Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 07, 1895, Image 1

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    , , - ' ' ' . " ; " " . . ; . , . , . , . . , ' / ; ' \ " ' . , . , . . , - . ; . - .
: T . . . : , THE OMAHA f , : DA.LY. BEE. ' . ' :
. I . _ r . .
, J srl'.JU.lSII1 D JUNE 19 , 1871 OA1IA , ONDAY ] [ " OnN i JANU.AUY ' , 1805. SIN LE COPY ] rlY ] CJ : ' .S.
. ,
t. - Empty Treasury to Do further Depresse
by Unneccsiar Appropriations.
Superintendents Ask for Sums Largely iu I
Exces of Two Year Ago I
: ,
Half n Million Wnuto l to Start I Building
. Doom Thtro ,
I : thlatc , \lrll'cy suhlltCI Illclo that
' 1101011 10 Clue Wutchll ! 'cCIcll
. 10 l'rl1cnt I JtravuI\ro AlmDst
Crlmilal : In 13 Intclsity.
LINCOLN , Jan. 6.-Speclal.-Go\'eno ( )
IIoIcotnb' 1lllenco on proluble legislaton
at thc present stsston Is already recognized , :
ant Etep3 are being taken In certain quarters
to crset that Influence , especialy In regard
to appropriation hills . That there Is a contemplated -
templtet rId upn the state treasury Is
already certaIn , ant nothing but thl honeH
Intellentenee of the republican members will
9 prevent It. A glance at the estimates of the
superintendents of the several state Instltu-
tons reveals the fact that they anticipate a
heavy Inereas In their expentltures turlng ,
the coming bIennial period. The total estimates -
mates asked for tor general purposes by state
ofcials all siierintndents ot state InsUu-
tons arc $ 2I21,4tO. , The tctal amount ap-
pr.cprlated two ) 'eari ago was $2,209,039. So
the new estlnt 3 contemplate an Increase In
\ expenditures of $212,000 to begin wllh.
_ : r. . & The superIntendent of the 10silital for the
Insane : at 1.lncoln thinks he cannot possibly
get along wIth less than $192,000. Two
years ago he receIved $ 141,600. The In ,
dnstrlal school at Kearney , which for the past
two years was managed very \el on $85,700 ,
hopes to make UI lost time by asking the
present legislature for $128GG8. The superIntendent -
Intelileni of the Institute for the Feeble
Minded at Deatrlcl beats the record , however ,
by aeltng for $161,150 , , whcread two years
_ 4 ago hd was extremely fortunate In securing
. Soma of the retiring state ofcer have not
baen at all modest In paving the way fcr
luxurious terms for their successors. Th $
labor commissioner asks for an Increase of
G.400 : the secretary of state , $3,600 ; auditor ,
$1,700 : treasurer , $5,800 ; attorney general ,
$1 700. The hoard of Public Lands and
Buidings aks permission to spend something
over G.OOO mor than It received two years
ago ; the State Bead of Transportation asks
for $3,300 more , and none of the Increased
amounts Is required for the expense neces-
suy to cary the maximum rate casa to the
United Stales supreme court
4a./ , The followIng statement shows the appro-
vprlatoni alreaty asked for by the several
state , InstitutIons. ' 'hl figures In the first
column Indlcats the respectlvo amount asked
for , and In the last column the amount ap-
Jroprlated , hy the leglElature two years ago :
, i4 IS ! : ; H 3.
Ine4ne hIo'pItaI J.lncoln $ 9.OO ; 112.1,700
. . . . . .
. 10plal. . . . . . . . . $ :1,70
1n.le , .8)'lur. hastings - . . . . 15",80Q 11.C0
Insnne 1(91Inl. Norton ! . . . . . 11.3 : 3.600
Hlnte 1'L'nttenttIr . . . . . . . 13.70J 12)4123
3t1.hUstrlai School l. ) I.ere . . . 128.668 b".70J
IndustrIal Hchool. Grle\1 ) . . . 40,96 47,60- )
Normal teIioI. Peru . . \ . . . . . . 6i,15 4.62
"B'lum for the Blind , Ne-
'n8Im City . . . . . . llni . . . . . . . 67.100 49.rOO
lome for th" Frtent1)es ) . . 1lnoln 42.761 ) 33.0JO
In'hlKIrlnl ' home . ntorl1 . . . L.610 2.7:3
10Iile. , ' lIonIr . OnHII lslanI. . . 103,220 58,3Z0
Ichooh for the Feeble Mintieti ,
. , Ichol lcnlTjec . . . . . J . 'cIlc . . . . :1 . . . < . . 161.4:0 i6.400
- - - -
I "otnl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ .179.831 t9.:9
I must be bore In mind that these 11g.
ures to not include new buildings and other
permanent Improvements. There Is nn ex-
trlordlnary demand for new buildings , but
tlo general approprlaUon of $2,421,490 includes -
cudes only officers' and emilloyes' salarIes ,
. . maintenance etc. Tile building appropriations
.T already asked for w1 exceed any ever secured -
cured from the legislature In the history of
Nebraska So far the requests contemplate
In appropriation ' of nearly $1,000QO0 , and of
this enormous amount the city of Ilncoln
Ictesty asks for mora than one-half. ThIs
statement Is almost too strong for belief , all
nothIng but an examination of thc demands
of the institutions located In and near the
capital city proves the startling ! gures.
To begin , the regents of the Stale unl'er-
slty , upon the stateinentt . ant recommenda-
tons of tour [ or five reshllnt alumni , ask ] for
- In appropriation from the general fund of
r'L r- ( um.GOO ! for nrw buildings. ThIs wil add n
4f tux of one-half mi on every dollar's wort.
of ussessablo real and personal wortl'
the state of Nebraska for two years.
Heto Is a schedule ot the new buildings
asked for by the reg nts : First they want
the state to erect nn admlnlstralon building ,
to pro\111 offices for the chancellor , regents ,
clerks amI secretaries of the several state
societies , The amolnt asked for Is $40,000 ,
nn exceedlngl modest sum. when taken In
connection with the further fact that the 1'10- '
' ' posed Idmlnlstrton building Is to can
r ' 1 tlin the "as1emhly hal , " which tile
I enterprising citizens of Incoln : have so long
coveted for tile accommodaton of Ilolteal
0\I , state conventions anti other gatherIngs , but
L" which they have alwuys felt too poor to can-
'L Itrlcl by Irl\'ate enterprise.
I / Then tile law tchool Is saul 10 need a moJ-
1 , _ ? cat bullllg , to east blt $12,000. Another
mal appropriation Is ncled In order 10 en-
- . larle LuLl nrmol q. and SI.OOO II nIcd tnr
' 4- : , iills 11joi .n'A' < bull -iii- WIlleiltOteachI " "
S ) culg women donlstic science Is to cost
I o"ly $3,000. Just what the regents propos3
tu teach In 1 domestic science school , unless ,
they desire to inculcate I new system of ,
I cooking formulas , Is not 8p clfed , Ole of [ titer
, r larger buidllgs asked for [ Is one In whch : to !
, teach natural sciences , and the SUI of G5.000
, p' 3 , Is wanted for Ihls purrese , Another building I
- for rgrlclilural Inll meclcnlo arts Is 10 absorb -
serb $25,000 $ , nll $72,000 Is wuntell wih ,
which to complete the Infnl&hJ library
hii Il I t. I Is further ProPosed to connect
the prsell Grant hal and' the chemcul : lb-
oratory \ Ih I ftrurturc which wi cost but
$1,000. ) A leI urccnhou8l to supply bout-
II ' I , .tenlerel to smlllg graduates on commence-
, I 'f 7 J nent day wil oul ) cost $3,000. having thus
I ( Ilrellarei the 11) " ' and means commit-
1 \ tee for the greatest purt at their
Il / 11lsery , Ihe regents give the finish-
. .J lug touch to the atmlrnblo structure by ak ,
I tie for a building In which to teach Ilh'slrs )
I and astronomy ) to be electell ( at a cost of
I , ! $200.000. The entire amount Is $465GOO. This
I I Is just about what the expenses of the LIII-
h cell , Ilgh Echool might 1111 ben the past
fel years hlil not the city dispensed with
such an luUluton and generously p rmltell
the regent of the State university to supply
the the stnte. lack at the eleme of the taxpayers of [
In addition to the U55GOO asked by the
"U Stnl' university ill the way of new buldln s ,
n nt\ wing I 181I.t for the Insane hospItal
near 1.llcoll , to cost GOOOO , thus making
the total building appropriation asked for by I
the city of [ I.Inaahri $ S15.GOO-ant there Is stIll
n possibility thaI the home for the Friendless I .
less may decide to a.l for I few wings ant
other like thIngs The enorloll tribute tie-
Ilndet of the peopl ) of the state by the
04c y of Lincoln explains wIly Joe Burs of
" jllurlhigton Utach fame Is 10 be chairman of
"N.lnrIIRton committee on Public buldllgs all
either John Charle I remolt McKeuon Dr
John 13.Vriibt clllrmau 01 the untl cum-
minion In the senate , Lincoln influence will
predomInate In the making up of all house
and senate committees ihat have to do with
the appropriation of funds for public buIld-
Ings. In order to secure hH own enormous
appropriations the Lincoln delegation , with
its trlends , may bo compelled to iog roil for
Increased appropriations for buildings for
other InstItutions and the result promises to
bo startling. The prospects for time formation
of a building appropriation combine are ex-
Another contingency has not been \ -
looked. That Governor 10lomb may veto
any partIcular Hem In any of the flpllropria-
t.n bills has not been lost sigh of , all I
he does the effort will be made to Ilass the
Items , the veto to the contrary notwlllstant-
In asking for nn appropriation at tGOOOO
for a new wing to the Lincoln hospital for
the Insane Superintendent lay candidly admits -
mlts that Ir the present system of caring
for the incurable , or chronic Insane lt the
hastings asylum Is contnuel1 , the GOOOO
shoull be expended at hastings. _ lie _ argues
at length to pro\e that the adlILonal room
Is needed , but , In order to secure the ox- I
Ilenllure of the proposed GOOOO apllropla-
ton at LIncoln , Superintendent Hay proposes '
radical changes In the present system of
caring for this class of unCortunates.
At present all Insane patients arc fIrst
taken to the hospital nt Lincoln , where a
peclalh' equipped corps of medical all Insanity -
sanity experts Is ninlntaimied. Many arc
treated and cured nt the Llroimi hospital.
The Incurble are transferred . to the asylum
at hastings when their cases are recognized
as hopeless. At hastings . of course , rio attempt -
tempt at treatment for Insanity Is Inade. Sue
perlltel\lent Hay asks that the Institutions at
Lincoln Hastings and Norfolk be designated
as as'lums al11 hospials at the same tme ,
each ono to receive null care for all of the
insane In their respective districts , both curable .
able and Incurable. Of course , such n plan
will necessitate the maintenance of [ a largely
Increased medical corps nt each of the three
InstItutIons and ultimately be far more expensive -
pensive to the taxpayers of the stat , but ,
then , I will gIve 1.lncoln nn excuse for ask-
lug and taking that $ GOOOO for n new build-
Taken all together , the well laid plans to
tto over thl hard times by expending $515-
GOO of the people's money In Lincoln II the
next two years will be nPlllaudetl by every-
bmly-excpt those who do not live In Lin-
coIn.Timat portion of Governor Crounso's final
message referring to the apparent usefulness
of the omce of deputy ! labor commIssioner
has excited considerable comment In certain
circles , nnd hy maay It Is thought that the
retiring governor admnlsterd ! a rebuke to
the present deputy labor commissioner , J. B.
Erion. I Is only Justice to say that tile
entire paragrnph referred to was written by
Mr. Erion himself and read by Governor
Cronnse word for word as writteli. Heferrlng
to the matter today , Mr. ErIon said that
unless the legislature intended to furnish
the bureau sufficient funds to carry out the
work exacted of It by the , talutes the office
well be aholishmed.
might as wel abolshet.
The subject or irrigation will doubtless receive -
celve n larger share or the legislature's attention -
tenton at the present session and for thl
reason I stale map contained In Labor CoIn-
missioner Erion's report , distributed 'cster-
day , Will he especially valnable. The map
shows the locatIon of nil IrrigatIng ditches ,
Inchulng aIm all proposed ditches I Is an
exhibit whIch will surprise all who have
not kept themselves especially Informed ns to
tile progress already made with irrigation In
Nebraslm. A tabulated statement printed on
time bottom of the map shows the mIleage
ot IrrIgating ! canals by counties. Scots
Bluff county leads with 160 miles of canals
already completed and 137 proposed , whlo
Cheyenne county Is a close second with lOS
miles oC completed canals. The total mileage
of completed canals lS shown by actual sur-
voys made by H. H. Lawrence , civil engineer -
gineer lt Omaha , Is 689 ; miles proposed and
under construction , 1,41 ; acres under canal
at present , 3G 1,20 : acreage under survey ,
1,422,00. The table complete will furnish
valuable information for all members of the
ormaton ni
legislature and others directly Interested In
Irrigation - - - . I I ns - - follows : _ _ _ _ _
I J t . 1 - ?
" ; : g"
. COUIjTY. ; ; t 1- g '
. fs ?
: :
; 11 .
, . . " . . . "
. : 1 _ _
leone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2G . . . . I
lutnlo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lL . 1 15l' . . . . . . :
Iila'no . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ 16 20 .
l.own . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 : . . . .
Innnqr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 11
Cheyenne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 . 73 slIt '
Cherry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J ! . 9G I."OJ
CUBICI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 . CO 1. ' )
Colfnx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 . 1 : . . .
Iawson . . . . . . , . . . ; . . . . . . .1O,4 ! . 32 . . . .
lundy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lOW . . . 3 .L , )
Douglas l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73 . . . 48 . . . . ( ( .
DI'\ol ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 30 2. J.0' )
Dawe" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2' ' ) 21 3./ / ,
Furns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2) ) 30 6,10)
FrontIer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 : . . . .
( rlelry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 . . . .
) mmmcliccic . . , . : - : : : . . . 41 47 . 18.D 0
In't9 Jlelux-J . . . . . . .74 . . . . . . . . . 4 . . . LM' '
halt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 30 iOt.dO
Howard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 . . . ? .
Krre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 . . . .
Knlh ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 101 ' 1S,00) )
Ke'n Patio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 . . .13 . . ( . .
KImball . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 . . . . bJ
1InNln . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10) 02,0
1.11' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : J . . . . .
Phelps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21\ \ . . 410.100 \
Ihlll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21l1 . . 33 . . . .
Red \\'hIIow . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 7 : 12.0QJ
Hol , 'low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 . . . .
Saunders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-I . . . .
SCOt9 illuff . . . . . . . . . . . . L ; . .2 i2410 )
mur . . . .1. . . . . . . . . . . 10 ) . . . . 2./
Hhcrinn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . 3) , ) . . . .
Hloux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,50)
Thomn" . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2.J . 1.1) I )
Valley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 37 15. ' ) )
W113c1er . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 : . . . .
- - - - -
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ 033 _ 1.41 _ 36j.2' ) )
In dIscussIng the irrigation legislation needed
ed for Nebraska Mr. grlCn deals only In general -
oral views leaving to those with n 10r expert -
pert knowledge of the subjec : the work of
preparing by saying : the details. lie closes his report
Our 11resent Irrigation lass- passed by tile
legIslature II 1891. wait all that was noces-
sury at the time , blt our needs have Increased -
creased with mime all ) ! experll'nee. Nine-
lenthl ? or the lember of time 589 legislature
Ilrolmbh' never Ihought of the subject of
Irrigation In Its application to Nebraska
lalIds. Tile Importance which 10W atnches
to Irrlalol of the lands vest of the nlnet-
seventh merIdian 1" 11er. new legislatIon
covering the clmaned conditions a. 220005-
clverlng al , ' chanlet contllons ncel-
A short space or five 1'ear8 has clearly
demolstmtc the lame nd pr"ltll,11 re-
"sll 10 lo atnllel h ) ' irrigation of lalls
generally , At that time (1\'i ( yers ago )
there wcn lot over 3.0 ncras oC Irrln (
Ia111 In tile tnte . Now there are 120(0
acres , wIth calais unler construction and
prolo e'l l for hUltrets of thousands or acres
: -3nore. for many of which there Is nol water
lulclcnt to wlrrant anythIng more than
talk for 1 local spring 1'001
SOME C'hi.NGES NJmmD : ,
The babls oC tile n\asuremlt or the
water Fholhl be ellnltt , Ins I Is almost 1m-
IIOlllblo ) tu mensuri large null small bo.les .
of 10wilt wlter under 1 rouI"lneh pres.iure
with any degree of uCt'umcy.
'I'ime lannel' of 11t for l\prOl'rlalons ' of
water shouhl h. fO l'estrlct.t I to prel'en
I.erlols . ( ruin hUng for double or more Ih.n ,
the capacity of their I'rolose,1 ' ditch or uf
the suppl ) ' of the strmm from which thc
canal Is ted .
\.e also nerd 1 law 1lmlar , so far as I
tOll ) ' IPIllt ) to conlllQls hpr , to the WllHhtl
Ilw ) oC (1ICorla , which ro\IIel for the :
ec.mmurl ) 1\'lot tinder lw lne of I 1lO- '
110led canal to vote bonds ' against all the
land unllr the jrOIl0si ' hIt , 10 Ill ) amount
sullieieimt build the eammui lIfter ) '
sulelell to bult tlr ralnl lfer 1 propel'
SII'\I ) ' by I eOlllet nt 11'1 nJIleer his
hewn ) the ( eabibility of lie scheme ; but
shoull he guarded I a board of control of
whl' h i th" governor ) should be n mcmbr.
'I'hiis 18 nl'l'Har ) ' In order to Insure compe-
tent , nHlwerllt Iblll > ' . Ioot busIness nun-
Igclell , alt ! Iu Prev'nt the \Otlt of ilaIlds
against worhlfls lanllhlch cannot lIe
Improved UI' OIl whih the can set no
1'.l tar. )
After the canal Is built nil lands tInder
the same Hhoull he assessed 10 iiay 0 [ the
llllls : hut only the minis using the waleI
fhoull be tax ell each year to PUY for the
nltltelanee of the cannl.
liarriN CIlnl n Wulkont
NASII\'ILI.E , 'rena. , Jami. 6.-Tue legis-
luture wi ufHPlble II nQon January 7.
The IIelorrlt8 control bth houses. Selltor
hlaIris' friends claIm hl8 selection by this
l'UUtUI ) IOlla ) ' wlhout dlleul . The
erlutorlul Ilueslol onrshutows all
others and II the chief tuple or discussion
I In wltcal us wel us oilier circles .
CHINA'S ' LAST nOPE GONE I to Accept Any Terms Japan i
Dispose to Offer ,
Shanghai h "cry Ic8rahio to ChIna hut
the , Conqueror Wi Sot ton.clt :
to that l'lnco ni the
lenlcz'ous ,
SAN FRANCISCO , Jln , 6.-Tho stmshlp :
China arrived today from Yokohama , bringing
the following Id\'lce8 .
TO O , Japan , , Dcc 21.-1 trustworth
sIgns now point to n seedY'I isace. Events
have march with great rapidity In the last
two weeks The ChInese hopIs of resistance
ha\e broken down ant a formal offer of direct
negotiations has been made Little progress
was made until after the capture of Port
Arthur , when the Chinese at last appeared
to realize lie necessity for Inllellato acton
alIt ! they declared theIr readiness to appoint I
o representative of suleent rank amId to In- !
vest him with full powers from the central ,
government . The chalco of an appropriate
place of mcetng remains to ba consIdered.
The Chinese have designated one of their own
ports , Shanghai , lS a desirable rendezvous.
To this Japan will not consent , ant considerable -
able tmo has been lost In discussing the locality -
cality , but the lo\emelt to\art peace Is
proceeding , however , In apparently good faith
on the Chinese side amid with sincerIty on
the Japanese side.
The JnpanesB ministers are thorough\
aware that the Intcrests of their country wi
bB most worthily "ovell by bringing the war
to an end with the least possible delay. Thc
task before them . Is not In easy one , for the
stronJ ant active mliary class Is bent upon
further conquest on a large scale , and the
public feeling Is all In favor or inflicting ad-
dllonal punishment on the enemy and de-
mnndlng inordinate terms of settlement.
Until the proper occasIon for proclaiming
nn armistIce presents itself the mIlitary operations -
atons wIll conlnue with unabated vIgor.
Japan will nol he tempted to relax her aggressive -
gressIve energy , nor will she be diplomat-
Icaly manouevered out uf any of the ntl- .
vantages she holds.
General Yamagata has returned from Mall-
churla , leaving the commalll of the first
army 10 Lieutenant General Nozu , and Is now
In attendance on the emperor at Ihirosimilna .
Alhough untoubtedly suffering from Illness ,
I Is believed that the main purpose of hIs
recall was 10 secure his Inuence In restrnln-
lag the Intcmperate ardor of the military
faction and [ acltalng the arrangements for
an early restoration or pcace.
To Inquiries whether additional acts have
been receIved bearing on the excesses oC the
Japanese soldiers at Port Arthur , the gov r-
ment replies llat the reports arc not completed -
pleted ant that I prefers to wall until I
full record tan be prepared. However , It
authorizes the statement tat no new dlsco\-
cries of atrocities committed by tile Chinese
or of acts of trtacher which may have In-
clet lie Japanese troops to the revenge-
ful violence wi lessen In time slIghtest do-
grce its condemnation of tile misdeeds which
are a stain on the national credit and for
which the cuuntr was totally unprepare : .
The govrmcnt believed that dlsclplno
was so thorough established In tile army
that no conceivable circumstances could pro-
yoke the troops to disorder , much less to In-
tulgenco In ferocity and cruel ) ' . I has
suffered a biter disappointment In the discovery -
covery that the high standard I hoped to
maintain without a blemish hat been for-
gotten on one occasion or fierce excitement
anti passion by men to whom the empire's
prestige has been conded.
Chinese merchants are returning In great
numbers from their own country to the
Japanese ports and arc seekIng registratIon
on the footing of Japanese subjects. On December - !
comber 9 an Immense festival was hcld lu
Toklo to celebrate the capture of Port Arthur ,
Wlh a single exception this was the only
purely popular demonstration ever attempted
In Japan. The first was In honor or General
Grant during hIs memorable vIsit to time
capital In 1879. -
From the army of General Oyaml on the
Tao Tung pennsuln ! little news of Importance
Is received On December 5 time Japanese
entered the walled town of Fee Chow oa the
road to New Cimwang without meeting the
. reslstanco which had been anticipated . The
Japanese at once resumed the northwlrd
march. and at last nccounts were close on
Kal-Plng , a large town only thirty miles
from New Chwnng.
Wherever the Japanese flag Is raised time
Inhabiants signify their desire to live under
Its protection . Many of time most prosperous
citizens of Port Arthur and Ilnchow , on
returning to the homes from which they hat
fed during the last days of Chinese mltar ) '
occupation , have posted signs on their wails ,
gIving their names ant addresses as residents
In the "New DominIon ! ot Japan. "
Since time begInning of December the course
of time campJlgn In Central Manchuria has
been completely cimamlged . For several weeks
It has been reprtet that time advance columns
of time first army , which at one lmo hat sent
scouting parties to wIthin forty malice of
Mcukdln on the north 011 New Chwang on
the southwest , were drawIng back toward
General ' Yamagata's headquarters lt K1uln.
These reports are now confirmed ant ore
explained hy the appearance on time scene of
a new all unexpected Chinese force A corps
of the army which China permanently main-
talus In the Anlor region , on the border of
SIberIa. was detached nhout the middle ( of
No\mber nod lent hy slow marches In time
direction of 1oultl1n with orders to relIeve
orters releve
that city by Ilaeklng the Japanese troops ,
believt'il to be the ' '
belevl.1 on way thither , 'rhe new
holly of combatnnts was lulerltoOI to number -
ber from 10,000 to 16,000 , antI , to he com-
posed wholy of hardy Toilers Punctualy I
whol apprised of their Intenlon limo JaiJan-
ceo commal\lers made such disposition or
their forces as tile occasion demanded . Major
General Tntsuml was lent to Tal.Cha-Pao , a
strategic lllnt In the mountaIns some twenty
mle3 norllcast of Iote masg
. . SOATTEItElThIE ' :
\T 'ARTAliS . I
Here al November 13 he me a largely
superIor bOdy of the enemy , led imy the Tartar
general , and , after a bharp &klrmlsh , scat-
tersll the mmewcomers , who left twenty-five
doall on the field and a considerable IUan-
ty of Irms nnt ammunitioim . 'fho Japanese
loss wait two killed and four wountel1 , This
engagement put a stall to the /lempt of time
Tartars to co-operste with the Chinese troops
at or near Moullln. Time Tarllr contnuell
to advance , turnIng their' attention , however ,
from the origInal point utah lovllg soutil.
ward with tile evident
wih IlrposB oC assailing
Von WilamIg This town Is One of the strong
Ilolnts occupied hy the Japanese Immedlatel
after tile crossing of the Yulu river Time
Japanese , though outnumber two to one ,
utaclell this force and dispersed . I com aie
pletely. Time Amoor corms to which the for.
mldable movement for the relief of Mouktln I
was entrusted has ceased to exist , lnd ,
though runaways have been traced / for Ify
1111105 . net the slghtest sign of an organized
body has been fount by the Japanese piI-
suers. Time first ant second Japanese armIes
ore wlh'ut doubt wIthin easy communica-
\ .
lIon . - 4 . . . . . .
The colt In Manchuria Is intense , tht or
the extreme nortimern posts 15 '
norther being doss'c
helow zero. 'ho soldiers suffer llll ) '
discomforts and many of the laborers have
died frojl exposure Fresh bUPIJles of thick
clothIng are going forward In great quantl-
ties .
Every effort Is being ma'le ' by officials frol
time Interior of China to conceal the truth
with respect to the loss oC Per Mthur. 01
a huge bulletin board outside the vIceroy's
resltence at Nan1lng was 10atell on No-
vember 29 a notIce declaring that the Japan-
ese had been defeated , wlh 10.000 slain , ant
that the war was about to end
SEOUL Dec. 20 , 189t.-oSlnce the departure
of the vreeealnl mal I complete reorllllza-
lon at time Corcan govcrnm nt has taken
place under Count Inouya's enrgete Ilcta-
tion. The removal of 'l'uI4Vo-Kun from the
prime ministry has been folQwed by disclosures -
closures implicating several Icmber at the
cabInet II plots against the Jrpaneso 1111 In
secret communIcaton with tilts Chinese court ,
I Is now established beyond dispute that time
Incessant Tonghak Insurrect us arc not duo
to popular dIscontent , but haie been dIrectly
instigated by officials In time Corean capital ,
with the purpose of t1iwartimi the projects of
the J"panese representaties mil preventIng
the extensIon of Japanese limfitmence . Count
Inouyo has 80ught to eSlablsh nearer rela-
tons with the throne , sIgnifying his Incline-
ton to look upon Its occupant ns the real
center of authority. The results of this new
departure arc saId to be far more satlsfac-
Since the Intercourse batweemi the king end
Count Inouyo began to take this confdental
Corm I Is noticed that time Tonghak out-
breaks have been suspended Several members -
bees of the government have been threalened
with Issasslnatlon I they undertake seriously -
ously to carry out the proposed mtasures for
reorm. An attempt to murt1er the home
minister on December 13 was defeated only
h I ) ' the vlgllnee of the Jupnese emplo'es
on Ohio polee force. The Englsh nlachEs
In the Cereal custom house Jla\o realized al !
last that Cilina's dominion hi. i at In cnll and
ha\e accepted offers of emlllo'ment by tile
government of Corea Joreshlgeh Nlyo , an
experienced otache of the Japanese finance
department , has gone to Corea with
a large staff to exnmlno the condition of the
treasury and to Cormulata plnns of reorm.
Sho\lnl for lie \' 11 the Whole Vn-
1 111 I , ( ; ooii.
I.ONnON , Jan. 6.-The review of the year
at time Stock exchange shows that on the
whol , with the exception of tlC values of
securities of defaulting Sciutim . American gov-
erments Int American railway securities ,
llliCeS arc tlstncty advnnced. The late
prlcos were the hIghest of the year , while all
first class stocks arc so high that the return
to investors nt present value Is exceedingly
small. DurIng lie "oeel { time markets were
fairly bou'ant and active. The settement
caused heavy realizations In tile mIning mar-
Iet and a consequent decline In values . but
the activity was unlmpalrM. Homo railways
a 111 foreign securities were firm. Argentine
securities were ilepressed. Nearly all de-
cared reduced dividends and prices of stocks
accordingly fell . No rescue of the marltet
for American securities from thc existing
stagnaton Is looked for until the currenc
problem Is solvemi. I Is believed , howeler ,
that ( the coining year wi show an Improvc-
mcnt. Central ! Pacifc cleelted * per cent.
Small and fractonal declines were made In
tile others. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
' ( l'Iln'ES. S''lt\\'IOS.
- - I
l'atriotie Cnn\ltol to He 1oll In St
, Jlhns to Aid lie , nestHlto.
ST. JOHNS , N. F. , Jan G.-A number of
citizens who lead In the affairs of the colony
have comhlnet to hrlug 1110 lt the holding
of n patrlolc convention , composed ' of clergy ,
magistrates and traders o'f the principal
towns , to be held In st. . Johns at an early
data to devise ways and . ijlcms for extrlcat- I
Ing the colony from the prcsent position aut
for relieving the poverty which Is so general.
Tile crew at the warshlpl Tourmaline fed
300 : hungry people today : The necessity for
generosity of this ohmmeter Is becomIng daily
more apparenl.
The Batik of Montreal which Is now the
financial agent of the colony . has established
a branch here anti the oiitlltfer , the offices
arrived by the Silvia toda..The SI\'la also
brought $100,000 In sllel fir the. ) ISO of the
government. Governmneht' debentures are
beIng sold by the holders who are In faanclal
dlfcules for GO per cent of ther ! par value.
The persons selling them demand gold pn-
ments. A few speculators are making large
profs out of these transactions.
tXONlit.TE1) BY ' ! l 1'EOPLE.
Uornll 1lchllll , "ocl\t t 1 lllol lcctcd
to time Clmlhor of n III tcs.
PARIS , Jan. 6.-Geranl Richard , socialist
editor of time ChambarJ , who was recently
ImprIsoned for Insultng President Casimir-
PerleI. hiss been elected a member of time
Chamber of Deputes for the First district
of Paris , by 2,742 vote . agaIn-it 988 cast for
M. Felix , republican.
In November last M. . RIchard wa sentenced -
tenced to One year's 11PrlsonmJnl and to pay
a fine of 4,000 francs for pnblshlng an art-
ole which the court hold to be insulting to
tile presIdent of the repmmbilc. A parla-
menlary bl-electlcn was held on December :
23 , In the district above named , at which
election f Hehart was n candidate. lie
hcate the poll wih 1,802otes , and two
candldatey recelvct enough more to . prevent
M . RIchard from getting a majority over all.
This necessitated another election , and the
re ; l Is time return of f lticllaril.
nellrll , Innlh ut % 'miflcaui'er.
VANCOUVER , 1) . C. , Jnn. G.-Generl
Booth of the Salva lon army II now here
alI received n hearty rpcdptien trm the
army and Cltizeils . lehhl interviewed the
provincial government reklrdlnJ the eRtnh-
Ishment or nn urmor ) ' ant cOlony II thmiti
pm-evInce _ _ _ _ _ ! _
Irrnn o "ld 11'11llngr'e. , .
BRUSSELS , Jun. a' - The Gazette de
Chnrh'lo states that France his informed
Belgium hint sue wi iot J oppose the annexation -
nexnton by time Belgium goverment of the
Congo Free State.
lnlnl Aml""Ior tn 1'i'mtimee 1ceillod ,
110MB . J011. G.-Big. flessinan , Italian am-
bnssmilom' to I.'I'unce , has been recalled.
Count Gaul , frsl secretary of the embassy ,
wIll act nit churgo II'aCfnlls.
lulIM Oil Carl 4imcre&mscd. !
STOCKHOIJ , Jan . G..The government
hints Ilecdll to rlpe the dltes on corn 15
oelo per 10 kilos uI1 on flour to GW acre.
'l'hie new tariff wIll take , effect tomorrow.
1'lJo'1 I.ust EllUyli'itl ,
110MB , .1nn. G.-The pone _ has already lent
his encyclcll to the North Amel"lcun IJII-
( 'Dilate. I wi he puhlshell In tile Unltell
States before It ltipears here.
1.1..It. ' 01 ' . j . 11.UOJ.
- ,
Upper Ohll " ' .lloy 1'110tolol wIth 1&
1"1111' O"erlw ,
ST. LOUIS , Jan G.Aeclal to the ne-
puhle ! from Wheelng , \V. : : Va , says : Tile
wnrm . , helvy raIn which hegln In this vI-
chll ) last nIght hills conhnle.1 . almost In-
Interrulltctl ( ) since , and .tlo JHOW II nearly
all oft the ground . Itepoi tIm from nil Parts
of Ohio river basin simow Ilnlar contltons
111 there Is no longer ' anjy Iloubt of n hood.
Time ice In the rhver hroke UI ut about S t
o'clocl ( his tvenlng and vut ' r rose eighteen
hlhes In twelty mlnutc I II expected
by river len that the river will reach fllm
Ihlrt.fve 10 forty feet ulll 111) ' he mOII.
CINCINNAl'i Jan C.-At niiitinlgiit there
Is serious Ilprlhlnllon ) If another flood . At
G o'eleel tonIght the Ohio , was eight feet
five inches . At midnight I was fourteen
feet hive ilIchIes Inll ho _ indIcations . wer\
that the I'ISI would average , Ol'cr 1 foot nn
hour the rest or time nIght , ull for 90mB
dl1 10 caine. It will 111e only a day ur
such Ilslnt to rluch the danger polnl of
forty feet of water. In fthnml'y 1581 , ( lie
river Icache 11 high water . 1111 , here of I I
$ C'Cflt-tVO feet. . -
WistL'h'llhir'ilFrhIiihiil5IlIdIlI(0 : I'roxle.
CINCINNATI Jan , 6-W . 11 . Huton , a I I
Ilromlnen brj'sor G thl ciy , having tone
to New York C'ty to i'ok ) Into the moye- I
meat fOI' I reorgunIzutoml at th Whllly I
trust heallcd by John J.ntcIIJur ( ) ' , wlNtl I
back to his Cincinnati " ' I
Clm'Jnnat Iml"lner" loda ) 10 so- II
cUe all time proxlcl II fever of the \ ( ac-1
bury lnovemnt anll turwarll Ihel at once I
to him In New . York. 'fhie- 11cm here says
I has ) ' ) Shtlr3S clremnly him favor of the
moycmen t. .
t.Na'w e - I I
. .
Na'w Tol"phol (011.1. Y.
C'illC'AOO , Jon. . - ' ! ! ( ushlmn Unle I
'Jelelhono comnuny ) cf ChIcago Ils been in-
corporatell , With ) n 131\tll \ Hok cf $20,000-
Quo. to manufntur ! '
0 { ( ceph'lu applances
Ilul to c "Istu l DII ( } I nle telshlol1 ' * ' anti
tcllgrph cxrima'ig's. J 24 ( ' , I. hma : O.
ua O. 1.-aihaldt iflcQlliOraters. nud JACh1ll U.rt I 4T. named I
Oev elan Makes PubloOorcspon ence that
Indicates . Where the Republic Stands.
IISCllllol. that Ito Cumell United ! Hnlcs
8hll' tn Qnl time " 'nler8 of the
. .
Jiitiiii fur IhiitIio Ilomi.
hhul' 11 lo , lou.
SOIl , lieiiieil .
WAsmOTON , Jan G.-Tho attention of [
time PresIdent having been called to I hint
thrwn out In the senate Ilscussiol on 1.'rl.
day that the visit of I certain "cornlmiitteo
of royalists from tile lawalan Ishniltis" was
colltiected In some way with the dtparture
'uf American shIps from that locality , he
saId tonIght to 11 Associated Ilress reporter :
"Of cours , such In Inslnulton Is very
absurd Its propriety anti time motive behInd
I , I am sure , can safely bo left to time jndg-
ment oC [ all and rIght mlndell Americans. I
ann entirely wllug all our Ileolllo should
know everything concerning the visit of the
so.calet 'COliilllItteC of ro'alsts. Last year
In the latter part of Jtily or early In August ,
thrce gentlemen frcm hawaii arrived here
all asked through the secretary of state I )
designation of n tm ! when they could have
nn Interview with mIle III present a message
from the deposcd queen. Though I could tot
with propriety recognize them ( oOclall ' ) ' . I
wns not disposed to reuse them personul )
time audience . Time tiny mal hour were fixed
for the Intervlcw. In the meantl , at lY
/IUet , trnnRlltell through the secretary
of state , these gentemen Inde known tile
precise note : IlrilOSO of tholr visit In time following
" 'To lioli. \V. Q. Gresham , Secretary of
State : Sir-We , the undersigned COl mis-
Iloners , sent by her majesty Queen 1luo
1Ianl , request In audience of the president
of the Unltell States. We desire to ask his
excellency whcther . there Is any hope for
his doing an.thlnF for the restoration of the
consttutonal govermcnt of the lawalan I
Islands. J. A. CUMMINGS.
'I. A. WODmtAN.
'SAMUEL I'AltlCElt. '
"After this note hall been slbmilet . to
inc. I prepared In writing . with SOIO care , a
repl to the question It contained to be ral
by me to the ( commissioners at our meeting.
I Intended to avoid all misunderstnl\lng all
mlsconcellton by absolutely confining myself
to such written relll or _ which the following
a copy :
. 'Gentlemen , ) "OU IUSt permIt mo to remind -
mind you that ( this Interview Is not an 0-
! eal one , all that instead oC . receiving you
In my representative capacity . I meet yell
as IndIviduals , who hnvo traveled 1 long dis-
tanco for the IllPOSO of laying a certain mat-
'tr h ' rnr" 11
_ _ _ _ u _ . _ . .
. 'You ask mo if I there Is any hope of my
doing Inythlng for the restornton of the
constitutional government of the hawaiIan
Islands. I suppose that thIs question Is
largely prompted by the fact that soon nieI (
the overturning of the laic govrment of
the queen , I Investigated that transaction
ind was satisfied there llt boon such In Unjustifiable -
justifiable interference : or aid of that move-
mont on tie part of time representatives of
the government of the United States In Its
I diplomatic and naval service as to cal for
! correction , nO'only' to rectfy what seemed
1to I be 0 wrong done to others , but also
I through that rectification to ward ot what
appeared to be a danger to American : honor
and .
. ' the constItutIonal hlin-
'Ful ) appreciating consttutonal lm-
iatons of mY executive power , and by
no means unmindul of time hindrances that
lulghit arise , I undertook tile taslt.
mlghtlrlse failed In my plans I committed
time ontre subject to the congress of the
United States , which had abundant power
and Iutholly In the premises. The execu-
lve branch of the government was thereby
discharged from further duty and responsi-
bity In the nialer , unless moved thereto
by congressional commuand. The congress
hus , both by its acton and its omission to
act , signified that lothln ! need be done
tcuchlng American Interference wih the
onrthrol of the government of the queen.
" 'Quite lately a goverment has been ee-
tahlshet In hawaii which Is In full force
and operation In all parts of the islands. I
Is maintaining Its authoriy and discharging
all ordinary governmcntal functons upon
general principles , ant not losing sight of
the special clrculftnnces surrounding thl3
case , thc new overnment Is clearly entitled
to our recognItion wihout regard to any of
the Incidents which accompanied or preceded
I Inauguration. _
" 'This rccognlt n and attitude of the
congress concering hawaiian affairs . of
course , led to un ahsolute denIal of the least
present or future aid 01 cncouragemcnt on
my part of an effort to restore nny gover-
mont heretofore existing In time lawalan
Islands. OIOVEll CI.EVE.AND. [
" 'hen the day appointed for the meelng
arrIved , I was conned to my bed by Iness
nnt was unable to keep my engagement I
thcrefore signed the paper I hat expected
to read , and I was delivered to tIle cornmmmis-
slollrs , who , I belIeve , returned at once to
hawaIi . I never saw any member of Ihls
organization or committee , ant ha\o never
hat LIllY communicatIon or transactIon with
any of them , directly or Indirectly , except
ns 1 have hero stated. . "
I.\ W\IAN CONS I'J 1\'ro IS II Ln ,
Comillclo Uolnls of tIme h'roposemi Uehclol
II I the Inrh If the : OV 1011bll.
SAN FRANCISCO , Jali 6.-I'er ( Steamer
Cimlna.-llonolulu ) , Dec. 31-Thl preliminary
exnmlnuton of the alleged conspirators took
place last week miami three of them have been
Ibid for trial without imail . Time maIn wit-
nesses for the prosecuton were spies In the
employ of the govcrnlent , who wormed
thomseh'es Into time confence of the con-
smirators Ind whel the proper [ ' time came
gave time whole thing away. According to
the testmony of the winesses for the gov-
erment timero . was n deliberate _ .lm9t ! to obtain ! !
Ilossession or tie govcrnmentlulllnts arid al
the of the
promlrent supporters republic were
to he surrounte'l ant arrested at their homes
hy details of the conspirators The govern-
mene detectives even obtaIned complete lists
of thobe who were to he arrested . Among
them were Preshlent Dole , his cabinet olcers ,
momhers of the executive ant advisory cOln-
die , newly elected members of the Iglsntur ! ,
custom house , army anJ IJ ce olilcials. The
consilirators claimed to have some 2,000
stands of arms alli the support of the natives ,
but time trial developed the fact that the
natives took no sloell II the affair , amid that
the consillracy was Ilmply gotten up by a
gang of Ilscnteltet whies and hal whiles.
President Dele has receIved an lutogrJph
letter frJm Iresllent Montt of ChIli , recognizing -
nizing time new republic .
10ev. Douglass 1' . \ernle Of Austin , Mass .
has been offered the 1'astorate of the Central - '
tral Union church here , the largest and finest
In tile I el ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
( ( HH1r" 2-7E1.SON MORRIS ,
11. 811mon Says 'Hleo IN .tbsoititcly Ni
I 'Ic ii ro- l'iio U iliOll Iii II're I , I
W\SING'O : Jan G.-The utenton of
Dr , Salmon , chief of the bureau of nnlmal
Industry of the Unled Stales Department
of Agllcu\ure , was calet to I para-
graph In an Intenlew wih Nelson MorrIs
of Chicago , In which Mr. MorrIs Is reported
to have said ; "Catlemen know there Is
no imleuro.pneuinonmia , 10 speak of In this
coultry , "
"If Mr. Morris , " laId Dr. Salmon , "used
the precious words attributed to him In that
I Inten'lew , I cal not but suppose I was
through Inadnrtence. lit vIew of the readi-
aces of the enemies of our lve stock export
trille 10 excite preJIllce against the
salutary conditions of our catl ( ! the statement -
mrnt 16 . Iabie , I fear , to serIously Injure our
I hive stock Interuts abroad : . No ole oucht
I .
to be better satisfied than Mr. Morris and lie
! cattlemen to whom he refers that there Is
not alt bas not ben I sIngle case of
pleuro.pneunolin In the Unlcll States for
nearly three years. Either Mr. Morris has
been misquoted or , as I saId beort ho
mallo use of time expression throuRh hlalh"crt-
nee , but It Is Inlll\ertelo of n kInd that
might prOVe costly to our cattle Interests. . "
IU\ : 151 : 05' OIIU.I' : ( , T ,
Congresslimsml from Iho Tenth Illinois nl"-
tlllt 1)1. "lli I I I ) ' ,
W\SINGTON , Jan. 6.-0cncral l'hllll
Sidney Post , mcmber of congress [ 101 the
Tenth district at 1lnols , tiled at the llaillIl .
ton hotel In this ely tills morning after on
Iness of but one Ila ) ' , His tlcnth was front
heart faIlure , resulting froln acute gastritis.
Time funeral lmarty will leave Washington at
S o'clock tomimorrow mmigllt , vIhi arrive in ( Jiti-
cage Tuesday milghit aimd tIme fulleral service
wIll be ileid In Ualesburg , lii , , lmrobmlbhy Ved-
( heimeral Post was best knowim through lila
brilliant immlhitar3- services Id ( lie rebellion ,
where lie voi hIgh ratik 01111 mlistimmctlon wIth
great abIlIty , \'Imeim time ar began Ime was
aimpoimited secolid liemiteminmit of time Fifth liii-
11015 llmfatltr ) ' . After thmo first MIssouri campaign -
paign imo becaimmo lacier , atid clghmt mliolltils
after hIs emihistimment ivas mimade colommel of time
Fifty-iminthi IiiiliOis for gallantry at Ohio battle
of l'ea RIdge , In whllcil Ime was badly
Before lIe Wi15 able to moumit his lirse witil-
out assistance hme joined time trolps , then hlur-
rylng forward to Corinth , and was at once assigned -
signed to time ocmnlmlailmi of a brigade. Prom
May , 1S62 , to time close of tlm war ime was
constantly at time frommt , Ill time Arimmy of time
Ctmmmmberiand , first 'organIzed , 110 coma-
nmahmdcti tue flrt brigade , ilrst divisiomi of tIme
Twentieth corps a brigade , consplcmmohis Iii
all the engagemiments of that armny umuier Gemm-
oral Itosecrans , W'itim it lie o3imlhnelmced tile
battle of Stoime river , drove ( ho omieiny back
several niihes , and captured Leetowim ,
lmmring tile Atlanta canipaign lie i\as traiis-
ferred to General Wood's divIsIon of time
FOlirtil COi'PS , and ) 'llel1 thIC latter vmms
\volmlmded at time battle pf Lovejoy statLn took
comnlmmanmi amIti retUrnell with It to Tennessee
to OhiO3O ) tile passage of thmo enemy nortim ,
On leceinbcr 15 , 1861 , in time Nasimviiho light-
lug , lIe carried Montgomery hill at ( lie poitit
of tIme bayonet , and 1mm tue next day's ilglmt-
lng fell dailgercualy wounded , while leading
an assault on Overton 11111 , In July , 1865 ,
Imo was given coiniimand of time western tis-
( net of Texas , anti remained mmntlt tile withi-
drawal of ( lb French frommi Mexico remmioved
th danger of Inilitlry conmplicalons.
Ccneral Post's civil career ilas been an
eventful one. lie was bormi March 18 , 1833 ,
in Florida , Orange ocuiity. Now York , was
graduated froni Union college In ISIS , prac'
ticed law in Kaimsas , where lie also editcml
a newspaper , alml in Iiiimmols. After time war ,
In 1866 , 110 was appointed coasmml to Vienhma ;
was Iromnotei ) consul geimeral for Austria-ilumI-
gary in 1874 , resigned In 1879 ; was om-
niander of time departnment of IllInois Grmuld
Army of time Republic In 1866 , and was a
republican amember of congress for four
ternms , beginning with the Fiftieth ocngress.
Ct.itING % % 'lEl ( IN Tilil HOUSE.
Fmtte of time CariiIo Cturrcimcy.UIhl Will Ito
lietermuhimetl Very Shortly.
WAShINGTON , Jan. 6.-Time coming week
promnisee to be a most. eventful one in tile
house of representatives. It wth mat only do-
( ermine the fate of time Carlisle currency bill ,
so far as time lower branch of congress is con-
ccrncd , but In tile event of the defeat of time
measure liT will have a far-reaching effect on
the currency question , and on time policy of
congress and time administration.
Tile democratic lmollsb caucims , wilichwill
convemme at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon , mm-
lass postpn&J on account of the death of
Itepresentative Post , will be time first inmpor-
taut step , as It. is t'xpectcci to test wimetimer
any bitt can colmlnmand a mlmajority , did wimat
time formu of time bili is to be. Time imouse will
adjourn immediately after time assemblage , out
of respect for Mr. Post , A rule , fixing ( lie
future ourse of debate , will , not be introduced
until Tuesday , anti Its terms will depend
largely on the events of the caucus , It
had been llOhed ) to get a filial vote by Tuesday
or Wedncrday , but Mr. SprImiger , who Is in
cilargo of tIme bill , says it mmmay b necessary
to let tile debate run timrolmgil tile week.
Timero are evidences , iiewcver , tilat a commp
d'etat will be put in execution by Tuesday by
those opposed t the bill. TIlls viil be a 1mW-
( ion to strike out oh after time enacting clause ,
which will be equivalent to a mnotion to hciii
the bill. It vams by a stroke of this kind timat
time Morriron tariff bill was siinnrnarily kihietl
long before its friends imati anticipate.l a filial
vote , Time hmoliticah leaders of tile house have
been onsulted , anti have agreed timat this
move is regular , anmi in accordance with the
rllies. Timey are expecting ( lie move , althmougim
it i not kmlown positively ( hint it vihl be
talmemm ,
If an early vote is timus taken , and all time
bill after time enacting clause struck out , It
would do away with time five minmito debate
and put a cuinmary end to tile trouble. If ,
however , time motin to strike out ehould fail
to secure a mmmajority , time five inhililtc debate
would proceed mmtll time final vote was taken ,
Timem'e is no progranm for tilt , week beyond time
currency bill , as thmat. nieasmmre will exclude
( lisCllssiolm of everything else until it is set-
tied ,
_ _ _ _
IN TIlE $ ilNi'L'E.
Nicmmraguaii Canal Hilt VIil tie IlcuasetI
Iuriiig ( lie li'cclc ,
WAShINGTON , Jan , 6.-Time senate will
unmmloubtedly adjourn tomorrow soon after time
hIOUl' of lmleotiflg amt a marie of respect to ] tep-
resentatlve Post ,
0mm Tmmesday tile Nicaraguan cammai bill wIll
agaiim be before time senate mimi tile regular
proceedinlgs of time week wIll begin % 'itil a
speech iii sUplOrt of the nmmeasuro by Senator
Zslitciieli ofOregon. Time friends of tIle canal
bill are imopeful timat a vote may be reacileil
some tlnmo dmmriiig time week , but whether it
svhil attain tilat Important stage will tlcpenml
upon time persIstence of tIle olmposltioim nail
time Interference of time business of time appropriation -
priation comlmmlttee , 'fimo imemmalon appromria-
tion is the only ahlimroprintion bill miow lefOrO
time senate and It Is not believed its consider-
mmtion will conmtumo much (11110 , hIlt there is a
probability timat time urgent deficiency bill
will lie reporteml durlmmg tile week , anti in cane
it Shlouihi lIe mmmiii aim effort Is made to call it up
It is to he time basis for miuniorous speeches on
time approiriaionll for carrying time iiiCOlllO
tax into effect , \VliIle time opimohments of tile
income tax generally dIsavow any intention
to defeat time aplmreprlatiolm , they openly con-
teas thleir pjirpose of usinmg It as a text far
spoecimes oIl time general policy of Inmimoalnmg
aucim tax ,
Time probabIlitIes are , however , agaInst any
effort to secure colmaimleratioml of tills bill dmmr-
lag tile sveek. It is likely two or tlmree
speeches iibi be made against the canal hill
nllmring time week , amId timere arc stIll othmera.imo
far almaOhlrmCed to be mnade Iii its support.
Tile advocates of the canal bill are beginning -
ning to grow sornewimat amixlomts to reach , a
vote , ems tiley suspect axm cifort to iioith tlmia
off untIl it mnay be Im08iilio to tilspiace tIme
bill entirely vltii seine oilier measure , or , If
timis be avoided anmd tile bill imasteil , it will
reach time imouse too hate to moecuro consldora-
tboli dlmriimg time imresent t.essbon , 'time general
ummtheratandlng now i timat wheim time Nicar-
mmguan canal bill shall be disposed of ( my the
semiate time hiankriiptcy bill will be tmticemm imp
for comislderatloim , amlul after thmat time tern
tonal admlsmlomi bills will receive attention ,
Creiv i C i I'h I o t I tul I i'erhshi ,
BOSTON , Jan , 6.TIme pilot boat No. 2 ,
time I ) . J , Lawler of tlmls city , was sunk
by time sciioonmel' horace II , I'arhcem of
Gloucester off 2dlimot's Lodge ) 'cstCoduy
maorning cmiii foui of tile crew of time hunt
hioma t lierialmed. I hi ihoiphi I I tmm m Isoim , time
steward of thm lawicr , tvai time only one
Who escaped , _ _ _ _ _ _ _
tIui : ttiiui % VIfii h1'mit ii to Iemitlm ,
EivAltrS , Mips. , Jami , 6. - 1.ommis ( hub.
waycoioreti , a 1100" enml liroiioti ( mit-tumor
lIving on It , C'Vltiiers' iilantultIn ( mar'
11)110 ti'oin thIs imhaet , vus found ( lead thIs
, xnormmlng about 100 yards froni lila cabin , in.
dications are that both ( Imslloway tAll ] ImIs
I % t'ife WerO beaten to deatis svltlm hute ,
Searciherl for Parzott Sott's : Body Partially
Explore a Promising Clew ,
EVIt1CUCO that tlio Missing Man Has BOOA
roflhlti ill a Deep Well ,
Another Attempt to Be Made Today to
Bring Up the Dopth's Secret ,
Two $ troiig Theories as to thu Iispuqltlon
of the tiiifcirttuiiitt , Ex-'L'rcmttmircm" , ito-
miislmis % cii muipuim'med iy Clrcumtst-
smumitimil itlitL hIrcct Evitleimec ,
O'NEILL , Nob. , Jai1 , G.-Siicclah ( Tele-
grmimmm.-lt ) is tim mllml'orsal iueIief In O'Neill
tolligilt timmtt tIme immyatery ( hint lies eimvelopt'tl
tue fate of Barrett Scott is near Its solu-
tioim. Eviticimce Is at hmammmivlmlchi commflrnms
time belief thmat time elmooting at h'arker s'as
followcml by mt still darker crimiie mund timmmt
60011 after Scott was separated fromn Imla wife
aimd little oime the blow was strlmck which
macdo timemim vldowctl ammil fatherless.
Tllo results of today's search indicate thlat
time body of liarrctt Scott lies at tIle bottoimi
of a wchl about Lomlr mimhies ( remit time sod
ilOImSe lit l'mmrlcer. 1t will reqiliru ) mmmmotimer day
to fully test tills t'mcory , blit enotmgli hma beci
devohopemi to illake it more fl'lZtil Probable ( lint
It is time trime exlllanation of Imis fati- .
It was long before daybreak wheim limo
seam'clllimg larty tlmat was organized at time
111055 immeeting last imiglmt mmsseimlliheml Oil tile 4
court imotise mihiliare , Tilere the Party dIvided
into ( letaclinmemmts amid each selected a leader.
Fully fifty nmen were bum the party 111111 mmenriy ,
as illahi ) ' more i'ero unable to go on accollhmt
of lack of commvcyances , Tile ) ' arrived at
l'arker as soon as it was light enough to
begiim the search. Timero tile territory to ho
covered 'as divided so that one of tlmo
( liViSiOlmS might scour every foot of land 4
between thiere anti tIme river dmiring tIme day.
A lice reporter was fortunate enouiglm to ho
one of tile Party Wilicil is stmpposed to have
found time hotly of Barrett Scott. It was
composed of Joilnm Skirving , cleric of time ( liz-
trict court of hielt coummty , Fred Swilmgiey ,
assistamit casimier of tile First NatIonal bank ,
Simeriff llatnilton pmiti several others.
Since the futile search of Imuat Tmmestlay time
opiiiion Imas gained ground timat if Scott had
been imiurdered lila body had miover been taken.
to tile Niobrara river , but hami been coimccaiec
at 501100 intermomedlate point , Time search today -
day was conducted oim ( lint basis , and mitten-
( Ion was especially directed to time numerous
deep wells timat are to be foummmd along the
route taken by time iynmclmers , Some of these
Ilave beemi Ilbandoned.
They are Imnif concealed -
coaled by (110 accuinuiatIon of disuse anti
lflhles away from any imuman imabitatiomi , No
better place could be devised to cOnceal thmo
ghastly evidence of a crime , A little ovee
four 1111105 Imortiiwest ot Parker is hocatemi
what is knowmm mmmt the old harris ranch , Thmls
lit one of' tue farlims thiit have been abtun-
donemi by tlmeir owners eu account of the sue-
cersive failures of crois and lies in a lonely
situation 501110 distamice fronl ( lie traveled
roami , Tile first object mmotlce&l as time party
apimr000ileml Was an old buhltliimg , wimicit hind
evldemmthy beet , , used as a 'mIlk ilouso , The
doors shanlined noisily in flit , wini nii .
" '
couple of rusty tin
furmmitmire. Somne of time party wore aware
timat timoro was a vchl soniewhiere under tIle
worm-eaten floor , amId , after pushing up ii ,
nunmber of planks arm opeimimig was diacoveremi ,
It ivaml evimleimtly of commaiderabie depth , as no
glimpse of tile bottoim ) watt vIsible , It imad
been carefully piarmketl over and time refuse
which littereli time floor of time almanty imami
evidently been so disposed as to cqmmceal Ita
existence , A rickety ladder led dowim In tile
grewsorno sepulcimer and Joe Krotter of
Stuart voltmimteered to descend , A rope was
fastened around ills waist , aomd , carrying ma
lantern anmi a rIltimI grapplIng ileoIc , commmposetl
of a long strip of hoard into wlmlcii a couple
of spikes lied beeti driveim , lm slowly made
&iis way downwarml , Time well provml to ho
about seventy feet deeim anti contaIned twelve
feet of vater.
On arriving at time t'ntor line It required
only a few lilomnonmts to establish ( lie fact
that there was some forcigim hotly lying at
tile Imottorn. Tue investigator worked for
( imree ilours , but owhrmg to time deptim of tile
water antI time IgmImerfect tools at imand lie
found it Impossible to bring tue body to ( ho
surface. But whmenm tIme vole i'as withmrirawn
a Imiminber of short lmairs vero clinging to the
sIikeu. At ammothier time time hmook brought
up a shred of woolen such as niiigiit ho
scraped from a piece of unmtlerciothiing , Arm-
othler piece of tile woolen stuff was found
climmging to 4 _ nail wimicli hmaml been driven into
time curbing about forty feet frommi time mouth
of time well , Flndimig timat It would be 1mw-
possible to ncconmpliaim anytiming further lthm.
out grappliimg Irons , tile effort was given up
for the day anmi tue party returned to O'Neill ,
'fimey arrived lucre tllOuIt 10 d'ciock anti
time news timat a clew imali imeen fommnmd spread
rmmhiiilby. It is tile general impression thaI
tile mliscovery is a sbghulficamit one and a more
timorommgh exploration of time vehi will be nmmimde
tomorrow , 'limo hairs anti aimremis of woohon
iveJ'o carefully imrcservetl , The lmmiesliig muon
was partiaIy baith.imeademj , hmmmt what calllihiary
aulorlmnmc'imt ime hail conrreapommdetl 1mm color and
toxtmire to thioso tiilmcovercml , 'I'liosu who are
liidlilOSmjli to mmdcc llgimt of time discovery contend -
tend that time hairs nmimmy Imavo' 001110 frobmi
sonic aimiinai timmut html fallen into ( lie vell
amid a mimicroacoimical exalmllnmatloml 'viIi be nlmlmle
tqlmiorrow ( (2 ( determallme wimetimor lucy hIave
comae train a iiUimiulm head. It Is imot explalmied
by time tlommbiers how an anlinmal commitl gel
tilrougii time heavy phammicing tilat covereml tile
svehi amid nail it tiewm after him , NeithIer Is
(110CC known an animimal In this territory tilat
'Carz an url'lersiiirt. '
OMii COitItOliOltATiVil PACTS , 4
Another niiecovery tlmmtt. goes to confirm time
sullmosltIoti ) timat tile well contains a ilumnian )
body was a coil of heavy fence wire thmat
was pumileil ump by ( lie Ilooks , It woigimemi
fully ( wemity luolmrnls null was only * mligiitiy
rusted , It imami evhmienitiy imeell mi time water
for mmot imiore timmu a week , 'fime scraps oh
untIerciohmimig ( sere also coimmpam'atlvely imew
ammll comihtl not hlava been lii tile ivell for ammy
great lemlgtii of timmm. One of time 0111 , iiane
in time mnIlic imouso commtalmiemi tile clmarretl rcmmm-
imalmts of a lot of burlmeil Pallors , among
wimbelm was an Ailiamlcc Trlblmne of Alli'tmst
14 , 1891 , it is ileiieveml timmut timesu were
burnemi to fun1ilil iigimt Wimibe tile mmasailsimm5
olmemletl time itch. ( hititOilell of their victlnmm , anti
t ileni mini led do svmm tIle illa imims ,
Iloyond what imas been descrlboml liotilln
unmmmlal ss'as imqticed anti mio clew was left to
tile illeiltity of tile mmmcmi wimo mtrn i3UIImOsCti to . ' 1
immive viaiell ( lime Place with timeir awful but-
'lea oim time eremitiml Nato Year's , SlierHi
iiainiitomm dtclares timat In Ills ollituboli time
Idllilatailco lii tiuc well Is not limo body of liar.
rett Scott , but Mr. Swlnmgley arId others Itt
the party mire of a different opirilomm and be.
hove that time Cgll of time immystery iia been
rooclmeli , If this iroves to be true the task
of Imimmitimig lioWli ( lIe aseasslils will lie prose. 4
elltelh With texmfoli enmergy , Tins limmilgimmutiona
of Scott's friends lIes 1100mm lmeitl In chleck by
tile Imossibbuli y I imat hme mIght at Iii be living ,
iuut once limo fact ihmat ime vus nmurdercll is
esimmbhialmeii beyond amiy ( lU sUon tiivj with de.
Ihland jual'cc. '
4' NOTI I lilt Ill VEit TI I IlOitY ,
Oim" of tiia c' mtiilg Imarties imas turned up
emmuther timtry timat is riot as well supponte *
2 .1