Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 29, 1894, Page 3, Image 4

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    * J < : :1Il : ' IIIIIIIJJJJ1 ! ! I , " " " " . - , , , , , - . : : . : . . . ; : : : : . : I- . . . , , r' ' . " ; . , - . " , , , : : ; ' . ; . : " . , - , . , , : ' ' " , . . " . " , . ' " , " ' 'r'7 - . " 'I" ' I' ' " . - - - - . . - . "f . . . , - - -
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TIlE O [ .lI DAILY nEE : SA'ItUIIIAY . , DEOEM13ER 29 , 1Sf ) , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ _ _ a
' . 'TnE OMAHA DAILY lEg ,
, .
Delveed by tArrier to any part of the cl7 ,
II. W. TILTON , Lesco.
TEIrrnONISluslntl omee No. 4 : night
. < lor , No. 23.
JI."OI , lIX7'1Oi. -
Granl hotel , Council lurs , reopened Oct. t.
Mayne neal state I agency , & 39 Droadway.
rue MlnlHterlnl assocloton meets on ton-
lay al 10:30 : a. m. In the stullo at the First
) 'rCbyl rIRn church
JUllgo Smith hell n court ycterday on
account cU the lerlouR illness oE his baby I
claughr with lung [ ever. I
A liceno Issued I ' to
marriage lcense was RUe1 } 'estellay
Slophen I ) . l.ulow , , ngel 22 , nnl Agnes Mc-
Grall ( , aged 1G , both ot Omaha
A meeting of the limit City Typographical
union will be heM Sunday ofernoon , II
which the nnnual electon of ofcer wi
take place
I I ell that 3. J. Stelulman will se\'er
all connection with the Nonpareil after JAnu.
ury 1 , havIng ( lSp09rll ; or what little slccl
ho had : In the frst ploce.
' The 11u9trlal school wil meet In the
new headquarters , over the Slate SavlnRs
hank , this nCernoon at 2:30. : The Ilresents
lnt by Mis Caroline I. ollge from New
York elt } wi he (1itributet1.
Ofcer Well ot the polce force waR vlslll ]
Thursday night by some unholy rascal who
hail no just conception of the majesty ot
the law. Pour holeR or hay were steen : from
his barn , and the thief has nol yet sent In
his card.
11ev. E. W. Alien announces that a re-
cepton wl ho heM from i to It o'clock
Now Year's night at the Christian taher.
node. ( leutlemen will he received al the
Oentemen wi
' noce.
( tabernacle Ilurlng the afternoon from 2 to
G. All are invited.
John Lnngdoti. one ot the three bOys
charged wIth nipping some caps anl gloves
from the 10ston store , wns dIscharged In a
justce court yesterday. The other two ,
Hos and 1)'t ] , are about halt way through
n Jail sentence
Ross , Gregg and Elmer Sayers , familiar
to polce court habllues In this city , have
just been IndIcted by the Mills county grAnd
jury. They hail , been carrying ou a syste-
4 mnte rohbery ot farms In flint vicinity , hut
were finally nabbe,1 aCer tealnl a wagon
load ] ot onIons front a farmer Iii St. Mary
Mary North commenced suIt for a divorce
yesterday ] against Nephl North , who 18 at
present In the Insane asylum at Clarinda.
In her petition she alleges that they have
been married for twenty years , for the last
fifteen ot which he hal heeu I habItual
drunkard , strikIng her with his fist reo
peately and abusing her In other ways
Thomas Keley and Frank I.lbbey entered
I 'lea ot guilty to the chnrgE of stealing
some clothing from l3ouo's store , 01\1 their
case was contInued for sentence until this
morning , II order that they Ilght testify In
the case of their ( eOlpallon , Mike Kennan
The latter claims he did not visit the store ,
and consequently has entered a plea ot not
Nell Holland , , a maiden of somber-hued
reputation , precipitated a row Oi the "row"
yesterday , shortly after beIng released from
a term In the city jail. She pall a visit to
one Myrtle Shepard , whom she blamed for
her arrest , and proceeded to foreclose a
mortgage upon her scalp. Soon several other
Youn ladles joined In. and Plerco street was
a mss of flying back . hair all other thIngs
Miss : Holland Is now to be found al the city
. marshal's oflice.
.i , marshaIl ofce.
The transcript ot nine indictments against
William Dckerson for crookedness In con-
necton wIth the failure ot the Cass County
bank has been receh'ed at the office of the
county clerk ot this counly. After two ot
the bank wreckers had been sentenced lethe
the penitentIary Dckerson obtained a change
of venue on the ground that the People ot
Atlantic were prejudiced against him to such
an extent that he would not receIve 1 fair
; trial. The case will probably he tried at
the term or the district court which opens
. t
January 8. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Wo have $400,000 to loan upon Improved
farms In Iowa and will take all the gilt-
edged loans offered at low rates. 'Ve lo
not want wild lands and wi not loan In Ne
brala. Louge & Towle , 23 : Pearl street.
The laundries use Domestic soap.
Try Eagle laundry , 721 roadway , for , good
work Our 'medium gloBs finIsh can t be ,
beat , blt we do strictly hand work , domestic
nlsh. when preterrelt. Telephone 151.
e , Domestic soap breaks hard water.
, : I'ICIf.S4L i..rtn.z GU.l I'1IS.
olilo Knox Is In KansaB.
E. H. MerrIam Is In Chicago.
O. C. Gaston ot Tabor was In the city
last \'enlng.
City Engineer S. L. Etnyre IB vIsitIng rela.
tives In Oregon , Ill.
tves I.
Mrs. C. I Pinney Is to bo out ot the city
for the next two weeks.
Miss Winnie McIntyre Is visiting for ten
days at Falls City , Neb
P. Mllonberger and family let for their
new home In Sal Lake City.
John Atwood ot Sioux Falls , S. D. , Is In
the city , visiting his relatives .
- , , . . ; . ' It. E. Wiatt 1105 l returned fro I a short
. . visit with friends In LIncoln , Neb.
Dr. S. D. Daily or Red Oak. Ia. . IR In the
city , the guest or his son.ln-Iaw , J. M. Lng-
Mrs. 1. ' NIles ot Sioux City Is spending
the holidays with her sister , Mrs. Taylor
Miss Patricia Darrnugh has returned home
from St. Joseph , Mo. , to spend her holiday
\v. P. Wlglman and wlto leave tomorrow
evening ' for Florida , where they wIll spend
the next three 10nthB ,
Miss Josephine Scahi Is spending the hol.
Idays with her sister , Margaret , al Mt
Scholastica's academy , Atchison , Kns.
Charles A. I.oucks , one or the night clerks
It the Mlwauleee , Is laid Il ) wih weal eyes .
It Is feared , that he may lese his sIght.
Mrs. Thomas Austin ot Crete , Neb , Is In
the city for a visit with her Parents , Mr.
Ilt Mrs. \ VV , Wallace on Bluff street
Dr. F. 'r , Seybert has gone on In eastern
trIp lIe wi take \'asliimmgton , New
York , Dos ton amid Ihlolelhlu , on his war ,
nev. A. S. Luring left last evening for
Evanston , lii. , to resume his studies In
Dorrtt Theological seminary , connected with
the Northwester ulh'erBly.
Miss Mauti hlazen went to A\'oCa Thur day
I'enlng to take hart I.n an elocutionary way
In an eltertlinment given hy the Epworth
leahre , for the hcnll of three young lalles
. who are about to engage In missionary work
In Iodla amid China
l'resllenl Coveland anti Secretary t.amonl
Ir both fond at doughnuts. They leo them
best when cooked whim 1)r. PrIco' Cream
flaking I'owder.
Termlu Cuml"ucloll. . .
The city clerk has received an ofclal cent-
munlcton from the Omaha Bridge amid 'fer-
. ; Dllnal company notifying hll ot tIme Iccel.t- .
Inee of the ordinance recenty paucd hy
the city counci grantng a rIght or way for
I track on Union ' .
avenue Yesterday Fred
5. Harris , superlntenden't of the Terminal
eOIlpany ) , was In the city looking up the
'Wllers ot the property abuttng on Union
venue preparatory to getting their permls-
lion to lay the tracks. As loon lS this tor-
Dalty has len complied with the work at
Irldlng will betaken up.
Dourlclus' music house bus few expenses :
. high grade planes are sold reasonably UG
' Btutlman street.
DavIs sells drugs , paint and glass cheap
. 'Vliberwomen use Domestic soap ,
I.ef lor Cutler Hsspi'I. .
L.E. . DavIs , time North Omaha man who
Was talen Inlano aL the Nortbweatlr depot
Thursday a'ttermioon , heft yesterday morning
for Cedar allldl , IQ cmllan ) ' with his wlo ,
110 bad started for that. clt .
le Itarted that-city time day before
to \ 'lsit reltive . but became , leUentell when
he got as tar aisttmo Nortimrcatern
al flr al Norlhwcater depot .
' ' 2 QrelN1 mdle- cures - ' eli leilney lieu-
7' \ . Trial ! , size ; 25 cents. Al dru&15tl.
, . -
Bartender Maloney Pnrc1scs a Little More
Experience in Human Nature ,
( n.o Ills liidoremnent to the ChtcK of R
IAI " Ito Iliml loncy , In the lank
At (1"ucoo unit Now i
InOT Heler ,
William Maloney , bartemrr ] at the Grand
hotel , Is out just $26 ns the result of letting
his good nature gel the better of his Jllg-
mnent. The lay before [ Christmas Allison
I.'oote , a armerlsh looking fellow [ hal I I ;
from [ leneoe , la. , cnlecl on him mll an-
flounced , that he was In a peck ot trouble.
lie had conic to town Inlendlug to buy Christ-
las h'rcents for hut tam I ) ' , but when he
got hero he fell amomig thieves and ountl
hhnsel btrapped. lie hind plenty ot mooney
In the Ilencoo hank , but the storekeepers
didn't know him nn,1 , wouldn't honor his
check , Unless Mllone } ' would 10 the right
thing by hln ho woull hl\o to go home ,
without tO , red calico dross for Sally Ann !
anll the candy cane for time baby , Maloney :
stepped to tIme [ front although he hall only
seel Pooto a few times , ant rescued the
feelings of Sally Ann and thin baby by writ-
log a note to John Deno & Co. , In which he
said :
"The beArer wants 10 buy I huh of goods
from you. 1 know him , anll his check 19 all
right. Wt.IIA:1 MALONEY . "
Yesterday ho received I package through
the mail cOltalnlng the check for 2G , slgnell
by Alison Foote . and n neatly worded no-
tce of protest , The check had been lrnsent-
ell al the Bank ot Dencoo for Pl'ment ,
which was reusell [ for lack of fimmids.
Time popularity of Chamberlain's Cough
Iemedy and the high esteem In which It Is
held leads us to believe I to be an artele of
great worth and mcrlt. We have the pleas-
ore ot Ilvlng the experience of three proml.
nent cItizens ot Hedondo Beach , Cal. . In the
use of the remedy Mr. A. V. Trudel says :
"I hn\o always received prompt ) relief when
I use Chamberlain's Cough Hcmed ) . . . Mr.
James Orchn-d says : "I am Bathfed that
Chambcrlaln's Cough nemed cured my
cold " Mr. J. M. Hotcher Bays : "For three
years I have used Chamberlain's Cough Hem-
edy In my family and its results have always
been satisfactory.
Some : very low prices made on seasonable
merchandlsc to close out odd lines.
Council Bluffs , Ta
lOc quality all silk ribbons to close 3c a
} 'arl.
15c 10 2Gc silk ribbons , now De a yard .
2c silk elastic web , to close , 12c a yard.
GentB' heavy wool underwear , worth The
to 88e each , reduced to GOc each.
Our GOc line ot gcntB' underwear , reduced
to 3Dc each.
OIIIB and ends In ladles' fne wool nnder-
wear , worth from $1.00 to $1.iO each , to close ,
G10 ench.
Children's all wool red and camel's hair
underwear reduced to 2Gc each . all sIzes.
An odd line ot ladles' and misses' jerseys ,
worth trom lOc to The each . to close , 5c
Infants' wool hose , 1ic qualy , reduced
to Gc each.
yard. $2.&O quality heavy cloaking , now $1.50 a
The qualIty EnglIsh ladleB' cloth , fannelB
and heavy twis , reduced to 39c a yard.
A big lot of remnants or line dress goods
on sale lt exactly halt price.
3le dress patterns , worth from U.OO to
$1. .fjo each , on Bale at $2.98.
Our entire stock ot cloaks and capes at
greatly reduced prices.
Council , Duls , 10.
Store closes at 6 o'cloek.
Shorldlt Coal
This new coal from Wyoming for sale
only by II. A. Cox , 31 Main street. Telephone
48. Ask for clreularB.
Gas cooking stoves for rent and for sale at
Gas Cos office.
, ofce.Trhnblo
Trhnblo No noUer.
J. J. Stewart received I letter yesterday
from Judge H. n. Trlnblo at Keokuk with
reterence to Frank Trimblo whose unhappy
tate II well known to readers or The Dee.
lIe says that since being token to the hos-
pital for the Insane at Mount I'leasant ho
has been more quiet , but there Ie little In
his present condition thal Is encouraging. He
Is suffering , the doctor encouragng. progressive -
gesslvo organic brain trouble , and If this Is
RO , his thou IS undoubtedly short. The only
hope which , his friends nol Indulge ts that
the physician lay have mode I mIstake In
dlagnoBlng the case. This news will be unwelcome -
welcome to the many friends of time untor-
lunato young mln In Council Bluffs. I had
been supposed all along that he was sufferIng
mainly ' ( romim nervous prostration , which , after
a period ot rest , would leave him In good
health but Il now looks as though there IB
but Ito hope for his recovery
Governor McKinley has strong expectations
or "rising. " There II I never a doubt ot "mis-
Ing" reKuls , where Dr. Price's Baking Powder -
der Is tried _ _ _ _ _ _ _
. \ IReur 'Ihioatrlcmmls.
"Illume all Gray" was the title of a play
that was Ilrebented al Dohan"B opera house
last evening , under the auspices at time High
school cadels. A good sIzed audience greeted
the iiroduction. Some ot the player showed
a good deal ot drumate 11 < 1. Like al ama.
teur IlertorllnceB , the clement of comedy
was nol waltng , even I no great amounl
or It was intentionally put there hy time
autimor . In the last act a number of specialties -
ties were introduced , which took wel wih
the audience. DurIng aim Intermission a
great battle scene was put before time audl-
once , In which the blue anti the gray ummi-
mercltuly PePpered one another with leaden
hol , and Ilhough sOle or the orchestra
cattle dangerously near helng sutocated , no
fatalities were reported from behlll the
scnel. TIme enterlulnmunt was given for
the Ilrpose ot raising funda with which 10
i'quip the cOllets Time latter ha\'o gone tea
l great deal of trouble In mnklnl Ilelara ,
tons , and the opera house should be wel
fled nt the perfolllnces this afernoon
amid evemmitig. - _ _ _ _ _
Mr. J. K. Fowler , seciiy and treasurer
ot time Corinne Mi , Canal and tock comim-
pany ot Corimimue Utah In speaking ot Cham-
beriaimm's Cough Hemcd , says : " 1 consider It
the best In the market I have used mlny
kinds , but fll Chianubrlain'a : most pompt
and effectual In giving relief , and now keep
no other In my home " When troubled with
a cold or cough give this remedy a trial , anti
\ & asumre you that you wi bc more thln
IlleQsed wih the result
20 per eml discount on all trImmed hats
lt Mrs. htagsdale's .
DOlesllo ) soap outlasts cheap oap.
SI limit 18 Jteei's " ' 01,1.
Freeman Reed , time nOl Iy elected clerk of
time district court , refuses to enlghten time
publIc wih recrcn ( ( to who Is to bo his
dIIII' In this city . lie ralls that "we. "
referring 10 the republcll leaders , have not
yet decided just who Is to have time Illace.
There are a dozen or lure II'plcantl for
the job In thu ahsenco of I fnal decision , J ,
M. Irenlon , the present deputy clerIc , I to'
remaIn for a monlh Cl 80. I. ) . Ii. Hoblnson
ot Oaillanll , formerly wih the abstract thrum
ot IClmbnl & Chllil In this city , Is to ho frl
east nd delluty. _ _
Ground oil cake $1.30 hhd. at Morgan &
Cos , drug store , 13' Iroad\IY.
.lti. % V. , S. $ flhhm'era.
Time following are time newly elected uno
el's ot lazd camp , Modern Woodlen ot
Amerlcl : "cnerablo consul , J. J. Stewart :
worthy adviser , Gordon Oro8elor : banker ,
O. I Nleholol ; clerk , S. I' , Snyder ; escort ,
Charles Plnckne ; watchlan , George \
Miller : secretary , Robert Oleson : chief for-
ester. Louis Oreen ; ( IIP I.h'slcans . , Irs J.
I . melnr Hutchinson. und M , 11. SnYder ; lanager , . \ .
- - -
blln' vlder , , l'I"lomll"1 Conmiitimnj .
( : AlSON , Nev" , lec. 28.-Two inches at
anew tel ) 'eter'1ay. when the thermometer
registered It 1 ; degrees above zero , and
wIth a barometrIc pre"le ot 35. inches . ,
, - , i. , , ; - - - " . . ' . -h. .
United States Signal Service Officer Carpenter -
ter pronounced snow I Ilhcnomcnon under
these atmospheric condiions.
Sol Smih Russell , during his short stay
lt the Lloyd theater next Monday , Tuesday
and Wedneslloy1 bo seen In several or
his succeeses--"The Heir Law " "A
suc - Ielr al , Poor
Relation" and , "Peaceful Vale ) . " his sup-
porting company Includes the well known
names of Misses HarrIet Ford , Kate Ryan ,
Kate Danlee , Iesr ! . Charles Iaekoy , Alfred -
fred Hudson , Charles A. Smiley , Stewart
I Allen and hugh Ihurting. On Thursdny evenIng -
Ing Mr. Russell will make his frst appear-
once here os Dr. langloss In the classic old
comedy "The heir at 1.8W. " I has long
been his ambition to Play , the part of Dr.
Pangloss , which Is one ot Joseph Jefferson's
successes , and bimmg encouraged by the senior
comedian he tried ] Il and has made In em- .
phatc Ilccess ot It this season , The bill
for Tuesday evening wil be his great play ,
"Peaceful Vale ) " For time closing performance -
ormanco "A Poor Itelatiomi" will be put on
There Is nothing on the American stage
superior to Sol Smith Itusachi's impersonation
of the Impecunious Inventor , Noah \'nhe. I
rl1ks with the host tlorts ot the best
aetors-wlh Hootim's "Ilamniet" or : Ir. Je-
ferson's "Rip \'an Winkle , " The sale ot
seats for Mr. Rumseehl's entire engagemenl
opened yesterday , amid the demand was very
One ot time most marvelous men ot time
day wi be seel al Lloyd's theater on Thurs-
day and Friday evenings next alul Saturday
mAtnee when the S : dow Tocadero Vnulle-
vl s begin an engmigemnemit No man of our
times hos excited so much Interest or been :
more writen and talked about than Sonllow ,
time extraordinary athlete The public which
has thronged the theaters where ho has 0\-
Peered has wondered lt 'hls marvelous teats
ot strength , unit eminent scientsts who
hov examlntd him have expressed wonder
al his marvelous physIcal development. Mis-
des were found 01 his body that have never
before been discovered on any other human
helng. The muscles of his ) stomach have
the appearance of a corrugated washhoart ,
amid quIte as interesting anti nstonlshlnJ as
lila teats or strength Is the exhIbiton which
he gives ot the marvelous control which he
has over his muscles. The organization Includes -
eludes "The Lucfers , " grotesques from time
principal music hals ot London : "Tom
Urowne , " the eminent touble.noto whistler ;
"Billy Van , " comedian : "Mile. Mor-
guerle , " the beautiful and muc-
com\lshel ] equlbrlst , her first appearance
In AmerIca : " lss Scotte , " the clever cal-
culalor amid card-playing cole dog , exhibit-
log the highest animal Inteligence ever at-
tnlned ; "Ben Dunham" ( ate MarIe & Dun-
ham ) , the premier bar performer ot the
world : "Amann , " Europe's greatest facial
mimic ; " 'he Marvelous Jordan Family , " as-
tonlshlnJ aerial acrobats In Indescribable
feats , and the peerless Snldow' In his re-
markable nets or strength , which have fO
astonished tile world.
There Is prhaps no other comedian alive
today that our theater.lolng public would
rather have engaged for a holiday attraction
than the quaint and homely Sol Smith Rus-
sell , and the announcement that ho Is comIng -
log to the Boyd the former part of next
week will bring joy to the hearts or I great
many people , both old and 'oung. On Monday -
day evening Mr. Russell will commence his
engagement at the Boyd In a character that
Is somewhal new to him , and In which he
was never seen In Omaima-Dr. PangloBs , In
Coleman's old English comedy , "Tbe Heir
nl Law , " This will be the novelty or the en-
gagenient. At the New Year's matinee time
great comedian appears In the cbaracter ot
Noah Vale In Kldder'B play , "A Poor He
laton , " This Is the play the young people
hike beBt or all In Russell's repertoIre . New
Yeor's night "Peaceful Valley" will 0 the
I , Mr. Russell assuming the chdracter ot
Hosea Howe , the honest NeW England coun-
try lOLl The engagement wt close Wednesday -
day evening with a repetition or "A Poor
Relaton . " This morning at 9 o'clock the
sale or seats will open for the entIre en-
gagment of Mr. Russell , and purchasers
will have to get In line early Ie they expect
to , get desirable seats.
Sandow , one or the mosl talked-of men or
modern times , will make his first appearance
next week In Omaha at the Boyd. His engagement -
gagemenl opens Thursday night and closes
wIth the Saturday matinee , when he will
appear with a famous organization known
as the Sandow Tocadero Vaudevihies. San-
dow has thus far appeared In less than hal
a dozen cites or America , and yet his mar-
velous teats of strength have excited such
extraordinary comment and notice thal his
name has become a veritable household
word , lS It also Is In Eumrope. A more mag-
nlfcenl specimen or physical manhood never
lived. Eminent scientists have declare him
to be "The Physically Perfect Man "
Physicly , 0 I
On Thursday afternoon next , II the Millard -
lard hotel Eugn Sandow , the modern 11cr-
Ciles , wi give a private exhibition at his
wonderful physical development before a se
lec number or medical' men and journalists.
The affair Is limited to twenty , and promises
or an interesting lecture . are also made.
High tariff , low tariff , or no tart at all :
which do you prefer ? Dr. Prlee's flaking
Powder works perfectly . under nil.
J'JIJl SOUl'll OJ1.Ul .
Since the publication of the letter from
Mrs. O'Drlen , from South Omaha , people
have been trying to locate the missing
womon. Ier husband : thInks thaL she has
gone to Oelwood , 10. , where she has friends
and relatIves , but the Ileople ot South Omnha
are equally certain that she IB In Sarpy
county near this cty. : -
Mayor Johnston ordered Chlet ot Police
Brennan Friday night to close 11 the poker
gamblng rooms In South Omaha. Time chief
complied wIth the orders and time keepers
or sixteen poker rooms were loitering on the
streets yesterday without visible means ot
A large box ot clothing and supples : has
ben recelvell trom Kansas City for the needy
In South Omaho. Some ot the Magic City
citizens are inclined to regard the offering In
time nature ot an insult , aB the city on the
Kaw Is jealous ot the Intante municipality
on the Mls30url. However , time gods have
been distributed Imong the deserving poor
Irrank J. Broadwel has returned from a
trip to I.ouI'le. .
Mra . Jennlp Martin ot Thirty-second and
H streets wishes It understood that sue Is
nol the party arrested for shopltng al the ; .
floston store ,
A picnic Is not complete without SOle
Cook's Extra Dry Im\erlll Champagne. /
lunch wih It IB fit for . the gods.
Slugged mind Robbed ii ItlUOU Aleut.
10ARI CITY , 1leh. , Dec. 28.-At
Vestaburg , on the Detroit , I.Rnshlg & North-
er lost evening aB the agent , Gil-
luly , emergcd [ rom the depot wih some ex-
Ilress money just before a pasBenger train
arrived , he was struck on the head with I
club by some unknown Person . The assailant
securel his watch and $00 and left him
under the Illatorm supposedly dead Gluly
IB alive , but unconBclouB tOday.
\'UI me Iii'scemmdsit of htimiumu . .
PLAINFIELD , N , Y. , Dec. 28-Eml
erckman , the only known descendant ot
Hubens , the painter , died here last night ,
aged CO. Ills family owned at one tme
much ot the tOn ot Plainileld. Derekmln
was born In DruBelB and came 10 this
country In 1852.
IIUding Win Io Torn iiowmm .
ATLANTA , ( ha. , Dec. 28.-As a result ot
the fire whleh guted the old state capitol
the entire building , one of time largest In the
city , IB to be torn down The Eruclure his
been condemned by the city Inspector A
magnificent , office building wi be erected on
the pct _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _
liletroioitmmimi Inl"t lOold .
NE\\ ' YORK , Dec. 28.-The heirs ot the
late A. T. Stewart have sold the Metro-
polian hotel and the ground on which It
stands for $1,600,000. The heirs are abroad
and little information about the Bale can bo
obtained frum counsel for the estate.
Fib ' tI lulhllJ l\arled Nt Uul.tu ,
BUFFALO , N. Y. , Dee. 28.-I lve three-
story bullnjs , on Broadway and I Jmore
Ivenue w"re burned to time sround. They
were occupied by ten firms whose losses
aggrfJte 1130,000.
. . .
- - - ' - " - ,
- , .
-,1.1 '
Iowa Stnte TeaoioIsAssoiiton Spends
Some Time Taking in NowlSections ,
I' " "
- .1
Is " 111leaton for At"h"lo Put ( hIT R
Yenr-Nel1 of lcllAlntor "Ul " cuAsel
At 5010 l.ellth-OnClrl ChoseR
for them Sensoh , . : '
_ , 'I ,
DES MOINES , Dec. 2S-Jpecial Teic-
gram.-The ) State Teachers association heM
its last meetings today and most of time
members hove returned home. Al the morn-
lug meeting n motion was Idoptell molting
musIc I section ot the next nnnuni meeting
and school muslo 10 hove I part In the lIra-
grain A rsoluton was adopted that no
paper should be rend al time next meeting
unless two copies were [ urlshel ] ,
A resolution to have a commitee classify
nlll investigate the high schools of the state
bronghl out much healed discussion anti
was fnaly laid on the table
A resolution was passed making the school
directors a section ot the association amid
authorizIng the llblc1ton or its proceel1lgs
In the official proceedings of the association
this 'car.
A rcsolulon was then presented ] from the
Iowa Library association , asking to bo made
a departmenl or time State Teachers association -
ton , and Colonel Gatch and State Snperln-
teMent Sabin supported I , hut Il was laid
over until next year , though Ibrarlons may
beeomo members of time teacher association.
II assoclnton.
Time next report ot the cOlmltee emi lells-
laton was then read hy Chairman n. C.
Dorretl of Osage. TIme committee reported
that some good legislaton was secured last
winter trom time legislature , though nol so
much lS coull have been wished. A recom-
mendaton was made that the cOlmlteo
bo possible continued , to secure such legislation lS
State Superintendent Sabin then addressed
the assocloton on "Tho Work of the Year. "
rendering nn account of his stewardship. He
urged that n petition signed by the 25,000
teaehers ot the state should bo presented to
the next legislature , demandIng further
means for providing trllneJ teachers.
Senator Harsh of Creston spoke for halt
nn hour on "Needed School LegIslation , "
being opposed In I larle measure to the
views expressed by the teachers. lie thought
there were too many "dead letter" laws now
on the statute books.
H. O. Weaver or Oltumwa spolo on the
seine BubJect.
Editor Henry Wallace ot the Iowa Homestead -
stead read a paper on "How Rural Schools
Might Do Improved. "
The executive committee ot time North-
western Iowa Teachers association mel and
made up I program , whIch will be Issued
In February , for the meetng to ho held
al Sioux City , April 18 , 1D and 20 , 18D5. The
Southwestern assocIatIon held a meeting and
mnde up a program for the meeting al Fair-
field February 14 , 15 and 1G next
At the session this afternoon the following
officers were elected for the ensuing year :
President , R. C. Barrett , .sage : vice presidents -
dents , Ira S. Condit , Red Ok'Anna : G. Mc-
Govern , Cedar Falls , and D. ' C. CarBtenB ,
Ames : secretary . Vt" F. Camer , Iowa City :
treasurer , D. W. Samson Gerar Falls : new
member executive committee. , II. G. Lamson ,
Atlantic ; educational coincil Dr. W. F :
King , Mount Vernon , anq , Wfiliamn ( Brooks ,
Tlbor , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ '
Crl ' ton IlereIII''S ' , Iled.
CRESTON , Ta. , Dec. 2S.-Specia1 ( Tee-
gram.-Franl Shearer , whq' has been con-
ducting a restaurant here/Cor / a few months ,
has swindled Cresto merchants out or a
sum approximating $1,00. Shearer represented -
sented that he owned therestaurant , , fixtures -
tures , etc. , and secured goods on this as-
sortion. - His debts IncrQaset" , rapidly and
creditor pressed him ard _ were about to
take pssesslol presse the establishment . when
Shearer's mother stepped In anti claimed
she was the owner and thtt.1"nk was employed -
ployed to conduct the busln , Mrs. Shear
er gave a bill of sale to D. SrBel , I son-In-
law now In the county jail awaiting trial for
murder and young Shearer fled. A warrant
Is now In the hands of officers for Shearer's
arrest , charging him with obtaining goods
under raIse vretele ,
Iefuso to Compromise.
SIOUX CITY , Dec. 28.-Speclai ( Telegram )
-PreRldent James F. Toy of the Farmers
Loan ad Trust company , which holds about
$201,0 or the county warrants against pay-
mont o ( which there II nn injunction , has
proposed I comprmls He IB willing to
take 4 ½ per cent bonds for the amount of
the warlnts he holds , less $10,0 01 he will
take 4 per cent bonds for the same amount
lia the warrants. As the citizens committee
belIeves It can save the county a large
sum by carrying out the litigation , It Is
likely the proposition will be rejected.
FBrmersSIulttl Ilt flobtied
CEDAR RAPIDS , In" , Dec. 2&-Speciuh (
Telegram.-S. ) H. Giian , I farmer living
near Srlngvle. while In an intoxicated
condition set by ot toughs
cnditon was upon a gang
In I First street SlloOI last night , severely
pounded anti robbed or U75. He was unable
to give a good description or his assailants ,
but the police think Wey have a clew , anti
expect to soon have the fellows under ar-
rest. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Iowa Farmer 1sterluully UIAap"PRrR
CRESTON , Ia. . Dec. 28.-Speclal ( Tele-
gmm.-J. ) S. 1endal I prominent farmer
residing south or .Hon , Is mlRslng. He
went to AHon on businebs , left his team tn I
livery stable , and that was the last seen or ,
him. _ _ _ _ _ _ I
Itt4 or butt N . \ , . '
Eighty conversions have reaulcd from the I
MethodIst revival now In progress at Denl-
Bon.Tho Third District Editorial nssoclnton
will hell Its winter meeting lt Hampton
January U and 25.
Dy a fall ot slate In the PIoneer mine nt
Thorhurg , James Ferguson , a young miner ,
vaB instantly killed.
A reward of $ i50 has been offered for the
discovery or the missing ex-Congressman
Butler , or for the recovefy ot his body.
An exploding gasoline stove set fire to the
clothes ot Mrs. James Toohey or Duncombe
anti she ran Into the street Before the !
flames could be extnguished she was prob. I
ably fatally hurned ,
A Pleasnntvle bonk clerk , named ' \'rlghl ,
threatener lo kill his Bweethearl because
she had jilted him as the result ot his dissolute -
solute habits. When he drew a revolver
the young lady screamed for help. and her
father and brother disarmed Wrlgbt. The
WOUii.le ( murderer has I.f time city , and
Is suppose,1 , to be In Missouri
Dnrtey Giday , hlB wife and chilI ot Fort
Dodge were badly burned a the result ot a
gasoline stove explosion. Olday caught tip
the baby and , hosing his imiesenco ot mind ,
jumped out of the wlnllo\ . fume child's head
struck the aaBh and I was badly hurt.
Gilday went back and furne his hands fearfully -
fully In extinguishing the flames .
Colonel Wilam T. Shaw bt Anamosa ,
familiarly known as "Swearing Bii ! , " has
just sent his old sword , wblCh he carried al
commander ot the old Fourteenth Iowa on
many bloody battlefielmis , tQ the State Historical -
torleal society for Imreseryallon. I will be
treasured as a rare old relic , , Colonel Shaw
Is getting along In age , , en ! now 72 years
old , and Is spending the winter with hi
family In California , Till jaw colonel has a
fighting record and Is \ , U , known all over
Iowa and the United State ! ,
Mrs. Nat Collins , time Iupntnna cattle queen ,
Is spending time holda lJonl at her childhood
home In Wyoming , la , Mrs. Collins was a
Jones county girl when she left Iowa for
the weat forty year ago , pt the age at 10.
She was captured by thelndlanl , spent some
years with them , and when alma was marrIEd -
ned a score ot years ago , knew all there
was to know about life on the imlans She
and her husband began married life whim 180
head of cattle , a 111 now _ they own big
ranches , ship their steers by the train load ,
anll ! r. Collins I generally reputed to be
time business end ot the combination .
Patrick Devsney of Jeleron has just been
sentenced to two ) years and six \lonths for
stealing hogs trom the Chicago & North-
western railway , The cisa Is a Peculiar
one. During a twenty minute halt ot a
stock train at Scranton , time do ur' of a car
was broken o\en and five hogs \ kicked out
The next day Devaney , whu Is a poor man ,
drove tour bogs to the fteck yards amid offered .
terell them to the dealer. The bu'er's sus
pcena : : were aroused , and when ho asked
Ue\'aoey where he got the hogs , ho could
. '
'd' - - . . _ _ _ _
give no ra enable repl ) ' . The railway
officials put I detective on the coo anti
when the trial the evkhenco
came on tht evllenco was
against De\'ane . J now trnnspltN that
this kind ot work ha been going on along
time ln for months but the company could
not locate the cumiprit.
A very romantic story Is related ot Arthur
Winner , who passed the earlier years of
his life 1l FairfIeld , 10 was marrIed In the
tate , Ienlentnry Dr IansR R few Iln's
ago. Winner wes sentenced to a life Imprisonment -
prisonment twenty.two years ago for arson ,
murder onl\ robber } ' . I 8J one of the
most famous lurder cases tried In lonMs.
Miss Charloto Moore was com'lettt ten
years ago ns accessory to thin mtmrder ot
Major Johnson ot Junction City , aqd her
case was ale famous al time timne . When
she arrived nl the penitentiary Winner [ (1
In love with her and she reciproc2tetl. Mor.
rlngo In their ! case ! eemr ] to be hopeless ,
but Winner was released , last May anll Miss
Moore was released In Jul' . Since then they
have corresponded amid the- agreed to have
time marrlago ceremony Ilerormell al the
Penitentiary , the scene ot their first love
antI all time troubles ot theIr lives. \\'in.
nor Is now I traveling slesman for the
shoes made In the p nlentar } ' . Seine
IlstngulshC ] visItors , who ) ln'CI n hart In
time release ot the couple , attended tim wel- ]
dimig. .
Alko In summer sunshlno anti ] wlnler
stornis Dr. Price's Bal ng Powdr Is n-
feelelnelther by wind < weather I keeps
In any climiiate .
NEIlfl.I.'I.i "lm' , .
( 'iiimrgptI with " 11,111 lur . " .
PI.A TSIOUTI Nob. , 1)ec 28.-Slleclal (
Telcgrmn.-Chnrles ) NO'es , the Louls\'lo
horse thlet who skipped to Nebraska City
with n team ot horses belonging to n Loimis-
villa lveryman anti was apprehend yesterday -
terday nl Pacific Juncton , la" , has been
brought to this city for prosecmmtioum . his
prelmlnory examinaton wns fIxed , to occur
today ) ' , but I contnuance was Rlowell the
prisoner unti January 14.
Sheriff EIenbary lies gone 10 11 City ,
S. D. . to winess the honking ot Two Sticks ,
the Irdlan. I wi be the shmeriff's duty on
Mardi I to put In enll to the life ot ! ur-
Ierer ] harry ll , all his trip to Dcad-
wood Is to pick UII Ilolnters perlalnlng to
the execumtion .
The cases against Tim
Whalen on the
charge or atcmptng to conlnll an assaul
on a 14-ycar-oltl girl In this city recenty
was compromlsell today between Whalen
ali the girls relatives The state flied an
nmellled complaint , ehnrglnJ Whnlen simply
wlh assault and battery , amid after 111eadlll slmpl'
gully Justco Archer fined him $100. It
was paId anti the defendant relcaseti
Whalen's crlmo was commlte while In a
fit ot drunleenness. whie
Jnluuon ) Cuunty 'a'nred.
TECUMSEIT , Dec 28.-Speelal.-Judge ( )
J. E. Dush or the distrIct court , rendered a
verdict favorIng the plaintiff In the case or
Johnson county against D. Ii. Dush , ot . al .
The count commissIoners were sulnJ ex-
Treasurer flush and lls ] bondsmen for $1,000
county money , whleh was ! lost In the bank
failure of Hussel & Holmes , 1 this county
three years ago , and never made good to the
ccunty. A melon for a new trial was fet
by the defense , which the JUdge has taken
under advisement.
The Tecumseh orchestra gave a ball at time
Iave bal
Seaver opera house emi Christmas e\enlng.
A relief headquarters has been estabhishmed
here and donatonB for the drouth sufferers
ot western Nebraska are caly pouring In.
Mr. and Mrs. W. n. Harris or Teumseh
rill spend the winter nt Monticello . Fla.
County Attorney HltcbcoOClt has tendered
his resignation ot the ofce to the county
commisioners , to take effect -ecember 31.
Mr. Hitchcock will , about that time , occupy
a seal In the slate senate.
Florpnco Brevitme , .
FLORENCE , Neb , Dee 28.-Special.- ( )
The Arctic Ice company has had a force or
men for several days putting Ice house and
chutes In shape preparing for Ice shipments. !
The Union Ice company t Omaha has purchased - I ,
chased the ice housl on the river formerly
belonging to Thomas Dros. and wl fill It
andshlplc to Omaha I
Time water works still has a force ot men
rlprapplng on the Iowa side ot time river
about a mile above thm& water works The
river was cutting so badly as to threaten to
throw the current away from time water
Iorlls plant but the work they have done ,
providing It IB not washed out , wIll hold It In
lB present curren t.
Vest I'olntVants R 8ular Faclory.
WEST PONT , Neb , Dee. 28.-Speclal.- ( )
A beet sugar factory for West Point Is ono
or the probabilities ot 18D5. Letters were
received today tram capitalists In Germany
authorizing preliminary atps to be taken ,
amount of probable acreage or beets to be
ascertained , and from the tone or the com-
mnnlcotons receive West Point citzenS are
led to believe that a sugar factory 15 almost
assured. 'fbe matter Is In the hands of I
working committee ot citizens , and every
effort Is being put forth to secure the prize.
Further developments are expected In a few
" 'I cox i' . O. V. W. Ulel"IA.
WILCOX , Neh , Dec. 28.-Special.-At ( ) a
meeting of Wilcox lodge , No. 210 , Ancient
Order United Workm n. last evening , the following -
10wlcJ officers were elected : Master work-
man , V. A. Marsteler : foreman , J. S. Funk ;
overseer W. H. LenBuro : recorder , F. A.
Googins ; financier , J. F. Timan : receiver , O.
Llpley : guide , C. W. Morrow ; Inside walch-
mln , S. H. Hook : outside watchman , J. E.
Glasgow : trustee , D C. Shelon ; physician ,
E. M. GeBsner : auditing commitee , F. A.
Googins , O. Llpley , D. C. Sheler : relief com-
mitee . . , V. . A. Marsteler , D. C. Shelter , W. Ii.
Iyrncuso 1 Hurmiemi .
SYRACUSE , Neb. , Dee. 28.-Speclol ( Tele-
gram.-DuU'B ) elevator , a two.story buiding
40x80 feet In size , was totally destroyed by
fro tonight. J contained 4,000 hushels ot
wheat , none of which was Boved. Totll loss
Is estimated at $8,000. The firemen had
great difficulty In preventing the fro from
spreading to other elevators near by.
Two I'relunt 1esiiit'icit itimrmmeI .
FREMONT , Dec 28.-Special ( Telegram )
-Two frame residences between time Union
Pacific and Elkhorn tracks were burned
tonight. The buildings belonged to Fred
\Vebs. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
AcJucJtt 1181nO
HASTINGS , Dec. 28.-Speelal ( Telegram. )
-Cimristimia Murray of Nemaha county , who
has ben under time ' care ot the sister al the
academy for several days , was today adjudged .
judged Insane and ordered tent to I.\ncoln. \
For throat diseases and coughs UBe Drown's
Dronchlat Troches , LIe all really good
things , they are hmimitated . Time genuine are
sold only In boxes
Lhangcs that Mny Be Made to Soften the
Situation in Armenia ,
I.tet News If time , \rllllnn QueAton train
COntRnthlOtllO - . \IRllllltl ( l'our
i'ronimmces-Furtiier Oulrlls Ho-
Ilortelt but : ot Clnlrlell ,
CONSTANTINOPLE ' , Dcc. : S.-t now seems
defnl l ) settled IhRl Unlell States ; lnl8'
tot Alexamlcr Tcrrel docs not Inter11 to senll
anybody to make In ImlcJcmelt ] Inquiry Into
Limo storIes told of the Turkish atrocities In
Armenia The motive of this Ilecl lon , Il Is
bel\'ell , , Is llrobably that luch nn hllulr ) Is ,
not necessary II view of the oct hint the : '
Jowers slrnotor ) ' to the \erln treaty , m.ur-
Iculnrl ) In England , are snpervlslnr thl' in-
qulry which Is being mOllo on behal of time
Turkish govcrummiicmmt.
, \ time last session : ot ministers there wns
1 long Ilscussion of time many projects SUR'
gested for retorm In Armenia , nnll I Is reported -
ported hat t time folowing suggestons have
been adoJlet In i prlnehlle :
The Ilro\'lnccs ot greroum ; Van nlls amid
Ioosh are to be mantle A Bingle Jrovlnce. 'fhe
go\rnOr arc to be nomlnoted by the mull-
tln for live year The first governor It to
be n Iussulman , ami his stmccesu'ors mute tube
bo Christans , but not Armenians. The memm.
Ilarmes or miiary Ilolce Is to he I local
body under commalll ot a general Ilvlslol
to bo nomlnate,1 by the sulln , 'I'he taxes
colected withIn the new province are to he
expellell within Its bouliarle8 , the public
debt and tobacco reghuo arc to bo clected h ) '
the president or time judges ] : to be nominaicil
under time Jresent s'slem. Finally 1 two gO\
ernment Ilellartments ama to he crealcll ,
mmammueh ) ' , a cleJartmenl ot Ilblo worls ald a
Ilepartlent or puhle Instructon ,
lint whlo the work of reform Is being or-
gnnlzed In Censtamitimmophe , news has rlIehCII
hero of Illtonal dlsturbanes In the Ilrov-
Inces of SIvn9 , where a number or ArmenlanB
are reported to hove been killed , whie mln ) '
others are saul 10 have been Ee\'erly nvommmulmtl
No coufrmaton , howevcr , of this story has
been received as yet , amid no details uf time
new outbreak are ohtalnable.
The Armrnlans nr the Van district mute maid ]
to he In a deplorablE contiitlomm. Numbcrs ot
the Inhabiants are being constnnt ) . sum.
moncd trom theIr villages by the Tmmrks amid '
they are afterwards detained for examlnalon ,
anti , are thug prevented trom tilling time lalll ,
and consequent ) n scarcity of crops Is ex-
11ecled In 1895.
IAHTlrORD , Comm. . Dec. 28.-8. natl-
gan , n wel known ) hololrallher of Bos-
lon , who Is I frlelll ot Malcom Alhomulan
of this cit : ) " , wrote to that gentleman recently -
centy about the treatment he received from
MInister Terrel at Commslammtinopie. Mr.
Halligan left this ' last
ler country Augmt 01 a
vIsit wih his relatives at Hnrpoot II Ar-
memnia In his Icter he says hu was tlken
Inlo custody In Constnntnllle just us soon
as he landcd. He asked that he be allowed -
lowed to see Minister Terreil , mimmmi the om-
cers went wlh lmmui. Minister Terrel told
him that ho could Protect only American
born citizens amid that ho had better go back
to the United States at once.
Mr. Iadlgan , who has been In Boston mmimme
years amid a naturalized citizomu of thIs coummi-
try for three or four years , said to Mr. Ter-
reil : "What does your government pay youm
for unless it Is to pmotect American citizemis
here ? "
Mr. Terrehl replied timat It was none of imis
business mmd tohil hmni ! to leave time 0111cc.
hie agreed to leave tue coumitry anti went
to time Russian frontier. At hlartoun , in
Russia , hme secured a RussIan passport , amid
in this way imo was able to get to lila reia-
tires at Ilartpoot. In lila letter he says :
"A. Russian passport protects mime , hut tiny
American papers are useless , "
Mr. Aghmamalban will write time facts to
Secretary of State Oreshanu and viil ask
Senator hawley to lay time 'matter before
the senate committee.
Sure signs o't success in cookery are seemm
nvlmerevem' Dr. PrIce's Baking Powder is used.
l'uuigimecl by mi Mob of Negroes.
NASHVILLE , Dec. 28.-A mob of 100
negroes caught Jim Cimockiey at Ttmllahmonia
last nighmt , took hmimn to the woods durlmmg a
blInding snow storm , stripped imimu , wimipped
him noariy to death and ordered him to
leave time country. Wlaiie drunk ho left lila
\vife last Wednesday night , while time was
sick , and when ho returimeti Tuesday evening
she was dead.
. --S ,
h.I.l , 1,11 Eli J"UIIRU.-ltfl' ,
Fitir nmmd W'arnmer for N'iraskms witit
hotitlierly % 'intI , , .
WAShINGTON , Dec. 28.-Time forcemust for
Saturday is :
For Nebraska amnd Kansas-Fair ; warmuer ;
southmorly vinds.
F'or Iowa antI Missouri-Fair ; warmer ;
sotithmwesteriy winds , hmecomlng varhtuimle ,
Fom' South Dakota-Fair ; variable rInds ,
Local Itecorat , -
OMAHA , Dec. 25.-Omnhmmi record of temperature -
aturo auth rainfall , comnpareti vitim corresponding -
spending day of tile past four years :
1894. 1893. 1892. 1891.
iaximunn temperature , . , , 32 35 23 117
Minimum tempermiture1 29 2 :11 :
Average temperature , , . , . , ii ; 32 2 hi
l'recimitmition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00 .00 .02 , o
Condition of tcrmiperatmmre anti precIpitmmtiomc
at Omniuha for the day since March 1 , 1891 :
Norimnal temperauturo , . , , , , , , . , , , , , . , , , , , , , . , , 22
1)etlciemmcy for time day. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Normal precIpitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03
DeficIemicy for time ( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . inch
'l'otaI precipitation since March 1 IC..0l inches
Deficlc'mmcy miimmce March 1. . . . . . . . . . 15.9 Incites
Reports fronu ( lthmer Stations at H 1' , .1 ,
' 0
p- .
ml a
a !
tTATmoxs. F STATS (15
R 9. waArmieit.
Oimmaiia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'o : ma .oo (1lt'Ir ; ,
North Platte. . . . . . . In 32 .11(1 ( ( iit'ar.
Vgiiemmtin . . . . . . . . . . . ti'2 :1mm : .0mm (1lt'ar ( ,
( Ilmtcago . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 I U .1111 ( flemr ,
St. 1,011113 . . , , , , , , , , , , . IR 18 .ImII
St. l'amii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . : t ) 21 .iiti Ctuir.
unvenriurt. . . . . . . . . . Im hH .01) C1cmr.
Itmmmmicms City. . . . . . . . . . I H 2 .1)11 ) Clear ,
) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . am .mmu cil.cim' .
Smht : Lalco . . . . . - H .4)11 ) Ctommtly ,
. . . . . . . . . . . 2(1 ( ( dO Clnmmt.
ileli'mma. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t , emi (1I.'tmr.
. City..2-i 82 , ( iii ,
St. Vi imeemmu . . . . . . . . mm I ml , iimi Clammily ,
. . . . . . . . . . . . .I Ii .ou Clear.
! i1lle City. . . . . . . . . . . zero H .00 (1lumr ,
GIimesttimm. : . . . . . . . . . . Ii , . , 32 .00 Char.
'Imelony zero ,
r. A. WF.r.sli , Observer ,
occurred over what they ate. Modern houseWives -
Wives , take warning. Don't listen to temptIng
voices-usc your own judgment-choose for
yourself and husband the proper food.
is the wisest choice , for many reasons , In the
first place , it is pure-perfectly pure-i,000 , to
you if you find that it is not , A Jilnch of it has
powcr enough to do a jiound of leaven lug.
In point of price it certainly will stIlt you.
: _ - _ _ _ _ _ .
- - - - - ltu
-----i - - - - -
: : Ti * s-----s
Sad Experionoo of a Dis"
tiatgnishotl Savant.
Microbes in the Laboratory.
Dr. John M. flyron of New YorI
City , while Experimenting
with Dacterla Becomes
It any fmmrthmcr proof were necessary as i
tlm immfcctioums mmatmmro of conammmuptiomi atiui that
time diseise Is eammserl by a snecufie germ , the
recent sail exiieriemnce at ir. ) Joimn M. ilyron ,
thireflor of time bacterIological tlc'p.irtmiient. oh
tIme Loomnis i.nhmrntor9' iii tIme t'nivermiity
Medical college iii New \'orh , cemimiimmly fmmr.
lushes it.Vhmiie exhderimnemitimig witim tommie
iumhiercmaiosis germmia hme becammie careless antI
inhmmuleil thmemim , Tue eeks later lie chiscov-
crei timmut imo hiatt failemi a victimmu to thmci tlls.
Iii rehatimmg lmi experience , hr. liyromi ait1
"I have ticemi mmmakimmg cuitumre of disease gerumis
for twelve years , amid I suminIt030 fmiuiiilimirity
nith thmeimi mimaile mile aretcss , jmmst tms a sumr-
geomu frcqmm emit 19' cult S imimmisel f u-l t ii hm is kmmite ,
I n'as dolamg sortie expcrimmmemitimmg nultim timber-
cmmlosis bacteria inst Pcbrtmnry , amid I littilpOsti
ihmat tommie of thmeni imaul tiemi mihioweil to dry
-itonn' , I don't kmmony. About i0 tlaiymt after
thmee experimmients I iiegamm to feel very iveak.
I commgimctl comitlmmmmmihi' , ammml them it hlaslueti
across mime vimat mmilghmt have occmmrrcd.'ehl ,
I exammmimmemi nmyself , mimuil feummfl I Immiti con-
Bmhmmm Pt inn , a mmcl time re sn-os mint hmiimg to tic ) butt
take care of mmm'seif. liothi mmiy lmmiug are
very badly affected , btmt I hmcpe to get weli
mmgaimm , "
Time experiemit'o of ir ) , hil'roml lito'e con-
t'lmmslvely that time theory of hr. Koch anmi
otimer liacteriologieta mis to tIme caumse of comm.
Iitmtmmlutiomm is correct , These hearmied scimm-
ticts imtu' takcmm thm tmmborcle bacilli fromun time
51)1110 , or ex1)cctoratiomns of comismmnmptbve patients - . '
tients , imave imrodumcetl cmmltmmres iii kimimi amid
frommi thmes immoculateil amuimimals which imave
clevelohucil tiacili I fund COil sihitm lit ion , I mi Ir.
Ilyromi's case ve hua' time samimo strikimig cx-
mumnimlo of caumso onil effect , but forttmmmmutely
for cIemiee amid thui geniI of immmmnnmmity it
I a I mm t ii Is bmmstammco clemim Otis I ra I ed iii t lie liii mmman
Thmo doctor's experience leaves mm' tloumbt as
to thmo sntmmmtlmmss of time germmm timeory of con-
summmnlmtiom , , This mnumcim Is settled , Its ad-
'mi mm tmmges t a it mimmmn mm I I y cami hot be ovm'remmt I.
mmmateti. For years time mmmethirai iirofesiomu
himus hieemm gropi mmg I mm I lie dii ri-c. ii gim t I rig tim lit
terrible disease on theories wimicim were fimlso
amid vitim remmmetlies vhmIcum clitl mmot cmmre. Now
that. time real cause of than disease hmtu been
mletermmnined its stmccessfmmi treatmmmemnt 1mm simimply
tIme application of time right remnetly. '
The great value of ozomnu amid gmmaiacol as
germ destroyers is atlmmmittetl by sclemmtists the
worlmi over. Timese agemits imavu beemm em-
ploycd imi time consmmmmmiutiemu imosimitals of Eng-
iarmd ammti contimiemital Europa vlt1m thmo most
gratifying sumccess. 1mm thIs romimitry Ozo-
mmmulsiorm , a mciemitiilc bircitarmution of ozomiize1
cod liver oil vithm gmmalucoi , whIch cmiii be oh-
tairied of ICumimmi & Co. , Ommmahma , imami been
equally mis stmcccssftml 1mm timm' cure of throat ,
chest amid lcmng troubles. Its use iii thou.
sands of cases , where time mmuost satisfactory
restmhts have beemi obtmimmetl : , liroves that these
wonderful immedielnal agemmta , its sciemitiilcally'
commmpotmmidcti in this hmrepiurntiomn , miot nmmhy kill
tIme POisOmioUs germmis s'iiicit produmco comm-
suniption and otimer iulmiiommmmry troubles , but
also tlestmoy mmii effete nmatter , imucrease time
appetite anti stmpply tIme numtrition vmichc ! the
systemiu mnumst have to bumbld ump tIme \vasted
tissues and mmmako firm , hard , healthy flesh.
B e ' - . , T Timoclmt.ammc'st ,
miumrest null bout
can be vrcliared imistantly from
Liebig CO M P ANY' ' S "
Extract of Beef.
'rhmoro's ommhy one gemmuirme
kind anti ihiat yomt emma
hcmmow by timiu ; sigmmmLttire in
blue on every jium' :
Afl Di'uggist.
Tic not a luxury , but a mmecessity. Malces
tough meat temider ; saves mmii itm4 flavor cmnd
rlciimiesmi ; billies bread moist munch mnmmkes dry
brenti frem'lm ; iii eutuiil imutiuhietl 'hmen Iii o'emi ,
% % 'rite fem ciremmiars fmmhiy descriiihrmg this ,
and milan six-blade chioppermu. cummihmhmmatiomj ' 1
dipper , frybmig pan , cake griddle , etc.
Agents wanted ,
:18 : I'cmmrl St. , CouNCIL IiIUf'i'f'm , ItiVA
C , L. lh1cJem' , I'IlLIrl1incII , ,
209 MaIn Sti'eut
- - Council flhttlia
ct ID Bck&'sPllih1D1oy YIIyi Piescriiis
eilIQ 2 HAlhiIhiflhhi'P % ttu'rney.-it-Immw ,
iJJ.ImI ) t.t pnmmmsitmuuu1 i'rcctit'o : Itt time fLmttu
munti Vtaieral Commits. htoommd'i ti.7.8-I : , liii migars
libmick , t'mlIui1 , Ihmsmgr4 , lnmvmm ,
I'resident. Cashier.
First National Bank
Capital , . . $100,009
l'rulits , - - - 1t,0O0
On. of lime oidest bank. in the state ef
We solIcit your buslnesa stuti coil.otioa. . Wi
may per cent on time depoprtL We wLU 14
luitaseil to .e soil serve semi.
- -
M' 's.SpeciaI WoHce
_ _ _
ii liurhme , at % % ' , H. Ilomnti' . , 1.33 Hroatiway.
i.OST. Hi'x.I'r.o11bIr ) LI VEIl rOI.OItita
pointer dtw ; g'namn-cma to time minis ( if "Dick , "
Ileturim to Li Notch 17th street , and tt men-mid.
von fl.tLI , lIOL'TIiIIIOLJ ) FliItfll'rtlItlo , ( Aht.
hems , etc. . dm1 i'ritutc ' sale. C411 at 130 rind 30 $
] iroodway , ovir Juieycrs.Imirce l"umnhturu Co.'s
store. lJamgaimms ( ii 5i.u limo. ing 2,83 imahiti
test ,
1.08'l' , ON (11,114 ( A'BNIJE. 1ii'l'WilIIN VhI. .
how cmiii Ihitsiluvay , 'I'uu'uhuy mmnommimu , a bm
IhzuuuI shin miuuree. J"lmiiier hiloe return a
iiet eti1e umiI m ureivu riuvar'l ,
IVANTIID , 0001) (3i1ti ( : EASY l'i.ACJJ , 1iEI ,
defoe. lquited , 117 Turhey'e ( lien.
, -1 r& _ _ _ -