- - - : I . 8 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TilE OMAhA : : \ DAThY DEE : SPURDAY , .TANUAUY i , 1895. JANITORS WANT \ - lARD COAL r They Claim Back Will Not Furish the Required Amount of Heat BOARD DECIDES TO MAKE AN EXPERIMENT JtJlcrL rlrcmen Tn\e Upon Lho SnbJoc ot Coal Rn.1 OIlno % thaL Janior ! ot the School IhIilI1hIiIgN Uo Not Know \n 11 II ! I how to VIO the F12o1. - For a few . lays slack coal hn ! been usell In the rurnaces or the Wcbster , Walnut 11 , Ilgh anll lanerot schools as on experiment , but on account or the objectons of [ the janItors or the buildings the superlnlendent or school buildings has decided to dicon- tnue Its use until he receives further orders from the Uonrl or Education . The Jnlors saId that It was almost Impossible for them to have the bulhlngs heated In time for school when slack coal was used , although the fires were banltell every aernoon otter the close or the day's tesslons. The experiment hall hee ( l tried with the Intention or substituting slack for the other Itmls or coal used If I It proved n mcccs. The heat given out Is ns great and the ex pense would bo much less. Last year $16,000 was expetHlell ( for coal , three kinds of which Were used , sort nut , lot lump anl hard coal. Of the sort nut lrOO tons Were hought at n contract price of $2.74 per ton . or the ser hllil : 1,800 tons at n contract Ilrlco or $ 2.95 per ton , : nl of the hard .coal 300 tona at . a contract Ilrleo ) or $7.75. In order to verify the statements or the janItors that heat could not bo raled In time to warm the buildings hororo school began , several of the engineers and fremen In'tho large buIldings In the ely wo'rc seen. gnglneer Honck or the court house spoho about the matter as follows : "The time that It would take 10 'comfortabjy heat a building aB large as one or the school houses depends upon the condition of the hollers. I thlY ware kept clean , I do not think that It should take more than 45 tiilnutes. lint by the use of slack 0 great deal or soot and dirt Is do- posited In the furnaces , 111 they would have to bo cleaned out at least two or three times lmes a week , particularly the Ilties . the combustion chamber anti the grates The Ire would have 10 be attended 10 more frequently and ; would have to bo spread 0\'en1y over the grates. A great many of the janitors In the school buildings do not Iwow how to do this , and I mny account for their inability to raise tim necessary amount of heat. " Beth the engineer and the fireman or the New York Life building thought that sum- cleat heat could be raised In at least In hour. The fireman saId : "Slaclc coal makes more work than other kinds oC coal , but I think I Is an easier fire to keel } going. Fuel has to bo thrown on more frequently , but It burs wel Ir put on evenly Many or the janlol probably do not know how to usa it. I can heat this buIlding In 25 minutes - utes with slack coal , although my fred arc banked only half lS long lS thee In the school buIldings. Thai , however , would not make much difference . aJd I thInk that an hour at most would raise enough heat " The fireman In the city hal said that he was using slack coal antI could raise enough steam In a lIttle more than an hour to heat the bllhlng , although he started a new fire ; every morning. lie also thought that IC the janitors know how to use It , enough heat i coull be raised In at least an hour , IC the furnaces were cleaned out frequently , every two or three days , or blown out CVCI'Y day ever lay aCer the fires were banked . When tohl oC the statement or the janitors that the schools t could not warmed In ( line , he asked the , t .queston , What , lmo UO they ret up ? " and thought that this had consIderable to do with the matter. More tons of slack , coal wOIIII have to be used than oC other coil but all the engineers anll firemen were positve In their statement that I would be ehenper. Slack coal requires - quires more attention , and gives more work , but sufcIent steam can bo raised In an hour : at most , they all say. p Pierce wal presIdent'vhen the manuCac ture oC Dr. Prlce's BakIng Powder was be- sun. That was In 1853. sn. - _ _ _ 41 WILL SUE 1OR DAMAGES. c Clnthlnl Company Wi , hl the City to Contribute Cash to IA Callers. - - The IHoprlotor or the Peoplo's Clothing company threatens to brIng suit for damages agaInst the city as a result or tIm enCorce- ment of I resolution introduced In the coun- : oil by Councilman CJhn and passel at one oC the recent meetings. : . I appears thaL soml councilmen had been greatly bothered by' runners and cappers for clothing hcuses during the past year. Most or these houses are on 1 .lram street , but for alt that the runners were accustomed : to' ' ply theIr business rl h In front or stores r ) r the councilmen . When sOle customer was about to enter ono oC these stores one oC the , ; runners would step up 10 hll.anl tell him not to buy there , but to go 10 tile house he represented , where ho co.il ( get the same goods much cheaper. This method oC bust- flees was not at all pleasing to the council- len , as It did not tend to bring any gold Into their callous. Finally they got stoic or the ' \hlng \ anti ( delermlned to have It remedied . The old ordinance provIded that a license could bo Issled to runners rer clothing " housea , but , It did not restrain them within . any limits . The consequence was that they .J went wherever they plelsell In order to got . - ' customers , and It was no unusual IH'ocecd- log for them to get In front or a rival house amI solicit business . Mr. Calm Introduced an Imendlont In the counci which provided ' . that the runners should not bo allowed outside the sidewalks In front oC the houses where t they were ontploycd 'fho amendment was ) passed , and when the licenses welo : Issued ' for [ the coming year this condition was In- ; ; corporateti . lie forgot , however , that I. cnslS were Issued either January 1 or ! , July 1. All the clothiers who , have runners , r exclpt Arnstein , obtained their licenses on the first date , while /trnstein's were Issued on JUly 1 antI consequently do not expire unt July 1 of this year . As soon nt Cnlm discovered this ho introduced a concurrent : resolution cancelng Ariustein's licenses anti ordered the ( city clerIc to refund him the 100110 money , which resolution was 11assed , Uut Arnsloln was not by any means pleasell with this unll did nol obey tIm resolut iott . Ills runners went wherever they pleased ns . : heretofore . FI.E AND POLICE. fhoy nrnlL : Licenses 1111 111'1" to lIuiy 1lo , ' t. or the ieaL QUllt ) The Hoard , or FIre anti Polc Conimls- l slonlra hell a specIal meetng yeslenlay aft- ernoon. C.llrlel Schlrlow , tl saloon keeper " who' left the last meeting In a' high du16eon because or protests being led against his salon at 1224 South " : Twentieth street , for : ' selng beer on Sunday , came before the board and apologized for the language which 10 hld used after which ho was granted a ; license. George TIerney Is attempting to conduct a saloon on the corner of [ Bevcnth 0111 Dodge streets , In close proxlml ) 10 this Dodge street schol , but the board did not seem Inclined 10 grant him I lcense , and deferred final acton In the matter . I.teel s were granted nB follows : Fred I Drews , 412 South Thirteenth street i Charles Sehlrtow , 1221 South Twentieth street j Henry I1undt , 1218 Farutaln street i n. Jeter , Eghth It\l Ltnyenworth streesj ; Henry C. 10r. tlruek 3U South 'Thirteenth street , SOlth ' j Joseph Sellz Ilewlng company , 251G Cumin street ; Ole Wtl1 1802 South Thirteenth ltre t. "he board went Into executive session tl consider the bill for furl hlns the tire dc- w Illrtmtnt with 3.600 feet of tOW hose When th" telnherB adjourned they announcll that ' they hat decided not to purchase any more cotton hose , and had comillettd contracts for IMO feet ef Maltese Cross hose at U Iler root j 1.500 feet or Whlo Anchor host at 'I per fool , and 500 feet of Lion brand at 10 cents Il'r foot. ltl luth Mon . ii nil ( I ouut. 'YIIICO & ( ' 0. , Jealell In bar glassware , have ' asked the polce to ar lat them In locating John nr'ner und n man named Inlwll , WhQ have recently hall nn olce 11 the Hoard I ot 'l'mlt building. I 1M pie - } ehcU that thul men purclulct u bill at eels amounting to $180 from Wallace & Co . anti hail them shlppell to Lincoln , where they were morlga ed. The police reported their inability to find chimer oC the nccuRl In the city and have secured Information . formation leading them to the belief that both men ha\'C gone to Denver. The glassware ware people state that the propose to file n complaint against these men and see I they cnnnot be apprehended . , AFFAIRS IN SOUTH OMAHA William Car n lutchcr no1. 1 Inll1 Vauutcii-.ittilu City (08811" , The police are longing to catch a glimpse of [ William Cor. William disappeared yesterday - day taking with him $153.63 belonging to George Schmiz , a butcher doing business on Twenty-sixth , between N and M streets. Cor has been In Schmitz' employ for some tIme. lie dil collecting , and was a general utility man about the shop. For some time past Mr. Schml ? has been In the habit 01 sendIng Cor to the Clllahy packing house offices to malte the regular settements , Besides . sIdes taking the meat books along Cot al' ways carried n blank check , 9gnel : by Schmiz , which ) , th' young man would fill out In case the meat book accounts did not ' balance. On December 19 last Cot toole his : , hllulo or mlat books and nccolnts along with a check which was blanlt , except the I signature oC Schml ? . The books and ae- cOntsHe turned over to a Cutahy cashier oil right but the halanc : Ill ! tIme company was not paid by check , as per the Islal custom , Car stating that Mr . Schml7 was away when he loft. From the CUdahy Packing company Car vent 10 the l'ackers' bank , fled out the cued : for $ ll3C : , and , tucking the money any In hIs Inside pocket , went back to the butcher shOI nUll worked as usual Knowing that a settling ( lay was not _ far oft , Car boarded an Omaha b unl street car this morning , and Is now counted as a the in last tig. A cnllalnt was filed by 101co Judge Chrlslmann 'esterllay evening and Chief Brennan started out on 3 hunt for his titan .t : : ! it Ciy 10 tlll. i I Colonel Swage or Custer rount ) Is In town Mayor Johnston returned from Lincoln yea- terda ) ' . Henry CcIm r has returned front : trip to Texas. 'ho 11lco have arrested Jim lrlsky for stealing hay from a Union PacIfc car. I Judge Christmann fined Julius Worblevlt' ' $25 , In police court yesterday arernocn for a9aultng Steve Wismuski . Brewer & Sloan , the N street furniture dealers , have Slel Councilman Edward P. Conley to recover $25 and costs , for gods sol ant delivered. . More than half the battle or life Is the use oC pure food. Dr. Prlco's Baking Pow- tier Is a guarantee oC purity. . STILL PAYING ITS DEBTS. - StltemenL ot Bonds l'ahi Oil by the City Uurln0 leal' " During tIme year 1893 $579,000 oC city bonds were redeemed and tlurlng the year 1891 the amount was $ 366O92.5O. The bonds were Cor paving , curbing , grading and improvement - mont and ran Crol-one to nine yoara. None or the long tme bonds have reached ma- turly yet The statement or the redeemed bonds Is as follows : Long time coupons , $155G4 ; pavIng - Ing bonds , $197,700 ; paving coupons , $61,581 ; alley paving bonus , $1,900 ; alley pavIng cou- pans , $3,126 ; curbing bonds , $36,350 ; curbing coupons , $ OOt ; grading bonds , $12,800 ; grading coupons$9,123,50 ; Improvement bonds , $21.700 ; Improvement coupons , $26,050 ; total , $541,992.50. In addition $25,000 worth or bonds have been redeemed front lountzo Dros. ' or New Yorl : , but the bonds have not been receIved and consequently could not , bo tabulated. This wi make tim total $566,092,50. . . - - _ Mr. William Co chutz" the rica president crl the , F. R. nc Mercantile ( Cigar company - pany , left St" Louis yesterday for Havana , tD look. over time tobacco crop and make pur- chases for the popular Mercantile cigar. The sale or thla brand ha gown every year slnco.lt was started Last rear showed the largest sails , In spite or the prevailing hard times. tmes. . . toekliig Cupld's Healms. The following marriage licenses wern Is- sued yesterday : Name antI nihlreta. , _ \ge. Charles E. Flan her , LemarS , Ta. . . . . . . . :6 Louise A. Keterberg . l.emal's , Ia. . . . . . . 30 Joseph C. Waring. Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Maude Spain , Omaha. . . . . , . . . . . . . . . 18 Nels A. Peterson Ontaha. . . . . . . . . . . . : : : Iamle'l''rrel Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 : Charles Higgs , South Omaha. . . . . . . . . 21 Hale Vermenlen , South , . Omaha. , . . . . . . 20 . -t the Chl'l.tnl l'iirlc 'fhe slttng 11I'k nt Twentieth and Miami streets wi have its formal opening at 2 o'elocle this aernoony the Young' Ien's Christan , association . 'fhe ice li In geol conliton anti a large .crowll Is expected to he In atendance , ; DurinA the afternoon there will bl a shutting ear Ivai and sc\'erl prizes will be uwanled. . /SOS.I 1'.IJLI ( II.l I'IIS. I. R. nl'hlahnn Is In Denver. L S. Wehb oC Memphis Is at the Dellone. Edmund M. Bartlett has gone to Kearney . F. C. Orable leaves this afternoon for Chi- cago. , Collector North has returned , from the vest " Mrs. James Jordan , Atlantic , Ia , Is lt the nnrler. C. A. Rumpr or hastings Is n guest pt time Mercer. I. S. Byrns or New York Is autographed at time Darker . ; L. I ) . Richards of Fremont Is an arrival at the Millard. General J. S. Casement or Cleveland , 0. , Is at time Millard. E. R. Satl ' r 01 LIncoln Is among the guests at the Merchants. R. Fowler anti wire are registered at the Barlcer from Sioux City , la. Tom nrnlon or Llncol,1 ! passed through , the city yesterday , bound for Chicago. O. II. Pogrom ofhe Union Paelfo engi- neerlng department , Is at the Millard . Owen Ferree . aheall ( of the "Yon Yonson" company , Is In time city , at time Barker. W. Ii. Douglas or the Central Stock and Grout I xchlngo of Chicago Is In tIme city. CeO'ge I'"cssemlon , 1 real estate dealer oC Portuml , Ore" Is guest at the Cohionade . . . alul rIte and . . Dr. I.onestlr C. L. Martin are registered at the Barker from Dolrol , Miclm OIYllo' Opel , son oC Landlord Opel or the Wlulsor ) ' hotel ; : at , 1.lncoll , , was at time ' Delono W n. Dcdtrlllge , general manager oC the , Misouri ( Haelfo railway , \1 helquarters tt St. Louis , b 'ut tile Millard. ' " ' ' tr . 'J. C. O'lolson , who II employed In the otce of A. n. Sporord , time librarian oC coti- gross , with leallquarler at Wlshlngton , I ) . C. , Is In the city visiting friends the Mcteer J . E. Iolman At : J. Dollan , Tooltaj ; T. Leo Slocul and wife , Chicago . ; A. P. Irlnlc , HI&hvlej : I. 1' . Judd , Cedar Haplds , la. ; C. O. Carpenter , Ablene , Ken . ; ( I. S. McConnell , Miss E. McConnell . Sioux City ; C. I. . Anderson , Atkinson ; MinnIe Guyer , Crelghlon : I. II. 10bsen , Phlalelphla j J. W. lewll , 10rla'll : J. G. Sherol , Lincoln ; George 1. I Ilslel , Beatrice. Nt'hruRlmna , at Iho II ol ols. At the lurra-MrB. . Vt' , A. Pease anti Iahrl ' , I , lelle ulrbuf. At the Millard-Mrs. Wllnm 1hlatt , Norfolk . folk ; N , C. , \bol 1"lncoln. . At the Coioumttuie-fl. H. W'illiams , Ime ( .I'j ; H. I : . Hobel" , Arlington. At the Dplonl. Campbell . l'upllonj ; J , Young , Liberty ; F. I O. ll\Ulg , Blair . At thl Iarlu'r-G. S 'lllar. Alp\'rlo\ ; . B. kUnnls , hastings : U. I. 'rreat , \ . H. Lewis , i"rvmoumt. ! AI thl l'uxtoit-JOhin C' . SPmCC'hi'r , Scimuy- lot : W. N , McFarland , Flrl Niobrra : H. . \ . ? tinore. KlarWY' W. A. WllalP , Lincoln ; Mike mlore , Ahianec , . At the Merchnnts'-John i3ulhlvun , Norrolk ( ' . I. 1tI'ehants-John . Jalllon : Mrs. lana MeNiel ! anti Mrs. I A ( . ChuIllon : 1. H. Tobin , 611Jle oily ) ( hlrles . Stl , Ueutllcej ; Mal ipuglm- - - - - - . DIED ANDBnSON 'Mrs. Anita ( , wIre ot rank A. Anderson I22 Famnaum , let 2 ear Funeral trom rcltence lunll ) Z p , ) U CONTINENTAL BARCAINS - Some of the Most Astounding Values Ever Offered Go on fllo Saturday SATURDAY IS. OUR BUSY DAY UeJlnnlng January wIth n Cllnrlll Solo Al Over the Store . that Ins for n , SpeciaL I'enturo the HIllf Cut II I'rlces Et'er UIO\YI II Ollhn , . I you were to set the rico yourself you would not have the nerve to put It as low as we do on our underwear for Saturday's sale. It's beyond competlon j It'l make price get. ter mal , but It'l make customlr3 glad , for In the history oC the clothing busIness no one ever dreamed or making such ontrageously Iew prIces ns wo 10 for this ! le. Don't think for an Instant that we haven't 'clt anything but tileS ? shown below , for wo have 'Ve cut the very life out of every broken size or lot In the store , from n great bIg ulster to a pair 01 SDX. We don't expect to do anything else hut the almost enlrc : business or Omaha nt thIs the beglnnlnK of our great January clearance sale Saturday. ) Derby ribbed shirts , In sizes -10 , 42 an.1 H , time quantity Is limited , a dollar undershirt , your choice a long lS the ) lat for 2c. Ien's wool shirts , fEee hued , a good a - . sortment or slzlS , g\'errbody thought $1.50 reascnable , but what do you think of COo ? Ien's sculet , all wool shlrs : ali llrwcr , the most perrect and servlceablo goods mmle , always $2.50 a suit , now : garment goes for 7&c. 7&c.Tho balbriggan derby ribbed , silk faced an- derwear , the soft , smooth kind that don't irritate - ritate tIme skin , the $2.50 n suit kind , goes Saturday . urlJy , per garment at 63c. heavy clouded merIno shlrls and drawers marlcell dowum ler , . 10wl Saturday to ,10c. A lot oC fancy chevIot shIrts are put In for Saturday at CSe. We've made up three los : or hoys' cloth all pilsh caps , such an south for double the money heretofore , now at 10c , ISo ant 20c. hays' titus , high value , stilts that cost more to lalto than Wl ask all wool cheviot and I , casslmerl ages G to 14 , not a slit worth less i than $ C , Saturday In two lots at $2.50 and , $3.50. I Doys' school pants , knee pants , worth and , sold as hIgh as 75c last year , Saturday they are just 25c. . So , nil over the store , cut , cut , cut , for Saturday , the beginning of our great January clearance sale. CONTINiNTAL CLOThING HOUSE , N. E. cor. llth and Douglas sts. e Tll I)1ltiOI' SOUTHI'lt = HUUTI Via the Rock Iqiantl-.liortest 1110 mil l"u8test 'hnu. To all points In Kansas , Oklahoma , Indan ! Territory , Texas and e ! points In souther California. Only one nIght out to all poInts In Texas. The "Texas LimIted" leaves Omaha at 5:11 a. tim . daily except Sunday , landing' ' passenger" at all points In Texas 12 hours In advance ur al other I nes. Through tourIst : I cars via I't. Worth and m Paso to Los An- gelos. For full particulars. maps older , etc . cal at or address Hock Island ticket office , 1602 Farnam St. CIIAS. KENNEDY O. N. W. P. A. I Dr. Leanarll or Northampton , Mass. . will give a course oC four lectures on "The Stronger - er Childhood , " at tIme 'Voman's club rooms , Boston Store building . beginnIng Saturday at .1 I o'clocle p. m. Course tickets , SOc ; single admission , 15c. o : Gault Brothers will sell three carloads DC fine draft , drivers and general purpose horsas at the UnIon stool yards horse market Sat- urday , January 5 , at 1 p. m. See this sale sure. D STARTED TO GET REVENGE. , \rmet to the Teeth , uslo lied lorso GoeS ' 01 the " 'nrllllh. Deputy United States Marshal Llddlarl , I who recently arrived from the SIoux reservation - lon , relates a new chapter In the interest- tog story oC the murder of Red horse , the aid SIoux chieftain . Red Horse , one or tho' best known Indians In the west , was beaten to death by Fast Thunder and Plenty Bird , near Rushlo , ro- centiy . They claimed religious power to 10 it. The Indian police captured them , and they were subsequently released on hail . , _ , , . A row days ago Lh11ard wds notified that Susie fled Horse , the squaw oC the murdered chieftain , had gone on the war path with a bIg knife In one hand , a rifle In the other , amid a large crop of vengeance planted In her heart Sue had Just heard thnt her hus- band's murderers were out on bail. Almost Immediately she cut her hair off , tho' signif- cance oC this acton being a time honored declaration of war along the Four hundred on tile reservation . Then the irate squaw gave away all her property ) , thus clearly indicating that she wanted to die , but tiat ! before she did so she Intended t/at / avenge the death oC her husband . SusIe then started on the trail QC Fast Thlnder and I'lenty Bird , who were kept In hiding ly th31r Irlenda. Susie hal a record. When Fast Tller : anti his cciii- pnnlon In erlmo were released on bal they remembered time fighting qualities or Hed horse's buxom widow and they kept out oC , sight. Dut a mutual friend betrayed time fact or their release. As soon as Susie , armed to the leeth , started on a search for the hllhg assassins the Indian police knew [ mill well that IC she was not stopped there 'wonld ) he , two _ strange Irdlan faces In heaven. ThQ police at once started pursuit or the fighting Widow . In the meantmo the utmost excitement prevailed on time' reservation . Word 'was this- patchel to Deputy Marshal Lhldlard , but he knew what Interference In a Sioux family quarrel meant. Although a brave man , ho left I to the Indian polcl' to settle. Just a bit oC 11rlmalo tinge was , added to . - - thin cue , when time determined squaw went her place to PIICIS1eklnl to find the hiding place or the men' killed her husband She Implored th ( Y5mng , braves to betray their whercabouts. Fast Thunder wasn't making much nqlso In the meantime anti Plenty Ilrll sighed for ' wings They both knew what It mont'to meet n squaw with a ball heart , espoclIY when alto was n walking arsenal mSo ' they lay low. Just ns Susie 1 l horse struck n clew and there was hOe ! Ir facing her husband's murderers the Indiap polce ; overtook hcr and she was Indlat \ to surrender her weapons ' A few days later the police arranged an "atonement reaH' a an armistice . The friends of [ Fast Thunder anti Plenty Bird gave time widow a nUl er or ponies and reasoned with her to let the bw take Its course Anti \ rIght here Is where Cupid got Into the game as a potential factor In peace. The gentle Susie Is H years chi and wel seasoned with Sioux ugliness , hut a young brave , who Is suspected or being a martyr In behalf of his friend , Past Thunller , paid his Idlelscs to the widow , notwithstanding that her raven hair was not hanging down her back , ns It hatl not yet grown out again. lie whispered the message of love In the car oC the listening squaw ( antI thus 11.armed'engeaneo wih I bg : dose c.E fatery , In Cl I becomes a maleh , It Is rumorell around the eJcral buildings that Deputy lrshal Ll11ard will ho best man nt the cerenmonies. c Alts qulclter and goes further than any other-Dr. PrIce's Cream flaking Powdcr. - . VIEWS AND iNTERVIEWS. "Times are reviving In our section of the country , " said W. R. Steele , mayor or Dead- wood. at time I'nxton "Tho cyanide works ' Ilrovcd a great success and sthnulatell Industrial - dustrial immatters . There has been consider- able , h11ro\'emcnts antI new buildings constructed . strucled In Deadwood thIs last seasoim An Englsh syndicate Is IOW seeking to put a. t good-sized rol or money Into sme mIning ' enterprIses , pnd this wi 'havo a tendency to mid to the general coimtinerciai prosperity commercal . prosl1erly oC our communlt . . . . "I think that I Is rather detrhnental to the interests oC Nebraska to see relief traIns Ie.ded this way and the fact heralded abroad , " said O. N. Davcnport at the Mer- chants "I creates the Impression through the country that We would let our feliow- citizens starve on our doorsteps , und It will give Omaha , lS wel as Nebraska . a black eye In the cast , because capitalists know that blslness here depends largely on the success oC crops , and I thI news Is scattered broad- cast that the rarmors are not lre eating regu- larly It wi bo exaggerated by rivals or Omaha all the relief train incident wi bo greatly ma nlned. I think It Is an awfll break 10 advertise Nebras1a In this inainmer all It will do the state a great deal or harm " "Thero Is destitution among farmers In the llroutl countes to sOle extent , " said W. N. Natoui , local chairman of , the State Helof committee , "bnt I frankly nay that I believe that the bluaton has possIbly been colored b- word painters I ain't quito bad enough to necessitate national aid Nebraska can take care oC tier owum " "If wo can bava a geol cold snap , plenty or snow and some bad weather wlhln the next few weeks , I w ! make business good Imong the jobbers " said Z. T. Lindsey nt the COlmerclal chub. "That 011 saying or an ill wind Is epecaly applicable to the commercial situaton' In Nebraska pt present - ent " lIon . Lou May slqto fish commissioner . has Just returned ' frqm Florida , where he went 10 study the npcles or alligator that abound In time smp oC that Ood.rorsaken ' regldn : , lie did not 'gay whether ho would transplant any or , tbcm Into Nebraska fish ponds , but ho did , sa ) " that reports of heavy damage to the orange crop by recent frosts were greatly eXlggorqted , In order to raise the prIce oC the fruit. t ) . " ' "Over noooo ounccs 'ofslvor have recently been shipped from .Omaha 10 the City oC Mexico for coinage In the Mexican mints , " said Guy C. Barton oC the Omaha-Grant smelter. "Tho present low price oC sliver In thIs country , together , wlh tim smal mint charges of 4 ce\ts In Mexico , enables us to do this I silver advances In value , however , above 60 cents to any great extent we cannot continue to send AmerIcan silver to Mexican mInts for colnago. Other smelt- ers and silver men In this country are doIng the same as wo are. Guggenhelmer & Sensor or New York , extensive In their line oC b'sl- ness , are doing It. 1 do not hook for any legislation ] flurable to silver Interests at this session oC congress , not even a bill for the free coinage of the AmerIcan product , becISO : the well known hostility oC President Cleveland to silver interests would preclude time success oC such a measure. The president would doubtless veto any enactment that would tenth to improve the chances oC silver. 'fhere Is nbsolulely no hope for free and un- Ihllod coinage for some tmo , However , mining len generally anticipate a slight adVance - vance In sliver before long , and when this occurs time exports to Mexico will cease at onco. Shiver Is now lt GO cents , and It Is liable to jump higher " anl "Tho message or Governor Holcomb Is an able , s\lenlil and satisfactory document , characteristic or time man , " somewhat en- thusiastcaly saId J. n. Kitchen at time Pox- ton "It forever dispels the wild campaIgn bugaboo's that Governor Holcom politics put him In the Waite classification . On time contrary , I Is indicative oC an honest , conservative . servatvo oxecutve , whose administration vIlh bo a credit to time commonwealth and attract - tract easter capital Inslead oC ImpaIrIng Its inyestnient I regard time message oC time governor-elect as one 'that will compare ( a- vorably with any oC his predecessors , ant excelling most of them. Governor Holcomb Is all right Every temocrat and every republican - publican who voted for the peoplo's choice wilt never regret it. " . " Dedel Institute oC Blair , Neb. , Is the best and only guaranteed cure or the liquor , mar- phlno ant tobacco habit. , OFF ICIAL NOTICE OF TUn , : , WORLD'S , FAIR AWARD . TO \ . Dr. rice's ; Creal1 Bal ing Powder. . : ' , JOHN BOYD THACHER , Chairman of the Executive Committee on A wads at the ' Col- umbiail Exposition , writing from Washington , D. C" , to the Price Baking Powder. Company I . says : "I herewith enclose you an official ( Oiy oRour award , 1hkh 1 , I due lile , will ojdal 6d ii'ic Difiania . . alljollardd 10 jour adJrus , un/tss'olher- WISc ldkaled ' . " wis sy you Thus are the honors awarded . Dr. Price's Baking Powder at the World's Fair fully verified , ' On the other hand the claims to awards at the Fair by a New York Baking Powder are proven wholly false. Official records show it was not even an exhibitor. Was it because it contained Ammonia ? . - ' ' - - . . . . - - - - - ' ' - ' - - ' - ' - ' OMAHA'S ' BILL OF IUCHTS Committees finany Agree on the Amem1. ment Needed t Make I Goal Oharter CONFERENCE REPORT WAS ADOPTED ArM ot the City Imlcc tn T\flntJ.b Slluaro . lilIu-IlmmiLt or HelL IUt ' 1lsllonlu 1'11cett-IhlJ's Work l'hl . \Illonec , , Last night the charter revision commItee comllletl < its work by olloplng the new amendetl charter , which It Is 11Oposell lo bring before the legislature lS soon as possible - ble ble.Tho The commiteD was appointed over two months ago , and during this tme has ht111 , Lou or n dozen meelngs , before [ which as many interests ns cared to bc preent were listened to. The Municipal league , repro- sentng the taxpayers and clzens , claln\l a hearIng saute week back Aa a result slbcommllees train both that hotly Ind the charier cemmltee hO11 ! a conference , nt which thl report adOItell at last night's mecln of this two bodIes was hirepareti Cencesslons were mode by both and the report was pre- ; tente,1 as tmnammiinomts. It \IS mloplell tmnamm- ' Imously hy the ineetiiug. i As reported , the umellcll charter 19 , clanged to some extent front Ihat plaell In time ha11s or the pubcommltee b ) Chic gen- oral conminittee , Clue changes decllell Ipon being sUbstlnlaly as follows : The city limits are confned to twent-slx squal' mnhies. The amelHhncnt proposing that thl nlmber of cOlnclmen he reduced 10 nine was not adopted , anti tile Ilmber remains as at itresetit The right of cmlnent domaIn was extended to the slate hues. The city Is given time power to levy amid collect an occupation - cUlmton tax. The bonded Indebtelness ! of the city Is lmited to $2,250,000 , but In midi- ton to this bonds 10 Cut Imolnt or $100,000 may bl Issued for the erecton or : city jai , polce court and worlchmouse. Alley autO street paving cannot be ordered except on petition of a majority or the property owners on the alley or street The ma'or 111 city council arc given the power or ceratng permanent sidewalk districts , but . permanent sidewalks shnl not ba laid In nimy district except on Cite lmetitlon oC property owners owning the maJority - Jority of time fee front In the district. The mn'or and city council may compel time lay- log oC sewcr and water connectons before the paving or slreets. : lTIOD Ol HAISING HEVENUE. Property shal be assessed at the actual ash \luc. The lax commission shal be elected b ) the votl 01 the people Instead of being alpolnted. The board of review may sit for one month. Proper notice shal be given when the ussessment on property Is raised. A maximum sum of $1.000,000 ) 'larl' shal bo raised hy taxation , which amount shal 'ho ' dlvJled among the different depart- ments' In fxcd apportionuttemits. The general board oC cqualzaton shall sIt for at least five days anti may sit for . six ten additional da's Personal ProPertY shah not bo liable for taxes on realty. Delnquent taxes shal not constitute u len on Iersonal ) propert The treasurer Is given power to levy on per- sonal properly upon which there Is a tax before tht tax list Is placed In his ' IIand5 for colecton ; provided he believes that 'tho owner Is attempting to dispose oC Clue property with the Intenton of evading Clue , tax. Street sweeping shah be done by day ; labor. but other kinds or street work may be done by day labor or contract at the will oC the mayor mid cIty council. There shll bo a two weeles' publication or franchises : Con- tracts or franchises which cover a period cC two 'eprs or over shal bo submltel to , a , vote oC the pecple. ; The only objection to the report was made by"Mr. Overal oC he- charter commlteo : who represented time labor interests 10 thought that all street labor should bo done by lay labor , and desired that such should bo Incorporated - corporated In Clue charter. The sentiment , however of time others present was that as very little street work except sweeping would be done durIng the next two rears and as the amolHlment was at most 3n exprIment anl no further change should be made. Mr. Overall thereupon moved that the report be referred back to time revision committee for approval The ImpressIon seemed to bo that \ this should bo done all Clue work on time charter would have to be gone over again , as all Interests - terests could not be fully satisfied . Artcr a : ubstlute melon and two amendment to the melon had been made , ! r. Overall wih- drew his motion and the report was adopted. TO PRESENT TIlE BILL AT LINCOLN. The , foHowlng was introduced by Mr. Connel ant passed : nesolvpl , That two members oC the char- ter committee and two memhers or the citizens' committee be deslnuted by the chairman , who . , tol'her wih the chair- man anti 11. . Overall , shul constitute I committee to present the amendments which have been approved to the lelsla- tUre , anti to use nil hmommornlie erfO'ts , to secure the pnsage of the bi containing the Rume ; and Resolved . , 'IliaC the mayor and the city council .shale requested , to , concur In the acton nnd to pryhe for the payment or the necessary expenses or the continittee. Chairman appointed on the commleo Iessrs. Iopploton , Wheeler , Connel and Dr. Mercer to ace with hlmselr and Mr. Overall . On motion or Mr. Wheeler ! essrs. Connel , and Poppleton Were allpoluted I cOmlltee to prepare a letter to he sent to time members - bers oC the Douglas county 10iegaton to the legislature , giving an outline oC tint bill and reviewing the work oC the committee . "OOST OR LESS. " January Sale-Uloaks and Furs O.ISCOFIELD : U 1" I CLOAKS.SUITS. FURS. j'\X''US U/OCH. . Colonial Chairs1 - . . .1 , 1' , . You want one oC these In your library or living room They have grown to bo as much a necessary part or the furniture or u modor bemuse al a pIano or a leather easy cimumir There are over fifty Ilerelt styles , al copies of genulno colonial originals , hit for the three essentials of comrort , beauty or oltlne , anll historic suggestiveness there Is no pattern so poplia lS this. I embodies the high hack with the gal. lery back above , the "dug' or recessed wet , time broad arm rest , the tapering cross- braces limo nearly every wel Imown feature of the 18th century constructlamm . W8 take special pains wih time marlUetry of our colonial frames , and at the low price at which we are selling tlSO chairs there Is nothing that can compare wIth them at the , price In this countr . I Charles Sbiverick & CO. FURNITURE ! of Every OoscrlpUJ Temporary J.c.llol , lVt Iru't:08 loulI" Stro. MiLLARD JOTEL DLOCK 4.u hJNUiM I _ _ _ 01/0'.1 IIXIS . " ' ' " ' "TS. "A Ship or Sl te" opens I ! week's en- gaelcnt at the Empire 1 with 1 matinee to ' , morro\ The piece Is one 01 the usurel I I CCC'3N ! or the Present season , anti will be given wlh Ihe same excellent cast anti magnifcent scenic antI mechanical effects timat were seen erect ! tlnt ! ln at the Sehlcr theater , Chicago , where the play was first prodtmceil . Miss 1 11h mis , who idays 1 Limo soubrette role of "Mittens , " Is the . ltens possessor 01 a beast- Urul voice , anti sings 0 number 01 engs In I most delghUl1 umianimer. Time Liberty quint- tot Is also hearth to advantage and the other specialties Introduced are oC a par- tcularl ) ' high antI lntlrtalnlng chmar.icter. . The last OPIOrtunly olr theter goers will have 01 seeing the great Salll w anti his big specialty sllow wi 1l nt Ihe n1tneo this aftrnon at 2:30 : at time DO'II. This will close the ( Irent etmg.tgemncuit. I wi be n great \trormnnCi for ladies nnll children , anti phouhl nol h3 ml sl. The Irlces have brett Ixll at 50 nnll 71 cents for the frt Ioor and 25 amI 50 cents for , time b.lcon ) ' . "The Country Circus , " which will he nt the 10)1 for rour nlghs : anl Saturlay ummat- lumee . cmlnenclng 'rhusmrsday next , Is crtalnly sufiicientiy ! cllerent rrom aU'lhlng sciu here this seuen to draw erowlltl luomiros , antI that It wi tic . this therl II not the shnlll oC n shadow of . " ' " Iloubt. n 'ho Counlry Clrels" Is a ( rcllCt u that will Illeae all classes The nr na l'rogl':1 ' Ibolnl19 In I vo ii tie ra In the circus Inc , chief amonH which are U trooll , of : loollsh athletes , fifteen ' In number who tie oml nstonlshlng feats In grouul antI lofty tlmhlng : also Mr. Wilam Siiowhes champion buebacle rller or the world , time late star of the larnl1 & Bailey show Thew are only a few of the many lirat-ciass alractons that wl bo offered . onuring Disfiguring Skin Diseases . Instantly . Relieve by , CUTICURA the ' Great ' . 1 SKIN . \ CURE CClunA , the great skIn cure , instantly : allays tIme most Intclse Ichlngnrilg , all itmilamim- malon , l.ermls . rc4t nll ( Bitch , heals nay anti irritated surfaces , cleanses Cue scalp or crusts antI scales , and restores the hair. CUTICUIA SOAP , the only inculcated toilet soap , Is India- l'cnsablo li ee\lln : dlseac,1 surfaccs. Cun. COttA ICESOLVENT , tIle new 11001 alt Ildq llrl- ler anti greatest or humor rChelles , cleanses the blood ofisil Iinpurities'and thus ' retnoves \looll ofnl hnpurltes'lnt tbul rCIOI'OS tbo cause. Helco the CUTICUI RExEnui Cure every humor of time skin ! , scalp , anr blood , with I loss of hair , from 1.lmlcs . to scrofula , from Infancy to ago. ) Bold throulhout the .wor"I. PrIce , CUTICURA , SOc. ; BOAI',2 e. : RESOLVENT , $ l. 10Ttn : DUUG AND CU M. Coup. , Solo l'roprictors Bosloo. I n- " How to Cure Skin Dlacues , " mul d ( too. I . pOI' . Don't Imaglnc for a mOlcnt that - happiness depends upon stivrotiiid- Ings. ; I Is iiioi'e often thc t'csu1 01 ti Is tsI U . 1IHslton. i Don't deaaI'c . . 'ou.'scH by thlnl ( " lug 'uu C.ttl succ.c.1 tot' be Inll'Y wih n butt tsIHslton. You citu tint. Don't maltc thc mlstakc tf thill , , lug you cal ha\'c nit amlablc CIIspd. . sllol i yotm ha\'c bad health . ot' I thici' l ! 11i13'thiiig lclllgcl ubunC ' . your B 'stCI. Don't misumlctstallt thc cnUUJ ! of blli f.clIH . " .t'cgulnl ahit81 'cnlc ami d ' , , . ' wcnl'lcsscs cpi'sIniis. They al I have a Ce ) Itt iii o it catsc , Don't Ioub what so liluttly cml" nClt cl'OhtH htwe dcchiii'cd i. that thcI'c Is one gl'cat cause : for mcst of , ' thc . tl'oublcH of mcn t\ll womcl- " lel.lngell.lne 's. I Don't lcm.ivc ' ' f ii1ho' lcccl'c YOI'seH by alow" Ilg these things tu I'UU along Tale thcm lu tmc ami hy thc best anti most slcntfc 1lhIthmm.i' ! lOSSIblC , I . . Don't let auy UIC tltccIt'c 'oii. ' ' ThcI'e Is only um ) : AIal m'cmtiedy IUtwl tu thc \ \ 'orid for thc CU.C of I Illncy amid hi'tm' tm'.mtmbleo ! , That l'elc lr Is " 'm'ncI"s Safc Cu.c. Don't hesitate to usc i IH'omptl Illl colstanty , so long us 3'otm feel , . any of thc t'othlsabo\'c ) llescl'lbel. I ; Is certain to lep yuu ami m'o'u I "a friend in ncl t , - I AM US l:1 fN'l , oYp5iThmo1 )0 } xf mATINEE ! . MATINEE ! 'HB ' ( ' aturtlay ) ATER'1CO AT 2:3 : THE . . . SA11DOW TROC - SA.OW YAUfEUJLLES ; - - - - - - A SI.e"nl . : tntnce , 1'rlI101el ! , . for l.a < les Old Dtn't tall In , ' ( ' H.:10W l"hllr , ' 'II' ll\IROMF IJII'\II : : $ , uiii. : : that IW' .tI ! Iom , See : tulg $ ( 'OT1'lF : . tie lntelltgcnt c"iiuc . ' " dog5 : IHH HIOT'I' 111 Iltollolt cole , , , , , , , < 01. Iho wil In "lnltryUJna tHlt tll : 7-0'IEI tutu HIJ'CJI.'Y111:8 : -7 J I 11 I'ricett-Fuist < : Oe. Iloor . tOo Inl 7e:1(01) ; : : ( 430 SI'.TS : A'i' . : e Li.'mChI. p I l1i / PIRl II'I' l'lWIS. r'l ' Telc\hone : , - " .1. IUnGJ SS , Mnnnger. . , I.A5P 'i't'O l'lihtFOttMXClS : I.AS'0 \0 IFOII.\XI'S : ( MaUlc" 10d.I- , 2o : : ; ; totmighmt 8:15. i MURRAY IUI MACh , I I They are . alL right In "FNN1CV.N'S I31LL. ' EMPIRE POI'll.'Ul . . ' ' . , . 'relephuotto 1531. W. J. 'fellhono , 131. - llnaget . I WEEK JANUARY 6 , r CommenclnS wih latnoe Simnilny , f' ' 'he Great American Melo-Dranma , ( SHIP OF STATE. Coming , Jan. 13-0 - - John L. Sulvan , Stoclchnldon' 'iloetluig. Office ot . Lee-Ciarke-Andreeseui hardware Lel-Clatl.e-Andreesel Olco . Omahl , . Neb , ; ' 1ee. ,7 , ; - Harlwaro herue given to tIme stoclchollerf oC time Leo- Clurice-Andreeseum larlwure company that the alnual meetng of the stocleholters of tub counpaumy vil ho held at the aPices 01 compal wil 10 lr the saul comlmny"i19 , " ofces 01 Iahl con1nnJJ 1221 anti 123 ! Harney tteet , In the city oC Omaha , lit the state of Nebraska , on Tuesday , January 3 , A. ' 01 1695 , , ut 3 o'clocle p. itt . for the purpose ot eleetimmg a board or directors for Clue CDm- pony 10 serve during the ensuing year , and to transact such other lusllesa as may bQ preteiteml : aL tuch meeting. . Attest : H. J. LEE , President W. iti. GLASS , Sect'etary.D7 D7 11 to J 8 Sun OREGON WEATHER FOR JANUARY . Average at Portand , Oregon , for the Past . 22 Years. . . . ' - a' ( From Govern mcnt Weather BurcJu RCC01\ls. ) . - - - . MEAN AVERAGE TEPERATUrCE 'OF TE\PERATUnF TIlE MONTH FOR ' 1 lIE WHOI.B 22 YIMHS 38 DEGn gH , AVmtAG 'l'I'IPNRATUnF O 'DuE WAUMES'l JANUAHY iron 22 YEAI1t3 , sa ' D GHlmS , IrOI : : AH I' AV HAm 'I'EMPErIA'i'UltE OF TIlE COI.DES' JANUAHY FOIL :2 YI Tl , DEGHEgS. 'I'IIFS IIX'1'IlImlE HIGHEST TEMI'ERA. PETItE ' 1CEiiS'I'EICEI ) IN ANY hOUR OP' , ANY JANUAHY DAY FOR 22 YIAHS , 62 DWRIms , 'Jlm I i XTREll ii LOWEST ' ' ; : l'ERA- 'rvitis lCEGlS'l'EICEI J ON 'I'hIii COLDEST DAyan NIGhT DURNG TILE 2l YEARS 2 DEGICEES ; I ABOVE ZEILO. AVmtAU NtIJt OJ DAYS 0 TIE J0N'J1 ON \ICI 'l'BE SUN SHONI AND 'u'IIEiLEVEICE NO cr.OUDS DUE- ING TilE DAYan HAIN Af NUBI'l' , f VI'AGE NU1ll H OF' CLOUDY OR lAlt'I'LC' CIOUDY DAYS UPON11'1 \11'1 NO RAIN FEiL IN JANUARY DUlLING \ 'I'IIE :2 YEARS 7. AVERAGE NUlm R 0" DAYS IN 1 CI ION''I 01 JANUARY FOR 22 YIMHS UPON WICI ONE ONII-IIUN. DHED'JI 01" AN INCh on MOI1Fi OF HAIN FELL A'I' SOME TIME lIH' DUJINU TIlE 21 10lHS 39. AVEItAOl : ' ; hA i NF'ALI4 FOIl THE 1 ON'JI 7.W iN1lhS 1 , Now , wo who Itow conlenll that this II proof 'ot ' time Ilest clmato on earth 'here the worst , coldest multI Htormllst month oC the year malts such u showing as thin above the Raving In Cite fuel hill nlono will - - - - - . _ _ _ _ _ Our recoil , or actual anti utmitnlable CU1CS of 8'l'1hhJiH Is hlmpiuuiuwnai W'o tuiniab till med. icnes ( iOu , nimd erudhc'ato the lttlsOfl fi'Olfl hue 5)51Cm in 50 llm)5. ( 'We gutaiminteeti , flours , flb0 ; t , ' 1.10'tdnesiumys ; ati.i Satur- ' 153's , 9. p. m. TIlE IINHMOOR TtlsiIIiY CO. . 812 New Voile Life , Ouiimha : , Neb , TaasItsg 4 neaiREDll 0 1ade a well wellof Mep JUDAPO 4 ) Till CIlK. hllidDOO 1EMEDY isowcgg : 'His AtotS iuusi'i.'rsmnao IMYf. Nervous lii,5te $ . saimmz.s tipwo h'arc.i. bieeile.'nea' , $ Igiimi $ St , iomp , ole. , eau.t'd t ) i'at bu.rt. , " iiJ to , mrutpm , Lra4uia , i.ud . . iutei' s 1.0.5 5tgI.ood , I , ) ofti yr Joung , .s"ii7carii.t In vul tueSat. l'uicu # 1.00 a i.aci.ii , , Clx torO.OU , III. a it'tt't tsp u. & siolion ( , ti.t asist elm I.avmmt J , itA I'll , II , curdre&rgi.t ba. iOt got 15w. witI iidlL i'rcr'.IU. Irleimtl Medl.ai Co. , Jro ; . . ( Iitio , &ii. vr.ur .ji. , hOLD b5 Kuimn & .Co.Cor .uitm stuUl ) ujla' Sm. . , nd J. A. Vuhicr & Co. , Cam. a4tb &tttd Deugla tt ; . . 014/illA , L'11 - _ _ _ _ _ . : . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ . , _ , t - . . . . . "a'-- . PaY 'Clue grocer't hill for time whole family. 'J'hie cmiitor of time ' 'tlornhng Oregoimlaimvluo hmuim4 hivemi thieve l'orty writes of it as fohioss' itt hits palmer ot 1)c'cetnbet' 20 : ' 'They 'iio look uimoum Oregon uiotv cumn- Slot but lie c'Iugurnmetl , Never was Oi'egon imiore mtttrumctive , ' .L'ime SittliC may be said of i'll our J'utiilct pmttmtcs , Ve tire imaving it ? tine wiiiter _ Nature is tuuujlcliug anmentls for t hue immist tilces of Hiatt. 'fhma titles of himummm mm life count' anti go ; there ate sums nimil , tiuwmms In bUttiumesmt , limit Oregon is mmhwnys rigimt. It Is the m'muintm iimm'muiuimui'ajio ) country tiimtt vzmH 'time object of oui early admiration. No otme who Imaum iit'emi 1mm it cntm ever leave it. ilvemy umowcoimeu' , , uitutlng mmicim mm winter chimnatt' , him a cmuimtry lie lurothitetivi' , Ho full of all rnbourt'es , im sumipi lacil anti doihgiiteti , Aim' , eceimery , iaummhmccalmes , % 'mtter courses , unountimin rmungeml , time gingeous greenery o 0511' forests , coimti'jIujte to tilt , effect upon every bc'iiolmler , anti they \'tio lmnve hIved lucre tuli tiueir lives still look upon nil thiesi timings with the dehigiit of it youthful hover. i. Yet there 1mm imo intoxicuttloim In tiutusi rahitmuiemu , 110 eumthuumituui , no e'xceuts or cxtmg. genii immum , 'I'lmls silnimly Is the eoumumtry to. svim lou hum t U itt ha s ml ott u mote t lumsa any ot imee elm time nartim , and thit-y who lcumotv Oregoq know it. " lIvery Oregouuino feels Clint way anti yoq will if you Ituico mttlvamttngo emt our offer zmntl go there numtl go to work witlu iutmhf the vim you imut iii ngimiummtt ' lhmii3 chittmttto of drouthm * and uncertummties , Ynurn 'l'mtmly , t3'I'EAiLNR FRUIT LANJ ) CO. , 101 lIce Building. ' I ' " eenii tutu msrelnuu , Vrchi . - hhemt'ly , CALTIIOS Sr , atl , , u - hegtml , , jtisrmtimhm'u hbmat L.t..7ita , , t , JlJ . . I III I iii.lsri' ,4 I , , I - ' Cm Ii i : $ "rs'niorrlr. . Vrlcutl , uut lthfr.'l'iiIiI I.t 'Igor , ' C. . ( amid /au' i/a1isj"J , ( dirUVON MONt. mii. As.erits .igtt. , L1.eisa.ul , Oio , TH RACSCA . Purely vegetable , Prepnreml fromum liii' original to sauuia rr& rei'ved iim time Ami'lulver id uiiu Iemly 1anti , huav .Uggiu authmi.'utic hIstory datluug bac.sOQOyoam'm A POSITIVE CUF- for all Stomach , KIdney and I3owcl ' troubles , especialiy ( HRONIC COItTSTIPATION Price 50 cents. Sold by utll drtiggists. rho Francisaii Remedy Co. , 1.31 V "uiiz.q sit , 'IRICAQO , lu. for ( 'tru'tIttr , , .u"l l.14.tr2mI.td Qaicnd.- ir uk'byliuLu&Col5th & DeaL . , ' , " , ' - -