Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 06, 1895, Part I, Page 1, Image 1

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r4' : : : : : : 4-444 PARTI. t1144 = 1 THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE. L : PAGES ' 1 TO 3. J j
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. srl'AJn..1SUljj ' . ) aUNB : 1 1 H , 1871. 1 OMAILIA , SUNDAY lOHNJNGtT.ANUAt _ ] : t" t G , -SJX''E1DN : i ) Jh\G ES. SIN ii I COpy - - InYm ( EN'1'S. -
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ! , J _ ! CBN'l'f.
. -
I Quarrel In Ranks of the Irish Party Oul-
mlnntes In Open Hostility.
. -
Freeman's ' Journal Assais Him a a Traitor
t th . Irish Oause
. -
' Words Taken Indication of
"t 4. Healey's n M an
" Impending Party Uphmval
flo.'cI.ery UrnnnIOllcel tut the 1.lheral
. I'nrty II . 111111 In Every HCIIO to
. ' Lcglllto for Irellllihell
? ur1 I ho.
( CoN-rlghtcl , I& , hy the . \8soclntel Iress , )
LONDON , Jan. , -NeI ( York World Cable
-Special 'elegram-'he ) long smouldering
quarrel within the ranks of the McCarthy
wing of the Irish party developed today Into
an open denunciation of. Timothy Iealy by
the Duhln l rl man's Journal , which de-
clare that hIs speech of last night was a
ki t flagrant and defant revclt against majority
rule , and In violation of all his pledges and
obligations. I Is believed now that hIs
speech means an overt effort to wrest the
leadership from McCarthy , and that this new
internecine war must bring new misfortune to
the Irish cause. Meanwhile the Landon
Daily News , the organ or the noselery mln-
S Itry , has an Important editorial thIs veek
on the prospects of home rule.
, . "Ireland , " says this doubtless politically
Inspired writer , "must occupy an Important
place In the coming se.sicn. . Ireland has I
hitherto got nothing from the Parlament oC
1892. The liberal party Is bound ly every
consideration or the honor and justice to up-
hold the Irish Policy of Mr. Gladstone , hut
Indeed duty and expediency p.nt the same
way. Many men who entered the House oC
Commons for the frst time two and a hal
years ago , coldly convinced by dry argument
of the necessity for Irish home rule , have
1 ; , ben turnell by exp rlenco Into home rulers
7' , of I type at once practically enthusIastc ,
\ The ideas Ihat rule means dismemberment -
, . ment of the empire has been abandoned to
v speakers and writers who have neither re-
sponsIbity nor selr-respect. Th conly questions -
tons left are , how It 19 to be done , and who
Is to do I 1 Tile Irish home rule bill Is at
. the same stage which parliamentary reform
had reached after the rejection of Lord nus-
sehl's reform bill In 1866. "
'sels bi
" The semi-ofcial threat or tIme Cunarll como -
o - 0 pany to transfer Its saiings from Liverpool
: . to Southampton has persuaded the postmaster
. gEneral to concede Important points In new _
contracts for carrying the mal , and railroad
companies have at last yielded to the demands -
mands of the company to extend their tracks
to the docks at Liverpool , thus In future
% . avoiding the long drive from the station.
tc Nothing , however , can apparently be devised
Ic to prevent transfer ly tender from docks ,
. whereas , passengers by the American line
go directly aboard time steamer from the
train. I can find no ground for the report
: published hero that a daily mal service Is
proposed. No postmaster general would venture -
ture In time present state of public feeling to
give a mal contract to a Southampton vessel -
. S sel , since the Llverpool-'Queenstown route
commands the united parliamentary strength
of the ! reland , Scotland and all nothwest-
er England
I Is well understood among Gladstone's
Intimate friends that If the English ministry
should attempt to recede from the present
attItude on time Armenian atrocities , time
' , , . attude
' aged statesman will publicly pretest and will
even equal In vehemence his historical utterances -
terances on tim9 barbarities In Bulgaria
The repeated postponement oC the return
fi , of the Princess or Wales from Russia has
caused much curiosity and comment In London -
don society. Three times the princess'
equery was on the point of starting to escort
the princess home , but each time his orders
were countermanded at the last moment
. For time fourth iliac a telegram has been re-
. . .
, , delved from the princess deferring her jour-
fey another three weeks , but Colonel Clark
has nevertheless been directed to go to St.
l'ctersburg amid walt on her. Since the death
of the duke of Clarence the princess hal
evidenced a desire to speml as lIttle time as
Iloslble In England , antI has prolonged her
, vlrlous vIsits abroad to such an extent as
r , to upset serIously court Illans.
At the marriage today of Lord Wolvrton ,
who accompanied Lord Dunrven to Nol
. . " v York last year , and whe Is a warm friend of
- . time duchess or Manchester , nee Consuel
Iznaga of New York , the two little daughter
of time duchess were omong time six brIdes-
\ malls of Lady Edith Wurl
'I , Edwin Abbey Is ( boy to exhibit In I.on-
don his newly fnlshe1 ! decorations for time
" public lbrry or las ton. 'fhey are lustra-
_ time " for time hiGh ' Grail" auimi
. tver of "Quest 101' Gral" alll
' or by EnglIsh I artists
are very highly Sllollcn nglsh artsts
. . 'V110 ! ho\'o been admitted to private vIew.
- 'OI ) DmIy for TI ' Society II J nIRII'1
. ,
.l/ netrollll
"t LONDON , Jan . -Two fashionable
. , _ ' marriages occurred this evening Frederick
Carr O'nn , fourth baron Wolverton , a lord
h In waiting to time queen and member of a
syndicate represented b)1 Lord Dunlaven
, - which will build time 'acht Intended 10 sail
for the America's cup this year , WaS married
. to Lady Edith Ward , sister Of the second
cal of DUdley , lt the Church ot St , Mary
_ - - the abbot , Kenblngtoml , at 2:30 : o'clock There
. '
were six young and titled bridesmaids Lorll
and Lady W'lverton will spend their honc-
moon at the earl of Dudley's scat at Banford , I I
porsetshlrc , and will afterward start on a I
yachtIng trip to the Mediterranean . The
presents were numerous , ant Included a
&lllcndll brooch set wil dismantle and rubles
for tile bride , the gU of the prInce of
\Vaies The duke amid duchess ef York and
time duke and duchess of Fife , combined , gave
p ' . the Irlle u bejeweled lace Illn mUlti the duke
( , and duchess of York llrescnted LordVohver. .
j ! ton with I sleuthl Ilamond and torquolse
rcarr 1mm. 'fho prince oe Wales , the duke and
duchess Of Fife and other members ot the
royal tamly with time duke and duchess of
1 Attol , mumbo orbereorn , the marquis amid
Inarchioncis of Londonberry , time earl of
Cimestertlehmh. the duchess of .tanchmester , vis.
- rlanchester
P count anti Lady CUron and Barenes Roths-
chIld and other memberl of the aristocracy
; were pruept Lord Wolvrton t. a son or
the famous lanller , and was born In 182.
The second wedilng was that or Sir horace
I arluhlr , bart , a partner In the house of
Sir Samuel Scott , bert , bankers 10 Lady
Emily Scott , at St George'l church at Hanover -
over Flluare. At thIs ceremony the prince of
Wales , the duke 01 Cambridge , thc duke ali
duchess of Fife , Earl anll Countesl 1ulley
and olher member of the British aristocracy
were liresent Mrs. John W. Iacklr was
also present. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
f'wn\JI f nl'-Ht TJI TIUlOi' . ,
Cnptlll UreyflN Trrnttl n. I Convicted
Traitor h IJelU by Iii Frmmmmce ,
PARIS , Jan. 6.-Caltaln Froth W. Dreyfus
of time Fourteenth regiment or artillery , recently -
centy Rtoched 10 the general stol or the
armny who was tried by court-martal. con-
victed or treatomu In disclosing Important
office documents to foreigners 11(1 sentencell
to deportation 011 Imprlonment for life In
a fortress , WaS IJhlcly dcgramiemi thIs morIn
lmmg In front oC the milItary school In this
Dre'fus slept we1 amid was awakcned at
[ o'cloel this Inorln , when he was In-
rormed that this was the lIar fixed for his
degrdaton In hmmblic. ) lie displayed no
emoton until he wits Ilres ell In the full unl
form of his regiment and Ilrepar.1 to leave
the Chercho ' . Ihl ! prison , In which he has
been confnell since his arrest , for the mill-
tary school. lie then tured deadly pale , and ,
his hands shook as he sfgnell the Ilrlson reg-
Ister When this formality was gone through ,
two gendarmes with revolvers In their hands
escorted him to a miltlry wagon drawn by
four horses and escorted by It troop or re-
publcan guards. In this wagon surrrounded
hy time guards wlh drawn swords , Dre'fus ,
was driven to the military school. The route '
to the prison and to the school was lned
by many thousands of peol11e , and a large
crowd was also glthered about the military
school , which Is a large establshment near
the Invaldes , and covering In area of about
twent-slx acres. Behind the school Is the
Place de I.'onteney , Ullon which Is a hand-
some monument erected In memory of the
soldiers who fell In the war of 1870-7. Time
arrival at time school of two outriders who
preceded the wagon caused Intelse excite-
ment among the people there asembled , and
hero and there hisses were heard as the
wagon pass d.
When Dreyrus arrived itt time mitary
sehool ho was place,1 In an Inl'rovlsed cel
and detachments from ever ) ' hrlnch or the
garrison of Paris began assemllng In the
Place de Fouteney , and hy ( I. m. fully 5,000
troops Were ranged about time quadrangle .
At 9 o'clock Dre'Cus Wa conducted to the
square and was led before General d'Arres ,
who was In command or the troops , and the
sentence of the comurt-mimartial WIS read to time
prisoner. The general then brlely addressed
Dre'Cus , saying'rnm : are adjudgell un-
wOrny to lear Irms , In the name of the
rench people I degrade ) -ou. "
General d'Anes then gave I shal word
of command , and a noncommissioned officer
oC the republcan' guard Ipproachell Dre'fus ,
the Infantr iireented arms , the cavalry presented -
tented swords , and ther was a long , solemn
roll from the massed drum corps
Dreyfus started back as the noncommissioned -
sioned officer touched him and shouted : "I
am Innocent. I swear It. VIvo la France ! "
Time 10ncommissioned officer then tore oft
Dreyfus' epaulets and all the other distinctIve -
Ivo marks of his rank ns I captain of art-
lery , ending up with breallug the prisoner's
sword In two and tlmrowlng the two hah'es at
his feet. Dreyfus was then marched bare-
headed , around the entire square , In front of
the troolls. lie was greatly excited , and
shouted moro than once : " 1 ant Innocent ; I
swear I. " But every tme the prisoner
spoke , In accordance wIth orders previously
Issued , his voice was drowned by time roil of
As Dre'fus passed In front of the place
occupied hy the representatives of the press ,
he shouted : "Tell the whole of France that
I am Inoncent !
This caused some officers or the army re-
servo , who were standing near , to retort :
"Down with Judas ! Silence , traitor ! "
I Was evident that Dreyrus felt these words
keenly , for he tured sharply around and
faced time officers In a threatening manner
But before ho could do or say anything
further , ho was seized by the soldiers who !
were escortng him and forced to continue
his humiiatng march Iround time square.
Time crowd outs Ida time school on hearing
time prIsoner's voice , when ho protested lila
Innocence , raised fierce cries of "Death to
the traitor ! " ' "Death to the traitor ! "
TIle cries of time populace were accompanied
ly the shri whistes pecular to a Parisian
mumob When time proceedings were ended ,
Dre'fus was handcuIed , taken to I prison
van and drIven to an ordinary prison , escorted - '
carted by I squad of gendarmes The troops
hen marched back to their various barracks ,
the crowds outside time military school cheor-
lug each detaehment and shouting "Vivo la
France ! Vivo I'armeol VIvo la patrlo ! " On
the ether hand , the sight or the prIson "an ,
which was driven rapidly through time crowds ,
evoked renewed cries or "Death to the
traitor ! " "Death to the traitor ! "
Time arrest of Albert Dreyfus In October
last caused 0 sensation throughout France
amid round an eeho In Berln , which at one
tmo threatened to have serious consequences
'fho assertIon that Dreyfus toll time 111ans 01
various strongly fortified pieces to the Ger-
man govermeut has been vigorously denied
ly representatives of that nation . Similarly
It has been clalmell and denied that the plans
referred to were ohl to an ugent of the
Italian goVernment. The Illans f'hlch Droy-
fUs Is alege.1 to have disclosed Include those
relatIng to the mobilization of the rench
ormy In case of war , 111an8 for time mobiza-
ton of time Fifteenth army corps , covering
Ito Dellartments Of the Maritime Alps , Ar.
dech , Bouches du honc , Corsica , Gard , VIS ,
\aucIuso and Marseilles , lS wel as time plans
for mobilzing time French forces around
Urlaneon , the Alpine Gibraltar , near the
Italian frommtier. Time fOI tress or Drlalcol ,
wlich Is connected by unlerground , galleries
wih outyIng Cortfcatons anti wih the tow
itself , Is a most . Important pi tee In view of
time 1)OssibiiltY of an In\aslol of Framice upon
the part of Italy ,
- -
Eight l ( ilcml him \-llolehe ,
PARS , Jan. 5-'he village or Orlu In the
canton ot Alx-les.Thermes , Pyrennes , has
been party overwhelmed by an avalanche ,
which ha destroyed many housea. The bodies
of fifteen persona have leen recovered from
the ruins of thfo buildings and at least eight
per80ns are known to ha\e been severely
Injured , In addition a number of cattle were
buried In the avalanche .
Jray ) Inlu In , \I trla ,
VIENNA , Jan 6.-heavy snow storms have
been prevailing throughout the empire and
railroad . comunlcaton has been Interrulltet
In mauy places
Count 1Cllor'IRdl Will l"orl I Cabinet , I
UUDA PESTII , Jan 5.-1 Is expected that
Count Hedertady will be Inlru ted tomorrow
with the task of forming a new hungarian
Additional Evidence that the Japanese Took
Teible Vengeance nt Port Arthur ,
Flying Foemen and Defenseless Women Indiscriminately -
discriminately Butchewl by the Victors
Japanese Prisonera Hall Been Chopped to
Pieces by Their . Captors
Umeer" U'ere UIhlo tn Che.l , time l.aharlc
11110 of the :101 After time City
" 'as Once Hltlrell III
ilorm'ur ' . '
Jorror l'oilowed
( Copyrigmted ! 1&9 : by l'ress I'mmbilsiming Con1nl' . )
. IONUO : Jami. & , -INew ( York World Cable
Speclal Telegram.-The ) denial of the mimes-
score lt Port Arthur , cabled hero on the
authority of the New York Herald , Is made
ridiculous by the publication In the London
Times this moring of a letter front a Se-
clal correspondent , whom the Times vouched
for as an ere-witness , and who writes :
"The Japanese admiral , Count Ito , called
on Admiral I reemanto anti , Idllr gave ) er-
mission to the olcers of our fleet to land anti
go wherever they chose.
"All or time sights were terrible. Chinese
heads were Iring In time roads , and time
bodies were further aiomig Three dead
women were lying together Numbers of
Chinese who were Idled were ) lell 11) In
healls and covered wih mnatttmmg. . \1 the
houses were looted and In some cases dead
Chinamen were lying under a heap of broken
The roads were strewn wih dead , rifles ,
ammuniton , shoes all coats , showing how , '
In the plnlc to escape , the Chlneso had
thrown away ever.thlng.
"On the first da ) ' of the battle a few
Japanese were captured 011 cut up In pIeces
all carried about on sticks by Chlneso sol-
dlors. This so enraged the Japanese soldiers
that time olcers hall no hohl over them , and
a hopeless massacre foilowed. I Is esti'
mated that time Japanese lost 3,500 Idled ,
hut they 11robally lost more. The Chlneso
loss Is put at 5,000. " BALLARD SMITH.
Gllt loN lUIbS I. I'ESSIMiS rlc. .
Not Inclne1 tn Tuko mi lo.elto'Iew of
'h.11 ( : onltr.\- ' " 1'ltlro ,
( Copyrighted , lS9 " , hy the Associated Prcss. )
BERLIN , Jan. -It Is a significant fact
that time majority of time New Year's day ur-
tees In the newspapers reviewing the po-
Itcll sluaton were pessimistc In tone , ex
pressing grave doubts regarding Germany's
future. For instance , time Helchsbote , the
conservative organ , deplored Germany's wan-
lag influence abroad and wished Prince Ills-
merck back at time helm again. The Hamburger -
burger Nacrlchten crltclsed the colonial cud
foreign policy of the past year as being
vacillating and devlod of vigor.
TIme most sensational article , however , appeared -
peered In the yolks Zelung of Cologne , the
mlin organ or the centrist party , which In
the present session of the nelehstag Is again
a decisive factor After mentoning the gen-
erel feeling of uneasiness an.1 . immicortainty as
to time future , due I was uncertalntyls
stability of time governmental maehlne , the
article says : "The main role In all this Is
played by' the individuality or Emperor Wi-
lam II. No doubt ho Is a highly gifted !
monarch wIth time best of In ten lens , but In
his abnormaly developed feeling of so\'er-
elgnty he Induces responsible statesmen to
. .
disappear more and more ( rom \s. ! . , more
than wo lucre been accustomed to , and ho
takes the Initiative In a field In whIch the
sovereIgn has hitherto not interfered At all
events , the chongeful decisions In the higher
places renller It difficult to determine with
oven a reasonable amount of certainty
which course at any given tme Is to be pur
sued , and Induces time belief that the 11resent
course wi not be adhered to for any length
. "
of time.
Later on the article speaks of time Eulen-
berg dynasty and says : "Count Bathe zeu
Eulenberg planned a coup d' etat and he Is
problbly destined to be time successor of tw
present cimanceilor. " _ Time opinIon Is ex-
11ressell that a constitutional conflict Is corn-
Ill and Is unavoidable. These utterances ,
coming from the leading mouthpieces of time
most powerful parliamentary party , are
highly significant .
Some or the leading Berlin newspapers ,
notably time Vosslscho Zelulg and time Na-
tonal Zeitung , speak very bluntly also about
time autocratic manner In which the emperor
had the dIstrict around time royal caste
blocked against al traffic during the court
ccremonles on New Year's day
Time National Zelung , commentng upon
this , remarks : "The streets of Berlin belong -
long to the Berlin people , This principle was
recognized by thc llleo during the time or
W/lam I , amid It Is time that this principle
should again bo recognized. "
UeRectng time alleged utterances of Emperor -
peror WIlliam on New ) Year's day , thc
Schleslsche Zelung tOllay declares ammtimor-
Iatvely that tIme report that the emperor
delvered a Ilolllcal speech Is "puro Invel-
ton , " adding : , "lie _ did not malle the slight.
cst reference ( to politics , his few words Ie-
latng solelY to military : notrrK. "
The cordial manner In which Emperor
Wiliam greeted United States Ambassador
nun'on at time recept n of the 111lomate
corps was generally remarked Ills majesty
warmly shook hands wih Mr Hunyon and
returned Celclatons oC the lay In the purest
I nglsh on behalf of hlmseI amid the whole
country , coupling these expressions wIth
wishes for the contnucd welfare of the great
transatlantic republic .
Emperor Wiiam , on New Ycar's eve , re-
celvll I visit from Prince hloimenloimo . and I
Is understood that they discussed the south
Oerman situation , the approaching visit of
1rlnco lohcnloho to 1rlnco Hsmarck at
Frederlchsruhe and the measures to le taken
In order to pass the ant-revoluton,1) bill
through the nechslag. ! The visit of time
chancellor to Prlnco Ismlrel , Is to be a
mere act of courtesy whim no bearing upn th\
poltc,1 course of the go\'erloent The
visit will be a concession to the odmlrers of
the fallen statesman amid to Ilopular feeling
In connection with the anti.revolutionary
bill , the Vorwaerts , the organ of the socialIsts -
Ists , which bas become notorious for obtaining -
taining and publishing secret documents , on
Thursday last published a cIrcular marllel
"confidemmtiai , " Issued by the government
presidents of the provinces to the police and
civil authorities instructing them to suppress ,
on the slightest pretext , meetings bell to pro.
test against the anti-revolutionmtrr bil The
socialists are now lllng to thdlol leaders
of their party warnings how io la\oll the
seizure of compromising papers : and how to
cope with the police In the e\'el . of the anl-
olutonary bill becoming n la ,
The proposal of the government to present
a bill to the nelchstnr raitng the Illty ( n
Cottonseed oil to 10 marks tied rtluclng the
duty on adulterated colonseell lll to 3 %
marks Is opposed ly the whole liberal press
The Vossische Zelun especially ! combats
the proposition , pointing out that In view
or the conciliatory spirit show" 1Y the United
States lately In tariff legislation touching
Oermnn Interests I Is uieitiir just nor wise
to provoke new conflicts. Cotonseed oil Is
bclng largely Import fron America for the I
manurlcture or oleomargerln ? : t , OO.OOO gal-
Ions , worth $600,000 Were Imported last
year . which Is double I he ! amOlll : Great
Brlalu Import from America.
Prince Iax of Saxon ) ' , after renonnclng
all claims to the throne of Saxony and en-
tering a Catholic Ilsttuton ( at lchsladt ,
has just left for Algeria , suffering from lung
The United States ambassador on Tuesday
last atelded the ball at the lrltsh embassy ,
and on Welnesla ) ' he was thq guest 01 Lieutenant -
tenant General Count Von Wedel , minister oC
timm Inperlal court.
NoEl : Itii'OhtTS - FROM , - AiiMESI4 \ .
. \IIIces hy a 1.111.1 Irofef l from Friends
II tlat .
LONDON , Jan -Prof. . Mines Tcheras , ed-
Ior of time Armenia and professor or Armenian -
menian at time Universiy of ILOndomi , has received -
ceived the following advles 1 from Armenian
sources : "Zekki Pasha , con mander or the ;
I'ourth army corps , has hma - glvel to him I
by time sultan time mcdal ! of husbandr ) ' .
Chendl , a Kurdish brigand ! jit Doghazllezen ,
ordered an Armcnlan namufo 1 Aillar to le
hilled for protesting agalns ] lls misdeeds.
"The Kurds have assmmssnated ! two Armenians -
menians at Daghvergan , one lit Armlton Inll
another at Keuchar. .
" 1hl number of len , won1n } and chlhlron
who were cut down br sabms or hayonetll
In ele\en vlagcs or th ! Sasun district was
70. \
"I Is now 11rQveu that ththpeople flol the
Sassoun district , who durlnl the retreat to
Mount Aml01a fought bravclj for nineteen
days , and who gave theI1'es { up to tIme
ellen ) on August 27. weredecevc by the
proclamation of Zel\l Pasha : : promising them
ammmesty. The Turls assauHW : the women
and starved and tortured them for three
days. Sixty young men were finally Idle
by the sword , and their 10dies were thrown
Into a vehi. The vilages or Shenll amid Gel-
gouzan have been burned to ashes , with
their four churches IChakoko , la'or oC
Aghili , his brother , hobo , their sons , a priest
named Gabriel Hourch , anti the Archlman-
drHO of Vartn , Mgr . Dchll of Tshlentzor ,
Priest Dolabel of Shenlk and fvo.companlons ,
the mayor of the village or Gelgobomovsclen
and numbers of mountaineers have been
killed. Over a thousand , have been wounded
and 250 prlsoner have : n : -
"Th Turks blInded PrJesthOhuitnnes I of Se-
mal and made him dl ! e. Re' lsl-\\110-
chantng , "Praise the Lord , 0 , 'My Soul "
! .
and was cut to pieces with sword . Priest
Bedros. . of Gelgouzan , who Idled seven
Kurls In a night at palvorld , was male a
prisoner , and afterward flayed alive. "
HI9 Jlll0 1 l'rctest ' \Cllnst the SUlur !
, . : elolll10 hit St"Illol 'flmere.
VIENNA , Jan -The United States consul
general , 1r , Max Judd , In an Interview today
said that time AustrIan minister at W'asim-
Ington Baron yon lengelmuler de
Iengervar , had undoubtedly been Instructe
to enter a protest at \\'aahllgton against
that paragraph of time sugar schedule or tie
tariff act which Imposes In additional duty
of one-tenth of 1 cent on sugar coming to
the United States from cQ111rles which pitY
a bounty for time production or sugar. nut ,
he added , all tall of the reprisals Is absurd.
Continuing , Mr Judd remarked ' : "I am more
than satisfied that AustrIa 'Is not In a posi-
ton to adopt retalatory ' measures The
yearly exports or Austria to the United
States amount to $ 800,0q0,00O , of which
3,30G.000 Is sugar. 'he UnIted States exports -
ports to Austria only amWIt to $ 00,000.
Consequently I Is absurd ' , 10 tlik about
Austrian retalaton , UndQ this new tariff
AustrIa cannot mall Il 'lrther ' export of
sugar to the United StateJ : , '
- . .
WUIAX LAX l mm1LLii'itESmisTED ; 1- ,
1orllls time Smile or 1,1'14 'rlcts to Cor-
, .
SAN FRANCISCO , Jan - L-Adrices from
Honolulu by the bark Ceyloim . dated December -
her 15 , state that President \ Dole has stib-
mlted tIme draft of his l proposed new Ilnd bill
to the cabinet for consideration. Its terms
have not been made publb beyoud that I
forbids time sale of large trata of land to cor-
poratons and provIdes for ' time sale or lease
-oC homesteaders. twemmty-fls'e to forty aere lots to legitimate
'fho trial of time alleged conspirators began
today President Dole has not yet Issued any
call for the legislature , but It I expected It
wIll leet about January 15. 'j'rho goverment
has talcn 10 extra precautlops on account or
time discovery of the alleged conspiracy and
everything Is ttuiet The diV Is overrun with
strangers unable to get work '
. ' -
Rlelun9hlll Complll.IL' , I'.oln/
LONDON , Jamm . -Nothlngjls known at
an ) of time London onicesct4ime tralsatantc
stenmshlp complnles of tt reported conler.
ence or the represeutatves 0 Steamship lines
with the view or arranging. me scheme for I
pooling their passenger .utness ; , Negotiations - '
tons , however , with thl e4diln " view , have
been lu progress for u-l , ef"In past , and
arc tl mrocecdimmg ,
1'rlublo lelro < 10 ' Lr11 or ,
SALVADOR , Jima 5.-Thmoexciternent. over
the election which will Ocpr"January " 6 Is
at fever heat anti Il Ii tfdlcted that the
streets wi low wIth blooll Ion that date.
Gulterreg , It Is thousht , \IUlbe elected here ,
but force of arms will b'necsary to decide -
clUe who wIll be vice prOI ent
Jtllnr In OI , thn"la.
GUATEMALA , Jan 5-Itlotimmg has hroken
out In Chlquhnlia. At this pInt e\'efylhlng
Is quIet on time surface , lut on the surface
only. Barrios has gene fO an Jose , for
what purpose Is not knQ\u to the public ,
Arrut"ll for lmeroul nobberlol ,
IISSIMA , Fia . , Jan. -Tho notorious
Emanuel Wiiams oC South Carolina , wanted
for murder In that state and train robberies
In imere AlabamI , ant Ten , , ' baa . been arrested
Chul"rl ! Jrll.luI iJl l , i rjontne ,
BUENOS A YIU , Jm. ' , -Clmoiera Is I epl-
demlo In the pro\lr.ces of Rosario and Santa
Fc , but It Is of sOlc\h.t mldfr forum
l'rauJ Jojef ! haL , for 11Ill.letl.
VIENNA , Jan G.-Emleror Franz Josef
crlsl. has gone to Buda-l'cstb tp settle the cbnet :
O'Nei ' Otizms Volunteer to Search the .
Ground for Darrot Scott's Doly ,
- i .
Publo Sentiment Voiced at n Gathering
Called by Sheriff Iamitm ,
equads Will Go Over All the Ground Be-
tween Parker anti the River ,
JIIIIII n.lensell on Inl III tl UnTO I
l0lrllg : luIIRy-I'nrmorA 1ller : for
11rorn1tol 'hrlll time ' 0\ n
-Akimm'u , Idel\
O'NEILL , Jan -Speclal Telegramim.- )
Another effort w1 bo made tomorrw to find
some trace of time body of Barret Scott. A
searching party or fuly 100 men wIll leave
the court hOUSQ square at G o'clock. They
will arrive nt Parker at Il'brNll and l fore
they retur every root d groumid between
Parker and the Niobrara river will have been
carefuly scrutinized .
'hls measur was lecldel on at a manes
meeting of citizens , which was hNI at the
court house this evening The mectug was
called by Sheri lamlen , and more thau
300 citizens rcspomled. The sherlI Im'sldd ,
a111 brlel ) ' recounted the steps which he had
pre\'lousl taken In the case. lIe added that
ho had done al that any mln , could 10 , onl\
now wished all citizens who hal lt heart time
welfare of their county and state to join
with him In solving the mystery oC a crime
that was deplored hr all. 'lie suggested that
It had been repeatedly declared . b ) mln who
were CamiaI wih the countrr that thc
body of the mudered mal hnd not been
taken as far as the river , but was still concealed -
cealed In one of the Intervening gulches.
Acting on this theory , he considered It advisable -
vlsablo to male a thorough search or the
countr- , a 111 called for volunteers. Fully
tOO men rose to their feet , among whom were
many or the leading citizens or O'Neill.
There was i'onme difference or opinion as to
the best time to start , some of this volunteers -
teers desirIng for an Immediate dcparture.
The hour was finally set at G o'clocl .
Time men will all be assembled on the court
house square , They will bl divided Into
from four to six squads , and ench squad will
select I leader. I Is planned to divide
the forces by townships. Each town hlp
is six miles square and It Is believed that
It a posse Is detailed for each township between -
, tween hero and the river the search can be
ompleted In one da , ' . '
I Is 'ortimy of mention that James Pin-
Itlrman , ont of the men arrested on a charge
of , participating In the shoJtng , was among
the volunteers I Is anticipated that he
may bo Induced to tel a few things before he
returns to civilization .
Another of the volunteers Is L. P. Roy ,
time old farmer whose son Is also Inmphieated .
hey spoke vIgorously In favor or bringing the
perpetrators of thO crime to justice , whoever
they might be , and his loyalty t his dead
friend was greeted by I volley of applause.
There was only one sensational feature to I
time meeting. H. J. Hayes , I populist , who
was appointed to succeed Scott as , county
treasurer at the time when the later was
removed from ofco , offered a resolution le -
nounclng the press In general , and partcu-
larly the Omaha papers le did not explain
the cause of his indignation , but the resolu-
ton seemed to bo loaded at both e 11 s. S. J.
Weeks and others exprebsed surprise that
such a resolution should bo offered , anti de-
dared that the press had given remarkably
accurate reports or time tragedy ,
"Why Is I that none of your friends pro-
pose 0 resolution denouncIng the len who
commited the outrage ? " shouted cx-Sherll
McEvony. This touched the key note , anti
with a rousing cheer the resolution was
Tine lay lies been an unfruitul one as far
as develoHlents ( are concermmed. No scoutng
parties have been out , anti no additIonal arrests -
rests have been made. Se\'erl persons are
under surveillance , but I Is not eXllected that
they will bo arrested at present . 'fhere has
been the usual Saturday Inlux of farmers ,
and most of them were Inquiring for the
latest news In time case. Among them was
Johnuy McAhhistem' , I ) 'olng horse raiser , who
lives about three miles west of Parker lie
claims to have heard tIme shootng , amid to
have seen time vigiantes as they started to-
ward the river. He was looking for a stray
horse Monday afternoon , and botwpen 2 and
3 o'clocl was - about a mie cast of Parllcr.
lie heard a succession of shots amid \ a
thin line of smoke rising out of tIme dlvldo.
Ho galloped toward time place , ani ulrlvell
just II tune to see time outfit turing Uf the
draw , Ho says that there were 10ro Ihan
twelty shots fired . lie also saw hal a dozen
men at time sod house Sunday , but when ho
started to approach Ihem they whocl . d mini
got out Of sight
Ills partner , John Hell , also clalll to have
seen time oulet as they passiI time rnch ,
three miles away. Timir description , oC time
vohlcle and oC tIme route taken ; agnes ox-
acty wih those heretofore ohtalned.
Sheriff Iamlton will write to tov I'nor
10icomb In the morning , asltlng him to offer
a rewanl for time apprehension of : -cott's
murderers 'fho governor Is authorJ'cd hy
time statutes to offer $200. The local Odd
Fellows have alrcally offered flOO for the recovery -
covery of the boO ) ' , and tie Inlghts oC
P'Ulas : wi take similar actiomm. 'fho coulty
board w1 meet Tuesday , and they wi be
'rcquested to offer un additional rewaIl of lt
least $1,000.
George 1. I MU1han , the alleged leader
oC time lynchers or larrett Scbt , was
tallen before Justice Wlgers this morning
ali e an affidavIt that he could not ob.
lain a fall anti Ilpartal hearing In that
court owing to the bias unl prejudice of the
Justce , lie took a change to Jutico Cos-
tela and was admIted to bal this afternoon -
non upon $ & 00 bond , to appear ' for 0 pre-
lminary hearIng next Monday . This lIaR
been agreed upon by the atorneys on both
Del Akin In an Interview with a reporter
this morning , said that he hall tIme nalel oC
two 10re 01 the 10b , and that they would
Ilrobably 1 arrested this afternoon or to-
imigimi . Dllrent Inquiry failed to ascertain
whethcr army oller had gone to Ialle any
arrests today , It Is asserted by
- - . - - - - ,
V'cntlmcrForecnst for Nebr'k-
Pair ; Colder : ortImvestVfmmti. .
I , Irl.h I'Rrly jtmmirrcis INIO\HII ,
tImmaerm , lt turtrllll Html OeNlr ,
S ) AIIIIIt0 ! lI\eh f.r " . .t.
8mlth 11111" ' " Protect mud ( " immimi.'r' .
: lIntel Ommeuits 10hlll.
a , 10urko Coekrumum's 1.11.Ilreeh ,
( : nhrct I ClnrlrnllI oil 5mm ga r.
SIIO uf thin ( 'its' immrmrlm's % ,
101101 ' 1 hCltrlc,1 I .i mm imo gers Ilue I ,
.1. Itt \\'cIk ) In time 8m'III \orhl ,
l'll for the New 1'11)1IUO' ,
n. Tr..uer Illrt.- ' , . : ow 1111 ,
i'mmrtiiui.e of tate Sltllllh' " .
( " , sll' of MI g.m n'llItnr. ' . ,
( ' , , ut. ii Itmim 1'10110 mm \ . UI' the I'I gimt.
( I. Clulel imimmiT. . l.tcimi Mmtters .
Sldl1 i.Ifn .ern. . tln II-Ir ,
7. I , , " ' \.cl , Iu tI I W.rl.l.r Sport
S lorL l h"II'r II' iogs.
K , . \1111 110 11111 CI i mm ye lies.
t 0. " . him vu II ci' , " Part I i - lhmmi Id er V ' I I.
1 I. II- , ' 11,1 , Clrls' , 11llrtlell.
1 2. Cmi : I t o nut moot Co in mim r Ii t .
1 ii. S'I""I I , IIIUI-hlle" I In I . imi lmmm.
Sk.teh or CUUlt Creigiitmmm , .
I-I. I"rll , the Iro1 Fluhl of m.miior ,
i a. COIIItOI I of ( I lint imim' , , . ) llllu ! 'm'rmmdc ,
Comll'r'lIIIl1 I' Ilun.I,1 I : ' "A.
J"'llurl'N " of U" Ltv MOI'I , .mmrIttts .
, Jlhb'rM I'iumm tot - II lit mm qImm't.
1 0. \01111 t II'r i I " - " ) " nll 1..1 i I " ' 011.
several here that imo more arrests wIll be
malc until the prIsoners will lIe hrolght bo
fore time tribunal of justco next \vcek It Is
saId Ihat there will he too wlne ses brought
II to testify In the cases , amid that several of
tIme Ilroposel witnesses will be arrested as accessory -
cpssorr to the crime.
In the hiearlmmg oC llllhan , Scott's friends }
wanlCI : him talen : before County Judge Mc-
Cutchcon , before whom Blott was Irst
talen , but Mmmhliiman's Itorne ) ' would I0t
consent. Unless the men whom Altn mmiemm-
tinned . but whose nlmes he refused to diii-
close , arc arrested today , the probabIlitIes arc
that thcro will 10 no new Ilc\elopmenls II
the case dlrln the next twent-Cour imotins.
ll > mSlW.II'RU e l,11I'7'O.
otore'll I"n " 'II Not 1'lollrnl' < to J"n -
I . "k ) ' Ulh' . , O'II-II\'e,1 11'0110101.
CINCINNA'ri , 0. , .Jan. 5.-.ltmmige Buell- !
walter today ieilvem'eil mimi elalola to opinion
In Iho Chit of the cXI-lllton of 11ev A. S.
1llpton , colored , Lemal1le.1 h ) ' Kentlcly
for Hhootnl ali vouma1 I mig a :11 DUlham In I
Green cotmnty. W'hen HamIlton was first
before the court the court had refused to
deliver him untIl he hail assurnce from the
governor of Kentucky 111 from the judge
of the trial cOlrt that ho would he protected -
tectell from 10l vlolenc , amid that he wOlld
! bo given n falt- trial. The commit suld no
such nSSlrnce had heen received He
fOlnll both the Indictment ant the I reqiuisi-
tOI defective In form , hit , on the hloadc'
sround of securing tIme rights of time prs-
onel' , the court held thnt he was jlstlel In
reflslng to surrender llninpton. The mire-
sumton that he would die without legal
Process If selt back had not been rebutted
b proof of I\Y Illnd. 'hd court cited
mtatist1cmm of nineteen In
ptatstlcl Irnchlngs Kentuclty
wllhln 'n . short time , nd recalled time fact ,
that one of the victims hll been surrendered -
d rel - by tillS < commrt.- Tiimr court felt the
oblgaton to peHorm a moral duty In this
case , which could not be enforced by ta-
damus or other proceedings. Ho was will-
Inl to remand the prisoner upon proper
Indictment all requmisitiomi . If the governor
or other althorlles hind 1110vlled a force
to protect him from violence and Insure 11
Impartal trial . This hind not heen done and
the court felt bound to discharge the prls-
oncr So mleh Interest was tnken In the
case that ollel' judges left their benches
to listen to thc delivery of the COUI-t's de-
IUlml time I'ostmimgmmter unIt lit Sum , .
TUCSON , Aria. . Jan. . - [ earer detnls
have been receIved of a double murder at
Alma , sixty miles dustnmmt Two Mexicans
entered the store of P. : ( . Deli . postmaster ,
shot and killed him and his son George and
fatally wounded Mrs. Del , whom they
would douhtess have killed also had they
not been frightened away by al apllroach-
Inl wagon. Robbery was undoubtedly the
motive for the crime Ranchers arc In pur-
suit of time mtmm'dercrum.
_ Stilt "CllnMt . . "fonct Fir , , , .
DINygn , Jan. 5.-I'nssavant & Co. of
New York City have led suit In the Ils-
trlct court against Spelon & Bros. , mer-
chants at Blade hawk , who failed October
27 , IS90 I Is Ileged they owed $225,0 and
their assets Were only $10,0. 'I'hc suit Is
for $2I,768.7t for goods clalned to have been
sell mind dolvered , Time New YOlk lnn
charges fraud In the 1Io Ind transfer of
the prollerty. _
OagcsWhiIItmg t. Settle.
OUT1HIE , Old . , Jamm -Some months ago
I number of OdOge Indians captured II ,
Masl as 1m was traveling through theIr
reservation , ted him to I post , cut his imnlr ,
stripped him and held a war dance around
him. lie beC'n suit agaInst the tribe for
$10 , ( damages , and thc Osage coulcl has
just offered him $5 to settle. lie refused
to take It und will 11ush . timri stilt .
81111 1111 , 1'llhlrl In rml k : ' "rl ,
InOOKFI I.D , : . , Jan -'fhe Ba11 , of
Broolllell , elplal stock $0,0 assigned
this morning to Colonel Jt. . Arhuthnot ali
\V. I _ . I.alng. Judge John 1"011 , cashier ot
time bmnik , states Ihat the Issets arc far
above the InIlte/ and that every dolar
owed will lIe paid , He states that the deposit -
posits hlld fulel off until the bunl was
tolng asslgmmcd huslness at I loss , cOlselluelty they
Arn.t.1 . 1.luyla . In.urlno"I"t. .
CINCINNA'rI . Jmmmm . 5.-Jmmmigo Gregg or the
polce court found Leslie C. York , asent of
the Lloyds Insurance company of Now
Yorl" , guilty of representing I company not
having a license to do huslness In Ohio
and osscsssed a line of $ : and costs , Mr.
York wi pay tIme hue under protest and
will ollpeal the case He claims to rellre-
sent a large ; amount < t clplul ,
lnlAII ( - \ ) ' lo"th iimmtu .
KANSAS CITY , Jun. 5.-'l'hmo delth rate
In Kansas City for DocemlJr , us shown ly
a report just Ilde , was lower thln ever
before , helng 8,16 l1er 1,0 persols , 'fhe
Ilealh rate for time year will not exceo.1 . 12
per 1,0 Hiving 1lnsls h City the lowest
mortality rte of any American ciy ,
l.tvcmi ( limo Ilulllr(1 $ 111 J Itht \'cur .
O'l"1A\\A , Kan. , . Jan . -James \\hle ,
colored , aged 108 years , Ilel here today. Ills
death Is attributed to neglect on time Part of
his wlCt who drove off time Ilhyalclun who
called to see him ont refused to admlnlsler
medicine to hIm. .
0111. I ( .0 UI 1 St rhisi' , .
KANSAS CITY , Jan 5.-FIty.timree girls
employell hy Cone & Son , oatmeal ald
ceReal company , In their packing dellurt-
mcnt , quit work and left the factory today
because of I reducton In prices for Iluttng
oatmeal In plcagol . from ( - to 8 centH.
Never UI'U : ' on 1 'Vrmilim
GAIDNI H , Me. , Jan , 5.-Sofa Mat Iow-
man , tor tWClty-ono years Ireasurer ot this
city , died tea ) aged 61. A remurkalle
tact In his life wns that ho hat never Jd-
den on I railroad tmln.
Overdue bull , ) Sighitoti.
PORT TOW'NSEND , Wash. , Jan 6.-Time
re\'enue cutter Grunt returned this after.
noon smith reports speaking to the oyerduo I
bark Dominion , which II safe In.l Is com- :
Inl UI ( the straIts . -
- - -
Strlng Revelations About the Omblorsf
Pool iu South OIha ,
- .
Pour IullrCl Dollars Per Mouth Judioi-
ously Distributed Does the Work I
Enterprising Deteotive Agency Oot Its-
Fingc in the Pie
lt'ltqIs.m : : , Irl-I"r" . . for iietsclmmg Olllhlo
Stl'luIUn 11,1 , Pu mi \ milled OI'I"rtlllh' , t .
time tlnllulllhll I I .tiitmI t'tl I I Ice-11 II-ur
,1011"101' " :111 II.cllhler , ,
Ever since Cunnln ham H. Scott has leen '
on the hench ho has been , ostelslbl ) ' , an tmn-
COIIrmlslng enemmmy of the amhler. lIe
, has c\\ered lectures Crol tIme bench Ulon
time evils or amblng , ane for a time It wal
Uulcrstooe amonI time crhllnli classes that
the easiest WI ) to l'sCnJo Ilulshlent , ror
crlmo was to tl'l Scott that the ) ' haul losl
their moner at gllhin Ind hind resorlcd
to forelor other crimes as a result of
their hare Immek I iii bucking time tIger. Scott.
vomld , maim : , II ) ' mlt'hl ye r imimmisel f of it tirmitie
agaimist gamiibhi mmg , cmiii Imp by let t lug t im e uris-
011Cm' go or by glviiig imimmi a light semitemice ,
mmmd ( 'xpressimig hIs regret timtt. : It was miat a
gaummimler or a city official who was before
hmlmn for semmtemice.
\Vithi mmcii a record agahuist gamimhhimmg ammul
gaummbhens it. wIll Prubabiy shock his friends
amiul ndummlrers to learmi that Scott immis recemitly
been playing time role of protector amid next
hist friend to a nummiber of gamiitmlers 1mm South
Omrmtima : , yet simeim Is the fact , mmmiii time evIdence
of it Is of cmi immdlspntabio cimaracter. 'I'ime
wise anul ulmnighmt jtmmige , vimo , Imi somitemicing
a mmmcmi miio imatl conmimmmitted forgery titter
liar mmig lost ii is mum nimoy at ga nimbI i mig , said ,
"Time officials wimo allow gmtimmbhlmmg mire perjurers -
jurors anti otigiut. to ho semmtcmmced to Imimpris-
omimmiemit for violatimmg theIr oaths of ouilce , "
is miow looked tmiotm by at least three gamblers
mlii the imiami vho 1mm stanuhimmg between timemu
amid lmmmmhsmmiment ! for time vlohmttiomi of tIme amiti.
gmtmnbling law of the state.
Details of Scott's palL In tIme proteetlomi of
tIme gammmbllmmg itenests in South Ommiahma are
decidedly interesting , Associatemi withm hilimi
in time work were ox-City Prosecutor Cochmrnn ,
ox-Deputy Shmeniff Lewis ammtl ex-I'ohice 5cr-
geant Shmoop , all reformers hmmiown to fauna.
Time last two nammmetl of tlmcso worthies are
runmmlmmg a detective agemmcy , aiid Cochmrami is
their legal adviser. .Oa December 1 last
Cochran1 in belmalt of the detective syndIcate.
mvrota to every gambler doimig business In
Sotitim Onmaha a letter , of which the following
Is me true copy :
OMAhA , Neim. , Dcc , 1 , lSli.--W'lillarn Carter -
ter , Esq. , 2301 N Street , Soutlm Onmuihin , Nob. :
Dear Sir-I have been oinlmioyeti to tithe such
actioum as may be reqtmtm'ed to close tim ) gama-
bliimg houses mi this commnty in cases whmere
mmatisfmtctory evidence Is fuvnimmhmed , tmmmless
closed without. I am informimeti gnnmhihumg is
iielmmg carried omi. at time ithiove number by
you or umider your coatrol , If that be true
I trimuit time same will ho promimptly stopped
without time ncceimmity of further action. Vcry
respectfully , If. E. COCIII1AN.
On thto same day that tiuo letter was
written Coclmran went to ex-Cotmuty Attorney
ICahey anti asked hint to proceed , under time
iats' , againmat time mcmi who were conducting
gamblIng houses iii Sommthi Omnmtlma , Mr. haley
was miot the willing tool that. the refonmnere
were looking for , much to their disgust , lie
imiformuoti Cochmnami timat lme wommlul take no
action in tIme case unless Ito was asatmreti timat
the Parties nimaking tIme counphalmit were not
doing so for the ptmrosa 01 levyIng blackmnmiil
on tIme 'gamnblers. Cochmran was unable to
comivinco Mr. haley of lila goomi motives in
prosecuting time cases Iiroiiosetl and tins
coumity attorney declineti to immatltute time
tie.sired cnimuinal imroceedumigs. But lIke other
great reformers , Mr. Cocimnamm was not balked
so easily in imis uimoral crusade , amid lie at
once carrieti his case to Cmmnmilnghmamn It. Scott ,
the crimnlnal judge , Details of tIme commfenen o
batweemi Scott and Cocimrami are of course
wanting , btmt. at Its conclusIon time followIng
comimplaimit , written by Cochmrami , in time samno
imanti as time letter written to time Somutim Omaha
gamblers , was tIled in time office of
Frank E. Moores , clerk of time distrIct court.
Before C. H. Scott , in tIme district court of
Doti1mms coumity , Neimiamlesm.
Time State of Nobramulemi. ngalmmst hticimard
Ilorilmm , Thiommmmms I Immiiey mimmmi Jmiummes Ileffmmer ,
coiimimlaint for muettlnig imp amimi keeping gain-
hung mlevlcemm.
Stmtto of Nelmruslcmm , coumuty of Dotmglas , as.
Time comnplaimit mmmii informamm I hrmmi of I Immimno-
macmm Pyburmi , of time coummty miforesald , mnadma
lit tIme ummumie of time mutate of Nebramika , before
Immu ? , thin unuhi'rsiguietl , it jummigi' of time district
court withuiut mind for u'mmbl county , timis 1st
tiny of Deceuiiier. A. I ) , 1801 , who , being
duly muworim , on hmis oath says timmLt. Jilcimard
lieriium , 'i'imonmmtm4 I Imtiiey nmmml Jiumnes hleffmmcn
elm or tuboUt time IStim tiny of October , A. D.
1891 , 1mm time coumity mmfuresaiul , timen mtnml timm.'ro
beIng , miiml timemi , nut them tmuiimiwfuhly anti
feloumiously set tip mmml keep amid exhibit. cci'-
tam gnmmiiiiumg' devices tmnd guine. kmmowra
' 'fare bank " "stud ' ' " " .
014 , Imoleer , "rumilette ,
anti ' 'tmmh , , ' ' cli of salul gmtmmmbiing levIcii mind
games behmig mminpteml ] , duvimmeti anmi ilesigneti
for time hiurimose or unlawful gamniumg' . 'i'iat
m4aiml gamnimhing devicu numfi guitmes are Ge-
'lces anti gaines on which mnoney timid other
lroIiert' of vmtiue iii list , miami vnma so bet , met
time timne mmmcd iii thmiim commiimlaimmt ; timmit alt
of said gmmmmmiilng devices , gamnes amid mnme-
chmismeto vc're thou timid there utmhmtwfuiiy amid
felommhoushy set up , use.J miamI exhiiiiiteti by
the imumiti Jtichmirmi hieillmm , 'i'hiormimis halley and
Jmemmmeim heft-tier , for lIfe Imurpose of idmmyinmr
ansi permmilttlig otimenil to imlay gmmmmiemm ofl
chmaumre thereon amid thmerewittm for uumoney
cmiii otbmer lmrolmcrty of value , contrary to
the formom of statutes lii m'uehm crises made
anti provided , immid migalnmut time imeacu amid
dignity of time licolde of the state of No. .
iiraskmi. 1IA1INEM EN PYI3UJLN.
Subscribed in my Itremuelice ammil sworn to
before uno tills 1st day of Decemnimer , I9i.
Judge Fourtim Judicial l1mmtrict of Nehiraslca.
loeket 47 , No. 381 , State cortiplaimit , The
State of Nebraska ngmuimmst ltlchmmimd iheshin ,
'l'lmomas Ibailey anti Jaimms IIeffner. Flied
Decemimber 1 , 1691 , Frank I. liloortam , clerk ,
liOS' P11EV 11VAIEiJ AItiWS'F ,
'Flius man Ilahimmemmien I'yhiurmm is also a.
moral reformer of short stammmling , lIe has ,
rccoimtiy returnetl from an Iowa institution ,
whmere lie spent elghmtcemm mnoumtim atonIng for
the sin of having obtaiimetl ummoney under taiss
imnctemmses ,
Upon time filing of time conmpiaint against
Ilerhism and otimers , District Clerk Moorea lv.
sued a warrant for time arrest of time accused
and deilveed it to Sheriff Drexel , But it 1 * ,
. .
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