Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 08, 1895, Image 1

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I 1
: S'.An.J1SnBD ) , J UNE 1f , . 871. OAIL'UnSDAY } [ OHNJ.NG- : , JANUARY 8 , 1S95. SINGL : : ) COpy ' 1"lYE ! CliN"rs. :
; t Demand Either Employment ' or Assistance .
from St Johns Authorlties ,
Cnl.tnln , of nn lnJIIAh : "nnhll' Olvcs Slope
of atlfItitce from lie 111"rl"I , Uov-
. . erntiriit-Local . \ uthorllr" Will
: ' )0 Whnt 7h01 ( l"l
< "
ST. JOINS , N. I , ' . , Jan i.-This morning
fk a crowd uf abut 3.000 working men , who
. ' ere thrown out of employment by the financial -
clnl colallse , gathered befor the legislatve
chambers. Later , they formCI Into lIne and
par.'IIrd the principal streets. At the head
of the procession was borne a ' \'Ile ) lag ,
bearing the words'rk : or bread. " The
. movement created conster'jatlon. At Irt
the police prepared to disperse the crowd , but
al their actions were iacetu1 [ , nothing In this
. " , direction was done. After hooting the gov-
\ erment , the proce3ln went to the dry
i : dock , where 11 berthed thc Britsh warship
Tourmalne , which was sent here to help
1rearve order A committee of the unein-
Illoyell boarded the ship ali represented to
Captain Iooro how they anll their families
were starving. They declared they were willing .
Ing to vork . but Ir n work was available .
they Insisted the government &houhl [ eel
them. They threatened to take the neces-
sarIs from the atores.
Captain Pooro Intimated such atempts
t would 11 repressed with n stern hand , his
, \ orders being to hireserve the Ileaco and to
nlow no Interference with private propery. :
lIe , however expressed his willingness to
help the worklnmen as far as he could. lie
promlsell ) to write to the government . repro-
Iellnp their case und urging that help bo
extended them lie said he would have an
answer to morrow to his later , and would
communicate with them. With thl nssur-
ance the delegation withdrew. Starvation Is
becoming more general daily. The govern-
mont waR waited upon hy I comr.ilttee of the
' ' clergy. In reply to Ihe committee the gov-
\ ' erment said arrangements were making to
' provide employment for the people.
uk Lady O'Uerns' committee started two soup
" IdtchbnR today . ono In each end of the city.
' Protested his of exchange to the amount
of thousands of dollars were returned hy
yestcrllnY'R mail. The revenue during the
past month was not a tithe or what It was
during the corresponding month at last year.
I'A l.b MA [ .1. U\ZgT 11'S STOIIY.
Astor' 1'/Ier , \lnOUle < s IlarcoUrL's Hesl -
iittluitt and 1 Ula.olntl"l lunuitinent.
LONDON Jan. 7.-The Pal Mal Gazette
7 t publishes a story to the effect that Sir Will-
jL" lam larcourt , chancellor of the exchequer ,
f' anti liberal leader In the house or Commons ,
, has resigned and that a dissolution c PMUa- , !
ment 19 liable. It Is believed , however , that
\ this report Is based on the belief that the i
r03hnaster general. Mr. Arnold Morley . and ,
, the president or the local government beard . ,
\ Mr. Siiaw.Lefevre both of whom are cabinet
; , ministers , have been summtnec from Mbnto
. Carlo , where they . had just arrived , In order
to attend a cabinet council which Is to be held
' . . . " ' hero on Thurday next.
, The Westminster Gazette authoritatively
" denies the report that Sir William Harcourt
\ has resigned , and says that no question has
arisen which could lend the Ilghtest color
to the rumor. .
The Press association Is Informed ofcialy
'that there Is no foundation whatever for the
report that Sir William larcourt has resigned
or that a dissolution of Parliament Is Imini-
nent. I 1& the intention to Ilroceed - steadily
with legislative work during the coining ses-
4 sian. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I \rreatell tl 11111rl" the UOIII\llnl
Althn'lte l'uunt IlIuui. -
SOFIA , Jan. 7.-Tho government organ ,
: Mir . says that the government of I0umanla
recently demanded the extradition or cx-
- Premier Shuubulor al the charge of baring
. . been concerned long . ago In the assassination
of Dr. fleron. Bitt' the Mir adds : " Bulgaria -
garla refiaeuS on the ground that M. Stambu.
lofT would Ilwe ) to answer the charges
brought agalmt him of having murdered M.
Helchel , the minister of finance , In 1891. "
I Is i ini-oflicinhiy ajnouneed that the pre.
siding judge on Thursday last sent the papers .
IJerS tn the case to the district military cbn- )
, , . mamler for trammlsslon to the minister at
wnr , who will examine Into the evidence
against M. Stambulof and If It Is found
to implicate him sulcenly the minister of
war wi notify the judicial authorities of
this tact At present : I. Slamhllof can only
. l" arrested frai' the civil courts. there being
no evhlcnco upon which the criminal courts
can act _ _ _ _ _ _
I Olorn' " I'rlvulo Secretary Stricken wIth
,4 l'iuruul.vuul.u 111 In 1 'I'Ule"I COllol.
OS\OHNI Isle at WIght , Jan , 7.-Gen.
eral Hght lion. Sir henry Frederick Pan-
, j sonby , G" C. D. , private secretary to Queen
Victoria , was stcllen with paralysis at Os-
bore cottage today , and Is now In a critical
Sir Henry Ponsonby dined with her majesty
last evening. lie was born In 1825 and was
formerly confort. equerry to Prhlct Albert , the prince
( 'hi 1111 Ar"UIO 111) ' Ilght.
LONDON , .Ian. 7.-A luen03 Ares ulis.
. patch to the Times says a commission com-
'u posed of General lueno , Allliral Soler , antS
- other ofcer wi start for lurope FrIday fer
the pnfIQso or lJrchallg war m3terlal. The
dispatch adds that on account or cholera
Drazl refuses entry to vessels carryIng ' &
sengers from the Argentine Republic. it dispatch -
patch published by the Tllies on Saturday
stated the Argentina congress In Dcret sos'
sIan had sanctioned - 1 war credl tof $2,000.000
In view of a possible quarrel with Chili re-
garlng the frontier . On Friday last the
Chliian minister of forlgl affairs , as announced .
nouncel II a dispatch to the Aseclated press ,
formally denied II time senate that the relations -
tons between . Chili antS Argentine wl're
,1.llal H..rn'1111rmht" .
: I.ONDON , Jan. 7-A dlfpatch to the Times
i4 fl'(1 Poling ' says that time Chinese envoy .0 .
negolJte tor' ( taco with Japan hall a fare-
wel ' 1Idl tlcewHh the emperor on Filday ! .
J'pan reP \ 10 Sl'ant an armistice. Mr.
Ienby , hue AmerIcan minister , believes time
legctato ls w1 be fruitless. The Japanese e
will wlhholl their terms for peace until they
.hll ; hve occupied l'eking . Japanese laiml-
tug p.t are busy explorlng.the bs on tutu
east cuut 01 time ! Jro\'lnco 01 Shuantumug. \
p J l'rcmuicr ihowcn's I el.I. :
MONTltlU , Jam1. 7.-'Che Ilhslc ns or
Sir Maelrnzle Dowen , Canadian premuki I' ,
have como to the conclUsion that his cough
Is not caused by any organic disease , anti
that with Ilrolcr re.t he can rCCO\'Or whln
' tel da'B. - - - " .
.10hn Wnllr'l , Esimute : .
J.ONION , Jamm . 7-'ho Times says that the
wi of the Sate John Waiter . ProPrietor cf
1' the 'Imer , .Jows a l.eron31 estate Of ! 293.-
Ii : , all tr wnlch Is left to his children , the
creatcst lortol gOI $ to imis eldest son ,
1'01' 'i 11) : oliunio Ihn I Illrhlrh. I I
I.C'NUON , Jima 7-A dlfpatch trout \lt
says th"l , the tuHan ot 'I'urkey un acceded
t Ihe pOlle's request for Iernias1un to nomni-
' cardinalI. nato Armenlun and lelchl Patriarchs suit ,
; 11101 of CIIlo'l ' Cle" . .
OHATHAM , Onl. , Jan , 7. Rn , Dr. ICing.
Doled 61\01 , l1oll n ! I , died hue. The
character at Clayton In ' 'Uncle Tom's Cabin"
was modeled after the deceased.
\onntnll Jollon In.Framuco Snler ] onvly
from Itoecnt 810U ,
PARIS , Jan. 7.-In addition to the avalanche -
lanehe at Corlu , In the canton of [ Alx lea
Thermes , I'renees , on Salllay last , there
ha been a similar accident at lazerques , In
time canton of Ax , department of Arlege.
This eond avalanche killed three persons
and seriously Injured three others .
In addition numbers of [ small hamlets have
been overwhelmed wIth sno\ and avalanches
and many houses have been swept away In
the mountain districts of the southeast and
east of I rance. The Inhabitants were gen
eraly warned In time nutS escaped , but there
have been several fatalitIes In addition to
those already neorded. '
On the Isle of Corsica there bas been great
loss In live stock , owing to the heavy snow
and communicaton between Ajacclo and
larta las been cut tiff.
ol.Y , I"HUSI\ I'HOTIST. :
I'rrneh and Oerlll Governments Inlt Su
Iltenton or S"lllnl I 1".I..tor. I % I lenin
PAIS , Jan. 7-Concerning the en110)'ment
of mellcal Inspectors of emlgrauts In France
mind Germany by the United States , United
States Ambassallor I usts has Issued the fol.
lowing notice : " 'ho IJrctemlel1 protest of
the French government was limited to a few
frendly : observations In order to have It un-
derstoo that the medical agents hal no diplomatic -
mltc or consular character , nnd that they were
alowel to prosecute their missions purely
as a mater of courtesy. The AnierL'att : go\-
eminent accepted these friendly conditions
and pointed out that the Imployment or these
agents saved the Unied States from returning
to France IHleslrble emigrants which
neither the mlHters nor the consuls could
dotett . The Incident Is regarded as amicably
cloSCI anll " the agents have been accorded all
raclti s. _ _ _ _ _
Methuirny's ; .
RIO DE JANE . Jan. 7.-A terrible nc-
h1ent. resulting In great loss of life , has
occured In tie bay here. The boilers In
the steamer Nlcthero , which hall quie I
large number of excursionists aboard ex-
plollell nnlt the shocl ( drove the red I hot
coals In the fUrnaCIH In everY direction.
'rime steamer clught lIre ant nlrlnt num-
her of those on board jumped o\crbolr1 to
escape the Ihames. Altogether , 120 pcrsons
were ihmowned _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
\1111" Ureotnl (0 IUanmrel
ISEI1LIN Jan. 7.-0n New Yenr's day Emperor .
peror William telegraphed to Prince l3is-
mlrel , ns follows : "I hope honored prince ,
that during 1S9 : you will fully recover from
the bitter loss wIth which you were re-
centy Illeted and that you will continue
In good health mind spirits. Your affectIonate
_ _ _ _ _ _ E:1PEHOH.
111 Sit In of I ) Iii nuouutiN.
LONDON Jan. i.-The De Beers Diamond
Mining company of South Africa has sold
Its entire Qutput of diamonds for IS9 to a
London symlcate , The sale Is nt nn advance -
vance on lre\lous rates und It Is reported
the value of the total output for this' : year
wilt be ! 3. OO.
Englxtuid'mm 1''Irtl and Imports.
I.ONiON Jnn. 7.-The total value at Im-
ports Into Great Britain during 1891 was
Ur. Oi88. and the exports , ! 210lDi,239 , being
al Increase In the value of Imports of
! 3St7,5 , and a decrease In the value of
exports or U,9O.G26. as compared with those
of 1893. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
( , Imosen Successor 10 Siam's Thronr.
BANGKOK , Slam , Jnn. 7.-I'rince 'hoon
Immon , Tno , who Is now being educated
In England . has been chosen ns heir to the
throne tn succession to Prince MaIm Vnjlr-
rimnhis who died on January 4. The queen's
mother Is seriously III.
btnrm SurerersAI ( Assistance.
BERLIN , Jnn. 7.-A deputation from the
.Islunll of lel.olnnd. who came to the
mnlnland to seek Ild for the islanders who
BUffered greatly from the recent storm ,
have been promised imperial assistance.
YIII Carnet Elected to tile Chmtmumbor.
PAIIS , Jan. 7.- ; [ . Ernest Carlot , SOl of ,
thia late lnesldent of the French republic ,
was elected yesterday n member of the
CIHmber of Deputes , repreHeltlg Beunone'
In the department of Core 'Enl.
, u"U'Uon : I'rcfcrzmbieto , I'rracnt ( Olllola
LONDON. Jan 7.-TI'e ' foreign oile regards -
ganls the proposed nnnexaton of the Congo
Free state by Belgium us being preferable
to the present state of affairs. .
n"nvy IHI\8 II Scotiuuunl .
EIINDUI1GII. Jan. 7.-A heavy snow
storm Is seriously Interfering with traffic In
Scotland. Several trains have been snowed
up _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Peace Comituuumstloiu htumrls for . IimhauI.
SHANGHAI. Jan. 7.-Peace Commissioner
Chang Yin Buan heft Peldng today for
Japan. _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _
1.11.10"1 .IT IN1 I'll IUL.
Iheontent Amuomig SIoux } 'n18 Cathllc8 to
I lie Settted
SIOUX PAI.I.S , S. D. Jan. 7-SpeciaL- ( )
There ts n rumor abroad here which has
apparent\ I good foundation that with the
removal of Bishop Mnrty from the Sioux
Falls diocese , Father Nolan , the local priest ,
anti limo sisters who conduct n Catholic
school here , will la removed to other potnts.
There hns been considerable discontent In
Catholic circles In this state for some tln {
mind IHrtculnrly In this city. I.'uher Nolan
several months ago forbade the lemlJers ot
his coimgregatiomm to send their chiimlren to
clngregaton sene chlliren
the parchial school , claiming that the HIs-
ters who conducted It were Imposters and
not nun . As n result . the parochial schools
was closed Inll time sisters opened IL private
school which hail been nlend11 ly n few
Prtestant young ladles. 'fhe sisters havc.
since being enouneed from the altar or
the churcim IUMcontnleli their worship
there , but havl' gone to Ishop Jlrl "s
reHhlencc , ovel' I utile's distuimmee 111 war-
shlilled In the private chapel . there. J this
report Is true it Is evidently the intention
of J'mrchibisumop Ireland to remove 11 cause
fOI' Ilscontent umong local Catholics and
supply the vacancies with cOlgcnlul per-
Slolx Veils Crlmlm.1 CI" " . . I
SIOUX FAI.I.S S. D" , Jamm . 7.-Spcinl.- ( ) I
Sherman Demcut has been , sentenced by
Judge Jones to nine months In the I'en-
Ilentlry for burglar . He pleaded guilty .
JOlel'h Demer , Indicted tom' ntluery , se-
cured n coutnunnco 01 his case until ' the
April term. He was released on unt' 3 bill.
'he ease against Jumes Burr , aged i5
'enr8 , fOI' 18saul on n lelchhor with n
dunglrou'eaIJon , WIS dismissed . . wih '
ease against ( ' . L' . Crandall the ex. cashier
ot the defunct Merrimmmntim fmnnhc ' ,
Jlerl'lmnt ! Ilnl ( hmem'e WUI
nguln eoimtlnuetl . ' 'hc jury casts which
lums'o lasted two monlhs , huve InlSleilL and
the tommiorios' trial ot over : O court cases will iegin
"nrpl'hl'll ' t lie , \ tm t hen I ics. .
CIAUUm.AIN , S. D. . Jan 7.-(8Ieelal. (
Teh'grnm.-The luthorltes 1\le made time '
dheover ) ' that Mrs . Schewsaw , who disap-
IInrl mu'sterhostmiy nlli was suposel to
have been murdered , Is alive amid vehl. fly
all of Irlends. who kept time mnattem' quiet
tIll much exciement hUll been occasiumieui.
site hunts heel Cllbled to reach rclalycl In
[ owu. . '
e' ; .
"hrrH Wil So 0" 0 II' 11 . IrlpI'I ) ' ,
HOUI.Dlm , Cola" , Jan. 7.-I dwll P.
Arthur who wait Illlpollted receiver 01 th3
Gold Nugget Ilnln I'rolcrt ' ) ' \y the dish -
tmit'i t court ot AruhC ! county , came to
ltouides' today Int says ho wi tale chare
or time ' . 'lime ' hi '
ll lollert 'Jht property 10W In time
hands 01 the iueriiT. who Mcilrel he wl
allow no one to trespass on I until time dim'
trlrt commit here 1111 IJlllwd on the ease. A
t'lluty has been sent tn time mile wih or-
tiers sion . not to I10w any one to luke ioss s-
- - - -
Nrw 1r:11 : II Frmiki'r (18r ,
I\N\S ( ' \ Jan , 7.-Jutige Philps II
the Unl 11 Htltes circuit court today
grnt ! ' new trial In the rnker Insur-
nnel case. 'fhc l1olll1 for time defense ,
II pre . eltng the flitluPai . arguell that Judge
lhllll . 'rr(1 II Qwlng \ Ihpll IJlt three
Ilenmltor ! ehmmmhieumgem' . and , In eupport of
timemm' ullon , IIUJte.I the u.cIMIOI ! In the
lUbr " Aur Judge l'hlillps Idmllel his
I " 1'/11 anti Grunted the new trial ,
Snow and Rtins Cause the Aleghany and
Monongahela t ? Rise , .
Souse or limeimi Involrral1 Uoen " 'rcclceti
and Further Inmago II I Ifemircut-
Jllto , " 'rlOo tonsilcr.lbly
Iltcrferell " Itim.
Plrrsnuhw . Ja. . 7.-niver men arc thoroughly -
oughly alarmed over tie probability of a big
flood at this point The : Ionongnhela came
out with a rush this morning , and , with the
breaking or the Ice In the upper pools , the
damage to boats began. lmmenso coal fleets
were threatenel wih destruction . The Alie-
ghan Is also full of ice and Is running like
a torrent A great amount of wreckage Is
coming IIOWI , Imlcalng damage at poluts
ahoye. River men said today they expected
a stage of thirty feet , with a prospect of [
going stIll higher. In the great . flood or 1881
the Aleghan ) rose to tiulrty-thmrcc feet nutS
great damage was Ilone.
There was great excitement along the Ion.
olahela wllrf nIl da ) The channel was
rul of Ice and snow and the current was very
swift . The docks at McIeesport and the
boats tell up along tIme river gave way early
this mornIng and went Mlsllng down the ,
river The ferry boat , II. p. Sinclair , broke
away and floated down stream but was
caught In the harbor and towed safely [ to
shorc. The report or twenty.lve el fet of water
at lock No 4 , and twent-thrce feet nt Morgantown -
gnltown caused a general panic among the
coal operators , all most or the clerks nutS
employes werc ordered out and statiommed
along the river to look aCer the craft and
make reports to the general officers. There
were several milon bushels of coal on flatboats -
boats In the harbor imere and every effort
vaa made to keep the fleets front bing
wrecked. Several coal barges a house boat
all a swInging ferry beat broke rrom their
moorings all went down wih the current.
Time "lst serious damage In the Aleghany
wi be done to the government work at liar-
rls Islaumd where time new dam Is , now In
courSe of construct'on. The water Is now over
the corer dammi and It Is likely al thl work
will be destroyed.
The residents ot Etna and Sharpsburl are
alarmed. The low ground In both towns Is
sUbmerged all the water Is rIsing The railroads -
roads both east and west are being troubled
by the high water , alhough no serious dam.
ago has been done yet
At McDonald . on the Pammhandle time Union
News company's stand was washed away this
morning The building was built on piles
along the river bank and when the Ice broke
time plies were knocked out from under It and
time building floated down the stream.
A landslide occurred at Connelsvle , on
the Baltimore & Ohio , which completely In-
terrlptel traffic for several hours.
Forcaster Short or the local signal service
does not think the stage In the Aleghany
river will exceed twenty-five Icet. le says
the only danger now from a flood Is to be
apprehended from the Monongahela river.
The latest news Is encouraging and Indicates -
cates that \be \ , flood has done Its worst as far
as Pilsburg and points above on both rivers
are concerned. At 10 p. m. the Monongahela
here registered twenty-three feet and was risIng -
Ing very slowl ) The best river authorities
agree In placing the highest stage at twenty-
six reet. Advices from upriver points show the
water Is eiher receding or stationary. The
heaviest IndIvidual loss so far as reported
was at McKeesport . where ICy coal barges
were carried ( from the docks , entailing a los
of $35.000 or 10000. Beaver , Pa. , reports
tonight that the' coffer at time new government
dam just below there bas been swept away
with considerable money damage and timeless
loss of ono life. John McSweeney , a stone
mason . went on the dam to get his tools and
was caught In the crush and his body swept
Great Damage leln ! 0010 at Ullonlo"l
aunt Towns Iolo\
UNIONTOWN , Pa , Jan. 7.-The flood Is
sweeping things along the river at a lively
rate tonght. ! During the past two hours time
river has been rising rapidly and at 9 o'clocl
there was a stage of seventeen feet at Con-
nelsvll ! and seventeen feet six Inches at
Dawson , five miles below. mind It was rising
at the rate ot a foot In four hours. This Is
the highest the river has been since the flood
at August , 1889 , and with this exception sur-
passes all the floods since I8GO. The situation
tonight Is really alarming. Yowlervle , a
suburb ot New Haven , Is submerged. Two-
thIrds of the citizens lave already moved out
and If the water rIses much , higher their
homes wi be swept away. Reports fro I
DawBon Dckerson's : Hun , lannlngs and other
towns down he river state they are how lt
the mercy or the waters and great damage
Is being done The slope mInes along time
river are flooded and work has been sus-
pended I wi require several weeks to
pump time water out of timcmmm.
U"ln"lt for 'J'\ont-Slx llour . I
DELLAInE , a. , Jan. 7.-The indications
today are that the great food at 1894 wi' '
0 repeated. The river Is rising rapidly In
consequence 01 Incessant rain for the past
thlrty.slx hours. The Ice In the Ohio river
and its trIbutarIes broke up and ran out lat
night . Several barges were lost Two
bridges on the Cleveland , Lorraine & Wheet-
Ins railway were w shed away. Trains
could not be run today mJd traffic on the
road Is completely blocked Steamers here
at their moorings were not damaged All
time snow has melted ( and Is gone. 'fhe low I
lands will be flooded ly tomorrow morning. i
People are movlll to higher ground.
- -
Rain Clrrlel time lee A\IY Smift'iy.
CINCiNNATI , Jan 7.-The unprecedented
rainfal here of 3.72 Inches In the twenty-
four hours ending at 7 a. m. and at time 3.81
In the past fort.elght hours has had time
I effect of carrying oft the ice tram the river
without any damage whatever. River men
ray they never saw a safer breakup. With
the heavy rise reported from head waters
and from nearly all the tributaries below , the
rIver lucre Is expected to go above forty
feet and no disastrous food Is expected. es-
pecllly as the temperature 15 already falling ,
and teh ralnral seems to be ended At noon
time river was twenty.two feet , riing five
Inches an imouc
. 'lrmerl utTering trout Ovnrlizuws.
INUANAIO.IS , Jan. 7.-Advlces from
souther Indiana to the News report dls.
astrous foods , reBultng frol tie imeavy rains
at time past twentfour hours. The farmers
are suffering severely Irma time overflows . anti
mere serious losses are still anticipated ,
At ledord , lad , on the Manon road , the
bridge across the river has ben walhel
away and the trains are ruunlng north via
North Vernon . At Vienna on the main In !
of the Jelenonvlle , Madison & Indianapolis !
road 300 feet at track ha been washed away
and tramc Is seriously delayed from bolh
north amid south ,
1"1" ) hians imu IWtVIlnn.
1\HKEHSIUHG , W. Va. , Jan 7.-Raln
has fallen here steadily for the put timIrty _
six hours and the river Is rIsing rapidly. At
Orantsvle , up the Ienawha river. the water
Is twenty.three feet and rising. 'lmbermen
predict Immense damage. The steamer
Oumeida a Isnawba river packet , was sunk
here at mldimigimt. Ice knocked a hole II her
antI she will bo a tltal loss. C. E I t Vander-
venter , u thnberman , Ia1 3.000 logs are
pabslng Into the upper Ilcol In the Kenawha
.ach hour. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Two Irlllelllh,1 Out ,
\ WHEELING , \a , Jan. 7.-The river
are still rising and considerable damage ha
already been done. On the Cleveland , Loraln
& Wheeling rairoad one ot the bridges was
washed Away a Bruce anti ODe lt the Wheel-
Ing Creek mInes. There hae been no trains
north tody , all the train due nt nrlllJeport
at 1:50 : p. m. has been abandoned at Uricims-
rule .
The Panhandle , nallmor & Ohio , and Ohio
rIver trains are all right so Car.
Retorlr" 1'1nnded at 3 'eea"ort.
M'KlIESPOILT , Pa. , Jan. i.-At midnight
the water Is up on Mket street , and all
the families living along Water street have
moved out. Water Is In the W DeWees
Wood cJmpany's mi , all part of the mi
Is 1hut down The damage so far to the
1Innt will reach $10,000. The howard Plate
Gas works at Iuquesno hall to shut down
tonight , an'l time Carnegie Steel works are
part ) knt1ked out by the 16011. The water
Is four reet deep on lain street , at Drayos'
burg Little rain Is falling now The &
In : lcKetsJort will reach $10,000.
1tiitWsttcr , II 1111" ,
RGL1SII , Ind. , Jan. 7.-Thc rains during
the past thlrty.slx llurs ; the thaw and time
regrgo caused the greatest flood hero ever
known In Little 1ue rIver. Time resIdences
amid business houss on \ ground were saved !
by prompt work , but the foamS was 10 smmd-
den as to preclude the rescue of animals.
One woman , who lost heavily , attempted sui-
cUb this morning , but was rescued Time
water 15 tl high , and the rains contiumue.
ltIcm' " 'ery . high ht .hmiuummmtowuu. )
JOHNSTOWN , Pa. , Jan 7.-Tonlght time
rIvers here are about ten feet and rising.
Two more fet wil take th water over the
banks at the famous stone bridge , and three
feet more will flood the lower hart of the
town HIorts ) from up the river say a
steady raIn Is falling . and still much snow to
melt . As yet everything Is quiet here , and
there I no exctteummemmt. . .
. JmtpiiL Gives 1 Curt lell , to al lHlulr ) '
COleerlllA .Settienmeimt.
SAN FRANCISCO , Jan 7..Kato. the newly
aplnted Japane93 minister to Great lrtaln ,
hns arrived from Japan on the steamer China.
Kato Is one at the most Itstngulshed and able
diplomats In the Japanese service lIe has
lately been head minister of the bureau of
politics In time Department of Foreign AffaIrs
at Tolio-II posltvn filled by Kurlno until
his appoIntment to time office of minister to
the Unite States. lie will succeed Viscount
Kaokt as the Jalanese minister to the court
or St. James. Viscount Jaoll has been fill-
Ing time two offices of mInIster to Great Drlt-
alum and Germany and to relieve him of a
share of his burdensome duteR Kato has been
given the Drish mission Ylecount Kaol
will remain In Derlium.
"When I heft Japan , " said the new minis-
ter , "the Chinese government was maltng
overtures for "eace , but as : you have probably -
ably been informed nothing las been ac-
ompllsimed. The Japanese government ex-
pressed its willingness to receive the Chinese
plenipotentaries and negotiate a treaty or
peace but my last advices arc to the effect
that China would nt agree to the meeting to
be held In Japan. China prefer that Japan's
representatives go over to ChIna , hut Japan
Insist that the plenipotentaries of China
should meet her cwn reproseqt tves on Jap-
anee soil . sInce It Is China that Is suing for
peace and not Japan. Just what time outcome
or time present negotaton will be It Is dim-
cult to surutmise.
"Our armies are stl' roseculing the war.
Overtures were' made . for an , rnmistice . pand-
Ing the settlement or ' tia negotiations fcr .
peace but Japan naturalY , declined to grant
that ravor. I would givE Clna an advantage
to which she Is not entitie' axpl _ there will
be no cessation of hostliloI , unt 1 'thrfnal
settlement of a treaty orpea e. " . '
Mr. Kate said , hat ' na elciaI ! announcement
or Intimation of the terms under which Japan I ,
would agree to a cessaton of the war has I
been made thus far. ' 'Varlols stories ' have
been telegraphed over the world designed to
show ' the amount cf the indemnity asked by
Japan , " he said "hut I Cn miay that not even
the Chinese government knows what Japan
will demand. The secrets 01 the various de ,
patments of the Japanese government are
carefully guarded. I know , this much , how-
ever. China ha asked the Japanese govern-
ment for a statement at what indemnity I
would requIre ns : ocndlton for the cessa-
ton of hostilitIes. Time reply made to China
waD thnt the mater wOlll only bl discussed
when China consented fend plenipotent-
aries to Japan to negotiate a pace treat ' . "
Minister Kate says that In t11e absence of
any agreement between time . two powers for
the termination of the var . Japan will cn-
tnuo to prosecute Its campaign In China this
winter wih unrelentng vigor , though ho does
not expect to see the Chlneso capital taken
while cold weather iaats
"Just before I heft Japan : , " he salmi . "we
received word of the bmptumra of Hal Cimin
which Is In the road t Moulcden The first
Is praising to and It Is
army prcslng on Moukden can-
Illenly expected that time imitoric seat of the
Manchu dynasty wi - succumb to the invading
army before long. "
Minister Kate wi leave , for time east this
U ITI."a l"Ol A c1IlNGL. :
lu\nlnqs J Jpec the Neil . tuiummiumistrntlon
Wi Take Th"l In
NEW YORK Jan , 7.-Lorin . A. Thurston ,
Hawaiian minister to the Unlt d l States , IC-
companied by Mrs. Thurston was 1 pas.
senger on the Cunard line etenmer , Auraumia .
which arrived from Liverpool today. : lr.
Thurston stated his trip abroad had no po-
ltcal significance whatever. He went to
Portugal at the request or his government
to retnauurte the Importation of l'ortu-
gese labor by time hawaiian ! republic. They
make good Inborers Ild the Illantlrs prefer -
far mlxell crews on their plantations . al
they mire less lableo make trouble than
those all of one nationality.'lmen time
sugar Industry began to decline the ImpJrt'-
ton of lahor.rl was stopped. About COO
l'ortuguese wi soon leave for Hawaii . : i' .
'rhurston rpru8ell to make any comment on
President Clevelanlts letter . remarking that
it woul be ball taste on his part to comment -
ment on wOI'IIs or actions or the oUclal
head of I country 10 which he Is nn nm-
baHsarol' . lie sahl he did not believe time
feeling for annexation to the UnlcII Stutes
hld Ilmlnlshe In his COlnl'y since the
new rpuble was establsled Ind the veo-
pie were looking rorward to a change In
time lulmlnlstmton here two years hence ,
when they hOle to be taken under Uncle
Sam's wing '
. -
CO\'J"RftlI.V ( hP'l'I'Jt lll J : HJITl
oU.PFll.Wl "lIl
InlinnOIU Tryiumrto , S tvo the I'rohlcm
or lolfSIPI.o.rt.
WASHINGTON , Jan. ' : 7.Thme Sioux In-
( lion aenl and arJy.tll'rH In charse 01
other rtsen'llons who , were eummoned to
Walhlngton hy Commlesloner , lt IndlaJ
Affairs Browning held aim informal conference -
ence with the secretary tom1my . The work
among time Italian , 6chools and ] the problem
of eventual self-support were tIme questions
miimicussed. The conference lasted two
imouls . and each 01 the agents wal ques-
toned lmy Secretary Smith 11 to his per-
sonnl Ideas for advancing the condition of
the 1IIIns on his reservmetlgum. Some of the
Igenls allvoealt11 aim Incn'se or attention
to lumbering interests \ slum I snejmps of self-
sUmport 'l'he ngenl' werO accompanied hy
commissioner Brwnln . , 'rime ) ' wi he
given a recEpton by the Ilfcddent In I few
days. nnd other cOllferen wil probably
sloner be hehl with Soretu Smith and Commimm-
- .
: lo"lent& of eaJull : " ' " "uel .Jln. 1.
At New York-AtrlveI1-La Champagne ,
from Havre : Gaiiiee.roxn Hull .
At I immrnburg-ArrIVmd-Scotia , from New
Orlelns ,
At , ' ' -
liverpool-Arrived-Ilrutlsim I'rlnce , i
from Port Io'nl : imIumrI1om'a from New Or- '
leans : ! llnf80. frol N.w Orleans .
At n-Arrh'd-Ylctorla
Brel - ( - , from New
At 1'hmiiade'pmIa-Arr1yeul-Steamem- ! -
held Wrltfh)1 ( ) lowe . Shkih Carib Prince
( British ) , scotIa , from New York
Trouble wih Scrou. II .Immbmmmi. ,
MOUI.E , Ala" , Jun , 7. : Thomas 'ebb ,
white , killed a negro near ( oe\'lle n
couple of days ago In J dUn-uly. Ar.Mimer
row followed and an 'Inkncwn party was
killed. Another ntI'O trouble oceurred In
Meacham Beat . home of the leal'hlmlttI ocCurrec
und the Ictne ct the latu ul.rlblnE , In which
I several Persons were killed.
8earhora for Baret Scot DiEPpointctl in
Their Latest Enle1vor ,
Conflicting OllnlonA ni tn time Clew Settle
: othlng l'onc"tiing time Whtrcmhoutl
of the : ' Wilt
Mlmum'iumg-l'risoumcrs Wil
Valve I'rollnulimmmry iicmtm'lumg.
O'NiILI . , Neb. , Jan. -Speelal ( Tela'
ram-At'no ) tme has time mystery that stir.
rounds the fate or Barrtt Scott been mippar-
cathy further from a solution than t nlght
This Is In time race of the fact that twemmty-
four hours ago a clew lund been obtained
which promised to solve the puzzle. Tllen
there was every reason to believe that a
) .
human hotly was buried se\nt feet beneath
time praIrie In time alI wel on the 1arrls
rnrm. Whatever ghost ! tennnt mIght have
occupied the sepulcher yesterday ' , It disap-
pearell during thc night , Ilavlng no trace
When tIme searching imarty rIalre thiher
today , provided wih ropes amid grapplIng
Irons to rise the body from Its watery tomb.
The old wel contained nothIng but vater
NothIng could be found to Indicate the source
of the human haIrs amid fhrCls of underwear
that were revealed during the previous ex-
Imlormutioums. The slarchers are at a loss
whither to direct their subsequent efforts .
and It Is the prevalent belief that In neglect-
lag to leave a guard at the \el last night
Sherif 1amlon allowed what lay be the
only opportunity to uenetrate the umiystery to
ship through his flmmgens.
Time sheri anti n large posse retured to
the wel today und spent two hous In searchIng -
lag Its depths. Joe Kroter , who went down
the day before lade the first mlesccmmt. Then
SherIf hamilton went , down , and after him
Del Akin. They all Dureld that there was
no forelgl substance whatever In the well and
timey returned to O'Nei wHh this report to-
) .
nIght. _ _ n nnu _ u _ _ _ _ _ _ u _ _
Whie this Is sufcIent to satisfy seine pee-
pie that the indications of the precedIng day
were a delusion ummany at the most prominent
citizens of 10it county adhere to the opInion
that the body was remove b ) the yI"lante8
during the night. There arc a number or
facts whih go to substantiate thIs view. Yes-
terday the searchers discovered that 01 aie
s2o of the well the pole struck some sort
object whie 01 the other It decended more
than a root further and struck the hard
gravel. Today ther was no obstruction . and
the grappling Irons reachel-a hard and nnl.
form bottonm. Yesterday shrels or hair anti
plcces of underclothing were produced ; today
It was demonstrated that there was abso-
itmteiy nothIng In lImo well from which such
relics could be obtaLned. I was notced yes-
terday that time JJroceedllgs at the well were
I observed with Interested attention by ono or
I two persons who are suspected or aflatlg
I with the vigiantes , They had twelve hours
of darkness II which to rem ave the body and
to cover up all traces of their visit. Unller
these circumstances there Is consIderable cm-it-
Icsm of the seeming neglect of Sheriff ham-
IOI , vlmo . alhough he was urged last nIght
to send out a guard , suarely refused to
do so.
WHh the collapse ! 01 hue last and most
premising theory time facts of the tragedy
'scorn lcrc mysteriously ! involved than ever.
M. F. hlarrington who Is fendlng the pris-
oners , says that Roy , Pinkerman anti Mul- !
han will waive their prelminary examina-
tons amid give bonds to appear Iii district
ccurt. This will sidetrack the imifornuation
which It was expected would be developed
dlrfng ( these examinatons and further devel-
opments In Holt county's now celebrated
tragedy may be hllelnltely potponed. I Is
expected that two or thrlC additional arrests
will be made during time wcell , but these are
not lIkely to be attended by any Important
developments. District court doe3 IOt convent .
vent until February 7 , and unless some new
clue Is discovered time Interyenlng period wilt
bring no new' dIsclosures . aie resul of the
continued seam-cluing however has been to
dIscover ; a number of facts which tend to disprove -
prove time stories that have been told by the
men already \nder arrest. It has been prac-
tcly establsh el that their accoults of their
movemelts ncr time time whe"n the tragedy
occurred are untrue In some partIculars . amid
It was expected that enough of this' sorL of
evidence could be procured at the Irelmlnary
examInations to impeach the veracity of the
The latest move or the defendant In deciding -
ciding to waive the examination It not relIshed -
Ished by the prosecution on this accoummt
and It Is fcared that before the cases ean be
brought to trial In the district court some
01 the evidence that I now at hand uumay
disappear The buggy behongiumg to Mint
IM whl"h wnq h1pnIIfl.i1 , belonging ! .nl nnil
Miss " McWlmorter ; ' - as ' time ' ; - one ' In -vl-l , ; - timey "
were taken away tram Parker has alread )
bom turned over to Its owner , no bond being
exacted for its appearance. This was one
of the most material proofs on which the
prosecution relied , and It Is considered cx-
tremely doubtful whether It will be obtaln-
able when the district court cOI\venes. \
In time meantme the search for ScoU's
body will he contnued by his friends , ml-
timougim It Is believed , wHh but slght pros-
pects ot success.
UeclalOI In time ( 'onlflpt Case the IISII ,
for I I''I 1.1111 J'lghl ,
NEW YanK , Jan. 7.-At the meeting of
time Central Labor union at Clarendon hal
an appeal was read front time American Itali-
way union for funds with whIch to fight
the Deb3 and the .
cases against other ofcer.
I says : "If the case Is allowed . ] to rest here
wIthout aPlleaJ , the sauna Infamous con8true.
ton or the law can again and again be used
against labor organizations , nl\l tbelr leaders -
ers sent to prison every tme a strike Is itt-
teumipted Six months tght which hal been
made has depleted time treasury. Time do-
fendants can tght mme longer wHhout aid . "
A commHtee was at once appolntell by time
union for the purpose of collecting funds to
assist Iebu
BOSTON , Jaum 7.-At a meetng of the
\oston Central union the executive coumimmmit-
tee was Intructed to take such acton as may
bo deemC necessary to bring the case or
Eugene V. Dsbs and his associates beforetime
the United States supreme court
, 118ltrO\1 Flro In Jllrylnnl by iVimleim time
blllllrd ( Ill Trut Is i.mmier
I BALTIMORE , Jan. 7.-'he fertilizer works
I at Grifth & 10)d , time acll works of U. I
& C. T , Davidson anti time stable , office and
home trade warehouse In No 1 yanl at time
Standarl Oil company , at Canton were de
stroyed by lire . 'fhe total loss will run UI ) .
ward at $200.000 , dlvldell as folows : Grifth
& Boyd , $ iO.IO\j ; G. II , & C. ' . DavIdson ,
$80000 ; ; Standard Oil company , about $8,000
on oil and $12,000 or building and machinery.
Besides the above buildings owned by Jacob
Crane and the Coal com-
Isny were destro'ed. All the bulllngs were
covered by Insurance , wHh the exception at
those owned by the Standard Oil compan .
Time cause or the lire Is not knowom . Twelve
horel and two mules In the stable of GrlUth
& Lloyd were destroytd. .
'rO\Vl11lrah ml 1 118 Skhpcl.
GALLUP N. M. , Jan 7.-WillIam Bowers ,
town marhal hae not been murdered as was
reared , but has led the country , A shortage
II hla accounts ha been discovered and It
Is alleged the military authorites were about
to take hIm for desertIng time aramy
- - -
Iumb'r 1"IIlr II Truublo.
AHDIOnE , I. P. , Jan. 7-I dwarl Mur-
phy , business manager of the Chicago Iun- ,
bel company , arrived here today und was
arrested charged wIth frntmdmmleumthy musing
tC11 charAell wih frllllllntb' \
the mnl s. lurl'hY li ! all to 1)5 \nlIer In.
ulietnuomut of the felleml grand jury at ' '
Iletmllt ( jurlt i'miu'Im'
JrnI \ lt
Tex. his boml wits Illacell nt $1.t\ Failing
to mm iglut give . I , ; Iur.h ) ' was taken to ' I'alng
L.1110fl - 1.1 .11Hm . 1.O.ST.
Went to New OrteaumaTwo : Ionlu Age ama !
11 Not Irrn 8ren Sluuce .
BUTTE , Mouit. [ , Jan. i.-Petcr lrecn , district -
trlct master workman of the Kiuigiuts of
halter who went to New Orleans II Novomn'
be to nteml the Knigiuts of Labor com'el'
ion , ha ! not been Ilarll ( rein since hl arrIval -
rIval In Nem % ' 01111 ! anti hil friends II
Blto feel certain he 1111 met wih f011
Play. He hall expected to hI bll , early hI
Decemher , 1111. 11ho\ every effort 'hal
he(1 mall ! to trace hi" 'iuercalmoimtmi 10
trce hl ! bC'n fommmmii . lrlll wits a vlull'lt
limit In debah" Ilei ( clrle . 1111. mmmi he
belouflll to time pfwderl ' umuiumou'lt ) ' ' I is I he-
leV'1 he Illh' fntal euuemumiem' lt the 101'
Veiitiomm . hirceum hna ro'I'al'H h'n .
\ellol. lreel ' ro\ \'I'al'H ' ! 111011.
lelt II 1 IlhO' Irlllet' 'nll orfl117er all
O\'el' tim e aunt lt'c'st t. a mud tim tuu'cmi conspictu.
1II'el lllcl'
otmsiy II mimnuu , ' ! trle ! 1111 Ilbor tro\h e .
NI'Ol. : . , : . \ H. hut . Jln , 7.-ltefcrnlng
to the Butte . : Imi . 11"\atl'h. ! tatnl thlt
l'eter Ilm'ceum hl not heel Sl'l'l tlleI he w" "
II thll cl ! ) ' Itel\ll the r"c"lt iCumigimtmm
of I.abor comivemutiomu It iumimm "CII 1 lertlllell
that hI left lame Novemhel' \ : I , A 11'111-
nClt Kllght or l.nhor. who thid not wish
his InUe quoteti. klew lre'n'r ' wel
and thol I ht he mlht hI' lt the 1)'I'81Ut
tm ! lt hI" ohmS 11nl II I Oi" ' of the 101th.
era Htltel , Ilher Ohio or llliummmimm. Brecl
\n ! In time hl'lt of heulh , Mr. lr"1 Wil
one of the 10t Illuental lelbe - of
the cOlveltol , WIS Ot'llo"ell to I inycs' chc-
tel 111 11110 time 10 t "tren\0\H efort ! to
immive iuimim lefentOti. After I imt'cs' election
hlve hll IlefentelArlr 111)1' Illclo\
Breel sellell to lalic thp best of I. hut
.1hl 10t wnl for the eml or the COI'IItuI ,
1IVIIg wih , ( \'erl othel'H two 11)8 be-
fore the COn\'eltol nljo\rled.
SllWl S .lIfl : IS 1 , II. " , . ' 7' .
letormh\.1 to Ilmi'o ho lrlrcl.r.1 01
Mlrdorlll ' 'lllr CUlltr\'mll ' ( 'vied.
ChICAGO Jima . 7.-Over 12.0 SWllt h I
cltzels of Chlclgo nml the 10l'thwe t are
Interestel directly In n luller 1111 ( . hunt
was cul ell for heurllg before Judge Horton
Iii the cl'lmlnul commit today . ' 1hls Wits the
101r , iehnyed trial or ox-Police Olecl'
'rhomus .1. 11011 111 Jlchuc .J ll'ul '
for the alleged enu"elss klln or the
young Swell , Swami el"ol. early Christ-
litmus 10rnilg , lit 1b9 . 'he tril I hl ! bee
defeired oh ouie Pretext atud uLiiothuel' tilt
feehimig imas cm'ystahized mmunouig time dead
mmm's coummtrymnemm mmli om'cm' time muimimite anti
umortlmvestcu-um states timmtt tleeImii\'e muc'asumres
miumouiti be takeum to imrlummr time' nccusemh to
justIce. It Is clrmiummei timut porjmured tes.
tiumioumys'ns lmitrodtmcemi iii time , 'mtriiem' part of
time inqumir ) ' to mfl'e time imohicelmmeum front
prnsecmutiomi. W'iuoum time proseetutioum was
immggiuig to ( be poiumt of Imtlhmure time S'eiiisiu
ciutmcreh tcohc tip time mumatter mmmiii lifteeum
Swedish moeieties gave mm hmumd. A comicert
u'mms glveuu mummd 1,000 stuigerms ahlimenmell itt omme
timumo ( iii time stage at time Auditonituuum and
time immuoumso immill wan timrommgeii by t'imat is
sttli to lmit\'e leemm time grcmmtst mmumnmber of
people evom' gmutimereti timere. 'I'ime coturt u-noun
vas crovicl vluemm time trial la'gmum today.
'l'ime do ) ' 'mms speumt In mmmi cumuleavor to secure
a jury.
JolU11 WiLl ) , STICIKE ,
hemtdwoomi tlluuhmug Curclc Excitcil Over mu
Ehmuut aim ( irecum Moummtuthuu.
DEADWOOD , Jimum. 7-Simcmciai ( Tele-
graun.-Miumimmg ) circles vere today thrown
into a flutter of excitemmmoumt by tiuc aflmmotmnce-
ment of mm. rich strike mmmdc lii time Lack-
awmmna mine , m'ittmaed on Green mouumtmmln ,
a , few mnlhca mioutim of Deathu'ood , humveimtiga-
tion unit lmroveml time report to be true , mmnd
further that it is one of time ricluest strikes
ever made In time Uumlted States , A. twelve-
foot vein has been ummeovered , time ore ,
from wlmiciu , after many assays , gIves returns -
turns averagIng from , $1C0 to 3,70 Iii gold
lies' ton. Time vein Itt vcll deitneml and severe ,
'tests imave deunonsmratemi that its ricimutess ,
wimlle p1memuoienai , xtemmds to every portIons
of it exposed , Time mint' , which' Imr'a'n ohmS
one , has beCmm worked by fits amid mitarts
since 1885. Time om'e is miihlciou iii ciuaraetcs
amid easily treated , The mimimue in owmmed by
James Cohhlummi and Curie ) ' O'Lcnry , two
poor rniumer , wimom a chance "siot" in one
mouiment has viaced in aIilueumce.
I"unernh or ttrA. Lmmtimroi ) .
JACKSON , Micim , , Jan. 7.-Time funeral of
Mrs. Mary T. Lmmtimrop , state presimheumt of
time Wouimen's Ciuristlan , Tenipem'ance umuion.
nail omme of time heading tenupernnce advo- '
cmites of time world was held today. It wtms
the largest gatimorfng of time hCIumd ever held
In thuis city. I'm-irate services were first
liehil mmt tIme residence at 2 o'clock. time no-
ummalns belumg escorted to time First Methiomilmit
Eumiscopmui chunchu by it gmuard of imommor , representing -
resenting the prolmibitioum state committee
and Jnckm'oum Women's Cimristlaa 'remmiper-
( ( mmcc unloim. 'l'ime cimurcim Was profusely mieco-
rated witlu iiowcrmm and wimite ribbons amid
the services % s'ere deeply imnhmrem4mlive. In mmd-
ditiomi to time fuumeu-ai services timere were
eulogistic sem'viees by ' Itet' . Samumi fickle
rmnd hocmmlVorneum'mm Cimrimmtlan 'l'eunpem'tiumce
.mmIomu. Letteu-s from FrancemiVlliurd and
Lady hlemury Sonuerset s'ero u'end ,
Miss \Vilhnrti imamm mieuut out a request timat
ummeumuorlal services for Mrmi , Lmitium-op be huelml
In every one of time 10,00Q local mmuulouis
timrotugimomut time Umilted fStmmtCs , out liuumday ,
Jaumummry 20.
Clumirgeum , gmuIummL mu I'uor tmuperuumtcuumleuut.
KANSAS Cl'l'Y , Jan , 7.-Albeit Flacey , a
guari at tiue couuumty imoor fmmrnm , Iliad smeumsa-
tionul ciuargcs witim time county commnt ngaiumst
Timonmaum ilumispetim time miupenummteumdemmt of
time poor farm , anti , atm a result , mm timorougim
iumvetmtigntion is to be suumde. Fimicey , ummong
other timings , states himmdmmpetiu cruelly
wimipp mi , Jeuunlo Brown , aim humane lmttiemmt ,
and later , when she. wits semut to 1)emuver ,
told time svounmumm shin woumimi be killed if muime
returmmed , I ludmmpetiu lit tmtso chaugemi whim
kicking ammo huatleuit munmi vithm lockiumg tup
mnotimoi' for three s'eeks mmmi umlimwuumg imim
only one macal a day beemttmso , ime m'cfused to
work ss'lueuu sick , Fimmcey furtimer states
lltmmimmpcth tusemi county teams emu iuimi private
farm and made time imatients tilt time soil.
ltefuuumcmt to ltimIu SS'migcs.
BROOKLYN. Jnmu , 7.-Time comumunittOc op.
pointed imy distm'ict assembly No. 75 , Knigimtum
of Labor , to wait upon mmli time railromud cqnm-
puny presidents to malee termuts ( or time
c'omimig yemir , have ahmumomit conipleteml tlueir
work , ammti ( lie u'emiult Is numytiming bmut satimi-
factory to the emnlmloye5 of the u'alhroumimi ,
They wantemi aim Incu'eamic of 2 ier cent imer
dtmy imu their pay , mmnmi ulso otimer coumcessiomms
from time eouiipmtimies , btmt were maci vitim a
1)1 mumk refiusmu I I mu emtciu case. Time comnmumi t tee
of time emniminyomi viil report lmaclc to time dis-
( net utmiseuuubhy \Vcmiumcsdmty , tinmi after time
Em'lmort iii imemrmi it will be imujiunitted to 11mm ?
various local missemimlies anti timey will lake
action umpoum It. It 114 imruhmaImhe a mtttiicu.i vulh
lie uieclmiu'ed , its that 1mm time exImressctt feel-
lag of time mnemnbers of time coimmnultlee.
s iuim'lcy itmlier ( itt $ Off.
FOhtT SCOTT , Kaum , , Jmmn. 7.-Juudgmm Jmimn
\Vuihiamns in time Ummiteti States district count
lucre mamimt an important miecimmiout governing
time jmmniomhlctiomi of the Ujmitemi Hbmtemi commits
at Felt Scott , 'Folmeka mmimml W'icimittt in null
0050,9 ccmvcm'emi by sectIon 2i39 of time Ummitemi
States btmttutem' , This sectiout li'Oimilits lime
selling liquor to time hummilanms and 11mm
lntroductkmu lute time ternltcum'y. Judge \'li.
hiaummm4 , 1mm 11w camp , dl ( S.V. . Me'Clnmmey
cimmu rged 'i tim mmci ii img i iqumor I n time hi im in
town site. situated in time Quaimatv agency ,
mnutmtmminmm time mieutmum'rm'r of cumuumsei ( or time
defeuuinumt to time junismllctlon of this court ,
nutil luolmimi I immm t I iuo roth t im a mm imo j um Imud let bum
In aumy cases cuvereml by sectiolm 2iZ J ,
'I luren iIih'ml Iii a % 'm'ccIc ,
MASSlLhON , 0. , Jmmn. 7.--A coIilslomm oc-
cmmrred timimi mom-nimug on time Vimetiiluug &
Luke Erie , east of b'mitimvllio , Fiu'cnmrpi
\v , J. itymium ( if Norwalk , 0. , wan pinimed In
time cmmls mUlti iovly ritIm4teml to uiritim. Ewing
Latmghumlw'f of Smmtitiuville , a imamiseumger w Imu
imami liceim mut Oni'viulm' , imami hut neck 'imrokemi ,
Cuumductoi' J. ii , Itonmums of Norwmtik jummipmnl ,
imreakimmg oumo aria mnd fracturing timrc'e mum ,
lie m'eceivetl Intemital InJmmnl's from wimic'im 1mm-
will die. (1 , 1' . l'aniumim ammml Juck ltem'himmjrt of
Ainemmihion uu'eu'e seriously immjuucd oummi mviii
imloliably sue , _ _ _ _ _
Ictuuisamu ( .lmy ( hotS ( 'hemuim ( immum ,
KANSAS Ci'i'Y , Jun. 7.-After a lmmmr(1
light extcmmdlimg over mm- Pencil of several
weeks , time city councIl tonight passed an
ordimmance wimictu will tlvo Kansas City
consumnuermu dollar gas. 'S'huo l'hliamieipimimt
Ga company lmami imimie a bId to supply timO
city mvitim gas mit $ i.40. It had Imeen cimarged
several aitierunemi imaul imeeuu bougiut up to
mu ( thmm-ough a bill mscceimtin5f timis price ,
, -
lIi , rumuemi t l'rumrreml I mugs 'i gmu I mu s t mu mu A I I mu rum ; 'y
Wi'IIITA , Kan , , Jan. 7-'I'he dimmbarmnent
proceedimms against ( 'tunty Attuniuey ' , yil-
lard liooume op'ned iii timq district court to.
dmmy. 'rime evidence imroducemh temumied t mIrw
( lint cit two occasions iioouue imah no 'elm' ' ' 1
time costs lit eases of dlummmmlumsed t'rimmmmim.mi
charges and tiumit time cot had been imamd
over mmgaiuu by time county , The trial vu'onu-
lees to be long druwmm out ,
Logisatiir Unable to Proceed for Want of
DttuIcd ! Organizhtion ,
hluimihmip to Smttity time i'aclon t'ccluig fo
11 ceoguu I t ion cmi Cuuuum umu I t I ecmm-Scuuiu to
Cmtuvuimu 1tmitm iuulsicmm mi muk I im g him I
Little hicmuulwuuy..Tuui Imuy ,
ii'COIN , Jami , 7.-Spcciai ( Tcherntui-i
Time legisiatumne imas arrived at. timmit imoiumi
mm'imere but little fmirtimer camm ltc' tiomme tmumtll th.
rcgmmbar stnmutliuig comuumumittecs of lmotlm imouset
are aimpolmuiemi , anti limb mm-ork Is not imeimig muc'
Colmihmilsimed wltimotut oeriomms uilfllctuhty , it. m'nt
imolmOtI that Speaker ltlclmarda m'otulti lmmmve (
duurluig time recess froumu Timmmrsmiay evemmiumg mum'
( Ii timis afternoon to imiake up time imomise comuim
mmiittee , amid ( lint lie wotmimi be reamly to imp.
poimit timeuim this mufterimoomu or hi ) ' tommmorrosi
mmmorumhmig mit time ( mmrtimest. This cveuuiumg itt
stated that ito woumhmi mmot be i-cmutiy to umimimotumict
themmu umuutih'emlumcsmimmy nt icast , lie has becul ,
itt mu-erk mmli evemuiumg 1mm a hopeless eummicavor ( ml
satisfy time scores of coumiilctiiug lmmteremt *
viu 1dm mm re ilemumnmu di mug recogum it lomm. '
Time seuuate commumimittee , comumposemi of Mcd
Kessomu of hnmuemister , l'opo of Saulume , ihaimmi
of Amlaumus , Dressier of Wmmymue auud Steuffcr ci
Cant I mu g , mm' im 1dm is immalmi mug mup t lie seumato coat.
tumltiecs , imeith a 11mm-ce iuotmrs' sesmioum timis oven.
I lug , but be'o mmml mi elmhiumg umpomu t Ito cimmi inmuan-
Similm of a few coumiimmitlees , miittmie mme muuaterlmmi
luregress. It was ulefimmltoly miecitiemi ( lint Pope
imimommlti be cimtmi nuiimtum of the jmumlicimmry comum mu.-
te aiumi MciCessomi of time railrmmami coummmuulttee.
TillS I'LAN IN ihmiANl ) ,
Time' iimuportaumt elmairuumansimiim of time flnanc
coimimumittee Is time subject of a contest betwecum
Orlando Teift of Cam's nimml ( lraimauuu of Gage.
liotim seluatens m'mmmit It , lummt by mmeumiorlty time
imlaco uuzmturmiliy wommltl go to Teift , Time clmumir-
mnauisimip of time coumuimmittee on uuilscellnuieous
corporatioums Is being eagerly setmgiut after by ,
a umuuumber of senators , Next to time flimaumco
Cnnimiii lo' Iin . " , , , , , , 6 , , , . , . , , , , I..II , , . , . , , , , , . ,
corporations is time oumo of time greatest ho-
Portauuce as far as time itresemut sessloum Is con-
cerumed , Snmitim of 1)ommgias is unaklmmg mm strong
luh I for t iu Is chum I m'umumuumsiui p , a ummi tim 0 Oh I ) ' timlmi g
tIe ( am' decimicd lut timat , It mmmummt go to one of
time olmier mumemmibers.
Time senate coimimnittees caumnot be ftmhly
uiinde tIp ) uuimtil time coummummittec out rules aim.
lrnimmted Timuraday evenluug uumnkes its report.
Tlmls conmummltteo Imoltis a m'essioum timis oremutmig.
Several couuunmittees now occmupylng hmiaces of
iummportauuco on time list nre to be coumsohidated.
It imas becum miechhed to coumsohidatu mull time
couiimnltteea on time eleeumtosyumary iumstltutlona
of time state. Time couimummlttee on rules vlll
also umiake some ramiicai cimaimges in time size
_ t lime coummnmittoos. Most of time counmmmtttees
m'-Ill ho reduced in size.
Time floomi of hills coumuuneumcemi 1mm botlu imomusel
today , and it itt expected to commtlmmue In ftuh $
force for several mveeks before time ebb Is
reacimemi. Noume of time hooked for inmportant
blll imave yet mmplmeared. Time question of re.
ileving time distress hum time drouutlm stricheen , , ,
districts Is bound to attract immmntediate Ii1.
terest. Time bill appropriating $100,000 was
Introtiuced iii time seumate timis afternoon hiM
there is a rapidly growing opposition to time ,
ahipropriatlon of so large a mmmii to hmegint
'witit 'It istagreeml that if it shuali be decidES
to exteumd time muceded Ussistamuce ( roam time
stoto treasury dIrect that. tlmq first apropria-
tloa should not be mimore than 30,000. Tluo
friends of summahler apimroprlatiomms urge that mull
of the relief m ork will imave to be dommo whIle
time legislature is In session , anti that. it t '
$30,000 approprIation Is founmi insuflicient'
It can easily be sulihmemented by a second
measure hater In time session. Time imouse bill
autimorizing counties to lsue boimtis for relict
'purposes Is meetluug with many strong conu-
mmmeuudatlone. Time resolution offered by Cold-
well 1mm time senate timls mmfternoouu atithmorlzlumf
couumty coinmnlsaioumers to proceed at once tO
relieve suffering In eacim county aimd plcdg.
tog time legislature to legalize anytimiuug 'that
ummay be dorm scenms to mmmect. with but little
approval anti It will imnrdhy be adopted ,
ltltLS rOut sT.t'r5i1iEIIF.
i.egisitmtorm Vommtemmlmlmtto Assstljug ( time liei.
titito 1mm Vcloriu Neirmuumku. ,
LINCOLN , Neb , , Jami , 7.-Simcciah.-Tluo ( )
first bill for time relief of time droutlu sufferers
umuado its aviearance liu time senate timis after-
00011 , flO 000li US time imrelitmiimmnry work huntS
been cleared away and time way Imaved for time
introdtmctioum of bills. It mvhl be known as
soumato file No. 10 , uuimd Is liutroduced by Sent
atom1tmmtimburn of Funumas couumty , it Is pm-c.
faced its follows : :
"uVimereamu , 'lime dry weatimem amid imot ivIumd
of lamit mmtmnmuner immive i'edtmced a gm-eat imumum-
her of time imuhimtlmitmtmttim of timis mutate to a
couuditlomm of mtioolmuto 'mvmtnt mmmi uicieumtleuic (
for foomi , ( mid ant ! i'lotimlnmg uuutil aumoilmem
harvest may ho sccmmremi to tluemui , therefore ,
for time iuurposemm set fortlu In time foregoimmg
iureannble , moud to ( iCti-uty time mmccessary
expenses timereof , tlueu'o ime mmmmul 1mm iuei'eby 3
nmpu'oimniateti omit itt mummy mnoney In tue treas.
ury lime stun of $ S'JOOtlJ or so unmmcim thuereol
mm unity be imec'mmmuary for time Inumummemhiate re-
hief of tlma hn'olmle of time droutii-atnieken
comunties of ( hut state.
Time bill thmemu details at length time mnanneg
iii mmimlch time mimomucy mmlmall be exuemmtled. A
relict coummmnlsaioum Is to b3 appoiuuted , ahtimough
time alipoilitive IOWel' Is not designated. 'flm
auditor of imubhic aceotmimts is directed to imonos
till vommeimers and reqmmummitlons of time comummis'
siomu wimemm time imaimmo immmvo beemm approved by
time preuiimiemit mmd secretary. All auuiltor' %
warrants mli-ammn iii immursumance of timis act. and -
eimdoreed by time state treasurer aim umot paid
for trant of ( uimda are mieclaremi to be statq
secimrlties , anti it is iuutui.le time duty of all 0111.
cers of time state charged wIth time care ol
iumvestlng time hernmnnemut school fuuiuml to Invest
time immune lit mmcii state secmmrlties , ammy law1
usage or imractica to time comutrary imotmm'itim.
staimmlummg , It is furtimer mimetic time uluty of the
relief coummaulsimion to presemmt all warramutmi Is.
sued to tlmeumm under time provisions of timis mmcl
to time Immoper state oihlcers for immvestnmeumt iii
t lie pemumuaimeat scimooh tmmmmd liummediatehy upon
time saumuo Iielmmg imresented to time state treas'
urer amid umot paid for waimt of fuumde ,
Time immevitable lull to regulate time South
Ommmaima stock ) 'am-mls ummaulo its appearance ( lila
mmfternooim. It 1mm fatiueretl this imuislomm by
Joimim C. b'lmrccimer , time stalwart yoummg Imopu-
list seumator ( rout Colimux coumuty , mumud iii very'
simumilar 1mm its imrovieiomie to time omues which
have been bmmniemi lmy iegislmttures previously ,
It hmrovimies timat time governor umimali lie time
live stock iumaimecton for time state , aummi ito Is
autlmom-ize'i to tmlmpourmt. a etmihleitmnt iuumuulmor of
conulmetemmt imsaistaumts to im kmmowmm as as.
oistant live stock Imushmectrirs. Cimargemu for
ymmrduumg and weighing cattle are llxemi at.
20 cents per imcaml , imogmi 0 cemutum , cheep 4
ceultum , it is mmieuio unlawful for owners of
stoek yards In Nebraska to cimmmrgo iuioro
timaim double time ctmrreiut imiarket lmrlce far
grauum aummi lucy , Courminlssiomme are also
duly set'medtmhed ' at GO cents icr imeati for cat.
tie , $5 er car for bogs , mmmd i per car for
silceIm ,
i5rmuute file No. I ? , by Semmator Pope , lire-
riding fol' time sale of food amid drugs iii a
pure state , Is desIgned to prevent time adul-
termmtioim antI umuimbrantiing thereof , amumi lure.
vimlt's for a pure foot ! comuuinlslon , to be con.
stitutc4 of time govermmor , liutcmumuimt. govermmor
amumi supenjntcamieiut of public instruction ,
mvlthm hewer to lmitimoilmt. turn secretaries at a
salary of $2,000 uter almimmmnmu eacim , Omue of
time secretaries Iii to lie a dabryiuman of live
years' expenit-nce , mmml time otiucr olmall be a ,
imractlcal analytical chuu'mnist ,
Scm-mate file'o , I ) , by'mmtmmoiu of Otoe , repeals -
peals time existlmug provIsion of time Nebraska
statutes rciuiriumg railroads in cqup cars
with autcmmmatie commpicrs mmmd subslittmte limo
law imnuemi by coimgress Iii 18'Jh ,
Senate file No. 10 , by Craume of iougia , ,
mmuakom miii eoiustables mmzmmi imerif9 ( ; umlimlsterlai
0111cm-i-s Iii utice courts In clvii gumS criumm.
immal prom-railings ,
Eoumatim tile No 19 , by ( 'ramme , allthmOrIzcs
coumuty colmmnu's-mJnsrs iim counties whose ,
popuhatiumu excemue 70,000 to employ cunaet