F - - , 4 _ . ' r : I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TIlE _ _ _ _ OMAHA _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DAILY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TIlDE _ _ _ _ : _ . _ 1thDAY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ \NU.ARY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ G , _ _ 189. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( - - - - ! 4q ARTLEY hAS A NEW \ BOND - State Treasurer PrcEcnts B List er Sureties Minus Fitzgerald's ' Namc r Mnus Fitzgeral's . , . . - - ONLY hALF TiE SUM NAMED LAST TERM OOVCfnor tolComh IA I WlhholloPI.rovnl Until to 1M 1aqi1 ; 10 Careful HCfI1- tny Oil lvcrJ : N.ula Atnchll tu the 1)tcuinctit. . LtNCO.N , Jan. G.-Speclal-Somo ( ) Ille tomment has ben created by the pUblcaton Dt the statement relatng to Treasurer Uarl- ley's official bond In The Bee this morning. II transpires that whie the name of the late John 1 lzgeral hall been signed to the origInal - Inal boml , a presented to Governor Crounse lat week , the doubt ns lo the valdiy at the bond ao slgnel was the lubJect of much com- ment. The tacl9 as developed by further Inquiry "ro these : John ' 1 lzgerall signe the bond but a short time before his death. , As In all ofcial bI\1 the sureties were : heM , together with their heirs , assigns , administrator - ministrator , etc. Several attorneys , . among 4 . ' , them Aslitant Attorney General Summer hell that while the estat of Jolin . 1 ' llferall ; . might bD held against posslhle loss , the In- trests of all Ilarles ) concerned , Including the ! , I remaining suretIes , would be better conservell by the preparatIon of an entrely new bnd The new bond was drawn UII Thursllay fore- noon and e with the new governor. I . dO not , of courpe , bear the signatue ot * J John ] lzgerald , The bond Is In the amount of si&ooooo. I Is the new bond that Governor - ernor 10icomb has bton holding back , I was stated at the executIve eDuce today that Governor Holcomb was making use oC both Hrndslreet's null Dun's agencies In the ex- nmlnalon of the bonds at all the state omclata. Gveror 10lcomb does not wish to lh urerstoOl a9 having any disposition to be 11Ijnsly critical ot the bonds submit- tell hy any at the other omelets. lie slut- ply desires , to bring to the subject that same conscientious effort to see the law fully com- pled with In regard to every onclal paper , that passes through his hands as he proposes , ; ? to bring to the direction or all state affairs entrusted to his hands by constitutional and statutory Irovlslcns ] ) suIV\.I 1 11 ICl\NT F4ILS. U11hla to Slt"f ) Ilk trCltors : , the Sharlf TIk ( Cila o. SCIUY.R , Neb. , Jan. i.-Speclal.-D. ( ) L. Belnger came here from Kearney last ' August with a heavy stock of goods he could . not dlsp050 oC In the west. Financial condi- tons became more and more depressing , un- t last Saturday he executed a hIlt oC sale to a heavy creditor nt Oneida , Ill. , a Mr. . Knox. Smaller crediors having beard of ! this on Monday filing of attachments was begun and the Leeds were taken charge at , by Sheriff lroeger. Claims fed amount to over $5,000. Mr. Belinger seemed to 1'1 cn- . delvorln 10 deal honestly with all . ' . .i t he was not equal to the hard times. : Miss Louise Mathews Is visiting In Sioux I Falls , S. D , ! rs. Dr. Long Is visiting at her old home 1 _ . _ In Papililon. , - A court at the ( new order Tribe oC Den , Hur , was organIze here recentb' I Is Tlr- 14 , zah court No. 11 , and on Friday night of- ' cers for the ensuing year were elected. E. A. Itobbins chief ; J. M. Pulmer , judge ; Frank E. Moore captain ; J. " ' . Stewart , I treasurer : J. S. Van Eaton , scribe. 1 Phi Sheridan post , Grand Army at the nepublc , Installed Its officers for the year 't Tuesday evening : " ' . A Smith. past commander - : mander ; O. J. Smith , senior vice commander ; ! , S. S. Smith , junior vice commander ; M. { : S , . . Zontmeyer adjutant : J. L. Cushman , quar- , , termaster : J. M. Melerd , surgeon : J. W. t : Shulz , chaplain ; William Stone officer oC d the day : J. G. Booth , officer of the guard ; E. E. Greenman , sergeant major ; N. J. Drown , ' quartermaster sergeant. After Installation 1 the members together with their wives. re- paired to Chase's restaurant and Indulged In refreshments . , Eighty-eight marriage licenses were Issued . by County Judge S. D. Alien during 1891. Iloweils , In north Cotax county , Is preparing - paring to Incorporate a large area ot Pioneer d Town Site company properly just outside the Present limits. The semi-annual state apportionment oC school funds to Cotax county Is $1,500 less than usual. The Ladles' Aid society at the Methodist . I church Is out , assisted by a large number at solcItors , collecting supplies for the use ot sufferers west . the supplies to 0 shipped t January 10. t ney. T. W. Leard at the Presbyterian . church closed 1 series of meetings at Grand- .j view church , six mIles north at Schuyler , 'VeJnesday evening There were nine con- versions. 'on 10' l'Olt 1'lIId TIIIIdF. Toculseh Ollicer Saves ' n JI.mo.'s 1'"olo.tJ tftrr ii lot Uiiitie. TECUMSEIL , Neb. , Jan. . . TECUSEI G.-Speclal.- ( ) c Thursday morning Farmer Joe Dulum came to town qnd hlchd his team In the yards bacl ' at one at the stores , as usual .Whle' Bulnm was busying himself about his trading an unknown tllet : took the rIg and drove away. As soon as the loss l was discovered wasJscovered I : Deputy SherIff 'Voolse started after the ! thief lie overtook him tour miles west oC town. ordered him to hal , hut he refused , ' and whipping the team Into 1 run ho gave the olcor , \ exciting chnse. Finaly ho saw that ho could not evade lie oUler , so he jumllell out at the bUggy , turned the team , , I Li , loose and took to the woods ali escaped. i Two carloads ot and provisIons clothing I were shipped to Custer county by Tecumseh people last weele for lie ( drouth sufferers. . : Waler Waldns has gone to southern Txas for the benefit of his healh , f Johnson 1' Henshlw at Medford , Okl. , Is vhllng In the city. a Mrs Nannlo Angus at Lincoln died at the jI home of her sister , ! rs. Edwin Jones , In thIs city last Tuesday eenlng. aged 36 years , I The new county officers , but two In number - her , vlz" , 13. D. Porler , county attorney , and J. 'F. lellrlcle , county commissioner have , -I been sworn In and have taken U ) their " /QW ' ' duties. dutes. ' , Dr. M. Fl. Cowan Is ol on n professional trip In Kansas. Thin Csy club received New Year's callers at Ito hlmo of Irs. C. " ' . I'ooi. Mr. a/ll Mrs. C. E. Pierce entertained a company oC their young t'lells al their home ) Friday ovenlng HI'lr'I' lea Ilrve" . . . - - , -I--- . 1MHNEY ] , Jan. 5.-Special.-Messrs ( ) , howard halley and Clint flay have leased the tee business for ISV5 from the ] Ceare ) ' Ice company and have male arrangements to Iut till an Immense quantity ot Ice this year , Thuy have n contract now fOr furlshln the Union Pacific with 6,000 Ions which would make a train 300 cars long. 'fho ice will be ; ut from Lake Kearne ) ' . , At 1 meeting ot the Kearney hook nl\l l.dder company , lick ! last evening , W , F , i l'lcllerln was elected toreman. Vet Tolo , first assiitant Robert Nelson second assist- ant al\l " ' , K , Ayes third nsslstant. \V , II , Hunt was re-elected president , Jt A. Miler - ler vice president. ] M. J , Sanders secretary . I aiilV. . H. ( IambIc trea8urer. I was also ' volell to join company A. , N , N. G. , and , hold a fair next week at the Armory I County Treasurer Stuclley has commenced , .10 . 'p suit In district court against the bondsmen : I , for the Buffalo County National bank to re- cover the ( sum of $11,800.07. that being the amount of county funds on deposit when the banle sUlpended. ) The deCenllntl named are floss OamblA. . J. Galentne , 1" J. Swltz , Lewis A. ' . , Gamble and the receiver , lenry Id. Time work at enlarging the canal has been suspended until spring , owing to the cold , \enthnl' . The waste weir , dams nail games are all completed and In a thoroughly substantial - etantal mnamnter. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . , , , 'J'u 1\'Ich 1 I'ayIn ' liasic. . t LINCOLN , Jon G.-SI1eclal ( Teiorani.- ) Frank W. Little , receiver ot the ] .Incoll 81reet Halway company , was seen tonight 1Y a representative ur 'he lee , lie said that the ( order was made yesterday II Olal.a by JUdge Uundy ot tbo United States circuit court on Illplcatol of U. W. Rarsome ot Slr.ux CI ) Little , who was Pesiilett of * the company , stated that , u was well ; . . ' - - known In Lincoln , the street railway bal been doing n losing business for some time. lie hoped that under the present arunKe- merit the road could be put Into better financIal - clnl shnpe and at an early day reorganize under more favorable auspices. There would b no immediate change In the personnel ; of the officers or In the general working ot the road , Iilhhlfl.tTZON lI . NI nl\Slt. , Many Mhle a of 11ch , 1lht : and . Many More Are 1111101. Lt COLN , Jan , 5.-Spccial.-The ( ) report of the Bureau at Industrial Statistics recently issued discloses some interesting data con- corning the question ot irrigation , nt the pres- emit time 1 vital subJect In the minds at agri- cultural Nebraskans. The volume nt hand contains a well drawn map at completed Irri- gaton canals In the state up to October 15 , 18Vt , showing the lines ot ditches II each county running rrom ( the main streams antI their tributaries. Accompanying this mal Is 1 table showing the extent to which Irlgl- ( Ion has been carried to October 1G As ton nctulI work was In progress all along the line nt that date , many mies at ditch under the hell " : iIes proposed" have since been completed. Thlrt-nlne out oC the nInety counties In the state are represented In the table , ns follows : ( _ t , _ . - - - - ; ; [ ' COIJNTICS. g t f I cou'Irs'B 1 : ' : ' : 9J : _ _ _ 100no . . . . 2 } Iarney . . . . - - lurnlo . . . 16 H1 Iolh . . . . . 32 : \ .Id } Ilnlno . . . . . 15 21 \ Keyn Paha. . . 13 II'own . . . . .2) . : iImiibaii . . I . Innnor . . . 4 11 1.lnenln. . " 9 tM CII' ' 'nno . 10 1 l.oUII. . . . . . 2' ' ) , , Ciierry . . . 1 : 96 1IIIIIs. . . 2U4 41 ; Cusler . . . 4 rhi : : ! Inl" . . . . 33 Colax . . . . . 12 led Willow. . 16 .2) law" , . . 10' ' . . 1 Hok Wiow. . . . . . 21 $ lun.I > ' . . . . . 7 : . i4atmndem ' . . . . .2 1)ougtas . . . . H HeOI" Imlure. . 1:0 137 Blr. Deucl . . . . 18 31 .Sherkian . " 10 . Dawe" . . . . 2) ' } 2t lOherinait . " 11 30 1 : 1umnai . . . :3) : : tt Hh'ux. , . . . . . . : : I'mnler . . . 2 : Thonms. " G 2Q O"cl , ) ' . . . . . . . 12'itliey . . . . 1 . 31 In'cs Ilehrlek. , . . . . . U 3 . 47 . . Wmieemer . " . - . . - 12 1011 10lnril . . . . . . 1 30 3) Tolals . . .4 C I 1,41 ltUHI ) lt ' 11CIOSED. . Arlhrlht Case nt Anbu.n In the 11\lb of the , JnT , ' . AUBUIN , Neb. , Jait 1.-Spccial ( Tole- gram.-Ii ) the Argabrlghl trial the defense rested Thursday morning , nll the rest at the day nnd yesterday was occupied by the state In rebuttal , and today the arguments ot the counsel were made , and the case went to the jury nt 9:30 : this evening. The Instructons given by Judge Babcock were very full ami able , and covered every conceivable - ceivable polut. This case has probably been the hardest fought one over tried In thin county. Every Inch at ground has been very stubbornly contested by both sides. The case was commenced on December 17. and four days were taken In selectnk a jury , five more by the stale In proving Its case , four more by the defense and two more by the state In rebuttal and one by the arguments. "c.eon . 111.te. T"lndcr.et , VERDON , Jan 5.-Speclai.-Rev. ( ) ' Mr. Becleer , the pastor ) at the German church of Verdon , will leave son for Seward county to take n pastorate there. lie has been In his present location for eleven years. A watch party was given at the residence at George Lum on New Yoar's eve. Mrs. J. H. ! nes. the principal at the Verdon schools , spent her vacation In Lincoln - cola and attended the State Teachers' asso- , elation. I William Luclnck died January 2 , aged SV years . al the home at his daughter , lrs. N. H. Timmerman , at this place. David Grlftbs Is 11esldent at the lodge l at Knights and Ladles oC Securl ) . . Harry Conover met with 1 painful acci- dent while sawing wood by catching his mitten In the saw . thus drawing two at his fingers Into It. They were split to the nail before the hand could be withdrawn. Poulry men In this vicinity are making preparations to attend the poultry show at Pals City next week. Charles Cook , near Verdon , captured ten premiums en fowls nt the Auburn poultry sbow. A New Year's nnrlv was Ilven at the real- - - - - - - nn - . - dence oC lir . J. M. Robertson. : The Woodmen at the World gave an entertainment - tertalnment and public installation of officers In their hal last evening. 10110 ( olego NuteA. CRETE , Neb. , Jan. 5.-Special.--Enroll- ( ) meat for the winter term took place on the 2d inst. , and shows a substantial Increase In tha number at students ot the fall term. The Adephlan ] quartet concert company , which hrs toure the western states for the ' vast ] two years , has been disbanded tem- porrly , In order that three oC the comblna- tln may finish their college worle. Colonel Tbomas Dane ot Clarlctown , Mass. , founder at the college , and honorary member at the class at 'V5 , has been visiting here for 1 fortnight past. He was tendered n delightful reception to lila clasmates nt the home at his daughter , Mrs. President Perry , tonight. Athough nearly 71 years at age , he showed clearly n heart full at sympathy for the young people , and especIally for the young men and women who are In college. himself deprived at the benefits oC a college eucaton by the circumstances oC his yculh ( , ho bas had the exquisite joy of helllng scores of aSlllrlng students In their efforts to gain knowledge ] , . Prof. howard P. DOlno returned today ) ' environs. tram 1 two weeks' visit to Boston and its SnIt J'lght of Hey Sno\v. NEWCASTLE , Neb. , Jan. 5.-Special- ( ) Roy Snow , 11 young man 21 years at age , liv- Ing near St. James , eft ] his home yesterday during a spel at temllrary mental derange- mont , and Is supposed to be wandering about the country. Charles M. Woodward has fold the New- caste Times to II. C. Anerson. Ponca II considerIng the advisability at becoming n village again , There Is n movement on toot tO ( build a largo new opera house at this Place . L. II. Powers , 1 school teacher , was aroused from his slumbers at the Smith hotel In ponca Sunday night by Sheriff McCabe , who had mistaken him for n burglar who Is wanted In Iowa . Wnler Slealhnan ot Centerville . S. D. who Is visiting with hIs brother-In.law at this place , went huntng with two of the Ito boys yesterday. Sleadman stumbled and fell and the gun was accillenty dlscbargell. the charge passin between one oC the boys ' legs antI , striking the younger , aged 11 , In the Bmal of the log Or,1 hireylties. ORO , Jan. 5-Speelal.-10. ( ) E. Lloyd amid daughter have returned from a brier visit to friends In MIssouri Valley. Orl loge No. 256 , Ancient Order of United Workmen , Instlled the following olcer for the ( ensuing year : Id. 1. Staple , mlster workman ; F. Miske , torcmln ; II. Barnes , overseer ; II. A. Goodrich , past master worle- man : T. Id , Lloyd , financIer ; J. A , Paten , receiver - colver : P. Mallory , recorder , ; I. P. Dagget , guide : 0. Steyemon ( , inside warden ; J , H. Luke , outside warden . ' . Miss lahellorr has gone to Alliance , Neb ; , where she bas secured 1 good position . I ( IV. , hull his sold his lumber yard to J , n. roelch at St , Paul. Mr. hall will re- I maul In Ord. ' Itiimurtis $ l'1uaciI with Beatrice. UEA''JCE , Jan , -Speclal ( 'eegram- ] ) Prominent otclals at the Dunkard church have been hero for several clays Past atend- log 1 bible Instute and were so favorably In'pressell with the city and tIme beautiful Chautauqua grounds that a strong effort wi le malle by them to have Beatrice ' selected as the place for holding next yea'r's anlual meetIng at time church. These meetngs bring together from 20.000.to . 30,000 peple from all Parts ot 110 ( United States. HeIne- 8entatl'el were here tram ICanB3 , Colorado , Iowa , Illinois and Nebl'aska. 1"1\ ' ) I.on uf it 1nrmnnr. NEBRASKA CITY , Jan G.-Speclal ( Tele- gram.-Jolin ) Erlelson's barn , one utile eouth ot the city , burned last ulght together with sl ] , bead of cattle , I large quanty at hay , vehicles and horsus. rlckson was seriously - rlrull stock. ) burned whIle eldea'orlnc to save the ( The Argo Starch works today contributed tcrcrs 1,000 pounds at COr meal to western But- SUPPLIES FOR - TIE STATE Where the Various Public Institutons Will Secure Food and Fuel This Ycar. NAMES or TiE rORTNATE BIDERS C. .1 , Miles Secures time J.Tglst Number of Coal Conlrncta-Othcr Ulatrlhutel' "crt ( ( ncrRly Throughout the : lcrcllnts uf Ncbrskn , LINCOLN , Jan. G.-Speclal.-The ( ) Slate Board ot lurchle and Supplies , which has been In intermittent session for the past three days , closed Its labors today and ad- journed. The following bldllers secured con- tracts for the various state Institutions , sam- vIes at many at the goods beIng exhibited to the board during the sessions. C. J. Miles secured the larger number ot coal contracts. The other supplies were dIvided among many at the prIncipal firms doing busIness In the cItes wherein are located the several math- tuthons. The bids for furnishing the supplies arc for the current quarter : Nebraska Hospital for the Insane , Lincoln : Coal , Wbltebreast Coal and LImo company ; drugs , Chant Steenle ; dry goods , Miller & Ialne ; groceries , homan & Co ; meats , henry Itel ; four , Allmater Milling com pan ) ; , clothing , Mayer Dros ; shoes , Webster & Rodgers State Illustrlal School , Kearney : Coal , C. J. Miles ; groceries , City Block Grocery company ; coal oil , Wallace E , fierce ; shoe shop supplies , Henry B. Bragg & Co. ; meats , WIlal M. Keller ; flour. J. 1" Fitzpatrick I ( St. Paul , Neb. ) ; dry goods , C. B. lneh. ' Home for the rlendless , Lincoln : Coal , Lincoln coal company ; drug , W. H. ! he- lander ; meats , Hubbard Dros ; bread , Wilam McI.'arlan ; tour and reed ( open market ) ; coal oil . C. Il. Mann : tea , coffee and spice , J. H. GeaEon : steam tttng , H. S. Smith Machine company ; butter and eggs , lubbard Uros ; printing , I.'assett Nickel egg Printng com- Illny ; bulbs , Grlswoll Seell company ; hardware . ware , Hedgers & MorrIs conllny ; shoes , Mayer Dros ; dry goods , Herpolschlner & Co. Insane Asylum , Norfolk : Coal , H. E. lardy ; groceries , Raymond & ' Co. ; four , Durchard , Bridge & Co. Chronic Insane Asylum , Hastings : Coal , C. J. Miles ; groceries. Charles Rums : four ant feell , C. C. White' ; meats , Kalii & 1Iim- denSlleher ; drugs , A.V. . Buchlt ; clothIng , W. J. Falk ; shoe , Kirby & Day ; dry goods , Wolbach & Draasch. State ndustrlal 10me , Milford : Coal , C. J. Miles ; flour ( open marlet ) ; meats ( open market ) : groceries , dry goods and shoes , W. J. Orcult. ( i , InstItute for Blind , Nebraska City : Coal , C. Chapman : groceries , C. ii. Hhomln & Co. ; Ice , George N. Leldlgh ; bread , Lubcker & Ituhumnanum Institute for Deaf and Dumb , Omaha : Coal , B. G. Danes ; groceries , Courtney & Co. ; sla- toner ) ' , Carpenter Paper company ; dry goods , try gools N. D. Falconer : fittings , Churchill Pump company ; meats . H. E. Welch & Bros. ; drugs J. H. Schmidt : ice Arctic Ice company - pany ; breath , U. P. Steam Baking company Girls' Industrial School Gene'a Grls' Inlustrlal : Coal , C. J. Miles ; dry goods amid shoes Solomon & Nathan : groceries , City Block Grocery com- pan ) " ; four and feell : drugs , L. S. Fleg- baum ; meats ( open market , but one bid , too high ) . Institute for Feeble Minded Youth , Beatrice - rice : Coal , H. A. Webster ; groceries , Emi Lang ; bread , Pearsal & Pearsal ; meats , L. A. Hunter. L Soldiers' and Sailors' Home , Grand Island : Coal , C. H. DoguB & Co. ; groceries , City Dock Grocery company ; four , Henry Glade Gade & Co. ; dry goods , S. N. Wolblch : oil . F. F. Miler ; clothing , S. N. Wolblch ; shoes S. N. Wolbach ; drugs , A. W. Buchitt. IN MEMORY OF T. M. MAItQIJETT In accordance with 1 motion made by Attorney General Hastings In the supreme court January 2. that the hon- orabe ] court appoint 1 committee at seven members of the court to draft suitable resolutions at respect for the personality and services of the late lon , T. M. MarQuett. the court today nn. pointed the foIO\'lng' \ members " - ot-- the bar at the supreme court as such committee : lion . George H. Hastng { lion. Amos Cobb , Hon. E. \'ake1ey , Hon. James W. Dawes , lion Frank Martin . Hon. O. A. Abbott , Hon. \v. M. Robertson , lion. M. L. hayward , lion. E. C. Calkins . The committee will report the resolutions at an early da ) ' . The new jUdge at the Twelfth judicial dis- net , succeeding Governor Sias A. Holcomb , Victor M. Sinclair , has appoInted F. M. Halowel as his court stenographer Mr. Halowel was for nearly sixteen years assistant with Judge GasHn. . An amendment to the articles of Incorpora- ton at the Courtand Beach as claton were fed today with the secretary at state. Ar- tide V Is amended to read : "SectIon 1. The highest amount at Indebtedness or liability to which said corporation shah subject Itself corraton shal subjet Iselt at any time Is the sum at $25,000. " IN THE COUHTS In the supreme court tOday was fed an appeal from Douglas county Involving $6. The case Is Douglas county plalntl In error , against Thomas Hayes. In the district court at Douglas county Hayes secured judgment for $6 witness fees The mater Is to de- termlno the right at policemen to receive witness tees for attendance In court. This morning In the district court George "iv Derge , who has aspirations for the county judgshlp , secured first blood when the three judges unanimously decided that the writ at mandamus compelling the county commlsson- era to approve his bond must Issuo. A stay at execution was also denied. With per- misson of the district court , Mr. Dorge will ImmedIately begin acton In quo warranto lu the supreme court to test tIme right to time oiflce. COMMISSIONERS ORGILNIZE. The board of , new county commissioner organized today by electing Fred Declman ] as chmairnian. Dds for furnishing printIng supplies for the year were opened . There were four bidders , Jacob North & Co. , State Journal Co" , Lincoln Printing Co. , and L. D. Woodruff. The Slate Journal secured the contract , which Is worth about $3,000. The supreme court adjonrned this evening until Tuesday , January Ii , at 10 o'cocle ] a. m. The church authorIties of University Place ] have for several days been engaged In the trial of Dr. W. H. Johnson for an attempt to seduce an orphan girl who came Into his ofce for medical advice Today a verdict was rendered expelling him from the church , Dr : Huntngton ( , at Grace Methodist church of 1.lneoln , presided at the trIal , and the , cuseda : , represented y attorneys , ! o was tlel lerore a commitee or seven iuienibers fv. oC whom he selected lmlmneeif . Ur. Johnsoll . formerly hived at Gehring mind I Mindemi The 11resldenl at the state board at agri- culture has appointed aB members at the commlleo to act with himself In openIng hlds for the relocation at the fair , M , L. Hayward , Nebraska City ; ) C. Bassett , Gibbon ; D. M. liarker Silver Creek ; J. B. Dnsmore , Smitten ; and Ii , A. Stewart ot ilialr . 'he ( into far the aliening at tIme bids closed January 1 , and the commileo ( Is supposed to 'bo now at work. Ashland Social H\'ont. . ASHLAND , Neb . Jan 5.-Special.-Mr. ( ) and Mrs , T. D. WIlson last night gave 11 elaborate party at their elegant home on Quality ll , In honor at their daughters , Misses Veda and 1 al e. There were over fifty seated at the repast served nt midnight. The evening , ssas spent In games anti music , Postmaster l'lcket ( yesterday receIved Iler- mInion to move the I.ostolce and today Is busy moving Into the west room at Wig- senholn block . Miss Narclssa Snel returned yesterday to l.incoln her pareumts. , after spending the holidays with DavId Dean returned last ] evening from an extensive business trill through Arkansas Albert and Eugene I.owel , living west of toWtl , reolved a telegram yesterday amm- nouncing the suicide ot theIr brother at Nor- man OLI. Albert Yonngqulst. one at Swift & Cos ' ellloyes at the Ice plant , suffered a broken arm this immornimig. \n. . \ fruht to Ioturl 10/0 , ST. PAUL , Neb , Jan 5.-Speclal.-Sonte ( ) exciement was created ) 'esterday afternoon , when I was announcell that Marjory , the II- year-old gIrl at J. A. Force , had strayed , AWAY. A number of people ImmediAtely wenl out to hlnt for the ciihil , and last night she was found In the tovmi pt Elba , ten attIcs northwest at here , shq haying walked , the entire - tire dlstnnce. She hail ! b6en to the postoflico tro fostofce after mail aM host ] I \ter l ( , for which her mother scolded her inll enl her back to hnnt for the lost lettoti ] Doing unable to find It , she was afraid to return home , and wan- tiered AWn ) ' , Whe' found she declared her- self wlfn ! to return to her molher. UVFF.\LO COlflTS ( tWO ! n\INO. 1IorlI0 Iltobte : ot thin YORT Not tlculntrt to 1)isenii'isge ' lnrmiiers. Neb. J&n . , , tmARNEY , , G-Speclal-The ( ) mortgage Indebtellnes record for Dulalo county for the year iSO ! makes quito n cred- Iable showing , considering the hard times , crop failures anti general depression In every- thIng. There were fled during the year 531 farm mortgages , aggregating $126,775.31 ; released - leased , 495 , amounting to $38V,9G5.03. On town and c'ty property there were fled 216 mortgages , aggregating $ G,15,36. and 31G released , representing $20I,627.S3. There were thirty-five farm mortgages and sixty. three city mortgages foreclosed during the year. TgCUMSEl , Neb. , Jan . ' 5.-Speclal.- ( ) Twenty-one Ilortgngc were filed , with the clerk ot Johnson county last month , aggre- guttIng $25,250 , and thirty-three were re- leased , aggregating $15,412. OI ) , Neb. , Jaum 5.-Special.-Valhey ( ) county's mortgage record for December , ISV : Farm mortgages fed , $12,63 76 ; released , $ tl,308,75 : city mortgages filed , $800 : released - leased , $30,70. . chattel mortgages led , $ , - 33.H ; released , $2t9L97. Mortgage record for l91'alley county : Pum mortgages fed , $143,211.59 ; released , $17 , t5.96 ; city mortgages fed ; $3,976.1 ; released , $50S 0.02 ; chattel mortgages tiled , $142,378.87 ; released , $ S1,360.55. SClUYLm , Neb , Jan 5-Special.- ( ) TIme records of the county cleric's otce oC all mortgages fell during the year 181 shows as follows : Jnrm mortgages filed , 294 , amounlng to $32IOIG.9 ; released , 339 , amoultng to $27V,230.1 ; city mortgages filed , slxly-tour , amounlng 10 $87,238.06 ; released - leased , IVt , amountng 10 $70,466.37 : total mortgages of all khmids ] fed , 72i , amountng to $ l51,665.SS : released , 013 , amounting to $403,136.31. Number oC sheriff's deeds and other Instruments Issued .through foreclosure , fourteen. _ _ _ _ _ _ I.rUn lel.lmhs Jn 111 ( ) hlccrs. LYONS , Neb. , Jan. G.-Slleclal-Amerlcus ( ) lodge at the Hebekahs , No. V2 , met nt their 1 hat last evening anti Instatell the following olcers : Mrs. A. C. Rogers , N. G. ; Irs. J. D. Hart , V. G. ; Mrs. P. L. Cook , secretary ; Mrs. C. P. heck , treasurer ; lrs. C. Gehman , warden : Miss Celia Miller , chaplain. Ameri- elms lodge was organized about one rear ago ami has grown 10 be a strong lodge. . Beatrice BrIck CnmlJn ) . In T.ouble. BEATRICE , Jan. G.-Speclal ( Telegrani.- ) Foreclosure procecllngs were Instituted today b ) Anna P. lidebraml upon a mort- gage coverIng the Beatrice Paving amid Building Brick compan . The mortgage was gtven to secure a promissory note for IGOOO , the claim now amounting to about $ ISOo. Charged with 11'11 1 I.UnRUe. NEBRASKA CITY. Jan. 5.-Spcclai ( Tcle- gram.-Chlet ) ot 10lc Falnce and Sherif lubcrle arrested Wilam Wlsenster at the Durlngton depot this cvenlng. Wlsenster was acting In a frantic Ihanner. The prisoner Is 1 tailor alI ] lives at Tecumseh. Cold Storage ! " Ilulhlng ! liurneul. DEEmn , Neb. , Jan. ' 5.-Special ( Tee- ] gram.-The ) cold storage building owned by the Dick Dros. Brewing company was today totally destroyed by fire . The fire originated from an oil stove. lOcemer Chid 1erloJ1dy Injured. DEEm , Neb. , Jan. G.-Specla ( Tele- gram.-The ) little ] 5.year-old son at Matt Flrran was yesterday very badly scalded. , . , DEUESTS OJ EUGE.E 1CLLL1 . Greater I'ortlou of His Fltnto Left to Ills 'Iio\v "ndJHclnUvc" . NEW TORE , Jlr : 5.-the will of Eugene Kely , UI millionaire banker , was fed for probate today , I wl executed February 16. 189t. and bequethe the entire estate to members of his family , with the exception - ' ton of $10,0 which Is left to the executors 'to be distributed among . Catholic orphan asylums and other Institutions. The executors - tors are Eugene Kely , jr. , Edward Kelly , ' 'homa II. Kelly . Daniel SUIVtI and Plull FIller . the last ] two name respectively sec- rotary amid attorney for the deceased. 1'0 the widow . : lnrgrret A. Kelly . Is lef the residence al 33 " 'est Flr ' -lrt street , the stable J3 : West FIfty-first street and nil the furniture , horses and carrlngea De ceased bequeathed to his widow $200.00) ab- solutely and stipulated that nn nnnuity of $ : ; ; ,0 be paid her during her life. Eight separate funds of $ : O each are create for the eight children or Eugenic E. Beahes , widow of James E. Beale , anti daughter of the deceased. Elch chid will receive the InterCt on tl' $2,0 for twenty years , and at the end of that tune he wIll receive the principal. Mr . tme bequeathed to his nephew , Thomas J. Kelly of Joliet . Ill. . $ . - 0 ; his niece , Catharine Kelly of Jolel , $ ' .O : his niece , Bridget Kelly. $10,0 ; his nephew Joseph A. Kelly ot harper county , ICan. . $ ,0 ; to Mrs. Thompson of Calfor- ala. former wIfe of his nephew , J. J. Kelly , and her chIldren , $20.0 ; to the children of Edward Kelly , he belmig 1 deceased nephew , $20,0 : to ai. A. Hughes anti wire of Call- ( ernie , $20,0 : to W. J. Powel of St. Louis , $10.0. Conoernlng his friend , Joseph Donahue of San Fraumeisco. Mr. Kelly said In his will : "During our long as ociaton his kindly character \ has ever been the same and his so endeared him to me that I cannot rest satisfied to part tram him wihout ( giving utterance to this testlon ) ' . ills ample for- tune would make It Idle to attest my feel- lug by legacies , but I trust he may receive from my wife eouit.o porscJal article of mine affeCtion. which will " remnant to 111 1 reminder of his afecton. wi a. ; : es flint I HI Co ' bc given to Hebrew - brew Insttlns : , amid ba/s : 'I make this expression of preference . In favor of the Citthmohic nn,1 ItLI ew Imtttitutkmm ( solely ) be- cause other tehCI : : olr'll tl wealthier and better able to care for their pcor. " 'rhe deceased appoints hIs Ion , Eugene Kelly , jr. , to nIl the lU'lvlclBS lie may have II the AmerIcan college ! t Hom" , nr11 his son Edward - ward gets his interest us I patron In perpetuity - pel1e- tuly II the : Ielropolt 1 mUFelm of art ' 1he residue of the ( ' : stlt IS to bo held In five parl8 In trust for nlgenle Beal , Eugene Kelly . Jr. . ] dwnrt Kelly , 'I 1lolLS H. Kely antI Margaret A , Kelly . wl'w ] of the Ile- ceased . 'l'he trust I : to t , ltm't 1 : twenty years , It the eli of which the belelclalcN shalt receIve the Jrlncllll of ( ii" : " .ncip . Robert J. Kelly Is not mentioned in the will and no reason Is all1JI-nt flr dlslnherltn'g this SOl , limit Robert J. Kelly huts united with the oilier chlhlren and the wldw II watv- lug all objection to Jrolale. . hlI'l UJ - ! ' .4 J'LTffIttX. One of the Ollost of Auoclatet Prol 110n J'I88/1 AWI ) ASnURy PARK , I',1J.,1Jumi , 5.-Daniel I. Craig , who was the , l1ctl , general manuger ot the ( New YOlks : < rlltel ] press , diet here at 6 a. m. lie " : I upwards of 81 years pld. lie retred froii cqnlectons ( with the New York Assoclutel ! iuss II 1867. NEW YOnK. JUI ' [ - II. Craig was the originator of the frBl teWI service In time UnIted ! Slates , a field In which Ills efforts I'rorts antedate the conalructOh at the electric telegral.ha. 'fhe mnemjiupm ot cornniumiication he employed II melJullI days was car- Iler pigeons , At Irt' hIs oliertoll ; were between New York mildiosiol anti litter between Uoston Ind lulfnx , At first he was engaged 11101 hla\ \ ymm , account hit II 181 he ultered Into nit IHreelelt vithVii. - lum Swain amid A. 'H. Abel , joInt pro- Ilrletor/ of the IhljnleiJhlu Ledger and lialtiniore Rumu which , I ' degrees , developed - oped Into the Assoclatld'ress , . Previous to ) emigughuig In thl seEl'ictt Mi' . Craig hail engaginG ! serlCI ll. CraiG hll beel ut3sociated. Wll F. iO. J. SmIth , anti the rivalrIes ot time ! ( wn pen cOlstlule ( ( In interesting chapter In tIlt history of leWI- gathering . I Is relatl'l ' of him that on Ole occasion , when Ils J'lva. backed b I ) ' Uoston amid New York newspapers , html charlere1 I steamer to express 1urotlean news from i Halifax tp Boston , Craig traveled overhand ' to Hal tax , tlkln some carrIer Jlgeonl with hint In 1 basket . At halifax lie took passage on the Iteller Inwlrdbouli from Europe , anti when It was withIn safe Ils- titmice ot lie ( llssachuets coast he let loose lila 111eons. frelghte,1 with the cream ot the news rrom thl ( old world , The blrts beat the charlered Iteamer to land anti time newspapers served by Craig were en- aIded to score IU ! Plt" upon their rh'als. Tills success 10 added to the prestige ot Mm' Crulg that ( the oppositIon vauiers gave UII ) their charter or steamers ant left the lell II the undisputed Ilslesslon . ot llr , Craig Elect I rlch11 IUle11 nt time NW 11 I. . lon II. TACOMA , 'Vn . h. , Jami -Two tholsll\l volts ot electricity lalsclI through Peter Peterson , drY electrician lt the city highit station this ( 10rlng ; , Instantly killing hint In inakiiitm' ! tIme l'halg\s on the switch- Ioard he grasped two itugs Ut lie ame ( hue , hIs thumbs touching too far UII mud out time non.lnsulatell i' ) rtlon . 'i'Imere was 1 Itrtnn. lash and he fell bark. lie had been In the employ of time compn } ' six years , . GOSSIP OF ? TIE THEATERS "Trilby" t Bc DrmatizQl ( for A M Pal- mer by Paul Potter . - EVENTS TIS : WEEK AT TiE PLAYHOUSES Sol Smih Jhlscl anti 11s Interpretation of Ir l'amigloas In Colcm'It1 "llclr-mtt-I.nw" - 'hollho. . of "Ucn liolt" Stilt l.tvlug-ossll' of Ito Stage , - Theatrically the Past week has nol ben remarkable - markable In any way except In the appearance - anco'at Sol Smih HUBsel In George Cole- mnn's ( the younger ) picture at life nn hun- mired years ago , "The heir nl Law " 1ublo interest was keen In nntcllmtlnl Mr. Hus- sell's characterization ot Dr. 1angloss , and In consequence DOYll's was crowded MomllY oveuming , arid for that matter , the whole engagement - , gagement , which was'tbe most proftable the genial comellan ever played In Omaha Th re were " iiatturaiiv .1r.r.n. " . of nnlnlnn IR to . . _ . . . . "n nntlrnlv _ ' . . . .n _ n _ ' . _ n _ _ _ Mr. Rtusdll's portrayal oC the priggish doctor ' who' was perfectly wilting to debase his tal- eats for mone ) ' , Those who saw Mr. Jefter- son , : lr. Warren amid Mr. Owens In the part have memories necessarily , which were dlmcult to disabuse In time Ighl at Itusseli's 1angloss , but thoSG who saw time . Ilorformanco for the first tme were perfectly content to take Mr. Ittusseli's interpretation Ullon serious lines. That he nstonlshed his friends with the broadness of his humor , Its unction and its classlc11 suggeston Is neon- celled fnct. lie brought lew hOe that the old comedies would not die out altogether so long as ho was ] ICrmllell to appear before . a\1ear fore the footghts , Next season he will be seen In still another at time old comedies , "The Rivals , " but as nab Acres he wIll have harder work to prove hlmselt n worth ) ' suc- ) ccssor to Joseph Jefferson than he dll as Pangloss , However , Mr. Ihlsel deserves encouragement In his determinaton ( to re- , viva a lagging Interest In the old plays , all 1 his Acres wIll bo secn wih relish . Poor Trlbyl Not content with having IIYllotset tIme girl , It Is now the determina- ton of Paul Peter to dramatze her. Mr. Ialmcr , for whom the drmatzaton Is to 1 > made , Is represented 'have said : "Since time announcement that I proposed to Ilrolluce a dramatization at Du Manner's story I have received scores of letters from yotmng ladles , whose names I never heard before. who think that they cnn Imersonate nu Ma'urler's heroine to the life. As a mater at fact , I haven't dcclded yet who shall play Trlb ) ' . ) MIss Virginia Earned may bo cat for the imart but , as 1 say It Is not settled. Mr. E. J. lenle ) ' may play the hart oC Svengal , and , I think , would do It very wehi , but that , too Is still undecided. A great many people have salll that they do not consider 'Tnhlby' a suitable story for dramatization . I am ot nn entirely different opinion. I.thlnk that It Is In exceedingly strong dramatc slor ) ' . The love story at Trilby and Little Blee , her sel-sacrifce at his mother's pr'er. her career under the hY10tc Infncuce or Snn- gal and her final breakdown and d lh-ean a playwright ask for better material ? Ot , course the hypnotic singing and all that can only bc suggested lint lie story itself can he put on the stage , amid tn n very attractive way , too , 1 thlnl " Apropos at "Tnilby" and the song "Dcn Bolt . " which Is Introduced Into the story , II Is InterestIng to know that Dr , Thomas Dunn Englsh ) , who wrote "Den Del , " Is I restdent of Newark N. J. , and Is about 7G years old. Ills versatilIty seems to have been illImitable , for ho has achieve more or less renown asa a poet novelist , dramatist , physician , lawyer , and politIcian . TIme American Encyclopedia credited him with being the author at twenty successful dramas , with haying written drnmls wih wrllen several - oral books anti poems and with having acquired - quired distinction In various other ways , but ho wi always bo remembered , probably , as ' thme'authbr of "Ben Bolt . " Some of his friends say that Dr. English Englsh Is not less than SO years old , an dthe records show that he graduated from the University at Pennsyynnla ] In the class of IS35 , but the 75. doctor Insists , nevertheless , than his ago Is 75.I must be admitted even then that he Is young hooking ] for his age , for alhough his line drooping mustache Is almost white , his head Is covered with 1 mass of dark hair In which silvery strands have only begun to appear. Dr. English Is a democratc member at congress tram New Jersey , amid was defeated - feated for re-election In the recent landslide. ] 'When asked the other day how he came to write time song , Dr. English sid It was nn indiscretIon that he had committed fifty commied ffy years ago. He wrote the hines at the no- quest of N. P. WIllis . editor at the New Mirror - ror , In 1843 , who wanted something ( In the natur at , a sea song , and sent them to Mr. Wiis with II' note teling him that It lie didn't want thel not to return but to burn theni The song pleased Mr. Willis , who published It prominently , and It was copied exten- sively In English papers without credit finally coming to be regarded as ot BrItish orgln. ] After I beamo popular Dr. Eng- hishm wrote some music for the lines . but an- other composer , lVlllm Kneass , had fore- staled him , and tIme music at Mr. Kneass remained atached to time lines. Since then time fang has been sung all over time world and has had n mono permanent I popularity thnn any other song In time Eng- lieu hauuguage It Is revIved every now and then , and bids fiiI to be as much ot a rage as It was between forty anti fifty years ago. Coming 'ihmeuttelcat 1 "oIIA. The succradul American mumeho-titama , "Ship at State " opens its week's engage- ment nt the Empire with a matne tomitmy : I Is I drmatc comedy drama , ahounJlng In Inl'rcbtlg , srenes and exciting Incidents and while buIlt upen melo.dramatc In , ' . It Is still remarlclly tree rrom exagerltlon at any sort Time jiiot which Is at great human Inleret , deals with love ant patriotsm and nil the situations are true to life and free from claptrap sensationalism . All oC the stage settings are entirely new and of a most elaborate character , particularly the scene at time end ot the last act , whmichm shows the great battle between the British and and American fences , known as "Perry's Victory on Lake Erie. " There Is plenty ot comedy throughout the ( Ilece anti several bright specialties are introduced The company - pany Is conceded to he 1 ( thorough ! competent - tent one anti shou1l meet with tIme santo success which has characterized Its presentations - sentatons In other cities . Doyd's theater will be dark the first four nIghts ot the presenl week , owing to lie canceling at time Grismer-Davies company In ' 'rle New South " "The Country Circus" \hl , " "nR n Rtrnnf hold ] ' -UP IIHtlle - icctioni ; . . T our . thmeateiZ t goers , wi come to lawn , and figuratively pitch Its tents wihln the walls ot time Boyd on Thursday night ot this week for four nights and Slturday matnee , Who cares that the ring he smaller than Darnum'B ? You can see mull the wonders better-time tralnell horses , who Bhoot one anothel' deader or \lay leal ; frog nt the crack of the whip , or the wonderful dogs which can do almost anything but talk and really seem to try to do that , and many other attractions that are absolutely new. "The Country Circus" Is too well known here to need any extended descniptiomi . Time delicious New nglanll I comedy which precedes It Is as quaint as ever , and all the strongest features oC the tanbark at last year are retained , hut the chief attraction now lies In lie many absolute new novelties which this enterprising ] firm at managers have added to their already enormous attraction. A new act has just been Introduced and will he seen for the first ( line In this city , I Is I.uclano Tatal ( , the flying serpent. Another attraction for the chidren Is that ( celebrated clown , hIlly Conrad , who , with his dog and 11nles , cart alnost give au e'enlng'l entertainment. Wiiam Showles , who was for the past two seasons time star at the Barnum show , Is with the "Country Circus" now . I.a Belo Tina , another recruit from the Barnum & Bailey show , Is a most beutful ( and accom- pItched young woman , Next In order conies a troop at real ArabIan acrobats In world- beating feats of ground arid iotty turnbiirmg. Following "Time Country Circus" at time lloyd. comnes Miltomi Nobles for one rilgimt ( time 15h ( ) In "Front Sire to Son , " appearing In a benefit verfoniuiance for Alt Salrmts' chmurch of this city. Following "Time Ship of State" at time Empire - pire , comes the famous John L. Sullivan. A Great Sale -OF- fMus1io Uiierwear1 Monday , January ith , will be the Opening Day1 Fetli anti ' % Ylritct' snics aut prnatknlly over' oi ClOaks linti flhltl w'e'rc lioss' only cleriu'Iitg tilein out mit ' 'tBSt 01' II.h" ( IS lfllti * ivirn IhLtVe 'IsItctt 0111' store dtirlitg the hast vcck ktio' to theIr SittiSfLIdttUht , litit w'c ltitvc inndc , Iuiis to liii the dtill tiitie gmt ; be. t'eeit 'Intei' IllitI spring SCitSoihi4 ' 1tIi mm out mill-i out ' ' ) ' East Snie" tiE Miishlii Uutdei'wemn' . 'l'hese stles : hmn'c it Natloitni l'cp. . iitittioit Ill Imti'gci' cuistmr'it cities. 'lly iint inrtke tileilt US III OifllIIhn ? .1 OIh1OL'i'O-Iol1Lla3' itlo1'tlil1g-'c take OUR FIRST STEP _ Alhil s'c believe 1(5 tIle yeai's t'oll on tilat liLtilCil S'iII be 'nItIng fox' 0111' i'4tislln Umiderw'citm' Smtle emicli season , I' ii'II hiuid no Iititshlii Untlcr'car' ti'.islt iluJi'C-lhO tli'cgs Of the llliti'kct-ll . ( ) old tOtIs iititi'ked dow'it-but mill fresh , ie' goods-all lie % desigIls foL' 1895 , Ve IL hot take tite srice to gI't.i tie4Cl'iptiltS. No iiutttci' l1tS' littlialt w'c saId 1101' 1io' 'ehl we sitid It , ito Itlemi 'oultl be eottveycd 01 tue timitisumil bal'gmtIns w'e'l ) give , 01113' ii PoL'41)iitth 'lsIt to our Ulidcr'ivcrtt' l'Ooitt Clill tb that , but % ' feel Hit 0111' lltSt h'tl'd for kCCIlig [ faith s'Rh ( lie public Ill tautuse our store to be tlti'oiiged bcyomtd nil pm'eedcilt 'iten 'e say thimtt tliI sale , foi' 13lltt Ilde iuet'lt , I1l ( ) tlt-tiliiSS all foi'inei' LJntLcrvett' Smiles helI lit Oimuiliit , Such Cow'ns 3'OII lIt2'ci' saw us 'c % 'IlI give tutllol'l'oi % ' at 49c to $1.48 citehu , nor Skirts itt 83c 1111(1 tl , mint' It'aw'em's mit 19c to 62c 1101' Coi'iet Covei's at 35c ittiti up. WILL YOU COME ? Send for a Catalogue. flCKSCOFIELD U COAKS.SIIIIS.FURS. [ Paxton Ulock. 'hmo for twelve years was time central figure hum sportiuig circles. A mmciv iiiay will be pro- senteih iithm novel vlot amid commipetemit Interpretation - pretation , by nut excellent coummpnmty of artists , which should Insure a repetition of tIme former great success he has achieved in this city. _ _ _ ( losaip or ( hut Pttutge , Ibsen's latest ilay is called ' 'Little ' Idyhot. ' ' Tue sprightly Lotta is spending the inter iii Egypt , Iicerbohmmn Tree will sail for Aiiieniea next Saturday. It has comae at last. Paul Potter is to hr.tinatize Du ? ttaurler'a ' 'Tniiby' ' for A. M. Paluuter. Let. ( lie gotis weep. Sol Sntitlm Russell's new eounetly for next season is to be vnittemi by Margaret Merriumg- tori , time author of "Captain Lettnrblair. ' ' Mary hampton , hmo is playing Itosammiouid lit "Sowing time W'ind , " cimmirges 25 cemits each ( into hme writes her attune for nit autograph fiend and entls time money obtained iii this way to a hospital. Tlmis is a good scheme. It teuitls to relieve distress anti dimninislm time rauiks of time collectors , Mr. lladdon Chmamnbers , time nuttier of "Cap- timin Swift" and "Time Idler , " and Mr. B. C. Stephenson , the successful adapter of many French playc , are joimmtly responsible for the ne\s' umielodramima , "Time Fatal Card , ' ' whIch Mr. Chmarhes Frohimnan liroduced last Mommday night at l'alnter's theater. It costs alniost as much to protituce a good play in thmeso day as it. dces to buy a imonse and furnish it. Time cost of the production of Sardou's "Mmo. Sans Gene" Is ami iilij.zIra- tion of this fact , These are tIme Items : Furniture - niture , $5,200 : costumes , $8,400 ; scenery , $7,900 ; properties , , $1,600 ; jewels auid armors , $1,600 , making a total investmnemmt of $24,700. The first mmlghmt. of time Frederick IVarde and Louis Jantea engageineut at time ScimIlleu theater , Chicago , the entimusiasni 'as so great over "Time Lion's Mouth" ( hat Mr. \Vardo was compelled. to aclcmiowledge witim a speecim. The graceful manner in wlmhcht lie did so coniphetely captivated time audience anti the enthusiasms becamnmi still greater as U , , : jJdJ , , ucccucu. The cast of "Time Passing Show" for Canary & Lederer'a No. 2 comniiany will include lIar- ney Fagan , Will S. Rising , Burt. ilaverly , John Donaimime , W. J. Mason , James lioran , Misses Jessie Carlisle , Laura liiggar , Helen and Henrietta Byron , Lucy Pixhoy , Gertrude Itandolpim , Minnie Stehla , Edna Lyle , Marjorie Thornton , Jeannet htiiea , Alice Summervihio and Kato Ashmton , LOU , Fuller will make a grand produclion of "Saiome , " a fantastic allegorical ballet by Armande Sylvester , tIme famnous French author - thor , on February 1 at the Counethie Parisi- cane in Paris. She Is miow touring from Cannes to Nice and Monte Carlo. After pro- dimcing "Salorne , " "La Loic" will dance rapIdly - Idly through Africa , Australia amid Imidla , coinIng to Antenica for the season of 1895-96. Seventy-five thousand dollars to keep off the stage ! In timis cold weather , whiemi follow- lag time railroad tracks Is not all it Is cracked up to be , mitammy would gladly sign an ironbound - bound contract for half that sum never to step before time footlights again. Francklyum Iteghid , however , is different front time great majority of actor folks , which may account for time size of time aura. lie is young nail handsome , and has a fond wife who dotes aim him , She is supposed to be some years lila senior ; she imas a large fortune , arid , evitiently us'nre of tIme trials arid lmnrtlsiuilms tmaually timrown iii as chmronios with a dramatic career , site desires to protect her youthful husband from these by placing tIme lutconme of $75,000 at his disposal for time uiext five years. It , at time end of this tIme , Mr. Itegild is still stage- fancy tree , time princlliai , ss'hmicht is now iii ( rust , will revert to himn without conditions , iIJ1JIEVId Zt' .11112 J'JWSl'ElW U'i. Turkish ( loycrimimiomit Tolls of Jg I'iitlmorly Love for Timommi , WAShINGTON , Jami , 5.-Time following of- tidal telegram was received at time Turkish legatioum In this city , daetl ( Conetnuitiriophe : "Certain newspapers Imave mnalntained lately that tile number of Armenians iii 'L'urhcey reaches many millions , math timat. ( buoy are badly treated , IlotIm assertions are absolutely false. According to ( hue most rclable ! stais- ( tics the Armenians hlviuug in Turkey are a little over 900,000 , of whom 200,000 nra es- tabhisimed iii Cormatarutimiophe itself , Those of time Armenians residlmig in time puovinces are distributeti all over time country , so thmat. nowhere do they constiutute ( lie niaorlty of ( lie PoPulation , Time fact is achcumowledged , even hy Turkish detractors , that time Otto- milan Aruieuminns have schools amid a hitera- ture , which not only proves that ( hey are hot exposed to vexatious treatment , but , omm time contrary , time Tmmrkisli governmemit favora their lmmeitutions ( , wisimes tiiemn to iuresenve their lamiguage mind nationality , and has so- cumred timeir well hielmig. ' ' utah Sehitinis Itro m'rosperous. W/tSIIINGTON , Jan. 6.-Time anmiunt me- port of time comriiissboner of chmoohs of Utaim % , mit3 auhuniteti ( to time secretary of time in. tenor today. It sets otmt ( lint time bieoiile of thummt territory are ehmowlmig a marked in. crease In etlucational mmiaere amid ( hint time rtchiooi limlildingia are overcrowded , TIme rico- i'le of Utimim , says time report , ure immeetlag ( lila crowdeti commilitlon , uieitIiito time recent iepressioii , with energy most worthily ox- vended In time direction of mmew buiidingmm , . h.j,1 , TJJJIC J'OItJJ4ST , Fair amid Coidor vltlm Juihmwci ( 1Vinui lii Nolrumskrm , W'/tI3IIINCITON , Juit , 5.-Time forecast for Sunday is : Jor Nebraska , South Dakota , Kansas arid Colorado-Fair ; colder ; miorthiwest winds. For' Iowa nnd Mlaaounl-L'tmir ; colder ; Imortimsvemtt winds , JotaI Record , OFFICE OF TIlE WIiA'I'IIlilt BUREAU , OImlAliA , Jitit. 5.-Omaha recurti of temperature - aturo amid rainfall , compared with the corro. spending day of time imust four years : lEtS. 119 $ . 1S'JI. 1892. Mmoxlnmuin temperature. . , , 30 11 itI Mimmiinuin tempeaturu , , , , . 111 6 11 22 Averimgo temnhmermmture , . , , , , 21 12 11 23 Precipitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , r .01 ' 1' .trj Condition of ( eumperature ammil vreeivituttion itt Omaluio ( or time day and uiuicu Zilamcir 1 , Normal tembierature , , , , . . , , . , , , . . , . . . , . , , . , , , , , 13 Excess ( or time day. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Normnma I vri'cllil ( a t limit , . . , , , , , . . , , , . , . . . . 03 hiculciandy for ( Ito . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( mmcli Total imrcciidtatioim binec Mumchi 1 16.01 inches Dcllclency bInmee Marcim I. . . . . . . . . . 15.77 immehiemi Li. A. % VEtS11 , Observer. CANiIIIAN ) LINE CIVES IN Contents to a Settlement of Its Difforeuco3 with Western Lines. BECOMES ErrccrvE ON JAUAflY 14 Omme of ( lb ( treat 0binoloa ( ii tlio Foritma- (10mm of ( lie Tr.mmmscommtlimcmtuul , , usnelmm- then Itrmuovett-UmuIomi l'ncIIlo Iioycott Now lit time % muy. ChICAGO , Jamu. 5.-TIme Cammadiami Pitcmflo has given its assent. to the imrolmosition made to It by tIme western lines last week arid Chmainumian Caitlwehi left. for Mouitrcal tommigimt for time PUriiosO of arramiging tIme details with General l'asscnger Agent McNicoll of ( lie Camiadian i'aclfle , Time imroositiori to which tIme Camiadhaum Pacific has giveum its assent pro- 'ides that ( ho payntent of all excessIve coma- missions on lmiimmiigrant business shah cease on a date to be selected by time Cauiadiaut Pacific , amid whmichm It imas designated as Janu. any 14 ; that time Canadiaut l'aeluIc shall assent to time basis of tlmo division of traffic in no- cordaumce with ( lie agreomitent of the western hues which was reported two weeks ago ; the routimig of all business by ( ho ageumt of time inimutlgranmi cicarimig house in time east ; ( lint ( Ire Canadian Pacific must assent to tIme dif- ferentinls on Pacific coast business , as arranged - ranged by tIme western lines two weeks ago ; and finally ( hint it shall becomiio a mitemuber of time association on trautseomitinental traffic , In acceptimmg tIme proposlUomi of tIme western lutes time Canadian Pacific has remmioved time groat- eat obstacle to ( lie formnatioa of time nssocin- ( ion , arid it is nmov believed tmmai. time agreement - ment can be formed wlthotmt fumrthmer delay , as.far as time Canadian Pacillc Is concermied. The comnmmilttee having charge of the troubles of time Union Pacific with tIme otlmer roads has liresented a proposition to that road for time settlement of time row , and an ammswcr ( rain time Union Pacific is expected by Momi. day. The plan is to subumilt everytiming to a board of nrbitratiomi , consistIng of Geumeral Passenger Agents lieafford of time Chicago , Milwaukee & St. l'amul , Chiarltout of time Alton amid Knlskern of time Nortlmwesterii , General Passenger Agent Lomax of .thie Unioum I'a- ciflo iuas gen to Oniahma to consult with time other ofilcinis of lila road amid it is expected hue will be able to uimake an ammswer by Mon. day , or very shortly after that date. IlOl'ES I0R II tIIMONY. Hallway Passenger Agommts Trying to l'mitoi * Up /igrcomurmt. . General Passemigcr Agent Lounox imas been asked to arbitrate time boycott wim'cim for two years hiss been inaimtalned agahmmst t1i Ummiomm Pacific. But. Mr. Lornax does not seemmt to be In an arbitrating mood , if reports front Ciii- cage may be relied upon. Time general has- senger agent of time Ummion I'aciilc wemmt to Chicago Timursmlay upon time personal solid. tation of tIme late \Vestern Passenger association - ation , anti with a deterimilnatioum to work. for time orgamilzatiomm of a transcontinental asoo. ciaIon. ( lie had hoped limo boycott. would ho lifted , in view that harmony was s'cry greatly desired by all time himmes cormcermied , however , a commnittee was appdintc'd to take up tIme boycott aim orumigrant busimmeas , consistiumg of Frammcis of time Buniirmgtomt , Sebastian of time Itock Isltmmmd , llemmnott of ( hue 1(10 Grande arid i..ouimax of time Union I'acific. After review- imug tIme situation ( lie canmmmilttee reported that. ( lie tmiembers couhd cot agree , and for the vary obviomus reason ( hint Frnuicis , Sebautian amimi Bemmumett immaintaimmeti thmat their vonition was correct , while Mm' , Lounnir , decidedly In time minority , insisted ( lint time boycott was wrong , Thiemt camne time smmggestlon to aniultrato , amid nit last accounts Mr. Lomax bail not mimatle imp ills mmiluid % vlmethmer to subunit to arbitration or not , For nearly eight treeks the lines interested iii tIme formimationm of a traniscontimiental asloci. atloim have endeavored to reach ii satlsfac. tory conclusion , but imo apparent progress lies been made. The Santa Fe-Sommtlmernm Pacific differences have been referred to time general passenger agent. of ( hue two roads , iimo hiss reported "rio lirOgress , " arid asketi for further tIme , ' Jammies W' . Munn , vimo returned froumi the meeting yesterday mnorrminig , stated ( lint. so far as hue could see , no progress hind boon imiatlni towmmrth time formation or a now association , "Of course come mat- ( era have imeen gotten out of tIme way by rcautomi of time rmieetirugum wimicli would hmave hmeemt ( audi Uj ) mm or omit. of fime associntlonu , I aumtlcipato ( hint trouble will grow out of time Protest tIled by ( lii , esstenmi trunk lines against time divlsioim of territory gramited time Canadian l'acific , arid a coimference vitli these lines will tmnmtiouihmteully have to be imaul before any ugroemiicmmt is reached , filmould time Canadian i'aclilc refuse to accept ( lie new divIsion of territory , whiieim must rice- essarlly anemic from ) ) ( lie conference , themm vil1 comae a most iumterestinmg conmphicationm , l1or nmmyseif , I believe ( liii Amnmorican lines coulti form an association Intlepenilent of ( lie Cann. ( han Pacific , although seine of the bIg trrmuilc hines comitenmml ( ( mat. time presemico of time Cans. diamu l'aehiie is absolutely essential. " llelpemi by ii Cotton Crop , "My iireseumco In Ommmahma at timle time is purely imtcldermtal to a tour of irispectiomu , " rernaniceti W , 13. Dodmirldgo , gemmoral manager of time MissourI Pacific , to ii flee man , "f flail ( lie system In good commnlltlon. The earnings - ings time vast year arm ( lie Missouri Paciflo will not show such a decrease as one seouhti irmiagino for such a dull veriod , This is due to time fact ( lint tue southern inea of time system have paith vehl arid profited imy a good cotton crop , wimlciu offsets , to some extent , time busses on nortluermm lines , Time central brunch Is r'eing fairly vell.Vo (10 not auuticipate 0mm ) ' fimntlier rerermclmmmiemmfa ( fri train service or salaries mmnless forced to It by absolmme ( no- cesalty. We are down to iJel rock mmow If time Nm'htrasku roliet trains trout time south conic our way possibly we will thu our share 1mm time way of transportation , but we will 0osa time bridge when we comae to It , "