Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 02, 1895, Image 1

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I : . , . " : ' " THE OMAHA : , j DAILY BEE. . : ' -
- . . _ . _ i : _ -i t _ . _ _
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Twenty-Fourth General Astemby of the
' Stat of Nebrak Fonaly Organized
numleds of Otians Throng the Oniiol
thu Chamber ,
Oorr era and Jam :
Not n Hitch in the Program Laid Down by
' - . Monday Night's ' Meeting
VCmlern1 ! nne * I'oIIIt ; Qnleldy CI1IICd
If Thlr Imllllclnc" I Iii the Ol'cnlnl
b 1'rnceclIig-It1lUttIe % ! If the
Olenlog Ir he flrIt1cIteM. :
LINCOLN , Jan. 1.-pecIa1.-A ( ) bright ,
Bunny morning IRheet ) In the advent or the
twenty-tourth regular session or the Ne-
braslm leglslatlre. As early as 9 In the
morning streams or people or hoth ) Eexes
nnd nil colors nll casses began to IIOlr
through the capitol grounds Into the tate
house. Two hours before the sessions or
houao and enate opened the corridors and
. halls or the Reeom1 floor were packed with
, _ .
n mns of humanlv.
_ mm _ _ _
These In the advance guard passed tip
Into the galerlcs , those In the rear ranks
remained outRide ant vainly murmured. I
was the same old scene enacted for years
In the past at each biennial gathering or
Nebraska solons ; from the 11ays when Buffalo
Bill ant Ed Parker , In buckskin suits , attracted -
tracted attention by their Illcturesllue ( attire ,
, . - . - . till the present era or staid business stilts
' . nd a railway tng Still , to many , It was
a novel experience , this massing or the po-
ltcal forces of n state , and on the whole It
seemed , , to meet with approbation.
At the door of the house an amusing In-
cltent occurred during the prelimInary crush ,
Representatives of the state and press were
being energetically pushed through the
crowd at the expense or coat buttons and
temper , when n pleasant i raced gentleman
elbowed his way along wIth the remarle : ,
% ' 'I would like to get In , gentlemen . as the
house can to nothing until I do. 1 am the
speaker , " and C. I. RIchards or Thayer ant
Jefferson , caucus nominee tor speaker , was
Immediately granted the right of way.
At high noon the session was
opened wln prayer Dr. M. a
- Rickets of Douglas elected temporary -
porary speaker and the house rules or 1889
adopted , with an excellent chance of being
switched when the house passes Into the
'i. hands of Its permanent ohilcers. For the
tu first time In the history or the statp n col-
- ored man was recognized as " : Ir. Speaker , "
ant ' It Is but just al11 devoid of flattery to
Ear that Dr. Jckets ruled with skill , abi-
Sty mentarian. and the promptness of a veteran parla- ,
'ho same crush was toum outside the
doors of the senate chamber , ant I larger :
number thl/ usual , of lady onlookers were ; ,
among the throng Owing to the tact that
but few old members have been returnet ! '
to the present legislature , there were many
Intr04uctons and hand shaking between
thiemdespite the three past days or caucus-
Ing ant lobbying , log rolling and wire worle
' Many -ere the familiar ' faces in 'the sen- '
ate , as a large proportion or them are gradu-
ates of what Is erroneously termed the lower
> house As usual Tom Majors was hIgh
. and Inscrutable , but eternally vigilant withal.
John C. Watson , presIdent pro tem ,
ubiquitous , keenly alert - and gracious. The ,
veteran Orlando Tert of Cass had about him
an all or diguifledreservo that radiated front
4 his place to the extent or n dozen seats
around him.
The first session or the house was short , a
recess being taken at 1 o' locle until 3 p.
m. The senate lingered along until nearly
2 o'clock , when It adjourned until 10 tomor-
row mornIng on motion or Senator Crane or
4t Douglas. , _ _ _ _ _ _ _
. S"N\TI \SH.Y ; 010oIZ ! (
, l. ,
Caucns Nomln"UolAl , SClt Through by
! .
the Sirtllh , of the nomhuu.l Part ) .
LINCOLN , Jan 1.-Special.-The ( ) scene
In the senate chamber was an animated one.
As early as 1:30 : o'clocle ninny senators
were on the floor congratulating each other
upon their formal Induction . Graham or
Gage cud Pope of SalIne were among the
first to take their scats. About this time
too , the galleries were thrown open to the
Impatient crowd that hall been urglng In
- the corridors nil the morning. Every scat
U was quickly ihhItl . many women elng among
the onlookers aloft , while not a few or the
, moro favored onES occuplll seats on the
' cuter circles or the floor . Wlh n nervous
rap or the gave ) and amid applause In a
nulnor key , Lieutenant Governor Majors
salll :
. "Tho Senate will ideate come to order.
' - Chaplain MacA'eal will lead In prayer "
In an earnest supplication the new chaplain
besought the blessing ! or the Almlhty upon
the great state or Nebraska and thin labors
Dr her ser\ants.
4 The preslllng ofcer thou announced that
nominatIons for a temporary secretary would
; " be In order nnll T. II. I Selgewlcle of York ,
the caucus nominee , \\'al named by Graham
or Gage the melon receiving a second from
'opo or Saline anll carryng : unanimously I
1lelcsson of lancaster Immediately moved I
thnt the chair apllolnt ) a commitee or fve' '
on retentnls , and upon the motion carr-
I . , lag , Menu. ikers or Dawson , lIi'esler of
. Wayne , McKesson 01 Lancaster , Smith Dr
l' " ' Douglas ant Campbell or Pelt were ap-
pointed. on unction or 1011e or Salna thin
senate altournell for ften minutes whlo the
on\l Hce 'rdlretl to canvas the crc'len-
tlas ) Dr niembcE8-lect
Upon recol\cnug ! Chairman McKesson reported -
ported no conte. Is , and the entire senate
' , roll WIS decared duly electelt A committee -
tee , consitiuig of Caldwel or 1 al , Dale or
Kearney and Iope or Sor.le , was apllolntet
to wa't upon the chief justIce ali secure
In the bcnale chuitunber to ad.
his presence 11 chlmer at-
minister the oath or ofce to members or
the body . Abollto ) silence prc\alell as
Chief JustIce Nor\al Ilronolnced the oath
to the memben , " ho wrre ranged In n semi-
circle around the IcfretarY'1 leek The
1lnlng ! followed , and upon motion of 10hn
ot 4dllns the unute next proclcdcd to er-
feet n permanent ou'tjuujzatlon .
Accorllng to the caucus late John C.
Watson or 000 yq nOmllnted for I'resl-
Itet or the senate pro tempore by Ter of
Can , seconded by Crane of Douglac : , and
elected by a vote ot 2to \ ti.
) t.
The InllepcllentK nominateit ! against John
O. Wateon for prehhlenl pro tem % , ' . 1.
Gray or Valley count ) In time \'olnl Gray
recel\d % the exalt Inmber of Indipcmlent
ont democratic roles In time senate , which
I § , but he did not vote for huinteef ) . John C
\Vatsoum cast his vote for Gray .
T. Fl Sedgewick was nominated as secre-
. , try Of the tcnJtl by Graham Jr f Outgo , mind
O. U. Clmaiis ) or ) hmt1t'r In
Ohalll 1llll r WUI ittut 1 nomina-
ton by IOpul't. ) , with 1 rote of 2& to 8 In
favor or the caucus nominee.
i'v. , Barker Granll
. Baker or Island was elected !
over W , U. lalon or Nones ns nulstant
secretary by 1 larty , role.
A. H , Akin of I als City was the lone
nominee for loeolli l.slslant secretary end !
WU duly elected to that position. The
balance ot the caucus slate \ went ) through
' , I U unit . R. Q Stewart or ( ll.bel . ) wilLet \
act as rergeant-norms , whie his rl\AI ,
Iajor" Wiiams or Geneva , was pacified
by hieing elected his frt assistant ,
John Wetherwax of Beatrice was the only
candidate for postmaster , as was also his
assistant , John P. Heynols or Fremont
Both were elected without oppositon , The
caucus candidate for doorkeeper was John
Oannon ofVest Point. lie WI opposed hy
John Harley of Colrax , the vote standing 21 I
to 8 In favor or Cannon , McKesson or'
caster reusing to 'ote. Charlc P. Drun-
Ilage or Tecumseh was elected first assistant
doorkeeper \\'lh no opponent .
When It came to eletcln n chaplain ncv.
Mr. tacA'ael found hlmsel running against
a woman Mrs. E. M , .1. Cooley or Lancaster
was the lady honored with thc nomination ,
but the senate was trim to Its first hove , nod
HeIr , Iae\ael will look after Its spirit- ,
ual Interests for the coming three thonthis. ,
Senator le1esson moved the adoption or
the fenate rules or 1889 , jnclng the np-
polntmenl of a commlteo to select these or
other rules permanenty , Senator Dale or
Kearney instantly jumped to his reet with
the amendment that the rules adopted should
lua those or ' 93 , After a lore or less acrid
debate , In \ hlch McKesson reflected on the
"PO\S ; , " thin amenllment was nut anll lost
by a vote or 25 to S , while the original moton
carried by the ame vote
, \ this juneturo Smith or Douglas looked
hungriy toward thin president anti feebly
mathJ a motion to adjourii , but he was anticipated -
tclpate,1 , by his conferee , Crane , who , with
an ergaglng smie , arose anti declared that
he hall an annonnccment to make. In an
Instant the prl"llentra teni , John C. Watson -
son , \as at his car , and after a whispered
conrerence 1r , Crone hooked , nonplussed ,
all he would defer his nnnouncement until
nnother thou , and resumed his seat.
It Is scarcely necessary to slate that the
mysterious announcement. related to the con-
tem\latet banquet to be tendered Tom
lajorR I
Time senate then alljournell untl 10 o'clocle :
a. 1. tomorrow , and the melb rs floated , out
to cat their New Year's dinner
nlcllrd 1 lecl"1 81ell(01 nnll O\IO Chlof
CI.rhu-Cuiticiq ) Nlmilee tiet'eftit.
LINCOLN , Jan 1.-Speclal-I'romply ( ) ; at
12 o'clock , noon , Secretary of State Alien
ascended to the spealeer's desk anll rapped
to order the house or representatives or the
Twenty-rourth session of the Nebraska leg-
19lature. 11ev. : . S. Maze Invoked dIvine
blessing on the members , and asked that
they be endowed with wisdom to guide them
In their t I les , Mr. Allen asked W. M.
Gettes , caucus nominee for chief clerIc of thin
house , to cal the roll , which , proceeded with ,
showed no absentees I was then stated
that the house would proceed to the election
or a temporary spealter Burns DC Lancas-
ter nominated Dr. : . a , ncleetts of Douglas ,
the nomInee of last night's caucus. There
were other nominations , but the vote showed
P.icketts' election by a clear majority or 47
This prompt ratification of the caucus noml-
nation was rec lvet with the first applause or
the session. Dr. ncket9 was escorted to
the chair and introduced by the secretary or
state. In hIs remarks the temporary speaker
dieclaiuned the Idea that the hour for speechmakIng -
makIng had arrived. lie asked the pleasure
of the house.
Chapman of Saline nominated W. : .
Gedtes or hail for the temporary clerk of
the house. Howard or Sarpy named M.
T. Grossman or Schuyler as an opposition
democratic eamlhlate. The farce was played
out to the end , Geddes receiving 7 votes to
7 for Grossman.
Brady of Buffalo moved that time tempo-
rary speaker appoint a committee of fire on
credentals , Ihodes of Valley raised the
point order that It'was mandatory upon the
temporary peRher' 10 appoint such commi-
tee. - lie : , , 'as rulet out Ir order , ant Brady
of Buffalo , Snton or DOIla Cooley or Cites ,
Caspar of Butler ' and Munger or Lancaster
were named , -
. namet
Mungar of Lancaster moved that the house
adopt the rules of 1889. A sharp skirmish
ensued over the 'motion , the claim being
inade that the hOlse % was under temporary organization -
ganization and could adopt no rules , Par- .
ties to this contet were all ruled out or order ,
ant the committee proceeded to receive cue-
dentnls as called from the roll or the house.
Chapman or Saline created a breeze by
the announcement that his credentials were
at home , locked up In his sale , all plaintively
inquired hew he was to be relieved from his
embarrassment. The temporary speaker
assured him that his caSe could be safely
entrusted to the committee on credentials.
Suter of Antelope mo\'c that copies or
time rules or 18BO bo furnished each member.
Chapman or Saline moved an amendment
thiatu It be done wihout expense to the stute
The motion Iremled , Cramb of Jefferson
moved a recess until 3 p. m" , which was
carried wihout ) visible oppositon ,
At 3 o'clock the house reconvened and thc
report or the rommltee on credentials waR
received Dnd adoptcd wihout dissension. No
contests were announced.
an motion or Harrison or Hall ! committee -
tee or three was appointed , Harrison or Hal ,
Dalves or Cass and Burch or Gage , to watt
on Chler Justice Norval and escort him to
the hal or representatives to administer the
oath or office to time members-elect or the
house Upon his appearance In the house
time temporary speaker ordered a roll call ,
'fho oath or ofce was Impressively admin-
Isterelt and time members swore to refuse all
bribes offered by corporations or Individuals.
I was then declaret In order to proceed
wih the election of a permanent speaker
W. a. Chapmln or Saline rose to perform ,
as he saul , a duty which ho hat hoped wonl,1 ,
have been perrormell for himself ! y another
narty But , aR his own , like other speaker-
ship booms , hind been punctured , he nol
had Illeasure In plaelnl In nominaton for
speaker of the house Mr. C. L. Hch.ds at
Thayer and Jefferson conn tes , Nominations I
were also made or Scot or Buffalo unl How- '
Inl or Sarpy , lehards received H , Scott 22 ,
101l'aril 2 , Johnson I ant IcltetB 1 yotes
an motion or time youngest member or the
house , W . D Robinson , a committee WIS
appointed to escort ! Speaker Ichanls to the
chair lie arrived unller the convoy or lIo'-
ani or Sarpy and Scot or Illalo ,
On assuming the's chaIr , Mr. Rich-
arll Imld n graceful compliment to Dr.
Ilckets , saying that I afforded him more
Illeasuro to receive the gavel from him thou
I would front ulmost any other member nr
the hoube , The temporary speaker was now
engaged In solving the problem or his race
( Applause. ) The speaker thanked the hOI ; 1
tor time honor centered upon 1lm ) ! , He all.
I.reclatelt It more highly becalse I came
wih hearty gc.d wi from all with whom
he hat been usoclaled . I came trol 1
party or which ho was justiy proud , , a Ilal'IY )
which he loved. 10 came before the hou \ '
a new man , amid a tunis new 10 legislatIve
ant leglslatvc
hmafls . IIs success dependel , upon time mem.
hers lie asked that charl ) ' ! e extended to
him , the same charity that others might
ask for themselves. Time people hall sent
them here as public servants , and as lubl"
sen'antl they must answer to their constitu.
enelcs , Again he thanlee,1 , the house for its
ctnslteralon , and uskld its further pleasure
The \errunctor ) ' melon of electing Me
Gelldes chief cleric or thin houle was then
gone through with against the oppollng canlU-
d"te ! , Grolsman 01 Cola amid Suter or
Antelope. Result : Gcddes , 72 votes ; C-cbs.
man 3 and SUtCl' 17.
10nt or l'ohk moved that the nominees
of time replhlcan caucus ! e elected , ! by ac-
chlnaton , CarrleJ. Upon thIs basis Frank
A , harrison wal elected fr t assllant cleric
anr J. F. Zidleel' Iceonl assistant , This
was time ease with 11. Glasgow for third al-
mintmmnt . 'he remainder or the caUCU1
nonln < es , II time to lowing order , were
elected : Sergeant-at-amunb . W. Schoon-
berger , Aurora ; a6111alt terge"nt-at-armK ! ,
A , , G. Tyler of al4lall ) ; euroling ciek ,
W. O. Pemberton , 1'Jlrhur ) ; chaplain , M.
1. Maze , Cuser county ; I.ostlaster . , James
Bunlen , Welter count ) ' .
an 10lCi or Merrick or Gate the house
adjourlll Intl 10 o'clocle tomorrow morn-
secured. imig , n pernulJlcnt organization having been
Speaker Richards bu been receIvIng time
congratulations or his friends all afternoon
ali evening over his election as the preslllng
ofcer or the house : Ir. Richards Is ac-
ceptng time well wlshcs or his friends with
modest good grace . To each awl all ho
frankly states that he realizes the nature
or the responsibIlities that have ben placed
upon his shoulder ant his apparent sin-
ceriy In asking for the encouragement or al
his friends Is adding to the already favor-
able ImpressIon lIe haR created. af course ,
It lay be frankly stated that Mr. Hcharlls
OWlS his election largely to the influence or
men who have In the past Political hlstor
or the state been opposed to legislation
against the encroachments or corporate
10nollolcs , Aside front this fact , however ,
he Is a man of no little ability , with a record
for personal integrity that has 10t yet been
assailed , all a man who will , I permitted
to Perform his duties without the onclous
Interference or pretendet friends , make I
good speaker. 11 Is n new man In the logic-
laturl , this hell his first term as a law
nunkor lie hrlngs to hlR PositiOn a wel
equipped legal mlnll , lie having heen one
or the leading utore's or the city or Hehron
for the past ten 'ears. lie lots served his
county as county attorney for several years
lie Is cOlpart\I' a young man , too , and
this fact has much to .10 with Increasll ;
his \o\nlarlt ) . . 10 Is a native of the state
or iinois , born Woodstoclt , May I , 1SGG.
lie Is rortunato II having n Iheral clnea-
ton , having grnduated at the University er
lllhnois timid at the Chicago law college. As
n parlamentarian his abilities are yet to he
tested In so promInent a position as the
chief \resldlng olcer or the house or relre-
sentatves \ , but he Is wel eqllllpet In itarila-
mentary law ali may bo expected to acquit
hln&et fairly well.
WlkL IAg , \ n\QUln' .
Leathers n' , Lincoln Uol'rmlno on n Jln'
1"OlAt ; "lh Tum Mnjol .
LINCOLN , Neb" , Jan. 1.-S\ecln1 ( Tele-
gram-The ) absnce of the almost Intoler-
able pressure at time lndel house tonight
gave unmlstaleable e'ldeno that time legis-
lalve session had commencell tn real earn- .
est There was a 10tale decrease In crowds I
that have for several nights past swarmed
the corrIdors. Tonight the active work or
slating the standing commitees or the two
houses comnenced In actual earnest. Speaker
Richards has been closeted the gretter part
of thin night wih his special advisers and
the work or arranging the house commitees
satisfactorily commenced to the controlling Infuences has
Early this evening the report circulated
through time corridors or the 1.lnllel that
Governor Holcomb had , through his private
secretary . given out to the representative or
the press time authoritative statement that
he had decided upon tile appointment or
John C. Ittihmmuan of Chadron lS wallleu 01
the penitentIary. The hal score or appl-
cants for the place quIckly placel themselves
on record by denouncing thc governor In
unmeasurel1 terms , The report prayed to ,
be a rake of the clearest water Governor
Holcomb has appointed I rnk L Mary or
I.lncoln to a clerleshlp In time executive once
ant hc did this merely to expedite matters
In time transfer or the office 'Ihurday after-
noon. mon \V. Demon or Sehuler has also
been given an appointment In time executive
ofilce. Governor Holcomb said tonight that
ho would certainly not announce a sllgle up-
polntment prior to his Inalgurnton ,
At the Lincoln hotel tonight I committee
met to perfect arrangements for a banquette
to bo tendered Lieutenant Governor Majors
on his retrement from ofilce. The follow-
lug resolutions were adopted :
Whereas , The republcans of Nebraska
have cause for rejoicing with theIr brethren
nil over the country upon the result of the
recent election , for the purpose of honoring
the advocates of republican principles In
Ne raska In the recent campaign In the
stale , ant to cement more closely the re-
pulihicans oC the state ; thel'oCore be It
\ Resolved 'rhat I banquet be hell ut the
Lincoln hotel , 1.lncoln , Nob. . 'Thursday evenIng -
lag January 3 , 183 , to which republicans
des \ ring cln attend until the lmit oC UCl'om-
moalon Is reachct
Tim folowing sllealeers have promset ! to
bB In atentance : John M. Thurston , John
L 'Yebster , John C. Cowin , C. L Richards ,
T. J. Majors , John C. Watson , L. L. hayward -
wart , W. L Gmirley , H. D. Esteebrook and
Time following commlteo of arrangements
'was appolntct , to assume full charge or the
affairs : Judge E I. Coffin , Ibis L 11am-
mont , Matt Daugherty C. g Adams , J. D
Gage , T. L Denton , H. L. Bushnell , ' . C.
Carkson , Ii. B. Cortel , H , a'Nel , A. S.
Hamion , E , J. lurnn , John L. Careen , \V.
L Lowly and n. Q. Stewart.
Tim cOmmitee appointed to arrange plans
for the Inaugural amid recepton heM Its
final meetn ! at the r.ndel ! this evening.
The eomn\teo desires the fact to be memor-
Ialy understooQ that the reception Is to be
entirely nonpartsun In its character. The
reception itself Is to bo ontirciy Inrormal
Th , . " " "ntnn " 1"mtl" I I . t I entrely " . un nt r"up
ropublca'ns r - ' foul ! - ' four " inilependents - ' ' : ' as ' (01-
lows : Republicans , Senator Grahiamit Hepre-
tentat\'e McNery , Representative Allen and
John I' . Maui : hldellendents , Elms Bakei' ,
J. V. Wolf , Patrick Barry and John C.
JlJT1O 1'UI.IW .1JT17'.llS.1r.
hums Thllkl Amorlcn \ DrIfting ' "fll
Umt E.umh . ,
pIJr.A DRr.pIIA , Jan. I-John nUIR ,
M.P. , the English labor leader , anlvetl
hero from \\'ashmington last night and ad-
drellld un 1llience that tilled every available -
able spot In Association ) maih , lie Fall he
hall come to this country to atmftly , as well ! '
as n brIef sin ) ' would permit , our social
and Inflnstrlal condition . 'rhe subject upon
which he dwelt imttlcuiamiy '
IIHtcllalI' was tnulJ
unionism , whlrh , he lall , Illds the fort II
1'huiiitdiphiu , In IIUI t oC his nld'lss he
said :
"I was the people who mieprccimteti what
they cal 011 uny premmimtt Lire \ triticismun of
) 1'llteJsms
AmerIcan Inhtlltlon who , the very mao-
mont I Itellplt oft time lalwa ; ) ' car on 10- may
In.t visit to Chicago , wUltel1 to know may.
c1lnlon oC the FoC'inl 1111 111uHtriul cumuli-
ton of thnt city . WIln I hind the ' cOII-
to tel Ihem , they w.lnlpll to lcmmov l whnt
rlAht I h\1 [ 10 criticize the city , < hit I \\'enl
hack ten days arHwal1 and alt It again ,
only len times stronger . "
"In Europe . " hu hdroceeleil , "
Ilroceplell , 'mmli socinl I
"ul I
mind Iilustr 11 l > ollems arc Il'centuatell by
Ito 1IIIen or Illnl'lHl , amid you amo m'mmp-
Idly fetl ! I imereVe have 8 tmY,000 ' II
< toOO 111'11.1
men In luim ope , legalized nlJll'rerl glimleul ,
poplnjaYI only , luL 11rOlucll ; an'titni ( , hut
destroying everything . 'nley uru Itel't less
( or reslstnA foreign foes than II a re-
erultn ! ground where England I : cnn IHt hll'
chllllon who huve not enough Iwalnt to
earn 1 htvimtg . " 4
r1 T.I. 1"Jl0 Ir curr.1UUX ,
One Traluman : 11.11 anti Several rol'u
UnnII'llusly I njurtI' ' .
MUNCIE , Ind" , Jun , 1-'rhcre was a col-
Islon at York lawn at:30 : thlt 1011n
hetwepn the wcslhoul11 freight train No , 9 :
In charge of COlluctol' Morgan nail bnRl-
neel' W , A. Shmuhi mind hieitm'y Ijnrst , mhmcmmims ,
anti eastblnll freight train No. n , 11n the
lug Four road , In charge oC Conductor Timi.
Hlo. s'ltii ( 'hrnrlex Simttoit 'fn-
wlh Chlrles Huton , enllel' , und
Jo hun \\'mmlsii , Ircman , The ; killed ) rt'e'
\v. A. Shiuhi , Jeled
1'he ( Utah ) ' InjlrPll are : Jushla'ailh. .
BaI , ) ' InJureI , , henry 1111t. ChallpK Sutton
'I'he engines came lorether \ \ ithm hem i tile
force , ral iti lnf hlsh In I the I oh i' a ml' Ih ) fuling telSle I I 1
muss of Ileblls , He\'erl ean were brolt'mi ,
1111.lns IL pie Of manglell ) wooll nnll Iron
twenty feet hIgh . \1 Iralns are 1011m m -
nlll $ l\el the FOl't Wayne , ( hlculo &
I .ouhs'iiltt road 1\,1 , to Anlor on lver the
Pnniuammtile . 'rime track will \e blockaded
nil clay _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1' I IISJ JJ..1 Lr n trijjt
T.IU.W _ . zio.iii.
I. . IJ.'r _ IH1TJW .
1'011111 hue I l'omic.usImuumuui by nn . \ tent C ) '
l \ ho \ \ I'nl 10 ImlnlllHllh I fur Ihl. I i I
INDIItNAI'OLIS , Jan 1.-I' . ii .
INDANAPOLIS 1.-1. O. phlll ! n
r'I'omlnent ' attorney ot Oelweln , Iu" , arrived
her , In quest of ex-Congreesman " 'al But-
her and found him nt the police staten ,
wlwre Uuter hall gone to give himself up.
Huter 1011 Iolre SUllerllllndent Powell
thut lie hal In Inealslble drllre tQ hoard
u immmimm amid WIS nfra"l he might leave lhe
city before hl ; Cm boils arrived , ' 1r . Phillips
leC tor Iowa whit lulcl' . Ihllils
' .l'oduIP nttt' ' Butler lund
1'olay ) ofel' Jlller started for Iowa ,
Janice Bather Ilr WeHt Pllon , II" , the ,
cOIIHe m"n's hrolhel' ) , /rrh".1 h'rc after I
hll I , ' ) 'iII hI' hll evidence lhal a ater ,
I1)a I
haul he'n hlll 10 murder Ilutier b ) his p. _
I lla I elllh's , alt thIs I11er for \ lis
strungc appearance amid condition. ;
. . . . , - -
Republicans in the Legislnt1i forestal the
Legal Date for , El ton ,
IcetIng Ibid Yesllrdl'1fernlnl nt
Which lho nlhlhmnl 3luln S'ittL-
Olt mm Worlt lit Jlslnt-WhnL
: tr. Thurston Smuyi ,
LINCOLN , AJal , 1.-Speclal-John ( ) M. t
Thurston has been Iresel\ll \ with the Unied
S.ntes scnatorshll on n Platter. At a relunhi-
Icnn joInt caucls of the legislature , hel tile :
aternon In the sUllrel ! court rOl , Mr.
Thurston received the vote or sevemmty-omme
representatives and twen'\'e senators , a
unanlmons vote of all lemUers or the caucus -
cus , Tout or Cass Presided and leN"t
of Webstei' actl'll secrelur . nummuina-
Wlbstel' as secretary. The nOllna-
ton was mUlle by Senator Crane or 10ugllS ) ,
011 ( seconted by a rising vole or time Clncus ,
which wits In executive seblon At this
stage of the proceedings violent nlllllause11 \
eatet the natnre or alalrs to lhese on time out-
chIc , and warl frIend or Mr. Thuston shoole
hall all around , saying : "It's all rIght
wlh John In timere " 'ne , ) : were right , alil
when the caucus Olonrnell a few mOlent
later It was wih the news that the relb-
Ican vote would have stoo.1 unanimous but
for the absence or htel'r.imtative Rouse of
Grand Island , ,
The caucus grow out or the conference last
night at a Joint commllee meelng , cOlllse,1
oC three senators and three members of the
hiotie. The rank ant file iirC ns widly emt-
thuslastc ns members at the I eaucns at the
happy resul , The following telegram wn
at once sent to Mr. Thnrston :
I have hlen c0llnlsplohe.1 . hr time rc-
publcan joint (111\8 oC the legishiitmmre of
time state of NehlHlm , 10W In /e/Mlnn , to
communicate to 'ou their Ni'v Ycor'H gm't'et-
Ing In the shape of lhel' ( 'holf oC "IH for
tnltel ! ! tltes seumntor from Nebrska Ilr
tl ColowlnG vote : 1tCiresehutim il'es . 71 :
senators , : ; anr\NnO 'I'll U'1'1' ,
Chnh'man Jolhl Cutui'tms.
Time following telegram was recel'CI front
Mi' . 'rhurston tonight In response to the
telegram sent him announclug the acton of
time caucns this afternoon : ,
OMAhA , Jan 1-Ion. Om'lnmudo 'rein ,
Ch\lnnnn , Tolnt Catmcmms : PIfI"U convey 10
the repuhlcln joint ciulcul 1) ' heartfelt
gmttude for the rent honor confenel
turmoil me. I hope to alwrysl merit the con-
Ihlenee and esteem of thehi'eutmbhicmumus of
Nebi'aekmmVishting you , ni n. Imlll' New
Year 1 remain '
, your friend J
J. :1'InunSTO .
Mr Thurston also sentlucI\'hlual messages
to repuhlcan members of I thai legislature
thanking them personally. '
The Douglas county ( loleatiOn also tmnited
! doleFat unlell
In a congrtulutory telhral 1J to the pros- '
\ectve semmator-elect , to \ 1'hlel Mr. Thurtton
telegraphed individual repiis .
telegrphet Intlvldual repl9s. -
MIt. TlunSTUN Jr'H\iEWJW I ,
lie Voices Ills Orlleat6 iistd Gives Some
, '
of His 1j'\Uc : , ' ' tenVimuuts.
The Thurston manllon' last' night was
ablaze with ligimt. lon - , John ' M. Th\r ton
was at home receiving ntim1mlom'iess congratu-
latons by wire ( remit all r-the' country'
UpOI his preferment fo , UnJtc States t , scnl
toe by tlC joint ' caUC11 of thlnmbers of the
Nebraska hegisiauro. . , ; 1
an the mantel plcce 1n tIme , reading room ,
stood ' the resohut1 i , of the joint caucus cahi.
Ing Mr. 'fhurstoit\ \ tb ' brthdF fields of latiqr,1
signed by seventy-one 'represeuttutives and ,
twenty-nve senators , the I rfsolutcn framed
prettily In oalt.
There Is n rather reqiarlta blo coincIdence
II connecton , with the lgnllg of this reso- I
tcn , "hleb Is worthy of nolI At time close i
of ' 94 but ninety-lour membeu ; or the legislature -
lature hall signed time joint resoluton expressing -
pressIng the choice ! or time rellublcan party , of
Nebraska for John Melen Thurston for sen-
atorVitim the birth or , 'or , . one more man
added his name , Henry 'lohrman of Iacon ,
niaklng , the nimuety.llftIm lame In ' 95.
Mr. Thurston was In an exceedingly pleas-
ant hnmor last evening , anti so WIS Mrs.
'fhurston , who did not hesiate to express imer
appreciation of the high honor " onrerrpl upon
her bn band , an honor which , In the man"
nor of Its giving , talls alouo In the jmohlt-
Ical history cf the United Stales
Asked to outline his course a 11 tle principles -
ciples I which would govenl him In the mmd-
mnmnmttratiomt of the trust ' Preemttom1 to him on
New Ycar's day . Mr. Thlrstol In reply , said :
"I have bcen honorell In n way that very
few men ever have bceh. Ant asle ! ( rein
time great personal gratlcaton ( that I feel ,
my chief rejoicing Is over. , , the fact that the
republcan party of Nebraska Is unlell and
harmonious as never before In Its history.
It " :1 he my hlghe Irliton In life to retain -
tain for the six years or my ofclal career
the same confidence and esteem which the
republcans or this state ' have GO 81gn31y
expressed , 1 shah accept public sll'lce In
exactly the same manner , as I have always
accepted professional service , devoting wha- :
ever measure of ability I may possess loy-
ally and solely to the Iltererfs or the people ,
My fellow citizens understand full wel thut
this prererment comes to me mint by reason
or time fact or my past or tiresent nrotessbonai
relations to railway Interests . , hnt In spite or
timent The fact that 1. have been a railway
attorney has been the only objecton which
I hlvo had to overcome. I' has taleen year
of effort to live down thDIrejldlces , whch !
It has been the pllasurp or poltelals to
encourage . I hOllO by m ) ' coune In the
United States senate to satisfy the people o
this country that time conscIentous Ilertorm-
snee or lY whole dmity to the great Interests
which I have for so lany years represented
has not dlfqnaliell me frouii flhlng the humt-
ties of the common ) .rom tl'om the ranks
or whom 1 came , anI for wlmpse struggles
and hafhhlps I ha\e time greatest sym-
patimy. ;
" 1 think my vlewsotf , pllple IIeslons are
vehi known , I am In pctad with the principles : -
ciples or the republcan party , as enunciated
In Its platorm ! and my opInions on current
nautical issues were fully jet forth In time
address I delivered at time last state conven-
ton , the substantal3ft lof which Is as
fcilows. Were I to frame a platorm for
the republican party , .1llt lean tlls ;
.1\ ' ' I ,
Jlf PEltS0NAI IJIiA'lFal
'Fun supremacy ot , Hie' onstllton of the
! (
hulled HtnleH ; the mafnttnan.'e at law ali
order ; time 8u\\les.lon of unnrehY IIII
crime : time 11rolecton \ at every mel'lcon
ctzen In i his right 10 live ; liii iou' nlHI to \ote :
\IIOI"OUS foreign policy ; the . eufom'cemnt'xmt
of lho ) )01100 doctrine : iaf.uty uldel the
stars III stripes on e\II' mica Inll In every
port ; time restorton of olr merchnlt nut-
mine ; time tariff of Wllum .loKlnl < amid
the reclploel or James O. Walnemerl ; -
can malltels ) tor AIel1 * an I"otucts ; the
protecton of the . \mcllcln faint , the \merl-
can CUl'tol'Y tumid ! the Anlcl'Jrnn mine tram
tOlel1 pauper competition ; such leHlatcl
Ut wi HUalante ! stl\ly ' , empioynt.'mmt nn.1
good \ vmmges to the vomkioj.mmtemu or 1his
10011'IIes t\'ol'lomel tlls coumi-
try ; n free ticket to China COI' nut ) ' III
who Insists upon hi" right to buy time
Ilrocuct Of hU\an lub,1r wihout ll'ln" n
lair I.rll'e . to the hriin , anti hrwn whllh
lmrouiuc'es , It ; the InalltH t. of federal legls-
. nton allelllnh' ' to 8tcur II Crf ballot IUII
1 fair count II every 'othmg , Iitclnct , of Ihe
tuition ; a one term prsIdnmmc' ) ' ; the election
of UIIPe States " ' ldlncr vote of
tIme leol'le ' ; thin rflablhLn'ent of n postal
trllgrp I sysienu : the IO\'Lmentul suer-
vision ami onlul % of ' u'.musmomtetiomt lines !
aunt ruts ; the proteltoa of the ! popl ( rein
all umiluwui combinaton und unjust exaction -
action of nJIHef,1ed capital amid corporate
power : ucum' nn the three great democratic
trulll-ol , whlky urHI sugar ; the mubohuion
fu/al' allllon
of nil sect icrahismn-.omie people , Ole counl' ) ' ,
'or' tn ; I Iloltk/l CIOfaiure fOr the
rataml ) howieIl a 1)1 CIO\ lul jugglers : a
1''l ' lon pik'y JUHt 1111 g nc'rouH juggers Ih'-
Ig heroes tumid limo wilow" amid olhaua of
their lpu'l ( ' ( 'omr.1I' . ' ' limo umtm"st expansion
of Dur currerl' , ' cunsltent I with the main-
tenmmlw'eu or the equal \urtm.ln Ind debt-
\ ;
Ilaylnl lower or every dulimmi ' American
minis -n11lan mln"l , time i'ce colnng
of the Aluellcan l'IOOult ot 1lh'er and gold
Into honest " Arnerienmu welcome
money' an Amllran mete
to every Gal.fearlng , IberU'.lo\ln/ 'on-
Rttuton-rrICctng , la w-ahhln , / I nl r-
5eekimu , dlcent mon : hue deimmtmttioit 11 }
/ .lepol'laton
exclusion oC nil whoe birth , whose heel ! ,
who o conlllon , whose temucimings , whose
practices won II menJce the hienmnuttuenc' of
free institutions , . cl1aner time eafety of
Amerlcnn society , or lesen time oppcmmttmmti-
ties of . \mercnn labor : nn Amerlenn lag
for every Amerlean school house : It tlenth-
less 10'nl ' to Amcrlnn Instiutons flu a
Imtrlotsm eternal ns the stars ,
"When the JoInt convenlon nimbi have
ratified the action or the rcpublcan caucus
I Propose to allvlso thl legislature of the
views which I hell on theBe questions which
arc lahlc to denuamud the first atenton of thin
next congress , for thin purpose or asking the
legislature , In case its members are tot In
entire accord whim views direct
wih 1) own , to Ilreet
me by aplolllate resoluton on any mater
or conlcsslonal aclon whlc ' they regard
al or pcclnl iittbtortance I shal always
rearleEs advocate sneh measures as I believe
to be right , hut as n representative or the
People will hol1)'selr In readiness to of-
fclaly execute their COmll111s whenever
thirectcml so to do.
Ilrectell to.
"Since October 13 , 1893 , I have not repre-
sente.1 professionally or otherwise any railway -
way corporation , bondholler or stockhoiler ,
but immure been time solicitor for five re-
cch'crs apllolnted by the court to administer
thin great railway lrOpertes ) Placed In their
charge as officers of the court In view ,
however , or time criticism which hUR been
lulle concerning the canllilacy at a railroad
atornlY for United States senator , I ha\o
rClleatedly allvlPCI ) friends that shonll 1
bo elected to time seuato I woult retire rrom
the service or the receivers or the Union
Pacifc s.stemalttevotol.sel to llso
PUblic affairs tevolvlu ! l\on inn as senator.
This course of acton I intro determlnet upon
mmtmtinly for the reason that I wish to relieve
the republican party or Nebraska . from e\'ln
the allparent rIIponslblt ) Cr electng a nina
holln ! proresslonal relatons to Important
Interests which mlght become the subject or
congressional legislaton , I expect to organize
a law firma In Omnha for the general practice
of law 111 more especially hecausc I desire
to IItaln a local bnslness at amahl to spend
nl the time not requlrCl of me at \\'ashlnC-
ton In m ) own state and to keep In touch
with the Ileople among whom I ha\o passed
time best twenty-hIve years or my life . "
L.ll OU7' .1 110 IIJ f.
'orld' ( lnlr.nlUy lol" JIs first
Ilcelnl lt ( . hi'ngo.
CHICAna , Jima , 1-The Inital re-
unIon 01 ' the \ Vorhl's Congl'eRs mmtmxiiinm'y
wns hphl at the Alltorllm tonlRht. 'he
nuxiial . wits formed for the unit pORe of
renewln ! lie I Cremlshfls 111 comutneiiiormt I-
imig th" nehlevement of time \\'orld's comt-
gl'CS : or 1893 I Is niso Jtoposet to con-
tnu ! the svouic 1111 exten the Inluence
anti interest of time congl'e" Time meetng
wns calel to order hy (1. C Benne ) ' of Chl-
1110 , \ ho was IU"esltent of the congm'esses
held dud ing the full In his opening ntl.
dress " . 1(1)1) dwelt at coushlel'ahle
length on the work accumlllshet by the
congleslel helt Unrln thc fair , and spoke
, oed lhnt viIi
In con1It terms of the good they wil
do In the future Ir the ' ' cnrmletl
10 futle thmey oulr are cnr/iel on
In the same mnnnel ns were the meetings
'or tW ! YCIIS nlO , Altll sII of welcome
were nUde hy Mrs. Chll'les Hel'oln , 1r ,
Elizahettu iloymitoit Hel ert nod :11 Caro-
! lzaheth 1o'ntol
lne } Sherman Dr F.V. . Gunsaulus oC
Chicago followed with an address on the
"llnIHtIY of Ctmhttmre , Literary and Art. "
Dr. } bemtryV. . Rodgers of olthwrfter
uuuivdntlty dwelt on ' 'hhhgiiei' Educalon Ind
need Oovermmmumemtt. " llr , J. M. lower
discussed "The Public Schools aUII Good Oov- '
elnlenl , " and I'mot. Harper , prlsltont of
Chlca olllvcrtlty ; splee on "Hlghel' , Education -
uton 111 Internulonal Pcact' A greet- '
tug from Chic orient was read by Prof 8.
'Choyo" late "of th UI\I'erlly of 'ol lo.
"The heiiious CongTCssel 'Qf ' 1893 , Crowned
by the ' : W < rld'l . .Hlwlamftl- ! itellgiotm . " '
wile miiscum'ed , lw"HeV : ' FI'unle""r. "UI'lstol ,
Rabbi E. \ O. 1I'seh , He\ . J. p , Mereel' ,
Te\ . ' J. Jones 1111 othlrl "The Brther-
heel of Science Ind Faith" wmf the subject
of DI' Andrew , f , : lclhlrlon oeNotre Dume :
mmnivei'sity. Dr. J. ' 1mm. Couler of Lake For-
est unl\'erslty and others spoke at some
A lumher of .uldrelMI/ were made by
spe\lcl' not emi the regular IH'ola 1 , amid
lttllH of regret were read ( mom Cnnllnnl
Glhhom : . Pllnc'olkln'lt ) ' aUI a number
or clel gyimuen , who took part In the con-
gm'eses two years ngo
'j'he plattorm of the auxiliary was set
fOllh by President Honnp In his opening c
all/lreSM as rolowl : ,
" \VI would malee the social pm'l } ' and
time moral vowel' of which woman IB the
I\vlnel u\Polnt 11 relHPsentatl'c 1\1 I10tent
in , vuhle as It Is In pllvale life.
"We wOII'1 ' exalt nml estnhlsh aU thou
ustimmi 1llustrles Of lime world nnd crown
lhll with blessings mind honor for the Her-
vice they render manl.III. "
Other objects of time ulxlln ' arc to ( s-
tlhlEh just amid equal relalols between
lahor aI enllnl anti pi'oriile for a sstem
rf CO'OPII'UtOI between thcm Simiar
metnlH to that held lonlrht are to he heW
for the snle obJects In other cities In
countries whll'h participated In the ' , olhls
Fall ConrleSSII. nl11 partial nrnntemcnts
have leln made for thl hohln In Chicago ,
II the near future , world's congress exten-
Ion nwetlngs In mite departments oC clence ,
litemntum'e and rellon . , '
. 1r.IJE ; .1 Ir.n'lm 11 UI. .
Unconpled , time Ullllgo : C'I' ' and Left thin
I Xllr0. m iCluiuiti.
CAMIEN ' , ; lle" , Tan. 1-Slx masked men I
mUlle an effort to 11 the northbound Cot- I
tout Belt train 11ue here at 1 o'clock , at a' '
tank Icn mleH "outh of Cmmmntlen. ' 1hell ob-
ject was to secure the oxpless mone ) ' . Time
tmln stopped ' . IH usual to talc watel' and
the negro IIOltCl' got oft to 10 aroune to
the tunIc to let time water on lIe was
stoJlll , howlvel' , hy \lnchestpl In his
Cale mind ol'llere to nncouplo the Clrs , ' 1uls
orcel' WIS obeyed 1U1 Ihe englneel' , who
WIS Ullel' Illfl , wal mlde to run the
car tip ( remit time tmln I i , I , litutmu ace of half I I
mutiic' . 'i'hie hlndls discovered too late that
they hUll mllie I watel' haul , tatlng ) Ihe
, ' ' ' instead of the ,
balglge emit' eXllreSI car
'i'hmt'y luul to grin , toke their meilcino amid
go 10 time wooils. 'fhe butler told the engineer -
RO ' that he IHll the t luurh I on them t , but
wOltl see him mmgmtimm. 'fho wO'le WIS 10
' 0 Il'le I' i done Ihul I the i tenuel's : did not
lenow what Wil goln on unll the would-he
, 'lher'l ' hUll fijiummul I efnfI' In time cenle for-
l'sl 'niclne at thp robber ) ' Is mom than
u mie ( rein nn ) ' reHllence , tw small sta-
i ton of Incna Victim bolnl ulJut n mile
I , /ollh , 'l'lmine 11 no huc'ttei' place than thll
tom' ( handls to ply thch' calling , A IIOS"e
I his left hero In l'urch of the wnuld.he
m'c.hiiuem'u' . 'i'iue men Wl'le nmaskemi wlh rell
hUIHllnna IUIHJwlchlptl , 1 IH IU\'JOSI,1 ' , that t
II" I ) ' wlnt 011 frm CanHlen alud I It evel
Immi tumid ed tilt the I ) ' live In Cmmmtttlt'n. A
ihisiuiuteim Indium ) ' fm cia time COtol Belt om- 1IIIes that a rewld ! of $ : will he
paul for time nrest und ( 'ol\letlol of el'h
n tIme \alll' ' , anll thc governor II CXllectcl1
to offer u rewunl.
. -
J'JfISO.V1IfS , SI II J l UU7' ( J" ' J.JIT. .
l'mutmick CroUc , 1'lllorly of Omlll , 'VIS ,
. '
iIim"mmg . 'hcm ,
S' . JOmPI , Jnn , 1.-I'lve desperate prls-
onel's lawl,1 , timeim' wmuy out of the Huchunol
conlty Jai hero 11'IIg the miigimt . Time
fact Wla not known till 8 o'clocle thll ummormi-
imiur , By that tme the men , who It was
lalel' lenrnel tire oil armed , hnl made geol
their escimpe . 'fho esrallell ru"IHonerR are :
Polrlcle erowe , Int Courtnel' , Joe 1)usty I ,
Wllnm I"ullel tutu Jan1s Owens Crowe
1M oUe ot thl mel who 111111 the I trin t
rolherl who operated 10 IJoh1) 1111 success-
fully In lhls city last wiltel' , ) lie Is a des-
) i rate I mal , WIl tell t II I hil , I n dozen states
COI' serlouR cnirne . Dlsty Wit unller en-
tenc of tbetm tim , a lay of t'xecumtioum having
been granted to alow the ummuumu'c'mne court to
pal > 1llon' ' lime CIS ( ' , Owenl wnl an \tchl-
hOI t'Ollt I ) ' I'm leaner it ice H'nlene I ll t\ I 0 hum uig ,
nail his Ctle li tiCO Iefore time sUlreme
COlt t. ' \ho etimem' men wcm'c' In jail ! I for
Ilreln ) ' , 'he ) rlsonell (1111111 by lawlnK
the 1101 harl lt Ihl I'orrillol' wladow anll
lowering themselvrl to time groumnil witim
m Oies. Four suuws t' foumid ut time jail
timhmu mnonmtimmg. 'i'homnams hiiekmnummu , a ii musty ,
syamu ( oummuil lying liummni and gagged imt I lie
con imlor , limit time iutmtluum'ities auiseu t hue fur.
nishmed time tools amuib thumut im m eieast'ui tue
urlsomlerc ( noun time cells into this corridor ,
I lit ii I 'sVmu It ' 11 I i I I .u L'tuimh.m Yum miisui , I hut
( 'JIEVENNE , \ ' ) o. , Jun. J.-Spoeial- ( )
Joimn Clan len 'fimomtmlmucui has eceived him
comnnmismiiout as suurm'e'or.genermmi of Wyo-
mnirig , vice I'enm'y hlickori , resigned ,
'rhomnpsomm s'Ill tititu' dma Iii of time 0111cc mu I
once. lie vmus appuintm'ii iii Ht'ptt'mniioi' , but
c'xliemieuuee'l some ihltllcuhty iii fuuunie'imimug the
$ iuoo ( ) bommii crmmuireil , ilium uliialomy ai'tiomm iii
time matter camummomi time report to be sent
out ( roam \S'mmshmumugtnmi to the effect that
hhmelcfotih would be ut'tuinm'ii In oiiiee , umuil , ha
foci , the coimtmnlssioner of time general Jumul
oillee did erdci mm &eim uummmg lit his ease ,
_ _
Torn from Ius'Vifc's ' Sicic by Unknown Ruf- .
fiins and Dragged Away to Be
Put to Death in Secret.
Stopped \\T1i'ilc Returning to O'Neill from the Country , IIi
Family' l7irccl on , and IIimselfToun1ccI and Taken
Away Into thc Brakcs of the Niobrara-Shcriff's
l'ossc in Fruitless Pursuit. " \
O'NEILL , Neb. , Jon , l.-Siuechal ( 'rein-
grarn-Ilarrett ) Scott , time ulefaulfimug cx-
treasturer of unit county , has gomme before a
higher tribunal thmnn that ivimicim a few weeks
ago sentenced Imimu to five years in time peni-
temitiary. Mob vcmmgeauice ' . % 'ttmi miwiftor tlmmmn
time lou' , amid his immisdeetis inure been cx-
plated iii a cninmo still darker thunt lila omvum ,
Early Momida ) ' afterumoomi time carriage iii
which lie was tlnivimmg wltbm his famnihy was
itmot by mm baud of unasked macmm at Parker , a
loumely eliot tea miles northeast of this city.
After flrimmg a volley from timeir'imtehmesters. .
Scott mvas taken away , botmmtd amid gagged ,
nummi no one imere doubts that. before time New
Year tlamvumcd imis tuamne was nuhihed to time list
of victimmts of iymmchm law iii Nebraska.
Ever since ii. was nammoumneed timutt Scott
was to be released on bail thircats of violence
have beemm heard.'hout hun released
two weeks ago lie was wiurumed thmat his life
mm'ouid not be afo If hue retmmrned to O'Neiii ,
but hue disregarded the warmuimtg amid rctmmrned
to his Tonmaer imomite. A week ago hue m'emtL to
Mineola with iiis fondly to visit relatives.
It was on his return from that place that
time crime of yesterday occurred. Besides
imintseif tue carriage contained himi wife anti
timmughuter , lmls niece , Fammutie MeWimortor , and
Joimn Sciminidt , tue driver.
Just this side of Parker a sod imouse stands
close to time road. As time carriage passed
It the driver was roughly Ordered to Imalt.
Scott told him to drive on , and bent , forward
to whip up thmo team. At timat mnomnemut a
dozen masked men appeared.
They d"hii aFthod'mvith Wuchietgrs , nad
wltjmoui. another . 'trord..cpened..flre oh the
carrIage , One horse fell stone dead and
( hue other was writiming in its deatbm agony.
A bullet strumele Scott In time right cheek ,
making a valnfui but miot dangerous wound.
Atmother hilt Miss McWiiortor in time spine ,
btmt its force was broken by a heavy button
out 11cr cloak ,
The imlmtuoUng closed tue suddenly as it be- .
gaum. Some of Cliii assailants seized Scott
and Imis drIver anti bound amid gagged timemum
sectmrely. Tue otimers turned their atten-
tiout to time woineui who were frightened imito
silence. Timey were placed in a ciome carriage -
riage and driven oft in one direction , vlmiie
Scott and Clue driver were taken in another.
Scott was covered with blood front tIme mvound
in imis chock , but his captous showed ito
mercy. lie was roumglmly thrown into time
bottom of a vagomm , meimiclu was driven rapidly
away. In five mmtiuimmtcs front time time time
flrt imot v'as fired the place was uieserted ,
Not a sign remmualned to imudicate time tragedy
but time imorses waliowimmg in their blood nail
thmo carriage , wlmicli mm'as splintered by the
As time carriage hearing AIrs. Scott and time
clmiidremi was driven away shun beggeml tue
driver to tahio theumi to O'Neill. lie Imrc-
served a stolid silence until lucy were ccv-
oral amiles front Parker , timemi lie stopped
abruptly aumd asked her if iue commith walk ,
She said sue tlmouigimt shin could , but timat
imer mtiecc was too veak to make time attempt ,
Time oumiy relily mime received was a gruiff order
to get out , mm'imicit was obeyed , 'flue carriage -
riage 'as driven off antI Mrs. Scott an.
misted her wounded niece until they reached
time ( aria imoumso of I"rnnlc hlarteii nearly a
mile away. hiarteil at once hitched up nail
brougimt timcmmi to thmimm city , which they reacimemi
jumst before umuidnighmt last niglmt.
1mm spite of time hour at wimicim Mrs. Scott
arriveml lucre , tlmo news of time supposed
tragedy broughmt time sienping city to life let a
mtiommiexmt , Before 1 o'clock Simorhff hlauuiitouu
miami aim mum'imued posse of fifty rmteit imad started
emi time trail of the iynciuers. Noume of timemn
expected to bo In timmue to save time ox-teens.
tih'er ( coin his lmnpentllng fate , limit ( lucy romie
rapidly in imopo timot thmey cotmid overimmitmi
hmis mnurmlerers 1)0(0cc they imad tinto to die.
perse. Time aimerbfl amid imls posse hmail scarcely
disappeared wimeim John Schmidt , tIme driver ,
caine iii Oii foot , mmeariy worn out.
Ito brought time first muemvs of Scott after lie
was separated trout his family , lie said that
time wagon in whmichm Ime aitti Scott were taken
mmmvay was drivout very miloviy , amid at Inter-
vale it litoitlied whmibe timeir captors whistled
as it aignmuhuiumg to some of their confederates ,
lie s'as unable to mhistimmgulshm smhmat timia
itmemumut , as ime was commupietehy huhimm'loh'leti ( , lie
mmuonaged to rub time bandage against time side
of thin wmmgomu no that imo commld see a little Out
of one eye , As mmeariy as lie could calculate
they sverc golmig in a direclioum exactly uimpo.
site to tfiat pursued by Mrs. Scott's driver ,
Time narty lr000edheti , with freqmmeiut immiltinga
amid coasultmitloums , tmmithi about 6 o'clock , when
timy , reached amu aid stubie wimero timey all
aligimteil , 'rumeo time ruffians turned Sciumnit
loose , and , poimutimig to time road , toid hint to
umiake huimnself scarce , lie required no second
bidding and huurrieui off in time dlrectton hum ,
dicated , until lie caine to time house of I'tmt
Gaghumo , whmere ime imad eumpper , timid then
started eu to thmimi city. lie found it
teeum.mnlle walk amid ivan aimmiost death wimen
he arrived , his took a sbomt re5t and thieuu
started back mmithu nitotimer posse , with this
intention of ieadumug I hmemmu to tIme stable whom
lie haul left Scott ium the clutches of thin baumd ,
At a late lmoimr toumighut this was all that was
hcmiomm'mu of Barrett Scott utah his fmite.
iepmmty Slueriff O'Neill amid several of time
01 hers returned froumu time Imuumit at S o'clock
toiuigimt , Noime of timemmi commld mmdil to what
\ nircmmly limiown , They lund followed limo
wagon tracks for several mmtiics , btmt it
scomumed timat time whole cOdiuutr ) ' ivan 1mm leagume
with time iynchmers , At thin scatteretl dwellings -
ings ahouug the tra'.h all immformuiatiomt was '
\vitimhmeld , Time inmnatcs were stuuihioumsiy 1g.
noramut. of tilt ! passage of time ltarty amid cx-
luentled all thmeir emmergies in tr'ing to throw
time pursumers off tIme scent. At last accomimmts
time sheriff amid imis
baud of determumimmeti maca
were still foilowimig time wagomi .tracks and ' .
Imoped to overtahce thmeir macui. It in possible
that time greater tragedy is yet to occur.
Time iyumchmers arc armued to time teethu and
are kmmowmt to be a desperate band , Time
sheriff's nina nro aruuied witim Sprimmgflehd
rifles , taken front time armory , anti mutant of
them know how to use timeuti , If timey
simouid overtake time hyncimers , wimilo
thmey are uumalded it
, ii feared a
bloody flgimt mviii follow , Meaawhmile all 11011 ,
county Is astir anti news from time posse is
be'ng looked for vithi time greatest amtxiety.
That the deed of yesterday m'as deliberatciy' . .
rilanaod there caut be uo dotmbt. Thumit it. has
beemt succc fuihy completed is universally be :
iievcd , Time 'urelarations made by time lynch-
crc Show ' that they- were well am'are timat
SCott would return to Niul mit a certain
date. They hind not neglected to provide
timcnmsoiyes m'itlm time closed iurriage with
which to remutove Mrs. Scott and time children
and time celerity withm wimichi time maneuver
was executed indicated thmat every ntovo lied
been careftuhly prearranged , No piace could
be better fitted for mm deed of violence than
time omme that was seiecled ( hr thin emicounter ,
Parker was fou'nteriy a itostomee , but was
bong ago abandoned , Time few people mvhmo
once Inhmubited it have disappeared , anui at
time pu'esemtt ttumto there is not a dwelling
withimu four mallen , Time mioii imouse in which
time rimffliamus ams'alted time travelers is a sort
of cellar , roofed with a heavy coverng of
earthu. One of time scoutlmmg party vhmo me-
turned tonighmt nays timat it could not imoid
over six mcmen comfortaliiy mummil that Clue floor
is scattered over withu emuipty sheila , Time
surrounding country Ic wild and broken nail
time deep gtmichmes lut time imituttetliate vicinIty
of time crimume would
afford coumceaimnemit for no
army. In taicimmg Mr. Scott away ( coin
O'Noiih they made certain thiat it wuQIul be
mtt least tmveive iiours before any . organiz.d
pursuit would be uittemrmpted , anti they tic-
pended oit time whimhimess of thin couumitry amid
the syinpatimy of t1i' , settlers for immmmnummlty
( coin capture and punshumnmunt ! ,
Mrs. Scott is prcstrateml mm'itii grief at her
home in this city , Tue terrible expcrthmuce of
the last twenty-four imours bias made her
years younger nail imer sorrow is too deep ( or
tears. As simo wits seen for a nmomeat' by
a lice reporter this evenimmg uiime was mm quiet
littie wonton , wimose every feature betokened
timat disposItion in which tIme love of Imome
mund ' hmusbammui reigns suimrexne , It was only
briefly that shun alluiled to her mnisfortune ,
"I am immure timat Barrett Is dead , " aims
said. "Timoso nten imath mnmmruber In timeir eye.
Timey imave taken him away nail kiiieul iiimn
amid I shall never , never see my imtmsban
agaimi , It all cnumto no sdmlilemmiy. Semite one
called on mis to stop aumd then they begamm to
shoot nail I saw thin blood ntrcamcming from
Barrett's ( ace , Oh it m'as terrille , terrible. " .4
ammd time little woman muimmmost sweouted away
as sue recaihed time fearful trial ,
Wimeum nime recovered imer voice mmimc said timat
aven time mann who brought imer home seemneti
anxious to delay her as long as possible in
order to prevent the authorities train overtaking -
taking imer imusbamid's murderers , It was two
immure alter she arrived at Iharicli's before
ho was reatly to start for O'Neill. At first
lie mefuseil to comute , ciaimmuing ( hint lue mliii not
wisim to leave lila wife alone. Flmmaliy lie was
moved by bier tearful entreaties and got one
of his neighmbor to stay with 1mm wIfe wimibu
lie brougimt Mrs. Scott to O'Neill ,
On time train that carriemi a Boo reporter
to O'Nelhi thus afternoon time tragedy was time
only topic of convermimmtiomm , Ammuomug' the van.
acuigors waum Judge Jackson of Nehiglu , wlmo
was retairmed by Itolt county to assist in time
prosecution of Scott , Ito said that tImers
could be umo doubt hint timid Scott imati been
um'urdemcd. lie imai imeard time Jimreat made
befQru lie was released , amid 'iten hue was
set at liberty lie hued imimmmmteht urged iieot ( aot to
return (0 ( O'Neill. "They will kill you it
you go back there , " ime hma told imlium , but
Scott said that imo wan not afrumid , and tIme
advice urns wmmmmletl ,
"Timlum is not time first deed of blood tlmmmt
imami boemi done in limo Niobmara valley , " added
tutu jtumbe , "Wiuen I was disltlct attorney ,
- . .