Clark called a "lucky
belt , " Mrs. Clark representing that If the
owner would purchase a ticket In any lot-
tory she would . draw a capital _ pize : every
time The waslrwoman' paid $25 In casH
for It , besides pawning her watch wlh Mrs.
Cark for $20. and giving a note for $ ; more.
The washerwoman found that the htmcky belt
hall no appreciable effect In slueezlng money
out of time lottery commny [ , and so was ready
for revenge , 'ali swore out 1 warrant for
Mrs. Clarlt's arrest , charging her with obtaining -
taining money tinder false pretenses
Mrs. Clark accompanied by her husband
and lto chid , hove Into sight over the
Northwestern railway Saturday and would
have been met al the Broadway depot by
Sheri Hazen , but they went on to the tr3ns-
ler Instead of stopping at the Broadway
repot , to which Point they had checltel their
baggage. At time transfer It was learned
that they hal Induced the baggageman to
give them checls on their baggage to Chicago
over the Ilwauke road , In exchnnge for
the checks they held , and had then left for
Chicago. A telegram was sent the officials
nt Tama City to arrest the woman and to
wire Sheriff Davenport at Sioux City. TIM
was done Sunday , and that night DepuJy
Sheri Fulen went to Tama City to gel
his prisoners.
Mrs. Clarl Is said to bo one of the smooth-
est confidence galeiters that has ever plyed
her trade In the state. She was In Council
Bluffs for some little tlo about two years
ago , and stopped at the Scott house on Norh
Main street. registering under the name
of Mrs. F. Frencim . She worker the city as
a clairvoyant ant Hucceedell In wringing a
goer many harll shekels out of the gulble
public. About the same time she worlrl
In Sioux City , anti went through pretty
nearly time same Ilrogram as on this occa.
sion _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I.ost-Detwecn Fourth street alI Wiow
avenue amid lrs , George Phelps' residence ,
corner Seventh street and First avenue
( goln1 through park ) , one pair gel eye
glasses , with fine gold chain and pin at-
tachmed. Finder return to lOI Broadway and
receive liberal reward.
Flfy-l'hr. . Enrolled . '
The night school began operatons on the
thlri floor of the noomcr buIlding last enn-
log unller the instruction of MIss Anderson ,
lately of Ill dalc , Ia. The opening was far
better even than was expected for ffy-three
younG people were pre&nt to begin work.
Nine of these were young ladies ' 'ho ages of
the pupils range apparently from 10 to 22
years. None of them are compelled by theIr
parents to atend , but thal they all como because -
cause they want to learn was evident last
evening Superintendent Sawyer's face was
wreathed In smiles as he sahl , " 1 told you
EO , " for he remembered how long he had had
to work before the sohool board would allow
tIme scheme to be tried . lie and Colonel Daley
made sonic brie remarks The bginning
was made under the most auspicIous circum-
stances and those In charge are confident
that another room wi he nlded before long.
latory. arithmetic , geographY , fudlng , writ-
lag and grammar will be tauhit . Seulons
wi be hell every evning , cxccpt-
log Saturlay , front 7 to 9:30 p. m.
ICimlghts or I' , ' thlu ; , " .
The members of St. Albuu's lo"ge No 17 ,
Knights of 1)'Ulla. together with aCe\
111'lell friends of tIme muoulne pcrlu8lol ,
tnJoK aim evcqlng oC pleasure hUl even-
big In the lodge rooms In the Merriam block.
. > . . . ' - , . t _ . ' -
Abolt ll gentlemen assembled Cn the rooms ,
whIch arc among time cosiest In the city ,
and after the officers hail been installed
played cards , smoked , anti enjoyed them-
selves generahiy . The following Is the list
of ofcers Installed by J. M. Sennlnn , n. i ) .
( I. C. : J. S. Pool , P. C. : Ed ii. OU , C. C :
G. M. ICelar , V. C. : D. E. Stuart , I' . : W. A ,
Stone , M. of J' . : T. J' . DeGroat , M. of g. :
J. A. Shoemaker , M. of A. : C. U. Washington -
ton , I. G. : henry Darnel. O. O.
10S10S STOl :
lrlcc Ietuce.l ultlt tn Clo . o Stock Out , 011 LInes anti
Lathes' nonshrlnklnj underwear , worth
The , reduced to Mc cncim
6ro untierwear reduced to 39c.
Our regular 60c quality gent's underwear
reluccl to 3ge eaclm
Oenl's heavy wool shIrts and drawers ,
worth 760 , reduced to 50c eaehm
Lathes' flue all wool union suIts , In natural
anll black , reducell from ' 3.00 to $1.10.
Iatlies' fine wool vests , In grey and wlmite ,
regular $1.l ) quality . reduced to The each.
lOc Iinaly ladles' cashmere hose , 3c , or
thrc Ialr ; for $1.00
lIe and U.OO quality ladies' flue cashmere -
mere hose , 48c 1 pair .
Ciiiltlrcn's flue cashmere hose reduced
front 50c to 2ic n p,1lr.
10 mmUCTlN l. mmss OOOOS.
7lc English ladles' coth , 6 Inches wide ,
reduced to 39c a yard.
nil lot of fine dress paters , worth from
$4.5 to $6.00. to close , ' 2.98.
$2.60 quality Boucle cloaking , to close ,
$1.60 a 'arll.
See bargains offered In black dress oods.
lOWLEH , DICK & \V4tKElt
. Council fliuffs.
Sumcrtlstirtt ; Iii
The County Board of Supervisors met yes-
terlay , with Iembers S. D. WaJsworth ,
Perry Kearney , John Cnrrle , I. D. Denter
anti Il. O. Auld liresemit. The board was (
ganlzed for the eOllng year by thE ! election
of S. B. Wndgworth ns lrcsitlemit. Quite a
bunch of claims were fed by property ewn-
crs , who paid taxes durIn/ time years 1888 ,
1889 anti 1890 , for the : mi rebate which
wa coring to them on account < f thO excessive -
cessive levy during those ) ' The claims
aggregated abut $700. The board ha\lng
Jtt : with Shen & Oal\ln , ha\o established
a Ilrec"ent which wi have to bc followed
out In all other like cases. I Is expected
that 1 large number of other claims will be
fed bet" : en now anti the April meeting . anti
an Immense amount c work will have to be
done In time Inl' of checking up the claIms
with the hooks of the county treasurer.
James : McCabe wih a committee of members -
bers of the Broadway lethOlst church , al- [
pearcl before tIme board and asked that Claus
Thompson's salon be closed , on the gruel
that It was within the required distance from
the church The board dlscusse thO mat-
ter , anti finally .care to the conclusion that
they hal no jtmristiictlcn . They suggested
that the ITetton be taken to the county attorney -
ney , anti there Is not much doubt that he will
be calM upon to t : lend his official aid In cbs.
Ing the establishment.
The bonds of a large number or justices of I
the peace , township clerks ontO county 0111- '
cers were approved , among time latter those of
County Clerk F. L. need , for $20,000 ; ne-
corter W. : . Shepard , $10,000 , and Auditor
J. : . Mathews , $10,000.
0 , what a treat ! Maple Fyrup and waf-
flea cooked wih Dr. Prlco's flaking Powder.
\'elplll that U.\.o K tiled.
SherI Hazen exhibited a grewsome colec-
ton of weapons at one sort and another , which
hat been turned over to him by John P.
Organ , the outgoing county attorney , In accordance -
corranco with the provisions Qr the statules '
Among them was the revolver with which 'I
Hank Hal killed his wife over four years
ago. Tied up with It was the pen knife I
wHh which hall made an Ineffectual attempt ,
to end his own existence , after he had com-
mite the bloody crime ; The revolver , with i
which 'Vllam Doartz Idled John Denahay
In a salon on Lower Broadway was there ,
with the one that Thomas flroks used In
killing Frank DeGoode In the "Ducket of
Blood" saloon , and thl one with which Rev.
0 M. Helmick of Neol slew Charles Palmer.
The razor whIch William ' Madison flourished
at a Danish dana Q South Main street
five years ago , and the revolver wimichi In
Peter Hansen's hands , sent a bullet crashing
through Madison's headl a few seconds later
occupIcd 1 bundle by themselves. Deshl
these were the little bottle or strychnine
which lawhor , the Page county blue beard .
so.cled , was charged with using In creating
uxorial vacancies In his household , a villain-
Otis 10I < ng knife with a blade six Inches
long , whIch Frank Crane plunger Into the
back of a man named Phiips at Manawa ,
and I revolver tke from Charley Wilson ,
time Boston store burglar soon to be electro
cuted at Sing Sing. These relics have been
accumulating In the county uttrney's once
for six years past. They will be kept In the
sheriff's omc for I time , aol wi then proba-
bly ba put up at acton and knocked down . to
tIme highest bidder.
Lost , Saturday night a black Cocko
spaniel ! ; answers to name of Fritz , and wore
1 black leather collar. A suitable reward
will be given for his return to Jr _ E. E.
Hart , 629 Willow ave.
Flvo l"r { 'emit .
day DIscount evening on , water January bills 10. until I o'ckck Tllrs-
: Fitt , ; Time aim the Nortuvotern.
Paul Pickering , the well wown engineer
on the Northwestern , had an excitng run In
from Doone Sunray afternoon. A special car
was attached to the fast mal at Chicago for
the accommodation of - theatrIcal troupe that
showed there Saturday nlghl and was booltl
for an appoarnce In Omaha Sunday night.
This overloaded the train , and when It ar-
rived at Boone It was forty minutes behln'
time. The special car was accordingly left
at noone for No. 7 . which was following close
behind to bring to Onmahma . and Pickering
was given instructions to bring the fast mal
In on time If such a timing was among the
possibilities. His famous engine 627. was
broughl out anti the race against time was
commenced . Seven slops were mare on Ihe
way by delays In handling time mal , that at
Missouri Valey being nine minutes In lenllh ,
Inll another at Carrel of almost the santo
duraton , Time rest of the time was spent In
hustlng by telegraph poles at a faster gait
than has over been covered , probably , by any
train running between here ant Chicago. Mile
after mmmiio ' reeled off In ' .
mie was or fifty-five seconds.
The distance from Dunlap to Missouri Valley ,
twentyseven immihes . was cO\erel at a rate
thirty seconds better than a mile a minute.
The traIn amid Its preeous : load was brought
Into the transfer ( just five minutes behind
time , time entire dlstlnce between Boone anti
Council Dufs , 150 mies , having been tra-
versed In two hours and fifty-five mtnutes.
John Nelson , the freman , had been transferred -
forced two slays before from an engineer's
run , nll when time traIn pUlel1 In at the
transfer he was about as near a tuckered out
specimen of humaniy lS Is not often seen
ilirs . I'iimml 11(11Ullrlnlnt
The city authorities were busy ) yesterday
neroon looking for some way In which lie (
strong arm of the law could be brought down
upon Mrs . Rchard Paul whip lives at 2123
Sixth a\enu ! She was taken sick last Thur-
day , and a physicIan whom she called In pro
'nouncet the case dl\htherla. She caled I
doctor from Omaha wIth whom she was 'C-
qualnted , amid he said the case was nol dip'
'therla. Nevertheless , tIme housl had already
been quaraimtinetl . Saturday night Mrs. Paul
decided that she wanted to see her little gill ,
who had been sent to the house of ( friends In
Omaha and tO she went acres the river.
Marshal Ed I Cannlug , who lives next door
to her , found out she had gone anti straIghtway -
way notified her not to return . and also not-
fed the Omaha authprlles to see that she was
quarantined there. : otwlhstandlng all this.
Mrs . Paul bobher up serenely Sunday and
said she hall come homo to stay City Ator-
ney Hazelon was asked to draw up an Infer-
motion charging her with an infraction of the
rules of the Hoarll of health , but after he
had waded through several tons of law books
he announced that he cull timid no statute
that Just met the case. TI'o mayor , marshal
and city clerk tried their hand at I , but wah
little hotter success . When they separated
tile o\lnlol seemed to b that the city had a
law which provIded for quarantining contagious -
gious diseases . but none which would punish ,
those who broke over the regulatons when I
they saw fit , _ _ _ _ _
Hel tl Ucul J slate.
A real estate transaction , the conslderalon
ut .whlch 18 $ IOO.QOO , WJ COnSUllnatN yes-
terday. The parties to the deal Ire Dr , V.
n , ( krman anti General , ft. Dodge , the
later gentleman coming hate-pomessioa of 1
numb of valuable pieces of Inside city prop-
rty In exchange for 0 vey ; iirge anti valu-
tile . cattle ranch In Texas. If Is understood
that } ) r. Cotman wi op rt@11 this ranch In
connection . wIth those ho a1 dhy ! : ssenes In
W.omlng. The negolat \ In tbs deal
were pronotCI by tIme fIrM ' of Pusey &
Thomas of this city , tbrolg1' theIr Omaha
office. I. " . , "
Dais sels ! drugs paInts nt glass cheap .
DomestIc soap outlasts che'soap ,
TllWI , .1 ' .I 'k ' , IlI-u.
1Iothol or turler l'ut Imto1'raetlca by I
Unlrrn or tott , New York
NEW YOIC , Jan 7- lolt street , In
Chinatown , was the scene , of t a shocking
murder. The victim , Bridget Gorman , was
burned to death The murderess , named
I.lzzlo Brown anti known to tIme llolce as
"Lize . the Ian , " one of the most notorious
characters In that section , used R lighted
kerosene lamp for a weapon . 1lrln ) a
quarrel she threw the lan1 at her \'Iclm.
The lamp broke arid the oil set fro to her
clothing , and In an instant the unfortunate
woman was n mass of fianme. APparently
not a bIt mo\'c by her , Ireadul work , the
murderess stool for several moments watchIng -
Ing her victim writhe In aICn ) ' . and was
captured later by tIme 101ee. The victim
was burned bcyolli recognition before assIst-
once reached her and died wihin ten minute -
ute ! .
. - _ -
TUtu ( P SITIns.
Chler or I'olico nr Suulh tnhl : Uoos 00/1
" 'nrk with 1 ( ( 'nh'c1.
SOUTH EN1D , Oki , Jami 7.-James Smih
anti James Brown who lived '
anl 1\'e,1 twelve mies
southwest of Enid were In the city last night
In company wih two wonton Ioth hal six.
shooters belted nrounl them and all four
were tinder , the Inluence of liquor.
Night " -alchran Dion undertook to ar-
rest them when they drew their pistols mmd
\lstols anl
fled . lie went for Chief of Police \ Williams ,
who tried to arrest the men , when they drew
revoh'ers. Wllars ' was the quickest amid
shot both of thent Drown was Instant
kIlled , whlo Smith Is I10rtn1y wommmmded.
Intense exciement pre\'nls and I Is feared
that more killing may follow.
.Jllrt 'Vulls 11m Puck.
LOS ANGELES , Jan. 7.-Chlef of Police
Glass has receh'er a dispatch frol the warden .
den of the Joliet penitentiary askhll that
Edward I D. Steadman be m'etimrnetl there to
complete a seven year sentence for burAlary.
I Is quito likely that the crook wi be taken !
to San Quentn fIrst , as he escaped frol :
( Intro with 3 five-year sentence yet to serve.
Steatlan Is one of the two crooks arrested
on suspIcion of being the Ontario bank rob-
her and who turned out to be Innocent of
that crime but was an escaped cOI'lct.
Tnllh IUlr" by n I'lclman.
MONTROSE , Colo" , Jan. 7.-ews has Just
reached here that In a shooting affray at
Paradox Valley , Cam Young , a worthless
character , was killed by Thomas Pepper , a
ranchman. Pepper was seriously wounded.
Hllelh : JUlo,1 t'oimiptttlilo.
LAS ANIMAS , Colo. . Jan. 7.-Great ex-
ciement was caused here last night by Jose
Ramenlz and Santiago Compielto who drew
their revolvers and hogan shooting at each
other Compleldo was killed .
II.mbrr nr tint Cool GIJg Caught.
COFFEYVI.LE , Knit. , Jaim. 7.-Dud
Lucky , a member or the Cool gang . was
captured by Deputy Marshal Jimmerson at the
house of a friend In tM 'Choslta bottoms
near Muskogee , I. T. , SUnlay' ' Ilght.
- .
- -r
Aren't those cream puffs delIcious ? They
are prepared with Dr. . P lce'sfJaldng Powder.
. - t ( ISS.
Des Moines City COIICU Will COlnno Thor '
. _
to I.hluor Sellhl
DES MOINES , Jan. 7.Special ( T.elegram. )
-In the mulct law cti eJI the district
court today the ntorneYB tot the faon
men fed a motion ' tl qlia'sh further proceeding -
ceeding The balance of the tiny was con-
sumed In arguments 01 the moth
In the city council this morning aim
amendment to the mulct 'saloo 1 crdlnulce ! :
was submitted and referred to a coflimnittee
of the whole. I slpulntes that conlnltee flloon
nor place where Intoxicating 1'.IUOls arc
sold or kept for sale shall be Permitted to
) rmlled
keep In connecton therewih J lit thc same
room or In any ljolnlnl room or ) oml
I restaurant , eating ht use 'I lice Ilch
counter or to furnish to '
01 furnllh any person In mtaitl
place fuch kind of refreshments. The mat-
ter wi come up next 'rhlrHday evening.
The saloons have been In the nblt of late
or setting out elaborate Ilnches , which
lave not only been cXllenslve to themselves ,
but a letrlment to the Iestaurnnta , I Is
probable the practice will be stopped.
Jhitm'Iitti . \Ill' rkul Crimahioti
HARLAN , Ta. , JIm. 7.-Special.-Lewis ( ) . J.
Smith proH'leto [ or a feed 'nrll here , met
with I serlol/ accident Thursday . He hind
started on the traIn south , taking hlf gun
for a hunt. In Jumping from the train he
slipped anti tell on his forehead , crushing
his skull. Time doctors extracted seventeen
pieces of the frontaL bon , yet the victim
cover. Is feelIng comfortable Ilt will probably re-
In the election contest between C. " ' .
Dawn Irep. ) anll G. F Keller ( dem. ) . Keller
won by thmhrty-llve plumlt ) ' . Daws claims
the democratIc board showed favoritism far
Keler. and has appealed to the district
u. .
10010 Church Ihetilcated.
BOONE , Ia. . Jan. 7.-Special.-Thme (
new First Methodist [ church , costing
$26,0 was tedlcatell yesterday by Hev. Dr.
Ives of New York. The Imhle spiried cit-
zens of Boone Inelullng thl lemberl of the
church , lubscrlled over $2.0 ) 'est rda ) ' amid
the church WIS dedlcltclt free of debt I
II a very handsome edice anti will Heat
1.50 peoille. Together with the new Ca thole
church , this mules a totul of over $0,0 invested -
vested In churches last year by Boone. The
new lletholsl church was lul largely
throuJh the unlllng efforts of the ItiittOI' ,
11ev. P. Y. Vedder
ntS'rt"1 WUo " 111 Creditors .
CEDAR RAPIDS , In" Jnn. 7.-Speclnl (
Telegram.-A ) big sensation hal heen caused ,
nt Green hy th Hlllen disappearance of F.
t1. Behlommup , dealer In Igrlculural Implement -
ment/ , titter forglnH twelve or fIfteen hates
for various amounts and disposing or them
there 111 In lila city anti leaving many
crelorl , In thin lurch lie left u young wife
at Green , with I young su , almost In I\es- \
titimte cimcunistanees. She Is nearly heartbroken -
broken _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
C.I" % % 'itv " lt Ct'iliir : Ih'III" .
CEDAR HAIIDS , In. , Jun. 1.-Speclal (
Telegmam.-A. ) cold wnvctruek here this
afternoon and the thermometel' II going
down ttt. I Is nearly zero now , anti I
Is reportcil It will he twemity-livo tit'grees
colder by mormiing. A strong ninth II IIJrees
lug from Ihe north , h'tmqemm began mlttng
ice today I Itt nine Inches thick ali of an
excellent ' .
excelent lualt ) r
( ollly ( .Jtrk ihtmiS 111 , I r t4hmnrt .
c.INTON , In , Jan. 1..County Clerk D.
H. n. Marltham of ClntOl county In figurIng -
Ing discovered himsel , thort In small
amounts of attorneys' ( fees . witness fees
costs. ele" loft In hiismhinnhls to a total of
imearly U.O. lIe eonrUJs to hll attorney
111 left town E-lert [ ) aVe eXlllnlnt the
books. _ - _ _ _ _ _
) "II\lr ( , COIIII 1'1 ' coUrt haute.
CEDAH RAPIDS , lu.1Jan . 7-CAledul [
Telcgram-The ) new /-OU1' house of Delaware -
ware county at Manchester was dedicated
this afternoon wih appropriate ceremonies.
A number of Interestng Itdreses I ) prom-
mnent citizens were malic 'ihme new hul1l-
Ing Is a model one , costnS\comlllete , $10,0.
Loss or aim 1011 I' ; ficr by Fire
cnEs'roN , Ia. , Jan. , -Specuai ( Tele-
gram.-Firo ) destroyed n ) ; , rle bar lelon-
Ing to 11' . Tlman of Sanl , Creek towimshtip .
The . content . . consisting of 1,40 bushels of
com. a large 'IRnlt ) ' of jimmy and fodder ,
thrce lets of harlesi anti a tne ) horse , weme
commaumned . The loss . wl reach $2,0.
lul'ulld aim Accoult or l'II"lcllt Trouble- .
MONTfZUMA , Ia. , Jan . 7.-A. n. Dome ,
proprIetor at a hotel at UnrleH City , was
foull dead In I barn today. He commltp'l
suicide by hmangIiig I"llanclal trouble was
the cause , _ _ _ _ _ _ _
( ilrI . Ilu . 'l' "irlr ,
KANSAS CITY , Jan. 7.-The striking ( mc-
tory ' girls who wenl out al the Curie & SOl
oatmeal anti cereal works Saturtlay ' becaute
of I 1 cent reduction In packfng outmenl
boxes ha'c lost their tight . . \ throll of
wOlcn ami girls Ipr.let for the Htllkllg
laCkeft' plnt'el thtH ( morning amid 1W mme
! Il
Ilcdlately tlployed lt the reduced price
ofercl to lime strikers.
Governor Ricbnnls Sncds G.vernor 03-
borne with Fitting Form1ty ,
Strong l'robImllity tnt " .urrel Will lie
leturn lt tar that I.olg Term "nd
thul(1 \ Ill Oct thio l"uur
' cimrs' 1'1\1
ClEYENN , Jan 7.-Specl { 1 Telegram. )
-Governor WIliam A. Ilchards and the
other state ccers of Wyumlng were sworn
nl noon today. t I The Inaugur.1 ceremonies
Were preceded hT n grand parade , which was
partclp.atc1 In by eight comanles ot the
Eighth and \nteenth Infantr , stationed nt
Fort D. A. lussel , the W'omlnl National
Guard , tIme W'omlng Unl\rl ) . Cadets , the
ChO'enno Fire department anti other civic
oranlzatons. 1 J. John . \ . Osbrne , tIme
relrllH go\'ernor , male a brief nllru- , con-
gratulatng the Incomlnl onclals upon the
auspicious circumstances under which they
assuming the reins of government. lie was
followed \ by Governor.elect Hchards , who
made a few remarks U\on the responsibilities
that hal been Imposell upon himsel antI the
other omclals of the state anll asketi the ( co-
operation of the Ieh1iC ] that the Promises
made durimig the cammmpaigii mlht be carried
durlnl cam\31rn !
out. The cath of office was almlultercll by
Chief JustIce Grosbeck ef the supreme court.
In addition to Governor Hehards , the new
olcers are : Secretary cf state , Charles \ ,
Dltlck : auditor. Wiiam O. Owen : trens-
urer , Henry O. la ) : sU\remo judge , Charles
N. Ioler ; superlntenlent of school ! Miss
stelhJ l Heel. A large numb of the promInent -
Inent citizens from till sections of the state
were present to wluess the ceremonies and
to aHenl the Inaugural bal this ( evening.
TIme sessIon c the Third . ! general ouemmtlIy
wi convene In thts city at noon on Tuesday.
'ho lueslon which temporariy overrides In
Intercst the senatorial contest I who will
get the minor Ilosltons In the gift of the senate -
ate atl h , le. There arc many candidate
for the varIous clerkhlps.
David II. Craig of Carbon county anti
George \V. 10yt of LaramIe county are the
leading candidates for presilent oC time sen-
ate. Clarence C. lamln of Swetwater Is
also spoken ot , but lie says he Is act a cantl -
Ilate. Mr. Craig wil probably be the president -
dent , antI : Ir. 10)'t vice president.
J. C. Argesimeinmer of Cheyenne Is the only
candlhte for chief cierI of the senate lie
wi no doubt be unaulmously elected For
assstaut ! clerk Mr. Blair , 3n attorney ef
Sheridan , and George \ , Perry have been
Judge Jay L. Torrey or remonl county Is
the leading candidate for speaker of the
hou e. 10 wil no doubt be choson. J. A.
Van Orallel . anl A. D. Keley , both of ,3ramle
coumity , are candidates , but the fact that they
live In Cheyenne Is against them. : . C.
Barrow of DuHlas Is thus far the only cldl
date for chief clerk and he will
( , wi unquestionably -
bly be the un3nlmous choIce of the members
fo' the position. J. H. Holingsworth of
Uinta county la 1 caudldate for assIstant
chief cieric
Them seems to be a general desire on the
part of the members of the ( legislature to
dispose of the senatorial question as qtQciely
aa Ilos5lble. Friends of some or the caml-
datcs predict that the question will be de
clled by Thursda night at the latest. The
first Joint caucus of the forty-eight repub-
lcan members of the legislature will be held
\\'ednesday or 'fhursday evening At this
meetng the claims of the several candidates
will be thoroughy ) discussed , and the queston
whether the IonS or thC short term senator
shah he chosen fIrst finally determined. An :
Informal ballot may also be taken. Thc prediction -
diction Is mare that the first ballot will show
the electon of' ' Francis E. Watron for the
slx-ycar term and that Clarence D. Carl (
will b an easy winner for the four-year
position. Mr. Clarlc has the assurance of
twenty votes , whIch' ' will stay wih him from
first to last. Neither Laraitmie Albany nor
Carbon , the counties havIng the three largest
delegations In the legislature , ere taleemi
Into conslteraton In this estimate. Lramie
county wih her ten solid republican votes ,
could easily decide the question. The dele-
gaton will probably not however , vote as a
unit for any candldatb for the second place ,
but several of the members am known to be
friendly to Clark Judge M. C. Drown will
get Albany couuty's seven voles. All the
candldat except Senator Carey arc nnxleus
to have the contest speedily settled. His emily
hope of success Is In a long amid biter stug-
gle which will consume the greater part of
the Hession. The senator will no doubt
get three votes from Converse county , but
so far as Is defniely Imown this Is the extent -
tent of his fohiowiuig.
Judge Jay I. . Torrey of remont and Johu
C. Davis of Carbon county have withdrawn
from the senatorJal race They announced
thIs mourning that they believed that It would
greatly complcate maters If they permitted
their namel to 10 before the ( caucus and In
order to facilitate the business of the legislature -
Lure thOy woulll withdraw. This leaves
Judge Drown of Albany county al1 Clarence
D. Clark the only candidates for the second
place. 1 Is probable that Judge Brown will
withdraw beoro the caucus conveimes The
action of Davis amid 'l'orrey maltes the elec-
acton anr
ton of Warren ant Clal' ! absolutely certain.
11NI Vi IL HlmlN TOO. Y.
: S(1 "JL
( ] overior's llesilo to Ho Folowed by I
Slltorl,1 Election.
ST. PAUL , Jan 7.-The various state 0111-
cers fed their bonds and were sworn In before -
fore lie ( secretary of state several days ago ,
anti there were mme cerelonies of any sort
tOday when they took charge of' their re-
spectvo offices. Time govcrnor's message
viii probably bo sent t" the legislature tomorrow -
morrow as soon aa tIme two bodies are or-
gnmmized. Both houses will hold caucuses
of the majority party tpnlght to decide on
their officers , ao that there will b little delay -
lay tomorrow In getting to work and hear-
lug lie governor's muesitage
The contest for the senatorIal sucessor to
Senator Washbur Is slightly In abeyance
until thin legislature Is organized , but the (
friends of the various callldates are 10t relaxing -
laxing their vllllnce , unr each member Is ap-
vroacheel as soon aH he reaches the city.
No accurate poll of the ( legislature has yet
heen possible , many refusing to commit
themselves unti the oOcers of the legislature
have ben selected , Senator Washbur h
conndent of re-electon. Governoor Nelson Is
sure he will be chosen , and Congressman
McCeary and ox.Congressman Comstock are
equally positive that tIme contest will enl , In
theIr favol' "Dark hon , " predictions are
freely indulged In ,
1.0 illEl.L WINS 'lt 1.\CI .
( utgenoralCI Alt "I'lwillon for lie Itlnsili
SimeakersIuil .
TOII KA , Jami 1.-When time Kansas legislature -
lature cOl'enls at noon tomorrow the house
will bo promptly organized by the election of
C. E. LoMel of Lane county as speaker
I.oMel has outgeneralel all oppositloim . The
fell against him had narrowed down to J.
K. Cubbison of Kansas City . This morIng :
Mr. Cubbison said : "Unless Mr. Lobdel
has ugreel UpOI sOle one else to Ilresenl his
name In hue ( republican caucus this afternoon
al 4 o'clock I will do It myself. "
Cubbison was as good as his word , ant
LoMel was decided on for Ipeaker.
Mr. Cuhblson will bo the speaker pro tent. (
I.obdll has made a remarl < able race for the (
epeakership. lie Is the youngest man ever
elected In Kansas fOl' the position ,
Caucuses on state printer may be
held as early as Wednesday , of this
week , and for United States ! later later
The great topic lousy Is on the question of
an open or secret caucus , and .ho "ver-
whelming sentment teems to be for a secret
caucus. Tile ha been the custom In recenl
'ears. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
' , 'ultor "Irrls itcimommhummutcuh.
NASIVHI.E , Tenn" Jan. 7.-Tho \ el 0-
cratc caucus teday renominated Unlell
Stales Senator harris Slate Treasurer Craig I
and Comptroler H. I. . Ellis .
SmouI'sPirvligtii ) I. i lonlUul. )
10ISI , Id3ho , Jan 7.-Although the legislators -
lators are nearly all In the city Il Is "nponl- 0
- -j-- . - . . . . - , . . " , P , , . - -
, .
- - - - - - - - - - -
Ucglcctett. or Overlooked , I is Certimhitoflring SUferlng and Dlsc9c-A Number -
bor oC'Vol Known l'oople Tel Their Experionco-Ilow Other
Suferers May Got In Lino. '
GIOI1 Iumbct.s or POOlto ) siiilet' f'OI the mlt 1 polon9 or oltl\h. as ( main .
other subtle chl'onlo litmiiitdiog wltlmutmt coiicct definite Idea or time '
1lll1cs , " \hunl 11) cO'I'oct or ICfllC 1101 Imlut.o :
of their mtflhietlon. ? llt IIolscs , Inown timidot' mlols spccllc nl1C , are really
of a catmmiq'hmnl ot'lgIn amid himttmtm'O , l'ol'y pni't of time intiens ltnlimg of time imoso ,
tlit'oat , cat's , eye , lienti , 1miimg , liver , b3wcIs , i0h111e3's ttiitl bltitlihsr , nra albjeo ( to
Isemtso niul blight by cuitmmt'm'Im. TIme proper eotire lot' sIliTerol's Is thisi Cutinu to
the ollhco lot' ( tea nxmuinmiiutlomi ( tumid tiImti trcatntetmt , 'l'lio i'lcli immd : poor nilko at'o
ve1coimtet1 b , ' Jm's. COhOIltItd nmnl Shmnimarti. If you lEvo away Ii'oiii the city scud for
qucatlomm blank nmtd ask fot' lImit ti'ommthiieut. lit either tiistaiice , mmmiii vitetlum' by -1
luau Oh' ( milled ti cntinetmt , time patlemit hilLy bo nsut'cd of time s1icc1est t'eIIef mid
Chill Possible tocmmllghtuned incdtcliic , ,
A 8(111001 , 31A ,
Gruirgo. , V. 11111 , Sullarhimtentlriit or Sehmoot
lam' mommgluma ' ( itmiity , Mulct's ii L'umlillo State
ilielit ,
C'otmnty Stmperlntomtticnt 11111 of Ounnhma tt'll
his experience as follows :
"h'nr semite twelve yeah a I huati cntnrrhm of
tIme boweha nmith niy general health vtms cry
Poor. My couiditioim vns mmtiurketi imy gemiermul
debility , lack of flltPetite amid loss of
strttimgthm. I unit boemm tu-etuted by sevormil
doctors for thueso Coiiililtuimtttt , limit rct't'ivetl
ho Perimianehmt relief. I litituhly comichmittetl uo
coitsuilt lrmi. Copeinmmtl niuti Hhmeparii mumttl
mutter two mimoiitlmtt' troatimiemmt I fnmmimtl may.
self better timtumt I imath licemu for tvclvo or
llfteen yenms. Thioir tm-eatntent wmms skillful
mmii thmoroumghm amid tIme hemiehit I felt vn
mtimtikctl ( miii thit' iutmiut. I feel satislieth ( lint
thmey mire utcut of hmomior nimil will tin mis they
agree to tiO , tumid are emitirely worth ) ' of
( Ito commiitleimee of thi' aiilhctstl. "
GEOIIGE . lilLI9 ,
Supt , of l'tlblic hmistrimetion ,
1)oulglamu Coummity.
I1E' . 1) , IC. T1ltLi , I ) . I ) ,
l'rouuiulitimz l'ier ililihuili , otIruinil Ishuututi , a
Forimier ( Hit ilium I'itstar , liii u Samuel iiiui to
i'tiipit , hiress anti people cuitlorse tIme work
of Irut. Ctimeunmmd & Sht 'pard. There are
fe' mmtemm , it any , better icimown In 3lethindist
circles iii Nebraska luau l'memtidhmmg Eltier
Timidnil of Umnuiti Ishtimith , muimtii rocemmtly
htasttmr ( if time Semartl Street Metimotiltut
Episcopal clmtmrchm , Oniutlmiu , lie hiatt utility
couigregmut . loim iii hi lit ti hit uict ii mmd d turing mu ltreachtcs to thuotmitnuttis of lmenhule , 1)r.
Tiimthtull writes to Dr. Simdii&mrd & , umuuier duute
of' Decenihier I , 1891 , mms follows :
"For twenty years I have hmaui cntmiu'rii of
thin hmeati. The disease impaired umty voice
mumiti , mteemmiiuigly , to seine cxtemmt , interferetl
vitli niemital work. About a year ago , by
time iutlvice of soitte f itmy Izmrlshtioumcrs. I
vas indumeeti to try your tretutneuit. For
your own comfort auit satisfncthomm , nit veli
uts for the good of olhiems , I visht to say
that I have foumiti nothmimug which himuut lielpetl
fin flit Yotut' sitnitle anti pleatuant miiethiotls ,
Simmce under your cal-c nty hmeiuti huts becim
better itmiti toy mnhmid clearer. I tint gliuti , to
contlimetid you mind your treatimsent to the
public. " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
N EU I.E Ci CI ) ,
Catrurrhtuil itiihadie , ituutinmuir on Uiuchmeckcd ,
Uiuulcriumlimo ( lie ' , Vhmoie I'hiyslemi Sytuurmit.
lull-s. 'tV. P. Fimtic , Madison , Neb. , Is omte
of thin best kmiowmi wonien in thin stute. No
ble tin yet to formmt any idea of time relative
strength of Senator Shuoup amid Judge Sweet
itt time senatorial commtest. Friends of each are
confitlent. Time itopuhist members , fifteeui in
miuntber. will probably cast their votes for
Colonel Crook. their candidate for governor
two years ago. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
o ritovisioNs FOlt t CONTEST.
dlttormmey General or Caiiforiula lloldtu time
. lflW lit Umicoimtutltutinai ,
SACRAMENTO , Cal. , Jan. 7.-The leglala-
ture of California convened today. Lieutenant
Governor Everett Millard is at his hionie in
Los Angeies and was unable to be presomit ,
The republicans have a majority in bothm
houses aunt elected temporary officers. Time
new members were sworn iii , amid thereupon
both branches adjourned.
Governor-eiect Iiudd today received from
Attorney General Hart aim opinion in which
it is asserted tlmat there can ho no guborna-
tonal contest before time presemit iegisiatumro
and thmat time oath of office must
be administered to l3ndd. Time opinion -
ion declares that tlue section of
the political code , which provides tIme
manmier of the gubernatorial contest before
the legislature , is uncoummutitutional iui that it
confers judicial power on time legislature.
That dentecrats are arranging to huave Mr.
Ilutid sworn iii tomorrow at a joint session
of both hmouses. Prior to tluo joint session ,
however , ( Ito two brammclies will nmeet sopa-
rtutehy , wlueum the republicans mmiay introduce
a resolution postpomiing time iimauguration
pemiduimg ( lie appointment of coiitmnittees trout
each house to investigate tIme cluarges of
traumdimieumt. returns In connection with tIme
gubermiatorlal ehectlomm.
'rime maui legislative interest Is in tiuc
rivarly for Uuiitet.l States semiator , balloting
for whIch will probably be commenced itext
Tuesday. _ _ _ _ _ _
No Vom'nmuuhity tim Iowmu.
DES MOINES , Jaum , 7-Specual ( Tele.
gmam.-Ahi ) thin recently electetl state 0111-
cers assumed tlmeim' duties today without
foimil or cemehitOfly , Secretary McFarland
and Auutiitor McCtum'thmy atucceeded them-
selves. continuing their forceof naitistauit
for anothmer term , Treasurer Uceson turnea
his olilce over to lieu. John llerriott of
Stuart tIme books balancing to a. penny , anti
n'erythimig being entlroly satisfactory. Mr.
Ilerrlott hiatt continued ex-Senumtor I ) , B ,
Javidson as deputy , nuid uipiOinted
Men-is mind J. II. Wiisumi to juositions in his
( lepartmnont. Major C , F. Jones aucceetleti
I lout , 0. Ii. Pray as utumitmemno court chem'k ,
amid appointed .1. E.Vimelaum deptmty , con-
tinuinug H. I'd. Jomies in time position of clerk ,
Attorney General Milton Itemb' > ' of Iowa
City uurrivetl to tahte chmuirge of uiffutirs in
thmuut olilce , uiuicceeding General .Joima M ,
Stone. but it is hunt yet knnwii mlmat hut
iuppointnientm3 will be. 11mm. ii , It. Hahinjer ;
succeetis N. 11 , Itaynmomid us supreme court
reporter , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
i'cttlgrow thucpsen Agalum.
P1EITItFZ H. D. , Jail. 7.-In the republican
caucums today Heimator i'ettigrew was munnni.
mnoumitly selecteul to sumeceeti hilntseit nit
united Stubs sc'muator. The vote was mmiumety.
one solid , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
have we a hnuhclmig' powder ( rumst7 Only one
-lie ( perfect trust of tluo peoPle ill Dr.
: z a.SIVi' IT TO 7'ilI CII Vif UIIIS ,
ArcluhItuhmop Wihliauiiti' 1.ettor I' , Ills l'ricsts
oil thmo 1umcyehiciui ,
BOSTON , Jan. 7.-rAretiblithiop Johmut J. Wil-
hams has sent Out , time following letter to lie
reaui in all ( hue clmurchues of tIme arcii.dioccso
of hiostorm :
Arcimbishioprlc of BoSton , Iecemnber 26 , 1891 ,
-lteverommd Dear Sir : We learn hy hettera
froimu Itonie , forwarded by his excehiency tIme
apostolIc delegate at Washington , ( lint time
Moat holy Fathier has forbidden all Catholics
to join tIme societies of Odd leliovs , Knights
of i'ytlulas or Hocus of Temperance , "As to
those who huave already joined any of these
societies tiuey are to be admonished to withdraw -
draw ( rout tlmenm and it tiuey refuse to do so
they are to be diuietl time sacraumients , Yours
almucerely , "JOhN J. WILLIAMS ,
Archbishop of Boston. "
hl1I.t 'J'JIIIt J'OItL'U4 SI
Jalr anti ( 'older hum I tic Stiutimem-im I'ortiemia
with i'rsterly Wiuuuls.
WAShINGTON , Jaim , 7.-Time forecast for
Tuesday is ;
For Nebraska-Fair : colder iii time south-
erm portion ; northerly winds , becohnhng
For Iowa and Missouri-Fair ; colder ;
imortimerly wimuuha ,
For Houtim iukuta-Fair ; warmer ; winds
becoming mtouhmeriy ,
For ifanmtas-F .ilr ; colder ; northerly
J.oiiui itecorul ,
OMAI1/m , Jumum. 7.-Omnahmut i-eeoril of teniliem.
attire anti rainfall , conutiaretl with thmt t'orre-
spouidlmmg day of ( ho iiut four years :
19 : ; . 1(91. lsma. l&2.
Mmuxiimiurn temnpsrature , , 22 25 21 32
Mlmmimnum tciouimerattire. , , , 14 0 10 7
Average temperature . . , 15 11 16 20
I'ieeiitituiioui ( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00 .01 lit )
Condition of temmipemature and prcclpltuthomm
V--- . . - ' .
- - - - - - - -
Itudy tutmuutilahuigimer than hme lit her hiomttq
in'm'n , wimere hutr htuuuiluuunti is tuttutiomi cugemuf
for ( lie U. 1' . metal. Mrs. irink says :
' ( -1IP
; !
"Thm utiumcumuu Iiiiimig at' mmi % ' hose nimmi throat
l'ere lii tit muffected. I hmmitl mm mmti'ry , mmutsmui
tlhiuclmuurgn for IL 'hmilo , thieut It becumnt' offeut-
idle , nhttl time left muostrii smvvlietl shunt , TIme
left eye ran wiuter autti gu\t mute tutinglit
huuluis. Soout amy stoummuiehu viau muttuucke .
ior tl'o yemirs I wmms mu tlyspeptitl mund
cotiltlii't uhigt'st cuuouugim fond to fuummituhm amiy
stremmgtlm oi' fletuim. As thin d ituctuen utpreuutl I lie
bhiulivr stmfferetl also , giving mite tuutsimemuk-
able tiistreiuit. My sumiferumigs lcnImt rest nuttt
sleep uuwuly umntii 1119' muervouus s'steutt lvaij
aboum t t'Xhmiuuimited ,
"Simiuhl I tell hmom' Dr. Shuepau-d's vork luau
acteti Oil mime ?
. .
P'rouuu being a weak and vuetcimet1 in-
val iii I lma'o comume to i ) hi nuirty ii umil imetu I t hmy
lii every respect. I t'nmmt go tip towui without -
out some of nmy friemitlit smeuulchmig uuhiotit tim
great cimuiuige. I believe 1)r , Shmepiurti's treat-
nmemmt cnn do for othier wounemm nil it has tioumo
for mite , "
I1UILDING , OMAhA. Nih ) .
Ofiico ilours-9 to 11 a , mn , ; 2 to 5 p. at.
Evenlngs-Wctimtcstlays amid Saturdays
only , C to 8. Sunday , 10 to 12. ma ,
' 'I
iihtnAsl'sT-stm1'mgmu. :
"fly ut thtoroumglt knowledge of tIme nntumrnl
laws whmich gumvemn time opematitmmis of uliges.
tion and ntutuiiomi ( , anti I' ii. cateful appli.
cation of time line uu-operties of wehl-selecteil
Cocoa , Mr. Eiips lmns trovidetl for our breakfast -
fast amid sumpler iL delicately litt'ouetI borer.
ago which nuty saVe Us molly htetL'Y doctors'
bills. it is by tue Jtiuliciotms umse of suct
articles of diet thuttt a. constitution may be
gradumally built imp ummtil strong emmoughi to
resist every tentlency to disease. hlumitireda
of ittibtle unaladies are fiontlmig around us
ready to attuick wlmerevem' there is mu. weak
mioint. We many escape mnmmny em fatal lmnft
hmy keeping oumrseivemi vell fortluleil with pure
lmlood amid u properly mmoumiitimeti fm-attic-
Civil Service Gazette. . I
Made slimiply Witim boiling' ' water or mitlhlc ,
Sold ofliy lit Imalf.potmnd tins , by grocers ,
labeled thums : '
JAMES FPI'S & CO. , Ltd. , iIomoepatlii
Citcimmlsts , London , Engiautd. '
1LrrE 4
Dfl. 1. 0. WIT'0 ITESVE ATD 211 ? TEEATE1I )
is still uindor pnitivo written enturartico , by i'
nutiuorizt'd utenttu only , to cure Weak Memory ;
Louts of lirnium itmud Nirve I'ower : Lost. Almunhtood ?
q niriemiecs ; Night iosscs ; 1vil Droummems : J.aclc ol
( , onfuiltiutco : Iervottsimu'its ; Lastuiluide ; till 1)rguins 4
Lose of I'nwer of tiun Generative Orimmmiu in omthuem
ccx , caused liyovor.oxorUou , YonthufumlErrorsot
Excot'iti'vo Use of Tobacco , Opium or Liquor ,
wiuicht lends to Misery. Ctiutsunuptitus , Insanity
nr.d Death. Ii : ' mnsih , 1 a box ; six fur $ i : with
written gumuramitoo to cure or refutuid momuer. West's
7Ave I'ills cuure Sick lieuhitchue. Ihitiontunees
1ivcr Complaint , Htumr tttomutebm1 Depepsia and
' . .onstlitntioum. GUAltAN'1'iiEi3 msmietloalyby
Goodman Drug Co. Omiba.
- '
The only really smicccssfumi proucuttivo timid cure
of luhtlilts , bhtcidiead. , rcdmoiigh
: ; . - ' huamtilsailliig hutilrutud ttnbyblem.
/ . ituhe , , is tim ccicl.ratei Cunucunk
130Am' , greatest of skIn Itiuritlcru
. -t' . anti leauuiifit'rtu , , t vchl as itirest
¼ cud swecliet of toilet limit ! JtilCFC7
. 5011115. ( hilly htrementivu of clog.
glitz of the pores. Soki everywhere ,
i'residcflt. CaImler ,
First National Bank
Capital , - $100,000
Pi'ihitS , . - . 1'2,000
One of llto oitlest banks lit ( hue slate of Iowa.
Wit solicit your htumsltinis anti cohiettions , We
pay S tier ccitt out ( lame tlcitteltt. We whit its
lileimseti to see amid couve iou.
- _
- - - - - -
- - - - - -
CoiieiI J3hiffsuuu.ui
I ; , , liurke , atV , 0 , hiotner' . , (43 ilritat.luymiy ,
A $4O0.O0 HTO(1C ( 01' aoonn ANI ) I'iXTUIIEII
10 trade for iowa or ensUrmm Nehraiuctu itth , ,
( hreeuisiilel4s , Nicholson & Co. , Couimclh hliuffs ,
Foit fiAlI omt mtlNT , ONB ov 'rimliiin'r
( arias In i'ottawatluunit , county ; 7 rmmlles
sotiuli of fltoha ; 20) uicrtts cultivated ; to au-rut
iashurc ; spientlhti lemiditmuce ; goot mmdl , moult-
iii I' . barns , orchard , tic. 1 I , ltlslitotm , 2m
harmony mulled , Council lIhuffe.
I.ilili i'iIIVA"i'IIhiATtN VOlt IIIINT NEAIt
court luoutte , "ittlIl ) ' at Ilco chico , ( oumicii Bluffs ,
, . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - 4
Ut Omaha for time duty and since .Murdm 1 ,
ItOh :
Normnimi temperature , . , . , . , . . , , , , , , , , , , , . , . , 19
1)euieiency for the duty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Normtunl Preciltituutioit . . . . , , , _ , . , . . , , . , , (12 ( . mets
ielicitncy for thin uhay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , melt
'l'otiui precipitation shumea March 1 iG.07 incimemi
Ioilciency tiiimce Mnmchm 1 . , , . , . , . 15.82 iimchiems
Relmuirts froims Oiie Stuthummit : mit S I' . Si.
STATiONS. V -h ; : wrs Op
g mexATmismi ,
. E . : :
- 'a 0
a !
_ _ .
- - - - - - - - -
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'io .dll ( jl'r
Oiiummiia..a 21 .0OCcar
Valcimulno..4 1(1 .OOtUIear
Cltk'ao . . . , , . . . . .
, , , , 211 i .Oii ( iletir.
Hi. . . . . . . . . . . . : 50 .110 ulomtdy ,
Si. i'umul..2 III .00 Cl.u
. . . . . . . . . . 25 . ( iU ( 'loam ,
ltniisiis . . . . . . . . : mlu dlii ( lttitr.
Icmmv-r. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 'uu .uo clout.
Salt Ltuko ( :1(1' . 2' ' . all .ou ( k'nr ,
itut'ki city.4 . liii .1111 Clotur ,
I lciwuui. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , i i i 'r. ( lu , , r.
1tliiirck. . . . . . . . . . . . .111 'Ii .t.u ( flrtr ,
Sl.Vliceuml , ' _ ii lui .O ti ii , ' . 4
Ctteycttmmt . , . , , , , , , . , . 14 liii .1 0 liar ,
ihiheit . . . . . . . . . . 81 00 I' ilcioudA
, " Culy..4 _ . T.ftl _ utoy.
a iieluv , , ti-mo.
" 4 : iuidiwttes uraco at Prcciimitutiotm. :
L. A. WSLShf , Olisuryerm
- '